04 Vesda VLF Sales Brochure Eng Lores

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A Solid Foundation Upon Which To Build

Incorporating detection methodology derived from its VESDA predecessors

the VESDA VLP, VLS and VLC the VESDA VLF multiple point air-sampling
technology works by utilizing a highly efficient aspirator that continually draws air
into its laser detection chamber via a pipe network. Accurate assessment of the air
sample using calibrated detection and long detector life expectancy,
are assured with a patented dual stage filtration process that
both eliminates background noise and preserves the
optical integrity of the laser technology with its clean air
bleed. The result of which is an unchallenged detection
process able to provide reliable and consistent very
early warning smoke detection performance across a
diverse range of applications.

The Xtralis Commitment

With over 20 years of market leadership through
the provision of proven very early warning smoke
detection solutions, Xtraliss extensive VESDA product
portfolio and exceptional service offering continue to
reflect its ability to consistently adapt to the diverse
risk management demands of an extensive global
customer base.

The Americas +1 781 740 2223 Asia +852 2916 8894 Australia and New Zealand +61 3 9936 7000
Continental Europe +32 56 24 19 51 UK and the Middle East +44 1442 242 330
The contents of this document are provided on an as is basis. No representation or warranty (either express or implied) is made as to the completeness,
accuracy or reliability of the contents of this document. The manufacturer reserves the right to change designs or specifications without obligation and without
further notice. Except as otherwise provided, all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose are expressly excluded.
This document includes registered and unregistered trademarks. All trademarks displayed are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Your use of this document does not constitute or create a licence or any other right to use the name and/or trademark and/or label.
This document is subject to copyright owned by Xtralis AG (Xtralis). You agree not to copy, communicate to the public, adapt, distribute,
transfer, sell, modify or publish any contents of this document without the express prior written consent of Xtralis.

Doc. 10144_04


Laser Based Absolute Smoke

Very Early Warning of a Potential
Fire Incident
Wide Sensitivity Range (0.025% 20% obs/m) (0.008 - 6.25% obs/ft)
Detection Capabilities for smaller
critical areas up to 250 m2
(2,500 sq. ft) with VLF-250 or 500 m2
(5,000 sq. ft) with the VLF-500.

Flexible Interfacing Options

Pre-engineered Pipe Designs
AutoLearn Smoke & Flow
Easy User Interaction
Reliable Airflow Monitoring*
Programmable Alarm Thresholds
Dual Stage Dust Filtration

Bringing Very Early Warning Air-sampling Solutions to Smaller Critical Environments


A Solid Foundation Upon Which To Build

Incorporating detection methodology derived from its VESDA predecessors
the VESDA VLP, VLS and VLC the VESDA VLF multiple point air-sampling
technology works by utilizing a highly efficient aspirator that continually draws air
into its laser detection chamber via a pipe network. Accurate assessment of the air
sample using calibrated detection and long detector life expectancy,
are assured with a patented dual stage filtration process that
both eliminates background noise and preserves the
optical integrity of the laser technology with its clean air
bleed. The result of which is an unchallenged detection
process able to provide reliable and consistent very
early warning smoke detection performance across a
diverse range of applications.

The Xtralis Commitment

With over 20 years of market leadership through
the provision of proven very early warning smoke
detection solutions, Xtraliss extensive VESDA product
portfolio and exceptional service offering continue to
reflect its ability to consistently adapt to the diverse
risk management demands of an extensive global
customer base.

The Americas +1 781 740 2223 Asia +852 2916 8894 Australia and New Zealand +61 3 9936 7000
Continental Europe +32 56 24 19 51 UK and the Middle East +44 1442 242 330
The contents of this document are provided on an as is basis. No representation or warranty (either express or implied) is made as to the completeness,
accuracy or reliability of the contents of this document. The manufacturer reserves the right to change designs or specifications without obligation and without
further notice. Except as otherwise provided, all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose are expressly excluded.
This document includes registered and unregistered trademarks. All trademarks displayed are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Your use of this document does not constitute or create a licence or any other right to use the name and/or trademark and/or label.
This document is subject to copyright owned by Xtralis AG (Xtralis). You agree not to copy, communicate to the public, adapt, distribute,
transfer, sell, modify or publish any contents of this document without the express prior written consent of Xtralis.

Doc. 10144_04


Laser Based Absolute Smoke
Very Early Warning of a Potential
Fire Incident
Wide Sensitivity Range (0.025% 20% obs/m) (0.008 - 6.25% obs/ft)
Detection Capabilities for smaller
critical areas up to 250 m2
(2,500 sq. ft) with VLF-250 or 500 m2
(5,000 sq. ft) with the VLF-500.

Flexible Interfacing Options

Pre-engineered Pipe Designs
AutoLearn Smoke & Flow
Easy User Interaction
Reliable Airflow Monitoring*
Programmable Alarm Thresholds
Dual Stage Dust Filtration

Bringing Very Early Warning Air-sampling Solutions to Smaller Critical Environments



Continuing its Leadership

with the VESDA VLF
Critical areas have become smallersmaller areas have become more critical
The continued trend towards smaller and more concentrated critical high-technology business operations has
driven the need for more flexible and focussed very early warning smoke detection solutions to protect these
high value assets. Understanding and responding to these needs, the VESDA VLF extends the product
range by offering VESDA detection performance for smaller critical areas previously overlooked or limited
to conventional protection methods.

Applying Very Early Warning Risk Management Principles

to Smaller Critical Areas
Complementing the current VESDA detector range demonstrating its exceptional application flexibility,
the VESDA VLF allows for superior very early warning air-sampling in areas such as:
Local Telecommunication Exchanges
Correctional Facilities
Smaller Server Rooms
Utility Control Hubs
Control Rooms
Railway Signal Hubs
Switch Rooms
Storage Facilities
Air-handling Units

Reliable Airflow Monitoring using

Ultrasonic Sensing
With the VESDA Pipe Network being such an integral part of any VESDA Air-sampling
System, maintaining its integrity and reliability is critical in ensuring a consistently
accurate level of detection performance. The VESDA VLF utilizes Ultrasonic Flow
Sensing principles to assist in the measurement & monitoring of airflow. The
VESDA VLF detector immediately identifies and communicates any variances
in the airflow rate.



In this application, the ultrasonic flow sensing

technology was adapted to monitor air rather
than fluids. Two transducers (Blue) are used to
continually send signals to each other.
One signal travels with the flow (Violet), the other
against (Yellow). The time difference between
the two signals is used to calculate the rate of
airflow within the pipe.


Unprecedented Event Identification with the

Revolutionary Instant Recognition Display
The VESDA VLF has been equipped with a clear, intuitive, circular smoke dial display that
allows for immediate risk assessment and preventative action. When illuminated, the well
positioned LEDs and related icons allow for instant identification of smoke growth and alarm
conditions, even from a distance.

Immediate Analysis
and Diagnostics with the
Instant Fault Finder
To ensure ongoing system integrity, immediate
assessment of the detectors condition is critical.
By opening the field service access door, the operator can
activate the Instant Fault Finder feature a smart diagnostic
feature that converts the smoke dial into a fault indicator. It provides
instant and meaningful information of the detectors status without the need
for additional programming and evaluation tools. Now fire service and maintenance staff can be
better informed before arriving onsite, reducing the time onsite, and saving on maintenance costs.

Supporting Efficient System Setup AutoLearn

Simplifying the setup, installation and commissioning of high sensitivity air-sampling technology was one
of the key drivers behind the design of the VESDA VLF. VESDAs AutoLearn feature supports this process by
assessing environmental conditions, automatically setting acceptable smoke alarm and flow
fault thresholds.

Simplifying Pipe Network Design

To simplify the application of air-sampling detection the VESDA VLF is supplied with pre-engineered pipe network
designs. Designers can simply apply these proven designs to typical installations and have confidence that they
will work.

Intelligent Software Support VSC and ASPIRE2

VESDA VLF is supported by the next generation of VESDA intelligent software packages. The VESDA System Configurator
Software (VSC) offers a high-level of programming flexibility through its on-line and off-line configuration capabilities. Rapid
diagnostic abilities, concurrent configuration views, and multi device smoke trending are additional features designed to
simplify system design.
Complementing VSC, ASPIRE2 speeds up and simplifies the design of new and more complex pipe network layouts.
Key features such as design wizards, isometric views, an automated design verification process, and improved AutoBalance
capabilities ensure that a tailored pipe layout is easy to achieve.
Both VSC and ASPIRE2 are backwards compatible with the VESDA Laser-based detector family.

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