smoke detector
What, how, where, when, why ...
ModuLaser is a scalable aspirating smoke detection solution providing flexibility in design and
installation. Compartmentalised detection and display units result in a unique modular design that
provides detection of multiple zones while overcoming many of the issues that can exist with non-
modular systems.
A ModuLaser system consists of two basic module types : ModuLaser is not just about efficient and flexible system
design it also excels with simple user controls, detailed
Display module – provides control and monitoring of
display information, connectivity and easy maintenance.
detector modules
From the designer through to the end user ModuLaser
Detector module – draws air from the risk area and provides benefits for everyone.
samples it for smoke particulate
ModuLaser embraces exciting new design aspects
Up to eight detector modules can be controlled and integrated with proven features and technologies, such
monitored via one display module with each detector module as ClassiFire and waste gate technology.
capable of serving up to 250m of combined sampling pipe.
Whether it’s providing early warning detection within a
Display and detector module combinations are known as clean room environment or providing a problem solving
a cluster with devices in the cluster communicating via solution for harsh or unusual applications, ModuLaser
RS485. This unique modular design allows for clusters to excels to provide a robust and reliable aspirating smoke
be non-distributed or distributed giving significant design detection solution.
advantages such as maximising pipework coverage and
reduced transport times.
Computer room
USB connect
System overview
* SenseNET SenseNET+
RS485 RS485
Addressable Command
loop via APIC module
Relay outputs
& supervised inputs
• Environmental compensation opens the door to projects particulate filters. This exclusive aspiration technique
that prove impractical for other detectors. ModuLaser diverts most of the particulate matter that would normally
self-calibration and sliding alarm thresholds overcome load the detector filters, giving ModuLaser longer life
difficulties posed by applications where air handling is and more capacity per maintenance cycle than any such
strictly controlled. detector on the market today.
This makes it ideal for public commercial areas – as well • Laser dust discrimination is a sophisticated algorithm
as dust and contaminant-laden industrial settings. In that identifies and eliminates spikes in the obscuration
fact, ModuLaser technology remains highly sensitive to reading caused by particulate matter in the airstream.
incipient indicators of fire, yet reliable enough to all but This makes it possible for ModuLaser detectors to reach
eliminate nuisance alarms. higher levels of sensitivity without sacrificing reliability
• Waste gate technology is a powerful ModuLaser – a perennial trade-off among other air sampling
advantage that dramatically extends the life of detector products.
Average 2
Spikes are
electronically Sensor signal
eliminated from dust eliminated
15 minutes 1st 24 hours 1 month Year detector signal