NCME Program 2015

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National Council on Measurement in Education

2015 Training Sessions

April 15-16
2015 Annual Meeting
April 17-19
InterContinental Hotel
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Table of Contents
NCME Board of Directors..................................................................................................2
Proposal Reviewers............................................................................................................. 4
Future Meetings................................................................................................................... 4
InterContinental Hotel Meeting Room Floor Plans................................................. 5
Training Sessions:
Wednesday, April 15.........................................................................................................13
Thursday, April 16..............................................................................................................27
Friday, April 17....................................................................................................................41
Saturday, April 18...............................................................................................................83
Sunday, April 19............................................................................................................... 139
Index.................................................................................................................................... 199
Schedule-at-a-Glance.................................................................................................... 229

2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

NCME Officers
President Lauress Wise
HumRRO, Seaside, CA
Vice President

Richard J. Patz
ACT, Iowa City, IA

Past President
Wim van der Linden
CTB/McGraw-Hill, Monterey, CA
Executive Officer

Susan Rees
NCME Interim Executive Director, Madison, WI

NCME Directors
Susan Brookhart
Brookhart Enterprises, LLC, Helena, MT
Amy Hendrickson
The College Board, Newtown, PA
Kristen Huff
Regents Research Fund, Brooklyn, NY

Jennifer L. Kobrin, Secretary
Pearson, Wayne, NJ
Won-Chan Lee
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Cindy Walker
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Huafang Zhao
Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Journal of Educational

Jimmy de la Torre
Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

Educational Measurement
Issues and Practice

Derek Briggs
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

NCME Newsletter

Heather M. Buzick
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ

Website Management Committee

Brett Foley
Alpine Testing Solutions, Denton, NE

2015 Annual Meeting Chairs

Annual Meeting Program Chairs

Jennifer Randall
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

Ye Tong
Training and Development
Committee Chair

Caroline Wiley
HumRRO, Alexandria, VA

Fitness Run/Walk Directors

Brian F. French
Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Jill van den Heuvel

Alpine Testing Solutions, Hatfield, PA

NCME Information Desk

The NCME Information Desk is located in the Valencia Foyer at the InterContinental Hotel. Stop by to
pick up a ribbon and obtain your bib number for the fun run and walk. It will be open at the following
Wednesday, April 15..............................................................................................................7:30 AM-4:30 PM
Thursday, April 16..................................................................................................................7:30 AM-4:30 PM
Friday, April 17.........................................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Saturday, April 18................................................................................................................ 10:00 AM-4:30 PM
Sunday, April 19......................................................................................................................8:00 AM-1:00 PM

2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Proposal Reviewers
Alvaro Arce-Ferrer
Karen Barton
Laine Brandshaw
Kirk Becker*
Paul De Boeck*
Chad Buckendahl*
Gregory Camilli
Allan Cohen
Jerome Dagostino
Alina Davier*
Susan Davis-Becker
Jimmy de la Torre
Jennifer Dunn
Steve Ferrara
Holmes Finch
Ellen Forte
Ronald K.

Patrick Meyer
Kimberly OMalley
Alan Nicewander
James Olsen
Andreas Oranje
Jose-Luis Padilla
Thanos Patelis
Rich Patz
Mary Pitoniak*
Barbara Plake
Jon Poggio
Jane Rogers
Robert Schwartz
Matthew Schultz
Sandip Sinharay
Stephen Sireci*
William Skorupski
Amanda Soto

Samuel Haring
Deborah Harris
Robert Henson
Andrew Ho*
Kris Kaase
Lisa Keller
Rob Kirkpatrick
Hollis Lai
Won-chan Lee*
Feiming Li
Susan Lottridge
Ric Luecht*
Krista Mattern*
Jennifer Merriman

Tia Sukin
Tony Thompson
Anna Topczewski
Wim van der
Cindy Walker
Michael Walker*
Changjiang Wang*
Walter (Denny)
Jonathan Weeks
Craig Wells*
Cathy Wendler
John Willse
Drew Wiley*
Lauress Wise
Steve Wise
April Zenisky*

*Indicates Expert Panel Chairperson

Graduate Student Abstract Reviewers

Beyza Aksu
Lokman Akbay
Diego Luna
Lisa Beymer
Jeremy Brown
Tianna Chantel

Alejandra Garcia
Jerusha Gerstner
Jason Herron
Xueying Hu
Hong Jiao
Taeyoung Kim
David King
Naama Lewis

Jin Liu
Matthew Madison
Ashley Sandoval
Can Shao
Ben Shear
Phil Sherlock, Jr.
Ah Young Shin
Lauren Stevenson

Future Annual Meeting

2016 Annual Meeting
April 7 - 11
Washington, DC

Joshua Sussman
Ragip Terzi
Bing Tong
Danielle Tyree
Tina Wang
Dawn Woods
Ping Yang
Jing-Ru Xu
Nedim Yel

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental Hotel Chicago
Lobby Level

2nd Floor

NCME Information Booth

2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

3 FloorHotel Chicago
Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental

3rd Floor


open to Hall of Lions,
second floor
5th floor

5th floor


King Arthur Court

Chicago, Illinois, USA

5 Floor Hotel Chicago

Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental

5th Floor



f loor

f loor




f loor

f loor


(upper 5th floor)

Renaissance Ballroom


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Upper 5 Floor
Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental
Hotel Chicago

Upper 5th Floor


St. Clair


5th floor
5th floor

7th floor


(5th f loor)

Chicago, Illinois, USA



Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental Hotel Chicago

7th Floor



Grand Ballroom

8th f loor



Empire Ballroom


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental Hotel Chicago
8th Floor


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Hotel Floor Plans InterContinental
11TH Floor Hotel Chicago
11th Floor


Cross-over to
Main Building
Sales &




2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Pre-Conference Training Sessions
The 2015 NCME Pre-Conference Training Sessions will be held at the InterContinental Hotel on
Wednesday, April 15, and Thursday, April 16. All full-day sessions will be held from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
All half-day morning sessions will be held from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon. All half-day afternoon sessions
will run from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
On-site registration for the Pre-Conference Training Sessions will be available at the NCME
Information Desk at the InterContinental Hotel for those workshops that still have availability.
Please note that internet connectivity will not be available for most training sessions and, where
applicable, participants should download the software required prior to the training sessions. Internet
connectivity will be available for a few selected training sessions that have pre-paid an additional fee.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Pre-Conference Training Sessions - Wednesday, April 15, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Training Session, AA
A Practitioners Guide to Growth Models
Katherine Furgol Castellano, Educational Testing Service and Andrew Ho, Harvard
Graduate School of Education
Practitioners use growth models to support inferences about student learning, educator effectiveness,
and large-scale educational progress. In educational accountability systems, growth models have
become increasingly complex, combining statistical models with calculations motivated by policy
decisions. As the stakes on growth models rise, so does the importance of understanding their
This training session reviews and compares seven popular growth models, including gain-based
models, categorical models, projection models, and Student Growth Percentiles, by answering
six critical questions for each model. These questions help to identify, for example, the primary
interpretations each growth model supports, the data requirements of each model, and possible
unintended consequences of using each model in an accountability system.
By the end of the session, participants should be able to articulate contrasts between popular growth
models as well as actively compare growth model results using real datasets in Excel and/or R.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Training Session, BB
An Introduction to Equating in R
Anthony Albano, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
This training session introduces participants to observed-score and item response theory (IRT) equating
methods through a series of exercises involving analysis of real data within the statistical environment
R. Researchers and practitioners are invited to participate. A background in introductory statistics and
experience using R are recommended but not required.
Many testing programs collect data on multiple forms administered across time and/or across different
samples of individuals. These programs include large-scale applications, such as in licensure and
admissions testing, and smaller-scale applications, such as in classroom assessment and intervention
studies. In each case, practitioners and researchers can utilize equating procedures to convert multiple
test forms to a common measurement scale.
Experience has shown that individuals tasked with equating often lack the education and training
required to do so. The misuse of equating procedures can result in invalid score interpretations. This
session provides participants with a brief and practical induction to equating principles and concepts
and to the procedures needed to effectively use equating. The session begins with an introduction
to R and to observed-score equating and IRT methods. The majority of the session is then devoted
to a series of exercises requiring participants to prepare and analyze provided data from a variety of
test administration designs. These exercises address presmoothing and equating using observed-score
methods, equating/linking using IRT methods, and visualizing, summarizing, and evaluating results.
A background in introductory statistics and experience using R are recommended but not required.
Participants should bring their own computers, with R (R Core Team, 2014) and the most recent version
of the equate package (Albano, 2014) installed. Electronic training materials will be provided via email
at least one week prior to the conference.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, St. Clair, Upper 5th Floor, Training Session, CC
Using Visual Displays to Inform Assessment Development and Validation
Brett Foley, Alpine Testing Solutions, Denton, NE
The development of an assessment program draws on the expertise of testing professionals for
procedural guidance and the knowledge and judgment of subject matter experts (SMEs) who are
familiar with the content and testing population of interest. In addition to development, consumers
of test results (e.g., students, parents, candidates, policymakers, public), rely on score reports and
related documentation to help interpret test scores. In this workshop, we illustrate how visual displays
can help inform steps of the test development and validation process, from program design to item
writing and review to communicating results through score reporting. Relevant examples of visual
displays are provided for various development activities in a range of testing settings (e.g., education,
licensure, certification). Presenters will provide step-by-step instruction on how to create the various
displays using readily available software. Participants should bring a laptop or similar device loaded
with Microsoft Excel (2010 version highly recommended). Panelists will receive flash drives with Excel
files and instructions for creating and adapting the visuals discussed in the workshop.
With any session involving technology integration, there is a tendency to overload participants
with software features. To respond to this challenge, presenters will provide some illustrations, but
intersperse the hands-on opportunities to discussion of visual displays principles to allow for greater
depth of participation by participants; panelists will also be given videos providing instruction for each
activity for later reference and review.
Objectives are to provide assessment developers, users, and consumers (a) relevant examples of visual
data displays designed to facilitate test development and validation processes (e.g., program design,
content specification, item writing, item review, standard setting, score reporting) and (b) experience
creating such displays.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Training Session, DD
Leveraging Open Source Software and Tools for Statistics/Measurement
Damian Betebenner, Center for Assessment; Adam VanIwaarden, and Ruhan Circi,
University of Colorado, Boulder
Measurement and statistics specialists have used software for decades with tools like SPSS, SAS, and
Stata and more recently the open source software environment R. The expansion of the importance of
software goes well beyond software packages data analysts use. Development tools alter the way that
people work, collaborate and disseminate the results of their efforts. This training session will introduce
users to the rapidly expanding universe of open source tools available that can be used to increase
the transparency and reproducibility of their research while simultaneously enhancing productivity,
collaboration and dissemination.
In this full-day session, participants will be introduced to open modern software analysis and development
tools and show how, through rich, real-life working examples, they can be combined to enhance the goal
of producing transparent and reproducible research. Example projects will be presented to participants
that range from a dissertation, to a prototype for a published article, to a multi-state/national data
analysis project.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Training Session, EE
flexMIRT: Flexible Multilevel Multidimensional Item Analysis and Test
Li Cai, UCLA and Carrie Houts, Vector Psychometric Group, LLC
There has been a tremendous amount of progress in item response theory (IRT) in the past two decades,
resulting in interesting new software implementations for research and operational use. flexMIRT; is
an IRT software package which offers multilevel, multidimensional, and multiple group item response
models. flexMIRT also offers users the ability to obtain recently developed model fit indices, fit diagnostic
classification models and models with non-normal latent densities. This training session is intended to
provide a broad overview of the features of flexMIRT; as well as hands on experience using the software.
Attendees will receive a free two-month trial version of flexMIRT. It is assumed that attendees will be
familiar with IRT. It would be helpful if the attendees could bring their own devices running Windows 7
or above.
flexMIRT fits a variety of unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models as well as extended diagnostic
classification models, to single-level and multilevel data using maximum marginal likelihood (or optionally
modal Bayes) estimation. It produces IRT scale scores using maximum likelihood (ML), maximum a
posteriori (MAP), and expected a posteriori (EAP) estimation. It (optionally) produces summed-score to
IRT scale score (EAP) conversion tables for single-level IRT models. As for the item types, flexMIRT; can
estimate any combination of 3-parameter logistic (3PL) model, logistic graded response model (which
includes 2PL and 1PL as special cases), and the nominal categories model (including any of its restricted
sub-models such as generalized partial credit model, partial credit model, and rating scale model) for
both single-level and multilevel data, in any number of groups. The availability of generalized dimension
reduction EM algorithm as well as the Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro (MH-RM) algorithms, coupled
with arbitrary user-defined parameter constraints, make flexMIRT; one of the most flexible IRT software
programs either commercially or freely available today.
flexMIRT also has some of the richest psychometric and statistical features. flexMIRT supports
several methods for estimating item parameter standard errors. A multitude of model fit statistics for
dimensionality analysis, item-fit testing, and latent variable normality diagnosis are included in flexMIRT.
Its multiple-group estimation features easily facilitate studies involving differential item function (DIF)
and test linking (including vertical scaling).
Another innovation in flexMIRT is its ability to relax the ubiquitous multivariate normality assumption
made in virtually all IRT models. With an extended dimension reduction algorithm, it supports the nonparametric estimation of latent density shapes using empirical histograms for both unidimensional and
hierarchical (e.g., bifactor and testlet response theory) item factor models, and in any number of groups,
with support for constraints on group means and variances. This feature is also fully integrated into the
built-in Monte Carlo simulation module that can generate data from any model implemented in flexMIRT.
Windows-based flexMIRT has an intuitive syntax and friendly graphical user interface (GUI), available in
both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors. A newly-designed memory allocation scheme helps flexMIRT efficiently
handle thousands of items and millions of respondents, with no imposed upper limit on the size of the


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Paper Session, FF
An Introduction to Diagnostic Classification Modeling
Laine Bradshaw, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) can efficiently provide reliable feedback from multidimensional
tests. First, this workshop provides a semi-technical introduction to the terms and techniques used
for diagnosing what students know. Then, participants will gain hands-on experience estimating and
interpreting DCMs using software provided for participants own laptops.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to understand the rationale and motivation
for using diagnostic classification models. Furthermore, participants will be able to understand the
types of data typically used in diagnostic measurement along with the information that can be obtained
from implementing diagnostic models. Participants will become well-versed in the state-of-the-art
techniques currently used in practice and will be able to use and estimate diagnostic measurement
models on their own.
From a practical point-of-view, participants will see how to develop instruments for diagnosing student
abilities and how to create easy-to-use score reports. Additionally, participants will be able to interpret
results from diagnostic measurement analyses to evaluate student mastery profiles and understand
how to use profiles to inform instructional plans that focus on a multidimensional view of student
progress in achievement. Finally, participants will be able to interpret research articles using diagnostic
measurement techniques, thereby allowing students a better opportunity to integrate such methods
into their active research programs.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Training Session, GG
Optimal Test Design
Wim vanderLinden, Qi Diao and Jie Li, CTB McGraw-Hill Education, Monterey, CA
The topic of IRT-based test assembly was introduced by Birnbaums in his contribution to the wellknown book by Lord and Novick (1969). Its basic idea exists of the assembly of a test form to have an
information function matching a target function for the intended application.
Although intuitively convincing, Birnbaums procedure was not practical yet. In practice, test forms are
never assembled to meet a statistical target only; they always have to meet a potentially large variety
of other specifications as well, for instance, blueprints for its content, certain answer key distributions,
a given time slot, exclusion of specific combinations of items, or bounds on their total word count. In
fact, as will be demonstrated by our examples in the training session, it is not unusual for real-world
test-assembly problems to involve hundreds of additional constraints on the selection of the items. It is
not immediately clear how to meet each of them while manipulating a test-information function with
respect to a target as suggested by Birnbaum.
But even without any of these constraints, the job of picking an optimal combination of items is already
impossible. The reason is an instance of the well-known combinatorial explosion. The number of
possible different test forms of length n from a pool of I items is equal to (I n ) generally a prohibitively
large number. For instance, even for a pool of only I=50 items, the number of different forms of n=10
items is already much greater than the current world population. Only methods with mathematically
proven optimality are able to deal with such explosions of possibilities; we will never know if a solution
proposed by a method based on a heuristic idea, or just by manual selection, will be the best available
from the item bank.
Practical test-assembly methods are even more complicated in that we hardly ever assemble just
one single form consisting of discrete items at a time. Often, we need a set of forms required to be
completely parallel, possibly with constraints on the item overlap between some or all of them. Or a set
that addresses systematical differences in expected achievements between groups of test takers. Or
the item pool may consist of items organized around common stimuli and we have to impose bounds
on the numbers of items selected per stimulus. Even when assembling one form at a time, it seems
prudent to keep an eye on the assembly of all future forms. In order to avoid deterioration of test
quality over time we may already want to compromise between what is taken from and left in the pool
early on.
Finally, real-world testing programs with frequently assembled forms tailored to specific applications
that are delivered electronically generally require fast algorithms to produce them. Ideally, we should
be able to assemble them in real time. The requirement of real-time solutions even becomes mandatory
when tests are assembled adaptively rather than as fixed forms.
The goal of this training session is to show that all these problems can be solved by treating test
assembly as an instance of combinatorial optimization. The basic methodology exists of translating
all test specifications in a set of constraints with an objective function, model the objective function
and constraints using binary decision variables, and having a standard mathematical solver find the
solution to the optimization problem (van der Linden, 2005).
...continued on page 22


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

...continued from page 21
The first lecture part of the workshop introduces the principles of item-response theory (IRT) required
for test development, reflects on the history of test design, explains Birnbaums approach to IRT-based
test assembly, and shows how his approach can be implemented to be useful for nearly every practical
form of test assembly using the methodology of constrained combinatorial optimization. The second
lecture introduces the core methodology and shows how every content, statistical, and practical test
specification can be modeled as an objective for or constraint on item selection from an IRT-calibrated
item pool. The third lecture demonstrates the use of the methodology for the selection of a variety of
single-form test assembly problems as well as problems of simultaneous selection of multiple forms
that have to be parallel is systematically different in content and/or statistical characteristics. All models
will be illustrated with examples from real-world testing programs. The final lecture addresses the topic
of adaptive testing as a special version of optimal constrained test assembly implemented through a
shadow-test approach. It shows how the approach can be used to implement every form of linear-onthe-fly, multistage, or adaptive testing and discusses how such problems as content balancing, item
exposure control, and control of differential speededness can be solved just by selecting the right
combination of constraints for the test-assembly model.
In addition to the lectures, participants will be offered demos of the Optimal Test Assembler and
ShadowCAT programs and work with lpSolveAPI for R on the test-assembly problems presented in
Diao and van der Linden (2011) during computer exercises.
Each of the instructors is specialized in constrained combinatorial optimization and test assembly and
has ample experience with applications of its methodology to practical testing problems. They have
also provided leadership to the team that developed the software demonstrated during the session.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Training Session, HH
An Overview of Operational Psychometric Work in Real World
JongPil Kim, ACT; Laura Kramer, University of Kansas; Jinghua Liu, SSATB; Hyeonjoo
Oh, Educational Testing Service; Leslie Keng, and Ye Tong, Pearson
The purpose of this training session is to provide an overview of psychometric work that is routinely
performed by testing organizations. The work scope includes evaluation of items and test forms
written and assembled by test development specialists, item analysis and test analysis, equating and
scaling, score reporting, field test design, standard setting, etc. These statistical activities are conducted
with specific purposes of ensuring the quality of a testing program, reported scores and supporting
appropriate interpretations of these scores. This training session describes the interpretation and
communication of analysis results to test score users as well. This training session will focus on four
topics: (1) outline of operational psychometric activities across different testing companies, (2) handson activities related to item review and test form review, (3) hands-on activities related to reviewing
and interpreting equating output and making decisions, and (4) discussion session regarding factors
that affect operational psychometric activities such as testing mode comparability. The current training
facilitates various professional psychometric skills and research knowledge, as well as describes the
applications of recent methodological developments adopted in practice. Hands-on examples and
activities will also be included as part of the training session to provide the participants some real
world examples. Representatives from different testing organizations and University research center
will present various topics related to processes in an operational cycle.
Many graduate students and junior level psychometricians have knowledge on psychometrics and
measurement theory but may not have enough opportunities to expose themselves to the real world
psychometrics work. We are hoping that through this training session, participants will get a glimpse
of the entire operational cycle, as well as gain some understanding of the challenges and practical
constraints that psychometricians face at testing organizations. After the training, we are expecting
participants are able to evaluate item analysis and equating results. Each presenter will directly interact
with training participants and work together with them. Questions and answers will be encouraged
and entertained at any point during the session.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Wednesday April 15, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Training Session, II
A Graphical and Nonlinear Mixed Model Approach to IRT with the R Package
Frank Rijmen and Minjeong Jeon, OSU
The first goal of the workshop is to show how generalized linear and nonlinear mixed models
offer a powerful statistical framework for item response theory models. Ability dimensions in item
response theory models are conceptualized as random effects in the mixed model framework, and
the responses to items correspond to repeated measurements of the same individual. Random effects
are unobserved or latent variables that correspond to sources of individual differences. They account
for the dependencies that are typically observed among responses clustered within the same person.
The advantages of working within this overarching framework are substantial. First, the common
framework helps to understand the commonalities and differences between various item response
theory models. Second, models can be extended, at least conceptually, in a straightforward way. Third,
theoretical and empirical findings can be more easily communicated with a larger research community
through the use of a common terminology.
The second goal of the workshop is to show how the parameters of multidimensional item response
theory models can be estimated with an efficient EM algorithm that is embedded within a graphical
model framework. Maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters in generalized linear
and nonlinear mixed models involves integration over the space of all random effects. In general,
the integrals have no closed-form solution. Numerical integration over the joint space of all latent
variables becomes computationally very demanding as the number of dimensions grows. This
technical challenge has hampered the use of multidimensional item response theory in operational
settings. However, depending on the conditional independence relations between the dimensions
one is willing to assume, the actual computational cost can be lowered by exploiting these conditional
relations during parameter estimation. In particular, the set of conditional independence relations
implied by a model can be used to partition the joint space of all latent variables into smaller subsets
that are conditionally independent. As a consequence, numerical integration by enumeration over
the joint latent space can be replaced by a sequence of integrations over smaller subsets of latent
variables. The gain in efficiency can be dramatic in some cases. Graphical model theory offers a general
procedure for exploiting conditional independence relations during parameter estimation.
Thirdly, we will present the recently developed R package flirt (flexible item response theory modeling).
The package relies on an integration of generalized linear and nonlinear mixed models on the one hand,
and graphical models on the other hand. As a result, it is more general and efficient than other existing
R packages for item response theory models. The participants will have the opportunity to familiarize
themselves with the flirt package during various hands-on sessions throughout the workshop.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Wednesday April 15, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, St. Clair, Upper 5th Floor, Training Session, JJ
Cognitive Lab Techniques: An Overview, Framework, and Some Practice
Irvin R. Katz, Jung Aa Moon, and Teresa King, Educational Testing Service,
Princeton, NJ
Cognitive labs have become increasingly popular over the past decades as methods for gathering
detailed data on the processes by which testtakers understand and solve assessment items and tasks.
Cognitive labs result in data that may inform a wide variety of research and practical issues in the field
of educational measurement, ranging from assessment development (e.g., are test takers confused
by the phrasing of this item?) to validity (e.g., does this item engage the expected knowledge and
skills from test takers?). For example, within validity, cognitive labs can provide evidence on response
process validity (AERA, APA, & NCME, 1999), help detect constructirrelevant factors affecting testtaker
performance, and address various fairness and accessibility issues.
Nonetheless, even a quick review of the Procedures section of a few cognitive lab studies reveals that
the phrase cognitive labs is used to describe different techniques (ArieliAttali et al., 2011): think aloud
or verbal reports as in Ericsson and Simons (1984) methodology (e.g., Barkaoui, 2011; Baxter, & Glaser,
1998; Katz, 1994), cognitive interview and/or retrospective verbalization (e.g., Almond et al. 2009;
Hansen, 2009; Snow & Katz, 2009), stimulated retrospective (Feng & Sand, 2013), and others. How are
researchers or practitioners to know what techniques yield the right type of data to address particular
research or practical questions? A poorly designed cognitive lab can yield data that do not help address
the question of interest or, worse yet, lead to unwarranted conclusions (cf. Leighton, 2004).
By the end of the workshop, attendees should have a greater appreciation for the range and variety
of cognitive lab techniques as well as a framework for organizing the techniques in terms of their
related research questions. This understanding should aid attendees in their own work on conducting
cognitive labs, in interpreting data from cognitive labs, and in critically reading research literature that
utilize cognitive lab techniques.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Pre-Conference Training Sessions - Thursday, April 16, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Training Session, KK
Fundamentals of Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing
David J. Weiss, University of Minnesota and Alper Sahin, Cankaya University
Computerized adaptive tests (CAT) have had substantial impact over the past decade, especially after
they were put into use by state-led consortia (e.g. Smarter Balanced, WIDA) for accountability purposes.
The rise of CAT in educational measurement has manifested itself in a need to train educational
researchers, practitioners, and educational managers on Item Response Theory (IRT) and CAT.
This training session will address the basics and fundamentals of IRT and CAT. It will provide the
participants with a broad overview of what IRT and CAT are and how they can be implemented by
educational institutions. In addition, attendees will have some practical demonstrations on how to use
some specialized IRT and CAT software (e.g. CATsim and Xcalibre). Participants will be actively involved
in the training through group discussions and some practice activities. They will also be provided with
electronic copies of the materials including the Powerpoint presentations and related handouts used
in the session. The intended audience includes graduate students, multi-field educational researchers,
practitioners, and educational management professionals who have little or no knowledge of IRT and
Upon completion of this training session, participants will be able to build the prerequisite knowledge
base for developing their own IRT-based research or CATs and develop an understanding of how the
assessment systems of the 21st Century function. In parallel with this, the participants will also develop
the rationale and motivation to use CAT for accountability purposes.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Training Session, LL
Item Response Theory With jMetrik and Psychometric Programming With
Patrick Meyer, University of Virginia
jMetrik is an open source program for psychometrics. It is a user-friendly program that incorporates
a common data source and a variety of procedures for measurement such as tools for classical test
theory, item response theory, scale linking and score equating. Among the psychometric procedures
are marginal maximum likelihood estimation of item parameters in the three parameter logistic
model (3PLM) and generalized partial credit mode (GPCM). As a pure Java application, jMetrik runs on
windows, Linux, or Mac OSX operating systems using either 32- or 64-bit processors. This workshop
teaches participant to use jMetrik for applications of item response theory. It also introduces them to
programming with Java and the source code that drives jMetrik.
In the first part of the workshop, participants will use jMetrik to analyze test data. They will use jMetrik
to estimate item and person parameters for the 3PLM and GPCM. Participants will also learn to create
various plots such as item characteristic curves and information functions.
jMetrik is built entirely with the Java programming language. Source code is divided into two main
libraries: jMetrik and psychometrics. The jMetrik library provides the interface and database related
functionality, while the psychometrics library contains the measurement-related code such as classes
for item response models and MMLE. Working with these libraries requires an understanding of object
oriented programming and the Java language.
Many people are familiar with statistical and psychometric programming with R, SAS, and other
software, but they are less familiar with lower-level languages such as Java. In the second part of this
workshop, participants will be introduced to object oriented programming with Java and how to code,
compile and execute their own program. They will then learn about the psychometrics library and how
to use it for item response theory, building their own application or adding functionality to the library.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Training Session, MM
Landing Your Dream Job for Graduate Students
Deborah Harris, Nathan Wall, and Xin Li, ACT
This training session will address practical topics graduate students in measurement are interested
in regarding finding a job and starting a career, concentrating on what to do now while they are
still in school to best prepare for a job (including finding a dissertation topic, selecting a committee,
maximizing experiences while still a student, including networking, internships, and volunteering,
what types of coursework an employer looks for, and what would make a good job talk), how to
locate, interview for, and obtain a job (including how to find where jobs are, how to apply for jobs
--targeting cover letters, references, and resumes), and the interview process (job talks, questions to
ask, negotiating an offer), and whats next after they have started their first post PhD job (including
adjusting to the environment, establishing a career path, publishing, finding mentors, balancing work
and life, and becoming active in the profession).


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Training Session, OO
Multidimensional Item Response Theory: Theory and Applications and
Lihua Yao, DMDC, Mark Reckase, Michigan State University, and Rich Schwarz,
Educational Testing Service
Theories and applications of multidimensional item response theory model (MIRT) and
Multidimensional Computer Adaptive testing (MCAT) and MIRT linking are discussed. Software BMIRT,
LinkMIRT, SimuMIRT, and SIMUMCAT are demonstrated. BMIRT (Yao, 2003) is a computer program that
estimates item and ability parameters in the multidimensional multi-group IRT framework; exploratory
and confirmatory approaches are supported. LinkMIRT (Yao, 2004) is linking software that links two sets
of item parameters onto the same scale in the MIRT frame work. SimuMIRT is software that simulates
data for various MIRT models. SimuMCAT (Yao, 2011) is a computer program for MCAT simulation, which
has five MCAT item selection procedures with item exposure control methods and content constraints.
This session is intended for researchers who are interested in learning and understanding MIRT, MIRT
linking, and MCAT and their applications and who are working with dichotomous or polytomous data
that is multidimensional in nature. BMIRT supports the three-parameter logistic model, generalized
two-parameter partial credit model, graded-response, rater model, and testlet-effect models.
Participants should bring laptop computers and any data they would like to use. Participants are
required to download the free software to the laptop they intend to use prior to the session at www. for the hands on experience. Participants are required to download the Java Runtime
Environment or JRE to the laptop computer.
This workshop will introduce MIRT, MIRT linking theory, and MCAT and conduct hands-on experience
using BMIRT, LinkMIRT , SimuMIRT, and SIMUMCAT. There are demonstrations and discussions of results
and output. Extensive uses of representative examples included with the program are used to guide
learning. Hands-on activities are 50% of the session.
The participants will (a) learn the associated concepts and gain a comprehensive understanding of
MIRT, MIRT linking, and Multidimensional CAT (b) know the applications of MIRT, MIRT linking, and
MCAT, (c) understand appropriate uses of BMIRT, LinkMIRT, SimuMIRT, and SIMUMCAT (d) understand
the data input requirements and formats, and (e) understand and be able to interpret the output files.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Training Session, PP
Generalizability Theory and Applications
Robert Brennan and Won-Chan Lee, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Generalizability theory liberalizes and extends classical test theory. In particular, generalizability theory
enables an investigator to disentangle multiple sources of error through the application of analysis of
variance procedures to assess the dependability of measurements.
The primary goals of this training session are to enable participants to understand the basic principles
of generalizability theory, to conduct relatively straightforward generalizability analyses, and to
interpret and use the results of such analyses. Mathematical and statistical foundations will be treated
only minimally. Major emphasis will be placed upon quickly enabling participants to conduct and
interpret relatively straightforward generalizability analyses, then more complicated ones. Examples
will include various types of performance assessments.
In general, the goals of this training session are to enable participants to understand the basic principles
of generalizability theory, to conduct G(eneralizability) studies and D(ecision) studies, and to interpret
and use the results of generalizability analyses. More specifically, the objectives of this training session
are as follows:
(A) Basic Principles
(1) An understanding of principal similarities and differences between generalizability theory and
other psychometric theories;
(2) An understanding of principal similarities and differences between generalizability theory and
analysis of variance;
(3) Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts in generalizability theory, including
universe of admissible observations, universe of generalization, G studies and D studies, facets
and objects of measurement, variance components, universe score, variance, error variances, and
generalizability coefficients.
(B) Computational and Estimation Procedures
(4) Ability to compute by hand, or with a hand calculator, estimates of variance components and
other parameters in generalizability theory for simple designs, given mean squares;
(5) Ability to employ computer programs such as GENOVA to estimate parameters for real data sets
and balanced designs;
(6) Knowledge of the characteristics of estimates of variance components, and other parameters in
generalizability theory.
(C) Applications
(7) Ability to appropriately interpret results from generalizability analyses;
(8) Ability to design reasonable and useful G and D studies;
(9) Ability to conduct generalizability analyses with not-too-complicated real data sets;
(10) An understanding of appropriate and inappropriate uses of generalizability theory.
All attendees are asked to bring a laptop computer.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Training Session, QQ
Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment
Duanli Yan, Educational Testing Service; Russell Almond, Florida State University;
Robert Mislevy, and David Williamson, Educational Testing Service
The Bayesian paradigm provides a convenient mathematical system for reasoning about evidence.
Bayesian networks provide a graphical language for describing and reasoning in complex models. This
allows assessment designers to build scoring that have fidelity to cognitive theories, are mathematically
tractable and can be refined with data. (Book is included).
This course will provide the background information on Bayesian networks, Graphical Models and
related inference and representation methods and provide examples of their use in educational
assessment. Although the course will review the Evidence Centered Design framework for representing
measurement models in educational assessments using graphs, the primary goal is to review the work
done in other communities for psychometricians and psychologists.
Then, after a brief overview of the most commonly used Bayesian network tools, it will provide a wellreceived interactive hands-on session on using Bayesian network tool on small examples for Bayesian
inference, manipulating graphical models and applications in educational assessment. It will also
review the existing body of literature on graphical models from other disciplines (in particular, the
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence literature).
The course will consist of a series of lectures interspersed with formative assessment, and hands-on
examples. The live examples will provide illustrative examples of graphical models in education with
some live computations.
Topics covered are evidence-centered assessment design, basic Bayesian network representations
and computations, available software for manipulating Bayesian networks, refining Bayesian networks
using data, and example systems using Bayesian networks. The last application was the focus of the
presenters 2000 NCME Award for Outstanding Scientific or Technical Contribution to Educational
The training course consists of the following 5 sessions:
1. Evidence Centered Design
2. Graphical Models
3. Graphical Modeling Tools and Applications
4. Refining Graphical Models With Data
5. ACED: ECD in Action Demonstration.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Thursday April 16, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Training Session, RR
Advances in Measuring 21st Century Skills: Constructs, Development, and
Patrick Kyllonen and Jonas Bertling, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The workshop begins with an overview of the issues involved in assessing noncognitive skills. We
identify a number of frameworks, such as 21st century skills (e.g., ATC21S, NRC), and school frameworks
(e.g., University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, the California Office to Reform
Education, the INDEX Mission Skills Assessment), and discuss overlaps with the five-factor personality
model. We review methods for assessing noncognitive skills: self-, teacher, and peer assessments,
anchoring vignettes, single and multiple dimensional forced choice and ranking methods, situational
judgment tests, and implicit association and conditional reasoning tests. We review classical and
IRT-based scoring methods for each assessment, and discuss pros and cons. We also discuss score
reporting, to highlight current status, comparisons, and trends, and review approaches for collecting
and analyzing data on background variables.
We examine the use of certain methods in detail, including anchoring vignettes, forced-choice
and ranking methods, and situational judgment tests. For anchoring vignettes we review writing
from construct and item definitions, administering, scoring (primarily nonparametric scoring), and
reporting. We review what is known and discuss item development procedures starting from construct
definitions and using those to create vignettes at various levels on the trait continuum (e.g., low,
medium, and high skill). We also discuss practical matters such as whether to administer them before
or after items, and with or separately from items. We discuss scoring anchoring vignettes, and provide
hands-on practice. Participants will be shown how to write code to score anchoring vignette tasks. We
review item analysis techniques and discuss reporting on vignette-adjusted scores.
For forced-choice methods we review approaches (e.g., pairs, sets of 3, sets of 4; asking for more like;
least like; and both, other ranking methods), and review advantages and disadvantages of ipsative and
quasi-ipsative scoring approaches, using both classical and IRT. We review findings to help participants
understand when one might use forced-choice approaches.
For situational judgment testing, we review item development, including approaches for collecting
critical incident data from experts, and transforming such data into test items. We compare testletand single statement rating scale items, and multiple-choice items, both and; select-the-best; and
select-the-worst; and select what you would do formats. Participants receive hands-on experience
in developing SJT items. Both classical and item-response theory scoring approaches are reviewed,
in particular the nominal response model for scoring, along with visualization plots for determining
appropriate scoring models. We review issues in reporting.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Training Session, SS
Using IRT for Standard Setting in Performance Based Assessments
Boaz Shulruf and Philip Jones, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Item Response Theory and related models are complex statistical techniques, mostly used for improving
test and item quality with limited application in standard setting. This workshop demonstrates how
the Rasch model could be used for standard setting in performance based assessments including the
advantages and limitations of this approach.
IRT models utilize the information in tests to estimate person and items parameters. This workshop will
focus on applying IRT, particularly the Rasch model, for setting standards in educational assessment.
Most of the currently used standard setting methods rely upon panels of judges to make decisions
on the expected performance of a minimally competent examinee in a given test, either at the whole
test or at an item level. Some methods use information obtained from IRT analyses to support judges
decisions (Clauser, Mee, Baldwin, Margolis, & Dillon, 2009; Wang, 2003).
The practical challenge in standard setting is to make a defensible decision on scores that are neither
clearly pass nor clearly fail, hence borderline. Ben-David phrased it well by defining the purpose of
standard setting to separate the non-competent from the competent” (Ben-David, 2000, p.
120). This challenge is particularly difficult in examinations that use grading systems that include the
category or score range of a borderline performance (e.g. clinical examinations, open-ended type of
examination). However, if the main purpose of the assessment is to distinguish between competence
and incompetence, a borderline grade fails to do so (Boursicot, Roberts, & Pell, 2007; Roberts, Newble,
Jolly, Reed, & Hampton, 2006; Schoonheim-Klein et al., 2009; Wilkinson, Newble, & Frampton, 2001).
To address this critical issue, a myriad of standard setting methods have been developed, aiming to
identify a cut-score on a continuous scale that best distinguishes between competent and incompetent
examinees (Cizek & Bunch, 2007; Kane, 2013; Zieky, 2012). Nonetheless, despite this broad range
of methods, concerns about reliability, validity and acceptability of these cut-scores remain due
particularly to unavoidable bias related to judges decisions (Chang, Dziuban, Hynes, & Olson, 1996;
Wayne, Cohen, Makoul, & McGaghie, 2008).
Improving the reliability of judge-based methods normally requires recruiting a large number of
experts who need to go through a lengthy and expensive process (Ben-David, 2000; Brannick, ErolKorkmaz, & Prewett, 2011; Cizek & Bunch, 2007; Hurtz & Auerbach, 2003; Wayne et al., 2005). Moreover,
once a judge-based standard is set, it may be different to the original standard intended by the item/
examination writers. This may add further confusion as it is not clear which standard should prevail
(Cizek & Bunch, 2007).
The current workshop provides practical and defensible solutions to some of the issues mentioned
above: (1) introducing an effective method to determine borderline scores which minimize
judgesbiases; (2) introducing the use of the Rasch model in setting standards at the item level as well
as the whole test level; (3) Introducing a technically simpler method to the Rasch model.
The Rasch Borderline Method (RBM) and related methods discussed in this workshop will demonstrate
how defensible Pass/Fail decisions could be made at the item and test levels while minimising the
impact of judges attributes/biases on those decisions (Chang et al., 1996; Wayne et al., 2008). In the
workshop we will also introduce results from new simulation studies demonstrating that the accuracy
of a Rasch based standard setting method exceeds 70% with approximately 10% false positive and
18% false negative rates.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Thursday April 16, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Training Session, TT
An Introduction to Using R for Quantitative Methods
Brian Habing, University of South Carolina and Jessalyn Smith, CTB/McGraw-Hill
R has become a favorite of researchers. This half-day course will interactively cover some of the most
useful aspects for data analysis and statistical methods. This course is designed for those who are
interesting in using R for applying quantitative methods but have no previous experience with R.
This session is designed to introduce the statistical package R so that the attendees will both be
able to use R for basic statistical analyses and have an understanding of how it can be used in their
own teaching, research, or operational work. This will include guidance on becoming familiar with
R, selecting appropriate packages for carrying out more advanced methods, and providing selected
custom designed functions to easily produce output in a format similar to that presented in most text


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Training Session, UU
Understanding Automated Scoring: Theory and Practice
Peter W. Foltz, Pearson, Claudia Leacock, McGraw-Hill Education/CTB, and David
Williamson, Educational Testing Service
Automated scoring of constructed responses is increasingly used for formative and summative
assessments. The goal of this session is to open up the black box and enable a practitioners
understanding of automated scoring: what it is; what it does and does not do well; and how to use it.
Even as debate rages about whether computers should assign scores to essays, the reality is that
automated scoring systems (AES) are part of the assessment landscape. Why? There are clear
advantages of automated scoring in terms of reporting time, costs, objectivity, consistency,
transparency and feedback. There are also major challenges: Automated scoring systems cannot read
or understand an essay in the way that humans, nor are they designed to recognize novelty and they
cannot evaluate many aspects of higher-order reasoning. The goal of this workshop is to tease apart
what automated scoring systems can do well, what they cannot do well, and what are reasonable
short-term expectations for how it can be used based on current research. The workshop is designed
to provide practical advice and considerations for practitioners about what automated scoring is, how
it works, how it can be applied, and what decisions need to be made in integrating these systems into
formative and summative assessments.
Opening the Black Box
We will provide an in-depth orientation to the various methods that are used to create an AES to evaluate
both written and spoken assessment responses. Text-processing techniques are deployed to evaluate
essays, content-based short-text responses. Speech processing techniques are currently used to
evaluate spoken responses. These systems are driven by constructing features and manipulating using
statistical tools of NLP/Speech processing and Machine Learning. Other NLP/Speech based systems are
used to detect plagiarism, gaming and at-risk essays. We will discuss methods of constructing features
and methods of assembling them into scores. We will contrast NLP/Speech tools/orientation to those
of psychometric tools, drawing parallels to the measurement concepts the audience might be more
familiar with (e.g. polytomous items; conditional dependence problems). Finally, we will distinguish
scoring from feedback. Participants will have the opportunity to write (or copy and paste) essays into
two operational essay scoring systems to learn about how the systems are used.
Putting Systems into Operational Practice
Designing and implementing an AES system is only the first step. Turning it into an operational system
and deploying it is a topic that is usually completely overlooked in research papers on automated
scoring. We will describe different models of deployment and their processes. Steps include
preprocessing of the textual data, filtering unscorable essays and diverting to hand-scoring, model
building, assigning a score and reporting it.
Evaluation of Automated Scoring Systems
The workshop will describe different approaches to the performance of AES systems. The most
common approach is evaluation relative to human scores such as exact or adjacent agreement and
quadratic weighted kappa. However, flaws in human scoring are well known so that measurement
relative to human scores may not be the best evaluation metric. Systems can also be evaluated relative
to external criteria and relative to construct definitions. Finally, we will address the most important
question -- what is good enough for system deployment?
...continue on page 39


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...continued from page 38
Maintaining Systems Over Time
Another critical topic that will be covered is how to maintain an automated scoring system over time.
Managing changes to the engines as they are improved has many implications. In addition, as a prompt
ages, there are trends/drift over time in both human scores and nature of responses. The workshop will
describe how to incorporate these considerations into operational practice.
Open Issues, Future Directions, and General Discussion
The workshop will conclude with a discussion about appropriate applications of automated scoring,
issues for its implementation and where the field is going. This section will contrast the current state of
tools and knowledge about selected response with approaches for automated scoring of constructed
responses. It will examine mechanisms by which the automated scoring can blend some selected
response approaches and human constructed response scoring. Finally, the workshop will end with
a general discussion about what the field needs, both in terms of NLP/Speech and psychometrics, to
strengthen the operational use of automated scoring and provide some predictions for the future..


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Thursday April 16, 2015
4:00 PM7:00 PM, Cordova Room, 5th Floor
NCME Board of Directors Meeting
Members of NCME are invited to attend as observers.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Annual Meeting Program - Friday, April 17, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, A1
Use of Evidence-Based Standard Setting in PARCC Assessments,
Coordinated Session
Session Chair: Walter (Denny) Way, Pearson
Session Discussant: Chad Buckendahl, Alpine Testing

It is recognized that PARCC performance standards must reflect both college and career readiness
focus of the assessments and align a system of performance standards across grades and high
school courses. This coordinated symposium will discuss research studies defined to support
PARCC performance standards to be set in summer 2015.
PARCC Standard Setting: General Approach and Context
Laurie Davis, Pearson & Jason L Meyers, Pearson
The standard-setting process for the PARCC summative assessments will set five performance
levels. PARCC will utilize an evidence-based approach to standard setting, involving seven general
steps. This paper provides an overview, context, and describes these seven steps to be used in
setting performance standards for the PARCC program.
PARCC Benchmarking Study
Katie Larsen McClarty, Jennifer L. Kobrin, Eric Moyer, Sarah Griffin, Kathy Huth, Sharlotte Carey, &
Susan Medberry, Pearson
The PARCC benchmarking study gathered external information to estimate the percentage of
students college- and career-ready. Through comparisons of performance level descriptors and
empirical readiness definitions, the performance level on each external assessment most closely
aligned with PARCCs Level 4 was determined and associated student performance data recorded.
PARCC Postsecondary Educators Judgment Study
Eric L Moyer, Laurie Davis, Julie Miles and Wenyi You, Pearson
The PARCC Postsecondary Educators Judgment Study used an online standard setting process
to collect judgments, from a sample of educators at institutes of higher education, about the
minimum performance required to receive the College and Career Readiness Determination. The
results of this study inform the Evidence Based Standard Setting (EBSS) process.
International Benchmarking StudyContent Alignment Component
Mary J. Pitoniak, Nancy Glazer, Luis Saldivia, Educational Testing Service
In preparation for statistical linking of PARCC assessments to international assessments (TIMSS,
PISA, PIRLS), a content alignment study is being conducted to evaluate the degree to which the
blueprints and items on PARCC assessments and those on the international assessments measure
the same construct. Preliminary study results will be presented.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Paper Session, A2
DIF: Bayesian and Mixed

Session Chair: Bilir Kuzey, Pearson

Session Discussant: Craig Wells, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Differential Item Functioning: Comparison of Traditional and Modern Bayesian Methods
William Muntean, Pearson and Ada Woo, National Council of State Boards of Nursing
To reduce false positives, the current study employs a Bayesian framework and explores Bayes
factors incorporating priors on effect size. Requiring more evidence for DIF, this method reduces
spurious effects. A comparison is made to traditional approaches (Mantel-Haenszel; likelihood ratio
test) and other Bayesian methods (random item mixture model).
A Bayesian Odds Ratio Approach for DIF in Polytomous Items
Oksana Naumenko and Randall Penfield, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Traditional and Empirical Bayes (EB) approaches to DIF detection were applied to polytomous
items using the Liu-Agresti cumulative common log-odds ratio as the estimator of the DIF effect.
A simulation study manipulating DIF form, group size, and impact compared the performance of
traditional and EB approaches to DIF parameter recovery.
Using a MIRT Framework to Better Understand Differential Item Functioning
Cindy Walker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Sakine Gocer Sahin, Hacettepe University
This studys purpose was to determine how distinct the underlying ability distributions for the two
studied groups needed to be in order for DIF to occur. Multidimensional data was generated and
the underlying ability distributions on the dimensions were manipulated for the reference and
focal groups in varying degrees.
Continuous Latent Variables as Covariates in a Mixture Rasch Model
Tugba Karadavut, Allan S. Cohen, and Seock-Ho Kim, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
After fitting a Mixture Rasch Model, adding covariate to the model provides information about
the differences between the latent classes. Previous research used manifest grouping variables as
covariates which were not informative in DIF studies. In this study, latent continuous covariates are
used. Three methods are compared for covariate incorporation.
A Bayesian Approach to Detect Item Parameter Drift Under the NEAT Design
Lihong Yang and Mingcai Zhang, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
This paper investigated the effectiveness of the Bayesian approach in detecting Item Parameter
Drift (IPD) for common items between two longitudinal English proficiency tests. A Gibbs sampler
method was conducted to see how the different NEAT designs, different IPD strengths and sample
sizes affect the detection rates.
Mixture-IRT Models With Two Sources of Differential Item Functioning
Erin Strauts and Jessica Flake, University of Connecticut
This study investigates the practicality of using mixture modeling to detect uniform differential
item functioning (DIF) in the case of polytomous indicators, binary indicators, and one or two
sources of DIF. The ability of mixture item response models (MixIRT) to classify respondents under
these conditions is assessed.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, A3
Various Efforts to Evaluate the Quality of Assessment Programs
Session Chair: Thanos Patelis, NCIEA
Session Discussant: Michael Kane, Educational Testing Service

The purpose of this session is to provide examples of various national and international efforts
evaluating the quality of assessment programs. Each presentation will describe the approach, the
standards, policies, and procedures used. Specific methodologies and results will be presented.
Recommendations of the implications and uses will be provided.
Test Reviewing at the Buros Center for Testing
Kurt F. Geisinger, Buros Center for Testing, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Buros approach to the reviewing of tests is described first. Second, the attempt to standardize
reviews is considered. An argument is presented that it is difficult if not impossible to set predetermined levels of technical characteristics for tests; situations differ too drastically across
different venues in education and psychology.
Policies and Procedures for the Independent Evaluation of Assessment Programs
Andrew Wiley, Alpine Testing Solutions
Many testing programs have developed systems for the collection of evidence that demonstrate
the validity of their programs, but many others require independent evaluation. Alpine has
conducted many of these reviews and this session will focus on the fundamental themes
encountered, along with the evidence necessary for each.
Ensuring Assessment Quality: The ETS Internal Audit Process
Cathy Wendler, Educational Testing Service
ETS products and services are periodically evaluated through an internal audit that determines
compliance with the ETS Standards for Quality and Fairness. Key elements of the audit process and
the role of the standards in ensuring the development and maintenance of fair, valid, and high
quality tests will be provided.
Assessment Quality Related to College and Career Readiness Assessments
Erika Hall, Susan Gillmor, Brian Gong, Karin Hess, Scott Marion, and Thanos Patelis, Center for
The Council of Chief State School Officers has published a set of criteria for evaluating high quality
assessments aligned to college- and career-readiness standards. The presentation will describe
the process used to operationalize these criteria, and outline key requirements (e.g., participants,
evidence). Recommendations for their use will be provided.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Coordinated Session, A4
Test Score Integrity in the Age of Common-Core Assessments
Session Chair: Ashleigh Crabtree, University of Iowa
Session Discussant: Wayne Camara, ACT, Inc.

Recent high profile cases of serious security violations on state accountability tests have reignited
interest in procedures for preventing, detecting and penalizing adult violators. The purpose of this
session is to provide guidance to K-12 testing programs in four broad areas: current laws/policies,
proactive measures, data forensics and legal alternatives.
Review of Current State Test Security Laws and Policies
Michelle C. Croft, ACT
The presentation examines state test security laws and policies, identifies exemplary statutory and/
or regulatory language, and identifies areas of common weaknesses.
Proactive Test Security Measures
Gregory J. Cizek, University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill
This presentation on proactive measures will argue that test security is most appropriately viewed
as a validity concern, describe the challenges of ensuring test score integrity for assessments
administered across consortia of states, and provide concrete actions that can be taken to enhance
test security and test score integrity.
Post Administration Data Forensics
John Fremer, Caveon
Data Forensics are statistical methods for detecting test fraud. The basic concept is that of looking
very carefully at test takers performances at the group and individual levels. How do regular
test takers, working on their own, respond? What standards and criteria should be applied to
unusualness before taking action?
Legal Alternatives for Confirming and Penalizing Test Security Violations
S.E. Phillips, Assessment Law Consultant
This presentation will discuss the pros and cons of administrative, civil and criminal actions for
dealing with test security violations. Differential investigative procedures, types of evidence,
standards of proof, penalties and costs will be considered.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Invited Session, A5
NCME-NATD Symposium: Implementing the Common Core Assessments
at the District and School Levels: Voices from the Field - Overcoming
Challenges, Making it Work
Session Chair: Zollie Stevenson, Jr., Howard University
Session Moderator: Elvia Noriega, Richardson Independent School District

This session will focus on how school districts of varying sizes and complexity implemented the
Smarter Balanced and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC)
assessment programs focusing on: technology and infrastructural changes in districts and schools;
assessment planning for multiple grades/classrooms; assessment administrations for students with
disabilities and English learners; and accountability. Four assessment professionals responsible for
implementation of the common core assessments are featured in the symposium:
Didi Swartz, Assessment Director of the Chicago Public Schools will share insights related to the
implementation of the PARCC assessments in a school district with 380,000 students while Dale
Whittington, Director of Research and Evaluation for the 5,600 student Shaker Heights City (OH)
School District will share her experiences implementing PARCC in a small school district.
Bradley McMillen, Assistant Superintendent for the 150,000 student Wake County (NC) Public
Schools has overseen the implementation of the Common Core State Standard-linked assessments
in his school district in a changing political climate. His experiences will be counter positioned
with those of Melanie Stewart, Assessment Director for the 79,000 student Milwaukee Public
Schools (SMARTER Balanced).
Elvia Noriega, Executive Director of Accountability and Continuous Improvement for the
Richardson Independent School District in Texas will moderate the panel. Texas is a state that is
not participating in either the PARCC or SMARTER Balanced assessment consortiums.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Coordinated Session, A6
Overview: Theories of Action for Performance Assessment in Large Scale
Testing Programs
Session Chair: Steve Ferrara, Pearson Research and Innovation Network
Session Discussant: Emily Lai, Pearson

Steve Ferrara, Pearson, Ellen Forte, edCount LLC, and Marty McCall, Smarter Balanced Assessment
Performance assessment was used in statewide testing programs in the 1990s and is re-emerging
in next generation assessments. Claims for its positive influences on teaching and learning were
common. This presentation summarizes research on these claims and the relevance to theories of
action research needed for next generation assessment programs.
Integrating the Evidence: the NCSC Validity Evaluation in Year 5
Ellen Forte, edCount LLC
NCSC created an alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities, using an
argument-based approach to validation, collecting evidence on each claim from processes and
studies. This presentation describes and synthesizes validity evidence from 2014 and 2015 pilots
and recent studies that demonstrate how well students engage with assessment materials.
Theories of Action Undergirding WIDAs New English Language Proficiency Assessment
Megan Montee and Dorry Kenyon, Center for Applied Linguistics
This presentation highlights the WIDA Consortiums theory-of-action claims, with particular
emphasis on the web-based speaking component. It describes ongoing research that supports
these claims, including an analysis of responses to speaking test tasks during field testing and
research on the development of new rubrics and scoring materials.
Analysis of Field Test Results for the Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks
Marty McCall, Smarter Balanced
The Smarter Balanced Theory of Action emphasizes deep cross-discipline concepts requiring
problem solving, analysis and communication, and complex performances in addition to more
traditional tasks based on discrete skills and knowledge. This session explores performance task
implementation in pilot and field test results from 2014 and 2015 field test design.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, A7
Item Development

Session Chair: Joni Lakin, Auburn University

Session Discussant: Robert Kirkpatrick, Pearson
Predicting Item Difficulty by Analysis of Language Features
Jeffrey McLeod, Donna Butterbaugh, James Masters, and Emma Schaper, Pearson, Bloomington
Benchmarking the accuracy of a method for predicting approximate item difficulties in lieu of
field test data. Input variables are linguistic features of items and content domain codes. Linguistic
features are derived using natural language processing methods. Nonparametric regression
(Classification and Regression Trees, CART) is used to derive prediction rules.
Modeling Local Item Dependence in Multipart Items Using Item Splitting
Hong Jiao, Robert Lissitz, University of Maryland, College Park; and Enis Dogan, PARCC
This study investigates directional local item dependence in multipart evidence-based selected
response items. Different scoring algorithms and calibration methods are compared including two
item splitting methods, the standard IRT model, the polytomous IRT model, and the testlet model.
Model fit and parameter estimation consistency and accuracy will be reported.
Leveraging Psychometric Isomorphism in Assessment Development
Katie Kunze, Arizona State University and Vandhana Mehta, Bay Area Techworkers for Cisco
Methods for understanding and evaluating psychometric isomorphism will be used to determine
the necessary levels of similarity for items to be considered psychometrically isomorphic when
used in both low stakes and high stakes assessments. These levels could impact operational
assessment programs and reduce the potential threat of item exposure.
Item Position Effects in a K-12 Reading Comprehension Assessment
John Denbleyker and Shuqin Tao, NBOME, Rolling Meadows, IL
The present study analyzes item position effects and corresponding impacts on ability estimation.
It draws upon a test construction design that had reading passages presented in different positions
across multiple forms. Bayesian MCMC methods are used to evaluate credible differences in
response probabilities and generate ability estimates.
Item Calibration Using Small Sample Sizes and Short Test Lengths
Alper Sahin, Cankaya University and Duygu Anil, Hacettepe University
Drawing on a large-scale real exam data, this paper focuses on the consequences of calibrating
item parameters using small sample sizes and short test lengths while developing language tests
through unidimensional IRT. Some practical implications regarding the use of small sample sizes
will be presented.
The Impact of Item Compromise on Test Scoring
Jiyoon Park, Zhu Wang, and Lorin Mueller, Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
This study evaluated the impact of item compromise on examinees theta estimates and proposed
a way to improve the accuracy of the item calibration process. Results suggested that theta
estimates are relatively stable when only noncompromised items are used in the estimation
process, regardless of the severity of item compromise.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, A8
Test Batteries Under Sequential Designs: A Technology-Enhanced

Session Chair: Haiyan Lin, ACT, Inc.

Session Discussant: Hua Hua Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Designs of Test Batteries With Adaptive Multistage Testing Models
Wen Zeng, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Haiyan Lin, ACT, Inc., and Cindy M. Walker, University
of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
This study proposes two MST-based battery designs. The MST battery (MSTB) design includes three
connected MST tests. The hybrid MSTB (MSTBH) design contains the first two tests under MST and
the last under CAT. Routing stage assembling approaches of subsequent tests by using ability
information from previous test(s) are investigated.
Comparing Between-Item Multidimensional CAT With CAT Batteries
Haiyan Lin, ACT, Inc.
One between-item MCAT (BMCAT) design selects items from a single-content subpool before
moving to another single-content subpool. Another design selects items from a pool mixing all
contents. BMCAT designs with and without content controls are compared with baseline models
of CAT batteries and regular CAT separately administered in three subjects.
Dealing With Not-Reached Items in CAT Batteries
Qing Yi and Meichu Fan, ACT, Inc.
Testing programs often use a test battery to measure several distinct but correlated contents.
Researchers have examined the impact of not-reached items on scoring in computerized adaptive
testing (CAT) with a single test. This study explores appropriate scoring methods for not-reached
items in computerized adaptive test battery (CATB).
Impact of Drifted Items on CAT Batteries
Sien Deng, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Meichu Fan, and Qing Yi, ACT, Inc.
Item parameters may be drifted over time for various reasons. This study investigates item
parameter drift (IPD) effects on ability estimations and item pool usage in adaptive test batteries.
Simulated IPD conditions include drift type, drift magnitude, drift direction, and percentages of
drifted items with two CAT item selection methods.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, A9
Linking in General

Session Chair: Jade Caines, University of New Hampshire

Session Discussant: Michael Walker, College Board
Examining Alternatives for Linking Rights Scored to Formula Scored Tests
Gautam Puhan and Longjuan Liang, Educational Testing Service
When a testing program moves from formula scoring to rights scoring, it can cause a discontinuity
in the score scale unless the rights scored tests forms can be successfully equated to the formula
scored test forms. This study examines several alternatives to equate rights scored tests to formula
scored tests.
Linking Methods for the Zinnes-Griggs Pairwise Preference IRT Model
Philseok Lee, University of South Florida, Seang-Hwane Joo, University of South Florida and Jacob
Seybert, Educational Testing Service
Pairwise preference IRT models pose interesting new questions about linking and DIF detection.
Despite their rowing appeal for measuring attitudes and interpersonal skills that predict student
performance, little research has been devoted to linking. This study developed and compared four
linking methods using a Monte Carlo simulation.
Impact of Linking Designs on Simultaneous Linking
Zhiming Yang, Educational Records Bureau and Shelby Haberman, Educational Testing Service
Simultaneously linking a large number of test forms has been implemented in some testing
programs. The impact of linking designs on the performance of this method is examined through a
simulation study. Initial results indicate that the dispersed linking design yields better results than
the chain linking design.
Linking Composite Scores: Effects of Anchor Test Length and Content
Peng Lin, Neil Dorans, and Jonathan Weeks, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This simulation study investigates the effect of content representativeness and the length of
anchor test on linking via different methods when the two forms are not parallel in content with
data collected from non-equivalent groups.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Plenary Session, B1
The Role of the Measurement Profession in the Renewal
of ESEA and Other Federal Education Initiatives
Session Chair: Kristen Huff, Regents Research Fund
Presenter: John King, Senior Adviser Delegated the Duties of
Deputy Secretary, USED

Dr. King will address ESEA re-authorization, with particular focus on how
the discourse can be better informed by active participation from the
measurement community, especially given the latest version of the testing
standards. A generous proportion of time will be left for Q&A and discussion.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:25 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic Board Session, Paper Session, C1
Electronic Board #1
Impact of College Admissions Measures on Characteristics of Selected Students
Rebecca Zwick, Lei Ye, Steven Isham, and Zhumei Guo, Educational Testing Service
We use nationally representative data on applicants to selective colleges to simulate the effect
of competing admissions rules on the demographics (socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity),
academic qualifications (high school GPA, admissions test scores), and college outcomes
(graduation rate, grades) of the selected students. These simulations can help inform admissions
Electronic Board #2
Who Does Not Complete the Test?
Marit List, Gabriel Nagy, and Olaf Kller, Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel,
We studied the relationship between ability and tendency to not complete a test for lowstakes mathematics assessments. Two independent large-scale study samples show that larger
proportions of not-reached items are related to not only higher levels of ability as measured by the
test but also to school grades and IQ-scores.
Electronic Board #3
Using Repeaters Growth Models to Monitor Test Performance Across Administrations
Youhua Wei, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
For a large-scale and high-stakes testing program, some examinees take the test more than once.
This study uses multilevel growth modeling to explore the repeaters score change patterns and
examines its potential for the quality control of test performance across administrations.
Electronic Board #4
Performance Assessment of Physicians Clinical Skills: A Multivariate Generalizability Analysis
Polina Harik, Brian Clauser, Su Baldwin, Janet Mee and Kimberly Swygert, NBME, Philadelphia
This paper reports on an application of multivariate generalizability theory to assessment of
physicians clinical skills. During the exam, examinees interact with a series of standardized
patients and each interaction results in four component scores. The paper focuses on the practical
interpretation of the estimates of variance and covariance components.
Electronic Board #5
Investigation of Response Changes in the GRE Revised General Test
Ou Lydia Liu, Brent Bridgeman, Lixiong Gu and Nan Kong, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
This study analyzed examinees response change pattern and outcomes (i.e., score gain or loss) in
the GRE revised General Test, using data from over 8,000 examinees. The analyses yielded findings
consistent with prior research that examinees in general benefit from response change, and such
benefits increase as examinees ability increases.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #6
Optimal Sample Sizes for Multilevel Latent Class Models
Hsiu-Ting Yu, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
When developing and planning a multilevel study, the sample size at the group and individual
levels has to be determined simultaneously for unbiased and accurate estimates. In this paper,
simulation studies were conducted to investigate the sample sizes requirement at group and
individual level for multilevel latent class models (MLCM).
Electronic Board #7
Impact of Switching between Item Language Versions on Examination Scores
Andre DeChamplain, Marguerite Roy, Liane Patsula, and Sirius Qin, Medical Council of Canada
For the current medical licensing examination program, candidates are able to switch freely
between English and French versions of an item, on an item by item basis. In this study, we explore
the relationship between language switching at the item level and examinee performance at the
total test score level.
Electronic Board #8
Modified Generalized Likelihood Ratio and Item Selection Methodology
Samuel Haring, Pearson and Barbara Dodd, University of Texas at Austin
Likelihood ratio-based classification tests including the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR)
demonstrate improved test length while maintaining classification accuracy. This paper examines
the functionality of a modified GLR procedure which does not incorporate the unnecessary error
inherent in the GLR procedure and explore the use of ability-based item selection.
Electronic Board #9
Visualization of Factor Structure of an Instrument Using Multidimensional Scaling
Cody Ding, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis
In this paper, we proposed to use multidimensional scaling model for visualizing factor structure
of an instrument. Traditionally, exploratory factor analysis is a common method for such a purpose.
We demonstrate how factor structure of an instrument can be investigated by the visualization
method, which can provide an alternative method.
Electronic Board #10
A Two-Step Growth Mixture Modeling With Distributional Changes Over Time
Joseph Nese, University of Oregon and Akihito Kamata, Southern Methodist University
This paper introduces and demonstrates a two-step growth mixture modeling (GMM) analysis
when the distributional characteristics of the outcome measure change over time. This paper
applies the proposed approach to a data set from kindergarten students on an emergent reading
skill (letter sound fluency) across the year.
Electronic Board #11
Investigating the Amount of Systematic and Random Error in Classroom-Level SGPs
Joshua Marland, Craig Wells, and Stephen Sireci, University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Katherine
Castellano, Educational Testing Service
Given the increasing use of student growth percentiles (SGPs) to evaluate educational
effectiveness, it is important to understand the link between statistical properties and practical
implications. This simulation study examined the amount of systematic and random error in
classroom-level SGPs as a function of classroom characteristics.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #12
Evaluating Psychometric Properties of Teacher Classroom Observation Ratings
Yi-Chen Chiang and Ginette Delandshere, Indiana University, Bloomington
In this paper we evaluate the psychometric properties of teachers classroom observation ratings
and their associations with student achievement scores and teacher value-added scores to provide
insight on the internal and external structure of the construct teacher effectiveness.
Electronic Board #13
Mapping the Emotion Space With the MGGUM
James Roberts and Jordan Sparks, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
The MGGUM is a multidimensional IRT model for unfolding responses to tests/questionnaires that
presumably follow from a proximity relation. As an illustration, subjects self-similarity ratings for
24 photos depicting various facial emotions are analyzed to produce a joint map of individual and
photograph locations in a multidimensional latent space.
Electronic Board #14
Factor Analyzing Change Scores from the Civic-Mindedness Scale
Monica Erbacher, Kelly Foelber, and S. Jeanne Horst, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Higher edcation programs often purport to impact students development of attitudes, such as
civic-mindedness. The dimensionality of students (N = 602) pre- to post-test change on the CivicMindedness Scale (Hatcher, 2008) was explored. Findings suggest change dimensionality differs
from single occasion dimensionality. Implications for understanding student development are
Electronic Board #15
Predicting Item Parameters Using Regression Trees
Jeffrey Steedle and Steve Ferrara, Pearson, Austin, TX
Data from national achievement test items were analyzed using regression tree analysis
with conditional random forests to determine what item features predicted difficulty and
discrimination. The statistical models accounted for 2% to 46% of the variance in item parameters;
item type and standard alignment were the most important predictors.
Electronic Board #16
Predicting Students Writing Performance on NAEP from Assessment Variations
Ya Mo and Gary Troia, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
The research examines the relationship between students NAEP performances and the amount
of difference between state and NAEP direct writing assessments through HLM and finds that
students preparedness for the tasks, namely the similarity between the assessments of their home
states and the NAEP, plays a role in students performance.
Electronic Board #17
Bayesian Networks to Model Science Inquiry Skills in NAEP ICTs
Johnny Lin, Margarita Olivera-Aguilar, and Yue Jia, Educational Testing Service
The NAEP 2009 interactive computer tasks pose psychometric challenges for modeling student
observables. A proposed solution is the Bayesian Network (BN). This paper demonstrates how BNs
can model complex conditional relationships among observables and create tailored proficiency
profiles of student scientific inquiry skills.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #18
Performance Benchmarks for GDCM-MC Option-Based Modeling
Louis DiBello, William Stout, Learning Sciences Research Institute at University of Illinois at Chicago;
and Robert Henson, UNCG
For best practice applications of the GDCM-MC model to diagnostic assessment settings, multiple
choice option-based scoring is investigated through a comprehensive series of simulation
studies based on real data analyses. Definitive measures of model-data fit, discriminability, and
classification accuracy are derived and applied to Q matrix specification and test development.
Electronic Board #19
Bayesian Multilevel Multidimensional Item Response Theory Model
Ken Fujimoto, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL
The multilevel multidimensional item response theory (MMIRT) model is generally expressed
within a Bayesian framework. Doing so relaxes some of the restrictions that have to be placed
on model parameters under a frequentist framework. The advantages of the Bayesian MMIRT are
shown through the analysis of real rating data.
Electronic Board #20
Classification Issue Using the Diagnostic Classification Models
Yuehmei Chien, Pearson, Ning Yan, Independent Consultant, and John Behrens, Pearson
Setting up an indifference region (such as [0.4, 0.6]) to obtain classification decisionsnonmastery, indifference, and masteryon each attribute might not produce results as expected
when only few students fall into the indifference region. This paradox will be described and
presented through simulation.
Electronic Board #21
Confidence Intervals for Mastery Probabilities of Attributes
Chingwei David Shin, Yuehmei Chien, Pearson, Ning Yan, Independent Consultant
To provide a confidence interval around the mastery probability of an attribute, reliability is an
option but not ideal. We first conducted a comparison study to show that the existing attribute
reliability performed differently. Then, a bootstrap approach was proposed to derive the
confidence interval, which showed promising results.
Electronic Board #22
Evaluating the Implementation of Diagnostic Classification for CAT
Hui Deng, the College Board, Yuehmei Chien, Chingwei David Shin, Pearson
The potential benefit of using DCM for a state-mandated CAT assessment was explored. Data from
a large sample were used to calibrate both the IRT and DCM parameters. The traditional IRT-CAT
was compared to the IRT-DCM-CAT, which took into account both theta and attribute-vector
estimates in item selection.
Electronic Board #23
The Use of Support Vector Machine in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessments
Cheng Liu, Ying Cheng, University of Notre Dame
We propose to use the support vector machine (SVM) to make classification decisions on
each attribute given a training dataset. By using SVM we evade fitting and calibrating a CDM,
and estimating a latent class. Instead, it becomes a quadratic optimization problem in hyper
dimensional space. Classification parameters determining the fail or pass boundary can be
obtained from the training dataset before operational testing. No large calibration sample is
required and no O(2k) computational time is needed.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #24
Investigating Practical Utility of Meta Analysis for DIF Investigation
Jin Koo, American Nurses Credentialing Center and Insu Paek, Florida State University
Practical utility of the meta-analysis technique for the investigation of DIF (meta-analytic method
for DIF detection) is evaluated and compared with the Mantel-Haenszel method and the BreslowDay test under various conditions. Our preliminary analysis showed that the meta-analytic method
performed as good as the MH procedure for detecting uniform DIF.
Electronic Board #25
Effects of Scoring Designs on Rater Precision and Classification
Yoon Soo Park, University of Illinois at Chicago; Mi Hwa Kim, Seoul National University, and Kuan Xing,
University of Illinois at Chicago
In many large-scale assessments, subsets of examinee responses from constructed-response items
are rescored to ensure inter-rater reliability. This study examines the effect of scoring designs by
varying characteristics of the primary rater using a rater model (latent class signal detection theory
model). Implications for rater precision and classification are discussed.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Invited Session, C2
Spencer Foundation: From Funded to Unfunded: What Makes the Difference
Amy Dray and Amy Proger, Program Officers, The Spencer Foundation

What makes the difference between funded and unfunded grant proposals in education? In
this session, program officers from the Spencer Foundation will identify the key ingredients that
distinguish winning proposals from proposals that are unsuccessful. They will also talk about the
art of reshaping unsuccessful proposals to be competitive. Among the questions to be addressed:
What are the defining qualities of proposals that receive financial support? How do early-career
scholars garner funding? What are the limitations of proposals that fall short of their funding goals?
The session will include a question and answer period.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, C3
Measuring Students Proficiency on the Next Generation Science Standards

Session Chair: Judith Koenig, National Academy of Science/National Research Council

Session Discussant: Joanna Gorin, Educational Testing Service and Lauress Wise, HumRRO
Presenters: James Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago, Mark Wilson, University of
California, Berkeley, and Joan Herman, University of California, Los Angeles
The 2012 Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards call
for a new approach to science education that focuses on the integration of core ideas, practices,
and crosscutting concepts. New approaches to assessments will be needed. This session discusses
these approaches and explores associated psychometric challenges.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, C4
Automated Scoring, Item Generation and Mixed-Format Adaptive Testing
Automated Scoring and Adaptive Test Designs
Isaac I. Bejar, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This paper will discuss automated scoring in the context of mixed-format designs and will briefly
describe the anatomy of automated scoring engines.
An Adaptive Mathematics Assessment with On-The-Fly Item Generation
Meirav Attali and Yigal Attali, Princeton, NJ
This presentation illustrates the simultaneous integration of automated scoring and item
generation in the context of a middle-school mathematics test and presents empirical results
about the psychometric feasibility of the approach.
Automatic Generation and Scoring of Mathematics Items
James Fife, Princeton, NJ
This presentation illustrates the joint use of item generation and automated scoring by means of
constructed-response item models that, in addition to aiming to generate items of comparable
difficulty, also generated the scoring key. Results will be presented on how successfully
psychometrically comparable items were generated and scored.
Integrating Difficulty Modeling and Item Generation for Vocabulary Items
Paul Deane, Princeton, NJ
Item generation methods can also be used to generate items that vary in difficulty, as illustrated
by this presentation. To do so, however, a difficulty model is needed. The presentation illustrates
the formulation of a difficulty model for vocabulary items based on natural language processing
attributes of the items. Those attributes are, in turn, the basis for the generation of additional items.
Combining Automated Scoring Constructed Responses and Computerized Adaptive Testing
Qiwei (Britt) He, Princeton, NJ
This presentation illustrates a mental health application with a test design consisting of an essay
as the first stage followed by a multiple-choice adaptive test. Results are presented that suggest
that measurement accuracy was improved by incorporating the essay as a routing test.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Coordinated Session, C5
Methodological Developments in International Large-Scale Assessments

Dubravka Svetina, Indiana University, Matthias vonDavier, Educational Testing Service,

David Kaplan, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Eugene Gonzalez, Educational Testing
In this coordinated session, we present several new quantitative methods relevant for international
assessments, such as PISA and TIMSS. In particular, we present papers on cross-cultural equivalence
fit measures, causal inference using a Bayesian framework, and a big-data approach to linking
multiple study cycles.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday, April 17, 2015
12:25 PM-1:55 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Invited Session, C6
Handbook of Test Development (2nd Ed): Major Advances and Implications
for Test Developers
Session Chair: Suzanne Lane, University of Pittsburgh
Session Discussant: Suzanne Lane, University of Pittsburgh

This session introduces the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Test Development. Similar to the
original Handbook, this edition documents sound testing practices in a way that is useful to both
test developers and researchers studying issues that affect test development.
Foundations in Test Development and Advances in Delineating the Content and Skills to Assess
Suzanne Lane, University of Pittsburgh
The foundations of test development are introduced, including evidence-centered design, validity
and fairness issues in testing. Advances in methods for specifying the content to be measured and
what is measured will also be discussed.
Advances in Item Development: Web-Based Item Development to Automated Item Generation
Mark Raymond, National Board of Medical Examiners
Advances in item development and scoring will be addressed, including web-based item
development, performance tasks, computerized innovative item formats, automated item
generation, and automated scoring.
Advances in Test Design Strategies, Reporting, Documentation, and Evaluation
Thomas Haladyna, Arizona State University
Current thinking in developing test forms, vertical scaling, designing computer adaptive tests and
automated test assembly as well as advances in test reporting, documentation and evaluation will
be discussed.
Use of the Revised 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing in Test Development
Lauress Wise, HumRRO
The implications of the revised 2014 Standards for test design and development are discussed,
with a focus on the standards and principles in the test development, validity, reliability and
fairness chapters.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday, April 17, 2015
12:25 PM-1:55 PM, Empire Ballrooom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, C7
Model Fit and Scoring Invariance Across Multiple Populations
Assessing Item Fit When Items are Reused
Frederic Robin and Sooyeon Kim, Educational Testing Service
After a brief introduction to this symposium, this presentation will first discuss some of the
challenges associated with reusing items. It will then focus on the potential of residual analyses to
detect item misfit when it reaches a level at which it may affect test scores.
Potential of Time Series and Statistical Process Control Analyses to Detect Item Drift
Hongwen Guo and Frederic Robin, Educational Testing Service
When items are reused over time, the early detection of item drift becomes an important issue.
This session will focus on a new item difficulty index that forms a time series and is comparable
across administrations. The potential use of time series analyses to detect misfit under various
conditions will be discussed.
An Empirical Investigation of the Potential Impact of Item Misfit on Test Scores
Sooyeon Kim and Frederic Robin, Educational Testing Service
Abstract: This study examined the potential impact of item misfit on the reported scores of an
admission test from the subpopulation invariance perspective. We compared new conversions
derived from empirical data to the conversions derived from the original item parameters to
determine whether subpopulation invariance was achieved at the score level.
Alternative IRT Models for Tests with Diverse Test Taking Population
Deirdre Kerr and Frederic Robin, Educational Testing Service
Despite all the challenges it creates, the use of tests across multiple populations is becoming
common practice. In particular, with the requirement that one common scoring model be
used, the choice can be difficult. In this presentation we will report on the extent to which
unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models may fit all of the subpopulations.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday, April 17, 2015
12:25 PM-1:55 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, C8
Quality Focus: Experiences from a Number of Assessment Programs
Session Chair: Judith Monsaas, University of North Georgia
Session Discussant: Henry Braun, Boston College

Maintaining Fidelity to the Construct Through Stealth ECO

Kristen Huff, Jason Schweid, David Abel, and Peter Coe, Regents Research Fund
At the outset of assessment design, there needs to be reasonable confidence and evidence
that the intended construct is measured with fidelity; otherwise, the entire validity argument is
compromised. The design documents undergirding the New York State Common Core assessments
will be discussed in this presentation.
Computer-Based Assessments in the Sunflower State
Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing & Evaluation
Kansas is administrating new ELA and math assessments aligned with College and Career Ready
Standards. Work on these assessments began in 2012 as a transition to prepare students for
Smarter Balanced assessments. In December 2013, the State Board voted to leave the consortium
and develop state-specific assessments. The design, process, and planned analyses will be
Next-Generation Criteria for Evaluating Assessment Quality
Brian Gong, Center for Assessment
What criteria and procedures may be useful for evaluating the quality of assessment programs,
including considerations such as alignment of CAT test forms, complex content specifications
(e.g., text complexity; mathematical/science skills/practices crossed with content knowledge),
ALDs viewed as claims, and evaluation of consequences/uses as well as score interpretation?
The Center for Assessment has worked on several projects that help provide answers to these
questions, including a project to operationalize the CCSSO Criteria for Procuring and Evaluating
High Quality Assessments
Assessment Quality Considerations for SBAC
Joe Willhoft, SBAC
The quality issues attended to by Smarter Balanced assessments will be illustrated through a
discussion of several key activities over the course of the four-year development period, including:
creation of Content Specifications and test blueprints, quality control of item development, and
an alignment model suitable for adaptive testing.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
12:25 PM 1:55 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, C9
Peer Review of Peer Review

Session Chair: Ellen Forte, Ed Count, Inc.

Session Discussant: Scott Marion, Center for Assessment
Under the two most recent reauthorizations of ESEA, each US state has been required to
submit packages of evidence to the U.S. Department of Education for peer review. This session
will examine current plans for peer review and offer recommendations based on history and
assessment quality reviews conducted elsewhere.
Peer Review in Policy and Practice
Ellen Forte, edCount, LLC
The paper offers a brief history of US peer review and suggests a new vision based on the recently
revised Standards (AERA/APA/NCME, 2014) and key developments in validity evaluation and itemand test-development practices. The author offers specific recommendations for a more effective
process that is formative and collaborative.
Accreditation of Credentialing Programs: An Analogous Model for Educational Assessment?
Chad Buckendahl, Alpine Testing Solutions
Peer review processes are common for accrediting bodies; this paper describes how an analogous
model for educational assessment programs could be developed. The author provides an
illustration of how an accreditation model currently used in the credentialing sector could be
adapted to serve the needs of educational assessment programs.
Evaluation of Quality of Educational Assessment in the Netherlands
Anton Beguin, NCIEA
Tests that schools in the Netherlands use to evaluate student proficiency are accredited based
on a quality check using a set of standards by COTAN (a division of the Dutch association of
Psychologists). This paper provides a comparison of the COTAN evaluation system and the new
Standards (AERA/APA/NCME, 2014).
An Approach for Evaluating Assessment Quality Involving Peer Review
Thanos Patelis, NCIEA
This paper outlines the role of peer review in the scientific process, referring to its historic roots and
summarizing efforts to study its characteristics. The author suggests a methodology that blends
existing audits of assessment quality with standards (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) and best practice
criteria (CCSSO & ATP, 2010).


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday, April 17, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, St. Clair, Upper 5th Floor, Paper Session, C10
Considerations for Measuring Item Difficulty

Session Chair: Anna Topczewski, Pearson

Session Discussant: Terry Ackerman, University of North Carolina Greensboro
The Impact of Media Enhancements on Item Difficulty
Amanda Soto, Carol Morrison, and Stephanie Woodward, National Board of Medical Examiners,
Maintaining item statistics that span forms or administration years is particularly important when
common items are the basis for equating. This paper investigates the intersection of media and
item revision by examining the introduction of pan and zoom capabilities, and the resulting impact
on the items suitability for equating.
Bias Reduction of Gaussian Kernel Smoothed Empirical Item Response Curves
Samuel Livingston, Hongwen Guo, Gautam Puhan, Educational Testing Services; and Allison Ames,
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Smoothing of item response curves can introduce bias into the estimated conditional p-values.
This research presents a modified smoothing procedure which reduces the bias introduced,
but maintains the smooth nature of the curves which test developers rely on to help meet
specifications when assembling new test forms.
Exploring the Relation Between Mathematical Content, Cognitive Complexity, and Item Difficulty
Deni Basaraba, Leanne Ketterlin-Geller and Pooja Shivraj, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
Calls abound for mathematics instruction and assessment to promote deeper levels of
mathematical thinking. In this study, we examine whether the difficulty of mathematics items is a
function of cognitive complexity, the sophistication of knowledge and skills associated with the
mathematical content, and whether these relationships are consistent across grades.
Describing Speededness for Computer-Based Tests Using the Time Sensitivity Index
Shu-chuan Kao, Pearson and J. Carl Setzer, GED Testing Service
The time sensitivity index is proposed to reflect the impact of speededness for computer-based
tests calibrated by using the Rasch model. This index reflects the difference between item difficulty
estimates calibrated from two item latency groups. The method has potential application in form
assembling and test design validation.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic Board Session:
GSIC Graduate Student Poster Session, D1
Graduate Student Issues Committee

Lisa Beymer, Chair

Laine Bradshaw, Jeremy Brown, Laurie Davis, Jerusha Gerstner, Jason Herron, Evelyn
Johnson, David King, Ray Reichenberg, and Ting Wang
Electronic Board #1
The Effect of Response Style Adjustments on Measures of Variability
Bruce W. Austin, Brian French, and Olusola Adesope, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Adjustments for response styles from culture or response fatigue are implemented on teacher and
student responses from the PISA and TALIS surveys. Aquiescence, disacquiescence, and extreme
response styles are investigated. Adjustments to measures of variability for student anxiety, selfefficacy, and teacher-student relations are compared for their effects on teacher outcomes.
Electronic Board #2
Detecting Cluster Bias in a Multilevel Item Response Model
Woo-yeol Lee and Sun-Joo Cho, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Cluster bias can be investigated by testing whether the within-level item discriminations are equal
to the between-level item discriminations in a multilevel item response model. This study evaluates
cluster bias detection methods and presents the impact of ignoring cluster bias on item parameter
estimates and person scores.
Electronic Board #3
A Comparison of Item Parameter Recovery Using R-Packages and flexMIRT
Taeyoung Kim and Insu Paek, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
This study conducts a comparison study via simulations among a well-known commercial IRT
program and five R-IRT packages for the 2PL model with respect to how precise these programs
can recover standard error of item parameter estimates as well as item parameters themselves
Electronic Board #4
Classroom Level Influence in Multilevel IRT School Effectiveness Research
Katherine Marino and Pui-Wa Lei, Pennsylvania State University, Bernardsville, NJ
Correct modeling of educational data is critical in identifying influential characteristics of
successful schools. While effects of omitting levels of nested data on GLM have been documented,
the current study applies two- and three-level IRT models to three-level data to determine
consequences of disregarding nesting on IRT item data.
Electronic Board #5
Evaluating the Use of Principal Component Analysis in Q-Matrix Construction
Olasumbo Oluwalana, Chia-Yi Chiu, and Immanuel Williams, Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ,
A primary purpose of cognitive diagnostic models is to classify examinees based on the presence
of attributes or latent skills required to correctly answer test items specified in a Q-matrix. Principal
component analysis can augment the construction of the Q-matrix by identifying components on
which items load.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #6
Bayesian versus Frequentist Multiple Regression
Ryan Derickson, VHA National Center for Organizational Development and Lihshing Wang, University
of Cincinnati
Bayesian and Frequentist methods may produce different estimates under various conditions.
This study simulates data with varying sample sizes and degrees of skew to evaluate points of
agreement and disagreement between Bayesian and Frequentist multiple regression.
Electronic Board #7
Variable Selection for Rasch Model Using Multiple Bayesian Elastic Net
Ping Yang, University of Missouri and Guohui Wu, SAS
In the presence of highly correlated covariates, the multiple Bayesian elastic net (MBEN) is
preferred due to its better performance than many other variable selection methods. We propose
variable selection for one parameter Rasch model using the MBEN prior and develop well
customized sampling algorithm to achieve efficient implementation.
Electronic Board #8
Exploring and Comparing High Stakes Writing Test Prompts Content Structure
Abdolvahab Khademi, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
A principal argument in test validation is that a test should assess the intended construct
independent of other construct-irrelevant factors. The present study attempts to explore and
compare TOEFL and IELTS writing prompts content structures for likely nonlinguistic dimensions
such as cognitive complexity, task specificity, topical familiarity or culture-specific factors.
Electronic Board #9
Pretest Item Selection for Online Calibration in Multidimensional Computerized Testing
Rui Guo and Huahua Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Union City, CA
Item parameter calibration is important in IRT based tests. Online calibration dynamically selects
pretest items during the operational test, which improves the calibration efficiency. This study
compares different pretest item selection methods for online calibration under multidimensional
computerized adaptive testing. Results show that item-centered selection methods outperformed
examinee-centered methods.
Electronic Board #10
Multilevel Modeling of Predictors of Mathematics Achievement in Ghana
Paul Butakor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
One of the methodological errors in the school effectiveness research literature is the ecological
problem in the analysis of nested data. This study corrects this error by using Hierarchical Linear
Modeling (HLM) and the 2007 TIMSS data to model factors accounting for the low performance of
Ghanas students in mathematics.
Electronic Board #11
Assessing Alternative Item Fit Indices Under Polytomous IRT Models
Yulim Kang and Guemin Lee, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
The current study is conducted to investigate the performance of four alternative item fit indices,
developed by Orlando & Thissen (2000) and Stone (2003), compared to traditional item fit statistic
G2 under the GRM and the GPCM. Simulation conditions are as follows; test lengths, response
categories and ability distributions.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #12
A Comparison of Three Calibration Methods in Vertical Scaling
Juyeon Lee, Guemin Lee, and Sang-Jin Kang, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
This study aims to investigate how FIC performs and clarifies the relative appropriateness of FIC
in vertical scaling through the comparisons with separate and concurrent calibration. In addition,
three additional factors were considered: type of proficiency score distribution, sample size, and
number of common items.
Electronic Board #13
IRT Scale Transformation Using Different Types of Anchor Tests
Sujin Yang, Guemin Lee, and Sangjin Kang, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
The purpose of this study was to compare results of IRT scale transformation using different types
of anchor tests considering the effects of scale transformation methods and sample sizes at the
same time.
Electronic Board #14
Dimensionality Assessment of Unfolding Models
Elizabeth J. Williams and James Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
A simulation study will be conducted to investigate the performance of a PCA for dimensionality
assessment with unfolding data generated by the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding
Model (MGGUM). The expected results are that the PCA will generally identify r+1 dominant
dimensions, where r is the number of true dimensions.
Electronic Board #15
Classroom Assessment Scoring System in Diverse Settings: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Tianna Floyd, Jacqueline Towson, Nicole Terry Patton, and Gary Bingham, Georgia State University,
Atlanta, GA
This poster explores the underlying factor structure of the Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring
System (CLASS) to identify its validity and reliability in urban settings, which are both culturally
and linguistically diverse. There exist potentially important policy implications in the accuracy of
measurement of the CLASS across diverse early childhood settings.
Electronic Board #16
Linking With Planned Missing Data: Concurrent Calibration With Multiple Imputation
Min Sung Kim and William Skorupski, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
A new linking method, concurrent calibration with multiple imputation (CCMI), is introduced
and evaluated using a Monte Carlo simulation study. MSE and BIAS pattern of IRT parameters are
examined with respect to three crossed factors: linking methods, population distributions, and
anchor test length.
Electronic Board #17
Classification Accuracy of Mixture IRT and Cognitive Diagnostic Models
Diego Luna Bazaldua and Young-Sun Lee, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY
Monte Carlo simulations of multidimensional data resembling real-test situations will be generated
under different simulation conditions to examine classification accuracy of examinees and item
parameters obtained using mixture item response theory models and cognitive diagnostic models


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #18
The Impact of Item Parameter Drift on an Adaptive Test
Beyza Aksu Dunya, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
This study employed a series of simulations to examine impact of item parameter drift on person
ability estimates and pass/fail decisions when direction and magnitude of drift change. Based
on the simulation results, although person parameter estimates were impacted by the extreme
conditions of drift, decision consistency remained high.
Electronic Board #19
Application of Mixture IRT to Online Social Networking Behaviors
Kuan Xing, Yoon Soo Park, and Theresa Thorkildsen, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
This study proposes a mixture IRT application to detect patterns of online social networking
activity on Facebook. Mixture IRT models were fit based on empirical data from student responses
to social interactions, and simulation studies were conducted to examine bias in recovery of
parameter estimates and classification.
Electronic Board #20
Using Classification Tree Models and Bagging to Determine Course Placement
Chansoon Lee and James Wollack, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
The purpose of this study is to use classification tree models and bagging to find reliable and valid
cut-off scores for placement into college mathematics courses. The effectiveness of tree models,
which are new methodologies for determining placement, will also be compared to the commonly
used approach of logistic regression.
Electronic Board #21
Outcome Measurement in Educational Evaluation: A Simulation of Assessment-Intervention
Joshua Sussman, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Investigators who evaluate the efficacy of educational interventions must measure achievement
with assessments sensitive to intended effects of interventions. This simulation study
conceptualizes sensitivity as assessment-intervention alignment. Item response models generate
assessment data and model the influence of alignment on statistical power and the validity of a
summative program evaluation.
Electronic Board #22
A Hybrid Model Approach to External Multidimensional Unfolding
Matthew Barrett and James Roberts, The Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
This study uses external multidimensional unfolding methods to determine response processes
used by individuals making physical attraction judgments. Additionally a hybrid approach is
developed that better captures the nature of attraction ratings by simultaneously implementing
either a vector or unfolding model for different dimensions of the latent space.
Electronic Board #23
Comparison of IRTPRO, Mplus and WinBUGS: Bayesian Item Parameter Recovery
Nedim Yel, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
This simulation study compares the item parameter recovery performance of IRTPRO, Mplus and
WinBUGS using Bayesian estimation. The factors manipulated include; sample size, test length,
ability, and prior distributions.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #24
An Application of Generalizability Theory to Standard Setting
Seohong Park and Won-Chan Lee, University of Iowa, Iowa City
The generalizability theory is applied to a standard setting of a large scale assessment. The study
design is i x (r:g) x o. In the D-study, the number of roundings is three or four, and the number of
groups and judges is 2~5, respectfully. Total 32 D-study conditions were conducted.
Electronic Board #25
Comparing Student Growth and Scale Score Across Grade Configurations
Hongyu Diao and Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
For the past decades, there has been a movement away from the middle school configuration
towards a K-8 configuration across states. The present research uses two-way ANOVA to analyze
how grade structure and district location impact student academic performance across different


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, D2
Applications of Model-Based Rater Monitoring Procedures
Session Chair: Brian Patterson, Pearson
Session Discussant: Lawrence T. DeCarlo

An overview paper provides a framework for indices of rating quality and the three remaining
papers take three different approaches to providing meaningful feedback to raters and the testing
programs that they support; specifically a non-parametric approach, one grounded in item
response theory, and another based on signal detection theory.
Exploring the Quality of Expert Ratings Using Mokken Scale Analysis
Stefanie A. Wind, Georgia Institute of Technology and George Engelhard,Jr., The University of Georgia
Distinguishing Several Rater Effects With the Rasch Model
Tian Song and Edward W. Wolfe, Pearson
Incorporating Expert Ratings into Rater Monitoring via Signal Detection Theory
Brian F. Patterson, Pearson; Stefanie A. Wind, Georgia Institute of Technology; George Engelhard, Jr.,
The University of Georgia


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, D3
Assessment for Innovative Learning Technology: Modeling Sources of
Session Chair: Peter Halpin, New York University
Session Discussant: Robert Mislevy, Educational Testing Service

Learning technology offers rich data for developing novel educational assessments. However,
these data typically involve sources of statistical dependence that violate the assumptions of
conventional psychometric models. The focus of this symposium is to provide models of student
ability that address these new sources of dependence.
Using Simulation to Explore Gender and Cultural Differences During Collaboration
Jessica Andrews and Alina A. vonDavier, Educational Testing Service
This paper describes the use of a simulation-based collaborative problem-solving task to examine
gender and cultural differences in cognitive and collaborative skills. Analyses explore how patterns
of interaction may differ according to gender and cultural background, and how particular patterns
are related to performance outcomes.
Modeling the Effects of Collaboration on Mathematics Performance
Peter Halpin, New York University and Yoav Bergner, Educational Testing Service
We describe a likelihood ratio test for the effect of collaboration on academic performance, and
outline a pre-test / post-test design in which the effect has a clear causal interpretation. The results
are illustrated with data collected using the Edx platform and questions from the NAEP grade 12
math assessment.
Inferring Student Ability Based on Within-Game Actions
Michelle M. Lamar and Malcolm Bauer, Educational Testing Service
We show how a cognitive model for sequential decision-making, the Markov decision process,
can be used as a measurement model given the complex process data which are available from
many educational games. Recovery of student ability is demonstrated through simulation and the
model is applied to data from SimCityEDU.
A Bayesian Framework for Adaptive Learning In Educational Games
Josine Verhagen, Unversiteit van Amsterdam
This paper describes a Bayesian framework for adaptive learning in which learner information
and prior game play results are used to inform adaptive games for assessment and learning. The
initial findings from an adaptive game related to shape and pattern recognition in preschoolers are
presented to illustrate the framework.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, D4
Advances in Test Score Reporting

Session Chair: Ronald K. Hambleton, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Session Discussant: Ronald K. Hambleton, University of Massachusetts Amherst
For much of the history of educational testing, test score reporting has been given very limited
attention. It is rare to find articles in the literature or even technical manuals prior to 1995 that
have investigated best practices in score reporting. Today the situation has changed tremendously
and the topic is one of the themes of this years annual NCME meeting. The presenters are among
the most productive researchers and the first, will address subtest score reporting. Every user of
test scores it seems is asking for diagnostic information in the form of subtest scores. This first
presentation will address the many advances on this topic. In the second presentation, assessment
results communication will be addressed from many perspectives including psychometric,
legal, political, semiotic, user-acceptance and production or engineering considerations and the
complex trade-offs among them. All too often these many dimensions relevant in reporting are
not considered and less than satisfactory reporting is the result. In the third presentation, focus
will center on promoting valid score interpretations through effective reporting including the use
of visualizations and graphics. References too to the new AERA, APA, and NCME Test Standards and
their implications for score reporting will be addressed.
Diagnostic Score Reporting: A Review of the Status Quo
Sandip Sinharay, Pacific Metrics, Shelby Haberman, Educational Testing Service, Chun Wang,
University of Minnesota, and Gautam Puhan, Educational Testing Service
High Dimensional Projections of Assessment Results Communication
John Behrens, Pearson
Reporting With Purpose: Current Approaches to Promoting Test Score Meaning
April L. Zenisky, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Coordinated Session, D5
Improving Test Security for State Assessment Programs: Lessons Learned
Session Chair: Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation
Session Discussant: Barbara Plake, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Emeritus

John Olson, Olson Educational Measurement & Assessment Services, John Fremer, Caveon Test
Security, William Skorupski, University of Kansas, and Barbara Plake, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Cheating and test piracy (stealing of test forms or items) pose major threats to the validity of test
score interpretation and the credibility of large-scale assessment programs. This session focuses on
resources/methods to assist states in improving test security and best practices for the prevention
and detection of cheating.
Lessons Learned in Improving Test Security for States: An Overview/Summary
John F. Olson, Olson Educational Measurement & Assessment Services
The purpose of the test security projectto produce a TILSA/multi-state contribution that
brings together the best practices of assessment staff and testing organizations and focuses
on exemplary prevention and detection procedures to minimize testing irregularities and stop
cheatingwill be described by the presenter, who worked closely with the TILSA Test Security
(TS) Workgroup to direct the projects, co-author the Guidebook and Lessons Learned reports, and
ensure the information in the reports was practical and useful to assessment staff.
Lessons Learned in Improving Test Security for States: Findings and Recommendations
John Fremer, Caveon Test Security
The TILSA Guidebook has proved to be a very welcome resource to state and district staff, and
the new Lessons Learned report is an excellent addendum to it that provides practical advice
and additional guidance. Parts of the Guidebook have been widely used in state workshops
and training materials. In this session the effective strategies and practices that states are using
to prevent cheating will be presented, as well as their use of data forensics results to detect
irregularities and possible improprieties.
Cheating Statistical Methods for Evaluating Test Security: What States are (or Should Be) Doing
William Skorupsky, University of Kansas
The purpose of this research is to identify methods for evaluating group-level aberrance as
potential evidence of cheating. These methods will focus on the detection of (1) unusual score
gains, (2) erasure or answer-changing behavior, and (3) changes in school demographics (as
evidence of purposely not testing certain demographic groups to improve school-level outcomes).
The paper will provide the technical details behind these methods, demonstrate their use with
data from several anonymous state testing programs, and discuss the inferences/limitations of
these approaches. The presentation will furthermore survey the currently implemented methods
and make recommendations for best practice.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, D6
Two Approaches to Game Based Assessments: Mods and Originals
Session Chair: Andreas Oranje, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Greg Chung, CRESST/UCLA
Demonstration and Brief Introduction
Andreas Oranje, Educational Testing Service
There are two general approaches to game based assessment: modifications and originals. In this
symposium we will introduce both, showcasing actual implementations, and provide contrasting
views in terms of game and assessment design, analysis approaches, and evaluating efficacy using
a range of empirical studies (playtesting through operational data collections).
Modified and Original Games: A Cognitive Science Perspective on Learning and Assessment
Tanner Jackson, Malcolm Bauer, and Masha Bertling; Educational Testing Service
Our current work has compared two approaches for educational game development, original
versus modified. We will focus on the differences of these approaches from a cognitive and
learning perspective by discussing their impacts on constructs, evidence, scoring, feedback,
interpretations of actions, and challenges for learning and formative assessment design.
Modified and Original Game Based Assessment: A Game Design Perspective
Seth Corrigan, Erin Hoffman, and Michael John; GlassLabGames
There is interest in identifying a design approach for game based assessments (GBAs). The
proposed presentation details the authors experiences negotiating constraints posed by two
classes of game based assessments when using evidence-centered design. An argument is made
for using somewhat different design processes for the two classes of games.
Analysis Approaches for Modified and Original Game Based Assessments
Kristen DiCerbo, Pearson; Katherine Castellano, Helena Jia, Robert Mislevy, and Johnny Lin,
Educational Testing Service
This paper explores how differences in game elements lead to differences in the specification of
evidence models. Two games will be compared in terms of both the identification of evidence
from log files and final results, as well as the accumulation of that evidence using psychometric
Modified vs. Original: Evaluating Game-Based Assessment Design and Learning
Britte Cheng, Terry Vendlinski, John Murray, and Geneva Haertel, SRI
This paper puts forth a model for the evaluation of game-based assessments that distinguishes
between game-based assessments developed from scratch vs. those based on modifications of
an existing game to serve an assessment function.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, D7
Methods for Comparing NAEP Frameworks to Other Assessments and

Session Chair: Markus Broer, Principal Psychometrician/Statistician, American Institutes for

Session Discussant: George Bohrnstedt, American Institutes for Research
This set of presentations describes the methodology used for a series of studies comparing the
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) frameworks and item pools with the Trends
in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA), and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Historical Overview of Innovations in NAEP Assessment Framework Comparison Studies
Maria Stephens, Kim Gattis, Teresa Neidorf, and Young Yee Kim, American Institutes for Research
This presentation will review the methods used in a series of studies between 2001 and 2013 to
compare national and international assessment frameworks and item pools, highlighting the
earliest methods used, describing the types of comparisons undertaken (e.g., frameworks, items),
and previewing some of the key challenges in this work.
Comparing NAEP and TIMSS Assessment Frameworks in Mathematics and Science
Teresa Neidorf and Kim Gattis, American Institutes for Research
This presentation describes the methods used in a 2012-13 study comparing the mathematics and
science frameworks for the 2011 NAEP and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS) assessments. In addition to quantitative analyses of framework similarity, a qualitative
component was introduced to describe similarities and differences in content.
Comparing NAEP and PISA Mathematics Assessment Frameworks and Item Pools
Kim Gattis, Maria Stephens, and Young Yee Kim, American Institutes for Research
This presentation describes the methods used in a 2013-14 study comparing the mathematics
assessment frameworks and item pools from NAEP 2013 and PISA 2012. It will focus primarily on
a new qualitative component, which provided a systematic side-by-side review of the features of
NAEP and PISA items.
Comparing NAEP and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Teresa Neidorf, Austin Lasseter, Maria Stephens, and Kim Gattis, American Institutes for Research
This presentation describes the methods used in a 2014-15 study comparing the NGSS and
the NAEP assessment frameworks in science, technology and engineering literacy (TEL), and
mathematics. It will focus on design considerations and methods used to address the multiple
dimensions of the NGSS and the three NAEP frameworks.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, D8
Pseudo Equivalent Groups Linking in Large Scale Assessment
Session Chair: Terran Brown, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Neil Dorans, Educational Testing Service

Shelby Haberman, Hongwen Guo, Junhui Liu, Shameem Gaj, Hyeonjoo Oh, Lu Ru, and Nuo Xi,
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The goal of the symposium is to introduce the pseudo-equivalent groups linking method
by discussing its theoretical background and presenting several applications to large-scale
assessment programs. The PEG approach uses adjustment by minimum discriminant information
(Haberman, 1984, 2013) and can be applied to the circumstances preventing satisfactory equating
Theoretical Background of Pseudo-Equivalent Groups (PEG) Linking
Shelby Haberman, Educational Testing Service
This paper introduces a comprehensive theoretical review of PEG linking and procedures to
conduct such linking. This paper examines conditions under which pseudo-equivalent groups
behave as actually equivalent, and discusses the impact of incomplete background information.
Comparison of PEG Linking With NEAT Equating
Ru Lu and Hongwen Guo, Educational Testing Service
This paper compares the PEG linking results with non-equivalent groups anchor test (NEAT)
equating results under different equating situations (i.e., comparison of random equivalent-groups
equating and PEG linking; comparison of PEG linking, NEAT linking, and PEG-EAT linking on the
sample with large ability difference and less satisfactory anchors).
Application PEG Linking for Testing Mode Adjustment in K-12 Assessment
Hyeonjoo Oh, Junhui Liu, and Shameem Gaj, Educational Testing Service
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the mode comparability of online and paper versions of the
K-12 testing program, where no previous scaled scores are available and groups are not equivalent,
using the PEG method.
A PEG Linking Study of Matching Variables
Xi Nuo, Hongwen Guo, and Hyeonjoo Oh, Educational Testing Service
This study applies the PEG method to link two tests of different length. Background variables
(i.e., gender, ethnicity, grade) as well as the scores on the common items were considered as the
matching variables. Linking results using different sets of the matching variables will be discussed
in the presentation.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, D9
Reliability, Internal Consistency, and Unidimensionality Related but Distinct
Session Chair: Ernest Davenport, Jr. University of Minnesota
Session Discussant: Steven Culpepper, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Presenters: Mark Davison, Kyungin Park, and Ernest Davenport, Jr., University of Minnesota
The proposed coordinated session shows reliability, internal consistency, and unidimensionality
to be separate but related test attributes. Some novel and other known indices are proposed
for the separate concepts. The main contribution of this session is the derivations of functional
relationships between these separate indices and hence these separate concepts.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Coordinated Session, D10
Beyond Scoring: Alternative Use of Automated Systems for Language
Session Chair: Su-Youn Yoon, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Christy Schneider, CTB/McGraw Hill

Larry Davis, Su-Youn Yoon, Nitin Madnani, Aoife Cahill, Klaus Zechner, Yu Sun, Educational Testing
Service; Vincent Kieftenbeld, McGraw-Hill Education CTB; Lin Gu, Lei Chen, and Zhen Wang,
Educational Testing Service
We will discuss the use of automated technology to support a wide range of different processes
within a language assessment while improving the reliability and validity. In particular, we will
discuss use of automated systems for test development, human score monitoring, and feedback
and score report generation.
Using Automated Methods to Identify Overly Similar Discrete Items
Nitin Madnani and Aoife Cahill, Educational Testing Service
Automated machine learning methods are used to identify verbal discrete items that are overly
similar to each other and can therefore compromise test validity and reliability if they are included
in the same test form.
Monitoring Human Ratings With an Automated Scoring System
Vincent Kieftenbeld, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
This presentation describes different methods that have been developed to monitor human
ratings with an automated scoring system. We compare the efficacy of methods based on
predicted score and predicted class probabilities with models that were trained specifically to
predict from response features whether a response should be reviewed.
Monitoring Human Raters Using Machine Scoring of Spoken Responses
Zhen Wang, Klaus Zechner, and Yu Sun, Educational Testing Service
Automatic scoring systems for constructed response items have the potential to provide solutions
to some of the obvious shortcomings in human scoring (e.g., rater inconsistency; rater drift;
inefficiency). We recommend using multiple procedures (statistics & plots) to identify outlier
human raters.
Supplementing Holistic Scores of Speaking With Automated Feedback
Larry Davis, Lin Gu, and Lei Chen, Educational Testing Service
This presentation describes initial efforts to augment holistic scores of English speaking ability with
detailed information from an automated scoring engine, to provide feedback to learners taking a
practice speaking test. User reactions to a demo feedback instrument will be described, along with
considerations for providing automated feedback on unconstrained speech.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday April 17, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Renaisaance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Invited Session, E1
Contemporary Problems in Educational Measurement (Satirical Session)
Director: Stephen G. Sireci, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Moderator: Kevin Sweeney, The College Broad

Solving 22nd-Century Measurement Problems

Ellen L. Ripley, Nostromo Inc., Robert Neville, U.S. Department of Education, Elroy Jetson, Spacely
Space Sprockets, and Christopher Pike, NASA
An NCME Invited Debate: Godzilla vs. Fairtest: The Rematch
Anne T. Exam, Fairtest; Dr. Godzilla, University of Tokyo
Joint Committee on Fair Testing Practices
David Williamsdaughter, Acid Tests, Inc., Kristen Puff, Regis Philbin Research Fund, Neal Kingdomcum,
Yonkers University, Ellen Fortress, misCount, LLC, and Ric Elect, University of North Antarctica
Certifying Psychometric Competence
Andrew Wiley, Alpine Testing and K.T. Han, Council of Cheapskate School Officers
Detecting and Prosecuting Cheaters on Educational Exams
Ellwood U. Cheet, Jake K. Opy, Joliet Correctional Facility, and Robert Crook, Bored of Medical
Assessing College Readiness: Noncognitive Factors
Gil Andromeda, Even Higher Education Research Consortium, Mary Petunia, Educational Testy
Service, Highfive Elephantmat, Professional Procrastination Service, and Sparky Torres, PARCC Inc. Lot


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Friday April 17, 2015
6:30 PM-8:00 PM, Seville Ballroom, Lobby Level, InterContinental Hotel
NCME and AERA Division D Joint Reception


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Annual Meeting Program - Saturday, April 18, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday, April 18, 2015
8:00 AM-9:00 AM, Grand Ballroom Salon II, 7th Floor
Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel (across the street from the InterContinental Hotel)

2015 NCME Breakfast and Business Meeting

(ticketed event)
Join your friends and colleagues at the NCME Breakfast and Business Meeting at the Marriott Chicago
Hotel. Theater style seating will be available for those who did not purchase a breakfast ticket but
wish to attend the Business Meeting.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
9:00 AM-9:40 AM, Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel,
Grand Ballroom Salon II, 7th Floor, Invited Session
Presidential Address: Educational Measurement: What
Lies Ahead
Lauress Wise
HumRRO, Seaside, CA

Improving the effectiveness of our educational systems is vital to providing

opportunities for each individual and also to solving the many technical and
social problems currently confronting mankind. Measuring student progress
is essential to evaluating and improving our educational systems. NCME
plays a vital role in building and effectively using assessments of student
progress, individually and as a whole. The address will outline some of the
key challenges facing our field, including better ways of describing the
meaning of reported scores, more precise normative information, measures
of more complex skills, and useful and accurate diagnostic information.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, F1
Using Ordered Probit Models to Reconstruct Coarsened Test-Score
Session Chair: Andrew Ho, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Session Discussant: J.R. Lockwood, Educational Testing Service

This symposium investigates the use of heteroskedastic ordered probit models to recover testscore means and standard deviations when only ordinal proficiency data are available. The papers
address methodological issues useful to those applying the method and new findings resulting
from application of the method to large-scale test-score datasets.
Recovering NAEP and State Test Score Distributions Using Coarsened Data
Benjamin R. Shear, Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University; Katherine E. Castellano, Educational Testing
Service; and Andrew D. Ho, Harvard Graduate School of Education
This study evaluates the use of heteroskedastic ordered probit (HOP) models to recover means and
standard deviations of real test-score distributions based only on ordinal data from proficiencytype categories. We find strong agreement between HOP estimates and estimates based on full
continuous distributions, supporting our proposed use.
The Relevance of Normality Assumptions in Ordered Probit Models
Katherine E. Castellano, Educational Testing Service and Andrew D. Ho, Harvard Graduate School of
Ordered probit models assume that conditional distributions are respectively normal: normalizable
under a common transformation. We evaluate whether real-world test-score distributions
meet this assumption. Although we can often reject the null hypothesis that distributions are
respectively normal, we find that the violation of assumptions has little impact on parameter
Practical Strategies for Improving Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit Model Estimates
Andrew D. Ho, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Erin M. Fahle, and Sean F. Reardon, Stanford
In cases where group sizes are small, fitting heteroskedastic ordered probit models to coarsened
test score data can result in biased and imprecise estimates of group standard deviations. This
paper introduces and evaluates practical strategies for reducing this bias.
Ordinal Estimation of District Intraclass Correlations in 50 States, 2009-2012
Erin M. Fahle and Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University
Intraclass correlations (ICCs) provide information regarding the amount of variation in test score
performance between school districts that is important for study design and policy development.
This paper estimates state-level, between-district ICCs of standardized test scores in math and
reading in grades 3-8, using ordinal proficiency data.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, F2
Recent Advances and Comparisons of Teacher Effectiveness Models
Session Chair: Jennifer Broatch, Arizona State University
Session Discussant: Audrey Amrein-Beardsley, Arizona State University

This session will reflect on the impact of various value-added modeling choices from an economic,
statistical and educational policy perspective. We will review teacher effectiveness models,
specifically value-added models and student growth models, present innovative multidimensional
modeling developments and apply the models to evaluate teachers and professional development
Incorporating Real World Outcomes in Value-Added Models (VAMs)
Jennifer Broatch, Arizona State University and Jennifer Green, Montana State University
Researchers will present an application of an innovative multidimensional value-added model
to assess the impact of a teacher or program on real-world outcomes in addition to traditional
standardized test scores. This multidimensional model produces reliable and innovative estimates
of teacher effectiveness that are in better alignment with educational goals.
Value Added Analysis for Multiple Competencies
Joniada Milla, Sbastien VanBellegem, CORE; and Ernesto SanMartn, Pontificia Universidad Catlica
de Chile and CORE
In this presentation, researchers use a unique Columbian dataset to estimate multivariate valueadded model for several subjects in tertiary education. Researchers then aggregate the estimates
to produce a comprehensive index for the overall school value-added in all subjects.
Using Value-Added Models to Assess Teacher Professional Development Programs
Jennifer Green, Montana State University, Jennifer Broatch, Arizona State University, and Walt Stroup,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Value-added models (VAMs) are often used to provide an estimate of teacher impact on student
outcomes. This study explores an extension of VAMs when the goal is to estimate program impact
on teacher effectiveness and compares how these estimates differ from standard VAM-based
Student Growth Percentile: Testing for Validity and Reliability
Margarita Pivovarova and Audrey Amrein-Beardsley, Arizona State University
Researchers analyzed three years of data to evaluate the performance of student growth percentile
model for its validity and reliability. They found that past growth measures and observational
scores are poor predictors of teachers current performance. This suggests that growth measures
alone do not perfectly capture the underlying teacher quality.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, F3
A Potentially Potent Assessment-Literacy Initiative: Reactions Sought
Session Chair: Lou Fabrizio, North Carolina Department of Education

Presenters: James Popham, University of California Los Angeles, Lou Fabrizio, North
Carolina Department of Education, Sharyn Rosenberg, National Assessment Governing
Board, Holly Spurlock, National Center for Education Statistics, Rebecca Gagnon, National
Assessment Governing Board and David Hoff, Hager Sharp
The National Assessment Governing Board, in collaboration with the National Center for Education
Statistics, is undertaking a major effort to promote assessment literacy for parents, policymakers,
and students. This interactive symposium will describe the project and will present contemplated
implementation options. During small-group and large-group discussions, attendees will supply


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Invited Session, F4
Session Chair: Li Cai, UCLA
Session Discussant: Howard Wainer, NBME
NCME Career Award Presentation: Item Response Theory, Serendipity, and Bad Questions
David Thissen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
In the first part of this presentation I disclose the role of serendipity in my career, with allusions to
the virtues of collaboration, continuing education, and openness. Then I discuss some questions
often asked in ways that invite black-and-white, yes-or-no responses, when the right answers are in
shades of gray.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Paper Session, F5
Setting Cut Scores

Session Chair: Brian French, Washington State University

Session Discussant: Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation
Seven Methods for Estimating Angoff Cut Scores With IRT
Adam Wyse, The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, St. Paul, MN
This article illustrates seven different methods for estimating Angoff cut scores using IRT models.
These include the MLE, EAP, MAP, and WMLE estimators, as well as approaches that have been
commonly used based on translating ratings through the test characteristic or item characteristic
Cut Score Estimation: Comparing Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches
Tia Sukin, Pacific Metrics, Dan Segall, DMDC and Alan Nicewander, Pacific Metrics
One criticism espoused for Angoff-based standard setting methods is cut score bias at the
extreme cut points. This study explores the statistical differences between cut scores resulting
from three cut score estimation methods, consisting both of Frequentist and Bayesian approaches.
Preliminary results show similar cut scores result from both approaches.
Establishing Meaningful Expectations for Test Performance via Invariant Latent Standards
Greg Hurtz and Ross Brown, PSI Services LLC
In applied measurement contexts, both test-takers and decision-makers need to comprehend
expectations regarding test-taker performance. Setting latent standards that are invariant
to specific test content helps to define such expectations across key competence levels. We
demonstrate this process, and compare quantitative methods for setting latent standards from
standard setting ratings.
Cutscore Distribution Theory (CDT): A Comparison With G-Theory
William Skorupski, Yang Zhao, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and Feng Chen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
A psychometrics for Angoff standard setting is introduced which accounts for panelist consistency
and accuracy. The effects of these on resulting cutscores is demonstrated using simulated and real
data. Results are compared with a G-Theory approach, which models rater consistency, but doesnt
account for panelist accuracy.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, F6
Psychometric Considerations for the Next Generation of Performance
Session Chair: Charlene Tucker, K-12 Center at the Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Ronald K. Hambleton, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Presenters: Tim Davey, Educational Testing Service, Steve Ferrara, Pearson, Noreen Webb,
University of California-Los Angeles, and Lauress Wise, HumRRO
A distinguished study group of psychometricians worked over the past year to explore
psychometric challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of performance
assessment into mainstream K-12 assessment systems by the state assessment consortia. Their
analysis and recommendations are ready to be shared in the form of four related papers.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Paper Session, F7
Equating Approaches/Methods

Session Chair: Ha Phan, Pearson

Session Discussant: Alina vonDavier, Educational Testing Service
Further Study of the Choice of Anchor Tests in Equating
Tammy Trierweiler, Prometric, Charles Lewis, Educational Testing Service, and Robert Smith, Smith
In this study, we show that the true score correlation between an anchor test and total test is
maximized when the anchor test and total test TCCs are proportional, and that, for a fixed anchor
TCC, the error variance of the anchor is maximized when the items are equivalent.
MIRT Observed and True Score Equating for Passage-Based Tests
Kyung Yong Kim, Euijin Lim, and Won-Chan Lee, The University of Iowa, Iowa City
The main purpose of this study is to compare the results of IRT observed and true score equating
for passage--based tests from five different models using a simulation study. The equating
performance of the five models varies as the degree of local dependence changes for items within
The Impact of Anchor Item Embedding Designs on Scale Stability
Shu-Ren Chang, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, IL
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of difficulty levels and distributions of anchor
items on cut-score stability that affects proficiency decisions for examinees/candidates. Eighteen
possible anchor embedding designs were investigated. Results provided practical guidelines for
practitioners to enhance scale stability and testing fairness.
Comparison of MIRT Equating Procedures for Technology-Enhanced Assessments
Jaime Malatesta, Pearson Education and Won-Chan Lee, University of Iowa
The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of several unidimensional and
multidimensional item response theory ((M)IRT) observed-score equating methods using mixedformat tests that contain multiple-choice, free-response, and technology-enhanced item types.
The specific equating methods considered were the UIRT, simple structure-MIRT, Bifactor-MIRT,
and full-MIRT.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, F8
CAT for Diagnostic Purposes

Session Chair: J.P. Kim, ACT

Session Discussant: Kirk Becker, Pearson VUE
Diagnosing Sources of Mathematics Difficulty With Multistage Adaptive Testing
Susan Embretson, Hea Won Jun, and Kristin Morrison, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
A multistage adaptive testing system for diagnosing sources of mathematical difficulty in middle
school is described. The multicomponent latent trait model for diagnosis was applied to year-end
tests to diagnose proficiency in four mathematics areas, followed by an adaptive second stage.
Results on mastery of areas and skills are presented.
High-Efficiency Item Selection Algorithms for Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing
Lei Guo, Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University; Chanjin Zheng, and Hua-hua Chang,
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This study proposes two new high-efficiency item selection algorithms, PWC and PWAC, for
cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing based on the item discrimination indices
developed by Henson and his associates (2005, 2008). They are more efficient than the PWKL index.
Effects of Calibration Error in Cognitive Diagnosis Computerized Adaptive Testing
Hung-Yu Huang, University of Taipei, New Taipei City, Taiwan
In this study, the influence of item calibration error on attribute estimation in cognitive diagnosis
computerized adaptive testing was investigated. Under the framework of log-linear cognitive
diagnosis model, two restrained models were used to simulate data. The preliminary results
showed that the larger error variance the lower correct classification rate.
Effects of Attribute Balancing on Test Efficiency in CD-CAT
Chia-Ling Hsu, Wen-Chung Wang, Assessment Research Centre, the Hong Kong Institute of Education;
and Shu-Ying Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Using simulations, this study investigated how attribute balancing affects test efficiency in fixedlength and fixed-precision computerized adaptive testing with cognitive diagnosis models. It was
found that attribute balancing had different effects on test efficiency for different item selection
methods and termination criteria.
The Variable-Length Adaptive Diagnostic Testing
Yuehmei Chien, Chingwei Shin, Pearson; and Ning Yan, Independent Consultant
This research evaluates different adaptive diagnostic algorithms, focusing on variable-length
testing. This has been done by exploring a number of different adaptive item selection algorithm
based on different statistical information functions and termination rules. The performance of
those adaptive-diagnostic item selection algorithm is evaluated through simulation.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:25 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor,
Electronic Board Session, Paper Session, G1
Electronic Board #1
Developing and Validating a Self-Report Measure of Attitudes Towards Errors
Jacqueline Leighton, Wei Tang, and Qi Guo, CRAME/University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Students acceptance and use of formative assessment feedback is impeded by negative attitudes
towards their errors. Instruments to measure attitudes towards errors are currently lacking. The
present study was designed to develop and begin to validate a self-report measure encompassing
the affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of attitudes towards errors.
Electronic Board #2
Deterministic, Gated IRT Model for Continuous Probability of Item Cheating
Luyao Peng, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA
Deterministic, Gated Item Response Theory Model (DGM, Shu, 2013) is used to detect the instances
of test cheaters. This study uses DGM to identify test cheaters by incorporating into the model the
factor that test items can have continuous probability of being cheated depending on its beta
Electronic Board #3
The Performance of Five Reliability Estimates at Multidimensional Test Situations
Shuying Sha and Terry Ackerman, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
This study investigates the estimation biases of Cronbachs alpha, and other four reliability
indexes by manipulating the following factors: test dimensionality, ability distribution and test
discrimination. Results showed that biases increased when true reliability decreased, and those
lower bounds tended to overestimate true reliabilities when true reliabilities are low.
Electronic Board #4
A Validity Study Comparing the iPad- vs. Computer-Based Test
Guangming Ling, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
In this study, we tested 403 8th graders randomly under one of the three conditions: the desktop
computer, the iPad alone, and the iPad with an external keyboard. We found that the third
condition resulted in longer and better (expected) essays, with no difference on the reading or
math scores.
Electronic Board #5
Score Distances of Technology Enhanced Items
Wenhao Wang and Jessica Loughran, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
With the advent of the Common Core State Standards, state assessments now include more
technology-enhanced (TE) item types. TE items are usually with equal observed score category
distance. However, the latent score distances might not be equal. This study aims to identify TE
items without equal latent score distances.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #6
Item Position Effects are Moderated by Changes in Test-Taking Effort
Sebastian Weirich, Christiane Penk, Martin Hecht, and Alexander Roppelt, Institute for Educational
Quality Improvement (IQB), Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
The study examines the interdependency of item position effects and test-taking effort. We found
that the current test-taking effort diminishes substantially during the test. Position effects are more
pronounced for persons with lower initial effort and for persons whose test-taking effort declines
in a more pronounced way.
Electronic Board #7
Variability in Proficiency Rates Due to Discreteness in Score Scales
Ying Lu, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
NCLB has raised immense concerns of the volatility in the percentage of examinees scoring
at or above proficient on state assessments. One source of unreliability in percent proficient
is discreteness in score scale. This paper suggests an alternative method to calculate percent
proficient to capture the longitudinal trend more effectively.
Electronic Board #8
Neuroscience Computing Validates Theory-Based Artistic Judgment Aptitude Construct
Nikolaus Bezruczko, Indiana University Health, Chicago, IL
Cognitive test models emphasize relations between item responses and mental structures yet
validation is a major challenge. This presentation expands grounds for mental test validation by
corroboration with neuroscience. An artistic judgment aptitude construct was validated with sMRI
brain scans, which presented right brain lateralization consistent with theoretical predictions.
Electronic Board #9
The New Psychometric Entrance Test A Multidimensional Validity Analysis
Dvir Kleper and Noa Saka, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Jerusalem, Israel
To explore the reliability, validity and internal structure of the new Psychometric Entrance Test,
a Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed. The results show a good fit of the confirmatory
model. A revised model, with additional relationships between scales and factors, shows a better fit
compared to the standard model.
Electronic Board #10
An Unfolding-Type Polychoric Correlation
Justin Kern and Chang Hua-Hua, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
The polychoric correlation is useful as a coefficient of association between two ordered categorical
variables. When the latent response is not assumed to be monotonically related to the observed
response, then the polychoric correlation is not appropriate. Here, an alternative assuming a single
peak is discussed.
Electronic Board #11
Developing Quality Control Procedures for Continuously Administered Tests
Avi Allalouf and Tony Gutentag, NITE, Jerusalem, Israel
This study deals with the development of new quality control procedures for continuously
administered tests, as opposed to traditional test administration modes. It is based on four years of
data from examinees who took an online test. It also presents an automated system constructed
on the basis of the findings


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #12
Receiver Operating Characteristic: A Standard-Setting Tool for Predictive Assessments
Katie Larsen McClarty, Matthew Gaertner, and Daniel Murphy, Pearson
Emphasis on college and career readiness (CCR) assessments has led to new standard-setting
approaches that focus on predictive measures. This paper applies Receiver Operating Characteristic
(ROC) analysis, commonly used in medical diagnosis, to CCR standard setting. ROC provides
multiple indicators, highlighting the trade-offs associated with raising or lowering cut scores.
Electronic Board #13
Exploring Process Data from Problem Solving Items Using Sequence Mining
Qiwei He and Matthias vonDavier, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This study draws on process data collected in problem-solving tasks in PIAAC to address how
sequences of actions are related to task performance. Based on robust n-gram indicators of
sequence data identified in different performance groups, a cluster analysis is conducted to
examine which patterns of indicators predict group variances.
Electronic Board #14
Using Person-Fit Statistics to Investigate the Effect of Differential Motivation
Marie-Anne Mittelhaeuser, Cito; Wilco Emons, Tilburg University; Anton Beguin, Cito; and Klaas Sijtsma,
Tilburg University
If the stakes in testing are low, students may care little whether their scores accurately reflect their
maximum performance level. We investigated the difference between responding in low-stakes
and high-stakes administration conditions in relation to performance and response consistency.
Students differing on account of both consistency and performance were rare.
Electronic Board #15
Detection and Mitigation of Low Motivation on K12 Tests
Elizabeth Stone and J.R. Lockwood, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The K12 accountability context has low stakes for individuals and higher stakes at the aggregate
(e.g., for teachers or districts). This study evaluated several response-time indices of motivation for
a test aligned with the 7th-grade Common Core State Standards for mathematics for students with
and without learning disabilities.
Electronic Board #16
Not Just Free Lunch: A Neighborhood-Based SES Variable for Districts
Christopher Moore, Luke Stanke, Eric VandenBerk, Amanuel Medhanie, Minneapolis Public Schools;
and Martin VanBoekel, University of Minnesota
Many stakeholders use free lunch eligibility as a proxy for socioeconomic status (SES). The goal of
this study is to develop a better measure of SES for school districts. Using geographic methods,
this study combines student-level information with data from the American Community Survey to
create an SES variable.
Electronic Board #17
Device Comparability of Tablets and Computers for Assessment Purposes
Laurie Davis and Yuanyuan McBride, Pearson, Austin, TX
The definition of computer-based testing is becoming more nuanced as BYOD and 1:1 programs
increase the use of tablets and other devices in classrooms. In this paper researchers explore device
comparability through a large scale quantitative study of the differences in student performance
when testing on tablets and computers.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #18
Evaluating Properties of Scores on Mixed-Format Tests Using IRT
Won-Chan Lee, Jiwon Choi, Yujin Kang, and Stella Kim, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Test scores on mixed-format tests are evaluated in terms of various psychometric properties
including conditional standard errors of measurement, classification consistency/accuracy, and
reliability. Three different IRT frameworks--unidimensional, bifactor, and simple structure-will be
considered and compared using several real mixed-format tests with different levels of item-format
Electronic Board #19
Modeling English Proficiency Growth When Reclassification is Informative
Tyler Matta, Meg Guerreiro, University of Oregon; and Moti Hara, Portland State University
A challenge in estimating language attainment trends for Limited English Proficient students is
that reclassification to full English proficiency results in non-ignorable attrition. This paper presents
an approach for producing unbiased growth estimates by modeling the joint distribution of
longitudinal English proficiency scores and time-to-reclassification simultaneously using a sharedparameter model.
Electronic Board #20
Does the NAEP Model Adequately Predict the Achievement Gap?
Matthew Johnson, Teachers College, Columbia University and Sandip Sinharay, Pacific Metrics
In this talk we use Bayesian posterior predictive checks to examine the appropriateness of the
normal linear regression model assumed by NAEP. In particular we examine whether the NAEP
model adequately explains the summary statistics of important demographic groups and relevant
measures of the achievement gaps between the groups.
Electronic Board #21
Gathering Evidence of Response Processes for Alternate Assessments (AA-AAS)
Russell Swinburne Romine, Amy K. Clark, and Meagan Karvonen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Validity arguments commonly use cognitive labs as one source of evidence about student
response processes. However, there are challenges in collecting such evidence for alternate
assessments designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities (AA-AAS). We present
findings from cognitive labs and test administration observation sessions for an AA-AAS.
Electronic Board #22
The Reduced RUM as a Logit Model: A Demonstration via Mplus
Chia-Yi Chiu, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and Hans-Friedrich Koehn, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Commercial implementations of the EM algorithm for fitting the Reduced RUM are available in the
LCA routines of Latent GOLD or Mplus, for example. In this proposal, the general parameterization
of the Reduced RUM as a logit model and the associated parameter constraints are derived.
Electronic Board #23
Empirical Estimates of Student and School Level Variance Components
Jehanzeb Cheema, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
Cross-country estimates of student- and school-level variance components of student literacy data
are provided. These can be used to (1) correct effect sizes reported in prior studies that ignored
nested structure, (2) rank/group countries with respect to variance estimates, which may provide
valuable insight into factors responsible for such variation.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #24
Are Multimedia Items More Memorable and Prone to Compromising?
Feiming Li, University of North Texas Health Science Center; Hao Song, and Yi Wang, NBOME
This study demonstrated how to apply the moving average technique to both response and
response time for monitoring the potential item compromise on paired multimedia and text items
in a computer-based exam. The result will shed light on whether multimedia items are more prone
to compromising.
Electronic Board #25
Evaluating the Misalignment Between Information and Content Specifications
M. Fernanda Gndara and Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
Ignoring item information functions in test specifications produces a misalignment between
the proportions of items and information they provide. This has implications for content
representation, as examinees may take tests that are different from an information standpoint. This
work discusses the problem and provides a method to evaluate its significance.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, G2
Assessing Diverse Learners

Session Chair: Robert Schwartz, Pearson

Session Discussant: Ellen Forte, edCount
The Effects of Initial ELL Classification on Later Academic Achievement
Nami Shin, UCLA, Los Angeles
This study will explore the effects of initial English Language Learner (ELL) classification on
students later educational experience and academic achievement. The particular focus is on
students near the cut-off for Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP)/ ELL, that is, students who are
just above or just below the cut-off scores.
Assessing the Effect of Language Demand in Math Word Problems
Kathleen Banks, Middle Tennessee State University, Cindy Walker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
and Ahmad Jeddeeni, Middle Tennessee State University
Differential bundle functioning (DBF) analyses were conducted to determine whether seventh
and eighth grade second language learners (SLLs) had lower probabilities of answering bundles of
math word problems correctly that had heavy language demands, when compared to non-SLLs of
equal math proficiency.
Digging Deeper: A Latent Class Analysis of English Learners
Molly Faulkner-Bond, University of Massachusetts Amherst/Educational Testing Service
Latent class analysis is used to create subgroups within a sample of third grade English learners.
Classes are analyzed and interpreted with respect to variables such as (current) level of English
proficiency, (subsequent) year of reclassification, home language, and immigrant status.
Implications for research, policy, and practice are discussed.
Item Construct Maintenance When Varying Levels of Support and Complexity
Anne Davidson, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; Sarah Hagge, Minnesota Department of
Health; Bill Herrera, Charlene Turner, edCount; and Martha Thurlow, University of Minnesota
Universal design emphasizes access to test constructs for diverse students. The study investigates
an evidence centered-design outcome (item tiers) focused on maintaining test construct while
varying accessibility features. Convergent/discriminant analysis evaluates construct maintenance;
multiple-sample SEM investigates invariance of test structure across subgroups. Preliminary results
suggest that design goals were met.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Paper Session, G3
Automated Scoring and Text Generation

Session Chair: Pu-Wai Lei, Penn State University

Session Discussant: Andre Rupp, Educational Testing Service
Hierarchical Latent Variable Models for Human and E-Rater Scored Responses
Peter vanRijn, Educational Testing Service Global and Mo Zhang, Educational Testing Service
We investigate the latent structure of English language arts assessments that consist of selected
response, short constructed response, and essay items. We develop an integrated hierarchical
latent variable model to differentiate the impact of item type (SR and CR) and scoring type (human
and e-rater) on measurement precision.
Statistical Models for Automated Essay Scoring Engine Training
Scott Wood and Sue Lottridge, Pacific Metrics Corporation, Lakewood, CO
Many statistical models are available for mapping essay features to human-assigned scores in
automated essay scoring engines. The purpose of this research project is to understand how
metrics of automated essay scoring quality change under different statistical and machine learning
models. Metrics include exact agreement rates and quadratic weighted kappa.
Generating Models of Student Writing Abilities Through Text Analysis
William Bryant, ACT and R. Gordon Rinderknecht, University of Maryland
This study describes a method for generating models of writing abilities from student responses to
direct writing assessments. Automated text analysis data is correlated with qualitative evaluations.
The resulting models provide insight into the characteristics of writing and the progression of
writing abilities within and across grades.
Automated Capturing of Psycho-Linguistic Features in Reading Assessment Text
Makoto Sano, Prometric Inc., Baltimore, MD
This study used PLIMAC, a natural language processing tool, to automatically capture psycholinguistic features of passage based multiple choice items. Items from the 2011 NAEP Grade 8
Reading assessment were evaluated and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to
identify psycho-linguistic features that best predicted overall item difficulty.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, G4
Ensuring Content Validity and Alignment of Computer Adaptive Reading
Session Chair: Craig Mills, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
Discussant: Tim Davey, Educational Testing Service

Presenters: Liru Zhang, Delaware Department of Education; Seung W. Choi, Wim

vanderLinden, McGraw-Hill Education CTB; Shudong Wang, NWEA; Hong Jiao, and
Rosalyn Bryant, University of Maryland
CAT in passage-based reading must address constraints imposed at the item- and passagelevels, as well as complications in reporting categories due to dependency between a passage
and associated items. In this session, innovative approaches are investigated; comparability of
individual adaptive forms is examined; and alternate item selection methods are explored.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, G5
Technical Investigation of SGPs/VAMs for Teacher Evaluation
Session Chair: Andrew Mroch, ACT
Session Discussant: Andrew Ho, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Estimating Individual Error Variances for Student Growth Percentiles Under IRT
Jinah Choi and Robert Ankenmann, University of Iowa, Iowa City
This paper investigates using item response theory (IRT) to estimate individual standard errors
of measurement (SEMs) for student growth percentiles (SGPs). The simulation study shows a
series of processes for generating longitudinal data, estimating individual SEMs, and constructing
confidence intervals for SGPs. Reporting of results is also discussed.
Locating Student Growth Projections in a Familiar Regression Framework
Katherine Furgol Castellano, Educational Testing Service, San Francisco, CA
The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) model allows for predicted future scores through student
growth projections/trajectories that reflect an array of possible growth scenarios given student
past performance. This paper grounds these projections in a familiar parametric regression
framework and explicates the effects of their assumptions on predictive accuracy.
Exploring the Impact of Cohort Variability on Teacher Effects
Daniel Anderson and Joseph Stevens, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Year-to-year variability in achievement across five student cohorts was explored. Preliminary
results suggest students within-year growth differs significantly by cohort, despite non-significant
differences in initial achievement, independent of the teacher to whom students were assigned.
Models for teacher effects that do not account for cohort variability may therefore be biased.
Assessment Properties and Value-Added Measurement of Educator Effectiveness
Yang Wang, Education Analytics; Nandita Gawade, and Robert Meyer, University of Wisconsin Madison; Education Analytics
This paper explores the association between assessment properties and value-added estimates
on educator effectiveness. Based on empirical findings from over 100 tests, recommendations
are provided to practitioners on developing quality assessments to enable valid and reliable
measurement of educator effectiveness in both traditionally tested and non-tested grades and


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Paper Session, G6
Performance Level Descriptors

Session Chair: Jamin Huggins, ACT

Session Discussant: Kuzey Bilir, Pearson
Anchored Graphical Representations: An Alternative to Traditional Performance Level Descriptors
Richard Tannenbaum, Irvin Katz, and Priya Kannan, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
We applied concepts from graphic organizers and frame-of-reference training to develop
Anchored Graphical Representations (AGRs) for a teacher licensure test. AGRs situate traditional
performance level descriptors (PLDs) within a larger range of performance expectations by content
area. AGRs resulted in lower passing scores and less likelihood for panelists to over-generalize.
Incorporating Cognitive Diagnostic Information into the Standard Setting Process
Joe Grochowalski, Fordham University and Leslie Keng, Pearson
We use a cognitive diagnostic model to add pages to an ordered item booklet to mark where
performance level descriptors and levels (e.g. basic, advanced) fall. We use actual data and
compare the locations of the empirical and expert-placed bookmarks. We discuss optimization of
this method to facilitate standard setting.
Developing a Framework for the International Benchmarking of Performance Standards
Andrew Wiley and Susan Davis-Becker, Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
The use of international benchmarks during standard setting is becoming increasingly common.
While the inclusion of such benchmarks can provide valuable context, the appropriate procedures
for using them have not been defined. This paper will present a framework for the use of
international benchmarks in standard setting for educational assessments,
Validating Performance Level Descriptors Through a Longitudinal Examination of Data
Mary Hansen, Robert Morris University, Peter Heh, California University of Pennsylvania, Steve R. Lyon,
University of Pittsburgh
This paper investigates the match between student response data and Performance Level
Descriptors (PLDs) for one states Alternate Assessment based on Alternate Achievement
Standards. Through longitudinal analysis across seven administrations of the science assessment,
comparisons of PLDs to actual student performance data are provided using numerical and
graphical displays.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Paper Session, G7
Irregularities in Operational Testing

Session Chair: Sarah Schnabel, American Board of Ophthalmology

Session Discussant: Leslie Keng, Pearson
Examining Test Irregularities in Mixed-Format Testing
Xin Li, Tianli Li, and Chi-Yu Huang, ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA
This study entailed a simulation study to assess the performance of different statistical methods
in investigating individual- and classroom-level test irregularities when mixed-format tests are
administered with the consideration of the possible presence of multidimensionality due to the
mixture of item formats.
Getting Lucky: Guessings Threat to the Validity of Performance Classifications
Brett Foley, Alpine Testing Solutions, Denton, NE
When using multiple choice items, situations exist where guessing at random can be an effective
strategy for passing, thus lowering the validity of content-based interpretations of the test results.
This study addresses test development decisions that can help avoid/remediate situations where
random guessing can be an effective strategy.
Preknowledge Detection Using a Scale-Purified Deterministic Gated IRT Model
Carol Eckerly, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ben Babcock, American Registry of Radiologic
Technologies, and James Wollack, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This paper introduces an iterative, scale purified approach using the Deterministic Gated Item
Response Theory Model to identify examinees who have likely benefitted from item preknowledge.
This method reduces bias in parameter estimates used in the model for classification of examinees
as either those with preknowledge or those without preknowledge.
Identification of Non-Random Missing Responses in Computer-Based Assessments
Andreas Frey and Christian Spoden, Jena University, Jena, Germany
A recursive method for separating item responses which are missing at random from those not
missing at random using response times is introduced and is illustrated with multidimensional
achievement test data. The method proved to be effective and led to small effects on item and
ability parameters.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, G8
Automated Scoring

Session Chair: Jen Beimers, Pearson

Session Discussant: Peter Foltz, Pearson
Comparing the Performances of Different Machine Learning Methods in Automated Essay Scoring
Jing Chen, James Fife, and Mo Zhang, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
Most automated essay scoring programs use a linear regression model to predict an essay score
from a set of computer generated feature scores. This study compares the performances of the
linear regression model and some alternative models based on machine learning algorithms in
predicting human ratings.
Detection of Aberrant Responses in Automated Scoring
Mo Zhang and Jing Chen, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The current state-of-the-art automated scoring field calls for development of defense system for
aberrant responses. This study investigates the approaches to the detection of aberrant responses
in automated scoring context, and to effective classification of responses into automatedly
scorable and non-scorable categories during pre-screening as well as post-hoc screening stages.
IRT-Based Reliability Estimates for Human and Machine Scored Essays
Alan Nicewander, Tia Sukin, and Sue Lottridge, Pacific Metrics, Monterey, CA
This inquiry continues work done by the present authors. In that research, theory was proposed for
estimating the reliability of essay scores based on fitting IRT models to these scores. The present
study further develops the IRT theoretical basis for estimating the reliability of essay scores and
presents real-data examples.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Paper Session, G9
Equating Methods

Session Chair: Jaime Malatesta, Pearson

Discussant: Robert Brennan, University of Iowa
The Use of Poisson-Binomial Distribution in Equating Test Scores
Jorge Gonzlez, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile and Marie Wiberg, Ume University
The Poisson-Binomial model is proposed for modelling the conditional distribution of scores for a
given ability when using equating methods. Using simulations, the proposed model is compared
with the well-known Lord & Wingersky (1984) algorithm for compound binomials, showing
promising results. Implications for its use in equating are discussed.
An Investigation of Various Approaches to Developing a Theta-Based Scale
Tianli Li, Xin Li, and Troy Chen, ACT Inc., Iowa City, IA
This study investigated various approaches to creating a theta-based scale matching statistical
properties of an existing number-correct based scale. While holding a constant CSEM, three direct
theta-to-scale approaches using a linear or cubic transformation or an equipercentile method were
explored. One indirect approach involving true scores was also examined.
Evaluating the Robustness of Four Equating Methods Under Common-Item Design
Chunyan Liu, Chi-Yu Huang, and NooRee Huh, ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA
In this simulation study, four equating methods (Tucker, Levine, frequency estimation, and chained
equipercentile) under the common item non-equivalent groups design will be compared when
various conditions of group/form difference are considered. The results of the study will provide
practitioners some guidelines about which method is preferred under what conditions.
Comparison of IRT Based and CTT Based Pre-Equating Approaches
Meichu Fan and Qing Yi, ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA
Pre-equating research has tremendous appeal to test practitioners with the increasing demand
for immediate score reporting. IRT pre-equating research is readily applicable, but research on
pre-equating using classical test theory (CTT), where only classical item statistics are available, is
limited. This study compares IRT to CTT pre-equating approaches.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, G10
Methods for Investigating Threats to Validity
Session Chair: Jie Lin, Pearson
Session Discussant: Paul Nichols, ACT

Developing a Large-Scale Assessment Using Evidence-Centered Design: Did It Work?

Claudia Flowers, UNC Charlotte; Martha Thurlow, Rachel Quenemoen, University of Minnesota; Liz
Towles-Reeves, Bill Herrera, Charlene Turner, edCount; Anne Davidson, Smarter Balanced; and Sarah
Hagge, Minnesota Department of Health
Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) provides a systematic framework for designing assessments
in terms of evidentiary arguments. This presentation reports the results of the ECD assessment
implementation phase of a large-scale assessment. Empirical evidence will be used to test
conceptual assessment framework. Implications for using ECD will be provided to attendees.
Addressing the Dilemma of Nested Structures in Construct Validity Research
Maria Elena Oliveri and Daniel McCaffrey, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
We present a framework to guide decision-making regarding the use of a multilevel approach to
validity research. Validation arguments must include an explicit articulation of the unit of inference.
Hypotheses about constructs must identify the level to which they apply. We demonstrate the
framework on the assessment of noncognitve constructs.
Detecting Inattentive Pilot Test Examinees in an MTURK Sample
Avi Fleischer, Illinois Institute of Technology and Alan Mead, Talent Algorithms Inc.
Inattentive pilot test examinees cause problems during item and reliability analyses. This study
examines the effectiveness of a validity index strategy, normally employed with personality
measures, for detecting and removing inattentive examinees on Math and English pilot exams
administered to an MTurk sample.
Holistic Scoring and IRT-Based Classification for Evaluating Learning Progressions
Edith Graf, Educational Testing Service and Peter vanRijn, Educational Testing Service Global
Learning progressions are provisional structures that require empirical verification. A question
in examining learning progressions is whether the specification and ordering of levels may be
empirically recovered. For this purpose, we compare a holistic scoring approach to a classification
approach based on a constrained version of the partial credit model.
Using Bayesian Network Analysis to Validate a Mathematics Learning Map
Anu Sharma, Angela Broaddus, Ayse Esen, and Feng Chen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
The present study examines the validity of a learning map that serves as a framework for
developing instructionally embedded assessment tasks. Bayesian analysis is used to assess the
learning trajectory in relation to the understanding of patterns. Results were used to refine the
mathematical connections depicted in the map.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic Board
Session: GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1
GSIC Electronic Board Poster Session

Graduate Student Issues Committee

Lisa Beymer, Chair
Laine Bradshaw, Jeremy Brown, Laurie Davis, Jerusha Gerstner, Jason Herron, Evelyn
Johnson, David King, Ray Reichenberg, and Ting Wang
Electronic Board #1
Model Selection Methods for Passage Based Tests
Euijin Lim, Kyung Yong Kim and Won-Chan Lee, The University of Iowa, Iowa City
The purpose of this study is to compare several model selection methods for choosing appropriate
IRT models for passage-based tests. Three IRT models are considered: unidimensional, testlet
response, and bifactor models. The performance of AIC, BIC, CVLL, and DIC is compared using a
simulation study.
Electronic Board #2
A Method to Allow Item Review in MCAT
Zhe Lin, Ping Chen, and Tao Xin, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Most CATs and MCATs dont allow item review due to deterioration of measurement precision and
extra cheating strategies. To avoid these problems, this study proposed successive block with item
pocket method to avoid much loss of precision while allowing item review in MCAT. It has well
compatibility to all MCATs.
Electronic Board #3
Comparing MULTILOG and IRTPRO Parameter Estimates Under Skewed Trait Distributions
Brian Leventhal, Clement Stone, Lan Yu, and Carol Greco, University of Pittsburgh, UPMC
From an analysis of responses to a PROMIS health assessment, Multilog and IRTPro parameter
estimates were found to differ markedly. The purpose of this study was to further explore these
differences and better understand the behavior of MML estimation procedures when the trait
distribution is highly skewed.
Electronic Board #4
The Effects of Early Acceleration on Students Academic Achievement
Julia Kretschmann, Miriam Vock, University of Potsdam, Germany; and Oliver Ldtke, Leibniz Institute
for Science and Mathematics Education, Germany
Based on longitudinal data covering 3 measurement occasions, we examined the effects of
grade skipping on academic performance. Various types of propensity score matching were
attempted and, considering balancing multiple covariates, full matching was applied. Same-grade
comparisons indicate that skipped students keep up with their older equally gifted classmates.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #5
Improving Equating Precisions by Incorporating Prior Information of Common Items
Wenchao Ma and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
In common item equating design, the parameter estimates of common items based on the old
form can be specified as priors when calibrating the new form. Its performance will be evaluated
and a comparison with other equating approaches will be examined using simulations based on
real data.
Electronic Board #6
Investigation of Dependence of Equating Methods on Group Difference
Shichao Wang, The University of Iowa, Wei Wang, ETS, and Michael Kolen, The University of Iowa
The purpose of this study is to examine the dependence of various equating methods on group
difference under the common-item nonequivalent groups design for mixed-format tests. Pseudo
groups with certain performance levels will be used. Both traditional and item response theory
equating methods will be examined.
Electronic Board #7
Evaluating Schools With Respect to Growth of Students in Subpopulations
Yixing Liu, Roy Levy, and Nedim Yel, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Bayesian methods and the residual model were proposed to characterize schools with respect to
the students growth in subpopulations (i.e. students with disabilities) within the framework of a
three-level model. Five specific methods were compared and the result indicated that correlations
among the five methods ranged from .85 to .99.
Electronic Board #8
Classification in MIRT With Subscore Reporting and Reliability Comparison
Keyin Wang and Liyang Mao, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
This study aims to evaluate the classification accuracy yield from the multidimensional and
unidimensional IRT models for a three-dimensional test. In addition, two subscore reliability
measures are compared. The effect of the subtest length and correlation among dimensions on
classification accuracy and subscore reliability is also examined.
Electronic Board #9
Psychometric Analysis of a Student Risk Assessment for Washington Courts
Jessica Beaver, Brian French, Chad Gotch, Paul Strand, Washington State University; and Carl McCurley,
Washington State Center for Court Research
This study refines and increases the accuracy of the Washington Assessment of the Risks and Needs
of Students (WARNS) scale. Additional validity evidence provides support for the use of WARNS
scores for decisions about individuals. Item analyses, factor analysis, and known-group mean
comparisons are presented.
Electronic Board #10
Accounting for Uncertainty of Item Parameter Estimates on Ability Estimates
Ragip Terzi and Jimmy de la Torre, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
A new method was proposed to account for some of the uncertainty of item parameter estimates
on ability estimates. The statistical inference of ability estimates was based on the confidence
interval, incorporating the new standard error of the item estimates. It resulted in accounting for
more uncertainty on ability estimates.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #11
A Comparison of Two Models for Hierarchical Item Response Data
Xueying Hu Francis, Texas A&M University-College Station, College Station, TX
Evaluates the estimation accuracy of person and item parameters of Kamatas MLIRT and Multiple
Regression IRT models for hierarchically structured data. Investigates the performance of schoollevel ability variance estimates. Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each model in
accommodating hierarchical item response data. Indicates the practical applications of models.
Electronic Board #12
Omitting Time-Varying Confounders When Predicting Growth Trajectories: A Case Study
Marcus Waldman, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Malden, MA
Residual diagnostics suggest that the omission of time-varying confounders explains up to 90%
of predictive misfit in a simple OLS model. The effect of confounding is not only poor predictions,
but also unintended policy incentives. We discuss alternative models to mitigate the ill-effects of
omitted variable bias.
Electronic Board #13
Differential Item Functioning as an Artifact of Model Misspecification
Nathan D. Minchen, Lokman Akbay, and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
Due to its simplicity, the Rasch model can be a first choice among educational practitioners
and researchers. However, this simplicity can also come at a cost. This paper explores the set of
conditions under which differential item functioning (DIF) is induced when 3PL data is fitted with
the Rasch.
Electronic Board #14
Ability Estimation and DIF Detection in Large-Scale Assessments
Luciana Cancado, Logan Rome and Bo Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Large-scale assessments often use a rotated booklet design and many secondary analyses of
these assessments require the estimation of ability. This simulation study examines the impact of
different ability estimates (total scores, point estimates, plausible values) on DIF detection using
logistic regression under varying item overlap (or booklet rotation) conditions.
Electronic Board #15
Modified Maximum Priority Index for Exposure Control in Multidimensional CAT
Liyang Mao, Xin Luo, Michigan State University; and Xuechun Zhou, Pearson
This study identifies the misuse of the Maximum Priority Index (MPI) method for item exposure
control in multidimensional CAT and proposes the Modified MPI method. The Modified MPI
method can effectively control the item exposure rate without inflating the item pool usage.
Electronic Board #16
The Effects of Dimensionality on Differential Item Functioning Analysis
Yuan-Ling Liaw, University of Washington, Seattle
The effects of dimensionality on differential item functioning (DIF) analysis will be explored,
particularly with respect to the magnitude of the correlation between the target dimension and
nuisance dimension as well as the impact of the primacy of the target dimension.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #17
The Influence of Survey Format on Results
Andrew Ainsworth, David Martinez Alpizar and Scott Plunkett, CSUN, Mission Hills, CA
In an experimental design (n=1527 college students), multigroup SEM demonstrated that
responses about mothers and fathers on same page are significantly more correlated than
responses about mothers asked on separate page from responses about fathers; thus separate
pages are recommended. The results have application to studies on teachers, classrooms, etc.
Electronic Board #18
Comparing Overall Ability Estimation Between Multidimensional and Unidimensional IRT Models
Mingcai Zhang and Lihong Yang, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
This paper compared the overall latent trait estimated from different MIRT models and
unidimensional IRT model. Different correlation matrices between two latent traits and different
sample sizes were examined to check the model performance.
Electronic Board #19
Detecting Aberrant Behaviors With a Hierarchical Lognormal Response Time Model
Zhen Li, University of California, Los Angeles and Jessalyn Smith, CTB McGraw-Hill Education
The goal of this study is to examine the detection rates of aberrant responses under a variety of
settings with a hierarchical lognormal response time model (van der Linden, 2006). Results show
that empirical data fits the model quite well. Negative and positive aberrant RTs are identified.
Electronic Board #20
Wholistic Scoring of Additive Structures in Constructed Responses
Catherine Kaduk, University of Illinois at Chicago, Naperville, IL
Representations used in students model-making on a constructed response word problem were
analyzed for evidence of students varying levels of understanding. Problem representation data
from third grade classrooms were feature-scored for evidence of increasing levels of structure and
understanding. Wholistic and feature scoring approaches are compared.
Electronic Board #21
Links Between Teacher Judgment Accuracy and Differentiated Instruction
Andrea Westphal, Anna Gronostaj, and Miriam Vock, Universitt Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Hierarchical models were used to test the association between two indicators of teacher judgment
accuracy (rank component and level component) and student ratings of differentiated instruction.
Results indicate that good judges of students ability level use more differentiated instruction. Rank
judgment accuracy was not associated with differentiated instruction.
Electronic Board #22
Modifying Mantel-Haenzel DIF Detection Hypotheses to Include Effect Size
Phillip Sherlock and Brian Habing, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Uttaro and Millsaps (1994) factorial design was replicated to investigate the ability of an alternative
Mantel-Haenzel procedure for DIF detection to control for Type-I error inflation. The modified
procedure incorporated effect size measures into the hypotheses to control for the effects of test
length and ability differences on DIF detection.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #23
Effect of Q-Matrix Design Under Hierarchical Attribute Structures
Lokman Akbay and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
Not all possible attribute patterns are permissible when attributes follow a hierarchy.
Consequently, there is a reduced number of possible attribute combinations used in the Q-matrix
of Attribute Hierarchy Method. This study investigates the impact of structured and unstructured
Q-matrices on CDM parameter estimation and attribute classification under hierarchical cases.
Electronic Board #24
A Simulation Study of Missing Data on IRT Parameter Estimates
AhYoung Shin and Won-Chan Lee, University of Iowa, Iowa City
A simulation study is conducted to compare the effect of conventional and modern ways for
handling missing data for educational tests composed of dichotomous items. The study examines
how varying proportion of missing data affects the estimation of IRT parameters under different
testing conditions.
Electronic Board #25
Comparative Analyses of Popular MIRT Models and Software
Guler Yavuz and Ronald Hambleton, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
The purpose was to investigate model parameter recovery of two popular MIRT parameter
estimation software, BMIRT and flexMIRT; and two multidimensional models, compensatory three
parameter logistic model and graded response model; and three item parameter estimation
techniques used with these software packages, under some common situations. Practical
implications are offered.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, H2
Measurement and Implementation Challenges in Early Childhood
Session Chair: Michael Rodriguez, University of Minnesota
Session Discussant: Kristen Huff, Regents Research Fund

Growth and Development in Preschool as Foundations for a Modern Measurement Model

Scott McConnell, University of Minnesota
Innovation and modern approaches to measurement in early childhood education must align
with existing program functions for wide-scale adoption. This presentation will highlight core
assumptions of early education with relevance for measurement development and application.
Examples from existing measures, and challenges faced in their development and refinement, will
be presented.
Standard Setting for Spanish Individual Growth & Development Indicators
Alisha Wackerle-Hollman and Michael C. Rodriguez, University of Minnesota
This presentation will introduce the Spanish Individual Growth and Development Indicators
(S-IGDIs) and provide a detailed summary of the standard setting procedures used to identify
benchmarks for performance at fall, winter and spring screening periods. Challenges in the process
and innovations in the approach will be discussed.
Multi-Phase Identification of Preschool Students With Behavioral Difficulties: Evaluation Within a
Multi-Trait, Multi-Method Framework
Ryan Kettler, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Preschool Behavior Screening System (PBSS) incorporates multiple phases and raters as a
universal screener for students with both internalizing and externalizing problems. A Multi-Trait,
Multi-Method Framework was used to evaluate the relative contribution of trait versus informant to
the pattern of relationships among scores from the PBSS and BASC-2.
Implementing a Comprehensive Assessment System in Early Childhood: Challenges and
Opportunities for Further Growth
Megan Cox, Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota received Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge funding to build and enhance early
learning programs for children with high needs. This presentation will address requirements of
an early childhood comprehensive assessment system, including implementation and strategies
to promote early childhood screening, formative assessment, and kindergarten entry assessment


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, H3
Issues in Human Scoring of Constructed-Response Items
Session Chair: Edward Wolfe, Pearson
Session Discussant: Isaac Bejar, Educational Testing Service

Presenters: Edward Wolfe, Pearson, Jo-Anne Baird, Oxford University, Lawrence DeCarlo,
Teachers College, Columbia University, Michelle Meadows, Ofqual, and Yoav Cohen,
National Institute for Testing & Evaluation
This session focuses on rating errors and efforts to minimize them. The papers focus on the
literature on factors that produce rater effects; whether rating errors in operational programs
should cause concern; how table effects can be minimized via online, distributed training; and the
ill-advised nature of adjudication.
A Causal Model of Human Scoring Behavior in Educational Assessments
This literature review summarizes four categories of substantive research regarding the rating
process (rater characteristics, response content, rating process, and assessment design) and
identifies potential causal links between these features and the emergence of rater effects in
assigned scores.
Scoring as Signal Detection: Implications for Rater Effects and Classification
Scoring of constructed response items is placed within a signal detection theory framework. Rater
effects (e.g., severity, central tendency) are shown to arise from the raters use of response criteria,
whereas halo effect reflects correlations in the raters perceptions of the different dimensions that
are evaluated in analytic scoring.
Online Team Training, Rater Monitoring Systems, and Rater Accuracy
Two studies using operational rater-monitoring data from high stakes examinations in England are
contrasted. Rater accuracy was analyzed using cross-classified hierarchical linear modeling.
The Third Rater Fallacy in Essay Rating: An Empirical Test
This paper seeks to test empirically the benefit of using a third rater in cases of disagreement
between two raters. It is shown that empirical data are in agreement with classical test theory
(CTT), viewing each rating as a sum of true score and an error component. The data also
corroborate results that were obtained in computer simulations based on CTT.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, H4
Evaluating and Improving Methods for Student Growth Percentile
Session Chair: J.R. Lockwood, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Derek Briggs, University of Colorado Boulder

Presenters: J.R. Lockwood, Daniel McCaffrey, Katherine Castellano, Educational Testing

Service; Elias Walsh, Mathematica Policy Research; and Harold Doran, American Institute
for Research
Student growth percentile (SGP) and derived measures are being used across the country to
make impactful decisions for students, teachers, and school leaders. This coordinated session will
present cutting-edge research on measurement properties of SGP estimators as well as alternative
statistical approaches to their computation.
How Does Teacher Value Added Compare to Median Growth Percentiles?
Elias Walsh & Eric Isenberg, Mathematica Policy Research
This paper compares teacher value-added estimates to median growth percentiles using real
data. It finds that the measures can differ systematically in ways that relate to the background
characteristics of the students taught by different teachers. Differences may due to how the SGP
estimation process adjusts for prior achievement.
Alternative Approaches for Computing SGP with Mismeasured Variables
Harold Doran, American Institute for Research
This paper introduces an alternative method for SGP estimation, currently being used by New York
State that accounts for measurement error in test scores and requires fewer model parameters.
We demonstrate via simulation its ability to reduce mean squared error relative to the current
Improved Statistical Frameworks for Student Growth Percentile Estimation
J.R. Lockwood and Katherine E. Castellano, Educational Testing Service
This paper provides two alternative statistical frameworks for improving the estimation of SGP.
The first is to estimate SGP directly by modeling conditional cumulative distribution functions
rather than indirectly through quantile regressions. The second is to estimate SGP directly from
longitudinal item-level data using multidimensional item response theory models.
Measurement Error Bias for Student- and Group-Level Student Growth Percentiles
Daniel F. McCaffrey and Katherine E. Castellano, Educational Testing Service
This paper demonstrates the effects of measurement error in both the past and current test
scores on standard and alternative SGP and MGP estimators. It develops analytical results on the
mean and standard deviation of the estimators under normality assumptions. It discusses the
bias-variance tradeoffs of the estimators and the corresponding implications at the student- and


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday, April 18, 2015
2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m., Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Invited Session, H5
The Importance of Instructional Sensitivity: A Colloquy Among Combatants
Session Chair: Ronald K. Hambleton, University of Massachusetts Amherst
W. James Popham, University of California Los Angeles
When, several decades ago, it was recognized that many of our nations most widely used
educational tests contained meaningfully biased items, the measurement community tackled
this problem and, consequently, dramatically reduced such bias in Americas educational tests.
Currently, we find many high-stakes tests being used to evaluate the instructional success of both
schools and teachers. Yet, this is occurring despite the complete absence of evidence supporting
such an evaluative application. If today, members of the educational measurement community fail
to resolve this problem, we will be committing a psychometric sin so serious that it could cripple
our field forever.
Neal Kingston, University of Kansas
Little evidence exists that test items can differentiate between students who were and were not
taught the content of the items. If such a gross differentiation is not possible, how can we justify
finer differentiation, such as attributing differences in test results to the quality of teachers? If
we want to use test results as a primary basis for school or teacher accountability we need to
understand why so few items show evidence of sensitivity to instruction and use this information
to create tests that better serve our policy goals.
Denny Way, Pearson and John Fremer, Caveon
The position against instructional sensitivity is expressed in the context of large-scale, standardbased assessments. No consistent empirical procedures for detecting the instructional sensitivity
of questions for these assessments have been established or are even promising, although the idea
is conceptually attractive. Furthermore, as best as we can tell, the items most likely to be impacted
by instruction measure lower order skills - such as dates, facts, special vocabulary, and simple
relationships. The things harder to teach require understanding, seeing relationships, recognizing
patterns, modeling, etc., and the simple notion of instructional sensitivity does not easily fit with
items measuring these more complex skills. We argue that the best evidence of instructional
sensitivity is found in documentation related to what is supposed to be taught in the classroom,
what is actually taught in the classroom, how well tests and items align with what is taught, and
the quality of their psychometric properties.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Coordinated Session, H6
Smarter Balanced Automated Scoring Research: Results and Insights
Session Chair: Vincent Keiftenbeld, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
Session Discussant: David Williamson, Educational Testing Service

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a state-led consortium working to develop

next-generation assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college- and
career-readiness. In 2013 and 2014, the consortium conducted research to further the state-of-theart in automated scoring. This session reports on the results of from the Pilot and Field Test. The
findings are relevant for researchers in automated scoring, educational policy makers, and other
stakeholders in large-scale assessments of college and career readiness.
Performance and Evaluation of Automated Scoring Models
Vincent Kieftenbeld, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
How well do current state-of-the-art automated scoring system rate student responses on
constructed-response items compared to the gold standard of adjudicated human scores? This
presentation reports on the performance of automated scoring models trained by nine different
vendors for equation, short-text (English language arts and mathematics), and essay items
during the Pilot and Field Test. Performance was evaluated using several criteria, including exact
agreement rates, quadratic weighted kappa, and standardized mean differences.
Targeting Responses for Human Review
Frank Rijmen, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
After training and validating automated scoring systems, a large-scale assessment program can
deploy the resulting models in several scoring scenarios. These scoring scenarios range from fully
automated operational scoring to combinations of automated and human scoring. Although
the former are efficient (after training), the latter offer several benefits related to score quality.
Some student responses may require human review, for example, when responses are unlike the
responses using in training to the extent that this may affect scoring accuracy. This presentation
reports on three different methods that were used to identify responses likely to require human
Reducing Development Costs of Automated Scoring
Claudia Leacock, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
Although automated scoring may be efficient (in terms of time as well as costs) once scoring
starts, the initial development costs can be high. This presentation focuses on two methods to
potentially reduce the development costs. The first method considers item characteristics that can
predict whether a short-text, constructed-response, item can be scored automatically. Several item
characteristics were found to correlate with subsequent performance of the automated scoring
systems. The second method reduced development costs by training a single automated scoring
system to score grammar and writing conventions across several essay prompts, rather than
training a scoring model for each item separately.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Role of Automated Scoring in Smarter Balanced
Joe Willhoft, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Discussant: David Williamson, Educational Testing Service
Where the first three presentations highlight various technical aspects of the operational use of
automated scoring, this presentation focuses on synthesizing insights gained from the Smarter
Balanced automated scoring research from the perspective of educational policy makers and
other stakeholders in college and career readiness assessments. Looking back at the Pilot and Field
Test, it articulates policy and implementation issues that need to consider when incorporating
automated scoring in their assessments. Topics relevant to automated scoring of the nextgeneration assessments are considered, including the relationship between college and career
readiness standards on the one hand and automated scoring on the other, and policies and best
practices related to quality assurance and accountability. Looking forward, this presentation
discusses the future of automated scoring in the context of the Smarter Balanced assessments
specifically and college and career readiness assessments generally.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, H7
Third Grade Reading Proficiency: Two Large-Scale Longitudinal Studies
Session Chair: James McBride, Renaissance Learning, Inc.
Session Discussant: John Sabatini, Educational Testing Service

Presenters: James McBride, James Olsen, Philip Giesy, Renaissance Learning, Inc., and Mike
Beck, Beta, Inc.
This session explores aspects of early literacy assessment for predicting later third-grade reading
proficiency. Papers address the design and development of the early literacy and reading
assessments, a national proficiency standard setting for reading assessment, and two longitudinal
research studies, one at a macro-level and the other at a micro-level.
Overview: Adaptive Testing of Pre-Literacy Skills and Reading Achievement
James R. McBride, Renaissance Learning, Inc.
This paper introduces the early literacy and reading assessments used in the two analytic studies.
These assessments measure student position in a learning progression spanning from pre-literacy
through reading comprehension of complex texts. The paper describes the common scale
development and illustrates its uses in validating the learning progression.
Setting National Performance Standards for Reading Proficiency in Primary Grades
Mike Beck, BETA Inc.
A modified Bookmark standard setting was used to establish performance levels on a widely used
assessment. Focused ordered-item booklets were employed, involving unique sets of items
clustered around the panels initial recommendations. Data concerning the Focused Bookmark
approach for setting standards for adaptive tests with sizeable item pools are presented.
Predicting Early Reading Proficiency Using Pre-School Early Literacy Scores
James B. Olsen and James R. McBride, Renaissance Learning, Inc.
This paper presents a longitudinal study of prediction of third grade reading proficiency levels
and scaled scores from Pre-K and Kindergarten early literacy assessments. The study examines the
predictive relationship of early pre-literacy status measures and same students reading proficiency
measures, four years later, at the end of third grade.
Which Early Literacy Skills Best Predict Grade 3 Reading Proficiency?
Philip J. Giesy, Renaissance Learning, Inc.
The paper describes a longitudinal study measuring the correlation between students success
with each of more than 100 specific early literacy skills (Pre-Kindergarten through 1st grade) with
later reading success at grade 3. A Predictive Index was developed that ranks the early literacy skills
in terms of predictive value.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, H8
Feasibility of Various Cut Score Moderation Methods

Session Chair: Priya Kannan, Educational Testing Service

Session Discussant: Gregory J. Cizek, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
This coordinated session explores the idea of cut score articulation /moderation for related tests.
Several methodological solutions to articulate or moderate cut scores have been offered. This
session explores the feasibility of a few cut score moderation methods (e.g., logistic regressions)
and offers other novel methodological solutions (e.g., policy linking).
Impact of Grade-Level Correlation on Classification Consistency of Articulated Cut-Scores
Priya Kannan and Adrienne Sgammato, Educational Testing Service
This simulation study evaluated the effect of varying the underlying grade-level correlations on
the bias and classification consistency of cut scores articulated using two methods (i.e., logistic
regression and equipercentile smoothing). Results suggest that small underlying correlations
result in significant bias and lower classification consistency for the logistic regression method.
Linking Considerations for Logistic Regression-Based Articulation Methods
Adrienne Sgammato and Priya Kannan, Educational Testing Service
Bias of the logistic regression method was evaluated in recovering true cut-scores (established
assuming perfect correlation between grades) when the underlying correlations across grade
levels varied. Alternative grade-level linking procedures were evaluated. Results indicate that all
linking methods resulted in biased cut scores; some were less biased than others.
Developing College and Career Readiness Cut Scores in One State
Shiqi Hao, Michigan Department of Education and Adam E. Wyse, The American Registry of Radiologic
This study compares the use of three moderation methods (logistic regression, signal detection
theory, and equipercentile cohort matching) to create college and career readiness cut scores for
mathematics, reading, science, and social studies in a large Midwestern state. Results suggested
some differences between methods across grades and subjects.
Policy Linking as Cut Score Moderation: Considerations for Practice
Chad W. Buckendahl and Brett P. Foley, Alpine Testing Solutions
Vertical moderation of cut scores has been used to facilitate coherence across grade levels.
Moderation can also occur across assessments designed to measure the same construct through
policy linking. This paper suggests a framework, illustrating it with a combination of policy
descriptors and supplemental cut score information.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, H9
Research and Development on Assessment and Accountability for Special
Session Chair: Joseph Stevens, University of Oregon
Session Discussant: Barbara Plake, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Emeritus

Presenters: Ann Schulte, Arizona State University; Gerald Tindal, Joseph Nese, University
of Oregon; Stephen Elliott, Alexander Kurz, Arizona State University; and Joseph Stevens,
University of Oregon
This session provides information on the National Center for Assessment and Accountability for
Special Education which studies the achievement growth of students with and without disabilities.
The session purpose is to provide an overview of the center, follow-up on presentations at two
previous NCME conferences, and present four research papers.
Does One Size Fit All? Reading Achievement Growth for Students With and Without Disabilities
Ann C. Schulte, Arizona State University and Joseph Stevens, University of Oregon
Reading growth across five years in a state-wide cohort (N = 94,650) was contrasted for students in
general education and within seven disability classifications. Growth was curvilinear, intercept was
negatively correlated with slope, and students with disabilities generally differed from students in
general education in both intercept and slope.
Modeling Growth for NCLB Subgroups: Effects of Time-Varying Disability Classification
Joseph F.T. Nese, Gerald Tindal, Joseph J. Stevens, University of Oregon; Ann C. Schulte, and Stephen N.
Elliott, Arizona State University
The purpose of this paper is to compare trajectory estimates of quadratic growth models for timevarying versus fixed special education exceptionality categories. We use statewide achievement
test data and analyze the bias of model parameters by exceptionality modeling decision (fixed or
varying) for two cohorts, Grades 3-7.
Alternative Methods for Computing Growth Norms
Joseph J. Stevens, Joseph F.T. Nese, and Gerald Tindal, University or Oregon
This paper describes alternative methods for creating growth norms to describe and benchmark
academic achievement. Medical norms, student growth percentiles, and multilevel model
norms are described, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Analyses use statewide
accountability data from Oregon and an interim assessment administered in a large Arizona school


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Predicting End-of-Year Mathematics Achievement of Students With and Without Disabilities: The
Role of Opportunity to Learn and CBM Measures
Stephen N. Elliott, Alexander Kurz, Arizona State University; Gerald Tindal, University of Oregon,
and Nedim Yel, Arizona State University
We examined how teachers instructional processes and progress monitoring measures predicted
students end-of-year achievement in mathematics on their statewide achievement tests. The
results supported the prediction that opportunity to learn (OTL) indices and CBM scores accounted
for substantial variance in elementary and secondary students end-of-year mathematics


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, H10
Smoothing in Equating

Session Chair: Ying Chen, University of Notre Dame

Session Discussant: Amy Hendrickson, College Board
Why Observed-Score Equating Transformations Look Like This
Jiahui Zhang, Michigan State University and Wei Tian, Beijing Normal University
Equipercentile equating is a general method of observed-score equating. The shapes and locations
of equipercentile equating transformations havent received adequate attention. The analysis
of equipercentile equating transformations turns out to provide evidence against traditional
equipercentile equating and also establish the necessity of conducting local equating.
A Comprehensive Comparison of Smoothing Methods for the CINEG Design
Han Yi Kim, Measured Progress; Won-Chan Lee, and Walter Vispoel, University of Iowa
Relative performances of smoothing methods were compared under the common item
nonequivalent groups (CINEG) design with 192 simulated testing conditions. Results showed that
log-linear presmoothing produced smaller total error under more testing conditions than did cubic
spline postsmoothing. This study will produce general guidelines into the selection of smoothing
Selection Strategies for Loglinear Smoothing Models in a NEAT Design
Weldon Smith and Anthony Albano, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Prior to conducting equipercentile equating, various model comparison strategies are used to
select a loglinear model with an appropriate amount of distribution smoothing. This study aims to
investigate the relationships between model selection, sample size, test length and the resulting
introduction of bias and reduction of standard errors in equating.
Issues Regarding Structural Zeros in Bivariate Log-Linear Presmoothing
Hyung Jin Kim, Robert Brennan, and Won-Chan Lee, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Structural zeros are cells with zero probabilities of observing pairs of scores in a bivariate
distribution. When presmoothing assigns positive probabilities to structural zeros, they become a
source of bias in equating. This study examines different approaches to handle structural zeros and
investigates how equating results compare for different approaches.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 5:05 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic
Board Session, Paper Session, I1
Electronic Board #1
Performance of Relative Fit Indices: A Comparison Across Model Types
Sedat Sen, Harran University and Laine Bradshaw, University of Georgia
Model-data fit plays an important role in making valid model-based interpretations. The
performances of three relative fit indices (AIC, BIC, and SABIC) were examined under various
simulated conditions. Conditions involved comparisons across cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs)
and item response theory (IRT) models. Suggestions were made for researchers based on results.
Electronic Board #2
Anchor Purification: Tagging IPD Flags to Construct-Relevant Variance
Alvaro Arce-Ferrer, Pearson and Avi Allalouf, NITE
The paper studies the behavior of a new approach to inform item retention-dropping decisions
when linking similar tests with different content standards with the common item non-equivalent
groups design. The process provides a valid way to gauge the intrinsic value of the anchor set. The
paper discusses recommendations and research.
Electronic Board #3
Standard Errors for National Trends in International Large-Scale Assessments
Karoline Sachse and Nicole Haag, Institute for Educational Quality Improvement, HumboldtUniversity of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We compared different approaches to standard error computations for national trends in
international comparative large-scale assessments using simulated data. Specifically, we
investigated how standard errors can be estimated most accurately if a latent ability shift, crossnational DIF, and item parameter drift are present. Results and practical implications are discussed.
Electronic Board #4
Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Generated Test Items
Mark Gierl, Hollis Lai, University of Alberta; Andre-Philippe Boulais, and Andre DeChamplain, Medical
Council of Canada
The purpose of this study is to present the first empirical results describing the psychometric
quality of generated test items administered as part of an operational test administration. The
item analysis results for both the correct option and the distractors are reported using measures
from classical and modern test theory.
Electronic Board #5
Effect of Difference in Reliability Between Tests on Linking
Nooree Huh, ACT, Inc., Iowa City
In this study, the relationship between differences in test score reliabilities in linked tests and the
final conversion tables is examined based on simulated data in a single group design. In addition, a
decision consistency rate based on a raw cut score is examined.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #6
Modeling Student Test-Taking Motivation in the Context of CAT
Steven Wise, Northwest Evaluation Association and Gage Kingsbury, Psychometric Consultant
When a CAT is administered, non-effortful test taking may result in both negatively-biased
achievement estimation and mis-targeting of item difficulty. This study introduces a CAT procedure
that may mitigate these problems. This represents a viable alternative to simply invalidating scores
from non-effortful test events.
Electronic Board #7
Applying Pre-Equating on Exams With Small Sample Size
MinJeong Shin, Chi-Yu Huang, and Meichu Fan, ACT, Inc.
This study investigated the impact of small sample size, and the applicability of converting classical
item statistics to IRT item parameters, on pre-equating. Initial results of this study show that IRT
parameters converted from classical statistics produced stable item parameter recovery results as
well as acceptable equating conversions.
Electronic Board #8
An Investigation of IRT Reliability for Technology Enhanced Items
Dong-In Kim, Wen-Ching Lee, Litong Zhang, and Sara Kendall, and McGraw-Hill Education CTB
TE items are considered to have the characteristics of SR items scoring efficiency and CR items
desirable cognitive complexity and Depth of Knowledge. Several different types of TE items will be
analyzed with various combinations of scoring methods and IRT scaling models using large-scale
high school Algebra tests.
Electronic Board #9
Item Parameter Estimation Methods: Achievement and System Ranking Stability
Leslie Rutkowski, David Rutkowski, and Yan Zhou, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Using a simulation study based on empirical PISA 2009 results, we evaluate the performance of
three methods of item parameter estimation on proficiency mean recovery and system rankings.
We found better true mean coverage under the method currently in use and unstable rankings for
middle performers under two estimation approaches.
Electronic Board #10
Constructing Balanced Incomplete Block Designs Tests: Ant Colony Optimization
Pei-Hua Chen, National Chiao Tung University and Wan-Yu Tsai, Florida State University
Three content balancing methods were proposed and incorporated with the Ant Colony
Optimization approach for test assembly. Thirteen booklets with thirteen five-item blocks were
constructed from a 292-item bank. Preliminary results show that the fixed content ratio method
performs well in terms of computation time and measurement precision.
Electronic Board #11
Assessing the Item Fit in Computerized Adaptive Tests
Yuan Hong, Tao Jiang, and Stephan Ahadi, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC
As state start using the immediate score reporting offered by the online assessments, it becomes
crucial to maintain a calibrated item pool with pre-equated parameters. Stones item fit statistic
is used to flag the non-fit items and is generalized to be able to use both MLE and EAP ability


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #12
Mixed-format Multistage Tests Under the 3PL Testlet Response Theory Model
Ian Hembry, Amplify Learning and Barbara Dodd, The University of Texas at Austin
The study examined operational characteristics of multistage test designs under a three-parameter
logistic testlet response theory model. Simulation conditions included four panel designs, two
test lengths, three routing procedures, and three local item dependence conditions. No bias was
detected, but measurement precision was higher for the two-stage panel designs.
Electronic Board #13
Sensitivity of Fit Indices to Q-Matrix Misspecification in the CRE-LLTM
Chunhua Cao, Yi-Hsin Chen, Isaac Li, and Yan Wang, University of South Florida, Tampa
This simulation study examined the sensitivity of commonly used fit indices to Q-matrix
misspecification in cross random effects linear logistic test model (CRE-LLTM). The fit indices
examined in this study include -2LL, AIC, AICc, BIC, and HQIC. The impact of the design factors on
the fit indices was also investigated.
Electronic Board #14
Meta-Analysis to Assess Generic Shift of Exam Populations
Hendrik Straat and Marieke vanOnna, Cito, Arnhem, Netherlands
Due to changes in the Dutch exam system, an alternative had to be found for linking under
the randomly equivalent populations assumption. A NEAT design on some subjects combined
with a Fishers method for meta-analysis was applied to evaluate if exam candidates generically
performed differently in 2014 compared to 2011.
Electronic Board #15
Online Calibration for a Joint Model of Responses and Response Times in CAT
Hyeon-Ah Kang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Yi Zheng, Arizona State University Tempe;
and Hua-Hua Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In CAT, a sparse response matrix constitutes a challenge to accurately calibrating pretest item
parameters. In this study, we show how much statistical improvement can be obtained in online
calibration by capitalizing on response times (RTs), and propose adaptive online calibration
methods that incorporate both item responses and RTs.
Electronic Board #16
An Iterative Method of Empirically-Based Q-Matrix Validation
Ragip Terzi and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
In cognitive diagnosis modeling, constructing a Q-matrix can be subjective, resulting in serious
validity concerns. Misspecifications in the Q-matrix severely affect parameter estimation, and
ultimately attribute-classification. To address this issue, we propose a Q-matrix validation method
based on an existing procedure, where iteration and various cut-off points are added.
Electronic Board #17
Application and Justification of Vertical Comparison Instead of Vertical Linking
Anton Bguin and Saskia Wools, Cito Institute for Educational Measurement, Arnhem, Netherlands
In this paper it is shown that vertical comparison using reference sets is less restrictive than
current vertical linking procedures. Results are given of a study that uses vertical comparison to set
equivalent performance standards in vertically different populations and a small simulation study
shows the effectiveness of vertical comparison.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #18
IRT Equating for Test With Seasonality
Yanming Jiang and Yuming Liu, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
We examine effects of seasonality on equating when multiple equatings are performed. Varying
levels of seasonality are considered, which reflect the extent of group ability differences across
administrations. We investigate how the magnitude and patterns of seasonality affect equating
results, and seek an appropriate equating method for tests exhibiting seasonality.
Electronic Board #19
Relationships of Growth Measures From Different Plausible Vertical Scales
Dongmei Li, ACT, Inc., Iowa City
There are many different but maybe equally defensible ways to construct a vertical scale. How
would rank orders of student growth change across the many plausible scales? This study
investigates the relationships of growth measures from various potential scales, when growth is
measured using either simple or residual gain scores.
Electronic Board #20
Allowing Unrestricted Answer Changing Through Computerized Adaptive Testing With Salt
Zhongmin Cui, Chunyan Liu, Yong He, and Hanwei Chen, ACT, Inc., Iowa City
We proposed and evaluated a new computerized adaptive testing procedure to provide examinees
unrestricted opportunities to review and make answer changes to any test item at any time before
submitting the whole test. The new procedure was shown to be efficient in estimating abilities
while being robust to cheating strategies.
Electronic Board #21
Modeling and Evaluating Generated Items Under Common Core Standards
Hollis Lai, Mark Gierl, University of Alberta; and Jim Hogan, ACT
Model-based item generation can produce large numbers of test items. An item model contains
specification of required skills and knowledge to produce the correct response. By aligning
common core standards within the modeling process, we propose a method to generate items
with the required standards and evaluate their alignment.
Electronic Board #22
Using Response Time for Scoring With Applications to Multistage Testing
Usama Ali, Educational Testing Service and Peter vanRijn, Educational Testing Service Global
We investigate the use if response time (RT) in adaptive testing. Combining accuracy and speed in
scoring might improve the quality of measurement by (1) enhancing the item selection algorithm
in item-level adaptive tests and (2) creating easy routing blocks in multistage tests without loosing
Electronic Board #23
Effect of Population Changes on Equating: Analysis of Repeater Data
Jennifer Dunn, Han Yi Kim, Louis Roussos, Wonsuk Kim, and Andrew Martin, Measured Progress,
Dover, NH
Equating results are often influenced by changes in the student population. The purpose of this
study is to examine the effects of the inclusion or exclusion of repeaters in test equating and
student classification for the CINEG design, and to evaluate the practical significance of those


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #24
The Effects of Items With Undetectable DIF on Equating
Xiaoran Li and Jane Rogers, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Anchor items with Differential Item Functioning (DIF) could cause substantial problems in
equating. However, the DIF items may not be detected due to power constraints, and are retained
for equating. This study defines a level of undetectable DIF, and examines the accuracy of equating
with undetectable DIF items.
Electronic Board #25
An IRT-Based Method for Detecting Compromised Items in CAT
Jinming Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Jie Li, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
An IRT-based sequential procedure is developed to identify compromised items in CAT by
examining whether the statistical characteristics of individual items have changed significantly
during CAT administration. Simulation studies show that it can control the rate of type I errors and
has a very low rate of type II errors.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, St. Clair, Upper 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, I2
Evaluating Scoring Issues for Innovative and Technology Enhanced Items
Session Chair: Joseph Betts, Pearson VUE
Session Discussant: Joshua Goodman, Pacific Metrics

This session will focus on scoring innovative, technology-enhanced items (TEI). The papers will
provide an overview of the application of an evidence-centered design as a general framework for
scoring items, specific investigations of item types appropriate for a number of testing programs,
and guidance on sample size requirements for calibration.
Constructing a Framework for Scoring Innovative Test Items
Xiao Luo, National Council of State Boards of Nursing; Kirk Becker, Karen Sutherland, Pearson VUE; and
John De Jong, Pearson
An evidence-based scoring method for innovative item types is described and illustrated with
several practical examples in the context of licensure testing. This method describes how to extract
and score meaningful evidentiary objects from responses.
Scoring Options for Ordered Response Items
Kirk Becker, Pearson VUE, Hong Qian, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, and Karen
Sutherland, Pearson VUE
This research explores the psychometric characteristics of scores for ordered list items which allow
for ordering of certain steps relative to milestone steps.
Analyzing Multiple Response Data Through a Signal-detection Framework
William Muntean, Joseph Betts, Pearson VUE; and Ada Woo, National Council of State Boards of
Multiple response formats are well suited for assessing the construct of cue recognition, the
discrimination between information that is relevant or irrelevant to a decision. One useful
approach to analyzing cue recognition data is through a signal-detection measurement model.
This proposal investigates the ideal number of cues required to achieve reasonable measurements.
Investigating Sample Size Requirements for the Partial Credit Model
Joseph Betts, Pearson VUE, Doyoung Kim, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, and William
Muntean, Pearson VUE
This presentation will report on the results of a simulation study evaluating sample size
requirements for calibrating items using the partial credit model. Factors manipulated were
number of thresholds per item, range of distances between thresholds, overall sample size, and
number of response categories. Model parameter recovery will be evaluated.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, I3
Psychometrics in a Learning Maps Environment

Session Chair: Amy Clark, University of Kansas

Session Discussant: Russell Almond, Florida State University
Session Chair: Amy Clark, University of Kansas Session
Discussant: Russell Almond, Florida State University
Presenters: Amy Clark, University of Kansas; Jonathan Templin, Neal Kingston, University of
Kansas; and Laine Bradshaw, University of Georgia
The session explores approaches to psychometrics in a dynamic assessment environment based
on learning maps. Four papers will be presented, focusing on 1) the differences between node
mastery and traditional scale scores, 2) item analysis and item selection, 3) reliability, and 4) the
nature of standards setting, growth, and equating.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Invited Session, I4
A Dialogue for Addressing Measurement and Data Gaps in Education

Session Co-Chairs: Joshua Marland and Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts Amherst
As education data proliferate, educators are expected to make sense of the many measures that
could be potentially used to enhance learning and improve practice. At the same time, educators
are criticized for not using all available data all without consideration for the barriers, gaps and
tensions that may exist related to use. Teachers, teacher educators and psychometricians discuss
the ways in which they currently use or provide data that are intended to enhance student learning
and improve practice, as well as barriers to use and gaps in existing measures. Panelists will also
discuss future directions for data use in their respective roles with a specific eye toward current
best practices.
Drey Martone, College of Saint Rose
Charlie DePascale, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment
Kristen Huff, Regents Research Fund
Teachers and principals will discuss the types of data they use on a regular basis, the challenges
they face to using data, and where they would like the measurement field to go in providing
valuable information to them.
Drey Martone will discuss the data processes she teaches to future educators, some of the
necessary conditions for success, challenges to implementing good data practices in the
classroom, and the existing gaps in available measures to educators.
Charlie DePascale and Kristen Huff will talk about psychometricians roles in ensuring high-quality
measures, competing measurement priorities for, and barriers to, providing educators with more
useful information,


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Coordinated Session, I5
Surf and Turf Summative Assessment: States Combining Efficiencies With
Session Chair: Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation
Session Discussant: Michael Kolen, University of Iowa

Presenters: Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing & Evaluation; Erik McCormick,
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development; Scott Smith, Kansas State
Department of Education; Gail Tiemann, and Laura Kramer, Center for Educational Testing
& Evaluation
Apart from the main consortia, two states and a university collaborated on a summative
assessment that maximizes efficiencies while also allowing for customization within each state.
This session will describe the policy decisions, the multi-stage assessment design including
innovative items, and balancing scales, performance level descriptors, and cut scores.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Invited Session, I6
Standard Setting in the Common Core World: PARCC and SBAC Experiences
Session Chair: Leslie Keng, Pearson
Session Discussant: Gregory J. Cizek, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Policy Considerations in PARCC Standard Setting
Enis Dogan and Stephanie Snyder, PARCC Inc.
PARCC standard setting panels will be convened in the summer 2015. In this presentation we
will discuss how the performance level descriptors were developed, the role of empirical data in
standard setting, considerations in selection of panelists, and the process that will be followed in
approving the cut scores.
PARCC Standard Setting Methodology
Julie Miles, Pearson VUE
An overview of the critical elements of the Evidence Based Standard Setting process which is
used to integrate empirical data from systematic research and content expert judgment in setting
performance standards. The seven steps of the EBSS method used in supporting the PARCC
standard setting process will be highlighted.
Policy Considerations in SBAC Standard Setting
Joe Willhoft, SBAC
Policy considerations for standard setting are usually entangled with communications
considerations. This presentation will focus on three such considerations: the identification
and selection of scores to use for impact data, the management of a diverse set of policy-level
stakeholders, and clarifying the role of performance levels in reporting.
Setting Cut Scores on Smarter Balanced Assessments: A Ground-Level View
Michael Bunch, Measurement Inc.
This paper focuses on the preparations for and execution of a Bookmark procedure for an on-site/
online achievement level setting involving over 3,000 panelists in the setting of cut scores for
14 Smarter Balanced tests in the fall of 2014. Recruiting, communications, and logistics are also


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Adler, 2nd Floor, Paper Session, I7
Person Fit and Aberrant Responses

Session Chair: Su Baldwin, National Board of Medical Examiners

Session Discussant: Jane Rogers, University of Connecticut
Effect of Successions of Same Responses on Answer Copying Detection
Hongling Wang and Chi-Yu Huang, ACT, Inc, Iowa City, IA
This study explores the effect of successions of same responses on answer copying detection by
statistical indices of response similarity. Successions of same responses may lead to increased type
I and type II errors. The results will provide test practitioners a guideline for dealing with this issue.
The Use of Person Fit Indices in Multidimensional Structure Data
Yang Lu and Yu Fang, ACT Inc., Iowa City, IA
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of three person fit indices (l_z, l_zm and
H^T) to detect the four aberrant response patterns on the multidimensional structure data. The
results will show the impacts of estimation model on the performance of person fit indices.
Robust Estimation of Latent Abilities for Speeded Test-Takers
Chien-Lin Yang, Haiqin Chen, American Dental Association; and Paul DeBoeck, The Ohio State
To improve the ability estimation for speeded test-takers, robust estimation methods are used to
downweight the influence of speeded test responses. The performance of maximum likelihood
and robust estimators are compared through a simulation study and an empirical data set with
identified speeded test-takers.
Examining Erasure Behaviors in Large-Scale Assessment
Elizabeth Ayers, American Institutes for Research and Yoonjeong Kang, University of Maryland
Data from a 5th grade reading assessment is used to examine whether aberrant erasure behaviors
are associated with irregular item responses from cheating. Erasure analyses using person-fit
statistics and modified test-retest methods along with erasure indices show that aberrant erasure
behaviors are possibly related to aberrant response patterns from cheating.
Ability Estimation in the Presence of Aberrant Responses
Hua Wei and Tian Song, Pearson, Cincinnati
This study compares two ability estimation approaches in the presence of aberrant responses in
terms of recovery of ability parameters and overall model fit. Findings of the study have practical
implications for model selection and ability estimation for response data that are contaminated
with guessing and carelessness.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, I8
DIF: Sample Size, Effect Size, Power

Session Chair: Lee Lafond, Measured Progress

Session Discussant: Ahmet Turhan, Pearson
Detecting Differential Item Functioning of Tests for Special Populations
Kwang-lee Chu, Pearson, Pei-ying Lin, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, and Marc Johnson,
The impact of disabilities on DIF analysis is examined through three DIF models. Empirical data is
examined first and then used for simulations investigating accuracy of DIF, effect of sample size,
and impact of matching group slicing within the three DIF models.
DIF Analyses Between Groups When Size and Proficiency Distributions Differ
Lynne Hollingshead, University of Toronto, Newmarket, Canada
This study investigates the use of a bootstrap method to improve contingency table DIF analyses
of groups with differing size and proficiency distributions, contrasting this approach with the
current recommendations in the literature.
Statistical Power for Assessing Measurement Invariance in Latent Profile Analysis
Margarita Olivera Aguilar, Educational Testing Service Global and Samuel Rikoon, Educational Testing
The study of invariance in latent profile analysis (LPA) indicates if the number and nature of the
profiles differ across known subgroups (e.g. gender). In this simulation study we will examine Type
I error rates and statistical power of five fit statistics for detecting violations of invariance in LPA.
Comparison of Different Methods to Enhance Small Sample DIF Estimation
Xiuyuan Zhang, Anita Rawls, Weiwei Cui, and Amy Hendrickson, The College Board
The Mantel-Haenszel (MH) procedure is widely used in operational contexts for identifying items
with differential item functioning (DIF). Motivated by a realistic condition, the present study
intended to investigate the possibility of using distribution smoothing or thick matching of
criterion scores in MH DIF estimation with small samples.
Power and Sample Size Formulas for Mantel-Haenszel DIF Test
Zhushan Li, Boston College, Chestnut Hill
A power formula for the Mantel-Haenszel test for differential item functioning (DIF) is derived. It
provides a means for calculating the sample size in planning DIF studies with MH test. Factors
influencing the power are discussed. The correctness of the power formula is confirmed by
simulation studies.
Longitudinal Measurement Invariance When Both People and Items Change
Ronli Diakow, New York University, New York, NY
This paper explicates the link between identification constraints, measurement invariance, and
interpretation in models where both person and item parameters can vary among groups over
time. Statistical properties of different constraints are explored via simulations; the influence of
constraints on interpretation is addressed using empirical data from an efficacy study.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Paper Session, I9
Extraneous Factors Affecting Test Behaviors

Session Chair: Tracey Hembry, Alpine Testing

Session Discussant: Katrina Crotts Roohr, Educational Testing Service
The Effect of Option Homogeneity in Multiple Choice Items
Gregory M. Applegate, Karen A. Sutherland, Pearson; and Xiao Luo, National Council of State Boards
of Nursing
The effect of option homogeneity on item parameters in multiple-choice items was tested
empirically. Similarity of options to the key was determined using subject matter experts and a
natural language processing algorithm. While previous research suggests option homogeneity
would affect item parameters, our findings contradict that literature.
Examining Item Order Effects on Test Scores in Online Testing
Jungnam Kim, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners; Furong Gao, Pacific Metric; Ping Wan, Sandra
McGuiire, and Dong-In Kim, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
In online testing, alternate test forms of the same items, in different item locations, has been
employed as a way to improve test security. The item order effect in these alternate test forms of a
large scale assessment is investigated at test and item level using IRT and G-theory.
The Time on Task Effect in Digital Reading Items
Johannes Naumann, Goethe-University and Frank Goldhammer, German Institute for International
Educational Research
Using PISA 2009 Digital Reading Assessment data (N=34,401) we show that the time-on-task
effect in digital reading is moderated by item difficulty and person skill. GLMMS revealed positive
time-on-task effects for hard items and weak readers. For easy items the time-on-task effects were
negative, and zero for skilled readers.
Investigating the Item-Position Effect in the PISA Assessment
Rianne Janssen, Qian Wu, Tiziana Lange, Dries Debeer, and Tiziana Lange, University of Leuven
Individual differences in the negative item-position effect have been found in PISA assessments.
This position effect can be modeled as test-takers persistence, or a change in examinee effort
during testing. This study explores this interpretation, by relating the item-position effect to
background variables and self-reported motivation.
Modeling Test-Effort for Low-Stakes Test: An IRTree Modeling Approach
Haiqin Chen, American Dental Association, Guangming Ling, Educational Testing Service, and Paul
DeBoeck, The Ohio State University.
This study proposes an extended IRTree model to capture different effort-related test taking
behaviors defined by response time thresholds through outlier detection methods. We argue that
this approach may help improve our understanding of test-taking behaviors associated with lowstakes standardized tests, as well as the assessment accuracy.
Wording Effects in TIMSS Motivational Scales Across Languages
Michalis Michaelides, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
The study examines the factorial structure of the TIMMS2011 student motivation scales in
mathematics using survey data from five countries. A negative wording effect is present in models
that fit the data adequately. For the 4th-grade study participants reading achievement scores
appear to relate systematically to this wording effect.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday April 18, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, I10
Investigations in Examinee Guessing and Response Time
Session Chair: Elizabeth Stone, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Kathleen Gialluca, Pearson VUE

Hierarchical Modeling of Item Responses and Response Times for Testlets

Suk Keun Im, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
The study will introduce new response time model to address testlet effects using real and
simulated data. This study will try to quantify the estimation errors as a function of various testlet
effects, in the context of different test conditions. The outcome will be compared with traditional
response time model.
Response Model for Rapid-Guessing Behaviors in Data With Timing Information
Artur Pokropek, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS), Warszawa, Poland
In this presentation response specific mixture IRT model is proposed for rapid guessing behaviors.
The model specification allows that some measurements for some subject might behave
different than others but will follow model defined for one of distinct classes. Presented model is
conceptually similar to the HYBRID model (Yamamoto, 1989).
Comparing Two Item Response Models That Incorporate Response Times
Heru Widiatmo and Daniel Wright, ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA
Two measurement models, which use both responses and response times for calibrating abilities,
are compared. The models are the hierarchical (van der Linden, 2006) and Q-diffusion (van der
Maas et al., 2011) models. The ability estimates are compared with the known values and those
estimated with the 3-PL IRT model.
A Test for Response-time Homogeneity of Item Responses
Paul DeBoeck, The Ohio State University, Haiqin Chen, American Dental Association, and Minjeong
Jeon, The Ohio State University
Local dependence of response time and accuracy implies that the difficulty of an item varies
depending on the response time. It is a violation of response time homogeneity of item responses.
A new Mantel-Haenszel test is proposed to detect such violations. The test is evaluated with a
simulation study.
Detecting Errant Item Response Time Using Brownian Bridge Model
Fan Yang, Pearson/The University of Iowa and Stephen Dunbar, The University of Iowa
A new approach was proposed for detecting possible aberrant test behaviors based on item
response time in high-stakes tests using Brownian Bridge Model. The preliminary simulation study
results showed that this approach can be a reliable supplement to existing methods to detect and
predict errant response time.
Semi-Parametric Item Response Functions in the Context of Guessing
Carl Falk and Li Cai, University of California, Los Angeles
We present a logistic function of a monotonic polynomial with a lower asymptote, allowing
additional flexibility beyond the three-parameter logistic model. The item model is demonstrated
on state math assessment data, and a strategy for choosing the order of the polynomial is
demonstrated and tested.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Annual Meeting Program - Sunday, April 19, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday, April 19, 2015
5:45 AM7:00 AM, Meet in the lobby of the InterContinental Hotel
NCME Fitness Run/Walk

Brian F. French, Washington State University
Jill vandenHeuvel, Alpine Testing Solutions
Run a 5K or walk a 2.5K course in Chicago. Meet in the lobby of the InterContinental Hotel at
5:45AM. Pre-registration is required. Pickup your bib number and sign your liability waiver at the
NCME Information Desk in the InterContinental Hotel, anytime prior to race day.
The event is made possible through the sponsorship of:
Alpine Testing
American Institutes for Research
American Institute of CPA
Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc.
College Board
Educational Testing Service
Law School Admission Council
National Board of Medical Examiners
National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment
National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc.
Pacific Metrics
West Ed


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday, April 19, 2015
6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom Balcony, 8th floor
Please join us for the first inaugural sunrise yoga sponsored by NCME. We will start promptly at 6:30
a.m. for one hour. Advance registration required ($10). NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Just bring your
body and your mind, and our instructor, Pierce ( will do the rest. Namaste.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, J1
Improving Proficiency Estimation

Session Chair: Rose Zheng, Pearson

Session Discussant: David Thissen, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Trait Estimation Effects on Proficiency Scores for End-of-Grade Examinations
Nurliyana Bukhari, Allison Ames, and Jonathan Rollins, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
The maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, frequently applied in latent trait parameter estimation by
state departments of education, has limitations. The use of a weighted parameter estimator may
provide substantial improvement over the ML procedure. This study aims to investigate the trait
estimation effects on proficiency scores for the End-of-Grade exams.
The Performance of Robust Estimators in Ordinal Structural Regression Models
ChengHsien Li, UT Health Science Center at Houston, Houston
Robust maximum likelihood (MLR), robust unweighted least squares (ULSMV), and robust
weighted least squares (WLSMV) have been considered to be superior to maximum likelihood
when ordinal variables are analyzed. A Monte Carlo study is used to examine the effects of number
of categories, level of asymmetric distributions, and sample size.
Improving Attribute Mastery Estimation in the LCDM With Covariates
Su-Pin Hung, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
The present proposal aims to extend the LCDM using persons covariates and to explore the effect
of covariates on attribute mastery estimation within the framework of CDMs. Two simulation
studies are designed to assess model parameter recovery by manipulating different numbers of
attributes, Q-matrix structures, and sample sizes.
Toward an Optimal Proficiency Estimator
Peter Baldwin, National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia, PA
Two kinds of errors may be said to characterize an estimator: random and systematic. This paper
introduces an estimator of proficiency for the one-parameter item response theory model that
minimizes these errors according to weighting functions specified by a practitioner. The proposed
estimator performed well compared to other widely-used estimators.
Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation via the Discounted Likelihood Method
Charles Iaconangelo and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The discounted likelihood method (DLM) is proposed as an alternative to traditional MMLE using
the EM algorithm. It employs a quasi-Newton algorithm to maximize the likelihood directly,
avoiding the E-step and the computation of analytic derivatives required in Newton-Raphson. A
simulation study illustrates the viability of the procedure.
Centering in MCMC Estimation of IRT Item Parameters
Leslie Hendrix, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Centering for Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation has been used in other disciplines but it is not
commonly used in IRT. This work shows that centering for the 3PL model significantly improves the
comparability of estimates from MCMC and the Bayes Modal BILOG-MG procedure.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Paper Session, J2
Performance Scoring Using Raters and Constructed Responses
Session Chair: Daniel Jurich, National Board of Medical Examiners
Session Discussant: Dan Bolt, University of Wisconsin Madison
A Comparison of Newly-Trained and Experienced Raters
Yigal Attali, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
Novice raters participated in a short (30-minute) training and certification program for evaluating
essays. Performance of the newly-trained raters was compared to that of expert raters. Results
showed scores from the two groups exhibited similar measurement properties. Implications for the
importance of initial training and screening of raters are discussed.
Setting Meaningful Expectations for Clinical Learners and Preceptors Using Rubrics
Ulemu Luhanga, Laura McEwen, and Jane Griffiths, Queens University-Kingston, Kingston, Canada
In clinical education, multi-source feedback (MSF) tools are used to collect information from
multiple assessors. Although assessors may agree on performance, they tend to interpret MSF
rating scales differently. To improve the utility of MSF tools, conversion of rating scales to rubrics
may result in a shared frame of reference.
Handwritten vs. Typed: Effects on Essay Scores and Rater Cognition
Angelica Rankin, Stephen Dunbar, and Catherine Welch, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Multiple methods were used to examine score differences between handwritten and wordprocessed essays. Six trained raters analytically scored 600 essays. MANOVA was used to examine
score differences, and think-alouds and interviews were used to explore differences in rater
cognition. Mode differences are highlighted and implications discussed.
Specific Agreement to Assess Rater Association
Anna Topczewski and Jennifer Beimers, Pearson, Ann Arbor, MI
In other fields, specific agreement has been used, in conjunction with Kappa, to assess rater
associations. Specific agreement examines the agreement for a particular decision, such as rater
agreement at a given score point. This study examines how specific agreement could be used to
improved rater agreement analyses.
Analytic vs. Holistic Scoring of Identical Constructed-Response Items: Different Outcomes
Milja Curcin and Ezekiel Sweiry, Standards and Testing Agency, Department for Education, London,
United Kingdom
A partial credit multi-facet Rasch model was used to answer the questions of whether points-based
(analytic) and levels-based (holistic) scoring rubrics functioned interchangeably when scoring
three-point constructed-response English reading comprehension items in the national tests
for 11-year-olds in England, and whether the raters functioned interchangeably between these


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, J3
Innovative Perspectives on Common-Core Tests: PARCC & SBAC Compare
Session Chair: S.E. Phillips, Consultant
Session Discussant: Mike Beck, BETA Inc.

Presenters: S.E. Phillips, Assessment Law Consultant, Laurie Wise, HumRRO, Derek Briggs,
University of Colorado, Marty McCall, SBAC and Mike Beck, BETA
NCME members will be updated by consortia representatives about innovations in the tests
being administered operationally in Spring 2015. A panel discussion will focus on 9 key areas
including unique items and scoring, mode comparability, alignment, accommodations, security,
performance standards, subscore reliability, fairness for diverse populations and costs.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, J4
Detecting Bias Across Special Populations

Session Chair: Xia Mao, Pearson

Session Discussant: Stephen G. Sireci, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Some Psychometric Consequences of Subpopulation Item Parameter Drift
Anne Corinne Huggins-Manley, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
This study hypothesizes that the presence of subpopulation item parameter drift is associated
with bias in proficiency and scaling constant estimation, as well as subpopulation differences in
dimensionality structure. It is demonstrated that these effects go beyond what can be understood
from item parameter drift or differential item functioning analysis.
Whos On First? Gender Differences in Performance on SAT-CR Items
Kay Chubbuck, W. Edward Curley, Teresa C. King, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This paper summarizes quantitative and qualitative data concerning gender differences in
performance on SAT-CR material with sports and science content. Results indicate issues related
to current methods of evaluating DIF statistics, the minimal impact of test-taker interest, and the
possibility that passage length can mitigate gender differences in performance.
Gender DIF on Mixed Math Items Differing in Cognitive Demand
Ming-Chih Lan and Min Li, University of Washington, Seattle
Gender DIF items and patterns on math items differing in cognitive demand were examined by
comparing OLR and poly-SIBTest methods. The study concluded that OLR and poly-SIBTest were
consistent in identifying items as DIF and non-DIF but different in identifying the magnitude of DIF
and types of DIF.
Comparing DIF Approaches to Investigate Home Language in an ELP Assessment
Shu-Jing Yen, Jennifer Renn, and Shauna Sweet, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC
This study compares exploratory and confirmatory DIF techniques to discern the potential benefit
of creating item bundles based on expert linguistic analysis to determine whether performance on
given items on high-stakes English language proficiency assessment varies across test takers from
different language backgrounds after controlling for test takers ability.
Identifying Bias Across Generated Mathematical Items of Varying Complexity
Clifford Hauenstein, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
The current project addresses issues of assessment bias from the context of a test item generator.
Specifically, uniform and non-uniform differential item functioning is assessed across items with
various levels of cognitive-linguistic load. The target sample includes middle school English
language learners; the reference sample includes native English speaking peers.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor,
Coordinated Session, J5
Gathering and Evaluating Validity Evidence Based on Response Processes
Session Chair: Jose-Luis Padilla, University of Granada
Session Discussant: Bruno Zumbo, University of British Columbia

Evidence of response processes is one of five key sources of validity evidence (AERA/APA/NCME,
2014). This session will address how response process evidence varies in importance across testing
situations and provide examples of how to gather and interpret this evidence for both validity
evaluation and item development purposes.
Complementarity Between Cognitive Interviewing Findings and DIF Results: Enhancing Validation
and Test Design
Jose-Luis Padilla and Isabel Benitez, University of Granada, Spain; Aura-Nidia Herrera and JonathanDavid Rico, National University, Colombia
DIF results are frequently hard to understand. Taking advantage of the complementarity between
sources of validity evidence, this paper illustrates how findings from cognitive interviewing can be
integrated with DIF results within a mixed-method research in order to build a validity argument,
and inform test design
Using Response Process Evidence to Evaluate Language Demands in Academic Assessments
Ellen Forte, edCount, LLC
Developers of academic assessments must ensure that the language they use is relevant to the
construct, accessible and comprehensible to examinees, and does not inappropriately influence
students ability to generate responses. This paper addresses these linguistic issues as they relate to
score interpretation and use, validity evaluation, and item development.
Accounting for Affective States in Response Processes: Impact for Validation
Jacqueline P. Leighton, University of Alberta, Canada
The Standards (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) are clear about the importance of response process data
as a source of validity evidence for test and item score interpretation. The purpose of this paper
is to summarize how affective/emotional processes influence test performance, then explain and
propose reasons to include research on affective processes in validation arguments.
What Can Item Response Times Tell Us About DIF for English Learners?
Joshua Marland, Stephen G. Sireci, April Zenisky, and Duy Pham, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Response time differences and differences in response time engagement across ELs and nonELs were used to interpret DIF. The results provide insight into how differential motivation and
persistence affect students performance on items and illustrate how item response times provide
validity evidence based on response processes to help interpret DIF.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Invited Session, J6
Exploring the Implications of the Fairness Chapter of the 2014 Standards
for Educational and Psychological Testing
Session Chair: Meagan Karvonen, CETE, University of Kansas
Session Discussants: Edynn Sato, Pearson, Peggy Carr, NCES, and Brian Gong, Center for

The revised AERA/APA/NCME Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing were published
in summer 2014. A dramatic shift in the Standards is the addition of a foundational chapter on
Fairness and the removal of chapters on language diversity and students with disabilities. In this
session, presenters deeply involved in the development of the Standards, and specifically in the
chapter on fairness, will share their reflections on the development process and decisions made.
Discussants from the perspectives of a state assessment contractor, NAEP representative, and
organization that works with states on technical adequacy of assessments provide their reflections.
Overview and Introduction to the Revised Standards
Barbara Plake, Co-Chair, Joint Committee for the Revised Standards
Fairness Chapter Changes and Implications
Linda Cook, Member, Joint Committee for the Revised Standards


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, J7
Multidimensional Item Response Theory

Session Chair: Alejandra Garcia, University of Massachusetts

Session Discussant: Rich Patz, ACT
Assessing Growth Using Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Zhen Wang, Educational Testing Service and Lihua Yao, Defense Manpower Data Center
The major goal of this study is to illustrate the use of several different psychometric models (MIRT
vs. non-MIRT) to link the tests across years. Using a college level learning outcome assessment,
we will demonstrate how different models can impact students growth calculation at both overall
domain and subdomain level.
MIRT Analysis of Longitudinal Assessment When Constructs Vary Over Time
Hi Shin Shim and James Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
This paper illustrates a multidimensional item response theory model, called the Sprout Model
(SM), for measuring individual change in longitudinal assessments when latent traits are not
necessarily invariant across time. SM parameter recovery is described, and the utility of the model
is demonstrated with an analysis of data from ECLS-K.
An IRT Model for Multidimensional Ranking Data in Ipsative Tests
Xue-Lan Qiu, Wen-Chung Wang, Hong Kong Institute of Education and Shungwon Ro, IBM Software
By design, multidimensional raking data are ipsative and cannot measure the absolute level of
latent traits. In this study, we developed an IRT model for multidimensional ranking data where
different statements measure different latent traits. We conducted a brief simulation study to
evaluate parameter recovery and provided an empirical example.
Modeling Growth With Adaptive Longitudinal Large-Scale Assessments
Jiahe Qian, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
Growth models for longitudinal data can benefit from use of demographic information, and to this
end, the 2PL MIRT model is employed to build latent logistic regression models for the National
Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88). The inquiry aims to improve modeling change of
person related parameters.
A New Mixture MIRT Approach for Measuring Response Styles
Lale Khorramdel-Ameri and Matthias vonDavier, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
A mixture MIRT approach to measure and correct for response styles (RS) is presented. It is shown
that RS can be measured unidimensionally and differentiated from trait-related responses, and that
different respondent groups show different kinds of RS. Results are validated using correlations
between noncognitive scales and cognitive test scores.
Assessing Model-Data Fit for Compensatory and Non-Compensatory MIRT Models
Leanne Freeman and Bo Zhang, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
The objective is to provide evidence of statistical options for model-data fit comparisons between
compensatory and non-compensatory multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models. The
Clarke and Vuong statistics will be studied in various conditions through Monte-Carlo simulation.
Effectiveness will be evaluated by both Type I error and statistical power.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:15 AM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, J8
Delivering the National Assessment on Tablet: Psychometric Challenges and
Session Chair: Andreas Oranje, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Bill Tirre, NCES

In order to maintain a valid, reliable, and fair indicator of what students know and can do, the
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is in the process of transitioning from paper to
technology based assessment, in particular tablet administration. This transition entails a number
of interesting psychometric questions that need to be answered:
1. Can trends be maintained across two modes: paper and tablet? If so, under what conditions and
with what kind of design in place?
2. Where and among what student groups are digital literacy gaps and how do those play a role in
this transition?
3. Technology provides the examinee with new ways to interact with assessment materials. How
do these affordances affect maintaining trend in the short and long terms?
4. How can the affordances of technology be used to improve administration designs and,
subsequently, improve the assessment?
5. What kind of statistical analysis models should be utilized, particularly in a group score context,
and how should decisions about the fidelity of the trend be made? How do additional data
sources (e.g., click streams, log files, time stamps) play a role in that decision?
Introduction to Delivering the National Assessment on Tablet: Psychometric Challenges and
Janeen McCullough, Educational Testing Service
The first paper sets the stage and will provide an introduction of the general transition design as
well as some subject (Reading, Math, and Science) specific aspects while introducing terminology
and definitions that subsequent papers will build upon.
Digital Literacy and Performance Gaps in Computer-based Assessments
Ting Zhang, Young Yee Kim, George Bohrnstedt, Markus Broer, American Institutes for Research;
Qingshu Xie, MacroSys
A key condition for the transition will be addressed: digital literacy and performance gaps,
presenting the results of various recent mode studies including NAEP grade 8 computer-based
assessments (CBAs) in writing and mathematics to investigate the relationship between student
CBA performance and their digital literacy, especially their computer familiarity.
Developing and Trans-Adapting Items for Technology-Based Assessment
Rebecca Moran, Hilary Persky, and Gloria Dion, Educational Testing Service
Key aspects of item and task development and trans-adaptation related to the psychometric claims
the program intends to make will be covered, striking a balance between maintaining trends and
introducing technology-based tools and interactive item and task types with the goal to improve


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Distributing Tasks and Items in Technology Based Group Score Assessments
Longjuan Liang and Ed Kulick, Educational Testing Service
We will focus on administration design aspects of technology based assessments, including the
use of adaptive designs and random booklet assignment, and how those affect the ability to
maintain trends, drawing heavily on simulation work.
Analysis Methods for TBA Group Score Assessments
Zhan Shu and Katherine Castellano, Educational Testing Service
We will address statistical modeling questions associated with a transition both in terms of the
types of models used and the kind of inferences that can be made based on the design aspects
presented in the previous papers. Results from recent technology based assessments will be used
to illustrate the principles that were applied.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
8:15 AM - 10:35 AM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Invited Session, J9
Awards Session

Session Chair: Lei Wan, Pearson

Session Discussant: Laine Bradshaw, University of Georgia
Jason Millman Award
The Innovative Applications of Response Time in Detecting Aberrant Behaviors in Standardized
Chun Wang, University of Minnesota
Two mixture hierarchical models based on response accuracy and response times will be
introduced, and demonstrate how the new models can be used to detect aberrant behaviors-rapid guessing and cheating behaviors. The performance of the new model based approach is also
compared to residual-based fit indices.
Alicia Cascallar Award
Covariate and Mixture Extensions of Diagnostic Classification Models
Yoon Soo Park, University of Illinois at Chicago
Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) classify examinees into attribute mastery profiles. This
study presents extensions of DCMs that incorporate mixture distributions to examine differential
attribute functioning among latent subgroups. Covariates are specified at the attribute and higherorder latent trait levels to explain differences in attribute structures, response probability, and
latent classification.
Brenda Loyd Award
Estimation of Complex Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Measurement and Growth
MinJeong Jeon, The Ohio State University
In this talk, I will present my dissertation that addresses estimation methods and applications of
complex generalized linear mixed models for measurement and growth. I will briefly explain two
noble maximum likelihood techniques that I developed variational maximization-maximization
(VMM) and Monte Carlo local likelihood (MCLL) algorithms. I will also present a proposed
autoregressive growth model and its implication in measurement.
Bradley Hansen Award
A Multilevel Testlet Model for Mixed-Format Tests
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland, College Park
This research project proposes a multilevel testlet model for mixed-format tests consisting of both
dichotomous and polytomous items. This modeling approach can tackle multiple psychometric
issues such as dual local dependence due to item and person and complex sampling in testletbased in applying conventional item response theory (IRT) models. Parameter estimation accuracy
will be evaluated under simulated study conditions. Further the proposed model will be compared
with three competing models in terms of parameter recovery for mixed-format tests.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, K1
Multiple Facets of an Assessment With Collaborative Problem Solving Tasks
Session Chair: Jiangang Hao, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Mengxiao Zhu, Educational Testing Service and Yigal Rosen, Pearson
Presenters: Alina vonDavier, Lei Liu, Patrick Kyllonen, Saad Khan, and Jiangang Hao,
Educational Testing Service
In this symposium we present the first set of results of various research strands conducted
on understanding the implications of including collaborative problem solving tasks (CPS) in
simulation based assessments.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, K2
Designing Next-Generation Assessments of Student Learning Outcomes in
Higher Education
Session Chair: Katrina Crotts Roohr, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Javarro Russell, Educational Testing Servic

This session discusses assessments for five college-level learning outcomes: critical thinking,
written communication, oral communication, quantitative literacy, and intercultural competence.
We offer a comprehensive review of each competency and discuss important assessment
considerations when designing next-generation assessments. Measuring these competencies has
important implications for higher education institutions and the workforce.
Assessing Critical Thinking in Higher Education
Ou Lydia Liu, Lois Frankel, and Katrina Crotts Roohr, Educational Testing Service
The importance of critical thinking skills is widely recognized by higher education institutions and
employers in a global economy. This paper provides a comprehensive review of current definitions
and assessments of critical thinking and discusses challenges and assessment considerations for
designing a next-generation critical thinking assessment for college students.
Assessing Written Communication in Higher Education: Review and Recommendations
Jesse R. Sparks, Wyman Brantley, Yi Song, and Ou Lydia Liu, Educational Testing Service
The ability to communicate effectively in writing is widely acknowledged as a critical competency
for academic and workforce success. This paper reviews existing definitions and assessments of
writing skills, and proposes a research-based construct definition and framework for designing
next-generation assessments of written communication as a higher education outcome.
Oral Communication in Higher Education: Existing Research and Future Directions
Katrina Crotts Roohr, Liyang Mao, Vinetha Belur, and Ou Lydia Liu, Educational Testing Service
Oral communication has been identified as an important skill for college graduates. By
synthesizing the existing oral communication frameworks and assessments, this paper provides an
operational definition for a next-generation oral communication assessment in higher education.
Challenges of designing such an assessment are also discussed.
Assessing Quantitative Literacy in Higher Education
Katrina Crotts Roohr, Edith Aurora Graf, and Ou Lydia Liu, Educational Testing Service
Quantitative literacy is the ability to interpret and communicate numbers and mathematical
information throughout everyday life, and is recognized as an important skill in higher education
and the workforce. This paper synthesized existing frameworks and assessments and proposed an
operational definition for a next-generation assessment, discussing assessment considerations and


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Current State and Future Directions
Meagan Caridad Arrastia, Florida State University; Joseph A. Rios, Ou Lydia Liu, Liyang Mao, Lauren
Carney, and Meghan W. Brenneman, Educational Testing Service
Intercultural competence (ICC), the ability to communicate across cultures, has become a valued
learning outcome for current college students. By reviewing the existing ICC frameworks, this
paper discussed the considerations of assessing ICC skills and developed an operational definition
for a next-generation ICC assessment within a higher education context.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Coordinated Session, K3
Constructing a Vertical Scale Under Linked Scaling Tests Design
Session Chair: Wei Tao, ACT, Inc.
Session Discussant: Deb Harris, ACT, Inc.

An Overview of the Linking Designs and Statistical Methods

Wei Tao and Andrew Mroch, ACT, Inc.
To inform the development of a vertical scale, several simulation studies were conducted. Three
linking designs based on random equivalent groups, common items, and external anchor items are
introduced. Several IRT and non-IRT approaches to data analyses are presented.
Linking Individual Scaling Tests Using Non-IRT Methods
Dongmei Li, ACT, Inc.
Two non-IRT methods of vertical scaling were explored the Thurstone method and an ad hoc
method involving predictions of the whole scaling test raw scores by equipercentile or linear
linking across the individual scaling tests. Results were compared across these methods and
variations within each method.
Linking Individual Scaling Tests Using IRT Methods
Troy Chen and Wei Tao, ACT, Inc.
To place the item parameter estimates on the same scale after calibrating separate scaling tests,
the scale transformation and fixed item parameter estimation approaches were considered.
Evaluation criteria such as growth patterns and correlations between parameters and estimates
were used to assess these methods.
Different Designs and Methods for Scaling
Yu Fang, ACT, Inc.
This study investigated various approaches to placing on-grade test scores on a vertical scale
under the scaling test design presented in this symposium. Assumptions underlying different
analysis methods and characteristics of a vertical scale such as constant conditional standard error
of measurement (CSEM) will be discussed.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor,
Coordinated Session, K4
Do Interruptions During Online Testing Impact the Examinee Scores?

Session Chair: Craig Mills, CTB McGraw Hill

Session Discussants: Walter (Denny) Way, Pearson and Neal Kingston, University of Kansas
The number of interruptions during online testing is on the rise. This session focuses on the
determination of impact of interruptions on the examinees performance. Impact can be
determined at an overall level, school level or individual level. Several approaches are proposed for
determining the impact at the different levels.
Practical Considerations When Interruptions Occur
J.P. Kim, ACT, Inc.
This presentation will discuss several practical considerations when interruptions occur. These
considerations include options for resuming the test, collecting available resources for conducting
follow-up analyses, and determining the unit of analysis and statistical methods. Considerations
will be discussed with examples from an operational test.
Overall Assessment of the Impact of Interruptions
Dong-In Kim, McGraw-Hill Education CTB; Sandip Sinharay, Pacific Metrics; Ping Wan, Seung W. Choi,
and Litong Zhang, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
This presentation will focus on several approaches for performing an overall assessment of the
impact of interruptions. The approaches involve statistical hypothesis testing, statistical methods
for matching, and IRT. The methods will be applied to data from the 2013 Indiana state tests.
School-Level Assessment of the Impact of Interruptions
Arthur A. Thacker and Bethany H. Bynum, Human Resources Research Organization
This presentation will discuss several approaches for performing a school-level assessment of
the impact of interruptions and the constraints associated with performing such an assessment.
Three different methodological approaches will be discussed using data from 2013 Minnesota
Comprehensive Assessment (MCA).
Individual-Level Assessment of the Impact of Interruptions
Sandip Sinharay, Pacific Metrics; Ping Wan, Seung W. Choi, and Dong-In Kim, McGraw-Hill Education
This presentation will focus on several approaches for performing an individual-level assessment
of the impact of interruptions. The methods involve ideas from statistical hypothesis testing, linear
regression, and IRT. The methods will be applied to data from the 2013 Indiana state tests.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, K5
Current Issues in Test Assembly

Session Chair: Jonas Bertling, Educational Testing Service

Session Discussant: Wim vanderLinden, CTB
This symposium addresses the assembly of test forms with defined item difficulties that are not
only reliable and valid but also reasonably short. We will present state-of-the art applications of
rule-based AIG and solutions to important issues concerning test assembly that might easily be
overlooked when focusing on item generation.
Improving Cognitive Tests by Rule-Based Generation of Test Items and Distracters
Jonas P. Bertling, Maria Bertling, and Jim Fife, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This paper presents an application of AIG where both items and distracters were generated based
on rule-based principles. Large-sample analyses showed item difficulties were predicted from
the underlying AIG model and that a systematic distracter generation and analysis improved test
Optimizing the Assembly of Parallel Test Forms via Linear Programming
Jonathan Weeks, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This empirical study presents an application of linear programming to the assembly of parallel
forms of fluid reasoning measures. The assembly considers parallelism with respect to test
information, test characteristic curves, and content representation. Additional constraints are
added regarding item and total response time.
Using Response Time Data to Reduce Testing Time in Cognitive Tests
Maria Bertling and Jonathan Weeks, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The authors argue that shorter, yet reliable and valid, test forms can be designed by incorporating
response-time data in ability estimates. The incremental contribution to the precision of ability
estimates and to test information is discussed in a large sample of a highly educated population.
Improving Reasoning Tests by Use of Instant Feedback
Achim Preuss, cut-e Group, Germany and Katharina Lochner, cut-e Consulting Singapore, Singapore
Performance on ability tests is influenced by participants perception of their own performance.
We showed that feedback after the example section does not impact performance on an online
reasoning test, whereas instant feedback during test completion impacts performance and
processing style and can improve test validity.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, K6
Toward More Robust Automated Essay Scoring Models
Session Chair: Chaitanya Rameneni, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Sue Lottridge, Pacific Metrics

Automated scoring model performance can be sensitive to the quality of responses used for
training and evaluating the model. This session presents studies that investigate new methods for
effectively detecting and filtering aberrant responses to yield more robust scoring models.
Optimal Design to Improve Essay Selection and Scoring Generalizability
Nicholas Dronen and Peter W. Foltz, Pearson
Optimal design of experiments provides a novel approach to finding essays that cover the
spectrum of features related to the automated scoring models. We describe results of studies that
explore the generalizability of the method and its applicability to selecting essays.
The Short, Irrelevant and Odd; Automated Detection of Aberrant Essays
Anat Ben-Simon, Yael Safran and Yoav Cohen, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Jerusalem,
The study examines the efficiency of an algorithm developed for the detection of aberrant essays
written in the Hebrew and Arabic languages. The algorithm uses 10 criteria to classify essays as
proper or gibberish. The classification accuracy obtained, was 99.6% and 96.7% for essays in
Hebrew and Arabic respectively.
Automatic Detection of Nonscorable Essays
Yinghao Sun, The Ohio State University and Vincent Kieftenbeld, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
Student responses that deviate substantially from the requirements of a constructed-response
item often cannot be scored according to the rubric. Automated scoring systems need to
successfully detect such nonscorable responses. We investigated different features, classifiers, and
ensemble learning methods to detect nonscorable essays in a recent large-scale assessment.
Using Automated Features to Detect Aberrant Prompts and Responses
Frank Williams and Chaitanya Ramineni, Educational Testing Service
New prompts written for operational use with potential to elicit responses inappropriate for
automated scoring can be a threat to reliability and validity of automated scores, and result in
a degradation of performance of an operational scoring model. This study explores the use of
statistical inferential procedures on automated features to detect such prompts prior to release for
use with the operational scoring model.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, K7
Detection and Solutions of Aberrant Performances of Automated Scoring
Session Chair: Christy Schneider, CTB McGraw-Hill
Session Discussant: Christy Schneider, CTB McGraw-Hill

We will discuss a wide range of problems which cause aberrant performance in automated essay
scoring and spoken response scoring (e.g., technical difficulties, characteristics of individual
examinees, responses, items, and item-types). We will provide methods to identify and correct the
aberrant performance while improving the validity of automated scores.
What Makes the Automated Speech Scoring System Off-Target?
Guangming Ling and Su-Youn Yoon, Educational Testing Service
We filtered a subset of speaking responses with higher probability of having a greater machine
scoring errors (HMSD) by considering characteristics of speakers, tasks, and machine-generated
speech features, and had them scored by human raters; we found that this approach actually
improved the scoring quality of the machine scores.
Development of a Non-Scorable Test Detection System for English Language Learner Assessment
Xin Chen, Angeliki Metallinou, Yuan Zhao-DAntilio, and Jian Cheng, Pearson
This paper describes a method to develop a system to detect non-scorable tests, i.e., tests
that cannot be confidently scored automatically, in automated spoken language proficiency
assessment. The detection system was developed based on a dataset from a large scale, highstakes English language proficiency test, administered to K-12 ELL students in a U.S. state.
Implications of a potential application of such system for different stakeholders will be discussed.
Using Automated Generic Scoring Models to Identify Deviant Prompts
John Mattar, AICPA, Chaitanya Ramineni, Educational Testing Service, Aster Tessema, AICPA, Chen Li,
Educational Testing Service, and Matthew Schultz, AICPA
Automated generic scoring models are used to identify prompts for which the scoring model
does not meet desired performance standards, and implications for prompt development and
comparability are discussed.
Automated Scoring of Source-Based Writing With Rare (Scientific) Vocabulary
F. Jay Breyer, John Blackmore, and Laura Ridolfi-McCulla, Educational Testing Service
Automated scoring of writing tasks with technical/scientific terms in sources can show separation
between human and machine scores, where humans give higher grades compared to machines.
A method is described and evaluated that identifies and reduces score separation for writing tasks
with sources using rare vocabulary in a generic model.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
10:35 AM - 12:05 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, K8
Using Validity Evidence in Diverse Settings

Session Chair: Jenna Copella, Pearson

Session Discussant: Michael Kane, Educational Testing Service
Development of a High-Stakes Exam for Architecture Graduates in Mexico
Laura Delgado-Maldonado, Jorge Hernndez-Uralde, Rafael Snchez-Mayorga, Instituto Nacional para
la Evaluacin de la Educacin; Melchor Snchez-Mendiola, UNAM Faculty of Medicine; and Eduardo
Ramrez-Daz, CENEVAL
This paper describes the development and implementation of a high-stakes exam for Architecture
graduates in Mexico, using the design of an architectonic project as strategy for assessment of
complex performance. The test development process, accumulation of validity evidence, judges
training, instrument development and initial application data are described.
Longitudinal Confirmatory Factor Analysis for the SGL Student Evaluation Form
Cigdem Alagoz-Ekici, Scott Richardson, V. Thomas Gaddy, Lynn Doster, Gerald Crites, Brett Szymik, and
Eve Gallman, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Meaningful measurement of medical student competencies requires having a valid instrument
that measures these competencies/behaviors over time. The validity of a Small Group Learning
Student Evaluation instrument was evaluated by testing the measurement and structural
invariance using longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis with longitudinal data from first- and
second-year medical students.
A Validation Study of Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) for Korean Delinquent Juvenile
Hye-Sook Park, Honam University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
This study validates Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescent (PAI_A) scale using both
classical test theory and Rasch measurement model. Data were collected from Korean juvenile
delinquents under the supervision of Korean criminal justice systems in Korea.
The Validation of the Mathematics and Science Instructional Logs
Elizabeth Greive, Carrie Lee, and Temple Walkowiak, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Instructional logs provide an innovative means for measuring instructional practices. This proposal
describes the evidences of validity collected for the MSI Logs, which are designed for teachers to
report their daily practices. Inter-rater agreement statistics and cognitive interview findings are
described and suggestions are made to improve the measures.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:25 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic Board Session,
Paper Session, L1
Electronic Board #1-4
Coordinated Session

Missing Data in Large-Scale Assessments

Tanya Longabach, Excelsior College; Shenghai Dai, Xin Yuan, and Yan Zhou, Indiana University
This group of studies explores different methods of missing data handling in large-scale
assessments. Causes of different types of missingness, including omitted and not reached items,
are examined, and parameter estimation bias is compared between scoring items as incorrect,
ignoring missing items, scoring as partially correct, and various imputation methods.
Non-Response Models for Test Speededness
Yu-Wei Chang, Department of Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nan-Jung Hsu
and Rung-Ching Tsai, National Taiwan Normal University
We aim to investigate suitable models, with non-response as a response category, for speeded
data. A popular non-response model is suggested for specific speededness data under a strong
assumption. To relax the assumption, we extend the non-response model and work out the
estimation via the penalized quasi-likelihood approach.
A New Modeling of Expert-Defined Multiple-Level Attributes With DINA Model
Wei Tian, National Assessment Center for Education Quality, MOE, China, Tao Xin, Beijing Normal
University, Beijing, China, and Jiahui Zhang, Michigan State University
Multiple-level attributes are commonly defined to measure the realization of standard-based
educational objectives. Such polytomous attributes as part of Q matrix will be more directly
modeled into DINA. In addition, a statistical computing method was proposed to make it
practicable. Its practical usefulness was examined with simulated and real-data.
Rasch Model Parameter Recovery With a Conditional Pseudo-Likelihood
John Willse, Jonathan Rollins and Saed Qunbar, University of North Carolina Greensboro
This study examines parameter recovery from polytomous Rasch models when using variants of
conditional pairwise maximum pseudo-likelihood first described by Andrich and Luo (2003). This
pseudo-likelihood approach has features that may make it preferable to other techniques when
sample sizes are small or the number of thresholds is large.
Electronic Board #5
A Restricted Bi-Factor Model
Yu-Feng Chang and Mark Davison, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
This study proposes a restricted bi-factor model, which provides a way to identify examinees
weaknesses and strengths using the subscores corresponding to specific factors. A simulation
study was designed to evaluate how accurately this model identifies the examinees significant
strengths or weaknesses.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #6
An Exploratory Study of Speededness Effects on IRT Model Fit
Lu Wang, ACT, Min Wang, The University of Iowa, and Troy Chen, ACT
This study investigates four approaches to identifying speededness and their impacts on IRT
model-data fit under various IRT models. Real data from a large-scale test are employed. The results
of this study will provide guidelines for practitioners when speededness effects are a concern.
Electronic Board #7
An Explanatory Longitudinal Multilevel IRT Approach to Instructional Sensitivity
Alexander Naumann, Jan Hochweber, and Johannes Hartig, German Institute for International
Educational Research (DIPF)
We propose an explanatory longitudinal multilevel IRT model to evaluate items instructional
sensitivity. The model allows quantifying sensitivity to the instructional context and relating it to
instructional measures. Results suggest that the model works well in its application to empirical
data. Sensitivity was found to be related to instructional measures.
Electronic Board #8
Making National Assessments Diagnostically Useful: A Primary Education Mathematics Example
Daniel VanNijlen and Rianne Janssen, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
A test on the mastery of the four basic operations of arithmetic was analyzed using the Bayesian
inference for binomial proportion model, a conjunctive cognitive diagnostic model with low
computational demand. It is shown that the analyses are a valuable addition to the standard way
of reporting on national assessments.
Electronic Board #9
Sequential Analysis for Detecting Learning in Cognitive Diagnosis
Sam Ye, Georgios Fellouris, Jeff Douglas, and Steven Culpepper, University of Illinois - Urbana
Champaign, Champaign
Cognitive diagnosis models have been developed for assessing mastery and non-mastery of
a vector of skills or attributes. In an e-learning environment, or in other settings, learning is a
primary objective, and diagnostic models should detect this. We introduce change-point detection
techniques from sequential analysis for this purpose.
Electronic Board #10
Comparing Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional School Effect Estimates in Postsecondary Education
Doris Zahner, CAE and Jeffrey Steedle, Pearson
Some universities administer standardized tests to estimate school effects on student learning.
Many of them choose to gather cross-sectional rather than longitudinal data. This study compares
longitudinal and cross-sectional school effect estimates using data from the CLA. Seven different
statistical models were applied to the data.
Electronic Board #11
Are Fit Indices Biased in Favor of Bi-Factor Models?
Kari Hodge and Kevin Wells, Baylor University, Temple, TX
We tested the hypothesis that there is statistical fit bias favoring the bi-factor model by comparing
correlated factors, higher-order, and bi-factor models via Monte Carlo simulations. The bi-factor
model fit better even when the true model was not a bi-factor model. Each model fit the data well
in absolute terms.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #12
Detecting Person Fit for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment
Ying Cui, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
This study examined ways of detecting person misfit for cognitive diagnostic assessments (CDA).
We investigated whether lz, developed under the IRT, can be extended for use in CDAs. We also
introduced a new statistic. Simulated and real data were used to compare the power of lz and our
new statistic.
Electronic Board #13
Evaluating Dimensionality Assessment Procedures in Complex-Structure Noncompensatory
Xiaying Zheng, Hong Jaio, and Qiwen Zheng, EDMS, University of Maryland, College Park, College
Park, MD
Most dimensionality assessment procedures assume a simple-structure compensatory MIRT
framework. This assumption does not always hold in real texting situations. This study examines
the performance of seven common dimensionality assessment procedures with complex-structure
noncompensatory MIRT models, and evaluates the applicability of these procedures in such
Electronic Board #14
Assessing Two Methods of Q-Matrix Validation for the DINA Model
Hueying Tzou, National University of Tainan, Jimmy de la Torre, Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, Yi-Fang Wu, University of Iowa, and Ragip Terzi, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
When implementing CDMs, we often concern about model-data fit, especially the appropriateness
of the Q-matrix. The current study focuses on two empirically based methods, the deltamethod and the gamma-method, and examines the effects of the Q-matrix modification on the
improvement of model-data fit and the correct classification of examinees.
Electronic Board #15
Diagnostic Test Designs: Multiple One-Attribute Models Versus One Multiple-Attribute Model
Laine Bradshaw, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
For formative assessment systems, diagnostic classification models (DCMs) can efficiently identify
areas where students struggle. However, DCM estimation complexity increases quickly as the
number of attributes measured (i.e., dimensionality) increases. We investigate using separate,
single-attribute DCMs in lieu of a single, multiple-attribute DCM when data is insufficient for highdimensional estimation.
Electronic Board #16
A Comparison of Clinical Classification Accuracy Using CDM and MIRT
Xuechun Zhou, Pearson, Liyang Mao, Michigan State University, Ou Zhang, Pearson, and Xin Luo,
Michigan State University
This study examined clinical classification accuracy in an empirical setting with real data using
the CDM and M2PL model. The results indicated that final model selection is determined by the
purpose of clinical screening. In addition, the combination of the test scaled scores improved the
correct classification rates significantly.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #17
Comparison of Marginal Item Response Theory Model Item-Fit Indices
Adrienne Sgammato and John Donoghue, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
Performance of several item-level IRT model fit indices based on residuals of one-way to four-way
margins was evaluated in the presence of missing data. Additionally, item-level fit measures based
on observed data were calculated. Type I error and power of these measures were compared to
those based on model residuals.
Electronic Board #18
The Robust Sandwich Variance Estimators for the DINA Model
Jung Yeon Park, Matthew Johnson, and Young-Sun Lee, Columbia University, New York
Jackknife resampling is considered one of the most straightforward techniques to analyze largescale data that use complex sampling designs (e.g. TIMSS). However, jackknife resampling has also
been noted to be computationally inefficient. This study aims to develop sandwich estimators to
generate more robust and efficient variance estimators in DINA model.
Electronic Board #19
Linear and Nonlinear Modeling of Item Position Effects
Chansuk Kang and Anthony Albano, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
This study examines how different representations of item position can impact how the
relationship between item position and item difficulty is expressed. Different explanatory IRT
models are formulated with position as an item covariate, and these models are demonstrated
using PISA 2009 reading data for the U.S.
Electronic Board #20
Multilevel Graded Response Testlet Model With Complex Sampling Designs
Dandan Liao and Hong Jiao, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
In practical settings, the assumptions of standard item response theory models might be violated.
This study intends to generalize dichotomous multilevel testlet models to polytomous multilevel
testlet models to account for dual dependence in testlet-based assessments with clustered
samples. A multilevel graded response model (GRM) is evaluated in simulated conditions.
Electronic Board 21
Examining IRT Modification Index Test of Common IRFs Across Groups
John Donoghue, Educational Testing Service and Catherine McClellan, Clowder Consulting LLC
Evaluating the assumption of common IRF is an important issue in real-world applications of IRT.
Procedures currently in use make questionable assumptions, and weak support from software
exacerbates the problem. This paper examines the Lagrange Multiplier test to evaluate the
assumption of invariant IRF in two populations.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #22
MIRT Classification Accuracy: Effects of Ignoring the Partially Compensatory Nature
Janine Buchholz, DIPF, and Joseph Rios, Educational Testing Service, and Johannes Hartig, DIPF,
German Institute for International Educational Research
The model most commonly employed to estimate within-item multidimensionality is
compensatory. However, numerous examples in educational testing suggest partially
compensatory relations among dimensions. This simulation study aimed at evaluating the impact
on theta estimates when the compensatory model is applied incorrectly. Findings imply only
negligible effects on classification accuracy.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, L2
Subscore Reporting

Session Chair: Michelle Croft, ACT, Inc.

Session Discussant: David Shin, Pearson
Effects of Subgroup Ability Distributions on Subscore Reporting
Changjian Wang, Pearson, Lingyun Gao, ACT, and Lei Wan, Pearson
This proposed simulation study compares and evaluates the feasibility and effectiveness of
three procedures for subscore reporting. The factors under consideration include sample ability
distributions, performance groups used for augmentation/calibration, and correlation among
subtests. Reliability, MSE, and PRMSE will be used in the evaluation of results.
Enhanced Subscale Reporting Using Unidimensional Item Response Theory
Robert Keller, Measured Progress, Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts, and Michael Nering,
Measured Progress
A method of improving subscale score reliability using unidimensional IRT models is investigated.
Utilizing independent scales for each subscale, a method for scale creation is investigated through
simulation study. A real data case study is also performed.
Impact of Score Report Design on Subscore Interpretation and Use
Sarah Carroll and Andrew Dwyer, Castle Worldwide, Inc., Morrisville, NC
This study examines how score report design elements affect candidate interpretation and use of
subscores, and whether that relationship is affected by the level of agreement between candidate
self-perceptions of subdomain knowledge and actual subdomain test performance.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Paper Session, L3
Innovations in Teacher Evaluation

Session Chair: Heather Buzick, Educational Testing Service

Session Discussant: Erika Hall, Center for Assessment
Stakes Matter: Using Standardized Student Assessments for Teacher Evaluation
David Rutkowski and Justin Wild, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Employing an experimental study design in this study, we find that when 8th grade students were
told that either their grades or their teachers employment status were at stake, achievement was
statistically significantly higher than when students were told that there were low consequences
associated with the assessment.
Multi-Method Teacher Evaluation: Integrating Scores From Multiple Observational Tools
Ryan Kettler, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Alexander Kurz, Arizona State University, and
Linda Reddy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Multi-method educator evaluation has received national attention and shaped statewide policy
for promotion and dismissal practices. Limited research exists on how evaluation tools offer shared
and unique contributions to measurement of effectiveness. The study applies video coding and
a multi-trait, multi-method matrix to examine the relations among concurrent observational
Student Growth Percentiles Based on MIRT: Implications of Calibrated Projection
Scott Monroe, Li Cai, and Kilchan Choi, CRESST
Student Growth Percentiles (Betebenner, 2009) are used to locate a students current score in a
conditional distribution based on the students past scores. This research presents an alternative
method based on multidimensional IRT and calibrated projection linking that accounts for
measurement error. Simulated and empirical examples are provided.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales: An Application for Evaluating Teaching Practice
Michelle Martin-Raugh, Richard J. Tannenbaum, Cynthia M. Tocci, and Clyde Reese, Educational
Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
We report the development of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) for measuring
observed teaching practice. We describe the development and benefits of this measure, and
compare its measurement properties to those of the Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 2011) by
having trained raters evaluate video-taped teacher performances using both methods.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, L4
Using Principled Assessment Frameworks to Guide Test Development and
Session Chair: Matthew Burke, National Commission on Certification of Physician
Session Discussant: Kirk Becker, Pearson VUE

To expand the work being done to further incorporate Principled Assessment Frameworks in
operational practice, five organizations/groups will discuss the progress made in retooling
traditional test development and validation techniques. In particular, the use of construct maps
and task models to address practical problems in testing will be discussed.
The Development of Knowledge Requirement Scales in the Health Professions
Mark Raymond, National Board of Medical Examiners and Nance Cavallin, American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists
Construct maps for 33 KSA domains in radiologic technology were developed using a
methodology similar to that used for creating behaviorally-anchored rating scales. The 33 maps
were formatted into a survey and field tested with educators and hiring managers who rated the
level of knowledge expected of minimally-competent radiographers.
Developing a Skills Hierarchy Meaningful to Professionals and Test Professionals
Joshua Stopek, Henrietta Eve, and Matthew Schultz, American Institute of Certified Public
Implementing principled assessment frameworks (PAFs) requires changing the way that subject
matter experts think about the nature of their construct. This paper focuses on the practical impact
of PAFs on the development of a practice analysis survey, work done to validate its operational
effectiveness, and improvements to ensure its success.
The Effects of Varying Grain Size on the Exchangeability of Item Isomorphs
Mary Ann Simpson, Audra Kosh, Lisa Bickel, Jeffrey Elmore, Eleanor Sanford-Moore, Heather Koons,
and Marelle Enoch-Marx, MetaMetrics, Inc.
Grain size of cognitive models for automatically generated multi-digit addition and subtraction
items was manipulated. 306 students responded to 24 generated items in fine, medium, or large
grain size and item difficulties for the two forms within each grain size compared. Correlations
were all above .80. Additional analyses reported.
Development and Empirical Validation of Assessment Engineering Task Model Grammars for
Mathematics and General Science Assessments
Richard M. Luecht, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
This paper discusses task modeling research for the ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning and General
Science subtests. Expert-generated narratives and reverse-engineering techniques were employed
to develop task model grammars (TMGs) for constructing effective cognitive task models. Empirical
results demonstrate the recovery of item difficulties from TMG components. Practical implications
are discussed.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Incorporating Construct Maps and Task Models in Standard Setting
Robert Furter, American Board of Pediatrics; Matthew J. Burke, National Commission on Certification
of Physician Assistants; Deanna Morgan, and Pamela Kaliski, The College Board
This paper investigates the use of task models in the context of a modified Angoff standard setting
procedure. Discussion will focus on the development and use of task models to aid panelists in the
process of linking performance on items to Achievement Level Descriptors for an established score


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, L5
Innovations in Operational Testing

Session Chair: Han Yi Kim, Measured Progress

Session Discussant: Patrick Meyer, University of Virginia
Eliminating the Fourth Option in Multiple-Choice Items
Erkan Atalmis, Sutcu Imam University, Turkey, and Marianne Perie, Center for Educational Testing &
Prior research has shown that three-option multiple choice items are just as reliable as four-option
MCIs and offer many benefits. Different methods for eliminating one option from four option
MCIs to construct three option MCIs could result in different item and test characteristics, as
documented using a non-parametric IRT model.
Beyond Dichotomous: A Method for Collecting Better Test Data
Paul Curran, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Simple multiple choice test items are unable to collect more than correct/incorrect information
without employing labor intensive coding of alternatives or complex psychometric methods that
rely on large samples. This paper details a new take on old research allowing test-takers to provide
forms of confidence in answers for partial credit.
Innovative Item Invariance Within the Context of Item Position Change
Ryan Glaze, Jenna Copella, and Leah Kaira, Pearson
Equating research has demonstrated that item parameter estimates for multiple-choice items vary
as a function of item position. This study, using data from an end-of-course nursing exam, focuses
on the extent to which the inclusion of innovative items may exacerbate the impact of item
position changes and threaten parameter invariance.
Comparing Conversation-Based Scenarios to Traditional Assessment Methods
Haiying Li, University of Memphis, G. Tanner Jackson, and Diego Zapata-Rivera, Educational Testing
This paper examines outcomes from conversation-based tasks and compares them to traditional
assessment methods. Three versions of the same assessment were developed to include multiplechoice only, multiple-choice with constructed response, and trialogue conversations (i.e.,
discussions between the test-taker and 2 virtual agents). Results will focus on students learning
and engagement.
Towards a Pro-Choice Strategy for Standardized Testing
Steven Culpepper and James Balamuta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
Prior research considered allowing examinees the flexibility to choose among exam items.
New theoretical results demonstrate that choice increases item information if examinees have
incentives to practice success arbitrage, which is defined as decisions that maximize expected
utility. Experimental results support the psychometric value of choice when examinees have


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Paper Session, L6
DIF With Special Item Types

Session Chair: Ze Wang, University of Missouri

Session Discussant: Jessalyn Smith, CTB
Semiparametric Modeling and Testing of Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
Yang Liu, Brooke Magnus, and David Thissen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Methods for modeling and testing DIF along a continuous covariate are often restrictive in
parametric form. We develop a semiparametric approach that simultaneously estimates covariateconditional item characteristic functions (ICFs) for non-anchor items, unconditional ICFs for anchor
items, and conditional latent density distributions. A permutation DIF test is also proposed.
A Framework for Evaluating Score Comparability
Andrew Mroch, Dongmei Li, and Tony Thompson, ACT, Iowa City, IA
We propose a framework for evaluating comparability. We then illustrate the application of this
framework to a mode comparability study. We recommend the framework for practitioners
evaluating comparability and conclude that for the illustrative study data it was not reasonable to
assume score comparability prior to applying statistical linking.
Using Multiple Linear Regression for DIF Assessment in Continuous Items
Hsiu-Yi Chao and Shu-Ying Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County, Taiwan
This study proposed the multiple linear regression method (MLR) for DIF assessment in continuous
items. Results of simulation study showed that MLR performed well in detection of uniform DIF.
However, a further study to improve the performance of MLR in assessing nonuniform DIF is
An Optimal Method for Detecting Item Drift
Jerome Clauser, American Board of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Many methods exist for assessing the magnitude of item parameter drift. Unfortunately these
methods do not provide a criterion for excluding items from the anchor. This paper uses error
in examinee ability estimates as a criterion for evaluating anchors. A method for optimizing this
criterion is presented.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, L7
Comparing Equating Methods

Session Chair: Xia Mao, Pearson

Session Discussant: Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts
The Impact of Different Anchor Test Structures in IRT Equating
Aolin Xie and Tammy Trierweiler, Prometric, Baltimore
Characteristics of anchor item sets were evaluated under the common item to an equated pool
design. Anchor test length, the anchor test structure, and the underlying ability distribution of the
equated new form were evaluated. Simulated data and data from a high stakes assessment were
used to evaluate study conditions.
Using Robust Scale Transformation Methods for Multiple Outlying Common Items
Yong He, Zhongmin Cui, ACT, Inc. and Steven Osterlind, University of Missouri
Detection and elimination of outliers in common items, although improve equating accuracy, may
cause inadequate content representation. Robust scale transformation methods have recently
been proposed to solve this problem when only one outlier was present in a common item set. We
applied the new approaches when multiple outliers are presented.
Evaluating Common Item Block Options When Faced With Practical Constraints
Amanda Wolkowitz and Susan Davis-Becker, Alpine Testing Solutions, Chesterfield, MO
This study evaluates the impact of common item characteristics on the outcome of equating in
credentialing examinations when traditionally recommended representation is not possible. This
research includes real data sets from multiple credentialing exams to test the impact of content
representation, item statistics, and test length on equating results.
Evaluating Anchor-Item Designs for Concurrent Calibration With the GGUM
Seang-Hwane Joo, University of South Florida, Philseok Lee, University of South Florida and Jacob
Seybert, Educational Testing Service
We developed MCMC procedures for concurrent calibration with the Generalized Graded
Unfolding Model and conducted a Monte Carlo study to examine the efficacy of three anchoritem designs in vertical and horizontal linking scenarios. We will present these results and provide
recommendations for pretest designs involving ideal point CAT applications.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Paper Session, L8
Linking and Vertical Scaling

Session Chair: Francis Rick, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Session Discussant: Swaminathan Hariharan, University of Connecticut
Equating Task Complexity in Alternate Assessments
Fen Fan, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Louis Roussos, Measured Progress
A new alternate assessment design assesses students with items having different levels of
complexity, which precludes standard statistical equating of the items. This study develops and
demonstrates a new approach that enables the construction of a meaningful scale based on a
combination of statistical and human judgment-based methods.
Scale Transformation in MIRT: A Parameter-Constraint Approach
Tsung-Han Ho, Jiyun Zu, and Lixiong Gu, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
There is a growing interest in MIRT application because modeling more than one dimension often
improves the model fit. One limitation of applying MIRT in practice is the difficulty establishing
equivalent scales of multiple traits. The performance of the parameter-constraint method is
evaluated across various conditions.
Multidimensional IRT Scaling of AA-AAS Pilot Items Using Collateral Information
David R. King, Georgia Institute of Technology, Seung W. Choi, McGraw-Hill Education CTB, Anne
Davidson, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, and Sarah Hagge, Minnesota Department of
Alternate assessment items were scaled by fitting a confirmatory MIRT model to student and
teacher responses. Teacher responses measured learner characteristics as common collateral
information across forms and provided information for linking Math/ELA items and improving the
measurement precision of Math/ELA ability scores.
Effect of Construct Shift on Vertical Scale Growth Estimates
Jane Rogers, Melissa Eastwood, and Hari Swaminathan, University of Connecticut
A simulation study was conducted to investigate the effect of construct shift on estimation of
growth trajectories and to assess the feasibility of a bifactor model for measuring growth when
the construct invariance assumption is violated. Growth trajectories were well-recovered with a
bifactor model.
An Application of Multidimensional Vertical Scaling
Jonathan Weeks, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This study evaluates design considerations in the development of a multidimensional vertical scale
using empirical data from an assessment of reading component skills administered to examinees
in grades 6 through 9. Three dimensional structures are considered: simple structure, bifactor, and
unidimensional along with three linking methods.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
12:25 PM - 1:55 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, L9
Mixture IRT Models

Session Chair: Tim ONeill, Pearson

Session Discussant: Pui-Wa Lei, Penn State University
The Confirmatory Mixture IRT Model for Inattentive Responses
Kuan-Yu Jin, The Hong Kong Institute of Education and Hui-Fang Chen, City University of Hong Kong
Inattentive responses, which can threaten measurement quality, are commonly observed in rating
or Likert-type scale data. A mixture item response model was proposed to identify different kinds
of inattentive responses. Simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the
new model.
A Random Item Mixture Nominal Response Model
Hye-Jeong Choi, Allan Cohen, University of Georgia and Brian Bottge, University of Kentucky
This study describes a random item mixture nominal response model. An important benefit of
this model is that one can include covariates on persons and on individual response categories. A
simulation study and a real data example will be provided to evaluate the usefulness of the model.
Guessing Detection Using Hybrid Mixture IRT Model With Response Times
Tongyun Li, Educational Testing Service and Hong Jiao, University of Maryland-College Park, College
Park, MD
The present study investigates a hybrid mixture item response theory (IRT) model with response
times (RTs) as covariates for the detection of guessing behavior. A simulation study is proposed to
compare this approach with the mixture Rasch model (MRM)-RT approach (Meyer, 2008), which
utilizes RTs in a log-normal function.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Coordinated Session, M1
Psychometric Considerations for PARCC Assessments: Research From the
Field Test
Session Chair: Enis Dogan, PARCC Inc.
Session Discussant: Michael Kolen, University of Iowa

PARCC is a state-led consortium working to more accurately measure student progress toward
college and career readiness, developing a complex assessment system that will include an array
of new item types. This session presents selected PARCC field test research studies to support the
reliability and validity of test score interpretations.
Psychometric Research Studies and Data Collection Design
Bradley Moulder, Shameem Gaj, Kevin Meara, Jianbin Fu, Carolyn Wentzel, and Jing Miao, Educational
Testing Service
The innovative design of the PARCC items and the structure of the PARCC assessment challenge
traditional psychometric methods. This presentation provides an overview of the field test
psychometric research, as pertains to scoring and scaling, the associated field test design
consideration for collection of analysis data, and results to date.
Study of Device Comparability Within the PARCC Field Test
Leslie Keng, Laurie Laughlin Davis, Malena McBride, and Ryan Glaze, Pearson
PARCCs ultimate goal is to delivery its assessments using the widest variety of digital devices. A
comparability study was conducted to compare student performance on computers and touchscreen tablets during the spring 2014 field-test administration. Implications of study results to
psychometric work, item development and policies decisions will be discussed.
Mode Comparability
Terran Brown, Usama Ali, Jianshen Chen, Guangming Ling, Bradley Moulder, and Gautam Puhan,
Educational Testing Service
PARCC computer-based (CBT) and paper-based (PBT) test forms are designed to be parallel, with
the exception of technology-dependent items in the CBT forms. In the interest of fairness, this
study examines the comparability of CBT and PBT item- and test-level scores, and the feasibility of
scaling to support score comparisons.
Comparability of High School Mathematics End-of-Course Assessments
Kyunghee Suh, Lora Monfils, Igor Himelfarb, and Marna Golub-Smith, Educational Testing Service
PARCC offers mathematics end-of-course assessments for two pathways, specifically the Traditional
and Integrated course sequences. This study examines the extent to which items for the two
pathways can be placed on the same scale to support comparisons of student achievement in the
domains assessed in the respective course sequences.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Exchange, 11th Floor, Coordinated Session, M2
Theory-Based Item Generation for Mathematics Assessment and Instruction
Session Chair: Mary Ann Simpson, Lexile
Session Discussant: Linda Plattner, Illustrative Mathematics

Presenters: Mary Ann Simpson, Lisa Bickel, Jack Stenner, Jeff Elmore, Ellie Sanford-Moore,
MetaMetrics, Inc.; William Fisher, University of California, Berkeley; Ruth Price, Lela
Durakovic, Sandra Totten, Mark Kellogg, David Lines, and Donald Burdick, MetaMetrics,
A hybrid approach to automatic item generation combines the benefits of theory with the
productivity offered by item templates. Our team will present papers on development of a strong
theory of task difficulty in K-12 mathematics, identification of key task features, development of
item generation software, and validation.
A Unified Theory of Task Difficulty In K-12 Mathematics
Jackson Stenner, Mary Ann Simpson, MetaMetrics, Inc.; William F. Fisher, University of California,
Berkeley; and Donald Burdick, MetaMetrics, Inc.
Family Group Generation Theory - Large Scale Implementation
Lisa Bickel, Mary Ann Simpson, Ellie Sanford-Moore, Ruth Price, Lela Durakovic, and Sandra Totten,
MetaMetrics, Inc.
Creating a Hybrid Math Item Generator
Mark Kellogg, Ryan Leathers, David Lines, and Lisa Bickel, MetaMetrics, Inc.
Initial Validation of Theory and Creation of Item Families
Mary Ann Simpson, Jeff Elmore, and Lisa Bickel, MetaMetrics, Inc.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, M3
Debate: Equal Interval Scales in Educational Testing: Attainable Goal or
Session Chair: Terry Ackerman, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Presenters: Wim vanderLinden, CTB and Derek Briggs, University of Colorado

Ever since S.S. Stevens (1946) introduced his idea of different levels of measurement, the
importance of these distinctions has been a matter of some controversy. In this debate, Derek
Briggs will take the position that if measurement with clearly defined reference units is desirable
of educational testing, then it is necessary for psychometricians to establish empirical criteria that
must be met in support of such claims. In contrast, Wim van der Linden will argue that the ideal is
a myth we should leave behind us and our current models already provide measurements that are
extremely practical and lend themselves to fruitful theory building.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, King Arthur, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, M4
Subscore Recovery

Session Chair: Jonathan Beard, College Board

Session Discussant: Howard Everson, City University of New York
When Can We Improve Subscores by Making Them Shorter?
Richard Feinberg and Howard Wainer, National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia
Subscores can be of diagnostic value for tests that cover multiple underlying traits. Some tests
that contain items requiring ability spanning multiple traits may include such items on multiple
subscores. In this study we show that the value of a subscore is always improved through the
removal of such items.
Reporting Subscores in CAT Using a Bottom-Up Approach
Jing-Ru Xu, Michigan State University; Frank Rijmen, Seung W. Choi, and Sandip Sinharay, Pacific
This paper focuses on the implementation of the bottom-up approach. Two multidimensional
models were analyzed with four dimensions. Three different MCAT approaches were compared
using two ways of selecting subdomains under three different correlation designs. It shed lights on
innovative methods of subscore reporting in CAT using different multidimensional models.
Subscores Arent for Everyone: Alternative Strategies for Evaluating Subscore Utility
Mark Raymond and Richard Feinberg, National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia, PA
Recent methods to substantiate subscore utility apply to all examinees in a sample and overlook
individual differences. We propose an alternative method that determines whether subscores are
useful for some examinees. The method, which draws on multivariate G-Theory, is sensitive to
individual differences in profile variability and measurement error.
Examining Subscore Invariance Under Multidimensional Item Response Models
Jiyun Zu, Ho Tsung-Han, and Lixiong Gu, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models have been shown to provide accurate
and reliable subscores. A test fairness procedure of examining group invariance of MIRT-based
subscores is described and demonstrated using data from two tests.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Paper Session, M5
Reliability Related New Models

Session Chair: Brett Foley, Alpine Solutions

Session Discussant: William Skorupski, Kansas University
Decision Consistency and Accuracy for Multidimensional Models
Lee LaFond, Measured Progress and Won-Chan Lee, University of Iowa
This study developed a new procedure for estimating decision consistency and accuracy indices
(DCA) using the bifactor and testlet response theory (TRT) models in tests employing testlets. The
impact of placement of cut-scores and degree of multidimensionality on estimates of DCA indices
between UIRT, TRT, and bifactor models was investigated.
A G-Theory Framework for Estimating Reliability Applied to Web-Based Measurement
Walter Vispoel and Murat Kilinc, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
A G-theory approach to estimating equivalence, stability, and equivalence and stability together is
described and applied to 22 web-based measures of personality, self-concept, and social desirable
responding. Results indicated that equivalence and stability indices analogous to Alpha and testretest coefficients routinely overestimated reliability and sometimes markedly so.
Estimating Reliability by Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling
Wei Tang, Qi Guo, and Ying Cui, University of Alberta
Structural Equation Modeling Estimate of Reliability (SEMR) is one of the currently recommended
methods to estimate reliability. The goal of the study is to compare two of SEMRs estimators:
Bayesian estimator and maximum likelihood, under different simulation conditions. We are
interested in their performance in small sample and non-normal conditions.
The Robustness of Structural Equation Modeling Estimates of Reliability
Qi Guo, Wei Tang, and Ying Cui, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The estimate of reliability using structural equation modeling tends to be biased if the analysis
model is incorrectly specified. However, to correctly specify the analysis model is difficult in
practice. Thus, this study is designed to explore the robustness of SEM estimates of reliability under
misspecified models.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, M6
Psychometric Considerations in Linking to Survey Assessments
Session Chair: Rochelle Michel, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Kadriye Ercikan, The University of British Columbia

Presenters: Meng Wu, Xueli Xu, Rochelle Michel, and Yue Jia, Educational Testing Service
This coordinated session consists of four papers that will highlight best practices in linking to
and between survey assessments. The papers will include a general description of psychometric
considerations in linking studies, as well as expositions of the various challenges and opportunities
in linking to and between survey assessments.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level, Paper Session, M7
Score Reporting

Session Chair: Joshua Goodman, Pacific Metrics

Session Discussant: April Zenisky, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Exploring the Effectiveness of a Measurement Error Tutorial for Teachers
Diego Zapata-Rivera, Rebecca Zwick, and Margaret Vezzu, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The goal of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a focused web-based tutorial in helping
teachers to better understand confidence bands in test score reports. Results showed a significant
difference in comprehension scores between groups that received a tutorial and the control group
(no tutorial).
Investigating Test User Interpretations and Actions Based on Score Reports
Timothy OLeary, John Hattie, and Patrick Griffin, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia
Score reports and the appropriateness of the interpretations that users make play an integral part
in test validity. This paper provides a rationale for research focused on validating interpretations
and actions and presents findings from the first of a series of studies relating to user interpretations
and actions.
Designing Alternate Assessment Score Reports That Maximize Instructional Impact
Sheila Wells-Moreaux, Amy K. Clark, Gretchen Anderson, Meagan Karvonen, and Neal Kingston,
University of Kansas
This paper describes the process for designing alternate assessment score reports to be actionable
for teachers and parents. We used focus groups methods to refine prototypes, examine teachers
use of scores to plan instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities, and evaluate the
utility of reports to guide instructional decision-making.
The Relative Performance Index: Defusing Simpsons Paradox
Kyle Nickodem, Ernest Davenport, Jr., Gareth Phillips, University of Minnesota; Edmund Graham,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and Deanna Garcia, Press Ganey Associates
Instead of relying on a potentially misleading aggregate mean score, the Relative Performance
Index provides policy makers and the public with a single summary value for assessment data that
adjusts for Simpsons Paradox and gives voice to disaggregated results.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, M8
Thinking About Validity in Measuring Teacher and School Effectiveness
Session Chair: Burcu Kaniskan, NCBE
Session Discussant: Michael Kane, Educational Testing Service

Numerous studies examine measurement of teacher/school effectiveness. Yet, these studies

include several methodological and practical issues which constitute threats to validity (Braun,
Chudowsky, & Koenig, 2010). This session addresses these limitations and provides innovative
solutions in measuring teacher and school effectiveness.
Impact of Ignoring in Cross-Classified Multiple Membership Data Structures
Dan Murphy, Burcu Kaniskan and Ahmet Turhan, Pearson and NCBE
This study compared the use of a three-level growth-curve model with that of a cross-classified
growth curve model and a cross-classified multiple membership growth-curve model for handling
cross-classified multiple membership data structures. Results indicate different models would lead
to different conclusions about the nature of teacher effects on student growth.
Assessment of Growth: A Comparison of Models for Projecting Growth
Burcu Kaniskan, Swaminathan Hariharan, and Jane Rogers, NCBE and University of Connecticut
The purpose of this study is to compare student growth models with respect to their ability to:
(a) accurately project students math scores at a future point; and (b) correctly classify students
proficiency levels at future point in time. Nine growth models derived from four different methods
are compared.
Using VAM to Triage Teacher Evaluation
Kathy McKnight, Dan Murphy, and Doug Harris, Pearson and Tulane University
The valid use of VAM as a measure of teacher effectiveness has been in question for some time
(McCaffrey, et al., 2003). We describe the design of a triage-like evaluation process, incorporating
VAM instead as a screener, to flag extreme (high and low) performance and to triangulate
evaluation data.
Combining Measures of Teaching Effectiveness With the Hierarchical Rater Model
Jodi Casabianca, University of Texas at Austin
This research evaluates a variation of the hierarchical rater model for estimating teaching
effectiveness based on multiple measures. The augmented parameterization may incorporate
measures like classroom observation ratings and student outcomes. The models are fitted to
Measures of Effective Teaching data to compare estimated traits and estimates from standard


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Coordinated Session, M9
Applications and Advances of Multidimensional IRT With Stochastic
Approximation Methods
Session Chair: Lauren Harrell, University of California Los Angeles
Session Discussant: Sandip Sinharay, Pacific Metrics

Stochastic approximation methods, such as the Metropolis-Hastings Robins-Monro algorithm,

have increased the flexibility of item response modeling and have broadened applications of item
factor models. Advances in multidimensional and hierarchical IRT estimation through stochastic
approximation are applied to large-scale assessment methodology, teacher evaluation, and ratereffects estimation in task-based performance assessments.
A Crossed Random Effect MIRT Model for Multiple Rater Data
Larry Thomas and Li Cai, University of California, Los Angeles
This research investigates a crossed random effect multidimensional IRT model to consistently and
accurately score examinees on multiple-rated performance tasks and evaluate raters use of scoring
rubrics. Simulation results show that item parameters, examinee and rater estimates, and standard
errors are accurately estimated via a stochastic approximation algorithm.
Examining NAEP Fourth Grade Mathematics Using a Multilevel Item Factor Analysis Model
Nathan Dadey, University of Colorado-Boulder
Empirical dimensionality, as defined through exploratory methods, often fails to align to test
blueprints or other substantive theory. Relatedly, empirical dimensionality can vary by level of
aggregation. This work examines these issues in the context of NAEP fourth-grade mathematics
assessment through the application of a multilevel item factor analysis model.
Plausible Value Imputation From Multidimensional IRT Models Using Stochastic Approximation
Lauren Harrell and Li Cai, University of California, Los Angeles
The Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro algorithm is adapted to perform multidimensional IRT
calibration simultaneously with latent regression. The properties of imputation of plausible values
for large-scale assessments is examined using both simulation studies of complex MIRT and
analysis of NAEP Science data under the framework-specified data generating model.
Multilevel Item Factor Analysis With Covariates for Teacher Evaluation Surveys
Megan Kuhfeld and Li Cai, University of California, Los Angeles
We compare latent score estimates from a multilevel multidimensional item factor model to
traditional scoring methods using simulations and data from a teacher evaluation survey to
examine score bias in teacher practice and class environment constructs when important student
background covariates are included or excluded from the calibration model.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday, April 19, 2015
4:00 PM7:00 PM, Burnham Room, 8th Floor
NCME Board of Directors Meeting
Members of NCME are invited to attend as observers.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 5:05 PM, Camelot, 3rd Floor, Electronic Board Session,
Paper Session, N1
Electronic Board #1
Do the Step Parameters Matters When Doing DIF Detection on Dichotomized Responses?
Shuwen Tang, Wen Zeng, and Cindy Walker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
This study focuses on the effect of having different step parameters in polytomous items and
dichotomizing them, prior to testing for differential item functioning (DIF). A simulation study was
conducted to compare the performance of SIBTEST and Poly-SIBTEST, in terms of the Type I error
and power, under these conditions.
Electronic Board #2
Factors Influencing the LR for Detecting DIF in Within-Multidimensional Data
Hui-Fang Chen, City University of Hong Kong; Kuan-Yu Jin, and Wen-Chung Wang, Hong Kong
Institute of Education
Simulations were conducted to investigate factors that influence the performance of the logistic
regression method in assessing differential item functioning (DIF) for within-multidimensional
data. Several factors were manipulated when non-uniform DIF exists. It was found that the
matching variable significantly influenced the accurately detection rates under the bidirectional
DIF pattern.
Electronic Board #4
Applying Wald Test to Detect Multi-group DIF in CDM
Likun Hou, Educational Testing Service and Jimmy delaTorre, Rutgers University
Previous studies showed Wald test is effective to detect DIF between two groups in cognitive
diagnosis models. This simulation study extends the use of Wald test to detect DIF for more than
two groups in the context of the DINA model. Results show Wald test is promising for this purpose.
Electronic Board #5
Differential Item Functioning for Testlet-Based Tests in Multilevel Data
Jin Zhang and Changhui Zhang, ACT, Iowa City
This study uses a logistic mixed model to detect DIF for testlet-based tests with multilevel student
data. A simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the logistic mixed model
and Mantel-Haenszel test under various degrees of DIF, local item dependence, and local person
Electronic Board #6
DIF Detection and Prediction With Different Focal Group Designations
Jessica Loughran and Neal Kingston, University of Kansas, Lawrence
This study examined the effect of different focal group designations on: 1) the detection of DIF, and
2) the prediction of DIF from individual item features. Results indicated that different focal group
designations influence both DIF detection and prediction. This research has implications for test
development and validity studies.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #7
Application of Differential Person Functioning for the Scale Comparability
Dong Gi Seo, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, Columbus, OH
Differential person functioning (DPF) can be applied to investigate the comparability of examinees
within different subgroup with small sample sizes, and few or even no common items. This study
shows that DPF is appropriate for the purpose of scale comparability regardless of the size of the
subgroups and common items.
Electronic Board #8
Detecting DIF in Multidimensional Data Using MIMIC and IRT-LR-DIF
Okan Bulut, University of Alberta; Soo Lee, and Youngsuk Suh, Rutgers, The State University of New
This study introduces the multidimensional forms of the MIMIC-interaction model and the IRT-LRDIF test for detecting DIF in multidimensional data. The mechanisms of these two DIF approaches
are presented and the performances of the two methods are compared via a Monte Carlo
simulation study under various simulation conditions.
Electronic Board #9
Using DIF to Investigate Reading Proficiencys Impact on Science Achievement
Pierre Brochu, University of Toronto/OISE, Whitby, Canada
This study investigates the impact of reading proficiency on science achievement using DIF in a
multidimensional model. Canadian Grade 8 students responded to a national assessment in either
English or French and results in science are compared across language groups controlling for
reading achievement.
Electronic Board #10
Assessing the Latent Dimensional Structure of a Cross-Cultural Data
Minhee Seo, KICE, Yun Seok Choi, Korea National University of Transportation, and Kyong Hee Chon,
Kangnam University
We examined the latent dimensional structure of a cross-cultural data both in math cognitive
and math non-cognitive areas. The results indicated that the dimensional structure and item
characteristics of math achievement test should not be applied in the same way to those of noncognitive scale without consideration of cultural differences.
Electronic Board #11
Explanatory Models for Understanding Differential Item Functioning
Jennifer Brussow, William Skorupski, and Jessica Loughran, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
This study evaluates the use of specific item-level features as explanatory variables for
understanding DIF. Two methods of DIF identification/explanation are considered: 1) two-stage DIF
+ regression, and 2) a simultaneous, hierarchical approach. Data are simulated across three grade
levels to determine comparability of results across non-linked assessments.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Electronic Board #12
A Comparative Study of DIF Procedures for Computerized Adaptive Tests
Joseph Rios, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
The objective of this study is to introduce a new CAT-DIF procedure referred to as the fixed-effects
likelihood ratio test (FE-LRT) and to compare its performance with the logistic regression, CATSIB,
and CATSIB-E methods. Overall, the FE-LRT demonstrated superior type I error, power, and correct
DIF type identification rates.
Electronic Board #13
The Influence of DIF/DBF on Ability Estimation
Kevin Cappaert, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
The factors test length, bundle size, uniform DIF/DBF, non-uniform DIF/DBF, and reference/
focal group balance were investigated to determine their influence on ability estimation. Results
indicate uniform DIF/DBF has an influence on ability estimation bias while non-uniform DIF/DBF
was found to influence RMSE and the standard error of ability estimates.
Electronic Board #14
Measurement Invariance Assessment Under Cognitive Diagnostic Models
Xiaomin Li and Wen-Chung Wang, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
In CDMs, all existing methods for DIF detection treated the latent binary attributes as qualitatively
identical even when items exhibit DIF, which contradicts the common knowledge of DIF and
thus misleading. In this study, we acknowledge such fallacy and propose a new method for DIF
assessment in CDMs.
Electronic Board #15
Hierarchical Linear Modeling to Examine Comparability of Testing Modes
Heather Rickels, Wei Cheng Liu, Stephen Dunbar and Catherine Welch, Iowa Testing Programs,
University of Iowa, Coralville, IA
This study examined the use of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) when investigating
comparability of computer-based testing (CBT) and paper-and-pencil testing (PPT). Specifically,
the HLM approach was used to examine potential clustering effects and identify outlying schools.
Failing to examine clustering effects may lead to erroneous conclusions of significance or nonsignificance.
Electronic Board #16
DIF Analysis for Short Tests With Multilevel Data
Ying Jin and Christian Flack, Middle Tennessee State University
Four DIF methods were compared to investigate their abilities to account for low reliability and
multilevel data structure when mean ability difference was present. The results showed that
DIF methods with latent covariates outperformed DIF methods with observed covariates under
conditions simulated in the current study.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Electronic Board #17
The Effects of Discrimination Parameters on DIF Detection Methods
Nathan D. Minchen and Youngsuk Suh, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
New Brunswick, NJ
This study examines the effect of the discrimination parameters of anchor items on the
performance of several popular Differential Item Functioning (DIF) detection methods, and further
explores the performance of the Combined Decision Rule DIF test (Penfield, 2003).
Electronic Board #18
Assessment of DIF In Testlet-Based Items Using 2pl-Multilevel Measurement Model
Wei Xu and David Miller, University of Florida
In this study, DIF analysis among testlet-based items is conducted by the 2PL-multilevel
measurement model (extended from the model developed by Beretvas and Walker (2012)). The
proposed study will further our understanding about DIF detection and inform practitioners with
regards to the choice of testlet-based items.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, N2
Equating: Small Samples and Testlets

Session Chair: Thomas Proctor, College Board

Session Discussant: Michael Jodoin, NBME
Bifactor MIRT Observed-Score Equating for Testlet-Based Tests
Juan Chen, National Conference of Bar Examiners and Wei Tao, ACT, Inc.
Three MIRT observed-score equating methods for testlet-based tests are compared using the
bifactor model. Method I applies the unidimensional approximation of composite parameters;
Method II requires a parameter reduction process through integration; Method III uses the fullinformation MIRT procedure. The equipercentile method is used as the baseline for comparison.
Minimum Sample Size Requirements for Equating of Mixed-Format Tests
Ja Young Kim, Ja Young Kim, Wei Tao, and YoungWoo Cho, ACT, Inc.
Very few studies have investigated the sample size requirements that lead to acceptable equating
results with mixed-format tests. This study will estimate minimum sample sizes considering test
length, scoring weights on CR and correlation between multiple choice (MC) and constructed
response (CR) sections in mixed-format tests using equipercentile equating method.
The SiGNET Model for Small Sample Equating: A Practical Application
Xuan (Adele) Tan and Gautam Puhan, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
This study will evaluate an improved data collection design, the Single Group Nearly Equivalent
Test (SiGNET) design, in dealing with small sample equatings using data from tests assembled with
this design. Different sample sizes and equating methods will be examined. Preliminary results
showed promise over traditional common item equating design.
Investigating Three IRT Perspectives on Equating Testlet-Based Tests
Mengyao Zhang, Hyung Jin Kim, Kyung Yong Kim, Won-Chan Lee, Euijin Lim, Shichao Wang, and
Robert Brennan, The University of Iowa, Iowa City
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the performance of three different IRT
perspectives on equating testlet-based tests. Both IRT true score and observed score equating are
performed. Varying degrees of local item dependence and other test and sample characteristics
are considered.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, N3
CAT: Test Generation

Session Chair: Anna Topczewski, Pearson

Session Discussant: John Willse, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Evaluating Statistical Targets for Assembling Parallel Mixed-Format Test Forms
Dries Debeer, University of Leuven, Usama Ali, and Peter vanRijn, Educational Testing Service
Mixed-format test are widely used in practice because of their increased validity. Because in many
large-scale assessments parallel forms are needed, the theoretical framework to generate the test
forms is critical. This project investigates the performance of different statistical targets in the linear
assembly of mixed-format tests.
A Methodology for Multilingual Automatic Item Generation
Keith Boughton, McGraw-Hill Education CTB; Mark Gierl, Changhua Rich, University of Alberta; and
Lorena Houston, McGraw-Hill Education CTB
AIG is a method in which various procedures found in educational fields are used to create large
numbers of items. Tests are also administered in different languages, which require testing
programs to accommodate multilingual testing. This research will employ a new method for
multilingual automatic item generation.
A Novel Approach to Quantify Semantics of Automatically Generated Items
Syed Muhammad Fahad Latifi, Mark Gierl, Ren Wang, and Andong Wang, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada
We present a novel unsupervised approach that extends the Compositional Distributional
Semantic Model (CDSM) to measure the semantic relatedness among the pool of automatically
generated items. Generated items from the medical science domain were used. We found our
measure sensitive in indexing the semantic-heterogeneity of item pools.
Consideration of Item Position Effects in Computerized Adaptive Testing
Raphael Bernhardt, Andreas Frey, and Sebastian Born, Jena University, Jena, Germany
A procedure to account for item position effects in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is
proposed. The application of the procedure to empirical data (N=1,632) revealed general item
position effects but no item-specific effects. The model estimates can be used in CAT to avoid
suboptimal item selection and biased ability estimates.
Optimal Reassembly of Shadow Tests in CAT
Seung W. Choi, Jie Li, Karin Moellering, and Wim vanderLinden, McGraw-Hill Education CTB,
Even in the age of abundant and fast computing resources, security and concurrency requirements
still put an uninterrupted delivery of computer-adaptive tests at risk. For the particularly computeintensive shadow test approach to CAT we therefore examine strategies reducing the number of
(concurrently) reassembled shadow tests without compromising its measurement quality.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Renaissance Ballroom, 5th Floor, Paper Session, N4
DCM & Diagnostic Models

Session Chair: Liru Zhang, Delaware Department of Education

Session Discussant: Jonathan Templin, University of Kansas
A Generalized Approach to Defining Item Discrimination for DCMs
Robert Henson, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Lou DiBello, University of Illinois at
Chicago, and Bill Stout, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana,
One advantage of a DCM approach is that characteristics of the items can be used to refine an
assessment. This paper discusses a unified approach for identifying good items that generalizes
to multinomial models (i.e., several responses/item modeled, not just right/wrong) for diagnostic
classification models.
Fitting Diagnostic Classification Models to Distractor-Driven Tests for Validation Purposes
Benjamin R. Shear, Stanford University; Louis Roussos, Measured Progress; Louis DiBello, and William
Stout, Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, Robert Henson, University
of North Carolina at Greensboro
This paper fits a new generalized diagnostic classification model for option-based scoring to a
distractor-driven test of student misconceptions in middle school geometry. Q matrix specification,
model fit statistics and examinee classifications provide validity evidence by testing the
hypothesized cognitive structure of responses and informing scoring procedures.
The Effects of Mixture-induced Local Dependence on Diagnostic Classification
Thomas McCoy and John Willse, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
Diagnostic classification models assume local independence (LI) for performing classification into
skill mastery profiles. However, the impact of violating LI has not been well studied. A simulation
study on classification rates is presented after introducing systematic within-class variation from
A Strategy-Based Diagnostic Classification Model
Ning Yan, Independent Consultant; Yuehmei Chien, and Chingwei Shin, Pearson
We present a new diagnostic classification model designed to support the modeling of multiple
response strategies per test item, where each strategy utilizes a different subset of the latent
attributes under assessment. The model has an intuitive formulation like DINA, but is closely
related to more general frameworks like LCDM.
Item Fit Evaluation in Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling
Miguel Sorrel, Francisco Abad, Julio Olea, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid; and Juan Barrada,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Madrid, Spain
In the field of cognitive diagnosis modeling, there has been scarce research related to the item fit
evaluation. Based on a simulation study, this study investigate the performance of various item
fit statistics (Wald statistic, RMSEA, and S-X2) and provide information about usefulness of these
indexes on different scenarios.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Longitudinal Cognitive Diagnosis Model Application of Latent Transition Analysis
Yasemin Kaya and Walter Leite, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
The purpose of our study was to develop a longitudinal model for cognitive diagnosis models,
which will be applied to repeated measurements in order to monitor attribute stability of the
individuals, and to account for respondent dependence. We developed a model based on latent
transition analysis model in cognitive diagnosis.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Seville Ballroom East, Lobby Level, Paper Session, N5
Applied International Assessment

Session Chair: James Ingrisone, Pearson

Session Discussant: Hua-Hua Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Comparing the MSLQ Structure Models Between Korea and the U.S.
Jiyoung Yoon, Yoonsun Lee, Mi-jin Kwon, Misun Kim, and Hye-young Kang, Seoul Womens University
This study examined measurement invariance of the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ) between Korea and the U.S. The results showed the same structure between
the two countries. Additionally, Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model investigated
the effect ethnical identification and gender on the structure of a two-factor model.
Affective Characteristics Predicting 15-Year-Old Students Mathematical Literacy Skills in Turkey
Ergl Demir, Ankara University Educational Sciences Faculty, Ankara, Turkey
The aim of this study was to examine the affective characteristics of the 15-year-old students in
Turkey, significantly predicting their mathematical literacy skills and competencies, according to
the PISA 2012 results. According to modeling studies ongoing, it can be possible to determine a
significant secondary-level structural equation modeling.
Socioeconomic Justice in Countries and Its Relation to Education
Mustafa Yilmaz, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
PISA is one of the leading large-scale assessments in comparative education. For the first time
in 2012, PISA surveyed students for the private tutoring. By using their data this study examines
what PISA supplies us about socioeconomic justice in countries and how does it relate to private
supplementary educational services.
Understanding and Operationalizing Cultural Sensitivity in Assessment Practices
Edynn Sato, Pearson, San Francisco, CA
This presentation discusses the construct of cultural sensitivity. Research explicating its key
elements will be presented, and an approach to operationalizing cultural sensitivity, so that we can
ensure our assessment practices address the challenges of testing across different cultural groups,
as well as yield valid, meaningful outcomes will be proposed.
An Error Analysis Examining International Assessments and Resulting Country Equivalence
John Poggio and Susan Gillmor, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
International assessments explore country standing, and the magnitude of differentiation among
countries. This investigation studies if examinees make comparable errors regardless of score
attained. Analyses show that errors within a country are similar regardless of scores attained, but
error analyses reveal country differences suggesting that country instruction is not equivalent.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Seville Ballroom West, Lobby Level,
Coordinated Session, N7
Exploiting Technology in the Service of Assessment for Learning
Session Chair: Cindy Ziker, SRI International
Session Discussant: Jim Minstrell, CADRE

Presenters: Caroline Wylie, Educational Testing Service, Cindy Ziker, SRI International,
Margaret Heritage, WestEd and Kurt VanLehn, Arizona State University
This symposium describes the components of a formative assessment system for technologyenhanced classrooms. In order to fully leverage its power, one must integrate technology into
a curriculum, and educators and students must know how to wisely exploit that technology for
learning (Bennett & Gitomer, 2008; Heritage, 2007; OECD, 2005).
This session will present four topics relevant to exploiting technology in the service of formative
assessment for learning:
Supporting Formative Assessment With Technology
Margaret Heritage, WestEd
Technology tools have not featured very prominently in classroom formative assessment practice.
This paper will discuss some of the limitations of that technology tools have suffered from in
the past with respect to formative assessment, and will describe the affordances of a number of
current tools for effective formative assessment.
Validating and Using Learning Progressions to Support Mathematics Formative Assessment
Caroline Wylie, Malcolm Bauer and Meirav Arieli-Attali, Educational Testing Service
Learning progressions characterize conceptual thinking and understanding at increasing levels
of sophistication. We use three LPs (Equality and Variable; Proportional Reasoning; Functions and
Linear Functions) in a study focused on LPs to guide development of formative assessment tools
and to support teachers interpretation of student results against the progressions.
Dashboards in FACT!
Kurt VanLehn, Arizona State University
The Mathematics Assessment Project ( has developed over 70 classroom
Formative Assessment Lessons (FALs) that address the mathematical practices of the Common
Core State Standards for Mathematics. The activities and software are being developed in a series
of design experiments and usability studies. This talk describes the initial studies findings.
New Protocols New Contexts: Observing Formative Practice in Technology-enhanced Classrooms
Cindy Ziker, Geneva Haertel, Harold Javitz and Terry Vendlinski, SRI International
Protocols must be sensitive to the technology genre employed (e.g., games, simulations,
interactive computer tasks) and the type of data available. This presentation describes how and
why existing observation protocols were leveraged to develop and test an observation protocol
that describes teachers formative practices when using a game-based curriculum.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Toledo, 5th Floor, Coordinated Session, N8
Automated Scoring of Nontraditional Forms of Assessment
Session Chair: Frank E. Williams, Educational Testing Service
Session Discussant: Claudia Leacock, McGraw-Hill Education

Automated scoring of nontraditional measures present many challenges for quality measurement.
Research is presented for tasks that assess the adequacy of financial statements with multiple
solutions, assess clinical reasoning skills using medical notes, evaluate structured letters of
recommendation for scholastic admissions, and score course papers for grading and feedback
Facilitating Automated Scoring for Simulated Balance Sheet Items
J. Stopek, AICPA
The more flexibility provided candidates, the more complicated it is to score their responses. In
this paper, we describe and evaluate a rule-based scoring methodology that handles alternatively
correct presentations in a fully automated way for spreadsheet-based items.
Automated Scoring of Patient Notes in a Medical Licensure Examination
S.G. Baldwin, P. Harik, B.E. Clauser, M. Winward, and P. Baldwin, National Board of Medical Examiners
Automated scoring was applied to the new version of the Patient Note (PN) component of the
USMLE Step 2 examination. The present study evaluates and compares the accuracy and
efficiency of key features, extracted by an n-gram-based NLP algorithm, in predicting expert
ratings of patient notes.
Automated Scoring of Text in Structured Letters of Recommendation
F.J. Breyer, F.E. Williams, M. Heilman, J. Blackmore, D. Klieger, and Laura Ridolfi-McCulla, Educational
Testing Service
An automated scoring engine is applied to structured recommendation letters that consist of text
provided by faculty for student applicants to higher education programs. The engine extracts
features reflective of stereotypic or student-specific commentary, and positive versus non-positive
sentiment. A scoring model is built and evaluated to predict admission status.
Automated Scoring of Writing Samples From Course Work
C. Ramineni, Educational Testing Service
Automated scoring is typically common for impromptu timed essay tasks. This paper describes
the procedures, challenges, and results of attempting automated evaluation and scoring of longer
untimed writing samples produced as part of course work compared to the automated evaluation
of essay type writing samples written under timed conditions for a high-stakes test.


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sunday April 19, 2015
4:05 PM - 6:05 PM, Valencia, Lobby Level, Paper Session, N9
Comparing Standard Setting Methods

Session Chair: Jonathan Weeks, Educational Testing Service

Session Discussant: Steve Ferrara, Pearson
The Bookmark Method of Standard Setting: Issues and Research
Amin Saiar, PSI Services LLC, Alan Socha, American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and
John Weiner, PSI Services LLC
Establishing standards for examinee performance is a longstanding issue in testing for which there
are numerous considerations and challenges. This presentation will explore key issues, empirical
research findings, and considerations for the Bookmark method of standard setting in the context
of criterion-referenced measurement (e.g., credentialing, licensure).
Effect of Content Knowledge on the Precision of Angoff Judgments
Melissa Margolis, Brian Clauser, Janet Mee, National Board of Medical Examiners; and Jerome Clauser,
American Board of Internal Medicine
This study investigated whether correctly answering an item is a significant factor in predicting
judge behavior. Judges first answered and then provided Angoff judgments for a set of 45 items.
Judgments were significantly lower for items that judges answered incorrectly, suggesting that
content knowledge has important implications for standard-setting outcomes.
Setting Standards in Adaptive Testing: An Adaptive Bookmark Method
Xin Luo, Michigan State University; Priya Kannan, and Richard Tannenbaum, Educational Testing
Traditional panel-based standard-setting procedures are not directly applicable to adaptive tests.
We propose an adaptive Bookmark method (a-BM) as one solution. The a-BM reduces the number
of items reviewed by panelists, while includes common items to facilitate discussions. Results of a
simulation support the measurement quality of the a-BM approach.
Comparing Standard Setting Methods for a Likert Scale Test
Yoonsun Lee, Seungho Park, and Hyeyoung Kang, Seoul Womens University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
The purpose of this study is to compare standard setting method (Angoff, body of work, and
empirical method) indifferent test response format (7-point, 6-point and 5-point scale) of a Likert
scale test. The result revealed that the cut scores from nine combinations (three method X three
formats) were differ


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index

Beard, Jonathan......................................................179
Beaver, Jessica.........................................................110
Becker, Kirk............................................... 94, 130, 169
Beck, Mike....................................................... 120, 145
Bguin, Anton............................................65, 97, 127
Behrens, John..................................................... 56, 74
Beimers, Jen..............................................................106
Beimers, Jennifer....................................................144
Bejar, Isaac I........................................................60, 115
Belur, Vinetha...........................................................154
Benitez, Isabel..........................................................147
Ben-Simon, Anat.....................................................159
Bergner, Yoav............................................................. 73
Bernhardt, Raphael................................................191
Bertling, Jonas P...............................................35, 158
Bertling, Maria.........................................................158
Bertling, Masha......................................................... 76
Betebenner, Damian............................................... 18
Betts, Joseph............................................................130
Beymer, Lisa.......................................................67, 109
Bezruczko, Nikolaus................................................. 96
Bickel, Lisa....................................................... 169, 177
Bilir, Kuzey.................................................................104
Bingham, Gary........................................................... 69
Blackmore, J..............................................................196
Blackmore, John.....................................................160
Bohrnstedt, George........................................77, 150
Bolt, Dan....................................................................144
Born, Sebastian.......................................................191
Bottge, Brian.............................................................175
Boughton, Keith......................................................191
Boulais, Andre-Philippe........................................125
Bradshaw, Laine........... 20, 67, 109, 125, 152, 164
Brantley, Wyman.....................................................154
Braun, Henry.............................................................. 64
Brennan, Robert............................33, 107, 124, 190
Brenneman, Meghan W........................................155
Breyer, F.J...................................................................196
Breyer, F. Jay..............................................................160
Bridgeman, Brent..................................................... 53
Briggs, Derek.................................................. 116, 178
Broaddus, Angela...................................................108
Broatch, Jennifer....................................................... 88
Brochu, Pierre...........................................................187
Broer, Markus....................................................77, 150
Brown, Jeremy..................................................67, 109
Brown, Ross................................................................ 91
Brown, Terran....................................................78, 176
Brussow, Jennifer....................................................187
Bryant, Rosalyn........................................................102
Bryant, William.........................................................101

Abad, Francisco.......................................................192
Abel, David.................................................................. 64
Ackerman, Terry...............................................95, 178
Adesope, Olusola...................................................... 67
Aguilar, Margarita Olivera....................................136
Ahadi, Stephan........................................................126
Ainsworth, Andrew................................................112
Akbay, Lokman.............................................. 111, 113
Alagoz-Ekici, Cigdem............................................161
Albano, Anthony.................................... 16, 124, 165
Ali, Usama...............................................128, 176, 191
Allalouf, Avi........................................................96, 125
Almond, Russell................................................34, 131
Alpizar, David Martinez........................................112
Ames, Allison.....................................................66, 143
Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey..................................... 88
Anderson, Daniel....................................................103
Anderson, Gretchen..............................................182
Andrews, Jessica....................................................... 73
Andromeda, Gil......................................................... 81
Anil, Duygu................................................................. 49
Ankenmann, Robert..............................................103
Applegate, Gregory M..........................................137
Arce-Ferrer, Alvaro....................................... 125, 190
Arieli-Attali, Meirav................................................195
Arrastia, Meagan Caridad....................................155
Atalmis, Erkan..........................................................171
Attali, Meirav.............................................................. 60
Attali, Yigal.........................................................60, 144
Austin, Bruce W.......................................................... 67
Ayers, Elizabeth.......................................................135

Babcock, Ben............................................................105
Baird, Jo-Anne.........................................................115
Balamuta, James.....................................................171
Baldwin, P..................................................................196
Baldwin, Peter..........................................................143
Baldwin, S.G..............................................................196
Baldwin, Su........................................................53, 135
Banks, Kathleen.......................................................100
Barrada, Juan............................................................192
Barrett, Matthew....................................................... 70
Basaraba, Deni........................................................... 66
Bauer, Malcolm.................................................76, 195
Bauer, Malcom........................................................... 73
Bazaldua, Diego Luna............................................. 69


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index
Buckendahl, Chad W................................43, 65, 121
Bukhari, Nurliyana..................................................143
Bulut, Okan...............................................................187
Bunch, Michael........................................................134
Burdick, Donald.......................................................177
Burke, Matthew J.......................................... 169, 170
Butakor, Paul.............................................................. 68
Butterbaugh, Donna............................................... 49
Buzick, Heather.......................................................168
Bynum, Bethany H.................................................157

Cheng, Britte.............................................................. 76
Cheng, Jian...............................................................160
Cheng, Ying................................................................ 56
Chiang, Yi-Chen......................................................... 55
Chien, Yuehmei.........................................56, 94, 192
Chiu, Chia-Yi........................................................ 67, 98
Cho, Sun-Joo.............................................................. 67
Cho, YoungWoo.......................................................190
Choi, Hye-Jeong......................................................175
Choi, Jinah.................................................................103
Choi, Jiwon................................................................. 98
Choi, Kilchan............................................................168
Choi, Seung W....................102, 157, 174, 179, 191
Choi, Yun Seok.........................................................187
Chon, Kyong Hee....................................................187
Chu, Kwang-lee.......................................................136
Chubbuck, Kay........................................................146
Chung, Greg............................................................... 76
Circi, Ruhan................................................................. 18
Cizek, Gregory J...................................... 46, 121, 134
Clark, Amy K............................................ 98, 131, 182
Clauser, B.E................................................................196
Clauser, Brian.....................................................53, 197
Clauser, Jerome............................................. 172, 197
Coe, Peter.................................................................... 64
Cohen, Allan S...................................................44, 175
Cohen, Yoav.................................................... 115, 159
Cook, Linda...............................................................148
Copella, Jenna............................................... 161, 171
Corrigan, Seth............................................................ 76
Cox, Megan...............................................................114
Crabtree, Ashleigh.................................................... 46
Crites, Gerald............................................................161
Croft, Michelle C...............................................46, 167
Crook, Robert............................................................. 81
Cui, Weiwei................................................................136
Cui, Ying........................................................... 164, 180
Cui, Zhongmin.........................................................128
Culpepper, Steven................................. 79, 163, 171
Curcin, Milja..............................................................144
Curley, W. Edward...................................................146
Curran, Paul..............................................................171

Cahill, Aoife................................................................. 80
Cai, Li..........................................19, 90, 138, 168, 184
Caines, Jade................................................................ 51
Camara, Wayne.......................................................... 46
Cancado, Luciana...................................................111
Cao, Chunhua..........................................................127
Cappaert, Kevin.......................................................188
Carey, Sharlotte......................................................... 43
Carney, Lauren.........................................................155
Carroll, Sarah............................................................167
Carr, Peggy................................................................148
Casabianca, Jodi.....................................................183
Castellano, Katherine............. 54, 76, 87, 116, 151
Castellano, Katherine Furgol.......................15, 103
Cavallin, Nance........................................................169
Chang, Hua-Hua....................... 50, 68, 94, 127, 194
Chang, Shu-Ren........................................................ 93
Chang, Yu-Feng.......................................................162
Chang, Yu-Wei..........................................................162
Chao, Hsiu-Yi............................................................172
Cheema, Jehanzeb................................................... 98
Cheet, Ellwood U...................................................... 81
Chen, Feng.........................................................91, 108
Chen, Haiqin..........................................135, 137, 138
Chen, Hanwei...........................................................128
Chen, Hui-Fang.............................................. 175, 186
Chen, Jianshen........................................................176
Chen, Jing..................................................................106
Chen, Juan................................................................190
Chen, Lei...................................................................... 80
Chen, Pei-Hua..........................................................126
Chen, Ping.................................................................109
Chen, Shu-Ying.................................................94, 172
Chen, Troy..............................................107, 156, 163
Chen, Xin...................................................................160
Chen, Yi-Hsin............................................................127
Chen, Ying.................................................................124


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index

Dadey, Nathan.........................................................184
Dai, Shenghai...........................................................162
Davenport, Ernest...........................................79, 182
Davey, Tim..........................................................92, 102
Davidson, Anne....................................100, 108, 174
Davis, Larry................................................................. 80
Davis, Laurie........................................43, 67, 97, 109
Davis, Laurie Laughlin...........................................176
Davis-Becker, Susan..................................... 104, 173
Davison, Mark...................................................79, 162
Deane, Paul................................................................. 60
Debeer, Dries.................................................. 137, 191
DeBoeck, Paul......................................135, 137, 138
DeCarlo, Lawrence T.......................................72, 115
DeChamplain, Andre.....................................54, 125
De Jong, John..........................................................130
Delandshere, Ginette.............................................. 55
delaTorre, Jimmy...............................110, 111, 113,
127, 143, 164, 186
Delgado-Maldonado, Laura................................161
Demir, Ergl..............................................................194
Denbleyker, John...................................................... 49
Deng, Hui..................................................................... 56
Deng, Sien................................................................... 50
DePascale, Charlie..................................................132
Derickson, Ryan........................................................ 68
Diakow, Ronli...........................................................136
Diao, Hongyu............................................................. 71
Diao, Qi.........................................................................21
DiBello, Lou...............................................................192
DiBello, Louis.....................................................56, 192
DiCerbo, Kristen........................................................ 76
Ding, Cody.................................................................. 54
Dion, Gloria...............................................................150
Dodd, Barbara...................................................54, 127
Dogan, Enis.............................................. 49, 134, 176
Donoghue, John.....................................................165
Doran, Harold..........................................................116
Dorans, Neil......................................................... 51, 78
Doster, Lynn..............................................................161
Douglas, Jeff.............................................................163
Dray, Amy.................................................................... 58
Dronen, Nicholas....................................................159
Dunbar, Stephen..................................138, 144, 188
Dunn, Jennifer.........................................................128
Dunya, Beyza Aksu................................................... 70
Durakovic, Lela........................................................177
Dwyer, Andrew........................................................167

Eastwood, Melissa..................................................174
Eckerly, Carol............................................................105
Elect, Ric....................................................................... 81
Elephantmat, Highfive............................................ 81
Elliott, Stephen N.......................................... 122, 123
Elmore, Jeffrey............................................... 169, 177
Embretson, Susan..................................................... 94
Emons, Wilco.............................................................. 97
Engelhard, George................................................... 72
Enoch-Marx, Marelle.............................................169
Erbacher, Monica...................................................... 55
Ercikan, Kadriye.......................................................181
Esen, Ayse..................................................................108
Eve, Henrietta...........................................................169
Everson, Howard.....................................................179
Exam, Anne T.............................................................. 81

Fabrizio, Lou............................................................... 89
Fahle, Erin M............................................................... 87
Falk, Carl.....................................................................138
Fan, Fen .....................................................................174
Fang, Yu ............................................................135, 156
Fan, Meichu............................................. 50, 107, 126
Faulkner-Bond, Molly............................................100
Feinberg, Richard...................................................179
Fellouris, Georgios..................................................163
Ferrara, Steve......................................48, 55, 92, 197
Fife, James..........................................................60, 106
Fife, Jim .....................................................................158
Fisher, William F.......................................................177
Fitzpatrick, Joseph................................................... 91
Flack, Christian........................................................188
Flake, Jessica.............................................................. 44
Fleischer, Avi.............................................................108
Flowers, Claudia......................................................108
Floyd, Tianna.............................................................. 69
Foelber, Kelly.............................................................. 55
Foley, Brett P...................................17, 105, 121, 180
Foltz, Peter W........................................... 38, 106, 159
Forte, Ellen........................................ 48, 65, 100, 147
Fortress, Ellen............................................................. 81
Francis, Xueying Hu...............................................111
Frankel, Lois..............................................................154
Freeman, Leanne....................................................149
Fremer, John........................................................ 46, 75
French, Brian F.................................. 67, 91, 110, 141


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index
Frey, Andreas.................................................. 105, 191
Fu, Jianbin.................................................................176
Fujimoto, Ken............................................................. 56
Furter, Robert...........................................................170

Guo, Hongwen............................................ 63, 66, 78

Guo, Lei .......................................................................94
Guo, Qi................................................................95, 180
Guo, Rui .......................................................................68
Guo, Zhumei............................................................... 53
Gutentag, Tony.......................................................... 96

Gaddy, V. Thomas...................................................161
Gaertner, Matthew................................................... 97
Gagnon, Rebecca..................................................... 89
Gaj, Shameem...................................................78, 176
Gallman, Eve.............................................................161
Gndara, M. Fernanda............................................ 99
Gao, Furong..............................................................137
Gao, Lingyun............................................................167
Garcia, Alejandra.....................................................149
Garcia, Deanna........................................................182
Gattis, Kim................................................................... 77
Gawade, Nandita....................................................103
Geisinger, Kurt F........................................................ 45
Gerstner, Jerusha.............................................67, 109
Gialluca, Kathleen...................................................138
Gierl, Mark..............................................125, 128, 191
Giesy, Philip..............................................................120
Gillmor, Susan...................................................45, 194
Glazer, Nancy............................................................. 43
Glaze, Ryan...................................................... 171, 176
Godzilla, Dr.................................................................. 81
Goldhammer, Frank...............................................137
Golub-Smith, Marna..............................................176
Gong, Brian.................................................45, 64, 148
Gonzalez, Eugene..................................................... 61
Gonzlez, Jorge.......................................................107
Goodman, Joshua........................................ 130, 182
Gorin, Joanna............................................................. 59
Gotch, Chad..............................................................110
Graf, Edith..................................................................108
Graf, Edith Aurora...................................................154
Graham, Edmund...................................................182
Greco, Carol..............................................................109
Green, Jennifer.......................................................... 88
Greive, Elizabeth.....................................................161
Griffin, Patrick..........................................................182
Griffin, Sarah............................................................... 43
Griffiths, Jane...........................................................144
Grochowalski, Joe..................................................104
Gronostaj, Anna......................................................112
Gu, Lin...........................................................................80
Gu, Lixiong............................................... 53, 174, 179
Guerreiro, Meg.......................................................... 98

Haag, Nicole.............................................................125
Haberman, Shelby...................................... 51, 74, 78
Habing, Brian....................................................37, 112
Haertel, Geneva...............................................76, 195
Hagge, Sarah.........................................100, 108, 174
Haladyna, Thomas.................................................... 62
Hall, Erika............................................................45, 168
Halpin, Peter............................................................... 73
Hambleton, Ronald................................................113
Hambleton, Ronald K..............................74, 92, 117
Han, K.T......................................................................... 81
Hansen, Mary...........................................................104
Hao, Jiangang..........................................................153
Hao, Shiqi..................................................................121
Hara, Moti.................................................................... 98
Hariharan, Swaminathan........................... 174, 183
Harik, P.......................................................................196
Harik, Polina................................................................ 53
Haring, Samuel.......................................................... 54
Harrell, Lauren.........................................................184
Harris, Deb................................................................156
Harris, Deborah......................................................... 31
Harris, Doug..............................................................183
Hartig, Johannes.....................................................163
Hattie, John...............................................................182
Hauenstein, Clifford...............................................146
He, Qiwei..................................................................... 97
He, Qiwei (Britt)......................................................... 60
He, Yong........................................................... 128, 173
Hecht, Martin............................................................. 96
Heh, Peter..................................................................104
Heilman, M................................................................196
Hembry, Ian..............................................................127
Hembry, Tracey........................................................137
Hendrickson, Amy........................................ 124, 136
Hendrix, Leslie.........................................................143
Henson, Robert................................................56, 192
Heritage, Margaret.................................................195
Herman, Joan............................................................. 59
Hernndez-Uralde, Jorge.....................................161
Herrera, Aura-Nidia................................................147


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index
Herrera, Bill..................................................... 100, 108
Herron, Jason....................................................67, 109
Hess, Karin................................................................... 45
Himelfarb, Igor........................................................176
Ho, Andrew D.............................................15, 87, 103
Ho, Tsung-Han.........................................................174
Hochweber, Jan.......................................................163
Hodge, Kari...............................................................163
Hoff, David.................................................................. 89
Hoffman, Erin............................................................. 76
Hogan, Jim................................................................128
Hollingshead, Lynne..............................................136
Hong, Yuan................................................................126
Horst, S. Jeanne......................................................... 55
Hou, Likun.................................................................186
Houston, Lorena.....................................................191
Houts, Carrie............................................................... 19
Hsu, Chia-Ling............................................................ 94
Hsu, Nan-Jung.........................................................162
Hua-Hua, Chang........................................................ 96
Huang, Chi-Yu............................. 105, 107, 126, 135
Huang, Hung-Yu........................................................ 94
Huff, Kristen............................... 52, 64, 66, 114, 132
Huggins, Jamin........................................................104
Huggins-Manley, Anne Corinne........................146
Huh, NooRee.................................................. 107, 125
Hung, Su-Pin.............................................................143
Hurtz, Greg.................................................................. 91
Huth, Kathy................................................................. 43

Jiang, Yanming........................................................128
Jiao, Hong.............................. 49, 102, 152, 165, 175
Jia, Yue.................................................................55, 181
Jin, Kuan-Yu.................................................... 175, 186
Jin, Ying .....................................................................188
John, Michael............................................................. 76
Johnson, Evelyn...............................................67, 109
Johnson, Marc.........................................................136
Johnson, Matthew..........................................98, 165
Jones, Philip................................................................ 36
Joo, Seang-Hwane..........................................51, 173
Jun, Hea Won............................................................. 94
Jurich, Daniel............................................................144

Kaduk, Catherine....................................................112
Kaira, Leah.................................................................171
Kaliski, Pamela.........................................................170
Kamata, Akihito......................................................... 54
Kane, Michael.......................................... 45, 161, 183
Kang, Chansuk.........................................................165
Kang, Hyeon-Ah......................................................127
Kang, Hye-young....................................................194
Kang, Hyeyoung.....................................................197
Kang, Sang-Jin........................................................... 69
Kang, Yoonjeong.....................................................135
Kang, Yujin.................................................................. 98
Kang, Yulim................................................................. 68
Kaniskan, Burcu.......................................................183
Kannan, Priya........................................104, 121, 197
Kao, Shu-chuan......................................................... 66
Kaplan, David............................................................. 61
Karadavut, Tugba...................................................... 44
Karvonen, Meagan................................ 98, 148, 182
Katz, Irvin R........................................................25, 104
Kaya, Yasemin..........................................................193
Keiftenbeld, Vincent..............................................118
Keller, Lisa.................................71, 99, 132, 167, 173
Keller, Robert............................................................167
Kellogg, Mark...........................................................177
Kendall, Sara.............................................................126
Keng, Leslie........................... 23, 104, 105, 134, 176
Kenyon, Dorry............................................................ 48
Kern, Justin................................................................. 96
Kerr, Deirdre................................................................ 63
Ketterlin-Geller, Leanne......................................... 66
Kettler, Ryan................................................... 114, 168
Khademi, Abdolvahab............................................ 68
Khan, Saad................................................................153

Iaconangelo, Charles.............................................143
Im, Suk Keun.............................................................138
Ingrisone, James.....................................................194
Isenberg, Eric............................................................116
Isham, Steven............................................................. 53

Jackson, G. Tanner...........................................76, 171
Jaio, Hong..................................................................164
Janssen, Rianne............................................. 137, 163
Javitz, Harold............................................................195
Jeddeeni, Ahmad...................................................100
Jeon, Minjeong.................................................24, 138
Jeon, MinJeong.......................................................152
Jetson, Elroy............................................................... 81
Jia, Helena................................................................... 76
Jiang, Tao...................................................................126


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index

Khorramdel-Ameri, Lale.......................................149
Kieftenbeld, Vincent............................. 80, 118, 159
Kilinc, Murat..............................................................180
Kim, Dong-In.........................................126, 137, 157
Kim, Doyoung..........................................................130
Kim, Han Yi.............................................124, 128, 171
Kim, Hyung Jin............................................... 124, 190
Kim, Ja Young...........................................................190
Kim, JongPil................................................................ 23
Kim, J.P.................................................................94, 157
Kim, Jungnam..........................................................137
Kim, Kyung Yong.................................... 93, 109, 190
Kim, Mi Hwa............................................................... 57
Kim, Min Sung........................................................... 69
Kim, Misun................................................................194
Kim, Seock-Ho........................................................... 44
Kim, Sooyeon............................................................. 63
Kim, Stella.................................................................... 98
Kim, Taeyoung........................................................... 67
Kim, Wonsuk.............................................................128
Kim, Young Yee.................................................77, 150
King, David.........................................................67, 109
King, David R............................................................174
Kingdomcum, Neal.................................................. 81
King, John.................................................................... 52
King, Teresa................................................................. 25
King, Teresa C...........................................................146
Kingsbury, Gage......................................................126
Kingston, Neal...................117, 131, 157, 182, 186
Kirkpatrick, Robert................................................... 49
Kleper, Dvir................................................................. 96
Klieger, D....................................................................196
Kobrin, Jennifer L...................................................... 43
Koehn, Hans-Friedrich............................................ 98
Koenig, Judith............................................................ 59
Kolen, Michael......................................110, 133, 176
Kller, Olaf................................................................... 53
Kong, Nan.................................................................... 53
Koo, Jin.........................................................................57
Koons, Heather........................................................169
Kosh, Audra..............................................................169
Kramer, Laura....................................................23, 133
Kretschmann, Julia.................................................109
Kuhfeld, Megan.......................................................184
Kulick, Ed...................................................................151
Kunze, Katie................................................................ 49
Kurz, Alexander....................................122, 123, 168
Kuzey, Bilir................................................................... 44
Kwon, Mi-jin..............................................................194
Kyllonen, Patrick..............................................35, 153

LaFond, Lee..................................................... 136, 180

Lai, Emily...................................................................... 48
Lai, Hollis.......................................................... 125, 128
Lakin, Joni................................................................... 49
Lamar, Michelle M.................................................... 73
Lane, Suzanne............................................................ 62
Lange, Tiziana..........................................................137
Lan, Ming-Chih........................................................146
Lasseter, Austin......................................................... 77
Latifi, Syed Muhammad Fahad..........................191
Leacock, Claudia.................................... 38, 118, 196
Leathers, Ryan.........................................................177
Lee, Carrie..................................................................161
Lee, Chansoon........................................................... 70
Lee, Guemin........................................................ 68, 69
Lee, Juyeon................................................................. 69
Lee, Philseok......................................................51, 173
Lee, Soo .....................................................................187
Lee, Wen-Ching.......................................................126
Lee, Won-Chan...........................33, 71, 93, 98, 109,
113, 124, 180, 190
Lee, Woo-yeol............................................................ 67
Lee, Yoonsun.................................................. 194, 197
Lee, Young-Sun.................................................69, 165
Leighton, Jacqueline P...................................95, 147
Lei, Pui-Wa..........................................................67, 175
Lei, Pu-Wai.................................................................101
Leite, Walter..............................................................193
Leventhal, Brian......................................................109
Levy, Roy....................................................................110
Lewis, Charles............................................................ 93
Li, Chen.....................................................................160
Li, ChengHsien........................................................143
Li, Dongmei...........................................128, 156, 172
Li, Feiming................................................................... 99
Li, Haiying..................................................................171
Li, Isaac.......................................................................127
Li, Jie...........................................................21, 129, 191
Li, Min.........................................................................146
Li, Tianli.............................................................105, 107
Li, Tongyun................................................................175
Li, Xiaomin................................................................188
Li, Xiaoran..................................................................129
Li, Xin..........................................................31, 105, 107
Li, Zhen......................................................................112
Li, Zhushan...............................................................136
Liang, Longjuan...............................................51, 151
Liao, Dandan............................................................165
Liaw, Yuan-Ling.......................................................111


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index
Lim, Euijin................................................. 93, 109, 190
Lin, Haiyan................................................................... 50
Lin, Jie.........................................................................108
Lin, Johnny........................................................... 55, 76
Lin, Pei-ying..............................................................136
Lin, Peng...................................................................... 51
Lin, Zhe......................................................................109
Lines, David..............................................................177
Ling, Guangming..........................95, 137, 160, 176
Lissitz, Robert............................................................. 49
List, Marit..................................................................... 53
Liu, Cheng................................................................... 56
Liu, Chunyan.................................................. 107, 128
Liu, Jinghua................................................................ 23
Liu, Junhui................................................................... 78
Liu, Lei.........................................................................153
Liu, Ou Lydia............................................ 53, 154, 155
Liu, Wei Cheng.........................................................188
Liu, Yang.....................................................................172
Liu, Yixing..................................................................110
Liu, Yuming...............................................................128
Livingston, Samuel.................................................. 66
Lochner, Katharina.................................................158
Lockwood, J.R............................................87, 97, 116
Longabach, Tanya...................................................162
Lottridge, Sue.......................................101, 106, 159
Loughran, Jessica.................................. 95, 186, 187
Lu, Ru............................................................................78
Lu, Yang......................................................................135
Lu, Ying......................................................................... 96
Ldtke, Oliver...........................................................109
Luecht, Richard M...................................................169
Luhanga, Ulemu......................................................144
Luo, Xiao.......................................................... 130, 137
Luo, Xin...................................................111, 164, 197
Lyon, Steve R............................................................104

Martin-Raugh, Michelle........................................168
Martone, Drey..........................................................132
Masters, James.......................................................... 49
Mattar, John..............................................................160
Matta, Tyler................................................................. 98
McBride, James R....................................................120
McBride, Malena.....................................................176
McBride, Yuanyuan.................................................. 97
McCaffrey, Daniel F....................................... 108, 116
McCall, Marty............................................................. 48
McClarty, Katie Larsen..................................... 43, 97
McClellan, Catherine.............................................165
McConnell, Scott.....................................................114
McCormick, Erik......................................................133
McCoy, Thomas.......................................................192
McCullough, Janeen..............................................150
McCurley, Carl..........................................................110
McEwen, Laura........................................................144
McGuiire, Sandra....................................................137
McKnight, Kathy.....................................................183
McLeod, Jeffrey......................................................... 49
Mead, Alan................................................................108
Meadows, Michelle................................................115
Meara, Kevin.............................................................176
Medberry, Susan....................................................... 43
Medhanie, Amanuel................................................ 97
Mee, Janet..........................................................53, 197
Mehta, Vandhana..................................................... 49
Metallinou, Angeliki..............................................160
Meyer, Patrick....................................................30, 171
Meyer, Robert..........................................................103
Meyers, Jason L......................................................... 43
Miao, Jing..................................................................176
Michaelides, Michalis............................................137
Michel, Rochelle......................................................181
Miles, Julie..........................................................43, 134
Milla, Joniada............................................................. 88
Miller, David..............................................................189
Mills, Craig....................................................... 102, 157
Minchen, Nathan D...................................... 111, 189
Minstrell, Jim............................................................195
Mislevy, Robert............................................ 34, 73, 76
Mittelhaeuser, Marie-Anne................................... 97
Mo, Ya............................................................................ 55
Moellering, Karin....................................................191
Monfils, Lora.............................................................176
Monroe, Scott..........................................................168
Monsaas, Judith........................................................ 64
Montee, Megan......................................................... 48
Moon, Jung Aa.......................................................... 25
Moore, Christopher.................................................. 97

Ma, Wenchao............................................................110
Madnani, Nitin........................................................... 80
Magnus, Brooke......................................................172
Malatesta, Jaime..............................................93, 107
Mao, Liyang........................110, 111, 154, 155, 164
Mao, Xia........................................................... 146, 173
Margolis, Melissa....................................................197
Marino, Katherine..................................................... 67
Marion, Scott....................................................... 45, 65
Marland, Joshua..................................... 54, 132, 147
Martin, Andrew.......................................................128


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index
Moran, Rebecca.......................................................150
Morgan, Deanna.....................................................170
Morrison, Carol.......................................................... 66
Morrison, Kristin........................................................ 94
Moulder, Bradley.....................................................176
Moyer, Eric L............................................................... 43
Mroch, Andrew.....................................103, 156, 172
Mueller, Lorin............................................................. 49
Muntean, William.............................................44, 130
Murphy, Daniel.................................................97, 183
Murray, John............................................................... 76

Park, Hye-Sook........................................................161
Park, Jiyoon................................................................. 49
Park, Jung Yeon.......................................................165
Park, Kyungin............................................................. 79
Park, Seohong............................................................ 71
Park, Seungho..........................................................197
Park, Yoon Soo...........................................57, 70, 152
Patelis, Thanos.................................................... 45, 65
Patsula, Liane............................................................. 54
Patterson, Brian F...................................................... 72
Patton, Nicole Terry.................................................. 69
Pellegrino, James...................................................... 59
Penfield, Randall....................................................... 44
Peng, Luyao................................................................ 95
Penk, Christiane........................................................ 96
Perie, Marianne........................ 64, 75, 91, 133, 171
Persky, Hilary............................................................150
Petunia, Mary............................................................. 81
Pham, Duy.................................................................147
Phan, Ha....................................................................... 93
Phillips, Gareth........................................................182
Phillips, S.E.........................................................46, 145
Pike, Christopher...................................................... 81
Pitoniak, Mary J......................................................... 43
Pivovarova, Margarita............................................. 88
Plake, Barbara......................................... 75, 122, 148
Plattner, Linda..........................................................177
Plunkett, Scott.........................................................112
Poggio, John.............................................................194
Pokropek, Artur.......................................................138
Popham, W.James..........................................89, 117
Preuss, Achim...........................................................158
Price, Ruth.................................................................177
Proctor, Thomas......................................................190
Proger, Amy................................................................ 58
Puff, Kristen................................................................. 81
Puhan, Gautam......................... 51, 66, 74, 176, 190

Nagy, Gabriel.............................................................. 53
Naumann, Alexander............................................163
Naumann, Johannes.............................................137
Naumenko, Oksana.................................................. 44
Neidorf, Teresa........................................................... 77
Nering, Michael.......................................................167
Nese, Joseph F.T...............................................54, 122
Neville, Robert........................................................... 81
Nicewander, Alan............................................91, 106
Nickodem, Kyle.......................................................182
Noriega, Elvia............................................................. 47
Nuo, Xi.......................................................................... 78

Oh, Hyeonjoo...................................................... 23, 78
Olea, Julio..................................................................192
OLeary, Timothy.....................................................182
Olivera-Aguilar, Margarita..................................... 55
Oliveri, Maria Elena................................................108
Olsen, James.............................................................120
Olson, John................................................................. 75
Oluwalana, Olasumbo............................................ 67
ONeill, Tim................................................................175
Opy, Jake K.................................................................. 81
Oranje, Andreas................................................76, 150
Osterlind, Steven....................................................173

Qian, Jiahe.................................................................149
Qin, Sirius..................................................................... 54

Padilla, Jose-Luis.....................................................147
Paek, Insu............................................................. 57, 67


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index

Qiu, Xue-Lan.............................................................149
Quenemoen, Rachel..............................................108
Qunbar, Saed............................................................162

Sabatini, John..........................................................120
Sachse, Karoline......................................................125
Safran, Yael................................................................159
Sahin, Alper......................................................... 29, 49
Sahin, Sakine Gocer................................................. 44
Saiar, Amin................................................................197
Saka, Noa..................................................................... 96
Saldivia, Luis............................................................... 43
Snchez-Mayorga, Rafael....................................161
Snchez-Mendiola, Melchor...............................161
Sanford-Moore, Eleanor............................. 169, 177
SanMartn, Ernesto................................................. 88
Sano, Makoto...........................................................101
Sato, Edynn..................................................... 148, 194
Schaper, Emma.......................................................... 49
Schnabel, Sarah.......................................................105
Schneider, Christy...........................................80, 160
Schulte, Ann.............................................................122
Schultz, Matthew.......................................... 160, 169
Schwartz, Robert....................................................100
Schwarz, Rich............................................................. 32
Schweid, Jason.......................................................... 64
Segall, Dan.................................................................. 91
Sen, Sedat.................................................................125
Seo, Dong Gi.............................................................187
Seo, Minhee..............................................................187
Setzer, J. Carl............................................................... 66
Seybert, Jacob..................................................51, 173
Sgammato, Adrienne.................................. 121, 165
Sharma, Anu.............................................................108
Sha, Shuying............................................................... 95
Shear, Benjamin R............................................87, 192
Sherlock, Phillip.......................................................112
Shim, Hi Shin............................................................149
Shin, AhYoung.........................................................113
Shin, Chingwei..................................................94, 192
Shin, Chingwei David.............................................. 56
Shin, David................................................................167
Shin, MinJeong........................................................126
Shin, Nami.................................................................100
Shivraj, Pooja.............................................................. 66
Shulruf, Boaz.............................................................. 36
Shu, Zhan..................................................................151
Sijtsma, Klaas.............................................................. 97
Simpson, Mary Ann..................................... 169, 177
Sinharay, Sandip....................74, 98, 157, 179, 184
Sireci, Stephen........................................................... 54
Sireci, Stephen G.................................... 81, 146, 147
Skorupski, William................... 69, 75, 91, 180, 187

Ramineni, C...............................................................196
Ramineni, Chaitanya................................... 159, 160
Ramrez-Daz, Eduardo.........................................161
Rankin, Angelica.....................................................144
Rawls, Anita..............................................................136
Raymond, Mark...................................... 62, 169, 179
Reardon, Sean F......................................................... 87
Reckase, Mark............................................................ 32
Reddy, Linda.............................................................168
Reese, Clyde.............................................................168
Reichenberg, Ray.............................................67, 109
Renn, Jennifer..........................................................146
Richardson, Scott....................................................161
Rich, Changhua.......................................................191
Rickels, Heather.......................................................188
Rick, Francis..............................................................174
Rico, Jonathan-David............................................147
Ridolfi-McCulla, Laura................................. 160, 196
Rijmen, Frank.......................................... 24, 118, 179
Rikoon, Samuel.......................................................136
Rinderknecht, R. Gordon.....................................101
Rios, Joseph..............................................................188
Rios, Joseph A..........................................................155
Ripley, Ellen L............................................................. 81
Roberts, James...................................55, 69, 70, 149
Robin, Frederic.......................................................... 63
Rodriguez, Michael C............................................114
Rogers, Jane................................ 129, 135, 174, 183
Rollins, Jonathan........................................... 143, 162
Rome, Logan............................................................111
Romine, Russell Swinburne.................................. 98
Roohr, Katrina Crotts................................... 137, 154
Roppelt, Alexander.................................................. 96
Rosenberg, Sharyn................................................... 89
Rosen, Yigal...............................................................153
Ro, Shungwon.........................................................149
Roussos, Louis.......................................128, 174, 192
Roy, Marguerite......................................................... 54
Ru, Lu............................................................................ 78
Rupp, Andr..............................................................101
Russell, Javarro........................................................154
Rutkowski, David.......................................... 126, 168
Rutkowski, Leslie.....................................................126


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index
Smith, Jessalyn....................................... 37, 112, 172
Smith, Robert............................................................. 93
Smith, Scott..............................................................133
Smith, Weldon.........................................................124
Snyder, Stephanie..................................................134
Socha, Alan...............................................................197
Song, Hao.................................................................... 99
Song, Tian...........................................................72, 135
Song, Yi.......................................................................154
Sorrel, Miguel...........................................................192
Soto, Amanda............................................................ 66
Sparks, Jesse R.........................................................154
Sparks, Jordan............................................................ 55
Spoden, Christian...................................................105
Spurlock, Holly.......................................................... 89
Stanke, Luke............................................................... 97
Steedle, Jeffrey.................................................55, 163
Stenner, Jackson.....................................................177
Stephens, Maria........................................................ 77
Stevens, Joseph J.......................................... 103, 122
Stevenson, Zollie...................................................... 47
Stone, Clement........................................................109
Stone, Elizabeth...............................................97, 138
Stopek, J.....................................................................196
Stopek, Joshua........................................................169
Stout, Bill....................................................................192
Stout, William....................................................56, 192
Straat, Hendrik.........................................................127
Strand, Paul...............................................................110
Strauts, Erin................................................................. 44
Stroup, Walt................................................................ 88
Suh, Kyunghee........................................................176
Suh, Youngsuk............................................... 187, 189
Sukin, Tia.............................................................91, 106
Sun, Yinghao............................................................159
Sun, Yu.......................................................................... 80
Sussman, Joshua....................................................... 70
Sutherland, Karen A..................................... 130, 137
Svetina, Dubravka.................................................... 61
Swaminathan, Hari.................................................174
Sweeney, Kevin......................................................... 81
Sweet, Shauna.........................................................146
Sweiry, Ezekiel.........................................................144
Swygert, Kimberly.................................................... 53
Szymik, Brett............................................................161

Tannenbaum, Richard J.....................104, 168, 197

Tan, Xuan (Adele)....................................................190
Tao, Shuqin................................................................. 49
Tao, Wei............................................................ 156, 190
Templin, Jonathan........................................ 131, 192
Terzi, Ragip...................................................... 110, 127
Tessema, Aster.........................................................160
Thacker, Arthur A....................................................157
Thissen, David......................................... 90, 143, 172
Thomas, Larry..........................................................184
Thompson, Tony.....................................................172
Thorkildsen, Theresa............................................... 70
Thurlow, Martha........................................... 100, 108
Tian, Wei........................................................... 124, 162
Tiemann, Gail...........................................................133
Tindal, Gerald................................................. 122, 123
Tirre, Bill.....................................................................150
Tong, Ye........................................................................ 23
Topczewski, Anna......................................... 144, 191
Torres, Sparky............................................................. 81
Totten, Sandra.........................................................177
Towles-Reeves, Liz..................................................108
Towson, Jacqueline.................................................. 69
Trierweiler, Tammy..........................................93, 173
Troia, Gary................................................................... 55
Tsai, Rung-Ching.....................................................162
Tsai, Wan-Yu..............................................................126
Tsung-Han, Ho.........................................................179
Tucker, Charlene....................................................... 92
Turhan, Ahmet............................................... 136, 183
Turner, Charlene............................................ 100, 108
Tzou, Hueying..........................................................164

VanBellegem, Sbastien....................................... 88
VanBoekel, Martin.................................................... 97
VandenBerk, Eric...................................................... 97
vanderLinden, Wim......... 21, 102, 158, 178, 191
VanIwaarden, Adam................................................ 18
VanLehn, Kurt..........................................................195
VanNijlen, Daniel...................................................163
vanOnna, Marieke.................................................127
vanRijn, Peter............................. 101, 108, 128, 191
Vendlinski, Terry...............................................76, 195
Verhagen, Josine....................................................... 73
Vezzu, Margaret......................................................182
Vispoel, Walter............................................... 124, 180
Vock, Miriam................................................... 109, 112
vonDavier, Alina A...................................73, 93, 153

Tang, Shuwen..........................................................186
Tang, Wei............................................................95, 180


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Participant Index
vonDavier, Matthias................................61, 97, 149

Wiberg, Marie...........................................................107
Widiatmo, Heru.......................................................138
Wild, Justin................................................................168
Wiley, Andrew............................................45, 81, 104
Willhoft, Joe.............................64, 66, 119, 134, 145
Williamsdaughter, David........................................ 81
Williams, Elizabeth J................................................ 69
Williams, F.E..............................................................196
Williams, Frank E........................................... 159, 196
Williams, Immanuel................................................. 67
Williamson, David........................... 34, 38, 118, 119
Willse, John............................................162, 191, 192
Wilson, Mark............................................................... 59
Wind, Stefanie A........................................................ 72
Winward, M...............................................................196
Wise, Lauress......................................... 59, 62, 86, 92
Wise, Steven.............................................................126
Wolfe, Edward W..............................................72, 115
Wolkowitz, Amanda..............................................173
Wollack, James.................................................70, 105
Woo, Ada............................................................44, 130
Wood, Scott..............................................................101
Woodward, Stephanie............................................ 66
Wools, Saskia............................................................127
Wright, Daniel..........................................................138
Wu, Guohui................................................................. 68
Wu, Meng..................................................................181
Wu, Qian....................................................................137
Wu, Yi-Fang...............................................................164
Wylie, Caroline.........................................................195
Wyse, Adam E....................................................91, 121

Wackerle-Hollman, Alisha...................................114
Wainer, Howard................................................90, 179
Waldman, Marcus...................................................111
Walker, Cindy M............................... 44, 50, 100, 186
Walker, Michael......................................................... 51
Walkowiak, Temple................................................161
Wall, Nathan............................................................... 31
Walsh, Elias................................................................116
Wan, Lei............................................................ 152, 167
Wan, Ping......................................................... 137, 157
Wang, Andong.........................................................191
Wang, Changjian....................................................167
Wang, Chun.......................................................74, 152
Wang, Hongling......................................................135
Wang, Keyin..............................................................110
Wang, Lihshing.......................................................... 68
Wang, Lu....................................................................163
Wang, Ren.................................................................191
Wang, Shichao............................................... 110, 190
Wang, Shudong......................................................102
Wang, Ting.........................................................67, 109
Wang, Wei..................................................................110
Wang, Wen-Chung.......................94, 149, 186, 188
Wang, Wenhao.......................................................... 95
Wang, Yan..................................................................127
Wang, Yang...............................................................103
Wang, Yi....................................................................... 99
Wang, Ze....................................................................172
Wang, Zhen.......................................................80, 149
Wang, Zhu................................................................... 49
Way, Denny...............................................................117
Way, Walter (Denny).......................................43, 157
Webb, Noreen............................................................ 92
Weeks, Jonathan...........................51, 158, 174, 197
Wei, Hua.....................................................................135
Weiner, John.............................................................197
Weirich, Sebastian.................................................... 96
Weiss, David J............................................................. 29
Wei, Youhua................................................................ 53
Welch, Catherine........................................... 144, 188
Wells, Craig................................................................. 54
Wells, Kevin...............................................................163
Wells-Moreaux, Sheila...........................................182
Wendler, Cathy.......................................................... 45
Wentzel, Carolyn.....................................................176
Westphal, Andrea...................................................112

Xi, Nuo.......................................................................... 78
Xie, Aolin....................................................................173
Xie, Qingshu.............................................................150


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Participant Index
Xing, Kuan............................................................ 57, 70
Xin, Tao............................................................. 109, 162
Xu, Jing-Ru................................................................179
Xu, Wei........................................................................189
Xu, Xueli.....................................................................181

Zhang, Ting...............................................................150
Zhang, Xiuyuan.......................................................136
Zhao-DAntilio, Yuan..............................................160
Zhao, Yang.................................................................. 91
Zheng, Chanjin.......................................................... 94
Zheng, Qiwen..........................................................164
Zheng, Rose..............................................................143
Zheng, Xiaying........................................................164
Zheng, Yi....................................................................127
Zhou, Xuechun.............................................. 111, 164
Zhou, Yan......................................................... 126, 162
Zhu, Mengxiao........................................................153
Ziker, Cindy...............................................................195
Zu, Jiyun........................................................... 174, 179
Zumbo, Bruno..........................................................147
Zwick, Rebecca.................................................53, 182

Yan, Duanli.................................................................. 34
Yang, Chien-Lin.......................................................135
Yang, Fan...................................................................138
Yang, Lihong.....................................................44, 112
Yang, Ping.................................................................... 68
Yang, Sujin................................................................... 69
Yang, Zhiming............................................................ 51
Yan, Ning.....................................................56, 94, 192
Yao, Lihua...........................................................32, 149
Yavuz, Guler..............................................................113
Ye, Lei............................................................................ 53
Yel, Nedim................................................ 70, 110, 123
Yen, Shu-Jing............................................................146
Ye, Sam.......................................................................163
Yilmaz, Mustafa.......................................................194
Yi, Qing................................................................50, 107
Yoon, Jiyoung..........................................................194
Yoon, Su-Youn...................................................80, 160
Young, John..............................................................108
You, Wenyi................................................................... 43
Yu, Hsiu-Ting............................................................... 54
Yu, Lan........................................................................109
Yuan, Xin....................................................................162

Zahner, Doris............................................................163
Zapata-Rivera, Diego................................... 171, 182
Zechner, Klaus........................................................... 80
Zeng, Wen..........................................................50, 186
Zenisky, April L....................................... 74, 147, 182
Zhang, Bo........................................................ 111, 149
Zhang, Changhui....................................................186
Zhang, Jiahui.................................................. 124, 162
Zhang, Jin..................................................................186
Zhang, Jinming.......................................................129
Zhang, Liru...................................................... 102, 192
Zhang, Litong................................................ 126, 157
Zhang, Mengyao.....................................................190
Zhang, Mingcai................................................44, 112
Zhang, Mo....................................................... 101, 106
Zhang, Ou.................................................................164


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Akbay, Lokman
Rutgers University

Baldwin, Peter
National Board of Medical Examiners

Alagoz, Cigdem
University of Georgia

Banks, Kathleen
Middle Tennessee State University

Albano, Anthony D.
University of Nebraska

Barrett, Matthew E.
The Georgia Institute of Technology

Ali, Usama
Educational Testing Service

Basaraba, Deni
Southern Methodist University

Allalouf, Avi
National Institute for Testing and Evaluation

Beaver, Jessica L.
Washington State University

Ames, Allison J.
University of North Carolina Greensboro

Bguin, Anton

Anderson, Daniel
University of Oregon

Bejar, Isaac

Applegate, Greg

Bernhardt, Raphael
Jena University

Arce-Ferrer, Alvaro J.

Bertling, Jonas P.

Atalmis, Erkan
Sutcu Imam University, Turkey

Betebenner, Damian
Center for Assessment

Attali, Yigal

Betts, Joseph
Pearson Vue

Austin, Bruce W.
Washington State University

Bezruczko, Nikolaus
Indiana University Health

Ayers-Wright, Elizabeth
American Institutes for Research

Bickel, Lisa
MetaMetrics, Inc.


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Boughton, Keith

Cai, Li

Bradshaw, Laine
The University of Georgia

Cancado, Luciana
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Brennan, Robert
University of Iowa

Cao, Chunhua
University of South Florida

Broatch, Jennifer
Arizona State University

Cappaert, Kevin
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Brochu, Pierre
Council of Ministers of Education (Canada)

Carroll, Sarah
Castle Worldwide, Inc.

Brussow, Jennifer
University of Kansas

Chang, Yu-Feng
Illinois State Board of Education

Bryant, William

Chang, Shu-Ren
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Buchholz, Janine
DIPF (German Institute for International
Educational Research)

Chang, Yu-Wei
Dept. of Statistics, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign

Bukhari, Nurliyana
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Chao, Hsiu-Yi
National Chung Cheng University
Cheema, Jehanzeb
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bulut, Okan
University of Alberta

Chen, Haiqin
The Ohio State University

Burke, Matthew
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Chen, Hui-Fang
City University of Hong Kong

Butakor, Paul
University of Alberta

Chen, Juan
National Conference of Bar Examiners


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Chen, Jing
Educational Testing Service

Cui, Zhongmin

Chen, Pei-Hua
National Chiao Tung University

Culpepper, Steven
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Chiang, Yi-Chen
Indiana University Bloomington

Curcin, Milja
Department for Education, Standards and
Testing Agency

Chien, Yuehmei

Curran, Paul
Kenyon College

Chiu, Chia-Yi
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Davenport, Jr., Ernest C.

University of Minnesota

Choi, Hye-Jeong
University of Georgia

Davidson, Anne
Anne H Davidson

Choi, Jinah
University of Iowa

Davis, Laurie L.

Choi, Seung
CTB McGraw-Hill

De Boeck, Paul

Chu, Kwang-Lee

De Champlain, Andre
Medical Council of Canada

Chubbuck, Kay
Educational Testing Service

Debeer, Dries
University of Leuven

Clark, Amy K.
University of Kansas

Delgado-Maldonado, Laura
Instituto Nacional para la Evaluacin
de la Educacin

Clauser, Jerome
American Board of Internal Medicine

Demir, Ergl
Ankara University Educational Sciences Faculty

Cui, Ying
University of Alberta


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Denbleyker, John
Minnesota Department of Education

Fan, Meichu

Derickson, Ryan
VHA National Center for Organization

Faulkner-Bond, Molly
UMass Amherst
Feinberg, Richard
National Board of Medical Examiners

Diakow, Ronli
New York University

Ferrara, Steve
Pearson Research and Innovation Network

Diao, Hongyu

Fleishcer, Avi
Illinois Institute of Technology

DiBello, Louis V.
University of Illinois at Chicago

Flowers, Claudia P.
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Ding, Cody
University of Missouri-St. Louis

Floyd, Tianna
Georgia State University

Dogan, Enis

Foelber, Kelly
James Madison University

Donoghue, John
Educational Testing Service

Foley, Brett P.
Alpine Testing Solutions

Dunn, Jennifer
Measured Progress

Foltz, Peter

Eckerly, Carol A.
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Forgione, Pascal D.
ETS K-12 Assessment Program

Embretson, Susan
Georgia Institute of Technology

Forte, Ellen
edCount, LLC

Falk, Carl
University of California, Los Angeles

Francis, Xueying
Texas A&M University, College Station

Fan, Fen
University of Massachusetss at Amherst


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Freeman, Leanne
UW Milwaukee

Guo, Rui
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Frey, Andreas
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Habing, Brian
University of South Carolina

Fujimoto, Ken A.
Loyola University Chicago

Halpin, Peter

Furgol Castellano, Katherine

Educational Testing Service

Hansen, Mary A.
Robert Morris University

Gndara, M. Fernanda
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Harik, Polina
National Board of Medical Examiners

Gierl, Mark
University of Alberta

Haring, Samuel H.
University of Texas at Austin

Glaze, Ryan

Harrell, Lauren
University of California - Los Angeles

Gonzalez, Jorge
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Faculty of Mathematics

Harris, Deborah
ACT, Inc
Hauenstein, Clifford E.
Georgia Institute of Technology

Graf, Edith A.
Educational Testing Service

He, Qiwei Britt

Educational Testing Service

Greive, Elizabeth
NC State University

He, Yong

Grochowalski, Joseph
Fordham University

Hembry, Ian F.
Amplify Education

Guo, Lei
Southwest University

Hendrix, Leslie
University of South Carolina

Guo, Qi
University of Alberta


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Henson, Robert A.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Hurtz, Greg
PSI Services LLC

Ho, Andrew
Harvard Graduate School of Education

Iaconangelo, Charles
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Ho, Tsung-Han

Im, Suk Keun

University of Kansas

Hodge, Kari J.
Baylor University

Janssen, Rianne
KU Leuven

Hollingshead, Lynne
York Region District School Board

Jiang, Yanming

Hong, Yuan
American Institutes for Research

Jiao, Hong
University of Maryland

Hou, Likun

Jin, Kuan-Yu
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Hsu, Chia-Ling
The Hong Kong Institute of Educaiotn

Jin, Ying
Association of American Medical Colleges

Huang, Hung-Yu
University of Taipei

Johnson, Matthew
Teachers College

Huff, Kristen
Regents Research Fund

Joo, Seang-Hwane
University of South Florida

Huggins-Manley, Anne Corinne

University of Florida

Kaduk, Catherine
University of Illinois at Chicago

Huh, Nooree
ACT, Inc

Kang, Chansuk
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

National Cheng Kung University

Kang, Hyeon-Ah
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Kang, Yulim
Yonsei University

Kim, Dong-In
CTB/McGraw Hill

Kaniskan, Burcu

Kim, Hyung Jin

University of Iowa

Kannan, Priya
Educational Testing Service

Kim, Ja Young
ACT, Inc.

Kao, Shu-Chuan
Pearson Vue

Kim, Jungnam

Karadavut, Tugba

Kim, Han Yi
Measured Progress

Katz, Irvin R.
Educational Testing Service

Kim, Kyung Yong

University of Iowa

Kaya, Yasemin
University of Florida

Kim, Min Sung

University of Kansas

Keller, Robert
Measured Progress, Inc

King, David
Georgia Tech

Kern, Justin L.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

King, John

Kettler, Ryan J.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Kleper, Dvir
National Institute for Testing and Evaluation

Khademi, Abdolvahab
University of Massachusettes

Koenig, Judith A.
National Academy of Science/
National Research Council

Khorramdel, Lale
Educational Testing Service

Koo, Jin
American Nurses Credentialing Center

Kieftenbeld, Vincent
CTB/McGraw-Hill Education

Kretschmann, Julia
University of Potsdam, Germany


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Kunze, Katie L.
Arizona State University

Leighton, Jacqueline
University of Alberta

Kyllonen, Patrick

Leventhal, Brian
University Of Pittsburgh

LaFond, Lee
Measured Progress

Li, Dongmei

Lai, Hollis
University of Alberta

Li, Feiming
University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of Washington

Li, Haiying
University of Wisconsin

Lane, Suzanne
University of Pittsburgh

Li, ChengHsien
Michigan State University

Latifi, Syed Muhammad Fahad

University of Alberta

Li, Zhen
University of California, Los Angeles

Lee, Chansoon

Li, Xiaomin
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Lee, Juyeon
Yonsei University

Li, Tianli
ACT Inc.

Lee, Philseok
University of South Florida

Li, Tongyun
Educational Testing Service

Lee, Won-Chan
University of Iowa

Li, Xiaoran
University of Connecticut

Lee, Woo-yeol
Vanderbilt University

Li, Xin
ACT, Inc.

Lee, Yoonsun
Seoul womens University

Li, Zhushan
Boston College


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Liao, Dandan
University of Maryland

Lockwood, John
Educational Testing Service

Liaw, Yuan-Ling
University of Washington

Longabach, Tanya
University of Kansas

Lim, Euijin
The University of Iowa

Loughran, Jessica
University of Kansas

Lin, Haiyan
Act, Inc.

Lu, Yang
ACT, inc.

Lin, Johnny
Educational Testing Service

Lu, Ying
Educational Testing Service

Lin, Zhe
Beijing Normal University

Luhanga, Ulemu
Queens University

Lin, Peng

Luna Bazaldua, Diego A.

Teachers College, Columbia University

ling, guangming
Educational Testing Service

Luo, Xin
Michigan State University

List, Marit Kristine

IPN - Leibniz Institute of Science and
Mathematics Education

Ma, Wenchao
Graduate School of Education
Mao, Liyang
Educational Testing Service

Liu, Chunyan
ACT, Inc.

Margolis, Melissa
National Board of Medical Examiners

Liu, Yang
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Marino, Katherine
Pennsylvania State University

Liu, Ou Lydia

Marland, Joshua
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Liu, Yixing
Arizona State University


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Martin, Michelle
Educational Testing Service

Monroe, Scott

Martinez Alpizar, David


Moore, Christopher
Minneapolis Public Schools

Matta, Tyler H.
University of Oregon

Mroch, Andrew A.

McClarty, Katie

Muntean, William

McCoy, Thomas P.
UNC Greensboro

Naumann, Johannes

McLeod, Jeffrey T.

Naumann, Alexander
German Institute for International
Educational Research

Meyer, Patrick
University of Virginia

Naumenko, Oksana
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Michaelides, Michalis
University of Cyprus

Neidorf, Teresa
American Institutes for Research

Michel, Rochelle

Nese, Joseph
University of Oregon

Minchen, Nathan
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Nicewander, Alan
Pacific Metrics

Mittelhaeuser, Marie-Anne

Nickodem, Kyle
University of Minnesota

Mo, Ya
Michigan State University

OLeary, Timothy M.
University of Melbourne

Monfils, Lora

Oh, Hyeon-Joo
Educational Testing Service


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Olivera Aguilar, Margarita
Educational Testing Service

Patterson, Brian
Pearson Education, Inc.

Oliveri, Maria Elena

Educational Testing Service

Peng, Luyao
University of California Riverside

Olsen, James
Renaissance Learning

Perie, Marianne
Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation

Olson, John F.
Olson Educational Measurement &
Assessment Services

Peterson, Jaime
University of Iowa
Phillips, S E

Oluwalana, Olasumbo
Rutgers University

Poggio, John
University of Kansas

Oranje, Andreas

Pokropek, Artur

Padilla, Jose-Luis
University of Granada

Popham, William J.
University of California Los Angeles

Pak, Seohong
University of Iowa

Puhan, Gautam

Park, Jiyoon
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

Qian, Jiahe
Educational Testing Service

Park, Jung Yeon

Teachers College, Columbia University

QIU, Xue-Lan
Hong Kong Institute of Education

Park, Hye-Sook
Honam University

Ramineni, Chaitanya
Educational Testing Services

Park, Yoon Soo

University of Illinois at Chicago

Randall, Jennifer
University of Massachusetts

Patelis, Thanos
Center for Assessment


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Rankin, Angelica
University of Iowa

Sahin, Alper
Cankaya University

Raymond, Mark
National Board of Medical Examiners

Saiar, Amin
PSI Services LLC

Rickels, Heather A.
University of Iowa

Sano, Makoto
Prometric Inc.

Rijmen, Frank

Sato, Edynn

Rios, Joseph
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Sen, Sedat
The University of Georgia

Roberts, James S.
Georgia Institute of Technology

Seo, Minhee
Korea Institute for Curriculum & Evaluation

Robin, Frederic

Seo, Dong Gi
National Registry of Emergency
Medical Technicians

Rodriguez, Michael
University of Minnesota

Sgammato, Adrienne

Rogers, H Jane
University of Connecticut

Sha, Shuying
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Roohr, Katrina C.
Educational Testing Service

Sharma, Anu
University of Kansas

Rutkowski, David
Indiana University

Shear, Benjamin R.
Stanford University

Rutkowski, Leslie
Indiana University

Sherlock, Phillip R.
University of South Carolina

Sachse, Karoline A.
Institute for Educational Quality Improvement,
Humboldt-University of Berlin

Shim, Hi Shin
Georgia Institute of Technology


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Shin, AhYoung
University of Iowa

Straat, Hendrik

Shin, MinJeong
American Institutes For Research

Strauts, Erin
Sukin, Tia M.
Pacific Metrics

Shin, Nami

Sussman, Joshua M.
UC Berkeley

Shulruf, Boaz
University of New South Wales

Swinburne Romine, Russell

University of Kansas

Sikali, Emmanuel
National Center for Education Statistics

Tan, Xuan (Adele)


Sinharay, Sandip

Tang, Shuwen

Skorupski, William P.
University of Kansas

Tang, Wei
University of Alberta

Smith, Weldon Z.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Tannenbaum, Richard
Educational Testing Service

Sorrel, Miguel
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid

Tao, Wei
ACT, Inc.

Soto, Amanda
National Board of Medical Examiners

Terzi, Ragip
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Stevens, Joseph J.
University of Oregon

Thissen, David
University of North Carolina

Stevenson Jr, Zollie

Howard University

Tian, Wei
Beijing Normal University

Stone, Elizabeth


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Topczewski, Anna

Wang, Hongling
ACT, Inc.

Trierweiler, Tammy

Wang, Zhen
Educational Testing Service

Tzou, Hueying
National University of Tainan

Wang, Keyin
Michigan State University

van der Linden, Wim J.


Wang, Lu
The University of Iowa

Van Nijlen, Daniel

KULeuven BE0419.052.173

Wang, Shichao
The University of Iowa

van Rijn, Peter

ETS Global

Wang, Wenhao
University of Kansas

Vispoel, Walter P.
University of Iowa

Weeks, Jonathan
Educational Testing Service

von Davier, Alina


Wei, Hua

Waldman, Marcus
Harvard Grad. School. of Ed.

Wei, Youhua
Educational Testing Service

Walker, Cindy M.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Weirich, Sebastian
Institute for Educational Quality Improvement

Wan, Lei

Weiss, David J.
University of Minnesota

Wang, Yang
Education Analytics

Wells-Moreaux, Sheila
University of Kansas

Wang, Changjiang

Westphal, Andrea
Universitt Potsdam


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Widiatmo, Heru
ACT, Inc.

Xu, Wei
University of Florida

Wiley, Andrew
Alpine Testing Solutions

Xu, Jing-Ru
Michigan State Univ

Williams, Elizabeth
Georgia Institute of Technology

Yan, Duanli

Williams, Frank
Educational Testing Service

Yan, Ning
Independent Consultant

Willse, John T.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Yang, Fan
Pearson/The University of Iowa

Wise, Lauress

Yang, Ping
The University of Iowa

Wise, Steven
Northwest Evaluation Association

Yang, Sujin
Yonsei University

Wolfe, Edward

Yang, Chien-Lin
University of Missouri-Columbia

Wolkowitz, Amanda
Alpine Testing

Yang, Zhiming
Educational Records Bureau

Wood, Scott W.
Pacific Metrics Corporation

Yao, Lihua
Defense Manpower Data Center

Wyse, Adam
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Yavuz, Guler
Hacettepe University

Xie, Aolin

Ye, Sam
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

Xing, Kuan
University of Illinois at Chicago

Yel, Nedim
Arizona State University


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Contact Information for Individual and Coordinated Sessions First Authors
Yen, Shu Jing
Center for Applied Linguistics

Zhang, Xiuyuan
The College Board

Yilmaz, Mustafa
The University of Kansas

Zhang, Jiahui
Michigan State University

Yoon, Jiyoung
Seoul Womens University

Zhang, Mingcai
Michigan State University

Yoon, Su-Youn
Educational Testing Service

Zheng, Xiaying
EDMS, University of Maryland, College Park

Yu, Hsiu-Ting
McGill University

Zhou, Xuechun

Zahner, Doris

Ziker, Cindy
SRI International

Zapata-Rivera, Diego
Educational Testing Service

Zopluoglu, Cengiz
University of Miami

Zenisky, April
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Zu, Jiyun
Educational Testing Service

Zhang, Jin

Zwick, Rebecca
Educational Testing Service

Zhang, Jinming
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Zhang, Liru
Deleware State Department of Education
Zhang, Mengyao
University of Iowa
Zhang, Mo
Educational Testing Service


Chicago, Illinois, USA

NCME 2015 Schedule-At-A-Glance
Time Slot





Wednesday, April 15, 2015

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Exchange (11th



A Practitioners Guide to Growth Models

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



An Introduction to Equating in R

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Using Visual Displays to Inform Assessment

Development and Validation

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Leveraging Open Source Software and Tools

for Statistics/Measurement Research

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



flexMIRT: Flexible Multilevel

Multidimensional Item Analysis and Test

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



An Introduction to Diagnostic Classification


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Optimal Test Design

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Exchange (11th



An Overview of Operational Psychometric

Work in Real World

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



A Graphical and Nonlinear Mixed Model

Approach to IRT with the R Package Flirt

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Cognitive Lab Techniques: An Overview,

Framework, and Some Practice

Thursday, April 16, 2015

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Exchange (11th



Fundamentals of Item Response Theory and

Computerized Adaptive Testing

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Item Response Theory With jMetrik and

Psychometric Programming With Java

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Landing Your Dream Job for Graduate


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Multidimensional Item Response Theory:

Theory and Applications and Software

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Generalizability Theory and Applications

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Bayesian Networks in Educational


1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Exchange (11th



Advances in Measuring 21st Century Skills:

Constructs, Development, and Scoring

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Using IRT for Standard Setting in

Performance Based Assessments

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



An Introduction to Using R for Quantitative


1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Understanding Automated Scoring: Theory

and Practice

4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Cordova Room (5th


NCME Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, April 17, 2015

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Use of Evidence-Based Standard Setting in

PARCC Assessments

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Exchange (11th



DIF: Bayesian and Mixed

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Various Efforts to Evaluate the Quality of

Assessment Programs

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

King Arthur (3rd




Test Score Integrity in the Age of CommonCore Assessments

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



NCME-NATD Symposium: Implementing the

Common Core Assessments at the District
and School Levels: Voices from the Field Overcoming Challenges, Making it Work

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Overview: Theories of Action for

Performance Assessment in Large Scale
Testing Programs

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Item Development

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Test Batteries Under Sequential Designs: A

Technology-Enhanced Examination

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Valencia (Lobby



Linking in General

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




The Role of the Measurement Profession

in the Renewal of ESEA and Other Federal
Education Initiatives

12:25 PM-1:25 PM

Camelot (3rd Floor)



12:25 PM-1:55 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Spencer Foundation: From Funded to

Unfunded: What Makes the Difference

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Measuring Students Proficiency on the Next

Generation Science Standards

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Automated Scoring, Item Generation and

Mixed-Format Adaptive Testing

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


Chicago, Illinois, USA

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Methodological Developments in
International Large-Scale Assessments

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Exchange (11th



Handbook of Test Development (2nd Ed):

Major Advances and Implications for Test

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Model Fit and Scoring Invariance Across

Multiple Populations

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Quality Focus: Experiences From a Number

of Assessment Programs

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Valencia (Lobby


Peer Review of Peer Review

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

St. Clair (Upper 5th




Considerations for Measuring Item Difficulty

2:15 PM-3:45 PM




GSIC Poster Session

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Applications of Model-Based Rater

Monitoring Procedures

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Exchange (11th



Assessment for Innovative Learning

Technology: Modeling Sources of

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Advances in Test Score Reporting

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Improving Test Security for State

Assessment Programs: Lessons Learned

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Two Approaches to Game Based

Assessments: Mods and Originals

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Methods for Comparing NAEP Frameworks

to Other Assessments and Standards

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Pseudo Equivalent Groups Linking in Large

Scale Assessment

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Reliability, Internal Consistency, and

Unidimensionality Related but Distinct

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Beyond Scoring: Alternative Use of

Automated Systems for Language

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

King Arthur (3rd




6:30 PM-8:00 PM

Seville Ballroom
(Lobby Level)

Contemporary Problems in Educational

Measurement (Satirical Session)
NCME and AERA Division D Joint Reception

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Saturday, April 18, 2015
8:00 AM-9:00 AM

Grand Ballroom
Salon II, Chicago
Marriott Downtown

9:00 AM-9:40 AM

Grand Ballroom
Salon II, Chicago
Marriott Downtown

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

NCME Business Meeting and Breakfast


NCME Presidential Address



Using Ordered Probit Models to Reconstruct

Coarsened Test-Score Distributions

Exchange (11th



Recent Advances and Comparisons of

Teacher Effectiveness Models

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




A Potentially Potent Assessment-Literacy

Initiative: Reactions Sought

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

King Arthur (3rd




NCME Career Award Presentation: Item

Response Theory, Serendipity, and Bad

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Setting Cut Scores

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Psychometric Considerations for the Next

Generation of Performance Assessment

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Equating Approaches/Methods

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Valencia (Lobby



CAT for Diagnostic Purposes

12:25 PM-1:25 PM

Camelot (3rd Floor)



12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Assessing Diverse Learners

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Exchange (11th



Automated Scoring and Text Generation

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Ensuring Content Validity and Alignment of

Computer Adaptive Reading Assessments

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Technical Investigation of SGPs/VAMs for

Teacher Evaluation

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Performance Level Descriptors

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Irregularities in Operational Testing

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Automated Scoring

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


Chicago, Illinois, USA

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Equating Methods

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Methods for Investigating Threats to Validity

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Camelot (3rd Floor)



GSIC Poster Session

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Measurement and Implementation

Challenges in Early Childhood Assessment

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Exchange (11th



Issues in Human Scoring of ConstructedResponse Items

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Evaluating and Improving Methods for

Student Growth Percentile Estimation

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



The Importance of Instructional Sensitivity:

A Colloquy Among Combatants

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Smarter Balanced Automated Scoring

Research: Results and Insights

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Third Grade Reading Proficiency: Two

Large-Scale Longitudinal Studies

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Feasibility of Various Cut Score Moderation


2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Research and Development on Assessment

and Accountability for Special Education

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Smoothing in Equating

4:05 PM-5:05 PM

Camelot (3rd Floor)



4:05 PM-6:05 PM

St. Clair (Upper 5th




Evaluating Scoring Issues for Innovative and

Technology Enhanced Items

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Exchange (11th



Psychometrics in a Learning Maps


4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



A Dialogue for Addressing Measurement

and Data Gaps in Education

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Surf and Turf Summative Assessment: States

Combining Efficiencies With Customization

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Standard Setting in the Common Core

World: PARCC and SBAC Experiences

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Adler (2nd Floor)



Person Fit and Aberrant Responses

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



DIF: Sample Size, Effect Size, Power

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Extraneous Factors Affecting Test Behaviors

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Investigations in Examinee Guessing and

Response Time

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

Sunday, April 19, 2015
5:45 AM-7:00 AM

Meet at the
Hotel Lobby

NCME Fitness Run / Walk

6:30 AM-7:30 AM

Grand Ballroom
Balcony (8th Floor)


8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Improving Proficiency Estimation

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Exchange (11th



Performance Scoring Using Raters and

Constructed Responses

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Innovative Perspectives on Common-Core

Tests: PARCC & SBAC Compare Notes

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

King Arthur (3rd




Detecting Bias Across Special Populations

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Gathering and Evaluating Validity Evidence

Based on Response Processes

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Exploring the Implications of the Fairness

Chapter of the 2014 Standards for
Educational and Psychological Testing

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Multidimensional Item Response Theory

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Delivering the National Assessment on

Tablet: Psychometric Challenges and

8:15 AM-10:15 AM

Valencia (Lobby



Awards Session

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Multiple Facets of an Assessment With

Collaborative Problem Solving Tasks

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Exchange (11th



Designing Next-Generation Assessments

of Student Learning Outcomes in Higher

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Constructing a Vertical Scale Under Linked

Scaling Tests Design

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Do Interruptions During Online Testing

Impact the Examinee Scores?

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Current Issues in Test Assembly

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Toward More Robust Automated Essay

Scoring Models

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Detection and Solutions of Aberrant

Performances of Automated Scoring

10:35 AM-12:05 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Using Validity Evidence in Diverse Settings

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


Chicago, Illinois, USA

12:25 PM-1:25 PM

Camelot (3rd Floor)



12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Subscore Reporting

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Exchange (11th



Innovations in Teacher Evaluation

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Using Principled Assessment Frameworks to

Guide Test Development and Validation

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Innovations in Operational Testing

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



DIF With Special Item Types

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Comparing Equating Methods

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Linking and Vertical Scaling

12:25 PM-1:55 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Mixture IRT Models

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Psychometric Considerations for PARCC

Assessments: Research From the Field Test

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Exchange (11th



Theory-Based Item Generation for

Mathematics Assessment and Instruction

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




Debate: Equal Interval Scales in Educational

Testing: Attainable Goal or Myth?

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

King Arthur (3rd




Subscore Recovery

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



Reliability Related New Models

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Psychometric Considerations in Linking to

Survey Assessments

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Score Reporting

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Thinking About Validity in Measuring

Teacher and School Effectiveness

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Applications and Advances of

Multidimensional IRT With Stochastic
Approximation Methods

4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Burnham Room (8th


NCME Board of Directors

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


2015 Annual Meeting & Training Sessions

4:05 PM-5:05 PM

Camelot (Third



4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Empire Ballroom
(7th Floor)



Equating: Small Samples and Testlets

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Grand Ballroom (7th




CAT: Test Generation

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Ballroom (5th Floor)



DCM & Diagnostic Models

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Seville Ballroom East

(Lobby Level)



Applied International Assessment

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Seville Ballroom
West (Lobby Level)



Exploiting Technology in the Service of

Assessment for Learning

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Toledo (5th Floor)



Automated Scoring of Nontraditional Forms

of Assessment

4:05 PM-6:05 PM

Valencia (Lobby



Comparing Standard Setting Methods

CS=Coordinated Session IS=Invited Session

TS=Training Session PS=Paper Session
EB=Electronic Board Session


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