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The Russells Prayer Letter. November 2015

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November 2015

Dear Prayer Partners:

We are so grateful for your prayers for us as we have traveled and
have been engaged in the Great Commission. During this
Thanksgiving season we are especially thankful for each of you
for your partnership in this ministry, for our missionary
colleagues that faithfully serve Him, for the souls that have come
to Christ, for the lives that have been changed and impacted, for the birth of new churches, and for the mobilization of
nationals preparing themselves to go out as missionaries themselves to take the gospel around the world. God is good
all the time! As we think of you we are reminded of 1Thess. 1:2-3 We give thanks to God always for you all,
making mention of you in our prayers; Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and
patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
Our Institute in Church Planting (ICP) in Nicaragua began in 2007
with a 2 year church planting course and 12 students. This year
we graduated 22 students. One of the really exciting aspects to this
ongoing story is that the 22 students that graduated this year were
taught largely by graduates from the first graduating class.
From those beginnings in 2007 until this present day, we have
seen over 40 churches planted by graduates of our ICP. And the
wonderful thing is that many of those 40 churches have also
planted other churches. God is blessing this ministry and blessing
our graduates as they go out to start new churches. As our
graduates are now basically running the ICP Training Center, our
missionary team is now conducting remote ICP classes outside the
Graduation Ceremony at our ICP in Nicaragua
city in various villages for those who are not able to travel to the
Training Center.
Just a few weeks ago our Nicaragua Team conducted
the first ever Missions Conference of Church Planters
where graduates and church members were challenged
and encourage to look beyond the borders of Nicaragua
with the gospel. Nearly 500 people attended and several
dedicated their lives to be used as missionaries
wherever God would send them. Please pray for
Nicaragua and all the ministries we have there.
In 2008, a Brazilian named Jair became the pastor of a
small church in Southern Brazil. In the 7 years he has
been there, the church has tripled in size now running
about 300 people. Our missionary team first met him 5
years ago while a survey trip was made to his area.
When he discovered we desired to start new churches in
that area, he invited us to partner with him instead of
doing separate ministry in that city.

First Missions Conference in Nicaragua. Nearly 500 in

attendance. Several gave their lives to serve as missionaries.

He has already started 2 other churches in the nearby area and he has a vision to start 50 more in the surrounding
area. Our ABWE team has decided that we must do everything we can to help him and so ongoing chats with Jair
about strategic church planning continue, which has resulted in our missionaries committing to help with a 3rd church

plant that was launched in June. Needless to say, we are very excited to see what God is doing here and will do in the
coming months and years. Please continue to pray for Brazil.
In Peru, Daniel was saved out of a life of terrible alcohol abuse. He and his family then got involved in one of our
newer church plants. Within a few short years his spiritual growth and preparation for the ministry took off. He
continued to grow and mature and went from helper to deacon to pastor apprentice to co-pastor to pastor of the
church. His vision for missions was great and we worked together in establishing the first daughter church out of his
church. Since then, with others that were trained for the ministry through the church, he and the church have planted
3 other churches in the city and 7 in the surrounding areas. These churches are now involved in starting yet other
churches. And whats more, Pastor Daniel's son believes God wants him to be a missionary so the church recently
ordained him and he will be going to India in February for a 1 year survey / apprenticeship program. To God be the
glory! What a blessing to see this church planting movement! God is truly blessing!
Upcoming Trips:
1. January Orlando, Florida for strategic planning
meetings with our mission leaders.
2. February Lima, Peru.
3. March Iquitos, Peru.
4. April Cuba.
5. April Asuncion, Paraguay.
Prayer Requests:
1. We have lost support but we have picked up new support as
well, thanks to the Lord. Right now, we lack about $800 in
monthly support from being at full support. We know that
God will meet this need because He always has during our
Preparing gift bags for ladies at a Latin American
26 years of missionary service. If youd like to help us, your
Mission Leaders conference.
support would be a huge help and a blessing to us and is tax
deductible! You can give online if youd like by going to:
http://www.abwe.org/give/online Simply insert our name or our account number which is #110033. Thanks for
2. We are working to put teams of people together to go with us to do evangelism at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de
Janeiro (Aug. 8 17, 2016). We will pass out gospel literature and hope to engage people in the gospel. The cost
is $1200 per person (not including airfare). This covers the cost of lodging, food, and transportation in the country
for 9 nights and 10 days. If you are interested in going with us, let me know as soon as possible. We are taking
about 100 people and already have about 70 spots taken.
3. Please pray for our special year end push to raise the
remainder of funds ($85,000) to purchase land and build a
headquarters for our Brazilian Mission Agency where we
also will house a Biblical Counseling Center and Bible
Training Institute. If you would like to give to this need,
please get in contact with us. All gifts are tax deductible.
Grateful for Your Prayers and Support,

Missionaries to Latin America & the Caribbean

2Cor. 4:5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus
the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
Serving with ABWE
Scott with Pastor Jenuan, President of the Brazilian
Mission Agency (33 missionaries in 11 countries)

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