Manila Media Monitor - MARCH 2010
Manila Media Monitor - MARCH 2010
Manila Media Monitor - MARCH 2010
with you”
Falcon looks forward for coop-
eration with the Filipino media
in Toronto to achieve her man-
date from the Philippine gov-
ernment “to keep the patriotic
Noynoy, Mar most elections on May 10, according clined, with Villar suffering a
trusted candidates
to a Pulse Asia survey. double-digit drop.
In contrast, voters’ trust for According to the LP, the lat-
their rivals, Na- est Pulse Asia survey conduct-
- Pulse Asia cionalista Party ed from Feb. 21 to 25 among
standard- 1,800 respondents also showed
MANILA - The Liberal bearer Sen. Aquino and Roxas topping vot-
Party (LP) said recently that Manuel ers’ preferences for president
its standard-bearer, Sen. Beni- Villar Jr. and vice president, respective-
gno “Noynoy” Aquino III and and his run- ly if elections were held during
his running mate, Sen. Manuel ning mate, the time of the survey.
Roxas II were the most trusted Sen. Loren Pulse Asia said Aquino en-
by Filipino voters among pub- Legarda’s joyed the “big trust” of 64 per-
lic figures and among all can- ratings de- cent of Filipino voters, making
didates running in the presi-
dential and vice-presidential Sen. Manuel “Mar” Roxas III, left, and partymate Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. NOYNOY continued on p. 13
2 Manila Media Monitor March 2010
NEWS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 3
VILLAR from p. 3 groups; projects under the glare fuel entrepreneurial revo-
take steps to avert of television lights and lution;
changes in “rules of the cameras; reintroduce English
15% level to the 30% game” to suit the whims Social as the medium of instruc-
ratio or more over 2 de- of “cronies” since there oppose the pas- tion;
cades ago; will be “no cronies”; sage of the Reproductive protect the environ-
promote high value guarantee the sta- Health Bill; ment and rehabilitate de-
added exports, especially bility of policies affect- uphold the right to stroyed forest resources;
multinational onshore ing business; life of the unborn child, Political
production for exports; pursue agricultural without intruding into support amendment including the proposed without the Freedom In-
consistently main- development as a corner- the right of individuals to of Overseas Absentee adoption of the Jury Sys- formation Act), aggres-
tain policies that are do- stone in carrying out the follow their conscience; Voting Law to allow In- tem; sively simplify all govern-
mestic and foreign in- goal of poverty allevia- encourage the role ternet Voter Registration prohibit salvaging ment transactions, reduce
vestments friendly; tion; of parents to provide sex and Voting, and provide by the police and mili- discretionary powers of
streamline regula- ensure that the ben- education to their chil- for continuous, uninter- tary, while protecting, bureaucrats and improve
tory processes to drasti- efits of economic growth dren; rupted voter registration not intimidating or kill- the efficiency of govern-
cally reduce the number filter down to the poor on affirm the central abroad; ing, journalists and me- ment services; and
of review steps and ap- a sustainable basis; importance of the family support the applica- dia personnel; institute a System of
proving/recommending prohibit schemes in Philippine society; tion of Article 6, Section place economic de- Rewards and Punishment
signatures; and methods to circum- oppose legislation 5 of the Constitution pro- velopment priority in to promote efficient and
transparently pur- vent the intent of the that would legalize di- viding for proportional Mindanao where con- effective public services.
sue an economic level agrarian reform law; vorce or terminate mar- legislative representation flicts and insurgency per- (GFN)
playing field, with gov- prescribe the “BOT” riage; of global Filipinos; sist – on a parallel basis
ernment laying down model for infrastructures introduce entrepre- call a Summit on Ju- with peace initiatives;
rules that cannot be bent that may be privatized, neurship as a major cur- Manila Media Monitor
dicial Reform, covering a provide easy ac-
by any vested interest with bidding for these riculum module to help Tel. (416) 285-8583
wide range of key issues, cess to information (even
6 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 VIEWS
Brazao of the Toronto Star for formation Officer, Lei Media,
his past reportages on Filipino sends us press releases, her sal-
caregivers, and not recogniz- utation is “To our friends from
ing Filipino publisher Eddie the press.”
Lee of Atin Ito for his work on Should the Philippine La-
the same has gone far. bor Representative Frank Luna
“To my enemies in the press.” Well, gentlemen, if Eddie
did not meet the criteria for
send a press release to Atin Ito
publisher Eddie Lee, I believe
(Ugh! Doesn’t sound right) news reportage, how about a
citation for best editorial, such
the same salutation is good.
Now, with the “Corrigen-
as for his “Corrigenda” in his da” and “moron” issues on-
Josephine Recto – a service going, my question now is, if
manager at Erin Mills Mitsubi- the press release is to be sent
shi in Mississauga, Ontario by the Philippine Labor Repre-
said some people were asking sentative to Philippine Couri-
her why they hardly see cars at er’s Mon Datol, Balita’s Tenny
the service area of the dealer- Soriano, and probably to me,
ship. would the salutation change to
Josephine would tell them the following: “To my enemies
na ang mga kotse namin dito in the press.”
ay hindi masisira.
Jo … one piece of advice; Ugh! Doesn’t sound right.
and I’m smiling Don’t tell peo-
ple that. Save your job, other- ***
wise, the bosses might think PHOTO 1 The Philippine Star had the
that the dealership does not ronto on Friday, May 14, for a business. He is Rafael Nebres following item last February 2
need a service manager. show at the Massey Hall, 7:30 – the president of the Philip- in its internet edition: “Online
*** PM, to be brought to us primar- pine Chamber of Commerce- social networking blamed for
See those Philippine movie/ ily by JREM Group in associa- Toronto, and is in the car sales rise of AIDS cases in RP”
television love teams in photo tion with Belo Essentials and and service business. PHOTO 2 Really, they can do it on-
1? The first couple on the left GMA Pinoy TV (please see *** publication’s January 2010 is- line? How?
is Regine Velasquez and Ogie page 22 for ticket outlets). Oh gee! This situation about sue? ***
Alcasid; and the second, Ding- Meanwhile, see that guy in the Philippine Labor Repre- What? There’s a problem? On Saturday, May 1, 2010,
dong Dantes and Marian Ri- photo 2? If you think that the sentative in Toronto, RP en- Why? the North American Muslim
vera. guy is looking for a female tan- voy Chito Brillantes and for- *** Foundation (NAMF) will have
As you might have known dem, well, you are wrong. The mer ConGen Andy Mosquera At all times that the Philip-
by now, they are coming to To- guy is not in the entertainment having recognized only Dale pine Consulate General’s In- OOOPS continued on p. 7
VIEWS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 7
OOOPS from p. 6 Texas; another forwarded mes- himself and have some fun at ty. “License and registration, the ticket. If not, you let me go
sage, also from my niece -- the Texas deputy’s expense. please.” and don’t give me the ticket.”
a speech competition at the Ruthylyn Alvarez-Jimenez. The deputy says, “License The lawyer says, “What’s ”That sounds fair. Please
Jamil Dar Convention Hall Only in Texas, readers ... and registration, please.” the difference?” exit your vehicle, sir,” the dep-
at 4140 Finch Avenue East in Only in Texas .... ”What for?” says the law- ”The difference is you have uty says.
Scarborough. A lawyer runs a stop sign yer. to come to complete stop, At this point, the deputy
The topic is, “Are Canadi- and gets pulled over by a sher- The deputy says, “You that’s the law. License and reg- takes out his nightstick and
ans charitable enough towards iff’s deputy. He thinks that he didn’t come to a complete stop istration, please!” the Deputy starts beating the daylights out
the poor?” is smarter than the deputy, be- at the stop sign.” repeats. of the lawyer and says, “Do
I don’t know. Please ask cause he is a lawyer from New Then the lawyer says, “I Lawyer says, “If you can you want me to stop, or just
those who are soliciting do- York and is certain that he has slowed down, and no one was show me the legal difference slow down?”
nations of funds for houses at a better education then any coming.” between slow down and stop,
GK villages meant for the very cop from Houston. ”You still didn’t come to a I’ll give you my license and Manila Media Monitor
poor in the Philippines: AN- He decides to prove this to complete stop, says the depu- registration; and you give me Tel. (416) 285-8583
COP Canada’s Ricky Cuenca,
PCCT president Rafael Nebres
(2nd mention in this column;
sa susunod,may bayad na!),
Jun and Rosemer Enverga, at
… marami pa sila.
A forwarded message from
my niece, Rowena Alvarez,
who lives in Los Angeles, Cali-
John Smith started the day
early having set his alarm clock
(MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6 am.
While his coffeepot (MADE
IN CHINA ) was perking, he
shaved with his electric razor
put on a dress shirt (MADE IN
SRI LANKA ), designer jeans
and tennis shoes (MADE IN
After cooking his break-
fast in his new electric skil-
let (MADE IN INDIA ), he
sat down with his calculator
(MADE IN MEXICO ) to see
how much he could spend to-
day. After setting his watch
(MADE IN TAIWAN ) to the ra-
), he got in his car (MADE IN
GERMANY ), filled it with
GAS (from Saudi Arabia ) and
continued his search for a good
At the end of yet another
discouraging and fruitless day
checking his Computer (made
in MALAYSIA), John decided
to relax for a while.
Bawat patak ng pawis at pagod mo........
He put on his sandals
(MADE IN BRAZIL), poured
himself a glass of wine
buong pusong ihahatid ng Forex sa
turned on his TV (MADE pamilya mo.....
IN INDONESIA ), and then
wondered why he can’t find a
good paying job in AMERICA
kahit saan....... kahit kailan
KENYA )!!!
Meanwhile, here’s one from
As the mild weather in season of coming- selfish thoughts. our endless whims has made us
more on health—ADB study insurance firms, and shopping
malls to chase the money of
lies of overseas Filipino work- But expenditures to health pines.” in 2006. overseas Filipinos.
ers are spending less on food are increasing (from 2.3 per- Whether it’s a crisis year or “[This is] because these Not even billions of dollars
and more on health, a study by cent in 2000 to three percent) not, Ang told the OFW Jour- families are getting increased coming from over-eight million
the Asian Development Bank while allocations for durables nalism Consortium that the incomes, and also spend on Filipinos overseas can provide
revealed. are steady (2.2 percent in 2000, share of spending for food by other items,” said Ang who clear proof remittances have
Using econometric estima- 2.2 in 2006). households in the Philippines also teaches economics at the been stirring domestic demand
tions, Filipino Alvin Ang, Indi- Remittances “do not have a receiving remittances is lower University of Santo Tomas. in sectors such as education,
an Shikha Jha, and Indonesian significant influence on other even with rising remittances. Hence,Ang and his col- health care, and durable goods.
Guntur Sugiyarto noted that items of expenditure, particu- Some 18.05 percent of all leagues concluded in the paper, “[Our] analysis…does not
the percentage share of expen- larly investment spending on Filipino households received there’s no evidence consump- support evidence of remit-
ditures of migrant households education, health care, and du- cash from abroad in the year tion is being fueled solely by tances contributing toward re-
to food went down slightly, rable goods,” said the authors 2000, ADB estimations show. remittances. balancing growth by creating
from 44.9 percent in 2000 to of “Remittances and House- This figure rose to 20.72 per- This view douses the oft-
43.3 percent in 2006. hold Behavior in the Philip- cent in 2003 and 23.3 percent quoted analysts’ view that OFW continued on p.25
10 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 VIEWS
Last January, my wife and I was wrong You’re Entitled greater Ma- now … our kababayans and
I went to the Philippines to at-
tend the inauguration of a very
votes seemed
to My Opinion nila at least. It
looks like it is
our so-called thinkers and
leaders in the community. Just
beautiful Sto. Nino Chapel useless. I just JUN ENVERGA going to be a look at all the so-called presi-
(donated by a very good friend could not trust battle of cred- dents for life in countless com-
of my family). in the mountain
community of Monte Maria,
anyone, any-
more. She is
Focus on leadership must be for ibility, trust
and money.
munity organizations? Look at
the people who are aspiring to
Batangas and ground break also corrupt, the good of the majority The driv- be leaders in the community --
another GK ANCOP village in although oth- ers are the the newly minted leaders and
Batasan, Quezon City. ers say, it is her husband; it is afraid that Noynoy will be- people who lived in the streets thinkers.
It was an exhausting and still her fault because she is the come just like his mom, Cory. of Manila; people who have I am so sorry to say that my
physically demanding ten- president. I am definitely not Cory just followed the or- experienced the life and got a observation points to the fact
day trip, where along the way, going to vote this year. Who ders of her advisers; the people good feel of the pulse of the that most of our community
we met people from different ever will be in power will be around her. nation by reason of their oc- leaders and thinkers around
backgrounds and cultures. similarly an ineffective presi- On the other hand, Gibo cupation. The good thing about continue to have the shadows
During our travel, my wife dent and cannot be trusted. (Teodoro) is smart, but I think all these is that people are con- of the political culture nurtured
and I took turns engaging our Driver 2: I will vote for a vote for him will be mean- scious about their actions, or from back home.
drivers into conversation on Noynoy, even if other candi- ingless, because, surely, he is inactions, in the coming elec- To all the so-called leaders
their thoughts on Philippine dates pay me five thousand pe- not going to win for lack of tions. and thinkers in the Philippines,
politics. sos. I will not let anyone buy campaign funds. For me, it is Obviously, our kababayans in Toronto and elsewhere alike,
Billboards, posters, radio my vote! I am so fed up! Work- Villar. First of all, he is already in the Philippines are mostly I counsel that it is not the po-
announcements are all too com- ers are so fed up. We believe too rich; if ever he is corrupt, confused. I feel like an out- sition of power in any organi-
mon at this time in the streets that Noynoy is our only hope. he will not steal much. sider in my own country at the zation, nor money, that gain
of Manila with the upcoming His family is the best; his fa- Driver 3 added: Here in the time of my recent travel. Elicit- respect and accolades from our
April 10 presidential election. ther gave his life for his coun- Philippines, a presidentiable ing reasons from the question kababayans, and anyone for
We asked each of our driv- try and his mother was a re- needs one billion pesos to I posed was what I thought I that matter.
ers who they want to be the spected person -- and the only run for the presidential office. could do, either to familiarize, Respect, however, will
next president of the Philip- non-corrupt president that we From what I heard, Villar has or re-familiarize myself again only come when leaders have
pines and for what reasons? know. Noynoy is the only one I more than a billion in cam- with Philippine politics. proven and acted themselves
The answers were often var- can trust, although, he does not paign funds. Noynoy got only What may we do here in worthy; when they have come
ied and deep in logic and trepi- look like a tough leader at this 66 million, so far. For me, Vil- Canada? Our country needs to the full realization that the
dation, prompting me to inter- time. All I want is someone lar is a sure win; I always go our help. May we, overseas community, much more – the
pret the words the best I could: with a clean heart, leadership with the sure winner. Filipinos, be the conscience of country, are above them and
Driver 1: I am not going to qualities can be learned. *** the nation? May our opinions their supporters.
vote this year, I am fed up. Driver 3: Although I can- There you go! Three op- count? May our law-abiding If the focus of the opinion
When I voted Erap the last not say anything bad about the posing views from our kaba- experiences and upbringing of our leaders and thinkers is
time, we thought he would family of Noynoy, what the bayans. here help our kababayans? not the welfare of the major-
help us, poor people, but I was Philippines needs is someone Athough, some of their rea- Our answers are as varied ity in the Filipino society, then
wrong. who can control the country. soning might have contained and complicated as the ques- leaders are bound to failure;
Then, when I voted for Glo- Noynoy does not show tough just unfounded information, it tions, which gave me thoughts and yes, this is my opinion,
ria the last time, I thought she leadership qualities as we saw looks like Noynoy and Villar on our own community in To- and you are entitled to them.
was a sure bet. Unfortunately, in senate sessions, so we are are the top two contenders in ronto. Let us look at ourselves (
During a conversation with voice to all the It is about a community seeks to minimize
a friend recently, the topic of
Filipino unity came up.
other communi-
ties around us as Our Journey public trust be-
stowed on one or
the disenfranchisement of its
individuals through the values
When I look around the dif- well as the gov- E VA A G PA O A more individuals. mentioned above.
ferent communities in Toronto, ernment. A strong leader We must never be afraid to
it is clear some are unified and A single voice knows this and help someone else better their
some are not. has a much better treats that trust life.
What does it mean to be chance of getting What does it mean with care and re- Individual financial strength
to be unified?
unified? things done for spect. means a financially stable com-
Many things of course but a the community These are just munity overall.
few stand out as being impor- than a babble of four of the many And let’s face it, more mon-
tant: incoherent rants. different values ey usually means more clout.
- A unified community sup- Of course, there are so - A strong community cel- that make a strong unified A rich, coherent community
ports its members. A core value many different needs within a ebrates its achievements and community. can be an awesome thing.
within a community is its abil- community and a single voice invites all around them to cel- I’m certain you can think of Think about our community
ity and desire to support its can never hope to address all of ebrate with them. many more values and in fact I and think about whether or not
members. them. But, an organized com- This is a healthy pride that invite you to do so. we meet these simple criteria.
This can happen in a num- munity has a sound process announces to the world, we are The benefits of a strong Are we, the Filipino com-
ber of ways. for hearing its constituents and worthy of your respect. community are many. munity in Toronto, unified and
Support of local business; reaching a consensus on priori- - A community becomes Political relevance is a key strong?
support through social organi- ties. unified when it chooses to or- benefit. I’m not sure. I really believe
zations which cater to the less Don’t misunderstand me ganize itself. It means we have a seat at most of us want this. I know
well off and the needy within here. First and foremost, organiz- the table when decisions about we need this.
the community; educational A single voice doesn’t liter- ing around a strong leadership our city are being made. We need the strength of uni-
support. ally mean a single vocal chord is key to becoming a strong- It means we have the nec- ty and organization. We need it
The key is that a unified bleating in the wind like a dis- community. essary infl uence to help our because our numbers are grow-
community looks for ways to tressed lamb in the wilderness. Many fear that choosing members in meaningful ways. ing and our needs are many. We
offer support in the belief that A single, unified voice leadership means relinquishing Another benefit is increasing need it because we risk being
strong members mean a strong means a coherent well thought personal power and worse, that our overall financial strength. marginalized as a people.
community. out series of messages that are they risk corruption and per- Clearly, not every individ- Let’s think about this to-
- A unified community important to the community. sonal gain among their lead- ual within the community will gether and reach for strength
speaks with a unified voice. A unified community takes ers. be rich. and unity. (info@thenannyex-
Another core value is the pride in and celebrates its But real leadership is not And some will be poor to the
strength to speak with one achievements. about power or personal gain. point of poverty. But a strong
NEWS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 11
A ban on recruitment fees is tions based on tips. Generally, they ment Insurance (EI) from their
among a series of new protec- All of these steps
To protect live-in must have at least 11 total pay and their employer
tions for foreign live-in care- will help curb the caregivers and consecutive hours must make CPP and EI contri-
givers in Ontario that came abuse of foreign na- off work each day, butions for them.
into effect on March 22, 2010. tionals who come to other workers and 24 consecutive If live-in caregivers and
Under the Employment Ontario to work, in- hours off work each their employer agree that they
Protection for Foreign Nation- cluding the practice week, or 48 consec- will receive a wage greater
als Act (EPFNA) , the province of collecting place- utive hours off work than the minimum wage, then
is providing expanded protec-
tions for some of Ontario’s
ment fees for bogus
job offers. Protection for in every 2-week pe-
that is the amount the employ-
ees are entitled to receive.
most vulnerable workers.
New protections for work- Foreign Nation- Overtime Pay Can an employer deduct
ers include: al Live-in Caregiv- Live-in caregiv- room and board (meals)?
Nationals Act
* A ban on all fees charged ers ers must be paid An employer can take into
to live-in caregivers by recruit- Foreign nationals overtime pay after account having provided live-in
ers, either directly or indirect- working as a live-in 44 hours of work caregivers with room and board
ly, or by anyone on behalf of a
* Preventing employers
caregivers in Ontar-
io have employment
standards rights un-
becomes law each week. The
overtime rate must
be at least 1½ times
(meals) for the purpose of en-
suring that the minimum wage
has been paid. The amounts
from recovering, directly or der the Employment the regular rate of that an employer is considered
Limits on Hours of Work
indirectly, recruitment and Standards Act, 2000 (ESA). pay. to have paid as wages for room
Generally, live-in caregiv-
placement costs from live-in They also have protections and board (meals) are set out
ers cannot be required to work
caregivers. under the Employment Protec- Minimum Wage below:
more than 8 hours a day or their
* Prohibiting the practice tion for Foreign Nationals Act The minimum wage is the Room: weekly
regular daily work schedule (if
of taking a caregiver’s personal (Live-in Caregivers and Oth- lowest hourly rate an employer * private room: $31.70
more than 8 hours). For them to
documents such as a passport ers), 2009 (EPFNA). can pay an employee.
work more than the daily limit,
and work permit. Currently the minimum Meals
their employer must have their
* Prohibiting reprisals Employment Standards wage is $9.50 per hour and it * each meal: $2.55
written agreement.
against caregivers for exercis- Rights At Work will rise to $10.25 per hour on * weekly maximum: $53.55
Generally, they cannot be
ing their rights under the leg- Live-in caregivers must be March 31, 2010.
required to work more than 48
islation. paid on a regular, recurring Live-in caregivers’ gross Room and board (meals):
hours a week, and for them to
Live-in caregivers will also payday, and employers must pay, before deductions, must weekly
work more than 48 hours in a
get more information about provide them with a statement be at least minimum wage. By * private room: $85.25
week, employers must have
their rights and Ministry of La- showing their wages and de- law, their employer must de-
their written agreement and an
bour inspectors will have more ductions for that pay period. duct Income Tax, Canada Pen-
approval from the Ministry of
authority to investigate viola- sion Plan (CPP), and Employ- LIVE-IN continued on p. 15
12 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 NEWS
FALCON from p. 1 hours up to 7 PM to ac- ing and Canvassing of commissioned by the
burg and Vancouver. She commodate the consular the ballots held in Los COMELEC to serve dur-
was Ambassador to Tur- needs of working clients Angeles, California. The ing the May 10 elections,
key, Germany and Swit- who are unable to come training was hosted by participated in during the
zerland. to the Consulate during the Philippine Consulate three-day seminar.
Before coming to To- office hours. General in Los Angeles. Echo training for the
ronto, she was the Direc- Meanwhile, in con- Members of the Spe- other members of the
tor of the Foreign Service nection with the Philip- cial Board of Canvassers SBEI and SBRCG of the
Institute -- the training pine national elections (SBOC), Special Board Consulate General in To-
arm and research office in May, Consul General of Election Inspectors ronto who were appointed
of the Department of For- Falcon, with Cultural Of- (SBEI), and Special Bal- by the COMELEC will
Toronto-based folksinger Chito Sarabia with Ma- eign Affairs. ficer Evangeline Cayong- lot Reception and Custo- be conducted at the Con-
nila-based songwriter-performer Kitchie Nadal Consul General Fal- cat, participated in the dy Group (SBRCG) from sulate next month. (With
after her recent performance at Mstudio in Missis- con hails from Lal-lo, Commission on Elections the different Embassies files from the Philippine
sauga. Sarabia has three canned compositions, (COMELEC) Training on and Consulates General Consulate General’s Of-
Cagayan and has three
“Sa Likod ng Musika”, :Press to Play”, and “Plaze
of Light”, for future release. grown-up children. She the conduct of Overseas based in North and South fice in Toronto)
speaks English, Spanish Absentee Voting, Count- America, who were
and French.
ments on con-
sular services
in Toronto
After her as-
sumption to of-
fice, the new Con-
sul General has
announced that
effective Friday,
April 9, and every
first Friday of the
month after such
date, the Philip-
pine Consulate
Philippine Press Club-Ontario (PPCO) members and guests after the breakfast fo-
General’s office rum with Consul General Minerva Falcon (seated center) held Saturday, March 6,
in Toronto will 2010, at “Quiapo, Quiapo”, # 2 Principal Road in Scarborough. The PPCO gather-
extend its office ing was sponsored in part by the venue of the event. (Photo: Ariel Ramos)
NEWS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 13
LIVE-IN from p. 11 may be entitled to take Live-in caregivers workplace rights: cannot agree to give up OFW from p. 14
17 weeks of pregnancy are entitled to at least 2 * Intimidate them any of their employment
The room must be fit leave and 35 weeks of weeks of vacation time * Fire them standards rights. Any effect, had no effect, or
for human habitation. It parental leave (if they after every 12 months * Suspend them such agreement is inval- have a negative effect on
must also be reasonably have taken pregnancy of employment. They * Reduce or withhold id. regional development.
furnished, supplied with leave). All other eligible are entitled to be paid an pay For questions, or fil- As for NCR and re-
clean bed linen and tow- new parents, including amount equal to at least * Punish them in any ing a claim? gions near it, Calara ob-
els, and be reasonably birth mothers who do not 4% of their total wages way, or For questions about served that the sending
accessible to proper toilet take pregnancy leave, earned as vacation pay. * Threaten any of employment standards, of more overseas work-
and wash basin facilities. can take up to 37 weeks Termination Notice these actions. or if live-in caregivers ers complements high
Room and/or board of parental leave. These and/or Pay Instead of believe they have not government spending
is not considered part of are unpaid, job-protected Notice (if employed for If live-in caregivers received their rights and and investments in these
wages unless the employ- leaves. To get more in- at least 3 months) think their employer has want to make a claim to places.
ee has actually received formation about eligibil- Employers must give punished them for ask- the Ministry of Labour, Yet on the overall,
the meals or occupied the ity for pregnancy and their employees advance ing about or for exercis- please contact the Em- Calara said the paper
room. parental leave, call the written notice, termina- ing their rights at work, ployment Standards In- “showed mixed results
Employment Standards tion pay instead of notice, contact the Employment formation Centre at (416) with respect to the effect
Public Holidays Information Centre. or a combination of both, Standards Information 326-7160 (toll-free at of remittances on the re-
Live-in caregivers are if their live-in caregivers Centre as soon as pos- 1-800-531-5551) or, for gional performance of
entitled to take a public Family Medical Leave have been continuously sible. If, after a live-in the hearing impaired, at the Philippines”.
holiday off work, with Live-in caregivers can employed for 3 months caregiver files a claim, TTY 1-866-567-8893. At the same time, the
public holiday pay, re- take family medical leave or more and their em- the Ministry of Labor They may also visit www. multiplier effect of re-
gardless of how long they to provide care or support ployment is terminated. will decide whether the for more mittances in rural areas
have been working. On- for certain family mem- The amount of notice or employer has punished information or to file a is higher than those in
tario has nine public holi- bers – and people who pay depends on how long the employee for asking claim on-line. They can urban regions, Calara’s
days every year. They are: consider them to be like they have been employed about or for exercising also get an Employment computations showed.
New Year’s Day, Family a family member – who by the employer. the rights at work, gthe Standards claim form at Estimates using the
Day, Good Friday, Victo- have a serious illness Can an employer pun- Ministry of Labor can or- a ServiceOntario Cen- 2000, 2003 and 2006
ria Day, Canada Day, La- with a significant risk of ish or threaten them be- der the employer to com- tre. To locate the Centre FIES data revealed that
bour Day, Thanksgiving dying within a period of cause they ask questions pensate the employee or nearest them, please call some 1.107 million
Day, Christmas Day, and 26 weeks. It is unpaid, about their rights or ask pay any wages owed. 1-800-267-8097. Please households of migrant
Boxing Day. job-protected leave of up for their rights? note that separate forms workers got P208.848
to 8 weeks in a 26-week No. Employer cannot Live-in caregivers are used to file claims un- billion in 2000.
Pregnancy Leave period. do any of the following cannot agree to give up der the ESA and the EPF- The number of house-
and Parental Leave because live-in caregiv- their rights NA. (Ontario Ministry of
Live-in caregivers Vacation with Pay ers ask for or about their Live-in caregivers Labour) OFW continued on p. 16
16 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 NEWS
presented to the public Javier said tickets to the es in the GTA and their
22.2 percent, having re- Calabarzon [or Cavite, Calabarzon and Mima-
during the Presidents’ Presidents’ Gala, which partners have been prac-
ceived some P348.524 Laguna, Batangas, Rizal ropa) contribute some
Gala, a biennial event is one of the most suc- ticing -- oftentimes driv-
billion. and Quezon] and Mima- 14 percent to Philippine
organized by the Filipino cessful fundraisers of her ing down to Parliament
By percentage ropa [Mindoro Occiden- GDP.
Centre Toronto (FCT). organization are sold out. Street in downtown T.O.
Saturday, April 24, at Over 500 guests, through the bitter winter
the Fairmont Royal York dressed up in their best cold to attend their prac-
Hotel. Filipino formal wear, are tices. The dance number There is nothing like returning to a place
Likewise, the heads expected to attend. Cock- is choreographed by Odie that remains unchanged to find the ways in
of businesses in the me-
tropolis will be presented
tails, photo shoots and
piano entertainment at
Arena and Wendy Arena.
Meanwhile, the souve- which you yourself have altered.
at the event, together the foyer start at 6 PM. nir program committee, - Nelson Mandela
Millennium Support and Care Group extends its
sincere thanks to the Government of Canada's
New Horizons for Seniors Program for providing
us with a grant to upgrade our seniors’ facility,
and also for supporting our objective of providing
the optimum quality of life to seniors in the
community. Through social and recreational
activities and promoting health and wellness, we
aim to help seniors feel and live better.
We are encouraging more seniors to come out,
join in our activities, and have fun! Our activities
are designed especially for them (bingo games,
card games, get-togethers, Latin dancing, line-
dancing, folk dancing, karaoke singing) all in the
process of meeting and making new friends. All
activities are free with membership.
7 Hayden St., Suite 303, Toronto M4Y 2P2
NEWS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 17
BUDGET from p.5 teria for the cancellation 2009 and beyond. The income persons with a amount. es. Toronto’s government
program from $26,000 age criteria for the de- disability who are eligible Toronto is Canada’s is dedicated to prosperity,
owners can have their tax to $36,000 and the CVA ferral program is still for either of the tax relief largest city and sixth opportunity and liveabili-
increases - whether CVA threshold for property 50 years of age or older, programs, where eligible largest government, and ty for all its residents. For
or budgetary related - de- value from $454,000 to and there is no CVA homeowners are entitled home to a diverse popu- information about non-
ferred without interest, $525,000 (automatically property-value threshold to approximately 30% re- lation of about 2.6 mil- emergency City services
and only repayable once increases to $575,000 for for the deferral program. bate on their Utility Bill lion people. It is the eco- and programs, Toronto
the homeowner sells the 2011 and 2012). It is es- Approximately 82,000 water charges. Consump- nomic engine of Canada residents, businesses and
property. timated that over 19,000 households are estimated tion thresholds have also and one of the greenest visitors can dial 311, 24
The City most recent- households are eligible to be eligible for the de- been increased for 2010 and most creative cities hours a day, 7 days a
ly enhanced its tax relief for the cancellation pro- ferral program. to 400 cubic metres. This in North America. To- week. (City of Toronto
program for low income gram. The City also provides means that homeowners ronto has won numerous Media office)
seniors and low income City Council also in- a Water Rebate Program with a metered account awards for quality, inno-
creased the household on Utility Bills for low- can be eligible, if they vation and efficiency in Manila Media Monitor
persons with a disability Tel. (416) 285-8583
in 2009. At that time, income criteria for the income seniors and low- consume less than this delivering public servic-
City Council increased deferral program from
the household income cri- $40,000 to $50,000 for AFTERTHOUGHTS said, “you just completed The following day, I set my mind on after
from p. 8 your first year in the Col- found myself at the Pat’s graduating from elemen-
lege of Law. Now, you Flying School refund- tary school).
NOYNOY from p.13 pushed the country back- the nearby Pat’s Flying tell me — and be decisive ing the initial payment I Nowadays, during
wards instead of strength- School, likewise, located now, what do you really made. my solemn moments
and his family to stop. ening the democratic near the terminal; and so want to do for a living?” In the next two months of reflection, I wonder
He said only Baby institutions put in place I did. I spent the next 20 or after that, I just enjoyed what would have been
James, son of Kris, had after the late strongman Having learned that it 30 minutes listening to my summer vacation had I pursued that flying
been spared of criticisms was ousted in a peaceful would cost only P450 per the litany of my oldest away from evening law course, or my love for
thrown against their fam- people power revolution hour to fly the plane — brother on the steps that school; worked at day; on architecture, the law and
ily. on EDSA in 1986. after classroom hours, I I have to go through — R & R on week-ends at the several other interests
‘Worse than Marcos’ Earlier, Aquino said put in the initial payment involving many years of nearby Tagaytay, or vari- that I would have loved
Meanwhile in Daet, Mrs. Arroyo disrespected to reserve my place in the service, trainings, etc. ous Laguna towns with doing. On this, my wife,
Camarines Sur, Sen. the Office of the Presi- class. – in order to be a pilot my wife and my first-born Gie, would always tell
Aquino rated President dent. Driving home later, I flying a commercial pas- child and … just forgot me, “Had you traversed
Arroyo as a leader worse He said this was the saw my oldest brother, senger jetliner on inter- the whole thing about either of those roads,
than the late dictator Fer- reason why he would like Randolph (now deceased) national route. wearing that Philippine probably, we would not
dinand Marcos because to have a commission by chance near his home, You see, my broth- Airlines white uniform have met, because being
she had the tenacity to to handle all the cases hence, stopped the car, er Randolph was well with Pershing cap. in one of those indus-
muzzle institutions when against Mrs. Arroyo, if alighted and chatted with abreast on the business Meanwhile, just like tries, you would not have
the country had suppos- elected, so that all the is- him. because his brother-in- Renato, I’m in the media worked at the radio sta-
edly become more demo- sues against her would Casually, I mentioned law, was a pilot: Capt. business, but unlike Re- tion as a young reporter-
cratic. be resolved. Aquino said that I enrolled at a fly- Antonio Misa — who nato, he actuallty man- writer, and where I started
The Liberal Party also this body would run after ing school that afternoon was the pilot of that Phil- aged to pursue his interest my career in broadcast as
said it was not concerned ill-gotten wealth of the and thought of eventu- ippine Airlines BAC 111 in drawing, or sketching. a young radio announcer
about the attacks from Arroyos, if there were ally becoming a commer- jet seized by five hijack- In my case, I actually myself, but most impor-
Malacañang and wel- any. cial airline pilot. Whoa! ers on a domestic flight stopped sketching after tantly, where we first
comed the “non-endorse- “The lack of closure I thought he would be from Manila to south- graduating from high met.” And Gie was right,
ment” from Mrs. Arroyo. on many issues does not excited for his youngest ern Philippines, forcing school and pursued a because, having met, and
In an interview with help the country, we are sibling, but lo — and be- Capt. Misa to fly them to degree in journalism (in- later marrying her, is
reporters on after a rally, weakening many institu- hold, I got a lecture. Canton,China on March stead of the B.S. Archi- something I will not ex-
Aquino said Mrs. Arroyo tions,” Aquino said. “Look, brother,” he 31, 1971. tecture that I had always change for anything else.
18 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 PEOPLE & EVENTS
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22 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 PEOPLE & EVENTS
PEOPLE & EVENTS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 23
Angels Mike, Chris and Lando during her visit at
M Studio Restaurant in Mississauga. (Courtesy:
Romy Zetazate)
The first of the series of 2010 Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC) events unfolds before us,
Saturday, April 24, and as such, the hardworking PIDC volunteers settle to work. To start off the sea-
son, the chairs and vice-chairs of various PIDC committees, led by PIDC president Minda Neri (5th
from right) gather together for a one entire day of taping aimed at promoting on television the events
of the organization. Among those who joined the new PIDC president for a souvenir photo of the day- Everyone ought to
worship God
long TV production work are (from left) Jun Villaruz, Cesar Manebo, Imie Belanger, Rory Elefano, Es-
tring Aguinaldo, program host Gie Alvarez, Leonie Manzanares, Josie Consunji, Gene Elamparo and
Bernie Sychangco. The PIDC is reputed to be the biggest Filipino Canadian organization in Ontario,
and probably the whole of Canada, mandated to bring to the fore the best of Philippine arts, culture according to his own
and heritage, and now includes charity. Particulars of the PIDC events will soon be circulated widely inclinations, and not
to be constrained by force.
by the executive officers. Front Page Philippines TV is a major media partner of the PIDC having a
reach unparalleled currently by no other existing Filipino Canadian media. The program airs on Rog-
ers Cable, Sundays, 11 AM, on OMNI 2 TV in Ontario and Saturdays, 5:30 PM, in Alberta, and via satel-
lite (ExpressVu -- Channel 216, Star Choice -- Channel 395 and Look Communications -- Channel 74), - Flavius Josephus
simulcast Ontario time. To contact PIDC, please call (416) 621-4985. To contact Front Page Philippines
TV, please call (416) 285-8583. (Manila Media Monitor Photo)
OFW from p. 9 OFWs and their house- tive expenses”. and expenditures of both 2009.
holds spend their remit- The authors analyzed migrant and non-migrant Ang, however, said it Manila Media Monitor
domestic demand, except tances, even as previous data from the 2000, 2003, households. does not matter whether Tel. (416) 285-8583
for food.” studies have observed and 2006 Family Income The data used were there is a crisis or not.
Spend that overseas Filipinos and Expenditures Sur- prior to the global eco-
THE ADB paper is spend their remittances vey (FIES) of the Na- nomic crisis of 2008 Only I can change my life. No one
among the first papers on “conspicuous con- tional Statistics Office, since government has yet can do it for me.
to precisely show how sumption” or “unproduc- and looked at the income to process the FIES of - Carol Burnett
26 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 PEOPLE & EVENTS
Canada Region Commander Sir Emiliano R. Silverio (2nd from left) congratulates
Sir Tobias (Jun) Enverga of the Dimasalang Chapter on his promotion by the Rizal
Canada Region to Knight Commander of Rizal (KCR). Sir Jun’s promotion was
the result of his extensive help in the Rizal operations and projects for the past
several years. Others in photo are Sir Ed Prillo, KGOR (left) and Supreme Council
Trustee Sir George R. Poblete, KGOR (right). What made the event even memo-
rable was that the KCR jewel was presented to the newly promoted KCR by his
wife, Lady Rosemer Enverga (3rd from left).
The Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC) has launched the most
prestigious pageants in Toronto: the 2010 “PIDC Miss Philippines” and
“Little Miss Philippines”. Miss Philippines candidates (L-R) are Michelle
Amaral, Regine Semira, Joannie Magbanla-Nguyen, Jessica Eusebio, Ch-
antelle Yumol, Catherine Grace Amaral, Eileen Gomez, and (front row, left)
Lindsay Miijares Farrell. Also in the front row are the candidates for Little
Miss Philippines Candidates (starting, 2nd from left): Maelynn Bucao, Mya
IT’S A TIE between Buddy Ibe and Ted Dayno (4th and 5th from left, respec- Miskiw, Samantha Mangune, Keisha Balatbat, Alyssa Grace Datu. The win-
tively) for the Founders’ Award of the Association of Filipino Canadian Ac- ners will become the Ambassadors of Goodwill for the Filipino Community.
countants (AFCA). The prestigious AFCA Founders’ Award is given to one PIDC continues to accept candidates for the Little-Miss, ages 5 to10 and
person biennially for one’s meritorious contributions and service to the or- Miss Philippines, ages 15 to 21. Please contact Rosemer Enverga for ad-
ganization. Ibe and Dayno, however, earned the highest total points equally ditional information, (416) 284 2810, or email littlemissphilippines@gmail.
from among the nominees on the various criteria to receive the award, strict- com or The PIDC beauties and talents will
ly and carefully chosen by their peers in the profession. Joining them in the soon appear on TV program, “Front Page Philippines” airing on OMNI 2 Tele-
celebration of their accomplishments are the council pf past presidents of vision, Channel 69, Cable 14, Sundays, 11 AM with alternative viewing on
AFCA. (Photo: Ariel Ramos) Thursdays, 4 PM.(PIDC)
March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 27
mation they need, the govern- levels of government. tions, starting or growing a
ments of Canada and Ontario Callers can dial 1-888-745- business, federal and provincial - Harinder S. Takhar,
have collaborated to create a 8888 or TTY 1-800-268-7095 government programs, manag- Minister of Government Services
ing employees, regulations,
taxes, permits and licences,
Small and medium sized enterprises importing and exporting re-
quirements, and more. Government Services at the partnership between Industry
are the engine of the Canadian This was jointly announced Economic Developers Council Canada and ServiceOntario to
recently by Rob Moore, federal of Ontario’s 53rd annual con-
economy. Their success fuels economic ference and showcase.
provide integrated services to
Minister of State, Small Busi- businesses, through the Can-
growth and job creation. This new ness and Tourism and Harinder This new toll-free telephone ada-Ontario Business Service
S. Takhar, Ontario Minister of service is part of an ongoing Centre, and other services.
toll-free number makes it easier for
businesses to find the assistance they
need to make Canada more competitive,
by reducing the burden on hard
working Canadian entrepreneurs.
- Rob Moore, Minister of State,
Small Business and Tourism
Based on their in-depth two are cash and equity). a portion of your non-reg-
knowledge of the invest- The problem is that istered investments into
ing habits of Canadians, interest income is the ‘equities’ that provide
investment professionals least tax-efficient income income from dividends
estimate that half to two- type. and capital gains, which
thirds of all investable Every $1 of interest are taxed at a much more
wealth in Canada is held income is fully taxable, favorable rate than inter-
outside registered sav- just the same as your em- est income.
ings plans (RSPs). ployment income. For example, any re-
That’s understandable So, if you are heavily alized capital gains you
because most conserva- invested in interest-gen- receive from an equity
tive investors take a prac- erating investments, you investment are taxed at
tical approach to invest- are likely to incur a stiff just 50 percent -- in other
ing that seeks to reduce tax liability each year words, only 50 cents of
risk and volatility while -- even though you may every dollar of the capi-
delivering a desired level not currently need that tal gain is subject to tax.
of returns over the long income. Dividend income also
term – in other words, And, your tax liabil- benefits from federal and
creating and maintaining ity becomes even more provincial tax credits that
a properly diversified- problematic if your in- provide a fair degree of
portfolio with the best vestments produce tax- tax relief.
prospects for long term able income each year Tax relief,
growth. but this income is auto- investment security
Often, those inves- matically reinvested (or If you’re a conserva-
tors seek the safety of compounded), creating tive, tax-sensitive inves-
‘guaranteed’ or ‘fixed-in- a tax bill with no cor- tor yet feel uncomfort-
come’ investments such responding cash flow to able about increasing
as bonds, mortgages, pay the tax. your level of risk by ex-
Guaranteed Investment After-tax return panding your portfolio of
Certificates (GICs), and Even though your equities (typically more
other interestgenerating interest income invest- volatile investments)
securities, which gener- ments may be deliver- there is a ‘conservative’
ally provide a stream of ing a significant return, solution available to you:
income while preserving that return may also be corporate structured deferral benefits similar capital gains. delivering the levels of
capital. (Fixed-income significantly reduced by mutual funds can of- to equities (or equity mu- A professional advi- return you want in order
investments are one of the high rate of taxes you ten be as ‘safe’ as fixed- tual funds), as along with sor can help ensure your to help realize your finan-
the three basic types of must pay. income investments yet the advantage of having portfolio is both tax- cial goals.
investments; the other One option is to move can also provide same tax your returns realized as efficient and capable of
Dear pile, they’ll also stink offers a step-by-step cally placed fencing and
My husband
it up and attract ani-
mals. EarthTalk® guide to the process.
The long and short
wire mesh can frustrate
some critters enough to
and I want to Otherwise, home From the Editors of of it is that if you keep them moving along,
start a gar- composters should E/The Environmental Magazine know what you’re but you can be sure some
den this year. keep in mind that doing, composting of your neighborhood
I really want critters aren’t actu- can be a reward- wildlife will reap the har-
to make compost from ally eating the com- Gardening & Composting ing, environmentally vest that you’ve sown.
leftover food scraps and post but are sifting friendly and pest-free And as long as they leave
yard materials. He says through it to find fresh just being turned occa- worm bin. You can still experience. For some enough for you, who
it will attract unwanted edible kitchen or garden sionally, and they keep put kitchen scraps in just great tips on how to get can’t live with that?
animals, and refuses to scraps. To discourage raccoons, rats, dogs and like in a bigger outdoor started, visit the website CONTACTS: Organ-
agree to it. Is he right? If animals, the website Or- other interlopers at bay. compost pile, but with-, a, www.
so, how do we deal with rec- Otherwise, compost bins out the worry of attract- comprehensive and free;
that issue in a green- ommends mixing kitchen guide for the home gar- State of Washington
friendly, non-lethal garbage with soil or wood dener on what to do and Department of Fish &
way? ashes before burying it how to do it. Also, some Wildlife,;
-- Carmen Veurink, Grand in the hot center of your forward-thinking cities Instructables,
Rapids, MI compost pile. Washing- such as Seattle are pick-; One
ton State’s Department ing up food scraps with Change Indoor Compost
It’s true of Fish and Wildlife rec- yard waste at the curb- Bin,
that outdoor ommends not putting any side along with garbage blog/2006/04/indoor-
compost piles food scraps in open com- collection, and making compost-bin/; Compost-
and bins can post piles, but says that if huge amounts of com-,
be a draw for you must, bury them un- mercially viable compost
wildlife—be it der at least eight inches out of it. If your city or SEND YOUR ENVI-
bears, rats, rac- of soil and then place a town offers a similar pro- RONMENTAL QUES-
coons, skunks, opossums wire mesh barrier over gram you might want to TIONS TO: EarthTalk®,
or some other creatures the top held in place with consider saving yourself c/o E – The Environ-
of the night—but there a heavy object or two. the trouble of doing it at mental Magazine, P.O.
LexnGer, courtesy Flickr.
are ways to minimize the Putting your compost home for the common Box 5098, Westport, CT
attraction. For one, make pile in a pest-proof con- with wire tops or sealed ing wildlife. The website good. 06881; earthtalk@emag-
sure everyone in your tainer is another way to lids work well too, but re- offers One more thing to keep E is a non-
household knows to keep prevent tampering with quire a little more manual instructions for how to in mind is that the garden profit publication.
meat, bones, fish, fat and your precious organic labor in terms of stirring. create your own worm itself may attract as much
dairy out of the compost. soil-to-be. Compost tum- Of course, another op- composting bin. Another if not more wildlife than Manila Media Monitor
Not only will these items blers are popular because tion would be to make the good source is the blog some food scraps in a Tel. (416) 285-8583
“overheat” the compost they mix and aerate by compost indoors using a, which compost pile. Strategi-
32 Manila Media Monitor March 2010 MOTORING
KCCC Board of Kitchie Nadal signs with Mstudio exchange and exposure
of unknown, independent
Directors and officers artists here in Canada as
Manila singer and based on real-life well as the Philippines.
songwriter Kitchie Nadal events and char- On March 20, Nadal
The Kalayaan Cul- has agreed to collaborate acters at Mstudio performed one of her
instead of the interest.
tural Community Centre with Mississauga-based Bar. Working ti- chart-topping single,
The Board of Direc-
(KCCC) has announced Mstudio Productions to tles are Freestyle Huwag na Huwag Mong
tors and Officers elected
the election of a new produce a new album. Friday, Rakaoke, Sasabihin at The Poor
were Ching Quejas, Pres-
board of directors during This was announced Sound Check, Alex located at 772A
ident ; Edgar Frondozo,
the annual general mem- recently by Mstudio’s and Dating Disco Dundas St. West of
Executive VP; Resty del
bership meeting last Feb- Deo Moreno, who said Game. Bathurst, the concert will
Rosario, VP, Programs/
ruary 28 to serve for the that Nadal is also break- The shows feature a number of local
Admin.; Eula Rulloda,
next two years. ing a new ground as an will be aired on indie bands such as Cos-
Secretary; Estelita Liwag,
Five of newly elected actress, and agreed to ap- FTV, a subscrip- micrayons, Noizytoyz,
Treasurer; Benny Cuevil-
board were new members, pear in “barKada”, a TV tion channel on and Out of Luck – music
las, Auditor ; Dr. Romy
namely, Minnie Ban- series planned to go in Rogers Cable 869 pieces which have been
Sinajon, PRO. Elected to
dayrel, Benny Cuevillas, production this year. and other social used in television com-
the board are Archie Ay-
Tommy de Guia, Benja- The show is currently network media mercials and have had
ala ; Minnie Bandayrel;
min Montada, and Eula in development phase outlets. radio airplay both here in
Luis Carbonell; Tommy
Rulloda, were welcomed where the characters are Moreno said, Toronto and in the Philip-
de Guia; Benjamin Mon-
to the board after the acquainted with script “We are still look- Kitchie Nadal pines
tada ; Delfin Palileo; and,
writers while the plots ing for people valuable experience or Mstudio is calling all
election. Ruffy Romano.
The Financial State- are fully developed. The with or without experi- agreeable to deferred wannabe rock stars, VJs,
ment for the fiscal year show revolves around ence who are interested payments, then you may stand-up comics, beauty
Ring in Spring!
2009 was presented to a bar that has become a in working behind-the- want to throw yourself in queens, ladies’ men and
Spring Dinner &
the members during the haven for artists and their scenes or in front of the the mix.” everyone in between.
Dance at Kalayaan
stories. camera,” adding that Moreno expressed an- Call 905 564 8773 or
meeting, which Ching Centre
Quejas, KCCC president Moreno said Mstudio “Most of the positions ticipation that the collab- send email inquiries to
Meanwhile, everyone
said, was highlighted Productions has plans to available are unpaid but oration with Nadal will
is invited to make one’s
by the reduction of the produce other TV shows if you are looking for open doors that will allow (PR)
way to the Kalayaan
building’s mortgage in- Centre on Friday, April 9
terest rate from 9.75% to for a treat to an evening Drive, Suite 3. going to Kalayaan Cen- always visit us at: www. of the broader Canadian,
3.75%. of dancing, great food, So, Break out your tre. Filipino and global so-
The KCCC president and great fun! semi-formal attire for this For tickets or more The KCCC is a non- cieties, thru affirming,
said this is significant be- Kalayaan Centre’s big event! Doors open at information about this profit charitable orga- strengthening and em-
cause a bigger amount of Spring Dinner & Dance 6:30 p.m. and dinner will event contact Kalayaan nization that serves the powering processes, ser-
mortgage payments are Fundraiser will take place be served at 7:30 p.m. Centre at: coordinator. interest of the Filipino- vices and activities. (PR)
now applied to the prin- at the facility’s beautiful Tickets are only $20 or 905- Canadian community as
cipal amount of the loan, Grand Hall, 5225 Orbitor each with all proceeds 602-0923. Or you can a contributing member
academics, artists, trade en’s oral histories to fur- ing, the Maleta Project 14 Laganap 18 19
unionists and members ther reveal the commu- not only makes our task 15 Atraso
17 Param
of other progressive or- nity’s inspiring stories of of community building 20 21 22 23 24
18 Pangunahing dasal
ganizations, the launch struggle and resistance. more fun and engaging (2 salita) 25 26
ity expressed with strong experiences and valuable women as producers of 21 __ Fernando, 31 32 33
social content, setting the insights as a community history and innovators of Pampanga
spotlight on a community artist who works with creative expression,” ex- 22 Mr. Atienza 34 35
25 Umpisa
that strives to define and women and youth in To- plainsed Stephanie San- 27 Sawata 36 37
God’s 26 Guards
A missionary on furlough told this true story while visiting his home counted them.
church in Michigan . ”It was because of those guards that we were afraid and left you alone.
”While serving at a small field hospital in Africa, every two weeks I trav- ”At this point in the sermon, one of the men in the congregation jumped
eled by bicycle through the jungle to a nearby city for supplies. to his feet and interrupted the missionary and asked if he could tell him the
This was a journey of two days and required camping overnight at the exact day this happened.
halfway point. ”The missionary told the congregation the date, and the man who inter-
”On one of these journeys, I arrived in the city where I planned to collect rupted told him this story:
money from a bank, purchase medicine, and supplies, and then begin my ”On the night of your incident in Africa , It was morning here and I was
two-day journey back to the field preparing to go play golf. I was about
hospital. to putt when I felt the urge to pray for
”Upon arrival in the city, I you.
observed two men fighting, one The men who had met together ”In fact, the urging of the Lord was
of whom had been seriously in- to pray that day stood up. so strong, I called men in this church
jured. I treated him for his inju- to meet with me here in the sanctuary
ries and at the same time talked The missionary wasn’t concerned with who to pray for you.
to him about the Lord. they were. He was too busy counting ”Would all of those men who met
”I then traveled two days,
camping overnight, and arrived
how many men he saw. with me on that day stand up?”
The men who had met together to
home without incident.... .
”Two weeks later I repeated
There were 26. pray that day stood up.
The missionary wasn’t concerned
my journey. with who they were. He was too busy
”Upon arriving in the city, I counting how many men he saw.
was approached by the young man I had treated. He told me that he had
known I carried money and medicines. He said, ‘Some friends and I followed There were 26.
you in to the jungle, knowing you would camp overnight. We planned to
kill you and take your money and drugs. But just as we were about to move This story is an incredible example of how the Spirit of the Lord moves
into your camp, we saw that you were surrounded by 26 armed guards. in behalf of those who love Him.
”At this, I laughed and said that I was certainly all alone in that jungle- If you ever hear such prodding, go along with it.
campsite. Nothing is ever hurt by prayer except the plans of the wicked one. (Shared
”The young man pressed the point, however, and said, ‘No, sir, I was by Ric S. Medina)
not the only person to see the guards, my friends also saw them, and we all
REFLECTIONS March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 37
Just Stay
A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went
to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.
“Your son is here,” she said to the old man.
Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the
She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened. Marine interrupted her.
“Who was that man?” he asked.
Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young The nurse was startled, “He was your father,” she answered.
uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. “No, he wasn’t,” the Marine replied. “I never saw him before in my
The Marine wrapped his toughened life.”
fingers around the old man’s limp ones,
in prayers, fasting and such as Pabasa, Huling Pabasa has been the hall- of the life and suffering tions by participants. Filipino food will be on
almsgiving, unique Fili- Pitong Wika and Salu- mark lenten tradition for of Christ, is perceived The congregation is en- spread.
pino Christian traditions bong have been lined up, over two decades of the by many practitioners as couraged to assemble at
are in full display at As- reminiscent of the staple Archdiocesan Filipino a lenten vow or panata the church by 10 a.m. due
Mom Len Mahoney celebrates her birth anniversary with children (left to
right)) Abigail, Russell, Delilah and husband Matthew
March 2010 Manila Media Monitor 39
40 Manila Media Monitor March 2010