12 JUNE 2007 Home Paper of the 1999 Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club Winner for Best Editorial Toronto, Ontario
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JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 3 CALENDAR
► JUNE 16: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Salo-Salo sa Earl Bales Park.
► JUNE 17: Peel-Hamilton Youth Basketball
Association Father’s Day Golf Tournament,
► JUNE 19: Knights of Rizal Canada Rizal
Day Commemmoration, Earl Bales Park, 5:30
► JUNE 20: Catholic Community Services
of York Region, Annual General Meeting, St.
Mary’s Immaculate Church Hall, 6:30 p.m.
► JUNE 23: Kababayan Community Center
Open House, 1 p.m.
► JUNE 23: FOR U Concert, North Ballroom,
Westin Prince Toronto, 7 p.m.
► JUNE 24: Filipino Canadian Table Tennis
Club 3rd Roger Torreno Memorial Cup Tour-
nament, 5 p.m.
► JUNE 29: Ms. Maria Clara Coronation and
Ball, Ella’s Banquet Hall, 6 p.m.
► JULY 6: Carabram 2007 Festival, Green
Briar Recreation, Brampton,
► JULY 7 & 8: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Mabuhay Cup basketball tourna-
ment, HoopDome.
► JULY 7: This is the Moment ... with Roy
Concert, City Playhouse Theatre, 7 p.m.
► JULY 26 to 29: 12th International Reunion
of the Mapa High School Alumni Associa-
tions of the USA and Canada, Niagara Falls-
view Casino Resort
► AUG. 17 to 19: Philippine Arts and Cultural
Experience Making Waves Festival, Harbour-
►AUG. 18: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Mabuh ay Philippines Toronto
summer festival, Metro Toronto Convention
The Community Alliance for launch a full-blown police accountability when there is He urged persons who may
Social Justice (CASJ) has lauded review of the inci- death or serious injury. Given the have information relevant to the
the move of Ontario Ombuds- dent. nature of these complaints, I be- investigation to contact the Spe-
man Andre Marin to look into the The inquest, lieve it warrants further investiga- cial Ombudsman Response Team
“troubling” rise in the number of which started on May tion,” he added. at 1-866-623-SORT (7678) or us-
complaints against the Special In- 8, 2006, was complet- The Ombudsman has received ing the online SORT Information
vestigations Unit (SIU). ed late last year. 20 complaints in the past 17 Form at www.ombudsman.on.ca.
Created in 1990, the SIU is a That time, Reodi- months alone. Eight of the Toron- The core of scrutiny would be
civilian agency that investigates ca family lawyer Bar- to-area cases with death and seri- on incidents since Feb. 2003, when
deaths and serious injuries that oc- ry Swadron supported ous injury would be “put under the former judge George Adams is-
cur in policing. the probe on the SIU, microscope,’’ he vowed. sued reported on the status of SIU
CASJ president Hermie Garcia saying coroner Bonita The investigation would focus reforms implemented after consul-
told the Manila Media Monitor the mendations to avoid a repeat of the Porter has refused to examine the on the operational effectiveness tations with police and community
alleged SIU downplay of the case Reodica gunslay. SIU role in the case. and credibility of the SIU. groups in 1997 and 1998.
involving two Toronto policemen “Congratulations to CASJ, But lawyer Gary Clewly, rep- Victims, lawyers, interest Marin would complete the in-
in the fatal shooting of 17-year old its allies and the community for resenting one of the police officers groups and individuals have raised vestigation by October and make
Jeffrey Reodica on May 21, 2004 achieving yet another milestone before the inquest, questioned the concerns about how SIU investi- his report public by November.
“was mentioned as one of the cas- in the fight for truth and justice,” need for yet another investigation gations were done, he said. SIU welcomes probe
es where SIU was accused of not Garcia said. into the shooting. Allegations included the SIU Meanwhile, SIU director James
doing its job properly.” The Reodica family had been ‘Can’t ignore complaints’ was slow to investigate, it was bi- Cornish expressed confidence the
Garcia said “this is another disputing SIU findings that the The decision of Marin, who ased in its probes, soft on erring Ombudsman would conduct an
victory in our struggle for justice shooting was justified. headed the SIU between 1996 and police officers, and less than thor- impartial and professional investi-
in Jeffrey’s case,” which has con- “People should be held ac- 1998, to pursue a systemic inves- ough. gation of the matter.
tinued for the last three years.. countable for their actions, no tigation of the SIU was dubbed “a Victims and aggrieved families “We intend to cooperate and
He said a representative of the matter who they are,” Robyn Reo- first for the civilian agency.” also questioned the SIU’s inability look forward to receiving his re-
Ombudsman interviewed CASJ dica said. “We just want the truth In a press release dated June to give vital information to them, port,” Cornish said.
leaders many months ago “about to come out...” 7, Marin said he had “observed a particularly after investigations In a June 7 press release, Cor-
our criticisms against the SIU han- As early as June 2006, the troubling increase in complaints were closed. nish said “Ontarians have every
dling of the Reodica investigation” Ontario Ombudsman had begun a about the SIU, all raising seri- Robyn Reodica said his brother reason to expect that the SIU op-
that led to the exoneration of the preliminary investigation into the ous allegations that cannot be ig- Jeffrey was shot in the back three erates with complete integrity and
two cops involved in the shooting. SIU role in clearing the police of- nored.” times by a police officer in 2004. meets excellent investigative stan-
He also noted the community’s ficer who shot Reodica three times In a separate press conference, He died as a result of his injuries dards.”
earlier smaller victories in the Re- at the back. Marin said the “SIU is a bulwark at just 17. A seasoned lawyer, Cornish
odica case, to include the conduct But Ombudsman Marin said of democracy in Ontario. We count Robyn said “This is just the was appointed SIU director on
of the inquest, and the recent adop- he would wait until after the coro- on the civilian agency to investi- start of the investigation and we Dec. 15, 2004 by Attorney General
tion by Toronto Police Chief Bill ner’s inquest into Reodica’s death gate the police.” have not reached any conclusions Michael Bryant. Butch Galicia
Blair of the inquest jury’s recom- was complete before deciding to “It’s where the buck stops in on these matters,” Marin said. with Wires, Internet sources
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 News 5
Maiba Naman!
Let’s go to the Ex!
Summer has yet to offi- day music festival that pressive performance. and become part of history pomp and excitement of the and enjoy a wagon ride on
cially begin, but the clock is presents some of the hot- ► That Classic ‘70s during the first three days of Mardi Gras. Participants the grounds. This daily fare
already ticking towards the test musicians and bands in Weekend Ribfest from the fair. A similar tower was this year include mem- takes place in the Horse
opening of Ontario’s sum- North America. Headline Aug. 17 to 19 in Bandshell built in 2005 in California’s bers of the Le Voyage Des Palace and is free with ad-
mertime tradition, the Ca- acts include My Chemical Park, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Legoland. It took 12,000 Aquareves show. mission.
nadian National Exhibition Romance, Linkin Park and free with admission to the people and 400,000 bricks ► Kids’ World invites ► The Pee Wee Base-
(CNE). Catch 22. grounds.A blast from the to build the 92-foot six-inch parents to bring the kids to ball Tournament hits its
This year, the 129th edi- Other features past, ribs, cars and rock structure. the ultimate day of fun and 51st anniversary. Since
tion of the CNE is sched- Other new CNE shows and roll take over the CNE Returning faves play at a safe playground 1956, the Lions CNE base-
uled from Aug. 17 to Labor are: Bandshell Park, courtesy ► IAMS Super Dogs complete with a petting ball tournament has shown
Day on Sept. 3. ► The Salute to Broad- of Cruise Nationals and the Show is aptly titled Sim- zoo, midway rides, clowns over 16,000 boys and girls
Debuting shows way on Aug. 24 to Sept. 3 Ontario Lotto and Gaming ply Woofy: It’s Freakin’ and puppet shows. the values of teamwork and
Making their debut at in Ricoh Coliseum at two Corp. Dogtastic! Traveling across ► Pizza Pizza Inter- good sportsmanship as they
the Ex are the Le Voyage shows daily and free with ► Live at the Band- North America and featur- national Stage, located in compete for the coveted
des Aquarêves nightly at 10 admission to grounds. shell will feature The Vil- ing more than 40 dogs rep- Hall B of the Direct Energy first place title.
and the Bamboozle on Aug. This year’s skating lage People on Aug. 17; resenting over 30 breeds, Centre, will treat audiences ► The CNE Casino is
25 and 26 at the Bombshell show, the final show in a tril- Kim Mitchell, Aug. 18; the talented Super Dogs to more than 100 perfor- a popular annual draw, fea-
Park from 12:30 to 10 p.m. ogy that began in 2005, tips April Wine, Aug. 19; Wal- create “pooch mania.” mances of international turing a variety of games
Le Voyage des its hat to the best of Broad- ter Ostanek, Aug. 23; and ► 59th Canadian In- music and dance from art- including multi-action
Aquarêves comes direct way as vocalists, acrobats Jerry Douglas, Aug. 30 live ternational Air Show will ists representing global en- blackjack, roulette, WAR,
from France, through La and skaters sing, flip and in concert at the Bandshell, again take over the CNE tertainment and Canada’s Spanish 21 and three-card
Campagnie Malabar, sup- spin to 20th Century classic all at 7:30 p.m. skies on Labor Day week- vibrant cultural diversity. poker. The casino also of-
ported by the Ontario Min- musical theatre. Highlights The one-night only per- end. One of North Ameri- ► The Garden Show fers a beautiful outdoor
istry of Tourism’s Celebrate include numbers from the formance of The Village ca’s largest, the CIAS will presents its All Time Favor- patio and nightly live en-
Ontario program. Phantom of the Opera, An- People is expected to bring this year welcome Crank, ites. Horticulture enthusi- tertainment at the northeast
A stunning show that nie, Mama Mia, Cats, The the group’s “over the top” a homegrown fighter pilot asts and garden lovers can corner of the Better Living
has fascinated audiences all Sound of Music, Chicago,, brand of music and energy originally from Etobicoke. admire the feature gardens Centre. It is open July 30
over the world, Les Voyage La Cage Aux Folles, Evita as they sing hits like YMCA The 2007 CIAS show on display and participate to Sept. 3, but restricted to
is underscored by spectacu- and Grease. and In The Navy. includes international air- in a series of gardening lec- adults 19 years or older.
lar music. It features exoti- ► Duelling Human ► Lego Tower invites crafts such as the US F-22 tures, perennial shopping, ► Rising Star Youth
cally costumed aerial acro- Cannonballs is shown the child in everyone on Raptor and US Navy Lega- and Canada’s largest flow- Talent Competition runs
batic cirque performers, twice daily on weekdays Aug. 17. CNE is looking cy Flight as well as national er and vegetable growing from Aug. 17 to 30 at the
pyrotechnics and laser ef- and thrice daily on week- to break a world record by favorites, the Snowbirds. competition. Kids’ World Feature stage.
fects. The show ends with a ends in Princes’ Blvd. free building the tallest free- ► The Daily CNE ► HorsePlay comes The Sept. 2 finals will be
25-minute spectacle aboard with admission to grounds. standing structure made en- Mardi Gras Parade, at 6 galloping in the CNE, as at the Bandshell. Founded
a magnificent lunar boat that The show stars David and tirely of Lego bricks. p.m. daily, wraps up a great visitors are introduced to in 1986, the competition
showers the audience with Jennifer Smith who will CNE visitors are invited day at The Ex as parad- the world of horses. Visi- has auditioned over 20,000
magical and fun foam. bring sibling rivalry to awe- to help specialized Danish ers take in the colorful tors can pet and feed horses, youth, among them Matt
Bamboozle is a two- some new heights in an im- engineers build the tower costumes, jazz harmonies, learn about horse grooming (Continued on page 12)
UP prexy bares
academic changes
At the state-run University of the Philippines,
the study of the Spanish language is no longer
part of a well-rounded academic curriculum.
Attendance to the then forced two-year Re-
served Officers Training Corps to study military
science has become optional for students.
Class schedules are revised to give coeds a
more efficient study timetable to work on, while
lessning their transportation expenses.
All these were among the various reforms first
UP woman president Emerlinda Ramos Roman
introduced in the premier state university in the
In a recent reunion with and talk before mem-
bers of the UP Alumni Association at the Delta
Hotel Markham, Roman showed wit, humor and
intelligence as she told her peers that it took Har-
vard University 371 years to elect its first woman
president, Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust.
UP, established by the Americans in 1908,
took only 98 years to get her into the top post.
Roman earned her baccalaureate, master’s and
PhD from UP.
Other prestigious Philippine schools like the
University of Sto. Tomas established in 1611,
Ateneo University (1859) and De La Salle Uni-
versity (1911) have yet to install a woman head.
Roman also reported that UP has raised tu-
ition fees up to 300 percent to recover from many
years of severe financial losses. She received a
burnt effigy in return.
But she stood her ground and sighed: “ I have
(Continued on page 12)
OTTAWA - Member of dad, Father Arenas of St.
Parliament Lui Temelkovski Bridgid’s Catholic Church Manila Media Monitor
(Oak Ridges-Markham) has and others. JUNE 2007
cited the immense contri- In a separate statement, 6
bution Filipino Canadians Liberal Party leader Sté-
have made to Canada, as he
led officials in unveiling and
presenting the first Taga-
phane Dion said “I am proud
to recognize the official
translation of the Canadian Temelkovski unveils first Tagalog version of
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
log version of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Free-
Charter of Rights and Free- doms to Tagalog.”
doms at Parliament Hill on “The Charter, which cel-
May 30. ebrated its 25th anniversary
Temelkovski, also the in April, is one of the most
Chair of the Canada-Philip- important documents in
pines Parliamentary Friend- Canadian history and repre-
ship Group, said: “Filipino sents a centrepiece of Cana-
Canadians are a vibrant and dian democracy,” Dion said.
important force in our soci- “It ensures that everyone
ety, adding to the rich cul- has the right to be treated
tural diversity of Canada.” equally, regardless of race,
“We must join together ethnicity, religion, sex, age
to celebrate the Filipino or disability,” he added.
community’s uniqueness Since it was originally
and strength,” he added. enshrined in the Canadian
Temelkovski, who has Constitution in 1982, the
worked hard with the Par- Charter has been translated
liamentary committee to into many languages.
ensure the translation, said He noted the efforts of
he was honored to have Temelkovski to push through
spearheaded the first Taga- with the Tagalog translation
log translation of one of the of the document.
most important documents The unveiling rites also
in Canada’s history. launched Philippine Inde-
Present in the ceremony pendence Day activities
were Philippine Ambas- across Canada. Philippine FOR POSTERITY: MP Lui Temelkovski (Oak Ridges-Markham), Chair of the Canada-Philippines Parlia-
sador to Canada Jose Bril- Independence Day falls on mentary Group, sits with Philippine Ambassador to Canada Jose Brilliantes, as they present the first
liantes, Consul General, June 12, when in 1898, rev- copy of the Tagalog version of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Joining them are Consul
Joey Angeles, Philippine olutionary president Emilio General Joey Angeles, Vice Consul Rhenita Rodriguez, Bill Graham (former Leader of the Liberal Party
Centre Canada’s president Aguinaldo proclaimed the and MP Toronto Centre), MP Don Bell (North Vancouver), MP Irwin Cotlier (Mount Royal-Montreal),
Sonia del Rosario, Canada- sovereignty of the Philip- MP Joe Volpe (Eglinton-Lawrence), MP Susan Kadis (Thornhill), MP Alan Tonks (York-South West),
Philippines Business Coun- pine Islands from the colo- MP Roger Valley (Kenora), MP Ken Boshkoff (Thunder Bay-Rainy River), MP Lloyd St. Amand (Brant),
cil president Alicia Nativi- nial rule of Spain. PR Philippine Centre Canada representatives from the Ottawa-Hull-Gatineau area. PR
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007
spy, ha?”
Ace Alvarez Reason: Going rate for writ- I said, “what is there to spy
ing in smaller community papers about. You were asking for ad-
to his father
time, so you signed me up for a
team and went to my practices.
“You even took us to New
York because of a break dancing
A son wrote the following to ews call you dad. and I shared one room in the at- convention that I so much liked as
his dad on “Fathers Day”: “You would at times work tic and you and ma had the other a teen.
“I remember all your stories. 24-hour days. I remember the one. “I made a choice to go to a dis-
I recall the stories of you living days you would pull out wads of “I remember you dropping us tant high school so you drove me
with one brother and your sister in cash from five different pockets off at the bus stop every morning there for three and half years until
law but was treated worst than an to get us what we wanted if we and picking us up the same place I got my own car.
outsider. deserved it. in the afternoon. “I remember your face when
“You toughed all these out and “I even remember going to “I remember you taking all of you saw me purchase that first
you grew. You were the young- church every Sunday night in us to that little park nearby on the car. You knew that I bought that
est of seven, for the eighth never Manila and going out to eat out at week-ends. car with hard work, the ethic I got
made it past birth. McDonald’s after. “As new immigrants to this from you.
“You were the youngest and “And of course how can I country, I remember you would “I remember all the lessons
the first one to get his car in a ever forget when my world came work day and night so you could you have even taught me. I recall
country where owning one is a crashing down when I was told we buy new furniture and appliances. each lecture I have sat through.
mark of economic success. were to move away from home. I “Hah... I even remember eat- “I remember the times you
“You put yourself through uni- didn’t know then, but I perfectly ing frozen Adobo one day, and bought me the things I had
versity, and got married at 24. You understand now. upon hearing of it, you felt sorry wanted, but only if I had worked
raised a daughter and soon you “I remember that vacation you and bought a microwave. You for it.
raised a son. took us to in Hawaii and Los An- gave up your riches for this! “I was told by the family that
“I remember waiting for you geles when I was seven. “Even at times, you were most upon receiving my most outstand-
every night because we knew you “I remember when you forced tired you came home to us with a ing academic award in my grade
would bring us Mentos candy. me to talk to the people who smile, and you would still take us eight graduation, you were so
“I remember taking trips to worked at the fast food places so I out at night. proud.
museums and everywhere down- could practice my English. “I remember the day you were “I remember them telling me
town Manila with cousins of ours “I remember the nervousness I ready to buy a car and we went the tears that had started to build
that you treated like your own felt upon arriving in this country from lot to lot looking for a car. up when you saw me receive my
children. only to live with people I never You finally got a red ‘92 Pontiac high school diploma.
“Heck, most, if not all of over knew. Sunbird. “I remember all the times you
twenty or thirty nieces and neph- “I remember of how my sister “I remember the day you left said no to going out with good
reasons, and all the times you put
up with my temper tantrums.
“I recall a few months ago
while I was heartbroken and I
would turn to a bottle of scotch
day and night, you sat me down
to talk.
RP media-saturated “I have heard from countless
people that you speak very highly
Beware of
‘green’ overkill
Letters & Voices Last month, a friend of mine in
TV news assignment received an
waiting with bated breath to get
them - and jump to it!
grow old and stale.
And that is going to be the next
Ooops... fan mail, with thanks invitation to an event six minutes
before it was due to happen some
I ask you!
challenge we face, to stick to what
we have come to believe in.
Dear Ace: 35 minutes drive (on good traffic Sesame Street’s Kermit the ***
Just finished reading your latest issue (May) - I especially en- days) away from her Toronto TV Frog’s hit song “It’s Not Easy By the time you read this,
joyed the Ooops & Bloops! I’m still laughing in my office. station. Bein’ Grreen” is now contradicted Luminato, Toronto’s festival of
Thanks to you and Butch for covering the Chief’s recommenda- I ask you, was the so-called by the ease with which we are all arts and creativity, will be in full
tions to the TPS Board regarding the Reodica inquest. public relations consultant who is- thinking green and trying to be swing.
I will continue to send you any updates or news pertinent to our sued the invitation responsible, or green to help rescue a threatened Recently I had the good for-
communities. was the client, in this case a major environment. tune to meet the two Toronto men
We recently conducted an event in partnership with the Toronto Canadian bank, out to gain favor- It is literally amazing the way whose ideas and persistence over
Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) -- the 2nd Annual Filipino able media coverage for a charita- advertisers and their agencies, the past four years have led to the
International Language Assembly at St. Maria Goretti School. ble donation to an agency working public institutions, educational start of “Luminato,” the massive
It was attended by over 150 parents and children promoting Ta- on diversity matters? groups, and above all youngsters festival of arts and creativity that
galog. The organizer, Ms. Jody Huang, TCDSB Community Rela- One of the reasons I quit the have got behind the green idea, began June first.
tions Officer, did an excellent job putting this event together. PR (public relations) business but there are some cases where Tony Gagliano and David
We hope to do future programs with her for our Filipino youth. nearly 30 years ago and returned overkill is spoiling the effect. Pecaut, co-founders of the festi-
Cons. Philip Mendoza, Toronto Police Community Mobilization to journalism was the fact that Take the case of The Bay’s val, attended a conference for the
Unit officer inept competition was muddying downtown Toronto store. ethnic media and introduced us to
(Editor’s Note: A toast to you and Jody, the Toronto Police the waters. Quite laudably, they have in- Janice Price, the CEO and Chris
and TCDSB for a task well-planned and well-executed. We’d The veterans of PR had a say- stalled green awnings over all Lorway, vice-president of pro-
like to hear more of these from other community groups.) ing “all they need is a typewriter their show windows. gramming.
and a telephone and they‘re in But then they have suspended These two Canadians left im-
Ooops... just posing? business.” tatty looking branches of fake portant positions in the United
The Canadian Public Relations green foliage which cheapens the States to come here to get things
I can’t help but notice the contrasting photos on the cover of
Society had instituted an accredi- whole look. organized and what an array of
your May 2007 issue -- that of the Consulate General’s Office staff
tation system, but it had no real And therein lies a word of cau- events and talents they have ar-
doing their job during the May 14 Philippine elections and that of
teeth since it could not be legal- tion. ranged as you will find out by
the Embassy staff enjoying a pose. I also noticed that while the for-
ized and thus not enforced. Let’s not make a fashion fad of checking the website at www.lu-
mer had a complete tally of poll results, the latter seemed to have
Today, “all they need is a tele- all these. minato.com.
been remiss in immediately sending Filipino votes in Canada to the
phone, a computer and an internet It is not just another slogan af- Hosting the media conference
Manila-based Commission on Elections. Just asking: Are embassy
connection.” fair like “Think Pink.” was Toronto restaurateur Roberto
officials so inept in doing their job and so so existing just for the
These inept and inexperienced It is a concern for our very sur- Martella an ardent enthusiast of
cameras? Mi-Ann San Pedro, Brampton
practitioners fire off messages in vival, a concern for the environ- cultural events, in whose estab-
(Editor’s Note: Napansin mo pa ‘yun? The Manila Media
the belief that their recipients are ment that must not be allowed to (Continued on page 12)
Monitor e-mailed Ottawa for election results to get these to read-
ers fast. But we were referred to the Foreign Affairs main office
in Manila for any information on the polls. We are sure the em-
bassy had something on the polls, but perhaps too official and
not for the Filipino public’s consumption.)
Romher Gallardo (2nd from left) and Florence Jaramillo (right) join the grow-
ing number of Canadians with Filipino roots who receive training and a sub-
sequent law enforcement careers from the Police Foundation Training Col-
lege. Gallardo, Jaramillo and school instructor Murray Marling have recently
given compatriots (from left) Rolly Mangante, John Lagud, Jun Enverga Tito Asayas (4th from left) is flanked by relatives and friends during his birth
and Philippine Consul General in Toronto Alejandro Mosquera a tour of the anniversary celebration at his residence in St. Jamestown complex. Photo:
school and a brief of its scholarship plans. PR Noel Chua/Romeo Ayson Zetazate
Hamilton community
acclaim boardmembers
The Hamilton Filipino Community
Center (HFCC) has acclaimed members of
its New Board of Directors and non-elected
HFCC official Bonner Villabroza said
the officials would meet on June 14 to for-
mally elect the center’s officers.
Acclaimed in accordance with center
by-laws were Ruby Amog, Flordicante Ca-
bilan, Ben Baliat, Joe Monaco, Josie Mo-
naco, Sally Viquiera, Naty Dayap, Leticia
Sahr, Goy Santos, Filamer Santos, Nunila
Tallara and Bonner Villabroza.
Non-elected boardmembers included
Ricardo Policarpio of PBA; Jimmy Rav-
arra, PICAH; Rey Viquiera, Club Novo
Estela Guevarra and George Santos,
PCA; Glen Estrabillo, Andrew Cabilan and
Fel Marpa, HFCC; Ernie Estrabillo and
Restie Pineda, UFCSAH; Ben Suva, FIL-
CRAH; and Albert Martin, BIBAK.
Villabroza said the non-elected board-
members would sit at the center but their
stay would be co-terminus with their terms
in their respected organizations,
Villabroza said the acclaimed board-
members met on May 31 to discuss the con-
duct of its Independence Day Gala Night.
14 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007
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Beauty Queen
NABA hosts Labor
Day hoop tourney
Manila Media Monitor
16 JUNE 2007 Who? What?
North American Basket-
ball Association (NABA)
Toronto will host the 20th
Mississauga is Canada’s
sixth largest city along Lake
Ontario and home to over
CASJ, PPCO to launch papers on Filipino
immigration, settlement in Canada
NABA Annual Inter-City 600,000, about four percent
basketball tournament at of Filipino ancestry.
the University of Toronto NABA is a non-profit
Mississauga gym and other organization which coordi-
hardcourts in Mississauga nates a cage loop for ath- The Community Al- ronto (CERIS), will launch Studies in Education OISE) ies. But we also see a group
from Aug. 21 to Sept. 2. letes of Filipino roots. liance for Social Justice two seminal studies on the on July 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. experiencing processes of
Dubbed as Labor Day Founded in 1986, it is (CASJ) and the Philippine Filipino community. Philip Kelly PhD au- deskilling and economic
Madness, the hoop com- supported by volunteers Press Club Ontario (PPCO), The launching, titled thored the first study, Fili- marginalization, with high
petition is conducted in co- from various cities through- in cooperation with the Alay sa Kabataan (An Of- pinos in Canada: Economic levels of occupational seg-
operation with Mississauga out the northeast regions of Joint Centre of Excellence fering to Youth), will be Dimensions of Immigration mentation in the labour
Tourism, Dolce and CKaTT the United States and Can- for Research on Immigra- conducted at Room 2214 and Settlement, which was market and low earnings,”
Basketball. ada. PR tion and Settlement-To- of the Ontario Institute for published as CERIS Work- states the paper’s Abstract.
Delta Meadowvale Re- ing Paper No 48 (revised) in The Road to Empow-
sort and Conference Centre
is the official host hotel.
San Juan leads Camarines Norte group September 2006.
erment... describes how a
crisis in Toronto’s Filipino
For the event, NABA Camarines Norte As- vin Servidad, Labo; and which were calamity aid, Mila Astorga-Garcia wrote community stemming from
Toronto has unveiled its sociation Canada - Ontario Jojo Taduran, at-large. scholarship grants, medi- the second study, The Road the shooting-death of 17-
website at http://www.naba- (CNAC-O) members have Basud, Capalonga, Jose cal and charitable support, to Empowerment in the Fil- year old Jeffrey Reodica
toronto.net. elected Tony San Juan as Panganiban, Paracale, San settlement and training as- ipino Community: Moving by a Toronto policeman
chairman and president in Lorenzo Ruiz, Santa Elena, sistance, and other commu- from Crisis to Community evolved into a social justice
KCCC ... a meeting at the North York and Talisay representatives nity-based initiatives. Capacity Building, pub- movement that was built
(From page 13) Civic Centre on May 27. were still to be named. The membership ros- lished in April 2007 as CE- through community capac-
nity fora. Other elected officers San Juan said CNAC- ter included Minda Al- RIS Working Paper No. 54. ity-building. It reports on
KCCC had received a included Willie Nabus, 1st O would initially make its ban, Johnny Araneta, Ruel Filipinos in Canada... how the family and commu-
capital grant from Trilli- vice president; Larry Berca- presence felt as participant Barnedo, Carlito Cruz, provides a numerical por- nity were drawn together to
um Foundation, enabling sio, 2nd vice president; Lida in the Philippine Indepen- Elizabeth Cruz, Sonia De la trait of Filipino immigra- cope with the crisis in their
it to renovate the center Español-Muguerza, secre- dence Day Council com- Cruz, Sylvia Leaver, Cari- tion and settlement, with own supportive way by tak-
to better serve the com- tary; Priscillano Ostonal, Jr., munity picnic at Earl Bales dad Nabus, Roger Nabus, focus on the economic di- ing action to seek redress
munity. treasurer; Rommel Yanto, Park on June 16. Hover Osea, Rowena De mensions of integration into for what they saw as a racial
Ceremonial ribbon auditor; and Susan Llanera, He added that CNAC-O los Reyes, Shirley Rosales, Canadian cities and labor and oppressive act by the
cutting rites, an open PRO. Named directors were is committed to provide aid Eva San Andres, Andrea markets. strong against the weak,”
house and a fundraising Maricris Agoston, Salvador and support to kabanowaans San Juan, Jocelyn San Juan, “Overall, we see a com- according to the Abstract.
concert/dinner dance, Gumabao, Elisa Maesa, and and home province, through Ramon San Juan, Salvador munity of relatively recent Earlier versions of the
featuring concert pia- Shey Silvio. communally-generated re- San Juan, Jr., and highly educated immi- papers were presented at the
nist-composer and ardent Also voted as town rep- sources and expertise. Senen San Juan, Vir- grants who are culturally Toronto City-hosted inter-
KCCC supporter Solon resentatives ex-officio were In the same meeting- ginia San Juan, Kambz Sil- and linguistically prepared national conference Com-
Reyes and tenor Leander Salve Aquino for San Vicen- election, CNAC-O ratified vio, Mel Silvio, Pedro Te- for life in Canada, and munity Crisis Response:
Mendoza, highlighted te; Lourdes Balce, Vinzons; its constitution and bylaws jada, Vinzons Epis Wong, who integrate well into the Looking Through a Cultur-
the all-day event. ROSE Liwanag Nabus, Mercedes; and considered short and and Lydia Madrona-Yanto. residential landscapes and al Lens on June 9 and 10,
TIJAM Eva San Andres, Daet; Mil- long term projects, among JSM workplaces of Canadian cit- 2005 .
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 17
POWER. A gigantic
ashcloud from an an-
gry Mt. Pinatubo trails
fleeing Filipino pho-
tojournalists. Veteran
lensman Albert Garcia
saw the moment, and
snapped the image
Following Mount Pinatubo’s cataclysmic June 15,
that was soon to grace
1991 eruption, thousands of roofs collapsed un-
the pages of Time and
der the weight of ash made wet by heavy rains
National Geographic.
(above). Ash deposits from the eruption have also
been remobilized by monsoon rains to form giant
mudflows of lahar or volcanic material, which have
caused more destruction than the eruption itself,
A gigantic cloud of volcanic ash envelops the provinces of Zambales, Tarlac as it buried villages on its path (below). Photos
and Pampanga at the height of Mt. Pinatubo’s wrath. The effects of the erup- courtesy of Peter Baxter, Univ. of Cambridge
tion were felt worldwide. Mt. Pinatubo, after almost 500 years of inactivity,
ejected some 10 billion metric tons of magma and 20 million tons of sulfur
dioxide, bringing vast quantities of minerals and metals to the surface envi-
ronment. It injected large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, more
than any eruption since that of Krakatoa in 1883. In succeeding months, the
aerosols formed a global layer of sulfuric acid haze. Global temperatures
dropped by about 0.5°C (0.9 °F), and ozone destruction increased substan-
tially. The eruption was said to be the second largest terrestrial eruption of
the 20th century. Wikipedia ALBERT GARCIA
We also handle Purchase and Sale of properties and other legal matters in the Philippines
Paalam, Kuya Cesar
SHOW Cesar Lacbu Nucum, also known to mil- He reportedly rode a taxi from his home
lions of AM radio listeners as Kuya Cesar, at Project 6, Quezon City to the hospital be-
died on May 17 in the Capitol Medical Cen- cause of chest pains.
ter hospital due to cardiac arrest. The hospital staff tried to revive him for
The much-loved radio show host, known two hours but to no avail.
for speaking in a slow manner, was 69. Kuya Cesar’s distinctive and magnetic
voice first hit the airwaves over dzRM on
Theresa, Kirby and Angelina: Pinays in Miss Universe 2007 May 1, 1960, as he read love stories and
gave counsel to letter senders and listeners.
Kuya Cesar was known for his trade-
mark style of speaking slowly in an even
voice, providing a sharp contrast in a me-
dium that values high-octane, dramatic and
even flamboyant speaking styles.
Until his death, Kuya Cesar hosted two
dzMM radio talk shows on Sundays - Dear
Kuya Cesar and Ikaw sa Likod ng mga
“Sana umulan ng pera ... yung dollar
ha,” Kuya Cesar used to say whenever he
would end his program.
Kuya Cesar, who celebrated his birth-
day on May 15, had been with ABS-CBN
Aside from his familiar voice on radio,
Kuya Cesar also appeared in local movies.
Among his flicks were Bala at Lipstick
in 1994, Gagay: Prinsesa ng Brownout in
1993 and Tora-Tora, Bang Bang Bang in
Although none of the three Filipinos who displayed beauty and
talent to the max in the May 28 Miss Universe pageant in Mexico Jamilla and Rashel: Twin delight in a three-peat?
City landed in the Magic 15, Miss Philippines Anna Theresa Lic-
aros still managed to break into the shortlist of heralded contestants
by notching the Miss Photogenic title.
But the real cause of celebration is the mere presence of Lic-
aros and half-Filipinos Miss Norway Kirby Ann Tan Basken and
Miss Germany Angelina Glass in the pageant, something Filipinos
worldwide could brag about, globalbeauties.com reported.
Miss Philippines is Licaros, 22, the 2007 Bb. Pilipinas-Uni-
verse who stands 5’9”, weighs 116 lbs. and has the 34-25-34 curve.
A first-time beauty titlist, Anna Theresa hails from Cuenca, Batan-
A certified beauty-and-brains, she finished Broadcast Commu-
nication summa cum laude at University of the Philippines where
she was a Dean’s Lister Law sophomore.
Miss Norway Kirby Ann, 18, had earlier been described ready
“to take Mexico by storm” by Quezon City-born mom Grace
Vasquez, an economic adviser in the Ministry of Culture and
Church in Oslo, Norway, ” abs-cbnnews.com said.
Kirby Ann represented Norway after she won Fröken Norge-
Miss Universe, the counterpart of Binibining Pilipinas Universe
Mutya ng Pilipinas organizers were elated to hear the news and
would not be stripping Kirby of her local title.
Kirby Ann also competed and was a semi-finalist in Miss Inter-
continental 2006, representing the Philippines.
Miss Germany Universe 2007 is 19-year old Angelina Glass
of Berlin. Pinoy Big Brother mainstay Jamilla Natalie Obispo (left) and fashion model Rashel Piazza (right) appear
She stands 175 cm. Angelina is half-Filipina (German mother, to be wearing the same style of bikini top, mid and bottom in the respective covers of the May 2007 issues
Filipino father). She was Miss Berlin 2005 and she was 1st runner- of FHM Philippines and Maxim Philippines. But who cares? The question is: Who looks better in those
up in Miss Germany Universe 2005. skimpy outfits?
Anne Curtis
His discoverer brought him to TV host- But no amount of cruelty could stop streets where Isko was always watchful of when I make it to the top. I and my mayoral
actor Kuya Germs who took Isko under his him. He went on to finish college with a the McDonald’s leftover garbage. Such an candidate, Danny Lacuna didn’t have much
wings and opened the wonderful world of public administration major at the Paman- industrious and easy to get along fellow de- financial or logistic resources except our
showbusiness to his eyes. tasan ng Lunsod ng Maynila while serving spite his youth,” said Aliño. clean records and the love of our constitu-
But Isko was not so successful in the as an alderman. Veteran reporter-radio personality Tita ents,” Isko said.
youth-oriented TV program and was not Now, Isko is a sophomore law student Swarding also had nothing but good words (Continued on page 35)
Pinoy SHOW BUZZ Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007 35
Isko Moreno: From pauper to prince
(From page 34)
He recalled going to campaign gather- winner Mayor Fred Lim, everyone would
ings or house-to-house meetings and an- be welcome to visit him and tell him their
nouncing, “Please lend me your votes in this concerns.
election and I promise to serve you with my Isko said not being a partymate of May-
best effort if you give me the job.” or Lim would pose no problem. “While
“That’s a promise I will deliver, I will he is from Pwersang Masa and I am from
not fail them who gave me a mandate,” said Kampi, I will fully cooperate with his rules
the three-termer councilor who averred he and policies provided they are for the good
had always been active in serving barangays of the majority.”
and the community as well. “I am sure he will listen to what is right.
He said that when he has formally tak- Differences will only occur if he ignores
en his seat at the City Hall with landslide what is true and what is correct”. PNA
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Filipino-Canadian work in works of art, and interaction come from the Pistahan their Canadian neigbors,”
visual arts, design (apparel/ among gifted Filipinos. PR Festival at the Yerba Buena says Torralba. PR
Arts & Entertainment
38 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007
ONE GRAND FILIPINO SHOW. They all came to perform and be living wit-
nesses to authentic Filipino culture and heritage at the 2nd Filipino Interna-
tional Language Assembly and Makabayan Singing Competitions at the St.
Maria Goretti Catholic School on May 12.