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YEAR 10, No.

12 JUNE 2007 Home Paper of the 1999 Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club Winner for Best Editorial Toronto, Ontario


Ooops & Bloops
FREE - 7

Handling of Reodica shooting among questioned cases

(See page 4)
Committed Pinoy
tutors - 14

Day -- 27

TheresaTo Be A Star
- 33
Miss U
-- 34

“When Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted

in June 1991, photographers raced to the scene.
And some ended up racing from the scene, as
the volcano sent a gigantic cloud of smoke, ash
and gas rolling across their escape route. Trav-
eling ahead of his colleagues, Alberto P. Garcia
stopped and caught this potent reminder of the
relative power of man vs. volcano.” Time Maga-
zine Great Images of the 20th Century, National
Geographic: 100 Best Pictures (Recall the Mt. Pi-
natubo eruption on pages 24 and 25)
2 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007

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Liland Insurance Inc. (29)
Lovely Travel & Tours
Int’l, Inc. (30)
Artist wants to conduct paid interviews to
document stories of Caregivers, LCP and
Centre (10)
Kaakbay Financial Services
PCCT Trade Show (31)
OCDC Parcel Services (32)
Arme Ortega-Braiden (33)
I Live-out. (for a short film). Also needs
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Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano
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Golden Mile Chevrolet (13)
Arnold Guarin (33)
Yellow Bird Driver’s Training
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New Conservatory of Music
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JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 3 CALENDAR
► JUNE 16: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Salo-Salo sa Earl Bales Park.
► JUNE 17: Peel-Hamilton Youth Basketball
Association Father’s Day Golf Tournament,
► JUNE 19: Knights of Rizal Canada Rizal
Day Commemmoration, Earl Bales Park, 5:30
► JUNE 20: Catholic Community Services
of York Region, Annual General Meeting, St.
Mary’s Immaculate Church Hall, 6:30 p.m.
► JUNE 23: Kababayan Community Center
Open House, 1 p.m.
► JUNE 23: FOR U Concert, North Ballroom,
Westin Prince Toronto, 7 p.m.
► JUNE 24: Filipino Canadian Table Tennis
Club 3rd Roger Torreno Memorial Cup Tour-
nament, 5 p.m.
► JUNE 29: Ms. Maria Clara Coronation and
Ball, Ella’s Banquet Hall, 6 p.m.
► JULY 6: Carabram 2007 Festival, Green
Briar Recreation, Brampton,
► JULY 7 & 8: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Mabuhay Cup basketball tourna-
ment, HoopDome.
► JULY 7: This is the Moment ... with Roy
Concert, City Playhouse Theatre, 7 p.m.
► JULY 26 to 29: 12th International Reunion
of the Mapa High School Alumni Associa-
tions of the USA and Canada, Niagara Falls-
view Casino Resort
► AUG. 17 to 19: Philippine Arts and Cultural
Experience Making Waves Festival, Harbour-
►AUG. 18: Philippine Independence Day
Council’s Mabuh ay Philippines Toronto
summer festival, Metro Toronto Convention

CALENDAR is a public service

feature of Manila Media Moni-
tor and the Philippine Consul-
ate Toronto through Leilani




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Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 Dual Citizenship, anyone?
Join Vice Consul Edna May Grecia-Lazaro as she provides a

CASJ lauds Ombudsman’s

chance for the Filipino community how dual citizenship works, its
benefits and responsibilities. Lazaro, on invitation of Original Pil-
lars under Gerry Elises, will speak at the Wellesley Community

probe of SIU ‘inefficiencies’

Centre Rm B on June 23, from 1 to 4 p.m. The Pillars will host
dual citizenship oathtaking rites on July 7 in the same venue with
Consul Imelda Panolong administering.

The Community Alliance for launch a full-blown police accountability when there is He urged persons who may
Social Justice (CASJ) has lauded review of the inci- death or serious injury. Given the have information relevant to the
the move of Ontario Ombuds- dent. nature of these complaints, I be- investigation to contact the Spe-
man Andre Marin to look into the The inquest, lieve it warrants further investiga- cial Ombudsman Response Team
“troubling” rise in the number of which started on May tion,” he added. at 1-866-623-SORT (7678) or us-
complaints against the Special In- 8, 2006, was complet- The Ombudsman has received ing the online SORT Information
vestigations Unit (SIU). ed late last year. 20 complaints in the past 17 Form at www.ombudsman.on.ca.
Created in 1990, the SIU is a That time, Reodi- months alone. Eight of the Toron- The core of scrutiny would be
civilian agency that investigates ca family lawyer Bar- to-area cases with death and seri- on incidents since Feb. 2003, when
deaths and serious injuries that oc- ry Swadron supported ous injury would be “put under the former judge George Adams is-
cur in policing. the probe on the SIU, microscope,’’ he vowed. sued reported on the status of SIU
CASJ president Hermie Garcia saying coroner Bonita The investigation would focus reforms implemented after consul-
told the Manila Media Monitor the mendations to avoid a repeat of the Porter has refused to examine the on the operational effectiveness tations with police and community
alleged SIU downplay of the case Reodica gunslay. SIU role in the case. and credibility of the SIU. groups in 1997 and 1998.
involving two Toronto policemen “Congratulations to CASJ, But lawyer Gary Clewly, rep- Victims, lawyers, interest Marin would complete the in-
in the fatal shooting of 17-year old its allies and the community for resenting one of the police officers groups and individuals have raised vestigation by October and make
Jeffrey Reodica on May 21, 2004 achieving yet another milestone before the inquest, questioned the concerns about how SIU investi- his report public by November.
“was mentioned as one of the cas- in the fight for truth and justice,” need for yet another investigation gations were done, he said. SIU welcomes probe
es where SIU was accused of not Garcia said. into the shooting. Allegations included the SIU Meanwhile, SIU director James
doing its job properly.” The Reodica family had been ‘Can’t ignore complaints’ was slow to investigate, it was bi- Cornish expressed confidence the
Garcia said “this is another disputing SIU findings that the The decision of Marin, who ased in its probes, soft on erring Ombudsman would conduct an
victory in our struggle for justice shooting was justified. headed the SIU between 1996 and police officers, and less than thor- impartial and professional investi-
in Jeffrey’s case,” which has con- “People should be held ac- 1998, to pursue a systemic inves- ough. gation of the matter.
tinued for the last three years.. countable for their actions, no tigation of the SIU was dubbed “a Victims and aggrieved families “We intend to cooperate and
He said a representative of the matter who they are,” Robyn Reo- first for the civilian agency.” also questioned the SIU’s inability look forward to receiving his re-
Ombudsman interviewed CASJ dica said. “We just want the truth In a press release dated June to give vital information to them, port,” Cornish said.
leaders many months ago “about to come out...” 7, Marin said he had “observed a particularly after investigations In a June 7 press release, Cor-
our criticisms against the SIU han- As early as June 2006, the troubling increase in complaints were closed. nish said “Ontarians have every
dling of the Reodica investigation” Ontario Ombudsman had begun a about the SIU, all raising seri- Robyn Reodica said his brother reason to expect that the SIU op-
that led to the exoneration of the preliminary investigation into the ous allegations that cannot be ig- Jeffrey was shot in the back three erates with complete integrity and
two cops involved in the shooting. SIU role in clearing the police of- nored.” times by a police officer in 2004. meets excellent investigative stan-
He also noted the community’s ficer who shot Reodica three times In a separate press conference, He died as a result of his injuries dards.”
earlier smaller victories in the Re- at the back. Marin said the “SIU is a bulwark at just 17. A seasoned lawyer, Cornish
odica case, to include the conduct But Ombudsman Marin said of democracy in Ontario. We count Robyn said “This is just the was appointed SIU director on
of the inquest, and the recent adop- he would wait until after the coro- on the civilian agency to investi- start of the investigation and we Dec. 15, 2004 by Attorney General
tion by Toronto Police Chief Bill ner’s inquest into Reodica’s death gate the police.” have not reached any conclusions Michael Bryant. Butch Galicia
Blair of the inquest jury’s recom- was complete before deciding to “It’s where the buck stops in on these matters,” Marin said. with Wires, Internet sources
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 News 5

Maiba Naman!
Let’s go to the Ex!
Summer has yet to offi- day music festival that pressive performance. and become part of history pomp and excitement of the and enjoy a wagon ride on
cially begin, but the clock is presents some of the hot- ► That Classic ‘70s during the first three days of Mardi Gras. Participants the grounds. This daily fare
already ticking towards the test musicians and bands in Weekend Ribfest from the fair. A similar tower was this year include mem- takes place in the Horse
opening of Ontario’s sum- North America. Headline Aug. 17 to 19 in Bandshell built in 2005 in California’s bers of the Le Voyage Des Palace and is free with ad-
mertime tradition, the Ca- acts include My Chemical Park, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Legoland. It took 12,000 Aquareves show. mission.
nadian National Exhibition Romance, Linkin Park and free with admission to the people and 400,000 bricks ► Kids’ World invites ► The Pee Wee Base-
(CNE). Catch 22. grounds.A blast from the to build the 92-foot six-inch parents to bring the kids to ball Tournament hits its
This year, the 129th edi- Other features past, ribs, cars and rock structure. the ultimate day of fun and 51st anniversary. Since
tion of the CNE is sched- Other new CNE shows and roll take over the CNE Returning faves play at a safe playground 1956, the Lions CNE base-
uled from Aug. 17 to Labor are: Bandshell Park, courtesy ► IAMS Super Dogs complete with a petting ball tournament has shown
Day on Sept. 3. ► The Salute to Broad- of Cruise Nationals and the Show is aptly titled Sim- zoo, midway rides, clowns over 16,000 boys and girls
Debuting shows way on Aug. 24 to Sept. 3 Ontario Lotto and Gaming ply Woofy: It’s Freakin’ and puppet shows. the values of teamwork and
Making their debut at in Ricoh Coliseum at two Corp. Dogtastic! Traveling across ► Pizza Pizza Inter- good sportsmanship as they
the Ex are the Le Voyage shows daily and free with ► Live at the Band- North America and featur- national Stage, located in compete for the coveted
des Aquarêves nightly at 10 admission to grounds. shell will feature The Vil- ing more than 40 dogs rep- Hall B of the Direct Energy first place title.
and the Bamboozle on Aug. This year’s skating lage People on Aug. 17; resenting over 30 breeds, Centre, will treat audiences ► The CNE Casino is
25 and 26 at the Bombshell show, the final show in a tril- Kim Mitchell, Aug. 18; the talented Super Dogs to more than 100 perfor- a popular annual draw, fea-
Park from 12:30 to 10 p.m. ogy that began in 2005, tips April Wine, Aug. 19; Wal- create “pooch mania.” mances of international turing a variety of games
Le Voyage des its hat to the best of Broad- ter Ostanek, Aug. 23; and ► 59th Canadian In- music and dance from art- including multi-action
Aquarêves comes direct way as vocalists, acrobats Jerry Douglas, Aug. 30 live ternational Air Show will ists representing global en- blackjack, roulette, WAR,
from France, through La and skaters sing, flip and in concert at the Bandshell, again take over the CNE tertainment and Canada’s Spanish 21 and three-card
Campagnie Malabar, sup- spin to 20th Century classic all at 7:30 p.m. skies on Labor Day week- vibrant cultural diversity. poker. The casino also of-
ported by the Ontario Min- musical theatre. Highlights The one-night only per- end. One of North Ameri- ► The Garden Show fers a beautiful outdoor
istry of Tourism’s Celebrate include numbers from the formance of The Village ca’s largest, the CIAS will presents its All Time Favor- patio and nightly live en-
Ontario program. Phantom of the Opera, An- People is expected to bring this year welcome Crank, ites. Horticulture enthusi- tertainment at the northeast
A stunning show that nie, Mama Mia, Cats, The the group’s “over the top” a homegrown fighter pilot asts and garden lovers can corner of the Better Living
has fascinated audiences all Sound of Music, Chicago,, brand of music and energy originally from Etobicoke. admire the feature gardens Centre. It is open July 30
over the world, Les Voyage La Cage Aux Folles, Evita as they sing hits like YMCA The 2007 CIAS show on display and participate to Sept. 3, but restricted to
is underscored by spectacu- and Grease. and In The Navy. includes international air- in a series of gardening lec- adults 19 years or older.
lar music. It features exoti- ► Duelling Human ► Lego Tower invites crafts such as the US F-22 tures, perennial shopping, ► Rising Star Youth
cally costumed aerial acro- Cannonballs is shown the child in everyone on Raptor and US Navy Lega- and Canada’s largest flow- Talent Competition runs
batic cirque performers, twice daily on weekdays Aug. 17. CNE is looking cy Flight as well as national er and vegetable growing from Aug. 17 to 30 at the
pyrotechnics and laser ef- and thrice daily on week- to break a world record by favorites, the Snowbirds. competition. Kids’ World Feature stage.
fects. The show ends with a ends in Princes’ Blvd. free building the tallest free- ► The Daily CNE ► HorsePlay comes The Sept. 2 finals will be
25-minute spectacle aboard with admission to grounds. standing structure made en- Mardi Gras Parade, at 6 galloping in the CNE, as at the Bandshell. Founded
a magnificent lunar boat that The show stars David and tirely of Lego bricks. p.m. daily, wraps up a great visitors are introduced to in 1986, the competition
showers the audience with Jennifer Smith who will CNE visitors are invited day at The Ex as parad- the world of horses. Visi- has auditioned over 20,000
magical and fun foam. bring sibling rivalry to awe- to help specialized Danish ers take in the colorful tors can pet and feed horses, youth, among them Matt
Bamboozle is a two- some new heights in an im- engineers build the tower costumes, jazz harmonies, learn about horse grooming (Continued on page 12)

UP prexy bares
academic changes
At the state-run University of the Philippines,
the study of the Spanish language is no longer
part of a well-rounded academic curriculum.
Attendance to the then forced two-year Re-
served Officers Training Corps to study military
science has become optional for students.
Class schedules are revised to give coeds a
more efficient study timetable to work on, while
lessning their transportation expenses.
All these were among the various reforms first
UP woman president Emerlinda Ramos Roman
introduced in the premier state university in the
In a recent reunion with and talk before mem-
bers of the UP Alumni Association at the Delta
Hotel Markham, Roman showed wit, humor and
intelligence as she told her peers that it took Har-
vard University 371 years to elect its first woman
president, Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust.
UP, established by the Americans in 1908,
took only 98 years to get her into the top post.
Roman earned her baccalaureate, master’s and
PhD from UP.
Other prestigious Philippine schools like the
University of Sto. Tomas established in 1611,
Ateneo University (1859) and De La Salle Uni-
versity (1911) have yet to install a woman head.
Roman also reported that UP has raised tu-
ition fees up to 300 percent to recover from many
years of severe financial losses. She received a
burnt effigy in return.
But she stood her ground and sighed: “ I have
(Continued on page 12)
OTTAWA - Member of dad, Father Arenas of St.
Parliament Lui Temelkovski Bridgid’s Catholic Church Manila Media Monitor
(Oak Ridges-Markham) has and others. JUNE 2007
cited the immense contri- In a separate statement, 6
bution Filipino Canadians Liberal Party leader Sté-
have made to Canada, as he
led officials in unveiling and
presenting the first Taga-
phane Dion said “I am proud
to recognize the official
translation of the Canadian Temelkovski unveils first Tagalog version of
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
log version of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Free-
Charter of Rights and Free- doms to Tagalog.”
doms at Parliament Hill on “The Charter, which cel-
May 30. ebrated its 25th anniversary
Temelkovski, also the in April, is one of the most
Chair of the Canada-Philip- important documents in
pines Parliamentary Friend- Canadian history and repre-
ship Group, said: “Filipino sents a centrepiece of Cana-
Canadians are a vibrant and dian democracy,” Dion said.
important force in our soci- “It ensures that everyone
ety, adding to the rich cul- has the right to be treated
tural diversity of Canada.” equally, regardless of race,
“We must join together ethnicity, religion, sex, age
to celebrate the Filipino or disability,” he added.
community’s uniqueness Since it was originally
and strength,” he added. enshrined in the Canadian
Temelkovski, who has Constitution in 1982, the
worked hard with the Par- Charter has been translated
liamentary committee to into many languages.
ensure the translation, said He noted the efforts of
he was honored to have Temelkovski to push through
spearheaded the first Taga- with the Tagalog translation
log translation of one of the of the document.
most important documents The unveiling rites also
in Canada’s history. launched Philippine Inde-
Present in the ceremony pendence Day activities
were Philippine Ambas- across Canada. Philippine FOR POSTERITY: MP Lui Temelkovski (Oak Ridges-Markham), Chair of the Canada-Philippines Parlia-
sador to Canada Jose Bril- Independence Day falls on mentary Group, sits with Philippine Ambassador to Canada Jose Brilliantes, as they present the first
liantes, Consul General, June 12, when in 1898, rev- copy of the Tagalog version of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Joining them are Consul
Joey Angeles, Philippine olutionary president Emilio General Joey Angeles, Vice Consul Rhenita Rodriguez, Bill Graham (former Leader of the Liberal Party
Centre Canada’s president Aguinaldo proclaimed the and MP Toronto Centre), MP Don Bell (North Vancouver), MP Irwin Cotlier (Mount Royal-Montreal),
Sonia del Rosario, Canada- sovereignty of the Philip- MP Joe Volpe (Eglinton-Lawrence), MP Susan Kadis (Thornhill), MP Alan Tonks (York-South West),
Philippines Business Coun- pine Islands from the colo- MP Roger Valley (Kenora), MP Ken Boshkoff (Thunder Bay-Rainy River), MP Lloyd St. Amand (Brant),
cil president Alicia Nativi- nial rule of Spain. PR Philippine Centre Canada representatives from the Ottawa-Hull-Gatineau area. PR
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007
spy, ha?”
Ace Alvarez Reason: Going rate for writ- I said, “what is there to spy
ing in smaller community papers about. You were asking for ad-

The press is not free

is $75 per article. However, since vertising rate, and these things are
most of the community events are not secret.”
“socials” anyway, there is nothing ***
to write, hence, one writer “in- Hooray! The “global” movie
vited” to an event and pays him- premiere of Gawad Kalinga
Press release headline re- Lake Ontario. ter Sutherland meeting with the Fil- self, or herself, through it, would movie ‘Paraiso’ at the Living
ceived May 1, 2007: “Brewing *** ipino community at the Golden Val- not be able to write anything, Arts Centre in Mississauga,
Scandal Not Good For Festival IT’S NOT TRUE THAT Edi- ley … It’s a dinner event for $20. hence, could not recover what one May 27, 2007, was more than a
Funding: NDP”, with sub-head tor Butch Galicia sent back the I didn’t say a word, but I was paid for (buti na la’ng digital ang Hollywood Blockbuster. Gener-
“Government should apologize above item to me with corrections thinking: “I don’t know, Tenny. camera, and no expense on film al Admission ticket was at $25.
for attempting to play ‘favourites’ as follows: Your good friend, Butch Galicia, nowadays). And if one ever does ***
with funding.” “… and now the weather re- is not even a president of any - but sends the written piece to Media advisory received from
After reading through, I found port. Northeasterly winds will press organization, but I know he a publication, the publication’s Ontario Progressive Conserva-
out that it has nothing to do with blow over Toronto. However, often gets this invitation for free editor might send the same to the tive Leader John Tory’s office on
the festivals amidst the Filipino gusty winds coming from Cali- dinners, with hotel room accom- recycling bin for lack of news- May 25: “John Tory to participate
community in Toronto. The press fornia is making waves near Lake modation, and often than not, con- worthiness. (so, again, one would in second annual Louise Russo
release relates to a statement of Ontario.” cert tickets; and mind you - all at not recover what one paid. This is W.A.V.E.”
the NDP on the inappropriateness *** the same time at one place!” even granting that the publication In reading the advisory, it has
for the Minister of Heritage to be NEITHER WAS IT TRUE Reading the draft of this item, pays for the articles being submit- nothing to do with “WAVE now
seeking projects for approval and that I re-sent back to Editor my wife, Gie, asked, “… and what ted to it). making waves …” but on “Walk
funding. Butch a revision of the item, organization is this, pampering *** Against Violence Everywhere” at
*** stating: editor Butch so much?” Moral of the story for the York University’s Track and Field
On June 6, the beloved presi- “… and now the weather re- “Casino Rama.” high school graduate: Don’t Centre that same day.
dent of PIDC, Jun Enverga, sent port. Northeasterly winds will *** take media courses and spe- ***
an e-mail invitation on the joint blow over Toronto. However, To all my colleagues in the cialize in community journal- Incidentally, faster than he
PIDC-Kalayaan Gala at the To- gusty winds coming from Cali- Filipino media: moral of the ism. Be a doctor of something, speaks, John Tory also sends
ronto Congress Centre for Sat- fornia is making waves festival immediately preceding story is instead; and as a post script, if press releases through his office
urday, June 9, saying that they at the Harbourfront,” and a post to trade your press ID with a you must, please attend regular staff Yue Ma; more often than
reserved a table for ten for the script, stating, “Diretsuhin na Casino Rama Players Passport school. Don’t just buy the title not, four, or five items within
members of the press. la’ng natin, Sir Butch. Tapos!” Gold Card. from some American school ad- the hour.
(Yehey! Mabuhay si Jun *** *** vertising in the internet. Okay? ***
Enverga. He deserves a second In a conversation with Philip- With the trend now that most *** On May 11, Filipino Bulletin’s
term as PIDC President! [Any- pine Press Club-Ontario (PPC-O) organizations - either business, or On April 30, a prospective ad- Ricky Caluen sent the following
way, I was not there. I respect- President Tenny Soriano on Friday community in the Fil-Can soci- vertiser phoned me and inquired information to us - his fellows at
fully declined the invitation]) evening, May 25: ety is slapping community media about Manila Media Monitor ad- the PPC-O:
… and now the weather re- “Ace, Philippine Chamber of with paying the events they are vertising rates. I ask who she was “It has been scientifically
port. Northeasterly winds will Commerce-Toronto’s Cora dela going to, one day will soon come and introduced herself as Rose. proven that if we drink one liter
blow over Toronto. However, Cruz sent me an invitation for fast enough that no community I said, “Rose Ami?” of water each day, at the end of
gusty winds coming from Cali- Wednesday, June 6, for Canadian organization will ever have their Her response was, “Yes, Tito,” the year we would have absorbed
fornia is creating waves near Ambassador to the Philippines Pe- event published in the community adding that, “Hindi ako nang-i- (Continued on page 32)
8 Views your job; you had told us that
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007

there were tough times ahead, that

we would have to bear with it, but
it wasn’t to last long.
“I got into baseball as a kid
so you took me out to the park to

A letter of a son play catch.

“I loved basketball at one

to his father
time, so you signed me up for a
team and went to my practices.
“You even took us to New
York because of a break dancing
A son wrote the following to ews call you dad. and I shared one room in the at- convention that I so much liked as
his dad on “Fathers Day”: “You would at times work tic and you and ma had the other a teen.
“I remember all your stories. 24-hour days. I remember the one. “I made a choice to go to a dis-
I recall the stories of you living days you would pull out wads of “I remember you dropping us tant high school so you drove me
with one brother and your sister in cash from five different pockets off at the bus stop every morning there for three and half years until
law but was treated worst than an to get us what we wanted if we and picking us up the same place I got my own car.
outsider. deserved it. in the afternoon. “I remember your face when
“You toughed all these out and “I even remember going to “I remember you taking all of you saw me purchase that first
you grew. You were the young- church every Sunday night in us to that little park nearby on the car. You knew that I bought that
est of seven, for the eighth never Manila and going out to eat out at week-ends. car with hard work, the ethic I got
made it past birth. McDonald’s after. “As new immigrants to this from you.
“You were the youngest and “And of course how can I country, I remember you would “I remember all the lessons
the first one to get his car in a ever forget when my world came work day and night so you could you have even taught me. I recall
country where owning one is a crashing down when I was told we buy new furniture and appliances. each lecture I have sat through.
mark of economic success. were to move away from home. I “Hah... I even remember eat- “I remember the times you
“You put yourself through uni- didn’t know then, but I perfectly ing frozen Adobo one day, and bought me the things I had
versity, and got married at 24. You understand now. upon hearing of it, you felt sorry wanted, but only if I had worked
raised a daughter and soon you “I remember that vacation you and bought a microwave. You for it.
raised a son. took us to in Hawaii and Los An- gave up your riches for this! “I was told by the family that
“I remember waiting for you geles when I was seven. “Even at times, you were most upon receiving my most outstand-
every night because we knew you “I remember when you forced tired you came home to us with a ing academic award in my grade
would bring us Mentos candy. me to talk to the people who smile, and you would still take us eight graduation, you were so
“I remember taking trips to worked at the fast food places so I out at night. proud.
museums and everywhere down- could practice my English. “I remember the day you were “I remember them telling me
town Manila with cousins of ours “I remember the nervousness I ready to buy a car and we went the tears that had started to build
that you treated like your own felt upon arriving in this country from lot to lot looking for a car. up when you saw me receive my
children. only to live with people I never You finally got a red ‘92 Pontiac high school diploma.
“Heck, most, if not all of over knew. Sunbird. “I remember all the times you
twenty or thirty nieces and neph- “I remember of how my sister “I remember the day you left said no to going out with good
reasons, and all the times you put
up with my temper tantrums.
“I recall a few months ago
while I was heartbroken and I
would turn to a bottle of scotch
day and night, you sat me down
to talk.
RP media-saturated “I have heard from countless
people that you speak very highly

as rest of world of me; and for making you proud,

I am glad.
“You have been through a life
of constant struggle, but yet you
There is proof all around that commonly the first appliance pur- sharply as they would their mar- never once gave up, or even lost
it is fast becoming a media-satu- chased by a household. bles and toys. your faith.
rated world. Ideally, it should not In many provinces and remote Advertising on television has “You have given up your lav-
worry adults. towns, homes can make do with- also begun to pander dangerously ish life to protect the future of
In their years of growth and out a refrigerator but seldom with- to kids. your children.
development, they would have out a TV set. Traders and manufacturers re- “You have been betrayed by
nurtured themselves into discern- Little wonder then that the alize that kids not only constitute a many people of the past, but yet
ing users. Pinoy race puts a premium on en- huge market that is easy to beguile you do not hate, but rather thank-
Children, however, are a dif- tertainment more than it does on and seduce but also because their ful for the lessons learned.
ferent story. They are vulnerable other comforts like cold drinks pester power can convince parents “You have shown me what a
and impressionable and because and well preserved food. to let go of their purses or risk a strong faith can do, and that hard
they are what they are, they are Ice can be bought next door; scandalously squealing child. work is the only way to attain any-
the chief targets of most media ef- every day is market day to ensure Today, products traditionally thing.
forts. that produce and meats are fresh targeted toward adult consumers “You have never once cheated
Baby videos for one month and only the day’s consumption is like toothpastes, shampoos, deter- or took the easy way out; or never
old babies and TV programs for purchased. gents and even mobile phones and once abandoned your family.
toddlers are becoming a craze in The local disdain for stock- cars, now sport ads that feature “You have given us more mate-
Europe and the US. ing up on commodities gave rise children to increase their chances rial things than we can ever need;
The Kaiser Family Foundation to the popularity of products in of sale. but most of all you have given me
reports that in a study of kids aged sachets, mini tubs, small tins and Virtually 25 percent of Phil- the tools to survive in this life on
six and under, 75 percent of chil- 3-in-1 instant mixes. ippine advertising campaigns on my own.
dren watch TV for an average of One can still buy a single egg, television deliberately feature “You have given me more
an hour and 20 minutes in a typi- a single stick of cigarette or even child talents or messages that are memories than I could ever hope
cal day. a slice of butter. aimed at kiddie consumers. for, and each day you always get
A whopping 81 percent of the In years past, our mothers In school, the TV set and com- up to try.
two- to three-year olds watch a bit thrilled over our recitation of the puter are now indispensable tools “There is no way I can ever re-
longer. alphabet by age two or three. in learning. pay you for the love, the patience
Half of those kids eat a snack Today, many a mother takes Teachers are able to capture and happiness you have given.
or meal in front of the TV set while pride in their two-year olds who their pupils’ imaginations by clev- “I am forever grateful for you
a third of all the children studied can switch on a TV set or operate erly worming their way to a lesson as my guardian.
live in homes where the TV is on a DVD player. through a recap of yesterday’s TV “You have not only been a fa-
most or all of the time. The Kaiser Children soon realize that feature or a juicy morsel of show- ther, but a loving Dad.”
study may well be describing the whoever wields the remote con- biz scandal. ***
Philippine setting. trol enjoys power. Little wonder What once were book reviews The writer is my son, Christian
After all, the television set is then that kids guard the device as (Continued on page 9) - now 23 years old.
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007

Beware of
‘green’ overkill
Letters & Voices Last month, a friend of mine in
TV news assignment received an
waiting with bated breath to get
them - and jump to it!
grow old and stale.
And that is going to be the next
Ooops... fan mail, with thanks invitation to an event six minutes
before it was due to happen some
I ask you!
challenge we face, to stick to what
we have come to believe in.
Dear Ace: 35 minutes drive (on good traffic Sesame Street’s Kermit the ***
Just finished reading your latest issue (May) - I especially en- days) away from her Toronto TV Frog’s hit song “It’s Not Easy By the time you read this,
joyed the Ooops & Bloops! I’m still laughing in my office. station. Bein’ Grreen” is now contradicted Luminato, Toronto’s festival of
Thanks to you and Butch for covering the Chief’s recommenda- I ask you, was the so-called by the ease with which we are all arts and creativity, will be in full
tions to the TPS Board regarding the Reodica inquest. public relations consultant who is- thinking green and trying to be swing.
I will continue to send you any updates or news pertinent to our sued the invitation responsible, or green to help rescue a threatened Recently I had the good for-
communities. was the client, in this case a major environment. tune to meet the two Toronto men
We recently conducted an event in partnership with the Toronto Canadian bank, out to gain favor- It is literally amazing the way whose ideas and persistence over
Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) -- the 2nd Annual Filipino able media coverage for a charita- advertisers and their agencies, the past four years have led to the
International Language Assembly at St. Maria Goretti School. ble donation to an agency working public institutions, educational start of “Luminato,” the massive
It was attended by over 150 parents and children promoting Ta- on diversity matters? groups, and above all youngsters festival of arts and creativity that
galog. The organizer, Ms. Jody Huang, TCDSB Community Rela- One of the reasons I quit the have got behind the green idea, began June first.
tions Officer, did an excellent job putting this event together. PR (public relations) business but there are some cases where Tony Gagliano and David
We hope to do future programs with her for our Filipino youth. nearly 30 years ago and returned overkill is spoiling the effect. Pecaut, co-founders of the festi-
Cons. Philip Mendoza, Toronto Police Community Mobilization to journalism was the fact that Take the case of The Bay’s val, attended a conference for the
Unit officer inept competition was muddying downtown Toronto store. ethnic media and introduced us to
(Editor’s Note: A toast to you and Jody, the Toronto Police the waters. Quite laudably, they have in- Janice Price, the CEO and Chris
and TCDSB for a task well-planned and well-executed. We’d The veterans of PR had a say- stalled green awnings over all Lorway, vice-president of pro-
like to hear more of these from other community groups.) ing “all they need is a typewriter their show windows. gramming.
and a telephone and they‘re in But then they have suspended These two Canadians left im-
Ooops... just posing? business.” tatty looking branches of fake portant positions in the United
The Canadian Public Relations green foliage which cheapens the States to come here to get things
I can’t help but notice the contrasting photos on the cover of
Society had instituted an accredi- whole look. organized and what an array of
your May 2007 issue -- that of the Consulate General’s Office staff
tation system, but it had no real And therein lies a word of cau- events and talents they have ar-
doing their job during the May 14 Philippine elections and that of
teeth since it could not be legal- tion. ranged as you will find out by
the Embassy staff enjoying a pose. I also noticed that while the for-
ized and thus not enforced. Let’s not make a fashion fad of checking the website at www.lu-
mer had a complete tally of poll results, the latter seemed to have
Today, “all they need is a tele- all these. minato.com.
been remiss in immediately sending Filipino votes in Canada to the
phone, a computer and an internet It is not just another slogan af- Hosting the media conference
Manila-based Commission on Elections. Just asking: Are embassy
connection.” fair like “Think Pink.” was Toronto restaurateur Roberto
officials so inept in doing their job and so so existing just for the
These inept and inexperienced It is a concern for our very sur- Martella an ardent enthusiast of
cameras? Mi-Ann San Pedro, Brampton
practitioners fire off messages in vival, a concern for the environ- cultural events, in whose estab-
(Editor’s Note: Napansin mo pa ‘yun? The Manila Media
the belief that their recipients are ment that must not be allowed to (Continued on page 12)
Monitor e-mailed Ottawa for election results to get these to read-
ers fast. But we were referred to the Foreign Affairs main office
in Manila for any information on the polls. We are sure the em-
bassy had something on the polls, but perhaps too official and
not for the Filipino public’s consumption.)


sent to mediamonitor@rogers.com. All communica-
tions will be edited.
Roundabout ...
(From page 8) It’s amazing how doing a good meaningful ways. They have to be so that the
are now TV or film critiques. fes, always full of kids battling deed can change one’s day. All around, opportunities drive and ambition necessary to
In high school, print journal- each other in virtual worlds of It could be as simple as giv- abound. achieve them can exist.
ism is replaced by photo journal- high powered guns. ing up a seat to a stranger on the There are so many people in Goodwill aims to balance this
ism; stage plays eased out by doc- Libraries are going the way of bus or giving someone a warm need who would welcome an act selfish drive so that all can live in
umentaries written and produced museums unless they offer com- smile, volunteering time or help- of kindness but don’t know how harmony with the world.
by students. puter services. ing someone in need. to ask. Or worse, feel that by ask- At first, doing something un-
Even the public school system Many children are able to do Giving of oneself without ing, they will become indebted. selfish, something that does not
is not spared. homework with an earphone at- strings attached -- that’s goodwill Goodwill comes with no immediately move one closer to
School canteens have TV sets tached to a CD player or iPod and it can change one’s day, make strings attached. It does not re- his/her goal, is hard and seems a
well ensconced for everyone to playing their kind of music while it brighter and less stressful. quire repayment now or in the waste of time.
watch wrestling or entertainment watching TV or even chatting on It might even help a person future. It takes a lot of will power to
gossip programs. line. live longer. Several studies have It stands on its own as a de- follow through.
Lunch break means watch- All these, besides sending oc- shown that altruism can lead to a sire to see someone benefit, with Over time, though, if one prac-
ing the stupid antics on television casional text messages on their longer healthier life. a promise that all accounts are tices enough, it becomes second
courtesy of the country’s most mobiles. Goodwill is one of those things settled. nature.
popular yet most embarrassingly It is therefore bewildering one does that doesn’t have an im- Goodwill lightens a life rather And the results: One spends
inane and crassly commercial why, despite the proliferation of mediate payoff. than burdens it with an obliga- less time asking “how will this
shows. all forms of media, lessons in me- But it builds up, act by act, al- tion. help me?”.
School field trips invariably dia literacy are scant in the Philip- most like a savings account. One It’s one of the hardest things People around begin to look
include a visit, not to the museum, pine educational system. day, when least expected (but re- to give as people are taught that forward to one’s presence; and
but to a mall to shop and to a TV It is also disturbing that advo- ally needed), one gets to make a nothing should be given for free. amazingly, when one needs help,
studio to ogle at local stars. cacy groups for and about media withdrawal. But like real love, goodwill is suddenly there are many offers.
On the side, Pinoy youths have and children in the Philippines can It’s hard sometimes to find the unconditional. That’s what makes We’ve all heard this before -
started to do their own blogs and be counted by one’s fingers. right cause to contribute towards. it so special. - from Sunday school, from our
spend hours on the internet, surf- The worst oversight is per- People want to do something Goodwill is more than just do- parents, from books.
ing for education and entertain- petrated by a government that good but don’t know where to ing a good deed. We tune it out because it
ment, oftentimes in the privacy of only pays lip service to children’s start. It’s about a way of life -- a sounds too much like mumbo
their own booths in cafes and ki- welfare: the National Television It seems though that everyone balance that strives to harmonize jumbo.
osks, away from prying adult eyes Council remains unfunded, a neb- can start today, right now. inner self, goals and desires with The real world is harsh and
and admonishing parents. ulous entity in the midst of all the While waiting for the right those of others. unforgiving.
Even small, sleepy towns in media frenzy that is shaping our cause, nothing should stop anyone People’s needs are by their na- But this works and its real. Do-
the hinterlands have internet ca- children and their futures. from giving of oneself in small ture selfish. ing good deeds makes life better.
Manila Media Monitor
10 JUNE 2007 Views

‘... Ang mamatay nang

dahil sa ‘yo.’
June 8, 1986. Aboard a Luf- Perlas ng Silanganan ... the noise ippine tricolor, her only memoir
thansa plane. ebbed and movements stilled as of a dear life lost in a senseless
Weary from a three-month ad- everyone ... Alab ng puso ... turned conflict ... Ang bituin at araw niya The Philippine National Anthem
vanced journalism course at the to look for the voice. ... and unfolded it for all to see ... Original Spanish text of Filipinas by Sen. Camilo Osias and Mary A.
International Institute of Journal- Sa dibdib mo’y buhay ... then Kailan pa ma’y ‘di magdidilim ... by José Palma; became official in Lane; made official by a Congres-
ism in Berlin, I simply longed there were two ... Lupang hini- and honor. 1899. sional Act in 1938.
to be back home -- to the Philip- rang ... three and more singing in The singing grew louder, the
pines, my family and my Philip- unison ... Duyan ka ng magiting. fervor stronger ... Lupa ng araw, Tierra adorada Land of the morning,
pines News Agency bureau desk. People began to stand ... Sa ng luwalhati’t pagsinta ... Tears Hija del sol de Oriente, Child of the sun returning,
The intercom boomed: “This manlulupig ... as the blonde stew- welled in many eyes ... Buhay ay Su fuego ardiente, With fervor burning,
is the captain speaking. In a short ardess and other cabin crew ... ‘Di langit sa piling mo ... voices quiv- En ti latiendo está. Thee do our souls adore.
while, we will be landing at the ka pasisiil ... cajoled them to sit erred but never wavered. ¡Tierra de amores! Land dear and holy,
Manila International Airport. and put on seat belts. Aming ligaya, na ‘pag may Del heroísmo cuna, Cradle of noble heroes,
Please extinguish your cigarettes Sa dagat at bundok ... the cho- mang-aapi ... The plane’s wheels Los invasores Ne’er shall invaders,
and fasten your seat belts.” rus was infectious ... Sa simoy at gave out a soft screech as it No te hollarán jamás. Trample thy sacred shores.
The plane’s mid and rear, sa langit mong bughaw ... that touched Philippine soil. En tu azul cielo, en tus auras, Ever within thy skies
En tus montes y en tu mar and through thy clouds,
seating mostly overseas Filipino soon, everyone, except non-Fili- Ang mamatay nang dahil sa
Esplende y late el poema And o’er thy hills and seas.
workers going home for the first pinos, were singing the Philippine ‘yo ... Then, silence ... as if in a
De tu amada libertad. Do we behold the radiance,
time after long-term job contracts, national anthem. brief prayer of thanks for having Tu pabellón, que en las lides Feel the throb of glorious liberty.
buzzed to marketlike life. May dilag ang tula at awit been delivered safely and soundly La victoria iluminó, Thy banner, dear to all our hearts,
Home addies and phone num- ... Some had the right palm on ... broken only when a Caucasian No verá nunca apagados Its sun and stars alight.
bers were passed around. “Tuloy the left breast ... Sa paglayang tourist started clapping and every- Sus estrellas ni su sol. O, never shall its shining fields,
ang ligaya. Tawagan, ha!” minamahal ... a few saluted, oth- one joining in pure jubilation. Tierra de dichas, del sol y de Be dimmed by tyrant’s might!
Bags were inspected to make ers doffed baseball caps. Sure, I shed tears during the amores, Beautiful land of love,
sure the pasalubong was there. Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y few emotional minutes when we En tu regazo dulce es vivir. O land of light,
“Matutuwa ang mga bata.” ... A lady I later learned lost her fervently sang Lupang Hinirang. Es una gloria para tus hijos, In thine embrace ‘tis rapture to lie.
Then, amid the noise and haste husband soldier in the Mindanao “I am a Filipino,” I averred. Cuando te ofenden, por ti morir. But it is glory ever, when thou art
echoed a distinct voice with a fa- war ... Tagumpay na nagniningn- Happy Independence Day. wronged,
miliar tune ... Bayang magiliw, ing ... pulled from her bag a Phil- butchgalicia@yahoo.com English text of The Philippine Hymn For us, thy sons, to suffer and die.
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 News 11
Seniors Month
Keeping seniors at ease
In many provinces, June
is associated with Seniors
Today, one in eight Canadi-
ans is a senior and in 2041, it


will be one in four.
It is a time to recognize se-
niors’ many contributions and
the vital role they play in our
PART 2 society.
No matter what your age, be- Most seniors do not discuss Myths around seniors
ing able to drive means indepen- (EDITOR’S NOTE: The Manila MEDIA MONITOR has compiled their over-the-counter drugs with abound. Some myths portray
dence. This independence comes literature on Seniors’ Safety, hoping its publication in a series will their doctor. aging negatively, while others
with the responsibility to drive keep the paper’s valued senior readers well-informed, safe and sound Combinations of drugs can offer an equally unrealistic pic-
safely. wherever they are.) produce unexpected side effects ture of the joys of later life.
“If you’ve driven for most and bad reactions. Answer the questions be-
of your life, you’ll want to keep with other drivers. insomnia among seniors. If you have more than one low: check to see if you are
driving as long as possible,” says Medications can make a driver They can have side effects doctor prescribing medications able to separate fact from fic-
Emile Therien, president of the more susceptible to any of these such as drowsiness, impaired mo- without knowing what the others tion and how much you know
Canada Safety Council. factors, and Canadians over age tor function and confusion. are prescribing, or if your doctor about aging.
He points out that drivers over 65 take an average of nine medi- A Montreal study of more than does not know about the over-the- True or false?
80 are the fastest-growing segment cations daily, including prescrip- 224,000 drivers aged from 67 to counter drugs you are taking, you ► Research has shown that
of the driving population. How- tion, over-the-counter and herbal. 84 found that those on a long-act- could be in danger. old age truly begins at 65.
ever, based on kilometers driven, Medications and driving ing form of benzodiazepine had Alcohol has a powerful impact ► The majority of seniors
older drivers have more collisions Medication can have a posi- 45 percent more injury-related on the body, physically and psy- say they are satisfied with their
than any other age group. tive or negative effect on driving collisions. chologically. life.
Can seniors be safe drivers? ability. Drugs that slow you down With age, tolerance for alcohol ►Personality changes with
Definitely yes, maintains Therien, Some people, such as epilep- also reduce your ability to make decreases steadily, and the body age.
if they recognize age-related tics, may not be able to drive at all decisions and process information processes it less efficiently. ► The majority of seniors
changes and adapt to them. without medication. rapidly. Combining alcohol with medi- have Alzheimer’s disease or
“Older drivers are also very An older driver with untreat- Seniors taking painkillers cations is risky whether or not you dementia.
likely to be taking several medi- ed depression is at high risk due which contain codeine or pro- are behind the wheel. ►On average, senior vol-
cations, some of which may af- to decreased concentration and poxyphene may experience seda- For instance, it can lead to unteers contribute fewer hours
fect driving skills,” he continues. slower decision making. tion and mild impairment. falls. to organizations than younger
“To be a safe driver, you need to However, treatment may also Even over-the-counter drugs The only safe practice is to volunteers.
use your medication correctly and carry a risk - 10 milligrams of can reduce driving ability. avoid alcohol completely if there ►More than nine seniors in
know how it can affect your abil- Valium® (an anti-anxiety medi- Antihistamines can cause is any chance that you will have ten reported at least one chron-
ity to drive.” cation) can produce more driving drowsiness and poor concentra- to drive. ic health condition in 2005.
According to the Canada Safe- impairment than a blood alcohol tion. Impaired driving, whether due ► Most seniors view their
ty Council, the main factors in col- concentration of 0.10; the Crimi- Tranquilizers or cold rem- to medications, alcohol or a com- health in positive terms.
lisions involving older drivers are nal Code limit in Canada is 0.08. edies, such as cold tablets, cough bination, is not only dangerous ► The majority of seniors
slow response, not seeing a sign, Physicians prescribe benzodi- syrup, and sleeping pills, can re- and socially unacceptable. (Continued on page 17)
car, or pedestrian, and interaction azepines, to combat anxiety and duce driving ability. (Continued on page 17)
(From page 5)
Dusk, the Creegan Brothers
(of the Bare Naked Ladies),
and Jason Sermonia, star of
sic Festival will be in the
Bandshell on Sept. 1 and 2.
Canada’s largest urban
Who? What? Manila Media Monitor
12 JUNE 2007
The Lion King. music festival, this two-day or-elect Alfredo Lim (left), known for his
Auditions are at the event features a vast array of iron-fisted drive vs. drugs and crime in
Exhibition Place and three performers from the urban the Philippines’ premier city, meets with
malls in the Greater Toronto dance and hip-hop genre. Philippine Press Club of Ontario presi-
Area: Erin Mills, Scarbor- This year’s performers in- dent Tenny Soriano and wife Myrna at
ough and Pickering town clude popular artists such a recent Bulong Pulungan at the Phil-
centers. as Kardinall Offishall and ippine Plaza Sofitel. Lim was at the fo-
► Toronto Urban Mu- Little Brother. PR rum with Pampanga governor-elect Fr.
Ed Panlilio. The Sorianos were guests
Commentary ... (From page 9) of Sofitel PR executive Yazmin Hidalgo
lishment, Grano, many of (Used with permis- and Philippine Star’s Ching Alano.
the planning meetings were sion. Ben Viccari is the
So although Luminato
President of the Canadian
Ethnic Media Associa-
events and performances
originate in many other
tion [CEMA] and makes
frequent appearances on
Philippine Independence Day Council
parts of the world beside OMNI TV Commentary. Tawag ng Tanghalian at the
Canada, the inspiration for Some of his commentar-
Luminato is purely Cana- ies are republished in this Earl Bales Park, June 16
dian. So please, I beg you, publication and slightly ex- Pinakamasayang non-stop entertainment, palaro at
when anyone tries to tell panded in some cases from interactive activities mula 10 a.m. hanggang lubog-
you Canadians are dull dogs their 70-second broadcast araw, piknik (BYOB) sa GTA Philippine Commu-
incapable of generating originals. For more of his nity. Chairman: Pete Mauricio
ideas — point to Stratford, work, please visit Ben’s
point to the Shaw Festival
and point to Luminato.
website at: http://canscene.
UP prexy ... (From page 5)
She said her six-year lieve that the UP’s principal
tenure included a mandate mission is to breed leaders
to establish UP as a center of the nation, hopefully,
of academic excellence, of revolutionary leaders.” TURNING 75. Maring Carlos (center) marks her
research and development, In response, alumni 75th year on June 9 with kin and friends. Assist-
and of culture; develop UP group president Noel Cruz ing her blow the birthday cake candle are daugh-
as a community of scholars briefed Roman on plans to ters Coring Cruz (left) and Marivic Bernal. TS
with credentials compa- raise donations for a profes-


rable to their counterparts sorial chair and a scholar-
in the best universities in ship endowment.
the world; and upgrade the Among the upcoming Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Leonarda Aquino
CONGRATS. Cora Calixterio (center) gets con- welfare and benefits of UP group’s fundraising events Manalastas, 59, of San Isidro, Cabanatuan City, Nueva
gratulations from co-workers Fatima Pani, Nata- faculty, staff and students. is the 30th Anniversary Gala Ecija who went to Ontario in Dec. 1989 may please get
sha Morris, Sharon Ramnaraign and Yasmeena Roman’s mandate of at the Marriott Hotel, Eaton in touch with her son PO1 Angelito A. Manalastas, PNP
Mohamed. Cora served 25 years in the Legal Ser- leadership also reflected Centre on Nov. 3 and the DIDM, Camp Crame, Quezon City, Philippines or e-mail at
vice Branch of the Ministry of the Attorney Gen- what Prof. Randolph David UP Centennial celebration mannyangelo_77@yahoo.com.
eral. PR stated in an article: “I do be- next year.
New graduate
Who? What?
Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007 13
Zoe Jeunesse
Proud parents Derick
and May David-Manaois
present their firstborn
Zoe Jeunesse, who

KCCC work cited was born April 29, 2007

at 2:08 p.m. at the Scar-
borough General Hos-
Ontario deputy pre- June 3 formal opening
pital. Zoe Jeunesse is
mier and health minis- of the center in its new
the grandchild of Larry
ter George Smitherman location at 5225 Orbitor
and Josie Manaois and
led officials in noting Drive, Suite 3.
of Alfredo and Lilia Da-
the strides made by the KCCC president Ch-
Kalayaan Cultural Com- ing Quejas said the cen-
munity Centre (KCCC) ter has become a source
in its community work of pride among Filipino
while becoming a focal Canadians in Mississau- Zachary, 1
point for Philippine cul- ga, “as they now have a Zachary Gaborno
ture and history. home to showcase their will be given his
Smitherman, Missis- heritage and culture.” first birthday bash
sauga Mayor Hazel Mc- Quejas said that be- by parents Zeus and
Callion, Philippine Con- sides cultural programs, Roma at their Missis-
Alekos “Lek “ O. Soriano (center) gets his degree sul General Alejandro the center has been con- sauga home on June
in Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (with hon- Mosquera, MPP Peter ducting training pro- 30. This is one occa-
ors) from York University at commencement rites Fonseca, representatives grams, educational activ- sion that Grandpa
on June 11. Sister Anagaile (right) and girlfriend of Trillium Foundation ities, newcomer support Amor and the rest
Charmaine Felix congratulate Lek, the youngest and community leaders programs and commu- of the Gaborno clan
son of Tenny and Myrna Soriano of Scarborough. were guests during the (Continued on page 16) will never miss.

Community leaders tour police school Tito Asayas’ b-day bash

Romher Gallardo (2nd from left) and Florence Jaramillo (right) join the grow-
ing number of Canadians with Filipino roots who receive training and a sub-
sequent law enforcement careers from the Police Foundation Training Col-
lege. Gallardo, Jaramillo and school instructor Murray Marling have recently
given compatriots (from left) Rolly Mangante, John Lagud, Jun Enverga Tito Asayas (4th from left) is flanked by relatives and friends during his birth
and Philippine Consul General in Toronto Alejandro Mosquera a tour of the anniversary celebration at his residence in St. Jamestown complex. Photo:
school and a brief of its scholarship plans. PR Noel Chua/Romeo Ayson Zetazate

Hamilton community
acclaim boardmembers
The Hamilton Filipino Community
Center (HFCC) has acclaimed members of
its New Board of Directors and non-elected
HFCC official Bonner Villabroza said
the officials would meet on June 14 to for-
mally elect the center’s officers.
Acclaimed in accordance with center
by-laws were Ruby Amog, Flordicante Ca-
bilan, Ben Baliat, Joe Monaco, Josie Mo-
naco, Sally Viquiera, Naty Dayap, Leticia
Sahr, Goy Santos, Filamer Santos, Nunila
Tallara and Bonner Villabroza.
Non-elected boardmembers included
Ricardo Policarpio of PBA; Jimmy Rav-
arra, PICAH; Rey Viquiera, Club Novo
Estela Guevarra and George Santos,
PCA; Glen Estrabillo, Andrew Cabilan and
Fel Marpa, HFCC; Ernie Estrabillo and
Restie Pineda, UFCSAH; Ben Suva, FIL-
CRAH; and Albert Martin, BIBAK.
Villabroza said the non-elected board-
members would sit at the center but their
stay would be co-terminus with their terms
in their respected organizations,
Villabroza said the acclaimed board-
members met on May 31 to discuss the con-
duct of its Independence Day Gala Night.
14 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007

KoR Canada to honor RP hero

Jose Rizal in June 19 rites
Philippine Consul Gen-
eral in Toronto Alejandro
Mosquera will lead mem-
bers of the Knights of Rizal
(KoR) Canada in fitting
rites commemorating the
birth anniversary of Phil-
ippine national hero Jose
Rizal on June 19, starting at
5:30 p.m.
Mosquera will lay the
wreath at the foot of Rizal’s ters in the Greater Toronto dinates this year’s com-
monument at the Earl Bales Area and its vicinities, memoration, aptly themed
Park, North York. Kababaihang Rizalista, As- Isang Bayani, Isang Pag-
Assisting are KoR Can- piration of Rizal and other diriwang, Isang Kapatiran
ada officers led by Emiliano affiliates will also have their (One Hero, One Celebra-
Silverio. own wreath offerings. tion, One Brotherhood).
Officers of KoR chap- KoR Markham coor- JOE DAMASCO, PR

Fil-Canadian teachers group Feature

‘on the move’ in community

No! They are not

painting the town red. But
Members of the Philip-
pine Teachers Association
(PTA), barely a year-old
targeted “in-need of assis-
tance” grantees.
PTA further extended
they are almost everywhere, socio-professional group in financial and moral support
so to speak. Ontario, have been proac- to a kabaro, former teacher
In a sense, this active tive but seemly unobtrusive and nanny Juana Tejada
bunch of Filipino-Canadi- in expressing their mandate who is undergoing the big
an current and former “toot- and mission. C treatment, earlier without
sers” are in the GTA Pinoy Generally, the PTA was OHIP coverage.
community doing what they formed to meaningfully Many PTA members are
love most all their lives - participate in viable and engaged in other provincial
teaching and caring. mutually benificial commu- or special interest entities
Hereabout, an identifi- nity development activities, like the Kababaihang Riza-
able and appreciable num- employing collegially their lista, Club Manila Philip-
ber of active, semi-retired personal and professional pines, Featineans Associa-
or retired guro are at the resources and experiences. tion of Toronto, Camarines
forefront of various com- In the fundraising cir- Norte Association. Canada-
munity projects and initia- cles, the PTA had supported Ontario, Pilipino- Canadian
tives. and aided in the planning Friendship Society, Filipino
About a hundred or so and promotion of such Parents Association, and
are serving, ex gratia, in events as Jenifer Cama- Peel-Brampton Filipino As-
various capacities as presi- cho’s Concert For Autistic sociation. Filipino Centre Toronto (FCT) president and former teacher Lynda Javier
dent, director, officer, ad- Kids; PHYBA’s Night of Professionally, through (standing) spends time to tutor children of Filipino roots learn how to read
viser, consultant, organizer the Champions; PIDC’s Ms. the PTA’s Teacher Under- and write the Philippine national language Tagalog, in regular classes that
or columnist, or volunteer Philippines beauty pageant, take Registration in Ontario have become part of FCT’s regular multi-faceted community programs.
in many community-based Dancing to be a Star and (TURO) project, has been
non-profit and social or Bailehan contests, KOL helping members undergo College of Teachers. It is predicted that a nal partner in development
professional charitable or- Hope Foundation fundrais- licensing procedures to Moreover, three mem- handful of teacher candi- amidst the Filipino Cana-
ganizations. er, and others. teach in Ontario schools. bers are pursuing their dates will be successful be- dian environment.
Expectedly, these as- The kapisanan ng mga With one-to-one guid- transition-to-full-fledged fore yearend. (Editor’s note: Tony
signments are mostly on guro has also shared mon- ance and tutoring, a mem- professional teacher regis- With a growing mem- San Juan is an active civic
kawanggawa, invariably etary donations to Bicol ber recently received his tration certificates and two bership roll, the kapisanan leader, a former teacher
self-fulfilling, albeit at times Canada, Inc. for Typhoon Interim Certificate of Quali- others are still in the appli- looks forward to strength- and a community orga-
thankless undertakings . Reming victims and other fication from the Ontario cation phase. ening its role as a commu- nizer.)
JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 15

Michael Ignatieff Hon. Bryon Wilfert Hon. Carolyn Bennett Hon. Maria Minna
Deputy Leader Richmond Hill St. Paul’s Beaches—East York
Etobicoke—Lakeshore 905-709-5905 416-952-3990 416-467-0860

Hon. Stéphane Dion

Ruby Dhalla Hon. Ken Dryden Hon. John Godfrey Hon. Alan Tonks
Leader of the Official Opposition
Brampton—Springdale York Centre Don Valley West York South—Weston
905-874-6868 416-638-3700 416-467-7275 416-656-2526

Hon. Bill Graham Omar Alghabra Susan Kadis Hon. Navdeep Bains Hon. John McCallum Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua
Toronto Centre Mississauga—Erindale Thornhill Mississauga—Brampton South Markham—Unionville Vaughan
416-954-2222 905-897-1952 905-886-9911 905-795-5220 905-479-8100 905-303-5000

Yasmin Ratansi Hon. Gurbax Malhi Hon. Judy Sgro Hon. John McKay Lui Temelkovski Hon. Roy Cullen
Don Valley East Bramalea—Gore—Malton York West Scarborough—Guildwood Oak Ridges—Markham Etobicoke North
416-443-0623 905-790-9211 416-744-1882 416-283-1226 905-294-0004 416-747-6003

Stephane Dion and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

Federal Liberal Caucus extend their best wishes to all
Filipino Canadians celebrating Philippine Independence
Day this June 12th.

This is not only a time to celebrate the 1898 sovereignty of

the Philippine Islands, but also a time to mark the
achievements of Filipino Canadians, and their hard work,
determination and contribution to the social, economic
and cultural fabric of Canada.

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A finder’s fee is available for those who
help facilitate successful referrals. Cell No. 647-868-5935
Beauty Queen
NABA hosts Labor
Day hoop tourney
Manila Media Monitor
16 JUNE 2007 Who? What?
North American Basket-
ball Association (NABA)
Toronto will host the 20th
Mississauga is Canada’s
sixth largest city along Lake
Ontario and home to over
CASJ, PPCO to launch papers on Filipino
immigration, settlement in Canada
NABA Annual Inter-City 600,000, about four percent
basketball tournament at of Filipino ancestry.
the University of Toronto NABA is a non-profit
Mississauga gym and other organization which coordi-
hardcourts in Mississauga nates a cage loop for ath- The Community Al- ronto (CERIS), will launch Studies in Education OISE) ies. But we also see a group
from Aug. 21 to Sept. 2. letes of Filipino roots. liance for Social Justice two seminal studies on the on July 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. experiencing processes of
Dubbed as Labor Day Founded in 1986, it is (CASJ) and the Philippine Filipino community. Philip Kelly PhD au- deskilling and economic
Madness, the hoop com- supported by volunteers Press Club Ontario (PPCO), The launching, titled thored the first study, Fili- marginalization, with high
petition is conducted in co- from various cities through- in cooperation with the Alay sa Kabataan (An Of- pinos in Canada: Economic levels of occupational seg-
operation with Mississauga out the northeast regions of Joint Centre of Excellence fering to Youth), will be Dimensions of Immigration mentation in the labour
Tourism, Dolce and CKaTT the United States and Can- for Research on Immigra- conducted at Room 2214 and Settlement, which was market and low earnings,”
Basketball. ada. PR tion and Settlement-To- of the Ontario Institute for published as CERIS Work- states the paper’s Abstract.
Delta Meadowvale Re- ing Paper No 48 (revised) in The Road to Empow-
sort and Conference Centre
is the official host hotel.
San Juan leads Camarines Norte group September 2006.
erment... describes how a
crisis in Toronto’s Filipino
For the event, NABA Camarines Norte As- vin Servidad, Labo; and which were calamity aid, Mila Astorga-Garcia wrote community stemming from
Toronto has unveiled its sociation Canada - Ontario Jojo Taduran, at-large. scholarship grants, medi- the second study, The Road the shooting-death of 17-
website at http://www.naba- (CNAC-O) members have Basud, Capalonga, Jose cal and charitable support, to Empowerment in the Fil- year old Jeffrey Reodica
toronto.net. elected Tony San Juan as Panganiban, Paracale, San settlement and training as- ipino Community: Moving by a Toronto policeman
chairman and president in Lorenzo Ruiz, Santa Elena, sistance, and other commu- from Crisis to Community evolved into a social justice
KCCC ... a meeting at the North York and Talisay representatives nity-based initiatives. Capacity Building, pub- movement that was built
(From page 13) Civic Centre on May 27. were still to be named. The membership ros- lished in April 2007 as CE- through community capac-
nity fora. Other elected officers San Juan said CNAC- ter included Minda Al- RIS Working Paper No. 54. ity-building. It reports on
KCCC had received a included Willie Nabus, 1st O would initially make its ban, Johnny Araneta, Ruel Filipinos in Canada... how the family and commu-
capital grant from Trilli- vice president; Larry Berca- presence felt as participant Barnedo, Carlito Cruz, provides a numerical por- nity were drawn together to
um Foundation, enabling sio, 2nd vice president; Lida in the Philippine Indepen- Elizabeth Cruz, Sonia De la trait of Filipino immigra- cope with the crisis in their
it to renovate the center Español-Muguerza, secre- dence Day Council com- Cruz, Sylvia Leaver, Cari- tion and settlement, with own supportive way by tak-
to better serve the com- tary; Priscillano Ostonal, Jr., munity picnic at Earl Bales dad Nabus, Roger Nabus, focus on the economic di- ing action to seek redress
munity. treasurer; Rommel Yanto, Park on June 16. Hover Osea, Rowena De mensions of integration into for what they saw as a racial
Ceremonial ribbon auditor; and Susan Llanera, He added that CNAC-O los Reyes, Shirley Rosales, Canadian cities and labor and oppressive act by the
cutting rites, an open PRO. Named directors were is committed to provide aid Eva San Andres, Andrea markets. strong against the weak,”
house and a fundraising Maricris Agoston, Salvador and support to kabanowaans San Juan, Jocelyn San Juan, “Overall, we see a com- according to the Abstract.
concert/dinner dance, Gumabao, Elisa Maesa, and and home province, through Ramon San Juan, Salvador munity of relatively recent Earlier versions of the
featuring concert pia- Shey Silvio. communally-generated re- San Juan, Jr., and highly educated immi- papers were presented at the
nist-composer and ardent Also voted as town rep- sources and expertise. Senen San Juan, Vir- grants who are culturally Toronto City-hosted inter-
KCCC supporter Solon resentatives ex-officio were In the same meeting- ginia San Juan, Kambz Sil- and linguistically prepared national conference Com-
Reyes and tenor Leander Salve Aquino for San Vicen- election, CNAC-O ratified vio, Mel Silvio, Pedro Te- for life in Canada, and munity Crisis Response:
Mendoza, highlighted te; Lourdes Balce, Vinzons; its constitution and bylaws jada, Vinzons Epis Wong, who integrate well into the Looking Through a Cultur-
the all-day event. ROSE Liwanag Nabus, Mercedes; and considered short and and Lydia Madrona-Yanto. residential landscapes and al Lens on June 9 and 10,
TIJAM Eva San Andres, Daet; Mil- long term projects, among JSM workplaces of Canadian cit- 2005 .
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 17

Carina Manansala calls on

Toronto residents from
Maripipi Island to a June 24
potluck picnic at the Earl
Bales Park, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drugs and Older ...
(From page 11)
It is also a criminal offence.
Driving is a complicated task, so don’t
let yourself be impaired by any kind of
medication, including over-the-counter
drugs and herbal or alternative remedies.
Take all medications according to the
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the
effects of prescribed medications on driv-
ing, and whether even a small amount of
alcohol will increase the effect.
Make sure the combination of your
medications does not impair your driving
If you have more than one doctor, make
sure all of them know everything you are
Never mix medications, share them
with another person, or take them in combi-
nation with alcohol.
If the label says “Do not use while op-
erating heavy machinery” let someone else
With some medications, you may not be
able to drive at all. If in doubt, choose not
to drive
Take a driver improvement course, such
as the Canada Safety Council’s 55 Alive.
Aging brings changes in hearing, vision,
flexibility and reaction time. You can learn
to compensate for those changes. Canada
Safety Council

June is Seniors’ ...

(From page 11)
over age 85 live in institutional settings.
► Losing some intellectual abilities is
normal as people age.
► Pain is a natural part of the aging
Did you know?
► In the next 25 years, the number of
seniors will more than double in Canada,
from 4.3 million to 9.1 million. By 2015,
seniors will outnumber children in Canada.
► Some 28 percent of Canada’s popu-
lation of seniors was born outside the coun-
try (2001 Census).
► Earlier this year, a new Food Guide
was introduced. It is now recommended to
eat seven servings of fruits and vegetables
a day. In addition to following the recom-
mendations about the four food groups,
everyone over the age of 50 should take a
daily vitamin D supplement of 10 micro-
grams (400 IU). Source: Eating well with
Canada’s Food Guide: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-
► Canada’s Physical Activity Guide
recommends building 30 to 60 minutes of
moderate physical activity into the daily
life of adults. You don’t have to do it all
at once. Add it up in periods of at least 10
minutes at a time.
► Falls are the leading cause of hospi-
talization among seniors and serious inju-
ries related to these falls frequently result
in permanent disability and loss of indepen-
dence. For example: falls are responsible
for more than 90 percent of all hip fractures
and 20 percent of the injured die within
a year of the fracture. Falling has serious
consequences whether or not injury has oc-
Who? What?
Manila Media Monitor
18 JUNE 2007

Lakan teams rule FCT 1st Victoria invitational hoopla champs

Victoria hoop tournament
The Lakeshore Associa- FCT officials termed the Also at hand to con-
tion of Neighbors (Lakan) tournament as a “smash- gratulate the players and
hoopsters took three of four ing success,” drawing the the audience was Philippine
division titles to rule the participation of six major Consul General in Toronto
Filipino Centre Toronto’s basketball clubs in Ontario - Alejandro Mosquera, mem-
(FCT) 1st Victoria Invita- the Fil-Act Angels, Filipino bers of the FCT board and
tional Basketball Tourna- Youth Athletic Association, other officials.
ment on May 19 and 20. Lakan, NYPAA, Peel Hal- A surprise was the ap-
Lakan beat the PhilCan ton Youth Basketball As- pearance of the Toronto
Athletic Club for the pee- sociation and PhilCan with Raptor’s mascot, who
wee division championship; each club fielding teams in wowed the audience and
and defeated the Falcons in the four divisions. participants with acrobatic TYKES DIVISION CHAMPION NORTH YORK
separate outings to snatch During the opening displays as he dunked the
the crown in the midget and rites, FCT president Rosa- ball in comic but difficult
bantam `divisions. linda Cerrudo-Javier de- fashion.
Hardcourt authority be- clared the basketball tour- Tournament organizer
longed to the North York nament was conducted to and director Philip Beloso
Pinoy Athletic Association get the community youth planned to hold the Victoria
(NYPAA) as the team out- “off the streets ... away from caging invitationals yearly
classed PhilCan in the tyke drugs ... wrong influence ... with FCT as lead group.
division. trouble ... to make sure that Tournament sponsors,
Proclaimed tournament you are safe and participat- sought out by FCT director
Most Valuable Players were ing in activities that will Dr. Vicky Santiago, includ-
NYPAA’s Jordan Tirazona, help make you healthy and ed Sound Energy with Paul
tyke division; Lakan’s Kyle strong.” Arena, UMAC Toronto,
Egamino and Paulo Reyes, Javier also cited the par- Forex, FV Foods, Western
peewee; Lakan’s Jim Ochi- ents “for bringing your kids Union and TFCko-Pinoy.
nang, midget; and Lakan’s here and for your commit- Plans for the 2nd Victo-
Norbert Torres, bantam. ment to their well being. We ria invitationals in 2008 is
The games were played at the FTC want to become in the works.
at the Winston Churchill your partners in making The FCT Sports Com-
and Cedarbrae collegiate sure that we help the next mittee is evaluating expand-
gyms in Scarborough. generation of Filipino-Ca- ing participation and prom-
The trophies, medals nadians to become model ising to make next year’s
and the Victoria revolving citizens of the future” tournament even better, as
trophy were awarded dur- She urged the parents to it acknowledged the help of PEEWEE DIVISION CHAMPION LAKAN
ing the FCT’s Pistahan sa be models of good behavior volunteers who ensured the
City Hall on June 9. and sportsmanship. event’s success.

The Tropical Deli:

Culinary boutique,
take-out restaurant
Delicatessen: out of array of culinary offerings favorite flavors, done with
the ordinary, special food, are downloadable at http:// Fondant, butter cream ic-
superb affordable cuisine. acrobat-reader.download- ing, or sugar free.
“Be the toast of the free.at/. Liza and Bing say
party without the sweat! “Our lemongrass chick- “half of our success are
That’s the service we pro- en is still available daily the customers that have
vide,” aver Bing and Liza to take home for dinner,” given us their critical
Villanueva, the Tropical the team note, adding: “It comments and ideas. And
Deli Team. has been voted as the best yes, they even went as far BANTAM DIVISION CHAMPION LAKAN
The Tropical Deli will lechon manok in the whole as give us recipes to toy
soon have its House of of Toronto by YOU--our around with!”
Kubo (home replacement clients. What with more The couple thank their
meals) available in select than 250 birds sold in less valuable clients and urge
Filipino groceries and than a year’s operation!” them to “keep their ideas
food outlets. And so are the chicken pouring in.”
“We are also lauch- and beef empanadas, the “The other half of our
ing our chorizos - the real ensaymadas, slow cooked success is the fact that
McCoy, honest to good- food simmered to perfec- you call in your orders!
ness Spanish chorizos tion and baked just right to Called in orders mean
aged and laced with sugar retain its moisture, curred at fresh food, not stale-for-
and MSG,” Bing and Liza the right humidity setting, gotten-off-the-shelf-food.
say. as with Tropical Deli pael- If The Tropical Deli did
The party trays will la, stews, soups and hams. this, we might as well do
continue to be a house The real great cakes are canned goods or sell sar-
specialty, of which a wide made to order in anyone’s dines,” they add. PR
JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 19
20 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007
Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007 21

22 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007

23 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007
Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 Philippine History 24

Mt. Pinatubo: A global blast

June 15, 1991

POWER. A gigantic
ashcloud from an an-
gry Mt. Pinatubo trails
fleeing Filipino pho-
tojournalists. Veteran
lensman Albert Garcia
saw the moment, and
snapped the image
Following Mount Pinatubo’s cataclysmic June 15,
that was soon to grace
1991 eruption, thousands of roofs collapsed un-
the pages of Time and
der the weight of ash made wet by heavy rains
National Geographic.
(above). Ash deposits from the eruption have also
been remobilized by monsoon rains to form giant
mudflows of lahar or volcanic material, which have
caused more destruction than the eruption itself,
A gigantic cloud of volcanic ash envelops the provinces of Zambales, Tarlac as it buried villages on its path (below). Photos
and Pampanga at the height of Mt. Pinatubo’s wrath. The effects of the erup- courtesy of Peter Baxter, Univ. of Cambridge
tion were felt worldwide. Mt. Pinatubo, after almost 500 years of inactivity,
ejected some 10 billion metric tons of magma and 20 million tons of sulfur
dioxide, bringing vast quantities of minerals and metals to the surface envi-
ronment. It injected large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, more
than any eruption since that of Krakatoa in 1883. In succeeding months, the
aerosols formed a global layer of sulfuric acid haze. Global temperatures
dropped by about 0.5°C (0.9 °F), and ozone destruction increased substan-
tially. The eruption was said to be the second largest terrestrial eruption of
the 20th century. Wikipedia ALBERT GARCIA

Eruption also ended a century of American strategic Garcia permitted the

Manila Media Monitor
to use the picture for
military presence in the Philippines and Southeast Asia its front page.
Philippine History Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 25

Hangars at the Clark Air Base in Pampanga col-

lapse after heavy Mt. Pinatubo ashfall. What long
and endless nationalistic political blabbery to get
rid of American bases -- Clark Air Base (25 kms.
east of Pinatubo’s summit) and Subic Naval Base
(75 kms. southwest) -- out of Philippine soil was
unable to achieve, Mt. Pinatubo’s big blast did in
a couple of minutes. Both bases were abandoned Oblivious to barren-
after being wrecked by the eruption. Photo: EJ ness expected to bring
Wolfe, courtesy of the US Geological Survey woes in the next two
decades, native Aeta
children still manage to
smile and wave back to
visitors. Mt. Pinatubo’s
blast rendered over two
million people home-
less and without means
of livelihood. Some
200,000 acres of rice-
growing farmland were
destroyed and about
800,000 head of live-
stock and poultry killed.
“First things first. Gotta move some dirt!” was the Health care was at a
slogan of US troopers who moved in to Subic Na- low, illnesses spread
val Base in Zambales in 1974 as they built a heli- and deaths soared to
copter hangar and other structures to fortify US alarming rates. Educa-
military presence in Asia. After the Mt. Pinatubo tion was seriously dis-
eruption, the dirt moved tons of war machinery rupted and thousands
and thousands of American marines, seamen and of children stopped go-
naval personnel out of Zambales. ing to school.
26 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007


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Manila Media Monitor
27 JUNE 2007 The Philippines
Filipino community marks 109th
RP Independence Day in Ontario
In Toronto, Philippine pine Independence Day. Filipino Day. The event
Consul General Alejandro Pistahan featured any- also highlighted the 1997
Mosquera opened Philip- thing and everything Fili- Friendship Agreement be-
pine Independence Day pino, to the aesthetic, cu- tween Vaughan and Baguio
festivities with a consulate linary, entertainment and City.
open house on June 8. cultural delight of the city’s In Markham, the
On hand to share Fili- diverse communities. Markham Federation of
pino deli, music and typi- In Vaughan, Fil-Ca- Filipino Canadians (MFFC)
cal barbershop talk with nadian Association of commemorated Philippine
the consular staff were of- Vaughan and city officials Independence Day with a an
ficers of community orga- marked Philippine Indepen- 11 a.m. flag-raising rite and
nizations, the media and the dence Day with the usual program at the Markham
public. flag raising rites at the city Civic Centre on June 10.
Over at the Nathan Phil- hall at 10 a.m. Lunch and an Guests included Con-
ips Square on June 9, the entertainment fete followed sul General Mosquera,
Filipino Centre Toronto until 5 p.m. Markham mayor Frank
(FCT) opened its two-day This year’s Vaughan Scarpiti and town officials.
Pistahan sa Toronto cele- celebration was the fourth, Markham has declared June
bration of the 109th Philip- since the city proclaimed 10 to 16, 2007 as Philippine
Independence Week.
A picnic at Freedom
Park and day-long enter-
tainment featuring MFFC
senior and youth perform-
ing arts groups followed at
the Open Auditorium.
The opening of an art
exhibition of the works of
local visual artists Glenn
Bernabe, Frank Cruzet,
Dino Diaz, Eugene Paunil,
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo delivers her speech during the 109th
and Liezel Santos high-
Philippine Independence Day celebration on June 12 at the Quirino Grand-
lighted the celebration. The
stand at the Rizal Park in Manila. In her speech, the President vowed to
art exhibit would be open
pursue her people-before-politics policy of governance and keep the coun-
until June 16.
try firmly on the path of economic reform and fiscal discipline. Photo: Rey
On June 10, similar flag-
raising rites were conducted
by the Hamilton Fil-Can
Community and the Fili-
Liberal MPs John McCallum (Markham-Union- pino Canadian Association
ville) and Susan Kadis (Thornhill) acknowledged in Saskatoon.
the contribution of Filipino Canadians to the rich On June 12, rites were
cultural fabric of Canada in speeches during a done by the Barrie Associa-
flag-raising rite in celebration of the 109th Phil- tion at the Barrie city hall,
ippine Independence Day in Toronto. McCallum the Brampton Filipino Se-
(2nd from left) said “their hard work, determina- niors at the Brampton city
tion and contribution to the social, economic and hall, and MPP Brad Duguid,
multicultural fabric of Canada has benefited all in cooperation with the Fed-
Canadians.” Kadis (3rd from left) said “Filipino eration of Filipino Canadi-
Canadians are a vibrant and important force in ans infornt of the Ontario
Canadian society, contributing greatly to our rich Provincial Parliament at
cultural diversity. The Filipino community has Queen’s Park in Toronto.
worked hard and made many sacrifices in order to Culled from press releases
succeed. It continues to set an inspiring example and reports from Leilani
for all Canadians.” Medina

Community representatives hoist the Philippine tricolors in fitting rites

marking the 109th year of Philippine Independence. The ceremonies were
conducted in cooperation with the Toronto city government at the Nathan
Philips Square on June 12. Photo: JOJO TADURAN
The Philippines Manila Media Monitor
JUNE 2007 Hydrogasifier in cars,
eco-kalan for cooking

June 24 ‘Basaan Na!’ on Filipino inventors

San Juan Bautista’s feast keep ecological
In the Philippines, all towns
and suburbs named San Juan (St. protection a
top concern
John the Baptist) celebrate this
festival with much drenching, fun
and laughter.
San Juan town in Metro Ma-
nila is no place to be for well-
clothed visitors. A long time ago, Two Filipino inventions might from 9.9K to 2.29K; and the Ryan
people here engage in playful yet provide the economical and jeepney, from 83hp to 87hp and
“baptism,” in replication of the practical prerogatives to domestic from 9.9K to 0.82K.
Biblical baptism of Jesus Christ and international measures aimed A hydrogasified Pajero saved
by cousin St. John the Baptist, by PARADA NG MGA LECHON in Balayan, Batangas at mitigating atmospheric pollu- fuel by 40 percent in city driving,
dousing or spraying ilang-ilang tion and protecting the environ- and by as much as 87 percent in
scented water on anyone who ment. highway driving, Celis said, add-
chances their way. Not anymore Roberto V. Celis, 73, said it ing that a 1994 Toyoto Corolla car
though, as pranksters and bul- took him 14 years to develop the using the device saved fuel by 50
lies use water from dirty roadside hydrogasifier, which used water as percent in highway driving and up
ditches. supplemental fuel for all kinds of to 30 percent in city driving.
Other places to see and be internal combustion engines run Besides complying with the
drenched include Taytay near Ba- by gasoline, diesel, natural gas, Philippine Clean Air Act of 2003,
colod City; Palaka Sur, Pulupan- hybrid and bio-fuel, thus eliminat- the invention responded well to
dan, Negros Occidental; ing deadly pollutants from spread- the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on Cli-
► Balayan, Batangas and ing into the atmosphere. mate Change, “wherein the World
Pola, Oriental Mindoro where In another development, Bank will pay us US$20 per ton
people also stage a lechon parade Dumaguete City environmental- on carbon emission reduction,” he
when roasted pigs are costumed, ists are pushing for the use of the said.
decorated and paraded around eco-kalan, an invention of native ”It is my humble contribution
town, after which they are de- now British Columbia, Canada to the world in conserving energy
clared fair game for everyone. resident Rebecca Arrieta Vermeer. and containing global warming
► Cavite City where the The eco-kalan is a clay cook- which is threatening man’s exis-
regada or water festival is set in ing burner that uses firewood, thus tence,” Celis said.
honor of the Nuestra Señora de minimizing the emission of carbon He said the promotion of his
Porta Vaga and sprinklers are in- dioxide into the atmosphere and invention would further create
stalled on streets so that revelers does away with the use of costly jobs and earn foreign exchange on
get a shower. liquified petroleum gas. exports.
► Bibiclat, Aliaga, Nueva Hydrogasifier Celis sought for financial aid
Ecija where Taong-Putik fes- ”(The hydrogasifier) utilizes from the Philippine government
tivities are marked. Taong-Putik the hot exhaust gases from the in the filing of international pat-
sprang from a unique practice SKETCH of water-dousing in San Juan, Metro Manila. Source: engine to dissociate water into ent “for this important invention
of St. John the Baptist devotees Filway’s Philippine Almanac Centennial Edition hydrogen and oxygen gases that to guarantee the Philippines of
who cover their bodies with mud are immediately introduced into exclusivity in manufacturing this
adorned with vines, banana leaves featuring boat races and beach ac- the Ani-Anihan agro-trade fairs, the combustion chamber to com- Filipino technology.”
or dried coconut leaves. The ritual tivities. the search for Miss Tabuelan and pletely burn the fuel,” Celis told Eco-kalan
starts at early dawn as revelers ask ► Cagwait, Surigao del Sur street dancing depicting cropping the Philippines News Agency’s Meanwhile, Dumaguete City
for alms and candles from people where the feast, also known as the and harvesting hog the limelight. Ben Cal in an exclusive interview official and environmentalist
and offer them at the Church dur- Kaliguan Festival, is highlighted On June 24, Manila and Bago in his shop in Marikina City. William Ablong said Arrieta-Ver-
ing the special 7 a.m. Mass. by the Search for Perlas ng Ka- cities celebrate San Juan Bautista Celis said the hydrogasifier meer’s portable and hassle-free
► Catarman and Mamba- liguan beauty pageant and beach Day with much pomp as the peo- was not only an anti-pollution de- eco-kalan could double the heat
jao, Camiguin where the San dancing. ple also recall their founding an- vice. It could also be an engine en- produced by a common stove or
Juan Hibok-Hibokan takes place, ► Tabuelan, Cebu where niversaries. hancer, increasing vehicle power a gas range, shortening cooking

Wakeside wedding shows love for elders

while cutting down fuel consump- time.
tion. Ablong said it produced very
“Fuel saved from gas or diesel little smoke and could achieve 95
is from 30 to 50 percent. That is a percent combustion in minutes,
By A. P. TOGA lot of savings,” he said, oblivious used 70 percent less wood fuel
BACOLOD CITY - The load ity of the relatives of both parties nessed the private event. to the fact that gas prices world- and capable of burning waste such
is off everybody’s mind. A Filipi- seemed so tight that the wedding The bride told PNA that her at- wide have been rising. as coconut stems, husks and other
no value is upheld once more. had to be postponed and reset to tachment to her lola was so strong Using the hydrogasifier” parts of the coconut tree for fuel.
Grandma might have been too another date, time and again. she could never resist any of her would save the Philippines some Not only would it help low-
old to see the realization of a cher- Then came the angels who “es- wishes. US$2 billion worth of fuel annu- and middle-income families, but it
ished wish during her lifetime, but corted” Grandma to her Creator. She used to take care of ally, he added. could also greatly reduce air pol-
just the same, she got what she Her death sent everyone into a Grandma for many years until she Celis said Land Transportation lution caused by carbon dioxide
craved for in a short while after frenzy. passed away. Office lab tests showed carbon emissions, he said.
she breathed her last. Since Grandma openly talked “My lola asked me to get mar- emission from the hydrogasifier “Pero kining eco-kalan gawas
After three postponements, about the wedding during her life- ried before she died. She also was near zero. nga dali rang maluto ang imong
the wedding between a 26 year- time, most of the kin expressed asked me to get as principal spon- “This device is a potential car- lat-an menus pa ang aso,” Ablong
old nurse and her beloved Protes- consent to give in to her wishes, sors some people close to her in- bon eliminator to prevent global said, admitting he owned one.
tant pastor, was held right beside as soon as possible. cluding my aunt and uncle,” she warming that’s threatening man’s Rogelio Clamonte of the City
the coffin of Perpetua Garaygay, As wished for by the fallen said. health,” he noted. Environment and Natural Re-
86, at the Rolling Hills Memorial matriarch, the principal sponsors “Since she died before my To prove his invention worked source Office added the use of an
Chapels here. were Ruperto Toga, a retired PNA wedding day, she kept on proding perfectly, Celis installed the de- eco-kalan would also lessen pol-
Weeks before she bade her fi- bureau chief and editor of a daily me - in my dreams - to wed my vice in a Ceres Liner Bus, a Jeep lutive effects on people’s health.
nal farewell, Grandma had repeat- newspaper based in Bacolod; a boyfriend of three years, so we did Star Bus, and jeepney operated by A foreign foundation has been
edly told Pastor Berny Pinungan, Filipina married to an Australian; it ,” Osorio told PNA. Ryan Transport Services, all based planning to invest in eco-kalan
32, and Ruby Osorio, a registered and another pastor. It was a private wedding offi- in Bacolod City in March. production.
nurse, to tie the knot. The private wedding, attended ciated by another Protestant pas- Results: the 174 horsepower Vemeer’s assistant manager
Her reason: she wanted to join by less than 50 close relatives and tor. (hp) of the Ceres Bus rose to 199 Junebelle Fonollera said eco-ka-
in the merry-making that usually friends, was solemnized at the me- The nuptial was between a hp, while emission dipped from lan manufactruring has started at
followed nuptials. morial chapel where Grandma’s bride from Kabankalan City and from 9.6K to 0.21K, a 94-per- Felipa Beach in Barangay Mang-
But hitches related to wedding remains laid for the wake. a pastor-groom who is from this cent cut; the Jeep Star Bus, from nao, Dumaguete City, reported
arrangements and the availabil- This PNA reporter also wit- locality. PNA 137hp to 144.83hp with emission Sunstar’s Victor Camion.
JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 29
Manila Media Monitor
30 JUNE 2007 Money Price check
The Philippine peso
the US

Peso’s gain, OFW’s bane

greenback, but has
its buying power ris-
en? President Gloria
MANILA - In a remit- from products they’re bring- Alfonso said that be- Noli de Castro visit
tance slip, there was an ad- ing in from abroad. fore, he sends US$150 a the sta. Mesa market
ditional US$50 that Cesar But for an economy that month, which is equivalent to check on prices of
Dimasupil’s daughter Ar- the WB said is relying on to around P8,400. But with fish and other marine
lene sent from London. But consumption, the celebra- the appreciation of the peso, products. Photo: Ed-
he remained stoic. tion isn’t felt yet by OFW that amount is now just a win Paril, OPS/NIB)
“That [money] would families here whose remit- few change above P7,000. increase in the real purchas-
just even things out,” Dima-
supil says of the dilemma
tance receipt is boosting
“I feel like losing a thou-
sand pesos every month,”
ing power, i.e. it will be
cheaper to buy imported GOT A FOREX DEAL?
that most families of over- According to economist he added. goods, cheaper to travel Check out if you got your peso’s worth for the dol-
seas Filipino workers are Fernando Aldaba, herein Alfonso’s brother Mi- abroad, etc.,” Ceralvo said lars you have had exchanged since May 14, courtesy
facing under a stronger peso lies the risks of an economy chael also needed an addi- in reply to questions sent by of Manila Media (Money) Monitor.
and a record-low inflation relying much on remittanc- tional US$25 in allowance electronic mail.
rate. es since many OFWs could to be able to pay rent and Indeed, Average infla- US$ Cdn$
Dimasupil, like most also hedge on a possible up- eat three times a day. tion has fallen substantially
Filipinos brought up in a tick of the dollar. He lives in a Manila from 7.6 percent in 2005 to June 8 46.34566 43.62914
male-as-strong society, says Hedge dormitory and goes to their 6.2 percent in 2006 as the June 7 46.14228 43.48647
he doesn’t know if he should BUT with the expected home in the southern Phil- dollar weakened against the June 6 45.94840 43.40196
celebrate for getting the spending this May up to ippine province of Cavite peso. June 4 45.78394 43.27180
added money from some- June, particularly on tuition on weekends. Ceralvo added a stron- June 1 46.12677 43.51373
thing he said he shouldn’t and school expenses, the Arlene’s parents, on ger peso spells “good news May 31 46.15834 43.14069
have asked from his daugh- hedge couldn’t be applied the other hand, used to get for businesses that rely on May 30 46.23516 43.00729
ter in the first place. despite the peso gaining the equivalent of around imported input or raw mate- May 29 45.90882 42.86310
“But what can I do? further against the green- P28,000 from her US$500 rials and for those who are May 25 46.35739 42.93750
They say the strong peso back on a two-month high monthly remittance. investing on call centers, May 24 46.09414 42.51960
could lead to lower prices. of P47 exchange rate. Now, her parents said telecoms and BPOs who May 23 45.95845 42.48092
That hasn’t happened in the “That enrolment is just they get only a little more are buying and bringing in May 22 46.09518 42.46251
past months,” Dimasupil around the corner prompted than P23,500, a difference new technology from other May 18 46.71434 42.91728
said. me to ask for the additional of P4,500 since the ex- countries.” May 17 46.97194 42.81612
The Dimasupil family money,” Dimasupil said change rate of P56 to the But from an exporter’s May 16 46.97468 42.58938
shares the conundrum of a whose two other children US$1 in 2005. point of view, Ceralvo said May 15 47.29697 43.08483
Philippine economy that a are also studying to be nurs- “Yung ibinaba ay sapat they share the same senti- May 14 47.28225 42.71318
recent World Bank report es like Arlene. na para sa allowance ng ments as the OFWs have.
said has been growing, in Indeed, low inflation isang bata sa isang buwan “Right now our handi- she’s working for to in- a 52-hour workweek, in-
part because of the cash rates may have abated prices (The difference is already crafts, woodcrafts, toys, crease her weekly overtime cluding overtime, he is now
sent by nearly eight mil- of basic commodities from equivalent to a month’s al- gifts and collectibles, home by at least five hours. breaking his back 12 hours
lion Filipinos temporarily pushing up but the cost of lowance of one kid going to furnishings, Christmas dé- “She cannot just in- more, or two additional
or permanently working or education, something held college),” Flavia, Arlene’s cor, apparel and garments crease my remittances with- hours everyday on a six-
living abroad. dearly by most Filipino mother, said. industries, etc. are gasping out increasing her monthly day workweek on board a
In a report released by families, remain expensive. Uptick their last breathe, trying to income,” Arlene’s father tanker.
the WB last month, it noted Ditto, says Beth Realu- STILL, not all Filipinos survive from stiff competi- said. “For a fragile, [some
that the stronger peso helped bid who said she also asked sending money home are tion from China, Vietnam, On the other continent, say] ‘strange’ economy like
inflation rates to fall to 4.3 her husband Lando in Bah- pessimistic. Indonesia, new republics Lando Realubid began re- ours, there are certainly
percent by end-2006 and to rain to hike what he sends Take US-based overseas from eastern Europe and pairing appliances for fees losers and winners in the
2.6 percent by February this monthly. Filipino-turned-exporter Africa,” he explained. lower than licensed repair fluctuation of the exchange
year. Food and oil prices re- They have three children Robert Ceralvo, who ex- “A strong currency … shops. rates, both short-term and
mained “relatively” stable, who are all in college. pects a stronger peso to will make our exports more His wife Beth said long-term,” Ceralvo said.
the WB said. Jose Alfonso, a seafarer, “gradually –and hopefully expensive, and a fall in ex- Lando does this on his off- Still, he added that
Pummeled in recent said aside from tuition, the not very long– translate to ports has a negative effect hours working in the docks the OFW family still has
years by political shocks higher cost of his brother’s lower prices of utilities, on our economic growth,” of Bahrain as a port-based more leverage and hedg-
to the economy and mac- clothing requirements in a commodities and many oth- he added. third engineer. ing abilities than the rest of
ro-economic anxieties, the maritime school also caused er day-to-day needs that the For some OFWs like “He makes an additional the population, to offset the
peso appreciated by nearly him to send an additional OFW family regularly pur- Arlene, however, sending US$100 to US$200 a month negative effects of a strong
eight percent against the US hundred dollars a month. chases and consumes.” the additional remittance doing appliance repairs,” currency. “They can still
dollar in 2006, and strength- “My brother asked that “A lower exchange rate, amount meant additional Beth said. However, this fully enjoy the positive ef-
ened further in early this his monthly dollar allow- which at the onset translates work hours or securing ad- is seasonal since she said fects of a deteriorating peso
year. ance be raised because the to lower domestic purchas- ditional sources of income. there are months when no exchange rate,” because
It’s a cause celebre for peso equivalent of what I ing power for OFW ben- Her father said their one asks for repairs. they can rely on our dollars,
most businesses, especially used to send him has gone eficiary families, will, in daughter has asked the ad- Joseph, likewise, had he said. OFW Journalism
importers who can pay less down,” Alfonso said. time, translate to a general ministrator of the hospital to work extra hours. From Consortium
JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 31
The press is not free
(From page 7)
Manila Media Monitor
more than one kilo of Esch-
erichia coli bacteria found
chronized Philippine elec-
tion was Monday, May
E-mail message re- 32 JUNE 2007
in faeces. 24. ceived on June 11 from
“In other words, we
are consuming one kilo of
On May 10, PPC-O Vice
President Rose Tijam sent a
Balita Managing Editor
Tess Cusipag: “At the
‘FCT Pistahan …’ last
RP foreign portfolio
investment hits $592M
“However, we do not note to Butch and myself, Saturday at City Hall,
run that risk when drink- thanking us for her press there was a guy seated at
ing wine (or rum, whiskey, release on the University of the media seats, who was
vodka, beer or other li- the Philippines Alumni As- wearing an ABS-CBN
quors) because alcohol has sociation. She asked, too, jacket with a big PRESS MANILA - The net in- ment securities, primarily posits.
to go through a distillation “Ace, how come I don’t get printed on the front. flow of foreign portfolio Fixed Rate Treasury Notes “Reports of strong first-
process of boiling, filtering, to see you these days. Naka- “Then he showed the investments in May reached or FXTNs, at US$356.6 quarter performance of
and fermenting. ka-miss ka rin naman. Hope pins of Manila Times, In- US$592 million, on the back million. several big corporates also
“It is better to drink wine to see you around soon.” quirer, Bulletin and some of the peaceful conduct of The remaining two per- had a positive effect on in-
and talk shit than to drink Well, Rose, you were other papers back home the May polls, continuous cent or about US$26.8 mil- vestors,” the central bank
water and be full of shit.” walking east across the hall, on the right shoulder and strengthening of the peso lion were in peso time de- added. PNA
Ricky capped his mes- and I was walking west. But he said ‘I am a FREE- against the US dollar, the

Toyota infuses P5.6B for

sage with “There is no need you were at a Mississauga LANCER’. 6.9-percent Gross Domes-
to thank me for this valu- Banquet Hall, and I was at a “He just came back tic Product growth and the
able information. I am do- Scarborough function hall. from the Philippines, P12 billion fiscal surplus in

RP parts plant expansion

ing it as a public service.” *** stayed there for months. April.
Ricky … (hik) … I Federal Liberal Party I was so surprised, he got The Bangko Sentral ng
thank you , anyway, for the Press release: “Liberal the pins, so he is now a Pilipinas (BSP) said last
valuable information. Hik Bill Bans Replacement freelance reporter daw.” month’s foreign portfolio
… hik … hik …. Workers While Protecting I ask now, “Wow, Tess investments registered 144 Global carmaker Toyota plant site would induce in-
*** Essential Services” … siguro na-impress ka percent higher than April’s Motor Corp. has infused creased transmission parts
Marked as PR-11-2007, So, whatever hap- ano? US$243.1 million and year- more investments totalling production.
the Philippine Embassy in pened to the right of em- Later, Filipino Centre- ago’s US$73.68 million. P5.6 billion into subsidiary Currently, TAP is pro-
Ottawa sent a press release ployers versus the right of Toronto PR Lady Aida It was also the highest Toyota Autoparts Philip- ducing some 150,000 units
on Thursday, May 24, at employees during strikes D;Orazio sent a reply, say- monthly total this year. pines Inc. (TAP) in the spe- annually. With the expan-
6:14 PM, titled, “Voters and lock-outs? ing that she was told by For the first five months cial economic zone in La- sion, production will grow
IDs of Registered Voters *** this guy that he is the cor- of the year, foreign portfolio guna, the Philippines. to 330,000 units until 2008.
at Philippine Embassy Ot- Please don’t expect to respondent of ABS-CBN investment inflows totaled Toyota senior managing TAP has been producing
tawa Now Available”. see much of MMM Editor in Toronto. US$5.9 billion, higher than director Akira Okabe said velocity joints and model G
Abaw! Yudikuku … Butch Galicia this month. Now I add, “Tess, year-ago’s US$2.7 billion the additional investment manual transmissions.
Huli man daw at magal- Reason: June is Seniors’ ngayon lalo ka sigurong while outflows totaled US would bankroll the expan- Last year, TAP produced
ing, late pa rin.” The syn- Month. na-impress, ano?” $4.22 billion. sion of TAP and make the 180,000 G-type transmis-
Most of the January to plant ready for the massive sions that were sold in the
MORE EXPOSURE, LESSER COSTS. May inflows of US$1.1 bil-
lion were in listed shares
production and exportation
of model R manual trans-
Southeast Asian region.
“We have decided to in-
THAT’S THE DEAL! in the Philippine Stock Ex- mission units worldwide. crease our commitment to
change mainly in banks and Okabe said the comple- the growth potential of the
CALL property firms, while about tion of new structures and Philippines,” Okabe said in
25 percent were placed in installation of car parts recent ground-breaking rites
416-285-8583 peso-denominated govern- making machinery at the for the expanded plant.
JUNE 2007 Manila Media Monitor 33
34 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007

Paalam, Kuya Cesar
SHOW Cesar Lacbu Nucum, also known to mil- He reportedly rode a taxi from his home
lions of AM radio listeners as Kuya Cesar, at Project 6, Quezon City to the hospital be-

died on May 17 in the Capitol Medical Cen- cause of chest pains.
ter hospital due to cardiac arrest. The hospital staff tried to revive him for
The much-loved radio show host, known two hours but to no avail.
for speaking in a slow manner, was 69. Kuya Cesar’s distinctive and magnetic
voice first hit the airwaves over dzRM on
Theresa, Kirby and Angelina: Pinays in Miss Universe 2007 May 1, 1960, as he read love stories and
gave counsel to letter senders and listeners.
Kuya Cesar was known for his trade-
mark style of speaking slowly in an even
voice, providing a sharp contrast in a me-
dium that values high-octane, dramatic and
even flamboyant speaking styles.
Until his death, Kuya Cesar hosted two
dzMM radio talk shows on Sundays - Dear
Kuya Cesar and Ikaw sa Likod ng mga
“Sana umulan ng pera ... yung dollar
ha,” Kuya Cesar used to say whenever he
would end his program.
Kuya Cesar, who celebrated his birth-
day on May 15, had been with ABS-CBN
Aside from his familiar voice on radio,
Kuya Cesar also appeared in local movies.
Among his flicks were Bala at Lipstick
in 1994, Gagay: Prinsesa ng Brownout in
1993 and Tora-Tora, Bang Bang Bang in
Although none of the three Filipinos who displayed beauty and
talent to the max in the May 28 Miss Universe pageant in Mexico Jamilla and Rashel: Twin delight in a three-peat?
City landed in the Magic 15, Miss Philippines Anna Theresa Lic-
aros still managed to break into the shortlist of heralded contestants
by notching the Miss Photogenic title.
But the real cause of celebration is the mere presence of Lic-
aros and half-Filipinos Miss Norway Kirby Ann Tan Basken and
Miss Germany Angelina Glass in the pageant, something Filipinos
worldwide could brag about, globalbeauties.com reported.
Miss Philippines is Licaros, 22, the 2007 Bb. Pilipinas-Uni-
verse who stands 5’9”, weighs 116 lbs. and has the 34-25-34 curve.
A first-time beauty titlist, Anna Theresa hails from Cuenca, Batan-
A certified beauty-and-brains, she finished Broadcast Commu-
nication summa cum laude at University of the Philippines where
she was a Dean’s Lister Law sophomore.
Miss Norway Kirby Ann, 18, had earlier been described ready
“to take Mexico by storm” by Quezon City-born mom Grace
Vasquez, an economic adviser in the Ministry of Culture and
Church in Oslo, Norway, ” abs-cbnnews.com said.
Kirby Ann represented Norway after she won Fröken Norge-
Miss Universe, the counterpart of Binibining Pilipinas Universe
Mutya ng Pilipinas organizers were elated to hear the news and
would not be stripping Kirby of her local title.
Kirby Ann also competed and was a semi-finalist in Miss Inter-
continental 2006, representing the Philippines.
Miss Germany Universe 2007 is 19-year old Angelina Glass
of Berlin. Pinoy Big Brother mainstay Jamilla Natalie Obispo (left) and fashion model Rashel Piazza (right) appear
She stands 175 cm. Angelina is half-Filipina (German mother, to be wearing the same style of bikini top, mid and bottom in the respective covers of the May 2007 issues
Filipino father). She was Miss Berlin 2005 and she was 1st runner- of FHM Philippines and Maxim Philippines. But who cares? The question is: Who looks better in those
up in Miss Germany Universe 2005. skimpy outfits?

Isko Moreno: From pauper to prince

By Lily O Ramos
given the opportunity for marked roles that at the University of the Philippines, striv- for Isko. “When Daddy Wowie wanted to
MANILA, Former youth entertainer would pave way to stardom. ing hard to learn more about law and good hide Isko’s extreme poverty, I advised him
Isko Moreno is a classic example of trans- Having saved a little to make himself governance. His sheepishness is gone. He not to do that. I know the public will only
formation from extreme poverty to success. and his family comfortable, Isko went back has become eloquent in expressing his ideas love the youngster more if they know the
Indeed, skinny Francisco Domagoso, to school in the ‘80s, believing showbiz was - courtesy of his diligence and continuous truth about him since they will be able to
who once lived and breathed hunger and not a lifetime career. learning process. identify themselves with a downtrodden be-
pain since his early childhood in one of the He started in politics as a Manila coun- Going back to his childhood years, Isko ing,” said Tita Swarding. “I’m glad he took
toughest sides of Tondo, has risen from be- cilor - learning the ropes of the trade the remembered rimmaging through McDon- my words to heart.”
ing a dance and sing That’s Entertainment hard way. Finding it hard expresssing him- ald’s waste bins near his home, looking for How did Isko win against his heavy-
teenage talent of German Moreno to become self in English, Isko often suffered humilia- food like chicken bones and leftovers to be weight opponents in this year’s vice may-
Manila’s vice-mayor in his late ‘20s. tion whenever his critics ganged up on him recooked for his poor family. oral race?
He was discovered by a talent manager in the session hall. His colleagues could see Movie reporter Morly Aliño recalled “I am a sincere man. I have no money.
who saw a handsome kid beyond the dirt and nothing extraordinary in the youthful, good- seeing the child. “We would sometimes meet All I had was the people’s trust and belief
difficult circumstances surrounding him. looker once featured near-naked in a poster. each other between Tuazon and Kagitingan that I would do something good for the city

Anne Curtis
His discoverer brought him to TV host- But no amount of cruelty could stop streets where Isko was always watchful of when I make it to the top. I and my mayoral
actor Kuya Germs who took Isko under his him. He went on to finish college with a the McDonald’s leftover garbage. Such an candidate, Danny Lacuna didn’t have much
wings and opened the wonderful world of public administration major at the Paman- industrious and easy to get along fellow de- financial or logistic resources except our
showbusiness to his eyes. tasan ng Lunsod ng Maynila while serving spite his youth,” said Aliño. clean records and the love of our constitu-
But Isko was not so successful in the as an alderman. Veteran reporter-radio personality Tita ents,” Isko said.
youth-oriented TV program and was not Now, Isko is a sophomore law student Swarding also had nothing but good words (Continued on page 35)
Pinoy SHOW BUZZ Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007 35
Isko Moreno: From pauper to prince
(From page 34)
He recalled going to campaign gather- winner Mayor Fred Lim, everyone would
ings or house-to-house meetings and an- be welcome to visit him and tell him their
nouncing, “Please lend me your votes in this concerns.
election and I promise to serve you with my Isko said not being a partymate of May-
best effort if you give me the job.” or Lim would pose no problem. “While
“That’s a promise I will deliver, I will he is from Pwersang Masa and I am from
not fail them who gave me a mandate,” said Kampi, I will fully cooperate with his rules
the three-termer councilor who averred he and policies provided they are for the good
had always been active in serving barangays of the majority.”
and the community as well. “I am sure he will listen to what is right.
He said that when he has formally tak- Differences will only occur if he ignores
en his seat at the City Hall with landslide what is true and what is correct”. PNA

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Beer: Mabisang make-up

Teacher: Class draw a fish. Man: Akin ang kotse! Juan: Nag-away kami ni
Class: Yes ma’am! Wife: Pero akin ang driver. misis, nag-Historical siya
Teacher: Pedro, why is your Man: Magkakamatayan Pedro: Pare, do you mean
drawing very dirty? na tayo! Matagal na siyang nag-hysterical siya?
Pedro: Ma’am, bagoong po akin! Juan: Nag-historical, inung-
yan.” *** kat lahat ng kasalanan ko.
*** Mrs: Tama na ang beer mo, ***
Pulis: Boss, konting abuloy masyado kang magastos. Handsome Guy (sa say-
lang, may namatay na pulis. Mr: Ikaw, make-up mo ang awan): Magsasayaw ka ba?
MANILA - TORONTO - USA - EUROPE Driver: Ayos! Lalakihan ko magastos. Ugly Biti: Oo naman, ano.
OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD na ang abuloy, basta araw- Mrs: Nagpapaganda ako Handsome Guy: Salamat
araw, may patay na pulis. para sa iyo. sa silya, ha.
*** Mr: Ako umiinom naman ***
Patient: Dok, ninenerbyos para gumanda ka! Anak (nakakita ng eropla-
po ako! First operation ko *** no) ‘Tay ! Krus! Ang laking
po ito. Mrs (bagong kasal): Honey krus!
Dok: Alam ko ang feeling malapit na tayong maging Tatay: Anak, naman! Lu-
mo. Ikaw kasi ang unang tatlo dito sa bahay. muhod tayo!
pasyente ko. Mr: Talaga, sweetheart? Pi- ***
*** nasaya mo ako sa balita mo. Employee: Boss, pwede ba
“Super baba Tanga: Kumusta exam mo?
Bobo: Wala akong nasa-
Mrs: Oo, dito na titira ang
nanay ko!
ako na lang ang papalit dun
puwesto ng manager natin
and halaga ... gutan, blanko ang papel ko. *** na kamamatay lang?
Super below Ikaw? Reporter: Sir, kung wala po Boss: Hmmm. Ok. Kausapin
Tanga: Naku, blangko din kayong evidence, witness or mo ang punerarya.
fare talaga.” ang papel ko, baka sabihin suspect ano na po ang next ***
ni titser, nagkopyahan tayo! step ninyo? Bopol: Pare, alam mo ba
“Handang Maglingkod Sa Ating Kababayan” *** Atty: DNA na... tawag sa paniki na mababa

Tel (416) 751-9588 Fax (416) 751-9133 Wife: Maghiwalay na tayo!

Man: Ok, akin ang bahay!
Reporter: DNA?
Atty: Di Namin Alam.
ang lipad?
Engot: Ano?
Wife: Akin ang farm! *** Bopol: Lowbat, pare!


Kung mayaman ka, meron kang al- Kung mayaman ka, you are referred to kang dukha, ang tawag sa iyo malandi. Ang anak ng mayaman ay slow learn-
lergy. Kung mahirap ka, ang tawag dyan as someone who is scoliotic. Pero kung ma- Kapag mayaman, misguided o spoiled er. Ang anak ng mahirap ay bobo o gung-
ay galis o bakokang. hirap ka, ikaw ay kuba. ka. Kung mahirap ka, addict o durugista. gong.
Sa mayaman, nervous breakdown dahil Kung ang señorita mo ay maitim, ang Kung may pera ka, ang tawag sa iyo Kung mayaman ka at marami kang
sa tension and stress. Sa mahirap, sira-ulo. tawag ay morena o sun tanned. Pero kung single parent. Pero kung wala kang trabaho, kumain, you flatter your host who says,
Kung mayaman ka, pneumonia daw domestic na maitim, ikaw ay ita o baluga. ang tawag sa iyo disgrasyada. masarap kang kumain and I like you, you
ang sakit mo. Kung mahirap, TB ‘yon. Kung nasa high society ka at ikaw ay Kapag mayaman at sexy, fashionable do justice to my cooking. Kung ghastly
Sa mayaman, hyperacidity. Kapag ma- maliit, ang tawag sa iyo ay petite. Kung ma- daw. Kung mahirap, GRO o japayuki ka. peasant ka eating the same amount in the
hirap, ulcer dahil walang laman ang tiyan. hirap ka lang, ikaw ay pandak o bansot. Ang tawag sa mayayamang puro gulay same house, your host will say to himself
Sa mayamang malikot ang kamay, ang Kung socialite ka, ikaw ay pleasingly ang kinakain, vegetarian. Habang kakaawa na ikaw ay patay-gutom.
tawag ay kleptomaniac. Sa mahirap, ang plump. Kapag mahirap ka, ika’y tabatsoy o ang mahirap na kumakain ng damo. Kung graduate ka ng exclusive school
tawag ay magnanakaw o kawatan. lumba-umba ... pag minamalas ka, baboy. Sa exclusive school, assertive ang mga at sa ibang bansa ka nagtatrabaho, ang
Pag mayaman ka, you’re eccentric. Kapag mayaman, fasting ang hindi ku- batang sumasagot sa mga guro. Pero pag tawag sa iyo expat. Kung mahirap ka lang,
Kung mahirap ka, may toyo ka sa ulo o main. Kung mahirap, nagtitiis. ang mga mahihirap na bata ang sumasagot ikaw ay contract worker.
may topak o may sayad. Kung well-off ka at date ka rito, date ka sa mga guro, ang tawag sa kanila ay bas- Kung boss ka at binabasa mo ito sa
Kung mayaman ka at sumakit ang ulo roon, ang tawag sa iyo ay socialite. Kung tos! office mo, okay lang. Pero kung ikaw ay
mo, ikaw ay may migraine. Kung mahirap mahirap ka, ikaw ay pakawala o pokpok. Ang mayamang tumatanda are graduat- hamak na empleyado lamang, ikaw ay
ka naman at sumakit ang ulo mo, ikaw ay Kung mayamang alembong ka, ang ing gracefully into senior citizenhood Ang nagbubulakbol.
nalipasan ng gutom. tawag sa iyo ay liberated. Pero kung isa mga mahihirap ay gumugurang. Ano kaya? Nasa likod mo si Boss!
Arts & Entertainment
Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007 37
PIDC Dancing To Be A
Spring jamming with The Jukebox Band Star pre-finals, July 25
Ten finalists to the
By CHITO SARABIA Philippine Indepen-
Spring has sprung! And dence Day Council’s
so has the Jukebox Band, (PIDC) Dancing To
which hosted a community Be A Star competitions
spring jam session in Mis- would be selected in an
sissauga on April 21. exciting set of terpsi-
The annual spring jam chorean expertise and
featured selected musi- showmanship at the
cians: three keyboardists, Macedonian Hall on
three guitarists, four bass- July 25.
ists, four drummers and Chairperson Leonie
seven crooners. Manzanares said the dance
There I met, for the tilt finals and the proclama-
second time, Lino Anupol, tion and awarding of win-
frontliner of the Jukebox ners would be conducted
Band. during the Mabuhay Philip-
We had developed a pines Toronto Summer Fes-
musical partnership in tival at the Metro Conven-
1998, when I was playing tion Centre on Aug. 18.
a gig with the Lunar Phaser In the May 19 presen-
band at Timog Resto that tation of contestants, Man-
closed last year. We were zanares announced that
the first band who had a gig finalists would get com-
at Timog Resto, and tt was At the helm, of course, keyboard, percussion and memorative trophies as the
pretty interesting to talk was the Jukebox Band, vocals. first Dancing to be as Star
with Lino about our previ- which has been playing Jamming with them competitors. fans; while serving as role
ous gigs as we reminisced in and around town, sim- were Dennis Camacho, First prize winner of the models with their display
the good old days. ply catering to the listen- lead guitar; Chito Sarabia, Advanced Category would of poise, execution, grace
It was an amazing night ing pleasure of pop rock, lead guitar and vocals; base be proclaimed in the final and dance choreography.
hanging around with the rhythm and blues and pop guitarists Noel Mapeso, Jun round and awarded the pres- Contestants’ contest
guys. Three guitar virtuosos jazz fans. Cabioc and Dale; Romy tigious revolving Ballroom numbers ranged from the
showed up with their gear The band, which got to- Mendoza, keyboard; Allan Gold trophy and cash. Latin (rumba, cha-cha, jive
and jammed in for the first gether in the late summer of Garcia, drums and Michael Top three winners in the and salsa) and Standard
time. Very talented and cre- 2000, is composed of Lino Arruda, base guitar and intermediate and advanced (waltz, fox trot, quick step
ative musicians, they came Anupol, lead guitar, percus- drums. Providing the vo- categories would all get and tango) dances.
from all over the Greater To- sion and keyboard; Joseph cals were Carlos Dafilmoto, flower bouquets and cash. With Manzanares in
ronto Area and had played Anupol, base guitar; Rey Carlos Gumapac, Danny PIDC’s Dancing To Be the committee are co-chair
with a bevy of named bands Quilatan, drums and per- Villar, Eric Anupol, Mari- A Star is aimed to promote Pete Mauricio and members
circulating the musical cir- cussion; Ted Fullona, key- cor Tolentino, Paul Cruz, camaraderie and shared fun Imie Belanger, Evelyn Lao,
cuits of the city. board; Harold Gutierrez, and Leah Cruz. among ballroom dancing and Rei Ching. PR

Philippine Artists Group stages art exhibit MWF promises to be super-packed

Pinoy entertainment extravaganza
At the Harbourfront Cultural Experience that Gardens in San Francisco,
Centre on Aug. 17, 18 and launched MWF, says the where they are seen to wow
19, Toronto will certainly gathering will exemplify kababayans and culturally
live up to its ancient Huron what Philippine culture is diverse audiences.
Indian translation “place to all about, all in tribute to the Also on the watch list of
meet.” hard but successful work of the three-day MWF is the
On those dates and in Filipinos around the globe. Obie-awarded play The Ro-
the city’s most modern Torralba adds MWF is mance of Magno Rubio of
and state-of-the-art cultural expected to be the biggest the Ma-yi Theatre Ensemble
facility will meet and as- and most extensive cultur- from New York City.
semble a large cast of inter- al extravaganza Filipinos A film series featuring
nationally-renowned artists could offer with pride to international award-win-
and performers of Filipino their neighbors in a place ning works of Philippine
Philippine Artists Group (PAG) of Canada members Omel Masalunga, Romi roots and heritage for the that has evolved into Can- filmmakers will splash the
MananQuil, Dunluna, Frank Tonido, Rolly Abarilla, Cobie Cruz, Nelia Tonido Filipinos Making Waves ada’s largest, most dynamic big widescreens of Har-
and Jun Afable meet with Kalayaan Cultural Community Centre president Festival (MWF). and most diverse city. bourfront.
Mama Ching Quejas (second from left) for the staging of art exhibit Cre- Teresa Torralba, presi- The weekend will put Further, more than 100
ations and Expressions at the Cedar Ridge Studio Gallery from June 17 to dent of Philippine Arts and into focus the color and vi- paintings, sculptures, pho-
25. The exhibit is an annual PAG event in celebra- brance of Philippine culture, tographs and other artworks
tion of the June 12 Philippine Independence Day.
It is conducted in cooperation with the Philippine
KPC Kultura fest to most of them a first ever to
be staged in Toronto.
reflecting the eclectic styles
of Filipino artists will be
Consulate General in Toronto. Other artists whose
works will be featured in the exhibit include Ar-
showcase Filipino arts A world-class bamboo
orchestra and a children’s
flown in to Toronto from
San Francisco for a virtual
chimedes Cruzado, Frank Cruzet. Jhun Diamante, The Kapisanan Philip- jewelry/accessories/crafts/ choir will fly over for a visual exhibit.
Tony Doctor, Art Ibarra, Manny de Jesus, Rocille pine Centre (KPC) has part- etc.) film, music, and per- series of concerts, back-to- At the lake fronting
Lampitoc, Rol Lampitoc, Tony Leyco, Koni Mar- nered with the Carlos Bu- formance (theatre, spoken back with other performers Harbourfront will cruise the
coux, Justino Magalona, Calixto Quiachon and losan Theatre and Minerva word, and dance). from the US and Canada. pomp attendant to Philip-
Joejene Santos. PR Records for the conduct KPC is a non-profit arts A rondalla (folk string) pine river parades, called
of the 2nd annual Kultura and cultural center for Fili- ensemble of Northern Phil- karakol, complemented
MORE EXPOSURE, LESSER COSTS. summer arts festival.
KPC officials say the
pino-Canadian youth put up
to provide artistic, cultural,
ippines, Ati-atihan dancers
of Central Philippines and a
with a colorful shoreline
THAT’S THE DEAL! festival will be staged at and leadership programs kulintang (Muslim percus- “After MWF, the con-
the center’s headquarters in and resources. sion) ensemble of Southern cept of a fiesta reminiscent
Kensington Market and at The first Filipino cultur- Philippines will also take to of villagelike celebrations
the Bellevue Square Park on al center in Toronto, KPC Harbourfront Centre indoor in the Philippines will never
July 29, 12 noon to 9 p.m. provides a venue for men- and outdoor stages. be the same again for the
Kultura will showcase torship to create and exhibit The performers will Filipino community and

CALL 416-285-8583
Filipino-Canadian work in works of art, and interaction come from the Pistahan their Canadian neigbors,”
visual arts, design (apparel/ among gifted Filipinos. PR Festival at the Yerba Buena says Torralba. PR
Arts & Entertainment
38 Manila Media Monitor JUNE 2007

ONE GRAND FILIPINO SHOW. They all came to perform and be living wit-
nesses to authentic Filipino culture and heritage at the 2nd Filipino Interna-
tional Language Assembly and Makabayan Singing Competitions at the St.
Maria Goretti Catholic School on May 12.

TCDSB language assembly draws raves

The Toronto Catholic Somehow you tend to lose Erlinda Zabella, Rose Ba-
District School Board’s it; that’s why I salute these guioro, Prelinda Real, Glo-
(TCDSB) 2nd Filipino In- kids who are doing their ria Lim, Teresita Feliciano,
ternational Language As- best to learn it.)” Mona Ventolero and Jose-
sembly and Makabayan Philippine Consul Gen- fina Posada.
Singing Competition was a eral in Toronto Alejandro It waas conducted in
smash hit. Mosquera inspired the par- close partnership with Pro-
An awed audience sat in ents to continue teaching Action Kids of the Toronto
and enjoyed as children sang their children the Filipino Police Service and PNB Re-
and danced with nationalis- language. mittance Toronto.
tic pride and carefree gusto Education Superinten- TCDSB educates close
in an entertainment fare that dent Dr. Jim Sarac con- to 90,000 students from
took the stage of St. Maria gratulated the community diverse cultures and lan-
Goretti Catholic School by for keeping the language guage backgrounds in its
storm on May 12. alive, thus ensuring that the 201 Catholic elementary
The children competed children would have an op- and secondary schools and
in singing makabayan songs portunity to learn about and serves 471,078 Catholic
such as Ako Ay Pilipino, appreciate their rich culture school supporters across
Ang Bayan Kong Pilipinas, and heritage. Toronto. PR
Pinoy Ako and Kay Ganda Huang cited group sing-
ng Ating Musika.
“What made the event
ing contest winners Canadi-
an Martyrs Catholic School,
KPYO sets
special was the fact that
those competing for the
first place; St. Barnabas
Catholic School, second;
Youth Day
much-coveted award of
Mga Makabayang Mang-
and St. Maria Goretti Cath-
olic School, third.
aawit ng Taon 2007 (First The contestants came KidsPlay and YouthOut-
Prize) were Filipino Cana- from five Filipino Interna- look (KPYO) CEO and
dian students just beginning tional Language classes of- founder Tylaine JF Duggan
to learn their native lan- fered in six TCDSB elemen- has urged the Filipino com-
guage, many having been tary schools: St. Barnabas, munity youth, aged 14 to
born here or had migrated St. Brendan, St. Barbara, 24, to join auditions for the
to Canada when they were St. Maria Goretti, Canadian summer Youth Day.
very young,” said Jody Martyrs and Holy Family. “Celebrate your talent
Huang, TCDSB community The Filipino language in music or dance for free
relations officer. classes are offered free ev- scholarships,” Duggan said.
“These contestants pre- ery Saturday, from 9:30 She said finalists would
pared for months to memo- a.m. to 12 noon. perform at the Nathan Phil-
rize the songs and sing them The contest judges in- ips Square on Youth Day.
with fervor,” Huang said. cluded Jun Enverga, presi- The audition dates: For
Huang added that many dent of the Philippine In- music, June 26; and for
parents were happy their dependence Day Council; dance, June 27. Both would
children put so much effort Constable Philip Mendoza, start at 10 a.m.
into learning the language community relations officer Auditions would be at
to compete. of the Toronto Police; Flor the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre
One mother quipped: Dandal, executive director for Youth People (formerly
“Kahit ako, nakakalimutan of the Kababayan Commu- the Young Peoples Theatre
ko na ang ating magaga- nity Center; Wendy Arena, at 165 Front Street East.
ndang awitin, kaya hanga executive coordinator of Registration could also
ako sa mga bata dahil na- the Filipino Center Toronto; be done at www.kpyo.net
gawa nilang mamemorya and Jun Miranda, chief fi- <http://www.kpyo.net/>
ang mga awitin, kahit hirap nancial officer of PNB Re- and click on Youth Day
sila (Learning a language, mittance. 2007.
even if it’s your native lan- Event organizers in- KPYO was established
guage, is hard especially cluded Huang and Filipino in memory of Chair Emeri-
if you grew up in Canada. instructors Fely Gabriel, tus Gino Empry. PR


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