The Incredible 5 Point Scale

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The Incredible 5-Point scale

It is not uncommon for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to have
problems with social competence and understanding how their behavior impacts
themselves and others. In addition, they frequently battle with anxiety and have difficulty
regulating their emotions and stress levels. As a result, they repeatedly struggle in
social situations. The behavioral support known as the Incredible 5-Point Scale, created
by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis (2003), provides a visual representation of social
behaviors, emotions, and abstract ideas. It is a simple scale used to teach social
understanding. Kari stresses, that "the scale is about breaking social and emotional
concepts into 5 parts. It is a teaching tool".

Designing a 5-Point Scale

Given that the majority of individuals with ASD are visual learners, the Incredible 5-Point
Scale simplifies behaviors by assigning them a number and /or color. A scale is created
for a specific individual or group of individuals and tailored for a specific situation or
behavior. Individuals with ASD have social cognitive differences; they learn differently
than others learn. This is an important concept to keep in mind when working with these
individuals and teaching them to use this tool.
The premise is easy and can be adapted for almost every behavior or expectation
imaginable. In their book, The Incredible 5-Point Scale: Assisting students with autism
spectrum disorders in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotional
responses, Buron and Curtis (2003), provide multiple examples for use including: (a)
controlling voice level, (b) dealing with obsessive behaviors, and (c) meeting and
greeting others to name a few.
The key is to identify the behavior, whether it be reducing anxiety around a situation by
providing 5 steps or strategies, or labeling the levels of voice from whispering to
shouting. Once a behavior is identified, it needs to be task analyzed or broken into
concrete parts. Working with the individual with ASD, these parts need to be assigned a
label. An example provided by Buron and Curtis deals with understanding emotions
from happy to angry. For their example faces are used to identify or tag the feelings for
the child. The child, working one on one with an adult, is taught what "angry" looks like,
what it "feels" like, and how to get help or what to do when they are angry.

Teaching the 5-Point Scale

As stated in the overview, Kari Dunn Buron stresses that "the scale is about breaking
social and emotional concepts into 5 parts. It is a teaching tool".

Ideally, a scale is crafted by the individual with ASD, if appropriate, and a teacher,
therapist/s, parent/s, employer, etc. Once developed, the scale should initially be used
in a 1:1 direct instructional session. When the individual comprehends the ratings and
how to use the scale, it can be utilized in a group situation.

Case Study: Jonah

Jonah has Asperger Syndrome; he is in the second grade. Jonah is always being
reminded by his teacher to speak with an "inside" voice. Whether in class, in the
cafeteria, in the library, or out on the playground, Jonah uses the same volume ... very
loud. Jonah's peers get frustrated with him when he is working with them in a group and
is supposed to be whispering or talking softly, but instead speaks loudly. More often
than not, his group does not receive a sticker for appropriate group work due to Jonah's
voice volume. Jonah's teacher has attempted to curb his voice volume by verbally
prompting him and using gestures. However, these strategies have not worked. Jonah's
speech and language pathologist (SLP) suggested creating a 5-point scale. The SLP
and second-grade teacher designed the scale using "big" and "little" as comparisons for
volume. They developed a list of concrete behaviors representing each number of the
scale so that Jonah could understand how to rate his volume level and when or where
to use each volume level.

Case Study: Jonah Example

1 = no words, sounds, noise out of my mouth (when adults say I should be totally
quiet; when walking in the hallways at school)
2 = little voice ... also called very quiet voice (when I am in the library, at church, or
working in a group)
3 = normal voice ... also called inside voice (when I am in the cafeteria, answering
questions, or talking to the teacher or my friends)

4 = loud voice (when I am on the playground or at my brother's football game)

5 = very loud voice...also called screaming (when I am hurt and need help)

Case Study: Jonah Conclusion

Jonah's SLP made a 5-point scale for all the adults who came into contact with Jonah
during the school day. When Jonah was too loud, the adult would simply take out the
scale and point to the volume that was appropriate for the activity in which he was
Jonah initially became very upset when the staff took out the scale and pointed to a
number. He frequently screamed at the adult and tells him/her, "I'm at 3. Stop pointing to
3." Remaining quiet and calm, the adult continued to point to the appropriate number
until Jonah's volume adjusted. Within a few days of incorporating the scale, Jonah
began responding positively, and he became more aware of his voice volume.

Using the 5-Point Scale

The Incredible 5-Point Scale can provide support at school, home, work or in the
community. It can be used to address disruptive behaviors, feelings, voice volume, body
awareness, leisure skills, peer interactions, and many other social issues. For
individuals who are unable to recognize numbers, the Incredible 5-Point Scale can be
created with colors and pictures representing the different ratings on the scale. For
others, the numbers one through five can be used. While the number "5" can represent
the most positive behavior or situation, it can also signify when the individual has the
least amount of control of his/her behavior. Regardless of the design, the scale provides
a visual breakdown of a problem behavior, the look and/or feel of the behavior, and
appropriate responses or ways to cope at each level.
An adult or peer can point to a specific number on the scale to show the individual
where they happen to be on the scale, such as in the example of Carson. If he is at a
#5, the adult or peer could slide their fingers down the scale to a #1 showing Carson
where his hands need to be. As with most interventions, repetition and consistency in
use across settings will help the individual with ASD internalize the more appropriate
behavioral choice.

Case Study: Carson

Carson Thomas is a freshman in high school diagnosed with autism. Recently, his peers
have seen him in the hallways and in class touching girls in inappropriate places on
their bodies. Two of his neurotypical peers who have taken an interest in Carson felt
that the behavior needed to be addressed by adults in the school. They believed that his
female peers were becoming uncomfortable around him and beginning to shy away
from him as they are afraid of him touching them.
Carson's special education teacher, speech and language pathologist, and school
psychologist, along with his mother, sat down with Carson to discuss the issue. The
team decided that Carson was attempting to communicate to the girls that he liked
them. The speech and language pathologist recommended that the team write a social
narrative, a story that described what was appropriate and not appropriate in terms of
touching girls.
The narrative included ideas such as types of touching (high-fives, friendly hugs,
kisses), when and where certain types of touching are appropriate and when they are
not, and who is the recipient of certain types of touches. The narrative was written
specifically for Carson and his peers. The social narrative was to be used initially to
teach/clarify touching rules. The team, including Carson, also created a 5-Point Scale
addressing what kinds of touching are appropriate and where and when it is appropriate
to touch females.

Other Suggestions for Using the 5-Point

The Incredible 5-Point Scale can be applied prior to, during, or after an event or
situation. As a proactive behavioral support, it can be employed prior to an event to

remind an individual of behavior that is and is not acceptable for the event. During a
situation, the support can provide a visual reminder of the individual's behavior at that
specific point in time. Finally, after a situation, it can serve as an evaluation tool.
This intervention is not just for those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It can be
used for individuals with and without disabilities. As reported by Buron and Curtis
(2003), beyond ASD the Incredible 5-Point Scale has proven effective with individuals
with diagnoses other than ASD, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette Syndrome.

Case Study: Lilly

Lilly is 19 years old and diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. She works at the local
coffee shop. She loves coffee and learning how to create new coffee drinks. Lilly works
the same shift every day and has established a good working relationship with the other
employees. Her favorite part of the job is making the drinks. Recently, a new employee
started. The employee was not familiar with all the recipes and, as a result, made some
mistakes. Lilly had a very difficult time understanding why she was making so many
mistakes and yelled at her in front of customers. She not only yelled at her, she
snatched the steamers from her hands and refused to allow her to make any more
Lilly's manager, Jill, values Lilly as an employee and sees what great work she does.
However, she also recognizes that Lilly cannot treat fellow employees with disrespect
nor react harshly toward employees in front of customers. Jill contacted Lilly's job coach
to discuss ways to intervene when similar situations arise in the future. Tony, Lilly's job
coach, shared with Jill ideas on how to create the Incredible 5-Point Scale specific to
Lilly's needs.

Case Study: Lilly Example

The following day, Jill met with Lilly after work to design a scale. They talked about how
Jill feels when people make mistakes and how she responds. They agreed on the
Jill shared the scale with Lilly's coworkers, with her permission, so that they could
support Lilly in using the scale. Lilly also agreed to the scale being posted behind the
counter as a visual/behavioral support.
Over the next several days, the new employee made mistakes, however, Lilly was able
to manage her behavior with the support of the scale.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is important to keep in mind when creating a scale?
A: If at all possible, include the individual who will be using the scale when designing
the scale. Take into consideration the person's cognitive and academic skills.
Q: Who benefits from using the Incredible 5-Point Scale?
A: Anyone who has problems with social competence and understanding how their
behavior impacts themselves and others can benefit from the Incredible 5-Point Scale.
Q: What materials do I need to create a scale?
A: Some scales have been created simply with a piece of paper and a set of crayons.
Other scales have been designed using computer programs such as Word.
Construction paper, file folders, markers, and so on, may also be used to create a scale.
Q: Can this behavioral support be used with individuals of all ages?
A: Yes! The tool has been used with children as young as preschool age to adults.

Q: Who can create an Incredible 5-Point Scale?

A: A parent, teacher, therapist, employer, friend, administrator, and so on, can create an
Incredible 5-Point Scale. Basically, anyone working with an individual with social
difficulties can create a scale. Again, if possible, include the individual for which the
scale is created in the designing of it.

Individuals without disabilities or those with ASD or other disabilities often lack the social
competence needed to cope in difficult situations. The Incredible 5-Point Scale is a
behavioral support that breaks down behaviors and social interactions into clear, visual,
and tangible pieces so that individuals can learn appropriate ways to respond and
interact in difficult situations. A scale can be created using colors, pictures, or a rating
system of 1 to 5.
For further information on this strategy, please see the "citation and references" section
of this module, or visit:

Discussion Questions
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1. Describe an individual with ASD whom you believe would

benefit from using the Incredible 5-Point Scale and why.
A correct answer could include the following: student having difficulty with
volume control; meltdowns; difficulty with appropriate touching; struggling with
understanding own feelings; anxiety issues.

2. What are different ways that the Incredible 5-Point Scale

can be designed for individuals with different ability levels?
A correct answer could include: design using colors only as representation of
each level; design using colors and numbers representing each level.

3. How might the Incredible 5-Point Scale be used for a group

of individuals?
A correct answer could include: using a scale for a social skills group where
the members of the group rate how they feel about the topic of discussion.

4. Think of one individual you know that is having difficulties

with a social or behavioral issue. Brainstorm solutions
using the Incredible 5-Point Scale
This discussion question is open-ended and answers will vary greatly based
on the individual needs of the students.

The Incredible 5-Point Scale is a visual support that rates social concepts and social
Select an answer for question 127

The Incredible 5-Point Scale may be used with students who cannot yet identify
Select an answer for question 128

The Incredible 5-Point Scale can be used positively with students who have:
Select an answer for question 129

The Incredible 5-Point Scale breaks behaviors down into five sublevels.
Select an answer for question 130

5 is always seen as positive and the most appropriate representation of a behavior or

Select an answer for question 131

The Incredible 5-Point Scale is used specifically as a 1:1 teaching tool.

Select an answer for question 132

The Incredible 5-Point Scale can be used

Select an answer for question 133

Ideally, the numbers/colors on the Incredible 5-Point Scale should be defined by the
Select an answer for question 134

Citation and References

If included in presentations or publications, credit should be given to the authors of this
module. Please use the citation below to reference this content.
Coffin, A. B., & Smith, S. M. (2009). The Incredible 5-Point Scale (Columbus: Ohio
Center for Autism and Low Incidence). In Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence
(OCALI), Autism Internet Modules, Columbus, OH:

Buron, K. D., & Curtis, M. (2003). The Incredible 5-Point Scale: Assisting students with
autism spectrum disorders in understanding social interactions and controlling their
emotional responses. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company.

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