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A Guide To Chemotherapy: Learning About Chemotherapy Treatment

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A Guide to Chemotherapy

Youve been told you have cancer. Youve looked at your treatment options, and you and
your doctor have agreed that chemotherapy is your best choice. Now you have questions
about chemotherapy treatment.
The American Cancer Society knows that you may have concerns about chemotherapy,
and we have answers to some of your questions. Remember that, along with reading
about your treatment, you can also count on your cancer care team to answer your
At the end of this document, you will find a glossary that defines some of the words and
terms used by your cancer care team. You can use the glossary to help you better
understand the talks you have with your cancer care team. Open and honest talks with
them are the best way to understand whats going on with you, your body, and the cancer.

Learning about chemotherapy treatment

What is chemotherapy, and how does it work?
Chemotherapy is the use of medicines or drugs to treat a disease, such as cancer. Many
times this treatment is just called chemo. Surgery and radiation therapy remove, kill, or
damage cancer cells in a certain area, but chemo can work throughout the whole body.
Chemo can kill cancer cells that have metastasized (meh-TAS-tuh-SIZED) or spread to
parts of the body far away from the primary (original) tumor.
More than 100 chemo drugs are used in many combinations. A single chemo drug can be
used to treat cancer, but often multiple drugs are used in a certain order or in certain
combinations (called combination chemotherapy). Multiple drugs with different actions
can work together to kill more cancer cells. This can also reduce the chance that the
cancer may become resistant to any one chemo drug.
You and your doctor will decide what drug or combination of drugs you will get. Your
doctor will choose the doses, how the drugs will be given, and how often and how long

youll get treatment. All of these decisions will depend on the type of cancer, where it is,
how big it is, and how it affects your normal body functions and overall health.

What is the goal of chemo?

Depending on the type of cancer, its stage (how far it has spread), and where you are in
the treatment process, chemo can be used to:
Cure the cancer.
Keep the cancer from spreading.
Slow the cancers growth.
Kill cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body.
Relieve symptoms caused by cancer.
Your doctor will talk to you about the goal of your chemo before you start treatment.

Will chemo be my only treatment for cancer?

Sometimes chemo is the only treatment you need. More often, chemo is used along with
surgery or radiation therapy or both. Heres why:
Chemo may be used to shrink a tumor before surgery or radiation therapy.
It may be used after surgery or radiation therapy to help kill any remaining cancer
It may be used with other treatments if your cancer comes back.
When chemo is given after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may still be present, its
called adjuvant therapy.
When chemo is used to shrink a tumor before surgery or radiation therapy, its called
neoadjuvant therapy.

A checklist of questions to ask your doctor or nurse

Before choosing chemo as a treatment option, you should understand the expected
benefits, side effects, and risks. Consider asking your doctor or nurse these questions. It
may help to write down questions to take with you to your next visit. Learn as much as
you can about your treatment, and get an idea of the expected outcome.
Whats the goal of chemo for my cancer?

What are the chances that the chemo will work?

Are there other ways to reach the same goals?
How will I know if the chemo is working?
What will we do if this chemo doesnt work?
What are the risks and side effects of the chemo I will be taking? How do these side
effects compare with side effects of other treatments?
How will I get the chemo, how often, and for how long?
Where will I get chemo?
What can I do to get ready for treatment and decrease the chance of side effects?
Will I need to change my diet in any way? My activities? My work? Exercise? Sexual
Will I also need surgery, radiation, or both? If so, when and why? What results can I
If I have chemo after surgery or radiation, will it kill any remaining cancer cells?
Could chemo be used alone?
Can I take part in a clinical trial?
How much will chemo cost? Will my health insurance cover it?
If the insurance company asks for a second opinion, or if I would like to get one, can
you suggest someone for me to see?
Here are some tips to help you remember your doctors answers:
Take notes during your visits. Dont feel shy about asking your doctor to slow down
if you need more time to write. Ask questions if you dont understand something.
If you can, record your visit so you wont miss anything. But first ask your doctor if
its OK to record your talks.
Consider taking a friend or relative with you to help you understand what your doctor
says during the visit, to take notes, and to help refresh your memory afterward.
You might want to look at our booklet called After Diagnosis: A Guide for Patients and
Families for more ideas about the things you and your family may want to know.

Should I get a second opinion?

One way to find out if a suggested treatment is the best one for you is to get the opinion
of at least one other doctor before starting treatment. Your doctor should not mind if you
get a second opinion. In fact, some insurance companies require you to get one. Often,
the results of any tests you have already had can be sent to the second doctor, so you
wont have to repeat them.
Find out if your insurance company covers second opinions before you get one.

Where will I get chemo?

The place you get your treatment depends on which chemo drugs youre getting, the drug
doses, your hospitals policies, your insurance coverage, what you prefer, and what your
doctor recommends.
You may be treated with chemo:
At home
In your doctors office
In a clinic
In a hospitals outpatient department
In a hospital
Some of these settings may have private treatment rooms, while others treat many
patients together in one large room. Talk to your doctor or nurse ahead of time so you
know what to expect your first day.

How often will I need to get chemo, and how long will it last?
How often you get chemo and how long your treatment lasts depend on the kind of
cancer you have, the goals of the treatment, the drugs being used, and how your body
responds to them.
You may get treatments daily, weekly, or monthly, but they are usually given in on-andoff cycles. This means, for example, that you may get chemo the first 2 weeks and then
have a week off, making it a 3-week cycle that will start over again after the week off.
The break allows your body to build healthy new cells and regain its strength.
Many people wonder how long the actual drugs stay in their body and how theyre
removed. Most chemo drugs are broken down by your kidneys and liver and then are
removed from your body through your urine or stool. The time it takes your body to get

rid of the drugs depends on many things, including the type of chemo you get, other
medicines you take, your age, and how well your kidneys and liver work. Your doctor
will tell you if you need to take any special precautions because of the drugs you are
getting. (See How can I protect myself and those I live with while I am getting chemo?
in the section called Chemo safety for general safety tips to follow at home.)
If your cancer comes back, chemo may be used again. This time, you may be given
different drugs to relieve symptoms or to slow the cancers growth or spread. Side effects
may be different, depending on the drugs, the doses, and how theyre given.

How will the chemo be given to me?

Into a vein
Most chemo drugs are put right into your bloodstream through a tiny, soft, plastic tube
called a catheter. A needle is used to put the catheter into a vein in your forearm or hand;
then the needle is taken out, leaving the catheter behind. This is called intravenous (INtruh-VEEN-us) or IV treatment. Intravenous drugs are given in these ways:
The drugs can be given quickly through the catheter right from a syringe over a few
minutes. This is called an IV push.
An IV infusion can last from 30 minutes to a few hours. A mixed drug solution flows
from a plastic bag through tubing thats attached to the catheter. The flow is often
controlled by a machine called an IV pump.
Continuous infusions are sometimes needed and can last from 1 to 7 days. These are
always controlled by electronic IV pumps.
The needles and catheters can scar and damage veins with ongoing chemo. Another
option is the central venous catheter (CVC). The CVC is a bigger catheter thats put into
a large vein in the chest or upper arm. It stays in as long as youre getting treatment so
you wont need to be stuck with a needle each time. With a CVC, IV medicines can be
given more easily. Blood can also be drawn from CVCs.
Many different kinds of CVCs are available. Some are soft tubes that stick out of the skin
and require no needles. Another type is a port, which is like a small drum with a thin tube
going into the vein. Ports are permanently placed under the skin of the chest or arm
during surgery. Special needles are then stuck through the skin into the port to use it.
Many people talk about CVC options with their doctor even before starting treatment.
Some find out during treatment that they need a CVC because their hand and arm veins
are not going to last to complete the planned chemo. Your doctor can help you decide if
you need a CVC and the right type of CVC for you.

Other routes
Depending on the drugs and where the cancer is, chemo also may be given in one or more
of these ways:
Orally or PO This means by mouth. You swallow the chemo as a pill, capsule, or
liquid just as you do other medicines. This is usually more convenient because the
chemo can often be taken at home. If you take chemo drugs by mouth, its very
important to take the exact dosage, at the right time, for as long as youre supposed to
do so. For more information, please see Oral Chemotherapy: What You Need to
Intrathecal or IT The chemo is put into the spinal canal and goes into the fluid that
surrounds your brain and spinal cord. This fluid is called the cerebrospinal fluid or
CSF. Chemo put into the CSF is carried throughout the brain and spinal cord. You
may either have a needle put right into your spine to quickly give the drug, or a longterm catheter and port can be put under the skin on your head during surgery. This
port is called an Ommaya reservoir. The Ommaya is a small drum-like device that has
a small tube attached to it. The tube goes into the CSF in a cavity of your brain. The
Ommaya stays in place under your scalp until treatment is done.
Intra-arterial The chemo drug is put right into an artery to treat a single area (such
as the liver, an arm, or leg). This method helps limit the effect the drug has on other
parts of the body and is called regional chemo.
Intracavitary Chemo drugs may be given through a catheter into the abdominal
cavity (the space around the bowels and other organs in the belly; this is called
intraperitoneal chemo) or chest cavity (the space around the lungs and other organs in
the chest).
Intramuscular or IM The drug is put in through a needle into a muscle (as an
injection or shot).
Intralesional A needle is used to put the drug right into a tumor in the skin, under
the skin, or in an internal organ.
Topical The drug is put right on an area of cancer on the skin as a cream, gel, or

Does chemo hurt?

You already know how it feels to take a pill or rub medicine on your skin. And youve
probably felt the brief discomfort of a shot before. IV medicines should not hurt after the
first needle stick to put in the catheter. If you feel pain, burning, coolness, or anything
unusual while you are getting chemo, tell your doctor or nurse right away.

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are carefully designed research studies that test promising new cancer
treatments. You may want to talk to your doctor about this option. Patients who take part
in research studies will be the first to benefit from these treatments. The study results will
also help other patients. In a clinical trial, you get either standard treatment or a new
treatment thats thought to be as good as or maybe better than the standard treatment.
Studies are never done to see if you would recover from cancer without treatment at all.
As with any other medical care, you are free to withdraw from a clinical trial at any time
and seek other treatment options.
To learn more about clinical trials:
Call us for a free copy of Clinical Trials: What You Need to Know, or read it on our
The American Cancer Society offers a Clinical Trials Matching Service to help you
find clinical trials that might be right for you. The service is available by telephone
from 7:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. CT Monday through Friday at 1-800-303-5691, or you
can visit www.cancer.org/clinicaltrials to fill out a screening questionnaire anytime.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) can also give you a list of clinical trials that
might be right for you. Visit the NCIs website at www.cancer.gov, or call 1-800422-6237.

Can I take other medicines while Im getting chemo?

Some medicines may alter the effects of your chemo. To be sure that your treatment
works as well as it can, tell your doctor or nurse about any and all prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, herbs, and supplements you are taking.
Make a list with the name of each drug, the dose, how often you take it, who
prescribed it, and the reason you take it.
Be sure to include the things you may not think of as medicines, even those you take
every now and then. This includes aspirin, herbal and dietary supplements, vitamins,
minerals, and all over-the-counter medicines.
Share this list with all of your doctors. Your cancer doctor (oncologist) will tell you if
you should stop taking any of these medicines before starting chemo. After your
treatments start, check with your oncologist before taking any new medicines or
supplements and before stopping any you already take.

How will I know if the chemo is working?

Your cancer care team will check how well your treatments are working by doing certain
tests. This may include physical exams, blood tests, bone marrow biopsies, scans, and xrays. Ask your doctor about the test results and what they show about your progress. You
may have side effects, but these side effects do not tell you whether treatment is working.

How do I give my permission for chemo treatment?

Youll be asked to give your written permission to get chemo based on your
understanding of the drugs your doctor recommends. Know the answers to all of these
questions before you sign the consent form.
Which chemo drugs will I be given?
How will the drugs be given to me?
How often will I need to get chemo?
How long will my treatments last?
What side effects could I have?
How likely is it that this treatment will work?
The specifics of the consent form may vary from state to state, but the form usually states
that your doctor has explained your condition to you, how the chemo could benefit you,
the risks of treatment, and the other options available to you. Your signature on the form
means that youve gotten this information and you are willing to be treated with chemo.
This process is called giving informed consent.

Chemo safety
Can I be around my family and friends while Im getting
Very few treatments do require you to avoid close contact with loved ones for a short
amount of time. If this is something youll have to do, your doctor will tell you about it
when going over treatment options.
Most chemo drugs make you less able to fight infection. Its very important that you stay
away from anyone who is sick. The best way to prevent infection is by washing your
hands often, especially before touching your face, nose, mouth, or eyes. Ask your family

and friends to do the same when they are with you. For more information, see the section
called Increased chance of bruising, bleeding, infection, and anemia after chemo.
For more information on being at home with family and friends during treatment, please
see Helping Children When a Family Member Has Cancer: Dealing With Treatment and
Caring for the Patient With Cancer at Home: A Guide for Patients and Families. They
can be read online, or call us to have free copies sent to you.

How can I protect myself and those I live with while Im

getting chemo?
There are many things you can do during and after chemo to keep yourself and your
loved ones from being affected by the chemo drugs while your body is getting rid of
them. It takes about 48 hours for your body to break down and/or get rid of most chemo
Most of the waste comes out in your body fluids urine, stool, tears, and vomit. The
drugs are also in your blood. When chemo drugs get outside your body, they can harm or
irritate skin yours or even other peoples. Keep in mind that this means toilets can be a
hazard for children and pets, and its important to be careful. Talk to your doctor about
these and any other precautions you should follow.
During and for 48 hours after chemo:
Flush the toilet twice after you use it. Put the lid down before flushing to avoid
splashing. If possible, you may want to use a separate toilet during this time. If this is
not possible, wear gloves to clean the toilet seat after each use.
Both men and women should sit on the toilet to use it. This cuts down on splashing.
Always wash your hands with warm water and soap after using the toilet. Dry your
hands with paper towels and throw them away.
If you vomit into the toilet, clean off all splashes and flush twice. If you vomit into a
bucket or basin, carefully empty it into the toilet without splashing the contents and
flush twice. Wash out the bucket with hot, soapy water and rinse it, emptying the
wash and rinse water into the toilet, then flushing it. Dry the bucket with paper towels
and throw them away.
Caregivers should wear 2 pairs of throw-away gloves if they need to touch any of
your body fluids. (These can be bought in most drug stores.) They should always
wash their hands with warm water and soap afterward even if they had gloves on.
If a caregiver does come in contact with any of your body fluids, they should wash
the area very well with warm water and soap. Its not likely to cause any harm, but try
to take extra care to avoid this. At your next visit, let your doctor know this happened.

Being exposed often may lead to problems, and extra care should be taken to avoid
Any clothes or sheets that have body fluids on them should be washed in your
washing machine not by hand. Wash them in warm water with regular laundry
detergent. Do not wash them with other clothes. If they cannot be washed right away,
seal them in a plastic bag.
If using throw-away adult diapers, underwear, or sanitary pads, seal them in 2 plastic
bags and throw them away with your regular trash.

Will I be able to work during chemo treatment?

Whether you can continue work, school, and other activities depends on your treatment
and how it affects you. For some treatments, you may need to stay in a hospital for a
week or more, but many people are able to keep working during treatment. You might be
able to schedule your treatments late in the day or right before the weekend so that they
interfere with work as little as possible.
If chemo makes you tired, try to adjust your work schedule for a while. You may be able
to arrange a part-time schedule or work from home. If you get health insurance from your
employer, youll want to keep your job during treatment. Federal and state laws may
require some employers to allow you to work a flexible schedule during your treatment.
To find out more about keeping your health insurance and your rights as an employee,
call your local American Cancer Society office or our toll-free number. You can also find
out about employment-related rights by contacting your congressional or state

Chemo side effects

What causes side effects?
Cancer cells tend to grow fast, and chemo drugs kill fast-growing cells. But because these
drugs travel throughout the body, they can affect normal, healthy cells that are fastgrowing, too. Damage to healthy cells causes side effects. Side effects are not always as
bad as you might expect, but many people worry about this part of cancer treatment.
The normal cells most likely to be damaged by chemo are blood-forming cells in the
bone marrow; hair follicles; and cells in the mouth, digestive tract, and reproductive
system. Some chemo drugs can damage cells in the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and
nervous system. In some cases, medicines can be given with the chemo to help protect
the bodys normal cells.

What should I know about side effects?

Every person doesnt get every side effect, and some people get few, if any.
The severity of side effects (how bad they are) varies greatly from person to person.
Be sure to talk to your doctor and nurse about which side effects are most common
with your chemo, how long they might last, how bad they might be, and when you
should call the doctors office about them. For more information, see the section
called When to call your doctor about side effects from chemotherapy.
Your doctor may give you medicines to help prevent some side effects before they
Some types of chemo cause long-term side effects, like heart or nerve damage or
fertility problems. Still, many people have no long-term problems from chemo. Ask
your doctor about the long-term risks of the chemo drugs youre getting.
While side effects can be unpleasant, they must be weighed against the need to kill
the cancer cells.

How long do side effects last?

Most side effects slowly go away after treatment ends because the healthy cells recover
over time. The time it takes to get over some side effects and regain energy varies from
person to person. It depends on many factors, including your overall health and the drugs
you were given.
Many side effects go away fairly quickly, but some may take months or even years to
completely go away. Sometimes the side effects can last a lifetime, such as when chemo
causes long-term damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, or reproductive organs. Certain
types of chemo sometimes cause delayed effects, such as a second cancer that may show
up many years later.
People often become discouraged about how long their treatment lasts or the side effects
they have. If you feel this way, talk to your doctor. You may be able to change your
medicine or treatment schedule. Your doctor or nurse also may be able to suggest ways to
reduce any pain and discomfort you have.

What are common side effects?

Most people worry about whether they will have side effects from chemo, and, if so, what
theyll be like. Heres a review of some of the more common side effects caused by
chemotherapy. We also share some tips on how you can manage them.

Fatigue from chemo

Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment. It can range from
mild tiredness to feeling completely wiped out. Its different from feeling tired after a
long day and doesnt get better with rest or sleep. Fatigue tends to be the worst at the end
of a treatment cycle. Like most other side effects, it usually goes away over time after
chemo ends.
Things that may help with fatigue:
Get plenty of rest, and allow time during the day for rest periods.
Talk with your doctor or nurse about a regular exercise program. Exercise can
actually reduce fatigue.
Eat a well-balanced diet, and drink plenty of liquids.
Limit your activities. Do only the things that are most important to you.
Get help when you need it. Ask family, friends, and neighbors to pitch in with things
like child care, shopping, housework, or driving. For example, you might ask
neighbors to pick up some items for you at the grocery store while doing their own
Get up slowly to help prevent dizziness after sitting or lying down.
Let your doctor know if you are having a hard time sleeping at night.
You can learn more in Fatigue in People With Cancer, which you can read online or call
us to have a free copy sent to you.

Hair loss from chemo

Hair loss can be distressing. But not all chemo drugs will make you lose your hair. Some
people have mild thinning that only they notice. Your doctor will be able to tell you if
your chemo is likely to cause hair loss.
If you do lose your hair, it will almost always grow back after the treatments are over.
But it might be a different color or texture.
You can lose hair on all parts of your body, not just your scalp. Eyelashes and eyebrows,
arm and leg hair, underarm hair, and pubic hair all may be affected.
Hair loss usually doesnt happen right away. More often, it starts after a few treatments.
At that point, your hair may fall out slowly or in clumps. Some people shave their heads
when this happens. Any hair that remains may become dull and dry.
Things that may help with hair loss:

Use mild shampoos.

Use soft-bristle hair brushes.
Use low heat if you must use a hair dryer.
Dont use brush rollers to set your hair.
Dont dye your hair or get a perm.
Have your hair cut short. A shorter style will make your hair look thicker and fuller. It
also will make hair loss easier to deal with if it does happen.
Use a sunscreen, hat, scarf, or wig to protect your scalp from the sun.
Use a satin pillowcase.
Sometimes, either during the regrowth of your hair or when you are bald, your scalp may
feel extra tender, dry, and itchy. It may help to keep your scalp clean by using a
moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Also, use gentle creams or lotions on your scalp
as needed. Even a gentle scalp massage may make your scalp feel better.
After chemo, your hairs texture and fullness may change. Hair dyes contain chemicals
that can damage hair. Theres no research that supports hair dye doing more damage to
hair after chemo, but most doctors recommend patients do not color their hair until it
returns to normal. This may be as long as 6 months after treatment.
Should I cover my head if I lose my hair?
Some people who lose all or most of their hair choose to wear turbans, scarves, caps,
wigs, or hairpieces. Others leave their heads uncovered. Still others switch back and
forth, depending on whether they are in public or at home with family and friends. Here
are tips to follow if you choose to cover your head with a wig or hairpiece:
Shop for your wig or hairpiece before you lose a lot of hair so you can match your
natural color, texture, and style.
You may be able to buy a wig or hairpiece at a specialty shop just for cancer patients.
A sales person may be able to come to your home to help you.
You can get more tips or even buy a wig or hairpiece through our tlc Tender Loving
Care catalog. To order products or catalogs, visit www.tlcdirect.org or call 1-800850-9445.
If you would prefer to borrow rather than buy a wig or hairpiece, call us or check with
the social work department at your treatment center.

A wig or hairpiece needed as a result of cancer treatment may be a tax-deductible

expense. Also, it may be partially or fully covered by your health insurance. If so, ask
your doctor for a prescription for a cranial prosthesis. Do not use the word wig on the

Increased chance of bruising, bleeding, infection, and anemia after

Chemo often causes decreases in your blood cell counts. Blood cells are made in the bone
marrow. Three important parts of your blood affected by chemo are:
Platelets, which help blood to clot and stop bleeding
White blood cells, which fight infection
Red blood cells, which carry oxygen to cells
Chemo destroys some of the bone marrow cells so fewer blood cells are produced. A
drop in the levels of any one of these cells leads to certain side effects.
Your doctor will check your blood cell count by doing a test called a complete blood
count or CBC. This will be done often during your treatment.
Bleeding or clotting problems
Platelets are the blood cells that help stop bleeding by plugging up damaged blood
vessels and helping your blood to clot. If you dont have enough platelets, you may bleed
or bruise more easily than usual, even from a minor injury. A shortage of platelets is
called thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-SY-toe-PEEN-ee-uh).
Report these signs of thrombocytopenia to your doctor:
Unexpected bruising
Small flat red spots under your skin
Red or pink urine
Black or bloody bowel movements
Any bleeding from your gums or nose
Bad headaches
Pain in joints and muscles

Your doctor will check your platelet count often during your treatment. If it falls too low,
you may need a platelet transfusion. Theres nothing you can do to help increase your
platelet count, but there are some precautions you can take:
Dont take any medicine without first checking with your doctor or nurse. This
includes aspirin and aspirin-free pain relievers, like acetaminophen (Tylenol),
ibuprofen, and any other medicines you can buy without a prescription. Some of these
medicines can make bleeding problems worse.
Dont drink any alcohol (beer, wine, or liquor) unless your doctor says its OK.
Use an extra-soft bristle toothbrush to clean your teeth, and talk to your doctor before
using dental floss.
If you have a runny nose, blow gently into a soft tissue.
Take care not to cut or nick yourself when using scissors, needles, knives, or tools.
Be careful not to burn yourself when ironing or cooking. Use a padded glove rather
than a potholder when you reach into the oven.
Avoid contact sports and other activities that might cause an injury.
Drink plenty of fluids and eat enough fiber to reduce your chances of getting
Use an electric shaver instead of a razor.
When bending over, keep your head above your heart.
A low white blood cell count decreases your ability to fight infections. One type of white
blood cell, called the neutrophil (NEW-trow-fill), is especially important in fighting
infections. A shortage of neutrophils is called neutropenia (NEW-trow-PEEN-ee-uh).
Infections can begin in almost any part of your body and most often start in your mouth,
skin, lungs, urinary tract, and rectum.
If your white blood cell count drops too much, your doctor may hold treatment, give you
a lower dose of chemo, or, in some cases, give you a growth factor shot that makes your
bone marrow produce more white blood cells. When the chemo used is known to cause
very low white blood cell counts, growth factor shots may be used to help keep this from
While theres nothing you can do to raise your white blood cell counts on your own, you
can do things to help prevent infection, such as:

Wash your hands often during the day, especially before you eat and after you use the
Stay away from crowds.
Stay away from people who have diseases you can catch, such as colds, flu, measles,
or chicken pox.
Do not get any immunization shots (vaccines) without first checking with your cancer
Stay away from people who have recently had an immunization, such as a vaccine for
chicken pox or small pox. Check with your doctor about which vaccines are
important and how long you should stay away from people who have had them.
Clean your rectal area very well but gently after each bowel movement. Ask your
doctor or nurse for advice if the area becomes sore or if you have hemorrhoids. Also,
check with your doctor before using enemas or suppositories.
Dont cut, bite, or tear the cuticles of your nails.
Be careful not to cut or nick yourself when using scissors, needles, or knives.
Use an electric shaver instead of a razor to prevent breaks or cuts in your skin.
Use an extra-soft bristle toothbrush that wont hurt your gums, and talk to your doctor
before using dental floss.
Dont squeeze or scratch pimples.
Take a warm (not hot) bath, shower, or sponge bath every day. Pat your skin dry
using a light touch. Dont rub.
Use lotion or oil to soften and heal your skin if it becomes dry and cracked.
Clean cuts, scrapes, and broken skin right away with warm water and soap. Use an
antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.
Wear waterproof gloves when gardening or cleaning up after animals and others,
especially small children. Wash your hands afterward, since gloves can have holes
that are too small to see.
Even if you are extra careful, your body may not be able to fight infections when your
white blood cell count is low. Look out for and check your body regularly for signs and
symptoms of infection. Pay special attention to your eyes, nose, mouth, and genital and
rectal areas. Symptoms of infection could be:
Fever of 100.5F or greater when your temperature is taken by mouth

Loose stools (This can also be a side effect of chemo.)
A burning feeling when you urinate
A bad cough or sore throat
Unusual vaginal discharge or itching
Redness, swelling, or tenderness, especially around a wound, sore, pimple, IV site, or
central venous catheter
Abdominal (belly) pain
Report any signs of infection to your doctor right away. If you have a fever, dont use
aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), or any other medicine to bring your temperature down
without first checking with your doctor.
For much more detail on the immune system, infections and cancer, and how to prevent
them, please see Infections in People With Cancer. It can be read online, or call us for a
free copy.
Anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is when you have too few red blood cells, and your body
tissues dont get enough oxygen to do their work. You may have these symptoms:
Extreme tiredness (fatigue)
Pale skin
A tendency to feel cold
Shortness of breath
Racing heart
You cant do anything to increase your red blood cell counts, but there are things that
may help with anemia. Try the ideas listed in the section called Fatigue from chemo if
your anemia is making you feel very tired. Let your doctor or nurse know if you have any
of the symptoms listed above.

If your red blood cell count falls too low, you may need a blood transfusion. Some people
can be treated with a growth factor a drug used to boost the number of red blood cells
the bone marrow makes.
You can get a lot more information in Anemia in People With Cancer. Call for a free
copy, or read it on our website.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are 2 of the most dreaded side effects of chemo. How often you
have these side effects and how bad they are depends on the drugs you are getting and
how they affect you.
Nausea and vomiting may start during treatment and last a few hours. Sometimes, but
less often, severe nausea and vomiting can last for a few days. Be sure to tell your doctor
or nurse if you are very nauseated, if you have been vomiting for more than a day, or if
the problem is so bad that you cant keep liquids down.
Nausea and vomiting can almost always be lessened by a change in the way you eat and
with drugs that help relieve both symptoms (these drugs are called anti-emetics).
Different anti-emetics work for different people. You may need to try more than one
before you get relief. Dont give up! Keep working with your doctor and nurse to find the
anti-emetics that work best for you.
Some people getting chemo feel queasy even before treatment begins. This is called
anticipatory nausea, and its very real. The best way to handle anticipatory nausea is by
taking anti-emetics to prevent vomiting, and by using relaxation techniques.
Things that may help with nausea and vomiting:
Avoid big meals so your stomach wont feel too full. Eat frequent, small meals
throughout the day instead of a few large meals.
Drink liquids at least an hour before or after mealtime instead of with your meals.
Eat and drink slowly.
Stay away from sweet, fried, or fatty foods.
Eat foods cold or at room temperature so you wont be bothered by strong smells.
Chew your food well for better digestion.
If nausea is a problem in the morning, try eating dry foods, such as cereal, toast, or
crackers, before getting up. (Dont try this if your mouth is too dry, or if you have
sores in your mouth or throat.)
Drink cool, clear liquids, such as apple juice, tea, or ginger ale that has lost its fizz.

Suck on ice cubes, mints, or tart candies. (Dont eat tart candies if you have mouth or
throat sores.)
Try to avoid odors that bother you, such as cooking smells, smoke, or perfume.
Rest in a chair after eating, but dont lie flat for at least 2 hours after youve finished
your meal.
Wear loose-fitting clothes.
Breathe deeply and slowly when you feel nauseated.
Distract yourself by talking with friends or family members, listening to music, or
watching a movie or TV show.
Use relaxation techniques.
Call us or go to our website to get more tips and details in Nausea and Vomiting.

Other chemo side effects and tips to manage them

Appetite changes
There may be days when you just cant eat because of things like nausea, taste changes,
or mouth and throat problems. You also can lose your appetite if you feel depressed or
When you have a poor appetite, try these tips:
Eat small meals or snacks whenever you want. You dont have to eat 3 regular meals
each day.
Vary your diet, and try new foods and recipes.
Take a walk before meals whenever you can. This may help you feel hungrier.
Change your mealtime routine. For example, eat by candlelight or in a different place.
Eat with friends or family members. When eating alone, listen to the radio or watch
If you live alone, you might want to arrange for Meals on Wheels or a program like
this to bring food to you. Ask your doctor, nurse, or local American Cancer Society
office about services in your area.
For more information, please see Nutrition for the Person With Cancer During
Treatment: A Guide for Patients and Families or Nutrition for Children With Cancer.

Some people become constipated (have trouble having bowel movements) from chemo.
Others may become constipated because they are less active, eat less than usual, have diet
changes, or because they are taking certain pain medicines. Tell your doctor if you
havent had a bowel movement in 2 or more days. You may need to take a laxative or
stool softener, but dont use these unless you have checked with your doctor, especially if
your white blood cell count or platelet count is low.
Things that may help you deal with constipation:
Drink plenty of fluids to help keep your stool soft. Warm and hot fluids often work
Eat a lot of high-fiber foods. High-fiber foods include bran, whole-wheat breads and
cereals, raw or cooked vegetables, fresh and dried fruit, nuts, and popcorn.
Get some exercise. Just getting out for a walk can help, as can a planned exercise
program. Be sure to check with your doctor before increasing your physical activity.

When chemo affects the cells lining the intestine, it can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is most
often defined as 2 or more loose stools in 4 hours. If you have diarrhea that lasts for more
than 24 hours, or if you have pain and cramping along with it, call your doctor. In severe
cases, the doctor may have you take an anti-diarrheal medicine, but dont take any overthe-counter anti-diarrheal medicines without asking your doctor first. Some chemo drugs
are known to cause diarrhea. Your doctor will give instructions on what to do if you are
getting one of these drugs.
Things that may help control diarrhea:
Eat smaller amounts of food, but eat more often.
Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, and sweets.
Avoid high-fiber foods, which can lead to diarrhea and cramping. High-fiber foods
include whole-grain breads and cereals, raw vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, popcorn,
and fresh and dried fruit.
Eat low-fiber foods, such as white bread, white rice or noodles, creamed cereals, ripe
bananas, canned or cooked fruit without skins, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, mashed
or baked potatoes without the skin, pureed vegetables, chicken or turkey without the
skin, and fish.
Stay away from fried, greasy, or spicy foods.

Avoid milk and milk products if they make your diarrhea worse.
Eat more potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, and peach and
apricot nectars, unless your doctor has told you otherwise.
Drink plenty of fluids to replace those you have lost through diarrhea. Mild, clear
liquids, such as apple juice, water, clear broth, or ginger ale, are best. Make sure they
are at room temperature, and drink them slowly. Let carbonated drinks lose their fizz
before you drink them.
If your diarrhea is severe (meaning that you have had 7 or 8 loose stools in 24 hours), tell
your doctor right away. Ask if you should try a clear-liquid diet to give your bowels time
to rest. Then, as you feel better, slowly add the low-fiber foods. A clear-liquid diet
doesnt have all the nutrients you need, so dont follow it for more than 3 or 4 days. If
your diarrhea doesnt get better, you may need to get IV fluids to replace the water and
nutrients you have lost.

Mouth, gum, tongue, and throat problems

Good mouth care is important during cancer treatment. Chemo can cause sores in the
mouth and throat. It can make these areas dry and irritated or cause them to bleed. Mouth
sores are not only painful, but they can also become infected by the many germs that
normally live in your mouth. Infections can be hard to fight during chemo and can lead to
serious problems. Its important to take every possible step to help prevent them.
Some people notice color changes of their tongues when getting chemo. These dark spots
are called hyperpigmentation. This is more common in dark-skinned people. The cause is
not clear, its not painful or dangerous, and it goes away on its own after treatment ends.
Ways to help keep your mouth, gums, tongue, and throat healthy:
Have your teeth cleaned at least 2 weeks before you start chemo, and take care of any
cavities, abscesses, gum disease, or poorly fitting dentures. This will give you time to
heal from any procedures that are needed.
Ask your dentist to show you the best ways to brush and floss your teeth during
Ask about a daily fluoride rinse or gel to help prevent decay because chemo can make
you more likely to get cavities.
Brush your teeth and gums after every meal. Use an extra-soft bristle toothbrush and
a gentle touch brushing too hard can damage soft mouth tissues.
Ask your dentist to suggest a special type of toothbrush, floss or dental ribbon, and
toothpaste if your gums are very sensitive.

Rinse your toothbrush well after each use, and store it in a dry place.
Avoid commercial mouthwashes. They often contain irritants such as alcohol.
Instead, ask your doctor or nurse about a mild mouthwash to help prevent mouth
If you develop sores in your mouth (this is called stomatitis [STO-muh-TIE-tus]), tell
your doctor or nurse right away because you may need treatment. Be sure to let the
doctor know if the sores are painful or if they keep you from eating.
If the sores are painful or keep you from eating, try these tips:
Ask your doctor if theres anything you can put right on the sores to treat them and if
theres medicine you can take to ease the pain.
Eat foods cold or at room temperature. Hot and warm foods can irritate a tender
mouth and throat.
Choose soft, soothing foods, such as ice cream, milk shakes, baby food, soft fruits
(like bananas and applesauce), mashed potatoes, cooked cereals, soft-boiled or
scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, custards, puddings, and gelatin.
You also can puree cooked foods in the blender to make them smoother and easier to
Avoid irritating, acidic foods, such as tomatoes, citrus fruit, and citrus fruit juice
(orange, grapefruit, and lemon); spicy or salty foods; and rough, coarse, or dry foods
like raw vegetables, pretzels, granola, and toast.
If your mouth is dry and it bothers you or makes it hard for you to eat, try these
Ask your doctor if you should use an artificial saliva product to moisten your mouth.
Drink plenty of liquids.
Suck on ice chips, Popsicles, or sugarless hard candy.
Chew sugarless gum.
Moisten dry foods with butter, margarine, gravy, sauces, or broth.
Dunk crisp, dry foods in mild liquids.
Eat soft and pureed foods.
Use lip balm if your lips become dry.

Nerve and muscle problems

Certain chemo drugs can cause peripheral neuropathy (per-IF-er-uhl nur-AH-puth-ee), a
nerve problem that causes tingling, pins and needles, burning sensations, weakness,
and/or numbness in your hands and feet.
You may feel any of these nerve-related symptoms:
Loss of balance
Trouble picking up things and buttoning clothing
Problems walking
Jaw pain
Hearing loss
Vision changes
Stomach pain
Along with affecting the nerves, certain chemo drugs can affect the muscles and make
them weak, tired, or sore.
Nerve and muscle effects are frustrating, yet in most cases they are not serious if caught
early. They are usually short term and will get better after treatment ends. Still, its
important to tell your doctor about any nerve or muscle symptoms right away. They can
get worse and become quite painful if left untreated. Your doctor might want to stop the
chemo for a while or offer you treatment to ease these symptoms.
Caution and common sense can help you deal with nerve and muscle problems.
Follow these tips:
If your fingers become numb, be very careful when handling objects that are sharp,
hot, or otherwise dangerous.
If your sense of balance is affected, move carefully, use handrails on stairs, and use a
bath mat in the tub or shower.
For more information, see Peripheral Neuropathy Caused by Chemotherapy. Call us for a
free copy or read it on our website.

Skin and nail changes

You may have minor skin problems during treatment, including color changes, redness,
itching, peeling, dryness, rashes, and acne.
You can take care of most of these problems yourself using these tips:
If you develop acne, try to keep your face clean and dry.
To help avoid dryness, take quick, warm showers rather than long, hot baths.
Apply creams or lotions after bathing, while your skin is still moist.
Do not use perfume, cologne, or aftershave lotion. These products often contain
alcohol, which can make your skin dry.
For itching, try cornstarch. (Use it like powder.)
When given through an IV, certain chemo drugs may darken your skin along the vein.
This discoloration will usually fade over time after treatment ends.
Most skin problems are not serious, but a few need to be taken care of right away. For
example, certain drugs given through an IV can cause serious, long-term tissue damage if
they leak out of the vein. Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you notice swelling or
feel any burning or pain near your IV site when you are getting IV drugs. These
symptoms dont always mean theres a problem, but they should always be checked out
right away.
Let your doctor or nurse know right away if you develop sudden or severe itching, if your
skin breaks out in a rash or hives, or if you start wheezing or have any other trouble
breathing. These symptoms may mean you are having an allergic reaction that needs
attention right away.
Some chemo drugs may make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Check with your
doctor or nurse about using sunscreen. You may need to completely avoid direct sunlight.
Wear long-sleeved cotton shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats to block the sun.
Your nails may become darkened, brittle, or cracked, or they may develop vertical lines
or bands. Protect your nails by wearing gloves when washing dishes, gardening, or doing
other work around the house. Some over-the-counter products might strengthen your
nails, but these products may also cause irritation.
Get advice from your doctor if any skin and nail problems dont respond to your efforts.
Be sure to let your doctor know if you have redness, pain, or changes around your
cuticles/nails or any other skin problems that youre worried about.

Urine changes and bladder and kidney problems

Some chemo drugs can irritate your bladder or cause short- or long-term kidney damage.
They may also cause your urine to change color (orange, red, green, or yellow) or take on
a strong or medicine-like odor. For a short time, the color and odor of semen may be
changed, too. (See the section for men under Sex, fertility, and chemo.)
Ask your doctor if your chemo may have these effects. And let your doctor know if you
have any signs or symptoms of a problem, such as:
Pain or burning when you urinate
Urinating a lot
A feeling that you must urinate right away
Reddish or bloody urine (Some chemo drugs will change the color of your urine. Tell
your doctor or nurse if this happens.)
Drink plenty of fluids to ensure good urine flow and help prevent problems. Water, juice,
coffee, tea, soup, soft drinks, broth, ice cream, Popsicles, and gelatin count as fluids.

Weight gain
Some people put on weight during chemo. We arent sure why this happens.
Whether you gain weight or not, good nutrition is very important during treatment.
People who eat well cope with side effects better and are better able to fight infection.
Their bodies can also rebuild healthy tissues faster.
Eating well during chemo means choosing a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients
your body needs. You should include foods from each of the following food groups:
fruits and vegetables; poultry, fish, and meat; cereals and breads; and dairy products. You
also should take in enough calories to keep your weight up and, most importantly, enough
protein to build and repair skin, hair, muscles, and organs.
You also may need to drink extra fluid to protect your bladder and kidneys during your
To learn more, please see Nutrition for the Person With Cancer During Treatment: A
Guide for Patients and Families and Nutrition and Physical Activity During and After
Cancer Treatment: Answers to Common Questions. Both can be read online, or call us for
free copies.

Other questions you may have about

What should I eat before my first chemo treatment?
Your chemo can take anywhere from a few minutes to many hours. Make sure you eat
something before treatment. Most people find that a light meal or snack an hour or so
before chemo works best. If youll be there several hours, plan ahead and bring a small
meal or snacks in an insulated bag or cooler. Find out if theres a refrigerator or
microwave you can use.

Can I drink alcohol?

Small amounts of alcohol can help you relax and increase your appetite. But alcohol may
interact with some drugs so that they dont work as well, or it may make the side effects
worse. Be sure to ask your doctor if you can drink beer, wine, or any other alcoholic

Should I take vitamin or mineral supplements?

Theres no single answer to this question, but one thing is clear: No diet or nutritional
plan can cure cancer. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements or any other
complementary or alternative medicine should never take the place of medical care. You
should not take any supplements without talking to your doctor first.
Please call us or go to the Complementary and Alternative Medicine page of our website
to learn more.

What is radiation recall?

If you have had radiation treatments before, you could develop radiation recall. During or
shortly after you get certain chemo drugs, the skin over the area that was treated with
radiation may turn red a shade anywhere from light to very bright and may itch or
burn. This is radiation recall, and the reaction may last hours or even days. You can
soothe the itching and burning by putting a cool, wet compress over the affected area.
Tell your doctor or nurse about any skin irritation or changes.

When to call your doctor about side effects

from chemotherapy
At this time, you are probably more in tune with your body than youve ever been in your
life. You notice every physical change and imbalance. Do not take any physical
symptoms you may have lightly.
Some side effects are fleeting and minor, but others may be a sign of serious problems.
You should not be the judge. Tell your doctor right away if you suffer from any of the
following symptoms during your chemo treatment:
A fever of 100.5F or greater (taken by mouth)
Bleeding or unexplained bruising
A rash or allergic reaction, such as swelling of the mouth or throat, severe itching,
trouble breathing or swallowing
Intense chills
Pain or soreness at the chemo injection site or catheter site
Unusual pain, including intense headaches
Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
Long-lasting diarrhea or vomiting
Bloody stool or blood in your urine

Sex, fertility, and chemo

Chemo can, but doesnt always affect sexual organs and how they work. The possible
side effects depend on the drugs used, your age, and your overall health.

Chemo may lower the number of sperm cells, reduce their ability to move, or cause other
changes. These changes can result in short- or long-term infertility. Infertility makes a
man unable to father a child, but it doesnt affect his ability to have sex.
Because permanent sterility (infertility) may occur, its important to discuss this issue
with your doctor BEFORE you start chemo. You might want to think about banking your
sperm for future use.

Men who are getting chemo should use condoms or other forms of birth control during
treatment because chemo may have harmful effects on the chromosomes of sperm cells.
Ask your doctor when you can stop using birth control for this reason. You may also
need to protect your partner, since some chemo drugs may be in your semen during and
just after you get chemo. Ask your doctor about this.

Chemo can damage the ovaries and reduce the amount of hormones they produce. As a
result, you may have these side effects:
Your menstrual periods may become irregular or stop during treatment. They may
or may not come back after chemo. In some women, they come back, but
menopause may start at a younger age than expected.
You may have menopause-like symptoms, such as hot flashes and itching, burning, or
dryness of vaginal tissues. These tissue changes can make sex uncomfortable, which
can often be relieved by using a water-based vaginal lubricant.
You may be more likely to get vaginal infections. To help prevent infection, avoid
oil-based lubricants (like petroleum jelly or lotions), always use a condom for sex,
wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a ventilated cotton lining, and dont wear
tight slacks or shorts. Your doctor also may prescribe a vaginal cream or suppository
to reduce the chances of infection. If you do get an infection, it should be treated right
You may become infertile (unable to become pregnant). Whether this happens and
how long it lasts depends on many factors, including the type of drug, the doses
given, and your age. Its important to discuss this possibility BEFORE you start

Pregnancy and chemo

Pregnancy is often possible during chemo, but it should be avoided because some chemo
drugs may cause birth defects. Doctors advise women of childbearing age from the
teens through the end of menopause to use birth control throughout treatment. If a
woman is pregnant when her cancer is discovered, it may be possible to delay chemo
until after the baby is born. For a woman who needs treatment sooner, the doctor may
suggest starting chemo after the 12th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is beyond the
stage of greatest risk. In some cases, termination of the pregnancy may be considered.
Talk to your doctor if you and your partner are considering pregnancy after completing
chemo. You can also learn more by reading Fertility and Women With Cancer or Fertility
and Men With Cancer online. Or you can call us to have a free copy sent to you.

What about my sex life?

Some people feel closer than ever to their partners and have an increased desire for sex
during treatment. Some notice little or no change in their sexual desire and energy level.
Still others find that their sexual interest declines because of the physical and emotional
stresses of cancer and cancer treatment. These stresses may include:
Worries about changes in how you look
Anxiety about health, family, or finances
Side effects, including tiredness and hormone changes
A partners concerns or fears also can affect the sexual relationship. Some may worry
that physical intimacy will harm the person who has cancer. Others may fear that they
might catch the cancer or be affected by the drugs.
You and your partner can clear up many of these misunderstandings by talking about
sexual concerns with your doctor, nurse, or a counselor. Though you may find it hard to
do, talking to a health professional can give you the information and reassurance you
You and your partner also should try to share your feelings with one another. If its hard
for you to talk to each other about sex or cancer, or both, you may want to talk to a
counselor who can help you communicate more openly.
If you were comfortable with and enjoyed sex before starting treatment, chances are
youll still find pleasure in physical intimacy during treatment. But you may find that
intimacy takes on new meaning. Hugging, touching, holding, and cuddling may become
more important, while sexual intercourse may become less important.
For more information, please see Sexuality for the Woman With Cancer and Sexuality for
the Man With Cancer. Call us for free copies of these booklets, or read them online.

Thoughts, emotions, and chemo

What about my memory and thinking?
Research has shown that chemo can impact the thinking functions of the brain (known as
cognitive functioning) for up to 10 years after treatment. Some of the brains activities
that are affected are concentration, memory, comprehension (understanding), and
reasoning. The changes that are found in patients are often very subtle and others may not
even notice them, but the people who have these problems are very aware of the changes
in their ability to think.

People who have had chemo and have problems with thinking, memory, or concentration
often call it chemo brain or chemo-fog. Some people report having these symptoms even
before they start treatment. Others report it even though they havent had chemo. Still
others notice the problem when theyre getting hormone treatments. So the term chemo
brain may not be completely accurate, but its the name that most people call it right now.
At this time, theres no sure way to prevent chemo brain, and researchers are studying the
problem. They are looking for more information to help prevent and treat chemo brain.
But just being aware that problems with thinking can happen may help patients and their
family members feel less isolated and alone.
If you have problems with thinking that interfere with your daily life, there are memory
retraining exercises and programs, as well as other treatments that may help you retain or
improve your memory and problem-solving abilities. You can also learn strategies that
may help you cope with the loss of cognitive function. Ask your doctor to recommend a
health professional who can help. You can learn more in Chemo Brain.

What emotional effects can I expect?

Chemo can bring major changes to your life. It can affect your overall health, threaten
your sense of well-being, disrupt your daily routines, and put a strain on your
relationships. Its normal and understandable for you and your family to feel sad, scared,
anxious, angry, or depressed.
There are ways to cope with these emotional side effects, just as there are ways to cope
with the physical side effects.

Finding support
You can draw support from many sources. Here are some of the most important ones:
Doctors and nurses
If you have questions or worries about your cancer treatment, talk with members of your
cancer care team. If theyre unable to give you the help you need, they can refer you to
other health professionals who can help you.
Counseling and mental health professionals
Counselors can help you express, understand, and cope with the emotions caused by
cancer treatment. Depending on what you want and need, you might want to talk with a
psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, sex therapist, or member of the clergy.
Friends and family
Talking with friends or family members may help you feel a lot better. Often, they can
comfort and reassure you in ways that no one else can. But you may find that you have to

make the first move. Many people dont understand cancer and may withdraw from you
because theyre afraid of your illness. Others may worry that theyll upset you by saying
the wrong thing.
You can help relieve these fears by talking openly with others about your illness, your
treatment, your needs, and your feelings. You can correct mistaken ideas and let people
know that theres no one right thing to say. Once people know they can talk with you
honestly, they may be more willing and able to open up.
Go online or call us to get Talking With Friends and Relatives About Your Cancer. It
gives you tips on how to maintain open, clear communication with those around you.
Support groups
Support groups are made up of people who are going through the same kinds of
experiences you are. Many people with cancer find they can share thoughts and feelings
with group members more easily than with anyone else. Support groups can be an
important source of practical information about living with cancer, too.
You can also find support in one-to-one programs that match you with a person like you
in age, gender, type of cancer, and so forth. You might talk with this person online, on the
phone, or arrange visits.
Where to find information about support programs:
Your hospitals social work department
Your local American Cancer Society office or by calling us at 1-800-227-2345

Coping tips for everyday life

Try to keep your treatment goals in mind. This can help you keep going on days when
it gets rough.
Eating well is very important. Your body needs food to rebuild tissues and regain
Learn as much as you want to know about your disease and its treatment. This can
lessen your fear of the unknown and increase your feeling of control.
Exercise if you can and if your doctor says its OK. Using your body can help you
fight fatigue, build your appetite, and help you feel better about yourself.
Keep a journal or diary. A record of your activities and thoughts can help you
understand the feelings you have as you go through treatment. It may also help
highlight questions you need to ask your doctor or nurse. You can use your journal to
record side effects. This will help you talk about them with your doctor and nurse.
Write down the steps you take to cope with side effects and how well those steps

work, too. That way, youll know what worked best for you in case you have the
same side effects again.
Try new hobbies or go back to one you loved before.
Learn new skills like painting, cooking, or a language.
Take it easy. You may not have as much energy as usual, so try to get as much rest as
you can. Let the small stuff slide, and focus on the things that are most important to

Paying for chemo treatment

How do I pay for my chemo?
The cost of chemo varies with the kinds of drugs used, how long and how often they are
given, and whether you get them at home, in a clinic, office, or hospital. Most health
insurance policies, including Medicare, cover at least part of the cost of most kinds of
To reduce their costs, private insurance companies are more often deciding not to pay for
the use of some chemo drugs. They may do this even if those drugs are proven cancer
therapies. Before you start treatment, find out whether your health insurance will pay for
it. Also find out if the maker of the drug(s) you will get have patient assistance programs.
Someone on your cancer care team can help you with this.
You can also learn more about health insurance on our website, www.cancer.org, or by
calling us at 1-800-227-2345.

What do I need to know about insurance coverage?

Insurance companies may deny payment for chemo for these reasons:
They may not be aware of new treatments.
They may limit the selection of drugs that doctors can use for chemo.
They may restrict payment to the uses approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).
If youre going to take part in a clinical trial, find out how payment will work. The
treatments may be covered by the sponsors of the study, but in some cases, insurers must
help pay for it. Again, be sure you know what will be covered by whom.

If your insurer denies payment for your treatment, dont give up. Most people do get
payment if they keep working on it.

What do I do if my claim is not paid?

Tell your cancer care team if you have been denied payment so that they can contact
your insurer and help answer any questions.
Ask the staff at your doctors office to provide your insurance company with the
results of scientific studies showing that a certain drug works for your type of cancer.
Ask hospitals and cancer centers to provide information like this, too. These actions
are often enough to get your claim paid.
Contact reimbursement specialist hotlines at pharmaceutical companies.
In some states, Medicaid (which makes health care services available for people with
financial need) may help pay for certain treatments. Contact the office that handles social
services in your city or county to find out if you are eligible for Medicaid and whether
your chemo is a covered expense. Medicaid approval can take a long time, so start the
process as early as possible.
You can also contact your hospitals social service office, which may be able to direct
you to other sources of help.
A last alternative may be to sue the insurance company to get payment for your cancer
treatment. In many cases, courts have sided with patients and ordered insurance
companies to pay for treatment.
Always ask your doctor and nurse any questions you have about your chemo. Open and
honest talks between you, your family, and your cancer care team are the best way to
understand whats happening to you, your body, and the cancer.
The American Cancer Society can help you, too. Contact us anytime, day or night, for
cancer-related information and support. Visit www.cancer.org, or call us at 1-800-2272345. We want to help you get well and stay well.

These are some words that you may hear your cancer care team use.
Adjuvant (AD-juh-vunt) therapy: Treatment used in addition to main treatment. It
usually refers to hormone therapy, chemo, radiation therapy, or other treatments given
after surgery to increase the chances of curing the disease or keeping it in check.
Alopecia (AL-o-PEE-shuh): Hair loss, which can be all over the body. Its often caused
by chemo, and hair usually grows back after treatment ends.

Anemia (uh-nee-me-uh): Having too few red blood cells or a low red blood cell count.
Symptoms of anemia include feeling tired, weak, and short of breath.
Anti-emetic (an-tee-ih-MEH-tik or an-tie-ih-MEH-tik): A drug that prevents or relieves
nausea and vomiting
Benign (be-nine): Non-cancerous, or not cancer
Blood cell count: A count of the number of cells in a given sample of blood. Red blood
cells, white blood cells, and platelets are most often counted for this lab test, also called a
complete blood count or CBC.
Bone marrow: The inner, spongy tissue of bones where blood cells are made
Cancer (CAN-sur): A general term for more than 100 diseases in which abnormal cells
grow out of control, in most cases forming a lump or a mass. The term is also used to
describe uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the blood or lymph system.
Catheter (CATH-it-ur): A thin, flexible tube. Doctors use these to put fluids into your
body or as a way for fluids to leave your body.
Central venous catheter (CVC): A special thin, flexible tube placed in a large vein,
usually in the chest, neck, or upper arm to allow easier access to the vein. It can remain
there for as long as its needed to put in and take out fluids. There are many different
types of CVCs.
Chemotherapy (KEY-mo-THER-uh-pee): The use of drugs to treat disease. The term
most often refers to drugs used to treat cancer. Its often called chemo.
Chromosomes (KROM-uh-SOMS): Thread-like strands that carry genetic information.
They are found in the nucleus, or center part, of a cell. Humans have 23 pairs of
chromosomes, one member of each pair from the mother, the other from the father. Each
chromosome can contain hundreds or thousands of individual genes.
Clinical trials: Medical research studies done in patient volunteers. Each study is
designed to answer scientific questions and find better ways to detect, prevent, or treat
cancer and/or its side effects.
Combination chemotherapy: The use of more than one chemo drug to treat cancer
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): Ways of dealing with disease other
than those used by doctors in standard medicine. This term covers a broad range of tested
and untested methods, such as herbs/vitamins/minerals, mind/body/spirit, diet and
nutrition, physical touch, and biological methods.
Fatigue (fuh-TEEG): The feeling of being tired physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Cancer-related fatigue persists over time, may not get better with rest, and can interfere
with usual activities.

Growth factors: Also known as colony-stimulating factors, growth factors are

substances that stimulate the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. They can help
the blood-forming tissue recover from the effects of chemo and radiation therapy. Growth
factors can also refer to proteins that occur naturally in the body that cause cells to grow
and divide.
Hormones: Natural substances released by an organ that can influence the function of
other organs in the body and the growth of some types of cancer
Infusion: Slow and/or prolonged intravenous (IV) delivery of a drug or fluids
Injection: Using a syringe and needle to push fluids or drugs into the body; often called a
Intramuscular (IM): Into a muscle
Intrathecal (IT): Into the spinal fluid (also called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF)
Intravenous (IV): Into a vein
Malignant (muh-LIG-nunt): Cancerous
Metastasis (meh-TAS-tuh-sis) or metastasize (meh-TAS-tuh-SIZE): The spread of
cancer cells to other areas of the body, often through the lymph system or bloodstream
Neoadjuvant therapy (NEE-o-AD-juh-vunt THER-uh-pee): Treatment, such as
chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or radiation therapy, given before the main treatment is
Oncologist (on-KAHL-uh-jist): A doctor with special training in the diagnosis and
treatment of cancer
Orally (PO): Taken by mouth
Peripheral neuropathy (per-IF-er-uhl nur-AH-puth-ee): Damage to the nervous system
that usually starts in the hands and/or feet with symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning,
and/or weakness. It can be caused by some chemo drugs.
Platelets (Plts): Special blood cells that plug up damaged blood vessels and help blood
clot to stop bleeding
Port: A type of central venous catheter (CVC) thats a drum-shaped device surgically
placed under the skin of the chest or upper arm. The attached catheter extends into a large
or central vein. The port is accessed through the skin with a special needle and can be
used to draw blood or give fluids, drugs, or blood products.
Radiation therapy (RAY-dee-A-shun THER-uh-pee): The use of high-energy rays or
subatomic particles to treat disease

Red blood cells (RBCs): Cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the
Remission (re-MISH-un): The partial or complete disappearance of signs and symptoms
of disease
Stomatitis (STO-muh-TIE-tus): Sores on the lining of the mouth
Topical: Put right on the skin
Tumor: An abnormal growth (lump or mass) of cells or tissues. Tumors are either benign
(not cancer) or malignant (cancer).
White blood cells (WBCs): The blood cells that fight infection

More information from your American

Cancer Society
The following information may also be helpful to you. These free materials may be read
on our website, www.cancer.org, or ordered from our toll-free number, 1-800-227-2345.

Talking about and coping with cancer

After Diagnosis: A Guide for Patients and Families (also in Spanish)
Talking With Your Doctor (also in Spanish)
Caring for the Patient With Cancer at Home: A Guide for Patients and Families (also in
Nutrition for the Person With Cancer During Treatment: A Guide for Patients and
Families (also in Spanish)

More on chemo treatment

Oral Chemotherapy: What You Need to Know

More on chemo side effects

Distress in People With Cancer
Sexuality for the Man With Cancer (also in Spanish)
Sexuality for the Woman With Cancer (also in Spanish)

Other cancer treatment options

A Guide to Cancer Surgery (also in Spanish)
A Guide to Radiation Therapy (also in Spanish)
Clinical Trials: What You Need to Know (also in Spanish)

Your American Cancer Society also has books that you might find helpful. Call us at 1800-227-2345 or visit our bookstore online at www.cancer.org/bookstore to find out
about costs or to place an order.
No matter who you are, we can help. Contact us anytime, day or night, for cancer-related
information and support. Call us at 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org. We want to
help you get well.

National organizations and websites*

Along with the American Cancer Society, other sources of information and support
National Cancer Institute
Toll-free number: 1-800-422-6237 (1-800-4-CANCER)
TTY: 1-800-332-8615
Website: www.cancer.gov
Free, accurate, up-to-date information about cancer for patients, their families,
and the general public that covers a variety of cancer-related topics; also provides
clinical trial information and a matching service for patients.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
Phone number: 215-690-0300
Website: www.nccn.org
This alliance of 21 of the worlds leading cancer centers provides treatment
information to help patients make informed decisions about cancer care.
*Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by the American Cancer Society.

Alfreijat M. Tongue hyperpigmentation associated with chemotherapy. Community Hosp
Intern Med Perspect. 2013;3(3-4).

Casamiquela KM, Cohen PR. Chemotherapy-associated tongue hyperpigmentation and

blue lunula. J Drugs Dermatol. 2013;12(2):223-226.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health. Preventing Occupational Exposures to Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous
Drugs in Health Care Settings. September 2004. Accessed at
www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2004-165/pdfs/2004-165.pdf on April 21, 2014.
Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Chemotherapy Precautions During and After Treatment.
2010. Accessed at www.cchs.net/health/healthinfo/docs/4300/4350.asp?index=13586&pflag=1. Content no longer available.
Walton AML, Mason S, Busshart M, et al. Safe Handling: Implementing Hazardous Drug
Precautions. CJON. 2012;16(3): 251-254.
Yuki M, Sekine S, Takase K, Ishida T, Sessink PJ. Exposure of family members to
antineoplastic drugs via excreta of treated cancer patients. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2012
Oct 11.
Last Medical Review: 6/9/2015
Last Revised: 6/9/2015
2015 Copyright American Cancer Society

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