What Is Your Educational Background

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Cedric M.

1. What is your educational background?
College graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English from MinSCAT Main Campus, and presently taking up
Master of Arts in Education Major in English Language Teaching from
MinSCAT Bongabong Campus.
2. List five adjectives that describe yourself.
I am innovative, creative, resourceful,
3. What is one of your weaknesses, and how are you working to improve it?
My being workaholic is my weakness to the point that I almost I forget my
health. To address this, manage my time wisely, and I do not go to work
without eating my meals.
4. What interests do you pursue outside the classroom?
Research writing related to my specialization.
5. When did you decide to choose to become a teacher, why did you choose this
I decided to become a teacher when I found myself with no other choices but
teacher- education. I did choose this because my skills tailor fit the qualities
of a would -be teacher.
6. Why do you want to teach at the ___ level?
I want to teacher at the tertiary level because I know in this level my skills
will be developed and my weaknesses will be turned into strengths.
7. What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
My good communication skills help a lot in facilitating my lessons.
8. What is your favorite subject to teach? Why?
My favorite subject to teach is Speech and Oral communication because in
this subject I am also learning how to enhance my oral communication skills.
9. What is your least favorite subject to teach, and how do you overcome your
indifference toward it to teach it well?
None for I love all the subjects I am teaching.
10.What do you like most about teaching as a career?
What I like about teaching is that, first, it gives me opportunities to go in
different classrooms with diverse learners, it provides me chances to go in to
different places to attend seminars, trainings, workshops and the like and
most importantly it provides me financial stability.
11.What is your least aspect of teaching?
Its demanding lessons or subject matters, because some lessons require a lot
of preparation and effort.
12.What is your philosophy of education?
Education helps define a person. Educate them and show them the way to a
successful future!
13.Standards play a significant role inside the classroom for these ensure the
quality of outcomes of every teaching- learning process. Moreover, give ideas
as to how to carryout instruction.
14.My teaching style is more of a progressive one, I incorporate technology and
innovative IMs that help capture the attention of my students. I give my

students challenging tasks that push them beyond their limits. I give
feedback regularly to ensure that my students are aware of their present
performance in my class. And finally I am strict in terms of time, and quality
of outputs.
15.Whenever I am organizing my classroom, I always consider my students, I
engage them in decision making processes.
16.I do lesson planning to properly manage my time. Lesson planning helps me
chunk the lessons into pieces therefore my time is budgeted.
17.My day to day teaching is my greatest teaching experience.
18.Being in a love relationship.
19.The length of time in preparing the lesson most especially if the lesson
requires further research and study.
20.Possesses mastery and proficiency of the lesson.
21.So far in my teaching experience, I havent experience having worst lesson.
22.I consider my students in decision making processes and in making classroom
rules and regulations.
23.Supporting every class program, - classroom beautification, cleanliness drive,
PTA etc.
24.By giving them positive feedback every time they will be showing good
performance and meeting the standards set for them.
25.None yet.
26.Enrolling in a graduate studies program. Its a fulfilling experience to be
getting post graduate studies for it gives me additional challenge and
experience as well. It affirms my credibility as a teacher.
27.An ideal lesson must be catering on the needs and demands of the learners,
moreover, relates to real life situation.
28.Needs analysis is one step that I consider before proceeding to
implementation, this is to ensure that the needs are considered as bases of
fulfilling its relevance to its beneficiaries. Next is the specification of
objectives, this is to look for the outcomes we desire to achieve, organizing
the team, this is to position the key persons who will render responsibilities to
ensure that the project is successfully implemented, and of course the
evaluative measures, this is to determine whether the implementation phase
successfully achieve its goals/ objectives.
29.Discover/ inquiry approach. In this method I post higher order thinking
questions that provoke them to think logically and respond with sense. Thru
this method, they the ones discovering the concept and principle. Therefore,
it personalized. My task is just to facilitate them and affirm to the truth they
discover about the lesson.
30.I always make sure that the technology is really a need in the lesson. I do not
use CAI if feel that the is lesson is achievable thru traditional approaches,
such as lecture method, however, if the lesson requires technology I make
sure that I make the best use of technology.
31.None yet. But if given the opportunity, then it is definitely helpful, for we are
two who will affirm in the learning that the students gained in the lesson, and
we are two who will give them relevant learning experiences.

32.By providing students varied learning activities. The activities should be

catering on individual needs.
33.Thru portfolio assessment students are able to express their creativity and
individuality for they have to collect samples of their outputs. Moreover in
portfolio assessment, students write reflection about the lesson they have
34.The modification in teaching must be based on the performance of the
students in the assessment. The result will confirm whether there has to be
modification on the teaching processes. In addition, thru needs analysis and
learners reason for learning.
35.I give them challenging tasks- catering on the development of higher order
thinking skills. The learning tasks must be authentic and must draw
connection to the real life situations.
36.Welcome to another chapter, to another journey and to another painstaking
quest for greater heights of excellence! In this journey, you will be required to
once again pour efforts and extreme determine to conquer the boulders
ahead of you. Learning is painful; prepare your heart along with your mind to
ensure that in the end, reasons for learning are achieved!
37.One to one interview must be conducted to make resolutions on the absences
incurred by the students. Thru this you will be helped in deciding as to
whether there is a need for catch up lessons or remedial instruction.
Counseling is the juxtaposition of the succeeding steps.
38.Do an item analysis to determine whether the questions are of high validity
and reliability.
39.I want them remember that I have become their partner in conquering
difficult lessons. And also I want them remember that, the real fruits of
success are once seeds of hard labor and painstaking endeavor.
40.There should be a regular meeting to ensure that the parents are considered
in making decisions about their childrens performances in class. Parents
interaction in the class ensures the success of every classs endeavor.
41.Interview them first to determine the reasons why they behave that way in
your class and make necessary actions relevant to their behaviors and if the
actions did not work seek parents presence to discuss matters on how to
address their childs indifferences inside the class.
42.If the child is becoming uncontrollable that even the parents were considered
but literally ignored.
43.The visitors want see the class actively engaged in all classroom/ learning
tasks. The visitors expect to see them discovering principles and concepts on
their own and more importantly the want to students exhibiting positive
44.I hope to learn things which are new to me and which will make me
professional as she.
45.Creativity and innovativeness help my take advantage of the available
resources in the community. The simple things inside the community are
transformed in to something innovative and useful teaching materials.

Therefore I make economical IMs but I do not sacrifice the quality of the
teaching- learning processes.

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