The X-Ray Inspection Booklet v7
The X-Ray Inspection Booklet v7
The X-Ray Inspection Booklet v7
Compact and understandable
Volume 7
Volume 7
to discover inconsistencies and defects of all kinds. This applies to both the
volume and the surface of the workpiece through which the radiation
passes. Not only iron and steel can be subjected to an X-ray inspection, but
almost any type of metal and its respective alloys, as well as ceramics,
synthetic porcelain, concrete, wood and composite materials (carbon-fiber
reinforced and glass-fiber reinforced plastic) can be inspected.
Along with ultrasound and eddy-current methods, X-ray inspection is one of
the most widely used procedures in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). It is
used to examine welded joints and castings that are used in a diverse array
of applications such as inspection of vehicle components, pressure
vessels, pipelines, chemical systems and many others.
Generation of X-ray radiation
X-ray adjustments
X-ray attenuation
1.4.1 Radiation attenuation through photo
1.4.2 Radiation attenuation through scattering
Radiation contrast
1.5.1 Quantitative observations
1.5.2 Noise
Operating/control module
High voltage generation
2.2.1 AC voltage devices
2.2.2 DC voltage devices
2.2.3 High-stability devices
Tube housing
Operation of X-ray units
Verification of device properties
2.5.1 Focal spot measurement according to
IEC and EN 12543
2.5.2 Evaluation of maximum energy according
to EN 12544
Radiography - Radioscopy
5.1.1 Weld examinations
5.1.2 Casting examinations
5.1.3 Recognition of foreign bodies in food
5.1.4 Soft radiation technology
Introduction to digital image processing
5.2.1 Image enhancement
5.2.2 Image evaluation
Computed tomography
the size of the thermal focal spotthe angle of the anode surface in relation to the central beam, called
the anode angle .
This angle is about 20 for usual standard tubes. Anode angles and ray
outlet windows limit the opening angle of the useful bundle of rays to about
X-ray adjustments
The following discusses what impact X-ray operating desk adjustments can
have on the spectrum:
In this process, the total intensity decreases, but the mean energy and
maximum point of intensity shift to a higher energy value. Materials
commonly used for prefiltration purposes are aluminum (Al) with a
thickness of 1-5 mm and copper (Cu) with a thickness of 0.2 2 mm
X-ray attenuation
The major characteristic of the X-ray is its ability to penetrate. Some of the
radiation passes through a workpiece, but the rest does not. A suitable
detector can record the resulting attenuation and create a radiograph.
In order to understand the interactions that take place when the radiation
passes through the workpiece, it helps to imagine the radiation as
particles that possess a certain energy. In the case of electromagnetic
radiation, these particles are called photons or quanta. You can picture
the attenuation as an intermittent interaction with the electrons of the atom
or the molecules of the workpiece. For the application energy areas
covered in this course (approx. 40-450 KeV), we can describe the
attenuation as the sum of two sub-processes: photo absorption and
Photo absorption is the actual desired and image-creating effect. When the
energy of the X-ray photon hits the test object, it is transferred fully
(absorbed). A portion of the energy is emitted again when a photoelectron is
released, and when X-ray fluorescence radiation is generated (see Fig. 5).
Radiation contrast
Quantitative observations
then a connection can be made between I and w as well as the energydependent X-ray absorption coefficient. The result is:
I Ip w
We can then calculate the radiation contrast as the relative difference in
intensity I to the total intensity Ig.
Cr = I/Ig = w / (1 + Is/Ip)
A more general formulation illustrates the difference between two different
attenuation coefficients (test material () and material defect (f)) and
provides a definition of radiation contrast as follows:
Radiation contrast: Cr ( -f) w / (1 + Is/Ip)
This formulation is important for X-ray imaging examinations. It uses the
following definition for the scattering ratio k: k = Is / Ip
Three factors affect the radiation contrast directly:
the difference between the attenuation coefficients
the spread of the defect, parallel to the direction of the beam
the scattering ratio
We can thus infer the following statements for practical examinations:
Air or gas-filled cavities (f 0) such as shrinkholes, etc, generate a
high radiation contrast, which is solely determined by the depth of the
defect w, the workpiece material and the scatter ratio. This also
applies to defects with large surfaces and cracks. This is where the
main advantage of radioscopy comes into play. In terms of their
orientation, defects can be brought into an optimal position in
relation to the direction of the beam.
In the case of metallic inclusions, high radiation contrasts can obtained if
the difference between the attenuation coefficients of the workpiece
material and the inclusion is large. This is often the case with light alloy
castings. As above, an adjustment to the direction of the beam can
enable optimal radiation contrast.
X-ray current:
operating/control module
high voltage generation
high voltage cable
tube housing
cooling system
Operating/control module
The user can adjust all the necessary parameters through control module
high voltage
(kV - kilovolts - 1000 V)
tube current
(mA - milliamperes - 0.001 A)
exposure time
(min - minutes)
focal spot
(if the tube allows a choice between two focal spots)
operation modes (constant current, constant power, program)
selection of the warm-up program for tube training
focal spot size and focusing (specific to microfocus systems only)
ease, and the user benefits from the best protection available against faulty
operation. Images of nominal and actual values are displayed on a screen
simultaneously. The user can operate the device shown in Fig. 11 via soft
function keys. In addition, the system displays messages alerting the user
to all causes of errors that occur through faulty operation or device
malfunction. For a cost-effective integration of the X-ray unit into a
manufacturing process, there is the option to control the entire system
through a serial interface. This can also be done without the control
module, for example with a PC or an industrial control panel
X-ray units can be divided into three groups according to the type of high
voltage generation:
AC voltage devices
DC voltage devices
high-stability devices
AC voltage devices
AC voltage devices are used for radiographic weld examinations for ship,
pipe, and steel construction. They are deployed during field examinations
where mobility is essential.
To enable mobility, the high voltage source and the X-ray tube are installed
in a radiation protection housing called the tube housing assembly.
Consequently, high-voltage cables and patch cords are no longer needed.
The tube housing assembly is connected to the control unit through a
fairly long low-voltage cable which allows the configuration of the
parameters (voltage, current, exposure time) (see Fig. 12).
DC voltage devices
High-stability devices
Fig. 15: high voltage generator cathode with power module (unipolar
system up to 225 kV)
Connecting the power module directly to the high voltage generator
decreases the required usage space. In the case of bipolar systems, which
consist of a cathode generator, power module, and anode generator, it is
possible to stack or place the high voltage generators next to each other.
For the usual radioscopy applications, i.e., routine weld and casting
examinations, no additional cooling is needed for the generators and power
Tube housing
0 Volt
max. -225 kV
Fig. 16: diagram of a unipolar tube
For isolation reasons, unipolar operation is not useful at voltages greater
than 225 kV. Therefore, bipolar tubes are used for higher tube voltages.
With a -225 kV cathode maximum and a +225 kV anode maximum, the
total voltage amounts to a maximum of 450 kV (see Fig. 17). Bipolar
tubes generally use oil for cooling purposes, and need a heat
exchanger/cooling unit to re-cool the oil.
oil cooling
max. -225 kV
Fig. 17: diagram of a bipolar tube
max. +225 kV
Currently, both tube types are called metal-ceramic tubes. They contain
ceramic parts, which are placed between a metal cover and high voltage
parts, providing for electrical isolation. Beryllium is the material used for the
tube window. This material has a small inherent filtration rate and only has
a slight effect on the radiation spectrum.
We can further divide the types of tubes into direct and panoramic
emitting units. Direct emitting units are generally used for standard
applications. The radiation angle of it normally lies at around 40 degrees. In
contrast, a panoramic unit can emit radiation over 360 degrees. These
tubes are often used for weld examinations of round welds centrally located
inside the pipe (the tube is moved into the pipe).
The size of the focal spot, or focus, is an important aspect when selecting
the X-ray tube for a special application. While in radiography, due to special
image conditions, the focal spot sizes are defined in millimeters. In
radioscopy, focal spot sizes are classified as follows:
standard focal spot:
For X-ray units with sealed tubes, it is only necessary to adjust the
parameters for current, voltage, and exposure time. For microfocus
systems it is also necessary to adjust the focus of the beam. Because the
optimal beam focus changes whenever the high voltage changes, it is
necessary to readjust it for each high voltage value. Since the optimal
focusing current changes whenever the high voltage changes, it must be
adjusted anew for each high voltage. Today, CPU-controlled operator
control panels are available to automate this highly complicated procedure
almost entirely.
The properties of an X-ray unit that are important for the user are the
imaging properties of the tube, and the relation between the adjusted X-ray
voltage and the actual maximum energy attained. The actual maximum
energy attained is a major factor in determining the necessary exposure
time. Because of this fact, the relation to the adjusted X-ray voltage is an
essential factor for quality - especially in radiography. European
standardization authorities took this into account when they drafted EN
12544, which is a binding standard on determining this relation.
It is a fact that particularly in radioscopy, the impact of the focal spot on the
image and image quality is of particular importance. We would therefore
like to introduce the method of measurement according to DIN or IEC,
which has been in use so far, as well as the new reference method of
measurement according to EN 12543. These standards will help the user to
assess the various data provided by tube manufacturers in relation to the
image properties.
Fig. 18: two X-ray focal spots on a radiographic film (photographed with a
pinhole camera)
Since it is already possible to weight the measured value towards the
anode-cathode-axis with a factor of 0.7 at the focal spot image evaluation
stage, substantial discrepancies between the data provided by the tube
manufacturers and the true focal spot dimensions will occur in practice.
For example, with a 0.4 focus, the focal spot dimensions that were
determined at that value may be surprisingly high at values of 0.6 mm or
0.85 mm.
Fig. 20: result of the scanning procedure in the form of an isodose image
In the new standard, the focal spot size is defined as the maximum
expansion in length and width that is evident between the 10% isodoses in
the isodose image. In radiography, the larger of these two
measurements is defined as the nominal focal spot. In the near future, two
focal spot sizes will be declared in the specification provided by
manufacturers: the size according to the new EN, and another according to
the old IEC/DIN.
The relationship between the specified X-ray voltage and the actual
radiation maximum energy attained (the time required to attain the
maximum energy) is predictable when considering exposure times in
radiography. The user should be able to assume that the maximum energy
specified by the manufacturer of the X-ray unit is an accurate measure of
the required exposure time. This, however, is not guaranteed.
Fig. 21: comparison of required exposure times for various transportable Xray units for 65 mm
EN 12544 will ensure that the data provided by manufacturers will become
more transparent and easier to compare. It is an important step forward in
ensuring that industrial X-ray unit properties are standardized.
3. Detectors
It is possible to use radiation examinations to detect differences in density
or thickness in a test specimen. The distribution of intensity behind the test
specimen must be converted by suitable detectors into a visible image for
further evaluation.
It is for this reason that the detector of the X-ray system is of particular
importance. It is also referred to as the actual imaging system because it
converts an invisible radiation image into a visible X-ray image for
evaluation. Different imaging systems are available for various testing
purposes. The most important are:
luminescent screen (also with video camera)
X-ray image intensifier video systems
X-ray-sensitive linear diode arrays
semiconductor flat panel detectors
X-ray film
The purpose of the examination determines which specially adapted
imaging system will be used. The most important parameters of the
different detectors are:
spatial resolution or inherent detector unsharpness - this factor
determines how easy it is to detect small details with a certain
geometric magnification.
contrast - difference in intensity when imaging shows slight differences
in wall thickness
dynamic range - maximum wall thickness difference that can still be
examination speed
The X-ray image intensifying screen with a video camera currently has the
largest practical importance as a detector system. Drastic improvements in
contrast and spatial resolution have made the image quality of this system
comparable to the image quality generated in radiography.
Inside the vacuum tube of the X-ray image intensifier (see Fig. 24), an Xray sensitive, luminescent coating made of CsI (cesium-iodide) is located
on the front side. In contrast to conventional luminescent screens, this
coating is very thin and composed of specially aligned CsI crystals. This
luminescent coating converts the X-ray image into a visible image. The
resulting light causes electrons to emerge from the photocathode. They are
accelerated through an electric field that exists between the cathode and
the electrodes of electron optics located on the output screen. The output
screen converts the electrons into a visible image.
ray film. Geometric magnification (see also section 4) can compensate for
this deficiency. Increased geometric magnification only leads to an
improvement in detail recognition if the focal spot size is sufficiently small.
Another way to improve detail recognition is the zooming of the image
intensifier. This means that the input field of the image intensifier is
decreased, yielding an enlargement effect in the output window.
Consequently, the area of the specimen to be tested at an angle is smaller,
and longer examination times are required. This is especially true in the
case of weld examinations, where a high spatial resolution is required to
detect defects. Zooming helps improve defect recognition in this situation.
The output image of the X-ray image intensifier is scanned through a video
camera and transmitted to a monitor or a digital image processing system.
The transmission is done according to the CCIR standard (or NTSC in
North America)
The light intensity on the output screen of the image intensifier is scanned
line by line and converted into an electrical voltage. In the video signal (see
Fig. 25), a high light intensity (white) corresponds to a high voltage level.
The individual video lines are displayed on the monitor in the line feed
process. The whole image comprises 625 (640) lines. The full image
frequency is 25 (30) Hz and the half image frequency is 50 (60) Hz. The
attainable resolution is 5 MHz-bandwidth horizontally, and approximately
400 (480) pixels vertically.
X-ray sensitive line diode arrays are composed of coated photodiodes that
convert the radiation into the electrical signal. The photodiodes are
arranged along a line so that, in contrast to the X-ray image-intensifying
Varian comp.
Fig. 28: scintillator method (phosphor)
A flat panel detector consists of millions of light-sensitive pixels that are
arranged in a grid on a rectangular surface. (see Fig. 29).
Varian comp.
Fig. 29: electrical design
It is possible to also view this structure on the flat panel detector through a
microscope. (see Fig. 30).
Varian comp.
Fig. 30: actual design
Flat panel detectors with varying pixel sizes and dimensions are available
(see Tab. 3.1). A flat panel detector weighs about 8 - 10 kg. Therefore, it is
well below the weight of an X-ray image intensifier.
Detector 1
Detector 2
0.4 mm
0.127 mm
1.2 LP/mm
4 LP/mm
< 1%
Dynamic range
14,000 : 1
1,000 :1
2,500 : 1
1,100 : 1
Pixel width
Spatial resolution
Contrast resolution @200kV
* calculated for: 200 kV, 1mm Cu pre-filter, 1 mA, 1 sec. integration time, 1 mm detector
There are distinct differences in spatial resolution between the two flat
panel detectors, depending on the width of the pixels. With its distinctly low
spatial resolution, detector 1 has considerable advantages in dynamic
range and signal-to-noise ratio. Accordingly, a compromise must always be
made between spatial resolution and dynamic range, depending on the
usage, and the appropriate detector must be implemented.
One major difference between a flat panel detector and an X-ray image
intensifier video system is that some flat panel detectors do not have a
real-time function. In addition, there can be problems when it comes to
displaying grey values on a normal VGA monitor, because many detectors
have a very high dynamic range of 14-16 bits (Tab. 3.1, Detector 1). This
has considerable consequences for visual radioscopic examinations. For
example, the test object can only be moved in a stop-go mode;
consequently, the object examination requires a manual drive through the
individual grey value ranges that correspond to the various wall
A flat panel detector (detector 2) is shown in Figure 31.
The Image Quality Indicator (IQI) generally specifies how good or poor
the image quality is. It is determined using an Image Quality test piece.
Important Note:
Wire penetrameters
The question of how good or poor an X-ray image is can be answered with
the specification of an Image Quality Indicator (IQI). To determine the
4. Radiography - Radioscopy
The essential differences between radiography and radioscopy lie in the
different detector properties and the resulting inspection conditions (see
While noise is of little importance in radiography, it plays a considerable
role in X-ray image intensifier video systems. This is because in radioscopy
it is possible to carry out X-ray image examinations online. Because in
radiography exposure times sometimes reach several minutes, the
quantum noise of x-ray radiation is reduced. In contrast, when using
image intensifiers the exposure time is limited to the 40 ms (0.04 seconds)
specified in the video standard. This leads to a distinct graininess in the
live image. Using digital image processing, it is possible to considerably
reduce the noise in a static image by summing up a number of video
images, similar to prolonging the exposure time in radiography.
Furthermore, the spatial resolution of common detectors in radioscopy is
distinctly lower than the spatial resolution of film (film approx. 0.1 mm,
image intensifier camera approx. 0.3 mm). This means that in
radioscopy an optical imaging geometry is required to permit geometric
magnification. Common factors of magnification are around approx. 1.5 2.5 in casting examinations. The geometric magnification compensates for
the low spatial resolution or higher inherent unsharpness in comparison to
X-ray film.
There are also considerable differences in the flexibility of examination
perspectives. Because of the arrangement of the film, only a fixed, rigid
examination perspective directly behind the test subject is possible in
radiography. However, very few restrictions exist in radioscopy, depending
on the handling system and the geometry of the casting.
Film detector:
high spatial resolution
high contrast resolution
low noise (with reduction
through long exposure time)
X-ray image intensifier detector:
medium spatial resolution
high contrast resolution
strong noise
digital image processing: integration
Imaging geometry 1 : 1
geometric magnification approx. 1
influence of optical focal spot:
low if minimum distance is kept
lens system, camera, and monitor. Its only task is to make the output image
of the X-ray image intensifier visible to the operator on a monitor. Through
digitization it is possible to send the image to a digital image processing
system. Digital image processing is used both to enhance the image
quality, and to obtain an automatic image evaluation.
time with digital image processing in order to achieve a reasonable signalto-noise ratio in the radiation image.
Conclusion: Since, due to the thermal conditions of the focal spot, a
compromise must always be found between required intensity and focal
spot size, it is always necessary to set up a usage-specific system that has
a fixed minimum detectability value.
For several years, scientists have been working on procedures that will
enable the quantitative capture and assessment of radioscopy system
properties. The definition of the modulation transfer function has proven to
be especially suitable for this technology. With the modulation transfer
function (MTF), it is possible to establish a relationship between
unsharpness and the threshold resolution of a system, as well as describe
the transfer of different image details.
MTF describes the relationship between contrast and spatial frequency.
The spatial frequency is defined as the number of line pairs per millimeter:
1 mm
1 Lp/mm
1 mm
4 Lp/mm
The diagram shows how, due to its specific transfer properties, each new
component widens the detail that was originally ideal with a simultaneous
reduction of contrast. The result of the diagram, i.e., the MTF of the whole
system, may be described as the product of the MTFs of the individual
components. Figure 42 demonstrates this through an example with two
DQE ( f ) =
( SNROut ) 2
( SNR In ) 2
Weld examinations
Casting examinations
Due to the product liability law enforced in the European internal market,
new questions have risen relating to quality guarantees for food production.
Alongside the criteria of taste, appearance and adherence to the legal
requirements for provisions, packaged foods must also be kept free of
foreign bodies. Radioscopic examinations offer a solution for both metallic
and non-metallic foreign bodies.
The largest technical challenges for this type of examination system are the
vast quantities in which foodstuffs are produced, as well as the high
production rate at which they are produced and packaged. In order to
obtain a 100% examination in a production line, the inspection must be in
motion at a very high speed. A line diode array is usually used instead of
an X-ray image intensifier. Apart from the speeds at which the test items
travel, the need for a low radiation exposure of the test items also plays a
significant role. One of the most important requirements for a radioscopy
system is a good contrast resolution, since foodstuffs contain
predominantly non-metallic foreign bodies, which are only visible via weak
contrasts. Due to the factors mentioned above, visual evaluation by an
inspector is generally impossible. Production line rates also place
considerable demands on the computer-based fully automatic evaluation,
since this also has to be performed on a test piece in motion.
The term soft radiation technology indicates that, for such applications,
low accelerating voltages are used (starting from 20kV). These techniques
are generally used in the examination of plastics or electronic components.
An area of application which has gained importance significantly in the
recent years is compound materials (e.g., carbon-fiber, glass-fiber
reinforced plastics), as well as honeycomb structures (used for the
construction of airplanes). The latter are made of plastic and are built to
carry honeycomb-like structures of aluminum. A typical example of
application is the testing of bonds in critical areas.
The major demand on the radioscopy system is the requirement to produce
images with high contrast and low noise, even at low tube voltages.
Conditions may be entirely different for applications in electronics. The
inspection of integrated circuits (ICs) under certain circumstances makes
the use of microfocus tubes necessary. The reason being, to inspect the
connection wires, which have a diameter of just 2 m, extreme
magnifications of 50 - 80 are required. This is often termed X-ray
microscopy. The tube voltages required for this may also be considerably
greater than for normal soft radiation applications.
Digitization provides the opportunity to make the output image of an X-raysensitive detector accessible to an image processing system. Digital
image processing is used to enhance image quality or evaluate images
The first step involves converting or transforming the image obtained from
radioscopy to make it computer-compatible, so that it can be understood
by a computer. This conversion involves the digitization and quantization
of the image.
Digitization refers to the analysis or scanning of the image into individual
points called Pixels (Picture Elements). The image is divided into mosaiclike individual values. Common formats are 512 x 512, 640 x 512, and
1024 x 1024 pixels.
Moreover, each pixel has to be assigned a value, called a grey value,
according to the intensity of the spot in question. This process is known as
quantization. X-ray image intensifier video systems divide the intensity
scale from black to white into approximately 256 grey values. The grey
value zero corresponds to black in general, and the grey value 255 to
The image that has been digitized and quantified in this way is also called
the image matrix or digitized image. This process is carried out on the
video signal through the use of an analogue-digital converter. The actual
image processing is, put simply, performed between these two converters
in the image processing system. In image data processing, it is possible
to distinguish between two areas of the application:
image enhancement
image evaluation or image analysis
Image enhancement
Image evaluation
Rejects missed
Agreement on rejection
Operator 2
Operator 3
2.4 h
2.3 h
2.5 h
2.4 h
Computed tomography
Fig. 47: measuring principle of CT and the use of parallel ray geometry
Fig. 48: working principle of the 2D CT using fan beam geometry and direct
The complete examination of a component with two-dimensional computed
tomography (2D CT) takes a great deal of time, since many sections of the
object have to be captured. Because the object has to be turned through
360o for each section, several hours or days may be required to measure
its entire volume.
Unlike two-dimensional CT, three-dimensional computed tomography only
requires one 360o rotation of the object. An array detector is used instead
of a detector line to take the radioscopic images (projections). This results
in short inspection times in comparison to 2D CT. The three-dimensional
distribution of the X-ray attenuation coefficients in the object volume is
calculated from the projections using a mathematical algorithm.
The 3D-CT requires a high level of calculation. To achieve short calculation
times, despite the efficient reconstruction algorithms used, multi-processor
systems are necessary in order to calculate the volume while measuring.
The algorithms were implemented on dual Pentium PCs in such a manner
that adding further PCs could easily raise the calculation efficiency. The
PCs are connected to each other over a fast network (see Fig. 49).
Measurement data
measuring struction
[Mbyte] time [min] time2 [min]
With extension of measuring area, using a detector array of 512 x 512 Pixels
Using 4 dual Pentium processors with 500 MHz
this object. The visual examination of the volume indicated the presence of
several pore groups, which is attributable to the disadvantageous way in
which the casting was carried out. Based on the distribution of the pores,
experts can draw conclusions about the casting process and optimize it.
Figures 51 and 52 provide us with two xy-planes calculated from the
reconstructed volume through points 1 and 2. Figures 53 and 54 display
two xz-sections through points 3 and 4.
In figure 51, single pores and chains of pores can be seen arranged around
the central borehole. The size of the pores varies between 0.5 mm and
approximately 3 mm. Figure 52 shows a second xy-plane at a distance of
10 cm from the first level through point 2. This image displays a pore group,
as well as a single pore (a). The diameter of the single pore is around
0.5 mm.
Fig. 51: section through the casting Fig. 52: section through the casting
xy-plane through point 1
xy-plane through point 2
Figures 53 and 54 show the depth range of the pore groups. The pores
extend up to 1.5 cm in the z-direction in Figure 53 and 1 cm in Figure 54.
Fig. 53: section through the casting Fig. 54: section through the casting
xz-level through point 3
xz- plane through point 4
A 17 cm-long area of an aluminum cylinder head is volumetrically
examined through the use of 3D CT. Because of the high level of X-ray
absorption, the examination is done using 450 kV, with the voxel size
equalling (0.35 mm). Figure 55 shows a cross-section of the cylinder head,
and figure 56 shows a 3D display of a 2 cm high area.