Bstract: Different Kinds of Works That A Robot Do
Bstract: Different Kinds of Works That A Robot Do
Bstract: Different Kinds of Works That A Robot Do
A robot is a mechanical device that resembles a If you think robots are mainly the stuff of space
living animal and moves automatically or by movies, think again. Right now, all over the
remote control. It is a program that runs
world, robots are on the move. They’re painting
automatically without human intervention.
Typically, a robot is endowed with some very cars at Ford plants, assembling Milano cookies
basic logic so that it can react to different for Pepperidge Farms, walking into live
situations it may encounter. One common type of volcanoes, driving trains in Paris, and defusing
robot is a content-indexing spider, or bombs in Northern Ireland. As they grow
WebCrawler. A software application that tougher, nimbler, and smarter, today’s robots are
automatically finds and retrieves information
from the Web. It is also called a “spider” or doing more and more things we can’t –or don’t
“crawler. want to–do.
Robots are like humans in that they cannot and Robots have been with us for less than 50 years,
do not pay attention all the time; they do not but the idea of inanimate creations to do our
process all the information perceived, and make bidding is much, much older
decisions about what is worth their attention. If
we put a robot in a social environment (either
with other robots, or humans), this can help it
analyse perceptual information: modelling
attention is very hard, and a social context
simplifies the problem.
Robots are defined in part by their ability to
move; it’s what sets them apart from computers.
The fancy word for a mechanical device that
produces motion is an actuator. A single robot Fig: Honda Humanoid robot in action
can contain dozens of different types of
actuators, each chosen to do a specific task.
Fig: This is what you see when you head for the
Have you ever had someone yell "Think fast!" A third and relatively new approach to robotic
and then toss something at you? It’s a dirty trick, intelligence is something called a stimulus-
but the amazing part is that you can usually response mechanism (also known as
manage to dodge, block, or catch the item, as subsumption architecture). In a stimulus-
you see fit. Not only is your brain fast, it can response robot, there is no memory and no
make judgments "on the fly," and adapt to logical decision-making, only hard-wired
changing situations. Traditionally, efforts to responses to stimulation. For example, by linking
mimic human thought have centered around rule- light sensors directly to motors, it’s possible to
based logic. The computer in front of you now make a light-seeking robot. Several stimulus-
uses rule-based logic: binary data is stored and response mechanisms operating simultaneously
manipulated according to a set of pre- in one robot can create elaborate behavior that
programmed rules. Most robotic "brains" are seems intelligent.
rule-based, often contained on a single chip that
functions as a computer–a microcomputer.
Road to Universal Robots
Research scientist Hans Moravec sees a 4-stage
evolution towards universal robots, robots with
human-level intelligence flexible enough to do a
broad range of tasks. Key to this evolution is a
steady increase in computer power, defined in
terms of millions of instructions per second, or
Year: 2040
Processing power: 100,000,000 MIPS
Intelligence equivalent: Human