Solar Energy Projects List

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Solar Energy Projects List:



Design of Solar Inverter Circuit for Homes: The idea of this project
is to aid hobbyist to design their own solar inverter to convert the
power obtained (DC) from solar panel to operate the home appliances
(AC Power) by using fewer components.

Solar Tracking Solar Panel Using ATMEGA8 Controller: Based on

the light intensity detected by Light Dependant Resistors (LDRs),
this project automatically adjusts the solar panel in the direction of
maximum light from the sun using AVR ATMEGA controller

Implementation of Solar Battery Charger Circuit: The energy

generated from the solar panel must charge battery in an appropriate
way. So this implemented circuit regulates voltage and current to the
battery with overvoltage cutoff facility.

Solar Power Based Water Heater: This circuit is designed to make

use of solar energy collected from solar collector in order to boil the
water which can be useful for both household and industrial

Solar Energy Based Cooker: The idea of this project is to build a

simple solar cooker device which uses direct sunlight to cook,
pasteurize or heat the food. This method is best suited when the food is
prepared outdoor.


Maximum Power Point Tracking for Low Power Photovoltaic

Solar Panels: The main objective of this project is to maximize the
output produced by a solar panel by implementing MPPT (Maximum
Power Point Algorithm) on a microcontroller unit.

Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System: The proposed irrigation

system uses photo-voltaic cell to produce the electrical energy by
converting the solar energy from sun. This derived energy is further
utilized for controlling the pump sets based on the soil moisture

Solar Powered Coir Provostor: The concept behind this design is to

reduce the fuel required by heavy vehicles to dry the coir obtained
from coconut. This project uses solar panel with MPPT controller to
energize the DC motor in order to drive the vehicle.

Solar Powered LED Street Light with Auto Intensity Control: This
is an energy efficient method of street lighting which uses solar energy
to power-up the LED Street light by storing electrical energy in battery
during the day time. During nights the stored energy supplied to LED
Street lights with auto intensity control based on timings.


GSM Based Flexible Calling System for Coal Mining Workers: The
aim of this project is to help the coal mine workers in emergency
situations to be able to contact with centralized control room even at
power failure conditions due to the solar energy utilization for circuit


Design of Solar Powered Night Lamp Circuit: This project

implements a simple solar powered night lamp that turns OFF and ON
automatically during sunset and sunrise respectively. During the day
time it charges the battery and at night time it utilizes the stored energy
to power the lamp (LED).


Solar Energy Measurement System: The solar cell parameters like

voltage and currents are constantly monitored and measured by this
type of project design. Current and voltage sensors with appropriate
ADCs are interfaced to the microcontroller unit in order to measure the
solar energy.


Farmer Friendly Solar Based Electric Fence for Rural

Agriculture: Electric fences are practical as well as economical
solutions for maximized field production. This idea of the project helps
the farmers so that their fields, farmlands, etc are safeguarded. This
project uses solar panels to charge the batteries.


Development of Dual-Axis Solar Tracking using Arduino with Lab

VIEW: This project aims to track the sun and maximize the output
produced by a solar panel using Arduino uno controller and LabVIEW
HMI. This uses a set of light depend resistors to detect the maximum
light source location


Beam Circuit Solar Engine: This is a simple type of robot design that

uses solar energy to drive the actuator system. The mounted solar panel
charges the set of capacitor by utilizing energy from the sun and then
capacitors discharge their energy to drive the robot or simply an

PIC Microcontroller Based Solar Water Heating System: This

design describes the implementation of solar energy exploitation
system for solar water heating system by using PIC microcontroller
based circuit.


Portable Solar Powered Radio: This simple DIY project helps to

build simple solar power circuit for operating the radio with use of
small solar panel instead of replacing discharged batteries every time.


Solar Based Advanced Water Quality Monitoring System Using

Wireless Sensor Network: This project monitors the quality of water
using solar powered underwater wireless sensor network technology.
The parameters like pH, oxygen level and turbidity at every node
(powered by solar panel) of a wireless sensor network is sent to the
base station.


Solar Powered Automatic Rain Operated Wiper: The main aim of

this project is to operate the wiper of any vehicle by automatically
sensing the rain. It uses a solar panel to charge the battery so that entire
circuit is supplied with battery power.


Forest Fire Detection Using Optimized Solar Powered Wireless

Sensor Networks:There is no availability of electricity in forests.
Therefore, this projects implements solar powered Zigbee wireless
sensor network with appropriate microcontroller based circuit to detect
the forest fires.

Design of Simple Solar Charger Circuit for Mobiles: This project

aims to design a simple solar charger for mobiles by utilizing the solar
energy from the sun. It uses simple regulator circuit with basic
electronic components in order to supply the constant voltage to the


Self-Powered Solar Data Logger: In this project, solar insulation

levels and temperature levels are continuously measured by the
respective sensor and stored in flash memory. This logged data can be
useful for future analysis.


Quasi-Z-Source Solar Inverter Fed BLDC Drive: A solar powered

quasi Z-source inverter with PIC controlled brushless DC motor is
implemented by this project which also includes MPPT controller to
produce maximum energy from solar panel.


Flashlight Controlled Solar Powered Robot using Arduino: This

project implements a light gradient sensitive robotic vehicle which is
powered by solar energy. This project can be useful for controlling the
robot based on flash light sensing by using Arduino controller.


Design of Solar Electric Bicycle: The solar panel attached to the

bicycle helps to charge the battery. So this project charges the battery
from the solar panel, further this battery power can be utilized for
glow-up the lamps, horns, etc.

A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System: This project allows two

sources to supply load power depending on the availability of the
source i.e., either solar or wind source. This circuit also implements
MPPT algorithm for maximum power.


Solar Based Wireless Power Transfer: This project presents the

transfer of power wirelessly using a renewable energy resource i.e.,
solar power. Solar panels convert the light energy into electrical energy
which will be stored in the batteries. Further this energy is transmitted
to the receiving end in the form of electromagnetic waves.


Wearable Solar Based Cool Cap: The main aim of this design is to
prevent sunstrokes and to lower the temperature by attaching small
fans to the wearable caps with small solar panel in order to supply the
power to circuit.


A Project on Solar Chimney: The natural way of keeping the building

cool is the usage of solar chimney. Until the sunlight availability, this
chimney naturally keeps ventilation to fill the cold air inside of


Solar powered Induction Motor Driven Water Pump Operating on

a Desert Well:This project uses a photovoltaic fed water pumping

system which delivers the water from desert well by employing
induction motor pump.

Solar Based High Efficient Vacuum Cleaner: This is an energy

efficient model of vacuum cleaner which uses solar energy to create a
partial vacuum in order to suck the dirt and dust particles.


Solar Powered Path Finding Vehicle: The main idea of this project is
to implement a path finding robot which follows the desired path by
avoiding obstacles in that path.


Solar Power Based Industrial Boiler Controller: This project

controls the heating element of industrial boiler by sensing the
temperature based on the requirement. Solar panels provide the
necessary heating requirement of boiling.


Solar Charging Handbag: This project allows to charge electronic

gadgets like mobile phones, ipods, etc. by a solar battery charger which
is attached to the handbag or backpack.


High Efficiency Photovoltaic Source Simulator with Fast Response

Time : This study presents the simulator tool for maximum power
point tracking algorithms and solar power conditioning systems by a
high efficient photovoltaic source simulator


Solar Powered Automated Fertigation Control System for

Cultivation in Green House: This developed system turns the
ON/OFF injector for fertilizer mixing and also controls the irrigation

pumps for setting regular irrigation frequency by using the power from
solar panels.

Sunlight Powered Steam Engine: The concept of this project is to

design a reciprocating engine powered with solar energy. The sunlight
energy with sufficient heat fallen on to metal tube converts the water
into steam.


Design of Solar Energy Meter : It is a simple project which

determines the energy generated by the solar panel. If the solar power
generated is sufficient to drive the load, this circuit doesnt allow the
power from AC line otherwise remaining amount (in case of less power
from PV cells) will be drawn from AC load


Series & Parallel Solar Circuit Modeling and Analysis: The purpose
of this theory is to perform the detailed analysis on dynamic behavior
of the solar cells using simulations methods.


Lead-Acid-Battery Regulator For Solar Panel Systems: This simple

project design develops a circuit which regulates the power supplied
from solar collector in order to divert the surplus energy in the event of
much sunshine.

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