The Real Bible Code
The Real Bible Code
The Real Bible Code
The bible is so simple you have to have someone else help you misunderstand it.
Harmon Okinyo
The words that formed the Holy grail cup were NOAHS TRUTH, in Figure 1.
respecting God. The next step is to rewrite the text above without the letters of GOD. Figure 5
shows the first 11 lines without GOD.
3. And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves
with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the
names of them out of that place
4. Ye shall not do so vnto the LORD your God.
As in verse 4, all of the letters in the word LORD are capitalized throughout the old testament. It
is possible this verse is telling us to delete the letters GOD, except in the word LORD. The first
and last letters are L=12 and D=4, matching the chapter and verse above.
The first use of the word LORD is in Genesis 2:4.
The first LORD is the 885th word from the beginning of Genesis. If each of the capitalized
letters of LORD are counted as a single word, then D would be the 888th word of the Bible,
after removing the GOD letters from all words except LORD. This seems to be a clue to retain
the O and D letters in the word LORD.
The Knights Templar and the Templar Cross
Legend says that the Templar Knights protected something called The Holy Grail. In the legend,
the Grail is a Cup that holds the blood of Jesus. The cup has been identified in the Bible and the
letters it holds have the same value as CHRIST, so the legend of the cup holding the blood of
Jesus appears to be true, if only in an allegorical sense. The Templars are the most likely
candidate for placing the code in the Bible, so it is possible that some of their symbols are used
in the decoding process.
In the game of chess, there is a piece called the knight and it moves in a very unique manner. The
knight in chess can move North, South, East or West forming an L shape. It can move 1 or 2
spaces in any of the 4 directions of the compass and then 2 or 1 spaces perpendicular to the first
move direction.
Figure 7 graphically illustrates all of the moves a Knight can make from a given starting
position. The central blue dot is the starting position and the 8 red dots are the possible moves for
the Knight.
2. The Names of the Prophets, and the Holy Writers, with the other Names of the
Text, to be retained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used.
3. The old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz. the Word Church not to be translated
4. When a Word hath divers Significations; that to be kept which hath been most
commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the
Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith.
5. The Divisions of the Chapters to be altered, either not at all, or as little as may be,
if Necessity so require.
6. No Marginal Notes at all to be affixed, but only for the Explanation of the Hebrew
or Greek Words, which cannot, without some circumlocution, so briefly and fitly
be expressd in the Text.
7. Such Quotations of Places to marginally set down as shall serve for the fit
Reference of one Scripture to another.
8. Every particular Man of each Company, to take the same Chapter, or Chapters,
and having translated or amended them severally by himself, where he thinketh
good, all to meet together, confer what they have done, and agree for their Parts
what shall stand.
9. As any one Company hath dispatched any one Book in this manner they shall
send it to the rest, to be considerd of seriously and judiciously, for His Majesty is
very careful in this Point.
10. If any Company, upon the Review of the Book so sent, doubt or differ upon any
Place, to send them Word thereof; note the Place, to send them Word thereof; note
the Place and withal send the Reasons, to which if they consent not, the
Difference to be compounded at the General Meeting, which is to be of the chief
Persons of each Company, at the end of the Work.
11. When any Place of special Obscurity is doubted of, Letters to be directed, by
Authority, to send to any Learned Man in the Land, for his Judgement of such a
12. Letters to be sent from every Bishop to the rest of his Clergy, admonishing them
of this Translation in hand; and to move and charge as many as being skilful in
the Tongues; and having taken Pains in that kind, to send his particular
Observations to the Company, either at Westminster, Cambridge or Oxford.
13. The directors in each Company, to be the Deans of Westminster and Chester for
that Place; and the Kings Professors in the Hebrew or Greek in either University.
The first rule, which is likely the most important rule to be followed, refers to the Truth of the
original that is to be maintained while changing as little as possible from the Bishops Bible.
What Truth are they being instructed to include? The differences between the King James and
the Bishops Bible are extensive. Finding the word Truth as the starting point for an encoded
message, the first rule appears to be referring to a hidden message that the translators are to
encode into the Bible, while at the same time keeping the translation as close as possible to the
text of the Bishops Bible. Why would an encoded message called Truth, be needed at all? Were
they simply protecting a treasure, or could there be something deeper at work?
At this point, the process becomes more complicated. The standard knights move will no longer
produce a readable message. Without knowing what message to look for, the four possible
knights moves at each letter make finding a message virtually impossible. With four possible
choices for each letter, a 5 letter word would have 256 possibilities to check.
A Key is now needed to direct the selection of each successive letter using some form of a
knights move that will vary according to the direction of a Key. So far, we have used the word
TRUTH in NOAHS TRUTH, but NOAHS has not been used and will be the next clue that will
help find the required Key.