x80 Line Pipe For Large Diameter High Strength Pipeline
x80 Line Pipe For Large Diameter High Strength Pipeline
x80 Line Pipe For Large Diameter High Strength Pipeline
This paper gives an overview on manufacturing and field welding of high-strength
steel grade X80 line pipe. Aspects of the production of induction bends are also
discussed. Large projects have already been implemented with satisfactory results.
Manual combined-electrode welding and mechanised gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
as field welding methods for pipeline construction are well-established. This is also
true for welding consumables, which have been well-tuned to match the pipe material
in strength. The pipe material X80 is suitable for unrestricted use in onshore
1. Historical Review
The ever increasing demand for energy world wide requires the construction of highpressure gas transmission lines with the greatest possible transport efficiency, so that
the cost of pipeline construction and gas transportation is minimised. This is
particularly true when large distances are to be covered. The trend is therefore
towards using line pipe of larger diameter and/or increasing the operation pressure of
the pipeline. This, in turn, necessitates the use of higher strength steel grades to
avoid large wall thickness that would be otherwise needed.
Also, in some long distance lines, where an increase of the capacity is not required, a
reduction of wall thickness (no change of diameter and pressure) can be an economic
incentive for applying X80 pipe. This is going to be more and more implemented in
Australia using HFI (ERW) pipes and in Canada using spiral pipes of grade X80 (hot
strip material from Steckel mill).
The development started about 30 years ago along with the introduction of
thermomechanical (TM) rolling practices, and will continue in future. It was mainly
governed by the large-diameter pipe manufactures [1-5], due to the fact that TMtreatment (with or without accelerated cooling) can optimally be applied for plate only.
Therefore, the availability of high strength hot strip material for manufacturing spiral
and ERW pipes seems to be limited to grade X80. It is also limited with respect to the
available maximum wall thickness (Fig. 1).
Today it is possible to produce grade X100 (TM) line pipe from plate and lay it under
field conditions, maintaining all safety-related criteria [6-7].
In the early 70s, grade StE 480.7 TM (X70) was introduced for the first time in Germany for the use as line pipe in construction of gas transmission pipelines. Since
then, grade X70 material has proven a very reliable material in the implementation of
numerous pipeline projects. The material has been optimised in the course of further
laboratory investigations and mill trials, a MnNbTi steel was found to fulfil the
necessary requirements. The strengthening mechanisms in this steel type have been
described elsewhere [3]. The base composition of the steel used consisted of 0.09 %
Carbon, 1.9 % Manganese, 0.04 % Niobium and 0.02 % Titanium. Additions of
Copper, Nickel or Molybdenum were not necessary in the case of pipe wall thickness
up to 25 mm. Alloying with Boron was not permitted.
Because of the higher specified minimum tensile strength of 690 MPa, the carbon
content and carbon equivalent are slightly higher in the case of GRS 550 than in the
case of X80 for a given wall thickness. Nevertheless, a carbon equivalent according
to IIW formula of less than 0.44 % could be assured. A Ti/N ratio of greater than 3.5 is
necessary for the MnNbTi alloying system to be effective. The Titanium content of the
steel must be less than 0.025 % so that there is no detriment to the toughness in the
HAZ of the longitudinal weld seam. As a consequence, the Nitrogen content during
steel making was only allowed to vary up to a maximum of 50 ppm. Therefore, an
adequate vacuum treatment of the melts is necessary. Fig. 4 shows the Titanium and
Nitrogen contents found in the ladle analyses of the casts for the Ruhrgas order.
Accelerated cooling of the plate from finish rolling temperature has a remarkable
effect on the microstructure and hence, on the mechanical properties of the steel. To
obtain an almost fully bainitic microstructure, it is necessary that the accelerated
cooling should be started before the transformation of austenite into ferrite begins.
Fig. 5 shows typical temperature profiles along the length of the plate before and after
accelerated cooling. The two curves shown in each case represent the temperature
profiles for the top and the bottom sides of the plate.
Numerous additional investigations carried out in the plate mill have shown that the
variation in strength could be controlled in a narrow range of only 10 MPa along the
plate width and only 20 MPa along the plate length within each plate. These results
document that the rolling and accelerated cooling techniques are fully matured,
which, coupled with the steel composition selected, ensure that the material readily
complies with the strength and toughness requirements specified.
became necessary because the material grade was not standardised, could be
applied to the present case since there was no decisive difference in pipe geometry
and since the chemical compositions were almost identical. The yield and tensile
strength values measured for the pipe in circumferential direction are shown in Fig. 6.
As seen in the figure the specified minimum values were comfortably achieved. The
strength values were determined using round bar tensile specimens, since the strain
hardening behaviour of the bainitic material leads to a large Bauschinger effect. The
higher the strength level, the greater the Bauschinger effect. In other words, the proof
stress values measured on flattened rectangular specimens taken from the pipe do
not correlate well with the true proof stress values of the pipe wall. It should also be
noted that the yield strength of high strength pipeline material shows an unisotropic
behaviour. Using round bar specimens, the yield strength of an X80 material is about
30-40 MPa higher in circumferential direction than in longitudinal direction. Therefore
it is easier to realise girth weld overmatching requirements. The tensile strengths in
both directions are comparable.
The impact energy values measured on the base material were in excess of 95 J,
thereby exceeding the minimum value recommended by the EPRG for crack arrest.
The ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures measured on the individual DWTT
specimens were well below the specified test temperature of 0 C.
Fig. 7 shows the chemical composition of the longitudinal seam weld metal deposited
by the two-pass SAW method. Also shown in the figure are the impact energy values
measured at 0 C, which is the commonly specified test temperature in Germany. The
weld metal has a high Manganese content and is additionally alloyed with
Molybdenum. This Ti-B-free weld metal represents a good compromise with respect
to toughness and mechanical strength. The average impact energy values measured
varied between 100 and 200 J.
The strength of the seam weld was checked by means of flattened transverse weld
specimens, with the weld reinforcement removed by machining. All specimens broke
in the base material, i. e. outside the weld region. Thus, all the tensile strength values
measured reflect the strength of the base material and were above the specified
minimum value of 690 MPa.
One of the latest projects using X80 was a UK pipeline for Transco in 2001 [10]. The
results on EUROPIPEs production tests, performed in the context of certification of
the pipe, are shown in Fig. 8 and 9. All values of the round bar tensile tests and
impact tests conform to the requirements of X80. The standard deviations of tensile
testing are 15 MPa for yield strength and 13 MPa for tensile strength. Average values
of impact testing were 227 J for base metal and 134 J for weld metal.
To give an example of the manufacturability of heavy wall X80 pipe, EUROPIPE
commercially produced 36 diameter pipe with 32.0 mm wall thickness. The
manganese-niobium-titanium steel used here has a sufficiently high ratio of titanium
to nitrogen and is additionally alloyed with molybdenum. The low carbon equivalent
(CEIIW = 0.42) ensures good field weldability. The Charpy V-notch impact energy
measured at -40C was in excess of 200 J and the shear area of DWTT specimens
tested at 20C was greater than 85%. The forming and welding operations carried
out on this high strength steel did not cause any problems.
bends of various angles were produced from GRS 550 QT pipe for the first time in
1992 and 1993. The double submerged-arc welded line pipe being used for the
production of the bends was 1220 mm OD and 22 mm in wall thickness. The bending
radius was 6,000 mm (corresponding to approx. 4.9 times the pipe diameter) for all
bends. The bends contained no straight pipe portions at the ends.
The induction bending operation has been carried out on a computer-aided bending
machine specially designed for this purpose. Heating is done by means of a ringshaped inductor. The pipe next to the heated zone, which is subjected to bending, is
quenched with water by means of a ring nozzle. The heat condition of the heated
zone being inductive bent corresponds to that of full austenitization heat treatment.
Following bending operation, the bends were tempered full length in a furnace at 620
C 10 C.
Thus, the finished bends were delivered in the quenched and tempered condition. For
this reason, the base material for bends exhibits an increased alloy content compared
to the straight line pipe. The bends contain Molybdenum additions and a slightly
increased carbon content.
Fig. 10 shows the average chemical composition of the bend body material. This
figure also includes the mechanical properties measured in the course of the production of the bends and the specified requirements. It is clear from the data in the figure
that the measured values were comfortably above the specified minimum values. The
IIW carbon equivalent of the chemical composition of the bends was 0.46 % in
average and thus good field weldability of the bends was ensured.
The weld metal of the longitudinal seam was alloyed with Nickel and Molybdenum.
The submerged-arc welds were performed using high-basic flux. In the quenched and
tempered condition, the requirements for the weld metal toughness were readily
fulfilled (Fig. 10). Also the strength of the weld was quite satisfactory.
Finally, it should be mentioned here that X80 bends made from ERW or spiral pipe
have not been produced so far. In any case the material should be able to be
quenched and tempered, therefore the material will differ from straight pipe. For thin
wall X80 line pipe also X70 induction bends with thicker wall can be used.
3. Weldability
Before GRS 550 (StE 550.7 TM to DIN 17172) was first used on an industrial scale in
1985, the cold cracking behaviour of the material had been studied extensively by
means of laboratory and full-scale tests [4]. Fig. 11 shows the minimum preheating
temperature for avoiding heat affected zone (HAZ) hydrogen cracking determined for
different steel compositions of pipeline steels in the implant test on welds deposited
with cellulosic vertical-down electrodes. It is evident from this figure that a preheating
temperature of only 100 C is necessary to deposit welds in GRS 550 (X80) without
any risk of cold cracking in the HAZ. Unlike the conditions for the implant test, girth
welds on large diameter pipe deposited during actual pipe laying are not allowed to
undergo interruptions with cooling to room temperature after only the root pass has
been deposited. It would therefore be possible to use lower preheating temperatures
than those determined in the implant test (Fig. 12). Even the most critical weld, No. 2
in Fig. 12, which was deposited completely without interruption using cellulosic
electrodes at a preheating and interpass temperature that was deliberately
maintained at a low value of only 50 to 60 C, was free of cold cracking. Hence, there
is no increased threat of cold cracking in the HAZ compared to X70 line pipe material.
This has been also demonstrated by the practical experience gained with the
Ruhrgas pipeline construction.
The high-strength basic girth weld metal (AWS electrode E10018-G) itself, however,
has been found to be somewhat more sensitive to cold cracking than the girth weld
HAZ of X80 material. Therefore, it is recommended to control that the preheating and
interpass temperatures are maintained at about 80 to 100 C minimum. If this
requirement is fulfilled and if it is ensured that the basic electrodes are kept dry, there
will be no threat of cold cracking in the weld metal as well as in the HAZ of base
As the diffusible hydrogen content (HD) in deposited weld metal of mechanised gas
metal arc welding lies below 3 ml/100 g, a preheating temperature of 80 C (freedom
from condensed water) is quite sufficient. Extended interruptions associated with intermittent cooling should however be avoided also in the case of gas metal arc
6. Final remarks
HFI welded pipe is limited in diameter, wall thickness and material grade (X 80
maximum). One reason is the restriction of hot rolled strip production. The use of a
better hot strip rolling process like Steckel mill enables helical seam weld X80 pipe to
be produced with a larger wall thickness of up to about 16 mm. By comparison,
longitudinal SAW seam welded X80 line pipe is available with wall thickness from
10 mm to 35 mm at outside diameters from 20 inches to 56 inches. This pipe is
particularly suitable for operation at the highest pressures. The pipes produced by the
various methods overlap in the lower part of the size range. The quality level of the
pipes can be considered to be the same. Price wise each product has its optimum
range. In overlapping sizes a specification should allow all products.
While it is not possible to produce HFI welded and helical seam welded pipes in
grades higher than X 80, longitudinal seam welded grade X 90 line pipe has been
already produced on a commercial scale. Materials meeting the requirements for
grade X 100 have already been produced. EUROPIPE is partner in some JIP to
develop X100 line pipe.
Grade X 80 pipe in most cases is more economical than X70. Consistently
predictable and reproducible mechanical properties and good field weldability can be
achieved without difficulty.
In the case of grade X 100, questions regarding its cost-effectiveness cannot be
answered in general terms yet, because other aspects such as the need for crack
arrestors etc. might arise with this material.
[1] W. M. Hof, M. K. Graf, H.-G. Hillenbrand, B. Hoh and P. A. Peters: New highstrength large-diameter pipe steels; Journal of Materials Engineering 9 (1987), 191
[2] M. K. Grf, H.-G. Hillenbrand and K. A. Niederhoff: Production and girth welding of
double submerged-arc welded grade X80 large-diameter linepipes; EPRG PRCI
Meeting, Paris, Mai 1991
[3] H.-G. Hillenbrand and P. Schwaab: Quantitative determination of the
microstructure of HSLA steels for correlation with their mechanical properties;
Materials Science and Engineering 94 (1987), 71-78
[4] H. Engelmann, A. Engel, P. A. Peters, C. Dren and H. Msch: First use of largediameter pipes of the steel GRS 550 TM (X80); 3R International 25 (1986), No. 4, 182
- 193
[5] M. K. Grf, H.-G. Hillenbrand and K. A. Niederhoff: Production of large diameter
line pipe and bends for the world's first long-range pipeline in grade X80 (GRS 550);
8th Symposium on Line Pipe Research, Houston (Texas), September 26 - 29,1993
[6] H.-G. Hillenbrand, E. Amoris, K. A. Niederhoff, C. Perdrix, A. Streielberger and U.
Zeislmair: Manufacturability of line pipe in grades up to X100 from TM processed
plate; Pipeline Technology Conference, Sept 1995, Ostend, Belgium
[7] H.-G. Hillenbrand, A. Liessem, G. Knauf, K. A. Niederhoff and J. Bauer:
Development of large-diameter pipe in grade X100 state-of-the-art report from the
manufacturers point of view; Pipeline Technology Conference, May 2000, Brugge,
[8] V. Chaudhari, H. P. Ritzmann, G. Wellnitz, H.-G. Hillenbrand and V. Willings:
German gas pipeline first to use new generation line pipe; Oil & Gas Journal, January
[9] M. D. Bishop, O. Reepmeyer, H.-G. Hillenbrand, J. Schrder and A. Liessem:
Longitudinal welded X80 pipes for a high temperature, high pressure steam pipe line;
3R international 41 (2002) No. 2, 113-117
[10] C. Kalwa, H.-G. Hillenbrand, M. K. Grf: High strength steel pipes: New
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[11] H.-G. Hillenbrand, K. A. Niederhoff, G. Hauck, E. Perteneder, G. Wellnitz:
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Sept 15, 1997
[12] E. Perteneder, H. Knigshofer and J. Mlekusch: Characteristic Profiles of
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Sept 1995, Ostend, Belgium
[13] M. K. Grf and K. A. Niederhoff: Overmatching Criterion and Manual Welding of
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[14] M. K. Grf and K. A. Niederhoff: The influence of girth weld mis-matching on the
behaviour of pipelines in high strength steels up to grade X100; Conference MisMatch 96, April 1996, Reinsdorf-Lneburg, Germany
Wall thickness
20 to 64 (56)
ca. 10-35 mm
20 to 64
ca. 6-16 mm *)
ca. 10 mm
1118 x 13.6 mm
3.2 km
1420 x 15.5 mm
1.5 km
42 x 10.6 mm
126 welds
Werne-Schlchtern Pipeline,
48 x 18.4 and
Ruhrgas, Germany
19.3 mm
Spiral pipe, 48 x
12.1 mm
Spiral pipe, 48 x
ca. 54 km
ca. 118 km
48 x 15.1 mm and 42 km
21.8 mm
Canadian Natural Resources,
24 x 25.4mm
onshore pipeline
Figure 3: Specified strength for high strength line pipe steel grades
Frequency (%)
n = 164
Yield/Tensile Strength (MPa)
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)
Y/T ratio
0.88 0.92
2 Elongation (%)
Base Material
Test Temperature 0C
Weld Material
Test Temperature 0C
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)
n =70
Impact Energy (J)
n = 70
Impact Energy (J)
Figure 10: Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the GRS 550
QT (Grade X80) line pipe bends
Figure 13: Manual downhill welding procedure for high-strength line pipe steel
Figure 14: Typical girth welding procedure for mechanized gas metal arc
welding of X80 line pipe (CRC-Procedure)