Electronic Harassment Law Enforcement
Electronic Harassment Law Enforcement
Electronic Harassment Law Enforcement
Community Policing
Electronic Harassment in Community Policing
UOIT Criminology
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
pre-vocalized thought,
mind reading,
psychological warfare,
targeted individual,
crime in law enforcement,
voice to skull,
experience memory,
semantic memory,
directed-energy weapon,
active denial system,
sonic weaponry,
aritificial telepathy,
electrostatic beam gun,
real raygun,
psychological weaponry,
targeted individual,
psychological torture,
fear tactics,
abuse of power,
human rights,
crimes against humanity,
psychological conditioning,
police corruption,
paradoxical law enforcement,
impending holocost,
preventable damage,
deferred responsibility,
social complacency,
behavioral conformity
The Insider
I am a moral, civilized human being, from a municipality east of Toronto
who has been distrught by my witnessing of the actions of others, who
cruelly tortured innocent lives for several months. I have read filed
reports of the operation prior to my involvment. I am a police officer,
proud of my job, and of the judcial pillars which has founded the basis of
our civilization. My background in operative field-work involves
undercover/plaincloths dispersement of drug crime rings, and more recently,
in the chickenshit equivalent of operative work, where the terms justice,
courage and servitude are all but lost, with exceptance of letterheads and
other paradoxical insignia.
My motives for releasing selective information (selective due to ongoing
planning for a full disclosure and apprehension of guilty parties of whom I
have knowledge of blatant disregard for law, human life,
psychological/mental wellbeing, perverse and psychopathic negligence), are
directly associated with my interest in a career as a law enforcement
officer. As I have seen many corrupt activities in my less than a decade of
policework in two jurisdictions, one overlapped by 2 geographical police
agencies, and one overlapped at the federal level. The work in the former
was largely invisible overlap in which the vast majority of crime is
dealt with by the force I was working in.
Most disturbingly, for a city/area which has mostly small-time crime to
deal with, is the naivity, apathy, and psychopathic behaviour pervasively
existant within my current department. I'll get to those points further on.
The Operation
Law Enforcement Operation involving the use of technologies that are
disturbing, pervasive, and void of morality in their method, purpose and
overall deployment. The operation concerns operatives (mostly young 20somethings who lack experience and are easily manipulated and allured by
the leniency of responsibility and of the James Bond-esque
espionage/secrecy aspect of working in any enforcement task force.)
Although clearly not as disturbed, and evidently mentally ill as a result
of the duties, where a group of several people (male and female, ranging
from loud, unintelligent males, to naive, psychologically malleable
females, and even intelligent people with a naivity which only makes sense
as being the pathetic acceptance of all they are told for no other reason
than convenience, in synergy with severe burn-out and apathy, bordering
actual insanity (although still able to carry out life with subtle
variation of lifestyle changes, and the need to constantly paint themselves
as good people who are the victims, rather than the victim(s) they
harassed for at minimum 2 years).
Despite the largely accepting and very naive belief of just about
anything being relayed to them, I simply could not understand anything that
is not defiant to logic that explains why the information which we were
breifed with was actually fact, and I often believed that which is not
uncommon in intelligence operations false information was presented to
obscure details, up to and including everyone from the people in charge of
the localized deployment of the technology, where it seems they too have
been fed the same or a variation of such facts and implanted lies (just
to keep them feeling powerful an immature, rather pathetic need for many
high ranking officials in policing) that are too subtly and slyly placed to
even be questioned by most.
I was, and remain skeptical of the level of power that was given to me
after breifing of the operation the breifing being the only experience in
the operation that didn't blatantly seem like in retrospect a crazy,
psychopathic procedure or action. I believe that the only people to whom I
have information to legally hold responsible are within the organization of
my employment, where the path between my superiors and the origins of the
technology are, with all logic considered, extremely obscure and
My concerns are vast, and although much respect and faith has been lost to
complacent coworkers who shamelessly accept a paycheck despite only
worsening the lives of a few innocent people, who are told were targeted
by accident - and also not able to be 'untargeted' (this particular
argument is the most obviously at least to me piece of bullshit I have
heard in response to the operatives' complaint of remorse and guilt
albeit not to scale with their disturbing behavior). I first wanted to
cover the reasons my intelligence was insulted to lay preface to what
mindstate had manifested in my co-workers, which eerily represented the two
psychological studies The Milgram Experiment and The Stanford Prison
Experiment in a more exagerated, real-life and disturbingly able to induce
psychopathic behaviour in once respectable people.
These experiments, had I not studied them in school before this experience,
may have not gave me the intelligence to notice much of the facade which
was naivly accepted and without much shame something I often complained
about, as a disturbingly low minority. I didn't simply conform to a groups
ideology from any internal or external pressure, I need good reason to
follow any actions of another person, and when I am on the same page, I
make sure my principles are inline with my actions. I did not understand
and not even the mentioned experiments could explain how constantly
harassing an innocent person with mind-reading technologies (see
prevocalized thought, aritificial telepathy), and sending voices of
unwarranted, disturbing and absolutely disgusting content. I could not
grasp that these 20-somethings who seemed like most other people their age
(the only differences were personality traits of arrogance, self-loathing
and intimidating candor bording stupidity more amplified among them.)
while painting themeselves as heroes doing all they can to help, when in
reality, the insults and torture continue. And they still believe that the
Targeted Individual is the area of greatest interest. I see the interest
in the radical change of people into psychopaths with the aid of groups to
influence uniformity and conformity in normalizing this sick psychopathic