Au07 Q&A 29t889t89tp9tp
Au07 Q&A 29t889t89tp9tp
Au07 Q&A 29t889t89tp9tp
Following are some questions sent by the alumni of the class of Autumn
2007 and my replies thereto, which you may find useful.
Dr. Sam.
Dr. Indrawansa Samaratunga PhD, DSc
Chartered Quantity Surveyor and Registered Arbitrator / Expert
Australian Inst.of Qty.Surveyors-Middle East Representative
PO Box 23461, Dubai, UAE. T +971504588949 F +97143378668
POMI (1979) on other hand terms as Constructional plant Note the use of the lower case p in plant under
Section A5-General requirements and the preambles in the Contract do also refers Plants, (preamble writer
should be careful in using the correct p)Kindly clarify Plant and plant in these two instances are significantly
different and would not cause any confusion.
3b. There is a structural slab for 1.2 m thick with several openings less than 1m3 for ducting and /or for other
purposes. As per POMI "Voids" less than 1m3 are not to be deducted but in this given case no of "Openings"
cause a substantial concrete quantity; should we also not deduct the openings in this case?,(You can deduct
them by introducing a qualifying statement in the Preamble to this effect. Also remember to state whether
formwork would me measured or not for such voids) there is also a say in the POMI that Voids caused by
boxed or tubular structural metal work shall always be deducted, To this too the less than 1 m3 rule
applies. Kindly clarify and is there difference between Void and Opening Yes but the rule applies to both.
4. Insurance for works
There is an instance that the main contractor has executed and completed the contract ( small contract for 2
months ), without taking no insurances. Fortunately, there was'nt any accident as it was a very
small internal work. Should we still pay for the insurances to the Main contractor in the preliminaries of a
Lumpsum contract type. If a damage occurred, would the Employer have borne the costs thereof or asked
the Contractor to bear the costs ? Therefore, since the care of the works was always the Contractors
responsibility, the Contractor assumes the risk/liability whether he insures or not. Consequently it is fair to
pay the Contractor his Lump Sum without any deductions.
Dr. Sam.
Kind Regards
Dear Mr. Jammal,
My comments are given in red below:Dear Dr. Sam,
The client has nominated a tile supplier. What recourse is there for late
supply in terms of the tender documents? There should be a penalty clause in the Nominated Supply
The tile supplier is falling behind and is unable to submit a delivery
schedule for the tiles and there is a great concern.
-Now the contractor is pointing the finger that the client has nominated
the tile supplier. The Contractor had the opportunity to object to the nomination, if the Supply Contract did
not carry a back-to-back penalty Clause. If the Contractor did not object, then he is deemed to have
accepted to ensure timely delivery from his Supplier.
-The fact the delay is happening and might have to get another supplier is
it not the responsibility of the contractor to take necessary measure? Yes. It is the Contractors responsibility.
-The Main contractor is not taking any pro-active measures with the
supplier .
-Is there any responsibility on the client under the FDIC law? No.
Dr. Sam
Thank you
Ahmad Jammal
Project Director
Thanking You.
Nafeesa Sayad
Senior Quantity Surveyor