Sent: 25 October 2007 14:44 To: Sam99@eim - Ae Subject
Sent: 25 October 2007 14:44 To: Sam99@eim - Ae Subject
Sent: 25 October 2007 14:44 To: Sam99@eim - Ae Subject
Is it okay If we take two copies of the original tender documents submitted by the Contractor duly
stamped and put a new stamp stating that it is the original Contract documents. Yes, if
Drawings, Specs, Priced BOQ etc. etc. formed part of the Tender, but remember to incorporate
any post tender negotiations that may have taken place. Also all documents that should form part
of the Contract Documents (such as instructions to Tenderers, Tender Addenda etc.) should be
incorporated with proper references made in the Form of Agreement; and documents that you do
not want to form part of the Contract Documents (such as a programme for the Works submitted
with the Tender) should be specifically excluded.
Dr. Sam.
Abraham Varghese
Contracts Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: Hasaranga Fonseka []
Sent: 25 October 2007 16:35
To: sam99
Cc: dr.sam
Subject: conflict
Dear Dr sam,
My name is hasaranga fonseka & I attend the classes of last octomber session.I have
small question it is as per below,
Our project is a lumpsum contract , the problem is in our tender drawings from SMDB's
to DB's cable sizes are not mention but it clearly indicate as " cables to be decided based
on partitions of floor" The qty of cables are 20km.
But in the tender BOQ & tender drawings their are lot of differences, also in the tender
stage BOQ ajustments sheets (were these issued as Tender Addenda ?) also have been
given to the contractor but the contractor did not have made any changes.
now the contractor is claiming this as a variation. Contractually do we have to pay this ?
pls reply. Changes from the Contract Documents (not from Tender Documents) constitute
variations. If the BOQ adjustments (Tender Addenda ?) form part of the Contract
Documents, then they are not variations, even if the Tenderer ignored them at the Tender
Dr. Sam.
Thank you
Hasaranga Fonseka
Dr. Sam.
this argument is right
any other points
kindly let me know sir
Respected Dr. Sam,
I am informing to the interested people regarding the training programme. Your classes are very much
helpful to all the Contract Administrators. You are doing a wonderful job for all the young Engineers & QS.
Thank You.
I have a question to ask you, Please give me your view/answer for this Question.
Question is....
"In Trial Trench item, there are four items in our BOQ and this is also meets the CESMM measurement
a) Number in material other than rock max.depth 2 to 3 metres; trenches to locate existing services; length 3
to 6 m ---------Unit is in "Nr"
b) Depth in material other than rock ---------------Unit is in " m"
c) Depth supported ----------Unit is in "m"
d) Depth backfilled with excavated material for reinstatement ---------Unit is in "m"
Work has been completed in all respects and RFI has also approved for the above work stating that trial
trench for a depth of 2-3 metres work is complete.
But, consultant QS has certified all items except "Depth supported" item. He asks us to give the proof of
depth supported.
We argued that, work has been comleted in all respects and giving proper support is Contractor's
responsibility and we did that also to complete the work as per the satisfaction of the Engineer/consultant.
Now, how can we prove that we did the work by giving proper support?
How to close this matter? If the type of material (in which trial trenches were excavated) did not require
supporting, then the item is not payable. If it required supporting, then whether the supporting was carried
out or not, (or more volume was excavated to retain side slopes or not), the item is payable.
As per CESMM hand book, Class B, "it is statutory that any depth above 1.2m should be properly supported
as the Health and Safety regulations" Is this applicable to Dubai ? Is it customary to do this in Dubai ? If not
then this CESMM3 requirement should have been replaced by the Bill Compiler with a requirement suitable
for Dubai, by stating it in the Preamble.. In this scenario, Contractor has taken proper care to execute the
work in all respects and it is accepted by the Engineer through RFI.
If Consultant QS ask about a particular item in the total activity, How can we substantiate this? This is why
records are very important.
Please give your expert opinion on this issue. Sorry, only general guide lines can be provided for general
enquiries. If however a Company requires an independent expert opinion, then all the circumstances need to
be investigated, all the relevant documents/records need to be studied and the assertions of both parties
need to be heard before an expert opinion could be provided, following the agreement of fees.
Dr. Sam.
Thanks with regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Sujith Kunnuth [mailto:Sujith.Kunnuth@VOPAK.COM]
Sent: 30 October 2007 12:58
Subject: Re: Questions and answers - CA Training
Dr. Sam.
Please advise.