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International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (2013) e1111e1115

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The validity of cerebrospinal uid parameters for the diagnosis of

tuberculous meningitis
Lely Solari a,b,*, Alonso Soto a,c, Juan Carlos Agapito f, Vilma Acurio c, Dante Vargas c,
Tulia Battaglioli a, Roberto Alfonso Accinelli d,e, Eduardo Gotuzzo e,f, Patrick van der Stuyft a,g

Unit of General Epidemiology and Disease Control, Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp, Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Unidad de Analisis y Generacion de Evidencias en Salud Publica (UNAGESP), Instituto Nacional de Salud del Peru, Lima, Peru
Department of Medicine, Hospital Nacional Hipolito Unanue, Lima, Peru
Instituto de Investigaciones de la Altura, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Department of Public Health, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium



Article history:
Received 18 February 2013
Received in revised form 3 June 2013
Accepted 4 June 2013

Objectives: To assess the diagnostic validity of laboratory cerebrospinal uid (CSF) parameters for
discriminating between tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and other causes of meningeal syndrome in high
tuberculosis incidence settings.
Methods: From November 2009 to November 2011, we included patients with a clinical suspicion of
meningitis attending two hospitals in Lima, Peru. Using a composite reference standard, we classied
them as denite TBM, probable TBM, and non-TBM cases. We assessed the validity of four CSF
parameters, in isolation and in different combinations, for diagnosing TBM: adenosine deaminase
activity (ADA), protein level, glucose level, and lymphocytic pleocytosis.
Results: One hundred and fty-seven patients were included; 59 had a nal diagnosis of TBM (18
conrmed and 41 probable). ADA was the best performing parameter. It attained a specicity of 95%, a
positive likelihood ratio of 10.7, and an area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 82.1%,
but had a low sensitivity (55%). None of the combinations of CSF parameters achieved a fair performance
for ruling out TBM.
Conclusions: Finding CSF ADA greater than 6 U/l in patients with a meningeal syndrome strongly
supports a diagnosis of TBM and permits the commencement of anti-tuberculous treatment.
2013 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding Editor: Eskild Petersen,

Aarhus, Denmark
Tuberculous meningitis
Adenosine deaminase
Sensitivity and specicity

1. Introduction
The diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) continues to be a
clinical challenge, even after the introduction of molecular tests.1
The physiopathology of this condition, in which disproportionate
inammatory phenomena rather than numbers of circulating
bacteria play a role, hinders bacteriological diagnosis, and the
available microbiological tests fail to attain the accuracy standards
As a result, most guidelines for the diagnosis and management
of TBM agree on the use of simple cerebrospinal uid (CSF)

This study was presented in part as an abstract at the 43rd Union World
Conference on Lung Health, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 1317, 2012.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 3 247 62 55; fax: +32 3 247 66 58.
E-mail address: lelysol@hotmail.com (L. Solari).

analyses, such as determining glucose and protein levels and the

number and formula of leukocytes, to guide decision-making.3,4
Computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI)5 and other biochemical analyses of CSF, in particular
adenosine deaminase activity (ADA),6,7 have also been advocated.
Peruvian guidelines recommend the use of changes in protein,
glucose, chloride, and ADA levels and the presence of lymphocytic
pleocytosis in CSF as key elements for guiding the diagnosis of
TBM.8 However, evidence on the utility of these tests for decisionmaking in the rst hours after admission, when appropriate
initiation of anti-tuberculous treatment can prevent disability and
mortality, is quite limited.9 The few studies that have addressed
the predictive value of these tests or their combinations have
primarily focused on differentiating between TBM and acute
bacterial meningitis.1012
The objective of this study was to evaluate the validity of these
laboratory tests in CSF, in isolation or in combination, for the
diagnosis of TBM in patients with a clinical suspicion of meningitis.

1201-9712/$36.00 see front matter 2013 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


L. Solari et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (2013) e1111e1115

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Setting
The study was performed in Lima, Peru. Peru is a country with a
high incidence of tuberculosis (101/105) and a concentrated HIV
epidemic.13 Adult cases with a clinical suspicion of meningitis are
routinely referred to third-level hospitals where they undergo a
lumbar puncture. The most frequent causative agents in this
context are considered to be Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Cryptococcus neoformans, common bacteria, and enteroviruses.14
2.2. Diagnostic parameters evaluated
The diagnostic parameters in CSF considered in the Peruvian
national guidelines were evaluated at their respective cut-off
points: elevated proteins (>50 mg/dl), decreased glucose
(<50 mg/dl), decreased chloride (<100 mg/dl), lymphocytic pleocytosis (CSF white cell count of >10 cells/mm3, with lymphocyte
predominance >50%), and elevated ADA level (>6 U/l). The
chloride level was not included in this study as it is neither
routinely performed nor readily available at referral hospitals.
2.3. Patient recruitment and procedures
The sample size needed was 139, considering an overall
accuracy of the best combination of predictors of 90% and a
precision of 5%. All patients older than 18 years with a clinical
suspicion of meningitis, hospitalized in one of two third-level
hospitals (Hipolito Unanue and Cayetano Heredia) from November
2009 to November 2011 were invited to participate in the study. A
clinical suspicion of meningitis was dened as having any
combination of the following symptoms: headache, irritability,
vomiting, fever, neck stiffness, convulsions, focal neurologic decit,
and altered consciousness or lethargy, with no other general
medical condition explaining them. Patients already receiving
specic treatment were excluded (for instance patients with
cryptococcal meningitis attending with recurrence of their
symptoms, patients already being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis who had developed neurologic symptoms, etc.).
All included patients underwent a lumbar puncture using
standard procedures. CSF samples were sent within 1 h to the
laboratory to perform microbiological (acid-fast bacillus stain
(AFB), culture for mycobacteria in Ogawa medium, Gram stain,
culture for common bacteria, cryptococcal antigen agglutination
test), molecular (PCR for Mycobacterium tuberculosis; IS6110 PCR,
Qiagen Multiplex PCR),15 cytological (total white cell count and
determination of the percentage of lymphocytes), and biochemical
(glucose, protein, ADA) analyses. According to the clinical ndings,
the attending physicians requested further tests/procedures
(biopsy or culture of other body uids, lymph node aspiration, etc.).
2.4. Denition of TBM
Our reference standard for the diagnosis of TBM contemplated
two categories: denite TBM and probable TBM. All cases were
assigned to one of these categories by a data analyst who was
blinded to the results of the evaluated CSF parameters. Denite
TBM was dened as the presence of AFB in CSF smears, or positive
CSF culture for M. tuberculosis, or positive CSF PCR test.7 Probable
TBM was dened as a clinical suspicion of meningitis (as described
above), with negative Gram stain and cultures for bacteria,
negative cryptococcal latex agglutination test and cultures for
fungi, and at least one of the following: (1) bacteriological evidence
of tuberculosis in other organs (positive culture for M. tuberculosis
in other body uids or tissues or biopsies, with histopathological

ndings of caseous necrosis or granulomas); (2) good response to

anti-tuberculous therapy, dened as complete resolution of the
constitutional signs at 1 month after treatment initiation. For
patients not completing 1 month of follow-up due to death, an
expert panel dened whether the case was probable TBM or not.
TBM was dened as denite or probable TBM. All other patients
were classied as non-TB, and a diagnosis was reached according
to each etiology, for instance: bacterial and fungal meningitis were
microbiologically conrmed by cultures or presence of antigen;
viral meningitis was dened as a compatible clinical presentation,
an abnormal CSF, and complete resolution of symptoms without
antibiotic, antifungal, or anti-tuberculous treatment, or a positive
PCR for viruses in CSF; metabolic conditions were diagnosed on the
basis of laboratory blood tests, etc.
2.5. Analysis
Patients found to have more than one diagnosis (for example
tuberculous and bacterial meningitis, or tuberculous and fungal
meningitis) were excluded from the analysis. Differences between
TBM patients and non-TBM patients with regard to the CSF
parameters were compared using their actual values and
dichotomized according to the cut-off points suggested in the
Peruvian guidelines. To test for signicance, we used the Mann
Whitney test and Chi-square test for numerical and categorical
variables, respectively. We calculated areas under the receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve for each parameter, and
sensitivity, specicity, and positive and negative likelihood ratios
at the suggested cut-off levels. Ninety-ve percent condence
intervals (95% CI) were constructed for all estimates. A positive
likelihood ratio of 10 and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.10
were considered to provide convincing evidence in favor or against
the diagnosis of TBM, respectively.16 As a second step, the
diagnostic accuracy of all possible combinations of two, three,
or four parameters were evaluated, as well as having one, two,
three, or four positive parameters present. All statistical analyses
were performed with STATA version 11.0 (Stata Corp., College
Station, TX, USA).
2.6. Ethical aspects
All included patients, or a direct relative for those with altered
consciousness, gave informed consent to participate in the study.
The ethics committees of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano
Heredia, both participating hospitals, and the Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Antwerp, approved the study.
3. Results
One hundred and fty-seven patients fullled the inclusion
criteria and agreed to participate in the study. Two patients were
excluded from the analysis given co-infection with two pathogens
(they had HIV/AIDS, TBM conrmed by a positive PCR in CSF, and
meningeal cryptococcosis conrmed by a positive culture). The
median age of the 155 patients constituting the study group was 35
years (interquartile range 2654 years) and 109 (70.3%) were male.
Fifty-nine (38.1%) had a diagnosis of TBM. Eighteen (30.5%) were
denite TBM and 41 (69.5%) were probable TBM. Of the latter, nine
had M. tuberculosis isolated in specimens from another body site,
28 had a good response to tuberculosis treatment, and four died
before the 1 month of treatment follow-up but were identied as
TBM by the expert panel. The most frequent diagnoses in non-TBM
cases (n = 96) were viral meningitis in 19 (19.7%), cryptococcal
meningitis in 12 (12.5%), liver and other metabolic encephalopathies in eight (8.3%), bacterial meningitis in six (6.3%), and other
causes of meningeal syndrome (meningeal carcinomatosis, sepsis

L. Solari et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (2013) e1111e1115

of other origin, toxoplasmic encephalitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, epilepsy) in 51 (53.1%) patients. HIV infection was present in
22 (38%) of the patients in the TBM group and 33 (34%) of the
patients in the non-TBM group.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of the three investigated
diagnostic parameters, which were continuous variables: ADA,
protein level, and glucose level in TBM (probable and denite) and
non-TBM patients. All of them differed signicantly between the
TBM and non-TBM groups at a level of p < 0.001. Although a
comparison between denite and probable TBM was not an
objective of the study (and power was limited for a comparison
between the subgroups), there were no signicant differences

ADA levels in CSF according to TBM category

ADA level in CSF (U/L)






Probable TBM

Definite TBM

Protein levels in CSF according to TBM category

Protein level in CSF (mg/dl)




between the two groups except in the glucose level (median of

32.5 mg/dl in the denite TBM group vs. 44 mg/dl in the probable
TBM group).
The diagnostic performance of the evaluated parameters for the
diagnosis of TBM is shown in Table 1. ADA was the parameter that
in isolation performed the best, followed by protein level (area
under the ROC curve 82.1% and 75.5%, respectively). Protein level
was the most sensitive test, while ADA was the most specic one.
The latter attained a positive likelihood ratio of 10.7. Noteworthy,
four out of the 34 (12%) patients who did not fulll any of the four
criteria had a nal diagnosis of TBM.
When the 41 probable TBM cases were excluded from analysis,
this did not affect the diagnostic accuracy estimates for ADA: it had
a sensitivity of 55.6%, a specicity of 94.9%, a positive likelihood
ratio of 10.9, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.5.
Although the study was underpowered for comparisons
between subgroups, we analyzed the performance of the four
parameters according to the HIV status of the patients. Glucose
levels and lymphocytic pleocytosis performed less well in HIV
patients, with a signicantly decreased area under the ROC curve.
However, ADA and protein levels did not have a signicantly
decreased area under the ROC curve (85% vs. 76% for ADA in HIVnegative and HIV-positive patients, respectively).
We evaluated the performance of all possible combinations of
the CSF parameters. We considered as patients fullling a
combination, those who tested positive for at least one of the
parameters included in it, and as patients not fullling it, those
testing negative for all the parameters included in the combination. Table 2 shows the results of the best performing combinations
in terms of positive and negative likelihood ratios. None of the
combinations attained our denition of fair evidence of the
presence or absence of TBM. We also assessed the performance of
combinations dened as having at least three positive parameters
(any of them) and of having all four parameters positive. The
sensitivity, specicity, positive likelihood ratio, and negative
likelihood ratio were 64%, 82%, 7.66, and 0.4, respectively, for
having at least three positive parameters, and 32%, 100%, 61, and
0.7, respectively, for having all four parameters positive. Nineteen
patients (32.2% of TBM patients) belonged to this last category.
4. Discussion



Probable TBM

Definite TBM

Glucose levels in CSF according to TBM category

Glucose level in CSF (mg/dl)






Probable TBM

Definite TBM

Figure 1. Distribution of diagnostic parameters among TBM (conrmed and

probable) and non-TBM patients.

Our most relevant nding was that out of the four evaluated CSF
parameters, the best performing one for ruling in TBM was ADA,
with a specicity of 95% at a cut-off point of >6 U/l. However, its
sensitivity was low (55%). No combinations of the parameters
reached the accepted standard for ruling out TBM (a negative
likelihood ratio of 0.10).
A limitation of our study is that only 30% of our TBM cases were
bacteriologically conrmed. However, this proportion lies in the
expected range according to the literature.17 Our denition of
probable TBM discarded patients with other likely diagnoses, but
the response to anti-tuberculous therapy (and expert consensus
for patients under therapy dying before 1 month of follow-up),
could be judged as suboptimal evidence for TBM diagnosis. This is
mainly because conditions such as viral meningitis could mimic a
good response to TB therapy. However, this would not change our
main conclusion concerning the high specicity of ADA: viral
meningitis does not usually elevate ADA levels,18,19 and if we had
classied patients with viral meningitis as TBM, we would have
underestimated its specicity for TBM. Furthermore, it is worth
highlighting that, despite our study being underpowered for a
subgroup analysis, we found no differences between the conrmed and the probable TBM subgroups except in the glucose
level. Finally, the study was performed in Peru, a country with a
low HIV prevalence, a high tuberculosis incidence, and decreasing

L. Solari et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (2013) e1111e1115


Table 1
Diagnostic accuracy of the cerebrospinal uid parameters for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis
CSF parameter
ADA >6 U/l

Lymphocytic pleocytosis
Protein level >45 mg/dl

Glucose level 50 mg/dl

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Positive likelihood
ratio (95% CI)

Negative likelihood
ratio (95% CI)

Area under the ROC

curve (95% CI)






CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CI, condence interval; ROC, receiver operating characteristics; ADA, adenosine deaminase activity.
Dened as >10 cells/mm3 and 50% lymphocytes.

Table 2
Diagnostic accuracy of the combinations of cerebrospinal uid parameters for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis
Combination of CSF laboratory parameters (tests)
Combination of two parameters
ADA >6 U/l or lymphocytic pleocytosis
Lymphocytic pleocytosis or protein >45 mg/dl
Combinations of three parameters
ADA >6 U/l or lymphocytic pleocytosis or
glucose 50 mg/dl
Combination of four parameters
ADA >6 U/l or lymphocytic pleocytosis or protein
>45 mg/dl or glucose 50 mg/dl

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Positive likelihood
ratio (95% CI)

Negative likelihood
ratio (95% CI)

Area under the ROC

curve (95% CI)
















CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CI, condence interval; ROC, receiver operating characteristics; ADA, adenosine deaminase activity.

morbidity due to bacterial and fungal meningitides. Our results

may not be generalizable beyond settings with comparable
The study has an important strength: the wider clinical spectrum
of patients included in comparison to previously published works.
Other studies have focused on distinguishing TBM from specic
meningitides, generally acute bacterial meningitis,11,12 excluding
patients with uncertain diagnoses. The latter are precisely the ones
that could benet from the use of clinical tools.20 Our study makes an
attempt to capture the real diagnostic challenge in clinical practice,
where TBM is suspected in a wide array of clinical presentations and
clinicians have to make quick decisions concerning treatment.
Additionally, although TBM is a condition with decreasing prevalence, we managed to include a fair number of patients, which gave
us power for statistical comparisons.
Our main nding, the utility of ADA for the diagnosis of TBM,
has been the subject of debate for many years, and there are two
meta-analyses published on the subject. Tuon et al.21 found results
similar to ours: a specicity of 96% and a sensitivity of 59% for ADA
values higher than 8U/l. Xu et al.22 reported a sensitivity of 79% and
a specicity of 91% by pooling studies with various ADA cut-off
points. Studies published after these meta-analyses have also
found that the use of ADA for the diagnosis of TBM has signicant
clinical utility.23,24 However, accuracy estimates vary according to
the setting, the patient mix, cut-off point, and laboratory
specications.6 In settings with a high prevalence of acute bacterial
meningitis, ADA can give false-positive results, and most studies
assessing clinical predictors for TBM have been conducted in such
populations.10,11 This is possibly the reason why a group of experts
who have developed a denition for TBM have refrained from the
use of this test.7 Actually, Peruvian guidelines are amongst the few
existing ones that explicitly advocate the determination of ADA in
CSF to diagnose TBM.8 We feel, in the light of new evidence18 and
our present ndings, that the use of this test should be further
evaluated. Compared to other tools such as CT scans25 and MRI,

which have a specicity up to 90%,26 and appraisal of macroscopic

CSF appearance, which as part of a score achieves a specicity of
77%,12 ADA can make a more important contribution to the
diagnosis of TBM. With a positive likelihood ratio of 10.7 and a
pretest probability of 38% as in our setting, the post-test
probability of having TBM becomes 87%, and thus treatment
initiation should be offered. In our series, 56% of the TBM cases
would have beneted from a decision made on this basis. However,
the low sensitivity (55%) precludes decision-making in patients
with a negative ADA test, and the addition of the other parameters
evaluated only marginally increased the number of TBM patients
correctly diagnosed.
In recent years, new diagnostic assays, in particular molecular
techniques like GeneXpert MTB/RIF, have been developed, and
these could contribute to the diagnosis of extrapulmonary forms of
tuberculosis;2730 however their clinical utility needs further
assessment. Furthermore, rolling out these tests will take time and
consume considerable resources. Therefore, the use of diagnostic
tools that are already implemented, cheap, and easy to perform
should be optimized. Our study shows that ADA in CSF above 6 U/l
in patients with a meningeal syndrome has a high positive
likelihood ratio for TBM. Taking into account the specic clinical
context, this should permit the decision to initiate treatment,
particularly in settings like ours, with a high prevalence of TBM and
low prevalence of acute bacterial meningitis. On the other hand,
none of the evaluated combinations of CSF parameters allows the
condition to be ruled out. More research should be done on the
clinical utility of including ADA alongside other simple diagnostic
tests in diagnostic algorithms for TBM.

To Francine Matthysy for her contribution to the development of
the study protocol.

L. Solari et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (2013) e1111e1115

To Daniela Salazar and Yenny Bravo for their active participation in the patient recruitment. This study was funded by the
Damien Foundation. LS holds a PhD scholarship from the Belgian
Development Cooperation.
Conict of interest: No conict of interest to declare.
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