1 s2.0 S1755001711000558 Main
1 s2.0 S1755001711000558 Main
1 s2.0 S1755001711000558 Main
Case report
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 20 September 2011
Accepted 4 October 2011
Granulomatous lesions
1. Introduction
3. Case 2
2. Case 1
A 63-year-male patient had right axillary lymphadenopathy
(LAP) measuring 20 mm in diameter. LAP biopsy was reported as
suppurative granulomatous lymphadenitis. He was referred to
our clinic with presumptive diagnosis of TB. With detailed
anamnesis we learned that LAP was developed 1 month after
thorn prick right hand index nger. Chest radiography was
normal (Fig. 1). PPD was 10 mm. Sputum smears Acid Fast Bacilli
(AFB) and TB cultures were negative for ve times. Erithrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) was 16 mm/h. Serum ACE, calcium and
urinary calcium levels were within normal range. All other
laboratory ndings were normal. Abdominal and neck Ultrasonography (US) examinations were normal. Because of history of
thorn prick, Francisella tularensis agglutination test was performed by presumptive diagnosis of Tularemia and it was
reported as 1/1280 positive. Treatment with Streptomycin and
Doxycycline was started.
4. Case 3
A 40-year-old female without any complaint admitted to
a general surgery clinic for routine clinical breast examination. She
had no history of childbirth, nursing, oral contraceptive use,
hyperprolactinemia within 2 years. Breast US showed punctate
microcalcication in left upper-middle zone and mammography
showed nodulary density in left middle zone. Excisional biopsy of
breast tissue revealed noncaseating lobular granulomas composed
of epithelioid histiocytes and multinuclear giant cells and intraductal papilloma, with no evidence of malignancy. She was referred
to our clinic with presumptive diagnosis of TB. Tissue sample was
negative for AFB. Chest radiography was normal (Fig. 3). Three
sputum smears AFB and TB cultures were negative. Fiberoptic
bronchoscopy was normal and bronchial lavage AFB and TB culture
was negative. PPD was negative. ESR was 9 mm/h. Serum ACE,
calcium and urinary calcium levels were within normal range.
Serum tumour marker levels were normal. All other laboratory
ndings were normal. Abdominal and neck US examinations were
normal. Despite of all examinations, there could not be found any
nding related with TB, fungal disease, parasitary disease, and
other diseases causing granulomatous lesions. This case was suggested idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM).
5. Discussion
Diagnosis of granulomatous inammation is a common practice
in pathology. The common causes of granulomatous reaction are
infective agents like mycobacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. and noninfective aetiologies like sarcoidosis, foreign bodies, Wegeners
granulomatosis, Crohns disease, etc. In addition, certain neoplasms
are also known to be associated with a granulomatous response in
the parenchyma e.g. Hodgkins disease.1e3 Differential diagnosis
and management demand a skilful interpretation of clinical ndings and histology.
Infections are the commonest causes of disseminated granulomatous disease. Some experts regard an infection as the root cause
of all such disorders but that it still remains undetected in some;
over the past decade advances in molecular diagnostic techniques
have allowed identication of causal organisms that were previously unrecognised.4
Tularemia is caused by bacterium Francisella tularensis. It occurs
naturally in rabbits, hares and rodents. F. tularensis can be transmitted to humans via various mechanisms: Bites by infected
arthropods, direct contact with infected animals, handling of
infectious animal tissues or uids, direct contact with contaminated soil or water, ingestion of contaminated food, water, or soil,
inhalation of infectious aerosols.5e8
Because of the difculty in culturing F. tularensis, most cases of
tularemia are diagnosed on the basis of clinical picture and/or
serology.9,10 The diagnosis of human cases of tularemia is usually
conrmed by the demonstration of an antibody response to
F. tularensis, which occurs about 2 weeks after the onset of the
disease.11 The detection of serum antibodies is most frequently
achieved by agglutination or an ELISA.11 Commercially available
antigens can also be used with standard tube agglutination tests. A
fourfold increase during illness or a single titer of 1:160 or greater is
considered diagnostic.12 In rst case, axillary LAP biopsy was
reported as suppurative granulomatous lymphadenitis. He was
referred to our clinic with presumptive diagnosis of TB. All other
granulomatous inammation reasons, primarily TB, had been
excluded with clinical, laboratory and radiological ndings. Because
of history of thorn prick, Francisella tularensis agglutination test
was performed.
CSD only occurs in humans, especially those who are scratched
or bitten by kittens and then develop regional lymphadenitis
proximal to the site of injury. Primary involvement is that of the
lymph nodes, which rst show lymphoid hyperplasia. Later,
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