Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan
Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Department of Agriculture Extension, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Department of Soil Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan 60800, Pakistan
Department of Soil Science, Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan 61000, Pakistan
College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 17 April 2015
Received in revised form
3 September 2015
Accepted 4 September 2015
Increasing concentration of Cd in soil is of great concern due to risk of its entry into food chain. Zinc (Zn)
being antagonist to Cd is an important micronutrient to ameliorate its toxic effects on plants and to limit
its entry into food chain. A pot experiment was conducted using Cd contaminated soil (30 mg Cd kg 1
soil as 3CdSO4 8H2O) to investigate the effect of soil and foliar applied Zn on physiological response and
Cd concentration in wheat. In soil, Zn was applied at 15 and 30 mg Zn kg 1 soil as zinc sulfate
(ZnSO4 7H2O). For foliar applications, 3 and 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution was sprayed on completing eight
weeks of growth. Results indicated that Zn application could effectively improve physiological performance and mineral content of wheat grown on Cd contaminated soils. Among different Zn fertilization
treatments, foliar application of 3 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution recorded the maximum soluble proteins and the
minimum grain-Cd concentration. Soil application of ZnSO4 or foliar application at 6 g L 1 did not affect
Cd concentration in grains. Zinc application through both the methods signicantly increased phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and Zn concentrations in shoots. Concentration of P and K in grains showed
positive relationship with that of Zn. In crux, present study suggests that foliar application of Zn at
booting stage in a suitable concentration (3 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution) can effectively ameliorate the adverse
effects of Cd and decrease grain-Cd of wheat grown in Cd contaminated soil.
& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cadmium toxicity
Nutrient acquisition
Soil contaminants
Wheat physiology
Zn application
1. Introduction
Cadmium (Cd) is considered highly toxic heavy metal for both
the plants and animals. The risk of Cd toxicity increases when its
concentration in agricultural soils increases due to various anthropogenic activities including application of phosphate fertilizers and sewage sludge and deposition of that emitted from metal
industries, power stations, cement industries and urban trafc
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; Cd, cadmium; EC, electrical conductivity; Gs, stomatal conductance; K, potassium; PBM, plant biomass; P, phosphorus; Pn, photosynthetic rate; RDW, root dry weight; RFW, root fresh weight;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; SDW, shoot dry weight; SFW, shoot fresh weight; Tr,
transpiration rate; Zn, zinc
Corresponding author at: Department of Soil Science, Muhammad Nawaz
Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan 61000, Pakistan.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Imran), (S. Hussain).
0147-6513/& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(Astol et al., 2012; Fahad et al., 2015a, 2015b). Once Cd enters into
plant roots, it can adopt either apoplastic or/and symplastic
pathways to reach xylem cells (Salt and Rauser, 1995; Liu et al.,
2014). Cadmium bound to negatively charged aerosols and dust
particles may also penetrate in plant leaves via cuticle (Kvesitadze
et al., 2006). Its toxicity inhibits plant growth and yield by decreasing carbon xation due to its adverse effects on chlorophyll
content and photosynthetic rate (Hassan et al., 2005; Anjum et al.,
2015). In plants, it induces water stress with the symptoms of
decrease in stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and leaf relative water content (Chen and Huerta, 1997; Astol et al., 2012).
This is the result of physiological damages like decrease in size and
number of xylem vessels (Gong et al., 2005), intracellular spaces
and amount of chloroplast, and cell enlargement (Sandalio et al.,
2001). In plant cells, Cd might displace Zn from Zn-binding molecules, or attach to Ca-binding sites and thereby disturb intracellular signaling processes (Meda et al., 2007). Cd efciently
competes with Fe, Mn, Zn, and Ca transport and commonly
Table 1
Properties of soil used in the experiment.
dS m 1
7.75 7 0.18 1.75 7 0.03 1.69 70.06
4.63 7 0.15 1.63 70.04 0.65 7 0.01 2.02 7 0.09 1347 7.19 0.147 0.01
Total Cd
Total Zn
AB-DTPA extractable Cd
AB-DTPA extractable Zn
mg kg 1
0.86 7 0.03
ECe: electrical conductivity of saturation extract, SAR: sodium absorption ratio, CEC: cation exchange capacity, CaCO3: lime content, OM: organic matter, values along with
means are the 7 S.E. of three replicates.
3. Results
3.1. Plant biomass
The data regarding plant biomass (PBM) is given in Fig. 1A.
Exposure to Cd (30 mg kg 1) did not signicantly affect PBM of
wheat. However, Cd Zn15-Soil signicantly increased PBM as
compared with Cd Zn30-Soil. Foliar applied Zn (Cd Zn3-FA and
Cd Zn6-FA) could not signicantly increase PBM compared with
control or Cd. Moreover, no visual symptoms of Zn and/or Cd
toxicity/deciency were observed on leaves, stem and roots.
3.2. Soluble proteins
Plants grown under 30 mg Cd kg 1 soil did not differ from Cd
untreated plants (control) regarding soluble proteins (Fig. 1B). Soil
application of 15 mg Zn kg 1 soil (Cd Zn15-Soil) or 3 g L 1 foliar
ZnSO4 spray (Cd Zn3-FA) signicantly decreased the soluble
proteins compared with control or Cd. However, 30 mg Zn kg 1
soil (Cd Zn30-Soil) or 6 g L 1 foliar ZnSO4 application (Cd Zn6FA) could not affect soluble protein contents (Fig. 1B).
3.3. Chlorophyll content and gas exchange attributes
The maximum chlorophyll content (SPAD-value) was observed
for control plants which decreased signicantly under Cd stress
(Fig. 2A). Application of Zn either through soil or foliar spray did
not improve chlorophyll content. Although Pn of Cd treated plants
also decreased compared to control, but change (15%) remained
non-signicant (Fig. 2B). Application of Zn at 30 mg kg 1
(Cd Zn30-Soil) signicantly improved Pn compared with Cd.
However, soil application of Zn at 15 mg kg 1 (Cd Zn15-Soil) and
foliar application at both the rates (Cd Zn3-FA and Cd Zn6-FA)
had non-signicant effect on Pn of wheat plants. The Tr of wheat
remained unaffected under Cd stress and also by both of soil and
foliar applied Zn treatments (Fig. 2C). The Gs signicantly decreased following exposure of plants to Cd stress (30 mg kg 1)
(Fig. 2D). Cadmium stress did not affect Gs and only soil Zn application at 30 mg kg 1 soil (Cd Zn30-Soil) signicantly increased Gs compared with control.
3.4. Zinc concentrations in plant parts
Treatments affected root-Zn signicantly (Fig. 3A), being the
Fig. 1. Effect of Zn application on (A) plant biomass (PBM), and (B) soluble proteins content of wheat grown on Cd contaminated soil. Error bars above means are 7S.E.
Treatments bars not sharing a letter in common differ signicantly at 5% probability level by LSD test. Treatments are; control uncontaminated soil, no Zn application,
Cd contaminated soil with 30 mg Cd kg 1soil, Cd Zn15-soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 15 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn30-soil soil application of ZnSO4 at
30 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn3-FA foliar application of 3 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress, Cd Zn6-FA foliar application at 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd
Fig. 2. Effect of Zn application on (A) chlorophyll content (SPAD value), (B) photosynthetic rate (Pn; mM m 2 s 1), (C) transpiration rate (Tr; mM m 2 s 1), and (D) stomatal
conductance (Gs; M m 2 s 1) of wheat grown in Cd contaminated soil. Error bars above means are 7 S.E. Treatments bars not sharing a letter in common differ signicantly
at 5% probability level by LSD test. Treatments are; control uncontaminated soil, no Zn application, Cd contaminated soil with 30 mg Cd kg 1soil, Cd Zn15-soil soil
application of ZnSO4 at 15 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn30-soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 30 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn3-FA foliar application of 3 g L 1 ZnSO4
solution under Cd stress, Cd Zn6-FA foliar application at 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress.
Fig. 3. Effect of Zn application on (A) root Zn concentration, (B) root Cd concentration, (C) ag leaf Zn concentration, (D) ag leaf Cd concentration, (E) grain Zn concentration, and (F) grain Cd concentration of wheat grown in Cd contaminated soil. Error bars above means are 7 S.E. Treatments bars not sharing a letter in common differ
signicantly at 5% probability level by LSD test. Treatments are; controluncontaminated soil, no Zn application, Cd contaminated soil with 30 mg Cd kg 1soil, Cd Zn15soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 15 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn30-soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 30 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn3-FA foliar application of
3 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress, Cd Zn6-FA foliar application at 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress.
Cd concentration compared to control. None of the applied treatment affected ag leaf-Cd, however, plant grown on Zn applied
soil at 15 mg kg 1soil (Cd Zn15-Soil) had higher ag leaf Cd than
those receiving Zn at 30 mg kg soil (Cd Zn30-Soil) or foliar applied Zn (Cd Zn3-FA and Cd Zn6-FA).
Cadmium contamination of soil increased its concentration in
grain from 0.04 to 10.9 mg kg 1 soil (Fig. 3F). Soil application of Zn
and foliar spray of 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 (Cd Zn6-FA) did not affect grain
Cd concentration. However, 3 g L 1 spray of ZnSO4 solution
(Cd Zn3-FA) signicantly decreased grain-Cd (Fig. 3F).
Fig. 4. Effect of Zn application on (A) P-concentration in grain, (B) P-concentration in shoot, (C) Na-concentration in grain, (D) Na-concentration in shoot, (E) K-concentration
in grain, and (F) K-concentration in shoot of wheat grown in Cd contaminated soil. Error bars above means are 7S.E. Treatments bars not sharing a letter in common differ
signicantly at 5% probability level by LSD test. Treatments are; control uncontaminated soil, no Zn application, Cd contaminated soil with 30 mg Cd kg 1soil, Cd Zn15soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 15 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn30-soil soil application of ZnSO4 at 30 mg kg 1 under Cd stress, Cd Zn3-FA foliar application of
3 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress, Cd Zn6-FA foliar application at 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution under Cd stress.
Cd Zn15-Soil,
4. Discussion
Decrease in growth and plant biomass accumulation is generally considered as initial symptom of Cd toxicity especially in
plants grown on highly contaminated sites (Gong et al., 2005;
Ekmeki et al., 2008). Cadmium toxicity symptoms may appear
during vegetative and/or reproductive growth stages. However,
many plants can accumulate signicant quantities of Cd in their
body without visual toxicity symptoms and yield loss (Anjum
et al., 2015). Likewise in the present investigation, 30 mg Cd kg 1
soil neither caused any toxicity symptoms nor decrease PBM
compared with control. However application of 15 mg Zn kg 1
(Cd Zn15-Soil) increased PBM signicantly over that of Cd which
is a clear indication of the positive effect of Zn on wheat growth.
Khan et al. (2006) also reported that ve wheat cultivars (BPW343,
HT2329, BPW373, UP2338 and WH542) grown at highly contaminated soil did not show any decrease in biomass production.
Also, Naeem et al. (2014) reported no yield loss due to Cd stress
despite grain and straw Cd content ranging between 1.62.9 and
4.36.0 mg kg 1, respectively.
In present study, exposure of wheat plants to Cd stress severely
hampered the leaf gas exchange attributes. The decrease in Pn
(Fig. 2B) might be due to decrease in chlorophyll content or destruction of PSII reaction center in the leaf (Khan et al., 2006; Ci
et al., 2010). Khan et al. (2006) reported that increasing Cd concentration decreased Pn and the maximum decrease in Pn was
observed with 100 mg kg 1. They also reported that light and dark
reactions of photosynthesis also decreased due to Cd toxicity. Zinc
application did not improve chlorophyll content but did so for Pn
and Gs (Fig. 2). However, Ebrahim and Aly (2004) reported increase in both chlorophyll content and Pn of Zn supplied wheat
plants. Zn-induced increase in Pn without concomitant increase in
chlorophyll content suggest that Zn might has enhanced activities
of enzymes involved in photosynthesis. Since Zn application improved Gs in Cd-stressed plants (Fig. 2D), this positive effect of Zn
on Gs may be related to enhanced Pn of plants and other physiological attributes.
Soil application of Zn at 15 mg kg 1 (CdZn15-Soil) decreased
root Cd concentration whereas increased that of ag leaf (Fig. 3).
This implies that Zn application at 15 mg kg 1 increased translocation from root to shoot. Actually, Cd induces the synthesis of
phytochelatins (PCs) in roots which have ability to sequester metal
ions into roots (Sarwar et al., 2010; Chaffai and Koyama, 2011).
Phytochelatins form CdPC complexes which are sequestrated in
vacuole of root cells resulting in decreased Cd translocation from
roots to shoots (Hassan et al., 2005). But formation of ZnPC complexes in the presence of Zn (Perrin and Watt, 1971) could increase
the concentration of free Cd and as a result of which Cd translocation from root to shoot may be enhanced. Net accumulation and
complexation of metal ions in ag leaf may control the translocation of metal ions to grains. The results of the present study are in
accordance with Zhu et al. (2003) who conrmed that Zn application up to 100 mg kg 1 soil did not decrease shoot Cd concentration. Contrarily, grain-Cd signicantly decreased with foliar application of 3 g L 1 (CdZn3-FA) ZnSO4 solution (Fig. 3F). All other Zn
treatments were ineffective in decreasing Cd concentration in
grains. This suggests that antagonistic effect of Zn on Cd concentration in grains is related to its application rate. Beyond some
specic level, it may show synergism to grain Cd. This comparison
shows that foliar application of Zn proved to be more effective as
compared to its soil application. One possible reason is that, foliar
application enhanced ag leaf-Zn status many folds compared to
soil application. This enhanced level of Zn might act as an antagonist to Cd (Akay and Koleli, 2007). This implies that enhanced Zn
pool in ag leaf (Cd Zn3-FA) to a certain concentration is physiologically important to antagonize Cd translocation to grains along
with photosynthates but when ag leaf Zn concentration exceeded
beyond 350 mg kg 1 (CdZn6-FA), it failed to do so as affectively
as in CdZn3-FA (Fig. 3F). Akay and Koleli (2007) reported that
increasing rate of Zn application from 0 to 3 kg ha 1 decreased ag
leaves Cd from 12.9 to 5.5 mg kg 1 and grain-Cd from 12.0 to
4.0 mg kg 1. While in present study, application of 3 g L 1 ZnSO4
solution (Cd Zn3-FA) decreased the grain Cd concentration from
10.88 to 8.90 mg kg 1. Soil application of Zn (both low and high Zn)
did not decreased grain Cd concentration signicantly which might
be due to lower ag leaf concentration of Zn in soil applied treatments compared with foliar application treatments. Another possible reason might be that foliar applied Zn have enhanced the
concentration of soluble proteins including antioxidant enzymes
which either scavenged ROS more effectively (Davies, 2003) or
complexed Cd with them. Damage to membranes otherwise may
increase the translocation of Cd from shoot to grain (Sarwar et al.,
2010). Root-Zn was signicantly higher in CdZn15-Soil and
Cd Zn30-Soil (soil-applied) compared to that of Cd and control
(without Zn). However, foliar application of Zn (Cd Zn3-FA and
Cd Zn6-FA) did not increase root Zn concentrations signicantly
compared to that of non-Zn treatments (Fig. 3A). Maximum ag
leaf-Zn was recorded in CdZn6-FA followed by Cd Zn3-FA
(Fig. 3C). While, ag leaf-Zn with soil-applied Zn treatments were
found signicantly less compared to that with foliar applied treatments which indicates that a considerable fraction of Zn absorbed
by plant roots from soil-applied Zn, was retained in roots. Grain Zn
concentration was maximum in Cd Zn6-FA followed by CdZn30Soil, while all the other treatments differed non-signicantly for
grain-Zn compared to that of Cd. These results are in line with
important than others (Ebrahim and Aly, 2004; Rehim et al., 2014).
Ebrahim and Aly (2004) investigated that application of Zn as foliar spray form 050 mg kg 1 progressively increased both the
shoot K and P concentration in shoot of wheat. In the present
study, similar results were obtained for shoot and grains K and P
concentration (Fig. 4). All the Zn treatments increased the concentration of K in shoot as compared to plants where no Zn was
applied (control and Cd). There was a positive relationship between shoot Zn and K concentrations (Fig. 5A). In grain, Cd Zn6FA signicantly increased K concentration compared with all other
treatments (Fig. 4). This indicates that foliar application of Zn
might be a more efcient method which enhanced the K inux
from shoot to grains. In present study, strong positive association
between grain Zn and K concentration (Fig. 5B) and grain Zn and P
concentration (Fig. 5C) was observed, which is in accordance with
the ndings of Ebrahim and Aly (2004).
For grain-Na, both of the foliar application treatments
(Cd Zn3-FA and Cd Zn6-FA) performed better compared to all
the other treatments. Application of 6 g L 1 ZnSO4 solution
(Cd Zn6-FA) recorded the maximum P in both in shoot and grains
(Fig. 4A and B), while there was no effect on root P concentration.
5. Conclusions
Present study demonstrated that the soil application of Zn at
15 mg Zn kg 1 soil (Cd Zn15-Soil) could effectively improve
physiological performance and mineral content of wheat grown on
Cd contaminated soils and ameliorates toxic effects of Cd on
plants. However, it is not effective to decrease grain Cd of wheat
grown in soil with neutral to alkaline pH. Whereas, foliar application at booting stage in a suitable concentration (3 g L 1 ZnSO4
solution) cannot only enhance shoot and grain mineral content (P,
K, Na and Zn), but also decreases grain Cd concentration possibly
by providing sufcient Zn pool in shoot (particularly in ag leaf).
Still more research is required to fully understand the mechanisms
and functions of Zn-pool construct as a result of foliar applied Zn
to decrease grain-Cd.
Ebrahim and Aly (2004), who reported that foliar application increased grain-Zn of wheat. In the present study, CdZn6-FA increased the grain Zn concentration by 47.6% compared with control
suggesting that foliar method of Zn application can be effectively
used for Zn biofortication of cereal grains. Habib (2009) reported
3-fold increase in grain Zn concentration compared to that with Zn
decient plants.
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