Chemistry - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
Chemistry - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
Chemistry - Higher Level: Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2019 Triailscrúdú Na Hardteistiméireachta, 2019
The use of the Formulae and Tables booklet approved for use in the examinaƟon is permiƩed. A copy
may be obtained from the examinaƟon superintendent.
Section A
Answer at least two questions from this section. See page 1 for full instructions.
(b) Describe the procedure for dissolving the anhydrous salt and
making up the solu on to 200 cm3 in the volumetric flask. (12)
(c) Name a suitable indicator for the tra on and state the colour
change observed in the conical flask at the end point. (6)
Conical flask
(d) A student mistakenly weighed out 1.06 g of the hydrated salt of Sodium
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3.10H2O). Would the resul ng tra on
solu on
values increase or decrease? Give a reason for your + indicator
answer. (6)
(e) Calculate
(i) the number of moles of sodium carbonate in each 25 cm3 por on,
(ii) the concentra on of hydrochloric acid per cm3 of solu on,
(iii) the concentra on of hydrochloric acid in moles per litre. (15)
(f) Star ng off with the primary standard solu on made from the anhydrous sodium carbonate,
what two tra ons are required to standardise a sodium hydroxide solu on? (5)
2. A student prepared a sample of soap in the school laboratory. A mixture of 4.03 g of glyceryl
tripalmitate (animal fat) and sodium hydroxide were refluxed using a water bath for approximately
20 minutes together with about 30 cm3 of ethanol and some an -bumping granules. When
cool, the apparatus was rearranged for dis lla on and the ethanol was removed. At the end of
dis lla on, a small amount of hot water was added to the flask and the contents were poured
into solu on X where the soap was separated from the mixture. The soap was then isolated and
thoroughly washed with ice-cold water.
C15H31COO — CH2
C15H31COO — CH + 3NaOH 3C15H31COONa + compound Y
C15H31COO — CH2 Soap
(sodium palmitate)
Glyceryl tripalmitate
(b) Classify the type of reac on involved in the prepara on of soap. (4)
(c) Why was ethanol present in the reac on flask? Why was it necessary to remove the ethanol
a er reflux? (6)
(e) Draw the structure or give the name of compound Y. State the loca on of Y at the end of the
prepara on. (9)
(f) Draw a labelled diagram to show how the soap was isolated. (6)
(g) Calculate how many moles of glyceryl tripalmitate were used in this reac on.
If the sodium hydroxide is in excess, calculate how many moles of soap were formed.
If a 70% yield was obtained, how many grams of soap were formed? (15)
3. In an experiment to determine the rela ve molecular mass of a vola le liquid a sample of the
liquid is vaporised at a given temperature and pressure and its volume measured. The mass of the
sample is also measured.
The number of moles of liquid is then calculated using the formula PV = nRT and from this the
rela ve molecular mass of the liquid is calculated.
(b) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how you would carry out this experiment in a
school laboratory. From your descrip on it should be clear how the mass, volume, and
temperature of the sample are measured. (21)
In an experiment to measure the rela ve molecular mass of a vola le liquid 0.21 g of the
liquid was vaporised at 97°C. The volume occupied was found to be 77 cm3. The pressure
was 1 × 105 Pa.
(d) Calculate the number of moles of the vola le liquid vaporised. (12)
(e) Calculate the rela ve molecular mass of the vola le liquid. (6)
Section B
4. Answer eight of the following items (a), (b), (c), etc. (50)
(a) What change occurs in the nucleus of an atom when beta decay occurs?
(c) What is the oxida on number of manganese in (i) MnO2 and (ii) KMnO4?
(d) Using a balanced equa on show how temporary hardness can be removed by boiling.
(f) Name the frac on, obtained from crude oil, that is used as fuel for jet aircra .
(g) Draw the structure of ethanal and draw a rectangle around its func onal group.
B Give two proper es usually associated with transi on elements or their compounds.
5. (a) Define (i) atomic number and (ii) atomic orbital. (8)
(d) In 1910 Rutherford (pictured right) and his co-workers carried out an
experiment in which thin sheets of a target element were bombarded
with par cles which led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. Name
(i) the target element and (ii) the type of par cle used. (6)
(e) Dis nguish between sigma (σ) and pi (π) covalent bonding. (6)
6. (a) The hydrocarbon molecules in petrol typically contain carbon chains with between five and
ten carbon atoms. The most widely used petrol in Ireland has an octane number of 95.
What is the octane number of a fuel? (5)
Name both the reference hydrocarbons used in measuring the octane number of a fuel. (6)
State two structural features of a hydrocarbon which contribute to it having a high octane
number. (6)
(b) Pentane C5H12 is the fi h member of the homologous series of hydrocarbons called alkanes.
What is meant by the term homologous series? (6)
The hydrocarbon n-pentane has a straight chain structure. Draw and give the systema c
(IUPAC) name of each of the two branched isomers of pentane. (12)
Which of these three isomers would you predict to have the lowest octane number? (3)
Given that the heats of forma on of carbon dioxide gas, liquid water and heptane gas are
–394, –286 and –174 kJ mol–1 respec vely, calculate the heat of combus on of heptane. (12)
7. (a) State Le Châtelier’s principle. (5)
(b) The following equilibrium is set up in solu on by dissolving cobalt (II) chloride crystals in
water to form the pink species Co(H2O)62+ and then adding concentrated hydrochloric acid
un l the solu on becomes blue.
(i) When the solu on becomes blue, has the reac on ceased? Explain. (6)
(ii) The forward reac on is exothermic. State and explain the colour change observed
on cooling the reac on mixture. (6)
(iii) Other than hea ng, men on one way of reversing the change caused by cooling the
reac on mixture. (6)
(c) The value of Kc for the following equilibrium reac on is 4.0 at a temperature of 373 K.
(i) Write the equilibrium constant (Kc) expression for this reac on. (6)
(ii) Find the mass of ethyl ethanoate (CH3COOC2H5) that would be present in the
equilibrium mixture if 12 g of ethanoic acid and 9.2 g of ethanol were mixed and
equilibrium was established at this temperature. (15)
8. Answer the ques ons (a) to (g) with reference to the compounds A, B, C and D.
(a) Iden fy the compound which contains only tetrahedral carbons. (5)
(b) Give the IUPAC name for the compounds labelled A, B, C and D. (12)
(d) Classify the conversions X, Y and Z as an addi on, subs tu on or oxida on reac on. (9)
(f) Draw the structure of and name the carboxylic acid isomer of compound D. (6)
(g) Compound C reacts with the base sodium carbonate Na2CO3. Write the balanced equa on
for this reac on. (6)
9. (a) Define (i) a conjugate acid base pair and (ii) a weak acid in terms of the Bronsted-Lowry
theory of acids and bases? (8)
Iden fy one species ac ng as a base and also iden fy its conjugate acid in the following
HSO3 – + H3O+ H2SO3 + H2O
(c) Phenolphthalein is a weak base and acts as an indicator. State its colour in (i) hydrochloric
acid (HCl) and (ii) in sodium hydroxide (NaOH). (6)
(d) Why is water pollu on by heavy metal ions, e.g. Cd2+ or Pb2+, a cause of concern? (3)
Name an instrumental technique that could be used to detect and measure the
concentra on of a heavy metal ion in a water sample. (3)
Explain how Cd2+ or Pb2+ ions can be removed from a water supply. (3)
10. Answer any two of the parts (a), (b) and (c).
Other than concentra on and temperature state two other factors which affect the rate of
a chemical reac on. (6)
Sodium thiosulfate solu on reacts with hydrochloric acid solu on according to the following
equa on.
In the reac on mixture above, what effect, if any, does an increase in temperature of 10 K
have on each of the following:
(i) the number of collisions,
(ii) the effec veness of the collisions,
(iii) the ac va on energy? (9)
11. Answer any two of the parts (a), (b) and (c).
(a) Describe a test which could be carried out to iden fy the presence of the nitrate ion in
aqueous solu on. (10)
Describe how a flame test was carried out to dis nguish between the two nitrate salts
copper nitrate (Cu (NO3)2) and potassium nitrate (KNO3). (9)
(b) Dis nguish between the terms alipha c and aroma c hydrocarbons. (4)
Clove oil (eugenol) is an aroma c compound. Draw a diagram to show the structure of
eugenol. (6)
Name a reagent used to test for unsatura on and state the colour change that occurs when
the result is posi ve. (9)
(c) Answer part A or part B. gases
A Iron ore, such as haema te, is mostly iron (III) oxide. Charge of
iron ore
Iron is extracted from its ore in a blast furnace where + A and B
it is reduced to molten iron.
or for iron Molten
B Oxygen is produced on an industrial scale by the liquefac on and frac onal dis lla on
of air.
(i) What substances are removed in the purifica on of the air feedstock before it
is liquefied? (6)
(ii) Describe with the aid of a labelled diagram how the frac onal dis lla on of
the pure liquid air is carried out. (9)
(iii) Explain whether the frac onal dis lla on of air is a con nuous or a batch
process. (4)
(iv) Name and give one industrial use of a co-product of the frac onal dis lla on
of air. (6)
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