Printed Dipole Antenna
Printed Dipole Antenna
Printed Dipole Antenna
The project deals with design of printed dipole antenna with Omni-directional radiation
characteristics along with the implementation of DC short. The antenna will be used for
on-board datalink communication for indigenous UAV systems, with appropriate
encapsulation and reinforcement.
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To design and develop a printed dipole antenna for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data
link communication in C Band with the following specialized features -
Vertical polarization
There has always been a curiosity in our minds that, as to how a UAV is controlled from
the Ground Control Station (GCS). The commands that are transmitted by them, have to
be efficiently received by the UAV, and various UAV parameters during mission have to
be relayed back to the GCS. An Omni-directional antenna on-board is a key constituent
for successful operation of a UAV mission. It is a challenging task to design an antenna
which will ensure an uninterrupted communication datalink between the GCS and the
UAV. We attempted to do it, under the expertise guidance of ADE.
For designing and optimizing the designs, FEKO code has been used.
CADFEKO tool provides the platform for designing the antenna models, with the desired
specifications. RUNFEKO is used for simulating the designed models. POSTFEKO is
used for verifying the design by means of the various plots that can be plotted here.
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CHAPTER 1: This chapter gives the introduction to the project, describing the
motivation behind the project, its scope, objectives to be accomplished and the
methodology that we followed to implement the assignment.
CHAPTER 2: This chapter deals with the fundamental concepts of the dipole antenna, its
radiation mechanism and the antennas derived from dipole.
CHAPTER 3: This chapter discusses about the printed dipole antenna and its feeding
method which forms the guidelines for this project.
CHAPTER 4: "Balun" concept has been discussed here. We also look into its types and
their advantages.
CHAPTER 5: Here the various design considerations are discussed, for designing the
printed dipole antenna.
CHAPTER 6: Introduction to the EM simulation code has been given here, discussing its
components and their functionality.
CHAPTER 7: This chapter gives an insight into the simulation results of the various
antenna models that have been designed, and their optimization process.
CHAPTER 8: The procedure of antenna fabrication and their testing description has
been given here.
CHAPTER 9: The experimental results of the antennas fabricated are plotted.
CHAPTER 10 & 11: The obtained results have been concluded and the scope of this
project for future utility have been arrived upon .
Dipole antennas were invented by German physicist Heinrich Hertz around 1886 in his
pioneering experiments with radio waves. The dipole antenna he designed was in UHF
band. Since then extensive research and development of dipole antenna has been done
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exploiting the new advantages such as light weight, low volume, low cost and compatible
with integrated circuits.
A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with a centre-fed
driven element. The dipole antenna is a balanced antenna and has two perfectly
symmetrical poles, made of wires that open out in opposite direction from the central feed
point. Since dipole antenna consists of two terminals or poles into which radio
frequency current flows, hence it is called a Dipole antenna. There are different types of
dipole antennae, but each have the same function of transmitting and receiving radio
signals. For resonance the conductor is an odd number of half wavelengths long. In most
cases, a single half wavelength is used, although three, five,.. wavelength antennas are
equally valid. Half-wavelength dipoles are a unique type, with each wire measuring
exactly one-fourth of the electromagnetic wavelength, making it a total of one half
The current and the associated voltage causes electromagnetic or radio signal to be
radiated. A Dipole is generally taken to be an antenna that consists of a resonant length of
conductor, cut to enable it to be connected to the feeder.
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The current distribution along a dipole is roughly sinusoidal. It falls to zero at the end,
and is at maximum in the middle. Conversely, the voltage is low at the middle and rises to
a maximum at the ends. It is generally fed at the centre, at the point where the current is at
a maximum and the voltage is a minimum. This provides a low impedance feed point
which is convenient to handle. High voltage feed points are far less convenient and more
difficult to use. When multiple half wavelength dipoles are used, they are similarly
normally fed in the centre. Here again the voltage is at a minimum and the current at a
maximum. Theoretically any of the current maximum nodes could be used.
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The polar diagram of a half wave dipole antenna that the direction of maximum
sensitivity or radiation is at right angles to the axis of the RF antenna. The radiation falls
to zero along the axis of the RF antenna as might be expected.
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as an RF antenna, but it also forms the essential element in many other types of RF
antenna. As such it is the possibly the most important form of RF antenna.
Dipole antenna is used in a variety of everyday electronics. Dipole antenna is used on
television sets to receive broadcasts and also dipole antennas are also widely used in the
military, where they are built into equipment such as navigation devices and radios.
The feed impedance of a dipole is determined by the ratio of the voltage and the current at
the feed point. A simple Ohms law calculation will enable the impedance to be
Although a dipole can be fed at any point, it is typically fed at the current maximum and
voltage minimum point. This gives low impedance which is normally more manageable.
Most dipoles tend to be multiples of half wavelengths long. It is therefore possible to
feed the dipole at any one of these voltage minimum or current maximum points which
occur at a point , that is a quarter wavelength from the end, and then at half wavelength
The vast majority of dipole antennas are half wavelength long. Therefore they are centre
fed the point of the voltage minimum and current maximum.
The dipole feed impedance is made up from two constituents
Loss resistance: The loss resistance results from the resistive or Ohmic losses
within the radiating element, i.e. the dipole. In many cases, the dipole loss
resistance is ignored as it may be low. To ensure that it is low, sufficiently thick
cable or piping should be used, and the metal should have a low resistance. Skin
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As with any RF antenna, the feed impedance of a dipole antenna is dependent upon a
variety of factors including the length, the feed position and the environment. A half wave
centre fed dipole antenna in free space has an impedance of 73.13 making it ideal to feed
with 75 ohm feeder.
One of the most commonly used antennas is the half-wavelength (l = /2) dipole. Because
its radiation resistance is 73 ohms, which is very near the 50-ohm or 75-ohm
characteristic impedances of some transmission lines, its matching to the line is simplified
especially at resonance.
Fig2.6: (a) finite dipole geometry (b) geometrical arrangement for far field approximation
The geometry of a finite dipole along with far field approximation is shown above. Here
in this case far field approximations are done with phase and amplitude margin are
calculated as
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z ' ) 0 z l /2
I ( x =0, y =0, z )=
a^ I sin k ( + z ' ) l/2 z 0
a^z I 0 sin k
z 0
eqn 2.1
This distribution assumes the antenna is centre-fed and the current vanishes at the end
points (z = l/2). Experimentally it has been verified that the current in a centre-fed wire
antenna has sinusoidal form with nulls at the end points. Here for half wavelength dipole
l= /2.
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The finite dipole antenna of dipole length /2 in figure 4.5 is subdivided into a number of
infinitesimal dipoles of length z. As the number of subdivisions is increased, each
infinitesimal dipole approaches a length dz.
For an infinitesimal dipole of length dz positioned along the z-axis at z, the electric and
magnetic field components in the far field are given below:
k I e (x ' , y ' , z ' ) e jkR sin dz '
d E = j
4 R
eqn 2.2
d E r=d E =d H r=d H =0
eqn 2.3
d H = j
k I e (x , y , z )e
4 R
sin dz '
eqn 2.4
R= x 2+ y 2+( zz ' )2
eqn 2.5
d E
eqn 2.6
Summing the contributions from all the infinitesimal elements, the summation reduces, in
the limit to integration. Here limit is for l /2 .
+l /2
k e jkr
E = d E = j
4 r
l /2
+l/ 2
l /2
eqn 2.7
The factor outside the brackets is designated as the element factor and that within the
brackets as the space factor. For this antenna, the element factor is equal to the field of a
unit length infinitesimal dipole located at a reference point (the origin). In general, the
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element factor depends on the type of current and its direction of flow while the space
factor is a function of the current distribution along the source. Calculation factor
Total field = element factor X space factor
eqn 2.8
E = j
I 0 k e jkr
4 r
sin k
+l /2
l '
+ z e+ jk z d z ' + sin k z ' e+ jkz 'cos dz '
( )
' cos
eqn 2.9
Putting l=/2 and since k=2/ and solving above integration the electric field and
magnetic field along the dipole is given by
E = j
H =
I 0e
2 r
( 2 cos )
I e jkr
=j 0
2 r
eqn 2.10
( 2 cos )
eqn 2.11
eqn 2.12
[ a^ E a^ H ]
a^ E a^
eqn 2.13
eqn 2.14
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cos cos
|I 0|
2 2
8 r
W av =a^r W av
eqn 2.15
cos cos
|I 0|
W av = 2 2
8 r
|I 0|
2 2
8 r
eqn 2.16
|I 0|
eqn 2.17
cos cos
eqn 2.18
|I 0|
sin 3
eqn 2.19
Prad = r 2 W av sin d d
0 0
Prad =
|I 0|
cos 2
( 2 cos ) d
eqn 2.20
eqn 2.21
P a g e | 13
2 2
Prad =
|I 0|
( 1cos
) dy
|I 0|
= 8 C ( 2 )
eqn 2.23
C ( x )=
1cos y
eqn 2.24
C ( x )=ln + ln xCi ( x )
eqn 2.25
cos y
cos y
Where ln()=.5722 also Ci ( x )=
eqn 2.26
C ( 2 )=.5722+ ln2 C i ( 2 )
eqn 2.27
eqn 2.28
C ( 2 )=.5722+1.838(.02 )
Now Directivity =
D 0=4
= 2.435
eqn 2.29
U max
P rad
eqn 2.30
C (2 )
eqn 2.31
eqn 2.32
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A em =
2 (
D0 =
1.643 ) .13 2
eqn 2.33
2 Prad
|I 0|
C ( 2 ) =30 ( 2.435 ) 73
eqn 2.34
The radiation resistance given above is also the radiation resistance of input terminals
since the current for a dipole of l=/2 occurs at input terminals. The reactance part for
l=/2 is 42.5 hence input impedance is Zin = 73+j42.5. If dipole length is .47 to .48 the
reactance part falls to zero approximately hence normally these two lengths are taken
The Yagi-Uda antenna or Yagi Antenna is one of the most brilliant antenna designs. It is
simple to construct and has a high gain, typically greater than 10 dB. The Yagi-Uda
antennas typically operate in the HF to UHF bands (about 3 MHz to 3 GHz), although
their bandwidth is typically small, on the order of a few percent of the centre frequency.
We are familiar with this antenna, as they sit on top of roofs everywhere.
The Yagi antenna was invented in Japan, with results first published in 1926. The work
was originally done by Shintaro Uda, but published in Japanese.
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Log-Periodic antennas antennas are designed for the specific purpose of having a very
wide bandwidth. The achievable bandwidth is theoretically infinite; the actual bandwidth
achieved is dependent on how large the structure is (to determine the lower frequency
limit) and how precise the finer (smaller) features are on the antenna (which determines
the upper frequency limit).
Mathematically, due to the properties of logarithms, if all the elements grow by a constant
multiple then the ratios of the logarithm will be constant.
In parabolic antenna, the dipole antenna can be used at the focus of the parabolic antenna.
The radiation power received is reflected by the dish towards the dipole in the centre,
which can collect this power for its use, or vice versa.
These antennas are basically designed where there is need for small and compact antenna.
It is a dipole antenna, printed on a PCB. It has been discussed in detail in the next chapter.
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Printed dipole antenna is the antennas which are printed on Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
Basically, they are the printed version of the free-space cylindrical dipole. An antenna
with a narrow rectangular strip (typically strip width less than 0.05) is called a
microstrip dipole. Printed dipole antennas are the main focus of this thesis. The
conventional design geometry and the design implemented are as shown in the Fig:
In Fig: (b), the coplanar strip of conductors are printed on the opposite surfaces of a
dielectric sheet to simplify the feed arrangement. The incorporated design is also very
simple to implement, as opposed to conventional design.
These antennas are chosen because they are simple and yet have potential for future
improvement. These antennas are used when an electronic device, which is implemented
on a PCB, is in need of a cheap, compact antenna.
Unlike the straight wire dipole antennas, the radiating elements (i.e. the dipole arms) of
the printed dipole antennas are on a dielectric substrate. Therefore, the selection of the
substrate material will affect the performance of the antennas. It nevertheless makes the
design of the antennas more flexible.
Most existing printed dipole antennas are based on the popular printed dipole design first
proposed in 1987. Unlike the traditional dipole antennas, this printed dipole antenna has
an integrated balun and can be fed by a 50- single-ended microstrip line.
In the incorporated design, the dipoles are printed on the opposite surfaces of the
dielectric sheet. To feed such a configuration, a compatible feed structure is the printed
version of parallel strip line, as shown below.
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The term balun is the acronym for balanced to unbalanced. It is a device which is used to
connect a balanced line (e.g. Dipole) to an unbalanced coaxial line. Balun usually solves
problems caused by an imbalance.
When we connect centre fed antennas, like dipoles, unless care is taken, it is not difficult
to end up with feeder radiation. Not only can the loss in power be quite significant, but
the radiation characteristics of the antenna system will also be seriously compromised. In
laymen's terms, it won't be what you are expecting from the pattern of your antenna. In a
simple dipole, the balun assures that the dipole, and not the feed line, is doing the
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In a coaxial cable, the currents on the inner conductor and the inside of the shield are
equal and opposite. This is because the fields from the two currents are confined to the
same space. With the presence of skin effect, a different current flows on the outside of
the shield than on the inside. In contrast to a balanced line, an unbalanced line has an
unequal magnitude of current or voltage in each conductor of the coaxial line.
In transmitting antennas, the current flowing on the outside of the coaxial cable is
eliminated by presenting high impedance (resistance), to RF currents flowing outside the
coax shield. This forces currents in each side of driven elements to be equal.
In Fig below, a coaxial cable is connected to a dipole antenna. For a dipole antenna to
operate properly, the currents on both arms of the dipole should be equal in magnitude.
When a coaxial cable is connected directly to a dipole antenna however, the currents will
not necessarily be equal. To see this, note that the current along a transmission line should
be of equal magnitude on the inner and outer conductors, as is typically the case. Observe
what happens when the coax is connected to the dipole. The current on the centre
conductor (the red/pink centre core of the coax, labelled IA) has nowhere else to go, so
must flow along the dipole arm that is connected to it. However, the current that travels
along the inner side of the outer conductor (IB) has two options: it can travel down the
dipole antenna, or down the reverse (outer) side of the outer conductor of the coaxial
cable (labelled IC in Fig).
Ideally, the current IC should be zero. In that case, the current along the dipole arm
connected to the outer conductor of the coax will be equal to the current on the other
dipole arm - a desirable antenna characteristic. Because the dipole wants equal or
balanced currents along its arms, it is the balanced section. The coaxial cable does not
necessarily give this however - some of the current may travel down the outside of the
outer coax, leading to unbalanced operation - this is the unbalanced section.
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The solution to this problem, however you come up with it, is a balun. A balun forces an
unbalanced transmission line to properly feed a balanced component. This would be done
by forcing IC to be zero.
An ideal current balun delivers currents that are equal in magnitude and opposite in
phase. A good current balun will approach the ideal condition. It will deliver
approximately equal currents with approximately opposite phase, irrespective of the load
impedance (including symmetry). Common mode current will be small. If the load
impedance is not symmetric, then the voltages at each output terminal will not be equal in
magnitude and opposite in phase. A parameter often used to quantify the effect of a balun
is its common mode impedance or choking impedance. An ideal current balun has infinite
common mode impedance; a good current balun has very high common mode impedance
(typically thousands of ohms for an effective general purpose balun in an antenna
An ideal voltage balun delivers voltages that are equal in magnitude and opposite in
phase. A good voltage balun will approach the ideal condition. It will deliver
approximately equal voltages (with respect to input ground) with approximately opposite
phase, irrespective of the load impedance (including symmetry). Common mode voltage
will be small. If the load impedance is not symmetric, then the currents flowing in each
output terminal will not be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase. An ideal voltage
balun has zero common mode impedance; a good voltage balun has very low common
mode impedance (ohms).
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An ideal balun performs an ideal impedance transformation, normally 1:1 unless specified
otherwise. Practical baluns depart from the ideal, and the departure is often specified as
Insertion VSWR.
It is possible to design a balun to not only facilitate the unbalanced to balanced transition,
but to perform a nominal impedance transformation (e.g. 4:1 is common).
Voltage baluns and current baluns are both capable of impedance transformation other
than nominally 1:1.
If the application is one where current balance is important then a current balun is the
better choice. For example:
Reducing radiation from an antenna feed line by ensuring that the currents in each
feed line conductor are nearly equal but opposite in phase.
If the application is one where voltage balance is important then a voltage balun is the
better choice. For example:
Some audio applications where rejection of common node voltage injected into a
source is important.
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The basic dipole antenna element is the two radiating arms of length Ld and width W,
on a dielectric substrate of dielectric constant r and thickness h. The length of
microstrip balun is equal to the length of the dipole arm which is approximately quarter of
wavelength (/4).
As shown in figure, the printed dipole antenna is fed using a co-axial feed line at feed
point 1 which behaves like unbalanced to balanced and a microstrip balun between
two printed dipole strips. The microstrip balun consists of two coplanar strips on the
bottom layer and a microstrip feed line on the top layer, the dipole radiating arms on the
bottom layer. Both the length of the dipole strip and microstrip balun is approximately
quarter of wavelength (/4). The base surfaces of the microstrip line and dipole antenna
strips are on the same plane. The metallic short in figure connects the microstrip line on
the top layer to the right dipole arm on the bottom layer. The dipole arm will now have
the same phase as the microstrip line. The coplanar strips serve as the ground plane for
the microstrip line. The phase difference between the coplanar strips and the microstrip
line is 180. Since the left dipole arm is connected to the coplanar strips, the phase
difference between the two dipole arms will also be 180.
2Ld =
Fig 5.1: Designed Geometry
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Lb =
Three essential parameters for the design of the dipole antenna are:
Frequency of operation (fo): The resonant frequency of the antenna must be selected
appropriately. In this project the dipole antenna is designed in C band.
Dielectric constant of the substrate (r): A substrate with a high dielectric constant
reduces the dimensions of the antenna.
Height of dielectric substrate (h): For the microstrip patch antenna to be used in certain
applications (such as cell phones) it is essential that it is not bulky and to ensure this the
height of the dielectric substrate cannot be more than a few mm.
The effect of all of the above 3 factors and the position of feed point on antenna
performance is studied by simulating the design several times.
Operating frequency fo - 4.85GHz
Coaxial cable impedance - 50
Dielectric Constant of the substrate r- 2.5
Loss tangent tan - 0.0001
Substrate thickness h 1.6 mm
Step 1:
The length of the dipole arms and the balun is quarter of the wavelength. To calculate the
wavelength, the following formula is used
= fo
eqn 5.1
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: Wavelength in m
c: Speed of light =3x108m/s
Calculated value of = 0.061 m
Step 2:
The length of microstrip arms and microstrip balun line are equal and given by the below
Ld = /4 = 15.46 mm
Lb = /2 = 30.92 mm
Step 3:
Typical width of strips which are going to printed on both sides for formation of dipole
are taken as
width /10
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The name FEKO is an abbreviation derived from the German phrase FEldberechnung bei
Krpernmit beliebiger Oberflche (Field computations involving bodies of arbitrary
shape). As the name suggests, FEKO can be used for various types of electromagnetic
field analyses involving objects of arbitrary shapes.
FEKO is a software Suite intended for the analysis of a wide range of electromagnetic
problems. Applications include EMC analysis, antenna design, microstrip antennas and
circuits, dielectric media, scattering analysis and many more. The kernel provides a
comprehensive set of powerful computational methods and has been extended for the
analysis of thin dielectric sheets, multiple homogeneous dielectric bodies and planar
stratified media. Figure below illustrates some of the numerical analysis techniques
available in FEKO and the types of problems for which they are intended.
The Method of Moments (MoM) technique forms the basis of the FEKO solver. Other
techniques such as the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM), the Finite Element
Method (FEM) Uniform Theory of Defraction (UTD), Geometrical optics (ray launching)
and Physical Optics (PO) have been implemented to allow the solving of electrically large
problems and inhomogeneous dielectric bodies of arbitrary shape. Special approximations
and acceleration techniques are available for problems of specific types.
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Method of Moments
The core of the program FEKO is based on the Method of Moments (MoM). The MoM is
a full wave solution of Maxwells integral equations in the frequency domain. An
advantage of the MoM is that it is a source method meaning that only the structure in
question is discretised, not free space as with field methods. Boundary conditions do
not have to be set and memory requirements scale proportional to the geometry in
question and the required solution frequency.
The MLFMM is an alternative formulation of the technology behind the MoM and is
applicable to much larger structures than the MoM, making full-wave current-based
solutions of electrically large structures a possibility. This fact implies that it can be
applied to most large models that were previously treated with the MoM without having
to change the mesh.
Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA)
The ACA is a fast method similar to the MLFMM but is also applicable to low frequency
problems or when using a special Greens function. It approximates the impedance matrix
by constructing a sparse H-matrix (only a few selected elements are computed).
Uniform Theory of Diffraction
FEKO hybridizes the current-based accurate MoM with the UTD in the truest sense of the
word with the coupling between the MoM and UTD being maintained in the solution, i.e.
modifying the interaction matrix and ensuring accuracy. Frequency does not influence the
memory resources required for UTD treatment of a structure as only points of reflection
from surfaces and diffraction from edges or corners are considered without meshing the
structure. Insights into the propagation of rays are provided in POSTFEKO during post
Geometrical Optics (ray launching)
The Geometrical optics (ray launching) is a ray-based method intended for the
consideration of electrically large dielectric and perfect electrically conducting structures
in applications like the analysis of lens antennas. The GO method is hybridized with the
MoM in a similar fashion to the UTD. The GO method in FEKO employs ray-launching
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and transmission, reflection and refraction theory to model the interaction between the
dielectric region and the MoM.
Physical Optics
PO is formulated for use in instances where electrically very large structures are modeled.
PO is an asymptotic high frequency numerical method of the same nature as the UTD.
Users will typically attempt a solution with the MoM at first and when they realize that
the structure is electrically too large to solve with their available resources (platform
memory, time) they will turn to one of the asymptotic high frequency techniques.
Large Element Physical Optics
Large element PO is formulated for use in instance where electrically very large smooth
structures are modeled. This method is only to be used when there are no discontinuities
in the incident field (e.g. if the incident field closely represents a point source). Large
element PO is similar to PO in that it is an asymptotic high frequency numerical method
of the same nature as the UTD.
Finite Element Method
The FEM is applicable to the modeling of electrically large or inhomogeneous dielectric
bodies, which are not efficiently solvable with FEKOs extensions to the MoM. The FEM
is a volume meshing technique that employs tetrahedra to accurately mesh arbitrarily
shaped volumes where the dielectric properties may vary between neighboring tetrahedra.
FEM modeling is advantages in these instances because FEM solution matrices are
sparse, where MoM matrices are densely populated, making FEM matrices significantly
more scalable with an increase in frequency.
General non-radiating networks
General networks (defined using network parameter matrices) as well as ideal nonradiating transmission lines may be used in FEKO simulations. These non-radiating
networks may be interconnected (cascaded) and excited or loaded directly at the ports.
The voltages and currents at the ports of these ideal representations of networks may
interact with currents and voltages on parts of the model that are solved using other
solution methods, though no radiation-based coupling is taken into account.
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Periodic boundaries
Large, equally-spaced periodic structures may be simulated in FEKO using an infinite
periodic boundary approach. This approach may be used to provide an accurate
accelerated solution for many applications like frequency selective surface analysis and
large array analysis.
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Tree based access to simulation elements (settings, materials, grids, results, etc.)
Selection, zooming, 3-D mouse-only based handling, etc.
Full Solver control via GUI.
6.6 Excitations
Voltage or current source at a port
Port definitions at wires, edges, waveguide aperture or stripline
Plane Wave
Magnetic point source
Electric point source
Point source with specified radiation pattern
Impressed line currents
Near-field aperture
Spherical modes
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Meshing Features
Variable mesh densities in a single model to accurately and efficiently model
small features
Mesh density specifiable on faces and edges
Mesh fixing tools
Antennas: analysis of horns, microstrip patches, wire antennas, reflector
zones, etc. with an antenna placed on a large structure e.g aircraft, ship
EMC: analysis of diverse EMC problems including shielding effectiveness of an
enclosure, cable coupling analysis in complex environments, e.g wiring in a car,
RF-components: analysis of waveguide structures , e.g filter, slotted antennas,
directional couplers
3D EM circuits: analysis of microstrip filters, couplers, inductors, etc.
Radomes: analysis of multiple dielectrics layers in a large structure
Scattering problems: RCS analysis of large and small structures
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The basic dipole has been implemented in the above design. Further optimization to make
the antenna more compact have to be done.
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In this study it is found that even though maximum bandwidth was found at different
locations compare to fabricated model but they provide marginal performance at some
critical frequencies, which is undesirable.
Fig 7.22: figure showing the various parameters that are varied to study their effect on the
One of the parameter with reference to fabricated piece is varied keeping other
parameters constant. The parameters whose variation is checked are
1. Length of DC short L (mm) from feed of shorting
2. Distance or position of DC short from dipole centre P (mm)
3. Width of DC short W (mm)
Their variations have been plotted below.
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Fig 7.23: The above plot shows the variation of bandwidth with variation in the position
of DC short.
Fig 7.24: The above plot shows the variation of bandwidth with variation in the length of
DC short.
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Fig 7.25: The above plot shows the variation of bandwidth with variation in the width of
DC short.
The parameters of performance which are plotted below are based on the most optimum
configuration of DC short, based on the study of the above parameters.
ig 7.26: VSWR Plot
The VSWR plot indicates that VSWR = 1.03 at 4.85 GHz; Operational Bandwidth
(VSWR<2): 1.8 GHz (4.3GHz to 6.1 GHz)
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The VSWR plot indicates that VSWR = 1.03 at 4.85 GHz; Operational Bandwidth
(VSWR<2): 1.5 GHz (4.3GHz to 5.8 GHz).
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The inclination of the short is not resulting in major difference in the performance, while
maintaining the good bandwidth coverage. The patterns are providing Omni-directional
coverage in azimuth plane and figure of eight in elevation plane.
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The VSWR plot indicates that VSWR = 1.19 at 4.65 GHz; Operational Bandwidth
(VSWR<2): 0.9 GHz (4.3GHz to 5.2 GHz)
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The elevation in height has slightly reduced the bandwidth but antenna is still providing
good coverage in the desired band. The elevation results in comparatively higher gain
margin at required elevation plane if mounted on a base.
The fabrication procedure adopted in realizing the hardware is given below. The process
diagram is given in figure.
1. A rectangular strip of red Mylar sheet of dimensions designed is cut and pasted on
a transparent Mylar sheet, which is also rectangular, but with bigger dimensions.
This forms the negative.
3. Now the substrate coated with copper is cut to the dimensions in excess of the
dimensions of the patch desired.
4. The substrate is cleaned by using chromic acid and cleaning cloth and water
5. The cleaned substrate is dried in an oven.
6. The dried substrate is now coated with a film of a polymer photo resist on both
sides and left for cooling.
7. The positive is then placed on a substrate coated with resist in a suitable position
and fixed in that position.
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8. Except the desired patch, which is still in the form of transparent portion of the
photo film, opaque sheets cover all other portions of the photo resist polymer. But
opposite side is left as it is.
9. U.V. light is exposed to the set up so that only the transparent portion that is the
patch dimensions, are hardened and the rest of the photo resist polymer is not
sticky and hardened, but loose. But the whole of the opposite side, which is the
ground plane portion, is hardened.
10. The loose photo resist is manually removed.
11. Etching of copper is done for the exposed copper not covered by photo resist.
12. The rest of the photo resist is then removed using ammonia solution mixed with
13. Thus the microstrip patch is ready.
14. The corporate feed network is fabricated the same way.
15. Soldering is done using flux, lead and soldering iron.
16. The resulting final microstrip antenna is cleaned using a cleaning solution
isopropyl alcohol. The microstrip antenna is ready for testing.
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Fig 8.4: VSWR/ Return loss measurement test setup (Network Analyser)
Make the connections as shown in the figure. Switch on the power supply for the test
Monitor the VSWR/ Return loss directly in the Network Analyzer display. At the centre
frequency it should be <=2.0
Move the cursor both sides from the centre frequency and mark the frequencies where
VSWR=2.5. The span of frequency where VSWR<=2.5 will give the measurement for
bandwidth of the antenna.
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This is the actual setup for the testing of the antenna. We can see that the dipole antenna is
mounted on a turn-table acting as a receiver. A standard gain Horn antenna acts as the
transmitter for the measurement of the radiation patterns. The radiation intensities at
different frequencies in azimuth and elevation planes are plotted here.
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Fig 9.3: Azimuth Plane Patterns with reference to standard antenna at (a) 4.5GHz, (b)
Above pattern shows the comparison of azimuth plane patterns with standard gain horn
antenna at frequencies 4.5 GHz and 5 GHz
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Fig 9.7: Azimuth Plane Patterns with reference to standard antenna at (a) 4.5GHz, (b)
The azimuth pattern shows higher gain at 5GHz than 4.5GHz due to frequency
dependency of gain.
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In the azimuth plane, we see the omnidirectional coverage, and in the roll and piitch plane
we see the nulls along the axis of the dipole as is expected.
The design and development of printed dipole antenna in C-Band has been carried out.
The design process involved a new and innovative technique of DC grounding. The DC
grounding technique imparts to the antenna a great deal of compactness and also
enhances its performance.
The following observations with respect to DC grounding technique have been made:1) DC grounding helps to reduce the size of the dipole by 15%.
2) This technique also increases the bandwidth by approximately 36%.
Enhanced bandwidth is achieved without parasitic elements, only by optimizing the
feeding balun, thus providing greater bandwidth while maintaining structural simplicity.
The fabricated antenna has been experimentally tested and found to at par with the
simulated results. It has been encapsulated in a compact and aerodynamically shaped
The developed antenna has the potential to be used as a compact and light-weight Omnidirectional antenna for aircraft systems.
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Typically, UHF dipoles have large size, limiting their use on an aircraft. By using the
technique of DC grounding, as we have already seen, we can reduce the length of the
dipole and make it more compact. This technique when used in conjunction with other
size reduction technique could result in a compact UHF antenna, which can readily be
used for airborne applications.
Some antennas have inherently small bandwidth (narrow band antennas). But their utility
is subject to the condition that they need to have a certain minimum bandwidth to ensure
safe performance. In such cases, the proposed concept could come handy, increasing the
bandwidth significantly, and rendering the antenna useful.
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