Yagi Antenna Design
Yagi Antenna Design
Yagi Antenna Design
1 31,546
1 author:
Mustafa A Kabel
Brodersen A/S
All content following this page was uploaded by Mustafa A Kabel on 29 September 2017.
1. Introduction
The Yagi antenna's overall basic design consists of a "resonant" fed dipole (the fed dipole is the
driven element and in the picture above and the second from the left side ), with one or more
parasitic elements. These parasitic elements are called the "reflector"and the "directors."The
reflector is on the far left in the picture above and the directors are all of the elements starting
from the third element from the left and continuing to the right side of the picture. The
horizontal section between all of the elements in the Yagi is called the boom.
Equal spaced, equal length directors may give higher gain at a particular frequency, but the
bandwidth is more narrow and larger side lobe levels are created.
Wide spacing will increase the bandwidth, but the side lobes become large.
By adjusting both the spacing and director lengths the pattern and the pattern bandwidth may
be more controlled. If you reduce the length of each succeeding director by a set factor (%), AND
increase the spacing of each succeeding director by another factor, a very clean pattern with
good pattern bandwidth can be obtained.
3. Design Process
There are three types of elements in the Yagi antenna:
There are formulas that you can use to decide both the length of the pieces and the spacing
between them. The dimensions of the elements are frequency-dependent. Here are the general
rules for length:
The wavelength is calculated using this formula: Wavelength (in metres) = 300 / frequency
Director (DIR) = 0.440 x wavelength = 2.04 meter
Now we use the program YAGI.EXE to test our design by inserting the values of calculations.
Optimizing of bandwidth by using Quickyagi program
After that we made optimizing of antenna by using optimizing function in Quickyagi program.
Then I got the following results.
3 dB Bandwidth is better and it is 73.1°.
So from the results, we have find out that if we reduce the length of each succeeding director by
a set factor (%), AND increase the spacing of each succeeding director by another factor, a very
clean pattern with good pattern bandwidth can be obtained.
5. Design of 7 elements Yagi-Uda Antenna
with high gain
Reference impedance = 50 ohm
Input impedance to our Yagi antenna is 25.7 ohm.
SWR is big according to our designs requirement which is SWR should be less than 1.5. Therefore
I use gamma match Yagi antenna as shown in the figure below to increase the input
impedance 25.7 ohm of our antenna to be near the reference impedance 50 ohm. And then we
get SWR<1.5