2 The History of Sleep Learning

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The History of Sleep Learning

It should come as no surprise that science fiction writers were among the first to make use of modern sleep
learning. In its June 1911 issue. Modern Electronics, the world's first radio magazine, boasting a circulation
approaching 100,000, carried an instalment of a science fiction story by Hugo Gernsback, titled "Ralph 124C 41+."
The instalment dealt with a wondrous device called the hypnobioscope; an instrument that enabled people to learn
while they slept. Here the author describes its use:
"Before he fell asleep he attached to his head a double leather headband with metal temple plates...
"He then called his faithful butler, and told him 'put on Homer's Odyssey for the night.'
"All books are read while one sleeps. Most of the studying is done while one sleeps. Some people have mastered
ten languages, which they learned during their sleep-life."
Gernsback described the instruments used for learning while asleep in this way:
"... at each end of the (head) band was attached a round metal disc which pressed closely on the temples. From
each metal disc an insulated wire led to a small square box, the monograph, or mind-writer. When the start button
for the monograph was depressed, immediately a wave line, traced in ink, appeared on a narrow white fabric
The monograph described by the author was a primitive description of the electroencephalograph (EEG) used
today for sleep-related research. The EEG didn't come into existence until seventeen years later, when it was
introduced by a German physiologist, Hans Berger.

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Part 1
Unlocking Your Mind
Part 2
The History of Sleep Learning
Part 3
Twelve years after the appearance of "Ralph 124C 41 +," another magazine. Radio News, suggested that what
The Power of Your
had been perceived as fantasy might in fact be true. The magazine referred to the earlier Gernsback story and
related an incident in which the sleep learning theory had actually been tested. According to the article., United
Part 4
States Navy Chief J. N. Phinney claimed to have tried sleep learning on several student sailors at a Pensacola,
How We Learn and
Florida, training centre. He got the idea from an article in the December 1921 issue of Science and Invention
that mentioned the possibility of learning while asleep.
Part 5
The Mysterious Third of Our
Phinney said he used sleep learning in December 1922 to see if it would help his students learn the Morse code
faster. The Navy instructor claimed remarkable success in this first recorded sleep learning experiment. He
Part 6
reported that the performance of fifteen of the seventeen volunteer sleep learners improved after the nocturnal
How Sleep Learning Works
Part 7
Sleep Learning a Foreign
Sleep learning gained a wider audience and a new name in the early 1930s with the publication of Aldous Huxley's
Part 8
Brave New World. In his futuristic book, Huxley's imaginary world government used sleep learning, or
Sleep Learning as Therapy
hypnopaedia, as he called it, for "normal education" and to prepare children for the lifestyle they would live within
Part 9
their pre-selected class of society.
Sleep Learning and You
Part 10
How to Learn While You Sleep
For a description of how Huxley envisioned a world state might use sleep learning, we join the Director of
Part 11
Hatcheries and Conditioning as he tours the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre with a newly arrived
Using Sleep Learning Lessons
group of students.
Part 12
Commonly Asked Questions
"Fifty yards of tiptoeing brought them to a door which the director cautiously opened. They stepped over the
About Sleep Learning
threshold into the twilight of a shuttered dormitory. Eighty cots stood in a row against the wall. There was a sound
of light regular breathing and a continuous murmur, as of very faint voices remotely whispering.
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"A nurse rose as they entered and came to attention before the Director.
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"What's the lesson this afternoon?' he asked. 'We had Elementary Sex for the first forty minutes,' she answered.
'But now it's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness.'

"The Director walked slowly down the long line of cots. Rosy and relaxed with sleep, eighty little boys and girls lay
softly breathing. There was a whisper under every pillow. The D.H.C. halted and, bending over one of the little
beds, listened attentively."
What the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning listened to was a portion of the Elementary Class Consciousness
lesson. It was this lesson that first attached a connotation of "brainwashing" to sleep learning. How this happened
is easily understood by the content of the lesson.
"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm really
awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better man the Gammas and Deltas.
"Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear Khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with the
Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read and write. Besides they wear
black, which is a beastly colour. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
According to the Director, the sleeping children would hear that lesson between forty and fifty times before they
were awakened. Then they could progress to a more advanced lesson. He called sleep learning the "greatest
moralizing and socializing force of all time."
A man with a wide range of interests and knowledge, Huxley's interest in sleep learning (or hypnopaedia) never
wavered. Over a quarter of a century after the publication of Brave New World, he wrote on the subject again.
He devoted an entire chapter of his 1958 book, Brave New World Revisited, to sleep learning.
This time, Huxley was concerned about the use of sleep learning at a penal institution in California. He was
referring to reports that sleep learning was being tested as a means to alter the behavioural patterns of prison
inmates. According to these reports, several inmates had volunteered for a program consisting of nightly prerecorded lessons intended to instil in them a desire to turn their backs on crime and lead virtuous lives.
Huxley's concern wasn't with the intent of the messages. "No, it is not the message conveyed by the inspirational
whisper that one objects to, it is the principle of sleep teaching by governmental agencies. Is hypnopaedia the sort
of instrument that officials ought to be allowed to use at their discretion?" The man who first introduced the term
hypnopaedia to the general public had reason to be concerned. The use of sleep learning, for moralistic purposes
sounded too much like an early stage of the "Suggestions from the State," as the Director of Hatcheries and
Conditioning called the Elementary Class Consciousness lessons.
Despite reservations about the possible misuse of sleep learning, Aldous Huxley believed the technique could have
beneficial applications aside from simply learning. In a letter to his friend, Dr. Humphrey Osmund, Huxley
expressed a strong feeling that suggestions made during sleep might be a successful therapy in the treatment of
mentally ill patients.
A few years later, Huxley explained how he believed sleep learning worked and how it might aid those suffering
from illness.
He believed that verbal suggestions made to a sleeping person enter the brain through the cortex and find their
way to the nervous system. He firmly advocated that the bodily functions of a sleeper could be altered if these
suggestions made during sleep were repeated often enough and they were conceived properly.
Four and a half years later, Huxley again proposed the use of sleep learning to help in the cure of mental illness.
He urged that a process of chemical hibernation of cancer patients be accompanied by suggestions during sleep.
His interest in sleep learning for therapeutic applications was quite natural, since Huxley was not only a novelist,
but a medical doctor as well.
Although we must credit fiction writers with awakening interest in sleep learning, the concept is actually much
older than we might suspect. Several ancient civilizations constructed temples in which followers would periodically
come to sleep. Researchers have expressed the belief that the priests of these temples would silently move among
the sleeping faithful and whispers religious instructions in their ears.
A leading sleep learning researcher, Professor of Psychiatry A.M. Svyadoshch of the Karaganda State Medical
Institute in the U.S.S.R., reports the early use of sleep learning in three countries. According to Svyadoshch,
Vetterstrand in Germany in 1893, N. V. Viazemskii in Russia in 1903, and France's Burdon in 1904 all used some
form of suggestion during sleep on their patients. Science fiction stories using sleep learning methods, including
several by Russian authors, were instrumental in interesting Svyadoshch himself in the subject.
In the post World War II period, extraordinary reports based mostly on unsubstantiated claims of sleep learning
success appeared. This sensationalism was in part responsible for the cautious approach to publicity taken by
many researchers who worked with sleep teaming during the following decades. Along with these exaggerated
reports, primitive sleep learning equipment made its appearance in the marketplace.

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The year 1947 saw the birth of what grew in eleven years to become a ten-million-dollar industry. By 1958, the
sleep learning equipment business was in full swing and many of the claims made by its salesmen grew
increasingly outlandish.
Early in 1958, the industry drew the attention of the Wall Street Journal, resulting in a front-page article on the
sleep learning industry. The article, written by a Journal staff reporter, repeated some of the claims made by
those who were in the business of selling equipment. Most notable of these was that "well over 100,000 people in
the United States were successfully using sleep learning." Reference was also made to a two-year investigation of
the industry by the Federal Trade Commission. A recent search of the files of the Commission was unable to
uncover any information concerning such an investigation.
Another claim was that several U.S. corporations were using sleep learning to train salesmen. The list of
companies included the Chrysler Corporation. In an effort to substantiate this, Mario S. Gorbin, the manager of
Dealer Relations and Marketing Training for Chrysler was questioned. Mr. Gorbin, who had been associated with
Chrysler's dealer sales training program since 1953, told he had no knowledge of sleep learning ever being used.
He did say the company once looked into some of the claims made by its advocates, but that was as far as they
had gone.
Defining Sleep Learning
The obvious question asked about sleep learning is, "How does it work?" To help us understand how it works, we
need a precise definition of exactly what sleep learning is. This requires a clarification of terms. The method of
learning during sleep is called either sleep learning or hypnopaedia, depending on the speaker or writer. The terms
are interchangeable. The use of hypnopaedia as a scientific or technical name for sleep learning is a direct
reflection of Aldous Huxley's influence on the subject.
The techniques of sleep learning actually apply to acquiring knowledge in two distinct states: total sleep, and
deep relaxation. The latter is that state of semi-consciousness just before falling asleep. However, for
simplification, we will call learning in both states sleep learning. Only when we are discussing deep relaxation
exclusively will that term be used.
As a subject for scientific research, sleep learning reaches into areas in which we have limited knowledge and
which create controversy among researchers. While some believe it has universal applications and can be used by
the general population, others maintain it needs further research and refinement before people are encouraged to
learn while they sleep.
Dr. Ernst Schmidhofer, who has used sleep learning techniques extensively since World War II, thinks the typical
researcher's opinion on sleep learning is based less on the results of scientific experiments and more on personal
preconceived bias that influences the methods used in conducting experiments. Many sleep learning project
methods appear aimed at disproving the validity of sleep teaming instead of the other way around. Scientific
research should be of a positive nature, seeking to prove the existence of unrealized human potentials, not
seeking to disprove what has already been established.
When people participate in sleep learning sessions, they are usually asleep in their beds while a tape recorder or
other similar instrument is playing a selected lesson. For some, this suggests an image of brainwashing much like
that described in Aldous Huxley's book. But real brainwashing techniques have nothing to do with sleep learning.
Brainwashing is trying to force-feed information that might otherwise be rejected. To work, brainwashing needs a
confused, irrational victim, and the best way to make him that way is to deprive him of sleep. While the sleep
learner is nicely tucked away in bed engaged in learning something she desires to learn, the brainwashing victim is
denied sleep. The brainwashers may force their victim to stand on his feet or walk around in his brightly
illuminated cell for endless days. By doing this, they hope to confuse him enough to eradicate his previously
learned views and patterns of behaviour, which can be replaced with views and patterns of their own creation.
Learning while asleep requires certain psychological conditioning that only the sleep learner can create. No one can
force you to learn anything while asleep. The successful sleep learner must have a genuine desire to learn
the material.
Another common misconception about sleep learning is that it is akin to suggestions made to a subject under
hypnosis. Unfortunately, the term hypnopaedia lends itself to association with hypnosis. Such a relationship
might exist if the hypnotic, trance-like state was related to sleep, but it isn't. One researcher who examined the
results of numerous experiments measuring the brain activity of sleeping and hypnotized individuals found no
conclusive relationship in the brain activity patterns of the two groups. In fact, he concluded the EEG patterns
of hypnotized people more closely resembled those of a person who was wide awake instead of one
who was asleep.
For a complete professional description of sleep learning, we turn to leading Soviet sleep learning researcher,
Professor Leonid A. Bliznitchenko, Director of the Department of Experimental Phonetics at the Potebni Institute of
"Sleep learning is a process that takes place during natural sleep. It consists of introducing into the human mind

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information which is processed and memorized while the student is asleep. The sleep learning lesson begins while
the student is in deep relaxation and continues after the onset of sleep."
Sleep learning uses the functions of learning, memory, and sleep. All three continue to present scientists with
unanswered questions. To understand how sleep learning works, we must examine what we know about them and
how they apply to sleep learning. To do this, we need to review what we know about the human subconscious.
Understanding the subconscious and the powers it makes available to us will help us understand sleep learning,
because sleep learning is based on teaching our subconscious mind instead of our conscious mind.
There is also much we need to know about sleep itself. We need to understand how it is possible to hear things
while we sleep, and the role of dreams in the processing or memorizing of information. We should know why
learning and memory are not only related to sleep and dreams, but might not exist without them. As you learn
more about these subjects and how they relate to sleep learning, your capacity to learn successfully in your sleep
will be greatly improved.
After you have acquired a basic knowledge of the four components of sleep learningsleep, the subconscious,
learning, and memory - we will bring them together just as sleep learning does to form a viable learning program.
Only by understanding the powers of the subconscious and the capabilities of our minds while we sleep can we
recognize that sleep learning is not what some have called a "revolutionary new method of learning," but simply a
way of using abilities that are inherent in each of us.
Francis Bacon wrote that 'knowledge itself is power.'' When it comes to sleep learning, knowledge of the human
functions and the processes by which we are able to learn while asleep are even more important than power.
Knowledge can mean the difference between successful sleep learning and failure. The following chapters provide
the knowledge required for successful sleep learning.
Beginning is half done!

Thats all until tomorrow when we will be sending YOU the next exciting installment on Sleep Learning.
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