Project Accounting

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The Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting
2000 2010 2020 2030 204

RESOURCES The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting

4, chemin de Conches 10 G Street, NE (Suite 800)

1231 Conches-Geneva Washington, DC 20002
Switzerland USA

Tel: (41 22) 839 31 00 Tel: (1 202) 729 76 00

Fax: (41 22) 839 31 31 Fax: (1 202) 729 76 10
E-mail: info @ Web:

ISBN 1-56973-598-0 RESOURCES
JP cov3.qxd 11/22/05 4:27 PM Page 2


GHG Protocol Initiative Team


Suzie Greenhalgh Mahua Acharya


Derik Broekhoff Laurent Corbier

Florence Daviet Kjell Oren

Janet Ranganathan Heidi Sundin


Project Management Team (PMT)

This team was assigned to guide and oversee the development of the document

until it was road tested in September 2003.


Mike McMahon, BP

Jennifer DuBose, Climate Neutral Network

P.R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management

Melanie Eddis, KPMG


Bob Fledderman, MeadWestvaco

Clifford Schneider, MeadWestvaco

Jane Ellis, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Richard Tipper, The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management

About WBCSD About WRI

Yasuo Hosoya, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development The World Resources Institute is an environmental think tank that

(WBCSD) is a coalition of 175 international companies united goes beyond research to create practical ways to protect the Earth
by a shared commitment to sustainable development via the and improve people’s lives. Our mission is to move human society
Revision Management Team (RMT)
three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment for current and
This team was instituted in December 2003, to guide the integration of feedback
progress. Our members are drawn from more than 30 countries future generations.
received from the road testing phase and advice towards the finalisation of the document.
and 20 major industrial sectors. We also benefit from a
Our program meets global challenges by using knowledge to
Mike McMahon, BP Global Network of 50+ national and regional business councils
catalyze public and private action:
Arthur Lee, Chevron Corporation and partner organizations.
Einar Telnes, Det Norske Veritas (also on the DNV review team) • To reverse damage to ecosystems. We protect the capacity of
Our mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst for
Ken-Ichi Shinoda, Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute ecosystems to sustain life and prosperity.
change toward sustainable development, and to support
Adam Costanza, International Paper
the business license to operate, innovate and grow in a world • To expand participation in environmental decisions. We
Melanie Eddis, KPMG (also on the KPMG review team)
increasingly shaped by sustainable development issues collaborate with partners worldwide to increase people’s access
Jed Jones, KPMG (also on the KPMG review team)
to information and influence over decisions about natural
Fabian Gaioli, MGM International Our objectives include:
Julia Martinez, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Mexico
• Business Leadership—to be a leading business advocate on
Lucy Naydenova, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, Netherlands • To avert dangerous climate change. We promote public and
sustainable development.
Tom Baumann, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) private action to ensure a safe climate and sound world economy.
Patrick Hardy, NRCan • Policy Development—to participate in policy development
• To increase prosperity while improving the environment. We
Jeff Fiedler, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (also Taskforce Leader) to create the right framework conditions for business to make
challenge the private sector to grow by improving environmental
Michelle Passero, Pacific Forest Trust an effective contribution towards sustainable development.
and community well-being.
Ajay Mathur, Senergy Global
• The Business Case—to develop and promote the business
Sivan Kartha, Tellus Institute In all of our policy research and work with institutions, WRI tries to
case for sustainable development.
Michael Lazarus, Tellus Institute build bridges between ideas and actions, meshing the insights of
Yasushi Hieda, TEPCO • Best Practice—to demonstrate the business contribution scientific research, economic and institutional analyses, and
Martin Hession, United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (UK DEFRA) to sustainable development solutions and share leading edge practical experience with the need for open and participatory
Lisa Hanle, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) practices among members. decision-making.
Maurice LeFranc, USEPA (also Taskforce Leader)
• Global Outreach—contribute to a sustainable future for
developing nations and nations in transition.
Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1 Introduction 4

CHAPTER 2 Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts 10

CHAPTER 3 Policy Aspects of GHG Project Accounting 18

CHAPTER 4 GHG Accounting Principles 22


CHAPTER 5 Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary 28

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 30
G U I D A N C E 30
CHAPTER 6 Selecting a Baseline Procedure 36

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 37

G U I D A N C E 37

CHAPTER 7 Identifying the Baseline Candidates 38

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 39

G U I D A N C E 39

CHAPTER 8 Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure 48

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 49

G U I D A N C E 50

CHAPTER 9 Estimating Baseline Emissions — Performance Standard Procedure 60

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 62

G U I D A N C E 64

CHAPTER 10 Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions 72

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 73

G U I D A N C E 74

CHAPTER 11 Reporting GHG Reductions 80

R E Q U I R E M E N T S 81
Table of Contents


EXAMPLE 1 Cement Sector GHG Project

Using the Project-Specific Baseline Procedure 84

EXAMPLE 2 Compressor Station Efficiency Improvement GHG Project

Using the Performance Standard Baseline Procedure 110


ANNEX A Legal Requirements 120

ANNEX B Illustrative Information Sources for Barrier Categories 122

ANNEX C Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis 123

ANNEX D Glossary 130

References 134

Contributors 138

Lynn Betts, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Part I

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

CHAPTER 2 Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts

CHAPTER 3 Policy Aspects of GHG Project Accounting

CHAPTER 4 GHG Accounting Principles

1 Introduction

T he Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative is a multi-stakeholder partnership of businesses,

nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), governments, academics, and others convened by

the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources

Institute (WRI). Launched in 1998, the Initiative’s mission is to develop internationally accepted

greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and reporting standards and/or protocols, and to promote their

broad adoption.

The GHG Protocol Initiative is comprised of two separate but linked modules:

• the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Corporate Accounting Standard),
revised edition, published in March 2004; and

• the GHG Protocol for Project Accounting (this document).

4 PA R T I
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 5

1.1 The GHG Protocol quantify GHG reductions resulting from projects may use
for Project Accounting the Project Protocol. However, it is not designed to be
The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting (Project used as a mechanism to quantify corporate or entity-
Protocol) provides specific principles, concepts, and wide GHG reductions; the Corporate Accounting
methods for quantifying and reporting GHG reduc- Standard should be used for that purpose.
tions—i.e., the decreases in GHG emissions, or increases GHG projects can be undertaken for a variety of reasons,
in removals and/or storage—from climate change miti- including generating officially recognized GHG reduction
gation projects (GHG projects). The Project Protocol is “credits” for use in meeting mandatory emission targets,
the culmination of a four-year multi-stakeholder obtaining recognition for GHG reductions under volun-
dialogue and consultation process, designed to draw tary programs, and offsetting GHG emissions to meet
knowledge and experience from a wide range of expert- internal company targets for public recognition or other
ise. During its development, more than twenty developers internal strategies. Though the Project Protocol is
of GHG projects from ten countries “road tested” a intended to be compatible with all of these purposes,
prototype version of the Protocol, and more than a using it does not guarantee a particular result with
hundred experts reviewed it. respect to quantified GHG reductions, or acceptance or
The Project Protocol’s objectives are to: recognition by GHG programs that have not explicitly
• Provide a credible and transparent approach for quanti- adopted its provisions. Users are strongly encouraged to
fying and reporting GHG reductions from GHG projects; consult with relevant programs or other interested
parties regarding the resolution of policy-relevant
• Enhance the credibility of GHG project accounting accounting decisions. In the absence of external guid-
through the application of common accounting ance on these decisions, users should strive for maximum
concepts, procedures, and principles; and transparency when justifying the basis of such decisions
• Provide a platform for harmonization among different and fulfilling the Project Protocol’s requirements.
project-based GHG initiatives and programs.

To clarify where specific actions are essential to meeting 1.3 Overview of the Project Protocol
these objectives, the Project Protocol presents require- The Project Protocol has four parts. Part I presents GHG
ments for quantifying and reporting GHG reductions and project accounting concepts and principles, as well as
provides guidance and principles for meeting those background information and a discussion of policy issues
requirements. Though the requirements are extensive, related to GHG project accounting. Part II contains the
there is considerable flexibility in meeting them. This procedures and analyses that are required to quantify,
flexibility arises because GHG project accounting neces- monitor, and report GHG reductions. Part III provides
sarily involves making decisions that directly relate to two case study examples of how to quantify GHG reduc-
policy choices faced by GHG programs—choices that tions from GHG projects, and Part IV includes annexes
involve tradeoffs between environmental integrity, to supplement the requirements and guidance contained
program participation, program development costs, and in Parts I and II. Following are brief summaries of the
administrative burdens. Because the Project Protocol is information in Parts I and II.
not intended to be biased toward any specific programs
or policies, the accounting decisions related to these
policy choices are left to the discretion of its users. PART I: B A C K G R O U N D , C O N C E P T S
• Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter provides an
1.2 Who Can Use the Project Protocol? introduction to the GHG Protocol Initiative and the
The Project Protocol is written for project developers, Project Protocol, outlines its uses and limitations, and
but should also be of interest to administrators or provides an overview of some tools that supplement
designers of initiatives, systems, and programs that the Project Protocol.
incorporate GHG projects, as well as third-party verifiers
for such programs and projects. Any entity seeking to

• Chapter 2: Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts. be finalized until baseline emissions have been estimated
This chapter describes the terms and concepts used in (Chapter 8 or 9).
project-based GHG accounting. This information is
The chapters in Part II are divided into “requirements”
needed to properly understand and apply the Project
and associated “guidance” intended to ensure that
Protocol and should be read carefully before moving
accounting for project-based GHG reductions is
on to the accounting chapters in Part II.
complete and transparent. To ensure that the GHG
• Chapter 3: Policy Aspects of GHG Project Accounting. reductions have been quantified according to the Project
This chapter clarifies where and how certain decisions Protocol, users should follow the guidance closely in
about GHG project accounting relate to the policy completing the requirements.
objectives of GHG programs.
• Chapter 5: Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary.
• Chapter 4: GHG Accounting Principles. This chapter This chapter provides requirements and guidance for
outlines general GHG accounting principles that identifying the GHG sources and sinks that will be
underpin project-based GHG accounting. These princi- taken into account in quantifying GHG reductions. It
ples are intended to guide accounting decisions when requires differentiating the GHG project into one or
there is flexibility or uncertainty in applying the more “project activities.” In addition to primary
Project Protocol’s requirements. effects—specific changes in GHG emissions that a
project activity is designed to achieve—project activi-
ties may result in unintended changes in GHG
PART II: G H G R E D U C T I O N emissions elsewhere, or secondary effects. The GHG
ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING assessment boundary encompasses all these effects.
The chapters in Part II are intended to guide project
• Chapter 6: Selecting a Baseline Procedure. This
developers sequentially through the requirements for
chapter provides brief guidance on choosing between
GHG project accounting, monitoring, and reporting.
the project-specific and the performance standard
However, some of the requirements in different chapters
procedures for estimating “baseline emissions”—i.e.,
are interrelated, and some back-and-forth consultation
the emissions to which project activity emissions will
of chapters may be required. For instance, the full scope
be compared in order to quantify GHG reductions.
of the GHG assessment boundary (Chapter 5) may not

CHAPTER 1: Introduction 7

• Chapter 7: Identifying the Baseline Candidates. This GHG programs. Because sustainable development is not
chapter provides requirements and guidance on how to directly related to GHG accounting, the Project Protocol
identify baseline candidates, which are technologies or does not address such provisions or criteria.
practices that should be considered and analysed to
estimate baseline emissions.
1 . 4 . 2 S T A K E H O L D E R C O N S U L T AT I O N
• Chapter 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions —
For many GHG projects, successful implementation (and
Project-Specific Procedure. This chapter contains the
the furthering of sustainable development goals) will
requirements and guidance for estimating baseline
depend on successfully soliciting and responding to
emissions using the “project-specific” procedure. This
concerns from communities the GHG project affects.
procedure employs a structured analysis of baseline
While such stakeholder consultation is an important part
candidates to identify a “baseline scenario” specific to
of project planning and implementation, the Project
a particular project activity.
Protocol does not offer guidance on this issue.
• Chapter 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure. This chapter
contains the requirements and guidance for estimating 1.4.3 OWNERSHIP OF GHG REDUCTIONS
baseline emissions using the “performance standard” GHG reductions may occur at sources not under the
procedure. This procedure estimates baseline emissions direct ownership or control of the project developer.
from a numerical analysis of all the baseline candi- Where legal ownership of project-based GHG reductions
dates identified in Chapter 7. is sought, direct ownership or control is often an impor-
tant consideration. The Project Protocol does not
• Chapter 10: Monitoring and Quantifying GHG
address ownership issues. Chapter 3 of the Corporate
Reductions. This chapter describes the data that
Accounting Standard contains a discussion of ownership
need to be monitored in order to credibly quantify
and control of GHG emissions that may be relevant for
GHG reductions.
project developers seeking more guidance in this area.
• Chapter 11: Reporting GHG Reductions. This chapter
defines the reporting requirements needed to transpar-
ently report GHG reductions. 1.4.4 UNCERTAINTY
Project-based GHG accounting involves many forms of
uncertainty, including uncertainty about the identifica-
1.4 Issues Not Addressed tion of secondary effects, the identification of baseline
by the Project Protocol candidates, baseline emission estimates, and the meas-
The Project Protocol intentionally does not address urement of GHG project emissions. Chapter 10 of this
several issues related to GHG projects, including document provides brief guidance for dealing with
sustainable development, stakeholder consultation, uncertainty; however, the Project Protocol contains no
ownership of GHG reductions, uncertainty, confidential- explicit requirements for addressing uncertainty.
ity, and verification. These issues are not addressed
because they are not directly related to GHG reduction
accounting and quantification. 1.4.5 CONFIDENTIALITY
Quantifying GHG reductions can sometimes require
extensive amounts of information, including informa-
1.4.1 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT tion that a project developer, its partners, or business
Under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development competitors may consider confidential. This may be a
Mechanism (CDM), a key provision is that GHG projects significant consideration for deciding whether the cred-
contribute to local sustainable development goals in ible quantification of GHG reductions is realistic and
addition to generating GHG reductions. Sustainable possible. The Project Protocol does not address issues
development criteria may also be important to other of confidentiality.

1 . 4 . 6 V E R I F I C AT I O N A company can use both GHG Protocol Initiative

For many purposes, project developers may choose to modules in combination to meet different purposes and
have a third party verify their quantification of GHG objectives. Where a company is developing an inventory
reductions. Chapter 11 of the Project Protocol contains of its corporate-wide GHG emissions, the Corporate
minimum requirements for reporting the quantification Accounting Standard can be used. If the same company
of GHG reductions in a manner that is transparent and develops a GHG project, then the Project Protocol can
allows for evaluation by interested parties. However, the be used to quantify its project-based GHG reductions.
Project Protocol does not offer guidance on how to The Corporate Accounting Standard includes a GHG
solicit or conduct third-party verification. This is left to balance sheet showing how project-based GHG reduc-
the discretion of its users. tions can be accounted for in relation to a company’s
overall GHG emissions target.

1.5 Project Protocol

Treatment of Additionality 1.7 Additional Tools
The concept of additionality is often raised as a vital WRI and WBCSD are developing four sets of tools to
consideration for quantifying project-based GHG reduc- help project developers use the Project Protocol. These
tions. Additionality is a criterion that says GHG tools will be available on the GHG Protocol website at
reductions should only be recognized for project activities
that would not have “happened anyway.” While there is
general agreement that additionality is important, its
meaning and application remain open to interpretation. 1.7.1 GHG PROJECT TYPOLOGY
The GHG Project Typology provides information to assist
The Project Protocol does not require a demonstration of
project developers in identifying and classifying different
additionality per se. Instead, additionality is discussed
types of GHG project activities by their primary effect.
conceptually in Chapter 2 and in terms of its policy dimen-
The typology includes basic guidance specific to each
sions in Chapter 3. Additionality is incorporated as an
type of project activity, such as how to identify baseline
implicit part of the procedures used to estimate baseline
candidates and secondary effects, how to conduct
emissions (Chapters 8 and 9), where its interpretation and
monitoring, and how to address technology-specific
stringency are subject to user discretion.
calculation issues.

1.6 Linkages with

the Corporate Accounting Standard
Over time the Project Protocol, which is broadly
The Corporate Accounting Standard provides standards
applicable to all types of GHG projects, will be supple-
and guidance for companies and other types of organisa-
mented with sector-specific guidance. These guidance
tions to prepare a GHG emissions inventory at the
documents will provide more specific and in-depth
organisational level. Although the Corporate Accounting
procedures for particular types of GHG projects, such as
Standard and Project Protocol address different business
those involving the displacement of grid electricity and
goals, policy and regulatory contexts, and GHG account-
biological carbon sequestration.
ing concepts and issues, they are linked through the use
of common accounting principles. In both, the principles
of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency,
1 . 7 . 3 G H G C A L C U L AT I O N T O O L S
and accuracy are applied in their appropriate contexts.
A number of the GHG Protocol tools provide guidance on
The application of these principles is intended to ensure
calculating GHG emissions from different GHG sources.
the credible accounting of both corporate GHG emissions
Although developed for the Corporate Accounting
and project-based GHG reductions.
Standard, these tools can be adapted to calculate GHG
emissions from GHG projects. For example, the station-
ary combustion tool can be used to estimate GHG

CHAPTER 1: Introduction 9

emissions from a project activity that involves fuel

switching. The tools that are currently available include
cross-sector and sector-specific tools.

Cross-sector tools include:

• Stationary combustion

• Mobile combustion

• Measurement and estimation of uncertainty

• Use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in refrigeration and

air-conditioning equipment

Sector-specific tools include:

• Aluminium

• Iron and steel

• Nitric acid

• Ammonia

• Adipic acid

• Cement

• Lime

• Office-based organisations

• Pulp and paper mills

• HFC-23 from HCFC-22 production

• Semi-conductors

• Wood product manufacturing

1 . 7 . 4 R E L AT I O N S H I P B E T W E E N T H E P R O J E C T
The Kyoto Protocol’s CDM is currently the chief inter-
national initiative involving project-based GHG
reductions. In principle, the methods and procedures
provided in the Project Protocol can be used for the A mapping of key concepts between both initiatives
development of GHG projects for the CDM. Similarly, and the Project Protocol will be provided on the GHG
the International Organization for Standardization Protocol Initiative website. This will enable partici-
(ISO) provides ISO 14064, which includes an interna- pants in these initiatives to understand how to use the
tional standard on GHG accounting and reporting for Project Protocol alongside these initiatives.
GHG mitigation projects. The guidance provided by the
Project Protocol can facilitate the application of the
ISO requirements.
2 Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts

A number of key concepts must be understood to account for GHG reductions from GHG

projects. This chapter explains the importance of these concepts and describes how

and where they are used in Part II of the Project Protocol. The concepts presented here

are also defined in the glossary in Annex D.

10 PA R T I
CHAPTER 2: Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts 11

2.1 GHG Project

A GHG project consists of a specific activity or set of A GHG sink is any process that removes and stores GHG
activities intended to reduce GHG emissions, increase emissions from the atmosphere. The Project Protocol
the storage of carbon, or enhance GHG removals from identifies one GHG sink category: increased storage or
the atmosphere. A GHG project may be a stand-alone removals of CO2 by biological processes.
project or a component of a larger non-GHG project,
The GHG sources and sinks affected by a project activity
and may be comprised of one or more project activities.
must be identified to determine the project activity’s
Part II of the Project Protocol focuses on accounting
GHG effects (see Chapter 5), and to specify how emis-
for and reporting the GHG reductions that result from
sions from GHG sources and sinks affected by the project
a single GHG project.
activity will be monitored (see Chapter 10).

2.2 Project Activity

2.4 GHG Effects
A project activity is a specific action or intervention
GHG effects are changes in GHG emissions, removals, or
targeted at changing GHG emissions, removals, or stor-
storage caused by a project activity. There are two types
age. It may include modifications to existing production,
of GHG effects: primary effects and secondary effects.
process, consumption, service, delivery or management
systems, as well as the introduction of new systems.

Under the Project Protocol, properly identifying and PRIMARY EFFECTS

defining project activities is crucial (see Chapter 5). A primary effect is the intended change caused by a
GHG reductions are determined separately for each project activity in GHG emissions, removals, or storage
project activity associated with a GHG project. associated with a GHG source or sink. Each project
Chapters 6 through 9 of the Project Protocol deal activity will generally have only one primary effect.
specifically with determining GHG reductions from The primary effect is defined as a change relative to
individual project activities. If a GHG project involves baseline emissions (see Figure 2.1), which are deter-
more than one activity, its total GHG reductions are mined using either of the baseline procedures presented
quantified as the sum of the GHG reductions from each in Chapters 8 and 9. Primary effects are identified for
project activity (see Chapter 10). each project activity in Chapter 5.


A GHG source is any process that releases GHG emis- A secondary effect is an unintended change caused by a
sions into the atmosphere. Under the Project Protocol, project activity in GHG emissions, removals, or storage
there are five general GHG source categories: associated with a GHG source or sink (see Box 2.1).
Secondary effects are typically small relative to a proj-
• combustion emissions from generating grid-
ect activity’s primary effect. In some cases, however,
connected electricity;
they may undermine or negate the primary effect.
• combustion emissions from generating energy or Secondary effects are classified into two categories:
off-grid electricity, or from flaring;
• One-time effects—Changes in GHG emissions associ-
• industrial process emissions—e.g., carbon dioxide ated with the construction, installation, and
(CO2) from the production of clinker for cement; establishment or the decommissioning and termination
of the project activity.
• fugitive emissions—e.g., GHG leaks from pipelines;
and • Upstream and downstream effects—Recurring
changes in GHG emissions associated with inputs
• waste emissions—e.g., GHG emissions from landfills.
to the project activity (upstream) or products from
Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts

the project activity (downstream), relative to 2.6 GHG Reductions

baseline emissions. Throughout the Project Protocol, the term GHG reduction
refers to either a reduction in GHG emissions or an
increase in removals or storage of GHGs from the atmos-
BOX 2.1 Secondary effects and leakage
phere, relative to baseline emissions. Primary effects will
Secondary effects are sometimes referred to as “leakage” in the result in GHG reductions, as will some secondary effects.
GHG project literature and by some GHG programs. However, the A project activity’s total GHG reductions are quantified
definition of leakage varies from context to context (e.g., it is as the sum of its associated primary effect(s) and any
sometimes defined with respect to physical project boundaries significant secondary effects (which may involve
or to ownership or control of GHG emission sources). Under the decreases or countervailing increases in GHG emissions).
Project Protocol, the term secondary effect is used to avoid A GHG project’s total GHG reductions are quantified as
confusion with the varying interpretations of the term leakage. the sum of the GHG reductions from each project activity.
Chapter 10 contains requirements and guidance on how
to quantify the GHG reductions from each project activity
and the GHG project.
Some upstream and downstream effects may involve
market responses to the changes in supply and/or
demand for project activity inputs or products. Only 2.7 Baseline Candidates
significant secondary effects, however, need to be Baseline candidates are alternative technologies or prac-
monitored and quantified under the Project Protocol. tices, within a specified geographic area and temporal
Whether a secondary effect is considered significant range, that could provide the same product or service as
depends on its magnitude relative to its associated a project activity. The identification of baseline candi-
primary effect and on circumstances surrounding the dates is required to estimate the baseline emissions for
associated project activity. the project activity. Baseline candidates are identified
for each project activity in Chapter 7, which includes
Secondary effects for each project activity are identified guidance on how to define an appropriate geographic
in Chapter 5, which includes guidance on how to assess area and temporal range.
their significance and mitigate them.

2.8 Baseline Scenario

2.5 GHG Assessment Boundary The baseline scenario is a reference case for the project
The GHG assessment boundary encompasses all primary activity. It is a hypothetical description of what would
effects and significant secondary effects associated with the have most likely occurred in the absence of any consider-
GHG project. Where the GHG project involves more than ations about climate change mitigation. The baseline
one project activity, the primary and significant secondary scenario is used to estimate baseline emissions (see
effects from all project activities are included in the GHG Figure 2.1). There are three generic possibilities for the
assessment boundary. The GHG assessment boundary is baseline scenario:
used to identify the GHG sources and sinks that must be • implementation of the same technologies or practices
examined to quantify a project’s GHG reductions. It is not used in the project activity;
a physical or legal “project boundary.” Primary and signif-
icant secondary effects are considered within the GHG • implementation of a baseline candidate; or
assessment boundary, irrespective of whether they occur • the continuation of current activities, technologies, or
near the project, or at GHG sources or sinks owned or practices that, where relevant, provide the same type,
controlled by the project participants. Under the Project quality, and quantity of product or service as the proj-
Protocol, it is not necessary to define a project boundary ect activity.
based on a GHG project’s physical dimensions or according
to what is owned or controlled.

CHAPTER 2: Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts 13

FIGURE 2.1 Quantifying GHG reductions relative to a baseline scenario

Baseline Emissions
Actual GHG reduc- Project Emissions


tions relative to

Year 1 emissions Claimed GHG reductions
relative to baseline scenario


FIGURE 2.1a: Comparison against a base year for F I G U R E 2 . 1 b : Comparison against a baseline scenario for
corporate/entity accounting project accounting

GHG reductions must be quantified relative to a reference level of GHG emissions. Under national and corporate-level GHG accounting,
reductions are typically quantified against actual GHG emissions in a historical base year (see Figure 2.1a). For project-based GHG
accounting, however, GHG reductions are quantified against a forward-looking, counter-factual baseline scenario (see Figure 2.1b). The
most important challenge for GHG project accounting is identifying and characterizing the baseline scenario.

An explicit baseline scenario for a project activity is 2.10 Baseline Procedures

identified only if the project-specific baseline procedure Baseline procedures are methods used to estimate baseline
is used to estimate baseline emissions (Chapter 8). If the emissions. The Project Protocol describes two procedures:
performance standard baseline procedure is used, base-
• Project-specific procedure—This procedure produces
line emissions are estimated without explicitly
an estimate of baseline emissions through the identifi-
identifying a baseline scenario (see Chapter 9).
cation of a baseline scenario specific to the proposed
project activity. The baseline scenario is identified
through a structured analysis of the project activity
2.9 Baseline Emissions
and its alternatives. Baseline emissions are derived
GHG reductions from a project activity are quantified
from the baseline scenario and are valid only for the
relative to baseline emissions, which refers broadly to
project activity being examined. This procedure is
baseline GHG emissions, removals, or storage. Baseline
described in Chapter 8.
emissions associated with primary effects are derived
from either a baseline scenario (Chapter 8) or a • Performance standard procedure—This procedure
performance standard (Chapter 9). Baseline emissions produces an estimate of baseline emissions using a
associated with secondary effects are estimated in GHG emission rate derived from a numerical analysis
Chapter 5 and will be linked to the project-specific base- of the GHG emission rates of all baseline candidates.
line scenario. If the performance standard procedure is A performance standard is sometimes referred to as a
used, baseline emissions associated with secondary multi-project baseline or benchmark, because it can
effects are inferred from baseline candidates or are esti- be used to estimate baseline emissions for multiple
mated conservatively. project activities of the same type. It serves the same
function as a baseline scenario, but avoids the need to
identify an explicit baseline scenario for each project
activity. The performance standard procedure is
described in Chapter 9.
Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts

2.11 Valid Time Length basic operating parameters will not change over a certain
for the Baseline Scenario time period (see Figure 2.2a). In contrast, dynamic base-
Generally, the farther out into the future one tries to proj- line emission rates are better suited to GHG projects that
ect “what would have happened,” the more uncertain this are part of a system that changes significantly over time
projection becomes. For this reason, a particular baseline (see Figure 2.2b). Two types of GHG projects that may
scenario or performance standard should be valid only for require dynamic baseline emission rates include:
a finite period of time for the purpose of estimating base- • Electricity supply projects—The baseline emission
line emissions. After a certain period, either no further rate may be based on displaced generation sources
GHG reductions are recognized for the project activity, or that are expected to change significantly over time.
a new (revised) baseline scenario or performance stan-
dard is identified. The length of this period may vary, • LULUCF projects—The baseline emission rate may
depending on technical and policy considerations,1 and on change over time to reflect the changing growth
whether baseline emission estimates are dynamic or static patterns of carbon stocks in trees.
(see Figure 2.2). The valid time length for the baseline
scenario of each project activity is determined in
Chapter 10, as a prelude to quantifying GHG reductions. 2.13 Equivalence of Products and Services
Nearly every project activity will provide products or
services in the context of some broader market for them.
2.12 Dynamic Versus Static Therefore, if the project activity were not implemented,
Baseline Emission Estimates it should be assumed that the market would have
Baseline emissions are often estimated using an emission provided a quantity and quality of products or services
rate, relating GHG emissions to the production of a equivalent to what the project activity would have
product or service or to a certain period of time. produced.2 This is particularly true when a GHG project
Baseline emission rates may be dynamic or static. Static is small relative to the market in which it operates (i.e.,
baseline emission rates do not change over time, while its presence or absence will not affect market prices).
dynamic baseline emission rates change over time. This concept of equivalence has broad application in the
quantification of GHG reductions. For example:
A static baseline emission rate is most appropriate for
GHG projects that are substituting for existing plants or • Identifying secondary effects (Chapter 5)—If a
technologies where it can be reasonably assumed that project activity reduces the production of a product or

FIGURE 2.2 Dynamic and static baseline emission rate estimates



L = end of valid time length

for the baseline scenario


FIGURE 2.2a: Static emission rate F I G U R E 2 . 2 b : Dynamic emission rate

Baseline emission rates may be dynamic or static. Static baseline emission rates do not change over time, while dynamic baseline
emission rates change over time.

CHAPTER 2: Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts 15

service, the market will compensate and provide a level project activity is so large that the market response
of production equivalent to that in the baseline scenario. would not have been proportional (e.g., because the proj-
This response may give rise to a secondary effect. ect activity is large enough to change market prices
relative to the baseline scenario, causing a change in the
• Identifying baseline candidates (Chapter 7)—
total quantity produced). In quantifying GHG reductions,
Baseline candidates should be capable of providing
project developers should fully explain any exceptions to
the same quality of products or services as the project
the assumption of equivalence.
activity. Furthermore, if the project-specific baseline
procedure is used, baseline candidates should be
capable of providing the same quantity of products
2.14 Additionality
or services as the project activity.
As previously described in section 2.9, project-based
• Estimating baseline emissions (Chapters 8 and 9)— GHG reductions are quantified relative to baseline
Baseline emissions should be estimated by assuming emissions, which are derived either from an identified
equivalent quality and quantities of production in the baseline scenario (see Figure 2.1) or by using a
baseline scenario as in the project activity. performance standard that serves the same function as
a baseline scenario. Though the presumption is gener-
Some exceptions to equivalence will occur only when the
ally that a project activity differs from its baseline
market for the products or services provided by a project
scenario, in some cases, a project activity (or the same
activity is poorly functioning or nonexistent, or where a
Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts

technologies or practices it employs) may have been T H E P R O J E C T- S P E C I F I C

implemented “anyway.” In these cases, the project APPROACH TO ADDITIONALITY
activity and its baseline scenario are effectively identical. The project-specific approach to additionality aims to
identify a distinct baseline scenario specific to the project
While such a project activity may appear to reduce GHG
activity, in spite of subjective uncertainties involved in
emissions relative to historical emission levels, compared
doing so. The reasoning behind this approach is that a
to its baseline scenario the project activity does not reduce
rigorously identified baseline scenario is all that is neces-
GHG emissions. In the context of GHG programs, it is
sary to establish additionality: if the project activity is
important to count only GHG reductions from project
different from its baseline scenario, it is additional.
activities that differ from—or are additional to—their
However, because identifying a baseline scenario always
baseline scenarios (see Box 2.2). Distinguishing a project
involves some uncertainty, many observers argue that
activity from its baseline scenario is often referred to as
this approach should be combined with explicit addition-
determining additionality.
ality tests. (Some of these tests are described in Chapter
While the basic concept of additionality may be easy to 3, which discusses the policy dimensions of additionality.)
understand, there is no common agreement about how to
prove that a project activity and its baseline scenario are
different. The two baseline procedures (project-specific THE PERFORMANCE STANDARD
and performance standard) presented in Chapters 8 and APPROACH TO ADDITIONALITY
9 of the Project Protocol reflect two different method- The second approach is to avoid project-specific
ological approaches to additionality. determinations of additionality and instead try to ensure
the overall additionality of quantified GHG reductions
from multiple project activities. This is done by develop-
ing a performance standard, which provides an estimate
of baseline emissions that would otherwise be derived
from baseline scenarios for each project activity. Under
this approach, the presumption is that any project activity
will produce additional GHG reductions if it has a lower
GHG emission rate than the performance standard.3 A
performance standard can provide a consistent way to
address additionality for a number of similar project
activities and avoids having to identify individual baseline
scenarios. The challenge is to set the performance stan-
dard at a sufficiently stringent level to ensure that, on
balance, only additional GHG reductions are quantified.

See Chapter 3 for a discussion of the policy considerations.

Alternatively, if the project activity involves reducing the production of a prod-
uct or service, the market will generally respond by making up for this lost
production when the project activity is implemented.

Or a higher GHG removal rate in the case of project activities involving GHG sinks.

CHAPTER 2: Key GHG Project Accounting Concepts 17

BOX 2.2 Why additionality is important

GHG emission trading programs operate by capping the emissions The difficulty is that many projects that reduce GHG emissions (rela-
of a fixed number of individual facilities or sources. Under these tive to historical levels) would happen regardless of the existence of
programs, tradable “offset credits” are issued for project-based a GHG program and without any concern for climate change mitiga-
GHG reductions that occur at sources not covered by the program. tion. If a project “would have happened anyway,” then issuing offset
Each offset credit allows facilities whose emissions are capped to credits for its GHG reductions will actually allow a positive net
emit more, in direct proportion to the GHG reductions represented by increase in GHG emissions, undermining the emissions target of the
the credit. The idea is to achieve a zero net increase in GHG emis- GHG program. Additionality is thus critical to the success and
sions, because each tonne of increased emissions is “offset” by integrity of GHG programs that recognize project-based GHG
project-based GHG reductions. reductions. The following table (Table 2.1) illustrates this concept.

TABLE 2.1 Illustration of GHG emission balances with and without “additional” reductions


GHG emissions that would have occurred without a 20,000 tonnes 50,000 tonnes 70,000 tonnes
GHG program1

GHG emissions under a GHG program cap of 15,000 15,000 tonnes 50,000 tonnes 65,000 tonnes
tonnes, without offset credits2

GHG emissions under a GHG program cap of 15,000 17,500 tonnes 47,500 tonnes 65,000 tonnes
tonnes, with 2,500 tonnes in offset credits based on
“additional” reductions3

GHG emissions under a GHG program cap of 15,000 17,500 tonnes 50,000 tonnes 67,500 tonnes
tonnes, with 2,500 tonnes in offset credits for reduc-
tions that “would have happened anyway”4

The GHG emissions from “capped sources” are what would have occurred at reductions allow the capped sources to emit an additional 2,500 tonnes
the plants and facilities the GHG program is intending to cap, if there had beyond the 15,000 tonnes they were originally limited to, so GHG emissions
been no GHG program. The uncapped source emissions are net of any GHG from capped sources rise to 17,500 tonnes. Total GHG emissions, however,
reductions that “would have happened anyway”. remain the same, as if there were a cap with no offset credits.
In this case, a GHG program is in place with a cap of 15,000 tonnes, caus- 4
In this case, credits are issued for GHG reductions that “would have happened
ing a net reduction of 5,000 tonnes in overall GHG emissions. Uncapped anyway.” In other words, GHG emissions at uncapped sources are the same as
sources remain unaffected. they would have been without the presence of any GHG program (i.e., 50,000
tonnes). Total emissions increase because capped sources are allowed to emit
In this case, 2,500 tonnes of additional GHG reductions are achieved at more due to the credits (in this case, an increase of 2,500 tonnes).
uncapped sources, resulting in a net 2,500 tonne decrease in GHG emissions
from these sources to 47,500 tonnes. The credits used to achieve these
3 Policy Aspects of
GHG Project Accounting

G HG project accounting necessarily involves making decisions that directly relate to

policy choices faced by GHG programs. These policy choices involve tradeoffs between
environmental integrity, program participation, program development costs, and
administrative burdens. This chapter seeks to clarify the major areas where decisions about GHG
project accounting relate to the policy objectives of GHG programs. It is explanatory in nature and
contains no requirements, but will be helpful to consider regardless of whether a specific GHG
program is involved. The chapter covers five major areas where GHG accounting decisions are
relevant to policy objectives:

• 3.1 Additionality

• 3.2 Selection of Baseline Procedures

• 3.3 Secondary Effects Accounting

• 3.4 Valid Time Length for Baseline Scenarios

• 3.5 Static Versus Dynamic Baseline Emission Estimates

18 PA R T I
CHAPTER 3: Policy Aspects of GHG Project Accounting 19

3.1 Additionality
As noted in Chapter 2, section 2.14, additionality is a specific and performance standard approaches for
critical concern for GHG programs. Whatever methods are dealing with additionality, as outlined in Chapter 2
used to address additionality, a GHG program must decide (section 2.14). Any choice about which procedure to
how stringent to make its additionality rules and criteria use is thus relevant to GHG program concerns about
based on its policy objectives. Under the project-specific additionality. Moreover, as a practical matter, GHG
approach, stringency is determined by the weight of programs may decide that one or the other procedure is
evidence required to identify a particular baseline scenario preferred on administrative grounds. Requiring the
(and possibly to pass any required additionality tests—see project-specific procedure, for example, may involve
Box 3.1). Under the performance standard approach, less preparatory work in starting a GHG program (in
stringency is determined by how low the performance exchange for more administrative work later on),
standard GHG emission rate is relative to the average whereas developing performance standards may require
GHG emission rate of similar practices or technologies.1 significant upfront investment of resources, but may
lower transaction costs once the GHG program is
Setting the stringency of additionality rules involves a
underway. From a GHG program perspective, such
balancing act. Additionality criteria that are too lenient
policy considerations are important in deciding which
and grant recognition for “non-additional” GHG reduc-
baseline procedure project developers should use.
tions will undermine the GHG program’s effectiveness. On
the other hand, making the criteria for additionality too
stringent could unnecessarily limit the number of recog-
3.3 Secondary Effects Accounting
nized GHG reductions, in some cases excluding project
If a secondary effect involves a significant increase in
activities that are truly additional and highly desirable.
GHG emissions, it can undermine or even negate a proj-
In practice, no approach to additionality can completely
ect activity’s primary effect (see Chapter 2, section 2.4).
avoid these kinds of errors. Generally, reducing one type
Therefore, accurately accounting for the GHG reductions
of error will result in an increase of the other.
caused by a project activity requires some examination
Ultimately, there is no technically correct level of strin- of secondary effects. The practical challenge is deciding
gency for additionality rules. GHG programs may decide how far to go in this examination.
based on their policy objectives that it is better to avoid
One question concerns breadth. In a full “life cycle
one type of error than the other. For example, a focus on
analysis” of GHG emissions2 for a particular product, for
environmental integrity may necessitate stringent addi-
example, one could in principle examine GHG emissions
tionality rules. On the other hand, GHG programs that
associated not just with inputs to the product, but also
are initially concerned with maximizing participation
the inputs to those inputs, and so on up the product’s
and ensuring a vibrant market for GHG reduction credits
“value chain.” Generally, the cost and time requirements
may try to reduce “false negatives”—i.e., rejecting
for this kind of analysis are prohibitive. Another question
project activities that are additional—by using only
concerns significance. The secondary effects for many
moderately stringent rules.
types of GHG projects can be relatively small, particu-
larly for small projects. Yet time and money are still
required to estimate, monitor, and quantify these effects.
3.2 Selection of Baseline Procedures
Under the Project Protocol, there are two possible GHG project accounting requires decisions about the
procedures for estimating baseline emissions: the tradeoff between accounting for secondary effects and the
project-specific procedure and performance standard time and effort required to do so. From the perspective of
procedure. The choice of a baseline procedure will GHG programs, requiring an extensive and detailed
affect the outcome of any GHG project accounting accounting of secondary effects will help to ensure envi-
effort, since the two procedures can lead to different ronmental integrity, but could limit program participation,
levels of quantified GHG reductions, even for the same since these requirements may be too burdensome for some
project activity. As their names imply, however, these project developers. Strict requirements could also increase
procedures are conceptually linked to the project- administrative costs incurred to evaluate or verify second-
Policy Aspects of GHG Project Accounting

BOX 3.1 Policy and the use of additionality “tests”

As noted in Chapter 2, many observers argue that the identification intended only to help establish that the GHG project and baseline
of a project activity’s baseline scenario should be accompanied by scenario are different, and are applied separately from the actual
an explicit demonstration of additionality using various additional- identification of a baseline scenario.
ity “tests.” Some illustrative additionality tests are presented in
However, there is no agreement about the validity of any particular
Table 3.1. Generally, these tests try to isolate the reasons for imple-
additionality test, or about which tests project developers should
menting a GHG project—particularly whether achieving GHG
use. GHG programs must decide on policy grounds whether to
reductions was a decisive reason for implementing it (even if only
require additionality tests, and which tests to require. Because
one among many). They involve evaluating objective conditions that
their use is a matter of policy, the Project Protocol does not require
are assumed to indicate reasons for initiating a project. They are
any of these tests.

TABLE 3.1 Examples of possible “tests” for additionality


Legal, Regulatory, The GHG project must reduce GHG emissions below the level required (or effectively required) by any offi-
or Institutional Test cial policies, regulations, guidance, or industry standards. If these reductions are not achieved, the
assumption is that the only real reason for doing the project is to comply with regulations, and any
claimed GHG reductions are not additional.

Technology Test The GHG project and its associated GHG reductions are considered additional if the GHG project involves
a technology that is not likely to be employed for reasons other than reducing GHG emissions. The default
assumption is that for these technologies, GHG reductions are a decisive reason (if not the only reason)
for implementing them. GHG projects involving other technologies could still be considered additional,
but must demonstrate additionality through some other means.

Investment Test Under the most common version of this test, a GHG project is assumed to be additional if it can be
demonstrated (e.g., through the divulgence of project financial data) that it would have a low rate of
return without revenue from GHG reductions. The underlying assumption is that GHG reductions must be
a decisive reason for implementing a project that is not an attractive investment in the absence of any
revenue associated with its GHG reductions. A GHG project with a high or competitive rate of return could
still be additional, but must demonstrate additionality through some other means.

Common The GHG project must reduce GHG emissions below levels produced by “common practice” technologies
Practice Test that produce the same products and services as the GHG project. If it does not, the assumption is that
GHG reductions are not a decisive reason for pursuing the project (or conversely, that the only real reason
is to conform to common practice for the same reasons as other actors in the same market). Therefore,
the GHG project is not considered to be additional.

Timing Test The GHG project must have been initiated after a certain date to be considered additional. The implicit
assumption is that any project started before the required date (e.g., before the start of a GHG program)
could not have been motivated by GHG reductions. Under most versions of this test, though, GHG projects
started after the required date must still further establish additionality through some other test.


ary effects. The extent and detail of secondary effects 3.5 Static Versus Dynamic
analysis are, therefore, essentially policy decisions from Baseline Emission Estimates
the perspective of GHG programs. From a GHG program policy perspective, the key issue
in choosing between static or dynamic baseline emission
estimates once again involves a tradeoff between
3.4 Valid Time Length environmental integrity and program participation.
for Baseline Scenarios Generally, dynamic baseline emission estimates ensure
Technical considerations can inform a decision about a greater degree of environmental integrity by keeping
what the valid time length should be for a baseline estimates accurate and in line with changing circum-
scenario or performance standard. For example, technol- stances. The tradeoff is that dynamic baseline estimates
ogy and economic trends may suggest an appropriate may increase transaction costs under a GHG program
time length for specific project types within a particular and will increase uncertainty for project developers.
geographic area. For GHG programs, however, deciding This could discourage investment and limit participation
on different valid time lengths for the baseline scenarios in the GHG program.
of individual project activities is likely to be too cumber-
some. Instead, it is often easier for administrative
reasons—and to provide consistent expectations for proj-
ect developers—to simply adopt a common valid time NOTES
length for all baseline scenarios or performance stan- 1
Or how high the performance standard GHG removal rate is relative to aver-
dards (usually several years). In the context of GHG age GHG removal rates.
programs, such administrative and policy considerations 2
In some cases, the Project Protocol refers to “GHG emissions” to encompass
are likely to be the key deciding factors in how long base-
both the emissions that are a direct product of a GHG source and the removals
line scenarios or performance standards will be valid.
that are a direct product of a GHG sink.
4 GHG Accounting Principles

S ix principles are intended to underpin all aspects of the accounting, quantification, and

reporting of project-based GHG reductions. Their purpose is to guide decisions where

the Project Protocol affords flexibility or discretion, or where the requirements and

guidance are ambiguous with respect to a particular situation. The application of these principles

will help ensure the credibility and consistency of efforts to quantify and report project-based

GHG reductions according to the Project Protocol.

The principles are derived in part from accepted financial accounting and reporting principles

and are largely the same as those that guide the Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

22 PA R T I
CHAPTER 4: GHG Accounting Principles 23

4.1 Relevance 4.4 Transparency

Use data, methods, criteria, and assumptions that are Provide clear and sufficient information for
appropriate for the intended use of reported information reviewers to assess the credibility and reliability of
GHG reduction claims
The quantification and reporting of GHG reductions
should include only information that users—both inter- Transparency is critical for quantifying and reporting
nal and external to the GHG project—need for their GHG reductions, particularly given the flexibility and
decision-making. This information should thus fit the policy-relevance of many GHG accounting decisions
intended purpose of the GHG project and meet the (see Chapter 3). GHG project information should be
expectations or requirements of its users. Data, methods, compiled, analysed, and documented clearly and
criteria, and assumptions that are misleading or that do coherently so that reviewers may evaluate its credibility.
not conform to Project Protocol requirements are not Specific exclusions or inclusions should be clearly
relevant and should not be included. identified, assumptions should be explained, and appro-
priate references should be provided for both data and

4.2 Completeness
Consider all relevant information that may affect the
accounting and quantification of GHG reductions, and
complete all requirements

All relevant information should be included in the quan-

tification of GHG reductions. Among other things, this
means that all the GHG effects of a GHG project should
be considered and assessed (Chapter 5), all relevant
technologies or practices should be considered as base-
line candidates (Chapter 7), and all relevant baseline
candidates should be considered when estimating base-
line emissions (Chapters 8 and 9). The GHG project’s
monitoring plan should also specify how all data
relevant to quantifying GHG reductions will be collected
(Chapter 10). Finally, notwithstanding areas where
there is flexibility and discretion, all requirements
within relevant chapters should be completed to quan-
tify and report GHG reductions.

4.3 Consistency
Use data, methods, criteria, and assumptions that
allow meaningful and valid comparisons

The credible quantification of GHG reductions requires

that methods and procedures are always applied to a
GHG project and its components in the same manner,
that the same criteria and assumptions are used to
evaluate significance and relevance, and that any data
collected and reported will be compatible enough to
allow meaningful comparisons over time.
GHG Accounting Principles

assumptions. Information relating to the GHG

assessment boundary, the identification of baseline candi-
dates, and the estimation of baseline emissions should be
sufficient to enable reviewers to understand how all
conclusions were reached. A transparent report will
provide a clear understanding of all assessments support-
ing GHG reduction accounting and quantification. This
should be supported by comprehensive documentation of
any underlying evidence to confirm and substantiate the
data, methods, criteria, and assumptions used.

4.5 Accuracy
Reduce uncertainties as much as is practical

Uncertainties with respect to GHG measurements, esti-

mates, or calculations should be reduced as much as is
practical, and measurement and estimation methods
should avoid bias. Acceptable levels of uncertainty will
depend on the objectives for implementing a GHG proj-
ect and the intended use of quantified GHG reductions.
Greater accuracy will generally ensure greater credibility
for any GHG reduction claim. Where accuracy is sacri-
ficed, data and estimates used to quantify GHG
reductions should be conservative.

4.6 Conservativeness
Use conservative assumptions, values, and procedures
when uncertainty is high

GHG reductions should not be overestimated. Where

data and assumptions are uncertain and where the cost of
measures to reduce uncertainty is not worth the increase
in accuracy, conservative values and assumptions should
be used. Conservative values and assumptions are those
that are more likely to underestimate than overestimate
GHG reductions.

Part II

GHG Reduction
Accounting and Reporting
CHAPTER 5 Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary

CHAPTER 6 Selecting a Baseline Procedure

CHAPTER 7 Identifying the Baseline Candidates

CHAPTER 8 Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

CHAPTER 9 Estimating Baseline Emissions — Performance Standard Procedure

CHAPTER 10 Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions

CHAPTER 11 Reporting GHG Reductions

GHG Reduction Accounting and Reporting

The chapters in Part II are intended to guide project

developers sequentially through the requirements for
GHG project accounting, monitoring, and reporting.
Chapters 6 through 9 are completed for each project
activity comprising the GHG project. Some of the
requirements in different chapters are interrelated, and
some back-and-forth consultation of chapters may be
required. In particular, the definition of the GHG assess-
ment boundary (Chapter 5) may require modification
depending on the final identification of each project
activity’s baseline emissions (Chapters 8 or 9). The
following diagram provides a “road map” for how the
Part II chapters should be followed. The GHG account-
ing principles (Chapter 4) should inform decisions
throughout each of these chapters.

PA R T I I : GHG Reduction Accounting and Reporting 27

Steps for accounting and reporting GHG reductions from a GHG project

Define GHG Assessment Boundary

(Chapter 5)

Select Baseline Procedure
(Chapter 6)

Refine GHG Assessment

Boundary (as necessary)

Identify Baseline Candidates

Complete for each
(Chapter 7)
Project Activity

Estimate Baseline Emissions: Estimate Baseline Emissions:

Project-Specific Procedure Performance Standard Procedure
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)

Monitor and Quantify GHG Reductions

(Chapter 10)

The GHG accounting princi-

ples (Chapter 4) should
inform decisions throughout
Report GHG Reductions each step—including the
(Chapter 11) reporting of GHG reductions.
5 Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary

F or a comprehensive accounting of GHG reductions, it is necessary to set a GHG assess-

ment boundary that includes all the primary effects and significant secondary effects of

a GHG project.

Defining a GHG assessment boundary involves:

• identifying the project activity (or activities) that comprise the GHG project;

• identifying the primary and secondary effects associated with each project activity; and

• thoroughly analyzing the secondary effects to determine which are significant for the purpose of
estimating and quantifying GHG reductions.

28 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 5: Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary 29

The GHG assessment boundary encompasses GHG

effects, regardless of where they occur and who has
control over the GHG sources or sinks associated with
them. This inclusive GHG assessment boundary is
intended to encourage a more comprehensive assess-
ment of the GHG project’s effect on GHG emissions
and to minimize the possibility of overlooking any
significant GHG effects that may occur outside the
project’s physical location or beyond the control of the
project developer. However, what constitutes significant
is left to the discretion of the project developer.

Fulfilling the requirements of this chapter will depend

in part on fulfilling the requirements of Chapter 8 or 9
—which concern the estimation of baseline emissions—
since identifying primary and secondary effects depends
on the baseline scenario identified.

FIGURE 5.1 The GHG assessment boundary

Insignificant Secondary Effects

Significant Secondary Effects

Project Activity 1 PRIMARY EFFECT 1
Project Activity 2 PRIMARY EFFECT 2

Significant Secondary Effects

Insignificant Secondary Effects

The GHG assessment boundary includes all the primary effects and significant secondary effects associated with the GHG project,
which can consist of multiple project activities (two project activities are depicted). Insignificant secondary effects are not included
in the GHG assessment boundary.
Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary

Requirements Guidance

For complete, accurate, and transparent quantification 5.1 Identifying Project Activities
of project-based GHG reductions, the GHG assessment A project activity is a single intervention designed to

boundary (Figure 5.1) shall be clearly defined and cause GHG reductions (see Chapter 2 and Table 5.1
reported. The GHG assessment boundary shall include for examples), and a GHG project may be comprised

the primary and significant secondary effects of all of more than one project activity. GHG reductions are
project activities. The following steps are required for estimated and quantified1 for each project activity.

defining the GHG assessment boundary:

5.2 Identifying Primary Effects


5.1 Identify each project activity

The Project Protocol classifies six generic types of
associated with the GHG project.

primary effects:

• Reduction in combustion emissions from generating


5.2 Identify all primary effects grid-connected electricity.

related to each project activity.

• Reduction in combustion emissions from generating

energy or off-grid electricity, or from flaring.

5.3 Consider all secondary effects • Reductions in industrial process emissions from a
related to each project activity. change in industrial activities or management practices.

• Reductions in fugitive emissions.

5.4 Estimate the relative magnitude • Reductions in waste emissions.

of all secondary effects.
• Increased storage or removals of CO2 by
biological processes.

5.5 Assess the significance of all

secondary effects.
5.3 Considering All Secondary Effects
Exclude insignificant secondary effects from the GHG
Project activities often produce changes in GHG emis-
assessment boundary. Justify any exclusions.
sions aside from their primary effects—and these are
termed secondary effects. As with primary effects, these
secondary effects are defined as a difference in GHG
emissions between the baseline scenario and the project
activity. The baseline scenario used for estimating the
secondary effects is the same as that identified for the
related primary effect.

Secondary effects may be “positive” (e.g., involving a

reduction in GHG emissions) or “negative” (e.g., involv-
ing an increase in GHG emissions). Typically, secondary
effects are small in comparison to the primary effect, but
occasionally they may be large and negative enough to
render the project activity unviable as a GHG reduction
effort. Therefore, it is wise to consider the type and
magnitude of secondary effects before proceeding with
rest of the Project Protocol.

Courtesy of the World Bank

CHAPTER 5: Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary 31

TABLE 5.1 Examples of the relationship between GHG projects, project activities, and primary effects


Wind Power Project Generate grid-connected electricity from Reduction in combustion emissions from gener-
wind turbines ating grid-connected electricity

Energy Efficiency Project Improve energy efficiency of lighting by Reduction in combustion emissions from gener-
using energy-efficient light bulbs ating grid-connected electricity

Transportation Fuel Switch Project Change from fossil fuel to biofuel in buses Reduction in combustion emissions from gener-
ating energy or off-grid electricity, or from flaring

Industrial Fuel Switch Project Fuel switch to natural gas at an off-grid Reduction in combustion emissions from gener-
stationary combustion plant ating energy or off-grid electricity, or from flaring

Afforestation Project Change land-use to enhance Increased storage or removals of CO2 by

carbon storage biological processes

Forest Management Project Change forest management to enhance Increased storage or removals of CO2 by
carbon storage biological processes

Agricultural Tillage Project Change tillage practices to enhance Increased storage or removals of CO2 by
carbon storage biological processes

Landfill Gas Project a) Install equipment to capture methane a) Reduction in waste emissions
b) Generate grid-connected electricity b) Reduction in combustion emissions from
from captured methane generating grid-connected electricity

The guidance provided in this chapter will help project require any practices, processes, or consumption or
developers think comprehensively about secondary effects. production of energy or materials during its establish-
However, it is not necessary to undertake a complete life- ment and termination that will cause a change in GHG

cycle analysis when considering secondary effects. For emissions unrelated to the primary effect.
some project activities, reducing the uncertainty around
For some types of projects, large one-time effects may
the quantification of the primary effect may be more
arise during construction or establishment from the I
important than exhaustively examining secondary effects.
transportation of equipment, or manufacturing and use
The principle of relevance can be used to guide decisions
of cement used in construction. During the decommis-

about the extent of the secondary effects to consider.

sioning or termination phase, the one-time effects to
This principle takes into account the purpose of the GHG
consider may be associated with off-site waste disposal
project and the decision-making needs of the project

and dismantling equipment.

developers and may help them decide the extent to which
secondary effects should be considered. One-time effects during the establishment phase can also

be large for some land-use projects. For example, refor-

estation and afforestation projects often require the
5.3.1 ONE-TIME EFFECTS clearing of vegetation to prepare a site for planting. This

One-time effects are secondary effects related to GHG results in GHG emissions from the machinery used to
emissions that occur during the construction, installa- clear the site, as well as the release of stored carbon from
tion, and establishment or the decommissioning and the cleared vegetation and disturbed soils.

termination of the project activity. One-time effects are

identified by considering whether the project activity will
Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary

5.3.2 UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM EFFECTS • Project activities that cause changes in GHG emissions
Upstream and downstream effects are recurring second- from disposed waste—e.g., changes in CH4 emissions
ary effects associated with the operating phase of a from landfilled waste, even if these changes occur much

project activity and relate to either the inputs used later than the implementation of the project activity.
(upstream) or the products produced (downstream) by

a project activity. Upstream and downstream effects are

identified by considering whether there are any inputs UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM EFFECTS
consumed or products/by-products produced by the I N V O LV I N G M A R K E T R E S P O N S E S

project activity that will cause a change in GHG emis- In theory, nearly all upstream and downstream effects
sions unrelated to the primary effect during the project will involve, or be associated with, some kind of market
activity’s operating phase. response. Market responses occur when alternative

providers or users of an input or product react to

Some examples of where upstream and downstream
a change in market supply or demand caused by the
effects may arise include:

project activity.
• Project activities that use fossil or biomass fuels to
For example, a downstream market response occurs
generate electricity, heat, or steam. Upstream effects

when a forest protection project activity that reduces the

may result from changes in the extraction of fossil
supply of fibre causes logging to shift to other adjacent
fuels, the harvest of biomass, and the transportation
forests to meet unchanged fibre demand. An upstream

of either type of fuel—e.g., changes in the release of

market response could occur where the project activity
methane (CH4) during coal mining, the release of CO2
involves switching fuel from coal to biomass; the switch
from fuel combustion during harvesting, and the
to biomass may reduce the availability of this biomass to
release of CO2 from transporting coal or biomass.
existing users, who may then substitute a more GHG-
• Project activities that cause a change in the use of intensive fuel to meet their needs, increasing GHG
materials or products that give rise to GHG emissions emissions. These are both examples of negative market
as a result of physical or chemical processing during responses. An example of a positive market response is
their manufacture, use, or disposal. where a forest plantation increases the supply of fibre,
which in turn reduces logging at other sites.
• Project activities that cause a change in the use of
materials or products whose application gives rise to The extent to which an upstream or downstream effect
GHG emissions—e.g., changes in nitrous oxide (N2O) involves a market response depends on:
emissions associated with the application of nitrogen
• the extent to which products and services consumed
fertilizer; changes in HFC leakage from refrigeration
or produced by the project activity can be replaced
equipment, or changes in the use of lime in sulphur
by substitutes;
dioxide scrubbers in a coal fired boiler.
• the ability of alternative producers to change their
• Project activities that involve the transportation of
supply of a product or service;
materials, employees, products, and waste. Changes in
GHG emissions may arise from changes in the combus- • the ability of alternative consumers to change their
tion of fuels in vehicles, trains, ships, and aircraft. demand for a product or service; and

• Project activities that affect levels of fugitive or • the cumulative impact of similar projects.
vented emissions. For example, a project activity may
If a product or service consumed or produced by the
incidentally cause changes in GHG emissions from
project activity has many substitutes, many alternative
leaking joints, seals, packing, and gaskets; CH4 emis-
suppliers, or many consumers, then market responses are
sions vented from coal mines; or CH4 leaks from gas
likely to occur and the effects of these market responses
transport and storage.
on GHG emissions should be considered. For each input
used or product produced by the project activity, project
developers should describe whether the input or product

CHAPTER 5: Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary 33

is highly substitutable and indicate the extent to which 5.4 Estimating the Relative Magnitude
they believe a market response will or will not occur. of Secondary Effects
Project developers should attempt to estimate the
Market responses can often be small and difficult to
magnitude of secondary effects as a prelude to deter-
discern, especially if the quantity of inputs consumed or mining whether they are significant. Following are
products produced by a project activity is small relative some basic approaches for estimating the magnitude of
to the overall market. If an upstream or downstream secondary effects.
effect involving a market response is identified, the
market involved should be carefully described and
defined along with the project activity’s size relative to U S I N G D E FA U L T O R E X I S T I N G D AT A
the market. Where negative market responses cannot be Available default data or rough estimates often provide a
eliminated or mitigated by project design (Box 5.1), reasonable basis for quantifying secondary effects, and
every reasonable attempt should be made to estimate are usually the most cost-effective route to take. Default
their possible significance. Where estimating the market or existing data are useful for all secondary effects that
response is infeasible, the reasons for this should be do not involve a market response, including one-time
clearly documented and explained. If estimated, the effects. Default data are also appropriate for estimating
market response should be factored into the estimation the magnitude of small secondary effects, which can in
and final quantification of secondary effects. principle be aggregated together. In some cases, it may
be possible to use default data from existing market
assessments for upstream and downstream effects involv-
BOX 5.1 Mitigating market responses ing market responses.

GHG projects can sometimes mitigate market responses by

incorporating unique design elements. Project developers U S I N G E M I S S I O N FA C T O R S
should describe and explain any such design elements. Some Many secondary effects can be estimated as the product of
examples of these design elements include: an emission rate and the level of input used or product
• Providing alternative income streams to displaced workers. produced that is related to the change in GHG emissions.

For example, land-use projects can accommodate displaced This approach works well for upstream and downstream
workers by developing other employment opportunities, such secondary effects. The key to this approach is to determine
as ecotourism. how input or product levels differ between the project

activity and baseline scenario. For example, a change in
• Providing an alternative supply of the products or services methane emissions associated with the extraction of
reduced by the project activity. For example, an avoided defor- coal can be estimated as the product of an emission rate
estation project could meet the baseline scenario’s market I
for methane (e.g., tonnes of CO2eq/tonnes of coal used)
demand for fibre by including a forest plantation as an addi- and the difference between the amount of coal used in

tional GHG project activity. the project activity and baseline scenario. If market
• Using inputs for the project activity that have no alternative responses are involved, however, it may sometimes be
difficult to determine the change in quantities of inputs

use. For example, GHG projects that employ alternative inputs

to GHG-intensive materials or fuels might use waste biomass, or products between the baseline scenario and the project
such as rice husks, as the alternative input. activity. Estimating this change may require some kind of

market assessment.
Design solutions are likely to be more feasible for market
responses caused by a nearby shift of physical activities,

because it is easier to identify and manage changes that take UNDERTAKING A MARKET ASSESSMENT
place close to the GHG project’s physical site. A market assessment involves the economic modelling
(e.g., equilibrium or econometric modelling) of the rele-

vant market’s response to the project activity’s impact

on supply or demand for an input or product. Many
markets will not respond with a one-for-one substitution
Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary

demand will not appreciably affect the behaviour of

other actors in the market.


Any method used to estimate secondary effects is prone

to uncertainty. Because of this, the conservativeness prin-
ciple should guide any effort to estimate their magnitude.

For instance, it is advisable to use upper-bound estimates

for project activity GHG emissions and lower-bound or
zero estimates for baseline emissions.2 Use of a conserva-

tive estimate for baseline emissions is appropriate

whenever it is difficult to determine the baseline scenario

conditions related to a secondary effect. This is particu-

larly relevant when the performance standard procedure
is used to estimate baseline emissions for a project

activity. In this case, it may be simplest to assume that

the baseline emissions for secondary effects are zero,

as the baseline scenario conditions may be ambiguous.

5.5 Assessing the Significance

of Secondary Effects
Only significant secondary effects are included in the GHG
and/or may substitute other products or supply sources assessment boundary. However, the significance of a
with very different GHG profiles. While this approach secondary effect can be subjective and can depend on the
will provide estimates of how a project activity affects project activity’s context. The following criteria may be
supply and demand of products, it presents some chal- used to help determine whether a secondary effect is
lenges. For instance: significant or not:

• Developing an economic model for a specific market • The secondary effect involves a positive difference
may be unrealistically costly if a model does not between baseline emissions and project activity
already exist. emissions. From an environmental standpoint, the
purpose of considering secondary effects is to identify
• Even conducting an analysis with existing models may
those that would negate the project activity’s primary
be costly.
effect. If a specific secondary effect can be shown to
• Different models and assumptions often yield different be positive (i.e., it would increase the estimate of GHG
results. reductions if included), but would be costly to monitor
and quantify, it may be more practical to exclude it
• Currently there are no off-the-shelf guidelines or
from the GHG assessment boundary. Such exclusions
approaches to determine what models and assumptions
should result in a conservative estimate of GHG reduc-
to use.
tions for the overall GHG project.
• Uncertainty associated with the modelling effort may
• The secondary effect is small relative to the associ-
still be very high.
ated primary effect. If a secondary effect is small in
In most cases, market assessments are only necessary absolute terms and in relation to the primary effect
where the changes in supply or demand caused by a and all other secondary effects, it may be excluded
project activity are significant relative to the overall from the GHG assessment boundary. However, it is
size of the market. Very small changes in supply or important to take into account the cumulative effect of

CHAPTER 5: Defining the GHG Assessment Boundary 35

excluding “small” secondary effects. In some cases, expected magnitude of both secondary effects should
it may be advisable to develop a single proxy estimate be clearly substantiated.
for the changes in GHG emissions associated with
multiple “small” secondary effects. Any criteria used 1
GHG reductions are estimated with ex ante information, and are quantified
to determine that a secondary effect is “small” in
ex post with information compiled during monitoring. See Chapter 10 for
magnitude should be explained.
more information on quantification and monitoring.
• The secondary effect involves a negligible market 2
If the secondary effect involves GHG removals and storage, conservative
response. If a secondary effect is expected to arise
estimates would be reversed: lower-bound or zero estimates for the project
from a market response to the project activity and this
activity and upper-bound estimates for baseline emissions.
market response will be small or negligible, the
secondary effect may be insignificant. This will most
often be the case where the project activity’s produc-
tion or consumption of products or services is
insignificantly small relative to the total markets for
those products or services. The only exception to this
would be where the absolute change in GHG emissions
associated with even a small market response would be
significant relative to the project activity’s primary
effect. This is most likely where the primary effect is
linked to reducing the supply of a GHG-emitting prod-
uct or service, in which case the market response will
usually be to meet demand using other suppliers,
negating the primary effect.

Any exclusion of a secondary effect should be justified,

and the justification should include an assessment of

whether the effect could become significant in the future
due to changing circumstances.

In some instances, two significant secondary effects— I
one positive and one negative—associated with related

GHG sources or sinks may effectively counterbalance

each other. For example, a project activity that
switches the fuel used for stationary combustion from

coal to biomass may give rise to two secondary effects:

(1) a reduction in rail transportation GHG emissions
associated with transporting coal (positive), and (2) an

increase in rail transportation GHG emissions associ-

ated with transporting biomass (negative). If these two

secondary effects were of the same magnitude, they

would cancel each other out. If it can be demonstrated
that two related significant secondary effects will coun-

terbalance each other, their net effect could be

considered insignificant and they could be excluded
from the GHG assessment boundary. However, the

Warren Gretz, National Renewable Energy Lab

6 Selecting a Baseline Procedure

I n Chapters 8 and 9, the Project Protocol presents two procedures for estimating baseline

emissions associated with a project activity’s primary effect: the project-specific and perform-

ance standard procedures. This chapter provides brief guidance on when one procedure may

be preferable to the other.

36 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 6: Selecting a Baseline Procedure 37

For each primary effect associated with a project may include financial or other information that proj-
activity the project developer shall select and justify ect developers wish to keep confidential. If the
the choice of baseline procedure used to estimate
baseline emissions. credible identification of the baseline scenario under
the project-specific procedure is not possible without
the use of confidential data, project developers may
Guidance prefer to use the performance standard procedure.
However, in some cases gathering sufficient data from
Selecting and Justifying a Baseline Procedure
competitors to determine a performance standard
The performance standard procedure may be
may also be complicated due to confidentiality issues.
preferred when:
The project-specific procedure may be preferred when:
1. A number of similar project activities are being
implemented. Where a number of similar project 4. The number of baseline candidates is limited, or
activities in the same geographic area are being GHG emission rate data for baseline candidates are
undertaken, developing a performance standard may difficult to obtain. The performance standard proce-
be the most cost-effective route. If a GHG program dure requires verifiable GHG emission rate data on
approves a performance standard for one project each individual facility or site within a given
activity, it may be used for numerous similar project geographic area and temporal range, or a large
activities in the same area (assuming they are all enough sample of data to represent each facility or
developed within the time period for which the site statistically. The project-specific procedure, on
performance standard is valid). the other hand, requires verifiable information relat-
ing to each representative type of technology or
2. Obtaining verifiable data on project activity
practice in the chosen geographic area and temporal
alternatives is difficult. The project-specific proce-
range. In cases where the data set of facilities or sites
dure requires a structured analysis of the barriers

may be too small—or access to GHG emission rate
and possibly the benefits associated with the project
data is too limited—developing a robust performance
activity and its alternatives. This requires access to
standard may be difficult. In these situations, the
verifiable data on the barriers faced by these alterna-

project-specific procedure may be more appropriate.
tives, as well as the expected benefits of these
alternatives, including in some cases economic or
financial performance data. While identifying barri-
ers and expected benefits for the project activity may
In some cases, it may be possible to combine the project-
be relatively straightforward, undertaking the same

specific and performance standard procedures to

analysis for its alternatives may be more challenging
estimate baseline emissions. This would involve using a
and time consuming. The performance standard
performance standard to characterize one of the alterna-

procedure requires verifiable data on the GHG emis-

tives (e.g., the continuation of current activities) in the
sion rates of individual alternatives, but not on their
project-specific procedure. Using a combination of the
potential barriers or benefits. Thus, when access to
baseline procedures may be useful when the baseline

information on the barriers and benefits for alterna-

scenario could be represented by a blend of alternative
tives is limited, the performance standard procedure
technologies, management or production practices, or
may be preferred.

delivery systems (e.g., grid-connected electricity genera-

3. Confidentiality concerns arise with respect to the tion). If a combination of baseline procedures is used,
project activity. Under the project-specific proce- both procedures should be performed in their entirety.

dure, any data relating to barriers and possibly net

benefits should be reported. In some cases, these data
7 Identifying the Baseline Candidates

B oth the project-specific and performance standard baseline procedures presented in

Chapters 8 and 9 rely on the identification of baseline candidates. Baseline candi-

dates are alternative technologies or practices within a specified geographic area and

temporal range that could provide the same product or service as the project activity. They can

involve both existing and potential technologies and practices. This chapter describes how to

formulate a complete list of baseline candidates appropriate for either baseline procedure.

38 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 7: Identifying the Baseline Candidates 39

Requirements Guidance
For each project activity, the project developer shall Although the requirements for this chapter follow a
develop a complete list of baseline candidates that will sequential order, identifying a final list of baseline candi-
be used in the baseline procedures to represent possible dates is not a strictly linear process. Some iteration
alternatives to the project activity. The following steps between the steps outlined in the requirements will
are required: usually be necessary to arrive at a final definition of the
geographic area and temporal range, and a final list of
7.1 Define the product or service
baseline candidates.
provided by the project activity.
Identifying an exhaustive list of baseline candidates can
be both costly and time consuming. It is often necessary
7.2 Identify possible types to try to balance time and cost with the need to identify
of baseline candidates. a representative list of baseline candidates. Where trade-
offs are necessary, it is best to be transparent about any
decisions relating to the final list of baseline candidates.
7.3 Define and justify the geographic The accounting principles in Chapter 4 provide helpful
area and the temporal range used guidance when making these decisions.
to identify baseline candidates.
Baseline candidates may be defined somewhat differ-
ently, depending on which baseline procedure is used
(Chapter 8 or 9). Project developers should carefully
7.4 Define and justify any other criteria
review the guidance for identifying the final list of base-
used to identify baseline candidates.
line candidates (section 7.5) for an understanding of the
key differences.

7.5 Identify a final list

of baseline candidates.
7.1 Defining the Product or Service

Provided by the Project Activity
Baseline candidates provide a product or service identi-
7.6 Identify baseline candidates that

cal (or nearly identical) to that of the project activity. To
are representative of common
identify baseline candidates, it is therefore important to
practice (for the project-specific
first clearly define the product or service provided by the
baseline procedure). I
project activity. The product or service can take many
forms, depending on the type of project activity, and in

some cases may not be intuitively obvious. In most cases,

the product or service should be defined narrowly to
include only the immediate or direct outputs associated

with the project activity. Project developers should be

careful not to identify a product or service that is
provided by a larger facility or system of which the

project activity is only a component. For example, for

a project activity that substitutes a low-GHG-emitting

fuel for a high-GHG-emitting fuel in vehicles, the service

provided would be energy used for transportation, not
transportation itself. Thus, alternative fuels would be

considered as baseline candidates, but alternative modes

of transportation would not.
Identifying the Baseline Candidates

TABLE 7.1 Examples of the product or service and baseline candidates for some types of project activities


Wind Power Project Generate grid-connected elec- Kilowatt-hours of electricity Reduction in combustion
tricity from wind turbines emissions from generating

grid-connected electricity

Energy Efficiency Improve energy efficiency of Lighting (e.g., amount of illumina- Reduction in combustion

Project lighting by using energy- tion per square meter of floor emissions from generating
efficient light bulbs space) grid-connected electricity

Transportation Fuel Change from fossil fuel to Kilojoules of energy to Reduction in combustion emis-
Switch Project biofuel in buses power transportation sions from generating energy or
off-grid electricity, or from flaring

Industrial Fuel Fuel switch to natural gas Tonnes of steam required for Reduction in combustion emis-
Switch Project at an off-grid stationary industrial processes sions from generating energy or

combustion plant off-grid electricity, or from flaring

Afforestation Change land-use to enhance Product/service changes depend- Increased storage or removals of
Project carbon storage ing on the land-use but the area of CO2 by biological processes
land is equivalent*

Forest Management Change forest management to Forestry commodities from a given Increased storage or removals of
Project enhance carbon storage area of land** CO2 by biological processes

Agricultural Tillage Change tillage practices to Agricultural commodities from a Increased storage or removals of
Project enhance carbon storage given area of land CO2 by biological processes

Landfill Gas a) Install equipment to a) Collection and disposal of a) Reduction in waste emissions
(LFG) Project capture methane waste gases* b) Reduction in combustion
b) Generate grid-connected b) Kilowatt-hours of electricity emissions from generating grid-
electricity from connected electricity
captured methane

*For these project activities, there may or may not be equivalence in the type of product or service provided by the project activity and the baseline candidates.
**For these project activities, there may or may not be equivalence in the quantity or quality of product or service provided by the project activity and the baseline candidates.

7.2 Identifying Possible Types • What alternative new or existing technologies,

of Baseline Candidates management or production practices, or delivery
Possible baseline candidates can be identified by thinking systems would provide products or services similar
broadly about the different alternatives that have a to the project activity?
comparable product or service to the project activity
• What alternative management, production, or delivery
(Table 7.1). The following questions can help in this effort:
systems do others use to provide the same product(s)
and/or service(s) as the project activity?
CHAPTER 7: Identifying the Baseline Candidates 41

For both the project-specific and the performance stan-

dard procedures, baseline candidates should provide
E X A M P L E S O F B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E T Y P E S the same product or service as the project activity.
Exceptions may occur in certain limited situations.
Other electricity-generating technologies on the grid, such as In some cases, for example, baseline candidates may
fossil fuel or other renewable energy technologies provide a product or service that is comparable but not
identical to the project activity’s product or service—
• Incandescent light bulbs e.g., different lighting technologies with different
• Compact fluorescent light bulbs characteristics. Generally, the availability and nature
• Halogen light bulbs of substitute products or services for the project
activity should be considered in identifying baseline
• Diesel candidates with the “same” product or service. For
• Gasoline transparency, project developers should outline when
• Ethanol and why the product or service provided by baseline
• Biodiesel candidates will not be the same as the project activity.

• Other fossil fuels, such as coal or oil

• Renewable energy sources 7.3 Defining the Geographic Area
and Temporal Range
In developing a final list of baseline candidates, it is
• Continuation of current land-use important to identify specific types of baseline candi-
• Cropland growing different food crops dates within a geographic area and temporal range
• Pastureland relevant to the project activity.

• Continuing current forest management The most important criterion in defining the geographic
• Variations in forest management, such as increasing thinning or area and temporal range is that they should contain a
fertilisation sufficient number and diversity of baseline candidates to

allow a credible analysis and estimate of baseline emis-
• Continuing current tillage practices sions. If the following guidelines result in an area or
• No-till / zero tillage range yielding too few baseline candidates, the area or

• Mouldboard ploughing range should be expanded. For example, the temporal
• Conventional tillage range may need to be expanded from recent historical
• Ridge tillage plants, technologies, equipment, or practices to include I
a) • Continuation of current activities new or under-construction plants, equipment being
• Flaring of LFG installed, or technologies or practices being imple-

• Use of LFG for fuel mented. Similarly, the geographic area could be
b) Other electricity-generating technologies on the grid, such as expanded to include other areas that exhibit circum-

fossil fuel or renewable energy technologies stances similar to those surrounding the project activity
(e.g., technological, resource, socioeconomic, or political
circumstances). Defining the appropriate geographic

area and temporal range may be an iterative process.

• What is the production, management, or delivery


system most commonly used to serve the same market 7.3.1 DEFINING THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA
as the project activity? The geographic area determines the locations of plants,
equipment, or practices that are included in the final

• If any, what is/are the status-quo technologies, manage-

list of baseline candidates. Generally it will make sense
ment or production practices, or delivery systems?
to start with national political boundaries to define the
Identifying the Baseline Candidates

geographic area, and to modify this area as appropri- sents the extent of infrastructure may be the most
ate (see Figure 7.1). Depending on circumstances appropriate geographic area. For instance, the power
surrounding the project activity and various aspects grid is appropriate for grid-connected electricity proj-

of the baseline candidates, the appropriate geographic ects. Similarly, market boundaries are appropriate if
area may be narrower (e.g., an area within a country baseline candidates are constrained or isolated by a

or an electricity grid), or wider (e.g., an international clearly defined market region.

region or global area).
4. Where the baseline candidates vary according to

Some general rules of thumb for defining the geographic biophysical characteristics, such as climatic variation
area include: (e.g., temperature or precipitation) or geological vari-
ation (e.g., soils, topography, or altitude), some form
1. Where the baseline candidates reflect a mature tech-

of representative ecological zone may be the most

nology or practice that is similar across regions or is
appropriate geographic area. Land-use and forestry
rapidly converging, a regional or global geographic
projects are often defined by the homogeneity in soil,

area may be the most appropriate geographic area.

vegetation, and/or climatic conditions.
2. Where the baseline candidates vary because of
A number of factors may influence the choice of geographic

human-influenced factors, some form of jurisdic-

area. The principles of transparency and relevance should
tional/administrative boundary may be the most
be used to weigh the importance of these factors.
appropriate geographic area. Human-influenced

factors may include legal factors (e.g., government

policies, laws or regulations); socio-cultural factors
(e.g., social norms, traditions, individual habits, atti-
The temporal range defines the appropriate time period
tudes, values, vested interests, human capital); or
from which to select the relevant baseline candidates,
economic factors (e.g., household incomes, energy and
and is based on installation, implementation, or estab-
other factor prices, employment, imperfect markets,
lishment dates of the various technologies, equipment, or
financing, demand for specific services). For instance,
practices. For instance, if a 5-year temporal range were
if legislation affects a certain sector in a given
selected, only those technologies, pieces of equipment, or
state/province of a country, that state/province may be
practices that became operational or were implemented
more representative than the country.
in the last 5 years would be used. The temporal range is
3. Where the baseline candidates are constrained by the usually based on one or more of the following:
availability of physical infrastructure, such as supply
• Recent plants, technologies, equipment, or recently
networks for electricity and fuels, an area that repre-
established practices (e.g., during the last 5 to 7 years).

FIGURE 7.1 Defining the geographic area

Start Here

➡ ➡ ➡
National Regional Global
within a nation

➡ ➡
Other (e.g., ecological zone, market boundary)
(e.g., ecological zone, market boundary)


Start with national political boundaries to define the geographic area, and modify this area as appropriate to obtain a reasonable
list of baseline candidates reflecting technological, jurisdictional, infrastructural, and physical/territorial considerations.

CHAPTER 7: Identifying the Baseline Candidates 43

Suzie Greenhalgh, WRI

These data are observable and verifiable, whereas the Project developers should start with a temporal range
data for under-construction, near-future, or future that includes the recently built plants and equipment, or

equipment or practices can only be estimated or recently established practices (e.g., the last 5 years).
projected. Where possible, recently built plants and Where necessary, the temporal range may be expanded
newly established practices are the best baseline candi- to include under-construction plants, equipment being

dates to use. installed or practices being implemented and/or planned
future plants, equipment, or practices to capture any
• Under-construction plants, equipment being
trends in the sector that are indicative of future technol-
installed, or technologies or practices being imple-
ogy, management, or regulatory paths (see Figure 7.2). I
mented. Although these baseline candidates may be
more difficult to find data for and fully characterize, Some general rules of thumb to use for defining the

they may provide a better indication of trends in temporal range include:

technology, practices, or fuel mix than existing
1. If a single technology or practice dominates a sector

baseline candidates.
or region where no significant changes have taken
• Planned future plants, technologies, equipment, or place—e.g., one fuel source, such as coal (with no
proposed practices. Data on planned baseline candi- change in combustion efficiencies over time) or hydro,

dates tend to be relatively uncertain, since plans can dominates a power grid—a longer temporal range can
be modified before or during the implementation or be used, since there has been little change over time.

construction phase. If these data are used, they should

2. If there is a large and varied number of alternative
be based on published government or company plans.
technologies or practices providing similar products
For larger plants or operations, information may also
or services in a sector or region, a longer temporal

be available from environmental impact assessments,

range should be used to ensure that the baseline
operating permits, or similar documents.
candidates are representative of the range of resource
Identifying the Baseline Candidates

FIGURE 7.2 Defining the temporal range


Start Here

Under-construction Near-future or

➡ ➡ ➡
Longer historic plants, equipment being planned plants,

(e.g., last 5 to
period installed. or practices equipment or
7 years)
being implemented practices


Start with a temporal range that includes the recently built plants, equipment, or recently established practices. Where necessary,
choose a longer historical period or expand the temporal range to include under-construction plants, equipment being installed or

practices being implemented, and/or planned future plants, equipment, or practices.


options available. This may include under-construc- 7.4 Defining Other Criteria Used to

tion plants, equipment being installed or practices Identify Baseline Candidates

being implemented or planned future plants, equip- Other factors, such as legal requirements and common
ment, or practices. practice, may be helpful in identifying the baseline
candidates, or may guide the definition of the geographic
3. If technology is changing very rapidly and the sector
area and temporal range.
is relatively homogeneous in its use of the technology,
the temporal range may need to be shorter in order
to capture the trend in the sector.
7.4.1 B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S
4. If a sector experiences a discrete policy or legal AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
change or autonomous change in technology, practices, The presence of enforced laws or regulations that affect
or resource mix, a temporal range that corresponds baseline candidates can be a basis for defining the
to the point of change should be used. This range may geographic area and temporal range. The geographic
include under-construction plants, equipment being area should align with, or lie within, the jurisdiction to
installed or practices being implemented. which the law or regulation applies, and the temporal
range should not extend prior to any date covered by the
If information on emission rates is available, the tempo-
law or regulation. The result will be that any baseline
ral range can also be defined by assessing the trends in
candidates that do not comply with the regulations may
emission rates. Stable trends can use a longer temporal
be eliminated from the final list.
range; upward or downward trends can use a shorter
temporal range; scattered trends can use a longer tempo- Where legal requirements are not enforced, it may not
ral range; and if a break point (or a distinct change in be appropriate to use legal jurisdictions or dates of
GHG emission rates) exists, the year in which the break enactment to constrain the geographic area or temporal
point occurred can be used to define the first year of the range. If laws and regulations are not enforced, this lack
temporal range. of enforcement should be documented.

Once again the circumstances surrounding the project Relevant legal requirements will include any applicable
activity influence the choice of temporal range, and the national/state/provincial/local regulations or laws that
principles of relevance and transparency should be used directly or indirectly affect GHG emissions and that
when making decisions regarding the temporal range. require technical, performance, or management actions.
These may involve the use of a specific technology (e.g.,

gas turbines instead of diesel generators), meeting a
certain standard of performance (e.g., fuel efficiency
standards for vehicles), or managing operations accord-
ing to a certain set of criteria or practices (e.g., forest
management practices).

These legal requirements should be laws that have been

passed by a legislative body, have been enacted, and are
being enforced at a national, state/provincial, or local
level. Generally, they should not include voluntary agree-
ments with no enforcement mechanism, laws or
regulations under discussion, and general government
policies—none of which are considered mandatory.

Baseline candidates comply with legal requirements

when either:

• there are no applicable mandatory laws or regulations

concerning the baseline candidates in the defined
geographic area and temporal range (or concerning
the GHG source in the country/area where the affected
source is located); or

• the technology or practices employed by the baseline

candidates perform as well as any standard and meet
all the conditions prescribed by existing and enforced
mandatory laws and regulations.

A number of challenges arise with defining legal 7.4.2 B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S

requirements, including: AND COMMON PRACTICE
• unclear and/or contradictory written law(s) In some cases it may be advisable to eliminate from the

or regulation(s); list of relevant baseline candidates those whose GHG
emissions are higher than those of “common practice”
• questions regarding how to treat pending legislation; technologies or practices. This will generally be the case
• varying levels of enforcement of particular laws only if the project-specific procedure is used to estimate I
and regulations; and baseline emissions.

• laws or regulations applying to project activities where Common practice refers to the predominant technologies
the sites, facilities, production, or delivery systems or practices in a given market, as determined by the
degree to which those technologies or practices have

affected and the GHG sources or sinks affected are

located in different regulatory jurisdictions. penetrated the market (defined by a specified geographic
area). Collecting data on all baseline candidates within
If legal requirements are used to constrain the geographic

the geographic area and calculating a relative percent-

area and temporal range, or to constrain the final list of age for each different technology or practice will give
baseline candidates, project developers should be trans- the level of penetration for each technology or practice.

parent about how they decided which legal requirements This percentage could be based on the number of plants
to consider. Additional discussion and further guidance or sites using each technology or practice, or could be
on legal requirements can be found in Annex A. weighted by the proportion of the total output for the

market that is attributed to each technology or practice.

Identifying the Baseline Candidates

The level of penetration that represents common prac- instance of a technology or practice may be chosen as
tice may differ between sectors and geographic areas, representative. In other cases, it may make sense to
and may depend on the diversity of different baseline define a representative type using average performance

candidates within a geographic area. For example, in characteristics or GHG emissions from a number of
one area a certain technology may have a 60 percent individual plants. For example, the GHG emission rate

market share, while in another area it may only have a of technology X may be characterized as the average
15 percent market share. In both instances, the technol- GHG emission rate of plants A, B, and C. Sometimes
ogy may be common practice. Low rates of penetration there are wide variations in performance for a certain

or market shares that represent common practice type of technology—e.g., coal-fired boilers with a wide
usually occur in areas where there is a large diversity of range of fuel-use efficiencies. For these technologies, it
baseline candidates. If there are few alternative tech- will often make sense to define baseline candidates

nologies or practices, the common practice penetration corresponding to different performance levels—or for
rate may be quite high. specific makes and models—of the technology.

Representative types of technologies or practices should

Common practice technologies or practices may or may
always be present in some form within the appropriate
not correspond to what is legally required.
geographic area and temporal range.

Finally, for the project-specific procedure, each baseline

7.5 Identifying the Final List candidate should also be capable of providing an equiv-

of Baseline Candidates alent quantity of product or service as the project

activity. In certain situations, this may mean that a
7 . 5 . 1 R E L AT I O N S H I P B E T W E E N B A S E L I N E single baseline candidate is defined as a number of simi-
C A N D I D AT E S A N D B A S E L I N E P R O C E D U R E S lar smaller plant technologies or practices that in
The number of baseline candidates to be identified and aggregate provide an equivalent quantity of product or
how baseline candidates are defined may differ, depend- service as the project activity.
ing on the procedure used to identify baseline emissions.
For the performance standard, the baseline candidates
include all individual plants, instances of a technology, 7.5.2 SELECTING A FINAL LIST
or practices that provide the same product or service as The final baseline candidates used to estimate baseline
the project activity. For the project-specific procedure, emissions are those that fall within the defined
baseline candidates usually include a more limited geographic area and temporal range and provide the
number of individual instances and/or representative same product or service as the project activity.
types of plants, technologies, or practices. Completeness, relevance, and transparency are the most
important principles to use when identifying the base-
For example, there may be six plants producing the
line candidates. The final list of baseline candidates,
same product as the project activity—three plants
their characteristics, and a description of how they were
utilizing technology X (plants A, B and C), two plants
identified within the geographic area and temporal
using technology Y (plants D and E) and one plant
range should be documented before undertaking one of
using technology Z (plant F). The baseline candidates
the baseline procedures.
for the performance standard would include the six
individual plants (plants A, B, C, D, E and F). For the In some cases, the number of specific baseline candi-
project-specific procedure, the baseline candidates dates within the geographic area and temporal range
could be the representative technologies—X, Y and Z may be quite large. In these cases, a statistical
(see Figure 7.3). sampling may be used to define the final list of baseline
candidates used in the baseline procedures. Methods
For the project-specific procedure, representative types
used to identify a sample of baseline candidates should
of technologies or practices should be carefully defined
be fully described and explained.
and explained. In some cases, an individual plant or

CHAPTER 1: Introduction 47

FIGURE 7.3 Relationship between baseline candidates and baseline procedures

Project-Specific Procedure
Technology Type X Technology Type Y Technology Type Z Baseline Candidates:
Representative Types of Plants/
Performance Standard Procedure
A B C D E F Baseline Candidates: Individual
Plants/Instances of a Technology
or Practice
For the performance standard baseline procedure, the baseline candidates include all individual plants, instances of a technology, or
practices that provide the same product or service as the project activity. For the project-specific procedure, baseline candidates include
a more limited number of representative types of plants, technologies, or practices.

7.6 Identifying the Baseline Candidates

that Represent Common Practice
If the project-specific procedure is used to estimate base-
line emissions, project developers should identify any
baseline candidates that represent what could be consid-
ered common practice. The guidance provided above in
section 7.4.2 can assist in defining common practice

technologies or practices. Instances where common prac-
tice cannot be meaningfully defined should be explained.

If the performance standard procedure is used to esti-
mate baseline emissions, identifying common practice
baseline candidates is not necessary. This is because
rates of market penetration for different baseline candi- I
dates (and thus what constitutes common practice) will
be directly reflected in the baseline emission rate derived

using that procedure.


Hisham Zerriffi, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development

8 Estimating Baseline Emissions—
Project-Specific Procedure

David Parsons, National Renewable Energy Lab

T he project-specific procedure produces an estimate of baseline emissions for a project

activity’s primary effect through the identification of a baseline scenario linked to the

specific circumstances surrounding the project activity. The baseline scenario is identified

through a structured analysis of the project activity and the baseline candidates identified in

Chapter 7. This procedure has two components. The first component involves identifying the

baseline scenario. The second component involves estimating the GHG emissions associated with

the baseline scenario.

48 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 49
Project-Specific Procedure

For each project activity, the following steps shall be 8.2.3 Justify the identified baseline scenario.
performed to identify the baseline scenario and estimate
baseline emissions:
8.3 Estimate baseline emissions.
Use assumptions, calculations, and emission factors
8.1 Perform a comparative assessment specific to the identified baseline scenario.
of barriers.
8.1.1 Identify all barriers that would affect deci-
sions to implement the project activity or any
of the baseline candidates.

8.1.2 Identify barriers to the continuation of

current activities.

8.1.3 Assess the relative importance of the identi-

fied barriers for each alternative.

8.2 Identify and justify

the baseline scenario.

8.2.1 Explain the significance of any barriers that
affect the project activity and how these

barriers will be overcome.

8.2.2 Identify the baseline scenario using the
results of the comparative assessment of

barriers. Where it is not possible to identify the
baseline scenario using the results of the
comparative assessment of barriers, either: I
a) identify the baseline scenario as the most

conservative viable alternative, which will

have the lowest GHG emissions or the highest

GHG removals compared to other viable

alternatives; or

b) identify the baseline scenario using a net bene-

fits assessment. The baseline scenario will be

the alternative with the greatest net benefits—

excluding any benefits resulting from GHG

reductions—relative to assessed barriers.

Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

Guidance BOX 8.1 The project-specific procedure,

additionality, and GHG programs
The baseline scenario is a reference case for the project

activity. It describes an activity or a set of activities that A determination of additionality is implicit in this procedure in the
result in GHG emissions (referred to as “baseline emis- sense that if the identified baseline scenario is not the project
activity, the project activity will be additional. However, the identi-

sions”), against which project activity emissions can be

compared for the purpose of quantifying GHG reduc- fication of the baseline scenario will always be subject to some
tions. Broadly speaking, there are three types of possible degree of subjectivity. It will be up to project developers and those

alternatives for a baseline scenario: reviewing a GHG project to decide what constitutes a significant
set of barriers for a project, whether barriers are insurmountable,
• The baseline scenario involves implementation of and ultimately how to weigh and compare the cumulative signifi-

the same technologies or practices involved in the cance of barriers for different alternatives (see section 8.1).
project activity. Similarly, subjective decisions will be required in any assessment
of net benefits, if such an assessment is employed to help identify

• The baseline scenario involves the configuration,

deployment, implementation, operation, and decom- the baseline scenario (see section 8.2.2). Because of the subjec-
missioning of new technologies or practices described tivity involved, strong attention should be paid to the principles of

by one of the baseline candidates from Chapter 7. transparency, conservativeness, completeness, and relevance in
performing the project-specific procedure.
• The baseline scenario involves the continuation of

current activities that, where relevant, provide the In performing this procedure, project developers may also wish
same type, quality, and quantity of product(s) or serv- to consider how it relates to the policy objectives of GHG
ice(s) as the project activity. programs concerning additionality, as outlined in Chapter 3. The
stringency of this procedure is determined by the weight of
evidence required to establish any particular claim concerning
C O N T I N U AT I O N O F C U R R E N T A C T I V I T I E S the final identification of the baseline scenario. GHG programs
The “continuation of current activities” can be thought that desire a stringent additionality determination may impose
of as the “do nothing” alternative. It will mean slightly specific informational requirements for substantiating any
different things depending on the type of project activity. claims, or may require that certain methods be used. They may
Examples include: also choose to require certain additionality tests prior to identi-
fying the baseline scenario (which could, for example, eliminate
• Provision of grid-connected electricity from existing certain baseline candidates from consideration).
power plants, where the project activity involves
construction of new generation equipment that would
displace grid-connected electricity.
dates. This is primarily because they are unlikely to face
• Continued operation of existing equipment, where the the same kinds of barriers as other baseline candidates,
project activity involves retrofitting the equipment to and in some instances will face unique types of barriers
improve its efficiency. that do not apply to other baseline candidates. The
• Continued emissions of methane from a landfill, where assessment of the continuation of current activities is
the project activity involves capturing and destroying thus qualitatively different from the assessment of other
this methane. alternatives for the baseline scenario.

• Continued operation of working forests, where the

project activity involves additional carbon sequestra- 8.1 Performing a Comparative Assessment
tion through enhanced forest management. of Barriers
In some cases, these kinds of possibilities may be identi- The comparative assessment of barriers determines to
fied as baseline candidates in Chapter 7. Within the what extent the project activity and each baseline candi-
project-specific procedure, however, they are considered date are affected by barriers to their implementation.
separately from a consideration of other baseline candi-

CHAPTER 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 51
Project-Specific Procedure

8.1.1 IDENTIFYING BARRIERS • The end of a piece of equipment’s useful lifetime, where
TO THE PROJECT ACTIVITY the GHG project involves retrofitting this equipment
A N D B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S (see Box 8.2).
Identified barriers should include anything that would
• Market or regulatory changes that force a shift in
discourage a decision to try to implement the project
existing production, management practices, or tech-
activity or baseline candidates. All possible barriers
nologies. These would be changes that necessitate
should be considered. The project activity and baseline
large-scale shutdown or replacement of existing facili-
candidates may each face multiple barriers. Table 8.1
ties and equipment, or force changes in current
lists major categories of possible barriers. How each
practices (e.g., if a law were passed requiring the
category is addressed in identifying and defining actual
destruction of HFC-23 at HCFC-22 production facili-
barriers should be explained.
ties). Such conditions should be fully explained.


8.1.3 A S S E S S I N G T H E R E L AT I V E I M P O R T A N C E
In most cases, there are no barriers to the continuation
In some cases, an identified barrier may eliminate an
of current activities. However, if barriers do exist, they
alternative from further consideration. This can occur if
are often prohibitive or insurmountable. Barriers to the
the barrier makes the alternative infeasible, or is other-
continuation of current activities could include:
wise prohibitive or insurmountable. However, barriers

TABLE 8.1 Barrier categories


Financial and Budgetary • High costs

• Limited or no access to capital

• High perceived risks, resulting in high borrowing costs or lack of access to credit or capital. Perceived
risks might be associated with, among other things:

• political instability • currency fluctuations
• regulatory uncertainty • poor credit rating of project partners
• unproven technologies or business models • general risk of project failure
Technology Operation • Lack of trained personnel capable of maintaining, operating, or managing a technology and lack of
and Maintenance education or training resources

Infrastructure • Inadequate supply or transport infrastructure for inputs, spare parts, fuels, etc.
• Lack of infrastructure required to integrate and maintain new technologies/practices

Market Structure • Market barriers or uncorrected market “failures” impede the adoption of the technology or practice in question

Institutional / Social / • Institutional or political opposition to the implementation of the technology or practice in question

Cultural / Political • Limited or no institutional capacity required to facilitate the technology or practice in question
• Low social acceptance of the technology or practice in question

• Aversion to high upfront costs or lack of awareness of benefits results in limited uptake of a product
or service (e.g., energy-efficient appliances)
• Lack of consensus on future management decisions (e.g., with respect to land-use)

Resource Availability • Irregular or uncertain supply of resources required to implement or operate a technology or practice

*This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Project developers or GHG programs may identify other forms of barriers that are not described here.
Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

are rarely “absolute” in the sense that they are impossi-

BOX 8.2 Retrofit project activities
ble to overcome. In most cases, therefore, the relative
and the continuation of current activities
importance of barriers should be assessed relative to

each other and for each possible alternative.

A retrofit project activity involves modifying existing equipment,
or replacing existing equipment with new parts, devices, or Such an assessment can be qualitative, although quantita-

systems that: tive components of an assessment should be incorporated

where possible. In many cases, an identified barrier either
• improve the equipment’s efficiency and lower its rate of GHG

will be specific to one alternative, or will affect all alter-

emissions; and/or
natives equally. If an identified barrier affects different
• increase the equipment’s utilization so that it produces more alternatives to different degrees, then any differences

of a particular product or service. should be characterized and fully explained. In principle,

this could mean distinguishing between:
Thus, many retrofit project activities result in two primary

effects: (1) lowering the rate of GHG emissions associated with • the likelihood that a particular barrier would be
the equipment, and (2) displacing GHG emissions from other present for a particular alternative, and
sources, for any amount of production greater than historical

• the significance or extent of the barrier where it

levels, due to increased utilization.
is present.
For the first primary effect, “continuation of current activities”

The degree to which an identified barrier affects each

would involve continued operation of the equipment that the
alternative may be characterized qualitatively using
project activity is retrofitting. For the second primary effect,
descriptive explanations and relative rankings (e.g.,
“continuation of current activities” would involve continued
high, medium, or low).
production from other existing facilities that the project activ-
ity’s expanded production displaces. The relative importance of the identified barriers should
be estimated by determining the cumulative effect of all
For the first primary effect, the most significant barrier to the
identified barriers on each alternative, and providing a
continuation of current activities would be the breakdown of
rough ranking of the alternatives according to the barriers
existing equipment (e.g., by reaching the end of its useful life-
they face. Assessments of the cumulative effects of barri-
time). If a piece of equipment would have to be replaced in the
ers should be substantiated and explained. One way to
near future, then in practical terms this would constitute an
present the final results is in matrix form, as in Table 8.2.
absolute barrier to the continuation of current activities, and
For the purpose of identifying a baseline scenario, it is not
the continuation of current activities should not be considered
always necessary to finely distinguish the rank of each
as a baseline scenario alternative.
baseline scenario alternative (e.g., in Table 8.2., base-
Predicting the remaining life of a piece of equipment can line candidates 2 and 3 both face “medium” barriers).
be challenging. It can depend on many variables, such as
maintenance practices, owner policies about repairing versus
replacing equipment, replacement schedules, the date of 8.2 Identifying the Baseline Scenario
installation, and cumulative operating hours. Estimates of Before attempting to identify a baseline scenario, project
remaining equipment life can be derived from manufacturers’ developers should check that the data needed to do so are
specifications, current commercial practice, regulatory stan- available. Available data should be relevant, reliable, and
dards governing equipment replacement, or the equipment’s verifiable and may involve industry, country, regional,
economically competitive life. The rationale for any equipment and local information. All possible sources for obtaining
life estimates should be explained. If the retrofit involves the necessary information should be documented. For the
replacing a component of a larger piece of equipment (e.g., comparative assessment of barriers, the data must be
installing more energy-efficient burners in a boiler), the life of adequate to describe the relevance of each barrier in its
the component (burner) should be used, rather than the life of local context, and to demonstrate how identified barriers
the entire equipment (boiler). affect (or do not affect) the project activity and each
baseline candidate. Annex B contains a list of useful
information sources. If net benefits are assessed, the

CHAPTER 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 53
Project-Specific Procedure

TABLE 8.2 Example of rough ranking of baseline scenario alternatives by cumulative significance of barriers
A L T E R N AT I V E S (H)* (L)* (M)* (L)* C U M U L AT I V E I M P A C T

Project Activity Present Present High Present (5) Highest barriers

Baseline Candidate 1 Not present Not present Low Present (2) Second-lowest barriers

Baseline Candidate 2 Not present Present Medium Present (4) Medium barriers

Baseline Candidate 3 Not present Not present Medium Present (3) Medium barriers

Continuation of Current Activities Not present Not present Not present Not present (1) Lowest (no) barriers

*Relative importance of barriers compared to each other:

H = Significant barrier; M = Moderately significant barrier; L = Less significant barrier
Note: Describing a barrier as “present” may be sufficient in instances where a barrier affects more than one alternative to roughly the same extent.

data must be adequate to substantiate the magnitude of tives (including the project activity) face significant or
benefits for each alternative. insurmountable barriers, it can be argued that the baseline
scenario is the alternative that faces few or no barriers.

However, the comparative assessment of barriers may be

inconclusive where:
HOW THEY WILL BE OVERCOME • Barriers facing the project activity are not significant.
The significance of any barriers facing the project activ- In this case, either the comparative assessment of
ity should be fully explained, and all measures and barriers will be inconclusive or the project activity (if
design features intended to overcome these barriers it is the only viable alternative) will be identified as the

should be documented. For example, to overcome project baseline scenario.
activity barriers, GHG projects may be designed to:
• More than one alternative faces barriers that are not

• contribute to the transfer of technologies or practices; significant or that could be realistically overcome.

• strengthen local manufacturing and maintenance In such cases there are two options for identifying the
capacities; baseline scenario: (a) using the most conservative viable I
alternative, or (b) conducting a net benefits assessment.
• introduce innovative financing arrangements;

All reasoning and conclusions behind the identification of

• raise awareness of new products, technologies, and
the baseline scenario should be fully explained. Any
contention that barriers for a particular alternative are

• increase consumer demand; and prohibitive or insurmountable should be substantiated, and

explanations should focus on how the barriers would
• increase competitive pressure for technological or
prevent the implementation of the alternative. Any barri-

management change in the local market.

ers for a particular alternative that are thought to be
surmountable but still significant should also be explained.


S C E N A R I O U S I N G T H E C O M P A R AT I V E a) Identifying the Baseline Scenario

as the Most Conservative Viable Alternative

The comparative assessment of barriers can be used to The alternative with the lowest level of GHG emissions
identify the baseline scenario. For example, if only one or the highest level of GHG removals is identified as the
alternative faces few or no barriers and all other alterna- baseline scenario. If the project activity does not face
Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

significant barriers, it will most likely be the most • expected financial returns (assessed either qualita-
conservative viable alternative. If the project activity is tively or quantitatively);
not considered a viable alternative, its exclusion from

• research and demonstration value for a new technol-

consideration should be fully explained.
ogy or practice;
b) Identifying the Baseline Scenario

• positioning in or entry into a specific market, strategic

Using a Net Benefits Assessment
alignment, other competitive benefits; and
Where the project activity does not face significant

barriers, or where it is not possible to identify a baseline • public relations benefits.

scenario using only the comparative assessment of barri-
Regardless of the kinds of benefits identified, the goal is
ers, it may be possible to identify the baseline scenario
to determine which of the possible alternatives has the

using an assessment of net benefits. This approach

highest net benefits—absent any benefit resulting from
demonstrates that the baseline scenario would involve a
GHG reductions (see Box 8.4)—and whether the project
particular alternative because it would have had the

activity or any of the baseline candidates would be

greatest net payoff, rather than the fewest barriers. A
preferable, from the standpoint of decision-makers, to
net benefits assessment should be conducted for each
continuing current activities.

alternative whose barriers can be realistically overcome.

A net benefits assessment identifies the baseline scenario

BOX 8.4 Excluding benefits

as the alternative that would provide the greatest incen-

resulting from GHG reductions
tives (identified as benefits) to its decision-makers relative
to any disincentives (already identified as barriers). The baseline scenario is intended to represent what would have
Identifying the baseline scenario involves three steps: been most likely to occur absent any consideration of the project
activity’s potential for climate change mitigation. For this
1. assessing benefits for each alternative, reason, any potential benefits resulting from GHG reductions are
2. comparing benefits to identified barriers, and excluded from the assessment of benefits. For example,
revenues generated from the sale of GHG reduction “credits”
3. identifying the alternative with the greatest benefits should be excluded from the assessment because they result
relative to barriers. from the GHG reductions. Similarly, research and demonstration
benefits should be excluded if they directly relate to climate
change mitigation. On the other hand, benefits that are associ-
BOX 8.3 Assessing benefits
ated with, but are not the direct result of GHG reductions should
with respect to the GHG project
still be assessed. For example, there may be costs savings asso-
The baseline scenario is specific to an individual project activity ciated with measures that also happen to reduce GHG
and primary effect. However, benefits are usually assessed as emissions. These savings should be assessed as benefits.
they relate to an entire GHG project or baseline candidate, rather
than a specific project activity or component activity of a base-
line candidate. This is because the decision to implement a
particular project activity almost always depends on a decision It is important to assess benefits only from the stand-
about implementing the entire GHG project with which it is asso- point of those responsible for making the decision
ciated. In some cases, meaningfully assigning benefits (e.g., whether to implement the GHG project or activities asso-
revenues or public relations value) for an entire GHG project to a ciated with a particular alternative. For example, a GHG
specific project activity may be difficult or impossible. project may incidentally provide widespread benefits to a
local community—e.g., by reducing local air pollution or
providing supplemental income to local residents (say,
from forestry products). These benefits, however, may
Step 1: Assessing Benefits for Each Alternative
not directly influence a decision to implement a project
Benefits from implementing the GHG project
activity (assuming the community is not in charge of the
(see Box 8.3) or baseline candidates can take many
decision). Rather, such benefits should be considered only
forms, including:
to the extent that they translate into direct benefits for

CHAPTER 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 55
Project-Specific Procedure

the decision-makers—i.e., the project developer—and

BOX 8.5 Example of a qualitative
thus contribute to a decision on whether to implement a
benefits assessment
project activity.
A GHG project that captures landfill gas (LFG) to generate elec-
Benefits may be assessed qualitatively and quantita- tricity would have two project activities: (1) capturing methane
tively. Some types of benefits (e.g., public relations that would otherwise be emitted; and (2) displacing GHG emis-
benefits) may be difficult or impossible to quantify, and sions from grid-connected electricity plants. The first project
should therefore be assessed qualitatively. A largely activity might have three baseline scenario alternatives: the
qualitative assessment (see Box 8.5) may be sufficient project activity itself (i.e., capturing methane as part of an LFG-
and appropriate if the relative net benefits of the GHG to-energy project); flaring the gas instead of using it for energy;
project and baseline candidates can be differentiated and doing nothing (continuing current activities). Because flar-
clearly enough to identify an unambiguous choice for the ing the gas would incur costs and generate no revenue, it would
baseline scenario (i.e., after benefits are netted against have negative net benefits. With some basic representative cost
identified barriers, in Step 3, below). analysis and reference to natural gas prices, the project devel-
A matrix, such as the one in Table 8.3, can be used to oper might be able to demonstrate that potential revenues from
present a ranking of the benefits of possible alternatives using the gas as a fuel would not cover the cost of installing
according to their relative magnitude. As with the identi- electricity generation equipment—again resulting in negative
fication of barriers, the final assessment and ranking financial benefits. Assuming there are no barriers to the contin-
may be qualitative rather than numerical, but should be uation of current activities (e.g., no laws requiring LFG flaring),
based on substantiated assessments for each alternative. it could be convincingly demonstrated that “doing nothing” is
the appropriate baseline scenario without the need for detailed
quantitative financial analysis.
Step 2: Comparing Benefits to Identified Barriers
The net benefits of each alternative can be determined by
comparing benefits to identified barriers. Net benefits that the expected benefits would offer insufficient incen-
may be positive or negative. Negative net benefits could tive for overcoming the identified barriers. Table 8.4

occur, for example, if implementing a baseline candidate offers a sample matrix for assessing net benefits and
would be expected to result in a financial loss, or would screening out unviable alternatives. Some alternatives
otherwise result in negative repercussions for decision- may have already been rejected at this point—e.g., if

makers (e.g., adverse publicity). Alternatives may be they faced insurmountable barriers.
excluded from further consideration if it is determined

TABLE 8.3 Example of rough ranking of alternatives by magnitude of benefits


Project Activity Small Low


Baseline Candidate 1 Large Highest

Baseline Candidate 2 Medium Middle


Baseline Candidate 3 Zero Lowest

Continuation of Current Activities Small Low


This table summarizes the results of a benefits assessment by ranking the baseline scenario alternatives according to the relative
magnitude of their benefits. It is not necessary to distinguish the rank of every alternative (e.g., the Project Activity and Continuation of

Current Activities are both ranked “Low”) to identify the baseline scenario, it is only necessary to find the alternative with the greatest
benefits relative to identified barriers.
*This assumes all alternatives did not face significant barriers.
Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

TABLE 8.4 Example of assessing net benefits and screening out unviable alternatives


Project Activity Small Highest barriers Large negative [Exclude]


Baseline Candidate 1 Large Second-lowest barriers Large positive

Baseline Candidate 2 Medium Medium barriers Zero


Baseline Candidate 3 Zero Medium barriers Negative [Exclude]

Continuation of Current Activities Small Lowest (no) barriers Small positive


This table summarizes the comparison of benefits to identified barriers for each baseline scenario alternative. The resulting “net benefits”
may be positive or negative. Negative net benefits could occur, for example, if implementing a baseline candidate would be expected to

result in a financial loss, or would otherwise result in negative repercussions for decision-makers. Alternatives may be excluded from
further consideration if it is determined that benefits would offer insufficient incentive for overcoming the identified barriers.

Comparing financial benefits and barriers (e.g., revenues benefits will not necessarily be the baseline scenario if it

and costs) is usually straightforward. In many cases, faces more significant barriers than other alternatives. If
however, benefits will be “netted” against barriers quali- all alternatives have negative net benefits, the alterna-
tatively. Such analysis may be subjective and should be tive with the least negative net benefits should be
fully explained for the sake of transparency. If financial identified as the baseline scenario. A table like Table 8.5
returns are a significant source of benefits for more than could be provided to summarize the analysis used to
one alternative, it may be desirable for the sake of trans- identify the baseline scenario. A full explanation of how
parency and credibility to quantify net financial benefits the baseline scenario was identified should be provided
using an investment analysis. Guidelines for conducting for transparency.
an investment analysis are provided in Annex C.
If making an unambiguous distinction between the net
benefits of two or more alternatives is difficult, two
Step 3: Identifying the Baseline Scenario options are available for identifying the baseline scenario:
Each possible alternative should be assessed with respect
• Undertake a more detailed assessment of the barriers
to how decision-makers would weigh benefits against
and benefits to try to distinguish more clearly between
perceived barriers. The baseline scenario will have the
the alternatives—provided the additional level of
greatest net benefits relative to the disincentives
detail can be substantiated with available information.
presented by barriers. The alternative with the highest

TABLE 8.5 Sample summary of the net benefits assessment


Baseline Candidate 1 Large positive net benefits Baseline scenario will involve implementation of
Baseline Candidate 1

Continuation of Current Activities Small positive net benefits Viable, but not most attractive to decision-makers

Baseline Candidate 2 Zero net benefits Least attractive viable alternative for decision-makers

This table summarizes the final results of the net benefits assessment and indicates the identified baseline scenario, in this case
Baseline Candidate 1. The identified baseline scenario is the alternative with the highest net benefits.


Courtesy of Holcim Cement

• Choose the most conservative viable alternative—i.e.,

BOX 8.6 Baseline scenarios that involve later
the one with the least GHG emissions or most GHG
implementation of a baseline candidate
removals. Note that if the project activity remains as
one of the viable alternatives, it will most likely be the If the identified baseline scenario involves the implementation
most conservative alternative. of a particular baseline candidate, the presumption is usually
that the baseline candidate’s implementation would have coin-
cided with the project activity’s implementation. In many cases,
8.2.3 JUSTIFYING THE BASELINE SCENARIO however, a particular baseline candidate could have been imple-
The baseline scenario may be justified using the analysis mented significantly later than the onset of the GHG project (but
and documentation associated with the comparative still within the GHG project’s lifetime). This might occur if:
assessment of barriers and, where undertaken, the net
benefits assessment. In some cases, the baseline scenario • barriers to the baseline candidate are temporary,

will involve a baseline candidate that would have been • the baseline candidate would only be implemented after a
implemented later than the project activity. In these cases, barrier arises to the continuation of current activities, or
additional explanations and justifications for the timing of

the baseline scenario should be provided (see Box 8.6). • the net benefits from implementing the baseline candidate
are low in the near term but would increase substantially
In some cases, a final “reality check” involving a review under future conditions.
of common practice will help strengthen the justification I
for the baseline scenario. This kind of reality check If these kinds of circumstances are expected, they should be
explained. In such circumstances, the identified baseline

should involve three steps:

scenario will consist of:
1. Listing all the baseline candidates identified as
• a period during which the baseline scenario involves the

common practice in Chapter 7, section 7.6.

continuation of current activities, and
2. Indicating if the technologies or practices employed
by the project activity are common practice, using the • a subsequent period during which the baseline scenario

same analysis applied to the baseline candidates. involves the implementation of a baseline candidate.

3. Explaining any instances where common practice The length of time until a baseline candidate would have been

technologies or practices were rejected from consider- implemented can depend on a variety of factors, including the
ation as the baseline scenario. Explanations should be type of technology or practice involved, economic trends or market
supported by evidence pertaining to the project activ- conditions, and the nature of any barriers. Precise predictions

ity’s specific circumstances and discuss why about the timing of implementation may be difficult; for trans-
decision-makers would not have implemented a parency, all assumptions and analyses should be explained.
common practice alternative in the baseline scenario.
Estimating Baseline Emissions — Project-Specific Procedure

8.3 Estimating Baseline Emissions

Baseline emission estimates for the project activity’s

primary effect should be derived from the types of

technologies or practices represented in the baseline
scenario. In most cases, it should be possible to specify

a GHG emission rate for these technologies or practices,

in the form of GHG emissions per unit of product or
service (identified in Chapter 7, section 7.1). Total base-

line emissions can then be calculated using the project

activity’s level of production of the product or service.1

Box 8.7 provides guidance on how to estimate baseline

emissions when the baseline scenario involves continua-
tion of current activities. The GHG emission rate for the

baseline scenario should be fully explained, and support-

ing assumptions and calculations should be documented.

Absolute baseline emissions should be estimated when

it is difficult or inappropriate to specify a baseline GHG
emission rate. This is generally the case for land-use

and some fugitive emission project activities.

Box 8.8 provides guidance on estimating baseline

emissions when the baseline scenario involves the later
implementation of a baseline candidate.

BOX 8.7 Estimating baseline emissions

when the baseline scenario involves the continuation of current activities

Baseline emissions from the continuation of current activities can be estimated differently, depending on the type of project activity.

• Project Activities That Displace or Reduce Production from • Project Activities That Capture or Destroy Fugitive Emissions.
Other Sources. For these project activities, baseline emissions For these project activities, baseline emissions from the continu-
are estimated from the GHG emission rates of existing sources ation of current activities may be estimated from historical
whose production will be displaced or reduced. A common exam- emission rates at the GHG sources affected by the project activ-
ple is estimating the “operating margin” for grid electricity ity. Where the project activity does not affect the underlying
production, where electricity will either be displaced (e.g., energy production of GHGs at these sources, baseline emissions will be
supply projects) or reduced (e.g., end-use energy conservation equivalent to the amount of GHG emissions captured or destroyed
projects). The method used to estimate GHG emissions from by the project activity.
displaced existing sources should be fully explained.
• Project Activities That Remove or Store GHGs. For these project
• Project Activities That Reduce the GHG Emission Rate of an activities, baseline emissions from the continuation of current
Existing Process (Retrofit Projects). For these project activities, activities will either be equivalent to GHG emissions sequestered
baseline emissions from the continuation of current activities by the project activity, or can be estimated using land-use trends
may be estimated as the historical GHG emission rate for the or other projections related to GHG removal rates.
process or equipment that is being retrofitted.

CHAPTER 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 59
Project-Specific Procedure

BOX 8.8 Estimating baseline emissions when the

baseline scenario involves the later
implementation of a baseline candidate

Where a baseline candidate is implemented later than the proj-

ect activity, the baseline scenario will initially involve the
continuation of current activities. In this situation, there are two
options for estimating baseline emissions:

• Specify different baseline emission rates (or absolute baseline

emission estimates) for different time periods. For example,
identify a baseline emission rate for the continuation of current
activities that will apply up until the baseline candidate is
implemented. Then specify another baseline emission rate —
derived for the baseline candidate— that will be used for the
period after the baseline candidate’s implementation. NOTES
Using the project activity’s level of output to calculate baseline emissions
• Specify a single, combined baseline emission rate for the
assumes equivalence in output between the project activity and baseline
valid time length of the baseline scenario (see Chapter 2,
scenario (see section 2.13). A different basis for calculating total baseline
section 2.11). This generally involves weighting different
emissions may be necessary if the baseline scenario would not produce
baseline emission rates according to the length of time
equivalent output.
during which they will apply. For example, the baseline
scenario may be valid for 10 years. The baseline scenario
involves the continuation of current activities for three years,
after which a baseline candidate will be implemented. In this
case, the baseline emission rate can be calculated as 0.3
multiplied by the baseline emission rate for the continuation

of current activities plus 0.7 multiplied by the baseline emis-
sion rate for the baseline candidate.


Gary Kramer, Natural Resources Conservation Service

9 Estimating Baseline Emissions—
Performance Standard Procedure

T he performance standard procedure analyses the GHG emission rates of all baseline

candidates identified in Chapter 7 to construct a GHG emission performance standard

against which project activity emissions can be compared. The performance standard is

used to determine baseline emissions for the project activity’s primary effect. Once a perform-

ance standard is developed, any number of similar project activities may be compared to it. A

performance standard is periodically updated to reflect changing circumstances within the

relevant geographic area or temporal range identified in Chapter 7.

60 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 61
Performance Standard Procedure

The GHG emission rate for a performance standard can

be expressed in different ways, depending on the type of
project activity involved (see Table 9.1). For energy effi-
ciency, energy generation, and industrial process project
activities, a GHG performance standard will generally be
defined as a rate of GHG emissions per unit of a product
or service produced by all the baseline candidates. This
type of performance standard is referred to as a produc-
tion-based performance standard.

For project activities involving storage or removals of

CO2 by biological processes, fugitive emissions, or waste
emissions—where there is no easily measured produc-
tion of a product or service—the performance standard
will usually be defined as a rate of GHG emissions (or
removals) per unit of time and size or capacity of the
baseline candidates. This type of performance standard
is referred to as a time-based performance standard.

TABLE 9.1 Types of performance standard emission rates


Production-Based Energy efficiency, energy gener- GHG Emissions

ation, and industrial processes Unit of Product or Service

Waste and fugitive emissions GHG Emissions

Time-Based .
and storage or removals of CO2 (Unit of Time) (Unit of Baseline Candidate Size or Capacity)
by biological processes

The GHG emission rate for a performance standard can be expressed in different ways, depending on the type of project activity
involved. For energy efficiency, energy generation, and industrial process project activities, a GHG performance standard will generally
be defined as a rate of GHG emissions per unit of a product or service produced by all the baseline candidates. For project activities
involving storage and removals of CO2 by biological processes, fugitive emissions, or waste emissions—where there is no production of
a product or service—the performance standard will usually be defined as a rate of GHG emissions (or removals) per unit of time and
size or capacity of the baseline candidates.
Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure


The steps outlined below shall be followed to derive a 9.1.2 TIME-BASED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
performance standard relevant to the type and location For project activities involving storage and removals of

of the GHG project being proposed. CO2 by biological processes, fugitive emissions, or waste
emissions, a single performance metric shall be identi-

fied that relates GHG emissions to a specific length of

9.1 Specify appropriate performance time for each baseline candidate:

metrics for all baseline candidates

Select and report an appropriate performance metric(s), E
Performance Metric =

depending on the type of project activity and the number

of relevant inputs used by the baseline candidates.

• E = Units of GHG emissions or removals

• S = Units of baseline candidate size or capacity

For energy efficiency, energy generation, and industrial • t = Units of time

process project activities, a performance metric shall be
Justify why the type of units chosen for S and t are the

identified for each set of baseline candidates that uses

most appropriate for developing a performance metric.
the same type of relevant input.
Both the type of GHG emissions in the numerator and

the type of units for the denominator shall be common to

Performance Metric = all baseline candidates.

• Ic = Units of a relevant input common to all baseline 9.2 Calculate the GHG emission rate
candidates of type c for each baseline candidate
For each baseline candidate, calculate and report a
• P = Units of a product or service, common to all base-
GHG emission rate using the performance metric(s)
line candidates, that depends on input Ic
selected above. Perform the following steps, depending
Justify the choice of input, and product or service, for on the type of performance standard being derived:
each identified performance metric. The product or serv-
ice (denominator) shall be the same as that identified in
Chapter 7, section 7.1. 9.2.1 PRODUCTION-BASED
Where a baseline candidate does not use any inputs
For each baseline candidate:
related to the project activity’s primary effect, a separate
• Obtain the quantity of the relevant input required by
performance metric does not need to be identified and the
the baseline candidate over a specified time period (in
GHG emission rate for the baseline candidate is zero.
units of Ic, as identified in section 9.1.1). The time
period used to gather the data shall be reported and
justified and shall be comparable for all baseline candi-
dates. Report and justify any discrepancies between the
time periods used for different baseline candidates
(e.g., different lengths or different periods of time).

• Obtain the quantity of product or service produced by

the baseline candidate (in units of P, as specified in
section 9.1.1) over the same time period that was used
to measure the quantity of relevant input used.

CHAPTER 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 63
Performance Standard Procedure

• Convert the quantity of the relevant input to GHG emis- The mean, median, and percentile GHG emission rates
sions using an appropriate emission factor. Any and all shall be calculated to reflect the relative contribution
emission factors shall be reported and justified. of each baseline candidate to total production (produc-
tion-based performance standards) or to the aggregate
Each baseline candidate shall have a GHG emission rate
size or capacity of all baseline candidates (time-based
of the form:
performance standards).
Quantity of GHG emissions

9.4 Select an appropriate stringency level
9.2.2 TIME-BASED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS for the performance standard
For each baseline candidate: Choose the stringency level from those calculated in
• Identify the size or capacity of the baseline candidate section 9.3 that is most appropriate for approximating
(in units of S, as specified in section 9.1.2). baseline emissions. The GHG emission rate associated
with this stringency level shall be the performance stan-
• Obtain the quantity of the relevant GHG emissions (in
dard. Report the selected stringency level and associated
units of E, as specified in section 9.1.2) produced by
performance standard and justify why it was chosen.
the baseline candidate over a specified time period (in
units of t , as specified in section 9.1.2). Report and
justify the time period and its length. Where GHG
9.5 Estimate baseline emissions
emissions data for a baseline candidate were collected
For production-based performance standards, calculate
during a period of time significantly different from
baseline emissions by multiplying the level of production
other baseline candidates (e.g., during a different
of the project activity (i.e., total units of product or service
year), report and justify this discrepancy.
produced) by the performance standard emission rate.
Each baseline candidate shall have a GHG emission rate
For time-based performance standards, calculate base-

in the form:
line emissions by multiplying the relevant time period
Quantity of GHG emissions (e.g., one year) and the project activity size or capacity


S.t by the performance standard emission rate.

9.3 Calculate GHG emission rates
for different stringency levels
Numerically analyse the GHG emission rates of all base- I
line candidates to calculate the GHG emission rates
corresponding to the following stringency levels:

• Most stringent: The best-performing baseline candi-


date (i.e., the baseline candidate with the lowest GHG

emission rate or highest GHG storage/removal rate).

• The weighted mean GHG emission rate.

• The median GHG emission rate (i.e., the 50th


percentile, calculated in the same manner as other

percentile calculations).

• At least two better-than-average GHG emission rates

(e.g., the 25th and 10th percentiles).
Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure

GHG performance standards are derived from an analy- For example, producing plastic toys requires at least two

sis of the GHG emission rates of the baseline candidates major inputs that contribute to GHG emissions: electric-
identified in Chapter 7. Calculating GHG emission rates ity and plastic. A proposed GHG project might involve

for the baseline candidates, however, requires identifying producing plastic toys using less electricity, with no
the processes that give rise to their GHG emissions. For change in the type or quantity of plastic. The GHG project
production-based performance standards, baseline would consist of a single project activity, whose primary

candidate GHG emissions generally arise (directly or effect would be to reduce combustion emissions from
indirectly) from the use of an input, or factor of produc- generating grid-connected electricity. Units of electricity
tion. GHG emissions for coal-burning power plants, for (rather than units of plastic) per plastic toy would be used

example, result directly from the combustion of coal to specify the performance metric. Any change in GHG
needed to generate electricity. For time-based perform- emissions from changes in plastic consumption required

ance standards, baseline candidate GHG emissions arise to make toys would be addressed as a secondary effect.
from processes inherent to the land or equipment associ-
In some cases, baseline candidates may use inputs unre-
ated with the baseline candidates. GHG removals on

lated to a project activity’s primary effect. For example,

agricultural lands, for example, typically arise from the
a project activity’s primary effect may involve a reduc-
carbon sequestration process in soils.
tion in combustion emissions from generating

Therefore, the first step in deriving a performance stan- grid-connected electricity. However, some types of power
dard is to identify appropriate performance metrics for plants (e.g., hydroelectric plants) do not produce
the baseline candidates, connected to the processes that combustion emissions. If one of the baseline candidates
give rise to their GHG emissions. is a power plant that does not use fossil fuels as an input,
specifying a performance metric for it is unnecessary
and its GHG emission rate is zero.
9.1 Specifying the Appropriate
Performance Metrics
When There Is Only a Single Relevant Input
This step involves identifying the units of measure that for All Baseline Candidates
will be used to gauge the performance of baseline candi- In many cases, all baseline candidates use the same rele-
dates. Actually measuring performance and converting vant input. If all baseline candidates use only one relevant
this performance to a GHG emission rate for each base- input (e.g., electricity) to produce the product or service
line candidate is completed in section 9.2. provided by the project activity, then only one perform-
ance metric needs to be identified.
The performance metrics that need to be specified will
depend on the type of performance standard being For example, a refrigerator efficiency project activity’s
derived and the types of relevant inputs used by differ- primary effect is reducing combustion emissions from
ent baseline candidates. Table 9.2 provides some generating grid-connected electricity. The only relevant
examples of different GHG projects and their possible input used by baseline candidates (i.e., alternative
performance metrics. refrigeration technologies) is electricity. Thus, a single
performance metric (e.g., kilowatt-hours per unit of
cooling/refrigeration) would be appropriate for all base-
9.1.1 PRODUCTION-BASED line candidates.
Numerous inputs are required to produce most products
When Baseline Candidates Use Multiple Relevant Inputs
and services. A relevant input, however, is one that is
If baseline candidates use a variety of relevant inputs
related to the primary effect of the project activity (see
(e.g., various types of fuel), then multiple performance
Chapter 5)—i.e., to the intended change in GHG reduc-
metrics should be identified—one for each type of rele-
tions caused by the project activity.
vant input identified.

CHAPTER 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 65
Performance Standard Procedure

TABLE 9.2 Examples of performance metrics for different types of project activities
Wind Power Generate grid- Reduction in combustion Other electricity-generating • m3 of gas consumed/kWh
Project connected emissions from generating technologies on the grid, such electricity generated
electricity from grid-connected electricity as fossil fuel or other renewable- • Tonnes coal/kWh electricity
wind turbines energy technologies generated

Energy Improve energy Reduction in combustion • Incandescent light bulbs kWh electricity consumed/m2
Efficiency efficiency of lighting emissions from generating • Compact fluorescent light bulbs of lighted space
Project by using energy- grid-connected electricity • Halogen light bulbs
efficient light bulbs

Transport- Change from Reduction in combustion • Diesel • Gasoline Litres of diesel fuel
ation Fuel fossil fuel to emissions from generating • Ethanol • Biodiesel consumed/kilojoules of energy
Switch Project biofuel in buses energy or off-grid electricity, • LNG required for transportation
or from flaring

Industrial Fuel Fuel switch to Reduction in combustion • Other fossil fuels, such as coal or oil Tonnes of coal
Switch Project natural gas at an emissions from generating • Renewable energy sources consumed/tonne of steam
off-grid stationary energy or off-grid electricity, produced
combustion plant or from flaring


Afforestation Change land- Increased storage or • Continuation of current land-use Tonnes of CO2eq
Project use to enhance removals of CO2 by • Cropland growing different sequestered/ha/yr

carbon storage biological processes food crops
• Pastureland

Forest Change forest Increased storage or • Continuing current Tonnes of CO2eq
Management management to removals of CO2 by biologi- forest management sequestered/ha/yr
Project enhance carbon cal processes • Variations in forest management,
storage such as increasing thinning
or fertilisation

Agricultural Change tillage Increased storage or • Continuing current tillage practices Tonnes of CO2eq
Tillage Project practices to removals of CO2 by biologi- • No-till or zero tillage sequestered/ha/yr

enhance carbon cal processes • Mouldboard ploughing

storage • Conventional tillage
• Ridge tillage

Landfill Gas a) Install equip- a) Reduction in a) • Continuation of current activity a) Tonnes of methane/
(LFG) Project ment to capture waste emissions • Flaring of LFG m3 landfill waste/month

methane b) Reduction in combustion • Use of LFG for fuel b) Tonnes coal/kWh electricity
b) Generate grid- emissions from b) Other electricity-generating generated
connected generating grid- technologies on the grid, such

electricity from connected electricity as fossil fuel or renewable

captured methane energy technologies
Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure

For example, electricity can be produced using a variety of ured in terms of cubic meters of natural gas consumed per
generation technologies that rely on different fuels. For a kilowatt-hour produced. This would then be converted to a
project activity whose product is electricity production, proj- GHG emission rate by calculating the amount of CO2 emit-

ect developers should identify a series of performance ted per cubic meter of natural gas consumed.
metrics corresponding to all fuel types used by the baseline
To measure performance, data should be collected for

candidates (e.g., tonnes of coal per kilowatt-hour, cubic

each baseline candidate. The appropriate time period
meters of natural gas per kilowatt-hour, etc.).
over which input use and production data are collected to

As another example, water heaters within a certain determine GHG emission rates varies by technology and
geographic area and temporal range may use either gas depends on engineering variables, rates of production,
or electricity as a primary energy source. A project and possible fluctuations in production efficiency, among

activity that involves reducing water heater energy other things. The time period should be sufficiently repre-
consumption should be compared to a GHG performance sentative for the technology in question. For example, if
standard derived from performance metrics for both gas the technology’s production is cyclical, it is important

and electric water heaters. that the entire cycle be considered when establishing
input and production quantities. Similarly, if GHG emis-

sions vary over the course of a baseline candidate’s

9.1.2 TIME-BASED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS operation (e.g., between ramping up periods and steady
Performance metrics for time-based performance stan- operation), or are affected by certain environmental

dards have three components: units of GHG emissions in conditions, it is important to account for such variations.
the numerator, and units of time and size or capacity in
The appropriate emission factor to use for converting
the denominator. Units of time will often be years, but
units of relevant input to units of GHG emissions
could be any other appropriate length of time.
depends on whether consumption of the relevant input
Appropriate units for size could include, for example,
results in GHG emissions directly or indirectly.
hectares of land, kilometres of natural gas pipeline, or
tonnes of landfill waste. Units of capacity could include
cubic meters of natural gas or potential throughput For Relevant Inputs That Result Directly
volume (e.g., for gas pipelines or compressor stations). in GHG Emissions
For relevant inputs whose consumption directly results
Where all baseline candidates are of the same size or
in GHG emissions, identifying the appropriate emission
capacity, then the “size” units could be expressed simply
factor is usually straightforward. If the relevant input
in terms of a single baseline candidate—e.g., a piece of
is a fossil fuel, for example, it can be converted to CO2
equipment. The performance metric would then take the
emissions based on its carbon content and the condi-
form of GHG emissions per specific length of time per
tions under which it was burned. Appropriate default
piece of equipment.
emission factors for different fossil fuels are available
from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the GHG Protocol calculation tools, and other
9.2 Calculating the GHG Emission Rate
sources. Alternatively, GHG emissions for each baseline
for Each Baseline Candidate
candidate can be monitored directly, avoiding the need
This step involves measuring the performance of each base-
for an emission factor.
line candidate using the appropriate performance metric,
and calculating an associated GHG emission rate.
For Relevant Inputs That Result Indirectly
in GHG Emissions
9.2.1 PRODUCTION-BASED Some types of inputs cause GHG emissions indirectly
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS during their production. These inputs may have different
For production-based performance standards, the perform- emission factors, depending on where and how they were
ance rate is converted to a GHG emission rate. For produced. For example, if the relevant input for the
example, the performance of a power plant may be meas- baseline candidates is electricity, the GHG emissions


Britt Sandler, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development

arise from its generation rather than its consumption, project activity is located—not where each baseline
and the appropriate emission factor will depend on candidate is located.
where and how the electricity is generated. Electricity
• The relevant input would have been produced at differ-
may cause zero emissions if it is produced by non-GHG-
ent locations or from different sources. Different
emitting generators, such as wind turbines, but may
emission factors may be required for the same relevant
cause substantial emissions if it is produced by an ineffi-
input produced at different locations and used by
cient coal plant.
different baseline candidates. For example, a proposed
Emission factors for electricity also differ based on loca- project activity involves constructing a new energy-
tions and time periods. For these emission factors, it is efficient toy factory. Without the factory, the toys that

important to consider where and how the relevant input it produces would have been provided by a combina-
would have been produced in the project activity’s tion of several other factories (baseline candidates)

absence. There are two basic possibilities: in six different countries. The GHG emission rate for
each baseline candidate should be calculated using
• The relevant input would have been produced at the
an electricity emission factor for the grid where each
same locations and in the same manner. In this case,
baseline candidate is located. I
the same emission factor is used for the baseline
candidates as for the project activity. For example, an For baseline candidate GHG emission rates to be credible,

energy-efficient industrial motor installed at an exist- transparency regarding their derivation is essential. For
ing factory will reduce combustion emissions from determining electric grid emission factors, users of this
generating grid-connected electricity. The baseline Protocol are also advised to consult the GHG Protocol

candidates—consisting of various motor technolo- guidance related to grid-connected electricity projects.

gies—against which this project activity is compared

are drawn from a geographic area encompassing

several different countries. However, the project activ- 9.2.2 TIME-BASED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
ity will reduce electricity consumption only from the For time-based performance standards, calculating the

local grid in the country where it is located. Any alter- GHG emission rate involves measuring GHG emissions
native to the project activity would have to be in the for each baseline candidate over a certain time period,
same location as the existing factory. Thus, the GHG as well as noting the size or capacity of each baseline

emission rate for each baseline candidate should be candidate. The length of time over which GHG emission
calculated using an emission factor (converting kilo- data are collected to determine the rate should be
watt-hours to kilograms of CO2) for the grid where the comparable for each baseline candidate.
Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure

9.3 Calculating the GHG Emission Rate Calculating the size- or production-weighted mean
for Different Stringency Levels GHG emission rate
Use the following formula:

The stringency of a GHG performance standard refers to

how low its GHG emission rate (or how high its GHG
removal rate) is relative to the GHG emission rates of all (ERj . Qj )

the baseline candidates. A stringency level is essentially Weighted mean GHG emission rate = n
a better-than-average GHG emission rate. Different Qj
stringency levels are identified and reported to enhance

the transparency of the performance standard’s deriva- Where:

tion. Stringency levels may be specified as a GHG • ERj = GHG emission rate of baseline candidate j

emission rate corresponding to a certain percentile • Qj = quantity of product or service produced by

(better than the 50th percentile) or to the lowest-emit- baseline candidate j over a certain time period,
ting baseline candidate. e.g., one year (production-based performance

For all stringency levels other than the most stringent, standards) or the size or capacity of baseline
GHG emission rates are derived using basic statistical candidate j (time-based performance standards)

measures (i.e., the mean and various percentiles). To •n = total number of baseline candidates.
prevent small baseline candidates from skewing the
results, baseline candidate GHG emissions are weighted The time period used to quantify production should be

by size or contribution to total production. the same for all baseline candidates. However, this
period does not need to coincide with the period used to
The following procedures can be used to derive a GHG determine each baseline candidate’s GHG emission rate.
emission rate for each of the required stringency levels.
(An example of the percentile calculations is also
provided in Box 9.1). Determining the median GHG emission rate
Calculate the GHG emission rate corresponding to the
50th percentile, using the methods described below.
Determining the most stringent stringency level
Identify the GHG emission rate of the best-performing
baseline candidate—i.e., the baseline candidate with the Calculating the GHG emission rate for a given percentile
lowest GHG emission rate, or highest GHG Use the following approach:
storage/removal rate. a) For each baseline candidate using a particular relevant
input (where calculating a production-based perform-
ance standard) or for each baseline candidate (where
calculating a time-based performance standard):

• Quantify total production over a certain time

period (e.g., one year) or quantify its size or capacity.

• Assign a GHG emission rate to each unit of product

or service produced (e.g., each individual kilowatt-
hour) by the baseline candidate over that time
period or to each unit of the baseline candidate’s
size or capacity (e.g., each hectare).


Hisham Zerriffi, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development

CHAPTER 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 69
Performance Standard Procedure

b) Sort each unit of product or service produced (for all Where the Baseline Candidates
baseline candidates using a particular relevant input) Have Multiple Relevant =
or each unit of size or capacity (for all baseline candi-
• Calculate pe for each type of relevant input (i.e.,
dates) by their assigned GHG emission rates, from
repeat the above four steps for each relevant input).
lowest to highest. Label them so that x1 is the smallest
value, and xa is the largest value, where: • Calculate the production-weighted average of the per-
• xm is the GHG emission rate assigned to each unit, centile GHG emission rates using the following formula:
m, produced by a baseline candidate n

• a is the aggregate number of items or units (ERi . Qi )

Production-Weighted = i=1
produced by all baseline candidates using a particu- n
Average Percentile
lar relevant input, or the aggregate units of size or Qi
capacity for all baseline candidates

• m is the rank of the unit produced with respect to Where:

its assigned GHG emission rate (each unit should • ERi = pe (i.e., the GHG emission rate at percentile pc )
have a distinct rank; assign ranks sequentially to for relevant input i
each unit with the same GHG emission rate)
• Qi = quantity of product or service produced from all
baseline candidates using relevant input i over a
certain time period, e.g. one year (same as a, above)
c) Calculate the GHG emission rate corresponding to a
specific percentile (pc) between 0 and 100 by first •n = total number of relevant inputs
calculating its approximate rank, w :
(a . pc)
w = + 0.5
100 9.4 Selecting an Appropriate Stringency
Level for the Performance Standard
The final step in deriving a GHG performance standard
Once w has been calculated, let g be the integer part of

is to choose an appropriate stringency level. The GHG
w, and f be the fraction part of w (e.g., if w = performance standard is the GHG emission rate corre-
10.375, then g = 10 and f = 0.375). sponding to the appropriate stringency level.

An appropriate stringency level reasonably approximates
baseline emissions for the type of project activity under
d) Calculate the emission rate (pe) of the chosen
percentile (pc) using the following equation:
consideration. What is reasonable depends on many I
considerations and ultimately depends on program policy
pe = (1 – f ) xg + fx g+1 decisions about additionality (see Chapter 3 and Box

9.2). Generally, an appropriate stringency level should

(Note: If the aggregate number of units produced, a,
reflect a performance rate that is better (lower-emitting
is large, xg and x g+1 will rarely correspond to differ-

or higher-removing) than the (weighted) mean GHG emis-

ent GHG emission rates. In practice, this means that
sion rate, taking into account trends in such factors as:
any given percentile is likely to correspond to the
GHG emission rate of a specific baseline candidate). • regulatory requirements,

• recent and planned investments,


• technology penetration,

• policies or practices, and


• management regimes.

Note that for some technologies, a “best practice” or

“best candidate” stringency level may be most
Estimating Baseline Emissions —
Performance Standard Procedure

BOX 9.1 Sample calculation of specific percentiles


Consider a set of five baseline candidates representing different power plants, which all use the same fuel and had the following produc-
tion levels and GHG emissions over the past year:

Baseline Candidates 1 2 3 4 5

Production (kWh) 2,500 1,000 5,000 10,000 4,000


GHG emission rate (kg C/kWh) 0.300 0.227 0.217 0.330 0.317

The most stringent stringency level is equal to the lowest GHG emission rate among the baseline candidates: 0.217 kg C/kWh.

The production-weighted mean GHG emission rate is calculated as:


(2,500 . 0.300) + (1,000 . 0.227) + (5,000 . 0.217) + (10,000 . 0.330) + (4,000 . 0.317)
= 0.295 kg C/kWh
(2,500 + 1,000 + 5,000 + 10,000 + 4,000)

The median (50th percentile), 25th, and 10th percentile emission rates are calculated as follows:
• First, assign each kilowatt-hour produced by each power plant the emission rate of the power plant that produced it. For example, each

kilowatt-hour produced by Baseline Candidate 1 would be assigned an emission rate of 0.300 kg C/kWh.

• Next, sort every kilowatt-hour by its emission rate from lowest to highest:

Rank, m, for each kWh 1–5,000 5,001–6,000 6,001–8,500 8,501–12,500 12,501–22,500

Assigned GHG emission rate, xm 0.217 0.227 0.300 0.317 0.330

• To determine the median (50th percentile) GHG emission rate: • To determine the 10th percentile GHG emission rate:
. .
w = (22,500 50) + 0.5 w = 11,250.5 w = (22,500 10) + 0.5 w = 2,250.5
100 100

Therefore, g = 11,250 and f = 0.5

Therefore, g = 2,250 and f = 0.5
pe = (1 – 0.5) . 0.317 + 0.5 . 0.317 = 0.317 kg C/kWh
pe = (1 – 0.5) . 0.217 + 0.5 . 0.217 = 0.217 kg C/kWh

• To determine the 25th percentile GHG emission rate:

w = (22,500 25) + 0.5 w = 5,625.5

Therefore, g = 5,625 and f = 0.5

pe = (1 – 0.5) . 0.227 + 0.5 . 0.227 = 0.227 kg C/kWh

CHAPTER 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions— 71
Performance Standard Procedure

lowest emitting). Less demanding stringency levels may

BOX 9.2 Performance standards, additionality,
be appropriate where the best-performing candidates
and GHG programs
have higher costs or greater barriers to practical imple-
The final selection of the stringency level for the performance mentation (e.g., many types of end-use energy efficiency
standard is implicitly linked to considerations about additional- project activities), or where the baseline candidates
ity. The objective is to ensure that GHG reductions across represent planned rather than existing technologies.
multiple project activities are “additional” in aggregate, rather
than to try to determine the additionality of any individual proj- Project developers should keep all of these considera-
ect. However, there is no “technically correct” stringency level for tions in mind when using the performance standard
a performance standard. For GHG programs, part of the selection procedure. They should also carefully apply the princi-
of a stringency level involves balancing the overall additionality ples of transparency, conservativeness, completeness,
of registered GHG reductions with program participation. High and relevance in deriving a performance standard.
stringency levels tend to reduce the incidence of non-additional
GHG reductions receiving credit, but at the same time may elim-
inate many projects from consideration, some of which might 9.5 Estimating Baseline Emissions
have been additional. Policy objectives will thus play a role in Once a performance standard is derived, calculating
setting a performance standard. baseline emissions is, in most cases, simply a matter
of multiplying project activity production levels by the
Furthermore, in some instances GHG programs may decide that a performance standard GHG emission rate (for produc-
performance standard by itself is insufficient to guarantee the tion-based performance standards), or project activity
level of environmental integrity they wish to achieve. Under some size or capacity and length of time by the performance
circumstances, even a very stringent performance standard might standard GHG emission rate (for time-based perform-
in practice allow more non-additional GHG reductions to be regis- ance standards). Exceptions to this will occur only where
tered than additional GHG reductions. In some cases, therefore, it is believed that baseline production levels would differ
performance standards may be combined with additionality tests from project activity production levels (see the discussion
to ensure that only project activities that are likely to be additional in Chapter 2, section 2.13 on equivalence).
are considered for crediting. Such tests often take the form of

basic eligibility criteria. Examples include:

• Making eligible only project activities that are not required

by law.

• Making eligible only technologies of a certain type or subtype

(e.g., those with low market penetration).
• Making eligible only project activities of a certain size.

• Making eligible only project activities that are explicitly

designed to overcome certain barriers.

Finally, some GHG programs may decide to use a high stringency

level to determine which projects are eligible for credit, and then
a lower stringency level for calculating baseline emissions.

appropriate. This is generally the case where lower

GHG emissions correlate with better economic perform-
ance and fewer implementation barriers (e.g., absent

technical barriers and differences in capital costs, the

most attractive boiler investments may also tend to be
the most efficient in terms of fuel use and, therefore, the

Hisham Zerriffi, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development

10 Monitoring and Quantifying
GHG Reductions

Courtesy of Holcim Cement

his chapter provides requirements and guidance for monitoring GHG emissions related to each

project activity’s primary and secondary effects, and any parameters related to baseline emis-

sions estimates. It also contains requirements and guidance for quantifying GHG reductions.

72 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 10: Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions 73

10.1 Create a plan for monitoring GHG • The frequency of monitoring activities.
emissions and baseline parameters • All sources of data and information.
related to each project activity’s
GHG effects. Justify any instances where GHG emissions associated
The monitoring plan shall contain provisions for: with a secondary effect are too costly to monitor and
must therefore be estimated.
• monitoring GHG emissions from all GHG sources and
sinks related to primary and significant secondary
effects within the GHG assessment boundary; 10.1.2 MONITOR BASELINE PARAMETERS
• monitoring any data related to assumptions underlying All baseline parameters shall be described in the moni-
baseline emission estimates (i.e, baseline parameters); toring plan, including:
and • What data will be monitored and how they relate to
• describing data storage and quality assurance/quality baseline emission estimates for the primary and
control (QA/QC) measures. secondary effects.

• Whether the data are measured, modelled, calculated,

or estimated; the level of uncertainty in any measure-
1 0 . 1 . 1 MONITOR PROJECT ACTIVITY EMISSIONS ments or estimates; and how this uncertainty will be
For each GHG source or sink related to a primary or accounted for.
significant secondary effect, the following shall be
described in the monitoring plan: • All measurement or other data collection methods
used. Include all relevant assumptions, constants,

• The data that will be monitored relating to GHG emissions. mathematical relationships, and formulas.
• Whether the data are measured, modelled, calculated,

• Technical information related to the collection of
or estimated; the level of uncertainty in any measure- measurement data.
ments or estimates; and how this uncertainty will be

accounted for. • The frequency of monitoring activities.

• All sources of data and information.

• Where relevant, the project activity operating condi-
tions during periods when data are monitored.
• All measurement or other data collection methods 10.1.3 DESCRIBE QA/QC MEASURES
used. Include all relevant assumptions, constants, How the GHG project data will be maintained and how

mathematical relationships, and formulas. QA/QC measures will be implemented shall be described in
• Technical information related to the collection of the monitoring plan and include the following information:

measurement data. • Entity(ies) or person(s) responsible for measurement

and data collection procedures.

• For technology-based projects this includes such infor-

mation as the location and specifications of meters; • Length of time the data will be archived.
procedures for meter reading, calibration, and main-

tenance; the length of measurement periods, etc. • Data transmission, storage, and backup procedures
and strategies for identifying and managing lost or

• For practice-based projects, this includes a descrip- poor-quality data.

tion of equipment and methods used to gather data,
• All QA/QC procedures for measurement, calculation, and

control sites (if any), procedures for calibrating and

maintaining equipment, etc. data collection procedures.
Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions


10.1 Creating a Monitoring Plan


Monitoring is the process of collecting the data used to

quantify GHG reductions and to validate assumptions

underlying the quantification. A monitoring plan is a

working document that describes procedures for collect-

ing data on project activity emissions, for collecting data

related to baseline emission estimates, and for ensuring

and controlling the quality of the collected data. The

monitoring plan should be updated whenever the

methodologies used to estimate, calculate, or measure

project activity or baseline emissions are changed. Such

changes should also be fully explained.

Every time GHG reductions are quantified and reported,


the project developer should check:


a) The accuracy, completeness, and consistency of all

monitored data.

b) The validity of any assumptions made during the proj-

10.2 Quantify GHG reductions for the ect development phase regarding baseline emissions
GHG project. and project activity emissions. This requires analyzing
GHG reductions shall be quantified using the collected data to verify that:
following steps.
• each project activity has been implemented and is
10.2.1 IDENTIFY THE TIME PERIOD OVER performing as expected; and
WHICH GHG REDUCTIONS WILL • any parameter values used to estimate the baseline
BE QUANTIFIED. emissions continue to be valid.
• For each project activity and primary effect, identify Monitoring should always be conducted in a way that
and justify the valid time length for the corresponding allows a complete and transparent quantification of GHG
baseline scenario or performance standard. reductions. In general, project developers should follow
• Quantify GHG reductions for a period of time no longer the GHG Accounting Principles (Chapter 4 and Box 10.1)
than the shortest valid time length identified. when designing a GHG project monitoring plan.


THE GHG REDUCTIONS FOR THE GHG Monitoring GHG emissions (or removals) for the project
PROJECT ON A PERIODIC BASIS— activity can be achieved through:
E . G . , A N N U A L LY. • direct measurements of GHG emissions (e.g., measur-
• Quantify the project’s GHG reductions as the sum of ing emissions from a smokestack); and
all primary effects and significant secondary effects • indirect measurements of GHG emissions combined
for all project activities. with calculations (e.g., calculating GHG emissions
• Document the calculation methods used to quantify from fuel consumption data or calculating sequestered
GHG reductions and any uncertainties associated with carbon from measured tree diameters).
estimates of each project activity’s GHG emissions.

CHAPTER 10: Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions 75

These choices may involve tradeoffs among cost, accu-

BOX 10.1 Applying the GHG accounting principles
racy, and uncertainty. Available monitoring methods and
to monitoring
their associated accuracies should be explained. If proj-
Relevance: The levels of accuracy and uncertainty associated ect developers use a less accurate method for monitoring
with monitoring methods should reflect the intended use of the a particular GHG source or sink, they should explain
data and the objectives of the GHG project; some intended uses why this method was chosen.
may require more accuracy than others.
In some cases, changes in GHG emissions associated with
Completeness: All primary effects and all significant secondary secondary effects may be small, even though they are
effects should be monitored or estimated. All monitoring meth- significant. They may in turn be costly to monitor. As a
ods and data collection procedures should be fully documented. general rule, the cost of monitoring should not exceed the
Consistency: Methods used to monitor, check, and store data value of the GHG emissions being monitored. The value of
should be consistent over time to ensure comparability GHG emissions can be derived from a number of sources,
and verifiability. including prices for tradable GHG allowances or credits.
Where cost does exceed value, it may be prudent to esti-
Transparency: All monitoring methods, calculations, and mate rather than monitor the GHG emissions associated
associated uncertainties should be explained. Monitoring with a secondary effect. All estimates of GHG emissions
must be sufficient to allow the transparent quantification of associated with a secondary effect should be explained.
GHG reductions.

Accuracy: Measurements, estimates, and calculations should

be unbiased, and uncertainties reduced as far as practical. 10.1.2 MONITORING BASELINE PARAMETERS
Calculations and measurements should be conducted in a In some cases, monitoring data indicative of baseline emis-
manner that minimizes uncertainty. sions can aid the credibility of quantifying GHG reductions.
This will most often be the case where the project-specific
Conservativeness: Where there are uncertainties in monitored procedure was used. There are two basic types of baseline
data, the values used to quantify GHG reductions should err on parameters that can be monitored:
the side of underestimating GHG reductions.

• Baseline parameters that indicate the continued validity
of certain assumptions. For example, it may be neces-
sary to monitor changes in regulations that would affect
Both direct measurement and calculation-based

baseline emissions, or whether assumptions about the
approaches are subject to uncertainties (see Box 10.2).
barriers considered in the project-specific procedure are
The relative accuracy of these approaches depends on the
still valid. If monitoring these parameters indicates that
instruments used, the quality of the data collected, and
a key baseline assumption is no longer valid, then the I
the rigor of the quality control measures, as well as on
the assumptions underlying any calculations. All data

uncertainties should be fully described and explained, BOX 10.2 Understanding uncertainty
and any calculation assumptions should also be
In general terms, uncertainties associated with GHG reductions

explained. Where uncertainty is significant, lower and

can be categorized into “scientific uncertainty” and “estimation
upper bounds or confidence intervals for all measure-
uncertainty.” Scientific uncertainty arises when the science of
ments should be identified. The project developer should
the actual emissions and/or removal processes is not completely

be conservative and use data for quantification that

understood. Estimation uncertainty arises any time GHG emis-
reflect uncertainties and that will tend to underestimate
sions are monitored and quantified, and can be further divided
GHG reductions.

into “model uncertainty” and “parameter uncertainty.” Chapter

The GHG sources or sinks that must be monitored can 7 of the Corporate Accounting Standard addresses these partic-
vary by size, location, and type, and monitoring methods ular types of uncertainty in further detail. In addition, an online

can differ greatly in terms of cost. Choices will be uncertainty tool, available on the GHG Protocol Web site,
required about how much analytical effort and monitor- provides useful information on uncertainty.
ing resources to devote to each GHG source or sink.
Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions

baseline scenario (or associated baseline emission esti- uses actual monitored data once the GHG project has
mates) should be reconsidered. been implemented.

• Baseline parameters that help determine baseline

emission estimates. Some baseline parameters are
monitored to help calculate baseline emissions. For


example, baseline parameters may be monitored prior
to the implementation of a GHG project as a way to
How long a baseline scenario or performance standard

calibrate baseline emission estimates. If baseline

should remain valid for the purpose of quantifying GHG
emissions are estimated dynamically (see Chapter 2,
reductions will be subject to uncertainty (see Chapter 2,
section 2.12), baseline parameters may include emis-
section 2.11). It may help to consider the following ques-

sion factors or other variables that directly determine

tions in justifying a time length:
baseline emissions over time. For example, baseline
emissions may be determined by an annually updated • How quickly are economic conditions changing?

electricity GHG emission factor for project activities

• How quickly are changes occurring in the technologies
that displace grid-connected power plants.
or practices providing the same product or service as

the project activity?

10.1.3 DESCRIBING QA/QC MEASURES • At what point are the criteria and assumptions used

QA/QC measures are necessary to ensure that data to identify the geographic area or temporal range for
related to GHG emissions are reliable. QA/QC measures baseline candidates likely to change?
encompass a variety of activities, including site audits,
• When might the barriers (or net benefits) faced
central data control, site technician reminders, and
by the project activity or baseline candidates
maintaining service sheets. In general, QA/QC should
change significantly?
focus primarily on data collection activities, and second-
arily on data processing and storage. The credentials of • If the project activity involves a retrofit, when would
any parties responsible for monitoring should be docu- the retrofitted equipment have otherwise reached the
mented. In addition, for data quality assurance: end of its useful lifetime?

• ensure data have been properly entered into data • Are baseline emission estimates static or dynamic?
templates, forms, or software; and
Given the uncertainties involved, there will seldom be a
• assess calculation results to ensure data have been single “right answer” to what the valid time length
properly processed. should be; the conservativeness principle should guide
any justification. Alternatively, project developers may
Chapter 7 of the Corporate Accounting Standard
wish to use a standard valid time length prescribed by an
(on “Managing Inventory Quality”) provides additional
existing GHG program (see Chapter 3 for a discussion of
guidance that may be useful for QA/QC of monitored
the policy aspects of this decision).
GHG emissions data from project activities.

10.2 Quantifying GHG Reductions

The final step in GHG project accounting is to quantify
GHG reductions. Both ex post quantification and the
ex ante estimation of GHG reductions can be performed
using the same basic procedures. An ex ante estimate
involves making predictions about the project activity’s
performance (and possibly how baseline emissions may
change). Ex post quantification of GHG reductions

CHAPTER 10: Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions 77

1 0 . 2 . 2 U S I N G T H E D AT A T O Q U A N T I F Y G H G R E D U C T I O N S
The following formulas should be used to quantify the GHG reductions for all GHG projects that involve changes in GHG
emissions as the primary effect:

• GHG Reductiony (t CO2eq) = z Project Activity Reductionzy

Project Activity Reductionzy = Primary Effectszy + Secondary Effectszy

Primary Effectszy = p [Baseline Emissionspzy – Project Activity Emissions pzy]

Baseline Emissionspzy = Baseline GHG emissions related to the primary effect, p, for each project
activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)

Project Activity Emissionspy z = GHG emissions related to primary effect, p, for each project
activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)

Secondary Effectszy = s [Baseline Emissionsszy – Project Activity Emissionsszy ]

Baseline Emissionsszy = Baseline GHG emissions related to the secondary effect, s, for each
project activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)

Project Activity Emissionsszy = GHG emissions related to secondary effect, s, for each project
activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)

Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions

The following formulas should be used to quantify the GHG reductions for all GHG projects involving biological GHG
storage or removals as the primary effect:

• GHG Reductiony (t CO2eq) = z Project Activity Reductionzy


Project Activity Reductionzy = Primary Effectzy + Secondary Effectszy

Primary Effectzy (t CO2eq) = Net Stockszy . t CO2/t carbon

Net Stockszy (t carbon) = p [Project Activity Carbon Stockspzy – Baseline Carbon Stockspzy]

Project Activity Carbon Stockspzy = k carbon stocks from each biological carbon pool,
k, related to each primary effect, p, for project activity, z, in year y (in t carbon)

Baseline Carbon Stockspzy = k baseline carbon stocks from each biological carbon pool,
k, related to each primary effect, p, for project activity, z, in year y (in t carbon)

Secondary Effectszy = Emissions Secondary Effectszy + Removals Secondary Effectszy

Emissions Secondary Effectszy = s [Baseline Emissionsszy – Project Activity Emissionsszy]


Baseline Emissionsszy = Baseline GHG emissions related to the secondary effect, s, for each
project activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)

Project Activity Emissionsszy = GHG emissions related to secondary effect, s, for each
project activity, z, in year y (in t CO2eq)
Removals Secondary Effectszy (t CO2eq) = Net Stocks zy . t CO2/t carbon

Net Stockszy (t carbon) = s [Project Activity Carbon Stocks szy – Baseline Carbon Stocksszy]

Project Activity Carbon Stocksszy = k carbon stocks from each biological

carbon pool, k, related to each secondary effect, s, for project activity, z, in year y
(in t carbon)

Baseline Carbon Stocksszy = k baseline carbon stocks from each biological

carbon pool, k, related to each secondary effect, s, for project activity, z, in year y
(in t carbon)

Where GHG emission rates are used to quantify baseline and project activity emissions, use the following formulas:

• Project Activity Emissionsy = (Production Levely ) . (Project Activity Emission Ratey )

• Baseline Emissionsy = (Production Levely ) . (Baseline Emission Ratey )


Project Activity Emission Ratey = tonnes of CO2eq per unit of production in year y for the project activity
Baseline Emission Ratey = tonnes of CO2eq per unit of production in year y specified for the project activity’s
baseline scenario or performance standard

Production Levely = the amount produced in year y of the project activity’s product or service (as defined
in Chapter 7)

CHAPTER 10: Monitoring and Quantifying GHG Reductions 79


Where measuring the production level is not possible, a NOTE: The formulas above use annual values for project

conservative estimate should be made. Unless there are activity and baseline emissions as a default. Where there
exceptional circumstances (see discussion of “Equiva- is significant sub-annual variability in project activity and
lence” in Chapter 2, section 2.13), the production level baseline emissions, it may be more accurate to quantify

used to estimate baseline emissions should be equivalent GHG reductions more frequently than on an annual basis.
to the project activity’s actual production level.
11 Reporting GHG Reductions

T his chapter presents a list of the information that must be compiled and reported to ensure

transparency and enable third-party reviewers to evaluate the quantification of GHG

reductions for a GHG project. These are minimum reporting requirements and may be

supplemented as necessary based on guidance contained in Chapters 5–10. Project developers

should retain all data, assumptions, criteria, assessments, and explanations used to support

reported information and should follow the principles of transparency and completeness in

reporting GHG reductions.

80 PA R T I I
CHAPTER 11: Reporting GHG Reductions 81

Project developers shall report the following information. 11. 2 The GHG Assessment Boundary
The GHG assessment boundary shall be reported, including:

• Each project activity associated with the GHG project.

11.1 Description of the GHG Project
The following information describing the GHG project • The primary effect(s) resulting from each
shall be reported: project activity.

• Name of the GHG project. • All significant secondary effects resulting from each
project activity.
• Names and contact details of project developers,
including any significant intermediaries. • Justifications for excluding any secondary effects and
why they are not significant.
• Reason for quantifying the GHG reductions and
their anticipated use—e.g., internal company strat-
egy, meeting targets in a voluntary or mandatory 11.3 Baseline Emissions for Each Project
GHG program. Activity and Primary Effect
• Short description of the GHG project and of the prod- The following shall be reported for each project activity
ucts or services that its project activities will provide. and primary effect.
Where relevant, describe the type of technology
employed by the GHG project.
1 1 . 3 . 1 A L L I D E N T I F I E D B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S
• If the GHG project is part of a larger initiative, a brief A list and description of identified baseline candidates
summary of the overall initiative, including any other shall be reported, along with:
GHG projects in this larger initiative.

• The product or service provided by the project activity
• Geographic location. Indicate if the GHG project and each baseline candidate.

involves activities or effects in more than one
political jurisdiction. • The rationale for the defined geographic area and
temporal range used to identify baseline candidates.

• Start date of the GHG project, and the date when GHG
reductions are first generated. • Any other criteria used to identify the baseline candi-

• Expected operational life of the GHG project.
• If the project-specific procedure is used to estimate I
• The valid time length of the baseline scenario or baseline emissions, an identification of which baseline
performance standard for each project activity, and candidates represent common practice.

its justification.

• General market and regulatory conditions for the


products or services provided by each project activity. 1 1 . 3 . 2 P R O J E C T- S P E C I F I C


If the project-specific procedure is used to estimate base-

line emissions, the estimated baseline emission rate shall

be reported, along with:

• An explanation for why the project-specific procedure


was used to estimate baseline emissions.

• How baseline emissions were estimated, including all


necessary information to show the project-specific

procedure was carried out according to the require-
Reporting GHG Reductions

ments in Chapter 8. This shall include a description source or sink and an assessments of data collected,
and justification of the identified baseline scenario. e.g., reliability, etc.

• The procedures that will be followed to collect the

data necessary to estimate (and update assumptions


about) baseline emissions, as well as the frequency
of monitoring related to each GHG source or

If the performance standard procedure is used, the esti-

sink and assessments of data associated with any
mated baseline emission rate shall be reported, including:
collected data.

• An explanation for why the performance standard

• The data collection and storage system, including:
procedure was used to estimate baseline emissions.

• Data report format, reporting frequency, and length

• How the baseline emissions were estimated, including
of time records are archived.

all necessary information to show the performance

standard procedure was carried out according to the • Data transmission, storage, and backup procedures

requirements in Chapter 9. This shall include: and strategies for identifying and coping with lost or
poor-quality data.
• The GHG emission rates for different stringency

levels, including the most stringent level; the mean • Entity (or entities) responsible for measurement and
GHG emission rate; the median GHG emission rate; data collection procedures.

and at least two low-percentile GHG emission rates.

• All QA/QC procedures to be implemented for measure-

• The selected stringency level for the performance ment and data collection procedures—e.g., site audits,
standard, including a justification for why it calibration, central data control, site technician
is appropriate. reminders, maintenance procedures, service sheets.

11.4 Estimated GHG Reductions 11.6 Annual Monitoring and GHG Reduction
for the GHG Project Quantification Reports
Before implementing a GHG project, project developers An annual monitoring and quantification report shall
shall report an estimate of annual and total GHG reduc- be produced to confirm that the GHG project has been
tions expected to result from the GHG project over the implemented as planned and to update or revise any
time period for which GHG reductions will be quantified assumptions. Any changes to the monitoring plan shall
(see Chapter 10, section 10.2). They shall also report the also be reported. The report shall contain a quantifica-
calculation methods used to estimate and quantify GHG tion of GHG reductions for the GHG project based on
reductions and any uncertainties associated with the esti- actual monitored GHG emissions data.
mates of each project activity’s GHG emissions.

11.5 Monitoring Plan

How all GHG sources or sinks within the GHG assess-
ment boundary will be monitored once the GHG project
is implemented shall be reported, including the following
elements of the monitoring plan:

• The procedures for collecting data necessary to deter-

mine actual GHG emissions or removals for each
project activity (and to evaluate whether assumptions
concerning the project activity remain valid), as well
as the frequency of monitoring related to each GHG

Part III

GHG Project Accounting Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Cement Sector GHG Project
Using the Project-Specific Baseline Procedure

EXAMPLE 2 Compressor Station Efficiency Improvement GHG Project

Using the Performance Standard Baseline Procedure

Cement Sector GHG Project Using the

Project-Specific Baseline Procedure

his case study illustrates the application of Part II production, and (2) by reducing GHG emissions associ-
of the Project Protocol to a hypothetical GHG proj- ated with energy production and consumption.
ect, using the project-specific procedure to estimate
baseline emissions. The numbering of the sections
in this example corresponds to the numbering of the chap- Background and Overview
ters in Part II of the Project Protocol. This case study is of GHG Emissions from Cement Manufacturing
intended to be illustrative in nature; additional details or Portland cement is manufactured by a complex process
justifications may be needed for various sections for an of “burning” (pyro-processing) selected raw materials
actual project. The square brackets found throughout the and then fine-grinding the resulting clinker. The process
text denote where additional explanations and justification entails the conversion of a chemically designed and phys-
may be required for actual GHG projects. ically prepared raw material mixture into cement
clinker. In Company X’s facilities, this is done in a rotary
The GHG project presented here involves the reduction
kiln through the controlled combustion of coal.
of GHG emissions associated with a cement manufac-
turing plant, owned by “Company X.” This project is Figure E1.1 illustrates a typical cement manufacturing
intended to reduce GHG emissions: (1) by reducing process (dry process with rotary kiln), energy consump-
process GHG emissions associated with cement clinker tion, and the types of GHG emissions generated in a

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 85

FIGURE E1.1 Flow diagram of cement manufacturing process (dry process with rotary kiln), with energy
consumption points and types of GHG emissions generated in a cement facility

Electricity/fuel used in
conveyor or truck transport
Raw mill

Quarrying, mining Raw material crushing,
GHG emissions associated
of raw material grinding, mixing,

with purchased electricity
homogenising, drying
Indirect GHG emissions
associated with purchased
electricity or fuel consumption

Electricity/fuel used in
conveyor or truck transport

Process CO2 emissions:

Rotary kiln CaCO3+heat = CO2+CaO

Coal mill
Mining and/or Calcination and pyro- GHG emissions from
Crushing, grinding,
sourcing of fuel processing: Preheating, heat consumption
calcination, clinkering

GHG emissions associated

with purchased electricity
GHG emissions associated
with purchased electricity or

fuel consumption

Clinker cooler
GHG emissions associated
Clinker cooling

with purchased electricity

Cement manufacturing process A

Raw material, including fuel

Cement mill

sourcing activity, generally GHG emissions associated

located outside the plant site Fine grinding of
with purchased electricity
clinker and blending
Heat energy

Electrical energy


➡ GHG emissions Packer

➡ GHG emissions associated

Bold Type Equipment name Packing with purchased electricity

Regular Type Process name

Cement Sector GHG Project

cement facility. The raw materials—consisting of lime- ties of fuels. Depending on the raw materials and the
stone, silica sand, clay, and other blending actual production process, a cement plant consumes

materials—are quarried and transported by either fuel at a rate between 3,200 and 5,500 megajoules
conveyor belt or truck, depending on the distance of raw per tonne (MJ/t) of clinker.
material sources to the plant. Clinker raw materials,

clay, limestone, and silica sand are crushed, ground, and

homogenized prior to calcination and pyro-processing. GHG Project Description
Fuels, particularly those of solid form (coal or alterna- The information in this section is intended to provide

tive fuels, such as waste tyres, municipal solid waste, context for the GHG project. Some of this information is
and biofuels) are also ground and dried. The ground raw reported to meet the requirements in Chapter 11 of the

material is then preheated. The calcination of limestone Project Protocol. Additional information should also be
and pyro-processing takes place by burning the fuel and reported when documenting and reporting an actual
preheated raw material at a very high temperature GHG project (see Chapter 11).

(above 2,000˚C) in the rotary kiln to form clinker

Company X has three manufacturing facilities in
nodules. The clinker nodules are cooled in the clinker
Indonesia producing ordinary Portland cement (OPC).
cooler. In the cement mill, clinker is fine-ground and

Each facility is equipped with a cement kiln. The facili-

blended with additives to produce cement.
ties are situated in different provinces on different
GHG emissions from cement manufacturing depend on islands—one in Kalimantan and two in West Java (see

the fuel mix, energy consumption, plant technology, and Figure E1.2).
other variables, and are plant-specific. The two main
Company X’s proposed GHG project consists of two proj-
GHG emission sources are:
ect activities:
• Calcination/pyro-processing, which is generally the • Project Activity 1: Reducing clinker content in
largest source of GHG emissions. (CaCO3+ heat = > cement production by increasing material additives.
CaO+CO2). The GHG emissions from this source are Currently, Company X produces OPC clinker with a
categorized as industrial process emissions, which can clinker-to-cement ratio of 95 percent. Company X
generate 50 percent or more of total cement manufac- proposes to manufacture blended cement, which uses
turing GHG emissions (OECD/IEA 2000). increased proportions of limestone and pozzolan addi-
tives in the fine-grinding process. The result is cement
• Fuel burning in pyro-processing, which requires
with a lower clinker fraction (81 percent) with a
flame temperatures above 2,000˚C and large quanti-

FIGURE E1.2 Location of Company X’s cement manufacturing facilities

X 2 – W E S T J AVA

X 1 – W E S T J AVA

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 87

strength comparable to that of OPC. Lowering the 5.2 & 5.3 IDENTIFYING PRIMARY
clinker-to-cement ratio reduces both process emissions EFFECTS AND CONSIDERING
and associated fuel-related GHG emissions. ALL SECONDARY EFFECTS

The primary effects and possible secondary effects asso-
The pozzolanic additives used include coal fly ash and
ciated with each project activity are listed below in
volcanic ash (trass). The use of these materials will
section 5.4 & 5.5 along with an estimation of their

require investment in new equipment to improve clinker
magnitude and assessment of significance for the second-
quality. With its existing equipment, Company X can
ary effects. [For many GHG projects it will make sense
only slightly reduce its clinker-to-cement ratio (from
95 percent to 91 percent).
to list these separately.] A
• Project Activity 2: Switching fuels from coal to

biofuels (palm kernel and rice husk) in kiln burning. 5.4 & 5.5 E S T I M AT I N G T H E R E L AT I V E
All of Company X’s cement kilns use coal as fuel for MAGNITUDE AND ASSESSING
clinker burning. Company X intends to replace a THE SIGNIFICANCE OF

portion of the coal with biofuels found near its plants, SECONDARY EFFECTS
and consequently to reduce GHG emissions. Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content

This project activity reduces GHG emissions in two ways,

both of which are related to the reduced amount of
Chapter 5: Defining the clinker required to produce cement. The activity there-

GHG Assessment Boundary fore has two primary effects:

5.1 IDENTIFYING PROJECT ACTIVITIES • Reduction in industrial process emissions from the

This GHG project consists of two project activities— calcination process.

reducing clinker content and switching fuels.
• Reduction in combustion emissions from generating
energy for pyro-processing.
Cement Sector GHG Project

Possible secondary effects and their magnitude and terbalanced by GHG reductions from the reduced
significance include: transport and preparation of the raw materials, it is

considered insignificant and will not be included in the

• Reduction in combustion emissions from reduced elec-
GHG assessment boundary.
tricity use during the clinker production process (e.g.,
in the operation of the rotary kiln, raw material grind- • Increased combustion emissions from additional elec-

ing, and fuel preparation). This positive secondary tricity required for the preparation of additive
effect is smaller than the two primary effects. In the materials. The increase in GHG emissions is expected

interest of being conservative, it will not be included in to be small compared to the primary effects (less
the GHG assessment boundary. than half a percent). Because this secondary effect is
counterbalanced by the reduction in GHG emissions

• Reduction in combustion emissions from the reduced

from reduced electricity use in clinker production and
transport and preparation of raw materials. This posi-
is not expected to change over time, it is considered
tive secondary effect is expected to be small. As a
insignificant and will not be included in the GHG

conservative measure, it will be excluded from the

assessment boundary.
GHG assessment boundary.
• Possible increase in GHG emissions at other cement

• Increased combustion emissions from the transporta-

companies, who also use fly ash and trass. This could
tion of additives (e.g., fly ash and trass) to the plant
result from the decreased availability of these inputs
site. The increase in GHG emissions is expected to be
because of Company X’s GHG project (i.e., a market

small compared to the primary effects (less than one

response). A feasibility study on the availability of
percent). Because this secondary effect will be coun-

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 89

additive materials suggests that these additive Chapter 6: Selecting a Baseline Procedure
materials are abundant. Thus, this market response The project-specific procedure was chosen to estimate
is considered insignificant. baseline emissions for both project activities. The proj-
ect-specific procedure was preferred over a performance
Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels standard approach because of difficulties in obtaining
This project activity is intended to reduce combustion performance data on individual cement kilns in
emissions by substituting coal with biofuels. Coal is used Indonesia. Further, the total number of comparable
to produce heat energy in the clinker kilns. cement kilns in Indonesia is small, making it difficult to
develop a robust statistical performance standard.
The project activity’s primary effect is the reduction
in combustion emissions from generating energy, due
to the switch from coal to biofuels. Possible secondary Chapter 7: Identifying the
effects include: Baseline Candidates
• Increased combustion emissions associated with the For the project-specific procedure, the baseline candi-
transportation of biofuels. dates identified include representative types of plants,
technologies, or practices that produce the same product
• Reduced combustion emissions associated with the or service as the project activities within a specified
transportation of coal. geographic area and temporal range.
• Reduced waste emissions due to less waste materials
being burned or anaerobically decomposing in land-
fills (the biofuel would have otherwise been disposed 7.1 DEFINING THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE
The primary characteristic of the baseline candidates is
• Reduced combustion emissions from using less elec- that they must provide the same or similar products or
tricity for coal preparation. services as those provided by the two project activities.
• Possible increase in combustion emissions from gener- • For Project Activity 1, the product is cement that is

ating energy caused by the reduced availability of equally as strong as OPC.
biofuels (i.e., a market response).
• For Project Activity 2, the product is heat energy for

A preliminary estimation indicates that the reduced kiln burning to create clinker.
GHG emissions associated with the second, third, and
fourth secondary effects listed above are greater than the
increased GHG emissions from the transportation of A
biofuels (the first secondary effect). Although the effects O F B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S

yield a further 4 percent reduction in GHG emissions for Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
this project activity, they have been excluded from the Two materials that can be used to replace clinker in
GHG assessment boundary as a conservative measure. cement production are trass and fly ash. Trass is a fine,

Regarding the last secondary effect, other users of rice sandy, volcanic ash that is abundant in volcanic regions
husks and palm kernels may need to increase their of the country. To avoid prohibitive transport costs,
trass deposits that are close to the plants are used. In

consumption of fossil fuels to generate energy, thereby

increasing GHG emissions. However, preliminary West Java, trass is found in Cianjur and Nagrek, and
research indicates that rice husks and palm kernel shells in Tasikmalaya, which is near the X1 and X2 plants.

are available in abundance. Based on current demand, Trass is currently mostly used for small-scale, light
the supply of these materials is approximately 1.5 times brick-making projects.
greater than the expected demand. Therefore, this

Fly ash is produced in large quantities in Indonesia as a

secondary effect is considered insignificant and is waste product of electricity generation from coal. Coal is
excluded from the GHG assessment boundary. the preferred national energy generation source because of
Cement Sector GHG Project

Indonesia’s large coal reserves. The Indonesian Hazardous • Production of Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC). PPC is
Waste Regulation (PP No. 18/1999) classifies fly ash another type of cement with a lower clinker-to-cement

from power plants as hazardous waste, affecting the ratio than that of the OPC. However, the strength of
availability of its beneficial use. Exemption to this classifi- PPC develops more slowly than OPC and generates less
cation can be granted if fly ash successfully passes Toxic heat during the curing process. The additive used in

Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TLCP) and Lethal PPC is mainly trass.

Dosis (LD) 50 tests.
• Production of OPC with new equipment to achieve an

Based on this information and the questions outlined in 81 percent clinker-to-cement ratio (as proposed for
Chapter 7, section 7.2 of the Project Protocol, the range project activity 1).
of technical options that could produce cement with

strength equal to that of OPC include:

Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels
• Production of current OPC cement with a clinker-to- A range of possible fuels could be used to provide energy

cement ratio of 95 percent. for producing clinker. These include:

• Production of OPC with a lower clinker-to-cement • Coal.


ratio (e.g., 91 percent). Existing technologies allow an

• Natural gas.
increase of additives of up to 4 percent to produce this
type of OPC. • Industrial diesel oil.

• Non-renewable resources, such as waste tyres, waste

oil, and hazardous waste. However, continuous
streams of these resources are not found in Indonesia.
There is no regulation that requires the reuse or recy-
cling of hazardous waste, such as burning of
hazardous wastes in cement kilns. (Waste fuels may
also have negative side effects in terms of dioxin and
other pollutant emissions).

• Renewable energy fuels, such as biomass (which could

partly replace coal or other fuels, as proposed for
Project Activity 2).




Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
The geographic area defined was Indonesia because:

• The principal market for cement produced by Company X

is Indonesia, and the cement produced must comply
with the national standard SNI 15-3500-1994.

• Company X’s facilities are located in different areas in

Indonesia: two plants are located in West Java within
one province, the other is located on Kalimantan in
South Kalimantan province.

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 91

• Cement manufacturing facilities need to be located 7.4 DEFINING OTHER CRITERIA USED
close to the source of demand. Cement produced in T O I D E N T I F Y B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S
Kalimantan mostly serves Kalimantan and Sulawesi Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
(the island next to Kalimantan) customers, while the Blended cement is classified under the Indonesian standard
facilities in Java mostly serve customers in Java. SNI 15-3500-1994 (Semen Campur). Following this stan-
dard, blended cement may contain various additives
Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels
(artificial and natural trass, limestone, and others) at
The geographic area defined was Indonesia because:
unspecified proportions. Therefore, legal requirements are
• Only dry-process kilns are currently operating in not relevant, and no other criteria were identified.
Indonesia. In a larger geographic area (e.g., Southeast
Asia), different types of kilns are operating. For exam- Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels
ple, in the Philippines, dry-process cement kilns make Indonesia has no stated legal requirements with respect
up about 51 percent of overall capacity, while the rest to fuels used in clinker burning, and no other criteria
is wet-process cement kilns (Mohanty 1997). were identified to define baseline candidates.

• All fuel is obtained domestically, and fuel prices for

each type of fuel are uniform within the country.
Different fuel prices in different countries in the
Southeast Asia regions make a larger regional
Based on the necessary characteristics and the defined
geographic area inappropriate.
geographic area and temporal range, the final list of base-
• Some cement companies in Indonesia have manufac- line candidates for each project activity is as follows.
turing facilities in different provinces, including
Company X. This makes the smaller provincial level Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
inappropriate because the sourcing of fuel may differ • Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of current activi-
from one province to another. ties—production of OPC with a clinker-to-cement ratio
of 95 percent. This candidate also reflects the average

Indonesian clinker-to-cement ratio content.
Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
The temporal range chosen was from 1997 to the pres- • Baseline Candidate 2: Production of OPC with a lower
ent. The beginning of this time period coincides with the clinker-to-cement ratio (91 percent). International and

Asian economic crisis, providing a discrete break point Indonesian cement standards allow OPC to be
where cement technology changed. A majority of the wet produced with additive materials in addition to
kilns were shut down at this point, and when the market gypsum. Company X can produce OPC with a clinker- A
recovered, a number of new dry kiln plants were to-cement ratio of 91 percent without significant
constructed to meet the growing demand. additional equipment or other investment. This base-

line candidate is considered to be a “safe” business

Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels measure where investment risks are negligible.
The temporal range chosen was from 1997 to the pres-

• Baseline Candidate 3: Production of OPC with new

ent, for reasons similar to those for Project Activity 1.
equipment to achieve an 81 percent clinker-to-cement
Cuts in fuel subsidies have been imposed as part of the
ratio. This baseline candidate is identical to Project

IMF Financial Package granted to Indonesia to support

Activity 1, and so will be referred to as Project
recovery from the Asian economic crisis in 1997. This
Activity 1 in the rest of the example.
measure was expected to raise general energy efficiency

awareness and bring about fuel switching to renewable The production of PPC is eliminated from the list of
energy. However, reducing fuel subsidies is unpopular, baseline candidates because it does not provide similar
and in the past has caused civil unrest, so the fuel subsi- types of product characteristics. Although the final

dies still exist. strength is comparable to that of OPC (420 kg/cm2), the
strength of PPC develops more slowly than that of OPC
and generates less heat during the curing process.
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.1 Indonesian market share for different types of cement (percent)

TYPE OF CEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002

OPC 74.8 77.2 77.7 81.9


PPC + Masonry 25.2 22.8 22.3 18.1

Blended 0 0 0 0

Source: Indonesia Cement Association, 2002 and laboratory tests on OPC cement from each cement manufacturing plant where published data were unavailable.

Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels company to another. The cement used in Indonesia is
• Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of current activi- dominated by high-quality OPC with a 28-day strength of

ties—using coal as the primary fuel for clinker about 420 kg/cm2. Current practice focuses on the produc-
burning. Coal is readily available and is the cheapest tion of OPC with a clinker-to-cement ratio of 95 percent.
fuel for clinker burning. The market share of OPC in Indonesia is about 82 percent,

whereas the market share of the PPC and masonry cement

• Baseline Candidate 2: Replacement of coal with natural
accounts for about 18 percent (see Table E1.1).
gas. Natural gas is available, and Company X’s

manufacturing facility is equipped with a gas pipeline Table E1.1 indicates that the production of OPC (95
and gas burner. Prior to 1997, some kilns belonging to percent clinker-to-cement ratio) is common practice.
Company X used natural gas for clinker burning, as In 1996 Company X introduced blended cement “R.”
the cost was comparable to the cost of coal. Since the Production was discontinued in 1998 due to lack of
economic downturn in 1997, however, the natural gas acceptance by the market. The blended cement “R”
price has been about 25 percent higher than that of coal. was of a slightly lower quality than OPC, and many
customers were not satisfied with its performance.
• Baseline Candidate 3: Replacement of coal with fuel
Since then, no other cement companies have attempted
oil. Oil (diesel oil or fuel oil) supply is available for
to produce blended cement.
continuous use. Almost all kilns in the Indonesian
cement industry are equipped with oil burners. The
price of fuel oil is about twice that of coal. Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels
Clinker burning in Indonesia is based almost entirely on
• Baseline Candidate 4: Replacement of coal with
coal. Coal is locally available in abundance at a competi-
renewable energy fuels, such as biomass. This base-
tive price. There is no significant difference in the
line candidate is identical to Project Activity 2, and
production systems or fuel usage from one cement
so will be referred to as Project Activity 2 in the rest
company to another. Coal is identified as the common
of the example.
practice fuel.
Replacement of coal with such non-renewable resources
as waste tyres, waste oil, and hazardous waste is elimi-
Chapter 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions—
nated as a baseline candidate, since a continuous stream
Project-Specific Procedure
of these sources is not available in Indonesia.
The project-specific procedure estimates baseline emis-
sions by identifying a baseline scenario for each project
activity. The list of possible alternatives for each project
7.6 I D E N T I F Y I N G B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S
activity—the baseline candidates—is evaluated using a
comparative assessment of barriers.
Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
All cement manufacturing in Indonesia uses a dry process This GHG project consists of two project activities with
(i.e., rotary kilns and pre-heaters). There is no significant a total of three primary effects and the baseline scenar-
difference in the production systems from one cement ios for these primary effects are interrelated. Project

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 93

mined by the baseline scenario for Project Activity 2.

FIGURE E1.3 How baseline emissions for each
Finally, baseline emissions for Primary Effect 3 will in
primary effect are derived from the
part depend on the clinker content of cement.
project activity baseline scenarios
In sum, two baseline scenarios are identified for the GHG
BASELINE SCENARIO BASELINE EMISSIONS project, and these are used in combination to estimate the
baseline emissions for the three primary effects (see Figure
For Project Activity 1 For Primary Effect 1
E1.3 and descriptions in Table E1.2).

The remainder of this section is organised so that all

the information pertaining to the two project activities
For Primary Effect 2
is kept together.

For Project Activity 2 For Primary Effect 3 8.1A P E R F O R M I N G A C O M P A R AT I V E

Primary Effects 1 and 2 are the primary effects associated with Project
Activity 1. Primary Effect 3 is the primary effect associated with Project Activity 2. Project Activity 1—Reducing Clinker Content
The possible alternatives for the baseline
scenario include:
Activity 1 has two primary effects: (1) reduction in • Implementation of the same technologies as those
industrial process emissions resulting from reduced involved in Project Activity 1 (i.e., 81 percent
clinker in the calcination process, and (2) reduction clinker content).
in combustion emissions from generating energy for
pyro- processing resulting from reduced clinker in the • Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of current activi-
calcination process. The baseline scenario identified ties (i.e., continued production of OPC cement with a
for Project Activity 1 will be used to estimate baseline clinker-to-cement ratio of 95 percent).
emissions for all primary effects. Baseline emissions • Baseline Candidate 2: Production of OPC with a lower

for the second primary effect will also depend on the clinker-to-cement ratio (91 percent).
type of fuel used to produce heat energy, which is deter-

TABLE E1.2 How baseline emission estimates are derived

Project Activity 1: Reduction Clinker composition used in cement production Baseline emissions derived from the percentage of

in process emissions clinker used in cement production

Project Activity 1: Reduction a) Clinker composition used in cement Combustion emissions derived from the amount of

in combustion emissions from production (which determines the amount of heat required to produce the clinker and an emis-
generating energy heat required); and sion factor for the type of fuel used to produce heat
b) Type of fuel used to produce heat energy

Project Activity 2: Reduction Type of fuel used to produce heat energy Combustion emissions derived from the amount of
in combustion emissions from heat required to produce the clinker* and an emis-

generating energy sion factor for the type of fuel used to produce heat

*For the baseline emissions of Primary Effect 3, the clinker composition is assumed to be 81 percent, premised on the implementation

of Project Activity 1. See the Monitoring and Quantification analysis (related to Chapter 10, below) for a full description of how baseline
emissions and GHG reductions are estimated and quantified.
Cement Sector GHG Project

8.1A.1 IDENTIFYING BARRIERS TO THE PROJECT High Cost: Project Activity 1 will require extensive invest-
A C T I V I T Y A N D B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S ment in new equipment and research and development.

Based on the barrier categories in Table 8.1 (in Chapter 8 of

New equipment investments are expected to cost approx-
the Project Protocol), the following barriers were identified:
imately $5 million (U.S.) and include:
Financial and Budgetary Barriers

• Improved quality control. Additional laboratory equip-

There are two types of barriers in this category: invest-
ment is needed, including x-ray fluorescence (XRF)
ment risk and high cost.
and x-ray diffraction (XRD) automatic samplers.

Investment Risk: Country risk and uncertain economic

• Storage, handling, and proportioning equipment for
growth will hinder investment in any industrial sector,
additive materials. Additional hoppers/storage facili-

including the cement industry. Five years after the 1997

ties, feeders, conveyors, limestone crushers, and
economic crisis, Indonesia began to experience a slow
cement grinding equipment is needed.
economic recovery. Some economic indicators, such as

export and import shares, show signs of improvement. • Increased cement grinding fineness. Air separators
The country’s position in terms of international compet- are needed.
itiveness, legal certainty, and general level of risk for

• Additional environmental controls. Pre-dedusting

investment remains unfavourable for foreign investors.
systems are needed.
The 2002 World Investment Report by the United
Research and development efforts are needed to determine

Nations Conference on Trade and Development

how the new and existing equipment can be used to
(UNCTAD) ranked Indonesia 138 out of 146 countries
produce blended cement. Before blended cements can be
surveyed for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) perform-
launched in the market, extensive testing is needed both
ance between 1998 and 2000. Moreover, between 1998
internally and externally. The research and development
and 2000 Indonesia's FDI index value was -0.6, mean-
for Project Activity 1 will require an investment of
ing that Indonesia did not have a favourable investment
approximately $3 million (U.S.). These tasks include:
environment. The situation is exacerbated by safety
concerns associated with terrorist attacks to several • Trial production involving laboratory testing by
businesses and continuing conflicts in some regions, Company X to obtain indicative information on required
such as in Aceh and Papua. The International Country fineness, sulphite content, additive composition, etc.
Risk Group considers Indonesia to be riskier for busi-
• Full-scale trial production in selected mills.
ness than its Asian neighbours.
• Laboratory testing and field testing of the new blended
As a consequence, financial institutions have set up loan
cement by Company X. Additional testing by third
restrictions. This limitation is normally defined in terms of
parties, such as universities and contractors, is also needed.
a maximum cash amount available for loans. Since the
risk is directly linked to the duration of the loan, more Baseline Candidate 1 (continuation of current activities)
restrictive limitations are imposed on longer-term transac- would require no additional investment, and expenditures
tions, such as loans to obtain the technology required to associated with Baseline Candidate 2 would be minimal.
produce blended cement. [This barrier can be substanti- [Additional information may be required to demonstrate
ated using financial analysis and notes from negotiations that the expenditures for Baseline Candidate 2 would
with financial institutions.] be minimal.]

Poor investment conditions would not be a barrier if

Technology Operation and Maintenance Barriers
Company X simply continued with its current activities
Existing technology and human resources at Company X
(Baseline Candidate 1) or pursued Baseline Candidate 2,
are inadequate to increase the quality of clinker and
which requires no significant investment. Therefore, this
improve quality assurance in producing blended cement.
barrier only applies to Project Activity 1, which requires
New technology and training are needed (see above),
significant new investment.
because Company X has no prior experience with these

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 95

for Project Activity 1, where the significantly lower clinker-

to-cement ratio is likely to affect consumers’ perceptions
because it is significantly darker in colour than OPC. It will
not be a significant barrier for Baseline Candidates 1 or 2.

Resource Availability Barriers

No significant resource availability barriers affect
Project Activity 1 or any of its baseline candidates. For
the project activity, additive materials are available in
abundant amounts.


There are no barriers to the continuation of current
activities (Baseline Candidate 1), and no legal or market
shifts that would affect the continuation of current activi-
ties are expected.

8.1A.3 A S S E S S I N G T H E R E L AT I V E I M P O R T A N C E
The relative importance of barriers is assessed for each
technologies and they are not readily available in baseline scenario alternative. Overall, the financial and
Indonesia. Utilizing the technology will also require addi- budgetary barriers are the most significant type of
tional research and development efforts (see above). barrier. Social and cultural barriers are of similar signif-

This barrier affects Project Activity 1 and to a lesser icance, although these only affect Project Activity 1 and
extent Baseline Candidate 2. Baseline Candidate 2 has not the other alternatives. Technological barriers exist,
but are less important than the others.

less complicated technology. Technology operation and
maintenance is not a barrier for Baseline Candidate 1. Table E1.3 presents a matrix that shows a rough ranking
of the possible baseline scenario alternatives based on the
barriers they face. This indicates that the alternative with A
Infrastructure and Market Structure Barriers
No significant infrastructure or market structure barriers the lowest barriers is Baseline Candidate 1, which is the

affect Project Activity 1 or any of its baseline candidates. continuation of current activities. Baseline Candidate 2,
however, faces low barriers and cannot be excluded from
Institutional, Social, and Cultural Barriers consideration as the baseline scenario.

The market share of OPC in Indonesia is about 82 percent,

whereas the market share of the PPC and masonry cement
accounts for 18 percent, and the share of blended cement 8.2A IDENTIFYING THE BASELINE SCENARIO:

is 0 percent (see Table E1.1). A cement blend like that Project Activity 1—Reducing Clinker Content
proposed for Project Activity 1 (81 percent clinker-to-

cement ratio) may face difficulties competing with more 8.2A.1 EXPLAINING BARRIERS TO THE PROJECT ACTIVITY

established cement products. Blended cement is (mistak- AND HOW THEY WILL BE OVERCOME

enly) perceived to be of inferior quality in Indonesia. A Below are short descriptions of how Company X will

significant effort is needed to educate consumers regarding overcome the barriers to Project Activity 1. [Additional
new cement types with strength and characteristics compa- explanatory information may be required for an actual
rable to those of OPC. This perception is a barrier primarily GHG project.]
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.3 Rough ranking of baseline scenario alternatives by the cumulative importance of barriers


(H)* (L)* (M)* IMPACT

Project Activity 1 High High High Highest barriers

Baseline Candidate 1: Continu- Not present Not present Not present No barriers

ation of current activities

Baseline Candidate 2: OPC Low Low Low Low barriers


production with 91% clinker-

to-cement ratio

*The relative importance of the barriers compared to each other: H = Significant barrier; M = Moderately significant barrier; L = Less significant barrier.

Financial and Budgetary Barriers nology and receive training and research and development
Company X must assure financial institutions that the assistance from a developed-country manufacturer of
investment it is making in blended cement will pay off. blended cement in exchange for a percentage of the GHG

Company X is seeking tradable credits associated with reduction credits this GHG project will generate.
the GHG reductions from this GHG project; the expected
revenue from these credits will help to assure investors
Institutional, Social, and Cultural Barriers
that the blended cement investment will pay off.
Blended cement will very likely require significant
marketing efforts to penetrate the market. This market-
Technology Operation and Maintenance Barriers ing effort will be aimed at the negative consumer
Company X has contracted to purchase the required tech- perceptions concerning the quality of blended cement.

Based on marketing studies conducted by Company X,

the marketing strategy will involve:

• Price. A lower introductory price will be used when

the blended cement first enters the marketplace, the
challenge being to avoid the market perception that
lower price means lower quality.

• Branding. The new blended cement will be differentiated

through new branding (name, logo, packaging, etc.).

• Promotion. Customers (consultants, architects, contrac-

tors, etc.) will be informed that the quality of blended
cement is comparable to that of OPC, and that its initial
strength will be somewhat higher. Customers will be
educated through seminars and with study tours to
cement companies in Europe and the United States for
selected key clients. All collaborations with universities,
government institutions, industry associations, etc., will
also be publicised. Promotional material will include
brochures, leaflets, and other forms of advertising.

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 97

TABLE E1.4 Results of comparative assessment of barriers


Project Activity 1 Highest barriers Reject as baseline scenario

Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation No barriers Could be the baseline scenario

of current activities

Baseline Candidate 2: OPC production Low barriers Could be the baseline scenario
with 91% clinker-to-cement ratio

8.2A.2 IDENTIFYING THE BASELINE SCENARIO USING fits resulting from GHG reductions. Incremental costs
T H E C O M P A R AT I V E A S S E S S M E N T O F B A R R I E R S are evaluated and a qualitative and quantitative assess-
The summary of the comparative assessment of barriers ment is made of the expected benefits. Benefits are
in Table E1.3 suggests that identifying the baseline assessed from the perspective of relevant “decision-
scenario conclusively from this assessment is not possi- makers,” who for Project Activity 1 and the two baseline
ble. For both Baseline Candidates 1 and 2, barriers are candidates are the project developer, Company X.
either nonexistent or are low enough that they could be
Net benefits are evaluated over a 20-year time period.
easily overcome. Therefore, neither possibility can be
This is the expected length of time that the process
excluded from consideration as the baseline scenario.
changes represented by the project activity and Baseline
Table E1.4 summarizes the results of the barriers analy-
Candidate 2 would be likely to continue at Company X
sis and initial conclusions concerning identification of
without further modification (i.e., the project lifetime).
the baseline scenario.
The most significant source of identified net benefits
relates to potential financial benefits, as summarized in
Identifying the Baseline Scenario

Table E1.5. [This is a summary table; the conclusions
Using a Net Benefits Assessment
presented would require supporting data and analysis for
Because the comparative assessment of barriers does not
an actual GHG project.]
conclusively identify a baseline scenario for Project

Activity 1, there are two options: Another potential benefit for Project Activity 1 is early
positioning in the blended cement market should the
• Identify the more conservative baseline scenario from
Baseline Candidate 1 and Baseline Candidate 2. The
demand for blended cement increase in the future. This A
benefit is speculative and is insufficient to outweigh the
more conservative alternative would be Baseline
negative net benefits from investment.

Candidate 2, which would have lower GHG emissions

than the continuation of current activities (Baseline Baseline Candidate 1 (continuation of current activities)
Candidate 1). results in zero net benefits (i.e., there is no change in

current levels of costs and benefits). Baseline Candidate 2

• Assess the net benefits of each alternative.
results in large expected net benefits. Since its associated
For this example, we will assess the net benefits of each investment and technology barriers are low, the net finan-

alternative to identify the baseline scenario. For cial benefits expected for Baseline Candidate 2 are positive.
completeness, the net benefits of Project Activity 1 are
Table E1.6 summarizes the ranking of the baseline scenario

also assessed (even though Project Activity 1 was

alternatives. This is based on a comparison of barriers to
rejected as the baseline scenario using the comparative
net benefits. Project Activity 1 is not the baseline scenario,
assessment of barriers).
since it has high barriers and negative net benefits. The

For the net benefits assessment, the approximate net continuation of current activities, although it faces no barri-
benefits of each alternative are estimated and ers, gives no potential income growth for Company X.
compared—in the absence of any considerations of bene- Therefore, Baseline Candidate 2 is selected as the baseline
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.5 Incremental costs and net financial benefits for Project Activity 1 and associated baseline candidates


Project Activity 1 Investment costs— • Slight reduction in fuel Direct Financial:


• Equipment and human resources costs from a reduction in A negative net income is expected.
to improve clinker quality and QA/QC. clinker production. Incremental investment and the
• Revenues from the sale additional operating and marketing

Additional operating costs—

of cement (same for costs exceed the cost savings from
• Additional cost of additive material
other alternatives). reduced clinker use and sale of
to reduce clinker-to-cement ratio
• If the market for blended cement. Using the weighted average

from 95 percent to 81 percent.

cement grows in Indonesia, capital cost of 12 percent as the
• Additional cost of transporting the
Company X may benefit discount rate, the NPV for 20 years
additive materials.

from this project activity in is: negative $ 3 million (U.S.).

• Additional electricity cost for
terms of gaining early entry
preparing the additive materials. Market Entry:
into the market.
At this point such benefits are

Market entry costs—

speculative and insufficient to
To gain market entry there will be
justify the incremental costs.
additional marketing costs for the

first four years. Conclusion:

Negative net benefits.

Baseline Candidate 1: Zero relative costs (no additional Zero relative benefits (no Zero net benefits.
Continuation of investment required or costs foreseen). additional savings or
current activities revenues foreseen).

Baseline Candidate 2: Additional operating costs— • Small reduction in fuel Increase in income from the
OPC production with • Additional cost of additive material costs from a reduction in savings associated with a lower
a 91 percent clinker- to reduce clinker-to-cement ratio clinker production. clinker usage. This gives a positive
to-cement ratio from 95 percent to 91 percent. • Revenues from the sales cash flow. Using the weighted
• Additional cost of transporting of cement (same for other average capital cost of 12 percent
additive materials. alternatives). as the discount rate, the NPV for
• Additional electricity cost for 20 years is $20 million (U.S.).
preparing the additive materials.
Large positive net benefits.

scenario, since the barriers are considered low and it offers Common practice is identified as OPC cement with a 95
financially attractive net benefits to Company X. percent clinker-to-cement ratio. Both the identified base-
line scenario and Project Activity 1 have lower GHG
emissions than common practice.
The identified baseline scenario is Baseline Candidate 2.
It involves minimal capital investment but offers signifi- 8.1B P E R F O R M I N G A COMPARATIVE
cant monetary savings associated with reduced clinker ASSESSMENT OF BARRIERS:
production. It is also conservative, because it would Project Activity 2—Switching Fuels
result in fewer GHG emissions than the other viable The possible alternatives for the baseline scenario include:
alternative—Baseline Candidate 1 (the continuation of
• Implementation of the same technologies as those
current activities).
involved in Project Activity 2 (i.e., switching from coal
to biofuels in kiln burning).

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 99

TABLE E1.6 Screening baseline scenarios based on comparison of barriers to expected benefits


Project Activity 1 High barriers Negative net benefit Exclude

Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of No barriers Zero A viable baseline scenario

current activities but not the most attractive

Baseline Candidate 2: OPC production Low barriers Large positive net benefit Identified as the
with 91 percent clinker-to-cement ratio baseline scenario

• Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of current activi- biofuels present a large barrier to Project Activity 2. This
ties (i.e., continued use of coal as the primary fuel for barrier does not affect any of the baseline candidates,
clinker burning). since no significant capital expenditures are required for
Company X to use coal, natural gas, or fuel oil.
• Baseline Candidate 2: Replacement of coal with
natural gas. High Cost: Project Activity 2 will require new equipment
investments, which are expected to cost approximately
• Baseline Candidate 3: Replacement of coal with fuel oil.
$15 million (U.S.). These investments include:

• Installation of storage for the biofuels, transportation and

collection systems, and fuel feeding and burning systems.
Based on the barrier categories in Table 8.1 (in • Pneumatic devices or bucket elevators to deliver rice husks
Chapter 8 of the Project Protocol), the following and palm kernel shells from ground-level storage into an
barriers were identified: intermediate storage bin above the feed point level.

• Environmental controls that cover the biofuels supply

Financial and Budgetary Barriers
chain from source to final combustion. This will
There are two types of barriers in this category: invest-
include specialized collection systems, secured storage
ment risk and high cost.
facilities, and other fuel-specific handling systems.

Investment Risk: The financial and investment context
Fuel costs are another possible financial and budgetary
described for Project Activity 1 also applies to Project
barrier. Both natural gas and fuel oil (Baseline Candidates
Activity 2. The absence of incentives and the difficulty in
2 and 3) have higher costs than coal (Table E1.7). A
procuring funds for new equipment needed to utilize

TABLE E1.7 Comparison of fuel prices



Coal 412.00 5,800 0.071


Gas 900.00 10,103 0.089

Fuel Oil 1,350.00 9,700 0.142


Rice Husk 30.20 3,500 0.009


Palm Kernel Shell 25.00 4,300 0.006

*Original price is in rupiah.
**Mcal = Megacalories. Calorific value of coal is based on supplier data, while the calorific values of other fuel types are taken from IPCC default value (IPCC, 1996).
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.8 Assessment of financial and budgetary barriers for Project Activity 2 and its associated
baseline candidates


Project Activity 2 U.S. $15 million U.S. $0.007/Mcal* Lower fuel costs but high up-front investment

costs required, with limited access to capital

due to the poor Indonesian investment climate.

Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of None U.S. $0.071/Mcal Current activities have the least cost overall.
current activities (coal)

Baseline Candidate 2: Replacement of None U.S. $0.089/Mcal Significantly more expensive than using coal
coal with natural gas (U.S. $0.02/Mcal higher cost).

Baseline Candidate 3: Replacement of None U.S. $0.142/Mcal More expensive than using coal or natural gas.
coal with fuel oil

*Assuming weighted average of rice husk and palm kernel shell utilization. Utilization of renewable sources increases heat consumption per tonne of
clinker produced. This heat consumption increase depends on the amount of biofuel used with the actual increase requiring monitoring.

The cost of the biofuels is much less than that of coal.

Therefore, some cost savings accrue to Project Activity 2
from the reduction in coal usage and the lower cost of
the biofuels. However, these savings are not enough to
cover the cost of the additional equipment needed to
utilize biofuels. The higher moisture content of biofuels
also means that more heat is needed to produce clinker.
This results in higher energy use during clinker produc-
tion and more frequent monitoring of the process. Table
E1.8 summarizes the significance of the financial and
budgetary barriers facing each alternative. [This is a
summary table; the conclusions presented would require
supporting data and analysis for an actual GHG project.]

Technology Operation and Maintenance Barriers

No significant technology barriers affect Project Activity 2
or any of its baseline candidates.

Infrastructure Barriers
The rice husks and palm kernel shells used in Project
Activity 2 are regarded as waste. Rice husks can be
sourced from areas close to the cement plants and can
be compacted to lower bulk-density, which reduces
transportation costs. The palm oil industry produces
palm kernel shells. These wastes are mostly available
in Kalimantan and, to a lesser extent, in Java, and are
cheaper than conventional fuel (Table E1.8). However,
the current infrastructure for waste collection, treatment,
and final disposal is underdeveloped compared with other
countries. Utilizing biofuels will require waste collection
and treatment systems to be implemented (approximately
EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 101

$6 million out of the total $15 million (U.S.) investment). 8.1B.3 A S S E S S I N G T H E R E L AT I V E I M P O R T A N C E

This barrier only affects Project Activity 2. OF THE IDENTIFIED BARRIERS
Overall, the financial and budgetary barriers are the
Infrastructure barriers do not apply to Baseline
most significant barriers. The infrastructural barriers
Candidates 1, 2, and 3, since the infrastructure for fossil
can be overcome by working with local government
fuel collection, transportation, storage, and utilization is
permitting authorities and obtaining access to financing.
already in place at Company X’s facilities.
Thus, the importance of financial and budgetary barriers
is determined to be high, while the importance of infra-
Market Structure Barriers
structural barriers is medium.
No significant market structure barriers affect Project
Activity 2 or any of its baseline candidates. Project Activity 2 is affected by all identified barriers.
Baseline Candidates 2 and 3 face relatively high finan-
Institutional, Social, and Cultural Barriers cial and budgetary barriers. Baseline Candidate 1 faces
No significant institutional, social, or cultural barriers no barriers. The net affect of barriers for each alterna-
affect Project Activity 2 or any of its baseline candidates. tive is summarized in Table E1.9.

Resource Availability Barriers

No significant resource availability barriers affect 8.2B IDENTIFYING THE BASELINE SCENARIO
Project Activity 2 or any of its baseline candidates. Rice
husks and palm kernel shells are available in abun-
dance; the only barriers to their use are infrastructural.
Following are short descriptions of how Company X will
There is some possibility that other cement companies
overcome the barriers to Project Activity 2. [Additional
will follow Company X’s lead to use biofuels, causing
explanatory information may be required for an actual
future resource availability issues. Any increase in the
GHG project.]
use of biofuels will need to be monitored.
Financial and Budgetary Barriers
Similar to Project Activity 1, Company X must assure

8.1B.2 I D E N T I F Y I N G B A R R I E R S T O T H E C O N T I N U AT I O N financial institutions that the investment it makes in
OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES using biofuels will pay off. Company X is seeking recog-
There are no barriers to the continuation of current nition and tradable credits associated with the GHG

activities (Baseline Candidate 1); no legal or market reductions from this GHG project. The expected revenue
shifts are expected that would affect the continuation from these credits will help to assure investors that the
of current activities. biofuel investment will pay off. A

TABLE E1.9 Rough ranking of baseline scenario alternatives by cumulative significance of barriers



Project Activity 2 High High Highest Barriers


Baseline Candidate 1: Not present Not present No barriers

Continuation of current activities

Baseline Candidate 2: Medium Not present Medium barriers


Replacement of coal with natural gas

Baseline Candidate 3: Medium/high Not present Medium/high barriers


Replacement of coal with fuel oil

*The relative importance of barriers compared to each other: H = Significant barrier; M = Moderately significant barrier.
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.10 Results of comparative assessment of barriers



Project Activity 2 Highest barriers Rejected as the baseline scenario.


Baseline Candidate 1: Continuation of current activities No barriers Identified as the baseline scenario.

Baseline Candidate 2: Replacement of coal with natural gas Medium barriers Rejected as the baseline scenario.

Baseline Candidate 3: Replacement of coal with fuel oil Medium/high barriers Rejected as the baseline scenario.

Infrastructure Barriers Baseline emissions for this primary effect are equal to
Company X will invest the money required to build the the clinker content of the cement multiplied by the CO2

necessary infrastructure to utilize biofuels and work with emission factor for calcination:
local government officials to ensure that biofuel collec-
= (0.91 t clinker/t cement) . (0.525 t CO2 /t clinker)

tion and treatment facilities can be constructed.

= 0.478 tonnes of CO2eq for every tonne of cement
produced by Company X


Based on the comparative assessment of barriers, Project
Primary Effect 2: Reduction in combustion emissions
Activity 2 and Baseline Candidates 2 and 3 are rejected as
from generating energy for pyro-processing resulting
the baseline scenario (Table E1.10). Baseline Candidate 1,
from reduced clinker in the calcination process.
which is the continuation of current activities, faces no
barriers and is identified as the baseline scenario. Only CO2 emissions are considered, since nitrous oxide
and methane emissions from the clinker burning process
are considered insignificant (Ellis 2000). The baseline
scenario involves coal as the fuel used in clinker burning.
The identified baseline scenario is the continuation of
Coal from Indonesia has an emission factor of 0.402 kg
current activities—i.e., the use of coal as the fuel for
CO2eq/Megacalorie (CO2 /Mcal). As a preliminary esti-
clinker production. It involves no capital investment
mate, it is assumed that clinker requires an energy input
and faces no barriers. This baseline scenario is reason-
of 755 Mcal/t of clinker.
able, since it also represents common practice. Project
Activity 2 is not common practice. Baseline emissions for this primary effect are equal to
the CO2 emission factor for coal multiplied by the energy
input required for clinker production, multiplied by the
8.3 E S T I M AT I N G B A S E L I N E E M I S S I O N S clinker content of the cement:
Baseline emissions are estimated for each primary
= (0.402 kg CO2eq/Mcal) . (755 Mcal/t clinker)
effect, based on the identified baseline scenarios for
x (0.91 t clinker/t cement) / (1,000 kg CO2 /t CO2)
each project activity.
= 0.276 tonnes of CO2eq for every tonne of cement
produced by Company X
Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content
Primary Effect 1: Reduction in industrial process Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels
emissions resulting from reduced clinker in the Primary Effect 3: Reduction in combustion emissions from
calcination process. generating energy due to the switch from coal to biofuels.

The CO2 emission factor for calcination from a tonne of Project Activity 2 effectively reduces the GHG emission
clinker is 0.525 t CO2 /t clinker.1 rate associated with the fuel used for clinker burning,

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 103

which in the baseline scenario is coal. Project Activity 1 Chapter 10: Monitoring and Quantifying
results in a reduction in the amount of clinker required the GHG Reductions
for every tonne of cement produced. Thus, baseline emis-
1 0 . 1 C R E AT I N G A M O N I T O R I N G P L A N
sions for Project Activity 2 are premised on the lower
The monitoring plan presented here is an overview and,
amount of clinker required by Project Activity 1—i.e.,
as with the requirements for Chapter 8, this section is
0.81 tonnes of clinker/tonne of cement.
organised by following all the requirements for each proj-
For Project Activity 2 the baseline emissions are equal to ect activity sequentially. A detailed monitoring plan will
the CO2 emission factor for coal multiplied by the energy include provisions for monitoring frequency, record keep-
input required for clinker production, multiplied by the ing, and methods used to measure, calculate, or estimate
lower clinker content of the cement: data on GHG emissions and baseline parameters.

= (0.402 kg CO2eq/Mcal) . (755 Mcal/t clinker)

x (0.81 t clinker/t cement) / (1,000 kg CO2/t CO2)
Project Activity 1—Reducing Clinker Content
= 0.246 tonnes of CO2eq for every tonne of cement GHG emissions are monitored using indirect measure-
produced by Company X ment and calculations. The data that need to be
monitored for Project Activity 1 and brief assessments of
the uncertainty associated with these data are provided
in Table E1.11. [Additional detail would in most cases
be necessary for an actual project.]

TABLE E1.11 Data requirements and uncertainty levels for monitoring Project Activity 1 emissions

Primary Effect 1: Clinker-to-cement ratio of Low N/A N/A

Industrial process blended cement
CO2 emission factor due to Low MgO and CaO content of Conduct a laboratory analysis using

calcination process raw material and clinker x-ray analyser.

Tonnes of cement produced Low N/A N/A

by Company X A
Primary Effect 2: CO2 emission factor for coal Low Heat values for • Conduct a laboratory analysis to test

Combustion used in clinker production coal used the heating values for coal used.
emissions from process (tonnes CO2 /Mcal) • In the absence of laboratory
generating energy analysis, use IPCC default

for pyro-processing emission factors.

Energy content of coal Low Heat values for • Conduct a laboratory analysis

used in clinker production coal used to test the heating values for
process (Mcal/tonne) coal used.
• In the absence of laboratory

analysis, use IPCC default

emission factors.

Amount of coal used Low N/A N/A

in clinker production
process (tonnes)
Cement Sector GHG Project

TABLE E1.12 Data requirements and uncertainty levels for monitoring baseline parameters related to
Project Activity 1 (reducing clinker content)



Additive materials (fly Availability of unused Medium Displacement of Regular surveys of other users of fly ash
ash, trass) remain additive materials other users of fly and trass to ascertain level of use.

abundantly available ash and trass

Blended cement has Total sales of OPC Low Lack of records • Conduct a data assessment from the

limited market penetra- in Indonesia and available data cement market association and exist-
tion in Indonesia on cement market ing market studies.
Total sales of blended
• Conduct a regular survey and

cement in Indonesia
investigation of the OPC and blended
Sales of non-OPC and cement market.
non-blended cement • An independent expert should

in Indonesia validate the data quality for the

cement sector.
Market share of blended

cement in Indonesia

Strength of blended Low N/A Conduct a laboratory analysis to assess

cement and OPC cement the OPC and blended cement strength.

10.1A.2 MONITORING BASELINE PARAMETERS methods are already accounted for in the existing ISO
The data in Table E1.12 will be monitored to ensure 9001 system and the audited management accounting
that baseline emission estimates for Project Activity 1 system for Portland cement. Furthermore, each year an
remain valid. independent verifier from an accredited entity will verify
the actual GHG reductions generated.
For the first assumption, if additive materials were to
become scarce, significant secondary effects may arise
from other users of these materials switching to conven-
Project Activity 2—Switching Fuels
tional raw materials, thus increasing their GHG
The data needed to determine GHG emissions related to
emissions. Baseline emission estimates may need to be
the primary effect of Project Activity 2 are the same used
revised to account for this switch. This secondary effect
to determine GHG emissions associated with the second
would then need to be included in the GHG assessment
primary effect for Project Activity 1 (see Table E1.11).
boundary. The availability of unused additive materials
Project Activity 2 does not have any significant secondary
will be verified annually.
effects. Therefore, no separate monitoring plan is required
For the second assumption, if the market share of for the GHG emissions associated with Project Activity 2.
blended cement in Indonesia rises above 30 percent, the
baseline scenario will no longer be assumed to be valid, 10.1B.2 MONITORING BASELINE PARAMETERS
and no more GHG reductions will be quantified for The data in Table E1.13 will be monitored to ensure
Project Activity 1. The market penetration of blended that baseline emission estimates for Project Activity 2
cement will be verified annually. remain valid.

Before the GHG project begins, data on the energy input

required to produce clinker are required in order to cali-
Most of the data required in the monitoring plan, the
brate estimates of baseline emissions. As noted above,
monitoring frequency, and measurement/estimation
under Estimating Baseline Emissions (section 8.3), the

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 105

estimated specific heat consumption when coal is used as

a fuel is 755 Mcal/t of clinker.2 To accurately estimate
baseline emissions, this preliminary estimate will need to
be verified and modified if necessary.

If the availability of rice husks and palm kernel shells

drops below 1.5 times the amount used by other users,
then significant secondary effects may arise from the
project activity because other users of these biofuels may
switch to more conventional fuels with higher GHG emis-
sions. Baseline emission estimates would then need to be
revised to account for this fuel switch. This secondary
effect would then need to be included in the GHG assess-
ment boundary. The availability of unused rice husks and
palm kernel shells will be verified annually.


Most of the data required in the monitoring plan, the
monitoring frequency, and measurement/estimation
methods, are already accounted in the existing ISO
9001 system and audited management accounting
system for Portland cement. Furthermore, each year an
independent verifier from an accredited entity will verify
the actual GHG reductions generated.
mated at 5 years. This is based on the expectation that
the market penetration of blended cement in Indonesia
10.2 QUANTIFYING GHG REDUCTIONS could reach 30 percent within 5 years, after which the
production of blended cement would be considered

common practice.
Project Activity 1: Reducing Clinker Content The market share of blended cement varies considerably

The valid time length for the baseline scenario is esti- across countries. For instance, it is around 47 percent in

TABLE E1.13 Data requirements and uncertainty levels for monitoring baseline parameters related to
Project Activity 2 (switching fuels)



Energy input required Specific heat Low N/A Pre-project documentation of


to produce one tonne consumption using specific heat consumption of coal

of clinker coal fuel only used for clinker production.

Biofuels remain Availability of unused Medium Quantity of unused Regular surveys of sources for
abundantly available rice husks and palm rice husks and rice husks and palm kernel shells

kernel shells palm kernel shells to ascertain level of availability.

Biofuels used by Medium Quantity of biofuel Regular surveys of other users of


other users used by other users rice husks and palm kernel shells to
ascertain level of use.
Cement Sector GHG Project

long-term assumptions about common practice fuel

usage for clinker production. Specifically, the use of

fuels other than coal is not common practice and is likely

to remain unchanged for several reasons:

• Coal is locally available in abundance at


competitive prices.

• The infrastructure for renewable waste collection,


treatment, and final disposal is underdeveloped

compared to that in many developed countries.

• Clinker burning in the Indonesian cement industry is

presently based almost entirely on coal.

• The total cost (including infrastructure) to use fossil

fuels is lower than the cost for alternative fuels, and
the cement industry tends to use fossil fuels, rather

than investing in new equipment to enable the use of

alternative energy sources.

Any change in these circumstances will depend largely

on government policy and efforts to improve waste fuel
infrastructure. The Indonesian national action plan on
Urban Waste Management 2003 has a projected
15-year time frame for improving the waste manage-
ment infrastructure to acceptable levels. This time
frame may decrease or increase, depending on national
and local government commitments and their efforts to
solicit public engagement.

GHG Project
The time period over which GHG reductions will be
India and around 21 percent in Malaysia. Increasing the quantified for the GHG project is 5 years, corresponding
blended cement share to 47 percent in India took about to the shortest valid baseline scenario time length
5 years (1999–2003). Blended cement is also sold in (Project Activity 1).
Mexico and Costa Rica. In Japan, blended cement had a
26 percent market share in 2002, and about 50 percent
of the cement is blended in Germany. 10.2.2 C A L C U L AT I O N S F O R Q U A N T I F Y I N G G H G R E D U C T I O N S
Estimating GHG Reductions
Based on these figures, the opinions of international
Ex ante GHG reductions are estimated preliminarily here
experts consulted, and on Company X’s international
on an annual basis. In reality, GHG project (and baseline)
experience, it appears that setting the common practice
emissions will change over time—e.g., as overall produc-
threshold for blended cement in Indonesia at 30 percent
tion expands and as biofuels are phased in over time to
within 5 years would be a justifiable time period for
substitute for coal. The formulas used to quantify GHG
quantifying GHG emissions.
reductions ex post will differ from those used to estimate
ex ante GHG reductions, since combustion emissions, for
Project Activity 2: Switching Fuels example, can be determined directly from monitored fuel
The valid time length of the baseline scenario is assumed usage. Ex post calculation formulas are presented below
to be 15 years. This period reflects an assessment of in the section on quantifying GHG reductions.

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 107

GHG reductions are estimated in units of CO2eq tonnes. PRIMARY EFFECTS:

Baseline emissions and project emissions are calculated for PROJECT ACTIVITY 2—SWITCHING FUELS
each primary and significant secondary effect. Primary Effect 3: Reduction in combustion emissions
from generating energy due to the switch from coal
PRIMARY EFFECTS: to biofuels.
Biofuels will be gradually substituted for coal until they
Primary Effect 1: Reduction in industrial process
account for about 15 percent of the fuel mix on an over-
emissions resulting from reduced clinker in the
all heat input basis. Since biofuels effectively have a
calcination process.
zero emissions factor, the overall fuel-mix emission
Process emissions from cement production are estimated factor will equal 85 percent of baseline emissions. GHG
to be 0.525 t CO2 /t clinker. Project Activity 1 will use a emissions from Project Activity 2 related to its primary
clinker-to-cement ratio of 81 percent. effect are therefore:
= (0.246 t CO2eq/t cement) . (0.85)
GHG emissions from Project Activity 1, Primary
= 0.209 t CO2eq/t cement
Effect 1 are:
= (0.81 t clinker/t cement) . Baseline emissions for Project Activity 2 were estimated
(0.525 t CO2 /t clinker) above (section 8.3) as 0.246 t CO2eq/t of cement.
= 0.425 tonnes of CO2eq for every tonne of cement
produced by Company X

Baseline emissions for Primary Effect 1 were estimated

above (section 8.3) as 0.478 t CO2 /t of cement.

GHG reductions will therefore be:

= 0.478 – 0.425
= 0.053 t CO2eq/t cement produced

Primary Effect 2: Reduction in combustion emissions
from generating energy for pyro-processing resulting
from reduced clinker in the calcination process.

Again, the project activity will use a clinker-to-cement
ratio of 81 percent. The change in fuel mix is accounted
for under Project Activity 2, so here the reduction in A
coal combustion emissions associated with reducing fuel

usage required for clinker production are calculated.

GHG emissions from Project Activity 1, Primary

Effect 2 are:

= (0.402 kg CO2eq/Mcal) . (755 Mcal/t clinker) .

(0.81 t clinker/t cement) / (1,000 kg CO2/t CO2)

= 0.246 tonnes of CO2eq for every tonne of cement

produced by Company X

Baseline emissions for Primary Effect 2 were estimated

above (section 8.3) as 0.276 t CO2eq/t of cement.

GHG reductions will therefore be:


= 0.276 – 0.246
= 0.03 t CO2eq/t cement produced
Cement Sector GHG Project

GHG reductions will therefore be: Total Estimated GHG Reductions

= 0.246 – 0.209 Company X’s cement production is expected to expand

= 0.037 t CO2eq/t cement produced over time. However, average annual production will be
in the neighbourhood of 2 million tonnes of cement.
Aggregating the GHG reductions associated with each
Thus, annual GHG reductions are estimated at:
primary effect together, total GHG reductions related to

= (2 million tonnes) . (0.12 tonnes CO2eq/t cement)

primary effects will be:
= 240,000 tonnes CO2eq.
= 0.053 + 0.03 + 0.037

= 0.12 t CO2eq/t cement produced This is a rough estimate based on preliminary assump-
tions; actual quantification of GHG reductions may differ
once the project is implemented, and the GHG project is

Secondary Effects monitored and verified.

No significant secondary effects were identified for
either project activity, so secondary effects do not need

to be estimated.

EXAMPLE 1: Cement Sector GHG Project 109

Quantifying GHG Reductions

GHG reductions for the GHG project are quantified ex post using monitored data. Therefore, the calculations and
formulas used will differ somewhat from those used to estimate GHG reductions ex ante. The formula for the annual
quantification of GHG reductions is as follows:

R = BE – PE

R = Annual GHG reductions for the entire GHG project

BE = Total annual baseline emissions for all three GHG project primary effects

PE = Total annual GHG project emissions

BE = [Process Emissions] + [Combustion Emissions]

= [Cy . CFb . EFp ] + [Cy . CFb . E . EFc]

Cy = Quantity of cement produced in year y, in tonnes

CFb = Fraction of clinker in cement, baseline scenario = 0.91

EFp = Emission factor for process emissions from clinker production = 0.525 t CO2/t clinker
(WBCSD Cement Protocol 2001).

E = Energy input from coal required to produce a tonne of clinker = 755 Mcal/tonne of
clinker (as determined through pre-implementation monitoring)

EFc = Emission factor for coal combustion = 0.402 kg CO2eq/Mcal (as determined under the
monitoring plan)

PE = [Process Emissions] + [Combustion Emissions]
= [Cy . CFp . EFp ] + [Fy . ECc . EFc ] A

CFp = Fraction of clinker in cement, GHG project = 0.81

Fy = Amount of coal consumed in year y, in tonnes


ECc = Energy content of coal in units of Mcal/tonne, as determined under the monitoring plan

0.525 tonnes of CO2/tonne of clinker is the default emission factor for the With the exception of the picture on page 88, all pictures in this example

calcination process in the cement industry (WBCSD Cement Protocol 2001). were provided by Italcementi, to whom we are particularly thankful.
This figure would differ if other fuels were used, but the identified baseline

scenario involves continued use of coal.


Compressor Station Efficiency

Improvement GHG Project Using the
Performance Standard Baseline Procedure

ollowing is a hypothetical project illustrating how stations usually contain more than one compressor.
to use the performance standard procedure to Although the compressor itself is not a source of GHG
estimate baseline emissions. All names in the emissions, the compressor is powered by a driver, typi-
example are fictional. Also, the information here cally a gas or diesel engine or gas turbine that releases
is quite general; project developers would normally be GHG emissions, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2) and
expected to provide more detailed information. methane (CH4). It is the complete unit encompassing the
compressor and its associated driver that is hereafter
The numbering of the sections in this example corre-
referred to as the “compressor.”
sponds to the numbering of the chapters in Part II of the
Project Protocol. Significant reductions in CO2 and CH4 can be achieved by
improving the compressor efficiency or the process effi-
ciency (e.g., load optimization). This hypothetical case
Background and Overview of Natural Gas study illustrates a pipeline project in Indonesia that
Compressor Station GHG Emissions reduces CO2 and CH4 emissions at a new compressor
Natural gas compressor stations, which are typically station by installing higher-efficiency (lower-emitting)
found every 100 to 150 km along a gas pipeline, are compressors. The case study is designed to illustrate the
instrumental in maintaining adequate pressure for the steps a project developer would take to develop a
gas to travel through a pipeline system. Compressor performance standard for compressor station GHG emis-

110 PA R T I I I
EXAMPLE 2: Compressor Station GHG Project 111

sions. The efficiency values are illustrative and should 5.2 & 5.3 IDENTIFYING PRIMARY
not be used to develop an actual performance standard. EFFECTS AND CONSIDERING
Each compressor installed under this GHG project has a ALL SECONDARY EFFECTS
fuel efficiency of 10.6 megajoules of natural gas/kilowatt The primary and secondary effects associated with this
hour of compression (MJ/kWh). project activity are identified in Table E2.1.


The information provided in this case study is intended to MAGNITUDE AND ASSESSING
provide context for the GHG project. Some of this infor- THE SIGNIFICANCE OF
mation is reported to meet the requirements in Chapter SECONDARY EFFECTS
11 of the Project Protocol. Additional information Since the power plant’s demand for natural gas—and
should also be reported when documenting and reporting the associated pipeline and compressors required to
an actual GHG project (see Chapter 11). deliver this gas—will be the same with or without the
GHG project, there will be no net difference between
GHG project title: Jogja pipeline compressor station
baseline emissions and project activity emissions associ-
efficiency improvement project.
ated with one-time activities, and therefore no one-time
Description: The GHG project will install high-efficiency effects. By reducing natural gas usage at the compres-
compressors used to maintain adequate pressure for gas sors, the GHG project will slightly reduce demand for
to move along a pipeline. This involves installing natural gas. This in turn will slightly reduce GHG emis-
compressors as part of an extension of a pipeline within sions from extracting and transporting natural gas. To be
an existing natural gas transmission system. Each conservative, such GHG reductions will be ignored.
compressor will be fuelled by natural gas. This pipeline Therefore, no significant secondary effects are identified.
extension will deliver gas to a natural gas power plant Therefore, the GHG assessment boundary includes only
that is currently under construction. GHG sources associated with the primary effect.

Size: The GHG project installs 30 new state-of-the-art,

high-efficiency compressors.
Chapter 6: Selecting a Baseline Procedure
Geographical location: Yogyakarta region in Indonesia. The performance standard procedure was chosen, since

there is a relative degree of uniformity for compressor
Names of project partners: Jogja Gas Pipelines, Inc. (a
technology in the commercial market.
private natural gas transmissions company), and the
Indonesian Energy Agency (the government agency that A
deals with gas pipelines). The pipeline is owned by Jogja
Chapter 7: Identifying the
Gas Pipelines, Inc., and the land and gas in the pipeline
Baseline Candidates

are owned by the Indonesian Energy Agency.

To identify the list of baseline candidates, different alter-
Project technology: High-efficiency pipeline compressors. natives are considered whose products or services are

(These compressors require 10.6 MJ/kWh of compression.) comparable to the project activity within a relevant
geographic area and temporal range. Since the perform-
ance standard procedure is being used, baseline

Chapter 5: Defining the GHG candidates include all the individual plants, technologies,
Assessment Boundary or practices whose products or services are similar to

those of the project activity.

This GHG project involves just one project activity:
installing higher-efficiency compressors as part of an

extension of a pipeline within an existing natural gas

transmission system.
Compressor Station GHG Project

TABLE E2.1 Primary and secondary effects





emissions from generating

Considered: Considered:
off-grid electricity from
• GHG emissions associated with the manufacture, • Reduced GHG emissions associated with
reduced fuel use by

installation, and decommissioning of compressors. reduced mining/extraction of natural gas.

compressors (per unit of
• Reduced GHG emissions associated with
natural gas transported).
reduced transportation of natural gas.

Magnitude/Significance: Magnitude/Significance:
The project activity will cause GHG emissions asso- The project will cause an absolute reduction in

ciated with the manufacture, installation, and demand for natural gas, leading to reductions in
decommissioning of compressors. However, these GHG emissions associated with extracting and
same activities would have occurred in the baseline transporting natural gas. Such GHG reductions

scenario, producing GHG emissions from the same would constitute positive secondary effects; to
GHG sources. The result is zero net change between be conservative, these GHG reductions are
project activity GHG emissions and baseline emis- assumed to be zero. No other inputs or outputs

sions, so there are no one-time GHG effects. are associated with the project that might cause
secondary effects.


PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT ACTIVITY The initial temporal range considered was all compres-
The service provided by the project activity is the sors that went into operation during the last five years.
compression of a particular volume of natural gas so However, compressor efficiency improves at a fairly rapid
that the gas can be delivered to a power plant. pace, so it was decided to use a temporal range of the
previous three years. This takes a conservative approach
by considering only the more recent and more efficient
7.2 IDENTIFYING POSSIBLE TYPES compressor technologies, and still provides a large
O F B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S enough data set to develop the performance standard.
Since only compressor stations can provide this service,
the identified baseline candidates include all compressor
stations used for gas pipelines within the geographic 7.4 DEFINING OTHER CRITERIA USED
area and temporal range described under section 7.3. T O I D E N T I F Y B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S
The following factors were considered in identifying
baseline candidates:
7.3 DEFINING THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA • General market conditions. Due to the energy mix in
AND TEMPORAL RANGE Indonesia, the host country, natural gas is the only
7.3.1 DEFINING THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA potential fuel source for the proposed power plant.
As an initial default, the geographic area considered was Similarly, receipt of the gas via a pipeline is the only
the country of Indonesia. However, this default was viable option for transporting the natural gas.
rejected, despite a sufficient number of compressors • Relevant legal requirements. There are no regulations
found in Indonesia to develop a performance standard. or laws in Indonesia governing the use of compressor
Instead, the final geographic area selected was global, technology or installation for the purposes of trans-
since the project involves implementing technologies that porting natural gas in pipelines. To check for legal
are commercially available globally.

EXAMPLE 2: Compressor Station GHG Project 113

requirements, applicable national, regional, and local Chapter 9: Estimating Baseline Emissions—
laws were researched. In addition, Jogja Gas Performance Standard Procedure
Pipelines, Inc., checked with local lawyers and govern-
ment officials for any additional information. No 9.1 S P E C I F Y I N G T H E A P P R O P R I AT E
applicable laws were found. PERFORMANCE METRICS
For this project activity, a production-based performance
metric is appropriate, since it is possible to quantify
7.5 IDENTIFYING THE FINAL LIST performance in terms of units of input per unit of product or
O F B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E S service. The service in this case is the compression of natu-
The resulting list of baseline candidates and associated ral gas. The amount of compression provided by compressor
data are provided in Table E2.2. This list consists of all station drivers can be reliably inferred from their kilowatt-
compressors that went on line between 2001 and 2003 hours of electrical output. Thus, the units of service for the
globally. All selected candidates are capable of providing performance metric are kilowatt-hours (kWh).
the same quality and quantity of service as the compres- The compressor station input related to the project activ-
sors employed by the GHG project. ity’s primary effect is a fuel: natural gas. Quantities of
natural gas can be measured in terms of energy content
(e.g., megajoules (MJ)). Therefore, for this project activ-
ity, the units for the relevant input are megajoules.

TABLE E2.2 Identified baseline candidates and data set for developing the GHG performance standard

Station A (Russia) 2003 25 70 10.5

Station B (China) 2003 10 70 11.1
Station C (Germany) 2003 5 50 12.2
Station D (Norway) 2003 25 55 11.5

Station E (Chile) 2003 30 65 12.7
Station F (Russia) 2003 22 60 11.5
Station G (Algeria) 2003 21 50 12.5 A
Station H (U.S.) 2002 18 50 15.5
Station I (U.S.) 2002 6 60 14.8

Station J (Nigeria) 2002 12 50 14

Station K (Qatar) 2002 15 60 14
Station L (China) 2002 23 55 15

Station M (China) 2002 36 50 15.5

Station N (Indonesia) 2002 14 30 16

Station O (Russia) 2002 20 40 15.5

Station P (U.S.) 2002 25 60 15.5
Station Q (Russia) 2002 25 50 15.9

Station R (Norway) 2001 13 40 16

Station S (Bolivia) 2001 26 50 15.2
Station T (Russia) 2001 21 50 15.5

Total # of Compressors 392

Compressor Station GHG Project

The performance metric used to determine GHG emis-

TABLE E2.3 Baseline candidate GHG
sions from baseline candidates is MJ/kWh.
emission rates


9.2 C A L C U L AT I N G T H E G H G E M I S S I O N R AT E Station A 0.59

F O R E A C H B A S E L I N E C A N D I D AT E Station B 0.62
Data on the performance rates for each baseline candi- Station C 0.69
date were obtained in the process of identifying the

Station D 0.65
baseline candidates (Table E2.2). Performance rates Station E 0.71
for compressor stations are measured using the Station F 0.65

performance metric MJ/kWh, also called the “design Station G 0.70

fuel usage.” Design fuel usage data were found from Station H 0.87
the manufacturers’ specification sheets for the drivers Station I 0.83

used at the compressor stations. The design fuel usage Station J 0.79
for a particular technology depends on the load at Station K 0.83
which the technology is run. Where the load data Station L 0.84

proved difficult to find, 100 percent load was assumed Station M 0.87
in order to be conservative (see Box E2.1). (This would Station N 0.90
result in the lowest possible design fuel usage for a

Station O 0.87
particular technology.) Station P 0.87
GHG emission rates were calculated for each baseline Station Q 0.89
candidate using the IPCC emission factor for natural Station R 0.90
gas: 15.3 tonnes of C/TJ = 0.056 kg CO2eq/MJ. The Station S 0.85
results are shown in Table E2.3. Station T 0.87

BOX E2.1 Sample calculation of design fuel Mean: The output-weighted average emission rate is
usage where load data are unavailable 0.78 kg CO2eq/kWh.
A compressor station has a maximum rated capacity of 70 kilo-
Median: The median (50th percentile) of this data set is
watts (kW). Fuel usage over one year was measured at 7.5 million
equal to the GHG emission rate of the twelfth most effi-
MJ, but no data are available on load or output (in kWh). Design
cient group of compressor units in the data set—i.e.,
fuel usage would be calculated as follows:
Station S. This emission rate is 0.85 kg CO2eq/kWh.
(7.5 million MJ/year)
=12.2 MJ/kWh
(70 kW) (8,760 hours/year) . (100% load factor)
. 25th percentile: The 25th percentile of this data set is
equal to the GHG emission rate of the sixth most effi-
This fuel usage calculation is conservative, because if the load cient group of compressor units in the data set—i.e.,
were in fact less than 100 percent, actual design fuel usage Station G. This emission rate is 0.70 kg CO2eq/kWh (see
(and resulting GHG emissions) would be higher. Box E2.2).

10th percentile: The 10th percentile of this data set is

equal to the GHG emission rate of the third most
9.3 C A L C U L AT I N G T H E G H G E M I S S I O N R AT E efficient group of compressor units in the data set—i.e.,
FOR DIFFERENT STRINGENCY LEVELS Station D. This emission rate is 0.65 kg CO2eq/kWh (see
Different stringency level GHG emission rates were Box E2.2).
calculated as follows:

Most stringent: The lowest-emitting baseline candidate

is Station A (0.59 kg CO2eq/kWh).

EXAMPLE 2: Compressor Station GHG Project 115

in 2001 and 2002 (Stations H–T). Taking account of

BOX E2.2 How to calculate the
this trend, the 10th percentile seems reasonable, given
10th and 25th percentiles
that it equates roughly to the average emission perform-
KG CO2 /KWH COMPRESSOR RANKING ance of the 2003 compressor stations. For this and other
0.59 1–25 reasons (e.g., considerations about additionality, which
0.62 26–35 are not discussed here), the 10th percentile stringency
0.65 36–60 level is determined to be a reasonable estimate for the
0.65 61–82 baseline emission rates for future compressor stations.
0.69 83–87
0.70 87–108
0.71 109–138 9.5 E S T I M AT I N G B A S E L I N E E M I S S I O N S
0.79 139–150 Baseline emissions are calculated as the performance
0.83 151–156 standard emissions rate multiplied by the project activity
0.83 157–171 level of service (measured in kWh). It is assumed that the
0.84 172–194 kilowatt-hours of output (and therefore the amount of gas
0.85 195–220 compressed) remains the same in the baseline scenario
0.87 221–245 and project, since the project activity itself will not signif-
0.87 246–265 icantly alter the supply of, or demand for, natural gas.
0.87 266–301 Annual baseline emissions are calculated under section
0.87 302–319 10.2.2 as part of quantifying the GHG reductions.
0.87 320–340
0.89 341–365
0.90 366–378 Chapter 10: Monitoring and Quantifying
0.90 379–392 the GHG Reductions
For this project example, monitoring and quantifying
For the 25th percentile: GHG reductions are relatively straightforward. This

section presents a simple overview of how monitoring
25 ) + 0.5 = 98.5 g = 98, f = 0.5, and a = 392
w = (392) . ( 100 and quantification requirements can be met. Technical
details related to monitoring conditions and equipment
pe = (1 - 0.5) . (0.70) + 0.5(0.70) = 0.70 kg CO2eq/kWh

specifications are omitted.
For the 10th percentile:

10 ) + 0.5 = 39.7 g = 39, f = 0.7, and a = 392 1 0 . 1 C R E AT I N G A M O N I T O R I N G P L A N A

w = (392) . ( 100
Because there are no significant secondary effects, the

pe = (1 - 0.7) . (0.65) + 0.7(0.65) = 0.65 kg CO2eq/kWh monitoring plan is devoted to the Jogja project’s single
primary effect—i.e., reductions in combustion emissions
from generating off-grid electricity resulting from

reduced fuel use by compressors. Elements of the moni-

9.4 S E L E C T I N G A N A P P R O P R I AT E S T R I N G E N C Y toring plan are described below.

The 10th percentile stringency level was chosen, corre-

sponding to a performance standard of 0.65 kg 10.1.1 MONITORING PROJECT ACTIVITY EMISSIONS
CO2eq/kWh. This stringency level is equivalent to the emis-

• For each of the 30 compressors installed under the

sion rates of Stations D and F, both recently constructed GHG project, fuel usage data will be collected continu-
compressor stations. The data graphed in Figure E2.1 ously using natural gas flow meters. The data will be

reveal that the compressor stations that started opera- converted to units of MJ, based on standard factors
tion in 2003 (Stations A–G) have significantly lower for the energy content of natural gas. Uncertainty
emission rates on average than those that came on line associated with these measurements will be low.
Compressor Station GHG Project

FIGURE E2.1 Different stringency levels applied to the compressor data set



0.80 Mean
0.70 25th percentile
10th percentile

kg CO2eq/kWh

0.60 Most stringent






Station M
Station R
Station N
Station Q

Station O

Station H

Station G
Station C

Station D
Station B
Station P

Station S

Station K

Station E

Station A
Station T

Station L

Station F
Station J
Station I

• CO2 emissions will be calculated by multiplying fuel however, are not expected to proceed as rapidly in the
usage data (in MJ) for each compressor by the IPCC near future. Given recent trends and future expectations,
emission factor for natural gas (0.056 kg CO2eq/MJ). the performance standard is assumed to be valid for a
period of 3 years.


No baseline parameters are monitored. The performance 10.2.2 C A L C U L AT I O N S F O R Q U A N T I F Y I N G G H G R E D U C T I O N S
standard is assumed to be a valid indicator of baseline The GHG reductions are calculated as the difference
emissions for a period of 3 years (see section 10.2.1). between the baseline emissions and the project
activity emissions:

10.1.3 DESCRIBING QA/QC MEASURES GHG Reduction = Baseline emissions

• All data will be collected electronically and archived – Project activity emissions
for 10 years.
Because secondary effects were considered negligible
• Equipment will be checked and calibrated bi-annually. (i.e., baseline and project activity emissions associated
with one-time, upstream, and downstream GHG sources
are equivalent), they were not included in the GHG
10.2 QUANTIFYING GHG REDUCTIONS reduction equation. Therefore, the total GHG reductions
are equal to the change in GHG emissions associated
with reducing fuel consumption by the compressors.
From the limited global data set on new compressor Table E2.4 illustrates the assumptions used for calculat-
stations between 2001 and 2003, it appears that ing baseline and project activity emissions. All
compressor station efficiency and GHG emissions compressors operate under the same conditions (i.e.,
performance have been improving and improved notice- load and hours of operation). The GHG project will
ably in 2003. The gains in efficiency seen in 2003, install thirty compressors.

EXAMPLE 2: Compressor Station GHG Project 117

TABLE E2.4 Baseline and project activity emissions

1 Power/Max Load (kW) 70 70 A

2 Operating Hours (hrs/yr) 8,300 8,300

3 Load Factor (%) 80 80

4 No. of Compressors 30 30

5 GHG Emission Rate* (kg CO2eq/kWh) 0.65 0.60


*These figures are rounded; results below were calculated with unrounded numbers.

Baseline emissions for a compressor are expressed by using the high-efficiency compressor design fuel usage
the performance standard emission rate (0.65 kg (10.6 MJ/kWh) multiplied by the IPCC emission factor
CO2eq/kWh) multiplied by the total kWh of compression for natural gas (0.056 kg CO2eq/MJ) multiplied by the total

provided (13.9 million kWh, derived from rows 1–4 of kWh of compression provided (also 13.9 million kWh).
Table E2.4). Project activity emissions are calculated
Compressor Station GHG Project

Baseline Emissions = GHG Reductions =

(Power load) . (Operating Hours) . (Load Factor) . Baseline Emissions – Project Activity Emissions
(# of Compressors) . (Performance Standard

= 9,004 – 8,299
Emission Rate) / 1,000 = 705 t CO2eq/year

(70) . (8,300) . (80%) . (30) . (0.65)

1,000 Actual GHG reductions will be quantified annually using
monitored data, for a period of 3 years.

= 9,004 t CO2eq/year

Project Activity Emissions =

(Power load) . (Operating Hours) . (Load Factor) .


(# of Compressors) . (Project Activity

Emission Rate) / 1,000

(70) . (8,300) . (80%) . (30) . (0.60)



= 8,299 t CO2eq/year

Part IV

Supplementary Information
ANNEX A Legal Requirements

ANNEX B Illustrative Information Sources for Barrier Categories

ANNEX C Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis

ANNEX D Glossary


A Legal Requirements

Legal requirements are sometimes relevant to determi- 2. Clarity of the law or regulation. Where the applica-

nations about additionality. If laws or regulations require bility of a law or regulation is unclear, it may be
the use of a certain technology or practice utilized by the necessary to interpret the intent of the law or regula-
project activity, and using that practice or technology is tion. For instance, stated technology, performance, or
the only way to comply with the laws or regulations, then management standards may be unclear and difficult
the project activity will probably not be additional. to interpret with regard to their relevance to the proj-

Similarly, any baseline candidates that do not comply ect activity and baseline candidates. Also, laws and
with legal requirements will in most cases be rejected as regulations sometimes have conflicting goals. For
possibilities for the baseline scenario. instance, a country may have a subsidy for fossil fuel

used for electricity generation, as well as a national

This annex provides guidance on the kinds of informa-
regulation specifying that a certain amount of elec-
tion that may be needed for assessing the compliance
tricity generation must come from renewable sources.

of the project activity and baseline candidates with

The project developer may need to explain the impact
legal requirements.
of these two regulations on the development of the

GHG project—e.g., low electricity prices due to the

subsidy on fossil fuels deter the development of renew-
A.1 Laws and Regulations to Consider
able energy projects, despite a national regulation to
Laws or regulations may directly affect the GHG emis-

encourage the development of renewable energy.

sions of the project activity or a baseline candidate (e.g.,
a stipulated standard requires the use of more energy- 3. Laws or regulations applying to project activities
efficient equipment), or may affect GHG emissions where the affected sites, facilities, production
indirectly as a consequence of their implementation (e.g., systems, or delivery systems associated with
a law that mandates water use reductions may lower the affected GHG sources or sinks are located in differ-
daily water pumping rate—and thereby energy use—at a ent regulatory jurisdictions. Where a project activity
water treatment plant). Both types of laws or regulations and the affected sites, facilities, production systems,
should be considered when assessing if the project activity or delivery systems where GHG emissions arise are
or baseline candidates comply with legal requirements. located in different jurisdictions, the relevant laws or
regulations to consider are usually those that apply to
In certain circumstances, a decision on the relevance of
the location of the project activity, rather than the
laws and regulations and/or their interpretation may be
location of the sites where GHG emissions are
required. The principle of transparency should be used in
affected. However, it may be useful to consider, if
making these decisions. Cases where interpretations may
possible, relevant laws in both jurisdictions. For
be necessary include:
example, a project activity to reduce electricity use
1. Policy versus regulation/legislation. Some countries takes place at a U.S. company in New York; however,
may have a declared policy to promote specific tech- some of the combustion sources feeding the electricity
nologies or practices that result in GHG reductions grid are in Canada. The project developer should
(e.g., India’s policy of meeting 10 percent of its power consider both U.S. and Canadian regulations regard-
generation through renewable energy by year 2012), ing the project activity and explain why certain
but do not have any corresponding regulations. Also, regulations may not be applicable.
regulations are enforceable by law (with penalty for
4. Pending regulations. Where pending regulations may
non-compliance), whereas a policy is not always
affect the GHG project or a project activity in the near
enforceable (and, consequently, there is no penalty for
future, it may be useful to note their possible impact
non-compliance). This distinction is important
and to track their development in the monitoring plan.
because while GHG projects (and therefore the project
activity) may contribute to meeting the policy goals,
legal requirements are not relevant because no
explicit regulation exists to enforce the policy.

120 PA R T I V
Legal Requirements 121

A.2 Finding Information A.3 Legal Requirements, Enforcement,

on Legal Requirements and Common Practice
Locating information on the relevant legal requirements can In some cases, determining whether possible baseline
be time consuming. Possible information sources include: candidates are compliant with legal requirements may
not be useful for identifying a final list of baseline candi-
• public documents listing national, regional,
dates. The enforcement of laws and regulations may be
state/provincial, or local mandatory laws, or regula-
uneven or weak because of financial and/or administra-
tory standards;
tive constraints on enforcement or regulatory agencies.
• legal texts; For instance, a regulation may have been promulgated at
a national level, but implementation at the provincial or
• local lawyers and legal opinions; and
regional level may be weak. In this case, what is
• local regulators or enforcement bodies. common practice may become more important than
legal requirements when trying to identify the baseline
While collecting the information, project developers should
candidates. Box A.1 provides some possible sources of
ensure that all information is reliable and verifiable.
information for establishing enforcement levels and
common practice.

BOX A.1 Information sources for establishing enforcement levels and common practice

Land-Use Projects GHG Emission Reduction Projects

• Remote sensing • Regulatory permits to see what companies undertaking similar
• Aerial photographs activities are required to do. In most countries this should be
• Surveys, e.g., U.S. Forest Service surveys public information
• Random spot-checking on the ground (which can be generalized • Number of fines administered for not complying with a given law
for the rest of an area). This method is used for forest certification or regulation

• Tax records may shed light on a company’s activity in a certain • Surveys of technology penetration or use, compliance action, etc.
area, which can then be compared to any existing laws • An enforcement agency may acknowledge that certain laws or

• Other records in the public domain that reflect certain land-use regulations are not being enforced or are poorly enforced
activities that do not comport with the law • Expert opinions N
B Illustrative Information Sources for Barrier Categories

Following are some possible information sources for the B.3 Infrastructure

barrier categories outlined in Chapter 8. Type of Information: Extent of infrastructure (e.g.,

roads for transporting inputs or products, support
companies or personnel for maintaining equipment).
B.1 Financial and Budgetary
Type of Information: Financial or budgetary information Information Sources: Industry studies or corporate
documents; local advisors/experts familiar with the

(e.g., availability of financing, credit, foreign capital, risk).

local conditions; public reports or studies (e.g., base-
Information Sources: Documents prepared by the project line studies for other projects); infrastructure maps

developer, contractors, or project partners in the context (e.g., road, railways).

of the proposed project or similar previous projects; offi-
cial planning data; public reports or studies (e.g., baseline

studies for other projects); lending institution reports; and B.4 Market Structure
country-specific laws on foreign investment. Type of Information: Market information (e.g., product
prices, tariffs, import rules, distribution systems).

B.2 Technology, Operation, Information Sources: Industry studies or corporate

and Maintenance documents; local advisors/experts familiar with the local

Type of Information: Locally available fuels, materials, conditions; public reports or studies (e.g., baseline stud-
know-how, technology, and other resources. ies for other projects).

Information Sources: Technology inventory lists; indus-

try studies or corporate documents; local B.5 Institutional, Social, Cultural,
advisors/experts familiar with the local conditions and Political
around the project. Type of Information: Institutional, social, cultural, and
political conditions.
Type of Information: Skill and informational data (e.g., Information Sources: NGOs; local advisors/experts
training programs, information dissemination mechanisms). familiar with the local conditions.
Information Sources: Sector-level reports of bilateral
and multilateral organisations (e.g., Joint
Implementation/Clean Development Mechanism); B.6 Resource Availability
National Strategies Studies; public reports or studies Type of Information: Geographic and climatic condi-
(e.g., baseline studies for other projects); nongovernmen- tions; availability of natural resources.
tal organisations (NGOs); government sources; local Information Sources: Resource maps; NGOs; local advi-
advisors/experts familiar with local conditions. sors/experts familiar with local conditions.

122 PA R T I V
C Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis

For many types of projects, financial returns (those not without considering any potential revenues.2 Expected
related to GHG reductions) will constitute a significant costs may be expressed in terms of:
and tangible form of benefits. Thus, in some cases, devel-
• Present value, or
oping a convincing assessment of the relative net benefits
for the baseline scenario alternatives may require some • Levelized cost per unit of product or service (e.g.,
form of investment analysis.1 levelized $/kWh).

Investment analysis seeks to assess in a detailed and Comparing expected costs based on their present value is
rigorous way one component of the benefits that may only appropriate when the project activity and all baseline
arise from implementing the GHG project or a baseline candidates would produce an identical quantity of the
candidate—i.e., expected financial returns—without same (identical quality) product or service. If the project
considering non-revenue benefits, and without accounting activity and baseline candidates are of different size (e.g.,
for any identified barriers other than cost. To identify the power plants of differing capacities), compare costs using
baseline scenario, investment analysis excludes any poten- the levelized cost per unit of product or service.
tial revenues associated with the sale of GHG reductions.
Although baseline candidates are compared to the proj-
The goal is to determine which of the possible baseline
ect activity, any investment analysis should evaluate
scenario alternatives has the highest expected financial
costs and/or revenues for an entire GHG project, not a
benefits—excluding any GHG reduction revenues—and
single component project activity. As explained in
whether the GHG project or any of the baseline candidates
Chapter 8 (Box 8.3), this is because the decision to
would be preferable financially to “doing nothing”
implement a particular project activity almost always
(defined as continuing current activities).
depends on a decision about implementing the entire
There are several methods for conducting investment GHG project with which it is associated. In some cases,
analysis, and nearly unlimited levels of detail at which it may be difficult or impossible to meaningfully assign
these methods can be performed. To identify the baseline revenues and costs for an entire GHG project to a
scenario, it is generally not necessary to provide a specific project activity.
detailed itemization of expected costs and revenues, as
Note: If it is not possible to express costs per unit of
long as the overall magnitude of identified cost and
product or service—or project developers otherwise wish
revenue streams can be explained. All relevant costs

to base a comparison on expected net revenues rather
(capital, operations and maintenance, fuel costs, taxes,
than expected costs—the GHG project and baseline
etc.) and revenues (as appropriate) should be reflected in
candidates may be compared on the basis of their internal
the analysis.

rates of return (IRR). The advantage of this approach is
There are two options for performing an investment that it is not necessary to identify and defend a particular
analysis: discount rate (see step (e), below). To do a comparison
based on an IRR, follow the steps for doing a Financial
• Expected Cost Comparison, and
Benchmark Comparison, choosing IRR as the financial

• Financial Benchmark Comparison indicator, but ignore any steps for calculating a bench-
mark rate of return and exclude “continuation of current
activities” from the list of baseline scenario alternatives.

C.1 Expected Cost Comparison

An expected cost comparison analysis should consist of
This option is only used when the continuation of current
the following basic steps:
activities is not a valid baseline scenario alternative—
i.e., there are insurmountable barriers to continuing a) Identify the Expected Costs. For the GHG project
current activities, or continuing current activities is not and each baseline candidate, identify all relevant costs

a meaningful possibility. and classify them according to whether they are: (1)
upfront or ongoing; and (2) fixed or variable. Provide
Under this option, the project activity and baseline
a further breakdown and itemization of the costs as
candidates are compared on the basis of expected costs,
desired to enhance the transparency and credibility of
the analysis.
Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis

In theory, taxes should be included as a cost, even though the relative ranking of expected costs for the GHG

calculating taxes without any knowledge of revenues is project and all baseline candidates. This could be the
usually not possible. Therefore, tax costs should be case if the GHG project and all baseline candidates
estimated, and these estimates should be explained. have similar ratios of upfront to ongoing costs, and no
major differences in the expected timing of ongoing
b) Identify the Time Period. Identify the time period
costs. In such cases, less effort may be required to
over which costs will be evaluated. In most cases, this

justify a particular discount rate.

should correspond to the expected length or lifetime
of the GHG project (not the valid length of the base- f) Calculate a (Reasonable) Range of Expected Costs

line scenario). The GHG project and all baseline for the GHG Project and Each Baseline Candidate.
candidates should be evaluated over the same time Using the discount rate identified in step (e), calculate
period. (If a particular baseline candidate has an reasonable low and high estimates of expected costs—

expected lifetime shorter than the identified time present value or levelized—by varying numerical cost
period, assume that it is replaced with the same tech- estimates according to the degree of associated uncer-
nology or practice at the end of its lifetime, incurring tainty identified in step (d). Estimates of low and high

costs for replacement as appropriate, and that it oper- expected costs should also reflect the effects of differ-
ates until the end of the identified time period). ent discount rate assumptions (if changing the
discount rate could result in a different relative rank-

c) Present Costs Numerically. For the GHG project and

ing of the GHG project and baseline candidates). All
each baseline candidate, provide numerical estimates
assumptions used to generate high and low cost esti-
of the costs in each category. Ongoing costs should be
mates should be explained.
estimated for discrete time periods (usually one year)
until the end of the time period identified in step (b). Low and high expected cost estimates should not neces-
Cost estimates should be fully explained. sarily reflect “best case” and “worst case” outcomes,
as these outcomes may be very unlikely to happen.
d) Assess Cost Uncertainties. For the GHG project and
Rather, they should reflect a range of outcomes that
each baseline candidate, provide a qualitative assess-
are reasonably likely to occur and indicate a reason-
ment of the uncertainty associated with the cost
able cost range that reflects the identified levels of
estimates for each cost category identified in step (a).
uncertainty in underlying cost drivers (construction
(These should be the same for the GHG project and all
costs, fuel costs, maintenance costs, etc.).
baseline candidates). For example, ongoing variable
costs may depend largely on the cost of fuel; there- g) Rank the Results. Using the results of step (f), rank
fore, the degree of uncertainty associated with fuel the GHG project and baseline candidates from high-
cost projections should be characterized. Any associ- est to lowest expected cost. (Table C.1 presents one
ated uncertainties should not include any risk factors way to express the ranking results). In general, use
identified as barriers or reflected in the discount rate the midpoint of each cost range to decide the appro-
identified in step (e). priate rank. This ranking is also from lowest to
highest net benefits.
e) Identify an Appropriate Discount Rate. Identify an
appropriate discount rate to use for calculating either
the present value of costs or the levelized cost per unit
O P T I O N A L : S E N S I T I V I T Y A N A LY S I S
of service. An appropriate discount rate may be
In cases where a clear ranking of baseline scenario
derived from the same sources that would be used to
alternatives using low and high estimates is difficult, it
derive a benchmark rate of return (see Financial
may be desirable to conduct a full sensitivity analysis of
Benchmark Comparison, step (a)). The discount rate
expected costs. A sensitivity analysis tests the robust-
and how it was chosen should be explained for trans-
ness of the results from the expected cost analysis by
parency purposes.
varying any external parameters or assumptions that
The choice of discount rate is not crucial if it can be are not in the project developer’s control (such as input
shown that changing the discount rate (e.g., as part of costs), and key decision-making parameters (such as
a sensitivity analysis) does not result in a change in the discount rate). Sensitivity analyses can be

Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis 125

TABLE C.1 Example of results from expected cost comparison


Baseline Candidate 3 $25-$40 million 1 Lowest Net Benefits

Continuation of Current Activities N/A N/A N/A

GHG project* $20-$30 million 2 Low Net Benefits

Baseline Candidate 2 $15-$22 million 3 Middle Net Benefits

Baseline Candidate 1 $8-$17 million 4 Greatest Net Benefits

*Investment analysis evaluates costs/revenues for the entire GHG project, not individual project activities.

performed with most financial analysis tools with mini- and baseline candidates against the possible continua-
mal extra effort. Realistic deviations for assumptions tion of current activities. Generally speaking, the
should be used to test if the ranking of baseline benchmark rate of return should reflect standard
scenario alternatives changes as common assumptions returns in the market to which the GHG project is
change. Choose the ranking that corresponds to the providing products or services, considering specific
best set of realistic assumptions, and explain why this risks for that market and technology sector. It should
set of assumptions was chosen. not reflect the subjective profitability expectation or
risk profile of a particular project developer, or risks
specific to the GHG project or a particular baseline
C.2 Financial Benchmark Comparison candidate. The latter types of risk should instead be
A financial benchmark comparison is performed in cases identified as “financial and budgetary” barriers in the
where the continuation of current activities is a valid comparative assessment of barriers step of the proj-
baseline scenario alternative. In these cases, a bench- ect-specific procedure (Chapter 8). The choice of

mark is identified that represents the benefits benchmark rate of return should be explained for
decision-makers would expect to realise (e.g., from transparency purposes. Some possible sources for
alternative investments) if they did not invest in the benchmark rate of return are listed below:4

GHG project or any of the baseline candidates. This is
• Government bond rates, increased by a suitable risk
usually done by specifying some form of required rate
premium to reflect private investment and/or the
of return for an investment.3
GHG project type, as substantiated by an independ-
A financial benchmark comparison involves an assess- ent (financial) expert.

ment of both expected costs and expected revenues for

• Estimates of the cost of financing and required
the GHG project and all baseline candidates (unless a
return on capital (e.g., commercial lending rates
“unit cost of service” benchmark is used, as described
and guarantees required for the country and the

below). Under this option, financial returns for the GHG

type of project represented by the GHG project).
project and baseline candidates are compared with each
These estimates should be based on bankers’ views
other and with the benchmark rate of return to deter-
and private equity investors’ or funds’ required
mine a relative ranking of baseline scenario alternatives
return on investment for comparable projects.
with respect to net benefits.

• A company internal benchmark (weighted average

A financial benchmark comparison should consist of the
capital cost of the company), if the company is the
following basic steps:
sole project developer (e.g., when the GHG project
a) Identify a Benchmark Rate of Return. A benchmark upgrades or retrofits an existing process). The proj-
rate of return is required to assess the GHG project ect developer should demonstrate that this
Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis

benchmark has been consistently used in the past— • Cost-Benefit Ratio. A cost-benefit ratio calculates

i.e., that projects under similar conditions developed the present value of costs and revenues separately
by the same company used the same benchmark. and expresses the results as a ratio. The benchmark
rate of return is used as the discount rate to deter-
b) Choose an Appropriate Financial Return Indicator.
mine present value. A positive cost-benefit ratio
Choose a financial indicator with which to character-
means that a baseline candidate would be expected
ize the returns of the GHG project and baseline

to have negative net financial benefits relative to

candidates, explain the choice, and compare the
continuing current activities. Cost-benefit ratios
returns to the continuation of current activities. The
may be used to compare and rank the GHG project

appropriate type of financial return indicator may

and baseline candidates, regardless of their relative
depend on the type of GHG project and conventions
sizes and capacities.
within its technology sector. Some common indicators

and qualifications on their use for investment compar- • Unit Cost of Service. The unit cost of service indi-
isons are provided below.5 cator is a levelized cost per unit of product or
service produced by the GHG project and baseline

• Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The IRR is an

candidates (e.g., levelized $/kWh or levelized
intrinsic rate of return for the GHG project or base-
$/Gigajoule). The benchmark rate of return is used
line candidate based on expected cost and revenue
to calculate expected levelized costs for the GHG

streams. The higher the IRR, the more desirable the

project and baseline candidates. Expected revenues
GHG project or baseline candidate will be as an
are not included in this calculation. However, use of
investment. Calculated IRRs must be compared to
this type of financial indicator requires identifying a
the benchmark rate of return identified in step (a)
second benchmark: a benchmark unit cost of service
to determine whether a particular baseline candi-
to which the levelized unit costs of the GHG project
date (or the GHG project) will have positive or
and baseline candidate may be compared. This
negative net financial benefits. Any baseline candi-
second benchmark, in effect, proxies for expected
date with an IRR lower than the benchmark rate of
revenues. Baseline candidates with a lower expected
return (even if the IRR is positive) will, in effect,
unit cost than the benchmark will have positive net
have negative net financial benefits relative to the
benefits relative to the continuation of current
continuation of current activities.
activities. Expected unit costs may be used to rank
• Net Present Value (NPV). The NPV expresses baseline candidates and the GHG project against
future streams of costs and revenues as a single net each other. There may be several ways to specify a
amount of current dollars relative to the opportu- benchmark unit cost of service. Standard methods
nity cost of investment, as represented by the would include the use of historical or projected
benchmark rate of return. A negative NPV means market prices, or an analysis of long-run marginal
that a baseline candidate would have negative net costs for the product or service produced by the
financial benefits relative to the continuation of GHG project and baseline candidates.
current activities, while a positive NPV indicates
c) Identify the Expected Costs. Identify all relevant
positive net financial benefits. However, NPV can
costs and classify them according to whether they are:
only be used to validly compare the GHG project
(1) upfront or ongoing, and (2) fixed or variable.
and baseline candidates to each other if they are all
Provide further breakdown and itemization of costs as
of identical size or capacity and will produce identi-
desired to enhance the transparency and credibility of
cal quantities of a product or service. NPV is not
the analysis.
used as a basis for comparison if the GHG project
and baseline candidates are of different sizes or d) Identify the Expected Revenues. For the GHG proj-
capacities (e.g., if the GHG project is a 100-MW ect and each baseline candidate, identify all sources
natural gas power plant and one of the baseline of revenue (other than any revenues that may arise
candidates is a 500-MW coal plant). from the GHG reductions themselves—e.g., tradable
credit revenues).

Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis 127

e) Identify the Time Period. Identify the time period levelized unit costs if using the unit cost of service
over which costs and revenues will be evaluated. In indicator). Calculate this range by varying numerical
most cases, this period should correspond to the cost and revenue estimates according to the degree of
expected length or lifetime of the GHG project. The associated uncertainty identified in step (g). Explain
GHG project and all baseline candidates should be all assumptions used to generate high and low finan-
evaluated over the same time period. (If a particular cial return/unit cost estimates.
baseline candidate has an expected lifetime shorter
Low and high expected financial return/unit cost
than the identified time period, assume that it is
estimates should not necessarily reflect “best case”
replaced with the same technology or practice at the
and “worst case” outcomes, as these outcomes may
end of its lifetime, incurring costs for replacement as
be unlikely to happen. Rather, they should reflect a
appropriate, and that it operates until the end of the
range of outcomes that are reasonably likely to
identified period).
occur and indicate a reasonable range that reflects
f) Estimate Costs and Revenues Numerically. For the the identified levels of uncertainty in underlying cost
GHG project and each baseline candidate, provide and revenue drivers.
numerical estimates of the costs and revenues in each
i) Examine Sensitivity to Benchmark Assumptions.
identified category. Ongoing costs and revenues should
If the IRR is not being used as the financial indicator,
be estimated for discrete time periods (usually one
examine the sensitivity of the results in step (h) to
year) until the end of the time period identified in step
changes in the benchmark rate of return. As appropri-
(e). Cost and revenue estimates should be explained.
ate, adjust the ranges identified in step (h) based on
g) Assess the Cost and Revenue Uncertainties. For the the results for a reasonable range of benchmark rates
GHG project and each baseline candidate, provide a of return. Describe the overall degree of sensitivity to
qualitative assessment of the uncertainty associated these changes in the benchmark rate of return, and
with the cost and revenue estimates for each cost explain the range of benchmark rates of return used to
category. For example, ongoing variable costs may adjust the results in step (h).
depend largely on the cost of fuel; the degree of uncer-
j) Rank the Results for the GHG Project and Baseline
tainty associated with fuel cost projections should
Candidates. Using the results of step (h), rank the
therefore be characterized. Any associated uncertain-

GHG project and baseline candidates from lowest to
ties should not include any risk factors identified as
highest expected returns (IRR, NPV, or Cost-Benefit
barriers or reflected in the benchmark rate of return
Ratio), or highest to lowest expected unit cost (Unit
identified in step (a).

Cost of Service). In general, use the midpoint of each
h) Calculate a (Reasonable) Range of Expected cost range to decide the appropriate rank. Include the
Financial Returns for the GHG Project and Each continuation of current activities in the ranking. The
Baseline Candidate. Using the financial return indi- appropriate value for the relative net benefits of
cator identified in step (b), calculate reasonable low continuing current activities will depend on the chosen

and high estimates of expected returns (or expected financial return indicator, as shown in Table C.2.

TABLE C.2 Relationship between financial return indicator and value for continuation of current activities

IRR Benchmark Rate of Return (+/-)


NPV $0

Cost-Benefit Ratio 1

Unit Cost of Service Benchmark Unit Cost of Service (+/-)

Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis

TABLE C.3 Example of results from financial benchmark comparison: IRR



Baseline Candidate 3 2 – 5% Negative Lowest Benefits

Continuation of Current Activities 9 – 11%* Zero Low Benefits


GHG project 10 – 12% Slightly Positive Low Benefits

Baseline Candidate 2 13 – 17% Positive Medium Benefits


Baseline Candidate 1 17 – 30% Large Net Benefits Highest Benefits


*Identified range for benchmark rate of return


TABLE C.4 Example of results from financial benchmark comparison: NPV


Baseline Candidate 3 -$3 to -$1 million Negative Lowest Benefits

Continuation of Current Activities $0* Zero Low Benefits

GHG project -$1 to $4 million Slightly Positive Low Benefits

Baseline Candidate 2 $4 to $7 million Positive Medium Benefits

Baseline Candidate 1 $9 to $10 million Large Net Benefits Highest Benefits

*NPV is defined as zero for continuing current activities for all sensitivity scenarios.

TABLE C.5 Example of results from financial benchmark comparison: cost-benefit ratio

Baseline Candidate 3 1.2 – 1.5 Negative Lowest Benefits

Continuation of Current Activities 1* Zero Low Benefits

GHG project 0.8 – 1.1 Slightly Positive Low Benefits

Baseline Candidate 2 0.6 – 0.9 Positive Medium Benefits

Baseline Candidate 1 0.2 – 0.5 Large Net Benefits Highest Benefits

*Cost-benefit ratio is defined as 1 for continuing current activities for all sensitivity scenarios.

Examples of how to present the possible final rankings in O P T I O N A L : S E N S I T I V I T Y A N A LY S I S

a matrix format are provided in Tables C.3 through C.6. In cases where a clear ranking of baseline scenario
Other presentation formats may also be used. alternatives using low and high estimates is difficult, it
may be desirable to conduct a full sensitivity analysis of
financial benchmark results. A sensitivity analysis tests
the robustness of the results by varying any external

Assessing Net Benefits Using Investment Analysis 129

TABLE C.6 Example of results from financial benchmark comparison: unit cost of service


Baseline Candidate 3 $0.09 - $0.12 Negative Lowest Benefits

Continuation of Current Activities $0.03 - $0.05* Zero Low Benefits

GHG project $0.03 - $0.04 Slightly Positive Low Benefits

Baseline Candidate 2 $0.025 - $0.035 Positive Medium Benefits

Baseline Candidate 1 $0.02 - $0.025 Large Positive Highest Benefits

*Identified range for benchmark unit cost of service

parameters or assumptions that are not in the project

developer’s control (such as input costs and output
prices), and key decision-making parameters (such
as the discount rate). Sensitivity analyses can be
performed with most financial analysis tools with
minimal extra effort. Realistic deviations for the
assumptions should be used to test if the ranking of
baseline scenario alternatives changes as common
assumptions change. Choose the ranking that corre-
sponds to the best set of realistic assumptions, and
explain why this set of assumptions was chosen.

Investment analysis may not be required or appropriate for GHG projects
where the primary non-GHG benefits to decision-makers are not financial.

In other words, this option is analogous to a cost-effectiveness analysis.

The required rate of return essentially represents the “opportunity cost” of an
investment. In the very broadest terms, it represents the return decision-

makers could expect if they put their money into a standard set of investment
options unrelated to the GHG project or any of the baseline candidates.

From the CDM “Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality,” EB
16 Report Annex 1, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In some cases, examining more than one indicator will provide greater
insight into the relative ranking of baseline scenario alternatives from a
decision-maker’s perspective. For example, if two baseline candidates have
very similar IRRs, the one with the higher expected NPV (if there is one) will
generally be preferred.

Lynn Betts, Natural Resources Conservation Service

D Glossary

Additionality A criterion often applied to GHG projects, stipulating that project-based GHG reductions should only be

quantified if the project activity “would not have happened anyway”—i.e., that the project activity (or
the same technologies or practices it employs) would not have been implemented in its baseline
scenario and/or that project activity emissions are lower than baseline emissions.

Allowances The basic tradable commodity within GHG emission trading systems. Allowances grant their holder the
right to emit a specific quantity of pollution once (e.g., one tonne of CO2eq). The total quantity of

allowances issued by regulators dictates the total quantity of emissions possible under the system. At
the end of each compliance period, each regulated entity must surrender sufficient allowances to cover

their GHG emissions during that period.

Barriers Any factor or consideration that would (significantly) discourage a decision to try to implement the
project activity or its baseline candidates.

Base Year A historic datum (a specific year or an average over multiple years) for tracking corporate GHG
emissions over time. This term applies only to corporate or entity-wide GHG accounting, not to

project-based GHG accounting.

Base Year Emissions GHG emissions in the base year. This term applies only to corporate or entity-wide GHG accounting, not

to project-based GHG accounting.

Baseline Candidates Alternative technologies or practices within a specified geographic area and temporal range that could
provide the same product or service as the project activity.

Baseline Emissions An estimate of GHG emissions, removals, or storage associated with a baseline scenario or derived
using a performance standard (see baseline procedures).

Baseline Parameter Any parameter whose value or status can be monitored in order to validate assumptions about base-
line emissions estimates or to help estimate baseline emissions.

Baseline Procedures Methods used to estimate baseline emissions. The Project Protocol presents two optional procedures:
the project-specific procedure and the performance standard procedure.

Baseline Scenario A hypothetical description of what would have most likely occurred in the absence of any considera-
tions about climate change mitigation.

Benefits The benefits that would be expected to accrue to decision-makers involved with the activities in each
baseline scenario alternative, excluding all potential benefits resulting from GHG reductions.

Carbon Dioxide Equivalent The universal unit of measurement used to indicate the global warming potential of greenhouse gases.
(CO2eq) It is used to evaluate the impacts of releasing (or avoiding the release of) different greenhouse gases.

Carbon Stock The absolute quantity of carbon held within a GHG sink at a specified time (see GHG sink).

Common Practice The predominant technology(ies) implemented or practice(s) undertaken in a particular region or sector.

Decision-Makers Any parties who might be involved in the decision to implement a project activity or one of its baseline
candidates. In most cases, the project developer will be the sole “decision-maker” with respect to the
project activity. However, other parties could be the “decision-makers” for baseline candidates.

Direct GHG Emissions Emissions or removals from GHG sources or sinks that are owned or controlled by the project developer.

Dynamic Baseline Emissions Baseline emission estimates that change over the valid time length of the baseline scenario. Dynamic
baseline emissions are often estimated for land-use and forestry projects.

130 PA R T I V
Glossary 131

Emission Factor A factor relating GHG emissions to a level of activity or a certain quantity of inputs or products or serv-
ices (e.g., tonnes of fuel consumed, or units of a product). For example, an electricity emission factor is
commonly expressed as t CO2eq/megawatt-hour.

Fuel Switching Using an alternative fuel (usually of lower carbon intensity) to produce required energy.

Geographic Area A physical area that helps define the final list of baseline candidates. The area can be defined by a
number of factors including sociocultural, economic, or legal factors; the availability of necessary
physical infrastructure; and/or biophysical characteristics.

GHG Assessment Boundary Encompasses all primary effects and significant secondary effects associated with the GHG project.
Where the GHG project involves more than one project activity, the primary and significant secondary
effects from all project activities are included in the GHG assessment boundary.

GHG Emissions GHGs released into the atmosphere.

GHG Program A generic term for: (1) any voluntary or mandatory, government or non-government initiative, system,
or program that registers, certifies, or regulates GHG emissions; or (2) any authorities responsible for
developing or administering such initiatives, systems, or programs.

GHG Project A specific activity or set of activities intended to reduce GHG emissions, increase the storage of
carbon, or enhance GHG removals from the atmosphere. A GHG project may be a stand-alone project,
or a component of a larger non-GHG project.

GHG Protocol Initiative A multi-stakeholder partnership of businesses, nongovernmental organisations, governments,

(GHG Protocol) academics, and others convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the
World Resources Institute to design and develop internationally accepted GHG accounting and report-
ing standards and/or protocols, and to promote their broad adoption.

GHG Reductions A decrease in GHG emissions or an increase in removal or storage of GHGs from the atmosphere, rela-
tive to baseline emissions. Primary effects will result in GHG reductions, as will some secondary
effects. A project activity’s total GHG reductions are quantified as the sum of its associated primary

effect(s) and any significant secondary effects (which may involve decreases or countervailing
increases in GHG emissions). A GHG project’s total GHG reductions are quantified as the sum of the
GHG reductions from each project activity.

GHG Sink Any process that removes GHG emissions from the atmosphere and stores them. N
GHG Source Any process that releases GHG emissions into the atmosphere.

Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spec-

trum of infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere, and clouds. The six main
GHGs whose emissions are human-caused are: carbon dioxide (CO2 ); methane (CH4 ); nitrous oxide
(N2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ).

Indirect GHG Emissions Emissions or removals that are a consequence of a project activity, but occur at GHG sources or sinks
not owned or controlled by the project developer.

Legal Requirements Any mandatory laws or regulations that directly or indirectly affect GHG emissions associated with a
project activity or its baseline candidates, and that require technical, performance, or management

actions. Legal requirements may involve the use of a specific technology (e.g., gas turbines instead
of diesel generators), meeting a certain standard of performance (e.g., fuel efficiency standards for
vehicles), or managing operations according to a certain set of criteria or practices (e.g., forest
management practices).

Market Response The response of alternative providers or users of an input or product to a change in market supply or

demand caused by the project activity.

One-Time Effects Secondary effects related to the construction, installation, and establishment or the decommissioning
and termination of the project activity.

Performance Metric A rate that relates the level of consumption of relevant inputs to the level of production for different

baseline candidates, or that relates GHG emissions to the size or capacity of different baseline candi-
dates. Performance metrics are used in developing performance standards.

Performance Standard A GHG emission rate used to determine baseline emissions for a particular type of project activity. A
performance standard may be used to estimate baseline emissions for any number of similar project
activities in the same geographic area.

Performance A baseline procedure that estimates baseline emissions using a GHG emission rate derived from a
Standard Procedure numerical analysis of the GHG emission rates of all baseline candidates. A performance standard is

sometimes referred to as a multi-project baseline or benchmark, because it can be used to estimate

baseline emissions for multiple project activities of the same type.

Primary Effect The intended change caused by a project activity in GHG emissions, removals, or storage associated

with a GHG source or sink. Each project activity will generally have only one primary effect.

Production-Based A performance standard defined as a rate of GHG emissions per unit of a product or service produced
Performance Standard by all identified baseline candidates. This type of performance standard will generally apply to energy
efficiency, energy generation, and industrial process project activities.

Project See GHG project.

Project Activity A specific action or intervention targeted at changing GHG emissions, removals, or storage. It may
include modifications or alterations to existing production, process, consumption, service, or manage-
ment systems, as well as the introduction of new systems.

Project Developer A person, company, or organisation developing a GHG project.

Project-Specific Procedure A baseline procedure that estimates baseline emissions through the identification of a baseline
scenario specific to the proposed project activity.

Relevant Input Any kind of material or energy that is: (1) required to produce the product or service common to all
baseline candidates, and (2) related to the project activity’s primary effect.

Retrofit Project Any GHG project that involves modifying existing equipment, or replacing existing equipment with new
parts, devices, or systems.

Secondary Effect An unintended change caused by a project activity in GHG emissions, removals, or storage associated
with a GHG source or sink. Secondary effects may be “positive” (i.e., resulting in GHG reductions)
or “negative” (i.e., resulting in GHG emissions).

Sequestration The uptake and storage of CO2, which can be sequestered by plants or in underground or
deep-sea reservoirs.

Static Baseline Emissions Baseline emission estimates that do not change over the valid time length of the baseline scenario.

Glossary 133

Stringency Level A GHG emission rate that is more restrictive than the average GHG emission rate of all baseline candi-
dates. Stringency levels may be specified as a GHG emission rate corresponding to a certain percentile
(better than the 50th percentile) or to the lowest-emitting baseline candidate. Stringency levels are
defined in the course of developing a performance standard.

Temporal Range A contiguous time period that helps define the final list of baseline candidates. The temporal range
can be defined by a number of factors, such as the dominance of a single technology for an extended
period of time, the diversity of options in a sector or region, and/or a discrete change in an area’s or a
region’s policy, technology, practice, or resource.

Time-Based A performance standard defined as a rate of GHG emissions per unit of time and unit of size or
Performance Standard capacity of the baseline candidates. This type of performance standard will generally apply to
project activities involving storage or removals of CO2 by biological processes, fugitive emissions
and waste emissions.

Upstream/Downstream Effects Secondary effects associated with the inputs used (upstream) or the products produced (downstream)
by a project activity.

Valid Time Length The time period over which baseline emission estimates, derived from a baseline scenario or
for the Baseline Scenario performance standard, are considered valid for the purpose of quantifying GHG reductions. Once the
valid time length for the baseline scenario expires, either no further GHG reductions are recognized for
the project activity, or a new (revised) baseline scenario or performance standard must be identified.


Courtesy of World Bank


General References Harrison, D., S. Schatzki, T. Wilson, and E. Haites. 2000. Critical
Aulisi, A., A.E. Farrell, J. Pershing, and S. Vandeveer. 2005. Issues in International Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in U.S. States: Observations Setting Baselines for Credit-Based Trading Programs—Lessons
and Lessons from the OTC NOx Budget Program. World Resources Learned from Relevant Experience. Electric Power Research
Institute White Paper, January 2005. Institute, December 2000.

Australian Greenhouse Office. Houghton, J.T., Meira Filho, L.G., Lim, B., Treanton, K., Mamaty, I.,
Bonduki, Y., Griggs, D.J., and Callander, B.A. 1997. Revised 1996
Bode, J., J. de Beer, K. Blok, and J. Ellis. 2000. An Initial View on Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. IPCC/OECD/IEA.
Methodologies for Emission Baselines: Iron and Steel Case Study.
OECD and IEA Information Paper, June 2000. International Emissions Trading Association. 2001. Carbon Contracts
Cornerstone: Drafting Contracts for the Sale of Project Based
Baseline Protection Initiative. 2002. Baseline Protection Emission Reductions. Discussion Paper No. 02-01, Version 1.2.
Initiative—Reference Manual. National Climate Change Process,
Government of Canada, April 2002. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) FDIS/14064-
2: Greenhouse gases—Specification with guidance at the project
Bosi, M. 2000. An Initial View on Methodologies for Emission level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse
Baselines: Electricity Generation Case Study. OECD and IEA gas emission reductions or removal enhancements. Expected for
Information Paper, June 2000. publication in 2006.
BP and PricewaterhouseCoopers. 2000. Credit Based Emissions Japanese Ministry of Environment. 2001. Technical Procedures for
Reduction Projects: Learning Through Practical Engagement. CDM/JI Projects at the Planning Stage. October 2001.
CDM Executive Board Report 16. 2004. Annex 1: Tool for the Kelly, C. 1999. Developing the Rules for Determining Baseline
Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality. UNFCCC. and Additionality for the Clean Development Mechanism:
Center for Sustainable Development in the Americas. 2002. Recommendations to the UNFCCC. Center for Clean Air Policy,
“Climate Change Glossary.” Prepared for the UNFCCC Technical Workshop, April 1999.
publications/glossary.htm#C. Lazarus, M., S. Kartha, and S. Bernow. 2001. Project Baselines
Chomitz, K. 2002. “Baseline, Leakage and Measurement Issues: How and Boundaries for Project-Based GHG Emission Reduction
Do Forestry and Energy Projects Compare?” Climate Policy, 2: 35-49. Trading. Tellus Institute, A Report to the Greenhouse Gas Emission
Trading Pilot Program, April 2001.
CMS Cameron McKenna. 2002. “Climate Change Jargon Buster.” Matsuo, N. 2001. Baseline Development for Project-Based
Instruments. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2001. “Glossary.” PowerPoint presentation, September 2001.
Matsuo, N. 2000. Proposal for Step-by-Step Baseline Standardization
Government of Canada. 2002. Climate Change Technology Early for CDM—From Project-Specific to Generalized Formula. Version 3,
Action Measures (TEAM: System of Measurement and Reporting Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, August 2000.
to TEAM (SMART). December 2002.
Matsuo, N. 1999. Baseline as the Critical Issue of CDM—
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Trading Pilot (GERT). Possible Pathway to Standardization. Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute and Institute for Global Environmental
Hargrave, T., N. Helme, and I. Puhl. 1998. Options for Simplifying Strategies, Prepared for presentation at Workshop on Baselines for
Baseline Setting for Joint Implementation and Clean Development the CDM, February 25–26, 1999, Tokyo, Japan.
Mechanism Projects. Center for Clean Air Policy, November 1998. McNeill, R. 2002. The GERT Experience with the Surplus Criterion.
GERT, July 2002.

134 PA R T I V
References 135

New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme. Winkler, H., S. Thorne. 2002. “Baselines for Suppressed Demand: CDM Projects Contribution to Poverty Alleviation.” South African
Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 5 (2), June 2002.
Probase. 2003. Procedures for Accounting and Baselines for JI
and CDM Projects. EU Fifth Framework Programme, Joint World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for
Implementation Network, The Netherlands. Sustainable Development. 2004. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A
Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, revised edition.
Prototype Carbon Fund. 2001. PCF Approaches to Additionality,
WRI/WBCSD, Washington D.C.
Baselines, Validation and Verification. PCF Training Workshop,
The World Bank, November 2001. WBCSD. 2000. Clean Development Mechanism: Towards a Blueprint.
WBCSD, October 2000.
Prototype Carbon Fund. 2001. Prototype Carbon Fund Annual
Report 2001. The World Bank.

Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of Innovations. Fourth Edition, Simon Chapter 5: Defining the
and Schuster, New York, New York, February 1995. GHG Assessment Boundary
Aukland, L., P. Moura Costa, and S. Brown. 2002. “A Conceptual
Rolfe, C., R. Hornung, A. Pape, W. Bell, and J. Hull. 2000. GERT
Framework and Its Application for Addressing Leakage: The Case
Exploration of Methodological and Project-by-Project Approaches
of Avoided Deforestation.” Climate Policy, 94 1–15. Elsevier
to Additionality. A Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading
Science Ltd.
Member Document, August 2000.
Murray, B.C., B.A. McCarl, and H. Lee. 2004. “Estimating Leakage
Rosenqvist, A., A. Milne, R. Lucas, M. Imhoff, and C. Dobsone.
from Forest Carbon Sequestration Programs.” Land Economics,
2003. “A Review of Remote Sensing Technology in Support of the
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Kyoto Protocol.” Environmental Science and Policy, 6 (5), 441–55.
Niles, J.O., S. Browns, J. Pretty, A.S. Ball, and J. Fay. 2002.
Spalding-Fecher, R. 2002. The CDM Guidebook: The Clean
Potential Carbon Mitigation and Income in Developing Countries
Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol—A Guidebook for
from Changes in Use and Management of Agricultural and Forest
Project Developers in Southern Africa. Energy and Development
Lands. Draft prepared for The Nature Conservancy.
Research Centre, University of Cape Town, First Electronic Edition,
May 2002. Schwarze, R., J.O. Niles, and J. Olander. 2002. “Understanding
and Managing Leakage in Forest-Based Greenhouse-Gas-
Tipper, R., and B.H. de Jong. 1998. “Quantification and Regulation
Mitigation Projects.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
of Carbon Offsets from Forestry: Comparison of Alternative
Society, August 2002.
Methodologies, with Special Reference to Chiapas, Mexico.”
Commonwealth Forestry Review, 77 (3), 21928. Wear, D.N., and B.C. Murray. 2004. “Federal Timber Restrictions,
Interregional Spillovers, and the Impact on U.S. Softwood
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Markets.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
47 (2), 307–30.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. “Global
Warming Glossary.”
glossary.html. Chapter 7: Identifying the
Baseline Candidates
Violette, D., C. Mudd, and M. Keneipp. 2000. An Initial View on
Murtishaw, S., J. Sathaye, and M. Lefranc. 2005. “Spatial
Methodologies for Emission Baselines: Energy Efficiency Case
Boundaries and Temporal Periods for Setting Greenhouse Gas
Study. OECD and IEA Information Paper, June 2000.
Performance Standards.” Energy Policy (in press).

Chapter 8: Estimating Baseline Emissions— Liu, D., and P. Rogers. 2000. “Baseline Determination for
Project-Specific Procedure Greenhouse Gas Abatement.” In: Ghosh, P. (Ed.). Implementation
Embree, S. and I. Puhl. 1999. Operationalizing Additionality of the Kyoto Protocol: Opportunities and Pitfalls for Developing
Reference for Project Developers. Learning from the Experience of Countries. Asian Development Bank.
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Recommendations for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in the
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Kerr, T., R. Morgan, J. Haydel, and B. Thapa. 2002. Average the GHG Reduction
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Lawson, K., S. Kolar, and C. Kelly. 2000. A Regional Approach to Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities: A Guide for
Developing Multi-Project Baselines for the Power Sector. Center Project Developers and Validation/Verification Bodies. Version
for Clean Air Policy (CCAP), November 2000. 1.0: Volume 1: Introduction; Volume 2a: Baseline Studies,
Lazarus, M., S. Kartha, and S. Bernow. 2000. Key Issues in Monitoring and Reporting; Volume 2b: Baseline Studies for
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References 137

Version 1.0: Volume 2a: Baseline Studies, Monitoring and Existing Protocols and Guidelines. Lawrence Berkeley National
Reporting; Volume 2b: Baseline Studies for Specific Project Laboratory, prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Categories; Volume 2c: Standardized Baselines and Streamlined December 1997.
Monitoring Procedures for Selected Small-scale Clean
Development Mechanism Project Activities.
Example 1: Cement Sector GHG Project
Ellis, J. 2002. Developing Guidance on Monitoring and Project
Using the Project-Specific
Boundaries for Greenhouse Gas Projects. OECD and IEA
Baseline Procedure
Information Paper, May 2002.
Ellis, J. 2000. An Initial View on Methodologies for Emission
Ellis, J. 2002. Developing Monitoring Guidance for Greenhouse Gas
Baselines: Cement Case Study. OECD and IEA Information Paper,
Mitigation Projects. OECD and IEA Information Paper, May 2002.
June 2000.
International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol
Mohanty, Brahmanand (ed.). 1997. Technology, Energy Efficiency
Committee. 2002. International Performance Measurement &
and Environmental Externalities in the Cement Industry. School
Verification Protocol: Concepts and Options for Determining
of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of
Energy and Water Savings. Volume 1, March 2002.
Technology, Thailand.
Prototype Carbon Fund. 2002. Monitoring Protocol (MP) Colombia:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and
Jepirachi Wind Power Project. Draft: May 2002.
International Energy Agency. 2000. Emission Baselines:
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Estimating the Unknown. OECD and IEA report, November 2000.
Affairs. 2002. Determination of Baselines and Monitoring Protocols
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
for Non-LUCF Projects. Prepared by EcoSecurities, June 2002.
2001. The Cement CO2 Protocol: CO2 Accounting and Reporting
Vine, E., and S. Jayant. 1997. The Monitoring, Evaluation, Standard for the Cement Industry. WBCSD, Geneva.
Reporting, and Verification of Climate Change Mitigation
Projects: Discussion of Issues and Methodologies and Review of

GHG Project Case Study Contributors

Architrandi Priambodo, URS (Example 1: Cement Project) Maurice LeFranc and Lisa Hanle, United States Environmental
(Heidelberg Cement, Indocement and Lafarge kindly permitted the Protection Agency (Example 2: Compressor Project)
use of some data to support this example)

Consistency and Verifiability Check

KPMG LLP, London, and DNV performed a review of the final draft, taking into account specific questions raised by the WBCSD/WRI
authors in relation to the document's clarity, consistency and verifiability.

Taskforce Members & Writing Team

Ingo Puhl, 500ppm (Taskforce Leader) Andrzej Blachowcz, Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)

Stirling Habbitts, Anglo American/KPMG Karen Lawson, CCAP

David Evans, BP Mike Burnett, Climate Trust

Tamsin Lishman, BP Sonal Pandya, Conservation International

138 PA R T I V
Contributors 139

Jesse Uzzell, DNV (Taskforce Leader) Will Gibson, Tetra Tech

Ben de Jong, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Ellen Hawes, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Peter Haenke, Energetics Tia Nelson, TNC

John Palmisano, Energy and Communications Solutions Paul Steenhof, Torrie Smith Associates

John D. Cowan, Environmental Interface Limited Ralph Torrie, Torrie Smith Associates

Tatiana Bosteels, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Manuela Ojan, Toyota

Samy Hotimsky, ERM/University of East Anglia Jackie Jones, UK DEFRA

Malik Amin Aslam, ENVORK Michelle Manion, Union of Concerned Scientists

Paul Norrish, Future Forests Kai-Uwe Schmidt, United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change
Marc Lemieux, Gaz Metropolitan
Ken Andrasko, USEPA
Liu Deshun, GCCI/INET, Tsinghua University
Ben DeAngelo, USEPA
Jeffrey Frost, GHG Spaces Ltd.
Paul Gunning, USEPA
Axel Michaelowa, Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Robert Prolman, Weyerhaeuser Company
Stephen Kenihan, ICLEI
Venkata Ramana, Winrock International
Naoki Matsuo, Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies/Climate Experts Ltd. Sandra Greiner, World Bank

Martina Bosi, International Energy Agency Johannes Heister, World Bank

Dwight Demorais, Lafarge Samrat Sengupta, World Wildlife Fund

Scott Murtishaw, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Kevin Baumert, WRI

Jayant Sathaye, LBNL (Taskforce Leader)

Edward Vine, LBNL

Erik Haites, Margaree Consultants Inc

Marybeth Parker, Mirant

Reid Miner, National Council for Air and Steam Improvement

Karl Hausker, PA Consulting Group

Mariko Fujimori, Pacific Consultants

Kazuhito Yamada, Pacific Consultants

Michelle Passero, Pacific Forest Trust

Agus Sari, Pelangi

Michael Molitor, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Laurent Segalen, PwC

Toby Campbell-Colquhoun, Royal Dutch Shell


Road Testers
The list below reflects the companies/organisations that volunteered to road test this document; names in brackets are the person(s)
responsible for this effort.

Ademe, France (Boris Bailly and Fredric Gal) International Paper (Adam Costanza)

Applied Ecological Services (Steve Apfelbaum and Cheryl Miller) LBNL (Satish Kumar and Edward Vine)

BP (Mark Akhurst and Jane Scott-Gall) Louis Berger Group (Subrata Mazumder)

Chevron Corporation (Jonathan Grant and Arthur Lee) Natural Resources Canada (Tom Baumann and Partrick Hardy)

Climate Neutral Network (Sue Hall) Oregon Department of Energy (Sam Sadler)

Dow Chemical Company (Jorma Salmikivi) Pacific Forest Trust (Michelle Passero and Jon Remucal)

Energetics Pty Ltd and Sydney Water (Peter Haenke) Priestley Consulting (Janice Priestley)

Environmental Interface Limited (John D. Cowan) Research Triangle Institute (Brian Murray and Allan Sommer)

Florida Light and Power (Mary Archer and Lynn Smallridge) Saskatchewan Research Council (Mark Johnston)

Independent Consultant (Walker Lunn) State Forests of NSW (Penny Baalman and Nick O’Brien)

Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (Neeta Hooda TEPCO (Yasushi Hieda and Hiroyuki Takahashi)
and Promode Kant)
URS (Architrandi Priambodo)
Indocement/Heidelberg Cement (Oivind Hoidalen
USEPA (Ken Andrasko and Ben DeAngelo)
and Clemens Huetter)
Woodrising Consulting Inc. (Neil Bird)
Interface Inc. (Melissa Vernon)

Road Test Draft and Final Reviewers

This list reflects the names of persons who provided feedback to the road test and pre-publication drafts.

Karin Ritter, American Petroleum Institute Michael Lehmann, DNV (also on the DNV review team)

Marina Alvaro, Anglo American Ramesh Ramachandran, DNV (also on the DNV review team)

Ian Emsley, Anglo American Veena Vadini, DNV

John Roberts, Anglo American Heather McGray, ECOLOGIA/WRI

Christopher Loreti, Battelle Justin Guest, EcoSecurities

Jim Qin, Borax Eric Holdsworth, Edison Electric Institute

John Yong, Brown University Bruce Maillet, EMCON

Jill Gravender, California Climate Action Registry David Corregidor Sanz, ENDESA

Geoff Styles, Capacity Building, Leadership & Action Gustavo Silva-Chavez, Environmental Defense

Lisa Nelowet Grice, CH2M Hill Marguerite Barenbrug, Environmental Impact Management
Karen Meadows, Climate Neutral Network
Michael Gillenwater, Environmental Resources Trust
Hennie Conradie, Deloitte & Touche
Peter Nelson, Eskom
Contributors 141

Wendy Poulton, Eskom Joe Kruger, Resources for the Future

Mandy Rambharos, Eskom Kaj Embern, Respect Europe

Clive Turner, Eskom Mei Li Han, Respect Europe

Atul Kumar, Gujarat Ambuja Cement Gerrit Kornelius, SASOL

Y.K. Saxena, Gujarat Ambuja Cement Steven R. Schiller, Schiller Consulting

Werner Heck, Heck Associates Pancho Ndebele, South African Breweries

N.K. Verma, Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited Lee Ann Kozak, Southern Company

Itaru Watanabe, Japan Quality Assurance (JQA) Hiroyuki Takahashi, TEPCO

Shigenari Yamamoto, JQA Dinesh Babu, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Chris Hunter, Johnson & Johnson Preety Bhandari, TERI

Satoshe Takase, Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO) Ulka Kelkar, TERI

Shintaro Yokokawa, KEPCO Parikshit Srivastava, TERI

Tom Frost, KPMG Sean Clark, The Climate Trust

Anna Greenshields, KPMG (also on the KPMG review team) Miriam Lev-On, The LEVON Group

Henk Harmsen, KPMG Satoshi Yoshida, Tokyo Gas Company

Andrew Howard, KPMG Werner Betzenbichler, TÜV Süddeutschland

Donna Boysen, Louis Berger Group Sandeep Tandon, United States Agency for
International Development
Vinay Deodhar, Louis Berger Group
Anthony Dinicola, Unocal
Zoe Budnik-Lees, National Business Initiative (NBI)
Terri Shires, URS Corporation
Andre Fourie, NBI
Cynthia Cummins, USEPA
Charlotte Middleton, NBI
Evan Jones, VCR-MVR
Dan Bilello, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Eric Lesueur, Veolia Environment
Neil Cohn, Natsource
John Sebastian, Veolia Environment
Dale Bryk, Natural Resources Defense Council
Amanda Stobart, Webber Wentzel
Sanjeev Raghubir, Nestle
Sandra Brown, Winrock International
Mikako Kokitsu, Osaka Gas
Tim Pearson, Winrock International
David Sumi, PA Consulting
Sudhir Sharma, Winrock International India
Greg San Martin, Pacific Gas & Electric
Rob Bradley, WRI
Lance Moodley, Palabora Mining
Maria Cordeiro, WRI
S.K. Bajaj, Phillips India
Taryn Fransen, WRI
G.P. Singh, Phillips India
David Jhirad, WRI
Kyle Tanger, Project Performance Corporation
Rebecca Eaton, WWF
Harmke Immink, PwC

General Contributors
Heather Tansey, 3M Pierre Boileau, Environment Canada

Alain Bill, ALSTOM Power Juerg Fuessler, Ernst Basler & Partners Ltd.

Charles Eyre, Aon Risk Consulting Richard Ney, Essential Science

Danielle Cesano, ARUP Thomas Sylvester, Exelon Power

Anne Boucher, Baseline Protection Initiative Wendel Dreve, Farmer’s Ethanol LLC

Simon Worthington, BP Bhanu Swaminathan, Fertiliser Association of India

Adolfo E. Silva, Canadian Petroleum Products Institute Lauren Sandler, First Environment

Kevin Boehmer, Canadian Standards Association Duncan Noble, Five Winds International

Greg Kats, Capital E Hans Buwalda, Fletcher Building Limited

Fred J. Keller, Carrier Corporation Cesar Munoz, Fundacion Entorno

Jake Schmidt, CCAP George Fowkes, Future Forests

Alexander Roeder, CEMEX Aldyen Donnelly, Greenhouse Emissions Management Consortium

Gerard Alleng, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, Michael Dutschke, Hamburg Institute of International Economics
University of Delaware
David Brand, Hancock Natural Resource Group
Donald Goldberg, Center for International Environmental Law
Mihir Moitra, Hindalco Industries Limited
Alice LeBlanc, Chicago Climate Exchange
Anne Choate, ICF Consulting
John O. Niles, Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance
Abyd Karmali, ICF Consulting
Michael Totten, Conservation International
Jim McConnach, IEEE
John Kessels, CRL Energy
Kim Maloney, Independent consultant
Harold Belore, Cumming Cockburn Limited
V. Ranganathan, Indian Institute of Management
K. C. Narang, Dalmia Cement
Jerry Marks, International Aluminium Institute
Robert Casamento, Deloitte
Fraser Thomson, International Aluminium Association
Aditi Haldar, Development Alternatives
Robert Dornau, International Emissions Trading Association
Dale Didion, ISG Resources
Tony Irwin, IRM Consulting
Simon Dawes, DNV
Koichi Kitamura, KEPCO
Trygve Roed-Larsen, DNV
Koji Toyama, KEPCO
Neil Kolwey, E Source
Chi Mun Woo, KPMG
Bill Kyte, E.ON UK
Naseem Pankhida, KMPG
Louise Aukland, EcoSecurities
Bertrand Gaillard, Lafarge
Crosbie Baulch, Energetics
Simon Rice, Lafarge
David Crossley, Energy Futures Australia
Lenny Bernstein, L.S. Bernstein & Associates
Xu Huaqing, Energy Research Institute

Contributors 143

David Lesolle, Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, and Gloria Godinez, WBCSD

Tourism, Botswana
Susanne Haefeli, WBCSD
Xuedu Lu, Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Simon Schmitz, WBCSD
Indrani Kowlessar, NRCan
Ian Noble, World Bank
Stephen Seres, NRCan
Lasse Ringius, World Bank
David Howard, NREL
Sebastian Scholz, World Bank
Mary Quilliam, Nuclear Energy Institute
Pankaj Bhatia, WRI
Laurie Wayburn, Pacific Forest Trust
Liz Cook, WRI
Matthew McCulloch, Pembina Institute
Anthony Dvarskas, WRI
Kristian Rajakaltio, PwC
Peter Gage, WRI
Neil Rein, Resource Recovery Systems
Ryan Levinson, WRI
Neil Sampson, Sampson Group
Jennifer Layke, WRI
Doug Howell, Seattle City Light
Jonathan Pershing, WRI
Gerhard Mulder, SENTER
Anand Rao, WRI
Gareth Phillips, SGS
Emily Weninger, WRI
Roon Osman, Shell
Manmitta Dutta, Yale Univerisity
Tony O’Hara, State Forests of NSW

Malte Meinhausen, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

WRI and WBCSD would like to thank the following individuals
G. S. Basu, Tata Steel and organizations for their generous financial support: Energy
Foundation, Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation, the US
R. P. Sharma, Tata Steel
Agency for International Development, the US Environmental
Midori Sasaki, TEPCO Protection Agency, Baxter International, BP, Chevron Corporation,
Ford, International Paper, SC Johnson, Dow, Environment Canada,
Yoshiyuki Tsuji, TEPCO
and Natural Resource Canada. We would also like to thank KPMG
Leena Srivastava, TERI and Shell for their support in holding GHG Protocol meetings.

Mark Jackson, The Carbon Store

Eric Firstenberg, TNC

Patrick Gonzalez, TNC

Zoe Kant, TNC

Bill Stanley, TNC

Kentaro Suzawa, Tokyo Gas Company

William Hohenstein, United States Department of Agriculture

Gary Bull, University of British Columbia

Katie Begg, University of Surrey

Mahesh Gundappa, URS Corporation

Design: Alston Taggart, Studio Red
Ordering publications
WBCSD, c/o Earthprint Limited
Tel: (44 1438) 748 111
Fax: (44 1438) 748 844
wbcsd @

Publications are available at:

Hopkins Fulfillment Service
Tel: (1 410) 516 6956
Fax: (1 410) 516 6998
e-mail: hfscustserv @

Publications can be ordered from WRI’s secure online

store: http://

This document, designed to promote best practice GHG
project accounting and reporting, has been developed
through a globally diverse multi-stakeholder consulta-
tive process involving representatives from business,
nongovernmental organizations, government, academ-
ics, and other backgrounds. While WBCSD and WRI
encourage use of the GHG Protocol for Project
Accounting, its application and the preparation and
publication of reports based on it are the full responsi-
bility of its users. In particular, use of the Project
Protocol does not guarantee a particular result with
respect to quantified GHG reductions, or acceptance or
recognition of quantified GHG reductions by GHG
programs. Neither the WBCSD and WRI, nor other
individuals who contributed to this Protocol assume
responsibility for any consequences or damages result-
ing directly or indirectly from its use and application.

Copyright © World Resources Institute and World Business

Council for Sustainable Development, November 2005
ISBN 1-56973-598-0

Printed in USA

Printed on Chorus Art Silk (50% recycled, 15% post consumer waste, chlorine-free
pulp processed paper) with soy-based inks.
JP cov3.qxd 11/22/05 4:27 PM Page 2


GHG Protocol Initiative Team


Suzie Greenhalgh Mahua Acharya


Derik Broekhoff Laurent Corbier

Florence Daviet Kjell Oren

Janet Ranganathan Heidi Sundin


Project Management Team (PMT)

This team was assigned to guide and oversee the development of the document

until it was road tested in September 2003.


Mike McMahon, BP

Jennifer DuBose, Climate Neutral Network

P.R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management

Melanie Eddis, KPMG


Bob Fledderman, MeadWestvaco

Clifford Schneider, MeadWestvaco

Jane Ellis, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Richard Tipper, The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management

About WBCSD About WRI

Yasuo Hosoya, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development The World Resources Institute is an environmental think tank that

(WBCSD) is a coalition of 175 international companies united goes beyond research to create practical ways to protect the Earth
by a shared commitment to sustainable development via the and improve people’s lives. Our mission is to move human society
Revision Management Team (RMT)
three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment for current and
This team was instituted in December 2003, to guide the integration of feedback
progress. Our members are drawn from more than 30 countries future generations.
received from the road testing phase and advice towards the finalisation of the document.
and 20 major industrial sectors. We also benefit from a
Our program meets global challenges by using knowledge to
Mike McMahon, BP Global Network of 50+ national and regional business councils
catalyze public and private action:
Arthur Lee, Chevron Corporation and partner organizations.
Einar Telnes, Det Norske Veritas (also on the DNV review team) • To reverse damage to ecosystems. We protect the capacity of
Our mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst for
Ken-Ichi Shinoda, Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute ecosystems to sustain life and prosperity.
change toward sustainable development, and to support
Adam Costanza, International Paper
the business license to operate, innovate and grow in a world • To expand participation in environmental decisions. We
Melanie Eddis, KPMG (also on the KPMG review team)
increasingly shaped by sustainable development issues collaborate with partners worldwide to increase people’s access
Jed Jones, KPMG (also on the KPMG review team)
to information and influence over decisions about natural
Fabian Gaioli, MGM International Our objectives include:
Julia Martinez, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Mexico
• Business Leadership—to be a leading business advocate on
Lucy Naydenova, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, Netherlands • To avert dangerous climate change. We promote public and
sustainable development.
Tom Baumann, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) private action to ensure a safe climate and sound world economy.
Patrick Hardy, NRCan • Policy Development—to participate in policy development
• To increase prosperity while improving the environment. We
Jeff Fiedler, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (also Taskforce Leader) to create the right framework conditions for business to make
challenge the private sector to grow by improving environmental
Michelle Passero, Pacific Forest Trust an effective contribution towards sustainable development.
and community well-being.
Ajay Mathur, Senergy Global
• The Business Case—to develop and promote the business
Sivan Kartha, Tellus Institute In all of our policy research and work with institutions, WRI tries to
case for sustainable development.
Michael Lazarus, Tellus Institute build bridges between ideas and actions, meshing the insights of
Yasushi Hieda, TEPCO • Best Practice—to demonstrate the business contribution scientific research, economic and institutional analyses, and
Martin Hession, United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (UK DEFRA) to sustainable development solutions and share leading edge practical experience with the need for open and participatory
Lisa Hanle, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) practices among members. decision-making.
Maurice LeFranc, USEPA (also Taskforce Leader)
• Global Outreach—contribute to a sustainable future for
developing nations and nations in transition.
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The Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting
2000 2010 2020 2030 204

RESOURCES The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting

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ISBN 1-56973-598-0 RESOURCES

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