Pomegranate PDF
Pomegranate PDF
Pomegranate PDF
Figure 1. Arils of pomegranate cultivar Kaj-acik-anor. Arils are comprised of the outer shell, seed and, as seen in
this cultivar, a brightly pigmented red juice.
In old Latin, the name Malum punicum literally translates to Apple of Grain or multi-grain,
in reference to the multiple seeds in the fruit.
However, the current Latin name Punica granatum L. is derived from Pomuni granatum,
a name traced back to the middle ages, which
translates to seeded apple. Domestication
of the pomegranate is believed to have begun
in Central Asia and Persia nearly 4,000 years
ago, and then spread east and west through
hot, arid regions of India, Asia Minor and the
Mediterranean coast. Spanish settlers first
introduced the fruit to North America, including missions on the Georgia coast, in the 16th
century. Pomegranate has been a reasonably
common backyard or dooryard plant in south
Georgia for centuries. The plants are long-lived
and bear fruit for decades. The origin of the
Georgia plants is largely unknown; however,
research efforts are being made to locate, identify and characterize these local trees.
Aside from soil type and drainage, site selection should also take into consideration sun
exposure and air circulation. Pomegranates require at least six hours of direct sunlight a day
in order to ensure good fruit color and productivity. Aligning the orchard rows north-south
will maximize sun exposure. However, soil
drainage is more important than row orientation. In most of south Georgia, pomegranates
should be planted on a raised bed at least 4
feet wide and 6 to12 inches in height. A water
furrow can be added to each aisle if additional
drainage is needed.
Pomegranate Production
Orchard Establishment
Though pomegranates are very drought tolerant, ensuring adequate soil moisture will
result in a substantial improvement in plant
vigor and fruit yield. Furthermore, providing
adequate water throughout drought periods
will help minimize the amount of fruit splitting
when the rain returns. Drip irrigation is the
preferred method. Overhead irrigation is not
advisable as it will increase the spread of field
pathogens and may also result in reduced fruit
set because the flowers are highly sensitive to
humidity and moisture. Excessive soil moisture
in the summer can lead to an abundance of
vegetative growth, but the fruit produced will
tend to be softer, resulting in poor postharvest
quality. Avoid excessive irrigation in the fall as
it may contribute to fruit splitting. This splitting can lead to increased rates of infection
from field-borne diseases, which will eventually
develop during storage.
Mulch can be used in a manner similar to blueberry production to prevent weed invasion and
to preserve soil moisture content around the
young plant.
Optimal tree spacing has yet to be determined
for production in the Southeast. Traditional
spacing for an orchard is 18 x 18 (134 trees/
acre). This density permits adequate sunlight
penetration for fruit color, adequate airflow
between trees and efficient movement of people
during harvest. Tighter densities, such as 16 x
18 and 14 x 18, have been used with some degree of success in regions other than Georgia.
However, these densities, especially the latter,
should be approached with caution as they will
require diligent pruning and canopy architecture training in order to not have an adverse
effect on yield once the orchard reaches maturity. Some local growers are attempting tighter
densities of 10 x 15 (290 trees/acre). Since it
will not be known if this density is manageable
until the orchard matures, this is not a currently recommended strategy.
Soil pH should be adjusted to 6.5 with dolomitic limestone before planting. Phosphorus
should also be incorporated in the soil by adding 150 pounds per acre of triple superphosphate if the phosphorus level is less than 20
pounds per acre.
If you are planting small plants, a small
amount of non-burning, controlled-release
nursery fertilizer is recommended to help with
establishment. If you are planting a 1 gallonsize plant, a suggested rate of fertilization is
1 ounce of 10-10-10 per foot of bush height
three times a year (early spring, late spring
and summer) applied evenly in a circle about
18 inches in diameter with the plant in the
center. Continue to increase the diameter of
the circle and the rate as the plants grow, up to
a maximum of 8 ounces per application when
the plants are 8 feet tall. Under conditions of
heavy rainfall or very sandy soil, additional
Figure 3. Examples of multi-trunk (left), single-trunk (center) and triple-trunk (right) tree training strategies.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Circular 997
Pomegranate Production
Figure 4. The exterior (A) and interior (B), of the vaseshaped male (left flower) and peanut-shaped hermaphroditic (right flower) pomegranate.
Pomegranate Production
Figure 5. Example of Cercospora punicae (left) and Botryosphaeria spp (right). Photographs courtesy of Dr.
Harald Scherm and Lucky Mehra, UGA Department of Plant Pathology.
Pomegranate Production
So far, there have been few insect pest problems on Georgia pomegranate farms. However,
other U.S. production areas have problems
with the following pests: Flat mite (Brevipalpus lewisi), omnivorous leafroller (Platynola
stultana), root-knot nematode, mealybug,
melon aphid, thrips, whitefly, scale (citricola,
black and California red) and katydid. However, very few of these have caused any significant damage, and seldom required control.
If mites become an issue, a sulphur dusting in
June followed by a second application in July
(if necessary) can offer some protection. White
aphids in these other production regions are
routinely controlled using soap, but can also be
controlled with an application of Lannate. The
use of dormant oil sprays (3 percent) in winter
has been effective against scale. However, more
research is required to first identify and then
determine an appropriate recommendation for
the control of Georgia pomegranate pests.
Harvest Maturity
Pomegranates in general do not have a synchronized single spring bloom and can have
shoot flushes that bear flowers throughout the
warmer parts of the year. Early cultivars will
begin to ripen near the end of August, and will
continue through to October or early November
for the late-maturing cultivars. Except for intensive production where once-over harvesting
is occasionally practiced, plan on harvesting
two to four times per season.
Harvest maturity is determined by sugar and
acid contents, sugar:acid ratio and the color development of the fruit. With experience, proper
harvest maturity can also be determined by
tapping the fruit and listening for a metallic
ting sound. In general, for Wonderful, the
acids should be lower than 1.85 percent, soluble sugar content greater than 16 to 17 percent
and the sugar:acid ratio greater than 18.5. A
Munsell color chart has been used for determining the color score of the fruit rind. However, rind color values will vary with season and
should only be used in combination with other
maturity tests. Harvest maturity indices for
cultivars other than Wonderful are not curPomegranate Production
Postharvest handling of pomegranate is similar to that of apple. After harvest, fruit are
transported to a sorting facility in a timely
manner. It is not necessary to pre-cool fruit
after harvest, but fruit will benefit from being
placed into cold storage as soon as possible after harvest. Fruit destined for the fresh market
should be washed with chlorine, rinsed with
water and sorted by culls, cracks, defects, color,
size and weight. Fruit should also be treated
with a postharvest fungicide such as Scholar
(Syngenta), especially if they will be placed
into longer-term cold storage. A storage wax
can also be applied to promote the visual quality of the fruit and increase its storage life by
reducing moisture loss. Fruit destined for the
fresh market can either be placed in storage
bins (for later packaging) or packaged immediately into appropriate cartons for the desired
market (e.g., cardboard bin for 28, 25, 22 or
5 pounds). Pomegranates are sorted into two
grades, 1 or 2.
Fruit can be stored up to six weeks in openair storage or five months using controlled
atmosphere storage (CA). CA is also useful for
controlling the incidence of storage scald (the
browning of the red pigments in the rind of the
fruit). For high quality fruit, the lowest temperature used should be 41F for short-term
storage (less than three weeks); 45F is more
appropriate for longer-term storage. For fruit
with known disease pressures, it is advisable
to store for less than three weeks at a reduced
temperature of 32-34F. Low temperature discourages pathogen growth and spread, but will
also cause chilling injury in fruit stored longer
than three weeks. This will ultimately result in
increased pathogenicity during and after removal from low temperature storage.
Peeling a Pomegranate
Pomegranate Production
Juicing a Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice has increased in popularity because of its nutritional value and taste.
Juice is a more convenient way of ingesting the
beneficial health compounds that are present
in the fruit. However, different pomegranate
cultivars will have varying levels of juice yield,
color and antioxidant content. Furthermore,
the optimum processing conditions that affect
these quality aspects might vary depending on
the cultivar.
Home juice production can be simply accomplished by separating the arils (as described
above) and then pressing the arils in cheesecloth, or using an electric blender followed by
straining to remove the seeds. Laboratory scale
juice extraction can involve numerous steps,
including: opening the fruit, separating the
arils and pressing to extract the juice. Numerous other optional steps then follow to strain,
filter, purify and pasteurize the juice prior to
bottling. In all cases, temperature control is
very important. For home juice production,
juice should be consumed fresh or stored in the
refrigerator for only a short period of time.
Robert Hodgson. 1917. The pomegranate. College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, California. University of California Press. Bulletin no. 276.
Julian Sauls. 1998. Home fruit production
pomegranate. Texas Citrus and Subtropical Fruits, in association with Texas A&M
University. http://aggiehorticulture.tamu.
James LaRue. 1977. Growing pomegranates in
California. University of California DANR
Leaflet 2459.
Gerard Krewer, Thomas Crocker, Paul Bertrand and Dan Horton. Minor fruit and nuts
in Georgia. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Bulletin 992.
Sheets, M.D., Du Bois, M.L., Williamson,
J.G. 1994. The Pomegranate. University of
Florida IFAS extension publication #HS44.
%juice = Juice weight100
Whole fruit weight
To determine other quality aspects, such as
color, antioxidant content, sugar and acid content, a private laboratory may be used.
Pomegranate Production
Pomegranate Production
Circular 997
The University of Georgia, Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. UGA Extension offers educational
programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender or disability.
The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.