The Science of Faith

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The Science Of Faith

Developing And Releasing The Faith Of God

You can walk in the miraculous when you learn the

science of faith!! This life-transforming book will
teach you how to manifest things in THIS dimension
that are yours in heavenly places


I will never forget the experience I had as a teenager,
walking home one day. Suddenly it came to me, clear as
day: if you were to travel beyond the speed of light, time
would cease. The closer you got to light speed, the
slower time would get until it stopped ticking. Many will
recognise this as being the essence of Einsteins Theory
of Relativity and think it no big deal. However, the point
is, at that point in time, I had no idea what Einsteins
Theory of Relativity was, therefore I received this
knowledge by revelation.
I had a clear vision of there being a realm beyond time.
Of course, this realm is eternity, what we know as the
glory realm. It is the spirit world. This experience helped
me to realise that this spirit dimension is not a Casper
the Friendly Ghost, wispy, ethereal, unpredictable
realm. The spirit realm is infinitely more real and solid
than this one. It is multi-dimensional and this means it
contains more reality and substance. It is less prone to
change. The lower the dimensions, the more changeable
a world is. This 3D world we live in is temporal i.e.
subject to change.
People put on weight in this realm! People grow old and
get frail in this realm. But in the spirit realm, you do not
age! You are always at your perfect best in that glory
realm. In this world we live in, authority and government
are subject to change. In fact, we have even had times
(temporal i.e. subject-to-change seasons) when

Christian people got into political power in the nation.

But over there in the glory, Gods position as Supreme
Ruler has never changed. He is always King and Lord.
His rule is never challenged or opposed. Of course, I am
speaking about the Third Heaven, where God and the
angels dwell. We know that satan and his hordes inhabit
the lower heavenlies.
Jesus taught us to pray that this eternal realm, where
nothing of sorrow, sin or sickness are allowed to
penetrate, would come here to earth. The sense is that
this glory dimension, where Gods rule is untrammelled,
would invade this 3D dimension. Now some see this as
being synonymous with the Second Advent of Christ;
however, the fact that it is a prayer to be prayed by every
generation of believers, means it has an immanent
interpretation i.e. it is about a suffusing and permeation
of our 3D reality with a higher, multi-dimensional one.
It was never Gods intention to keep heaven and earth
poles apart; it has always been His purpose, not just to
pattern earth after heaven but to flood earth with
heaven. God being all IN all is the Divine purpose. God
filling earth and the physical realm as much as the glory
realm is the objective. As John Lake used to say, God in
a mans body as much as in his spirit and soul. The glory
of YHWH is to fill the whole earth. God spoke this on His
very life (Numbers 14:21). The purpose of God is to
move us on from a God over paradigm to a God in and
through reality. Over and over again we are reminded
that man is the dwelling place of God.

This means that it is reasonable to expect that more

and more of heavens stuff will come into this earth
plane. We should anticipate that the realities of the glory
realm would manifest more and more. This is indeed
happening. The Apostle Paul spoke of this paradigm shift
in many aspects. One which would benefit us to look at
is his statement defining what we call faith:Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is the SUBSTANCE of the things you desire or
hope for. The Greek word used here for substance is
hupostasis. Translated literally it means standing
under or that which stands under.
W.E. Vines Expository Dictionary Of New Testament
Words says that hupostasis has the meaning of the real
nature of that to which reference is made in contrast to
the outward manifestation. Hupostasis means the real
essence of something. The Heritage Bible translates this
phrase in Hebrews 11:1 as Faith is the essence of things
hoped for. It is talking about spiritual reality. Take
healing, for example. If you have faith for healing in your
body, that means your healing exists in its real,
unchangeable essence in a realm you cannot see it i.e.
the glory realm. Faith is the substance of your healing.
Faith is about the scientific and the knowable. If it isnt
scientific and knowable, it isnt faith. Faith is not about
the mysterious and the unknown. Faith isnt about

magic. Faith is a scientific thing. It is based on

certainties. The science of faith is very simple; it works
like this: what God has said must come to pass. And it is
based on a simple premise: the blessings a believer
seeks to have manifest in this 3D dimension already exist
in the glory realm. If you wish to be healed in your
physical body, for example, you must believe that your
healing exists in heavenly places already.
Roberts Liardon tells of being taken to heaven and
shown vast warehouses full of healings for people. I saw
this in vision long before I heard of Roberts experience.
It is the logical thing. You can only manifest i.e. bring
into sight in this sub-light-speed world what exists
already in supra-light-speed form. Manifestation means
to bring into sight, to have light shone on something.
Scientifically this means something that reflects light. In
order for this to happen, the manifested blessing must
be molecularly under the speed of light so that light
bounces off it. This is what manifestation means, to slow
something that exists in the invisible realm down to the
place it can be seen. The invisible realm is the glory
realm. Things that are there cannot be seen by the
physical eye because their molecular structure is moving
faster than the speed of light. When a physical objects
molecules are sped up to light speed, that object
becomes invisible. It is no longer capable of reflecting
physical light.
When a spiritual object or persons molecular structure
is slowed down to sub-light-speed, that object or person
becomes visible. Light bounces off them. Faith is the
process of seeing the invisible things that exist in glory

and causing them to manifest here. This doesnt

necessarily mean, for example, that there are Ford
Mondeos in heaven and if you believe for one here, it
means you have one over there. Thank God, you dont
have to drive a Mondeo in heaven! No, it means that
whatever blessing you enjoy in heavenly realms you can
manifest a physical equivalent here. Manifesting a
blessing that belongs to you in heaven doesnt mean that
when it is stepped-down into its physical equivalent, you
lose it over there. No, you always have the blessing over
there. Paul speaks of this in Hebrews 10:34, reminding
those saints that they had taken joyfully the plundering
of their possessions because they had a more enduring
SUBSTANCE in heaven. This means that the real essence
of these possessions could never be taken from them
since they were scientifically capable of manifesting
these things again. These things were in heavens bank,
where no moth, rust, thief or inflationary economy could
touch them.
If you want to manifest money you must see with the
eyes of faith that in heaven you are funded and provided
beyond measure. Nothing is withheld from you in the
glory realm. All things are yours. That is your reality. If
you feel poor or lacking, that is the devils alternative
reality for you. This is the secret of manifesting wealth
to understand that you are already resourced by Gods
infinite supply. You will never need to earn money again
if you grasp that you are a son or daughter of God with
unlimited access to the family wealth. Who needs the
prosperity preachers works-based message of Give till
it hurts so that God will bless you when you can walk in

full sonship privileges? Those of us who have left this

religious message behind can testify that Gods supply is
conditional on only one thing: do we believe?
Jesus divided mankind into two camps: servants of God
and servants of Mammon. This means that people either
live their lives based on invisible reality or on what they
can detect with their senses. The true believer will live
by faith i.e. by the heavenly materiality of SUBSTANCE.
This means living from a consciousness and awareness
of an inner reality, that there is provision stored up in
the glory realm awaiting manifestation. This person is
not waiting for God to give them something; no, he has
already received it in SUBSTANCE form. The
manifestation will follow. The physical reality will come
to pass in the earth realm. If you are spiritually astute
you will see that there is no such thing as unanswered
prayer, exactly like the Bible says. Nor is there ever a
no answer to a faith prayer or decree. People do not
receive because God has, by intent or neglect, declined
to answer their prayers; people do not receive because
they do not receive by faith i.e. by SUBSTANCE.
God is flooding the earth with SUBSTANCE. By
SUBSTANCE (faith) Gods people are overcoming the
world. The realm of the senses is being changed into
another realm of faith that will mirror heaven. The Greek
word used for SUBSTANCE in Hebrews 10:34 huparxis
is different from that used in Hebrews 11:1, yet it
contains the same essential meaning. It has the sense of
that which pre-exists i.e. something which originates
in heaven, the glory dimension. It can also mean that

which comes






The world of science is coming to the same conclusion.

Scientists such as Max Planck, John Wheeler and David
Bohm have all posited that there is a higher-dimensional
reality beyond this physical universe and that this
universe is an extension or projection of it. Gods people
have known this for millennia. In fact, scientists could
have learned about this from Gods Word:
Through faith we understand that the worlds
were framed by the word of God, so that things
which are seen were not made of things which do
The things we can see were not made out of things
which are manifest. We could say it this way: the things
we can see were not made out of things which we can
see. Matter did not create matter. The physical realm
was formed out of the invisible one, in other words. God
took spirit SUBSTANCE and created the universe of
matter out of it. Things that exist in this sub-light-speed
dimension were formed out of SUBSTANCE which is
above light speed. Matter is therefore a product of spirit.
Some might point out that the Greek word for worlds
used here can also be translated ages. A.T. Robertson
in his Word Pictures Of The New Testament makes the
point that this word could refer in this context to
Einsteins fourth dimension of time. In other words, the

space-time continuum which is governed by the speed of

light was formed by the Word of God.
The separation between the realm of spirit and matter
is therefore the light-speed barrier. If you travel above
the speed of light, you go into the spirit realm.
Conversely, if you are a spirit person or thing and your
body is probably at the molecular level slowed down
to sub-light-speed, you come into the physical realm.
Clearly spirit beings such as angels have the capacity to
do this and to be seen by people. This doesnt explain
the Incarnation, however. Although the Word became
flesh, it wasnt in some temporary stepping-down of
celestial body that Jesus came. He really was and is man.
He took on Him the seed of Abraham. The body which
Jesus has now is that of a resurrected man. It is celestial
in that it is resurrected and, being therefore primarily
spiritual, capable of crossing the light barrier but it is a
mans body. However, angels can appear temporarily as
resembling humans.
It is possible for God to snatch or rapture someone
across the light barrier and take them to heaven. Paul
had this experience and was unsure if he was in or out
of his body. The Apostle John had similar experiences
when he was given the Revelation. I have personally
been transported into the spirit realm. Although on at
least one occasion I was taken to heaven, I have also
experienced being in the spirit realm on what could be
called a local basis. This means I was in the spirit and
could see that realm around me but was also conscious
of the physical realm around me at the same time.

This actually confirms what many scientists are saying,

that this non-physical realm is not separate from the
material one, but is through and around us. The spirit
realm is not so much separate from the physical universe
but it permeates it. It helps to think of reality in the same
way as the light spectrum. On one end is the light we
can see, which is broken down into many colours;
however, there is invisible light at the other end of the
spectrum, undetectable to the human eye. Reality is like
that. On one end is the invisible realm of spirit, at the
other, the physical, visible dimension. Reality is a
spectrum. It is not like the old Gnostic idea of spirit and
matter being two separate realms. The spectrum
metaphor allows us to see that spirit and matter are
connected and that there is permeation possible from
one realm to another.
You can get Gods attention by what you do, say and
believe. This means that the physical realm can influence
(flow into) the spiritual. Faith exercised in this realm will
move the hand of God in the glory. Faith is the bridge
that crosses the light barrier. It is heavenly materiality
i.e. spirit SUBSTANCE. God wants to transport as much
as possible of it over here into physical reality because it
is the means by which heavens reality will invade and
overcome the problems of the physical universe.
God wants to flood the earth with the knowledge of His
glory (Habakkuk 2:14). Speaking scientifically, this
means that the realities of the glory realm are to suffuse
and permeate this realm. How is this to be done? By the

Word of God. The Word of God produces FAITH which is

the heavenly SUBSTANCE of invisible things in the glory.
These things must manifest here. As a Christian, your
job is to be a conduit through which SUBSTANCE is to
come to earth. You are to live by this SUBSTANCE.
This is why I get a bit concerned by Christians who want
to downplay the Word and preaching. God manifests His
Word through preaching (Titus 1:3). We could say that
God chooses to flood and permeate the physical realm
with heavenly SUBSTANCE, which will manifest as
heaven on earth, and that He does this through the
simple process of preaching! That is why I am a
preacher! I am a distributor of SUBSTANCE, praise God!!
You need to start seeing yourself as a multidimensional being. You may have a physical body but
the important thing is: what does your body contain? The
inner part of you is the part which connects to the glory
realm. Your spirit is from the higher realm. This is why
you can be bi-local, both here on earth and seated in
heavenly places in Christ. When Paul went to heaven he
saw things it was unlawful to utter (2 Corinthians 12:4).
What were those? The clue is in the Greek and also in
the next verse. Suffice to say, if you had this experience,
youd probably get as much of a shock as Paul did! It
ought to be pointed out that Paul speaks freely of what
he saw in later epistles. Some things that have happened
to me I have not been able to share with others until a
later time. Apparently this was the case with Paul too.


You are not a physical being having a heavenly

experience; you are a heavenly being having a physical
experience. The believer is a spiritual man. The more you
are conscious of this, the easier your life will be. If you
could live your life more intentionally in the spirit, you
would be far more effective for the Kingdom. Being
spiritual necessitates working with SUBSTANCE. It is a
sobering thing to realise that anything done without
SUBSTANCE being involved is classed as sin (see
Romans 14:23).
Fear is false substance. It is the enemys purpose to
spread his fear substance because it also will manifest.
Fear is the substance of things you dont desire and it
manifests as sin, sickness, disease, heartbreak, misery,
poverty etc. The things you greatly fear will come upon
you, just as the things you believe will show up in your
life. It all depends on what kind of SUBSTANCE you
choose to receive. People who love God are purveyors of
a far superior product, SUBSTANCE that can make
peoples wildest dreams of happiness and blessing come
true, living in a world where the existing product, brings
only despair, depression and bondage. If men
understood this properly, surely only a few maniacs
would choose to live in fear rather than faith? Since the
vast majority, particularly in the churched West, dont
understand this and reject the message of faith, perhaps
its because we dont package the product the way we
Listen to Hebrews 11:1 and Romans 10:17
paraphrased in a way that explains what this product

really is:- Faith is stuff that comes from higher

dimensions of reality which will bring you things you
really desire and make your wildest dreams come true.
This stuff is heavenly materiality which develops and
forms in you as you hear Gods Word. It is your Aladdins
lamp, your magic wand, bringing you the desires of your
Now this ought to get peoples attention. But is that
how we package this product? Too often we have put
people off with how we have marketed faith. Of course,
faith does much more than just get us a bag of goodies
like a nice home, car etc. It brings us into right standing
with God. It can heal our bodies. It can drive unwanted
supernatural forces out of our lives. It can protect our
families from danger and harm. SUBSTANCE is the only
way to live. Filling our mouths and hearts with
SUBSTANCE is the most exciting and addictive activity
we can do! Of course, the ultimate end of SUBSTANCE is
not just to bless ourselves but to make us a blessing to
our world. Using SUBSTANCE on behalf of others is both
a great privilege and great fun!
Faith is supernatural energy and power that blesses
mankind. It is heavenly SUBSTANCE that is designed by
God to transform this physical universe into the mirror
of heaven. Believers need to walk in this SUBSTANCE,
developing themselves in it continually. Fear is an
opposing force to faith. It is spiritual Kryptonite to the
believer. Fears sway over the human race must be
broken. Faith brings man into the realm of the possible.
This realm is the glory realm, where God dwells. With

God in the glory all things are possible. This field of

unlimited potential and possibilities is where mans true
home is.
Gods Name is I AM. I am what? you might ask. I
AM WHATEVER YOU NEED ME TO BE is the reply. When
you approach I AM with your need, you must bring
SUBSTANCE. This SUBSTANCE is the answer to your
need. I AM is not moved by need, He is moved by
SUBSTANCE. This is why prayer for yourself is virtually
all about decree rather than request. When you speak
SUBSTANCE to the mountain, it is removed. When you
release SUBSTANCE, your need is met. The SUBSTANCE
is the answer to your need. Jesus said, Have the
SUBSTANCE of God. This is what God does, He speaks
to things and they obey. This is what you do, too. You
call things that are not manifest as they are in the
invisible realm. And they show up!
Let me share with you a little secret. Read this verse
from the Authorised Version:(As it is written, I have made thee a father of
many nations,) before him whom he believed,
even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth
those things which be not as though they were.
We like to say that God calls things that are not as
though they are. Yet that is not what the Greek says.
The Greek says that God calls those things that be not
as they are. There is no though in the Greek. This

changes the meaning of this verse in a massive way. The

Heritage Bible says that God calls the things not being
as being. Other versions say similar things. A.T.
Robertson says that God summons the non-existing as
existing. The point is not that God calls things which do
not exist into existence as IF they existed. The point is
that He calls them into existence AS they exist ALREADY,
only in another dimension. God is not creating something
new; He is bringing heavens reality into its physical
equivalence. God had already made Abraham the father
of many nations. This was a reality to God in the glory
before it ever happened in the earth.
Too many are trying to be mini Creators with faith. You
dont have to create anything. All you ever need has
been provided in glory realms since before the
foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3,4). All you have
to do is flood the earth with what heaven has in store.
This is why you need to be full of SUBSTANCE because
this is Gods method for transporting heavens blessings
into the earth. To be full of SUBSTANCE is to see and
know what exists in the glory.
Invade your world with SUBSTANCE today!



Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye
desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive
them, and ye shall have them.
MARK 11:24
The key to operating by faith is contained in four words
in this verse. It is this: BELIEVE THAT YE RECEIVE. I am
astonished at how many Christians do not understand
this and also how many seek to circumvent it. Note that
the Master did not add conditions to the key. He didnt
say If you do good deeds or If you go to church.
Neither did He apply a fast and pray, 12 chapters a day
regimen to the key. The key is not contingent upon us
being giants of faith or Christian superheroes. It doesnt
work for ministers only either.
To have what you desire, believe you receive it. That is
the key. The receiving is at the point of prayer, not when
the desired thing manifests. You must believe it is yours
when you request it. In other words, you must believe in
the Divine YES! to your prayer. At that point, you class
the thing as received and then will come the
manifestation. This might sound odd but you dont wait
for the manifestation. When a woman is pregnant she
already has her baby. She isnt waiting for a baby, she
has it! If she is sensible, she isnt waiting for the birth,
she is letting nature run its course because she
understands that baby will come when it is ready. All the


time she is pregnant she is in possession of her baby but

in due season that little child will manifest.
Farmers operate the same way. They know their
harvest is in the ground. They have it even before it
manifests. In James 5:7 we are told that the farmer
waits for the precious fruit of the earth. The word waits
actually means eagerly expects and has the sense of
something already received which has still to show itself.
Of course, this applies to crops since they have already
been planted. The SUBSTANCE of the crops is already
there in the ground, coming to a place of manifestation.
It is the same with faith. You receive the SUBSTANCE of
the thing you desire and sooner or later it manifests in
your life.
Understanding this operation is essential to functioning
effectively in faith. People think that their prayers are
unanswered because they dont have what they prayed
for. Yet the reason they dont HAVE it is that they did not
SUBSTANCE i.e. the spiritual reality of what you desire.
Interestingly, a close study of the Aramaic language
which Jesus most likely spoke shows that to ask for
something in prayer means to be surrounded by your
answer and to create space for your answer by
expectation. This means that you live your life as having
received what you asked for. Not AS IF you had received;
The problem with faith is that people, even Christians
see it as a sort of con job on the mind a sort of fake

it till you make it deal. But receiving by faith is receiving

the real nature of what you desire. It isnt conning
yourself; it is reality. Believe that you receive what you
desire and you shall have it. Receiving precedes having.
Receiving the SUBSTANCE of the desired thing precedes
it manifesting in this realm.
Note that Jesus said receiving happens when ye pray.
This doesnt necessarily mean when you request. Prayer
is not requesting; it is not giving God your shopping list.
Prayer is communion with God. If you are doing it right,
you will stop asking God as a beggar for things. Prayer
for yourself is decree. It is affirming what God said. For
example, I never ask God for money; I speak money in.
The same with healing. I never ask God to heal me; I
speak healing and it manifests. Speaking what God said
in His Word is far more effective to your receiving
SUBSTANCE than to beg God to do something for you.
If you want to HAVE something in this manifest realm,
you must RECEIVE it in SUBSTANCE form. This means
that you must have faith it is yours. The source of this
faith is Gods Word. Speaking what God has already said
in His Word develops faith in you. This faith is the
SUBSTANCE of the thing you desire. When you develop
this faith substance inside you, it will manifest in this
physical realm as the thing you desire.
It is absolutely vital that you see the operation of faith
in scientific terms. Faith is not believing a promise from
God that He will provide; faith is believing that He
already has provided and that the thing you desire exists

in the invisible realm of spirit. We see things that are

invisible, Paul said. The person of faith looks at things
which are not seen. This means seeing with spiritual eyes
what is in the spiritual realm. Faith is not mental
visualisation, although mental visualisation techniques
are counterfeits of faith.
When I look at Gods Word I see healing is provided for
me. Faith for healing then is not a matter of wishful
thinking; healing exists for me. I can receive healing by
SUBSTANCE and have full confidence that this healing
substance will work its way into my body. I dont have
to earn my healing, nor do I have to wonder whether or
not healing is for me. The Word tells me that by Jesus
stripes I am healed and that YHWH is my Healer. That
settles it for me. Can I say this so you will understand
I dont actually have to believe it. I just receive it. Faith
is not me screwing up as much belief as I can muster; it
is simply accepting that what God said is more real than
anything in the physical universe. Faith is taking God at
His Word.
People sometimes have a hard time accepting this. Yet
those same people will work for years for an employer
and never doubt for one second that their salary will be
in the bank at the end of the month. These folks can take
their employers word but not Almighty Gods. We are
often too subjective when it comes to faith. We think its
about us, yet this is just vanity. It is far simpler to
understand that Gods Word is spiritual law and cannot
be broken. It works for whosoever will. Religious people


and prideful people dont like this. They dont like that
itll work for anybody who believes. But it will!
Some folks like their walk with God and their
receiving from Him - to be about their piety and their
devotion but the just shall live by faith and the just shall
receive by faith. Faith is what pleases God and this is
why the hungry receive before the pious. Even if your life
is a total mess and you have failed utterly a thousand
times, you can receive your victory today by taking God
at His Word.
SUBSTANCE is the victory that overcomes the world.
Every time you receive His precious Word, you receive
world-overcoming SUBSTANCE. My advice might not be
textbook theology but itll make you a success in life:
tank up on SUBSTANCE today! By doing so you will
receive all the desires of your heart. To take God at His
Word is to believe that you receive. Then you shall



And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith
in God.
MARK 11:22
The Geneva Bible translators correctly translate this
Have the faith of God. There is a world of difference
between having faith IN God and having the faith OF
God. If we are told to have faith IN God, we are being
exhorted to use our human belief to approach YHWH and
then to try and somehow get Him to do something for
us. However, if we are being encouraged to have the
faith OF YHWH, we are told to write our own cheque in
Gods chequebook. There is a big distinction between
taking a millionaire to lunch in his favourite and very
expensive restaurant and him taking us to lunch.
Jesus is telling us here that faith is not about exerting
our mental and spiritual faculties to screw up belief in
something, rather it is about taking Divine substance and
using it to bring our desires to pass. We know from
Hebrews 11:1 that the Master is effectively telling us to
take the very SUBSTANCE of God in this verse here in
Mark. Faith is the essential reality and SUBSTANCE that
undergirds the physical universe. It is the building block
of creation. Every word of God contains His faith i.e. His
SUBSTANCE. By His telling us to have the SUBSTANCE
of God, Jesus is demonstrating that we dont have to use
our own mental powers but can take the universecreating power of God and use it to manifest our hearts

There is no strain in utilising the faith of God. Its HIS

faith! When someone else is driving you somewhere, you
dont have to worry about traffic or paying for petrol!
This is what Jesus is getting at the life and operation
of faith is not about strain, effort and stress. It is faith
which does the work, not you. This is the rest of faith
Paul spoke of in Hebrews chapter 4. It is not about your
believing or your faith confession; its about what God
said i.e. His SUBSTANCE-packed Word. It is not your
faith which heals you or brings the funds in; it is what
God said about your healing and provision. Having faith
is not about your ability to muster belief, its about
packing your heart and mind with His SUBSTANCE Word.
It is literally having SUBSTANCE.
If you have the SUBSTANCE of God, you will be able to
talk to mountains and bounce them right into the sea!
You will be a virtual superhero on earth. Why are comic
book superheroes so popular? Because all creation
awaits the manifested sons of God, those full of His
SUBSTANCE. Never mind gamma rays, get the power of
God in you! People are trying to work up faith but faith
is like Popeyes spinach the power is in the spinach,
not in the man. Popeye only had to eat to be strong. He
who has ears to hear, let him hear...
Moses was told to tell the children of Israel, I AM hath
sent me unto you. The Divine Name is the starting point
of all reality. You dont get healed because you believe
God for healing, you get healed because the I AM is your
Healer. You receive the substance of I AM your Healer
and healing becomes your experience. Sometimes

people dont comprehend how God heals. Where would

YHWH go to get your healing for you? It is not something
He orders from a heavenly manufacturer; it comes from
His own substance. He is LIFE and that LIFE repels
sickness and death as it manifests in your body. All the
gifts that God gives us are expressions of His own
SUBSTANCE. He doesnt give healing; He IS the Healer.
He doesnt give us salvation; He IS our Saviour. Likewise
with all other gifts. They are an expression of Himself.
This is what the Divine Name means. He is what we need
Him to be.
People are often exhorted to believe as if faith was
something you could work up. It is HIS faith we are to
operate in which means the only work we need to be
doing is to fill up on the Word which contains it.
Operating in faith is nothing more complicated than
tanking up on SUBSTANCE from the filling station of
Gods Word. Of course, our believing is involved in the
process. But there is a massive difference between
believing with our own soulish believing and believing
with the faith of God. This is why Jesus said Have the
faith OF God. HIS faith gets the job done.
Provision has been made in the spirit realm for
everything we need in this realm. God gives us the
SUBSTANCE of this provision in His Word. You are not
separate from your healing; God has dealt to every man
a measure of SUBSTANCE. If you have this SUBSTANCE,
you have your healing. When the I AM indwells you,
whatever HE IS becomes yours. Operating in the Godkind of faith is not trying to be, it is accepting that you

are. Faith is nothing more than accepting you have what

God says you have, that you are who God says you are.
Faith is acceptance of what God said. Too many people
make faith about what they do. It is a matter of their
believing rather than taking God at His Word and
allowing that Word to become in them the SUBSTANCE
of the thing they desire.
When you take what God said His Word and ingest
it, it becomes the very essence and substance of what
you desire. That Word spoken by Him will not return to
Him void but will become what it says. This is how man
is to live, not just by natural means but by every Word
spoken from Gods mouth. Your part is to receive and
eat. What you eat and receive in your spirit will manifest
in your outer circumstances. When you have eaten your
fill, then you will speak to your outer world and what you
decree will come to pass.
Have the faith of God today!


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