Studying Soil Science at An Ivy League School: Justin Richardson

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Published June 5, 2014

Studying Soil Science at an Ivy League



Justin Richardson

hen the northern hardwoods were

nearing their peak red and gold
foliage in 2011, I met my fellow first-year
graduate students at Dartmouth College.
I was an earth science graduate student
working on soilsthe one and onlyand
most of my fellow students were pursuing doctorates in molecular biology,
mathematics, and physics. Soil science?
theyd ask. You mean soil has its own
field? Youre a dirt scientist? Does
this mean you are a farmer? Their puzzled questions certainly had validity.
Why would a young soil scientist enroll
at an Ivy League institution that didnt
have a soil science program for a degree
perhaps better sought at a large, land
grant public university?

Arguments in favor of attending a large

university focus on the abundance of
courses, expertise of advisers, and availability of instruments. These are the
arguments I had encountered as a graduate student at the University of California,
Riverside, an established soil chemistry
powerhouse. It was certainly a gamble,
but after two years at Dartmouth, I contend that students do not need their
graduate degree from a large soil science
department to work with soils. Further,
educating graduate and undergraduate
students about soil science outside of the
land grant strongholds is an important
area for the future.

Half of the Ivy League institutions have

no introductory soil science class on
their current list of offered courses (as
of 2013). When I first applied to graduate
schools, private institutions were never
suggested as even a possibility. However,
a search of publications on forest soils
yielded Dartmouth College as a private
university with active research on soils
nested among the Biology, Earth Science,
and Environmental Studies Departments.
After leaving my alma mater, UC-Riverside, I joined the Dartmouth College
Earth Science Department to work with
Dr. Andrew Friedland on forest soils.
My first year as a graduate student in the
earth sciences was much akin to living
in a foreign country. Gone were the days
when I understood every seminar talk
while studying soil science at UC-Riverside. Now, seminars covered topics from
the biogeochemistry of earth two billion
years ago to flying helicopters over ice
sheets in Antarctica. In journal club, we
covered topics and read from journals
that I was not familiar with (e.g., Precambrian Research). I certainly can relate
to some points raised by detractors of
studying beyond the agricultural schools:
concepts that would be deemed common
knowledge in a large soil science department had to be defined for some of my
colleagues and professors, and I had to
spend time learning topics far removed
from soils.

J. Richardson, Ph.D. candidate at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH (

Published in Soil Horizons (2013).
Open access.
Soil Science Society of America
5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA.
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Soil Horizons

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Justin Richardson (far right) teaching

undergraduates at Dartmouth College.
Richardson is a P.h.D. candidate studying
soil science in the Earth Sciences
Despite the initial shock, I learned about
a wide array of new experimental designs,
chemical techniques, and concepts many
students would not be exposed to from a
soil science department. In addition, my
constant interactions with non-soil scientists have greatly helped my research by
providing points of view not commonly
encountered when interacting with
fellow soil scientists. Colleagues studying Greenland ice sheets or amino acids
in stream water have provided invaluable
feedback; they have even helped change
my perspective on soil morphology and
terrestrial biogeochemistry. Furthermore,
the exchange of knowledge was reciprocal. The students and professors in my
department are now more aware of how
soils form and why soils are not just dirt!
My colleagues now hesitate to use the
term dirt when referring to soil (at least
in my presence).

to learn the stories told by soils. In the

class, Dr. Renock covered the essentials,
from Hans Jenny to hydric soils. The
field trips we led were the highlight of
the coursethe march into the wilderness, the clinking and commotion during
excavation of the soil pits, and the experience of seeing and feeling the variety
of soil horizons. These are the very same
experiences that helped ignite my passion for soils. No one complained about
being covered from head to toe in soil.
They even found the highly decomposed
organic horizon an excellent hair styling product. Students left the evidence of
their soil pit excursions on the floor and
even the ceiling of the college vehicles.

Studying soil science at a non-land grant

school as been a mutually beneficial
experience for both Justin Richardson as
well as the students and professors he has
encountered at Dartmouth College.

Inspiring Students to
Study Soils

Helping to teach the fundamentals of

soil science to non-agricultural students
has been one of my favorite experiences.
When the registration for the first course
opened, the professor, Dr. Devon Renock,
and I were afraid that not enough students would register. I wondered if
students were interested in soils, like at
UC-Riverside, where one hundred students packed the lecture hall and dozens
more were on the wait list annually for
the introduction to soil science course.
To our excitement, the Dartmouth course
filled with 13 enthusiastic students, ready

Soil Horizons

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Despite learning the same material, students at UC-Riverside and Dartmouth

College seemed to have very different takes on the material, as evident in
their questions in the field. I recall many
UC-Riverside questions pertained to gardening, agriculture, and soil quality in
California, given most students were
local and studying environmental science,
plant biology, or entomology. In contrast,
Dartmouth College students were either
environmental studies or earth science
majors with much broader questions on
climate change or contaminant transport and soil taxonomy of soils outside
of the United States. One could argue
that how the material was presented
brought about these differences, or they
arose from what students had learned
previously, as well as their future plans.
In any case, I believe these differences
illustrate the importance of soil science

education far beyond land grant universities to students who may never pursue
a career in soil science or agriculture. The
basic knowledge of soils will aid both
UC-Riverside and Dartmouth College
students, whether they end up working
for a consulting firm in California, green
technology company in Texas, or nongovernmental organization in Africa.
During my two years at Dartmouth College, I have helped spread the joy of soil
science with soil-themed cakes, lectures
to the general public, and short talks to
undergraduate and graduate students.
Undoubtedly, undergraduates ranging
from large, land grant universities to private, Ivy League schools can be inspired
to study soil science. Many undergraduates have completed research and honors
theses with Dr. Friedland on soils, with
Taylor Hornig completing her honors
thesis this year on carbon dynamics in
forest soils after clear-cutting. Similarly,
Isabel Caldwell, a rising senior who took
the introduction course with Dr. Renock,
is adamantly interested in soils and has
decided to do her senior thesis on toxic
metals in soils. With these and many
other students in mind, soil science education must remain or become a part of
non-land grant universities, even if it is
only one or two courses living in an earth
science, environmental studies, or biology department. I do not doubt that large
land grant colleges will still lead in teaching soil science to the greatest number of
students. However, there are other paths
for students interested in soils to travel.

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