CV Reed
CV Reed
CV Reed
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Curriculum Vitae
2015 2017
NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin Madison
Advisor: Ankur R. Desai
2014 2015
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Dickinson College
Teaching Experience
Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA
Courses Taught
Physics 102
Science 101
Physics 132
Physics 361
Physics 392
Explorations in Physics
Introductory Physics
Physical Climate Modeling (duel listed with Earth Science)
Junior Seminar (Co-taught)
Guest Lecturing
Environmental Studies 340
Physics 141/142
Latin 243
Teaching Assistant
Primary Instructor
Courses Taught
Life 1002
Science 1060
UWYO 1450
UWYO 1450
UWYO 1450
Life 1010
Teaching Assistant
Courses Taught
AOSS 102
AOSS 305
AOSS 280
Students Mentored
Emily Whitaker, Dickinson College Undergrad, REU student summer 2015
Emily Kaplita, Dickinson College Undergrad, Research Assistant for Pre-College Science
Experiences project
Katherine Roy, Dickinson College Undergrad, Co-advised senior project and physics honors thesis
Andrew Chen, Dickinson College Undergrad, Co-advised senior project
Gage McKeag, U of Wyoming undergrad, Peer-mentor for UWYO 1450 Climate Change in a
Changing World
Research Experience
University of Wyoming, Program in Ecology and Department of Atmospheric Science
2008 2014
Ph.D Research Assistant
University of Michigan Clean Air Lab
Research Assistant
Dr. Chris Weiss, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Severer Weather Summer Field Technician
National Weather Service Forecast Office, Honolulu, HI
Volunteer Summer Research Assistant
(Undergrad students donated by *)
Reed D, B E Ewers, E Pendall. (2014). Impact of mountain pine beetle induced mortality on forest
carbon and water fluxes. Environmental Research Letters. 9 105004 doi:10.1088/1748-
Reed D, M Lyford. (2014). Science Courses for Non-science Majors: How Much Impact Can One Class
upon request)
Jones G, D Reed, A Heaney. The importance of first semester seminars for first-year students:
analysis of skills, time spent on class preparation, and retention. In Prep (Copy available upon
Oral Presentations
Reed D. Faculty Positions at Liberal Arts Schools: What these jobs are and how to put yourself in a
position to get one. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Seminar Series, UW-Madison,
Reed D (Invited). Round pegs, square holes and graduate school: Thoughts about how to succeed as
an interdisciplinary scientist. Rush Hour Seminar Series, Dickinson College, 2015
Reed D. Physical Climate Modeling: A new project-based, climate modeling course at Dickinson
College. Teaching About Climate Change Meeting, Susquehanna University, 2015
Mackay David S, B E Ewers, J S Sperry, J M Frank, D Reed. On the transient role of plant xylem
impairment over optimal root area and root depth distribution. AGU Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 2014
Ewers B E, S Peckham, D S Mackay, E Pendall, J M Frank, W J Massman, D Reed, B Borkhuu. A
Tale of Two Forests: Simulating Contrasting Lodgepole Pine and Spruce Forest Water and Carbon
Fluxes Following Mortality from Bark Beetles. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2014
Joel Biederman, P Brooks, A Harpold, D Gochis, D Reed, B E Ewers, R Scott. Hydrologic partitioning
response to severe forest disturbance quantified by eddy covariance, streamflow, snow surveys and
stable isotope fractionation. American Meteorological Society Agriculture and Forest Meteorology
Meeting, Portland, OR 2014
Reed D. Eddy covariance fluxes and canopy mechanisms within bark beetle impacted ecosystems.
WyCEHG Student Symposium, Laramie, WY 2014
David S Mackay, B E Ewers, S Peckham, P Savoy, D Reed, J Frank. Towards scaling interannual
ecohydrological responses of conifer forests to bark beetle infestations from individuals to
landscapes. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Joel Biederman, P Brooks, A Harpold, D Gochis, B E Ewers, D Reed, E Gutmann. Compensatory
vapor loss and biogeochemical attenuation along flowpaths mute the water resources impacts of
insect-induced forest mortality. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Paul Brooks (Invited), A Harpold, J Biederman, D Gochis, M Litvak, B E Ewers, P Broxton, D Reed.
Non-linear Feedbacks Between Forest Mortality and Climate Change: Implications for Snow Cover,
Water Resources, and Ecosystem Recovery in Western North America. AGU Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 2013
Biederman J, P Brooks, A Harpold, D Gochis, B E Ewers, D Reed, E Gutmann (Invited). Headwater
catchments respond to insect-induced forest mortality with reduced streamflow and rapid
attenuation of carbon and nitrogen. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver Colorado.
Brooks P, J Biederman, P Broxton, A Harpold, D Gochis, B E Ewers, D Reed. Climate Change, Insect
Infestations, and Forest Fires: Implications for Snow Cover, Water Resources, and Ecosystem
Recovers in a Non-Stationary World. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver
Colorado. 2013
Reed D (Invited). Bark Beetle Ecology. University of Wyoming Life 1003 Guest Lecture. Laramie,
WY. 2013
Reed D (Invited). Academic Success: A New Start At UW. University of Wyoming Freshman
Orientation. Laramie, WY, 2013.
Biederman, Joel A., Harpold, A.A., Gochis, D.J., Reed, D. and Brooks, P.D. Water balance in a
warmer world: Will forest die-off help us beat the heat? School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Earth Week Plenary Session. University of Arizona. 2013
Reed D, M Lyford. Can one science class make a difference? Getting non-science majors comfortable
with science. Program in Ecology Darwin Day Seminar, Laramie, WY, 2013
Reed D, M Lyford, LO Schmidt, M Bowles-Terry. An analysis of factors that lead to better learning
in an integrated and interdisciplinary course on climate change. AGU Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 2012
Reed D, B E Ewers, E Pendall, R Kelly, U Norton, F Whitehouse. Mountain pine beetle epidemic
changes ecosystem flux controls of lodgepole pine. ESA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 2012
Ewers B, D S Mackay, E Pendall, J Frank, D Reed, W Massman, T Aston, J Angstmann, K Nathani,
B Mitra. Use of plant hydraulic theory to predict plant controls over mass and energy fluxes in
response to changes in soils, elevation and mortality. ESA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 2012
Mackay DS (Invited), J Frank, D Reed, B E Ewers, E Pendall, W Massman, J Sperry, F Whitehouse.
Modeling evapotranspiration based on plant hydraulic theory can predict spatial variability across
an elevation gradient and link to biogeochemical fluxes. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria,
Brooks P (Invited) H Barnard, J Biederman, B Borkhuu, S Edburg, B E Ewers, D Gochis, E
Gutmann, A Harpold, J Hicke, E Pendall, D Reed, A Somor, P Troch. Water, Carbon, and Nutrient
Cycling Following Insect-induced Tree Mortality: How Well Do Plot-scale Observations Predict
Ecosystem-Scale Response? AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Ewers BE (Invited), E Pendall, D Reed, H Barnard, F Whitehouse, J Frank, W Massman, P Brooks,
J Biederman, A Harpold, K Naithani, B Mitra, D Mackay, U Norton, B Borkhuu. Use of Plant
Hydraulic Theory to Predict Ecosystem Fluxes Across Mountainous Gradients in Environmental
Controls and Insect Disturbances. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Reed D (Invited) B E Ewers. Physical Ecology: Eddy Covariance and Bark Beetles. Wyoming
Program in Ecology Lunch Seminar Series, Laramie, WY, 2011.
Ewers BE, E Pendall, U Norton, D Reed, J Frank, T Aston, F Whitehouse, H Barnard, P Brooks, J
Angstmann, W J Massman, D Williams, A Harpold, J Biederman, S Edburg, A Meddens, D Gochis, J
Hicke. The Rocky Mountain Epidemic of Bark Beetles and Blue Stain Fungi Cause Cascading Effects
on Coupled Water, C and N cycles. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010
Brooks P, A Harpold, A Somor, P Troch, D Gochis, B E Ewers, E Pendall, J Biederman, D Reed, H
Barnard, F Whitehouse, T Aston, B Borkhuu. Quantifying the Effects of Mountain Pine Beetle
Infestation on Water and Biogeochemical Cycles at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales. AGU
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010
Gochris D, P Brooks, A Harpold, B E Ewers, E Pendall, H Barnard, D Reed, P Harley, J Hu, J
Biederman. Measuring and Modeling Changes in Land-Atmosphere Exchanges and Hydrologic
Response in Forests Undergoing insect-Driven Mortality. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
B E Ewers (Invited) E Pendall, D Reed, F Whitehouse, J Frank, T Aston, J Angstmann, D Williams,
H Barnard, W J Massman, U Norton. Bark beetle effects on forest hydrology of Southern Wyoming.
Wyoming Weather Modification Ground School. Laramie, WY, 2010.
B E Ewers (Invited) E Pendall, D Reed, F Whitehouse, J Frank, T Aston, J Angstmann, D Williams,
H Barnard, W J Massman, U Norton. Impacts of a Bark Beetle Epidemic on Forest Hydrology.
Wyoming Water Forum, Cheyenne, WY, 2010.
B E Ewers (Invited) E Pendall, D Reed, F Whitehouse, J Frank, T Aston, J Angstmann, D Williams,
H Barnard, W J Massman, U Norton. Hydrological Impacts of bark beetles on Rocky Mountain
Forests. Wyoming Water Association Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY, 2010.
Ewers B, U Norton, D Reed, E Pendall, H Barnard, J Angstmann, T Aston, D Williams. The Rocky
Mountain Epidemic of Bark Beetles and Blue Stain Fungi Cause First Order Effects on
Evapotranspiration and Second Order Effects on Other Greenhouse Gas Forcing. ESA, Pittsburgh,
PA 2010
Barnard H, J Angstmann, T Aston, P Brooks, B E Ewers, J Frank, A Harpold, W J Massman, U
Norton, E Pendall, D Reed, D Williams. Response of Evapotranspiration and Greenhouse Gas
Emissions to the Bark Beetle and Blue Stain Fungus Epidemic in Rocky Mountain Forests. Western
Water Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO, 2010
Reed D, R D Kelly, B E Ewers, E Pendall. 2009. Intercomparison of High and Low Elevation
Sagebrush Steppe Carbon and Water Growing Season Fluxes. UWYO Grad Symposium, Laramie,
WY, 2009
Pendall E, U Norton, D Reed, B E Ewers, H Barnard. Ecosystem Consequences of Bark Beetle
Mortality in Southern Wyoming Forests. Colorado State University Bark Beetle Meeting, Fort
Collins, CO 2009
Poster Presentations
(Undergrad students donated by *)
Reed D, Kaplita E C*, D McKenzie, R Jones, L W. May. Pre-college experiences in and out of the
classroom lead to first-year barriers. (To be presented at) AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Millar D, B E Ewers, J Frank, D Reed. Modeling compensatory responses of ecosystem-scale water
fluxes in forests affected by pine and spruce beetle mortality (To be presented at) AGU Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015
Reed D, A R Desai. A new year-round temperate lake flux project; Opportunity for collaboration.
Ameriflux Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2015
Reed D, B E Ewers, S Peckham, E Pendall, R Kelly. Canopy structure of sagebrush ecosystems
leading to differences in carbon and water fluxes. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Reed D, G Jones, A Heaney. Using data to help increase STEM retention rates for at-risk students;
Student expectations and skill building. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Peckham S, B E Ewers, D S Mackay, E Pendall, J Frank, W Massman, D Reed. Simulating standlevel water and carbon fluxes in beetle-attacked conifer forests of the Western U.S. AGU Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Ewers B, U Norton, B Borkhuu, D Reed, S Peckham, J Biederman, A King, P Brooks, A Harpold, J
Frank, W Massman, S Mackay, E Pendall. Bark beetle impacts on ecosystem processes are over
quickly and muted spatially. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Biederman, Joel A., Harpold, A.A., Gochis, D.J., Reed, D., Ewers, B. and Brooks, P.D. Multiscale
observations of water balance response to insect-induced pine forest die-off in headwater
catchments. Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science. Andover, NH, 2013.
Reed D, B E Ewers, E Pendall, H Kwon, Contrasting ecosystem drivers of mass and energy fluxes at
upper and lower elevation sagebrush steppe sites. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2012
B E Ewers, D S Mackay, C Guadagno, S Peckham, E Pendall, B Borkhuu, T Aston, J Frank, W
Massman, D Reed, Y Yarkhunova, C Weinig. Nonstructural carbon dynamics are best predicted by
the combination of photosynthesis and plant hydraulics during both bark beetle induced mortality
and herbaceous plant response to drought. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Reed D, B E Ewers, E Pendall, R D Kelly, Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic effects on the carbon,
water, and energy fluxes of lodgepole pine ecosystems. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Gochis D, E Gutmann, P Brooks, D Reed, B E Ewers, E Pendall, J Biederman, A Harpold, H
Barnard, J Hu, Diagnosing the influence of model structure on the simulation of water, energy and
carbon fluxes on bark beetle infested forests . AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Biederman J, A Harpold, E Gutmann, D Reed, D Gochis, P Brooks, The Impacts of Pine Tree Die-Off
on Snow Accumulation and Distribution at Plot to Catchment Scales. AGU Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 2011
Mackay D S, B E Ewers, D Roberts, N McDowell, E Pendall, J Frank, D Reed, W Massman, B Mitra,
A coupled carbon and plant hydraulic model to predict ecosystem carbon and water flux responses to
disturbance and environmental change. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Reed D, R D Kelly, B E Ewers, E Pendall, Energy Closure of a Heterogeneous Forest Canopy.
Ameriflux Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA 2011
Reed D, R D Kelly, B E Ewers, E Pendall. Energy Storage Terms Across a Heterogeneous Forest
Canopy. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010
Biederman J, A Harpold, D Gochis, D Reed, P Brooks. Variability in Snowpack Accumulation and
Ablation Associated with Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in Western Forests, AGU Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010
Reed D, Pendall E, Ewers B, Norton U. Biogeochemical Cycling During Disturbance: Mountain Pine
Bark Beetle in Lodgepole Pine. Ameriflux Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2010
Reed D, Ewers B, Pendall E, Kelly R, Leon D. Intercomparision of High and Low Elevation
Sagebrush Steppe Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Growing Season Fluxes. Ameriflux Annual
Meeting, Boulder, CO 2009
Professional Service
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program 2015 Review Panel
Geoscience Panel
Dickinson College Engineering Curriculum Change, Created a Physics Engineering degree track
within the Physics Department
Dickinson College Physics Outreach Series, October 2014
The Physics of Cooking
Program in Ecology Career Workshop Series, April 2014
Hosted Workshop: Teaching Faculty Careers: Improving Odds of Making the Short List
AGU Fall Meeting 2015
Convened Session: Inland Waters as Dynamic Foci in Climate Systems: Hydrodynamic and
Biophysical Controls on Variability
Co-Conveners; Sally MacIntyre (University of California Santa Barbara), Sam Dunn
(Colorado State University), Patrick Crill (Stockholm University)
Career Development
Dickinson College Faculty Development Workshop, Teaching the Writing course
Dickinson College Faculty Development Workshop, Advancing Quantitative Reasoning
Professional Membership
American Geophysical Union
Ecological Society of America
American Meteorological Society