Business Analytics Proposal

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Proposal for Conducting

Business Analytics Workshop

Offered by nmore



206/A, 1 Floor, 4 Cross, Trimoorthy Colony, Mahendra Hills, East Marredpalli, Secunderabad - 500026

Ph: +91(40) 277 300 39, email:,



INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ............................................................ 1


OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................. 2


ABOUT NMORE ............................................................................................ 2


DESIGN OF THE WORKSHOP .................................................................... 3


DURATION .................................................................................................... 5


INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENT .......................................................... 5


COMMERCIAL AND PAYMENT TERMS ..................................................... 6


PROPOSED DATES ..................................................................................... 6



206/A, 1 Floor, 4 Cross, Trimoorthy Colony, Mahendra Hills, East Marredpalli, Secunderabad - 500026

Ph: +91(40) 277 300 39, email:,

1. Introduction & Background

Availability of data from multiple sources and the ease of replication has
caused a virtual explosion of data. Various commercial statistical software
packages such as SPSS, SAS, Minitab and a lot many other free software
packages have simplified the data processing part. However knowing what to
look for in the haystack of data, digging further into the data mine to
discover nuggets of knowledge and interpreting the results of data
processing are areas which need to be integrated into the curriculum of BSchools. Management students need to be trained to handle the huge
amount of data and not only make sense out of it but learn to present the
results in clear and concise form.

nmore has proven capability and expertise in the data analysis domain. We
have not only been using various statistical packages during the course of our
own research but we have also been conducting training programs in data
analysis using these packages and other statistical tools. We have initiated
the Business Analytics course/workshop in several B-Schools in India and
abroad and received very encouraging response from students as well as
program administrators. Our unique end to end approach in making the
students go through the entire research process has resulted in providing
competitive advantage to the students

This proposal for conducting a 3 day workshop on Business Analytics is based

on our experience of conducting Business Analytics Courses in leading BSchools. Although the duration of the workshop is for a period of 3 days, a
considerable amount of time will be invested in getting the students ready
for the workshop by assigning pre workshop exercises. This ensures a lot

more understanding and imbibing of the contents. There will also be a follow
up after the workshop so that the learning is retained for a longer period.

2. Objective
The objective of the workshop is to equip the students with analytic and
presentation skills. The focus will be on converting raw data into visual
formats through a process of enquiry. It will also include learning to carry out
standard procedures using statistical software packages including MS excel,
SPSS and other free software packages.

A hands-on approach with real life databases will ensure that the students
confront practical problems and learning absorption is maximized.

3. About nmore

nmore specializes in providing services to Corporates and other

organizations in the areas of Learning and Research. With a total of over
5000 man hours of experience in the areas of education and training, nmore
has an established track record in delivering services and leaving the clients
delighted and more

The Business Analytics workshop module will be conducted by Mr. Uday

Bhate whose brief profile is as follows:

A Post Graduate in Management from Indian Institute of Management,

Ahmedabad, Uday has industry working experience of over 20 years in
various sectors including FMCG, Advertising, Utilities, Capital Goods,
Industrial equipment etc.

Apart from his industry working experience, he has executed several

consultancy projects for Private and Public Sector Organizations. Many of the
projects involved analysis of data to produce actionable strategies.

He is a strong believer of quantitative methods in all areas of management.

He is actively involved in corporate consultancy, training and market research
assignments, besides teaching at various B-schools.

Specifically, he has conducted training programs in analytics as a part of the

Marketing strategies program of Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)
for the past three years and taught Business Analytics as a core course course
at various B-Schools and as an optional course at other B-Schools. nmore has
introduced a specially designed course called Business Analytics at S.P.
Jains Dubai and Singapore campuses. We have also conducted a training
program in financial modeling for financial research analyst from all over

4. Design of the Workshop

The workshop will be executed in three phases. The pre workshop phase has
already begun. It involves getting the students familiar with the statistical
package to be used and also generating real life data bases which will be
used during the workshop. The students will also be asked to perform first
level analysis consisting of running frequencies and cross tabulations on the
data. The purpose of the first level analysis is to look at data from various
perspectives so as to get a get a thorough understanding of all the variables
and their inter relationship. Students will also learn to generate hypotheses

which could then be tested during the workshop. Our previous experience
suggests that this is a good methodology to provide a strong grounding in
analytical thinking which is a pre requisite to the second level analysis which
will be carried out during the workshop. Students will be guided through the
entire process of various first level procedures and a set of exercises will be
used to test their understanding of the concepts and their application.

The workshop phase will focus on analysis of data at the second level and
interpretation of results from analysis. The work shop will employ hands-on
methodology with students analyzing the data collected by them and
interpreting the results. The students have been formed into groups with the
object of creating a competitive environment which should bring out the best
from them. The workshop will be spread over 3 days with 4 sessions per day.
The topics to be covered in the workshop are:



Giving an edge to your presentations


Telling the story through graphs, charts and tables


Cluster Analysis (Hierarchical & K-Means)

Perceptual Mapping (Overall Similarity and


Attribute based)


Factor Analysis


Discriminant Analysis


Conjoint Analysis

The sessions are highly interactive and include :

1. Presentations for understanding theoretical concepts
2. Brief exercises for initial understanding
3. Customized practice modules for in-depth understanding

The post workshop phase will consist of hand holding the students and taking
them through the report writing stage.

The pre workshop phase usually lasts for a week.
Each session of the workshop is of 90 minutes duration. A 15 minute break
after each session is optional, depending on the students interest levels.
Generally we have not found the need to take a break due to the interactive
nature of the sessions.
The post workshop phase also lasts for a week.


The workshop will prepare the students to think analytically (where they
do not merely process data but look at generating actionable knowledge
from the data).
The workshop will provide a practical understanding of various
multivariate techniques for leveraging the power of statistical software.
The students will be able to appreciate the application of various
analytical methods.


Infrastructure requirement
Following infrastructure support has to be provided by the Institute -

Training location (Classroom or Computer Lab)

LCD projector

Computer for each student or at least one for every two students



Commercial and payment terms

A Fee of Rs. 80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand only) shall be charged
for the complete workshop, including the pre & post activities.
The maximum batch size will not exceed 60 students.
The payment may be made by way of cheque or DD in favour of

nmore, Hyderabad on completion of the 3 day workshop.

Economy airfare for one faculty and 2nd AC rail fare for one assistant
will be arranged by the Institute.
Suitable lodging and boarding for 2 persons will be provided by the

Proposed dates
To be mutually decided.

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