Keywords: Taste, Gustatory, Water, Nucleus of The Solitary Tract, Parabrachial Nucleus of The
Keywords: Taste, Gustatory, Water, Nucleus of The Solitary Tract, Parabrachial Nucleus of The
Keywords: Taste, Gustatory, Water, Nucleus of The Solitary Tract, Parabrachial Nucleus of The
To qualify as a basic taste quality or modality, defined as a group of chemicals that taste
alike, three empirical benchmarks have commonly been used. The first is that a candidate
group of tastants must have a dedicated transduction mechanism in the peripheral nervous
system. The second is that the tastants evoke physiological responses in dedicated afferent
taste nerves innervating the oropharyngeal cavity. Last, the taste stimuli evoke activity in
central gustatory neurons, some of which may respond only to that group of tastants. Here we
argue that water may also be an independent taste modality. This argument is based on the
identification of a water dedicated transduction mechanism in the peripheral nervous system,
water responsive fibers of the peripheral taste nerves and the observation of water responsive
neurons in all gustatory regions within the central nervous system. We have described
electrophysiological responses from single neurons in nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and
parabrachial nucleus of the pons, respectively the first two central relay nuclei in the rodent
brainstem, to water presented as a taste stimulus in anesthetized rats. Responses to water were
in some cases as robust as responses to other taste qualities and sometimes occurred in the
absence of responses to other tastants. Both excitatory and inhibitory responses were
observed. Also, the temporal features of the water response resembled those of other taste
responses. We argue that water may constitute an independent taste modality that is processed
by dedicated neural channels at all levels of the gustatory neuraxis. Water-dedicated neurons
in the brainstem may constitute key elements in the regulatory system for fluid in the body,
i.e., thirst, and as part of the swallowing reflex circuitry.
Keywords: taste, gustatory, water, nucleus of the solitary tract, parabrachial nucleus of the
Taste is a vital sensory process that facilitates the ingestion of nutritive substances and the
avoidance of toxins. It is not surprising, then, that the perception of taste stimuli is highly
informed by the homeostatic state of the organism (Jacobs et al., 1988; Morton et al., 2006)
as well as prior experiences with appetitive and aversive stimuli (Chang and Scott, 1984;
McCaughey et al., 1997). Physiological processing of taste stimuli begins with transduction
at the level of taste receptor cells distributed throughout the oropharyngeal cavity and extends
across a network of central neural structures. The sensory domain of the taste system can be
divided into a finite number of qualities or modalities, defined as a group of chemicals that
produce similar taste sensations and which are psychophysically independent of other taste
qualities. Historically, psychophysicists defined four basic taste qualities: sweet, sour, bitter,
and salty. Recently, however, the designation of a fifth quality, umami (savory), has been
supported by genetic and physiological data from peripheral taste cells (e.g., Zhao et
al., 2003). The designation of discrete taste modalities rests on physiological evidence from
every level of the nervous system and bears important functional implications for the
homeostatic and hedonic mediation of nutrient intake and toxin avoidance.
Though it is well known that water (or hypo-osmolarity) evokes a unique taste sensation in
insects (Evans and Mellon Jr., 1962; Inoshita and Tanimura, 2006), it is perhaps surprising
that water has not heretofore been shown to evoke a distinct taste quality in mammals
(Bartoshuk, 1974). This, despite substantial physiological evidence showing that there are
neurons that respond to water at every level of the gustatory neuraxis. Many investigators
who have described these water responses have assumed that they are due to somatosensory
or thermal stimulation; however, here we show responses to water that cannot be accounted
for by these mechanisms. We will therefore argue that water constitutes an independent taste
modality, whose perception is critical for life.
The objectives of the current investigation were to: (1) describe the neural responsivity to
water presented as a taste stimulus in cells of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and
parabrachial nucleus of the pons (PbN) and (2) describe converging evidence that water is an
independent taste modality. We characterized four different water-responsive cell types in the
NTS and PbN of the rat. Most notably, we observed water best cells that responded more
vigorously to water than to any other taste stimulus. We argue that the classification of water
as an independent taste modality is supported by physiological evidence and has important
implications for taste-mediated regulation of ingestive behavior.
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Materials and Methods
Data from 108 male Sprague-Dawley rats (350450g) were included. Rats were given
unrestricted access to food and were paired housed with a 12-h lightdark schedule. Animal
care was in accord with the requirements of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
of Binghamton University. Data from NTS cells were obtained from two previously
published investigations of taste processing (Roussin et al.,2008; Rosen and Di
Lorenzo, 2009); data from the PbN are new.
Prior to surgery, rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.5g/kg, i.p., administered in two
doses, 20min apart). Some animals were given a third intraperitoneal injection of
pentobarbital (Nembutal, 25mg/kg). Body temperature was maintained at 3537C with a
rectal thermistor probe connected to a heating pad (FHC, Inc., Bowdoinham, ME, USA).
Animals were tracheostomized to facilitate breathing during stimulus delivery. The head was
mounted in a stereotaxic instrument with the upper incisor bar positioned 5mm below the
interaural line. Skin and fascia were removed and a non-traumatic head holder was secured to
the skull with stainless steel screws and dental cement. The occipital bone and meninges were
removed. In the NTS surgeries, the posterior cerebellum was gently aspirated to expose the
underlying medulla. In the PbN surgeries, only the portion of the cerebellum overlying the
obex was aspirated.
Taste stimuli and stimulus delivery
Taste stimuli consisted of 0.1M NaCl, 0.01 M HCl, 0.01M quinine, and 0.5 M sucrose.
Concentrations have been shown to elicit half-maximal potentials in the CT nerve of the rat
(Ganchrow and Erickson, 1970; Ogawa et al., 1974). Taste stimuli were made from reagentgrade chemicals dissolved in distilled water and were delivered at room temperature. Water
was presented both before and after taste stimuli and responses to it were analyzed separately
as described below.
The stimulus delivery system consisted of stimulus-filled reservoirs pressurized with
compressed air and connected via polyethylene tubing to perforated stainless steel tubes
placed in the mouth. Fluid delivery was controlled by computer activation of a solenoid valve
interposed between the reservoir and the tongue. Stimuli were delivered at a flow rate of 5
ml/s. The taste solution bathed the whole mouth; this was verified by application of
methylene blue through the system. Each stimulus trial consisted of 10s spontaneous activity,
10s of distilled water, 5s of tastant, 5s pause, and 20s of a distilled water rinse. Spontaneous
activity was defined as the firing rate during the initial 5s of the trial when no stimulus
(tastant or water) was present in the mouth. The inter-trial interval was 2 min. Stimuli were
presented in repeated trials for as long as the cell remained well isolated. For any given
stimulus, all other stimuli were presented before it was repeated.
Electrophysiological recording
Electrophysiological recordings were conducted with etched tungsten microelectrodes (18
20M, 1 V at 1kHz; FHC, Inc., Bowdoinham, ME, USA). For NTS recordings, the
electrode was lowered into the caudal medulla above the rostral NTS located 2.7 mm anterior
and 1.8mm lateral the obex and ~1.0mm below the dorsal surface of the brainstem. For PbN
recordings, the electrode was lowered through the cerebellum above the pons located 5.4 mm
anterior and 1.8mm lateral to the obex and 56mm below the cerebellar surface.
Electrophysiological activity was digitized with an analog-to-digital interface (Model 1401,
Cambridge Electronic Designs, Cambridge, UK) and was processed with Spike2 software
(Cambridge Electronic Designs, Cambridge, UK). The signal was amplified (Model P511,
Grass Technologies, West Warwick, RI, USA) and monitored online with a speaker,
oscilloscope and Spike2 software. Single cells were identified by periodically delivering a
0.1-M NaCl solution followed by a water rinse as the electrode was slowly lowered through
the brain. Cell isolation was based on the consistency of the waveform shape using template
matching and principal component analysis. A signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1 was required for
cell isolation. Isolated cells were tested with the exemplars of the four basic taste qualities
yielding the response profile of the cell, defined as the relative response rates across
tastants. Water was presented before tastant delivery and 5s after tastant delivery. This
allowed the assessment of tastant-mediated alteration of the water response. The cell was
tested for as long as it remained isolated allowing for multiple presentations of the same
stimulus. The precise timing of each spike (1ms precision) was calculated with respect to the
onset of each stimulus delivery, including water.
Data analysis
The magnitude of response to a given tastant was calculated as the mean firing rate (spike per
second; sps) during the first 2s of tastant delivery minus the average firing rate (sps) during
the initial 5s of spontaneous activity at the beginning of each trial. Because water was
occasionally found to produce a sustained response in a subset of cells, the response to water
was not used as a baseline. A taste response was considered to be significant if it was 2.5
standard deviations greater than the average spontaneous firing rate. All cells were classified
by their best stimulus, defined as the tastant that elicits the highest response magnitude.
Pre- and post-tastant water responses were calculated by subtracting the mean spontaneous
firing rate from the firing rate during the initial 2s of the pre- and post-tastant water delivery,
respectively. The response magnitude to water was calculated before and after delivery of
each of the other taste stimuli.
The breadth of tuning of taste-responsive cells was calculated with both the traditional
Uncertainty measure (Smith and Travers, 1979) and the Selectivity measure (Rosen and Di
Lorenzo, 2009), a metric designed to capture both breadth of tuning and magnitude of
response. The formula for Uncertainty was H= k Pi(logPi), where k (scaling factor)=1.66
for four stimuli and Pi is the proportion of response to stimulus irelative to the summed
responses to all four taste stimuli. Values ranged from 0 to 1.0 with 0 corresponding to a cell
responsive to only one stimulus and 1.0 corresponding to a cell equally responsive to all four
stimuli. Selectivity was defined as the difference in response magnitude (in sps) between the
sum of the two strongest responses and the sum of the two weakest responses (Rosen and Di
Lorenzo, 2009).
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General response characteristics
The responses to water and taste stimuli were recorded from 135 cells (91 NTS cells; 44 PbN
cells), most with several stimulus trial repetitions: In the NTS there were 117 stimulus
repetitions, median=8; in the PbN there were 126 stimulus repetitions, median= 8. Thirty
of 91 NTS cells (33%) and 17 of 44 PbN cells (39%) responded to water, either preceding or
following a taste stimulus. There were four types of water responses. Three were categorized
as water-responsive and one categorized as somatosensory. The four response types (shown
in Figure Figure1)1) were: (1) Water-excitatory These cells showed water response
magnitudes that were equal or greater than the magnitudes of response to all four prototypical
taste stimuli (n=12). Ten of these cells showed a larger response to water than to other taste
stimuli. These were called water best cells. Of these, four responded only to water and were
called water specialist cells. Of the remaining two cells that showed excitatory water
responses, one was NaCl best and the other was quinine best. (2) Water-inhibitory These
cells showed a significant decrease in spontaneous firing rate in response to water (n=2). (3)
Conditional water These cells responded to water, either with excitation or inhibition but
showed significantly larger responses to water delivered after a subset of taste stimuli (n=
22). (4) Somatosensory water These cells showed excitation or inhibition in response to
water and an equivalent response to at least some taste stimuli (n=11). We classified these
responses as somatosensory because it could be argued that the responses to water could be
interpreted as tactile.
Figure 1
water. (D) Rapidly adapting (upper) and slowly-adapting (lower) somatosensory cells.
Water-responsive cell types
The distribution of cells showing each type of water response in the NTS and PbN is shown
in Table Table1.1. Several aspects of this table are noteworthy. For example, water-inhibitory
cells were observed only in the NTS, but the prevalence of conditional water cells in the NTS
(15 of 30; 50%) and PbN (7 of 17; 41%) was similar. Importantly, there was only one
somatosensory cell in PbN (of 17, 6%) compared with 20 in NTS (of 30; 67%). Table
Table11 shows response magnitudes for all stimuli and all cell types.
Table 1.
Mean responses SEM for water and all taste stimuli in water-response cell types.
Water best cells (n=10) constitute our strongest evidence that the taste of water is processed
by a separate coding channel. Among these, there were four cells that were water specialists
in that they responded only to water and not to any taste stimulus. Figure Figure22 shows the
responses to water and the four prototypical taste stimuli in a water best cell recorded in the
PbN. It can be seen that water presented both before and after a tastant, evoked a large
excitatory response with a phasictonic time course. Presentation of HCl also evoked an
excitatory response, but it was much smaller than that to water. In contrast, presentation of
sucrose, NaCl or quinine evoked a return to spontaneous firing rates.
Figure 2
Peristimulus time histograms showing the responses of a PbN water best cell to water
(solid red arrows) and sucrose, NaCl, HCl, and quinine (blue arrows). Shown are eight
stimulus presentations superimposed for each histogram.
Figure Figure33 shows the average response magnitudes of NTS and PbN cells to water,
sucrose, NaCl, HCl, and quinine for all cells. The responses to water in the PbN cells were
significantly higher than responses to water in NTS [t(43)=3.2, p<0.01]. There was no
significant difference in the breadth of tuning of NTS and PbN cells as assessed by both the
Uncertainty and Selectivity measures. The mean H values were 0.790.05 and 0.770.04
for NTS cells and PbN cells, respectively. The mean Selectivity values were 15.3 3.6 and
19.23.8 for NTS cells and PbN cells, respectively. The mean spontaneous activity of cells
in the NTS (3.70.8) and PbN (3.91.2) also did not significantly differ.
Figure 3
Average responses to water (SEM) and the four prototypical taste stimuli in cells of the
NTS (A) and PbN (B). Units were aligned in descending order of magnitude of their
response to water.
The responses to water before and after each of the four prototypical taste qualities are shown
in Figure Figure4.4. Tastant delivery altered water responsivity in a stimulus specific manner
in all 22 cells that showed conditional water responses. It can be seen that water responses
following a taste stimulus could either increase or decrease with respect to the water response
just preceding that tastant. Furthermore, conditional water responses were found for every
taste stimulus in some subset of cells and were equally common in NTS and PbN.
Figure 4
Average responses to water delivered before (red) and after (blue) each of the four
prototypical taste stimuli in the NTS (A) and PbN (B). For each stimulus, cells are aligned
according to their pre-tastant water response.
Table Table22 compares the water-responsive cell types in NTS and PbN with respect to
which taste stimulus elicited the best response. Notably, most conditional water responses
were found in NaCl or HCl best cells in NTS and in NaCl best cells in PbN.
Table 2.
Prevalence of the best stimulus for each cell type in the NTS and PbN.
The water responses of conditional water cells were specific to the taste stimulus that
immediately preceded water delivery. The particular taste stimuli that resulted in conditional
water responses differed between the NTS and PbN (see Table Table3).3). It can be seen that
any taste stimulus could be followed by a conditional water response. In the NTS, the largest
increase in water responsivity was observed when water followed HCl but in the PbN, NaCl,
and quinine produced the largest increases in water response.
Table 3.
Incidence of conditional response following each taste stimulus.
Water-inhibitory cells, found only in the NTS, showed significant decreases in spontaneous
activity when water was presented both before and after the delivery of another tastant. These
two cells both responded best to NaCl. Figure Figure55 shows a response to sucrose and to
NaCl in the two inhibitory-water cells. In Figure Figure5A,5A, water significantly reduced
spontaneous activity to near zero while sucrose evoked a return to spontaneous firing rate. In
this cell, NaCl evoked a brief response followed by a return to spontaneous firing rates
(Figure (Figure55B).
Figure 5
Inhibitory responses to water before and after taste delivery in one cell. This cell is
inhibited by water and does not respond to sucrose, as indicated by a return to spontaneous
firing rate (A), but shows a brief response to NaCl (B). Mean spontaneous ...
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Water delivered to the oropharyngeal cavity evoked activity in a diverse group of neurons in
the NTS and PbN, the first and second central gustatory relays. About a third of cells in each
structure (30 of 91, 33% in the NTS; 17 of 44, 39% in the PbN) responded to water either
preceding or following a taste stimulus. Three water responsive cell types were observed in
both the NTS and PbN. These were excitatory, including water specialists, inhibitory, and
conditional. Both excitatory and inhibitory responses to water when presented alone and/or
following a taste stimulus were seen. The majority of cells that showed excitatory responses
to water, found almost exclusively in the PbN, actually responded more to water than to any
taste stimulus. Four cells were water specialists, responding exclusively to water. In
conditional water cells, water responses were significantly higher after delivery of a subset of
taste stimuli. A separate group of cells were classified as somatosensory because they
responded equivalently to all water and taste stimuli. These findings, along with data from the
existing literature, provide evidence for the idea that water is encoded by a separate
information channel that begins in the taste receptor and is transmitted through the
gustatory neuraxis along with information about other taste stimuli. The view that water is an
independent taste modality is consistent with the idea that the function of the gustatory
system is to detect and identify chemical stimuli that are essential for survival.
Water as an independent taste modality
As support for the classification of water as an independent taste quality, we argue three lines
of evidence. First, the existence of a discrete and dedicated transduction mechanism for water
in the oropharyngeal cavity provides a basis for peripheral sensitivity underlying central
neural responses. Second, electrophysiological responses in dedicated (specialist, i.e.,
exclusively responsive to a single taste quality) taste-related peripheral nerves argue that the
sensation of water is transmitted to the central nervous system over a separate information
channel. Third, data showing responses in water specialist cells in central gustatory-related
structures provide strong evidence that the central representation of water is distinct from that
associated with other taste qualities.
Recently, a dedicated transduction mechanism for water (or hypo-osmolarity), has been
identified in the mammalian oropharyngeal cavity. Water enters directly into the taste
receptor cell through a channel called an aquaporin (Watson et al., 2007). Several types of
aquaporins are expressed by taste receptor cells including AQP5, which is expressed on the
apical membrane, and AQP1 and AQP2 which are expressed on the basolateral membrane
(Gilbertson et al., 2006). When water enters taste receptor cells they swell. This activates
volume-regulated anion channels and results in cell depolarization (Gilbertson, 2002;
Gilbertson et al., 2006). Depolarization leads to activation of voltage-sensitive calcium
channels that facilitate neurotransmitter release (Gilbertson et al., 2006). Thus a mechanism
exists in mammals for transduction of water, apart from other taste stimuli.
Water is also an effective stimulus in peripheral nerves that respond to more traditional taste
qualities. Specifically, water responses have been observed in the chorda tympani nerve (a
branch of the facial nerve innervating taste buds on the rostral 2/3 of the tongue) of the rat,
cat, and dog (Pfaffmann and Bare, 1950; Liljestrand and Zotterman, 1954; Zotterman, 1956),
superior laryngeal nerve (a branch of the vagus nerve innervating taste buds on the palate) of
the rat (Shinghai, 1980; Hanamori, 2001) and glossopharyngeal nerve (innervating taste buds
on the caudal 1/3 of the tongue) of the frog, hamster, and rat (Zotterman, 1949; Hanamori et
al., 1988; Frank, 1991). Water specialist fibers have been observed in the superior laryngeal
nerve (Shinghai, 1980), a nerve that plays an important role in swallowing (Kitagawa et
al., 2009). Interestingly, water applied to the posterior tongue/larynx in humans was shown to
be particularly effective at evoking a swallowing reflex as compared to other taste stimuli
(Shinghai et al., 1989). In addition, many neurons in the intermediate NTS that mediate
swallowing have been shown to receive convergent input from the superior laryngeal and
glossopharyngeal nerves (Ootani et al., 1995). In sum, water-responsive fibers have been
described in several gustatory nerves and may play a role in the swallowing reflex.
Water-specific responses have also been observed in many gustatory processing regions of
the brain including the NTS (Nakamura and Norgren, 1991), PbN (Nishijo and
Norgren, 1990), thalamus (Verhagen et al., 2003), and gustatory cortex (de Araujo et
al., 2003). These responses, though widely observed, are seldom described in detail. In the
current investigation, we extend these observations by describing responses to water elicited
in cells of the NTS and PbN. Though some of these responses may be due to tactile or
thermal stimulation, we detail some responses for which these explanations are inadequate.
Based on this evidence, we argue that the neural representation of water parallels that of more
traditional taste qualities.
In addition to the role of water in evoking a swallowing reflex, the perceptual consequences
of water taste may play a critical role in regulating fluid intake (thirst) and the maintenance of
hydration. The responses described here were recorded with passive stimulus delivery in a
non-deprived state and in the absence of post-ingestional effects. It is possible, however, that
homeostatic variables such as thirst may modulate the responses to water. For example, in an
imaging study of thirst and water taste processing in the human gustatory cortex, the primary
gustatory cortex (anterior insula and frontal operculum) was activated by water regardless of
thirst but the secondary gustatory cortex (caudal orbitofrontal cortex) only showed waterevoked activation in a water-deprived state (de Araujo et al., 2003). The most likely source of
this water-selective cortical activation is taste-related structures that receive input from the
oropharyngeal area. The ability of cortical neurons to distinguish between water and other
tastes supports the idea that water may be processed as an independent taste quality.
In addition to oral sensitivity, water may also be detected by chemoreceptors located in the
gut (Rozengurt and Sternini, 2007). Chemical transduction in the enteric nervous system
plays an important role in gut motility, the regulation of nutrient absorption, gastric emptying
and acid secretion (Baggio and Drucker,2007). The vago-vagal reflex, essential for digestives
processes such as gastric emptying, involves vagal projections to NTS and from there to the
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus which extends efferents that mediate gastric function
(McCann and Rogers, 1992; Konturek et al., 2004). The gastric and intestinal mucosa is
sensitive to both mechanical and chemical stimulation (Cottrell and Iggo, 1984). Studies have
characterized modality specific enteroreceptors for sugars, acids, fats, amino acids as well as
water (Iggo,1957; Mei, 1978; Jeanningros, 1982; Mei and Garnier, 1986). Endocrine cells of
the luminal tissue transduce mechanical and chemical stimuli via paracrine activation of
vagal afferents which synapse in the caudal NTS (Zhu et al., 2001; Young et al., 2008) and
spinal afferents which synapse in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (Konturek et al., 2004).
Stimulation of the small intestine of the cat with various chemical solutions has shown that
water evokes large responses in the nodose ganglion containing cells of the vagus nerve (Mei
and Garnier, 1986).
Water-responsive and somatosensory cell types
The idea that the taste of water is independent from that of other taste qualities represents a
substantial departure from the conventional supposition that water responses are entirely
somatosensory. Present data support a clear distinction between water-responsive and
somatosensory cell types. Somatosensory cells appeared to respond only to the mechanical
and/or thermal components of a fluidic stimulus. That is, their responses to water and tastants
were indistinguishable. As can be seen in Figure Figure1,1, some of these responses were
phasic, suggesting rapid adaptation, and others were more tonic, suggesting slow adaptation.
The presence of somatosensory cells is not surprising given the fact that most tasteresponsive cells in both NTS and PbN receive convergent mechanosensory input (Ogawa and
Kaisaku, 1982; Ogawa et al., 1982, 1984; Ogawa and Hayama, 1984). In contrast, cells
identified as water-responsive in the present study showed responses to water that could not
be accounted for by the mechanosensory aspects of the stimulus. For example, water best
cells responded more vigorously to water than to any of the four other taste stimuli even
though all stimuli would be expected to evoke equivalent tactile and thermal sensations. It is
possible, perhaps likely, that responses in these cells reflect the osmolarity of the solution,
with water being the most hypo-osmotic. In effect, these cells might respond to taste stimuli
as a mixture of water and taste stimulus, with water being the effective stimulus that drives
neural activity. Water-inhibitory and conditional water cells showed water-specific inhibitory
responses that could be predicted by the taste stimulus that preceded water presentation. In
this case, an interaction of tastant and water, likely peripheral in nature (Bartoshuk,1977),
might be at play in these cells. In fact, it is well known that water presented after some taste
stimuli, usually acid, induce tastes of their own (e.g., Oakley, 1985).
Comparison of NTS and PbN water responsivity
In general, differences between the NTS and PbN suggest that water sensibility may serve
different functions in each structure. In the NTS, the relatively large proportion of
somatosensory responses to water may be part of neural circuits extending from the caudal
NTS that produce ingestive reflexes such as swallowing (Lang,2009). In contrast, the
significantly higher water-evoked firing rates in the PbN suggest that the PbN may be part of
the chemosensory pathway for the perception of water along with other taste stimuli.
The sensitivity of gustatory NTS cells to water may play an essential role in the initiation of
swallowing. The superior laryngeal nerve of the rat includes water-selective fibers
(Shinghai, 1980) and has been shown to converge with the glossopharyngeal nerve onto
neurons that mediate swallowing in the intermediate NTS (Ootani et al., 1995). Neurons in
the rostral and ventral NTS project caudally to the intermediate NTS (Streefland and
Jansen, 1999) which contains premotor neurons that initiate swallowing when water is
applied to the pharynx (Lang, 2009). Physiological and behavioral evidence suggests that the
chemosensory properties of water may be important in eliciting the swallowing reflex. For
example, water has been shown to be an exceptionally effective stimulus for eliciting a
swallowing reflex when applied to the pharynx and larynx (Storey, 1968; Shinghai et
al., 1989). The extensive connectivity of the rostral NTS with the intermediate NTS, reticular
formation and various oromotor nuclei may facilitate swallowing and other taste and
somatosensory-mediated ingestive reflexes. Only about a third of NTS cells project directly
to the PbN in rat (Ogawa and Kaisaku, 1982; Ogawa and Hayama, 1984; Monroe and Di
Lorenzo, 1995), therefore at least some PbN activity may reflect taste processing that is
independent of NTS input (see Di Lorenzo et al.,2009). Gustatory and hepatic-vagal afferents
have been shown to converge to a greater degree in the postero-medial PbN as compared to
the NTS (Hermann et al., 1983). Vagal fibers innervating luminal tissue respond robustly to
water (Mei and Garnier, 1986) and may therefore contribute to the enhanced water
responsivity observed in the PbN.
Water taste and after-tastes
Conditional water responses were more prevalent in the NTS than the PbN. This observation
suggests that the NTS responses may be more closely tied to peripheral nerve input than the
PbN. Psychophysical studies over the last 40 years have emphasized the interdependence of
water responses and sensitivity to other taste stimuli. In 1974, Bartoshuk showed that waterevoked a taste but that it was highly dependent on adaptation to a preceding taste stimulus
even inclusive of saliva. In addition, recordings from afferent taste nerves have shown that
some water responses were only observed after pre-exposure to a particular taste stimulus
(Bartoshuk and Pfaffmann, 1965; Bartoshuk et al., 1971). These responses were similar to
those of the conditional cells reported in the current study, suggesting that responses in these
cells directly reflect peripheral processing. The fact that water that follows certain tastes
produces a taste sensation of its own implies that these responses to water access the
information channels of the taste sensations they evoke as the signal ascends through the
central nervous system.
Conclusions and caveats
The present results are not without their limitations. For example, some responses to water
may have been affected by the anesthetic under which they were recorded. Urethane
anesthesia delivered intraperitoneally (IP), as in the present study, has been shown to produce
hyperglycemia, increased hematocrit and decreased blood plasma protein levels (Van Der
Meer et al., 1975). Since polydipsia (thirst) is a symptom of hyperglycemia, it is possible that
urethane anesthesia could modify responses to water and other taste stimuli.
Sampling errors might also have affected present results. That is, in the recordings of taste
responses in both NTS and PbN, most water responses were observed only incidentally. That
is, water responses were only noted after the fact, when analyses of responses to other
tastants were analyzed. It is therefore possible that we missed some cells that might have
been responsive to water. Even so, our evidence, and those of others who have described
water responses, clearly suggests that the neural representation of water in the chemosensory
pathway is weaker than that of other taste qualities. On the other hand, the consistent
presence of water responses in almost every electrophysiological study of taste, including the
present one, implies that sensibility to water is clearly present and may serve an important
In conclusion, we have described responsivity to water in two brainstem nuclei, the NTS and
PbN, in the anesthetized rat. A novel finding of the current study is the observation of water
best neurons and water specialist cells in both NTS and PbN. Importantly, these data
underscore the literature showing that water is processed by cells in gustatory nuclei. This
implies that water evokes a gustatory sensation that is supported by an independent neural
representation, different from that of other taste qualities.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.