Nervous Control of Ovulation and Ejaculation in Helix Aspersa
Nervous Control of Ovulation and Ejaculation in Helix Aspersa
Nervous Control of Ovulation and Ejaculation in Helix Aspersa
Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Ave. Docteur Penfield, Montre´al, Que´bec, H3A 1B1, Canada
(Received 16 December 2004; accepted 31 March 2005)
The ovotestis duct transports male and female gametes from the ovotestis, through the seminal vesicle,
and into the fertilization pouch-spermathecal complex. All these structures are innervated by small
branches of the intestinal nerve. Electrical stimulation of the nerve increased the rate at which
gametes were transported in the duct and caused autosperm to flow into the fertilization pouch-
spermathecal complex. These events were accompanied by stimulation-induced peristaltic contractions
along the duct and activation of the cilia lining the interior of the duct. Acetylcholine and serotonin
were identified as excitatory transmitters in this system, while FMRFamide was identified as a
muscle relaxant. The nervous control of ejaculation may contribute to optimizing the size of the ejacu-
late in a context of sperm competition, while the involvement of the nervous system in ovulation may
stem from a requirement for sensory integration that is peculiar to the Stylommatophora.
INTRODUCTION Chase et al., 2004). In the present paper, we describe motor func-
tions of the intestinal nerve and their effects on gamete move-
In hermaphroditic molluscs, the ovotestis is the source of both ments in the ovotestis duct of Helix aspersa.
oocytes and sperm. In Helix aspersa, the sperm cells differentiate
and mature through a sequence of stages that requires about 6
weeks to complete (Bloch & Hew, 1960), after which they MATERIAL AND METHODS
migrate to the seminal vesicle where they are stored for
mating. The oocytes, on the other hand, mature over a period Mature snails, Helix aspersa, were obtained from natural popu-
of undetermined length, and they remain within the ovotestis lations in California. They were maintained at 14 –178C under
until they are released for fertilization immediately prior to ovi- a light:dark cycle of 16 h:8 h. All experiments and all obser-
position (Tompa, 1984). As in most animals, sperm production vations were conducted during the animals’ scotophase. Three
is vastly greater than oocyte production. times weekly the animals were rinsed in water and fed an
A neuroendocrine mechanism for ovulation (the release of aqueous slurry comprising powdered grains, calcium, animal
oocytes) is well documented in certain opisthobranchs, notably protein, fat and vitamins. By these means, the animals were
Aplysia, and in a few basommatophoran pulmonates, notably kept in an active state. For most purposes, the snails were
Lymnaea (Chase, 2002). However, no chemical factor responsible housed in Lucite boxes (36 36 8 cm), 25 – 50 snails per
for either ovulation or oviposition has yet been identified in the box, and they were allowed to mate freely. Exceptionally, in
stylommatophoran pulmonates (Flari & Edwards, 2003). More- sperm release experiments, the snails were isolated to ensure
over, the mechanisms responsible for ejaculation (the release of maximum levels of sperm. The absence of a soft substratum pre-
sperm) have not been elucidated in any gastropod species. vented the snails from laying eggs. However, when experiments
The focus of this paper is the ovotestis duct, also known as the required snails that were ready to lay eggs, groups of 25 – 50
hermaphroditic duct or gonoduct (Tompa, 1984). It transports snails were placed in boxes containing 3 – 4 cm of clean, friable
the gametes from the ovotestis to the fertilization pouch- soil so that nest excavation could be observed. In our experience,
spermathecal complex (FPSC). The histological investigation approximately 50% of nest-digging snails lay eggs.
of Breucker (1964) showed that the lumen of the duct is For observations in vitro, the snails were anaesthetized by
surrounded by circular muscle, while the interior epithelium injection of 2 – 3 ml of isotonic MgCl2 into the posterior mantle
contains two dominant cell types, one of which is ciliated. column. After dissection, the pertinent organs and tissues
Following Tompa (1984) we refer to that part of the duct (Fig. 1) were pinned out in a dish and covered with saline
closest to the ovotestis as the ‘proximal’ part, and that part (Kerkut & Meech, 1966). The fertilization pouch-spermathecal
closest to the FPSC as the ‘distal’ part. complex (FPSC) was left embedded in the albumen gland.
The ovotestis and its duct is innervated by fine branches of the Nerve branches were labelled with Neurobiotin (Vector Labs)
intestinal nerve in Helix (Schmalz, 1914). One function of the using published protocols (Antkowiak & Chase, 2003). Briefly,
innervation is sensory. The number of mature oocytes is coded the nerve was cut close to the region of interest and the stump
in the firing frequencies of afferent nerve fibres, and this activity was sucked into a glass pipette filled with a buffered solution of
appears to operate as a permissive signal for oviposition (Antko- 8% Neurobiotin. Twenty-four hours later, the pipette was
wiak & Chase, 2003). Afferent signals from the ovotestis were removed and the tissue was fixed, then processed using the
also found to initiate central nervous system (CNS) motor Vectastain ABC kit (Vector Labs). The histology of the ovotestis
responses that resulted in an elevated level of cardiac output duct was examined using transverse paraffin sections cut to a
and more efferent traffic in the intestinal nerve, some of which thickness of 10 mm and sampled at intervals of 50 mm. The
was directed back to the ovotestis (Antkowiak & Chase, 2003; sections were stained with toluidine blue.
To stimulate the intestinal nerve, the cut end was sucked into
a glass pipette filled with saline. Pulse duration was 2 ms, with
Correspondence: R. Chase; e-mail: frequency and voltage adjusted as required (5 –50 V).
Journal of Molluscan Studies (2005) 71: 393– 399. Advance Access Publication: 5 August 2005 doi:10.1093/mollus/eyi041
# The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Studies on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reserved.
Figure 4. Peristalsis in the distal ovotestis duct. The duct width is plotted
at two points in a single preparation. The point represented by filled
this is mostly in the area of the fertilization pouch. Note that a circles is located 500 mm from the seminal vesicle; the point represented
bifurcation of the intestinal nerve provides separate nerve by open circles is located 1200 mm from the seminal vesicle. Stimulation
branches to the distal and proximal parts of the duct, the of the intestinal nerve begins at time 0 (pulses at 10 Hz, 2-s trains at
latter including the seminal vesicle (Fig. 1). 0.2 Hz).
Figure 6. Nerve stimulation and serotonin both increase the cilia beat Figure 7. Pharmacology of duct contraction and relaxation. A. Changes
frequency. A. Electrical stimulation of the intestinal nerve at 5 Hz for in width of the proximal duct following application of FMRFamide,
60 s. Asterisks indicate a significant difference in relation to baseline fre- acetylcholine (ACh) and serotonin (5-HT). All transmitters, 2 10 – 7 M.
quency (P , 0.0001). Error bars are 1 SD. B. Serotonin treatment. Bars B. The effect of nerve stimulation during blockade of acetylcholine
show the mean change in frequency after application of either saline or (by hexamethonium) and serotonin (by methysergide), both at
serotonin (each treatment, N ¼ 5). Error bars are 1 SD. Asterisks indi- 5 10 – 7 M. Stimulation in all conditions, 5 Hz for 20 s. Data points
cate a significant difference in relation to the saline control (P , 0.0001). are means from four trials in the indicated condition.
Control trials, conducted before and after treatment with the sperm was initially present in the seminal vesicle (Fig. 9). In
receptor antagonists hexamethonium and methysergide, such cases, the sperm accumulated in the FPSC and, with pro-
resulted in a typically fast contraction followed by a late, weak longed stimulation (1 h) it passed through the FPSC and
relaxation. entered the saline bath through an incision in the spermoviduct
To investigate the contributions of different nerve branches to
The release of gametes sperm release, lesions were made selectively to either the branch
innervating the seminal vesicle or the branch innervating the
The movement of gametes was examined at two locations: one distal ovotestis duct (Fig. 1). Five preparations were evaluated
just proximal to the ovotestis and the other on the distal ovotestis in each lesion group, together with a control group in which
duct. These sites allowed us to investigate the release of gametes there was no lesion. The duration of sperm flow to the FPSC
from the ovotestis and the seminal vesicle, respectively. To maxi- was measured throughout a 30-min period of intestinal nerve
mize the probability of ovulation, snails were selected for in vitro stimulation. For the control group, the mean duration of flow
observations after being found motionless at the bottom of a nest was 26.0 + 4.0 (SE) min; for the seminal vesicle branch lesion,
that they had excavated in the soil, since nest-digging behaviour 2.6 + 1.4 min; and for the distal duct lesion, zero. It is apparent
normally precedes oviposition. After dissection, the movement of from these results that the seminal vesicle and the distal ovotestis
gametes out of the ovotestis was videotaped before, during and duct must be activated together to produce an ejaculation.
after electrical stimulation of the intestinal nerve (5 Hz for In all instances, the release of gametes was accompanied
20 min). Even before stimulation, large numbers of sperm and by pronounced peristaltic contractions of the duct. Whereas
immature oocytes were seen exiting the ovotestis. This obser- the rate of flow from the ovotestis was constant during nerve
vation is consistent with the results from a separate experiment stimulation, the flow of sperm in the distal duct was sometimes
in which we examined the contents of the ovotestis, in different intermittent, even during continuous stimulation. In the latter
snails, before and after oviposition. In that experiment we cases, sperm flow appeared impeded at a point approximately
noted a similar flushing of the ovotestis in association with ovi- mid-length along the distal duct segment, probably due to the
position (Reynolds & Chase, unpublished). However, fewer narrowing of the duct lumen in this region (Fig. 2).
than four mature oocytes (diameter .100 mm) were released
by nerve stimulation in any of the in vitro preparations
(N ¼ 5), despite the fact that the ovotestes contained numerous
mature oocytes.
To calculate transport rates, four gametes (either sperm or
immature oocytes) from each preparation were tracked as they
passed through the field of view (travel lengths, 850–1130 mm).
Different gametes were tracked in each 20-min treatment
period. As shown in Figure 8, transport rates increased, on
average, 2.7 times during nerve stimulation (Fig. 8), represent-
ing a significant effect of nerve stimulation (ANOVA:
F1.068 ¼ 34.4, P , 0.004).
In 10 additional preparations, also using snails that had exca-
vated a nest, observations similar to those described above were
made throughout 6 h or more of continuous nerve stimulation
(5 Hz). Again, stimulation was accompanied by a major flushing
of sperm, immature oocytes and other unidentified material
from the ovotestis, but no substantial number of ripe oocytes.
Stimulation of the intestinal nerve reliably caused sperm to
flow out of the seminal vesicle and into the FPSC whenever
DISCUSSION injecting various substances into snails, as has been done success-
fully in other gastropod molluscs. Regrettably, despite multiple
The results of this investigation establish two motor roles for the attempts, neither the injection of CNS homogenates from Helix
innervation of the ovotestis duct, namely, control of the radial nor the injection of hormone-containing bag cells from Aplysia
musculature and control of cilia beating. These functions comp- was successful (Geoffroy, Sharma & Chase, unpublished).
lement a sensory role that was described earlier (Antkowiak & We similarly failed to elicit oviposition by injecting serotonin
Chase, 2003). The nerve branches at issue here are tiny, the (Reynolds & Chase, unpublished). Additional trials were con-
largest of them measuring only 20 mm in diameter (Antkowiak ducted in vitro combining nerve stimulation with the application
& Chase, 2003). Nevertheless, gastropod nerves commonly of CNS homogenates or FMRFamide or freshly drawn blood
contain mixes of sensory and motor fibres (Chase, 2002), from ovipositing snails, again without eliciting ovulation.
and even the aforementioned branch contains 3,025 axons These results might reflect the absence of an ovulation
(Antkowiak & Chase, 2003). hormone in the Stylommatophora. Alternatively, they may
The cilia that are abundantly present on the interior walls of indicate a complex interplay between endocrine and nervous
the snail’s ovotestis duct are generally assumed to assist in trans- controls that cannot be adequately investigated in simple exper-
porting gametes (Breucker, 1964). Consistent with this, we iments. It must also be acknowledged that the in vitro procedures
found that nerve stimulation increased both ciliary beat rates used by ourselves and others necessarily disrupt the normal
and gamete transport rates. While peristaltic contractions were blood circulation and the internal hydrostatic skeleton, either
the most visible manifestation of nervous activity, we also discov- of which could be important for ovulation.
ered a more subtle relaxation effect. It is difficult to know how
contractions and relaxations are actually patterned in vivo, but
it is reasonable to expect that the passage of large oocytes and Control of ejaculation
large sperm masses would be facilitated by contractions
pushing objects into regions of the duct that were already Sperm are much smaller than oocytes and are not attached to
dilated. We imagine that this scenario could be realized by the any immobile structure, hence they probably move freely into
appropriately timed excitation of separate nerve fibres media- the seminal vesicle once they have fully matured. Their passage
ting contraction and relaxation. out of the seminal vesicle is impeded by two factors. First, they
All the transmitters implicated in the aforementioned motor are stored not as isolated individuals, but as a high-density
effects are well known in gastropod molluscs (Chase, 2002). mass formed of entangled and sticky tails. Second, the movement
Acetylcholine, for example, is the typical fast transmitter for of this mass is blocked in the distal ovotestis duct by the narrow-
muscles. Serotonin’s mediation of ciliary activation is well estab- ing of the channel, as described in this paper.
lished (Audesirk, McCaman & Willows, 1978), as is the ability Our results indicate that efferent discharges in the intestinal
of FMRFamide to relax muscles (Lehman & Greenberg, nerve are necessary and sufficient to release sperm from the
1987). The contractile effect of serotonin is less common, but it seminal vesicle. Although we were able to evoke release by
has been reported in the salivary duct of Helix pomatia (Kiss stimulation of the entire nerve, it is probable that under normal
et al., 2003). More intriguing is how the employment of these circumstances neurons innervating the seminal vesicle and
several transmitters is orchestrated to produce a coherent effect neurons innervating the distal ovotestis duct are activated sepa-
on duct function. Again, our interpretations are limited by our rately, something that was beyond our technical ability. The
inability to stimulate selected fibres comprising the nerve most efficient scenario would have the seminal vesicle contract
branches of interest. Based on studies in Aplysia, however, we first to release a quantity of sperm and thus apply pressure on
expect that even a single muscle might be innervated by motor the constriction in the distal duct. Shortly thereafter, peristaltic
fibres releasing two fast transmitters and multiple peptide modu- contractions in the distal duct would move the sperm mass past
lators (Keating & Lloyd, 1999). the point of obstruction. Finally, the duct would dilate to allow
even greater flow. Dilation is likely to result from a combination
of the moving sperm mass itself, the elasticity of the duct muscle
Control of ovulation and the relaxing action of FMRFamide. It is noteworthy that
the constraint imposed on sperm movements in the distal ovotes-
Although we were able to influence the rate of gamete transport,
tis duct is similar to that operating on bile in the mammalian bile
we were unsuccessful in triggering ovulation. In fact, only rarely
duct. In the latter case, a structure known as the sphincter of
did we observe ripe oocytes passing through the ovotestis duct.
Oddi limits passage of bile into the duodenum. Bile passes
The vast majority of ripe oocytes evidently remained attached
through only when there are rhythmic contractions of the
to the walls of the acini regardless of the strength, patterning
sphincter (Toouli et al., 1983).
or duration of nerve stimulation. In Aplysia, where the process
of ovulation has been well studied, the ovotestis is not innervated
and the oocytes are released solely through the activity of an
Significance of nervous controls
ovulation hormone (Coggeshall, 1970; Dudek et al., 1980). It is
unclear whether the Aplysia hormone acts by contracting The nervous control of ejaculation may be important for permit-
muscles on the acini or by acting on the bonds that attach the ting a variable quantity of sperm to be transferred. Theory pre-
oocytes to the acini walls (Dudek et al., 1980). dicts, and empirical investigations in some taxa confirm, that
There is strong evidence for peptide ovulation hormones in males regulate their ejaculate size according to the character-
several species of opisthobranchs and basommatophoran pulmo- istics of their partner or the risk of competition (Birkhead &
nates (Chase, 2002), and immunocytochemical work in Helix Møller, 1998). Although such a regulation has not yet been veri-
aspersa suggests that a homologous peptide may be present in fied in molluscs (Baur, Locher & Baur, 1998), if it were to occur
the CNS of this species (Van Minnen, Schallig & Ramkema, it would probably require mediation by the nervous system. For
1992). Other studies, however, suggest that egg-laying in the example, a simple mechanism to control the size of the ejacula-
Stylommatophora is controlled by steroid hormones (Takeda, tion would be to vary the degree of neuromuscular excitation at
1979). Authors also disagree about whether the putative egg- the seminal vesicle. In a similar vein, selection for robust inner-
laying hormone is released from the ovotestis, the CNS or the vation of the seminal vesicle is predicted if it enhances a snail’s
tentacles (see Flari & Edwards, 2003). To clarify the situation ability to transfer large numbers of sperm (Greeff & Michiels,
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