Transient Stress Analysis On Spur Gear
Transient Stress Analysis On Spur Gear
Transient Stress Analysis On Spur Gear
the center of the tooth space on one side to the center of the
Abstract—Natural frequencies and dynamic response of a spur tooth space on the other side. Several different curves make
gear sector are investigated using a two dimensional finite element up the tooth outline: concentric circular arc at the tooth tip
model that offers significant advantages for dynamic gear analyses. defining the addendum circle, involutes on the two sides of
The gear teeth are analyzed for different operating speeds. A primary the tooth, and trochoides between the involutes and the bottom
feature of this modeling is determination of mesh forces using a
lands at the base of the tooth. The tooth side involutes, fillet
detailed contact analysis for each time step as the gears roll through
the mesh. ANSYS software has been used on the proposed model to
trochoides, and bottom lands were shaped to model a gear cut
find the natural frequencies by Block Lanczos technique and with a rack form cutter. Coordinates for the surface profile of
displacements and dynamic stresses by transient mode super position the tooth come from a kinematic analysis of the cutting
method. The effect of rotational speed of the gear on the dynamic process [4]. Both the rack form cutter and the resulting gear
response of gear tooth has been studied and design limits have been surface are tangent to each other at the cutting points, which
discussed. generate the gear shape from the rack shape. The involute is
generated by points on the side of the rack form, the gear
Keywords—Spur gear, Natural frequency, transient analysis, tooth fillet is generated by the tip of the rack form, and the
Mode super position technique. bottom land is generated by the top surface of the rack form
tooth. With the appropriate rotations, this slope and radius
I. INTRODUCTION locates the direction and point of application of the gear mesh
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3 15666 98432
4 22368 140542
5 26720 167886
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Load Load Applied Stress at node 92 (MPa)
Step on Nodes σX σY
1 48 Half 1.732 20.399
{ }
[ M ] δ D D + [C] {δ D } + [k] {δ } = { P (t )} (13)
Where [M], [C] and [K] are global mass, damping and
Fig. 6 Load on various nodes of the selected model stiffness matrices of size (n×n), respectively. The {P (t)} is the
external time varying load of size (n×1).The symbols {δ},
Fig. 6 show the right side (Tension side) of the profiles of {δ°}, {δ°°} are the displacement, velocity, acceleration
the central tooth of the selected model, shown in Fig. 3, vectors of size (n×1). Eq.(13) has to be recast such that m
stretched out into straight line with the nodes indicated for the uncoupled equations in a single degree may be obtained. The
purpose of application of loads. The load that have been recast equation can be obtained by substituting for {δ}, as {δ}
applied for the various runs of static analysis are indicated on = [U] {p}, where [U] is a matrix (size n×m) of the first m
the respective nodes starting from the extreme left end (node eigen vectors (m<<n), and {p} is a generalized displacement
48) to the final point of contact (node 54) of the model[1]. vector of size (m×1). Pre multiplying Eq. (13) by [U]T , gives:
{ } { }
[U ]T [ M ][U ] p °° + [U ]T [C ][U ] p ° + [U ]T [ K ][U ]{p} = [U ]T { P (t )} (14)
After computing the natural frequencies and the mode Here [U]T [M] [U] is a unity diagonal matrix of size (m×m)
shapes the forced response is obtained using the modal and [U]T [C] [U] is a diagonal matrix of size (m×m). The
superposition technique [13]. The method is computationally diagonal elements of these matrices are 2ξi ωi where ξi are the
efficient particularly for a large sized problem. The governing damping ratio and ωi are the natural frequencies for i= 1, 2, 3,
differential equation of gear tooth considering the damping is: ……m. The [U]T [K] [U] is also a diagonal matrix with the
square of the natural frequencies (ω12, ω22, ω32…, ωm2) as the
diagonal terms. The resulting decoupled set of equations are
[K] {δ } = [P ] (12)
solved as standard single degree of freedom system and the
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resulting displacement vector is transformed back to represent to its distance from either node, to the two nodes under
the gear tooth displacements. consideration as shown in Fig. 6. The Initial conditions for
displacements and velocities for the gear tooth in the proposed
⎡ξ1ω1 0 ⎤ model are taken as zero for all degrees of freedom. The third
⎢ 0 ξω ⎥
mode is selected for the mode superposition technique. At
[U]T [C] [U] = 2⎢ 2 2 ⎥ (15)
⎢ 0 ⎥ each time interval, the acting load is calculated and fed into
⎢ ⎥ the mode superposition part in ANSYS software and the
⎣ 0 ξ mω m ⎦
corresponding deformation and stress are thus obtained. The
In order to obtain the diagonal elements of the [U]T [C] [U] dynamic displacements and dynamic stresses in the X and Y
given in Eq. (15), the damping matrix is expressed as a linear directions in the central tooth root portion of the selected gear
combination of [M] and [K] (Rayleigh damping), that is: model, which are at node 92, are plotted in condition of
1440rpm. The dynamic analysis is also carried out for the
[C] = α [M] + β [K] (16) following four speeds of gear namely, 360rpm, 720rpm,
Where α and β are constants to be determined. Then, 1440rpm and 1800rpm.
2 ξ1ω1 = α + ßω1 , 2 ξ 2ω2 = α + ßω2 ,....,2 ξ mωm = α + ßωm
2 2 2
Figs. 7 and 8 show the dynamic displacements in the X and
From the finding of Mohammad et al. [6] the values for mild
Y directions of the selected model at node 92. Figs. 9 and 10
steel material, ξ1 ω1=2.0 and ξ3 ω3=3.2, where ω1 and ω3 are
show the dynamic stresses at X and Y directions of the model
the first and third natural frequencies in rad/sec. Using these
two expressions, the damping ratio for other modes are at node 92. Figs. 11 and 12 show the dynamic shear stress
calculated by substituting in Eq. (17). Since for most (τxy) and dynamic von Mises stress of the model at node 92.
industrial problems (ω3 >> ω1) including the first three natural
frequencies to compute the dynamic transient response is
fairly accurate. After substituting the values of ω1 and ω3 of
the model from Table I in Eq. (17), the values of α and β are
obtained as 13.2 and 8×10-8 respectively.
A. Time Steps
The time of contact T of gear tooth depends on the
rotational speed of the gear. If the gear is assumed to run at a
speed of n-rpm, the time taken for one revolution of the gear
will be (60/n) sec. In one revolution, Z number of teeth will
get engaged and disengaged.
ΔT = (18)
10ω m
Fig. 7 Displacement of the model in X-Direction
Where Z is gear number of teeth. Then the time taken for one
pair of teeth in engagement will be (60/ n. Z) sec, which will
be (2.09×10-3 sec) in the selected model. The time taken for
one pair of teeth in engagement can be divided into required
number of steps (NTS - number of time steps). One time step
∆T can be calculated by considering the number of modes,
which are expected to contribute to the dynamic response. So,
the third frequency of the model is (15666 cycle/sec) which is
taken from the finite element modal analysis results in Table
1; the time interval obtained is (6.38×10-6 sec) and is shown in
Fig. 6, if the natural period of the mth mode is Tm, a choice of
∆T equal to Tm/10 should give a reasonable dynamic
response up to mth mode [13]. Therefore,
TNTS = (19)
ΔT .N .Z
Where, TNTS is the total number of time steps or intervals.
So, the total number of intervals (time steps) for the model is Fig. 8 Displacement of the model in Y-Direction
326 which mean that there are about 40 intervals between
each two nodes shown in Fig. 6. At any time, two nodes are
considered to calculate the load vector for that time interval.
The actual load at a point is distributed in inverse proportion
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Fig. 9 Dynamic Stress of the model in X-Direction Fig. 12 Dynamic von Mises Stress of the model
Table III lists the Maximum values of σX, σY, τxy and von
Mises stresses of the model at node 92 for different speeds.
Figs. 13, 14 and 15 show the relation curves of σX, σY and von
Mises stresses with the rotational speeds, respectively.
Spee τxy von Mises
σX σY
d (MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
Fig. 10 Dynamic Stress of the model in Y-Direction. 1440 3.512 39.006 10.441 41.78
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009
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Fig. 16 Stress response of the 1st model in Y-Direction
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[9] Ramamurti V., Reddy K. R. K. (2001). ‘Dynamic analysis of spur gear
Modal super position technique assumes that any transient tooth’. The Institution of Engineering (India) Journal 82 33-40.
disturbance of member was the sums total of the disturbances [10] Ramamurti V., Gupta L. S. (1979). ‘Dynamic stress analysis on spur
due to the first few modes of vibration. In reality the gear teeth’. ASME Conference 38, DET.
contribution from the higher modes die down very fast in [11] Ramamurti V., Vijayendra Nayak H., Sujatha C. (1998). ‘Static and
dynamic analysis of spur and bevel gears using FEM’, Mechanism and
comparison with the 1st mode. This has been experimentally Machine Theory 33 (8) 1177-1193.
observed to be true. This is the basis of subsections 7 to 9 of [12] Ramamurti V. (2002). ‘Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basic
this paper. Theory’, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
Referring to section 14.8 (Dynamic Factor) of [15], [13] Ramamurti V. (1998). ‘Computer Aided Design in Mechanical
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dynamic stress is obtained by multiplying by the Lewis form [14] Seshu P. (2004). ‘Text Book of Finite Element Analysis’, Prentice-Hall
factor cv (Equation 14.27): of India, New Delhi.
[15] Shigley J.E. and Charles R.M. (2003). ‘Mechanical Engineering
(i). This factor does not take into account gear face width Design’, Tata McGaraw-Hill, New Delhi, 6th edition.
[16] Wilcox L., Coleman W. (1973). ‘Application of finite elements to the
(F). analysis of gear tooth stresses’. Journal of Engineering for Industry 95
(4) 1139-1148.
(ii). It is assumed that the static stress is multiplied by a
factor involving peripheral velocity of the gear[5].
(iii). It is well known that when the face width is increased Ali Raad Hassan, Assistant Professor of Technical
Institutes (Iraq), Chief Engineers at Ministry of Industry
the gear tooth becomes stronger and, hence the and Minerals (Baghdad),Iraq. He has been awarded 5
magnitude of dynamic stress is smaller than the gear times for his researches and developments on gear
with smaller face width, but this has not been taken into manufacturing machines. Currently he got his PhD in
account in this formula. mechanical engineering from Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Anna University (India). He has more than
(iv). During the transient phase the gear tooth is expected to 10 years experience in Industry.
vibrate in one or more of its natural frequencies, which
has not been assimilated or taken into account in the
existing code.
In the present approach these aspects have been taken into
Modal super position technique assumes that any transient
disturbance of member is the sum totals of the disturbance due
to the first few modes of vibration. In reality the contribution
from the higher modes die down very fast in comparison with
the first mode. This has been experimentally observed to be
true. It is found that as the rotational speed of gear increases,
the bending stress of dynamic stress also increases. For the
moving load, the ratio of maximum dynamic bending root
stress to maximum static bending root stress is increases.