Propane Terminal Project
Propane Terminal Project
Propane Terminal Project
Table of ConTenTs
About Pembina
Proposed Project
About Propane
Propane Safety
Environmental Considerations
Facility Layout
Facility Safety
Seismic Considerations
Emergency Procedures
Rail Safety
Our Rail Fleet
Marine Safety
Environmental Management
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Facility Emissions
Regulatory Permit Process
Emergency Response
Incident History
Recent Incidents
Forward-looking Statements
Glossary of Terms
Conversion Table
Contact Information
abouT Pembina
Pembina is a leading energy transPortation and midstream
service Provider, serving north america for over 60 years.
our strategically located and integrated energy infrastructure enables us
to offer essential services for the energy industry across the hydrocarbon
value chain. as a trusted member of the communities in which we operate,
we are committed to safe, responsible and reliable operations and to
generating value for our investors.
1954 company was founded
1997 became a publically traded company
2010 converted from an income trust to a corporation
2012 acquired Provident Energy and became listed on the NYSE under PBA
2014 listed as one of Albertas Top 65 Employers
1000+ employees
$15 billion enterprise value (approx.)
Head office in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Project is being designed for a minimum of 25 years of service, with the expectation that it will run
beyond that time period. The proposed in-service date, subject to regulatory and environmental permit
approvals, is scheduled for Q1 2018.
ProjeCT deTails
When completed, a rail-served, marine terminal and propane export facility would include:
a rail yard with propane unloading equipment;
rail unloading tanks with a total storage capacity of approximately one million gallons to
receive delivered propane;
refrigeration equipment;
two large, refrigerated double-walled, propane storage tanks capable of holding up to
800,000barrels (approximately 33.6 million gallons);
a flare stack and above-ground facility piping connecting the equipment; and
a control center, office, shop and maintenance facilities.
The marine terminal will consist of a wharf, modified to accommodate ocean-going ships capable of
transporting propane, with a materials ship-loading area and associated trestle and above-ground
piping to transport the product from the storage tanks to the ship.
These facilities will be supported by infrastructure and equipment including: power supply and
distribution; water supply and distribution (including fire water); utilities; waste collection and treatment
and a supporting maintenance area.
The propane will be in liquid form throughout the course of its handling. By cooling or compressing
propane, it changes from a gas to a liquid state. The product will be either under pressure, or refrigerated,
during its transportation, storage and export. There is no further compression of the propane from the
rail car to the refrigerated storage tanks; therefore it will occupy the same volume in the tank as it did
in the rail car.
Proposed* Schedule Portland Propane Export Terminal Project
Q3 2014 Q1 2016
Q3 2014 Q2 2017
Q3 2014 Q1 2016
Q4 2014 Q4 2016
Q1 2016 Q1 2018
Facility Start-Up
Q1 2018
*Date ranges are based on a best-case scenario and are subject to change
ProjeCT raTionale
North Americas energy markets have experienced a shift in recent years with North American propane
supply exceeding near and long-term forecast demands. Current forecasts indicate excess domestic
supply through to at least 2040.
There is worldwide demand for propane as a cooking, heating, auto fuel and plastics manufacturing
agent. Increased propane production from the natural resources in Canadas Western Canadian
Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) and new shale gas developments in the United States (U.S.), such as
the Eagle Ford, Barnett, Haynesville and Marcellus plays, has significantly increased the availability of
propane within the U.S.
Market demand for propane from around the world, especially the Asia-Pacific region, presents one of
the closest and most attractive long-term markets available for excess propane from Canadas WCSB
while at the same time addressing environmental sustainability questions for that region.
Pembina has scouted a number of possible locations for a west coast marine export facility north and
south of the U.S./Canada border for over two years. Portland was chosen for its readily available land,
which is already zoned for heavy industrial use; existing marine berth; dual rail connectivity; Portlands
skilled labor force and its geographic proximity to international markets.
Pembina (and Provident whom we acquired
in 2012) has been transporting propane
in Western Canada, as well as oregon
and Washington State, for over 15 years.
Pembina will continue to provide domestic
propane service to oregon.
For the year-to-date, Pembina has shipped
7.5 million gallons of propane to oregon;
3.1 million of them were delivered to the
City of Portland. Considering our existing
presence in Portland, and oregon more
broadly, this location makes for a strong
business case.
ProjeCT benefiTs
Construction and operation of the proposed Project will result in significant benefits to the surrounding
communities including:
Job Creation: 600-800 good-paying construction jobs, at the peak of construction, will be required.
Pembina will examine all options in its hiring plans. Meetings with labor organizations are on-going and,
where appropriate, Project labor Agreements (PlAs) will be concluded.
To operate the facility, Pembina will hire a number of full-time, permanent positions which include:
Facility operators
Rail / Rail Car Unload Staff
Instrument Technicians
The estimated value of these direct Pembina jobs is $7.2 million annually. Annual base salaries will vary
based on position and experience, but are estimated to average $70,000 to $120,000. When hiring
qualified personnel for the facility, Pembina will hire from the local labor pool in Portland and area.
Procurement Opportunities: local businesses will have the opportunity to provide services in a range
of areas related to the construction of the Project. once in operation, the facility is expected to incur an
annual $25-$30 million in operating expenses.
Economic Benefits: The Project will generate significant economic development opportunities in the
region. once in operation, the facility is estimated to generate approximately $12 million in annual
property tax revenue including an estimated $3.3 million to the City of Portland, $2.4 million to
Multnomah County and $3.1 million to Portland Public Schools annually.
Pembina has stated, as one of our corporate goals, to be a neighbor of choice. Portlands practice of
entering into Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) is well-known to us and we will engage with the
community on this opportunity when it is appropriate to do so.
Project is funded 100% by Pembina: The investment in this Project, the Port and
the community of Portland will be funded solely by Pembina and no taxpayer, or city
subsidies, will be requested.
abouT ProPane
Propane is derived from the natural gas used to heat your home. When natural gas is produced, it
typically contains a variety of associated hydrocarbons, water and other associated impurities. Natural
gas processing plants separate all of the various hydrocarbons and fluids from the pure natural gas
to produce what is known as pipeline quality dry natural gas. Among the natural gas liquids that are
separated in this process is propane.
Propane can be separated from the natural
gas liquids by raising the temperature and
separating the lighter ends (i.e. propane)
from the heavier components. It is similar
to boiling water and collecting the rising
steam. This separation process will be
completed at Pembinas Redwater Facility
in Canada, northeast of Edmonton,
Alberta, before shipping the propane to
the proposed facility in Portland.
Pembina receives its natural gas liquids from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WSCB)
in Alberta, not the oil sands deposits. The propane Pembina will ship is a product of natural gas
processing, not crude oil refining.
The process of refrigerating, or pressurizing propane, turns propane from a gas into a liquid, makes
it smaller in volume by 270 times and allows for easier transportation and handling. At our proposed
terminal, the propane will be received as a liquid, similar to how one receives propane in a barbecue
tank (about ten times atmospheric pressure and 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit). The propane temperature
would then be lowered to -44 degrees Fahrenheit and just a few pounds above atmospheric pressure.
At these conditions, the propane would look similar to water in a cup.
Methane (CH4)
Ethane (C2H6)
Propane (C3H8)
(shown in order
of abundance,
not to scale)
Butane (C4H10)
Nitrogen (N2)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
Helium (He)
(not in order
of abundance)
ProPane Safety
Propane is a safe product that most people are already familiar
with in their day to day lives. Propane-based barbeques are
common throughout north america and, in general, people
are comfortable handling their own refuelling needs. this
comfort exists because propane equipment and appliances
are manufactured to rigorous safety standards. Propane is a
stable fuel that can be safely stored in sturdy tanks for a long
period of time.
Propane has a narrow range of flammability when compared
with other petroleum products. It wont ignite when combined
with air unless the source of ignition reaches at least 940
degrees fahrenheit. In contrast, gasoline will ignite when the
source of ignition reaches only 430 to 500 degrees fahrenheit.
further, if liquid propane leaks, it doesnt puddle, but instead vaporizes and dissipates quickly into
the air. Being heavier than air, propane vapor can gather low to the ground if the volume released is
significant. Pembinas proposed facility will include safety measures such as gas monitoring equipment
and on-site detection systems.
envIronmental conSIderatIonS
Propane is clean burning and effectively competes with other fossil and renewable fuels on efficiency
and greenhouse gas emissions in many applications. Its simple chemical make-up allows it to burn
cleaner than coal, light and heavy petroleum fuels, ethanol, and even natural gas in some cases.
Propane gas is not harmful to soil and water, and is an approved, clean fuel listed in the 1990 U.S.
clean air act. the clean air act also notes that it meets the standards for reducing acid rain and
controlling air pollution in urban areas. Propane is not a greenhouse gas, and under federal and state
air quality regulations is not considered a criteria air pollutant or a hazardous air pollutant.
according to the environmental Protection agency (ePa), much of the sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere,
which produces acid rain, is attributable to coal-fired electricity-generating facilities. In contrast, neither
the process by which propane is produced nor the combustion of propane gas produces significant
acid rain contaminants.
ProPosed loCaTion
The Project would be located on land adjacent to the east
end of the Port of Portlands Marine Terminal 6 in North
Portland, on land that is already zoned for heavy industrial
use in the Rivergate Industrial District.
Pembinas safety culture Safety Starts with Me Zero By Choice is
fundamental to our operations. No job is too important that it cant be done
safely and anyone on a Pembina worksite is empowered to speak up, or stop a
job, if they feel conditions are unsafe.
our Safety, Environment & Security (SES) management system is the cornerstone of Pembinas success and is deeply embedded in our corporate culture.
We reinforce our commitment to excellence in SES in our daily operations
through the development of stringent standards, regular safety meetings, extensive contractor screening,
rigorous project inspection, review of potential hazards, and ensuring our operations meet or exceed
industry best practices.
We are working towards zero; Pembina believes all injuries and incidents are preventable. Thats why we
wont stop until we reach our goal of zero workplace incidents. To achieve this, we have a combination
of programs and procedures (which include our emergency response plans, discussed later) and an
incident reporting, tracking and investigation system.
Did you
Tracking safety statistics is just as important as measuring operating and financial performance. Its
a key part of our operations and allows us to see how were doing and where we need to improve.
Specifically, it gives us a benchmark to measure against in future years, it helps us analyze our current
results, and it gives us the information we need to identify potential opportunities for improvement. on
a regular basis, our field representatives, safety personnel and management teams review all incidents
that do happen, allowing us to understand the root cause and implement corrective and/or preventative
measures. We continue to work towards leading types of safety metrics to be more proactive in incident
The site will be attended 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with on-site personnel and automated
controls to detect and prevent any issues. The site will be monitored by gas and fire detection and
include emergency shut-down valves and equipment. Regular maintenance and inspection programs
will be undertaken to ensure the integrity of the equipment and piping on-site.
The refrigerated storage tanks will be steel, double-walled tanks (i.e. a tank within a tank) with
monitoring of the space between the tanks walls. A leak from the inner tank would be detected and
contained in the outer tank. The facility will have emergency shutdown valves isolating individual parts
of the terminal, as well as pressure relief and flare valves to route the propane to a flare stack, for a safe,
controlled combustion and release, in the unlikely event of a failure. In the event of a power outage and
the refrigeration compression was without power; the propane would slowly heat up, converting to a
gas (similar to water boiling off as steam) and similarly, be routed to the emergency flare stack for a
safe, controlled combustion and release.
Pembina will have its own emergency power (battery, plus diesel-driven generation) to supply power
to control systems, monitoring, lighting, emergency shutdowns, the flare stack and other key devices.
The facility would be shut-in under a controlled situation utilizing this emergency power. All propane
contained in rail cars, the unloading storage, refrigeration system and associated piping would remain
within those systems as the design will be able to contain these volumes.
12 | Pembina PiPeline CorPoraTion
seismiC ConsideraTions
An extensive geotechnical and seismic hazard investigation is currently being completed at the site. This
investigation includes over 40 explorations with some to over 150 feet in depth. The seismic hazards being
evaluated as part of the study include ground shaking, soil liquefaction, lateral spreading and seiches.
These investigations will provide mitigation recommendations to address the seismic hazards in the area
and suitably support the proposed structures at the design-level earthquakes, a magnitude-7 Portland
Hills Fault Zone earthquake and a magnitude-9 earthquake near the oregon Coast, as required by the
2012 International Building Code (IBC) and 2014 oregon Structural Specialty (Seismic) Code.
Post these design-level earthquakes, the design for the facility must ensure the structures will support
gravity load, damage that does occur doesnt prevent egress for occupants and the tanks will retain
containment capability.
The facility will meet all required regulatory standards to prevent any release of product. In preparation
for an emergency situation, the design for the facility will include safety measures such as:
monitoring equipment for pressure and temperature control;
shut down procedures to prevent pressures from exceeding the facility design;
emergency fire and gas detection equipment; and
pressure relief devices and emergency valves to route the propane to a flare stack where it can
be safely controlled.
The facility will be manned by skilled operators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to oversee the safe
operation of the facility and ensure proper safety and security protocols are enforced. In the unlikely event
of a fire, a chemical suppressant would be ineffective in controlling a propane-based incident. Pembina
and Portland Emergency First Responders would use water to cool and control such an incident.
In the unlikely event that liquid propane is released from a rail car, it would vaporize and dissipate into the
air; it would not pool. Rail cars are equipped with an emergency pressure release valve in order to relieve
pressure in the event of an incident which reduces the combustible nature of the gas while transported
in rail cars.
Pembinas Redwater rail yard is the largest in Western Canada, outside of the national rail carriers,
with over eight miles of track capable of holding 620 cars and a loading capacity of 70,000 barrels, or
approximately 2.9 million gallons (U.S.), of products daily.
our practice of safely handling our rail cars, during loading and unloading procedures at our Redwater
Facility, has earned Pembina repeated Safe Handling awards from the main rail carriers in Canada and
the United States. These achievements include:
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Safe Handling Award 14 years
Canadian National (CN) Safe Handling Award 9 years
CSX Chemical Safety Award 13 years
Canadian Pacific (CP) 2014 Shipper Safety Award
These awards are presented only to companies shipping a minimum of 600 carloads of chemicals and
hazardous products per year, without a non-accident release.
Pembina is planning to ship the propane via unit trains (trains of a single commodity), with a train
arriving at our proposed facility every two days. There is no further compression of the propane from
the pressurized rail car to the refrigerated storage tanks. In other words, the propane in the rail cars will
occupy the same volume as in the refrigerated tanks.
ProPosed PorTland ProPane Terminal | 13
In choosing a rail carrier for this proposed Project, Pembina is working to understand the rail companies
safety procedures and emergency response protocols, as well as the routes our product would travel.
This is very important to understand, as Pembina will want to work with a company that is devoted to
safe and reliable operations. To date, Pembina has not confirmed a rail transportation provider, or route,
for this Project. Pembina anticipates an answer to this question by mid-to-late 2015.
Pembina expects to use ships called Very large gas Carriers (VlgC) for this Project as they are
specifically designed to carry products such as refrigerated liquid propane. The ships may be up to 750
feet in length and carry up to 23 million U.S. gallons of propane with drafts of less than 39 feet, allowing
them to navigate the channel which is 43 feet deep.
The VlgC used to carry propane are double-hulled and constructed of low-temperature steel, specially
designed to handle the cold liquids being transported and each have their own refrigeration systems to
maintain the temperature of the product.
Pembina has been consulting with the U.S. Coast guard, as well as the Columbia River Pilots, on this
Project to better understand the Projects implications to marine traffic and safety. The U.S. Coast
guard will conduct a Waterway Suitability Assessment (WSA) for the Project that will assess safety
and security considerations for the Port, the facility and the proposed ship routes in U.S. waters. The
Coast guard will receive and review the project information and possibly establish what it refers to as
a Safety and Security Zone, for the facility.
Specifically, the Coast guard may impose a security zone of 500 yards in all directions from the vessel,
but this zone is applied at the discretion of the Coast guard. Entry into a security zone is allowed only
with permission and at the discretion of the Coast guard. In the event a security zone is established
under these regulations, the Coast guard will issue a local broadcast notice to mariners.
The Coast guard has established specific regulations for other similar facilities in other waterways.
Common requirements in these regulations include the provision of advance notice of upcoming safety
zone by the Coast guard to the marine community and most allow for access through the zone if
permission is requested and granted by the relevant captain of a port, or designate.
environmenTal managemenT
Pembina employs an Environmental Management System to minimize and manage the impact our
growth projects and operations have on the natural environment.
Pembina conducts environmental studies and assessments to determine the potential effects
operations may have on the soil, land, air, plants, wildlife and watershed. Detailed plans are developed
in consultation with local regulatory authorities, Tribal (First Nation) communities, landowners and
other stakeholders in order to minimize our environmental footprint. For example, we have installed
groundwater monitoring wells at many of our operating facilities. We use the annual or bi-annual
monitoring results from these sites to map trends, gain early indications of potential soil/groundwater
impact and identify appropriate or necessary remedial actions.
Measuring the effectiveness of our Environmental Management System by conducting regular
environmental audits is the key to continuous improvement. Every year at least one of Pembinas
operating areas is subject to a third-party environmental audit. Findings are integrated into our overall
Environmental Management System working towards achieving our company wide goal of zero incidents.
Pembina deploys environmental inspectors and specialists in the field during construction to assure
environmental compliance and assist in mitigating environmental concerns that may arise.
Bituminous Coal
Ehtanol (E85)
Natural Gas
Although natural gas (consisting primarily of methane) generates fewer Co2 emissions per British
Thermal Unit (BTU) than propane when burned, methane is a direct greenhouse gas when released
into the air. Propane, on the other hand, is not a greenhouse gas when released. The difference is in
how quickly propane, compared to natural gas, can be removed from the air by natural oxidation or
precipitation propane is removed from the atmosphere faster than it takes for it to have an impact on
the climate.
Did you
Complete combustion
of propane produces
clean water vapor and
carbon dioxide.
The facility is designed as a closed loop system which means that under normal conditions all propane
is retained within the equipment, piping and tanks; the propane is not vented to atmosphere or burned
at the site. The facility equipment is powered by electricity. Consequently, the proposed terminal will
have limited air emissions during normal operation and these would mainly be from heating of the small
office and shop space. The on-site flare will only be used during upset events, or for maintenance.
Pembina regularly trains for a variety of emergency situations ensuring our staff are prepared to
respond safely and effectively. We also engage local First Responders in exercises to educate them on
the products we handle and our respective roles to enhance our preparedness.
Corporate and Site Specific Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) are maintained for all Pembinas
facilities and products. These plans set out specific procedures and responsibilities to ensure an incident
is responded to safely and effectively. For every regulated ERP Pembina has in place, we are required
annually to test the plan by conducting an exercise appropriate to the facility and area operations.
We require our employees to have the skills they need to respond safely and effectively to an incident. We
do this through conducting tabletop scenarios and full-scale exercises. This training helps us minimize
potential impacts to the communities in which we operate, to the environment, and to our customers.
Pembinas Emergency Management Program is comprised of hazard and environmental assessments,
development of integrity programs and safe operating procedures. These same processes will be used
to develop a site-specific ERP for the Project site. Preparedness is addressed through continuous
planning and on-going communication and involvement with the public, local governmental agencies
and First Responders. If it was determined that local First Responders lacked equipment critical to
handling a potential incident on our site, Pembina would support the purchase of such equipment.
Pembina is currently conducting modeling studies for the facility to prepare its site-specific Emergency
Response Plan. An ERP is typically developed alongside the construction of a facility, not before.
on july 31, 2000 Pembina purchased a pipeline system and late on that same day the transfer of
ownership was finalized; a crude oil leak occurred about 56 miles upstream from the Town of Chetwynd,
British Columbia (B.C.) on the Pine River. Approximately 250,000 gallons of light crude oil spilled from
the pipe, with about half entering the Pine River.
Pembina assumed full responsibility for the incident; immediately implementing the Emergency
Response Plan. Full clean-up efforts lasted five months involving many local contractors and Aboriginal
First Nations (Tribal Communities). Fourteen months after the incident in the fall of 2001, Pembina
successfully received regulatory releases for the river cleanup.
In April 2004, Pembina received a letter from the B.C. Ministry of Environment advising that Pembina
had completed all the ordered actions with regard to the incident.
reCenT inCidenTs
In three separate pipeline incidents this year, the volume of the product (crude oil) released in each
incident, was less than two cubic meters (m), or approximately 528 gallons. The Alberta Energy
Regulator requires reporting of all product releases outside a companys operating lease, or property,
regardless of volume.
The first incident occurred on a customers valve site as a result of a faulty pump seal and the product
moved off the property as a result of the customers less-than-adequate containment dyke. As this
incident occurred during the winter, the product that migrated off-property was not discovered until
the snow melted in the spring. The remaining product was successfully cleaned-up. In the second
incident, the product remained on lease and although was less than the reporting threshold, Pembina
still chose to report the incident. The release was attributed to a faulty o-ring seal, which has been
replaced. The third incident was the result of a pipeline failure due to over-pressurization of the line
during a routine maintenance procedure. Although less than one cubic meter, or approximately 264
gallons was released, the product was not contained to Pembinas property and was therefore reported
to the regulator.
Regardless of size or location, incidents are reported, investigated, and analyzed to prevent recurrence,
and to improve Pembinas performance. Effective incident investigation, reporting, and follow-up
focuses on root causes and/or system failures. Corrective and preventative actions are then used to
reduce the potential for future similar events.
Glossary of Terms
dot 112
natural Gas liquids typically: methane, ethane, propane, butane and condensates
very large Gas carriers tanker ships designed to transport propane and similar products
measUremeNT CoNVersIoNs
1 liter
1 U.S. gallon
3.785 liters
1 barrel (petroleum)
42 U.S. gallons
1 tank car
1 unit train
Pembina values your input. If you have questions,
comments or want additional information please
contact us at:
Pembinas Toll-Free Project Line: 1-888-920-1979
Project Email:
www.printed in USa.