Unit-Ii Projection of Points & Lines Theory of Projections Projection Theory
Unit-Ii Projection of Points & Lines Theory of Projections Projection Theory
Unit-Ii Projection of Points & Lines Theory of Projections Projection Theory
Theory of Projections
Projection theory
In engineering, 3-dimensonal objects and structures are represented graphically on a 2dimensional media. The act of obtaining the image of an object is termed projection. The
image obtained by projection is known as a view. A simple projection system is shown in
figure 1.
All projection theory are based on two variables:
Line of sight
Plane of projection.
Plane of Projection
A plane of projection (i.e, an image or picture plane) is an imaginary flat plane upon which the
image created by the line of sight is projected. The image is produced by connecting the points
where the lines of sight pierce the projection plane. In effect, 3-D object is transformed into a 2D representation, also called projections. The paper or computer screen on which a drawing is
created is a plane of projection.
Projection Methods
Projection methods are very important techniques in engineering drawing.
Two projection methods used are:
Perspective and
Figure 2 shows a photograph of a series of building and this view represents a perspective
projection on to the camera. The observer is assumed to be stationed at finite distance from the
object. The height of the buildings appears to be reducing as we move away from the observer.
In perspective projection, all lines of sight start at a single point and is schematically shown in
figure 3. .
Distance from the observer to the object is finite and the object is viewed from a single
point projectors are not parallel.
Perspective projections mimic what the human eyes see, however, they are difficult to
Orthographic Projection
Projection Methods
Universally either the 1st angle projection or the third angle projection methods is followed for
obtaining engineering drawings. The principal projection planes and quadrants used to create
drawings are shown in figure 6. The object can be considered to be in any of the four quadrant.
Figure 6. The principal projection planes and quadrants for creation of drawings.
First Angle Projection
In this the object in assumed to be positioned in the first quadrant and is shown in figure 7 The
object is assumed to be positioned in between the projection planes and the observer. The views
are obtained by projecting the images on the respective planes. Note that the right hand side view
is projected on the plane placed at the left of the object. After projecting on to the respective
planes, the bottom plane and left plane is unfolded on to the front view plane. i.e. the left plane
is unfolded towards the left side to obtain the Right hand side view on the left side of the Front
view and aligned with the Front view. The bottom plane is unfolded towards the bottom to obtain
the Top view below the Front view and aligned with the Front View.
Figure 7. Illustrating the views obtained using first angle projection technique.
Third Angle Projection
In the third angle projection method, the object is assumed to be in the third quadrant. i.e. the
object behind vertical plane and below the horizontal plane. In this projection technique, Placing
the object in the third quadrant puts the projection planes between the viewer and the object and
is shown in figure 8.
Figure 8. Illustrating the views obtained using first angle projection technique
Figure 9 illustrates the difference between the 1st angle and 3rd angle projection techniques. A
summary of the difference between 1st and 3rd angle projections is shown if Table 1.
Figure 19 Differentiating between the 1st angle and 3rd angle projection techniques.
Either first angle projection or third angle projection are used for engineering drawing. Second
angle projection and fourth angle projections are not used since the drawing becomes
complicated. This is being explained with illustrations in the lecture on Projections of points
(lecture 18).
Symbol of projection
The type of projection obtained should be indicated symbolically in the space provided for the
purpose in the title box of the drawing sheet. The symbol recommended by BIS is to draw the
two sides of a frustum of a cone placed with its axis horizontal The left view is drawn.
Projection of Points
The position of a point in engineering drawing is defined with respect to its distance from the
three principle planes i.e., with respect to the VP, HP, & PP.
The point is assumed to be in the respective quadrant shown in figure 1(a). The point at which
the line of sight (line of sight is normal to the respective plane of projection) intersects the three
planes are obtained. The horizontal plane and the side planes are rotated so such that they lie on
the plane containing the vertical plane. The direction of rotation of the horizontal plane is shown
in figure 1 (b).
Figure 1(a). The relative positions of projection planes and the quadrants
Their front views are conventionally represented by small letters with dashes eg. p
Profile or side views are represented by small letters with double dashes eg. p
Figure 2. Showing the three planes and the projectionof the point P after the planes have been
rotated on to the vertical plane.
Point in the First quadrant
Figure 3 shown the projections of a point P which is 40 mm in front of VP, 50 mm above HP, 30
mm in front of left profile plane (PP)
Figure 3. Projection of the point P on to the three projection planes before the planes are
Figure 4 shows the planes and the position of the points when the planes are partially rotated.
The arrows indicate the direction of rotation of the planes. The three views after complete
rotation of the planes is shown in figure 2.
Figure 4. Projection of the point P on to the three projection planes after the planes are
partially rotated.
The procedure of drawing the three views of the point P is shown in figure-4.
Draw a thin horizontal line, XY, to represent the line of intersection of HP and VP.
To project the right view on the left PP, draw a horizontal projector through p to intersect
the 45 degree line at m. Through m draw a vertical projector to intersect the horizontal
projector drawn through p at p.
Figure 3. The projection of point P after complete rotation of the HP and PP.
Figure 4. The multiview drawing of the point P lying in the second quadrant.
Point in the Third quadrant
Projection of a point P in the third quadrant where P is 40 mm behind VP, 50 mm below HP and
30 mm behind the right PP is shown in figure 5.
Since the three planes of projections lie in between the observer and the point P, they are
assumed as transparent planes. After the point P is projected on to the three planes, the HP and
VP are rotated along the direction shown in figure 6, such that the HP and PP is in plane with the
VP. The orthographic projection of the point P lying in the third quadrant is shown in figure 7.
If A point is lying in the fourth quadrant, the point will be below the HP and infront of the VP.
The point is projected on to the respective projection planes. After rotation of the HP and PP on
to the VP, it will be observed that that the HP and VP are overlapping, similar to the second angle
projection. The multi-view drawing of objects in such case would be very confusing and hence
fourth angle projection technique is not followed by engineers.
Projections of lines
Straight line
A line is a geometric primitive that has length and direction, but no thickness. Straight line is the
Locus of a point, which moves linearly. Straight line is also the shortest distance between any
two given points.
The location of a line in projection quadrants is described by specifying the distances of its end
points from the VP, HP and PP. A line may be:
Projection of a line
The projection of a line can be obtained by projecting its end points on planes of projections and
then connecting the points of projections. The projected length and inclination of a line, can be
different compared to its true length and inclination.
Case 1. Line parallel to a plane
When a line is parallel to a plane, the projection of the line on to that plane will be its true length.
The projection of line AB lying parallel to the Vertical plane (VP) is shown in figure 1 as ab.
Draw a line XY which is the intersection between VP and HP. Draw the front view a'b' = 80 mm
perpendicular to the XY line, with the lower end b' lying 30 mm above the XY line. Project the
top view of the line which will be a point a(b) at a distance of 60 mm below XY line. Since the
line is 70 mm in front of the right PP draw the X1Y1 line at a distance of 70 mm on the right- side
of the front view.
Through O the point of intersection of XY and X1Y1, lines draw a 45 line. Draw the horizontal
projector through a(b) to cut the 45 degree line at m. Draw the horizontal projectors through a'
and b' to intersect the vertical projector drawn through m at a and b. ab is the left view of
the line AB.
Project the top view ab parallel to XY line. The top view is 80 mm in front of VP. Draw the X1Y1
line at a distance of 50 mm from b'. Draw a 45 line through O. Draw the horizontal projector
through the top view ab to cut the 45 line at m. Draw a vertical projector through m. Draw the
horizontal projectors through a' and b' to intersect the vertical projector drawn through m at a
and b. Connect a b which is the left side view.
Figure 5. Projections of line AB parallel to VP and inclined to HP.
Case 6. Line inclined to HP and VP
When a line is inclined to both HP and VP, the apparent inclination of the line to both the
projection planes will be different from the actual inclinations. Similarly the projected length of
the lines on to the planes will not be the same as the true length f the line. The following notation
will be used for the inclinations and length of the lines for this entire lecture series:
AB1 is the new position of the line AB when it is inclined at q to HP and parallel to VP. Project
AB1 on VP and HP. Since AB1 is parallel to VP, ab1, the projection of AB1 on VP is in true
length inclined at q to the XY line, and ab1, the projection of AB1 on HP is parallel to the XY
line. Now the line is rotated back to its original position AB.
Figure 2. Illustrates the locus of end B of the line AB when the line is rotated about end A
Project AB2 on HP and VP. Since AB2 is parallel to HP, ab2, the projection of AB2 on HP is in true
length inclined at f to XY line, and ab2 the projection of AB2 on VP is parallel to XY line. Now
the line is rotated back to its original position AB.
Step 3: Locus of end B in the front view
Referring to figure 2, when the line AB is swept around about the end A by one complete
rotation, while keeping the inclination of the line with the HP constant, the end B will always
be at the same vertical height above HP, and the locus of the end B will be a circle which appears
in the front view as a horizontal line passing through b'.
As long as the line is inclined at to HP, whatever may be the position of the line (i.e., whatever
may be the inclination of the line with VP) the length of the top view will always be equal to ab1
and in the front view the projection of the end B lies on the locus line passing through b1.
Thus ab1, the top view of the line when it is inclined at to HP and parallel to VP will be equal
to ab and b, the projection of the end B in the front view will lie on the locus line passing
through b1.
Step 4: Locus of end B in the top view
It is evident from figure 2, that when the line AB is swept around about the end A by one
complete rotation, keeping f the inclination of the line with the VP constant, the end B will
always be at the same distance in front of VP and the locus of the end B will be a circle which
appears in the top view as a line, parallel to XY, passing through b.
As long as the line is inclined at to VP, whatever may be the position of the line (i.e., whatever
may be the inclination of the line with HP), the length of the front view will always be equal to
a'b2' and in the top view the projection of the end B lies on the locus line passing through b2.
Thus ab2 the front view of the line when it is inclined at f to VP and parallel to HP, will be
equal to a'b' and also b, the projection of the end B in the top view lies on the locus line passing
through b2.
Step 5: To obtain the top and front views of AB
From the above two cases of rotation it can be said that
(i)the length of the line AB in top and front views will be equal to ab1 and a'b2' respectively and
(ii) The projections of the end B, (i.e., b and b) should lie along the locus line passing through b2
and b1 respectively.
With center a, and radius ab2 draw an arc to intersect the locus line through b2 at b. Connect ab
the top view of the line AB.
Similarly with center a', and radius a'b2' draw an arc to intersect the locus line through b1' at b.
Connect a'b' the front view of the line AB.
Draw the top view ab and the front view a'b' as given
Rotation of the top view: With center a and radius abrotate the top view to the new
position ab1 to make it parallel to the XY line. Since ab1 is parallel to the XY line, its
corresponding front view will be in true length and at true inclination.
Rotation of the front view: With center a' and radius a'b' rotate the front view to the new
position a'b2' parallel to the XYline. Since a'b2 is parallel to the XY line, its
corresponding top view will be in true length and at true inclination. In this position, the
line will be parallel to HP and inclined at fto VP. Through b draw the locus of B in the top
view. Project b2' to get b2, in the top view. Connect ab2 which will be in true length and
true inclination f which the given line AB makes with VP.
Draw the top view ab and the front view a'b' as given
Rotation of the top view: With center a and radius abrotate the top view to the new
position ab1 to make it parallel to the XY line. Since ab1 is parallel to the XY line, its
corresponding front view will be in true length and at true inclination.
Rotation of the front view: With center a' and radius a'b' rotate the front view to the new
position a'b2' parallel to the XYline. Since a'b2 is parallel to the XY line, its
corresponding top view will be in true length and at true inclination. In this position, the
line will be parallel to HP and inclined at fto VP. Through b draw the locus of B in the top
view. Project b2' to get b2, in the top view. Connect ab2 which will be in true length and
true inclination f which the given line AB makes with VP.
Traces of a line
The trace of a line is defined as a point at which the given line, if produced, meets or
intersects a plane.
When a line meets HP, (or if necessary on the extended portion-of HP), the point at which
the line meets or intersects the horizontal plane, is called horizontal trace (HT)of the line
and denoted by the letter H.
When a line meets VP (or if necessary on the extended portion of VP), the point at which
the line meets or intersects the vertical plane, is called vertical trace (VT) of the line and
denoted by the letter V.
When the line is parallel to both HP and VP, there will be no traces on the said planes.
Therefore the traces of lines are determined in the following positions of the lines.
The line when extended intersects HP at H, the horizontal trace, but will never intersect the
portion of VP above XY line, i.e. within the portion of the VP in the 1st quadrant. Therefore VP is
extended below HP such that when the line AB is produced it will intersect in the extended
portion of VP at V, the vertical trace.
In this case both horizontal trace (H) and Vertical Trace (V) of the line AB lie below XY line.
Figure 6 Vertical trace and horizontal trace of line AB which is inclined to both vertical plane
and horizontal plane.