Cengkok Manyura Gendher Barung

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Slendro Manyura

Seleh 1................................................................................................................................................. 1
Gantung .................................................................................................................................... 1
1/2 Gantung 1 ( 3 5 ) (Sriyatno, Srikaton, Wilujeng)........................................................ 1
Gantung 1 from 1 (Sriyatno) ........................................................................................... 1
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 1 gby from 1 ( 6 1 ) (Sriyatno).............................................................. 1
1 gembyang from 2 kempyung..................................................................................................... 1
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 2 ( 6 3 2 1 ) (Sriyatno) .............................................................. 1
1 gembyang from 3 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 1
Ayu Kuning 1 gby from 3 (. . 3 2 5 3 2 1 ) (Puspawarna, Sriyatno) ...................................... 1
Dualolo Besar 1 from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Srikaton) ..................................................................... 1
1 gembyang from 3 kempyung..................................................................................................... 2
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Puspawarna) (tanggung).......................................... 2
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Puspawarna, Wilujeng)........................................... 2
1 gembyang from 5 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 2
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 5 gby ( 3 2 3 1 ) (Bright World, lancaran) (tanggung) ................. 2
1 gembyang from 6 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 2
Dualolo Kecil (Cilik) 1 gby from 6 ( . 2 . 1 ) (tanggung) (Srikaton, Sriyatno) (Wilujeng
1/2 dualolo kecil dados).................................................................................... 2
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 6 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Srikaton, Sriyatno, Mugi.) (tanggung)...................... 2
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 6 kpy (. 2 . 1 ) (Pusp., Srik., Sriy.) ............................................ 3
Dualolo Kecil 1 gby from 6 ( 2 3 2 1) (Pusp., Sriy., Wil., Bond. (3 5 6 1 )) ......................... 3
1 kempyung from 6 gembyang..................................................................................................... 3
Dualolo Besar 1 kpy from 6 kempyung (5 6 5 6) (tanggung) (Bright World)....................... 3
Seleh 2................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 kempyung from 1 gembyang..................................................................................................... 3
Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( . 3 . 2 ) (tanggung) (Puspawarna)................................................. 3
Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( . 3 . 2 ) (Pusp., Sri.) ( 6 5 3 2 ) (Wil.) ............................................ 3
1/2 Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( 3 2 ) (Sriyatno, Wilujeng) ..................................................... 4
2 kempyung from 2 kempyung..................................................................................................... 4
Putut Gelut 2 kpy. from 2 kpy.( 6 i 2 i 6 5 3 2 ).................................................................. 4
2 kempyung from 6 gembyang..................................................................................................... 4
Putut Gelut 2 from 6 ( . 3 . 6 . 3 . 2 ) (Srik., Sri.)................................................................ 4
Putut Gelut 2 from 6 ( 3 3 . . 6 5 3 2 ) (Wilujeng)................................................................ 5
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 2 from 1 ( . 2 ) (Pusp., Srik., Sriy., Bondet) ........................................... 5
Ketuk Kuning 2 from 1 ................................................................................................... 5
Seleh 3................................................................................................................................................. 5
3 gembyang from 1 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 5
Kacaryan 3 from 1 ( 3 2 6 5 1 6 5 3 ) (Pusp.)...................................................................... 5
Seleh 3 kpy from 1 ( 2 3 ) (Wilujeng)............................................................................... 5
3 kempyung from 2 gembyang..................................................................................................... 6
Ketuk Kuning 3 kempyung from 2 gembyang ( 5 6 5 3 ) (Wilujeng) ..................................... 6
3 gembyang from 2 kempyung..................................................................................................... 6
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 3 ( 3 5 ) (Mugi.)................................................................................... 6
3 gembyang from 5 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 6
Tumurun 3 from 5 ( 1 6 5 3 ) (Mugi.).................................................................................. 6
3 gembyang from 6 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 6
Kacaryan 3 from 6 ( . 5 . 3 ) (Srikaton, Bondet (6 5 2 3)) ................................................... 6
Tumurun 3 gby from 6 ( 1 6 5 3 ) (Bright World, lancaran) (tanggung) ............................... 7
3 kempyung from 6 kempyung..................................................................................................... 7
Pipilan 3 from 6 ( . 2 . 3 ) (Pusp. dados ............................................................................ 7
Seleh 5................................................................................................................................................. 7
Gantung .................................................................................................................................... 7
Gantung 5 from 5 gembyang ............................................................................................ 7
1/2 Gantung 5 ( 5 ) (Srikaton) ......................................................................................... 7
5 gembyang from 1 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 7
Ora Butuh 5 from 1 ( 3 2 6 5 ) (Sriyatno) .......................................................................... 7
5 gembyang from 2 kempyung..................................................................................................... 8
Tumurun 5 gby from 2 kpy ( 3 5 6 5 ) (Bright World, ladrang) (tanggung)........................... 8

Tumurun 5 gby from 2 kpy ( 3 5 6 5 ) (Bright World, ladrang) (dados) ............................... 8

5 gembyang from 3 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 8
Dualolo Kecil 5 from 3 ( 6 1 6 5 ) (Mugi.) ......................................................................... 8
Seleh 6................................................................................................................................................. 8
Gantung .................................................................................................................................... 8
Gantung 6 from 6 gembyang ( . 6 ) (Puspawarna)............................................................. 8
1/2 Gantung (from different seleh) ( 6 6 ) (Sriyatno)....................................................... 8
Gantung 6 from 2 ( 6 6 . . ) (Wilujeng, Pusp.).................................................................... 8
6 gembyang from 1 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 9
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( 3 2 1 6 ) (Bright World, Lancaran) (tanggung) ..................................... 9
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (tanggung) (Srikaton, Sriyatno)............................................... 9
Tumurun 6 (tanggung)..................................................................................................... 9
Tumurun 6 (dados)......................................................................................................... 9
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (Dados) (Srikaton, Sriyatno, Wilujeng) ................................... 9
Nduduk 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (Sriyatno) ............................................................................... 9
6 gembyang from 2 kempyung..................................................................................................... 10
Tumurun 6 from 2 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Puspawarna, Wilujeng) .......................................................... 10
Nduduk 6 from 2 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Puspawarna).......................................................................... 10
6 gembyang from 3 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 10
Tumurun 6 from 3 ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng) (tanggung) ............................................................ 10
Tumurun 6 from 3 gembyang ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng) ............................................................. 10
Nduduk 6 from 3 ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng, Bondet)................................................................. 10
6 gembyang from 5 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 10
1/2 Dualolo Kecil ( 6 ) (Srikaton) .................................................................................. 10
6 gembyang from 6 gembyang ..................................................................................................... 11
Ketuk Kuning 6 from 6 ( i 5 i 6 ) (Wilujeng)................................................................... 11
6 gembyang ............................................................................................................................... 11
Ketuk kuning gembyang 6 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Pangkur) .................................................................. 11
General Manyura Formulas, Miscellaneous Notes................................................................................... 11
Buka ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Genderan Ladrang Srikaton, rebab buka with gender,..................................................... 11
Grambyangan ........................................................................................................................... 12
Miscellaneous Notes ................................................................................................................. 12

Seleh 1
1/2 Gantung 1 ( 3 5 ) (Sriyatno, Srikaton, Wilujeng)
. .
. . . .
1 . 2 1
.2 .1 2 1
------------- ------------. 1 . 32
1 1 1 1
Gantung 1 from 1 (Sriyatno)
. .
. . . .
. . . .
. . 2 1
.2 .1 2 1
.2 .1 2 1
----------- ----------- ----------. . . 32 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 32
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 1 gby from 1 ( 6 1 ) (Sriyatno)
. . .
6 1 6 2
6 1 2 1
----------- ----------.6 12 .2 .
.3 21 32 1
1 gembyang from 2 kempyung
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 2 ( 6 3 2 1 ) (Sriyatno)
Same as dualolo besar 1 from 6.

. . . .
.2 .1 2 1
----------1 1 1 1

1 gembyang from 3 gembyang

Ayu Kuning 1 gby from 3 (. . 3 2 5 3 2 1 ) (Puspawarna, Sriyatno)
Second 1/4 is 1/2 jarik kawung (or like tumurun), second half is dualolo besar. This is generally true for
all of the ayu kuning in this book.
. . . 6
. . . 1
6 . 6 1
. 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 21 6
. . 32 1
. 2 6 3
2 3 53 2
5 6 5 .
5 6 5 3
6 5 6 3
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 6 1
2 1 2 .
6 5 3 .
6 21 6 1
' ' '
Dualolo Besar 1 from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Srikaton)
6 1 6 .
6 1 6 3
6 5 6 .
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 3 5
6 1 2 .
. . .3 2
1 2 6 1
' '
----------Variation (quite standard):
1 21 6 1
Variation, also for last two gatra of Ayu Kuning:
6 5 6 .
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------. . .3 2
. 2 6 1
Variation (standard):
6 1 .6 .

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

1 gembyang from 3 kempyung

Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Puspawarna) (tanggung)
. . .
6 .5 6 2
6 1 2 1
----------- ----------.2 1 61 2
.3 21 32 1
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 3 ( . 2 . 1 ) (Puspawarna, Wilujeng)
Variation on cengkok also found in Gambirsawit in sanga.
6 5 6 . 6 1 6 3 6 1 .6 .
6 .5 6 1
---------- ---------- ------------------. . .3 2 1 2 6 . 3 . 3 5
6 2 6 1
' '
Variation, Dualolo Besar:
6 5 6 1
----------3 5 3 5
' ' ' '
1 gembyang from 5 gembyang
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 5 gby ( 3 2 3 1 ) (Bright World, lancaran) (tanggung)
6 1 6 3
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------.6 1 2 .
6 21 6 1
1 gembyang from 6 gembyang
Dualolo Kecil (Cilik) 1 gby from 6 ( . 2 . 1 ) (tanggung) (Srikaton, Sriyatno) (Wilujeng: 1/2 dualolo kecil dados)
. . .
. . . .
2 1 2 6
2 3 2 1
----------- ----------. 1 2 .
6 5 6 1
' ' '
. .
2 1 .2 6
---------- Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 6 gby. ( . 2 . 1 ) (Srikaton, Sriyatno, Mugi.) (tanggung)
5 6 5 3
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------. 1 2 .
6 21 6 1
5 6 5 3
----------6 1 2 .

page 4-2

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

6 5 6 1
----------6 21 62 1
Dualolo Besar 1 gby from 6 kpy (. 2 . 1 ) ( Sriy.)
5 6 5 .
5 6 5 3
6 5 6 3
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 6 1
2 1 2 .
6 5 3 .
6 2 6 1
' ' '
Dualolo Kecil 1 gby from 6 ( 2 3 2 1 (high)) (Pusp., Sriy., Wil., Bond. (3 5 6 1 ))
N.B. There is also a variation in Mugirahayu.
. . .
. . . .
2 1 2 6
2 3 2 1
6 5 6 2
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 1 2 .
2 53 2 3
.2 12 .2 .
.3 21 32 1
1 kempyung from 6 gembyang
Dualolo Besar 1 kpy from 6 kempyung (5 6 5 6) (tanggung) (Bright World)
5 6 5 3
----------. 1 2 .

6 5 6 5
----------6 21 6 1
Seleh 2

2 kempyung from 1 gembyang

Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( . 3 . 2 ) (tanggung) (Puspawarna)
6 .5 6 1
. 6 1 6
----------- ----------. 2 6 3
2 3 53 2
Variation (from Carter Scholz):
.6 . 6. 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------. 23 .3 .
.2 16 21 6
Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( . 3 . 2 ) (Pusp., Sri.) ( 6 5 3 2 ) (Wil.)
( 3 5 1 2; 6 1 3 2 ) (Mugi.)
. . . .
. . .
6 .5 6 1
5 6 1 6
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 2 6 3
.2 16 21 6
. 1 6 1
2 3 5 2
or -- 21
. .
. . . . .
1 2 .3 .2 3 2 1 6
----------- ----------. 1 6 1
2 3 53 2

page 4-3

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

Variation (to gong):

. . .
3 2 1 6
----------2 2 53 2
'' '
Variation, second beat (from Sutonto):
5 6 1 5 6 1 6
----------------.2.1 .6.2 .1. 6
Note: In this variation, which is one grouping long, the rh moves twice as fast as it usually does, and the LH
moves in imbal to it. It is quite fast.
Variation (from
.6 . 6 1
----------. 23 .3 .

Carter Scholz):
. . . .
. . .
5 6 1 6
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------.2 16 21 6
. 1 6 1
2 3 53 2
1/2 Jarik Kawung 2 from 1 ( 3 2 ) (Sriyatno, Wilujeng)
First half from tanggung, with last beat from dados.
. . .
6 .5 6 1
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------(or, L.H: 2 3 53 2)
. 2 6 3
2 3 5 2
2 kempyung from 2 kempyung
Putut Gelut 2 kpy. from 2 kpy.( 6 i 2 i 6 5 3 2 )
Manyura version of pg that occurs in Puspadenta. This is also used from 6 gby with a slightly different
beginning (see s9 under this cengkok).
. .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. 2 1 6
2 1 2 3
3 3 2 3
2 3 2 1
-------------------------------------16 .6 .6 .
2 1 6 3
. . 2 3
2 6 2 1
''' '
. . . .
2 1 3 2
6 1 6 3
5 3 5 .
5 3 5 6
-------------------------------------2 12 3 2
6 12 6 3
. . . 61
2 . 2 2
' '
Note: See variations in s9 (1 kpy from 1 kpy). This manyura version is simply transposed version of s9 cengkok.
2 kempyung from 6 gembyang
Putut Gelut 2 from 6 ( . 3 . 6 . 3 . 2 ) (Srik., Sri.)
( . 3 . 6 . 3 . 2 ) (Srikaton) ( 3 3 . . 6 5 1 2 ) (Sriyatno)
(Balungan nibani)
Garap note: This is very common balungan for pg. The second half is kk kpy 2.
3 3 3 3
6 5 6 1
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------3 . . .
. 1 2 3
. 5 3 5
6 1 2 6
' ' '
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . .
1 2 1 .
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6

page 4-4

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

----------. . 1 2

----------3 1 2 6

October 11, 2005

----------. 1 6 1

----------2 3 5 2

Putut Gelut 2 from 6 ( 3 3 . . 6 5 3 2 ) (Wilujeng)

(In Wilujeng, use the first half for tanggung) (Balungan mlaku) Only the second grouping is different from the
above pg 2 from 6. Last three quarters are same. Second half is kk kpy 2.
. . .
3 3 3 3
5 6 5 1
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------3 . . .
5 3 5 6
. 5 3 5
6 1 2 6
' ' ' '
' ' '
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . .
1 2 1 .
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 1 2
3 1 2 6
. 1 6 1
2 3 5 2
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 2 from 1 ( . 2 ) (Pusp., Srik., Sriy., Bondet)
. . . .
. . .
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------. 1 6 1
2 3 53 2
Ketuk Kuning 2 from 1
(From Carter Scholz) This is found elsewhere in this book, e.g see above
pg 2 from 6 (second half).
. .
. . . .
. . . .
. . .
1 2 .1 .
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 1 2
3 1 21 6
. 1 6 1
2 3 53 2
Seleh 3
3 gembyang from 1 gembyang
Kacaryan 3 from 1 ( 3 2 6 5 1 6 5 3 ) (Pusp.)
Garap note: common balungan for Kacaryan: (2 3 2 1 6 5 2 3)
. . .
. 2 . 6
. 1 . 2
. 1 3 2
----------- ----------- ----------. 2 . 6
. 1 . 2
. 1 3 2
5 6 5 .
5 6 5 3
----------- ----------. . 2 3
5 1 2 6
' '
Variation (second beat):
. .
1 .6 1 2
----------1 32 1 2

2 1 2 5
----------.5 35 .5 6
' '' ' '

6 5 3 2
----------6 5 3 5
' ' ' '
2 3 5 3
----------.6 53 65 3
' '' '' '

Also see Kacaryan variation, sanga.

page 4-5

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

Seleh 3 kpy from 1 ( 2 3 ) (Wilujeng)

6 . 6 1
6 5 6 1
----------- ----------. 2 1 2
3 . 3 3
3 kempyung from 2 gembyang
Ketuk Kuning 3 kempyung from 2 gembyang ( 5 6 5 3 ) (Wilujeng)
("High form")
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
2 3 2 .
2 3 2 6
2 1 2 .
2 3 2 1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 2 3
5 3 5 .
. . .6 5
3 5 2 3
For transition to Wilet: (. . 6 5)
Variation of second half, see Rambatan.
Garap note: There is no "low" form ketuk kuning for seleh 3 manyura for a gender that only goes to high 3. By
analogy with sanga, for a gender with high 5, the following might be ketuk kuning from seleh 2 gembyang,
or 3 or 5.
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
2 3
2 . 2 3 2 5
2 3 2 5
2 3 5 3
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . 2 3
5 2 3 1
. 2 1 2
3 5 65 3
3 gembyang from 2 kempyung
1/2 Ketuk Kuning 3 ( 3 5 ) (Mugi.)
2 3 2 5
2 3 5 3
----------- ----------.2 3 5 .
.6 53 65 3
' ' '
' '' '' '
3 gembyang from 5 gembyang
Tumurun 3 from 5 ( 1 6 5 3 ) (Mugi.)
3 .2 3 5
----------. 5 3 1
' '

. 3 5 3
----------6 1 2 6

2 1 2 5
----------.5 35 .5 .
' '' '

2 3 5 3
----------.6 53 65 3
' '' '' '
.6 53 .3 .
' '' '
----------- ----------.5 35 .5 .2 .1 23 12 3
' '' ' '
' '' '' '
These variations are extremely standard, and can be applied to many cengkok. Note that the penultimate
note, low 2, in the second variation, can be syncopated even further. For example, the 12 figure can be played
as a dotted eigth followed by a sixteenth, or a sixteenth followed by a dotted eighth, or it can be simply
omitteed. These basic syncopation and elaboration ideas can be applied to a great many cengkok in a great
many ways.
3 gembyang from 6 gembyang
Kacaryan 3 from 6 ( . 5 . 3 ) (Srikaton, Bondet (6 5 2 3))
Note: On a gender with high 5, this cengkok could be transposed up and used as kacaryan 5 from 1, perhaps
in sanga over a balungan like ( . 6 . 5 ),though it would sound quite high for sanga.
. . . .
2 1 3 2
6 5 3 2
5 6 5 .
5 6 5 3

page 4-6

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

----------2 1 3 2

October 11, 2005

----------6 5 3 5
' ' ' '
or -- 2

----------. 2 . 1

----------. 2 . 3

----------2 12 3 2

Variation, first
----------2 12 32 16
- or -

----------. 2 .1 2
' '
----------. 2 .1 2
' '
part, from Sutonto:
----------12 16 16 5
' ' '
----------12 16 216 5
' '

----------3 2 5 3
' ' ' '
----------6 1 2 3
' ' '


Tumurun 3 gby from 6 ( 1 6 5 3 ) (Bright World, lancaran) (tanggung)

5 1 5 .
5 1 5 3
----------- ----------. 5 . 65 3 3 3 3
'' ' ' ' '
3 kempyung from 6 kempyung
Pipilan 3 from 6 ( . 2 . 3 ) (Pusp. dados; Wilujeng, tanggung)
(Wilujeng, Asmar.: 2 1 2 3) (Asmar.)
5 . 1 .
6 . 6 1
----------- ----------. 3 . 1
2 53 2 3
Var. LH:

----------2 . 2 3
Seleh 5

Gantung 5 from 5 gembyang
. . 6 5
----------. . . 16

.6 .5 6 5
----------5 5 5 53
' ' ' ''

.6 .5 6 5
----------5 5 5 16
' ' '

.6 .5 6 5
----------5 5 5 5
' ' ' '

1/2 Gantung 5 ( 5 ) (Srikaton)

5 . 6 5
----------. 5 . 16

.6 .5 6 5
----------5 5 5 5
' ' ' '

page 4-7

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

5 gembyang from 1 gembyang

Ora Butuh 5 from 1 ( 3 2 6 5 ) (Sriyatno)
. . . .
2 1 3 2
6 5 3 2
3 5 3 6
3 5 6 5
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------2 1 3 2
6 5 3 2
. 3 2 3
5 6 1 5
' ' ' '
' ' '
' '
5 gembyang from 2 kempyung
Tumurun 5 gby from 2 kpy ( 3 5 6 5 ) (Bright World, ladrang) (tanggung)
This is a sanga cengkok, used also in Gambirsawit tanggung.
3 5 3 6
3 5 6 5
----------- ----------. 6 . 3
5 6 1 5
' '
Tumurun 5 gby from 2 kpy ( 3 5 6 5 ) (Bright World, ladrang) (dados)
This is similar to the same cengkok from sanga (used in Gambirsawit), but this version is more likely used in
manyura or nem.
3 5 3 6
3 5 3 2
----------- ----------. 6 . 3
6 5 3 2
' ' ' '
5 gembyang from 3 gembyang
Dualolo Kecil 5 from 3 ( 6 1 6 5 ) (Mugi.)
Same as pathet sanga, or this variation:
6 5 6 3
6 1 6 5
----------- ----------.5 6 .6 3
6 21 6 1
' '
' '

3 5 3 6
----------. 3 2 3
' ' '

3 5 6 5
----------5 6 1 5
' '

3 2 3 6
----------.6 56 .6 .
' '' '

3 5 6 5
----------.1 65 16 5
'' ' '

----------- ----------.6 56 .6 .3 .2 35 23 5
' '' ' '
' '' '' '
The above variation can be used for many cengkok. The simplest way to play the LH, last two groupings, would be
----------- ----------6 5 6 .
1 6 1 5
' ' '
Seleh 6
Gantung 6 from 6 gembyang ( . 6 ) (Puspawarna)
. . 1 6
.1 .6 1 6
.1 .6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------. . . 21 6 6 6 65 6 6 6 21
' ' ' '' ' ' '
1/2 Gantung (from different seleh) ( 6 6 ) (Sriyatno)
6 . 1 6
.1 .6 1 6
----------- ----------. 6 . 21 6 6 6 6
' ' ' '
Gantung 6 from 2 ( 6 6 . . ) (Wilujeng, Pusp.)

.1 .6 1 6
----------6 6 6 6
' ' ' '

page 4-8

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

First section of gantung from Puspawarna.

.1 .6 1 6
.1 .6 1 6
----------- ----------6 6 6 21 6 6 6 65
' ' '
' ' ' ''
6 gembyang from 1 gembyang
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( 3 2 1 6 ) (Bright World, Lancaran) (tanggung)
5 1 5 .
5 1 5 3
----------- ----------. 5 . 65 3 3 3 3
'' ' ' ' '
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (tanggung) (Srikaton, Sriyatno)
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------. 5 3 5
6 1 21 6
' ' '
----------Or, LH:
6 1 2 6
Tumurun 6 (tanggung)
From Carter Scholz
.6 .6 1 6
5 3 5 6
----------- ----------. 3 5 2
.1 6 5 6
Tumurun 6 (dados)
From Carter Scholz
. . .
.6 . 6 1
.2 .1 2 6
5 3 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 23 .3 .
5 3 5 2
.1 61 .1 .
.2 16 21 6
Tumurun 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (Dados) (Srikaton, Sriyatno, Wilujeng)
( . 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng)
6 . 6 1
. 6 1 6
5 3 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 2 6 3
2 3 5 2
.1 6 5 3
. 56 35 6
' ' '
'' '' '
Common variation for this cengkok and others like it. The last low 5, LH, is often syncopated slightly in
cengkok like this one, as could the first 2 of the second grouping.
Variation from Sutonto (second group):
. .
3.1. 2 . 6 1 6
---------------------.6.3 . 5 . 3 2
The above variation is for the second group. It is divided into four equal beats, which are, in the RH, as
follows ( 3.1. 2 . 6 1 6). In western rhythmic language, four sixteenths, two eighths, two eighths, and a
quarter. The first two beats are imbal between RH and LH.

page 4-9

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

Nduduk 6 from 1 ( . 2 . 6 ) (Sriyatno)

. .
. .
6 . 6 1
. 6 1 2
.3 . 2 3
----------- ----------- ----------. 2 6 3
2 3 5 2
.3 . 2 3
6 gembyang from 2 kempyung
Tumurun 6 from 2 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Puspawarna, Wilujeng)
5 .3 5 1
5 6 5 3
5 6 5 1
----------- ----------- ----------.1 6 1 .
. 5 65 3
. 5 3 5
' '' '
' ' '
Nduduk 6 from 2 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Puspawarna)

. .
. 2 1 6
----------.2 16 21 6
5 6 1 6
----------6 1 21 6

.1 .6 1 6
----------6 6 6 6
' ' '

. .
1 .6 1 2
----------1 32 1 2

. .
.3 . 2 3
----------.3 . 2 3

. .
. 2 1 6
----------.2 16 .6 .
' '
. .
. 2 1 6
----------.2 16 21 6

6 gembyang from 3 gembyang

Tumurun 6 from 3 ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng) (tanggung)
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------. 1 . 5
6 1 2 6
Tumurun 6 from 3 gembyang ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng)
6 5 6 .
6 5 6 1
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. . .3 2
1 2 6 1
. 5 3 5
6 1 2 6
' ' '
Nduduk 6 from 3 ( 2 1 2 6 ) (Wilujeng, Bondet)
( 5 6 1 6 ) (Bondet)
See Nduduk 6 from seleh 1, e.g Sriyatno.
. .
. .
. . .
(1) 5 6 1 6
1 .6 1 2
.3 . 2 3
1 2 1 6
(-) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------(3) .2 16 21 6
1 32 1 2
.3 . 2 3
.2 16 21 6
6 gembyang from 5 gembyang
1/2 Dualolo Kecil ( 6 ) (Srikaton)
. . .
1 6 1 5
1 2 1 6
----------- ----------. 6 1 .
5 3 5 6
' ' ' '

page 4-10

Manyura Cengkok (dados)

October 11, 2005

Variation, from Sutonto:

. .
. .
1 6 1 5
1.2. 3.2. 1 6
----------- ---------------. 6 1 .
.5.6 .1.6 5 6
' '
' ' '
This variation, which is just two groupings, should have a very flexible rhythm, perhaps a pause before
final gembyang (so speed up before).
6 gembyang from 6 gembyang
Ketuk Kuning 6 from 6 ( i 5 i 6 ) (Wilujeng)
("Low form")
5 6 5 .
5 6 5 1
5 6 5 1
----------- ----------- ----------. . 5 6
1 . 1 .
. 5 3 5
' '
' ' '
----------- ----------- ----------. . 5 6
1 5 6 3
. 5 3 5
' '
' ' '
' ' '
Variation from Suratno (for Wilujeng, dados, with
. .
. .
5 6 5 1
. 6 1 2
.3 . 2 3
----------- ----------- ----------. 1 . 3
2 3 5 2
.3 . 2 3

5 6 1 6
----------6 1 2 6
----------6 1 21 6
high balungan):
. .
. 2 1 6
----------. 2 1 6

Variation on the above, third beat:


. . ....
.3 .1 2123
----------.3 .1 2123

. .
.3 . 2 3
----------.3 12 12 3


6 gembyang
Ketuk kuning gembyang 6 ( . 1 . 6 ) (Pangkur)
From Carter Scholz, also see Tumurun 6 above.
5 6 5 3
56 16 .6 1
5 6 5 1
5 6 1 6
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------.1 26 12 .
. . 32 1
. 5 3 5
6 16 21 6
' ' '
General Manyura Formulas, Miscellaneous Notes
Genderan Ladrang Srikaton, rebab buka with gender,
General buka for manyura:
. 3 2

16 21(6)

page 4-11

Manyura Cengkok (dados)




October 11, 2005

. . . 1
----------. . 65 3
'' '

. 6 1 (6)
----------. 56 35(6)
'' '' '

. .
3 2 6 1
. . . 2
----------- ----------. . .3 .21
2 3 2

. . 3 .
--- ----------.16 5 6 . 53
' ' '

. . 1 .
23 . . . .
. . . .
----------- -- ----------- ----------2 3 .2 1
.23 . 1 2 3
. 3 3 3
' '
' '
' ' '
. .
5 6 1 2 6
-------------- -. . . . .
6 1 6
Variation, final: -------- -. . .
Miscellaneous Notes
Gantungan from different seleh often begin with pipil, as in:
1 . 6 .
----------. 1 . 3

page 4-12

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