Ac Circuits Handout and Tutorials
Ac Circuits Handout and Tutorials
Ac Circuits Handout and Tutorials
Heriot-Watt University
Sinusoidal wave
Square wave
Triangle wave
As ac waveforms appear to be so common we must first learn how to define the terms
involved prior to being able to analyse circuits operating with ac rather than dc.
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Generating ac
Before looking at the generation of ac waveforms we should recall some basic principles.
Consider the relationship:
E = Blu where E is the voltage generated by a wire, length l (m) passing through a magnetic
field of strength B at a velocity u (m/sec)
If we now consider a loop of conductor, AB, carried on a spindle, DD, rotated at a constant
speed in an anticlockwise direction in a uniform magnetic field created by the poles of a
magnet as shown.
Taking the A part of the loop at an angle to the horizontal, we can see that if AL represents
velocity u, then the horizontal component of this at angle is AM = AL sin.
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The maximum value of voltage generated is when the sine function is unity and gives:
Em = 2Blu volts
If the loop has a breadth of b meters and has N turns and the rotational rate is n revs/s, then
the circumference of the circle the loop makes is b meters and this gives a speed of bn
meters/sec so,
e= 2Bl (bn) sin volts and Emax = 2Bl bn volts
Noting the area of the loop to be A = bl gives for an N turn coil:
e = 2BAnN sin volts and Em = 2BAnN volts
Note that lower case letters are conventionally used for instantaneous values and that upper
case letters are used for definite values such as peak voltage.
Instantaneous value:
5. Peak Value:
6. Peak-to-peak:
7. Peak Amplitude:
8. Frequency:
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Sine and cosine waveforms are universally accepted as the fundamental alternating
waveforms associated with all aspects of electrical engineering theory. There are a number
of reasons for this: many practical systems, including the National Grid and radiocommunications systems, have essentially sinusoidal waveforms; sinusoids are readily
handled mathematically (trigonometric formulae) and through the application of Fourier
techniques all waveform shapes can be considered as composed of summations of sinusoids
of varying frequency, amplitude and phase; the natural response of many electrical and nonelectrical circuits is to generate a sinusoidal responses.
The sinusoidal and co sinusoidal waveforms can be best understood by considering them as
being represented by the horizontal and vertical projection of a rotating phasor. Imagine a
line rotating in an anticlockwise direction, so that its tip traces out a circle, as shown in
Figure 4.1.1. The resultant waveform is the plot sin () versus.
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Figure 4.1.3 Plot of sin versus showing the effect of the phase angle
The sine wave is an example of a periodic waveform. If the value of a periodic sine wave is
f (t1) at time t1 and is similar at times (t1 + nT), where n is an integer, then T is known as the
period or periodic time of the function. The frequency, f, of an alternating waveform is the
number of cycles that occur in 1 s. Frequency is inversely proportional to period.
Thus f = . The units of frequency are cycles per second or in SI units Hz.
From Figure 1.0.2, it is clear that one cycle is the same as 2 radians. The number of radians
produced in 1 s is (2) times (f), or = 2f rads-1. This is known as the angular frequency.
Now sin t is sine (angle) and angle has units of radians. Remember to set your calculator to
radian measurement!
The phasor shown in Figure 4.1.1 is a convenient mathematical model for sinusoidal
alternating waveforms and can be represented as v (t) = V exp. j (t + ) where V is the peak
voltage, is the angular frequency (rads-1) and is some reference phase angle. As (t) has
units of radians, so the phase angle , must also have units of radians. In Figure 1 the
magnitude of V was taken as unity. For convenience we refer to the horizontal (right-hand)
x-axis as the reference, i.e. a phase of zero degrees.
Now, v(t) = V exp. j(t + ) expands to give v(t) = V {cos (t + ) + j sin (t + )} hence a
cosine wave can be considered as Re{v(t)} and a sine wave the Im{v(t)}. The designations
real (Re) and imaginary (Im) are simply there to differentiate between the two directional
components. As alternating circuit theory is founded on phasors, i.e. a two dimensional coordinate axis system, mathematical manipulations must inevitably use complex number
In using the phasor as a mathematical tool to represent the sine and cosine functions we will
restrict ourselves (for the moment) to dealing only with linear circuits that have multiple
input and output phasors all of which rotate at the same angular frequency.
Multiple phasors can be frozen in time; it is only the relative phase between one phasor and
another that is of importance in ac theory.
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exponential form
exponential functions
rectangular form
complex numbers
V cos + jVsin
V.e j
= Re[e j ] + jIm[e j ]
Example 1:
v = Vp cos(t + v ) V = Vp / v
-30 o
V leads I leads I1
Example 2:
Given that y(t) = 1 sin (3141.6)t
a. the angular velocity
b. the frequency
c. the period of the waveform.
a. Comparing y(t) = sin 3141.6t with sin t, we see that the angular velocity, , is
3141.6 rads-1.
b. The frequency, f, is given by f = /2 = 3141.6/2 = 500 Hz.
c. The period of the waveform is the inverse of frequency, thus T = 1/f = 1/500 Hz = 2 ms.
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When we write V sin (t + ) we understand from the mathematics of this equation that its
waveform shape is sinusoidal, that it can be pictured as a phasor of magnitude V volts
rotating anticlockwise at an angular rotation of rads-1. But what about the phase term ()?
One interpretation is that the temporal waveform at t = 0 (?) has a value of sin (). But it is
usually phase difference that matters in electrical engineering; i.e. our interest lies in the
phase of one phasor relative to another.
When two waveforms have different phase angles, the one shifted farthest to the left is said to
lead the other. For example in Figure 4.3.1 we see two sinusoidal signals; the ac voltage is
shifted left by 30 and the ac current is shifted right by 45 . We can say that v (t) leads i (t)
by 75 . Alternatively it is equally correct to say that i (t) lags v (t) by 75 .
Figure 4.3.1
There is one other way of looking at Figure 4.3.1. Try to imagine the phasor equivalents at a
set point in time, say t = 0. The voltage has a positive value in the first quadrant of the
complex plane (+Re, +Im). The current has a negative value in the fourth quadrant
(+Re, - Im). Try drawing the phasors for v(t) and i(t)!
The complex plane is a rectangular co-ordinate system in which real numbers are plotted
along the horizontal (real) axis and imaginary numbers along the vertical axis.
Figure 4.4.1
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The representation (a + jb) is called the rectangular form of a complex number. Every
complex number can also be represented in polar form: y = M / where M is the magnitude
of y and is its angle.
Figure 4.4.2 Converting between the polar and rectangular forms of the
complex number.
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The range of frequencies used in engineering literally covers the frequency spectrum.
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(The Questions from this Tutorial are all drawn from Hughes Exercises 9 and 14)
1. An alternating current is represented by: i (t) = 10 sin 942 t amperes.
Determine (a) the frequency (Hz), (b) the period (sec), (c) the time taken from t = 0 for the
current to reach a value of 6 A for the first and second time.
(150 Hz, 6.7 ms, 0.7 ms (and 2.65 ms), 7.4 ms)
2. In a certain circuit supplied from a 50 Hz mains supply, the potential difference has a
maximum value of 500 volts and the current has a maximum value of 10 amps. At the instant
t = 0, the instantaneous values of the p.d. and the current are 400 volts and 4 A respectively,
both increasing positively. Assuming sinusoidal variations, state trigonometric expressions
for the instantaneous values of the p.d. and the current at time t. Calculate the instantaneous
values at t = 0.015 s and determine the angle of phase difference between the p.d. and the
(500 sin (314t + 0.93) volts, 10 sin (314t + 0.412) A, - 300 volts, -9.15 A, phase = 29.6)
3. Express in rectangular and polar notation the phasors for the following quantities:
(a) i (t) = 10 sin t amps; (b) i (t) = 5 sin (t - /3) amps; (c) v (t) = 40 sin (t + /6) volts
(10 +j0, 10/0, 2.5 - j4.33, 5/-60, 34.64 + j20, 40/30)
(b) 3 - j8.
Now add the two phasors (a) and (b). Express in both rectangular and polar notations.
Now subtract (b) from (a). Express in both rectangular and polar notations.
(11.2/26.5, 8.54/-69.4, 13 - j3, 13.34/-13, 7 +j13, 14.76/61.7)
5. Derive expressions in rectangular and polar notation for:
(a) 1/ (10 + j15);
(c) 1/ (50/20);
v3 (t) = 30 cos t;
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7. Two sinusoidal e.m.f.s of peak values 50 V and 20 V respectively but differing in phase
by 30 are induced in the same circuit. Draw the phasor diagram and find the peak value of
the resultant e.m.f.
(68 volts (8.45)
8. Two impedance's are connected in parallel to the mains supply. The first impedance takes
a current of 40A at a lagging phase angle of 30, the second takes a current of 30 A at a
leading phase angle of 45.
Determine the total current taken from this supply.
(55.9 A, 1.2)
9. Two circuits connected in parallel take alternating currents that can be expressed
trigonometrically as I1(t) = 13 sin 314t amperes and I2 (t) = 12 sin (314t + /4) amperes.
Sketch the waveforms of these currents. Determine the resultant of these currents.
(23.1 sin (314t +0.374) A)
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There are only three passive components, the R, L and C. We need to have an in depth
understanding of all three; after all they are all we have! We will start our analysis by
assuming that they are ideal devices.
The Resistor
Ohm's Law can be applied to an ac circuit containing a resistance to determine the ac current
in the resistance when an ac voltage is connected across it, see Figure 6.1.1. At every
instance of time, the current in the resistor is the voltage at that instant divided by the
resistance. Thus given a resistance (R) and a voltage v(t) = V sin t, the current is given by,
i(t) = sin t.
i(t) = V/R sin t
v(t) = V sin t
ac Power in a Resistor
You will recall that in a dc circuit power can be calculated using any of the three
relationships: VI, I2R and
Watts. In ac circuits both voltage and current are time-varying
quantities, and so therefore is power. The power at any instant, the instantaneous power, can
be computed using instantaneous values of voltage and/or current.
ac Power, p = v(t).i(t) = (V sin t)(I sin t) = VI sin2 t Watts
Now the sin2 t term can be viewed in two ways.
Firstly, although sin t goes both positive and negative, in the function sin2 t all such values
are squared, so the function is always positive. This is illustrated by Figure 1.1.1, which
shows the square of the current sine wave, I sin t. The waveform is positive going, has a
sin2 shape versus time and clearly has an average value. This average value for power is best
explained by taking the second approach to the sin2 term.
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Thus ac power, p = 0.5 VI = Vrms.Irms. = rms etc.
Whereas in the resistor the Voltage and Current are related by the linear relationship we call
Resistance (), for the Inductor (and the Capacitor) the situation is not so straightforward.
For an Inductor the voltage to current relationship is: V = L where V is the voltage across
the inductor and i is the current through the inductor.
So let us return to our basic circuit with a voltage v(t) = V sin t volts applied across an
inductor (L), Figure 2.0.1.
Both sides of the equation, V = L
must be I sin (t - /2), i.e.
must agree. If the voltage is sinusoidal then the current
V sin t = L
{-I cos t}
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{-I cos t} = I sin t
v(t) = V sin t
{-I cos t} = L I sin t
So the fundamental relationship between Voltage and Current for an inductor is L which
naturally has units of. L is known as the Inductive Reactance and is denoted XL.
So the key features for the Inductor are:
In an Inductor the Voltage LEADS the Current by 90 (It is perhaps worthy of note that
by convention for Inductive circuits we usually refer to the inductor as a LAGGING
circuit element i.e. we say Current LAGS Voltage. Please be content with either
The relationship between Voltage and Current is the inductive Reactance, XL = (L)
Power in an Inductor
The instantaneous power delivered from the supply, v(t), is given by:
ac power p(t) = v(t).i(t) = (V sin t). (- I cos t) Watts
Refer to the trigonometric identity: SinA cosB = 0.5[sin (A - B) + sin (A + B)]
Thus, p(t) = (V sin t). (-I cos t) = - 0.5VI [sin 2t] Watts
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During the time that the voltage and current are both positive the power p(t) is positive
and power and energy is delivered from the source to the Inductor and stored in the
magnetic field.
During the time that the voltage and current have opposite signs the power p(t) is negative
the stored energy is returned from the Inductance back to the source.
idt where V is the voltage
across the Capacitor and i is the Current through the Capacitor.
If we return to our basic circuit with a voltage v(t) = V sin t volts applied across a Capacitor
(C), Figure C1.
v(t) = V sin t
In a Capacitor the voltage LAGS the current by 90
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Both sides of the equation must agree. If the voltage is sinusoidal the current must be co
sinusoidal, i.e.
V sin t =
Now {I cos t.dt} =
idt = {I cos t.dt}
V sin t =
idt = {I cos t.dt} =
sin t
which is
the value of Capacitive Reactance is inversely proportional to Frequency
(See Figure 3.0.2)
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Power in a Capacitor
The instantaneous power delivered from the supply, v(t), is given by:
ac power p(t) = v(t).i(t) = (V sin t). (I cos t) Watts
Refer to the trigonometric identity: sinA cosB = 0.5[sin (A - B) + sin (A + B)]
Thus, p(t) = (V sin t). (I cos t) = 0.5VI [sin 2t] Watts
Now this is the same result (except for the change in sign) as for the Inductor. Again this is
not surprising as 90 infers the two quantities are orthogonal. Thus the perfect Capacitor
dissipates no power, taking energy from the power supply during part of the ac cycle and
returning it back to the source during another part of the cycle.
AC Theory has revealed the distinct differences between the three passive components. The
key facts are summarised in the following table.
v versus i relationship
Average Power
v versus i phase
Reactance ()
Reactance versus
angular frequency
This (j) thing?
v in phase with i
v LEADS i by 90 (/2)
v LAGS i by 90 (/2)
XL = (L)
XC =
inversely proportional
Table 6.4.1
Clearly in ac theory we need to take into account the phase angles of 90 between the voltage
and currents in the reactive devices and the zero phase shift in the resistor. The obvious way
to present this information is by using the complex plane. All we need is a reference datum!
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The universally accepted approach is to use the Real axis of the complex plane to represent
the current axis. This is an important fact to remember as in order to establish any rule-base
you must always remember to what you are referring.
By making the real axis a current reference we see that for the resistor (voltage in phase with
current) we can represent the phasors for voltage and current as both on the real axis.
Now for the Inductor, the voltage leads the current by 90. The (j) operator is of course just a
mathematical representation of a 90 anticlockwise rotation. Reference to current, the
inductor voltage is 90 ahead or + j. Thus we display Inductor voltage on the + j axis of the
complex plane.
Thus Inductive reactance becomes:
XL = j L
For the Capacitor, the voltage lags the current by 90. We thus display the Capacitor voltage
on the - j axis of the complex plane.
Thus Capacitive Reactance becomes:
XC = - j
The complex plane will from now on always be our means of handling currents and voltages
and resistance's and reactance's. The ac world is a world of complex mathematics (though
not necessarily computationally complexity!). This is the move that opens the way to explore
the whole big world of Electrical Engineering!
j|X L|
- j|X C|
Aide-memoire to voltage/currents/lead/lag/Inductor/Capacitor
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Impedance (Z)
In the previous section we saw that the Inductor and Capacitor have Inductive and Capacitive
Reactances of XL = j L and XC = - j
respectively. This led us to the concept of
complex impedances and the use of the complex plane.
Now very few circuits are pure R, L or C. Most circuits are combinations of these R, L and C
and either Series or Parallel or combinations of Series/Parallel circuitry.
The rules for series and parallel circuits are identical to those established in the dc circuits
part of your course. However the difference in the ac circuits is that all voltages and currents
must be treated as phasors.
Series ac circuits
The total impedance Z of a series circuit containing the three passive components, resistance
R, inductive reactance XL = jL, and capacitive reactance XC = -j (1/ C) can be found by
combining the phasor forms of each of these components on an impedance diagram, see
Figure 7.2.1.
j|X L|
j|X L|
- j|X C|
- j|XC|
Z = R + j(|X L| - |X C|)
j|X L| - j|XC|
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(VL - VC)
The voltage across the inductor vL leads the current i through it by 90 degrees
The current i in the capacitor leads the voltage vC across it by 90 degrees
The current i in a series circuit is in phase with the voltage across the resistor Vr .
The applied voltage e is the phasor sum of all the voltage drops in the circuit.
The angle between the applied voltage e and the current i is the same as the
angle of the total impedance of the circuit.
Series Resonance
The circuit, Figure 7.2.1 is a series R, L and C circuit. Consider this circuit connected to a
sinusoidal signal generator whose frequency can be varied over a wide range of frequencies.
As the frequency is increased, the magnitude of the inductive reactance increases according
to |XL| = L, whereas the magnitude of the capacitive reactance term decreases according to
|XC| = 1/ C. At some frequency, which we shall call fS, |XL| will have exactly the same
magnitude as |XC|. The frequency at which |XL| = |XC| is called the resonant frequency and at
this frequency (only) the circuit will have no reactance term and will thus be purely resistive.
This will be a situation where the circuit will have a minimum impedance (resistance) and
thus a maximum current. Since the voltage across the resistor is vr = iR, it also follows that
the voltage across the resistor will have a maximum value at resonance.
We will return to resonance in more detail later in the course.
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= (4 - j3) = 5 / -36.9
Total current I =
= 2036.9 Amps
5 36.9
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Parallel ac circuits
The fundamental difference between parallel a.c. circuits and series a.c. circuit theory is that
for the parallel circuit the voltage across each branch of the parallel circuit is identical. In
parallel a.c. circuit theory we have to obey Kirchhoffs current law, but once again, in phasor
format. Figure 7.3.1 illustrates the phasor current addition for a parallel RLC circuit.
(iC - iL)
Parallel Resonance
In a series circuit we said that at a certain frequency the capacitive and inductive reactances
cancelled leaving a circuit with only a resistive term. In the case of the parallel circuit we
will have a minimum current as the capacitive and inductive phasor currents cancel. Thus at
resonance a parallel circuit will have a maximum impedance (resistance).
We will return to resonance in more detail later in the course.
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I2 =
I3 =
10 36.9
Example: Parallel circuit
= 3.16418.43 = (3 + j1)
(0.3 j 0.1) (0.316 18.43)
= 15.89 18.43 amps
(3 + j1) 3.14618.43
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Norton and Thevenin circuit analysis is central to much future work in ac analysis. The
follow example is designed to remind the reader of how to handle these theorems in ac
Determine the Thevenin equivalent for the network below.
(Hughes: Example 15.8)
= 3.84 76.8
(6 + j8) + ( j 3) (7.8139.8) (7.8139.8)
(or (0.876 j3.73), which is a more correct units for ohms)
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9. For the network shown in Figure Q9 determine the current in XL. Use both superposition
and nodal analysis.
Figure Q9
(5.7 /- 58.6 A)
10. Determine the voltage V across the 10 resistor for the circuit of Figure Q10.
XL = + j 6
R2 = 4
(2 + j1)A
R1 =
(20 +J20) V
Figure Q10
(27.7 /35.3 volts)
11. Determine the Thevenin equivalent for Figure Q11.
Figure Q11
(22.4 /26.6 volts, (3.2 j4.4))
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12. Obtain the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits (a b) for Figure Q12a and Figure
Figure Q12a
Figure Q12b
(a) (V th = 5.59/26.4 volts, Z th = 6.76/68 , I th = 0.83/- 41 A)
(b) (V th = 11.4/- 85 volts, Z th = 8.26/- 15 , I th = 1.38/- 70 A)
R3 = 4.7k
R2 = 10k
R1 = 6.8k
XL =
Figure Q13
(0.18 /9.8 A)
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14. For the circuit shown in Figure Q14 determine the current I flowing in the 60 resistor.
Figure Q14
(0.33 /- 22.3 A)
15. Obtain the Thevenin equivalent at ba for the bridge circuit shown in Figure Q15.
Consider one end of the voltage source as a reference point.
Figure Q15
(V th = 0.33/169volts, Z th = 47.3/26.7 )
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Impedance relates voltage to current. If we only have resistance to deal with then impedance
would revert to being the simple case of Ohms law: V = IR.
However as we enter the ac complex impedance world impedance consists of both real and
imaginary parts (we are dealing with phasors). Remember j is just a 90 operator.
Z1.Z 2
( Z1 + Z 2 )
All the arithmetic operations in the above equation must be performed in phasor format.
An alternative approach often used in parallel circuits is to use not impedance terms but
admittance. The reciprocal of resistance R is called conductance G, and it has the units of
Siemens (S). Similarly, the reciprocal of reactance is called susceptance, B = 1/ X. There is
naturally inductive susceptance and capacitive susceptance.
and Z = , the relationship between current, voltage and admittance is i = e Y
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The total admittance is Y = (1/R + 1/jL + jC) which can be written as a complex number
G + jB where B in this case is (C 1/L). (Note the negative sign.)
I = V/Z or VY so I = V (1/R + j (C 1/L))
I1 = V/jL
I2 = V/R
I3 = VjC
The relationships between current and voltage in the components are exactly as before.
If = 1000 rad/s and R = 100, L = 100mH and C = 20F in the parallel circuit as above
find the supply current for an input voltage of 1000 /30 volts.
R = 100
XL = jL = j100
XC = -j(1/C) = -j50
YR = 0.01 S
YL = - j0.01 S
YC = +j0.02 S
Y = (1/R + 1/jL + jC) = (0.01 - j 0.01 + j 0.02) = (0.01 + j0.01) = 0.0141 /45 S
I = VY = 1000 /30 x 0.0141 /45 = 14.1 /75 Amps
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Tutorial: Admittance
Figure Q1 (a)
Figure Q1 (b)
(0.06 + j0.08 S, 0.087 j0.034 S)
Figure Q4
5. Determine the equivalent impedance Z and admittance Y for the four branch circuit shown
in Figure Q5:
Z1 = + j5, Z2 = (5 + j 8.66) , Z3 = 15 , Z4 = - j 10 .
Figure Q5
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6. If the total current I in Figure Q5 is 33 / -58 A, determine the supply voltage V and the
branch current in the 15 resistor.
(150 / 0 o V, 10 A.)
7. For the the circuit of Figure Q7 find a parallel circuit that will have the same total
impedance ZT.
(4k, - j4k)
Figure Q7
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