The Planets in Love

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The document discusses the significance of Moon signs in compatibility analysis and relationship attraction compared to Sun signs. It also outlines different categories (ganas) of Moon signs and their compatibility.

The document says that Moon signs are more significant than Sun signs in compatibility analysis as they indicate feelings of comfort, security, and unconscious attraction. The Moon shows who you feel attached and attracted to.

The document mentions three categories (ganas) of Moon signs - Deva, Manushya, and Rakshasa. It provides analysis of compatibility based on the ganas of both individuals' Moon signs.

The Planets In Love...

What Do The Planets and Bodies

Signify For Your Love Life
In astrology, every planet or body has some signification for your love life.
This "planets in love" page lists the planets and bodies with the corresponding
meaning for your love life.
Planets and bodies (the Lights, Arabic Parts etc.) are the actors who play in a
certain environment (the houses) with certain traits (the signs).
While we can never change the position of the planets and bodies in the signs (p
lanets in signs signify onborn traits that are related to the time of birth), we
can change environmental influences (which are based on residential influences
or the place of birth/residence).
So, changing the place of residence, may be able to alter the way one lives the
onborn traits.
When Talking About Sign Compatibility, Moon Signs Are More Significant than Sun
In popular Western astrology the Moon signs are rarely used to interpret how wel
l a couple matches. Simplified Western "astrology" is stuck with Sun sign compat
Neither the Moon signs nor any other planetary signs are taken into account.
Let's be serious for a moment...
if we know that the position of the Sun in the zodiac signs gives information ab
out the vital energy, willpower, the ego and the creative self-expression etc...
are these THE ultimate traits you're looking for in a mate? You must be kidding
Isn't it more important to feel comfortable and in sync with one another?
Isn't it more essential that your primary needs and your habits are compatible w
ith one another?
These (primary) feelings and instinctive needs for comfort and security are repr
esented by the position of the Moon.
We agree with Carol Allen's saying that compatibility is all about the Moon.
The Moon's placement indicates the area we feel comfortable and safe with, the t
hings we need to feel at home. The Moon brings us unconsciously to the things we
feel emotionally attached to.
This is the basic reason why we at Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) find the Moon
signs and its placement more important and significant than the Sun signs.
The Moon and the Moon signs will instinctively point to whom you feel attracted
and attached to.
So, the Moon's position is NOT about endurability, not even 'compatibility' as s
uch, but only unconscious attachment and attraction. After all, you can also be
attracted to Ms. or Mr. Wrong!
You may argue that the Moon signs are (again) just only ONE point in the horosco
pe and that there are other points....
At the risk of oversimplification, our point of view is just that the Moon and t
he Moon signs show the one you are attracted and attached to.
From all the planets only the Moon will take you to your Comfort Zone. That's al

l. So we will not neglect the other parts of the picture at all.

But first about the Moon!
How do you know or find the Moon signs and your Moon sign in particular?
You need your date and time of birth. So please check with your birth certificat
e from the place where you were born for the exact birth time (
you can see for yourself the importance of a correct time of birth).
If you have that information, go to the web site of Astrodienst AG in Switserlan
d to get your totally free birth chart (natal Chart Wheel) by clicking here (thi
s opens a new window).
Fill in all your data and print the wheel so you have it at hand.
Look at the position of the Moon (Moon sign) in the Chart Wheel.
This said, let's get back to our topic, the Moon signs.
We at Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) have done some research (in fact, we are co
ntinuously doing astrological research with the AstroDatabank) and we are convin
ced that in every astrological research about humans there should be made a diff
erence between men and women.
Both males and females have the same basic feelings, intentions, desires etc..,
but they totally differentiate in expressing these urges. These differences can
be found in the natal chart.
From our own research between male-female couples and love-relationships we can
present the following findings re the Moon signs.
The difficulty with such (research)projects is to find very accurate and detaile
d biographical information of people to search for (a) common denominator(s).
As an astrologer you rely on the information that your client gives you. But som
etimes this information is 'colored' or just false.
It's even more difficult to find the peculiar traits and habits of his/her partn
er/lover. By doing the necessary (astrological) research it's always better to l
ook as much as possible for undisputable "facts and figures."
What do the Moon signs tell about the one you are attracted to?
The table below will tell you. We delineate the the Moon's position making a dif
ference between male and female horoscopes. As soon as more results become avail
able, we will update the table.
Moon signs
Male horoscope
Female horoscope
Moon in Aries
attracted to inconstant lovers, taking instantly initiatives
attracted to (self-)starters, do-ers
Moon in Taurus
attracted to conventional, quiet, obstinate and strong lovers and domestic partn
attracted to businessmen
Moon in Gemini
attracted to intellectual, mental or shallow women
attracted to younger lovers/partners
Moon in Cancer
attracted to careful, tender and rather passive women
attracted to caring lovers
Moon in Leo
attracted to women who love children above all, generous women
attracted to playful men
Moon in Virgo
attracted to distinguished women
attracted to lovers who continuously have health-problems
Moon in Libra
attracted to subtly passionate, delicate and refined women
attracted to (very) tall men(!)
Moon in Scorpio
attracted to very sensual and self-willed women
attracted to men of power, complicated relationships

Moon in Sagittarius
attracted to sporting women,
women from a different origin
attracted to undomestic lovers, outdoorsy and high-minded lovers
Moon in Capricorn
attracted to broody, capricious and callous, responsible and patient women
attracted to older lovers/partner, formal partners
Moon in Aquarius
attracted to women with a (very) pale colour of the skin,
significant difference in age and/or origin,
wants unconventional and intellectual women, unrequited love, attracted to above
the average women
unrequited love, attracted to men of practical assistance to the native
Moon in Pisces
attracted to very sensitive persons, unselfish women seeing life through rose-ti
nted spectacles
attracted to very sensitive persons
Though this kind of research of a single condition (i.c. Moon signs) has some me
rit, we at Cosmic Technologies have found that some real good and more reliable
astrological aphorisms do NOT come from this kind of research.
This research is again kind of an oversimplification, the same we mentioned when
we discussed about the Sun signs, because there is only one planet/body, one fa
ctor or condition involved.
Instead, we should try to look for a chain of different astrological conditions
that are all present in the birth charts of the researched grouping.
You can compare it with a chemical formula we are looking for, though here it's
not the chemical substances that count but the corresponding and similar planeta
ry positions, planetary pictures and geometrical alignments.
Moon signs should (or could) be a single part of it.
Let's give an example:
We have found that in the birth chart of a woman (first condition), the Moon in
the sign Capricorn (2nd condition) in the 7th house - of the other, of the partn
ers - (3rd condition), this woman will almost certainly be attracted to (much) o
lder lovers, partners, men.
We have also found that in the birth chart of a woman (first condition), the Moo
n in the sign of Gemini (2nd condition) in the 7th house - of the other, of the
partner - (3rd condition), the opposite is true. This woman will very likely be
attracted to younger lovers, partners, men.
Though not infallible, these rules about Moon signs have amazed us over and over
. Still we should try to find more conditions to get better results.
But before we can find such results, we need a lot of data and biographical info
rmation and sometimes these data are not available.
We hope you understand that such research is quite time-consuming. It also needs
a very keen insight of the researcher and a most accurate deduction of the avai
lable information.
The Moon signs tell another story too. A story about how you relate to the outer
world, to your lover, friends and family.
In the table below you can find some general, but most important significations
re relating according to the position of the Moon in the zodiac signs.
Moon signs
Moon in Aries
Spontaneous, takes the initiative and the lead, self-centered, short and success
ive relationships/encounters, wants to undertake something with others, achiever
, competitive. Our own research has found that this Moon's position is a red fla
g re infidelity in both male and female natal charts.
Moon in Taurus
dependent, clings to others, passive and reticent, meek, often feels depressed t
hrough others, relating can be a stressful experience, rather wants to be left a

lone, easily influenced by others

Moon in Gemini
spontaneous, has numerous relationships at the same time, needs a lot of encount
ers, influenced by others, difficult to pin down
Moon in Cancer
Achiever and competitive in relationships, other people easily come to the nativ
e, passive, others bring the native in tears easily, wants to undertake somethin
g with others
Moon in Leo
dependent, takes the initiative, self-centered, wants to undertake something wit
h others, clings to others
Moon in Virgo
stressful relationships, feels depressed through others, rather wants to be left
alone, spontaneous, hesitates in relationships, meek and often servile
Moon in Libra
spontaneous, takes the initiative, needs a lot of encounters, competitive in rel
ationships, influenced by others
Moon in Scorpio
dependent, others can bring the native in tears, others easily come to the nativ
e, wants to undertake something with others, bides his or her time, emotionally
clings to others
Moon in Sagittarius
spontaneous, takes the initiative, self-centered, wants to undertake something w
ith others, outdoorsy
Moon in Capricorn
depressive through others, meek, influenced by others, stressful relationships,
rather wants to be left alone, very competitive
Moon in Aquarius
dependent, influenced by others, clings to others - especially in the mind
Moon in Pisces
spontaneous, wants to undertake something with others, others come to the native
, very creative
The Moon in the houses can bring a slight difference in the meaning of the Moon
signs by combining both meanings. In the table below you can read the delineatio
ns for the Moon in the Houses.
The Moon in the houses
Moon in 1
always wants to give a sympathetic impression
Moon in 2
very clingy in relationships
Moon in 3
very difficult to pin down
Moon in 4
very dependent on others, clingy, softy
Moon in 5
loves children, needs children
Moon in 6
mostly relating to co-workers
Moon in 7
very stylish, wants to be liked, fashionable, heart-warming in relationships, kn
ows extremely well how to behave and to sell oneself, females with this position
easily twist males round their little finger
Moon in 8
fearful and anxious in relationships, extreme morals, moralizing in relationship
s, emotional frustrating position
Moon in 9
fanatic towards others, flies out easily at others
Moon in 10

wants to be loved in a general and public way, personal relations can be a frust
rating experience
Moon in 11
not overly spontaneous
Moon in 12
position of isolation and loneliness, very sensitive and helpful towards others
Another way to assess the Moon signs is noting in which house and sign the Moon
is posited. The Moon can be in either a cardinal, fixed or mutable house as well
as in a cardinal, fixed or mutable sign.
Take a look at the table below for an overview:

Moon in CARDINAL signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Moon in FIXED signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Moon in MUTABLE signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
Moon in CARDINAL houses (1, 4, 7 or 10)
(too) spontaneous, very impulsive (acts on impulses), competitive, power issues,
goal-oriented, takes the initiative, impatient, egotist
knows what (s)he wants, over-stressed, always called upon, wants stability in a
competitive environment, holds on to the partner, (unfulfilled) longings, posses
sive, materialistic
cannot cope with standards of others, lots of changes in home & career, cannot l
ive alone, needs "a partner", adaptable, spontaneous, religious, very idealistic
and/or philosophical, very sociable, takes the moment, needs a caring/understan
ding love, interest in human relationships, a thinker, has an opinion
Moon in FIXED Houses (2, 5, 8 or 11)
career-minded, competitive, very productive, charming, feels inhibited or limite
d, tends to overcompensate, bossy, over-doing, life events cause competitive beh
avior, may be aggressive
feels fenced in or boxed in and dependent, sticks to the lover, extremely attach
ed (for good or bad), fixed habits, possessive, persistent, cannot let lose, fru
strating position, heaps of disappointment in love, can seldom blossom in love,
cannot unfold, unable to get out of (destructive) relationships
cannot stand obligations & restrictions, does not want a boring environment, may
be reckless and careless, ambivalent, creative, needs a partner, wants to impre
ss or shine in the environment
Moon in MUTABLE Houses (3, 6, 9 or 12)
adaptable, spontaneous, conflict-oriented, needs superficial contacts, outspoken
, wants to propagate or educate
lives in the own world to feel secure in an unstable/changing world, the rock in
the wild seas, life does not go/unfold as planned/anticipated, denies/rejects e
verything that upsets stability & secure feelings, may feel rejected, possessive
, materialistic, insecure feelings between ages 48-54 because of outer changes i
mposed upon the native, enforced changes, often lives in survival mode
unstable relationships, may take risks, careless, needs changes, creative, canno
t sit still, always on the move, the wanderer, rational
In this part we have been analyzing the Moon signs in the single birth chart of
men and women.
But in fact we should compare the respective Moons (and Moon signs) of both part
ners to see if they sense the same basic emotional needs and feelings.
It's only when the respective Comfort Zones match well that emotional understand
ing and relating is possible.
So let's compare both Moon signs and see what makes Moon signs compatible.
If You Want Agreeable Relationships Go For Moon Sign Compatibility
Now, let's talk about Moon sign compatibility for a moment, one of the most negl
ected parts in Western compatibility analysis.
It's a misconception, this time among astrologers, that the Moon is more importa

nt in women's horoscopes than in men's.

This is absolutely wrong.
The Moon is the most significant pointer to everything that women AND men alike
are (unconsciously and) emotionally attracted and attached to!
The gender is absolutely of no importance here, though the outcome for men and w
omen may sometimes be different.
The position of the Moon will tell you something about whom or what trait you fe
el attracted to. The Moon will bring you to your Comfort Zone, remember?
As far as we know, there are not much books in the English language about Moon s
ign compatibility.
Renown Vedic astrologer Carol Allen has very interesting things to say about it
in her Right Man Report: Compatibility is all about the Moon. She favors and adv
ocates the Sidereal Zodiac, not the tropical one.
A very well-written article from Nancy Cassidy appeared under the title 'The lun
ar Factor' in Intimate Relationships.
The other book we know of that mentions the Moon signs, comes from the hand of J
acqueline Bigar and is entitled Women and Their Moon Signs.
In this book, Jacqueline Bigar combines the Moon position with the Sun position,
describing 144 relationship options. Though it seems that the author has writte
n this book for women only, men too can gain some insight by reading it.
Michael Geary has written a most interesting book (Moon Astrology for Lovers) on
Moon Astrology for Lovers too.
When the respective Moons are in signs of a different element (remember the desc
ription we gave under the sign compatibility ? - This opens a new window -) chan
ces are that both partners do not feel comfortable with each other.
So, it's best to have the respective Moons in the same or a compatible element.
This is one of the major conditions to talk about Moon sign compatibility.
But, as it goes, you will certainly know of people whose respective Moons are in
compatible signs, possibly even making a harmonious aspect (sextile or trine) w
ith one another, and who were not attracted to one another.
Indeed, as we stated, Moon sign compatibility is more important than Sun sign co
mpatibility, but there are numerous other factors to take into account too.
And some of them DO overrule the Moon signs! We will discuss them when we talk a
bout (love and) compatibility horoscopes.
So far, we have only dealt with Western astrology which is more Sun (sign) direc
ted, whereas Vedic astrology is primarily directed to the Moon (lunar zodiac).
It seems that the lunar zodiac contains the origins of astronomy and astrology s
ince the ancients first looked for the Moon to determine the months and the seas
So it was with the Celt's Druidic priests, the Indian (Hindu) astrologers, the C
hinese, the ancient Arabic and Babylonian societies.
In their book Perfect Match : Discovering Your Soulmate, Anistatia Miller and Ja
red Brown cite an old Irish verse that exemplifies the Moon's importance to roma
Moon, Moon, tell unto me,
when my true love I shall see.
What fine clothes am I to wear?
How many children will I bear?
For if my love comes not to me,
dark and dismal my life will be.
The Moon takes about 27 or 28 days to tour the zodiac, dividing the zodiac in 27
-28 parts or lunar mansions of 1320' (called Nakshatras in Vedic astrology).
These Nakshatras (Moon mansions) are one of the most important factors in Vedic
astrology for showing temperamental traits, human interactions and Moon sign com
patibility readings, the same way we use Sun sign astrology in the West.
However, the Vedic Nakshatras are more detailed, personalized and thus more valu
There is only one thing you MUST know before you start looking for the Moon mans
ion in your horoscope.

Vedic astrology does not work with the tropical (Western) zodiac, but with the s
idereal zodiac. This means that you have to subtract approximately 23 from your t
ropical natal chart (as given by Astrodienst AG!)
If you don't have software calculating the sidereal zodiac and don't want to rec
alculate the planetary positions to study Moon sign compatibility, you can find
a wonderful tip further on this page that saves you work and time.
One of the better (Vedic) Moon sign compatibility or lunar compatibility systems
, called the Kuta point system, compares the natal Moon Nakshatras of the partne
As this is a very very complicated system, assigning points to various factors,
we cannot delve deeper into this topic on this web site.
However, if you're really interested in it, you'l need Dr. B.V. Raman's book Muh
urtha (Electional Astrology).
Better still, are Vedic software programs that can calculate (and interpret) the
Moon sign compatibility scores in a snap.
Especially Kla beats all other programs when it comes to Moon sign compatibility
and general relationship analysis! This software gives all the necessary interpr
etations too. Goravani Jyotish (this opens a new window/tab) is a good second ch
In India there is a tradition of consulting a family astrologer to provide guida
nce and assistence to analyze the marriage potential of the children.
The above mentioned Kuta system is by far the most common system, although it is
so complicated.
Just remember that the Moon's position (Nakshatra) is one of the key factors in
Hindu astrology when it comes to (marital) compatibility and Moon sign compatibi
Below you can find a table with the positions of the Moon in the (27) different
lunar mansions (Nakshatras) with the respective meanings, but please, remember t
hat the Moon's positions are calculated according to the sidereal zodiac!
Though the below mentioned descriptions are quite accurate, they may, at times,
disappoint you too.
The reason is that Vedic astrologers further devide these Nakshatras into four s
ubdivisons (called Padas) related to the four daily positions of the Sun (sunris
e, midday, sunset and midnight).
It's this finer division that gives astounding information BUT, unfortunately, a
nd as to our knowledge, there is no English translation of these meanings, so we
are unable to give them here.
Moon's Sidereal position
0-1320' Aries
passionate, positive outlook, dynamic, horse-lovers, arrogant, marriage between
the ages of 26-30, good-looking and charming, fond of movement
Deva (Devine)
1320'-2640' Aries
strong sexual desires, small family, materialistic, struggle, excessive
Manushya (Human)
2640' Aries -10 Taurus
strong libido, high personal aims, goal-setter, determined, attached to the moth
er, seductive, fond of the spouses of others
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
1000'-2320' Taurus
romantic, affectionate, very critical of others, trouble with the parents, very
creative, jealous, trouble with early marriage, beautiful body

Manushya (Human)
2320' Taurus - 640' Gemini
self-doubt, close attatchment to the mother, trouble making a commitment, percep
tive nature, trouble with business partners
Deva (Divine)
640'-2000' Gemini
intense and enthusiastic, static and critical of others, always waits (too long)
, suffering, delays or difficulties in marriage and insincerity
Manushya (Human)
2000' Gemini-320' Cancer
generous, changes residence often, fear of commitment, traveller, critical, trou
ble in marriage but better for women
Deva (Divine)
320'-1640' Cancer
stable and easygoing, good family life, spiritual mature, wise, charitable
Deva (Divine)
1640'-3000' Cancer
self-reliant, sexual, uncomfortable in the company of strangers, trouble in earl
y marriage, mystical
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
000' Leo - 1320' Leo
sensual, voracious sex drive, prefers to be served, strong ego, succesful
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
1320'-2640 Leo
Purva Phalguni
marital happiness, generous, high authority, zest for life, vanity
Manushya (Human)
2640' Leo - 1000' Virgo
Uttara Phalguni
very intelligent, high self-opinion, family unity, good for marriage, co-depende
nt, varied love-life
Manushya (Human)
1000'-2320' Virgo
resourceful, impatient and conservative, manipulative, quick friendships but det
Deva (Divine)
2320' Virgo - 640' Libra
sexually magnetic, self-indulgent, moves far from home, tends to condescend towa
rd others, beautiful body, trouble in marriage for women, forced situations
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
640'-2000' Libra
Svati or Swati
quiet, lives far from the birthplace, slow, independent, trouvble with marriage
Deva (Divine)
2000' Libra - 320' Scorpio
purposeful, little patience, enjoys arguments and debate, intelligent
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
320'-1640' Scorpio
family-loving, shy in public, troublesome situations, bouts of depression, jealo
us, always hungry, moves from place often

Deva (Divine)
1640'-3000' Scorpio
cheerful, irascible, competitive, many job changes
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
000'-1320' Sagittarius
marriage causes problems, fixed mind, charitable, troublesome situations
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
1320'-2640' Sagittarius
extroverted, independent, lucky in love, over-expansive, agreeable spouse, (very
) fickle
Manushya (Human)
2640' Sagittarius - 1000' Capricorn
genereous, be aware of enemies, trouble with early marriage, over-active or lazy
, sexual incompatibility
Manushya (Human)
1000'-2320' Capricorn
most intelligent, happy marriage far from the birthplace, fame, charitable, libe
ral-minded spouse, (very) private
Deva (Divine)
2320' Capricorn - 640' Aquarius
courageous, aggressive nature, marital confrontations, several marriages, fond o
f music
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
640'-2000' Aquarius
private, unobtrusive nature, lonely, restrained, spiritual
Rakshasa or Asura (Demonic)
2000' Aquarius - 320' Pisces
sensual, changes residence often, talented, hard worker, cynical, nervous
Manushya (Human)
320'-1640' Pisces
eccentric, ethical, shy and fickle, self-sacrificing, fortright, happy marriage,
likes children
Manushya (Human)
1640'-3000' Pisces
sensual, loves people, fulfillment through marriage, very social, beautiful body
, loves animals, separations and transformation
Deva (Divine)
Though there are different systems that can be used for Moon sign compatibility
(and that are part of the Kuta system), we will only refer to the Gana System (C
ategory system) that compares the Nakshatras of the respective partners.
When your and your partner's Moon's position are in compatible Nakshatras i.e. i
n the same Gana, you will find that you both are at ease with one another. Here
we can even talk about an excellent Moon sign compatibility.
When the man's Moon occupies a deva gana nakshatra and the woma's moon a manushy
a gana nakshatra, Hindu astrologers speak of a goodMoon sign compatibility.
When the woman's Moon occupies a deva gana nakshatra and the man's moon a manush
ya gana nakshatra, Hindu astrologers talk about anaverage Moon sign compatibilit
When the man's Moon occupies a rakshasa gana nakshatra and the woman's Moon is i
n a manushya gana nakshatra, Hindu astrologers speak of bad Moon sign compatibil

ity or just incompatibility.

The same is true when the woman's Moon is in a rakshasa gana nakshatra and the m
an's Moon occupies a manushya gana nakshatra.
When the man's Moon is in a deva gana nakshatra and the woman's Moon is in a rak
shasa gana nakshatra there also is bad Moon sign compatibility or even incompati
When the woman's Moon is in a deva gana nakshatra and the man's Moon occupies a
rakshasa gana nakshatra there also is bad Moon sign compatibility or just incomp
The Moon sign compatibility table above can also be applied to the respective as
cendants of the partners/couple. In fact this may give an additional idea about
the total compatibility and can even enhance the overall Moon sign compatibility
. We encourage you to try this out!
However, when it comes to a total compatibility analysis, the Hindu astrologers
do look at quite a lot of other factors too to compare marital compatibility (na
vamsha, position of 7th house, position of venus and mars etc...).
Since we are only talking about Moon sign compatibility here, we will not go fur
ther into this matter.

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