Nuclear Energy Nucleus Atom Universe
Nuclear Energy Nucleus Atom Universe
Nuclear Energy Nucleus Atom Universe
slower and more controlled the reaction will be. Removing the
rods will allow a stronger chain reaction and create more
About 15 percent of the worlds electricity is generated by
nuclear power plants. Nations such as Lithuania, France, and
Slovakia create almost all of their electricity from nuclear power
Nuclear Food: Uranium
Uranium is the fuel most widely used to produce nuclear energy.
Thats because uranium atoms split apart relatively easily. Its
also a very common element, found in rocks all over the
world. However, the specific type of uranium used to produce
nuclear energy, called U-235, is rare. U-235 makes up less than
one percent of the uranium in the world.
Although some of the uranium the United States uses is mined in
this country, most is imported. The U.S. gets uranium from
Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan. Once
uranium is mined, it must be extracted from other minerals. It
must also be processed before it can be used.
Because nuclear fuel can be used to create nuclear weapons as
well as nuclear reactors, only nations that are part of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) are allowed to import uranium
or plutonium, another nuclear fuel. The treaty promotes the
peaceful use of nuclear fuel, as well as limiting the spread of
nuclear weapons.
A typical nuclear reactor uses about 59,000 metric tons (65,000
tons) of uranium every year. Complex processes allow some
uranium and plutonium to be re-enriched or recycled. This
reduces the amount of mining, extracting, and processing that
needs to be done.
More than 100,000 people were relocated after the disaster, but
the number of human victims of Chernobyl is difficult
to determine. The effects of radiation poisoning only appear after
many years. Cancers and other diseases can be very difficult to
trace to a single source.
Future of Nuclear Energy
Nuclear reactors use fission, or the splitting of atoms, to
produce energy. Nuclear energy can also be produced
through fusion or joining (fusing) atoms together. The sun,
for instance, is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion
as hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium. Because all life on our
planet depends on the sun, you could say that nuclear fusion
makes life on Earth possible.
Nuclear power plants do not have the capability to safely and
reliably produce energy from nuclear fusion. Its not clear whether
the process will ever be an option for producing electricity.
Nuclear engineers are researching nuclear fusion, however,
because the process will likely be safe and cost-effective.
plant, except for the source of the heat used to create steam. But
as that source can emit harmful levels of radiation, extra
precautions are required.
A concrete liner typically houses the reactor's pressure vessel and
acts as a radiation shield. That liner, in turn, is housed within a
much larger steel containment vessel. This vessel contains the
reactor core, as well as the equipment plant workers use to refuel
and maintain the reactor. The steel containment vessel serves as
a barrier to prevent leakage of any radioactive gases or fluids
from the plant.
An outer concrete building serves as the final layer, protecting the
steel containment vessel. This concrete structure is designed to
be strong enough to survive the kind of massive damage that
might result from earthquakes or a crashing jet airliner. These
secondary containment structures are necessary to prevent the
escape of radiation/radioactive steam in the event of an accident.
Nuclear Fission
If a massive nucleus like uranium-235 breaks apart (fissions), then
there will be a net yield of energy because the sum of the masses
of the fragments will be less than the mass of the uranium
nucleus. If the mass of the fragments is equal to or greater than
that of iron at the peak of the binding energy curve, then the
nuclear particles will be more tightly bound than they were in the
uranium nucleus, and that decrease in mass comes off in the form
of energy according to the Einstein equation. For elements lighter
than iron, fusion will yield energy.
The fission of U-235 in
reactors is triggered by
the absorption of a low
energy neutron, often
termed a "slow
neutron" or a "thermal
neutron". Other
fissionable isotopes
which can be induced
to fission by slow
neutrons are
uranium-233, and
Uranium-235 Fission
In one of the most
phenomena in nature,
a slow neutron can be
captured by a uranium235 nucleus, rendering
it unstable toward
nuclear fission. A fast
neutron will not be
captured, so neutrons
must be slowed down
by moderation to
increase their capture
probability in fission
reactors. A single
fission event can yield
over 200 million times
the energy of the
neutron which
triggered it!
Uranium Fuel
Natural uranium is composed of 0.72% U-235 (the fissionable
isotope), 99.27% U-238, and a trace quantity 0.0055% U-234. The
0.72% U-235 is not sufficient to produce a self-sustaining critical
Fissionable Isotopes
While uranium-235 is the naturally occurring fissionable isotope,
there are other isotopes which can be induced to fission by
neutron bombardment. Plutonium-239 is also fissionable by
bombardment with slow neutrons, and both it and uranium-235
have been used to make nuclear fission bombs. Plutonium-239
can be produced by "breeding" it from uranium-238. Uranium238, which makes up 99.3% of natural uranium, is not fissionable
by slow neutrons. U-238 has a small probability for spontaneous
fission and also a small probability of fission when bombarded
with fast neutrons, but it is not useful as a nuclear fuel source.
Some of the nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington and the
Savannah-River Plant (SC) are designed for the production of
bomb-grade plutonium-239. Thorium-232 is fissionable, so could
conceivably be used as a nuclear fuel. The only other isotope
which is known to undergo fission upon slow-neutron
bombardment is uranium-233.
Uranium Enrichment
Natural uranium is only 0.7% U-235, the fissionable isotope. The
other 99.3% is U-238 which is not fissionable. The uranium is
usually enriched to 2.5-3.5% U-235 for use in U.S. light water
reactors, while the heavy water Canadian reactors typically use
natural uranium. Even with the necessity of enrichment, it still
takes only about 3 kg of natural uranium to supply the energy
needs of one American for a year.
Uranium enrichment has historically been accomplished by
making the compound uranium hexaflouride and diffusing it
through a long pathway of porous material (like kilometers!) and
making use of the slightly higher diffusion rate of the lighter U235 compound. There have been tests of centrifugal separators,
but modern efforts are directed toward laser enrichment
The uranium fuel for fission reactors will not make a bomb; it
takes enrichment to over 90% to obtain the fast chain reaction
necessary for weapons applications. Enrichment to 15-30% is
typical for breeder reactors.
Uranium Diffusion Enrichment
To produce the highly enriched uranium-235 needed for the
development of nuclear weapons, a huge diffusion plant was built
during World War II at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Two other massive
plants for uranium enrichment were built at Paducah, KY and
Portsmouth, OH after the war. The compound uranium
hexafluoride was produced and allowed to diffuse through
thousands of stages of porous material, making use of the fact
that the slightly lighter U-235 compound would diffuse faster than
the U-238 compound. While electric power reactors require only
enrichment from the 0.7% of natural uranium ore to about 3% U235, the weapons applications required enrichment to over 90%
U-235. Part of the enriched uranium was used to breed plutonium239 for the more widely used plutonium devices.
Heavy Water Reactors
Nuclear fission reactors used in Canada use heavy water as the
moderator in their reactors. Since the deuterium in heavy water is
slightly more effective in slowing down the neutrons from the
fission reactions, the uranium fuel needs no enrichment and can
be used as mined. The Canadian style reactors are commonly
called CANDU reactors.
Heavy water (D2O) is 10% heavier than ordinary water and has a
neutron moderating ratio 80 times higher than ordinary water. As
of January 2002, 32 of the 438 nuclear reactors in operation
around the world were of CANDU type.