Graphene On Fiber

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A Novel Method for Large Area Graphene Transfer on

the Polymer Optical Fiber
Impact Factor: 1.56 DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2012.5857 Source: PubMed




Atul Kulkarni

Hyeongkeun Kim

Sungkyunkwan University

Korea Electronics Technology Institute





Rashid Amin
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Available from: Rashid Amin

Retrieved on: 04 December 2015

Copyright 2012 American Scientic Publishers

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Printed in the United States of America

Journal of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Vol. 12, 39183921, 2012

A Novel Method for Large Area Graphene Transfer

on the Polymer Optical Fiber
Atul Kulkarni1 2 , Hyeongkeun Kim3 , Rashid Amin4 , Sung Ha Park2 4 ,
Byung Hee Hong5 6 , and Taesung Kim1 4


School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea

Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
Electronic Materials and Device Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Seongnam 432-816, Korea
Sungkyunkwan Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Center for Human Interface Nano Technology (HINT), Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea

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We develop two simple methodsthe
coat Kwan
and lift-off methodsto transfer large area,
Sung dip
high quality graphene lms onto the IP
top: and
of the polymer optical ber. The graphene
lms can be synthesized using chemical vapor deposition method on large Cu foils. After synthesis,
Sun, 09 Dec 2012 09:12:48
the graphene lms are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy
and Raman spectroscopy. The polymer optical ber probe with the transferred graphene lm can
be used as a chemical sensor for the detection of various organic aerosols.

Keywords: Graphene, Transfer, Polymer Optical Fiber, Sensor, Chemical Vapor Deposition.

Carbon is one of the most abundant chemical elements and
present in all known life forms. Carbon atoms bound in
a two-dimensional honey-comb lattice built from benzene
rings is known as graphene. Graphene is one of promising
candidates for device and sensor applications because of
its superior physical and chemical properties, which are
often valid to bilayer and few-layer graphenes.1 Graphene
is a strong, stiff and impermeable to gas, transparent and
suitable for food grade materials.2 Two dimensional at
graphene has been investigated theoretically for more than
60 years.3 Since graphene is the basic material for threedimensional graphites, one-dimensional carbon nanotubes
and zero-dimensional bucky balls, its properties were predicted in theory for long before any experiments.
Fiber optic sensors (FOS) are very attractive in
bio-chemical sensing applications due to their unique
characteristics such as small size, light weight and high
exibility. FOS operation is based on either direct or
indirect sensing mechanisms. In the rst mechanism, the
intrinsic optical properties of the analyte are measured, for
example its refractive index, absorption, or emission; in the
second mechanism, the color or uorescence of an immobilized indicator, label, or any other optically detectable

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.


J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2012, Vol. 12, No. 5

bioprobe is monitored. Advanced methods, most notably

evanescent wave,47 laser-assisted spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) are fascinating research
elds in the modern sensor research and development.814
In some other cases FOS has an integrated biochemical transducer system, where FOS changes its optical
properties upon interaction with the specic analyte. The
transduction reagent can be immobilized directly on a
membrane, which is held against the optical ber. The
other option is the reagent can be bonded directly to the
optical ber itself or a thin layer of a reagent containing
polymer is bonded onto the ber. In some other systems, a
transducer reagent is placed on the ber, where the reagent
acts as the cladding or the core of the ber optic device
itself. Normally cladding is removed and replaced by a
thin layer of the reagent phase which serves as an internal
reection element. The reagent interacts with the incident
radiation through the evanescent wave which penetrates a
small distance into the cladding. For ber optic biosensors,
various immobilization techniques have been applied to
the ber, including adsorption to solid supports, covalent
attachment and entrapment in polymers but the promising one is the solgel technique.1517 Due to the porous
nature of the solgel network, entrapped species remains
accessible and can interact with external chemical species
or analytes.18 However, a solgel based sensor has a certain disadvantage; chemical and biological properties of


Kulkarni et al.

A Novel Method for Large Area Graphene Transfer on the Polymer Optical Fiber

the entrapped species may change in the solgel glass due

to reduced degrees of freedom and interaction with the
inner surface of the pores.19 20



Fig. 1. Transfer process owchart of CVD synthesized large area

graphene on to DI water surface.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12, 39183921, 2012

The large area CVD synthesized graphene lm oating

on the DI water is ready for further transfer process on
the POF. Two types of graphene transfer approaches are
carried out for graphene deposition onto two different
POF surfaces. For the rst approach, the graphene lm is
transferred on the end face of the POF as shown in the
Figure 3(a). Before transferring of the graphene lm, the
ber end is cleaved with a precision cleaver and polished
to obtain a uniform, plane cross section. Then, the POF
is vertically immersed at a constant rate on the oating
graphene lm and slowly taken out of the water. When
the POF core touches the oating graphene, the graphene
lm splits outside the core area and the graphene below
the core attaches to the core due to the surface tension.
The graphene remains attached on the POF even after the
core is taken out from the water. Finally air is blown on
the distal end of the POF to remove the excess water
droplets on the POF and dried in the oven at 50  C for
10 minutes. For bilayer graphene lm deposition, this process is repeated. The AFM image of transferred graphene
lm is depicted in Figure 3(b) and the fabricated POF
probe with graphene lm at the end face can be used as
ber optic reectance sensor (FORS) for biochemical sensor applications as shown in Figure 3(c). The actual SEM


Described herein are simple methods for transferring single to multilayered CVD synthesized large area graphene
onto various surfaces of the POF having core diameter
of 980 m for biological and chemical sensing applications. The large-area single and a few-layers of graphene
sheets are synthesized by CVD of methane gas on Cu
foils at 1000  C, as described in Ref. [21] and consequently, and are deposited on a predened location on the
Fig. 2. Raman spectra of monolayer and bilayer graphenes. Inset shows
POF as a sensitive membrane. Figure 1 summarizes the
AFM image of representative graphene.
steps of the graphene (GP) transfer process onto the deionized (DI) water surface. After the synthesis of GP on Cu
AFM image in Figure 2 inset shows multilayer islands
by CVD, the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 5 wt% in
with few to:
defects. As the GP layer is transferred two times,
chlorobenzene, is spin-coated at 3000 rpm and
incubated by Ingenta

foil isKwan University of the G mode peak and 2D band peak
at 180 C for a few minute. The underlying
increase together, but their ratios do not change signifetched using 0.5 M aqueous ammonium peroxodisulfate
IP :
because of random orientation of the hexagonal
Sun, 09 Dec
GP 2012
((NH4 2 S2 O8 ). Subsequently, the PMMA supported
the upper and the lower layer. Hence, the origilm is then transferred onto the DI water surface to facilnal
of each monolayer remains unchanged even
itate the transfer of the GP lm onto the POF.
are stacked. The optical transmittance
Mostly GP lms are single- or bi-layers based on Raman
approximately 2.2 to 2.3% for each
spectra analysis, as depicted in Figure 2. However, an
additional transfer, implying that the average thickness is
approximately that of a monolayer.

A Novel Method for Large Area Graphene Transfer on the Polymer Optical Fiber

Kulkarni et al.

graphene oating on the DI water surface. Then the ber

is slowly lifted out of the water as the graphene transfers onto the unclad portion of the POF, as depicted in
Figure 4. Then the POF with the transferred GP lm was
kept in the oven at 50  C in order to remove the excess
water. Diluted acetone treatment is applied to remove the
thin PMMA layer on the GP lm and the POF is ready
to use as a biochemical sensor probe based on evanescent
wave principle.


In the present study, we have demonstrated the large
area synthesis of graphene lm using CVD and alternative transfer processes of graphene onto the top and side
faces of the POF. The fabricated sensor probes can be utilized in various chemical and bio sensor applications. For
instances, the graphene transferred POF end face can serve
Fig. 3. (a) Process for large area graphene lm transfer on the POF end
as a reectance probe which can detect organic vapor as
face, (b) the surface topology image of transferred graphene
lm acquiredby Ingenta to:
a chemical sensor and the graphene transferred POF side
by AFM, (c) the application of transferred graphene Sung
on the end
face of
can act as a sensitive membrane which can detect
the POF for a reectance probe, and (d) actual SEM image of graphene
lm transferred on the end face of the POF.
various proteins as a bio sensor. The proposed method
Sun, 09 Dec 2012
help to extend exploration of graphene through optical
image of graphene at the end face of the POF is shown in
interrogation of biochemical species.
Figure 3(d).
For the second approach the optical ber is congured
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the
in the evanescent wave type sensor, in which the transNational Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
ferred graphene lm serves as a sensitive clad for the
by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
PMMA core of the POF. Before transferring or deposit(2010-0015035) to T. Kim, (2011K000615) to B. H. Hong,
ing the graphene layer on the POF core, the original clad
and (2011-0031392: Priority Research Centers Program)
was removed carefully shown in Figure 4. Subsequently,
to S. H. Park.
the removed clad portion of the POF is placed below the

References and Notes

Fig. 4. Process for large area graphene transfer on the POF as a sensitive clad fabrication with the actual microscopic image.


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Received: 12 June 2011. Accepted: 15 January 2012.


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