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Graphene-Based Semiconductor Heterostructures
for Photodetectors
Dong Hee Shin ID
and Suk-Ho Choi *
Department of Applied Physics and Institute of Natural Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 17104, Korea;
* Correspondence: sukho@khu.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-31-201-2418

Received: 29 May 2018; Accepted: 11 July 2018; Published: 13 July 2018 

Abstract: Graphene transparent conductive electrodes are highly attractive for photodetector
(PD) applications due to their excellent electrical and optical properties. The emergence of
graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures provides a platform useful for fabricating
high-performance optoelectronic devices, thereby overcoming the inherent limitations of graphene.
Here, we review the studies of PDs based on graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures,
including device physics/design, performance, and process technologies for the optimization
of PDs. In the last section, existing technologies and future challenges for PD applications of
graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures are discussed.

Keywords: graphene; photodetector; transparent conductive electrode; hybrid heterostructure

1. Introduction
A photodetector (PD) is a device for detecting light, the underlying mechanism is conversion
of light to an electrical signal called a photocurrent (PC). PDs are used in a wide range of academic
and industrial fields, including image sensing, optical communications, environmental monitoring,
and chemical/biological sensing [1–3]. In PDs, usually made of inorganic or organic semiconducting
materials, incident photons are absorbed and subsequently electron-hole pairs are generated, thereby
producing PC. PDs are classified mainly as photodiodes, photoconductors, and phototransistors.
Despite increasing reliability of the fabrication processes, their high cost/complexity and the large
driving voltage of PDs have limited the diffusibility, compatibility, and versatility of PDs for broad
applications and new technologies. In order to solve these problems, many studies have focused
on how to develop simple processes for high-performance PDs, especially by using transparent
conductive electrodes (TCEs) such as metal nanowires (NWs) [4,5], conducting polymers [6],
carbon nanotubes [7,8], and graphene instead of metal or transparent conducting oxide electrodes.
Among them, graphene is recognized as one of the next-generation TCEs, as explained below.
Firstly, the extremely high carrier mobility of graphene enables ultrafast conversion of photons or
plasmons to electrical signal, which is highly desirable for high-speed photodetection [9,10]. Secondly,
the tunable electrical and optical properties of graphene, such as carrier densities, band alignments,
and polarities, via chemical or electrostatic doping offer great flexibility for optimizing the performance
of graphene-based optoelectronic devices [11,12].
A wide variety of optoelectronic devices based on graphene are still being studied, and some
of them have already reached a level of competitiveness comparable to conventional semiconductor
devices [13,14]. However, single-layer graphene has low light absorbance (only 2.3%) in the ultraviolet
(UV) to near infrared (NIR) region and short light-matter interaction length, unfavorable for light
harvesting applications [15,16]. In addition, the ultra-short lifetime of excitons in pure graphene
resulting from its gapless nature also leads to fast carrier recombination, which limits the efficient

Micromachines 2018, 9, 350; doi:10.3390/mi9070350 www.mdpi.com/journal/micromachines

Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 2 of 29

production of PC or photovoltage [17,18]. Graphene itself can act as an absorber in ultrafast and
ultra-broadband detectors, but the sensitivity of graphene-based detectors is relatively low, not suitable
for most practical applications.
The emergence of the graphene/SiC interface in 2009 [19] as the prototype of
graphene/semiconductor heterostructure has attracted much attention due to the expected synergistic
properties of the two materials. Afterwards, the rapid development of graphene transfer techniques
has led to a wide variety of unique designs for the functionality of the device geometry based on
graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures. Unlike other detector structures, the best feature
of graphene/semiconductor junctions is the adjustable Schottky barrier height, useful not only for
understanding the interface transport mechanism, but also for adjusting the device functionalities.
Recent studies have shown that graphene/semiconductor interfaces/heterojunctions are efficient for
generation, separation, and transmission of photocarriers, thereby exhibiting new features in their
optoelectronic applications [20–23]. A broad review of recent developments in this area will not only
offer new insight into light–matter interactions, but it will also help inspire future nontraditional
next-generation detector designs.
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown graphene was first employed in graphene/Si
heterojunctions, resulting in 65% external quantum efficiency (EQE) [24], which served as the prototype
for the subsequent intensive studies on the graphene TCEs-based various kinds of semiconductor
hybrid heterojunctions for high-efficiency PDs [24–100]. Here, we review recent progress in the
development of graphene TCEs-based semiconductor hybrid heterojunction PDs. Despite the frequent
use of mechanical cleavage and chemical exfoliation for graphene, we focus on CVD-grown graphene
for PDs, most popular for practical device applications at the moment. First, we briefly explain key
figure-of-merit parameters that are used to characterize PDs. In the main section, we discuss the
issues related to physics/design, processing technologies, and performance of PDs fabricated by
using various kinds of materials. Finally, we summarize the technologies reported so far and the
significance/outlook for guiding continuing development of the graphene-TCEs-based PDs.

2. Operation Mechanisms
Graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures can be formed by directly combining graphene
with one-, two-, and three-dimensional semiconductors through relatively simple manufacturing
processes. When graphene and a semiconductor material form a junction, charge transfer occurs
until the Fermi energy levels of the two materials coincide because their work functions mismatch.
Meanwhile, the free charge region inside the semiconductor near the interface is depleted by the
charge transfer, resulting in the formation of the built-in electric field. In case of graphene/n-type
semiconductor junction, the immobile positive charge formed by the depletion of electrons bends
the semiconductor band near the interface upward. More details are given in previous reports [101,
102]. In the equilibrium state where the Fermi energy levels are aligned, the discontinuity of the
allowed energy states of the two materials creates an energy barrier (ΦB ) to prevent the electrons from
flowing from the semiconductor to the graphene. Depending on the energy of the radiation (E) = hν
(h = Planck’s constant and ν = photon frequency), PC is generated based on two main mechanisms.
(1) When ΦB < hν < semiconductor band gap (Eg ), the electrons are excited from the graphene and
are injected into the semiconductor; (2) When hν > Eg , the electron-hole pairs are generated in the
depletion layer of the semiconductor. The PDs are operated based on the photovoltaic or photogating
effect depending on their device configurations.

2.1. Photovoltaic Effect

The PD can be operated in a photovoltaic mode (=zero bias). The heterostructures generally
exhibit rectifying behaviors, i.e., nonlinear current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics under dark.
A PD operating in this mode is named as a photodiode, whose linearity, detectivity, and sensitivity
are maximized due to the lowest dark current. In contrast, the responsivity (R) is usually low due
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 3 of 29

to the lack of internal gain. The PD can be also operated in reverse bias (photoconductive mode),
where the built-in external electromagnetic field enhances the separation efficiency of the electron-hole
pairs, thereby reducing the response time due to the shortening of the passage time and the decrease
of the diode capacity. The photovoltaic mode is more suitable for precise photodetection with the
photoconductive mode being better suited for high-speed applications.

2.2. Photogating Effect

Photogating effects occur in the heterostructures-based phototransistors. The operating
mechanism of the phototransistors is as follows. Once electron-hole pairs are generated in
semiconductors, one type of carrier is transferred to the graphene, and the opposite-type carrier
is trapped in the semiconductor. The trapped charges act as a local gate, thereby effectively modulating
the Fermi level of graphene through capacitive coupling. This induces more carriers and consequently
modulates the electrical conductance. In addition, the transferred free carriers circulate many times
in the graphene channel within their lifetime, which contributes to higher photoconduction gain.
The gain is expressed as gain = lifetime/transit, where transit is the transit time of the photogenerated
carriers through the graphene channel. Shorter transit time and longer lifetime should be obtained
to achieve higher gain. Nevertheless, the lifetime of the photocarrier is determined by the response
time, which is directly related to the carrier recombination process. Thus, a high gain will extend the
response time. A phototransistor can show much higher R than a photodiode, but the response speed
of the former is slower than that of the latter. Due to the effective gate field of the trapped carriers,
the photogate effect generally appears as a horizontal shift of the source-drain current-gate voltage
(ISD -Vg ) curve of the graphene transistor upon illumination. In addition, the direction of the curve
shift represents the polarity of the captured carriers, and the photogate effect can induce positive or
negative PC by Vg.

3. Figure of Merits for Characterizing Photodetectors

3.1. Responsivity (R)

R is defined as the ratio of PC to incident light power, which indicates how efficiently a PD
responds to an optical signal, as expressed by the equation R = Iph /Llight , in a unit of A/W, where Iph is
the PC and Llight is the incident-light power. R is proportional to EQE of a PD, meaning the conversion
rate from photons to electrons/holes. Therefore, EQE is related to R based on the following equation:

R = EQE × λq/hc (1)

where λ is the incident-light wavelength, q is the absolute value of electron charge, h is the Planck
constant, and c is the speed of light.

3.2. Detectivity (D*)

D* is the weakest level of light which can be detected by the device, and is determined by R and
noise of a PD. D* is given by D* = (A·∆f)1/2 × R/in . Where A is the effective area of a PD, ∆f is the
electrical bandwidth, and in is the noise current. The performance of D* is limited by three kinds of
noise such as dark current (DC), Johnson noise, and thermal fluctuation noise [103]. By assuming the
shot noise as the dominant contribution, D* is expressed by the formula: D* = R/(2qJd )1/2 where Jd is
the DC density.

3.3. Noise Equivalent Power (NEP)

Noise should be kept as low as possible because it determines minimum detectable signal.
There are several kinds of noises such as thermal noise, shot noise, and flicker noise, composing the
total noise. In this context, NEP is an associated figure of merit, and is defined as the optical power that
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 4 of 29

yields a single signal-to-noise ratio for a given bandwidth, in a unit of W·Hz−1/2 . NEP also represents
minimum detectable power and is calculated by the following equation.

NEP = in /R = (A·∆f )1/2 /D* (2)

3.4. Linear Dynamic Range (LDR)

LDR describes an illumination intensity range within which the current response of a PD scales
linearly with the light intensity. LDR is given by the equation: LDR = 20 log(Jph */Jd ) where Jph * is the
PC density measured at a light intensity of 1 mW·cm−2 . For practical applications, it is desirable to
have a large LDR for a PD capable of detecting both weak and strong light.

3.5. Response Speed

The response of a PD to an optical signal is characterized by the rise/fall times, defined as
the times at 10/90% of the maximum PC, respectively, which are strongly related to the charge
transport/collection and the bandwidth of the photoresponse.
In the following sections, the PD characteristics are detailed for various kinds of graphene
TCE/semiconductor heterostructures, whose major figure of merit parameters are summarized
in Table 1.

4. Graphene/Silicon

4.1. Doping of Graphene

The built-in electric potential at the graphene/Si interface is determined by the difference between
the work functions of graphene and Si when no bias is applied. Pristine graphene forms a low Schottky
barrier with Si due to the relatively-small work function (4.5 eV), and the pristine graphene/Si junction
exhibits a large series resistance due to the relatively large sheet resistance of pristine graphene.
These issues should be overcome to enhance the performance of the graphene/Si PDs. Chemical
doping is a very efficient approach for increasing the work function and conductivity of graphene,
resulting in the increase of the Schottky barrier and the reduction of the series resistance. The electrons
and holes are then less recombined, thereby improving the performance of the PDs.

4.2. Graphene/Silicon Wafer

In the last decade, graphene/Si heterostructures have been studied for optical detection based on
a powerful photovoltaic effect. In these structures, light absorption takes place in Si whilst graphene
acts as an electrode for efficient carrier transport and collection. Early studies have shown that
the graphene/Si Schottky junctions, introduced in 2013 (Figure 1a) [24], were very sensitive to the
illumination in broadband wavelengths [24–26], thereby showing R and NEP greater than 107 V/W
and 1 pW·Hz−1/2 , respectively, in optical voltage mode, as shown in Figure 1b,c. The Fermi level of
graphene was controlled by 1-pyrenecarboxylic acid doping, allowing smooth transport/collection
of high-density holes photogenerated in Si under illumination, resulting in 0.435A/W R, 65% EQE,
and 7.69 × 109 cm·Hz1/2 ·W−1 Jones D*.

Table 1. Figure-of-merit parameters of semiconductor heterostructure photodetectors with graphene

TCEs, reported until recently.

R (A·W−1 )/ Recovery
Device Structure PC/DC D* (cm·Hz1/2 ·W−1 ) LDR (dB) Ref.
Gain/EQE (%) Time (ms)
EQE: 65
TPA-doped tri-layer graphene/Si 104 2.1 × 108 - 3 [24]
@ 550−800 nm
R: 0.28
Graphene/Si - - - - [25]
@ 1550 nm
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 5 of 29

Table 1. Cont.

R (A·W−1 )/ Recovery
Device Structure PC/DC D* (cm·Hz1/2 ·W−1 ) LDR (dB) Ref.
Gain/EQE (%) Time (ms)
EQE: 86.8
Al2 O3 /graphene/Si 106 1.6 × 1013 127 5 × 10−6 [28]
@ 200 nm
EQE: 80
Pt NPs/graphene/Si - 7.5 × 1010 - 7.8 × 10−7 [29]
@ 790 nm
EQE: 80
MoO3 /graphene/Si - 5.4 × 1012 - - [30]
@ 550 nm
EQE: 60
Graphene/thin SiO2 /Si 107 4.2 × 1012 90 7.5 × 10− 1 [31]
@ 650 nm
R: 3
Graphene/SiO2 /Si - 3.5 × 1012 - - [32]
@ 545 nm
EQE: 79.6
Graphene nanowalls/Si - 5.9 × 1013 105 4 × 10− 2 [34]
@ 810 nm
EQE: 60
Graphene/porous Si - - - 3 × 10− 3 [35]
@ 500 nm
R: 1.5
AuNPs/graphene/CH3 -SiNW 106 2.5 × 1014 - 9.6 × 10− 2 [36]
@ 950 nm
AuCl3 -doped EQE: 72
101 8.9 × 108 73 1.6 × 10− 2 [38]
graphene/SQDs:SiO2 @ 600 nm
EQE: 84
TFSA-doped graphene/SQDs:SiO2 - 1.1 × 1010 92 7 × 10− 3 [39]
@ 600 nm
EQE: 80
SQDs/graphene/Si - 7.4 × 109 - 2.5 × 10−5 [40]
@ 500 nm
EQE: 1012
B-doped SQDs/graphene/Si - ~1013 - 9 × 103 [41]
@ 532 nm
R: 0.001
Graphene/GaN 105 - - - [42]
@ 350 nm
R: 0.25
Graphene/GaN NWs - - - - [43]
@357 nm
R: 0.173
MLG/GaAs 104 1.8 × 1011 - 1.2 × 10− 1 [44]
@ 850 nm
R: 0.005
Bilayer-graphene/Al2 O3 /GaAs 105 2.9 × 1011 - 4.8 × 10− 2 [46]
@ 850 nm
Gain: 107
ZnO QDs/graphene/SiO2 /Si - - - 103 [49]
@ 445 nm
R:3 ×105
Graphene/ZnO Nanorod - - - 6.6 × 104 [50]
@ 365 nm
R: 6.7 × 104
Fewlayer-graphene/ZnO NWs - 1011 - 1.2 × 104 [54]
@ 365 nm
R: 3 × 109
ZnOQDs/graphene/SAM/SiO2 /Si 107 5.1 × 1013 - 2.3 × 103 [55]
@ 335 nm
ZnO QDs R: 109
1.7 1 × 1014 - 8.5 × 104 [56]
core/Zn(Ac)shell/graphene/SiO2 /Si @ 330 nm
R: 113
Graphene/ZnO NR arrays 102 - - 3.6 [57]
@ 365 nm
R: 1350
Graphene/h-BN/ZnO - - - 5.2 × 103 [58]
@ 365 nm
EQE: 80
Graphene/ZnO/Si - 3.9 × 1013 - 5.4 × 10− 1 [61]
@ 390 nm
R: 3 × 104
Graphene/ZnO 12.1 4.3 × 1014 - 2.2 × 104 [62]
@ 365 nm
R: 22.7
Graphene.ZnO NWs/graphene - - - 4.7 × 102 [64]
@ 370 nm
R: 22
ZrO quantum dots/graphene 104 [68]
@ 266 nm
R: 39.3
MLG/Ga2 O3 5.9 × 1013 2.2 × 105 [69]
@ 254 nm
R: 10
Graphene/Ga2 O3 /graphene 103 9.6 × 102 [70]
@ 254 nm
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 6 of 29

Table 1. Cont.

R (A·W−1 )/ Recovery
Device Structure PC/DC D* (cm·Hz1/2 ·W−1 ) LDR (dB) Ref.
Gain/EQE (%) Time (ms)
G: 103
P3HT/graphene/PZT - - - 1.6 × 103 [71]
@ 325 nm
R: 700
Pentacene/graphene/cPVP/Al2 O3 /AuNPs
- 1013 - - [72]
@ 520 nm
R: 105
C8-BTBT/graphene/SiO2 /Si - - - 8.3 × 102 [73]
@ 355 nm
R: 180
MAPbI3 /graphene/SiO2 /Si - 109 - 5.4 × 102 [74]
@ 520 nm
R: 115
MAPbI3 /graphene/Al2 O3 /PVP - 3 × 1012 - 5.3 × 103 [75]
@ 515 nm
R: 103
MAPbI3 /graphene/AuNPs/SiO2 /Si - - - 1.7 × 104 [76]
@ 532 nm
R: 107
PMMA/MAPbI3 /ODTS/SiO2 /Si - 2 × 1015 9 × 102 [77]
@ 532 nm
R: 109
MAPbI3−x Clx /P3HT/SiO2 /Si - - - 104 [78]
@ 598 nm
R: 106
MAPbI3 NWs/graphene/SiO2 /Si - - - 7.5 × 104 [79]
@ 633 nm
R: 109
CsPbBr3−x Ix /graphene/SiO2 /Si - 2 × 1016 - 3.6 × 103 [80]
@ 405 nm
R: 107
Graphite QDs/graphene/SiO2 /Si - - - - [81]
@ 325 nm
G: 103
graphene QDs/graphene - - - - [82]
@ 325 nm
R: 109
Graphene QD/graphene/PZT - - - 1.5 × 104 [83]
@ 325 nm
Graphene/graphene R: 0.5
103 1011 95 2 × 10−3 [84]
QDs/graphene @ 800 nm
Graphene/Si NPs-graphene R: 0.31
3 - - - [86]
QDs/graphene @ 532 nm
R: 102
Graphene/SWNT/SiO2 /Si - - - 10−1 [87]
@ 650 nm
R: 0.21
Graphene/CNT/SiO2 /Si 102 4.87 × 1010 60 7.8 × 10−1 [88]
@ 980 nm
R: 105
InSe/graphene/SiO2 /Si - - - 101 [89]
@ 633 nm
R: 3.5
Graphene/WS2 /graphene 54 1011 - - [90]
@ 532 nm
R: 87
Graphene/MoTe2 /graphene 105 1012 - 2.3 × 101 [91]
@ 473 nm
R: 107
Graphene/MoS2 /SiO2 /Si - - - - [92]
@ 532 nm
EQE: 30
Graphene/WS2 /graphene - - - - [93]
@ 633 nm
EQE: 27
Graphene/MoS2 /graphene - - - 5 × 10− 2 [94]
@ 514 nm
EQE: 7.3
Graphene/WS2 /graphene - - - 5.5 × 10−9 [95]
@ 759 nm
R: 1.26
Graphene/MoS2 /SiO2 /Si - 4.2 × 1010 - - [96]
@ 1440 nm
R: 0.3
MoS2 /h-BN/Graphene 6.6 - - 1.1 × 104 [97]
@ 532 nm
R: 350
WS2 /graphene/SiO2 /Si 104 1013 - 3 × 10− 2 [99]
@ 532 nm
R: 104 /10−1 5 × 10− 2 /3
WSe2 /graphene/MoS2 - - - [100]
@ 400/2400 nm × 10− 2
@ 759 nm
R: 1.26
Graphene/MoS2/SiO2/Si - 4.2 × 1010 - - [96]
@ 1440 nm
R: 0.3
MoS2/h-BN/Graphene 6.6 - - 1.1 × 104 [97]
@ 532 nm
R: 350
WS2/graphene/SiO2/Si 104 1013 - 3 × 10−2 [99]
@ 532 nm
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 R: 104/10−1 7 of 29
WSe2/graphene/MoS2 - - - 5 × 10−2/3 × 10−2 [100]
@ 400/2400 nm

Figure 1. (a)
1. (a) Schematic
Schematic diagramand
diagram andband
band structure
structureofofa atypical monolayer
typical monolayergraphene/Si heterojunction
graphene/Si heterojunction
device. Application
Application of of a reversebias
a reverse biasraises Eff (graphene:
raises E (graphene:Gr) and
Gr) opens
and up aup
opens large number
a large of accessible
number of accessible
states that can be occupied by photoexcited holes injected from Si under illumination;
states that can be occupied by photoexcited holes injected from Si under illumination; (b) Variation of (b) Variation
of the voltage
the voltage responsivity
responsivity as aasfunction
a functionofofincident
incident power,
under the the
open-circuit condition.
open-circuit condition.
At the lowest powers, the voltage responsivity exceeds 107 7V/W; (c) Spectral dependence of the NEP
At the lowest powers, the voltage responsivity exceeds 10 V/W; (c) Spectral dependence of the NEP
and specific detectivity (D*) in the photocurrent mode. Reproduced with permission for Figure 1a–c
and specific detectivity (D*) in the photocurrent mode. Reproduced with permission for Figure 1a–c
from 2013 Nano Letter [24]; (d) Incident photon conversion efficiency (IPCE) spectra of graphene-Si
Nano Letter [24]; (d) Incident photon conversion efficiency (IPCE) spectra of graphene-Si PDs
and without fractal Pt NPs. The inset shows schematic diagram of a Si-graphene PD with
with and without fractal Pt NPs. The inset shows schematic diagram of a Si-graphene PD with fractal
Pt NPs; (e) Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy data of graphene-Si PDs with and without fractal Pt
NPs, showing the effect of physical doping on the Fermi level; (f) Transient photovoltage characteristics
of graphene-Si PDs with and without fractal Pt NPs under 532 nm pulse laser. Reproduced with
permission for Figure 1d–f from 2017 Advanced Optical Materials [29].

The gapless and semi-metallic properties of graphene are very promising for its application for
broadband photodetection from microwave to UV wavelengths. Graphene/Si Schottky PDs are also
very efficient in fast carrier separation due to the presence of the built-in electric field without suffering
from a sharp reduction in the lifetime of photocarriers under 1550 nm illumination [25], thereby
showing an R of 0.28 A/W, corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency of 10%, much higher than
a typical Schottky junction (~1%). Usually, the R in the UV region is at least 1–2 times lower than
that in the visible-near infrared (NIR) region due to the weak light absorption and relatively short
carrier lifetime of the graphene. TiO2 [27] and Al2 O3 anti-reflection layers [28] have been employed to
enhance the photoresponse in the UV region. Recently, graphene/Si Schottky structure with an Al2 O3
antireflective layer has been fabricated for UV photodetection, resulting in 0.2 A/W R, 5 ns response
time, 1.6 × 1013 cm·Hz1/2 /W D* in wavelength range from 200 to 400 nm, comparable to those of
state-of-the-art Si, GaN, and SiC Schottky PDs.
Unlike traditional transparent electrodes, such as indium tin oxide or ultrathin metals, unique
absorption properties of graphene in the UV range contribute to increasing the lifetime of hot
electrons, thereby leading to large PC. Recently, a variety of graphene/Si-based structures have
been proposed to improve the device performance. A new approach of integrating graphene/Si PD
with two-dimensional (2D) Pt nanoparticles (NPs) has proven to enhance the R and response time
of the PD at the same time, as shown in Figure 1d [29]. Furthermore, the work function of graphene
is increased by the physical doping with Pt NPs, thereby heightening the barrier of the Schottky
junction, resulting in faster response and higher sensitivity, as shown in Figure 1e,f. Molybdenum
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 8 of 29

oxide (MoO3 ) has been widely used for improving the performance of the PD in organic electronics
due to its high work function [104,105] and dramatic surface-transfer hole-doping effect for a variety
of 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2 . The functionalization of the MoO3 layer on graphene led
to a significant performance enhancement of the graphene/Si PDs [30], based on the surface-transfer
doping effect, thereby reducing the series resistance of the graphene/Si Schottky barrier, resulting
in 5.4 × 1012 cm·Hz1/2 /W D*. However, the interface between graphene and Si normally contains
relatively-high density of surface states, resulting in large leakage current, which can limit the overall
D* of the graphene/Si PD [24,25]. Recently, the DC of the graphene/Si junction was reduced by two
orders at 0 bias by employing a thin interface thin oxide layer [31]. The graphene/thin SiO2 /Si PD
showed 0.0078 pW·Hz−1/2 NEP at room temperature, resulting in D* up to 4.08 × 1013 cm·Hz1/2 /W.
In addition, graphene/Si Schottky diodes were fabricated in parallel with graphene/SiO2/Si capacitors
for high-performance optical detection [32], thereby showing R/D* of 3 A·W−1/3.5 × 1012 cm·Hz1/2 ·W−1
in the visible range. Here, the PC exceeded the forward current because the photogenerated minority
carriers accumulated in the Si/SiO2 interface diffused to the graphene/Si junction. According to
another approach, the PC in graphene-based hybrid photodiodes was not only very efficiently
generated in the graphene/Si Schottky barrier region but also in the adjacent graphene/SiO2 /Si
region due to the reverse bias voltage [33]. The PC in the graphene/SiO2 /Si region rose sharply by
about one order of magnitude at voltages exceeding a certain threshold bias, regardless of the incident
laser power. In Si under SiO2 , the inversion layer not only provided a low resistance path for minority
charge transport, but also acted as a passivation layer on the surface states of SiO2 to effectively collect
the charge carriers, resulting in improved PC. These results provide guidelines for establishing the
fundamental mechanism of PC generation in graphene-based hybrid optoelectronic devices and for
designing hybrid photodetectors based on combinations of two- and three-dimensional materials.
The PD was also fabricated by directly growing graphene nanowalls on a Si substrate instead of using
graphene layers CVD-grown via a metal catalyst [27]. Resulting D* was 5.88 × 1013 cm·Hz1/2 /W,
higher than ever reported in the planar graphene/Si based PDs, thanks to the ultra-low current noise
of 3.18 fA·Hz1/2 , which can be attributed to the excellent junction quality of 0.69 eV barrier height and
1.18 ideal factor. Other principal PD parameters were 107 PC/DC (Ilight /Idark ) ratio, 40 µs response time,
8.5 kHz cutoff frequency, and 0.52 A/W R.

4.3. Graphene/One- and Two-Dimensional Silicon

Two-dimensional Si nanostructures such as porous Si (PSi) and Si NWs have high ratio of surface
to volume/light absorption, very useful for their application in graphene-based PDs. Figure 2a shows
a schematic diagram of a graphene/PSi Schottky diode. Graphene/PSi Schottky diodes have been
successfully fabricated to show excellent PD performance including 60% EQE and 3µs response time,
relatively higher than the graphene/Si wafer PDs in the near-UV wavelength range, as shown in
Figure 2c [35]. The performance of the graphene/PSi PDs can be further improved by optimizing the
device structure and the pore depth of PSi. Alternatively, the NIR PDs fabricated based on a structure
of graphene/Si NW array decorated with Au NPs [36] showed high performance of 106 Ilight /Idark ratio
and high response speed (rise/fall time of 73/96 µs), better than those of pure graphene/Si NWs
heterojunction [106], as shown in Figure 2c,d. These high PD parameters possibly resulted from the
enhanced optical absorption due to the strong optical trapping effect of Si NW arrays and the surface
plasmon coupling by Au NPs.
Figure 2c [35]. The performance of the graphene/PSi PDs can be further improved by optimizing the
device structure and the pore depth of PSi. Alternatively, the NIR PDs fabricated based on a structure
of graphene/Si NW array decorated with Au NPs [36] showed high performance of 106 Ilight/Idark ratio
and high response speed (rise/fall time of 73/96 μs), better than those of pure graphene/Si NWs
heterojunction [106], as shown in Figure 2c,d. These high PD parameters possibly resulted from the
Micromachines optical
2018, 9, 350absorption due to the strong optical trapping effect of Si NW arrays and the surface 9 of 29
plasmon coupling by Au NPs.

Figure 2. (a)
Figure 2. Schematic diagram
(a) Schematic diagramofofgraphene/PSi/n-Si
graphene/PSi/n-Si PD PD with
with silver
silver toptop
andand bottom
bottom electrodes
electrodes underunder
light illumination; (b) Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image
light illumination; (b) Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of graphene/PSi of graphene/PSi
junction; (c) Quantum
(c) Quantum efficienciesof
efficiencies ofas-Si,
as-Si, 1,
1, 3,
3, and
and55s sPDs
(Here,1, 3,
1, and 5s5
3, and mean the deposition
s mean the deposition
time (t d) of Ag nanoparticles. That is, the pore on the surface of the PSi increases as the time increases,
time (td ) of Ag nanoparticles. That is, the pore on the surface of the PSi increases as the time increases,
Reproduced with permission for Figure 2a–c from 2014 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [35]; (d)
Reproduced with permission for Figure 2a–c from 2014 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [35];
Current-voltage curves of the Au NPs-graphene/SiNWs array PD. The inset shows the device
(d) Current-voltage curves of the Au NPs-graphene/SiNWs array PD. The inset shows the device
structure; (e) Photoresponse of three representative devices under 850 nm light illumination at V = 0;
structure; (e) Photoresponse of three representative devices under 850 nm light illumination at V = 0;
(f) A single normalized cycle measured at 2200 Hz for estimating both rise time (tr) and fall time (tf).
(f) AReproduced
single normalized cycle measured
with permission for Figureat 2200
2d–f fromHz2014
for Scientific
estimating both [36].
Reports rise time (tr ) and fall time (tf ).
Reproduced with permission for Figure 2d–f from 2014 Scientific Reports [36].
4.4. Graphene/Zero-Dimensional Silicon
4.4. Graphene/Zero-Dimensional Silicon PD, but is limited in its use for wider applications due to the
Si is widely used as a broadband
inherent indirect
Si is widely used bandgap nature. Especially,
as a broadband PD, butgraphene/Si-based PD for
is limited in its use exhibits
widerfast photoresponse
applications dueinto the
the UV and NIR regions, but not in the visible region. One way to overcome this drawback
inherent indirect bandgap nature. Especially, graphene/Si-based PD exhibits fast photoresponse is to form
Si quantum dots (SQDs) [107,108]. SQDs within a SiO2 matrix allow for large light absorption in the
in the UV and NIR regions, but not in the visible region. One way to overcome this drawback
visible range based on the quantum confinement effect [37,38]. Recently, AuCl3-doped
is tographene/SQDs:
form Si quantum dots (SQDs) [107,108]. SQDs within a SiO2 matrix
SiO2 multilayers (MLs)/Si PDs were successfully fabricated
allow for large light
to show 0.35 A/W R and
absorption in the visible range based on the quantum confinement effect [37,38]. Recently,
109 cm·Hz1/2/W D* near the wavelength of 600 nm, indicating considerable performance improvementAuCl3 -doped
graphene/SQDs: SiO2 multilayers (MLs)/Si PDs were successfully fabricated to show 0.35 A/W R and
109 cm·Hz1/2 /W D* near the wavelength of 600 nm, indicating considerable performance improvement
in the visible region due to the strong photoresponse of SQDs [37,38]. The novel DC/PC behaviors
are dominated by the tunneling of the charge carriers, depending on the SQD size and AuCl3 doping
concentration (nD ). However, the performance of the PD is limited by the surface of the AuCl3 -doped
graphene on which light is first irradiated due to large reduction in transmittance by the Au NPs
formed by the doping. Recently, long-term stabilities have been remarkably enhanced by employing
bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)-amide (TFSA) with low resistance and high transparency as a dopant
for graphene, as shown in Figure 3a [39]. Figure 3b,c shows spectral R and D* of the TFSA-doped
graphene/SQD: SiO2 MLs/Si PDs with 0.413 A/W and 1010 Hz1/2 /W at the peak wavelength of
630 nm under low voltage (−2 V), respectively, significantly better than the AuCl3 -doped graphene
PDs, indicating minimization of the optical loss by the use of TFSA. On the other hand, graphene/Si
Schottky junction PDs with SQDs on top of the graphene, as show in Figure 3d [40], showed excellent
performances of 6.7 pW·Hz−1/2 NEP, 7.4 × 109 cm·Hz1/2 /W D*, and response time ≤ 25 ns, possibly
resulting from significant reduction of the optical reflections, contributed by the SQDs, as shown
in Figure 3e,f. In another approach, high-sensitivity NIR detection of SQDs/graphene/Si hybrid
phototransistors was demonstrated based on the plasmonic effect of SQDs doped with boron [41].
graphene/SQD: SiO2 MLs/Si PDs with 0.413 A/W and 1010 Hz1/2/W at the peak wavelength of 630 nm
under low voltage (−2 V), respectively, significantly better than the AuCl3-doped graphene PDs,
indicating minimization of the optical loss by the use of TFSA. On the other hand, graphene/Si
Schottky junction PDs with SQDs on top of the graphene, as show in Figure 3d [40], showed excellent
performances of 6.7 pW·Hz−1/2 NEP, 7.4 × 109 cm·Hz1/2/W D*, and response time ≤ 25 ns, possibly
from9, 350 10 of 29
significant reduction of the optical reflections, contributed by the SQDs, as shown in
Figure 3e,f. In another approach, high-sensitivity NIR detection of SQDs/graphene/Si hybrid
phototransistors was demonstrated based on the plasmonic effect of SQDs doped with boron [41].
The local surface
The local plasmon
surface plasmonresonance
resonanceofofB-doped SQDsimproves
B-doped SQDs improves thethe NIR
NIR absorption
absorption of graphene,
of graphene,
resulting in excellent light output characteristics in the UV to NIR region.
resulting in excellent light output characteristics in the UV to NIR region.

Figure 3. (a)3.Schematic
Figure of aoftypical
(a) Schematic TFSA-doped
a typical TFSA-dopedgraphene/SQDs:
graphene/SQDs: SiO SiO 2 MLs/n-type
2 MLs/n-type Si wafer
Si wafer PD with
PD with
Au andAu InGa
and InGa as the
as the toptop
andand bottomelectrodes,
bottom electrodes, respectively;
respectively; (b)
Spectral responsivity and and
responsivity quantum
efficiency at a at a bias
bias of −of2 −2
V; V;
(c)(c) Spectraldetectivity
Spectral detectivity under
bias voltages. Here,
voltages. the doping
Here, the doping
concentration is 20ismM.
20 mM. Reproducedwith
Reproduced withpermission
permission forforFigure
from2017 Journal
2017 of Materials
Journal of Materials
Chemistry C [39]; (d) Schematic diagram of a typical Si-QDs/graphene/Si PD; (e) Spectral dependence
Chemistry C [39]; (d) Schematic diagram of a typical Si-QDs/graphene/Si PD; (e) Spectral dependence
of the NEP and corresponding specific detectivity of the graphene/Si and Si-QDs/graphene/Si PDs.
of the NEP and corresponding specific detectivity of the graphene/Si and Si-QDs/graphene/Si PDs.
The minimum NEP and the maximum D* of the Si-QDs/graphene/Si PD are 6.7 pW·Hz−1/2 and 7.4 ×
The minimum NEP and the maximum D* of the Si-QDs/graphene/Si PD are 6.7 pW · Hz and
109 Jones, respectively, at λ ≈ 877 nm; (f) Time-dependent PC of both the graphene/Si and Si-
109 Jones, respectively,
7.4 ×QDs/graphene/Si λ ≈
PDs under the bias voltages of 0, −2, −4, and −8 V. Reproduced with permission for and
at 877 nm; (f) Time-dependent PC of both the graphene/Si
Figure 3d–f from 2016PDs Advanced
under theMaterials [40]. of 0, −2, −4, and −8 V. Reproduced with permission
bias voltages
for Figure 3d–f from 2016 Advanced Materials [40].
5. Graphene/III-V Semiconductors
5. Graphene/III-V Semiconductors
GaN is a wide direct bandgap semiconductor with excellent optical/electrical properties and
high chemical stabilities at high temperature, and has been employed in various PD applications.
GaN is a wide direct bandgap semiconductor with excellent optical/electrical properties and
high chemical stabilities at high temperature, and has been employed in various PD applications.
Graphene/GaN heterostructures are useful for light detection in the UV/visible region based on
Schottky diode junction [42,43]. Graphene-TCE based GaN Schottky diode for UV detectors [42] has
shown excellent performance of high Ilight /Idark ratio (105 ) under UV illumination. In another approach,
UV PDs were successfully fabricated by transferring large-area graphene TCE on vertically-standing
GaN NW array as a light absorbing media, as shown in Figure 4a [43]. Figure 4b shows extremely-high
R of 25 A/W at 357 nm. These results represent a potential application of the graphene/GaN junctions
in various optoelectronic devices operating in the UV region.
Graphene/GaN heterostructures are useful for light detection in the UV/visible region based on
Schottky diode junction [42,43]. Graphene-TCE based GaN Schottky diode for UV detectors [42] has
shown excellent performance of high Ilight/Idark ratio (105) under UV illumination. In another approach,
UV PDs were successfully fabricated by transferring large-area graphene TCE on vertically-standing
GaN NW array as a light absorbing media, as shown in Figure 4a [43]. Figure 4b shows extremely-
high R of
Micromachines 25 9,A/W
2018, 350 at 357 nm. These results represent a potential application of the graphene/GaN11 of 29
junctions in various optoelectronic devices operating in the UV region.

Figure 4. 4.(a)(a)Scanning
Figure electronmicroscopy
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
(SEM) imageimage
of a of a graphene
graphene film onfilm
GaNon NWs;GaN (b) NWs;
Responsivity for various
(b) Responsivity various incident
inset shows
inset the photocurrent
shows spectrum
the photocurrent of the of the
PD. Reproduced
PD. Reproduced with
with permissionfor
permission forFigure
Figure 4a,b
4a,b from
AppliedPhysics Letters
Physics [43];[43];
Letters (c) Schematic
(c) Schematic
illustration of the graphene/GaAs nanocone array device; (d) A typical cross-sectional
illustration of the graphene/GaAs nanocone array device; (d) A typical cross-sectional SEM image SEM image of of
the n-GaAs nanocones array after etching; (e) Single normalized cycle at 50 Hz to find
the n-GaAs nanocones array after etching; (e) Single normalized cycle at 50 Hz to find both rise time both rise time
(τr) and fall time (τf). Reproduced with permission for Figure 4c–e from 2014 Advanced Functional
(τ r ) and fall time (τ f ). Reproduced with permission for Figure 4c–e from 2014 Advanced Functional
Materials [44].
Materials [44].
5.2. Graphene/GaAs
5.1. Graphene/GaAs
GaAs has long been considered as an ideal candidate material for NIR PD applications due to
its strikinghaselectrical/optical
long been considered
an as ideal
highcandidate material
carrier mobility, forbandgap
direct NIR PD of applications
~1.4 eV, and due
to itslarge optical
striking absorption coefficient.
electrical/optical As shown
properties suchinas Figure
high4c,d, graphene
carrier TCEdirect
mobility, was applied
bandgapfor GaAs
of ~1.4 eV,
nanocone array-based NIR light detection [44], resulting in reproducible
and large optical absorption coefficient. As shown in Figure 4c,d, graphene TCE was applied PD performance of 104 for
GaAs Ilight/Idark ratio, 1.73
nanocone mA/W R, and
array-based NIR10light
11 cm·Hz 1/2 /W under
detection [44],850 nm illumination.
resulting The PD also
in reproducible PDshowed fast
performance of
4 response speed with rise/fall times of 72/122 11 μs, as shown
1/2 in Figure 4e. These results are believed to
10 Ilight /Idark ratio, 1.73 mA/W R, and 10 cm·Hz /W under 850 nm illumination. The PD also
originate from the GaAs nanocone arrays, which can efficiently trap incident NIR light, consistent
showed fast response speed with rise/fall times of 72/122 µs, as shown in Figure 4e. These results are
with previous report [45]. Recently, AlOx thin layer was employed for optimizing R of the
believed to originate
graphene/GaAs NIRfrom
PD. the
Here,GaAs nanocone
the AlO arrays, which can efficiently trap incident NIR light,
x serves not only as a surface protective layer for suppressing
consistent with previous report [45]. Recently, AlO
the carrier recombination, but also as a barrier for reducing x thin layer was employed
the current for thereby
leakage [46], optimizing R of the
to significant NIR PD. Here, the
increase/decrease inAlO x serves
PC/DC, not onlyWith
respectively. as a surface protective
the use of the AlOx layer
R and
the carrier
D* increased bybut also as
4 times to 5a mA/W
barrier andfor reducing the current
2.8 × 1011 cm·Hz leakage [46], thereby leading to
1/2/W, respectively, whilst rise/fall

times sharply
significant decreased to in
increase/decrease 320/380
PC/DC,ns. respectively. With the use of the AlOx layer, the R and specific
D* increased by 4 times to 5 mA/W and 2.8 × 1011 cm·Hz1/2 /W, respectively, whilst rise/fall times
6. Graphene/Metal Oxides
sharply decreased to 320/380 ns.
6.1. Graphene/ZnO
6. Graphene/Metal Oxides

6.1. Graphene/ZnO
ZnO has received considerable attention over the past two decades due to its unique properties
such as direct bandgap of 3.2 eV, large exciton binding energy of ~60 meV, high transmittance (>80%)
in the wavelength range of 400–800 nm, and wide-variable conductivity in the metallic to insulating
range [109,110]. To date, graphene/ZnO heterostructures have been extensively studied for PD
application. Recently, a seedless solution process has been developed for controllable growth of
crystalline ZnO micro-/nano-wire arrays on graphene for UV PDs [47–52], showing high response of
1.62 A/W, better than the sensors made of epitaxial-ZnO [111] or ZnO-nanoparticles [112]. In another
approach, novel ZnO-QDs-based heterostructures were combined with graphene layers for PDs to
ZnO has received considerable attention over the past two decades due to its unique properties
such as direct bandgap of 3.2 eV, large exciton binding energy of ~60 meV, high transmittance (>80%)
in the wavelength range of 400–800 nm, and wide-variable conductivity in the metallic to insulating
range [109,110]. To date, graphene/ZnO heterostructures have been extensively studied for PD
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 12 of 29
application. Recently, a seedless solution process has been developed for controllable growth of
crystalline ZnO micro-/nano-wire arrays on graphene for UV PDs [47–52], showing high response of
1.62 A/W, better than the sensors made of epitaxial-ZnO [111] or ZnO-nanoparticles [112]. In another
show excellent visible-blind UV photoresponse [48], resulting from the reduction of the DC, caused
approach, novel ZnO-QDs-based heterostructures were combined with graphene layers for PDs to
by the formation of the potential barriers between adjacent ZnO QDs and between graphene and
show excellent visible-blind UV photoresponse [48], resulting from the reduction of the DC, caused
ZnO byQDs.the It has alsoofbeen
formation reportedbarriers
the potential that phototransistors
between adjacentcomposed
ZnO QDs and of ZnO nanostructure
between graphene and as light
harvesting medium and graphene as conducting channel [49–56]. Figure 5a,b
ZnO QDs. It has also been reported that phototransistors composed of ZnO nanostructure as light shows the effective
charge transfermedium
harvesting betweenand ZnO QDs and
graphene graphene channel
as conducting [49]. Under UVFigure
[49–56]. irradiation,
5a,b shows the the
holes separated
from charge
the electrons
transfer under
between photoexcitation are captured
ZnO QDs and graphene by the
[49]. Under UVsurface statesthe
irradiation, toholes
discharge the from
separated absorbed
the ions
oxygen electrons under
on the photoexcitation
surface of the ZnOare captured
QDs. by the surface
The unpaired stateswith
electrons to discharge the absorbed
a relatively long lifetime
to the ions on thelayer
graphene surface
andof then
the ZnO QDs. The
transport unpaired
in the electrons
graphene withleading
channel, a relatively long lifetimeof the
to modulation
transport characteristics of graphene. When UV light is turned off, the surrounding oxygen of
move to the graphene layer and then transport in the graphene channel, leading to modulation the
transport characteristics of graphene. When UV light is turned off, the surrounding oxygen molecules
are re-adsorbed on the QD surface, thereby trapping electrons and lowering the Fermi energy level,
are re-adsorbed on the QD surface, thereby trapping electrons and lowering the Fermi energy level,
resulting in the recovery of the transport characteristics of the graphene. This photogeneration effect
resulting in the recovery of the transport characteristics of the graphene. This photogeneration effect
to high photoconductive 7
to high photoconductivegaingainof
of 10
107 through furtherdevice
through further device optimization,
optimization, as shown
as shown in in
Figure 5c.
Figure 5c.

Figure 5. (a)
Figure 5. Schematics
(a) Schematicsof of
graphene device coatedwith
device coated withZnO ZnO QDs;
QDs; (b)(b)
TheThe mechanism
mechanism of theof the
oxygen-assisted charge
charge transfer
transfer process.(i)
process. (i)With
With irradiation
irradiation ofofphoton
photon energy
energylarger thanthan
larger the bandgap
the bandgap
of theofQDs,
the QDs, electron-hole
electron-hole pairs
pairs arearegenerated;
generated; (ii)
(ii) The
The holes
trapped at at
surface states,
surface leaving
states, leaving
behindbehind the unpaired
the unpaired electrons.
electrons. TheThe trapped
trapped holes
holes willdischarge
will dischargethetheoxygen
oxygen ions
ions on
surface,and and the
the oxygen molecules are desorbed; (iii) The electrons will transfer from the QDs to the graphene
oxygen molecules are desorbed; (iii) The electrons will transfer from the QDs to the graphene layer;
layer; (iv) With laser turned off, no more electron-hole pairs are generated. The oxygen molecules will
(iv) With laser turned off, no more electron-hole pairs are generated. The oxygen molecules will
re-adsorb on QDs and capture the remaining electrons to form oxygen ions on the surface; (c) Gain as
re-adsorb on QDs and capture the remaining electrons to form oxygen ions on the surface; (c) Gain as
a function of excitation intensity. Reproduced with permission for Figure 5a–c from 2013 Small [49];
a function of excitation intensity. Reproduced with permission for Figure 5a–c from 2013 Small [49];
(d) Schematic diagram of the MLG/β-Ga2O3 PD; (e) Current-voltage characteristics of the device under
(d) Schematic
dark and diagram of the
254 nm-light MLG/β-Ga
irradiation. O3 PD;
The 2inset shows(e) Current-voltage
the current-voltage characteristics of the device
curves on a logarithmic scaleunder
dark (f)
and 254 nm-light
Responsivity andirradiation. The
detectivity of theinset shows graphene-Ga
multi-layer the current-voltage curves onPD
2O3 heterojunction a logarithmic
as a functionscale
of (f)
Responsivity and detectivity of the multi-layer graphene-Ga2 O3 heterojunction PD as a function of
different bias voltages. Reproduced with permission for Figure 5d–f from 2016 Advanced Materials [69].

In recent years, ZnO NW or nanorod (NR) arrays have been combined with various graphene
sheets on rigid or flexible substrates to form UV phototransistors [50–54]. ZnO NR array was grown
on the channel of the graphene field-effect transistor (FET) by the hydrothermal method to successfully
fabricate the UV PDs [50], showing high sensitivity/wavelength selectivity, but still quite a slow
response/recovery under UV illumination at low power. In other studies, UV phototransistors
were fabricated with organic self-assembled monolayer (SAM), sandwiched between inorganic
ZnO-QDs-decorated graphene channel and conventional SiO2 /Si substrate [55]. Surprisingly,
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 13 of 29

the mobility of the chemically-deposited graphene channel is higher on the SAM than on the SiO2 ,
thereby greatly reducing the time of the electron transfer in the channel. As a result, the photogenerated
electrons transferred from the QD to the graphene are recycled several times before recombination,
resulting in the increase of the photoconductivity gain. The phototransistors exhibited ~108 A/W R
corresponding to ~3 × 109 gain, ~103 UV/visible rejection ratio, and ~5.1 × 1013 cm·Hz1/2 /W specific
D*. More recently, phototransistors consisting of graphene FET and ZnO QDs have been fabricated
based on surface active process [56]. Resulting D* increased up to 7.5 × 1014 Jones due to the efficient
transfer of charge carriers from ZnO QDs to graphene. These results suggest how important the van
der Waals interface is for the efficient optoelectronic processes in heterostructure PDs. On the other
hand, in graphene/ZnO heterostructures photodiodes [57–67], the photogenerated electron/hole pairs
were found to be separated by the built-in potential even at zero bias, thereby potentially reducing
the DC, resulting in the increase of specific D* [61,64,66]. The response of the photodiode was shown
to be much faster than that of the phototransistor-type PD by further increasing the built-in electric
field under moderate reverse bias [57,59,60,62,63]. In addition, large internal current gain could also
be obtained due to the impact ionization of the photocarriers with sufficient energy [16].
A Schottky-junction-type UV PD fabricated by depositing graphene layer on ZnO NR array was
shown to be highly sensitive to UV illumination with excellent operational stability and reproducibility,
resulting in 113 A/W R and 385 gains at −1 V [57]. The response speed was remarkably fast (rise/fall
time: 0.7/3.6 ms) due to the strong light trapping effect by high-crystallinity ZnO NR array. The PD
could also monitor the pulse light at high frequencies of 2250 Hz. The PD performance was further
improved by employing charge tunneling/blocking interlayer [58] and by modulating the Schottky
barrier through back gating [59] or external deformation [60,62]. The R was also enhanced up to
1350 A/W at ~5 V by inserting a hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) layer into the graphene/ZnO Schottky
junction [58]. The h-BN interface layer reduced the DC by suppressing the electron transfer from
graphene to ZnO, and suppressed the recombination of carriers, resulting in the increase of the PC,
by holding photogenerated electrons in ZnO.
Recently, the effect of strain modulation on PD performance was studied for a flexible
graphene/ZnO nanostructure [60,65]. The R, measured under an external strain of 5 to 30%, showed
maximum 17 µA/W and 3.8 µA/W at a strain of 30% for UV and visible light, respectively [65].
The compressive strain causes ZnO to generate a negative piezoelectric potential, and the charge begins
to accumulate near the conduction band, lowering the conduction band energy. When the conduction
band energy is lowered, the Schottky barrier is increased and the sensitivity of the graphene/ZnO
PD is improved due to an increase in the width of the depletion region, which is advantageous for
the photogenerated electron-hole pair separation. The theoretical simulation results also showed that
the piezo-potential was mainly distributed at the end of the ZnO nanostructure, advantageous for the
effective modulation of the graphene/ZnO Schottky junction.

6.2. Graphenene/Other Metal Oxides

Like graphene/ZnO hybrid structures, other semiconductor metal oxides including ZrO2 [68],
Ga2 O3 [69,70] have also been integrated with graphene to form heterostructures for PD applications.
ZrO2 is a promising material for deep-UV detection applications. Recently, in the ZrO2 QDs-graphene
heterostructure, R was shown to be as high as 22 A/W at a deep-UV wavelength of 254 nm [68]. In the
PD, the holes photo-excited in graphene can be circulated through the external circuit several times
under bias voltage before recombining with the electrons photo-excited/collected in the ZrO2 layer
due to the high mobility of graphene. This explains why R is so extremely high
As another approach, a deep UV photodiode was fabricated based on multilayer graphene/Ga2 O3
junctions, as shown in Figure 5d [69], exhibiting a significant current increase at forward bias
voltage during deep-UV illumination (254 nm), as shown in Figure 5e. Figure 5f shows the R and
D* of 39.3 A/W and 5.92 × 1013 Jones, respectively, comparable to, or even better than, Ga2 O3
nanostructure-based PDs. The PD parameters were reproducible and stable even by repeated
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 14 of 29

measurements under UV illumination, showed maxima at ~220 nm, but were almost blinded to
light at wavelengths longer than 280 nm. Most recently, graphene/Ga2 O3 /graphene PD showed
apparent rectifying characteristics and excellent solar-blind UV photoresponse [70] with fast rise/fall
times of 0.96/0.81 s and Ilight /Idark ratio up to 82.88 under 254 nm illumination.

7. Graphene/Organic Semiconductors
Organic semiconductors including small molecules and polymers are very attractive in practical
view due to their simple solution production processes at low temperatures [113], low cost, and light
weight [114,115]. Graphene/P3HT hybrid heterostructures showed an R about 10 times larger on
a piezoelectric substrate than on a SiO2 substrate [71]. The improved light response was attributed to
the vertical field of the polarization of the piezoelectric substrate, which facilitates the spatial separation
of the photo-generated electrons and holes, thereby enhancing the hole doping of graphene.
Figure 6a,b shows a typical graphene/pentacene heterostructure that serves as a multifunctional
PD with nonvolatile memory (NVM) function for storing optical signals [72]. The PD exhibited
excellent photoresponse at 400–800 nm with maximum R and specific D* being 700 A/W and
of 1013 Jones, respectively, as shown in Figure 6c. Large hysteresis was observed in the transfer
characteristics, in which the Dirac point voltage was shifted toward the positive gate voltage under
dark and illumination. This hysteresis behavior was understood by the trapping/detrapping of the
charge carriers in the Au NPs, resulting from the tunneling through the dielectric layer. The PD also
showed excellent retention characteristics with retention times exceeding 104 s and PC being invariant
for more than 200 cycles (Figure 6e,f). It was also found that as the optical power increased, the PC
increased stepwise, indicating multiple NVM.
Micromachines 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 27

Figure 6. (a)6.Schematic
Figure (a) Schematicdiagram
device structure comprising
structure comprising a graphene
a graphene PD PD
withwith a pentacene
a pentacene
light light
absorption layerlayer
absorption and and
an Au
anNPAu charge trapping
NP charge layer.
trapping In the
layer. In device, the ITO
the device, acts acts
the ITO as a as
gate electrode
a gate
and Auelectrode and Au as source/drain
as source/drain electrode;electrode; (b) Photographic
(b) Photographic image image
of theof the graphene
graphene PD PD fabricated
fabricated onona PEN
a PEN(c)substrate;
substrate; (c) Photoresponsivity
Photoresponsivity and photodetectivity
and photodetectivity vs. illumination
vs. illumination power;
power; (d) (d) Two-
dimensional spatial
2 profile of |E 2| of the hybrid PD with or without Au NPs; (e) Retention time and
spatial profile of |E | of the hybrid PD with or without Au NPs; (e) Retention time and (f) cycling
(f) cycling tests of the graphene PD with a memory functionality under various illumination powers.
tests of the graphene PD with a memory functionality under various illumination powers. Reproduced
Reproduced with permission for Figure 6a–f from 2015 Nano Letters [72].
with permission for Figure 6a–f from 2015 Nano Letters [72].
8. Graphene/Perovskites
Perovskites have recently received strong attention as next-generation PD materials because of
their high adsorption coefficient, tunable bandgap, small exciton binding energy, long carrier
diffusion length, ambipolar charge transport, and high carrier mobility [116–121]. The perovskite
material has a specific crystal structure as ABX3 formula. The larger A cations occupy cuboctahedral
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 15 of 29

For a phototransistor-type PD structure, monolayer organic C8-BTBT crystals were prepared

on graphene by van der Waals epitaxy [73], and was shown to exhibit the R larger than 104 A/W.
By employing multilayer C8-BTBT, the R was further enhanced to 4.76 × 105 A/W. This outstanding
photoresponse was attributed to the ultrahigh photoconductive gain and the efficient interfacial
charge transfer efficiency due to the high quality of C8-BTBT layer and graphene/C8-BTBT interface.
The response speed was ~25 ms for the monolayer PD, but increased to ~830 ms for the multilayer PD,
dominated by interlayer hopping of trapped carriers within C8-BTBT crystals.

8. Graphene/Perovskites
Perovskites have recently received strong attention as next-generation PD materials because of
their high adsorption coefficient, tunable bandgap, small exciton binding energy, long carrier diffusion
length, ambipolar charge transport, and high carrier mobility [116–121]. The perovskite material
has a specific crystal structure as ABX3 formula. The larger A cations occupy cuboctahedral sites
shared with twelve X anions, while smaller B cations stabilize at octahedral sites shared with six X
anions. Organic-inorganic
Micromachines 2018, 9, x FOR PEERhalide perovskite materials are commonly used in solar energy applications.
REVIEW 15 of 27
The graphene/perovskite hybrid structure is very useful for taking advantage of the synergy effect
Au NPsonhaving
based a plasmon
the unique resonance
properties peak at ~530
of graphene andnm, as shown
perovskite in Figure Figure
materials. 8, to fabricate
7 shows thea hybrid
phototransistors showing higher
early-stage phototransistor R and faster
composed response speed
of graphene/CH 3 NH[76].
3 PbI3The higher
(MAPbI 3 )Rhybrid,
was attributed
exhibiting to the
R of several hundredseffect of enhanced
A/W and byrelatively-rapid
the near-field response
of the perovskite,
time shorterinduced
than 1 bys inthe
the plasmonic
coupling of Au Especially,
range [74,75]. NPs. Furthermore,
Figure 7dtheshows
time for theseswitching
on-off carriers tobehaviors
diffuse into graphene
of the is shorter than
that for carriers
PD with rise andgenerated
fall timesfar from
of 87 andthe540perovskite–graphene
ms, respectively. These interface,
show leading to the faster
the robustness and
operation in theof
reproducibility PD thebydevice.
the plasmonic effect.

Figure 7.
Figure (a)Schematic
7. (a) Schematicdiagram
microscopy image
of the
of the CH
3 -graphenePD; PD;(c)(c)Photoresponsivity
EQEvs. vs. illumination
power. The
The inset
shows the
shows the photodetectivity
photodetectivity (D*)(D*) vs.
vs. illumination
power; (d)
On-off switching
switching characteristics
characteristics of
of the
the PD
under dark and light illumination. By the pulsed laser illumination (left top), the temporal
under dark and light illumination. By the pulsed laser illumination (left top), the temporal response response
of the
of the photocurrent
photocurrent is is shown
shown (left
(left bottom). Reproduced with
bottom). Reproduced with permission
permission for for Figure
Figure 7a −d from
7a−d from 2014
Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials [74]. [74].

It is currently difficult to compare the performances of the graphene/MAPbI3 hybrid

phototransistors with those of graphene-based other semiconductor hybrid PDs operated based on
similar mechanisms [21,22,122], but they are several times higher than those of pure graphene-based
PDs [123]. The enhanced photoresponse performance can be attributed to the transfer of electrons
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 16 of 29

from the graphene to the proximate perovskite layer to fill the empty states in the valence band
of the perovskite layer, resulting in the reduction of the recombination of the photocarriers.
The electron trapping process was demonstrated by the dramatic quenching of the PL intensity
in the graphene/perovskite system. In another approach, the graphene/MAPbI3 stack was integrated
with Au NPs having a plasmon resonance peak at ~530 nm, as shown in Figure 8, to fabricate the
Figure 7. (a) Schematic diagram of the perovskite-graphene hybrid PD; (b) Optical microscopy image
hybrid phototransistors showing higher R and faster response speed [76]. The higher R was attributed
of the CH3NH3PbI3-graphene PD; (c) Photoresponsivity and EQE vs. illumination power. The inset
to the light-harvesting effect enhanced
shows the photodetectivity by the near-field
(D*) vs. illumination ofOn-off
power; (d) the perovskite, induced by the
switching characteristics plasmonic
of the PD
coupling of Au NPs. Furthermore, the time for these carriers to diffuse into graphene is
under dark and light illumination. By the pulsed laser illumination (left top), the temporal response shorter
the photocurrent is shown (left bottom). Reproduced with permission for Figure 7a−d from 2014faster
for carriers generated far from the perovskite–graphene interface, thus leading to the
operation in the
Advanced PD by the
Materials [74].plasmonic effect.

Figure 8. (a) Schematic of the CH

Figure CH33 NH33PbI
-graphene-AuNP NPhybrid
architecture (b)
UV-Vis absorbance
UV-Vis absorbancespectrum
spectrum of Au-NPs
of Au-NPson a 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-coated glass; (c) Schematic
on a 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-coated glass; (c)
of generation,
Schematic diffusion,diffusion,
of generation, and transfer of photo-induced
and transfer carrierscarriers
of photo-induced in the in
perovskite layerlayer
the perovskite withwith
without the influence of gold NPs; (d) Response time study on a single representative light/dark cycle.
Reproduced with permission for Figure 8a–d from 2016 Nanoscale [76].

As an advanced step, the sequential vapor deposition method has been developed to grow
ultra-flat MAPbI3 films on graphene, thereby forming a compact heterostructure for efficient light
harvesting and exciton separation, as shown in Figure 9 [77]. This PD showed 1.73 × 107 A/W R
and 2 × 1015 Jones D*, several times larger than those of PD containing a MAPbI3 film prepared
by conventional spin-coating method. Very recently, a thin layer of P3HT has been inserted
between MAPbI3−x Clx perovskite and graphene as a hole transport layer for high-performance
phototransistors [78]. In this study, the carrier diffusion length of the MAPbI3−x Clx perovskite was
shown to be larger than that of the MAPbI3 perovskite, resulting in more efficient transfer of the
photo-generated holes to the graphene side. In addition, the separation of the photo-generated
electrons and holes was more effective due to the presence of the P3HT layer, thereby reducing
the recombination of the optical carriers, resulting in the transport of high-density electrons to the
perovskite layer. The gain of this PD was close to 1010 , at least one order of magnitude higher than
those of other PDs without the P3HT layer [21,22,122].
than that of the MAPbI3 perovskite, resulting in more efficient transfer of the photo-generated holes
to the graphene side. In addition, the separation of the photo-generated electrons and holes was more
effective due to the presence of the P3HT layer, thereby reducing the recombination of the optical
carriers, resulting in the transport of high-density electrons to the perovskite layer. The gain of this
PD was close
Micromachines 2018,to 1010, at least one order of magnitude higher than those of other PDs without the
9, 350 P3HT
17 of 29
layer [21,22,122].

Figure 9. (a) Schematic illustration of the graphene–perovskite hybrid phototransistor. The inset
Figure 9. (a) Schematic illustration of the graphene–perovskite hybrid phototransistor. The inset shows
shows the top-view optical microscopy image of the device; (b) Band diagrams of graphene and
the top-view optical microscopy image of the device; (b) Band diagrams of graphene and perovskite
obtained fromobtained from
ultraviolet ultraviolet photoelectron
photoelectron spectroscopyspectroscopy
spectra. The spectra.
schematic diagram
of the band of
bending at graphene/perovskite interfaces is illustrated below; (c) Responsivity and (d) detectivity of(d)
the band bending at graphene/perovskite interfaces is illustrated below; (c) Responsivity and
thedetectivity of the hybrid phototransistor
hybrid phototransistor as functions
as functions of light intensityofatlight
three intensity
selected drain voltages.
with permissionwith permission
for Figure 9a–d for Figure
from 2017 9a–d fromReports
Scientific 2017 Scientific
[77]. Reports [77].

Highly-crystalline perovskite nanostructures are advantageous for the photo-detection

Highly-crystalline perovskite nanostructures are advantageous for the photo-detection application
application because the recombination rate of the photo-generated carriers is much smaller in the
because the recombination rate of the photo-generated carriers is much smaller in the bulk than
bulk than in the thin film. Recently, the graphene/MAPbI3 NWs hybrid phototransistor was
in the thin film. Recently, the graphene/MAPbI NWs hybrid phototransistor was fabricated to
fabricated to show an R as large as 106 A/W [79]. 3As another approach, the hybridization of graphene
show an R as large as 106 A/W [79]. As another approach, the hybridization of graphene with
with CsPbBr3−xIx nanocrystals (NCs) was done to fabricate phototransistors showing high R [80]. This
CsPbBr3−x Ix nanocrystals (NCs) was done to fabricate phototransistors showing high R [80]. This PD
PD also exhibited ultrahigh specific D* (2.4 ×161016 Jones) thanks to the extremely-high carrier mobility
also exhibited ultrahigh specific D* (2.4 × 10 Jones) thanks to the extremely-high carrier mobility
of the graphene, very promising for the application of the perovskite NCs in next-generation high-
of the graphene, very promising for the application of the perovskite NCs in next-generation
performance optoelectronics.
high-performance optoelectronics.

9. Graphene/Carbon Nanomaterials
Low-dimensional carbon materials such as fullerenes, carbon QDs, carbon nanotubes (CNTs),
and graphene have attracted much interest over the past several decades due to their unique
structural and physical properties [124–126]. Recently, various types of carbon nanomaterials have
been integrated into hybrid structures including graphene/carbon nanomaterials, showing physical
properties much better than those of the individual components [124,126].

9.1. Graphene/Zero-Dimensional Carbon

Zero-dimensional carbon materials including graphite QDs, graphene QDs, and C60 were
deposited on the graphene by spin coating or thermal evaporation methods to form hybrid structures
for high-performance phototransistor applications [81–85]. In this structure, for example, graphite
QDs act as light-harvesting material whilst the graphene layer is a conducting pathway for high-speed
carriers, and carbon conductive paste was used as an electrode to complete the PD, as shown in
properties much better than those of the individual components [124,126].

9.1. Graphene/Zero-Dimensional Carbon

Zero-dimensional carbon materials including graphite QDs, graphene QDs, and C60 were
Micromachineson the9,graphene
2018, 350 by spin coating or thermal evaporation methods to form hybrid structures 18 of 29
for high-performance phototransistor applications [81–85]. In this structure, for example, graphite
QDs act as light-harvesting material whilst the graphene layer is a conducting pathway for high-
speed 10a [81].and While
carbonlight is irradiated,
conductive pastethe
used move to the graphene,
as an electrode shown
to complete the inPD,Figure 10b.
as shown
In contrast, the electrons in the QDs act as an effective local gate to modulate
in Figure 10a [81]. While light is irradiated, the holes move to the graphene, shown in Figure 10b. In the conductance of
the graphene
contrast, through in
the electrons capacitive
the QDs coupling. The 300local
act as an effective nm SiO onmodulate
gate2 to Si was employed to investigate
the conductance of the
the properties of the intrinsic charge transfer between graphene and
graphene through capacitive coupling. The 300 nm SiO2 on Si was employed to investigate graphite QDs in the graphene the
FET, as shown
properties of thein intrinsic
Figure 10a. Figure
charge 10c shows
transfer between IDS -Vg characteristics
the graphene and graphiteofQDs the graphene
in the graphene FET before
as after the
shown deposition
in Figure of the graphite
10a. Figure 10c shows QDs.
the The
IDS-VDirac points are 1.6 V and 48 V before and after
g characteristics of the graphene FET before and
doping the graphite QDs, respectively. In other
after the deposition of the graphite QDs. The Dirac points are words, a 1.6 VVand
higher g is 48
V before to and
access thedoping
after Dirac
point of the QDs,
the graphite graphite QDs/graphene
respectively. In other FET
a highertheVgnet negativetocharge
is required access of
Dirac graphite
point ofQDs
can attract more light-induced free holes in the graphene film. Such carrier
graphite QDs/graphene FET because the net negative charge of the graphite QDs can attract more transfer is known to
enable more effective charge separation in graphite QDs and consequently suppress
light-induced free holes in the graphene film. Such carrier transfer is known to enable more effective the electron-hole
charge separation [122,127]. FigureQDs
in graphite 10d and
shows PC as a function
consequently suppressof drain-source voltage
the electron-hole (VDS ) under
different optical powers, showing a linear dependence on bias. Here, the
[122,127]. Figure 10d shows PC as a function of drain-source voltage (VDS) under different optical photoconduction gain
is enhanced by the recycling of holes through the graphene channel
powers, showing a linear dependence on bias. Here, the photoconduction gain is enhanced by the within the lifetime of the
trapped electrons.
recycling of holes through the graphene channel within the lifetime of the trapped electrons.

Figure 10. (a)

Figure 10. (a) Schematic
Schematic of
of all carbon-based PD;
all carbon-based PD; (b) Under light
(b) Under light illumination,
illumination, the
the hole
hole can transfer
can transfer
from graphite quantum dots to graphene sheets. The photo-generated electrons are trapped
from graphite quantum dots to graphene sheets. The photo-generated electrons are trapped in graphitein
quantum dots; (c) Transfer characteristics of graphene transistors with and without the addition of
graphite QDs on the graphene sheet; (d) Photocurrent of all carbon-based photodetectors for different
optical powers as functions of drain-source voltage (VDS ), showing a linear dependence on bias. The PC
for the pure graphene device without graphite quantum dots is also shown here, which indicates
a negligible effect. Reproduced with permission for Figure 10a–d from 2013 Scientific Reports [81].

Graphene was hybridized with graphene QDs on a rippled poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrate to

fabricate stretchable PD [82], whose PC strongly depended on the external strain. The PC gradually
decreased as the strain increased due to the reduction of light absorption resulting from multiple
reflections of the photons in the ripple. The PD showed 2.8 × 103 photoconductive gain in the UV range.
Reports [81].

Graphene was hybridized with graphene QDs on a rippled poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrate to

fabricate stretchable PD [82], whose PC strongly depended on the external strain. The PC gradually
decreased as
Micromachines the9, strain
2018, 350 increased due to the reduction of light absorption resulting from multiple 19 of 29
reflections of the photons in the ripple. The PD showed 2.8 × 103 photoconductive gain in the UV
range. Graphene/graphene QDs/graphene PD was also fabricated to form hybrid-type PD that
operates over a wide QDs/graphene
spectral range PDfrom
was also
UV fabricated to form
to NIR [84,85]. hybrid-type
This PD showed PD that
A/W R,over1011
spectral range from UV to NIR [84,85]. This PD showed ~0.5 A/W R, 10 11 cm·Hz1/2 /W D*,
/W D*, ~95 dB linear dynamic range (LDR), and 100 μs response time. Recently, PDs
~95 dB linear
composed of dynamic
silica NPs range
and (LDR), andQDs
graphene 100 µs
as response
donors and time. Recently,were
acceptors PDswell
operatedof silica
basedNPs on
and graphene QDs as donors and acceptors were well operated based on Förster
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) mechanism, as shown in Figure 11a–c [86]. Under reverse resonance energy
transfer (FRET)
bias at 532 nm, mechanism,
the R of the as shown
FRET in Figure
system 11a–cthan
was more [86]. three
Under reverse
times bias than
greater at 532 theRPD
that of
the FRET system
containing was more QDs,
only graphene than three times greater
as shown in Figure than thatThis
11d. of the PD containing
performance only graphene
improvement was
QDs, as shown in Figure 11d. This performance improvement was interpreted by
interpreted by the network-like current paths formed by the graphene QDs on the silica NPs and easy the network-like
transferpaths formed
of the by the
carriers graphenefrom
generated QDstheon the silica
silica NPsNPs andthe
into easy transfer of
graphene QD thedue
carriers generated
to their close
from the silica NPs into the graphene QD due to their close attachment. The
attachment. The PD further exhibited asymmetric and nonlinear current–voltage characteristics, PD further exhibited
asymmetric and nonlinear
which was attributed to thecurrent–voltage characteristics,
tunneling of the charge carriers which wasthe
through attributed
availableto density
the tunneling of the
of graphene
charge carriersthe
QDs between through
density of graphene QDs between the metallic graphene layers.

Figure 11. (a) Band structures of silica NPs (SNP) and graphene QD (GQD). Possible
Figure 11. (a) Band structures of silica NPs (SNP) and graphene QD (GQD). Possible
absorption/emission/transfer processes are described. Here, S0 and S1 indicate ground and lowest
absorption/emission/transfer processes are described. Here, S0 and S1 indicate ground and lowest
excited states, respectively. SNPs are highly absorptive, especially in the range of the emission
excited states, respectively. SNPs are highly absorptive, especially in the range of the emission spectrum
spectrum of GQDs; (b) A schematic of a typical Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) system
of GQDs; (b) A schematic of a typical Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) system composed
composed of SNPs and GQDs as donors and acceptors, respectively. Photo-excited electron-hole pairs
of SNPs and GQDs as donors and acceptors, respectively. Photo-excited electron-hole pairs occupy
occupy mostly surface states of SNPs, thereby making it easy for the energy to be transferred to
mostly surface states of SNPs, thereby making it easy for the energy to be transferred to adjacent
adjacent GQDs. The distance at which the FRET efficiency drops to 50% is defined as the Forster
GQDs. The distance at which the FRET efficiency drops to 50% is defined as the Forster radius (R0 ),
radius (R0), typically in the range of 1–10 nm. The use of one-atom-thick GQDs for acceptors can
typically in the range of 1–10 nm. The use of one-atom-thick GQDs for acceptors can minimize R0
minimize R0 and maximize the contacting area of the acceptors and the donors; (c) Schematic of the
and maximize the contacting area of the acceptors and the donors; (c) Schematic of the PD structure
PD structure composed of the FRET system sandwiched between single-layer graphene sheets; (d)
composed of the FRET system sandwiched between single-layer graphene sheets; (d) Responsivities of
SNPs, GQDs, and of SNPs, GQDs, and
hybrid hybrid
as functions as functions
of bias voltage,ofexcited
bias voltage,
at 532 excited at 532 nm.
nm. Reproduced
Reproduced with permission for Figure 11a–d from 2016 Scientific
with permission for Figure 11a–d from 2016 Scientific Reports [86]. Reports [86].

9.2. Graphene/One-Dimensional Carbon

CNTs can be metallic or semiconducting depending on their respective chiral vector [128]. Metallic
CNTs are particularly useful as transparent conductors, whilst semiconducting CNTs are promising
candidates as channel materials in FETs for electronic applications. CNTs are also very useful for
new optoelectronic devices due to their inherent excellent optical properties such as direct bandgap
nature, strong light absorption/emission, and high radiation/fluorescence lifetimes. Recently, there
has been a report of a broadband phototransistor made of a graphene film on the ultrathin layer
of single-wall CNTs [87]. In this device, the electrons move to the graphene channel and the holes
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 20 of 29

are trapped in the CNTs. The trapped holes effectively modulate the channel conductance, leading
to a continuous negative shift of the Dirac point voltage with increasing the illumination intensity.
In addition, the built-in potential can be effectively tuned by adjusting the graphene Fermi level,
thereby controlling PC and R under different back-gate voltages. The R was shown to be ~120 A/W
and ~40 A/W at 650 and 1550 nm, respectively.
More recently, there has been a report on novel broadband graphene/CNT thin film
photodiode [88], where the optical carriers near the interface are separated by built-in potential
under illumination. The electrons and holes are then collected by each electrode, resulting in
a PC in the external circuit. The Ilight /Idark ratio, R, and specific D* of the PD are 240, 0.21 A/W,
and 4.87 × 1010 Jones, respectively, much larger than other CNTs-based PDs. The PD also exhibited
a fast response rate of 68/78 µs rise/fall times and 5400 Hz 3dB bandwidth.

10. Graphene/2D Layered Semiconductors

The van der Waals interaction between neighboring layers without dangling bonds in 2D materials
allows for their integration with other materials, including graphene, to form a variety of planar
or vertical functional heterostructures with fundamentally different properties. As a prototype
geometry, 2D layered semiconductors such as InSe [89], WS2, [90], MoTe2 [91], and graphene were
used as the light absorbing medium and both-side electrodes, respectively, to fabricate planar
metal-semiconductor-metal-type phototransistors. Compared to metal electrodes, the graphene
electrode has the advantage of tuning the Schottky barrier between the graphene and the 2D
semiconductors by controlling the Fermi level of graphene. Therefore, the photoresponse characteristics
can be adjusted by electrostatic gating or optical input control. An ideal ohmic contact between the
graphene and the 2D layered semiconductor can be achieved by tuning the Schottky barrier.
Recently, the planar graphene/n-InSe/graphene van der Waals heterostructures showed high
R of 4 × 103 A·W−1 and fast rise/fall times of 1/10 ms [89]. The electrons move from graphene
to n-InSe due to the higher work function of graphene, resulting in an accumulation layer at the
graphene/n-InSe interface in equilibrium for a wide range of applied gate voltages. This study provides
an innovative device architecture that enables access to fast electronic speed and high broadband
spectral response. In another study, abnormal dependence of the R on incident light power was
observed in graphene/WS2 /graphene heterostructure device [90]. In this device, the R increases as
the optical power increases at Vg = 0 V (off state), considered to be due to an efficient photo-induced
charge transfer process in which electrons reside in the graphene while the holes are located at WS2 .
On the other hand, at Vg = 30 V (on state), the R decreases as the optical power increases. When on
state in the phototransistor, the photo-gating effect can increase the Fermi level and reduce the contact
resistance. As a result, the influence of illumination on the Fermi level of graphene is reduced, thereby
causing different power dependence of R.
In device structures dominated by photogating effects, 2D semiconductor serves as a medium
for harvesting light, whereas graphene serves as a conduction channel for carrier transport and
circulation. Recently, mechanically exfoliated graphene-MoS2 hybrid heterostructure phototransistors
exhibited a high R of 5 × 108 and 1 × 1010 A·W−1 at 130 K and room temperature, respectively [22].
Here, the photogenerated holes under illumination are trapped in MoS2 by local conditions, and the
electrons are transferred to the graphene with the help of the gate electric field, resulting in high R.
On the other hand, the trapped holes act as local gates, thereby causing a significant photogating effect
on graphene through capacitive coupling. Eventually, the response time is slow because of the long life
of the trapped holes. In another approach, a similar phototransistor was fabricated using CVD-induced
graphene and MoS2 [92]. This hybrid heterostructure device showed a relatively low response of
~1.2 × 107 A·W−1 due to the low carrier mobility of CVD-graphene and very slow response times of
several-hundred seconds, but seemed to be better suited for practical applications by easy preparation
in large areas.
Micromachines 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 27

time is slow because of the long life of the trapped holes. In another approach, a similar
phototransistor was fabricated using CVD-induced graphene and MoS2 [92]. This hybrid
heterostructure device showed a relatively low response of ~1.2 × 107 A·W−1 due to the low carrier
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 21 of 29
mobility of CVD-graphene and very slow response times of several-hundred seconds, but seemed to
be better suited for practical applications by easy preparation in large areas.
Recently, graphene/transition metal
Recently, graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide
dichalcogenide (TMD)(TMD) heterostructures
heterostructures have also exhibited
significant functionalities in the the photodiode
photodiode type.type. Carrier
Carrier generation, separation, and transport
processes were
processes were shown
shown to be adjusted by easily modulating the Fermi level of graphene and the height
of the Schottky barrier in graphene/TMD/graphene
graphene/TMD/graphene vertically-stacked
heterostructures. For For instance,
2 /graphene stack
heterostructures were
were useful
useful for
for efficient
efficient light–matter
light–matter interactions,
leading toto improved
improved photon photon
absorptionabsorption and electron-hole
and electron-hole generation [93]. generation [93]. Scanning
Scanning Photomicroscopy
PC mapping showed PCthat
the PC showed
generationthat the PCprimarily
occurred generation occurred
in regions primarily in regions
of heterogeneous structures of
heterogeneous structures with asymmetric potentials. In −
addition, 2
with asymmetric potentials. In addition, R increases from ~10 to ~10 A·W by integratingR −
1 −
from1 ~10 −2 to ~10−1

A·W−1 by integrating
plasmonic plasmonic and
metal nanostructures metal nanostructurestoand
heterostructures heterostructures
improve to improveIt the
the light absorption. light
is worth
absorption. It is worth
noting that these resultsnoting
can be that
usedthese results can
for designing thebedual-gate-type
used for designing
graphene/WS the dual-gate-type
2 /graphene
heterostructure 2/graphene
to control heterostructure
the polarity andto control the
amplitude of polarity
the PC by and amplitude
adjusting the of the PC and
direction by adjusting
of thedirection and intensity
built-in electric field [94].ofA the built-in
typical electric field
heterostructure [94]. A typical
of graphene/WSe 2 heterostructure
/graphene employing of
2.2 nm trilayer2/graphene employing
WSe2 , as shown 2.2 nm
in Figure 12atrilayer WSe2, asfast
[95], exhibits shown in Figure
response (5.5 ps)12aand[95],high
exhibits fast
response (5.5
quantum ps) and
efficiency highasinternal
(70%), shown quantum
in Figure efficiency (70%),
12b,c. Further as shown inofFigure
improvement 7.3% in 12b,c. Further
the external
quantum of 7.3%
efficiency wasinachieved
the external quantum
by using efficiency
optical was achieved
waveguides and cavity byorusing
plasmonoptical waveguides
and cavity or plasmon nanostructures in the TMD layer
in the TMD layer to improve light-matter interactions [129–131]. to improve light-matter interactions [129–131].

Figure 12.
12. (a)(a)
Schematic illustration
illustration of the experimental
of the experimentaltime-resolved photocurrent
time-resolved photocurrentset-upset-up
and cross-
sectional view of
cross-sectional the of
view graphene/WSe
the graphene/WSe 2/graphene
/graphene (b)
heterostructure; Photocurrent
(b) as
Photocurrenta function
as a of time
of timebetween two pulses;
delay between two(c) IQE as(c)
pulses; a function
IQE as aof potential
function of drop across
potential theWSe
drop across2 layer ΔV for
theWSe devices
2 layer ∆V
with channel length = 2.2, 7.4, and 28 nm. Reproduced with permission for
for devices with channel length = 2.2, 7.4, and 28 nm. Reproduced with permission for Figure 12a–c Figure 12a–c from 2016
Nature Nanotechnology
from 2016 [95]; (d) Top:
Nature Nanotechnology optical
[95]; (d) Top:image of a image
optical device offabricated
a devicebased on van
fabricated der on
based Waals-
assembled MoS2-graphene-WSe
der Waals-assembled 2. Bottom: schematic
MoS2 -graphene-WSe 2 . side
Bottom: view of
schematic the heterostructure;
side view of the (e) Responsivity
(R) Responsivity
(e) and specific detectivity (D*) of detectivity
(R) and specific a typical device forawavelengths
(D*) of typical device ranging from 400 to ranging
for wavelengths 2400 nm.fromThe
device was tested in ambient air at V = 1 V and V = 0 V. Reproduced
400 to 2400 nm. The device was tested in ambient air at VDS = 1 V and Vg = 0 V. Reproduced with
DS g with permission for Figure
12d,e from 2016
permission Nano 12d,e
for Figure Letters [100].
from 2016 Nano Letters [100].

As another approach,
As another approach, relatively-low-R
relatively-low-R photodiodes
photodiodes were fabricated by
were fabricated by integrating
integrating graphene
with TMD stacked semiconductors such as MoS 2, MoTe2, and WSe2 [96–99]. Here, the gate tunable
with TMD stacked semiconductors such as MoS2 , MoTe2 , and WSe2 [96–99]. Here, the gate tunable
mismatch of graphene and
of graphene semiconductor Fermi
and semiconductor Fermi levels
levels allows tunable Schottky
allows tunable Schottky junctions,
junctions, thereby
showing adjustable rectification behaviors and photovoltaic response characteristics. Interestingly,
adjustable rectification behaviors and photovoltaic response characteristics. Interestingly,
the detection range
the detection range of
of the
overcome band
band edge
edge absorption
absorption limits
limits of
of the semiconductor, useful for the internal photoemission in graphene. Especially,
the semiconductor, useful for the internal photoemission in graphene. Especially, the graphene/MoS the
Schottky junction photodiode exhibited unique optical response over a wide spectral range from 400
to 1500 nm [96]. Maximum R values of 0.52 A·W−1 at 590 nm/1.26 A·W−1 at 1440 nm were obtained
when operating in the energy gap excitation mode/when internal light emission dominated the
Micromachines 2018, 9, 350 22 of 29

PC generation in graphene, respectively. On the other hand, metal-insulator-semiconductor-like

photodiodes with an insulator layer between graphene and MoS2 showed improved current
rectification and higher current flow compared to 2D-based metal-semiconductor diodes and p-n
junctions based on TMDs [97]. This was attributed to the formation of a multi-layered semiconductor,
resulting in the carrier tunneling in the forward bias and the depressed carrier tunneling in the reverse
bias. Figure 12d shows the vertical tuning of the WSe2 /graphene/MoS2 gate tunable rectification
behavior and the broadband response ranging from 400 to 2400 nm. [100]. The device exhibits high R
and D* of up to 105 A·W−1 and 1015 Jones in the visible range, respectively, but they sharply decrease
to 10−1 A·W−1 and 109 Jones at 2400 nm IR wavelength, as shown in Figure 12e. This unique response
to different wavelengths can be understood as follows. In the visible light region where the incident
photon energy is greater than the bandgap of the TMD, the incident light can be absorbed by all three
materials (WSe2 , graphene, and MoS2 ), resulting in a large number of photocarriers, contributing to
significant increase of PC. However, when the IR light having energy smaller than the band gap of
WSe2 is irradiated, only graphene can absorb light, resulting in very low PC. These results suggest that
the van der Waals junctions based on 2D materials are very promising in future critical optoelectronic
device applications.

11. Conclusions and Outlook

Graphene/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures showed their tremendous potential for PD
applications. Particular attention was paid to several important issues related to device design, device
performance, and processing technology to enhance figure-of-merit parameters of the PDs. By the
optimization through various approaches, the PDs typically showed some new features that could open
up the way to many conventional and advanced applications. The work function, surface resistance,
and optical transparency of the graphene TCEs were successfully tuned by adjusting the number
of layers, chemical doping, photo-induced doping, or electric field gating doping, which strongly
affected the performance of the PDs. To meet the requirements for the practical applications of the PDs,
some of the properties of the sensing materials should be optimized. Because the heterogeneity of the
nanostructured materials can greatly affect the uniformity of the device performance, more precise
control of their morphology, crystallinity, and orientation is highly needed. Some emerging methods
such as plasmonic technology and integration of optical waveguides/micro cavities are also useful for
improving the photo-material interactions, resulting in the increase of the light absorption. In particular,
special efforts should be made for high response speed of the PDs by increasing the charge carrier
mobility of the sensing materials or introducing a vertical electric field for the transfer and separation
of photo-carriers. Broadband, spectrally selective, or flexible PDs should also be developed for specific
applications. In addition to the improvements of the figure-of-merit parameters, long-term reliability
and durability, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective machining technologies, large-scale
production and consolidation are also important issues for various applications of the PDs in upcoming
new situations.

Funding: This research was funded by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation
of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning: NRF-2017R1A2B3006054.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no competing financial interest.

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