Visa Questions

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VISA Interview Questions

1. Why this university?

Well I was searching for Industrial engineering course with concentration in
supply chain management and Wichita has good courses in this field which
are specially designed to re train working professionals like me who want to
accelerate their career.
2. Why do you plan to do MS? Why MS in IE ?
This is the best time as I have gained significant experience in Industrial
Engineering (supply chain management). To advance my career from
executive level to mid managerial level Masters degree is like pre requisite,
courses I have selected is specially designed to re train working professionals
like me who want to accelerate their career & to know latest trends in the
3. Why do you wish to study in the US ?
Supply chain engineering and operation research courses offered in US
universities are very industry oriented so in these courses I will get
opportunities to study practices followed by supply chain giants like Walmart ,
Amazon during case studies.
4. Why Don't you study in India ?
I am currently in USA which gives me good opportunity to explore education
system in USA which is highly recognized worldwide.
5. Why did you switch fields from Electrical to Industrial engineering? Why are
you changing your stream?
Though I did my bachelors in electrical engg, my most of professional career I
spent in supply chain management in electrical industries so in my further
studies I want leverage my experience gained in various MNCs
6. What are you plans after Graduation?
I have developed very good relationships with my past companies in India
and would like to come back after MS and get into a higher responsibility
techno-functional role once I am back. My spouse is a working professional in
electrical industry and planning to go back after OPT (after gaining some
professional work experience here expires in Aug 16. Planning to take OPT

7. You look like Potential immigrants (OR) I dont think you will come back to
Ans. I worked in India for all MNCs for 8 years and have a good relationships
with my past companies. I am already in US right now so this is the good
opportunities for me to retrain me technically in US universities. I am going to
get good opportunities in India after my MS and planning to go back to India
after MY MS and by that time, my husbands OPT will also expire. Also we
have 2 homes in India and also have to look after our both parents.
8. Why should I allow you a visa?
Sir, in my opinion, I have a strong educational and financial background and a
genuine reason to study at US. My profile is good enough for pursuing
Masters' in USA and an admit from a university like Wichita State is a
testimony to that. I have tried my best to fulfill all the requirements to get a
visa. So, I expect a visa from you.
9 What will you do if your visa will reject?
I will go back and analyze what went wrong, how I represented myself in front
of visa officer and I will try to correct my mistakes and will reapply for visa.
10. What is your opinion about USA? What is the thing you like best in
America? What kind of good things do you know about America?
USA is the most developed country in the world. People there are very
friendly and helping. Education and research is at its best in USA. A degree
from an US university is globally recognized as the academic standards are
very high there. USA is the mecca of education.
11. Who will take care of your kid once you will shift at Wichita?
My husband will take care. And kid is 3 years old now so managing him is not
that much difficult.
12. Why you didnt apply any university in Columbia?
SCSU doesnt offer MS in industrial engineering.
12. Which was your undergraduate college?
I did my Bachelors of Engineering in Lukhdhirji Engineering College which is
affiliated to Saurashtra University.
13 How many admits/ rejects?

3 admits and 1 rejects. Admits: Wichita state university, Kansas state

university and Michigan technological university, reject: North Carolina State
14. What was your first choice ?
Wichita State University was my first Choice.
15 What is your GRE/TOEFL score ?
GRE 294, TOEFL 91
15. What are your grades like ?
Sir, We have a percentage system, and I scored 71% overall firstclass with
16. Did you have any backlogs ?
17. What was your bachelor's degree in?
I completed my Bachelors of Engineering in Electrical.
18. What is the purpose of your trip?
To pursue my Masters in Industrial Engineering at Wichita State University.
19. Which university are you planning to go to?
Wichita State University Kansas
20. Who is planning to sponsor you?
I have my own funds and also my husband is sponsoring me
21. What do your parents do?
Retired principal and mom homemaker
22. Does any of your relative stay in the US?
Yes. Husband, children and sister
23. Why is your GRE score low ?

My quantitative reasoning score is pretty good. For verbal reasoning, I

answered the first few questions incorrectly and I couldn't improve my score
later even after performing well later. But you can see that the TOEFL score is
decent which shows my proficiency in the English language.
25. Do you intend to come back? Or What if you are offered a job in US?
I will be back immediate after my masters as my husbands OPT will expire by
August 18. And we are planning to shift in India where we have our home.
26. Tell me about your Universitys location?
Wichita at Kansas State
27. How many time s have u attended VISA interview before this? IS this your
first time?
This is first time for student visa.
28. What do you know about the University?
Ans. WSU is a public research university located in Wichita, Kansas, United
States. The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees.
There are over 200 academic degree programs offered through the university.
The University offers around 60 courses to graduates and. There are more
than 3000 graduate students in the University.
29. How did you come to know about your University?
I came to know about the University through internet and email exchanges
with the seniors.
31. Do you plan to work in the US supposing on-campus?
I have no plans to work while studying. I want to complete the course as early
as possible and come back and join the IT industry in India.
32. How many members in a family?
We have 5 family members.
34. Even in this condition of economic recession, you want to go US. Why?
I am going there for studies and I want to return back after my studies. So,
economic recession in US doesn't affect me.
36. Name some professors of your University?

Dr. Krishna Krishnan, Dr. Yildirim, Dr. Esra

37. Can you tell me how did you get this amount? How did you get this
Me and my husband both were working in India for an 8 years. Also my
husband started working in US from August 2015.
39. Do u think u will get the visa
Ans. I have shown sufficient funds required for my MS and I have shown
strong intent to return to India so I dont see why u will reject my visa.
40. Why do you seem so nervous?
Its a big day today so nervousness is there a bit.
41. Is your husband is happy with your decision?
Yes he is. He is educated and knows very well that a MS from US is very
important for my career growth
42. What will your education abroad bring u in India? Same as WHY MS ?
This is the best time as I have gained significant experience in Industrial
Engineering (supply chain management) in electrical industry. To advance my
career from executive level to mid managerial level Masters degree is like
pre requisite, courses I have selected is specially designed to re train working
professionals like me who want to accelerate their carrier & to
44. How can u adjust with a new environment? Do you have any problem in
language, living there and studying?
Americans are very friendly and helpful. They will never let you feel that you
are a foreigner. It is very easy to adjust with them. So I do not think I will have
any problem in mixing with them
44. Have u referred any websites for this visa interview?
None. Except for the VFS-USA website.
45. How did you prepare yourself for this interview? Did u join any yahoo
group to help u with the interview preparation? Why did you take help from
educational consultants? Did you go to some consultant?
No preparation. Just collected all my documents as mentioned in VFS site and
now I am in front of you.
46 What sort of job will u get here ?

I will get a jobs as a Supply chain Manager preferably in electrical industries.

47. What sort of companies will take you? Who is going to hire you? So for
what kind of companies do u want to work ? Where all you can work?
Ans. I am looking to come back and work in the same company I am working
for now.
48. With which American companies u would like to work with? [again a trap]
Ans. I am open to not only to US MNCs but all MNCs
50. What would be your salary after coming to India? How much salary are
you expecting?
Approximate 1.35 lakhs per month
51. With the kind of salaries you are offered there, why will you come back?
How much do you expect to get? How much pay are u expecting in INDIA
MNCs like Schneider electric are paying 14-15 lakhs per annum
52. The documents you have produced r highly questionable. Your documents
are faked
Sir all of them are genuine and they have been signed by authorized
signatories [Here a smile is a must]
53. What locations would you see there?
Ans. I am going there for studies, and since my stay in US is for 2 years only
so I dont think I will get time to freak around.

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