Dungeon World Book
Dungeon World Book
Dungeon World Book
The Bard
The Bard
Sure, an adventurers life is all open roads
and the glory of coin and combat. Those
tales that are told in every farmhandlled inn have to have some ring of truth
to them, dont they? The songs to inspire
peasantry and royals aliketo soothe
the savage beast or drive men to a frenzy
have to come from somewhere.
Enter the Bard. You, with your smooth
tongue and quick wit. You teller-of-tales
and singer-of-songs. It takes a mere
minstrel to retell a thing but a true Bard
to live it. Strap on your boots, noble orator. Sharpen that hidden dagger and take
up the call. Someones got to be there,
ghting shoulder-to-shoulder with the
goons and the thugs and the soon-to-beheroes. Who better than you to write the
tale of your own heroism?
The Paladin
Hell awaits. An eternity of torment in
re or ice or whatever best suits the
sins of the damned throngs of Dungeon
World. All that stands between the pits
of that grim torture and salvation is you.
Holy man, armored war machine, templar of the Good and the Light, right?
The Cleric may say his prayers at night to
the gods, dwelling in their heavens. The
Fighter may wield his sharp sword in the
name of good but you know. Only you.
Eyes, hands, and sweet killing blow of
the gods, you are. Yours is the gift of
righteousness and virtue. Of justice. Vision, too. A purity of intent that your
companions do not have. So guide these
fools, Paladin. Take up your holy cause
and bring salvation to the wastrel world.
Vae victis, right?
The Ranger
The Cleric
The lands of Dungeon World are a godsforsaken mess. Theyre lousy with the
walking dead, beasts of all sorts, and the
vast unnatural spaces between safe and
temple-blessed civilizations. It is a godless world out there. Thats why it needs
Bringing the glory of your god to the
heathens isnt just in your natureits
your calling. It falls to you to proselytize with sword and mace and spell. To
cleave deep into the witless heart of the
wilds and plant the seed of divinity there.
Some say that it is best to keep god close
to your heart. You know thats rubbish.
God lives at the edge of a blade. Show the
world who is lord.
The Fighter
Its a thankless jobliving day to day by
your armor and the skill of your arm. To
dive heedlessly into danger. They wont
be playing golden horns for the time you
took that knife to the ribs for them in the
bar in Bucksberg. No ock of angels to
sing of the time you dragged them, still
screaming, from the edge of the Pits of
Madness, no.
Forget them.
You do this for the guts and the glory.
The scream of battle and the hot hot
blood of it. You are a beast of iron.
The Thief
Youve heard them, sitting around the
camp re. Bragging about this battle or
that. About how their gods are smiling
on your merry band. You count your
coins and smile to yourselfthis is the
thrill above all. You alone know the secret of Dungeon World: lthy lthy lucre.
Sure, they give you lip for all the times
youve snuck off alone but without you,
who among them wouldnt have been
dissected by a ying guillotine or poisoned straight to death by some ancient needle-trap? So let them complain.
When youre done with all this delving
youll toast their heroes graves.
The Wizard
From your castle. Full of gold. You rogue.
The Wizard
Dungeon World has rules. Not the laws
of men or the rule of some petty tyrant.
Bigger, better rules. You drop somethingit falls. You cant make something out of nothing. The dead stay dead,
Oh, the things we tell ourselves to feel
better about the long, dark nights.
Youve spent so very long poring over
those tomes of yours. The experiments
that nearly drove you mad and all the
botched summonings that endangered
your very soul. For what? For power.
What else is there? Not just the power
of King or Country but the power to boil
a mans blood in his veins. To call on the
thunder of the sky and the churn of the
roiling earth. To shrug off the rules the
world holds so dear.
Let them cast their sidelong glances. Let
them call you warlock or diabolist.
Who among them can hurl reballs from
their eyes?
Yeah. We didnt think so.
Dungeon World
Setting Up
Using Dice
Setting Up
Using Dice
When talking about dice, dX means a
dice with X sides (d4, d6, d8, etc.). A
number before the dice size means "roll
this many and add them together," so
2d6 means "roll two six-sided dice and
add them together." Sometimes youll
add something to the roll, maybe a static
number or the result of another roll, add
that to the total. If theres a "b" at the
end instead of adding them together you
take the best one (b for best), so 2d6b+1
means "roll two six-sided dice and take
the best one and add one to it." A "w" at
the end means you take the worst result,
so 2d6w means "roll two six-sided dice
and take the worst one."
The Flow
of Play
The basic unit of rules in Dungeon World
is the Move . A move looks like this:
When you attack an enemy in melee
, roll+Str. On a 10+ you deal your damage
to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your
option, you may choose to do +1d6 damage
butexposeyourselftotheenemysattack. On
a 79, you deal your damage to the enemy
and the enemy makes an attack against you.
Moves are rules that describe when they
trigger and what effect they have. A
move always depends on a ctional action and always has some ctional effect.
"Fictional" means that the action and effect come from the shared imaginative
space were describing, not from us directly. In the move above, the trigger
is "when you attack an enemy in melee."
The effect is what follows: a roll to be
made and differing ctional effects based
on the outcome of the roll. Most moves
rely on one of a characters stats which
represent the characters innate abilities.
When a player says their character
does something that triggers a move
that move happens and its rules apply.
Moves and dealing damage are the only
times dice are rolled. The move will tell
you what dice to roll.
The basic rule of moves is: take the action to gain the effect . To make the
mechanical aspect of a move happen the
character has to do something that triggers that move. Likewise, if the character
does something that triggers a move the
mechanical portion happens.
The result of the roll falls into three categories: a 10+ is a strong hit . A 79 is a
weak hit . A 6- is a miss .
Some moves use the phrase "deal damage ." Dealing damage means you roll the
damage dice for your class and modify it
based on the weapon you were using for
that move. You have to be wielding a
weapon to use your classs damage dice.
Default damage without a weapon is 1.
Some moves say "take +1 forward ." That
means to take +1 to your next move roll
(not damage). The bonus can be greater
than +1, or even a penalty, like -1. There
also might be a condition, such as "take
+1 forward to Hack and Slash," in which
case the bonus applies only to the next
time you roll Hack and Slash, not any
other move.
Some moves say "take +1 ongoing ." That
means to take +1 to all move rolls (not
damage). The bonus can be larger than
+1, or it can be a penalty, like -1. There
also might be a condition, such as "take
+1 ongoing to Volley." An ongoing bonus
also says what causes it to end, like "until
you dismiss the spell" or "until you atone
to your deity."
Some moves give you hold . Hold is
currency that allows you to make some
choices later on by spending the hold as
the move describes. Hold is always saved
up for the move that generated it; you
cant spend your hold from Defend on
Trap Sense or vice versa.
There are some moves that all the players have access to. These are the Basic
and Special moves. Basic moves are the
things that happen oftenplayers will
roll these a lot. Special moves are moves
that come up less frequently, but everyone has access to them.
Each class also has some of its own
moves. Some of these moves are starting moves that the class starts with.
Others are advanced moves that the
player may choose as their character
Damage and HP
Dungeon World is a dangerous place in
many ways, not least of which are the
physical perils that await in the forgotten
halls where adventurers explore. Each
character has HP . HP is short for hit
points; its a number which re ects a
characters condition. The characters
HP value is determined by their class and
Constitution score. Your HP doesnt automatically go up as you level, but if your
Constitution score changes you update
your HP as well.
When a character takes damage they reduce their current HP by that amount. If
their current HP falls to zero it means
theyre dying and must immediately
make the Last Breath move. HP never
goes negative; if damage would take a
characters HP below zero set it to zero
Depending on the outcome of the Last
Breath move a character may be stable
at 0 HP. Stable means the character wont
get worse on their own but they wont
get better without care or time. If a stable character takes damage they stay at 0
HP but must make the Last Breath move
again immediately.
Armor prevents damage. When you take
damage you subtract your armor from
the damage dealt.
The Cleric is all about healing HP. Without the Clerics healing magics, adventurers are left at the mercies of bandages, poultices, and other crude medicines, plus the odd healing potion.
HP tracks the assorted bruises and cuts
that accumulate but some wounds go
deeper. These are debilities . Debilities give you a -1 to your modi er for
one stat. They dont effect the base score
(so being Weak wont effect your Load,
just your Str modi er). Theyre tougher
to heal than HP, your best bet is to get
somewhere safe and spend a few days
resting to get rid of them.
Adventurers in Dungeon World grow
and learn from their experiences. Eventually, with time and luck, they survive
to level up.
Experience is tracked via XP . Players
mark XP by keeping a tally on their character sheet. When they have XP marks
equal to their current level + 7 they are
ready to level up, but they do not actually
level up until they have some downtime
(usually in camp or in a nearby village).
Gaining a new level means choosing a
new move from your class. If your new
level is 3rd, 6th, or 9th you also get to increase one stat by 2, adjusting the modier to re ect the new score.
There are two times when you mark XP:
when you roll a miss (6-) and when you
make the End of Session move.
Whenever you roll a miss (a 6 or lower)
when making a move you mark XP. These
are the tough lessons of the adventuring
At the end of each session one of your
Bonds may resolve. When a Bond is no
longer applicable it can be resolved if the
person you share that Bond with agrees.
When a Bond is resolved you mark XP
and write a new bond.
You also look back at your alignment
over the session you just concluded. If
you ful lled your alignment at least once
in the session youll get XP.
The End of Session move also has three
questions that all the players answer as
a group. For each "yes" answer everyone
gains XP.
A session of Dungeon World is one time
you sit down to play. A session usually
runs a few hours and may be a single
adventure or part of a larger campaign.
The rst session of a game starts off a little different. First youll need to choose
a GM. Once the GM is settled, everyone
else will need to make characters. See
the character creation chapter for more
on that.
Why play Dungeon World?
First, to see the characters do amazing
things . To see them explore the unexplored, slay the undying, and go from
the deepest bowels of the world to the
highest peaks of the heavens. To see
them caught up in momentous events
and grand tragedies.
Second, to see them play off each
other : to stand together as a united
front against their foes or to bicker and
argue over treasure. To unite and fall
apart and reunite again.
Third, because the world still has
so many places to explore . There
are unlooted tombs and dragon hordes
dotting the countryside just waiting for
quick- ngered and strong-armed adventurers to discover them. That unexplored world has plans of its own. We
play to see what they are and how theyll
change the lives of our characters.
Character Creation
1. Choose a Class
Making Dungeon World characters is
quick and easy. You should all create
your rst characters together at the beginning of your rst session. Character
creation is, just like play, a kind of conversationeveryone should be there for
it. Its somewhat likely your character
may die along the way. if they do, no
worries, the character creation process
helps you make a new character that ts
into the group in just a few minutes.
If youre the GM, your role during character creation is to help everyone, ask
questions, and take notes. When a player
makes a choiceparticularly for their
Bondsask them about it. Get more
detail. Think about what these details
The GM should also set expectations: the
players are to play their characters as
people. Skilled adventurers delving into
dangerous places, but real people. The
GMs role is to play the rest of the world
as a dynamic, changing place.
Some questions commonly come up during character creation:
Are the characters friends? No, not necessarily, but they do work together as a
team for common goals. Their reasons
for pursuing those goals may be different, but they generally manage to work
Are there other Wizards? Not really. There
are other workers of arcane magic, and
the common folk may call them wizards,
but theyre not like you. They dont have
the same abilities, though they may be
similar. Same goes for any class: theres
only one Cleric, though there are many
with similar powers of divine servitude.
Theres only one Thief, but there are others that ght from the shadows and steal
Whats coin? Coins the currency of the
realm. Its good pretty much everywhere. Itll buy you mundane stuff, like
steel swords and wooden staves, but the
special stuff, like magic weapons, isnt
for sale.
Is the GM trying to kill us? Nope. The GM
represents the world. Its a dangerous
place, and yeah, you might die. But shes
not trying to kill you.
Most everything you need to create
a character youll nd on the character sheets. These steps will walk you
through lling out a character sheet.
1. Choose a Class
Look over the character classes and
choose one that interests you. Everyone
chooses a different class; there arent two
Wizards. If two people want the same
class, talk it over like adults and compromise.
2. Choose a Race
Every class has a few race options.
Choose one. Your race gives you a special
I like the idea of summoning up Things From
Beyond, so I choose Human, since that gives
me a bonus to Summoning spells. I thought
about being an Elf, but Shannons playing
the Cleric so I dont think well need more
Cleric spells.
3. Choose a Name
Choose your characters name from the
Avon sounds good.
4. Choose Look
Your look is your physical appearance.
Choose one item from each list.
Haunted eyes sound good, since Ive seen
Things From Beyond. No good Wizard has
time for hair styling, wild hair it is. My robes
are strange, and I mention to everyone that I
think maybe they came from Beyond as part
of one of my summonings. No time to eat
with all that magic: thin body.
5. Choose Stats
Look over the basic moves and the starting moves for your class. Pick out the
move that interests you the most: something youll be doing a lot, or something
that you excel at. Put your 17 in the stat
for that move. Look over the list again
and pick out the next most important
move to your character, maybe something that supports your rst choice. Put
your 15 in the stat for that move. Repeat
this process for your remaining scores:
13, 11, 9, 8.
Alternatively, if everyone wants a little more randomness then you can roll
stats. Roll 3d6 and assign the total to a
statrepeat this until you have all your
If you want something really random
you can roll for stats in order (Str, Dex,
Con, Int, Wis, Cha). If you choose this
method you get to roll before you choose
your class.
7. Set Starting HP
Your starting HP is equal to your classs
base HP+Constitution score.
Base 4 plus 9 con gives me a whopping 13 HP.
I guess Summoning takes a toll on the body.
9. Choose Alignment
Your alignment is a few words that describe your characters moral outlook.
These are general and tend to guide your
characters outlook rather than dictate
their actions. Usually alignment is a single term declaring the characters allegiance to the forces of good, the hordes
of evil, or the path of neutrality between.
Character Creation
The alignments are Good, Evil, and Neutral. Some classes may only be certain
alignments. Choose your alignmentit
gives you more ways to earn XP.
Avon is all about the magical mysteries,
which makes the Neutral alignment stand
out. Ill go with that one.
has you roll+bonds youll count the number of Bonds you have with the character
in question and add that to the roll.
With everyone introduced I choose which
character to list in each Bond, I have Pauls
Fighter Gregor and Shannons Cleric Brinton to choose from. The Bond about
prophecy sounds fun, so I choose Gregor for
it and end up with "Gregor will play an important role in the events to come. I have
foreseen it!" It seems like The Wizard who
contacts Things From Beyond and the Cleric
might not see eye to eye, so I add Shannons
character and get "Brinton is woefully misinformed about the world; I will teach them
all that I can." I leave my last Bond blank,
Ill deal with it later. Once everyone is done
I read my Bonds aloud and we all discuss
what this means about why were together
and where were going.
Basic Moves
Basic Moves
When you take aim and shoot at an
enemy at range , roll+Dex. On a 10+
you have a clear shotdeal your damage. On a 79, choose one (whichever
you choose you deal your damage):
You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger of the GMs choice
You have to take what you can get:
-1d6 damage
You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one.
Defy Danger
When you act despite an imminent
threat or suffer a calamity , say how
you deal with it and roll. If you do it . . .
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation
or person , roll+Wis. On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. On
a 79 ask 1. Take +1 forward when acting
on the answers.
When you you have leverage on a GM
character and manipulate them ,
roll+Cha. Leverage is something they
need or want. On a hit they ask you
for something and do it if you make
them a promise rst. On a 79, they
need some concrete assurance of your
promise, right now.
Aid or Interfere
When you help or hinder someone
you have a Bond with , roll+Bond with
them. On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your
choice. On a 79 you also expose yourself
to danger, retribution, or cost.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack,
roll+Con. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 79,
hold 1. So long as you stand in defense,
when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 for 1, to
choose an option:
Redirect an attack from the thing you
defend to yourself
Halve the attacks effect or damage
Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the
Deal damage to the attacker equal to
your level
Spout Lore
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something
Last Breath
Special Moves
Last Breath
Level Up
When you make a move while carrying weight up to or equal to Load,
youre ne. When you make a move
while carrying weight equal to load+1 or
load+2, you take -1. When you make a
move while carrying weight greater than
load+2, you have a choice: drop at least
1 weight and roll at -1, or automatically
Make Camp
When you settle in to rest consume
a ration. If youre somewhere dangerous decide the watch order as well. If
you have enough XP you may Level Up.
When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted hours of sleep heal damage
equal to half your max HP.
Take Watch
When you youre on watch and
something approaches the camp
roll+Wis. On a 10+ youre able to wake
the camp and prepare a response, the
camp takes +1 forward. On a 79 you
react just a moment too late; the camp
is awake but hasnt had time to prepare.
You have weapons and armor but little
else. On a miss whatever lurks outside
the camp res light has the drop on you.
End of Session
When you reach the end of a session
, choose one your bonds that you feel is
resolved (completely explored, no longer
relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of
the character you have the bond with if
they agree. If they do, mark XP and write
a new bond with whomever you wish.
Once bonds have been updated look at
your alignment. If you ful lled that
alignment at least once this session,
mark XP. Then answer these three questions as a group:
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Did we overcome a notable monster
or enemy?
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
For each "yes" answer everyone marks
When you return triumphant and
throw a big party , spend 100 coin and
roll + extra 100s of coin spent. On a 10+
choose 3. On a 79 choose 1. On a miss,
you still choose one, but things get really
out of hand.
When you go to buy something with
gold on hand , if its something readily available in the settlement youre in,
you can buy it at market price. If its
something special, beyond whats usually available here, or non-mundane,
roll+Cha. On a 10+ you nd what youre
looking for at a fair price. On a 79 youll
have to pay more or settle for something
Special Moves
When you do nothing but rest in
comfort and safety after a day of rest
you recover all your HP. After three days
of rest you remove one debility of your
choice. If youre under the care of a
healer (magical or otherwise) you heal
a debility for every two days of rest instead.
When you put out word that youre
looking to hire help , roll. If you make
it known . . .
. . . that your pay is generous, take +1
. . . what youre setting out to do, take
. . . that theyll get a share of whatever
you nd, take +1
Outstanding Warrants
When you return to a civilized place
in which youve caused trouble before , roll+Cha. On a hit, word has
spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you. On a 79, that, and, the GM
chooses a complication:
The local constabulary has a warrant
out for your arrest
Someone has put a price on your head
Someone important to you has been
put in a bad spot as a result of your
When you spend your leisure time
in study, meditation, or hard practice, you gain preparation. If you prepare for a week or two, 1 preparation.
If you prepare for a month or longer,
3 preparation. When your preparation
pays off spend 1 preparation for +1 to any
roll. You can only spend one preparation
per roll.
The Bard
The Bard
Elf : Astrafel, Daelwyn, Feliana, Damarra,
Sistranalle, Pendrell, Melliandre, Dagoliir
Human : Baldric, Leena, Dunwick,
Willem, Edwyn, Florian, Seraphine,
Quorra, Charlotte, Lily, Ramonde, Cassandra
Choose one for each:
KnowingEyes, FieryEyes, orJoyous Eyes
Fancy Hair, Wild Hair, or Stylish Cap
Finery, Traveling Clothes, or Poor
Fit Body, Well-fed Body, or Thin Body
Assign these scores to your stats:
Bardic Lore
Choose an area of expertise:
Starting Moves
What are you really feeling right
What do you most desire?
When you return to a civilized settlement youve visited before, tell the GM
when you were last here. Theyll tell you
how its changed since then.
When you rst enter a civilized settlement someone who respects the custom
of hospitality to minstrels will take you
in as their guest.
You start with these moves:
Choose an alignment:
Perform your art to aid someone else
The Bard
does not trust me, and for good reason.
Spur others to signi cant and unplanned
decisive action
Your Load is 5+Str. You have dungeon
rations (5 uses, 1 weight). Choose one
Your fathers mandolin, repaired
A ne lute, a gift from a noble
The pipes with which you courted
your rst love
A stolen horn
A ddle, never before played
A songbook in a forgotten tongue
Choose your clothing:
Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
Ostentatious clothes
Choose your armament:
Dueling rapier (Close, Precise, 2
Worn bow (Near, 2 weight), bundle of
arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight), and short
sword (Close, 1 weight)
Choose one:
Advanced Moves
Healing Song
When you heal with Arcane Art, you heal
+1d8 damage.
Vicious Cacophony
When you grant bonus damage with Arcane Art, you grant an extra +1d4 damage.
It Goes To Eleven
When you unleash a crazed performance
(a righteous lute solo, mighty brass blast,
confusing interpretive dance) choose a
target who can hear you and roll+Cha.
On a 10+ the target ails in confusion
dealing its damage to a creature of your
choosing. On a 79 it deals its damage,
but then takes +1d4 damage ongoing as
the music invigorates it.
Unforgettable Face
When you meet someone youve met before (your call) after some time apart you
take +1 forward against them.
Reputation (Cha)
When you rst meet someone whos
heard songs about you, roll+Cha. On a
10+, tell the GM two things theyve heard
about you. On a 7-9, tell the GM one thing
theyve heard, and the GM tells you one
Eldritch Tones
When you use Arcane Art, you choose
two effects instead of one.
Duelists Parry
When you Hack and Slash, you take +1
armor forward.
Vicious Blast
Eldritch Chord
I sang stories of
Metal Hurlant
This is not my rst adventure with
Healing Chorus
When you use Charming and Open you
may also ask "How are you vulnerable
to me?" Your subject may not ask this
question of you.
When you Parley with someone, on a hit
you also take +1 forward with them.
Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat
your level as one lower for choosing the
Multiclass Initiate
Get one move from another class. Treat
your level as one lower for choosing the
When you gain a level from 6-10,
choose from these moves or the level
2-5 moves.
Advanced Moves
Duelists Block
Replaces: Duelists Parry
When you Hack and Slash, you take +2
armor forward.
Replaces: Bamboozle
When you Parley with someone, on a hit
you also take +1 forward with them and
get to ask their player one question which
they must answer truthfully.
Multiclass Master
Get one move from another class. Treat
your level as one lower for choosing the
The Bard
The Cleric
The Cleric
The lands of Dungeon World are a godsforsaken mess. Theyre lousy with the
walking dead, beasts of all sorts, and the
vast unnatural spaces between safe and
temple-blessed civilizations. It is a godless world out there. Thats why it needs
Bringing the glory of your god to the
heathens isnt just in your natureits
your calling. It falls to you to proselytize with sword and mace and spell. To
cleave deep into the witless heart of the
wilds and plant the seed of divinity there.
Some say that it is best to keep god close
to your heart. You know thats rubbish.
God lives at the edge of a blade. Show the
world who is lord.
Dwarf : Durga, Aelfar, Gerda, Rurgosh, Bjorn, Drummond, Helga, Siggrun,
Human : Wesley, Brinton, Jon, Sara,
Hawthorn, Elise, Clarke, Lenore, Piotr,
Dahlia, Carmine
Choose one for each:
Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes
Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald
Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb
ThinBody, Knobby Body, orFlabby Body
Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Bloody Conquest
Knowledge and Hidden Things
The Downtrodden and Forgotten
What Lies Beneath
Divine Guidance
When you ful ll your religions petition your deity grants you some useful
knowledge or boon related to their domain. The GM will tell you what.
Turn Undead
When you hold your holy symbol aloft
and pray aloud for protection, roll+Wis.
On a hit so long as you continue to pray
and brandish your holy symbol no undead may come within reach of you. On
a 10+ intelligent undead are momentarily dazed by the radiance of your god and
mindless undead ee. If you move aggressively towards an undead creature
while Turning them it breaks the effects
and they are able to act as normal. Intelligent undead, vampires and so on, may
still nd ways to harry you from afar.
Theyre clever like that.
Starting Moves
You are one with stone. When you Commune you are also granted a special version of Words of the Unspeaking which
only works on stone as a Rote.
Your faith is diverse. Choose one Wizard
spell. You can cast and be granted that
spell as if it was a Cleric spell.
You start with these moves:
You serve and worship some deity or
power which grants you spells. Give
your god a name (maybe Helferth, Sucellus, or Zorica) and choose your deitys
Healing and Restoration
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you
by your deity, roll+Wis. On a 10+, the
spell is successfully cast and your deity
does not revoke the spell, so you may cast
it again. On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but
choose one:
You draw unwelcome attention or
put yourself in a spot (the GM will
describe it).
Your casting distances you from your
deitytake -1 ongoing to Cast a Spell
until you Commune.
After you cast it, the spell is revoked
by your deity. You cannot cast the
spell again until you Commune and
The Cleric
When you gain a level from 2-5,
choose from these moves.
Chosen One
Choose an alignment:
Harm another to prove the superiority of
your church or god
Your Load is 7+Str. You carry dungeon
rations (1 weight, 5 uses) and some symbol of the divine, describe it (weight 0).
Choose your defenses:
Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
Choose your armament:
Warhammer (Close, 1 weight)
Mace (Close, 1 weight)
Staff (Close, Two-handed, 1 weight)
and bandages
Choose one:
Adventuring gear (1 weight) and dungeon rations (1 weight)
Healing potion (1 weight)
Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:
Advanced Moves
You are able to divide your power effectively. When you cast a spell you ignore
the rst -1 penalty from ongoing spells.
First Aid
Cure Light Wounds does not count
against your limit of granted spells.
Divine Intervention
When you Commune you get 1 hold and
lose any hold you already had. Spend
that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on your deity, they intervene
in an appropriate idiom (a sudden gust
of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and
negate the damage.
When you take damage and embrace the
pain, you may take +1d4 damage (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward to
Cast a Spell.
When you Cast a Spell, on a 10+ you have
the option of choosing from the 7-9 list.
If you do, you may choose one of these
effects as well:
The spells effects are doubled
The spells targets are doubled
Divine Protection
When you wear no armor or shield you
get 2 armor.
to my faith.
Devoted Healer
When you heal someone else of damage,
heal +your level damage.
Requires: Chosen One
Requires: Inquisitor
When you do damage with a spell, you
deal +1d4 damage.
When you take time after a con ict to
dedicate your victory to your deity and
deal with the dead, take +1 forward.
Replaces: Serenity
You ignore the -1 penalty from two spells
you maintain.
Divine Invincibility
Replaces: Divine Intervention
When you Commune you get 2 hold and
lose any hold you already had. Spend
that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on your deity, they intervene
in an appropriate idiom (a sudden gust
of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and
negate the damage.
Replaces: Penitent
When you take damage and embrace the
pain, you may take +1d4 damage (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward
to Cast a Spell and add your level to any
damage done or healed by the spell.
The Cleric
Advanced Moves
Divine Armor
Replaces: Divine Protection
When you wear no armor or shield you
get 3 armor.
Greater Empower
Replaces: Empower
When you Cast a Spell, on a 10-11 you
have the option of choosing from the 7-9
list. If you do, you may choose one of
these effects as well. On a 12+ you get to
choose one of these effects for free.
The spells effects are doubled
The spells targets are doubled
Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat
your level as one lower for choosing the
Cleric Spells
Cleric Spells
Light Rote
An item you touch glows with divine
light, about as bright as a torch. It gives
off no heat or sound and requires no fuel
but is otherwise like a mundane torch.
You have complete control of the color
of the ame. The spell lasts as long as it
is in your presence.
Sanctify Rote
Food or water you hold in your hands
while you cast this spell is consecrated
by your deity. In addition to now being
holy or unholy the affected substance is
puri ed of any mundane spoilage.
Guidance Rote
The symbol of your deity appears before
you and gestures towards the direction
or course of action your deity would have
you take then disappears. The message
is through gesture only; your communication through this spell is severely limited.
Cleric Spells
visions of the target, as clear as if you
were there.
Contagion Level 5 Ongoing
While this spell is ongoing a target you
can see suffers from the disease of your
choice and you take -1 to Cast a Spell.
Words of the Unspeaking Level 5
With a touch you speak to the spirits
within things. The non-living object you
touch responds to three questions you
pose, answering them as best it can.
True Seeing Level 5 Ongoing
While this spell is ongoing your vision is
opened to the true nature of everything
you lay your eyes on and you take -1 to
Cast a Spell. You pierce illusions and see
things that have been hidden. The GM
will describe the area before you ignoring
any illusions and falsehoods, magical or
Trap Soul Level 5
When cast in the presence of a ghost or
recently dead body this spell traps the
soul in a gem you provide. While trapped
the soul answers every question posed to
it and can not resist your requests. Once
released the soul is likely to hold a grudge
against its captor.
Heal Level 7
Touch an ally and you may restore up to
your maximum HP to them.
Harm Level 7
Touch an enemy and strike them with
divine wrathdeal 2d8 damage to them
and 1d6 damage to yourself (ignores armor).
Sever Level 7 Ongoing
Choose an appendage on the target such
as an arm, tentacle, or wing. The appendage is magically severed from their
body, causing no damage but considerable pain. Missing an appendage may,
for example, keep a winged creature
from ying, or a bull from goring you
on its horns. While you maintain the
spell you take -1 to Cast a Spell.
Mark of Death Level 7
Choose a creature whos true name you
know. This spell inscribes runes that will
kill that creature, should they read them.
Control Weather Level 7
Pray for rainor sun, wind, or snow.
Within a day or so, your god will answer. The weather will change according
to your will and last a handful of days.
The Fighter
The Fighter
Dwarf : Ozruk, Surtur, Brunhilda, Annika, Janos, Greta, Dim, Rundrig, Jarl,
Elf : Elohiir, Sharaseth, Hasrith, Shevaral, Cadeus, Eldar, Kithracet, Thelian
Hal ing : Finnegan, Olive, Randolph,
Bartleby, Aubrey, Baldwin, Becca
Human : Hawke, Rudiger, Gregor, Brianne, Walton, Castor, Shanna, Ajax, Hob
Choose one for each:
Hard Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Eager Eyes
Wild Hair, Shorn Hair, or Battered Helm
Calloused Skin, Tanned Skin, or Scarred
Built Body, Lithe Body, or Ravaged Body
Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
You start with 10+Constitution HP.
Your base damage is d10.
Starting Moves
When you share a drink with someone,
you may Parley with them with Con instead of Cha.
Choose one weaponyou can always
treat weapons of that type as if they had
the Precise tag.
Hal ing
When you Defy Danger and use your
small size to your advantage, take +1.
Once per battle you may choose a damage
roll (yours or someone elses) and reroll
You start with these moves:
You ignore the Clumsy tag on armor you
Signature Weapon
This is your weapon. There are many like
it, but this one is yours. Your weapon is
your best friend. It is your life. You
master it as you master your life. Your
weapon, without you, is useless. Without your weapon, you are useless. You
must wield your weapon true.
Choose a base description, all are 2
ts your
Choose two enhancements:
Hooks and spikes. +1 damage, but +1
Sharp. +2 piercing.
Perfectly weighted. +precise.
Serrated edges. +1 damage.
Glows in the presence of one type of
creature, your choice.
Huge. +messy, +forceful.
Versatile. Choose another range.
Well-crafted. -1 weight.
Choose a look:
The Fighter
Armor Mastery
Choose an alignment:
Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy
Your Load is 9+Str. You carry your signature weapon and dungeon rations (1
weight, 5 uses). Choose your defenses:
Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and Adventuring gear (1 weight)
Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)
Choose two:
Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:
Evil Eye
Requires: Seeing Red
Taste of Blood
When you Parley using threats of impending violence as leverage you may
use Str instead of Cha.
Scent of Blood
When you Hack and Slash an enemy, you
take +1d4 damage forward against that
Multiclass Initiate
Required: Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat
your level as one lower for choosing the
Steel Hide
Multiclass Dabbler
Iron Hide
Advanced Moves
Seeing Red
Armored Perfection
Improved Weapon
Replaces: Merciless
Advanced Moves
Superior Warrior
When you Hack and Slash on a 12+ you
deal your damage, avoid their attack, and
impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
The Fighter
The Paladin
The Paladin
When you dedicate yourself to a mission
through prayer and ritual cleansing state
what you set out to do:
Thaddeus, Augustine, Lux, Cassius,
Hadrian, Lucia, Octavia, Regulus, Valeria, Sanguinus, Titanius
Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Invulnerability to
Starting Moves
When you pray, even for a moment, to
your deity and ask "What here is evil?"
the GM will tell you, honestly.
You start with these moves:
You ignore the Clumsy tag on armor you
I Am the Law
When you give an NPC an order based
Choose an alignment:
Bloody Aegis
When you take damage you can use your
body to de ect the blow. If you do you
take no damage but instead suffer a debility of your choice. If you already have
all six debilities you cant use this move.
armor forward.
Impervious Defender
Replaces: Staunch Defender
Tandem Strike
Your Load is 8+Str. You start with dungeon rations (1 weight, 5 uses), scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight), and some mark
of faith, describe it (0 Weight). Choose
your weapon:
Endanger yourself to protect someone
weaker than you
When you lead the charge into combat,
those you lead take +1 forward.
Divine Protection
Replaces: Holy Protection
You get +2 armor while on a Quest.
Choose one:
Staunch Defender
Divine Authority
Setup Strike
Voice of Authority
Take +1 to Order Hirelings.
Evidence of Faith
Advanced Moves
Holy Smite
Perfect Hospitaller
Replaces: Hospitaller
Divine Favor
Holy Protection
The Paladin
Replaces: Smite
While on a Quest you deal +1d8 damage.
Ever Onward
Replaces: Charge!
When you lead the charge into combat,
those you lead take +1 forward and +2
When you suffer a debility (even through
Bloody Aegis) take +1 forward against
whatever caused it.
Perfect Knight
When you Quest you choose three boons
instead of two.
The Ranger
The Ranger
These city-born folk you travel with.
Have they heard the call of the wolf? Felt
the winds howl in the bleak deserts of the
East? Have they hunted their prey with
the bow and the knife like you? Hell no.
Thats why they need you.
Guide. Hunter. Creature of the wilds.
You are these things and more. Your time
in the wilderness may have been solitary
until now, the call of some greater thing
call it fate if you like, has cast your
lot with these folk. Brave, they may be.
Powerful and strong, too. You know the
secrets of the spaces-between, though.
Called Shot
When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose
to deal your damage or name your target
and roll+Dex.
Head 10+: As 79, plus your damage; 7-9: They do nothing but stand
and drool for a few moments.
Arms 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage; 7-9: They drop anything theyre
Legs 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage; 7-9: Theyre hobbled and slow
Animal Companion
Choose one for each:
Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Cape, Camou age, or Traveling Clothes
Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Starting Moves
When you undertake a Perilous Journey
through wilderness whatever role you
take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+.
When you Make Camp in a dungeon or
city, you dont need to consume a ration.
You start with these moves:
Fast, burly, huge, calm, adaptable, quick reexes, tireless, camou age, ferocious, intimidating, keen senses, stealthy
Your animal companion is trained to
ght humanoids. Choose as many additional trainings as its cunning:
Hunt, search, scout, guard, ght monsters,
perform, labor, travel
Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct:
Flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening,
forgetful, stubborn, lame
When you work with your animal companion on something its trained in . . .
The Ranger
Choose an alignment:
Free someone from literal or gurative
Advanced Moves
Somewhere in your lineage lies mixed
blood and it begins to show its presence.
You gain the Elf starting move if you took
the Human one at character creation or
vice versa.
When you gain a level from 2-5,
choose from these moves.
Wild Empathy
You can speak with and understand animals.
A Safe Place
When you set the watch for the night
everyone takes +1 to Take Watch.
When you gain a level from 6-10,
choose from these moves or the level
2-5 moves.
Wild Speech
Replaces: Wild Empathy
You can speak with and understand any
non-magical non-planar creature.
Hunters Prey
Replaces: Familiar Prey
Vipers Strike
Vipers Fangs
Your Load is 6+Str. You start with dungeon rations (1 weight, 5 uses), leather
armor (1 armor, 1 weight), and a bundle
or arrows (3 ammo, 2 weight). Choose
your armament:
Hunters bow (Near, Far, 1 weight)
and short sword (Close, 1 weight)
Hunters bow (Near, Far, 1 weight)
and spear (Reach, 1 weight)
Choose one:
Adventuring gear (1 weight) and dungeon rations (1 weight)
adventuring gear (1 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 2 weight)
Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:
I have guided
before and they owe me for it.
Familiar Prey
Camou age
When youre still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you
make a movement.
Smaugs Belly
When you know your targets weakest
point your arrows have 2 piercing.
Replaces: Follow Me
Well Trained
Choose another training for your animal
Follow Me
A Safer Place
Replaces: A Safe Place
The Ranger
Advanced Moves
When you Hunt and Track, on a hit you
may also ask one question about the creature you are tracking from the Discern
Realities list for free.
Special Trick
Choose a move from another class. So
long as you are working with your animal
companion you have access to that move.
Unnatural Ally
Your animal companion is a monster, not
an animal. Describe it. Give it +2 Ferocity and +1 Instinct, plus a new training.
The Thief
The Thief
Hal ing : Felix, Rook, Mouse, Sketch,
Trixie, Robin, Omar, Brynn, Bug
Human : Sparrow, Shank, Jack, Marlow,
Dodge, Rat, Pox, Humble, Farley
Choose one for each:
Shifty Eyes or Criminal Eyes
When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can
choose to deal your damage or roll+Dex.
If you roll, on a 10+ choose two, on a 7-9
choose one.
You dont get into melee with them
You deal your damage+1d6
You create an advantage, +1 forward
to you or an ally acting on it
Reduce their armor by 1 until they
repair it
Flexible Morals
When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment
you like.
Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
You start with 6+Constitution HP.
Your base damage is d8.
Starting Moves
Hal ing
When you attack with a ranged weapon,
deal +1 damage.
You are a professional. When you Spout
Lore or Discern Realities about criminal
activities, take +1.
You start with these moves:
Trap Expert
When you spend a moment to survey a
dangerous area, roll+Dex. On a 10+, hold
3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold as
you walk through the area to ask these
Is there a trap here and if so, what
activates it?
Youve mastered the care and use of a poison. Choose a poison from the list below;
that poison is no longer Dangerous for
you to use. You also start with three uses
of the poison you choose. Whenever you
have time to gather materials and a safe
place to brew you can make three uses
of the poison you choose for free. Note
that some poisons are Applied, meaning you have to carefully apply it to the
target or something they eat or drink.
Touch poisons just need to touch the target, they can even be used on the blade
of a weapon.
Oil of Tagit (Applied): The target falls
into a light sleep
Bloodweed (Touch): The target deals
-1d4 damage ongoing until cured
Goldenroot (Applied): The target
treats the next creature they see as
a trusted ally, until proved otherwise
Serpents Tears (Touch): Anyone
dealing damage against the target
rolls twice and takes the better result.
Choose an alignment:
Leap into danger without a plan
The Thief
Avoid detection or in ltrate a location
Shift danger or blame from yourself to
someone else
Your Load is 5+Str. You start with
one dungeon rations (1 weight, 5 uses),
leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight), 3
uses of your chosen poison, and 10 coin.
Chose your arms:
Dagger (Hand, 1 weight) and short
sword (Close, 1 weight)
Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
Choose a ranged weapon:
3 throwing daggers (Thrown, Near, 0
Ragged Bow (Near, 2 weight) and
bundle of arrows (5 ammo, 1 weight)
Poison Master
The best you can manage is a weaker
Itll take a while to take effect
Itll have obvious side effects
Serious Underdog
You can apply even complex poisons
with a pinprick. When you apply a poison thats not Dangerous for you to use
to your weapon its Touch instead of Applied.
When you have you have time to gather
materials and a safe place to brew you
can create three doses of any one poison
youve used before.
Choose one:
Advanced Moves
Cheap Shot
When you use Trap Expert you always
get +1 hold (even on a failure you get 1
Shoot First
Replaces: Cautious
When you use Trap Expert you always
get +1 hold (even on a failure you get 1
hold). On a 12+ you get 3 hold and the
next time you discover a trap the GM
will immediately tell you what it does,
what triggers it, who set it, and how you
can use it to your advantage.
Replaces: Underdog
You have +1 armor. When youre outnumbered, you have +2 armor instead.
When you Defy Danger on a 12+ you
transcend the danger. You not only do
what you set out to but you the GM will
offer you a better outcome, true beauty,
or a moment of grace.
Escape Route
When youre in too deep and need a
way out, name your escape route and
roll+Dex. On a 10+ youre gone. On
a 7-9 you can stay or go, but if you go
it costs you: leave something behind or
take something with you, the GM will
tell you what.
When you have time and materials you
can create a disguise that will fool anyone into thinking youre another creature of about the same size and shape.
Your actions can give you away but your
appearance wont.
When you take time to make a plan to
steal something, name the thing you
want to steal and ask the GM these questions. When acting on the answers you
and your allies take +1 forward.
Replaces: Brewer
When you have you have time to gather
materials and a safe place to brew you can
create three doses of any poison youve
used before. Alternately you can describe the effects of a poison youd like
to create. The GM will tell you can create
it, but with one or more caveats:
It will only work under speci c cir-
The Wizard
The Wizard
Spell Defense
Elf : Galadiir, Fenfaril, Lilliastre, Phirosalle, Enkirash, Halwyr
Starting Moves
Magic is as natural as breath to you. Detect Magic is a rote for you.
Choose one cleric spell, you can cast it as
if it was a wizard spell.
You start with these moves:
You have mastered several spells and inscribed them in your spellbook. You
start out with three rst level spells in
Prepare Spells
Choose an alignment:
Use magic to directly aid another
The Wizard
Your Load is 5+Str. You start with your
spellbook (1 weight) and dungeon rations
(1 weight, 5 uses). Choose your defenses:
Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight) and 3
healing potions
Choose your weapon:
Expanded Spellbook
Add a new spell from any class to your
Choose one:
healing potion
three antitoxin
When you use strict deduction to analyze your surroundings, you can Discern
Realities with Int instead of Wis.
Arcane Ward
will play an important role in the events
to come. I have foreseen it!
Advanced Moves
Choose a spell. You prepare that spell as
if it were one level lower.
Empowered Magic
When you Cast a Spell, on a 10+ you have
the option of choosing from the 7-9 list.
If you do, you may choose one of these as
The spells effects are maximized
The spells targets are doubled
Fount of Knowledge
Quick Study
When you see the effects of an arcane
spell, ask the GM the name of the spell
and its effects. You take +1 when acting
on the answers.
When you gain a level from 6-10,
choose from these moves or the level
2-5 moves.
Enchanters Soul
Requires: Enchanter
When you have time and safety with a
magic item in a place of power you can
empower that item so that the next time
you use it its effects are ampli ed, the
GM will tell you exactly how.
Highly Logical
Replaces: Logical
When you use strict deduction to analyze
your surroundings, you can Discern Realities with Int instead of Wis. On a 12+
you get to ask the GM any three questions, not limited by the list.
Arcane Armor
Replaces: Arcane Ward
As long as you have at least one prepared
spell, you have +4 armor.
Protective Counter
Requires: Counterspell
When an ally within sight of you is affected by an arcane spell, you can counter
it as if it effected you. If the spell affects
multiple allies you must counter for each
ally separately.
Ethereal Tether
When you have time with a willing or
helpless subject you can craft an ethereal tether with them. You perceive
what they perceive and can Discern Realities about someone tethered to you or
their surroundings no matter the distance. Someone willingly tethered to
you can communicate with you over the
tether as if you were in the room with
Requires: Prodigy
Choose a spell. You prepare that spell as
if it were one level lower.
Advanced Moves
Spell Augmentation
When you deal damage to a creature
you can shunt a spells energy into
themend one of your ongoing spells
and add the spells level to the damage
When you have time, arcane materials,
and a safe space, you can create your own
place of power. Describe to the GM what
kind of power it is and how youre binding it to this place, the GM will tell you
one kind of creature that will have an interest in your workings.
The Wizard
Wizard Spells
Light Cantrip
An item you touch glows with arcane
light, about as bright as a torch. It gives
off no heat or sound and requires no fuel,
but it is otherwise like a mundane torch.
You have complete control of the color of
the ame. The spell lasts as long as it is
in your presence.
Unseen Servant Cantrip
You conjure a simple invisible construct
that can do nothing but carry items. It
has Load 2 and carries anything you hand
to it. It cannot pick up items on its own
and can only carry those you give to it.
Items carried by an unseen servant appear to oat in the air a few paces behind
you. An unseen servant that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled.
Prestidigitation Cantrip
You perform minor tricks of true magic.
If you touch an item as part of the casting you can make cosmetic changes to
it: clean it, soil it, cool it, warm it, avor it, or change its color. If you cast
the spell without touching an item you
can instead create minor illusions no bigger than yourself. Prestidigitation illusions are crude and clearly illusions; they
wont fool anyone, but they might entertain them.
Alarm Level 1
Walk a wide circle. Until you prepare
spells again your magic will alert you if a
creature crosses that circle. Even if you
are asleep, the spell will shake you from
your slumber.
Wizard Spells
lies. Name a location, describing it with a
number of words up to your level. Stepping through the portal deposits you and
any allies present when you cast the spell
at the location you described. The portal
may only be used once by each ally.
Contingency Level 7 Evocation
Choose a 5th level or lower spell you
know. Describe a trigger condition using
a number of words equal to your level.
The chosen spell is held until you choose
to unleash it or the trigger condition is
met, whichever happens rst. You dont
have to roll for the held spell, it just takes
effect. While you have a contingent spell,
you cant gain another one.
Cloudkill Level 7 Summoning
A cloud of fog drifts into this realm from
beyond the Black Gates of Death, lling
the immediate area. Whenever a creature in the area takes damage it takes an
extra 1d6 damage which ignores armor.
This spell persists so long as you can see
the affected area, or until you dismiss it.
Tag Glossary
The musty tombs and forgotten treasure
troves of the world are lled with useful
items. The Fighters can nd a sharp new
sword or the Thief might stumble across
a deadly poison. Most items are mundane; not magical or intrinsically unique
in any way. Any item that is magical
or one-of-a-kind is not mundane for the
purposes of moves. The Fighters signature weapon is never mundane.
Tag Glossary
Reach : Its useful for attacking something thats several feet awaymaybe as
far as ten.
n coins : How much it costs to buy, normally. If the cost includes "-Charisma" a
little negotiation subtracts the hagglers
Charisma score (not modi er) from the
+n Damage : It is particularly harmful to
your enemies. When you deal damage,
you add n to it.
coins, 3 Weight
Bundle of Arrows 3 Ammo, 1 coin, 1
Elven Arrows 4 Ammo, 20 coins, 1
Club, Shillelagh Close, 1 coins, 2 Weight
Staff Close, Two-handed, 1 coins, 1
Dagger, Shiv, Knife Hand, 2 coins, 1
Throwing Dagger Thrown, Near, 1 coin,
0 Weight
Short Sword, Axe, Warhammer, Mace
Close, 8 coins, 1 Weight
Spear Reach, Thrown, Near, 5 coins, 1
Long Sword, Battle Axe, Flail Close, +1
damage, 15 coins, 2 Weight
Halberd Reach, +1 damage, Twohanded, 9 coins, 2 Weight
Rapier Close, Precise, 25 coins, 1
Dueling Rapier Close, 1 piercing, Precise, 50 coins, 2 Weight
Leather, Chainmail 1 Armor, Worn, 10
coins, 1 Weight
Scale Mail 2 Armor, Worn, Clumsy, 50
coins, 3 Weight
Plate 3 Armor, Worn, Clumsy, 350
coins, 4 Weight
Shield +1 Armor, 15 coins, 2 Weight
Dungeon Gear
Adventuring Gear 5 Uses, 20 coins, 1
Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, poles,
spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage
through your adventuring gear for some
useful mundane item, you nd what you
need and mark off a Use.
Bandages 3 Uses, Slow, 5 coins, 0
When you have a few minutes to bandage
someone elses wounds, heal them of 4
damage and expend a use.
Poultices and Herbs 2 Uses, Slow, 10
coins, 1 Weight
Anights"companionship" 20-Charisma
An evening of song and dance 18Charisma coins
Escort for a day along a bandit-infested
road 20 coins
Escort for a day along a monster-infested
road 54 coins
A run-of-the-mill killing 5 coins
An assassination 120 coins
Healing from a Chirurgeon 5 coins
A months prayers for the departed 1
Repairs to a mundane item 25% of the
items cost
A hearty meal for one 1 coins
A poor meal for a family 1 coins
A feast 15 coins per person
Cart and Donkey 50 coins, Load 20
This donkey is sworn to carry your burdens.
Horse 75 coins, Load 10
A peasant dowery 20-Charisma coins
"Protection" for a small business 100Charisma coins
A government bribe 50-Charisma coins
A compelling bribe 80-Charisma coins
An offer you cant refuse 500-Charisma
A goblins stash 2 coins
A lizardmans trinkets 5 coins
A priceless sword 80 coins
An orc warchiefs tribute 250 coins
A dragons mound of coins and gems
130,000 coins
Magic Items
Magic Items
Magic Items
A cape of rich black velvet outside
and sparkling with tiny points of light
within, the Cloak bends fate, time and
reality around it to protect the wearer,
who may Defy Danger with whatever
stat he likes. To do this, the wearer invokes the cloaks magic and his player
describes how the cloak helps him "break
the rules." He can de ect a reball with
his Cha by convincing it he deserves to
live or elude a fall by applying the mighty
logic of his Int to prove the fall wont hurt
him. The Cloak makes it so. It can be used
once for each stat before losing its magic.
Coin of Remembering 0 Weight
What appears, at a glance, to be a simple copper coin is, in truth, an enchanted
coin. Its bearer can, at any time, redeem
it to know immediately one fact that has
been forgotten. The coin vanishes thereafter. It does not have to be a thing forgotten by the bearer, but it cannot be
known. Interpretation of this stipulation is left to the Gods. If the coin is unsuccessful, it will still paint an image in
the minds eye of someone or something
that does remember what was sought.
Common Scroll 1 Use, 0 Weight
A common scroll has a spell inscribed on
it. The spell must be castable by you or
on your classs spell list for you to be able
to cast it. When you cast a spell from a
scroll, the spell has effect, simple as that.
Devilsbane Oil 1 Use, 0 Weight
A holy oil, created in limited supply by
a mute sect of mountain-monks whose
order protected humanity from the powers of the Demon Pits in ancient epochs.
Only a few jars remain. When applied to
any weapon and used to strike a denizen
of any outer plane, the oil undoes the
magic that binds that creature. In some
cases, this will return it to its home. In
others, it merely undoes any magic controlling it. The oil stays on the weapon
for a few hours before it dries and akes
If applied to the edges of a doorway or
drawn in a circle, the oil will repel creatures whose home is any of the outer
planes. They cannot pass across it. The
oil lasts for one full day before it soaks in
or evaporates.
Earworm Wax 1 Use, 0 Weight
A yellowish candle. Seems never to burn
out and the light it casts is strange and
weak. Its wax is always cool, too. Drip
the wax into the ear of a target and gain 3
hold. Spend that hold and ask your target
a question. They nd themselves telling
you the whole truth, despite themselves.
The consequences, after the fact? Those
are up to you to deal with.
The Echo 0 Weight
A seemingly empty bottle. Once unstoppered, the whispers of another plane re-
Magic Items
GM can hold 1 and spend it to apply -2
to any roll of yours or the poor sap who
listened to your advice.
Lamented Memento 0 Weight
Taking the form of a single lock of bright
red hair, bound in a black ribbon and
immune to the ravages of time, the
Lamented Memento bears a grim enchantment. In it are the memories and
emotions of a girl who dealt with Death
at the Black Gates so many times that,
in the end, they fell in love and she left
the world to be with him for a time. Her
memory protects the wielder. If he nds
himself at the Gates, the Memento can
be traded for an automatic result of 10+
on the Last Breath move.
Lodestone Shield +1 armor, 1 Weight
What mixed-up dummy made this?
Shields are meant to repel metal, not
draw it in! Emblazoned with a lion
rampant, the Lodestone Shield has the
power to pull blades and arrows to it.
When you Defend against enemies using metal weapons you can spend one
hold, per target, to disarm them. Also,
sometimes youll nd a handful of loose
change stuck to it.
Map of the Last Patrol 0 Weight
An ancient order of brave rangers once
patrolled the land, protecting villages
and warning kings and queens of encroaching danger. Theyre long gone,
now, but their legacy remains. This map,
when marked with the blood of a group
of people, will always show their locationso long as they remain within the
bounds of the map.
Neds Head 1 Weight
An old skull, missing its jaw and
very much worse-for-wear. The skull
remembers the folly of its former
ownera man with more honor than
sense. Once per night, the owner of the
skull can ask Who has it in for me? and
the skull will give up one name in a sad,
lonely voice. If the owner of the skull is
ever killed, it disappears surreptitiously.
No-one knows where it might turn up
Nightsiders Key 0 Weight
This key unlocks any door, provided the
owner of the key does not belong where
she intends to go. So long as the intruder
does nothing that would alert another
to her presence (remaining unheard, unseen and unnoticed) and takes nothing
more than her memories out with her,
the keys magic will prevent her intrusion from ever being discovered. Its like
she was never there at all.
The GM
Always Say
The GM
The Basics
Dungeon World is built on a framework: the GMs agenda , principles
, and moves . The GMs agenda is
what they set out to do when they sit
down at the table. The principles are the
guides that keep the GM focused on their
agenda. The GMs moves are the concrete, moment-to-moment things the
GM does to drive the game forward. The
GMs moves arent like player moves,
they arent triggered by the ction. Instead they are actions that drive the game
The GMs agenda, principles, and moves
are rules just like damage or stats or HP.
You should take the same care in altering
them or ignoring them that you would
with any other rule. Changing a principle may have just as much of an effect
on your game as changing the Fighters
damage dice or giving the Cleric access
to Wizard spells.
Always Say
When running Dungeon World as the
GM you say these things:
The GMs agenda is what they sit down
at the table to do:
Make the world fantastic
Fill the characters lives with adventure
Play to nd out what happens
Everything you say, create, and do at the
table and away from the table is to accomplish these three goals and no others.
Things that arent on this list arent your
goals. Youre not trying to beat the players or test their ability to solve complex
traps. Youre not here to give the players
a chance to explore your nely crafted
setting. Youre most certainly not here
to tell everyone a planned story.
That one deserves repeating: you are
not here to tell everyone a planned
story . Dont ever plan a storyline. You
do not know what will happen to the
players characters any more than they
do. Your job is to portray a fantastic
world, not provide a canned plot.
To that end, Dungeon World adventures
never presume player actions. A Dungeon World adventure describes a location in motion, someplace important
with creatures pursuing their own goals.
As the players come into con ict with
that location, it will snowball into action. Youll honestly portray the repercussions of their actions.
When you play this way you get to share
in the fun of nding out what happens
to the characters and the world around
them. Youre not a frustrated novelist
trying to organize your unruly characters. Youre a participant in a great story
thats unfolding. So reallydont plan
the story. The rules of the game will ght
Fill the characters life with adventure means helping the players create
a world thats exciting and full of epic
foes to battle, strange places to explore,
and glorious treasure to discover. Adventurers are always caught up in some
plot or world-threatening danger or anotherencourage and foster that kind of
action in the game.
The players have an agenda too, but its
probably something theyll do by default: portray their characters.
Draw maps, leave blanks
Address the characters, not the players
Embrace the fantastic
Make a move that follows
Never speak the name of your move
Give every monster life
Name every person
Ask questions and use the answers
Be a fan of the characters
Think Dangerous
Begin and end with the ction
Think offscreen, too
Your principles are your guides. Often,
when its time to make a move, youll
already have an idea. Quickly run it
past your principles and make sure it ts,
then go with it.
The GM
ers, means that you dont say "Whit,
is Dunwick doing something about that
wight?" Instead you say "Dunwick, what
are you doing about the wight?" Talking
this way keeps the game rooted in the ction and not at the table. Its important
to the ow of the game, too. If you talk to
the players you may leave out details that
are important to what moves the characters make. Since moves are always based
on the actions of the character you need
to think about whats happening in terms
of charactersnot players.
Think Dangerous
Thinking Dangerous means that everything in the world is a target. Youre
thinking like an evil overlord: no single life is worth anything, there is nothing sacrosanct. Everything can be put
in danger, everything can be destroyed.
Nothing you create is ever protected.
Whenever your eye falls on something
youve created, think dangerous. Think
how it can be put in danger, fall apart,
The GM
Use a monster, danger, or location
Reveal an unwelcome truth
Show signs of doom
Deal damage
Use up their resources
Turn their move back on them
Separate them
Give an opportunity that ts a class
Show a downside to their class, race,
or equipment
Offer an opportunity, with or without cost
Put someone in a spot
Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask
Whenever everyone looks to you to see
what happens choose one of these. Each
move is something that occurs in the ction of the gamethey arent code words
or special terms. "Use up their resources"
literally means to expend the resources
of the characters.
Of course you dont say that to the players. You never speak the name of your
move (its one of your principles). You
make it a real thing that happens to them:
"As you dodge the hulking ogres club,
you slip and land hard. Your sword
goes sliding away into the darkness. You
think you saw where it went but the ogre
is lumbering your way. What do you
No matter what move you make always follow up with "What do you do?"
Your move is a way of ful lling your
agendapart of which is to ll the characters lives with adventure. When a
spell goes wild or the oor drops out from
under them adventurers react.
You also make a move when the players give you a golden opportunity. A
golden opportunity is any time they ignore a threat or when they fail a roll (6-).
When they give you a golden opportunity, you can make your move just as
hard as you like. A hard move is one that
is irrevocable and immediate. The players immediately feel the consequences
of the move and have to deal with them.
Dealing damage is a hard move, since the
damage is immediately applied.
Soft moves are useful to setup future
harder moves. When the doom you show
signs of is an onslaught of goblin arrows,
if the players dont so something to get
out of the way, you can follow through
with damage as a hard move. Ignoring
the oncoming arrows is a golden opportunity.
Choosing a Move
To choose a move, start by looking at the
obvious consequences of the action that
triggered it. If you already have an idea,
think on it for a second to make sure it ts
your agenda and principles and then do
it. Let your moves snowball . Build
on the success or failure of the characters
moves and on your own previous moves.
You can choose to save up your moves
instead. Use this option sparingly, only
when youre sure the consequences of
their action occurred off screen and that
youll be able to come up with those consequences later. The saved move should
always be used in the same physical area,
such as a dungeon complex or sprawling
swamp. Your players will come to expect you to make hard moves on the tail
of their failed rollsthis will throw them
off. Their actions will instead come back
to bite them later. Be careful with it.
Dungeon Moves
Deal damage
When you deal damage you choose
one source of damage thats ctionally
threatening a character and apply it. In
combat with a lizard man? It stabs
you. Running from a collapsing tunnel?
Some rocks catch your ankle.
The amount of damage is decided by the
source. In some cases, this move might
involve trading damage both ways, with
theplayercharacteralsodealing damage.
Most damage is based on a dice roll.
When a player takes damage, tell them
what to roll, you never need to touch the
dice. If the player is too cowardly to nd
out their own fate, they can ask another
player to roll for them.
Dealing damage is a hard move. Use it
The GM
ing devoured, but theyll need a distraction. Of course this is made clear to
the characters, not just the players: the
crocodilians are slavering hungry and
starved, or the rope already has dangerous give.
Dungeon Moves
Dungeon Moves are a special subset that
are used to make or alter a dungeon on the
y. Use these if your players are exploring a hostile area that you dont already
have planned all the way through.
Map out the area being explored as you
make these moves. Most of them will
require you to add a new room or element
to your map.
Change the environment
Point to a looming threat
Introduce a new faction or type of
Use a threat from an existing faction
or type of creature
Make them backtrack
Present riches at a price
Present a challenge to one of the characters
You can make these moves whenever
everyone looks to you to say something,
when the players present you an opportunity, or when the players miss on a
roll. Theyre particularly well-suited for
when the players look at you to nd out
what a new room or area is like.
The GM
Dungeon Moves
First Session
Before the rst session, youll need to
print some stuff. Print off:
A few copies of the basic moves and
special moves (double sided, basic on
one side and special on the other).
Youll want about one per player.
One copy of each class sheet, double
One copy each of the cleric and wizard spell sheets, double sided.
A few copies of the equipment sheet.
The GM moves.
The GM worksheets.
Youll also need to read this whole book,
especially the sections on GMing (GM
moves) and the basic moves. Its a
good idea to be acquainted with the class
moves too, so you can be prepared for
them. Be especially sure to read the rules
for Fronts, but dont create any yet.
Think about fantastic worlds, strange
magic, and foul beasts. If youve played
other fantasy games like Dungeons and
Dragons think back to what made your
old games so much fun. Remember the
games you played and the stories you
told. They can all provide inspiration for
your Dungeon World game. Watch some
movies, read some comics; get heroic
fantasy into your brain.
What you bring to the rst session, ideaswise, is up to you. At the very least bring
your head full of ideas. Thats the bare
If you like you can plan a little more.
Maybe think of an evil plot, or whos behind it, or some monsters youd like to
If youve got some spare time on your
hands you can even draw some maps
(but remember, from your Principles:
leave blanks) and imagine speci c locations. Flexibility is key when planning:
what happens during character creation
trumps anything you wrote ahead of
The one thing you absolutely cant bring
Getting Started
When everyone shows up for the rst
session brie y introduce anyone who
hasnt played before to Dungeon World.
Cover the mechanical basis of moves. Introduce the character classes, help players pick their classes, and walk them
through character creation.
During this entire process, especially
character creation, ask questions. Look
for interesting facts established by the
characters Bonds, moves, classes, and
descriptions and ask about those things.
Be curious! When someone mentions
the demons that slaughtered their village nd out more about them. After all,
you dont have anything (except maybe
a dungeon) and everything they give you
is fuel for future adventures.
Also pay attention to the players questions. When mechanical questions come
up answer them. When questions of setting or ction come up your best bet is
to turn those questions around. When a
player says "Who is the King of Torsea"
say "I dont know. Who is it? What is
he like?" Collaborate with your players.
Asking a question means its something
that interests them so work with them
to make the answers interesting. Dont
be afraid to say "I dont know" and ask
them the same questions; work together
to nd a fantastic and interesting answer.
Share the ideas youve brought to the table (either general ones or even a speci c
dungeon). If youre interested in starting with the players hunting for a lost
wizard, tell them that. Until the players
agree, its just your idea. Once they nod
their heads, its part of the game.
Once everyone has their characters created you can take a deep breath. Look
back over the questions youve asked and
answered so far. You should have some
notes that will point you towards what
the game might look like. Look at what
the players have brought to the table.
Look at the ideas thatve been stewing
away in your head. Its time for the adventure to begin!
First Session
when they do and their eyes adjust to
the light, youll have built up an exciting
world to explore with their help. Look at
their Bonds, their moves, how they answer your questions and use those to ll
in the world around the characters.
Ask questions
Youre using what they give you, right?
What if you need more? Thats when you
draw it out by asking questions. Poke and
prod about speci c things. Ask for reactions "what does Lux think about that?"
"is Avon doing something about it?"
If you ever nd yourself at a loss, pause
for a second and ask a question. Ask
one character a question about another.
When a character does something, ask
how a different character feels or reacts. Questions will power your game
and make it feel real and exciting. Use
the answers you nd to ll in what might
happen next.
Leave blanks
This is one of your Principles, but its
especially true during the rst session.
Every blank is another cool thing waiting
to happen, leave yourself a stock of them.
Introduce NPCs
NPCs bring the world to life. If every
monster does nothing more than attack
and every blacksmith sets out their wares
for simple payment the world is dead.
Instead give your characters, especially
those that the players show an interest
in, life (Principles, remember?). Intro-
Creating Fronts
Fronts are secret tomes of GM knowledge. With the exception of a few sneaky
PC tricks Fronts are your purview and
are a place where youll build the adversaries, organizations, and other misfortune that the characters will come in
con ict with. A Front is a collection of
linked Dangersthreats to the characters speci cally and to the people, places,
and things the characters care about. It
also includes one or more Impending
Dooms, the horrible things that will happen without the players intervention.
Fronts comes, of course, from ghting
on two fronts which is just where you
want the characters to besurrounded
by threats, danger and adventure.
Fronts are built outside of active play.
Theyre the solo fun that you get to have
between gamesrubbing your hands
and cackling evilly to yourself as you
craft the foes with which to challenge
your PCs. You may tweak or adjust the
Fronts during play (who knows when inspiration will strike?) but the meat of
them comes from preparation between
Fronts are designed to help you organize
your thoughts on PC opposition. Theyre
here to contain your notes, ideas, and
plans for these opposing forces. When
youre in a bind your Fronts are where
youre going to turn and say oh, so that
s what I should do. Consider them
an organizational tool, as inspiration for
present and future mayhem.
When youre building Fronts, think
about all the creepy dungeon denizens,
the rampaging hordes and ancient cults
that youd like to see in your game.
Think in broad strokes at rst and then,
as you build Dangers into your Fronts,
youll be able to narrow those ideas
down. When you write your Campaign
Front, think about sessiontosession
trends. When you write your Adventure Fronts, think about whats important right here and right now. When
youre done writing a few Fronts youll
be equipped with all the tools youll need
to challenge your players and ready to
run Dungeon World.
your Campaign Front. While the Adventure Fronts will contain immediate
Dangersthe Orcs in Hargrosh Pass,
saythe Campaign Front contains the
Dark God Grishkar who drives the Orcs
to their pillaging. The Campaign Front
is the unifying element that spans your
all the sessions of your Dungeon World
game. It will have slowerburning Portents but theyll be bigger in scope and
have a deeper impact on the world. Most
importantly theyll be scarier if theyre
allowed to resolve.
When a Danger from an Adventure Front
goes without resolution youll have to
make a decision. If the Danger is something you like and feel has a place in the
larger story of your game dont hesitate
to move it to the Campaign Front. Youre
able to make smaller Dangers that went
unresolved into bigger Dangers some
day later on. You can move Dangers
from the Campaign Fronts to the an Adventure Front if youre ready for the big
showdown, too.
Creating Fronts
Heres how a Front comes together:
Choose Campaign Front or Adventure Front
Create 23 Dangers
Choose their Impending Doom
(For an Adventure Front, 13 Grim
(For the Campaign Front, 35 Grim
Write 13 stakes questions
List the general cast of the Front
Creating Dangers
Not every single element of your game
will warrant a Dangertraps, some roving monsters and other bits of ephemera
may just be there to add avour but arent
important enough to warrant inclusion.
Thats okay. Fronts are here to keep you
appraised of the bigger picture. Dangers
are divided into a handful of categories,
each with its own name and impulse .
Every Danger has a crucial motivation
that drives it called its "impulse." The impulse exists to help you understand that
Danger. What pushes it to ful ll its Impending Doom? Impulse can help you
translation the Danger into action.
When creating Dangers for your Front,
think about how each one interacts as a
facet of the Front as a whole. Keep in
mind the people, places, and things that
might be a part of the threat to the world
that the Front represents. How does each
Danger contribute to the Front?
Lets say we have an idea for a Frontan
ancient portal has been discovered in the icy
north. Well call our Front "The Opening of
the White Gate".
The easiest place to start is with people
and monsters. Cultists, ogre chieftains,
demonic overlords and the like are all excellent Dangers. These are the creatures
that have risen above mere monster status to become serious threats on their
own. Groups of monsters, too, can be
Dangersgoblin tribes or a rampaging
centaur khanate, for example.
For the Front were creating, we can pick a
few different groups or people who might be
interested in the gate. The College of Arcanists, perhaps. Theres a golem, too, weve
decided, that protects the forgotten portal.
The golem is just an obstacle, so we wont
make him a Danger.
Thinking more broadly, less obvious elements of the world can be Dangers.
Blasted landscapes, intelligent magical
items, ancient spells woven into the
fabric of time.
These things ful ll
the same purposes as a mad necromancertheyre part of the Front, a
Danger to the world.
For our Front, well add the Gate itself.
Lastly, if we think ahead, we can include some overarching Dangers. The
sorts of things that are in play outside
the realm of the obviousgodly patrons,
hidden conspiracies and cursed prophecies waiting to be ful lled.
Perhaps the White Gate was carved in the
ancient past, hidden by a race of Angels until
theDayofJudgement. Welladdthe"Argent
Seraphim" to our Front.
Of course, theres so much more I could
add to my Front, but theres two reasons
not to go overboard: rstly, I want to
leave room for discovery. Like a map,
blank spaces can always be lled in later.
Leaving room for player contribution
and future inspiration means Ill have
freedom to alter the Front and make it t
the game as the story emerges. Secondly,
not every bad thing that could happen
deserves Dangerhood. If youre uncertain, think about it this way: Dangers
can always get worse.
A barbarian tribe near the Gate, the frozen
tundra itself, a band of rival adventurers; all
these things could be dangerous elements of
the game but theyre not important enough
just yet to deserve to be Dangers.
Types of Dangers
Creating Dangers is a way to slice up your
overall Front concept into smaller, easier to manage pieces. Dangers are a tool
for adding detail to the right parts of the
Front and for making the Front easier to
manage in the long run.
Once youve named and added a Danger
to the Front you need to choose a type
for that Danger from the list below. Alternately you can use the list of types
to inspire Dangers: with your Front in
mind, peruse the list and pick one or two
that t.
For our three Dangers (The College of Arcanists, The White Gate and the Argent
Seraphim) weve selected Cabal, Dark Portal
and Choir of Angels, respectively.
Types of Dangers
Ambitious Organizations
Planar Forces
Arcane Enemies
Cursed Places
Ambitious Organizations
Misguided Good (impulse: to do what
is right no matter the cost )
Thieves Guild (impulse: to take by subterfuge )
Cult (impulse: to infest from within )
Religious Organization (impulse: to establish and follow doctrine )
Corrupt Government (impulse: to
maintain the status quo )
Cabal (impulse: to absorb those in power,
to grow )
Arcane Enemies
Lord of the Undead (impulse: to seek
true immortality )
Power-mad Wizard (impulse: to seek
magical power )
Sentient Artifact (impulse: to ndaworthy wielder )
Ancient Curse (impulse: to ensnare )
Chosen One (impulse: to ful ll or resent
their destiny )
Dragon (impulse: to hoard gold and jewels, to protect the clutch )
Planar Forces
God (impulse: to gather worshippers )
Demon Prince (impulse: toopenthegates
of Hell )
Elemental Lord (impulse: to tear down
creation to its component parts )
Force of Chaos (impulse: to destroy all
semblance of order )
Types of Dangers
Wandering Barbarians (impulse: to
grow strong, to drive their enemies before
them )
Humanoid Vermin (impulse: to breed
to multiply and consume )
Underground Dwellers (impulse: to defend the complex from outsiders )
Plague of the Undead (impulse: to
spread )
Cursed Places
Abandoned Tower (impulse: to draw in
the weak-willed )
Unholy Ground (impulse: to spawn evil
Elemental Vortex (impulse: to grow, to
tear apart reality )
Dark Portal (impulse: to disgorge demons
Shadowland (impulse: to corrupt or consume the living )
Place of Power (impulse: to be controlled
or tamed )
and give them a name and a detail or two
now. Leave yourself some space as youll
be adding to this section as you play.
Custom Moves
Sometimes, a Danger will require some
particular move that might not exist yet.
Write one or two you think you might
need, now. They may be player moves
or GM moves, as you see t. Of course, if
youre writing a player move, keep your
(the GMs) hands off the dice and keep
in mind the basic structure of a move.
A 10+ is a complete success; a 79 is a
partial success. On a miss, maybe the
custom move does something speci c,
or maybe notmaybe you just get to
make a move or work towards ful lling
a Grim Portent. The formatting of these
moves varies from move to move. See
the Advanced Delving chapter for details
on how to create your own.
For the Opening of the White Gate, I just
know some fool PC is going to end up in the
light that spills from the gate, so Im writing
a move to show what might occur.
Grim Portents
Grim Portents are dark designs for
what could happen if a Danger goes
unchecked. Imagine yourself a kind of
diviner working some scrying spell into
the future of your campaign or the adventure that the characters are undertaking. Think about what would happen if the Danger existed in the world
but the PCs didnt. If all these awful
things youve conjured up had their run
of the world. Scary, huh? The Grim Portents are your way to codify the plans and
machinations of your Dangers. A Grim
Portent can be a single interesting event
or a chain of steps. When youre not
sure what to do next push your Danger
towards resolving a Grim Portent.
More often than not, each Portent relies
on its predecessors to resolve. The Orcs
tear down the city only after the peace
talks fail, for example. A simple Front
will progress from bad to worse to much
worse in a clear path forward. Sometimes, Grim Portents are unconnected
pathways to the Impending Doom. The
early manifestations of Danger might
not all be related. Its up to you how
complex your Front will be. Whenever
a Danger comes to pass, check the other
Dangers in the Front. In a complex Front,
you may need to cross off or alter the
Grim Portents. Thats ne, youre allowed.
Think of your Grim Portents as possible
moves waiting in the wings. When the
time is right, unleash them on the world.
Impending Doom
At the end of every Dangers path is
an Impending Doom. This is the nal
toll of the bell that signals the Dangers
triumphant resolution. When a Grim
Portent comes to pass the Impending
Doom grows stronger, more apparent
and present in the world. These are
the Very Bad Things that every Danger, in some way, seeks to bring into
effect. Choose one of the types of Impending Dooms and give it a concrete vision in your Front. These may change in
playoften they will, as the characters
meddle in the affairs of the world. Dont
fret, you can change them later.
Tyranny (of the strong over the weak
or the few over the many)
Pestilence (the spread of sickness and
disease, the end of wellness)
Destruction (apocalypse, ruin and
Usurpation (the chain of order comes
apart, someone rightful is displaced)
Impoverishment (enslavement, the
abandonment of goodness and right)
Rampant Chaos (laws of reality, of
society, or any order is dissolved)
When all of the Grim Portents of a danger come to pass, the Impending Doom
sets in. The Danger is then resolved but
the setting has changed in some drastic wayeven on a small level. This
will almost certainly change the Front at
large, as well. Making sure that these effects are felt and signi cant to the NPCs,
places, and life of the campaign world is
a big part of making them feel real.
Your stakes questions are 13 questions
about people, places, or groups that
youre interested in. People include
characters and NPCs, your choice. Remember that your agenda includes "Play
to nd out what happens?" Well this is
a way of reminding yourself what you
want to nd out.
Stakes are concrete and clear. Dont
write stakes about vague feelings or incremental changes. Stakes are about important changes that affect the PCs and
the world. A good stakes question is
one that, when its resolved, means that
things will never be the same again.
The most important thing about stakes
is that you nd them interesting. Your
stakes should be things that you genuinely want to know, but that youre also
willing to not decide. Once youve written it as a stake, its out of your hands,
you dont get to just make it up anymore.
Now you have to play to nd out.
Playing to nd out is one of the biggest
rewards of playing Dungeon World.
Resolving a Front
Youve written down something tied to
events happening in the world that you
want to nd out aboutnow you get to
do just that.
Once you have your stakes your front is
ready to play.
My stakes questions include, as tailored to
my group:
Who will be the Champion?
How will Lux respond to the Light from
Will the College be able to recruit Avon?
Resolving a Front
Often a Front will be resolved in a simple
and straightforward manner. A Front
representing a single dungeon may have
its Dangers killed, turned to good, or
overcome by some act of heroism. In
this case the Front is dissolved and set
aside. Maybe there are elements of
the FrontDangers that go unresolved
or leftover members of a Danger thats
been clearedthat lives on. Maybe they
move to the Campaign Front as brand
new Dangers?
The Campaign Front will need a bit more
effort to resolve. Itll be working slowly
and subtly as the course of the Campaign
rolls along. You wont introduce or resolve it all at once, but in pieces. The
characters work towards defeating the
various minions of the Big Bad that lives
in your Campaign Front. In the end,
though, youll know that the Campaign
Front is resolved when the Dark God is
confronted, the Undead Plague is wiped
clear, and the heroes emerge bloodied
but victorious. Campaign Fronts take
longer to deal with, but in the end theyre
the most satisfying to resolve.
When a Front is resolved, take some extra time to sit down and look at the aftermath. Did any Grim Portents come
to pass? Even if a Danger is stopped,
if one or two Grim Portents are fullled, the world is changed. Keep this
in mind when you write your future
Fronts. Is there anyone who could be
moved from the nowdefeated Front
somewhere else? Anyone get promoted
or reduced in stature? The resolution of
a Front is an important event!
An Example
Front: The
of the
White Gate
Grim Portents
The College sends an expedition to
the Gate
The Key is discovered
The Gates Power is harnessed
The College seizes control
Impending Doom: Usurpation
Grim Portents
The First Trumpet sounds
The Second Trumpet sounds
The Gate is opened
Impending Doom: Destruction
Grim Portents
A Champion is chosen
An organization of power is formed
or co-opted
The Herald appears
Judgement is passed
Impending Doom: Tyranny
Custom Moves
When you stand in the presence of the
Light From Beyond, roll+Wis. On a
10+ you are judged worthy, the Argent
Seraphim will grant you a vision or boon.
On a 7-9 you are under suspicion and see
a vision of what dark fate might befall
you if you do not correct your ways.1On
a miss, thou art weighed in the balance
and art found wanting.
and Guts
Death and dismemberment are common
dangers for adventurers to face in Dungeon World. In the course of play, characters will take damage, heal, and maybe
even die. A characters health is measure by their HP (HP being short for
hit points). Damage subtracts from HP,
which may lead to death. In the right
conditions, or with medical or magical
help, damage is healed and HP is restored.
A characters HP is a measure of their stamina, endurance, and health. More HP
means the character can ght longer and
endure more before facing Deaths cold
stare. Think of HP in the abstracta
character with high HP cant be hit in the
head any more times than one with low
HPthey just have greater stores of energy to expend before it comes to blowsto-the-head.
Your class tells you how many HP you
get. Your Constitution (the score, not
the modi er) always comes into play as
well so more Constitution means more
HP. If your Constitution permanently
changes during play you adjust your HP
to re ect your new Constitution score.
Unless your Constitution changes your
maximum HP stays the same.
When a character takes damage they
subtract the damage dealt from their current HP. Armor mitigates damage; if a
character has armor they subtract their
armors value from the damage dealt.
Damage can never take a character below 0 HP.
Damage is decided by the attacker. Each
class has a base damage die, which may
be modi ed by the weapon used. No
matter the implement, the Fighter will
always deal more damage than a Wizardits about training and skill. Monsters and other non-player characters
have a static damage instead of a dice to
Player characters deal damage according
to their class, the weapon used and the
move theyve made. When a character
is armed, they deal their classs damage.
If a character is unarmed, they probably
cant deal damage, or they might do 1 stun
If a move just says "deal damage" the
character rolls their classs damage dice
plus any bonuses or penalties from
moves or weapons. If a move speci es
an amount of damage, use that in place
of the classs damage roll.
Monsters damage is listed in their description. Use this damage any time the
monster takes direct action to hurt someone, even if they use a method other than
A goblin orkaster (d10+1 damage ignores
armor) and three goblins (d6 damage) all
throw their respective weaponsa magical acid orb for the orkaster, spears for the
restat Lux as she assaults their barricade.
I roll the highest damage, d10+1 ignores armor, four times: once for the orkaster, and
once for each of the other goblins. I take the
highest result, a roll of 8, and tell Lux she
takes 9 damage ignoring armor as the acid
leaks into the scratches left by the spears.
Stun Damage
Stun damage is non-lethal damage. A PC
who takes stun damage is Defying Danger to do anything at all, the danger being
"youre stunned." A GM character that
takes stun damage counts it against their
HP as usual, but when they are out of HP
they are knocked out, not at the GMs
There are two sources of healing in Dungeon World: the passage of time and
medical aid.
Whenever a character spends some
time resting without aggravating their
wounds they heal. The amount of healing is described in the move (Make Camp
for a night in a makeshift bed, Recover
for says in civilization).
Medical aid, both magical and mundane,
also provides healing. The amount of
damage healed is dependent on the move
or item used. Some moves may fully replenish HP while others are just enough
to keep someone standing through a
No matter the source of the healing a
characters HP can never increase over
their maximum.
Death walks the edges of every battle. It
waits silently to claim those that fall. A
characters who is reduced to 0 HP immediately takes his Last Breath. Death
comes for commoner and king alikeno
stat is added to the Last Breath roll.
What lies beyond the Black Gates of
Death is unknown but it is said that many
secrets of the mortal plane are laid bare
in what lies beyond.
Deaths bargains range from the simple
to the costly. Death is capricious. One
life may be traded for two more dead
while for another Death may demand
eternal servitude.
Depending on the outcome of the Last
Breath the character may become stable.
A stable character stays at 0 HP but is
alive and unconscious. If they receive
healing they regain consciousness and
After Death
Losing HP is a general thing, its getting tired, bruised, cut, and so on. Some
wounds are deeper though. These are
Dungeon World is ever-changing. The
characters change, too. As their adventures progress, player characters gain
experience or XP, which lets them level
up. This prepares them for greater danger, bigger adventures, and mightier
Advancement, like everything else in
Dungeon World, is both prescriptive and
descriptive. Prescriptive means that
when a player changes their character
sheet the character changes. Descriptive
means that when the character changes
the player should change the character
sheet to re ect that.
This isnt a bene t or detriment to the
players or the GM; its not an excuse to
gain more powers or take them away. Its
just a re ection of life in Dungeon World.
Gregor offers his signature weapon, an axe
permanently dyed green in orc blood, as a
desperate bargain to save the King from eternal damnation. Without his axe he gets
none of the bene ts of his signature weapon.
Should he recover it hell have access to its
bene ts again.
Avon, despite being a Wizard, has risen to
the notice of Lenoral, the deity of arcane
knowledge. After being blessed by an avatar
of Lenoral, Avon is under the deitys watch.
He can ful ll Petitions and gain boons like a
Descriptive changes only happen when
the character has clearly gained access to
an ability. Befriending a stray dog does
not have the same bene ts as an animal
Level Up
When you have a safe moment and
XP equal to (or greater than) your
current level + 7 , reset your XP to 0 and
choose a new advanced move from your
class. If you are the Wizard, you also get
to add a new spell to your spellbook.
New moves are chosen based on the characters new level. If a move requires 6th
level, its available as the character advances from 5th to 6th level.
If your new level is 3, 6, or 9, you also
get to increase a stat by 2. Increase the
base score of the stat of your choice by
2, adjust the modi er to re ect the new
score. Changing your Constitution increases your maximum and current HP.
Ability scores cant go higher than 18.
word Requires or Replaces you can
only gain the new move if you have the
move it requires or replaces.
A move the requires another move can
only be taken if you have the move it
requires already. You then have both
moves and they both apply.
A move that replaces another move can
only be taken if you have the move it
replaces already. You lose access to the
replaced move and just have the new one.
The new move will usually include all the
bene ts of the replaced one: maybe you
replace a move that gives you 1 armor
with one that gives you 2 armor instead.
Bonds are what make you a party of adventurers, not just a random assortment
of people. Seeing your bonds evolve and
play off each other is one of the best parts
of the game.
That said, this isnt high drama. How
you feel about Titanius doesnt matter
so much when youre both ghting for
life and limb against a horde of demons
who would happily end the world if they
could. Bonds are the icing on the cake:
they make your adventures (and your adventurers) more interesting.
Resolving Bonds
At the end of each session you may resolve one bond. Resolution of a bond depends on both you and the player of the
character you share the bond with: you
suggest that the bond has been resolved
and, if they agree, it is.
A bond is resolved when it no longer describes how you relate to that person.
That may be because circumstances have
changedThelian used to have your
back but after he didnt rush to save you
from the ankheg youre not so sure. Or it
could be because thats no longer a questionyou guided Wesley before and he
owed you, but he paid that debt when he
saved your life with a well-timed spell.
Any time you look at a Bond and think
"thats not a big factor in how we relate
anymore" the bond is at a good place to
If a character has blank Bonds left over
from character creation they can resolve
that Bond without asking anyone and
write a new one or they can add a characters name to the Bond instead of writing
a new Bond. Ignoring a Bond at character creation does not reduce the total
Bonds available to the character.
Alignment is your characters way of
thinking and moral compass. For the
character, this is re ected as an ethical ideal, religious strictures, or maybe
just a gut instinct. It re ects the things
your character might aspire to be and
can guide you when youre not sure
what to do next. Some characters might
proudly proclaim their alignment while
others might hide it away. A character might not say "Im an evil person"
but may instead say "I put myself rst."
Thats all well and good for a character,
but the world knows otherwise. Buried
deep down inside is the ideal self a person wants to becomeit is this mystic core that certain spells and abilities
tap into when detecting someones alignment. Every sentient creature in Dungeon World bears an alignment, be she
an elf, a human, or some other, stranger
The alignments are Good, Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, and Evil. Each one shows
an aspiration to be a different type of person.
Lawful creatures aspire to impose order
on the world, either for their own bene t or for that of others. Chaotic creatures embrace change and idealize the
messy reality of the world, prizing freedom above all else. Good creatures seek
to put others before themselves. Evil
creatures put themselves rst at the ex-
pense of others.
A Neutral creature looks out for itself
so long as that doesnt hurt anyone else
much. Neutral characters are content
to live their lives and pursue their own
goals and let others do the same.
Most creatures are Neutral. They take
no particular pleasure in harming others, but will do it if it is justi ed by their
situation. Those that put an ideal, be it
Law, Chaos, Good, or Evil, above themselves are rarer.
Even two creatures of the same alignment can come into con ict. Aspiring
to help others does not grant infallibility, two Good creatures may ght and die
over two different views of how to help
others. A great king may wage war on a
free city despite his good alignment since
he sees (justly, perhaps) that the peoples
of the free city will live a better life under
his enlightened rule.
Reveal corruption
Break an unjust law to bene t another
Defeat a tyrant
Reveal hypocrisy
Alignment can, and will, change. Usually such a change comes about as a gradual slide to a decisive moment when the
pain caused becomes too great or the
bene t too others too small.
Uphold the letter of the law over the
Changing Alignment
Im GMing a game with Isaac (playing Omar), Ben (playing Brianne), Amy
(playing Nora), and Dan (playing Rath).
The group has come upon a tribe of goblins preparing the ritual sacri ce of a rare
and valuable albino crocodile (highly regarded as pets among the wealthy of the
Three of the goblin warriorsdrugged
on narcotic vaporscharge the ghter
Brianne, shrieking. Two others take
cover, prepare their bows and gesture urgently toward Rath, as they make signs
to ward off the evil eye. Another group
of three slips into the shadows around
the outer edge of the chamber, preparing
a sneak attack. The high priest and her
acolyte carry on with the ritual, rubbing
the crocs upturned belly to keep it compliant, and bringing out the sacred knife
to slit its throat.
Once I describe the situation I make sure
the games a conversation by giving them
a chance to do something: "So, what do
you do?"
Isaac jumps into the action rst. "Theres
enough shadows at the edges of the
chamber to hide in?" "Yeah," I say, "the
goblins arent much for lighting apparently. The edges of the chamber just
kind of disappear into crumbling walls,
rubble, and gloom." "Great! Im going
over here, the other side from where the
sneaky ones went. Omar glances over
his shoulders, pulls up his hood over his
head, and ducks into the shadows. Im
going to pop out of the shadows right
here, where the torches illuminate the
sacri cial altar."
I look over the map and say "Well, theres
certainly a danger of being discovered
that I think youre defying. Sounds like
Dex to me, since youre moving carefully
and silently," so he picks up the dice and
rolls. The dice show 1 and 2, plus his Dex
of 2 is only 5. "Damn!" he says.
I already have an idea of what to do, but
I check it against my list of moves to be
sure. Sure enough, my idea to have him
get his foot lodged in the rubble in the
darkness is a move, "put someone in a
spot." "As you make your way through
the shadows, you put your foot down on
some rubble and it shifts under you, pinning your foot. Whats worse, you hear a
deep raspy breath as the shifting rubble
awakes something in the shadows. Are
you giving away your position to cry for
help or trying to get out yourself?"
"Um, Im not sure."
"Thats ne, well come back to you.
What are the rest of you doing?"
Dan steps up. "Those goblins that ducked
into the shadows? Can I see them?" "Not
at rst glance. Are you trying to pick
them out?" "No, Im just wondering if
theyll be targets for my sleep spell. I
nd Omar in a while. If you go into the
darkness with him youll his bonus to
your Discern Realities roll to nd Omar.
But rst it sounds like youre making a
Called Shot?"
"Oh, the goblin archers are surprised by
me? I thought I was just volleying" Amy
Its time for me to make a call. "No,
theyre entirely focused on Rath, theyre
about to re on him. I think youve got
the element of surprise because theyre
just too focused."
"Great! Then Ill go ahead and take a
shot at the arms of the one closest to me,
I want him to drop his bow. Looks like
thats +Dex . . . 10! He drops his bow and
takes 4 damage."
I consult the goblins stats rst, then reply "yup, thatll kill him. And since you
hit him dead in the arm, he doesnt get a
shot off. The other one, however, releases his shot at Rath, for 2 damage.
Rath, Brianne pushes you out of the way
and you think youre safe for a split second before an arrow ies into your leg,
what are you doing about it? Actually,
hold that thought, lets see what Omars
Isaacs had some time to think things
through now. "This deep raspy breath,
can I make out where its coming from?
Is it like a human-sized rasp or a
monster-sized rasp?"
"Sounds to me like youre trying to listen
to your senses and get some information." Im hoping that this will remind
Isaac theres a move for this, instead of
just telling him to make the move.
"Oh yeah! So Im Discerning Realities,
staying as quiet as I can and just trying
to pick up any detail on what this thing
is. With my Wisdom thats a 7, whew.
What should I be on the lookout for?"
I take a second to look over my notes and
the map, just to make sure I give him all
the information. "Well, not the goblins,
actually. They pass by, closer to the light
then you, intent on backstabbing your
friends and not noticing you. The thing
that you do see is the tip of this huge
crocodile snout peak over a mound of
rubble, with that rasping sound coming
from it. It looks like the albino crocodile
has family, and its big, horse-size. If you
make noise by moving rocks and getting
unstuck itll almost certainly hear you.
What are you doing about that?"
Isaac ponders. "So, I can try to get out of
here, Defying Danger most likely from
the sounds of it. Or . . . I tear off a piece
of my cloak and soak it in an entire dose
of my Goldenroot poison. Its an applied
poison, but if I can get this huge crocodile
to swallow it before it swallows me itll
treat me as a trusted ally, and then I can
use it against the goblins."
The world
The world
We call all the assorted communities,
holds, and so on where theres a place
to stay and some modicum of safety
Steadings , as in "homestead." Steadings
are places with at least a handful of inhabitants, usually humans, and some
stable structures. They can be as big as a
capital city or as small as few ramshackle
When you have time (after the rst session or during a snack break or the like)
use the rules to create the rst Steading.
Consider adding marks for other places
that have been mentioned so far, either
details from character creation or the
Steading rules themselves.
Steading Moves
When the players visit a Steading there
are some special moves theyll be able to
make. These still follow the ctional ow
of the game. When the players arrive,
ask them "What do you do?" The players
actions will, more often than not, trigger a move from this list. They represent
respite, reinvigoration and resupply; opportunities for the players to gather their
wits and spend their treasure. Remember that a Steading isnt a break from reality. Youre still making hard moves
when necessary and thinking about how
the players action (or inaction) leads to
your Fronts advancing. The Impending
Doom is always there, whether the players are combatting it in the dungeon or
ignoring it while getting drunk in the local tavern.
Let each player make one or two moves
here, depending on how they answer
your "what do you do?" question. Dont
let a visit to a Steading become a permanent respite. Remember, Dungeon
World is a scary, dangerous place. If
the players choose to ignore that, make a
hard move. Fill the characters lives with
adventure whether theyre out seeking it
or not. These moves exist to you can
make a visit to town an interesting thing
without spending a whole session haggling over the cost of a new baldric.
When you return triumphant and
throw a big party , spend 100 coin and
roll + extra 100s of coin spent. On a 10+
choose 3. On a 79 choose 1. On a miss,
you still choose one, but things get really
out of hand.
When you go to buy something with
coin on hand , if its something readily available in the steading youre in,
you can buy it at market price. If its
something special, beyond whats usually available here, or non-mundane,
roll+Cha. On a 10+ you nd what youre
looking for at a fair price. On a 79 youll
have to pay more or settle for something
When you do nothing but rest in
comfort and safety after a day of rest
you recover all your HP. After three days
of rest you remove one debility of your
choice. If youre under the care of a
healer (magical or otherwise) you heal
a debility for every two days of rest instead.
When you put out word that youre
looking to hire help , roll. If you make
it known . . .
. . . that your pay is generous, take +1
. . . what youre setting out to do, take
. . . that theyll get a share of whatever
you nd, take +1
Outstanding Warrants
When you return to a Steading in
which youve caused trouble before
, roll+Cha. On a 10+, word has spread of
your deeds and everyone recognizes you.
On a 79 that, and GM chooses a complication:
The local constabulary has a warrant
out for your arrest
Someone who holds a grudge makes
their move
Someone important to you has been
put in a bad spot as a result of your
When you spend your leisure time
in study, meditation, or hard practice, you gain preparation. If you prepare for a week or two, 1 preparation.
If you prepare for a month or longer,
3 preparation. When your preparation
pays off spend 1 preparation for +1 to any
roll. You can only spend one preparation
per roll.
The world
Elements of a Steading
A Steading is any bit of civilization that
offers some amount of safety to its inhabitants. Villages, towns, keeps, and
cities are the most common Steadings.
Steadings are differentiated based on
size. The size indicates roughly how
many people the Steading can support.
The population tag tells you if the current population is more then or less than
this amount.
Villages are the smallest Steadings.
Theyre usually out of the way, off
the main roads. If theyre lucky they
can muster some defense but its often
just rabble with pitchforks and torches.
A village stands near some easily exploitable resource: rich soil, plentiful
sh, an old forest, or a mine. There might
be a store of some sort but more likely its
just people trading to each other. Coin is
Towns have a few thousand inhabitants.
Theyre the kind of place that springs up
around a mill, trading post, or inn and
usually have elds, farms, and livestock
of some kind. They might have a standing militia of farmers strong enough to
wield a blade or shoot a bow. Towns have
the basics for sale but certainly no special goods. Usually theyll focus on a local
product or two and do some trade with
A Keep is a Steading built speci cally
for defensesometimes of a particularly
important location like a river delta or a
rich gold mine. Keeps are found at the
frontier edges of civilization. Inhabitants are inured to the day-to-day dangers of the road. Theyre tough folks that
number between a hundred and a thousand, depending on the size of the Keep
and the place it defends. Keeps wont
often have much beyond their own supplies, traded to them from nearby villages, but will almost always have arms
and armor and sometimes a rare magical
item found in the local wilds.
From bustling trade center to sprawling metropolis the City represents the
largest sort of Steading in Dungeon
World. These are places where folk of
many races and kinds can be found. They
often exist at the con uence of a handful
of trade routes or are built in a place of
spiritual signi cance. They dont often
generate their own materials for trade,
relying on villages nearby for food and
raw material but will always have crafted
goods and some stranger things for sale
to those willing to seek them.
Steadings are created as needed. Discovered by players, added as part of the
prep for a Front or spawned as the result
of the GM asking questions of the players, whatever the reason each Steading
is created using the rules below.
Adding Steadings
You add your rst Steading when you
create the Campaign Map; its the place
the players go to to rest and recover.
When you rst draw it on the map all
you need is a name and a location.
When you have the time youll use the
rules below to create the Steading. The
rst Steading is usually a village, but you
can use a town if the rst adventure was
closely tied to humans (for example, if
the players fought a human cult). Create
it using the rules below.
Once youve created the rst Steading
you can add other places referenced in its
tags (the Oath, Trade, and Enmity tags in
particular) or anywhere else thats been
referred to in play. Dont add too much in
the rst session, leave blanks and places
to explore.
As play progresses the characters will
discover new locales and places of interest either directly, by stumbling upon
them in the wild, or indirectly, by hearing about them in rumors or tales. Add
new Steadings, dungeons, and other locations to the map as theyre discovered
or heard about. Villages are often near a
useful resource. Towns are often found
at the point where several villages meet
to trade.Keeps watch over important locations. Cities rely on the trade and support of smaller steads. Dungeons can be
found anywhere and in many forms.
Whenever you add a new Steading use
the rules to decide its tags. Consider
adding a distinctive feature somewhere
The world
nearby. Maybe a forest, some old standing stones, an abandoned castle, or whatever else catches your fancy or makes
sense. A map of only Steadings and ruins
with nothing in-between is dull, dont
neglect the other features of the world.
Steading Tags
Dirt : Nothing for sale, nobody has more
than they need (and theyre lucky if they
have that). Unskilled labor is cheap.
Poor : Only the bare necessities for sale.
Weapons are scarce unless the steading is
heavily defended or militant. Unskilled
labor is readily available.
Moderate : Most mundane items are
available. Some types of skilled laborers.
Wealthy : Any mundane item can be
found for sale. Most kinds of skilled laborers, too, but demand is high for their
Rich : Mundane items and more, if you
know where to nd them. Specialist labor available, but at high prices.
Making a Village
alent). The Steadings defenses are intimidating.
Other Tags
Steading Names
Exodus : The Steading has lost its population and is on the verge of collapse.
History : Something important once happened here, choose one and detail or
make up your own: Battle, Miracle,
Myth, Romance, Tragedy.
None : Clubs, torches, farming tools.
Militia : There are several dozen ablebodied men and women with worn
weapons ready to be called, but no standing force.
Watch : There are a few watchers posted
who look out for trouble and settle small
problems, but their main role is to summon the militia.
Guard : There are armed defenders at all
times with a total pool of less than 100
(or equivalent). There is always at least
one armed patrol about the steading.
Garrison : There are armed defenders at
all times with a total pool of 100300 (or
equivalent). There are multiple armed
patrols at all times.
Battalion : As many as 1,000 armed defenders (or equivalent). The steading has
manned maintained defenses as well.
Legion : The Steading is defended by
thousands of armed defenders (or equiv-
Making a Village
By default a village is Poor, Steady, Militia, Resource (your choice) and has an
Oath to another steading of your choice.
If the village is part of a kingdom or empire choose one:
The village is somewhere naturally
defended: Safe, -Defenses
The village abundant resources that
sustain it: +Prosperity, Resource
(your choice), Enmity (your choice)
The village is under the protection of another steading: Oath (that
steading), +Defenses
The village is on a major road: Trade
(your choice), +Prosperity
The village is built around a wizards
tower: Personage (the wizard), Blight
(arcane creatures)
The village was built on the site of religious signi cance: Divine, History
(your choice)
Choose one problem:
The village is in arid or uncultivable
land: Need (Food)
The village is dedicated to a deity: Religious (that deity), Enmity (a settlement of another deity)
The village has recently fought a battle: -Population, -Prosperity if they
fought to the end, -Defenses if they
The village has a monster problem:
Blight (that monster), Need (adventurers)
The village has absorbed another village: +Population, Lawless
The village is remote or unwelcoming: -Prosperity, Dwarven or Elven
Making a Town
Making a Town
By default a town is Moderate, Steady,
Watch, and Trade (two of your choice).
If the town is listed as Trade by another
steading choose one:
The town is booming: Booming,
The town stands on a crossroads:
Market, +Prosperity
The town is defended by another
steading: Oath (that steading), +Defenses
The town is built around a church:
Power (Divine)
The town is built around a craft: Craft
(your choice), Resource (something
required for that craft)
The town is built around a military
post: +Defenses
Choose one problem:
The town has grown too big for an
important supply (like grain, wood,
or stone): Need (that resource), Trade
(a village or town with that resource)
The town offers defense to others:
Oath (your choice), -Defenses
The town is notorious for an outlaw
who is rumored to live there: Personage (the outlaw), Enmity (where the
crimes were committed)
The town has cornered the market on
a good or service: Exotic (that good
or service), Enmity (a settlement with
The town has a disease: -Population
The town is a popular meeting place:
+Population, Lawless
Making a Keep
By default a keep is Poor, Shrinking,
Guard, Need (Supplies), Trade (someplace with supplies), Oath (your choice).
If the keep is owed fealty by at least one
settlement choose one:
The keep belongs to a noble family:
+Prosperity, Power (Political)
The keep is run by a skilled commander: Personage (the commander), +Defenses
The keep stands watch over a trade
road: +Prosperity, Guild (trade)
The keep is used to train special
troops: Arcane, -Population
The keep is surrounded by fertile
land: remove Need (Supplies)
The keep stands on a border: +Defenses, Enmity (steading on the other
side of the border)
Choose one problem
The keep is built on a naturally defensible position: Safe, -Population
The keep was a conquest from an-
The world
Making a City
By default a city is Moderate, Steady,
Guard, Market, and Guild (one of your
choice). It also has Oaths with at least
two other steadings, usually a town and
a keep. If the city has trade with at least
one steading and fealty from at least one
steading choose one:
The city has permanent defenses, like
walls: +Defenses, Oath (your choice)
The city is ruled by a single individual: Personage (the ruler), Power (Political)
The city is diverse: Dwarven or Elven
or both
The city is a trade hub: Trade (every
steading nearby), +Prosperity
The city is ancient, built on top of its
own ruins: History (your choice), Divine
The city is a center of learning: Arcane, Craft (your choice), Power (Arcane)
Choose one problem:
The city has outgrown its resources:
+Population, Need (food)
The city has designs on nearby territory: Enmity (nearby steadings),
The city is ruled by a theocracy: Defenses, Power (Divine)
The city is ruled by the people: Defenses, +Population
The city has supernatural defenses:
+Defenses, Blight (related supernatural creatures)
The city lies on a place of power: Arcane, Personage (whoever watches
the place of power), Blight (arcane
When a village or town is Booming
and its Prosperity is above Moderate you may reduce Prosperity and Defenses to move to the next largest type.
New towns immediately gain Market
and new cities immediately gain Guild
(your choice).
When a steadings Population is Exodus and its Prosperity is Poor or
less it shrinks. A city becomes a town
with a Steady Population and +Prosperity. A keep becomes a town with +Defenses and a Steady population. A town
becomes a village with Steady population and +Prosperity. A village becomes
a ghost town.
The world
When a steading has a Need that is
not ful lled (through trade, capture,
or otherwise) that steading is in want. It
gets either -Prosperity, -Population, or
loses a tag based on that resource like
Craft or Trade, your choice.
When Trade is blocked because the
source of that trade is gone, the route
is endangered, or political reasons, the
steading has a choice: gain Need (a traded
good) or take -Prosperity.
When control of a resource changes
remove that resource from the tags of the
previous owner and add it to the tags of
the new owner (if applicable). If the previous owner has a Craft or Trade based on
that resource they now have Need (that
resource). If the new owner had a Need
for that resource, remove it.
When two steadings both attack
each other their forces meet somewhere between them and ght. If theyre
evenly matched they both get -Defenses
and their troops return home. If one has
the advantage they take -Defenses while
the other takes -2 Defenses.
Other Updates
The conditions above detail the most basic of interactions between steadings, of
course the presence of your Fronts and
the players mean things can get far more
complex. Since tags are descriptive, add
them as needed to re ect the players
actions and your fronts effects on the
Pro t
When a steading has more Trade
than its current Prosperity it gets
When a steading has a Resource that
another steading Needs unless Enmity or other diplomatic reasons prevent
it they set up Trade. The steading with
the Resource gets +Prosperity and their
choice of Oaths, +Population, or +Defenses; the steading with the Need erases
that need and adds Trade.
When a steading has Oaths to a
steading under attack that steading
may take -Defenses to give the steading
under attack +Defenses.
When a steading is surrounded by
enemy forces it suffers loses. If it ghts
back with force it gets -Defenses. If its
new Defenses are Watch or less it also
gets -Prosperity. If it instead tries to
wait out the attack it gets -Population. If
its new Population is Shrinking or less it
loses a tag of your choice. If the steadings
Defenses outclass the attackers (your
call if its not clear, or make it part of
an Adventure Front) the steading is no
longer surrounded.
When a steading has Enmity against
a weaker steading they may attack.
Subtract the distance (in rations) between the steadings from the steading
with Enmitys Defenses. If the result
is greater than the other steadings Defenses +Defense for each step of size difference (village to town, town to keep,
keep to city) they de nitely attack. Otherwise its your call: has anything hap-
Making a Hireling
Hirelings are those sorry souls thatfor
money, glory, orstrangerneedsventure
along with adventurers into the gloom
and danger. They are the foolhardy that
seek to make their name on adventures.
Hirelings serve a few purposes. To the
characters, theyre the help. They lend
their strength to the player characters
efforts in return for their pay. To the
players, theyre a resource. They buy the
characters some extra time against even
the most frightening of threats. Theyre
also replacement characters, waiting to
step up into the heros role when a player
character falls. To the GM, theyre a human face for the characters to turn to,
even in the depths of the earth of the far
reaches of the planes.
Hirelings are not heroes. A hireling may
become a hero, as a replacement character, but until that time theyre just another GM character, suffering the dangers and perils of the world. As such
their exact HP, armor, and damage isnt
particularly important. A hireling is dened by their Skill (or Skills) a Cost and
a Loyalty score.
A hirelings skill is a special bene t they
provide to the players. Most skills are related to class abilities, allowing a hireling
to ll in for a certain class. If you dont
have a Ranger but you need to track the
assassins route out of Torsea anyway,
you need a Tracker. Each skill has a rank,
usually from 1 to 10. The higher the rank
the more trained the hireling. Generally
hirelings only work for adventurers of
equal or higher level than their highest
If a hireling becomes a character their
skills may suggest a given class, but there
isnt a requirement. When the moment
comes and the spotlight is on them they
may nd strength they didnt know they
Skills dont limit what a hireling can do,
they just provide mechanics for a certain ability. A hireling with the protector
skill can still carry your burdens or check
for traps, but the outcome isnt guaranteed by a rule. It will fall entirely to the
circumstances and the GM. Sending a
hireling to do something that is clearly
beyond their abilities is asking the GM
for trouble.
Of course no hireling works for free. The
hirelings cost is what it takes to keep
them with the player characters. If the
hirelings cost isnt paid regularly (usually once a session) theyre liable to quit
or turn on their employers.
When hirelings are in play, the players
may have to make the Order Hirelings
move. The move uses the loyalty of the
hireling that triggered the move:
Order Hirelings
Making a Hireling
Hirelings are easy to make on the y.
When someone enters the players employ note down their name and what cost
theyve agreed to as well as any skills they
may have.
Start with a number based on where the
hireling was found. Hirelings in villages
start with 25. Town hirelings get 46.
Keep hirelings are 58. City hirelings are
610. Distribute the hirelings number
between loyalty, a main skill, and zero or
more secondary skills. Starting loyalty
higher than 2 is unusual, as is starting
loyalty below 0. Choose a cost for the
hireling and youre done.
A hirelings stats, especially their loyalty, may change during play as a reection of events. A particular kindness
or bonus from the players is worth +1
loyalty forward. Disrespect is -1 loyalty forward. If its been a while since
their cost was last paid they get -1 loyalty ongoing until their cost is met. A
hirelings loyalty may be permanently
increased when they achieve some great
deed with the players. A signi cant failure or beating may permanently lower
the hirelings loyalty.
An adept has at least apprenticed to an
arcane expert, but is not powerful in their
own right. They may have mastered a
few simple spells, but they dont have
anything like the wizards spellbook
ArcaneAssistance When an adept aids in
the casting of a spell of lower level than
their skill, the spells effects have greater
range, duration, or potency. The exact
effects depend on the situation and the
spell and are up to the GM. The GM will
describe what effects the assist will add
before the spell is cast. The most impor-
tant feature of casting with an adept is
that any negative effects of the casting
are focused on the adept rst.
Experts are skilled in a variety of areas,
most of them illicit or dangerous. They
are good with devices and traps, but not
too helpful in the eld of battle.
Experimental Trap Disarming When an
expert leads the way they can detect traps
almost in time. If a trap would be sprung
while an expert is leading the way the expert suffers the full effects but the players get +skill against the trap and add
the experts skill to their armor against
the trap. Most traps leave an expert in
need of immediate healing. If the players
Make Camp near the trap, the expert can
disarm it by the time camp is broken.
Making a Hireling
Track When a tracker is given time
to study a trail while Making Camp,
when camp is broken they can follow the
trail to the next major change in terrain,
travel, or weather.
Guide When a tracker leads the way
you automatically succeed on any Perilous Journey of a distance lower than
the trackers skill.
Warriors are not masters of combat, but
they are handy with a weapon. They
wont be leading anyone into battle anytime soon, but their arm is good.
Man-at-arms When you deal damage
while a warrior aids you add their skill to
the damage done. If your attack results
in consequences (like a counter attack)
the man-at-arms takes the brunt of it.
Priest are the lower ranking clergy of a
religion, performing minor of ces and
regular sacraments. While not granted
spells themselves, they are able to call
upon their deity for minor aid.
Ministry When you make camp with
a priest if you would normally heal you
heal to your maximum HP value.
First Aid When you call on a priest for
healing, the priest rushes to your side
and heals you of 2skill HP. You take -1
forward as their healing is painful and
A protector stands between their employer and the blades, fangs, teeth, and
spells that would harm them.
Sentry When a protector stands between you and an attack you increase
your armor against that attack by the defenders skill, then reduce their skill by
1 until they receive healing or have time
to mend.
Intervene When a protector helps you
Defy Danger you may opt to take +1 from
their aid. If you do you cannot get a 10+
result, a 10+ instead counts as a 79.
Trackers know the secrets of following a
trail, but they dont have the experience
with strange creatures and exotic locals
that make for a great hunter.
Using Monsters
Great heroes need horrendous antagonists. This section is about how to create
and play as those antagonistsfrom the
lowly goblin warrior to the hellish demon.
Using Monsters
A monster is any living (or undead) thing
that stands in the players way.
How you use these monsters follows directly from your Agenda and Principles.
Stay true to your principles, use your
moves and pursue your agendayou
cant go wrong.
Your rst agenda is to "Make the world
fantastic". This shines through strongly
based on how you think about monsters.
Everyone and everything who comes up
against the players is a monster but that
doesnt mean you have to write their
stats out ahead of time. In a fantastic
world, every goblin might end up in a
ght but you dont have to know their
HP before that happens. A monster is
so simple to make you can jump right
into the ction, describing whatever you
want and back it up with stats as you
need them. Make the world fantastic:
describe your monsters rst and worry
about their stats later.
The player characters are the heroes.
You shouldnt be rooting for the monsters, per se. Monsters exist to illustrate
what a dangerous awful place Dungeon
World can behow it will remain if the
players dont step in. If you feel like your
monsters are being beaten too quickly,
dont worry. Let the players revel in
their victory and prepare a bigger, badder follow-up monster for next time.
The principle of "Think dangerous" sums
up that philosophythe world is just
as dangerous for the monsters as for
the characters. An evil overlord doesnt
care about his every golem, demon, and
harpy. Until proven otherwise, consider
every monster an arrow red at the characters. The monsters are ammunition of
the Danger youre presenting. Some may
be smarter, faster, or more dangerous
than others but until a monster warrants
a name, a personality, or some other special consideration, its an arrow. Take
aim and shoot. Dont worry if you miss.
A monster stops being an arrow when
it is given a chance to shine by the players actions. When the players are forced
to run away from something it gains
weight. When a monster somehow survives the players assault it becomes interesting to the players and to the world
at large. The players are the heroes. Your
monsters are only important when they
become important to the heroes and,
thus, important to the world.
One thing that your Agenda and Principles dont say anything about is set-
Elements of a Monster
The most important part of a monster
is what it does. These are its moves .
Just like the normal GM moves, theyre
things that you do when theres a lull in
the action or when the players give you
a golden opportunity. Just like the normal GM moves they can be hard or soft
depending on the circumstances and the
move: a move thats irreversible and immediate is hard, a move thats impending
or mitigable is soft.
Each monsters raison dtre is summed
up in its instinct . Much like Dangers, monsters have instincts that describe their goals at a high level. Some
monsters live for conquest, or treasure,
or simply for blood. The monsters instinct is the guide to how to use the monster
The monsters description is where all
its other features come from. The description is how you know what the monster really is, the other elements just reect the description.
Damage is a measure of how much pain
the monster can in ict at once. Just like
player damage its a dice to roll, maybe
with some modi ers. A monster deals its
damage to another monster or a player
when it uses its standard weapons and
tactics to hurt them, or when a move says
Just like a weapon, monsters have tags
that describe how it deals damage, including what range(s) it can do damage
at. When trying to attack something out
of its range (to close or too far) the monsters out of luck, no damage. Any tag
that can go on a weapon (like Messy or
Slow) can also go on a monster.
There are also monster tags that apply
only to monsters. These tags, listed below, describe the monsters key attributes. Every monster has a tag for its
scope: where it falls in the bigger picture
of Dungeon World. The scope tag lets the
GM know how to portray the monster in
a way that its stats back up, for example
if an army of gnolls can take a defended
village (hint: most likely). Some monsters also have a size tag, which notes
their physical size. Monsters without a
size tag are just about human size, give
or take.
A monsters HP is a measure of how
much damage it can take before it dies.
Just like players, when a monster takes
damage it subtracts that amount from its
HP. At 0 HP its dead, no Last Breath.
Some monsters are lucky enough to enjoy Armor . Just like player armor:
when a monster with armor takes damage it subtracts its armor from the damage done.
Special qualities describe innate aspects of the monster that are important
to play. These are a guide to the ction, and therefore the moves. There
is no master list of special qualities,
theyre just plain-english descriptions of
the qualities of a monster that arent part
of an attack. A quality like "Intangible" means just what it says: mundane
stuff just passes through it. That means
swinging a mundane sword at it isnt
Hack and Slash, for a start.
Monster Tags
Magical : It is by nature magical through
and through.
Devious : Its main danger lies beyond the
simple clash of battle.
Gibbous : Its anatomy and organs are
bizarre and unnatural.
Organized : It has a group structure that
aids it in survival. Defeating one may
cause the wrath of others. One may
sound an alarm.
Intelligent : Its smart enough that some
individuals pick up other skills. The GM
can adapt the monster by adding tags to
re ect speci c training, like a mage or
Hoarder : It almost certainly has treasure.
Stealthy : It can avoid detection and
prefers to attack with the element of surprise.
Monster Tags
Terrifying : Its presence and appearance
evoke fear.
Organization Tags
Size Tags
Tiny : Its much smaller than a hal ing.
Small : Its about hal ing size.
Large : Its much bigger than a human,
about as big as a cart.
Huge : Its as big as a small house or larger.
Making Monsters
Monsters start with your description of
them. No matter if youre making the
monster before play or just as the players come face-to-face with it, a monster
starts with a clear vision of what it is and
what it does.
If youre making a monster between sessions start by imagining it. Imagine what
it looks like, what it does, why it stands
out. Imagine the stories told about it and
what effects it has had on the world.
If youre making a monster on the y
during a session start by describing it
to the players. Your description starts
before the characters even lay eyes on
it: describe where it lives, what marks it
has made on the environment around it.
Your description is the key to the monster.
When you nd you need stats for the
monster you use this series of questions
to establish them. Answer every question based on the facts established and
imagined. Dont answer them aloud to
anyone else, just note down the answers
and the stats listed with each answer.
If two questions would grant the same tag
dont worry about it. If you like you can
adjust damage or HP by 2 to re ect the
tag that would be repeated, but its not
necessary. If a combination of answers
would reduce HP or damage below 1 they
stay at 1.
Monsters, much like adventurers, collect shiny useful things. When the players search the belongings of a monster
(be they on their person or tucked away
somewhere) describe them honestly.
If the monster has accumulated some
wealth you can roll that randomly. Start
with the monsters damage die, modi ed
if the monster is:
Hoarder: roll damage die twice, take
higher result
Far from home: +at least one ration
(usable by anyone with similar taste)
Magical: some strange item, possibly
Divine: a sign of a deity (or deities)
Planar: something not of this earth
Lord over others: +1d4 to the roll
Ancient and noteworthy: +1d4 to the
Roll the monsters damage die plus any
added dice to ne the monsters treasure:
1. A few coins, 2d8 or so
2. An item useful to the current situation
3. Several coins, about 4d10
4. A small item (gem, art) of considerable value, worth as much as 2d1010
coins, 0 weight
5. Some minor magical trinket
6. Useful information (in the form of
clues, notes, etc.)
7. A bag of coins, 1d4100 or thereabouts. 1 weight per 100.
8. A very valuable small item (gem, art)
worth 2d6100, 0 weight
9. A chest of coins and other small valuables. 1 weight but worth 3d6100
10. A magical item or magical effect
11. Many bags of coins for a total of
2d4100 or so
12. A sign of of ce (crown, banner) worth
at least 3d4100 coins
13. A large art item worth 4d4100
coins, 1 weight
14. A unique item worth at least 5d4100
15. All the information needed to learn a
new spell and roll again
16. A portal or secret path (or directions
to one) and roll again
17. Something relating to one of the
characters and roll again
18. A hoard: 1d101000 coins and
1d1010 gems worth 2d6100 each
Monster Settings
The monsters in this book are presented
in monster settings . A monster setting is a location (or type of location) and
the monsters that inhabit it. Its a way
of grouping monsters by where they t
in the world. A monster setting tells
you what kind of monsters might inhabit
an area while your Fronts tell you what
monsters are working together or have
ongoing plots.
When creating your own monster settings, they can be more speci c. You
could create a monster setting for the
Great Western Steppes or the Domains
of the Horse Lords.
Cavern Dwellers
At the edges of civilization in the caves
and tunnels below the old mountains
of the world dwell all sorts of scheming, dangerous monsters. Some are wily
and old, like the race of goblins scheming to burn villages and make off with
livestock. Others are strange aberrations
of nature like the stinking, trash-eating
Otyugh. A word of caution, then, to those
brave adventurers whose rst foray into
danger leads them into these dank and
shadowy places; bad things live in the
dark. Bad things with sharp teeth.
Ravenous Hordes
"Ive bested an orc in single combat" they
crow. "Ive fought a gnoll and lived to
the tell the tale." Which is no small feat
and yet, you know the truth of these
boasts. Like vermin, spotting but one of
these creatures speaks to a greater doom
on the horizon. No orc travels alone.
No slavering gnoll moves without his
pack. You know that soon, the wardrums
will sound and the walls will be besieged
by the full fury of the warchief and his
Monster Settings
tusked berserkers. These are the monsters that will bring civilization, screaming and weeping, to its knees. Unless you
can stop them. Best of luck.
Twisted Experiments
For some who learn the arcane arts its
not merely enough to be able to live
for a thousand years or throw lightning bolts that can fry a man. Some
arent quite satis ed with the power to
speak to the dead or draw the angels
down from heaven. Hubris calls on those
cloaked-and-hooded"scientists"to make
a strange and unholy life of their own.
No mortal children, these. These are the
wages of a mind gone foul with strange
magic. In this setting you will nd such
nightmares as the chimera, dripping poison. Here, too, are the protector golems
and mutant apes. All sorts of bad ideas
await you in the fallen towers of the mad
magicians of Dungeon World.
Planar Powers
Sometimes, monsters do not come from
Dungeon World at all. Beyond the
mountains at the edge of the world or below the deepest seas the sages and wise
old priests say that there are gateways to
the lands beyond. They speak of elysian
elds; rivers of sweet wine and maidens
dancing in elds of gold. They tell tales of
the paradise of heavens to be found past
the Planar Door. Tales tell, too, of the
Thousandfold Hell. Of the swirling Elemental Vortex and the devils that wait
for the stars to align so they can enter
Dungeon World and wreak their bloody
havoc. You must be curious to know
if these tales are true? What will you
see when the passage to the beyond is
Cavern Dwellers
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Burrowing
A hide like plate armor and great crushing
mandibles are problematic. A stomach full
of acid that can burn a hole through a stone
wall makes them all the worse. Theyd be bad
things have the gall to be as long as any given
horse. Its just not natural! Good thing they
tend to stick to one place? Easy for you to
sayyou dont have an Ankheg living under
your corn eld. Instinct : To undermine
For ages, men believed all dwarves were men
and all were of this ilkstoic and proud warriors. Axe-wielding and plate-wearing. Stout
bearded battle-hungry men who would push
them, time and time again, back up out of their
mines and tunnels with ferocity. It just goes
to show how little men know about the elder
races. These folk are merely a vanguard, and
they bravely do their duty to protect the riches
of the Dwarven realm. Earn their trust and
youve an ally for life. Earn their ire and youre
not like to regret it very long. Instinct : To
Cavern Dwellers
Scarabaeus Pyractomena! What a delightful
creaturesee how its carapace glitters in the
light of our torches? Not too close now, theyre
temperamental, you see. The re in their belly
isnt just metaphorical, no. Watch as I goad
the beast. Aha! A spout of ame! Unexpected,
isnt it? One of these creatures alone, if it comes
up from below, can be a hellish nuisance to a
farmstead or village. A whole swarm? Theres
a reason they call it a con agration of re beetles. Ill say that much. Instinct : To en ame
Undermine the ground
Burst from the earth
Spray forth acid, eating away at metal
and esh
Gargoyle Horde, Stealthy, Hoarder
Claw (d6 damage) 3 HP 2 Armor
Special Qualities: Wings
Its a sad thing, really. Guardians bred by Magi
of the past with no more castles to guard. Their
ancestors sacred task bred into their blood
leads them to nd a placeruins, mostly but
guard it as though their masters yet lived below.
Theyre notoriously good at nding valuables
buried below the earth, though. Find one of
these winged reptiles and youll nd yourself a
treasure nearby. Just be careful, theyre hard to
spot and tend to move in packs. Instinct : To
Attack with the element of surprise
Take to the air
Blend into stonework
Gelatinous Cube Solitary, Large,
Stealthy, Gibbous
Engulf (d10+1 damage ignores armor) 20
HP 1 Armor
Special Qualities: Transparent
How many adventurers last thought was
"strange, this tunnel seems cleaner than most?"
Too many and all because of this transparent
menace. A great acidic blob that expands to
ll a small chamber or corridor and then slides,
ever so slowly along, eating everything in its
path. It cannot eat stone or metal and will often have them oating in its jelly mass. Blech.
Instinct : To clean
Fill an apparently empty space
Goblin Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized
Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach
Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Burrowing
Cavern Dwellers
Long-forgotten, our last remaining ancestors
dwell in caves in the wild parts of the world.
Driven away by our cities and villages, our
iron swords and our re, these ape-men eat
their meat raw with sharp-nailed hands and
jagged teeth. They strike out at frontier villages
wielding clubs and in overwhelming numbers
to seize cattle, tools, and poor prisoners to drag
into the hills. Known for their viciousness and
their stink, theyre an old and dying race wed
all sooner forget existed. Instinct : To prey on
Raid and retreat
Use scavenged weapons or magic
Swamp Denizens
Special Qualities: Wings, Halo
Special Qualities: Shell, Amphibious
Swamp Denizens
Bakunawa has a brother. Where she is quick
to anger and hungry for gold, he is slow and
sturdy. She is a knife and he is a shield. A great
turtle that lies in the muck and mire for ages as
theypass, mudpileduponhisbacksometimes
trees and shrubs. Sometimes a whole misguided clan of goblins will build their huts and
cook their ratty meals on the shell of the dragon
turtle. His snapping jaws, glacier-slow they
may be, can rend a castle wall. Careful where
you tread. Instinct : To resist change
Move forward implacably
Bring its full bulk to bear
Destroy structures and buildings
Dragon Whelp Solitary, Small, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder
Elemental breath (d10+2 damage) 16 HP
3 Armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Wings, Elemental Blood
What? Did you think they were all a mile
long? Did you think they didnt come smaller
than that? Sure, they may be no bigger than a
dog and no smarter than an ape, but a Dragon
Whelp can still belch up a hellish ball of re
thatll melt your armor shut and drop you
screaming into the mud. Their scales, too, are
softer than their bigger kin but still turn aside
an arrow or sword not perfectly aimed. Size is
not the only measure of might. Instinct : To
grow in power
Start a lair, form a base of power
Call on family ties
Demand oaths of servitude
Ekek Horde
Talons (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
then their mundane kin. They have the same
vicious nature. Over their relations they have
one advantagean oily secretion that drips
from their skin. It makes them hard to catch.
On top of that, with a twist of their body they
ignite the stuff, leaving pools of burning oil atop
the surface of the water and roasting prey and
predator alike. I hear the slimy things make
good ingredients for re-resistant gear, but you
have to get your hands on one, rst. Instinct :
To ignite
Catch someone or something on re
(even underwater)
Consume burning prey
Frogman Horde, Small, Intelligent
Spear (d6 damage) 7 HP 1 Armor
Special Qualities: Amphibious
Croak croak croak. Little warty munchkins.
Some wizard or godlings idea of a bad joke,
these creatures are. They stand as men, dress in
scavenged cloth and hold court in their froggy
villages. They speak a rumbling pidgin form
of the tongue of man and war constantly with
their neighbors. Theyre greedy and stupid but
clever enough when they need to defend themselves. Some say, too, their priests have a remarkable skill at healing. Or maybe theyre
just really, really hard to kill. Instinct : To
Launch an amphibious assault
Heal at a prodigious rate
Hydra Solitary, Large
Bite (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 2 Armor
Special Qualities: Wing-arms
Ugly, wrinkled bird-folk, these. Once, maybe,
in some ancient past, they were a race of angelic
menfromonhighbutnowtheyeatratsthey sh
from the murk with talon-feet and devour with
needle-teeth. They understand the tongues of
men and dwarves but speak in little more than
gibbering tongues, mimicking the words they
hear with mocking laughter. Its a chilling
thing to see a beast so close to man or bird but
not quite either one. Instinct : To lash out
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Many heads,
Only killed by a blow to the heart
A bit like a dragon, wingless though it may be.
Heads, nine in number at birth, spring from a
muscled trunk and weave a sinuous pattern in
the air. A hydra is to be feareda scaled terror
of the marsh. The older ones, though, they have
more heads for every failed attempt to murder
it just makes it stronger. Cut off a head and
two more grow in its place. Only a strike, true
and strong, to the heart can end a Hydras life.
Not time or tide or any other thing but this.
Instinct : To grow
Special Qualities: Look turns you to
The Medusa are children of a serpent-haired
mother, birthing them in ancient times to
bear her name across the ages. They dwell
near places of civilizationluring folks to their
caves with promises of beauty untold or riches.
Fine appreciators of art, the medusa curate
strange collections of their victims, terror or
ecstasy frozen forever in stone. It satis es their
vanity to know they were the last thing seen in
somanylives. Arrogant, proud, andspiteful, in
their way, they seek what so many doendless
company. Instinct : To collect
Special Qualities: Flammable oil,
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Dragon connection
Swamp Denizens
The shape and craft of men wedded to the
hunger and the endless teeth of a shark. Voracious and lled only with hate, these creatures
will not stop until all life has been consumed.
They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be
controlled or sated. They are hunger and bloodlust, driven up from the depths of the sea to ravage coastal towns and swallow island villages.
Instinct : To spill blood
Turn a body part to stone with a look
Draw someones gaze
Show hidden terrible beauty
Sauropod Group, Huge, Cautious
Trample (d8+5 damage) 18 HP 4 Armor
Special Qualities: Armor plated
Great lumbering beasts, they live in places long
since forgotten by the thinking races of the
world. Gentle if unprovoked but mighty if
their ire is raised, they trample smaller creatures with the care we might give to crushing
an any beneath our boots. If you see one, drift
by and gaze in awe, but do not wake the giant.
Instinct : To endure
Swamp Shambler Solitary, Large,
Lash (d10+3 damage) 23 HP 5 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Swamp form
Some elementals are conjured up in sacred circles etched in chalk. Most, in fact. Theres
a sort of science to it. Others, though, arent
so orderlythey dont fall under the carefully
controlled assignments of re or air or earth.
Some are a natural con uence of vine and mire
and fungus. They do not think the way a man
might think. They cannot be understood as an
elf might be. They simply are. Spirits of the
swamp. Shamblers in the mud. Instinct : To
preserve and create swamps
Call on the swamp itself for aid
Meld into the swamp
Reassemble into a new form
Troll Solitary, Large
Club (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Regeneration
Tall. Real tall. Eight or nine feet when theyre
young or weak. Covered all over in warty,
tough skin, too. Big teeth, stringy hair like
swamp moss and long, dirty nails. Some are
green, some grey, some black. Theyre clannish
and hateful of each other, not to mention all
the rest of us. Near impossible to kill, too,
unless youve re or acid to sparecut a limb
off and watch. In a few days, youve got two
trolls where you once had one. A real serious
problem, as you can imagine. Instinct : To
Undo the effects of an attack (unless
Legions of
the Undead
Gnarled Woods
Gnarled Woods
Crushing vines (2d10w damage) 23 HP 5
Special Qualities: Plant
More beautiful by far than any man or woman
born in the civil realms. To gaze upon one is
to fall in love. Deep and punishing, too. Thing
is, they dont love. Not the eshy folk who
often nd them, though. Their love is a primal thing, married to the woodsto a great
oak that serves as home and mother and sacred place to them. Its a curse to see one, too,
theyll never love you back. No matter what
you do. No matter how you pledge yourself to
them, theyll always spurn you. If ever their
oak comes to harm, youve not only the dryads
wrath to contend with, but in every nearby village theres a score of men with a secret longing
in their heart, ready to murder you where you
sleep for just a smile from such a creature. Instinct : To love nature passionately
Entice a mortal
Merge into a tree
Turn nature against them
Eagle Lord Group, Large, Organized,
Claw (2d8b+1 damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 1
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Mighty wings
Some the size of horses. Bigger, eventhe
Kings and Queens of the Eagles. Their cry
pierces the mountain sky and woe to those who
fall under the shadow of their mighty wings.
The ancient wizards forged a pact with them in
theprimordial days. Menwouldtaketheplains
and valleys and leave the mountaintops to the
Eagle Lords. These sacred pacts should be honored, lest they set their talons into you. Lucky
are the elves, for the makers of their bonds yet
live and when danger comes to Elvish lands, the
Eagle Lords often serve as spies and mounts for
the elves. Long-lived and proud, some might
be willing to trade their ancient secrets for the
right price, too. Instinct : To rule the heights
Attack from the sky
Pull someone into the air
Call on ancient oaths
Elvish Warrior Horde, Intelligent,
Sword (2d6b damage) 3 HP 2 Armor
Special Qualities: Sharp sense
Gnarled Woods
Strong and slow and forest-born
the treants anger quick, we warned
If to the woods with axe ye go
know the treants be thy foe
Instinct : To protect nature
Move with implacable strength
Set down roots
Spread old magic
Werewolf Solitary, Intelligent
Bite (d10+2 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1
Close, Messy
Special Qualities: Weak to silver
Beautiful, isnt it? The moon, I mean. Shes
watching us, you know? Her pretty silver eyes
watch us while we sleep. Mad, toolike all the
most beautiful ones. If she were a woman, Id
bend my knee and make her my wife on the spot.
No, I didnt ask you here to speak about her,
though. The chains? For your safety, not mine.
Im cursed, you see. You must have suspected.
The sorcerer-kings called it lycanthropy in
their daypassed on by a bite to make more
of our kind. No, I could nd no cure. Please,
Dont be scared. You have the arrows I gave
you? Silver, yes. Ah, you begin to understand.
Dont cry, sister. You must do this for me. I
cannot bear more blood on my hands. You
must end this. For me. Instinct : To shed the
appearance of civilization
Ravenous Hordes
Ravenous Hordes
Once they scent your blood, you cant escape.
Not without intervention from the gods, or the
dukes rangers at least. The desert scrub is a
dangerous place to go exploring on your own
and if you fall and break your leg or eat the
wrong cactus, well, youll be lucky if you die of
thirst before the gnolls nd you. They prefer
their prey alive, seecracking bones and the
screams of the dying lend a sort of succulence
to a meal. Sickening creatures, no? Theyll
hunt you, slow and steady, as you die. If you
hear laughter in the desert wind, well, best pray
Death comes to take you before they do. Instinct : To prey on weakness
Doggedly track prey
Strike at a moment of weakness
Gnoll Emissary Solitary, Divine, Intelligent, Organized
Ceremonial dagger (d10+2 damage) 18
HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Scent
Oh, an emissary! How nice. I suspect you
didnt know the Gnolls had ambassadors, did
you? Yes, even these mangy hyenas have to
make nice sometimes. No, no, not with us. Nor
the dwarves, neither. No, the Emissary is the
one, among his packmates, who trucks directly
with their dripping demon lord. Frightening?
Too right. Every hound has a master with his
handonthechain. Thisgnollhearshismasters
voice. Hears it and obeys. Instinct : To share
divine insight
Pass on demonic in uence
Drive the pack into a fervor
Gnoll Alpha Solitary, Intelligent, Organized
Sword (d10b damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 2
Special Qualities: Scent
Every pack has its top dog.
maybethatd be the simplest way. Often,
though, with these lank and lthy mutts, its
not about size or sharp teeth but about cruelty.
About a willingness to kill your brothers and
eat them while the pack watches. Willingness
to desecrate the pack in a way that cows them
to you. If theyre that awful to each otherto
their living kinthink about how they must
view us. Its hard to be mere meat in a land of
these kinds of predators. Instinct : To drive
the pack
Demand obedience
Send the pack to hunt
Orc Bloodwarrior Horde, Intelligent, Organized
Jagged blade (d6+2 damage 1 piercing) 3
HP 0 Armor
Close, Messy
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Shadow cloak
Close, Reach
Red sails y in the southern sea. Red sails and
ships of bone, old wood and iron. The war eet
of the horde. Orcs down that way have taken
to the sea, harassing island towns and stealing
away with shermen and their kin. Its said the
custom is spreading north and the orcs learn
the value of free work. Taken to it like a sacred
taskespecially if they can get their hands on
elves. Hard to think of a grimmer fate than to
live out your life under a lash in an orcish st.
Instinct : To take
Take a captive
Pin someone under a net
Drug them
Orc Shadowhunter Solitary, Stealthy,
Magical, Intelligent
Poisoned dagger (d10 damage 1 piercing)
10 HP 0 Armor
Ravenous Hordes
Not every attack by orcs is torches and screaming and enslavement. Amongst those who follow He Of Riven Sight, poison and murder-inthe-dark are considered sacred arts. Enter the
shadowhunter. Orcs cloaked in Nights magic
who slip into camps, towns and temples and
end the lives of those within. Do not be so distractedbythehowlingoftheberserkersthatyou
do not notice the knife at your back. Instinct :
To kill in darkness
Poison them
Melt into the shadows
Cloak them in darkness
Orc Warchief Solitary, Intelligent,
Iron Sword of Ages (2d10b+2 damage) 16
HP 0 Armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: One-Eye blessings, Shaman blessings
There are chiefs and there are leaders of the
tribes among the orcs. There are those who rise
to seize power and fall under the machinations
of their foes. There is but one Warchief. One
orc in all the horde who stands above the rest,
bearing the blessings of the One-Eyes and the
Shamans both. Who walks with the elements
underNight. WhobearstheIronSwordofAges
and carries the ancient grudge against the civil
races on his shoulders. The warchief is to be
respected, to be obeyed and above all else, to be
feared. All glory to the Warchief. Instinct :
To lead
Start a war
Make a show of power
Enrage the tribes
Triton Spy Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent, Organized
Trident (2d10w damage) 12 HP 2 Armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Aquatic
A shing village caught one in their net, some
time ago. Part a man and part some scaly sea
creature, it spoke in a broken, spy-learned form
of the common tongue before it suffocated in
the open air. It told the shermen of a coming
tide, an inescapable swell of the power of some
deep-sea god and that the triton empire would
rise up and drag the land down into the ocean.
The tale spread and now, when shermen sail
the choppy seas, they watch and worry that the
dying tritons tales were true. That there are
powers deep below that watch and wait. They
fear the tide is coming in. Instinct : To spy on
the surface world
Reveal their secrets
Strike at weakness
Triton Tidecaller Group, Divine,
Magical, Intelligent
Wave (d8+2 damage ignores armor) 6 HP
2 Armor
Near, Far
Special Qualities: Aquatic, Mutations
Call reinforcements
Twisted Experiments
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Digest acid secretion
Its okay, magical experimentation is a messy
science. For every beautiful pegasus theres a
half-done creature that wasnt quite right. We
understand. The goblin-elephant you thought
was such a great idea. The Gelatinous Drake.
Just examples. No judgement here. Anyway,
weve got something for that. We call it the
Digester. Yes, just like it sounds. Strange looking, I know, and the smell isnt the best, but this
thingitll eat magic like Svenloff the Stout
drinks ale. Next time one of these unfortunate
accidents occurs, just point the Digester at it
and all your troubles drain away. Just keep an
eye on it. Damn thing ate my wand last week.
Instinct : To digest
Eat away at something
Draw sustenance
Ethereal Filcher Solitary, Devious,
Stolen dagger (2d8w damage) 12 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Burrowing
Things go missing. A sock, a silver spoon, your
dead mothers bones. We blame the maid, or
bad luck, or just a moment of stupid forgetfulness and we move on. We never get to see
the real cause of these problems. The spidery
thing with human hands and eyes as blue as the
deep ethereal from whence the creature comes.
We never see the nest it makes of astral silver
webbing and stolen objects arranged in some
madness pattern. We never watch it assemble its collection of hal ing nger-bones, stolen
from the hands of the sleeping. Were lucky,
that way. Instinct : To steal
Take something important to its planar lair
Retreat to the Ethereal plane
Use an item from its lair
Ettin Solitary, Large, Construct
Club (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Two heads
What could possibly be better than an idiotic
angry hill giant? One with two heads. Fantastic idea, really. Grade A stuff. Instinct : To
Attack two enemies at once
Defend its creator
Girallon Solitary, Huge
Rend (d10+5 damage) 20 HP 1 Armor
Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Many arms
Twisted Experiments
The pounding of the jungle drums calls to it.
The slab of meat on the sacri cial stone to lure
in the Great Ape. Girallon, they call ita name
bred the beast. Taller than a building, some
say. Cloaked in ivory fur with tusks as long
as scimitars. Four arms? Six? The rumors
are hard to verify. Every year it is the same:
some explorer visits the jungle villages seeking
the Ape and return, never quite the same, never
with a trophy. The pounding of the drums goes
on. Instinct : To rule
Answer the call of sacri ce
Drive them from the jungle
Throw someone
Iron Golem Group, Large, Construct
Slam (d8+5 damage) 10 HP 3 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Metal
A staple of the enchanters art. Every golemist
and mechano-thaumaturge in the Kingdoms
knows this. Iron is a misnomer, though. These
guardians are crafted of any metal, really.
Steel, copper, or even gold, in some small cases.
As much an art as a science, the crafting of
a ne golem is as respected in the Kingdoms
as a bridge newly built or a castle erected in
the mountains. Unceasing watchdogs, stalwart defenders, the iron golem lives to serve,
following its orders eternally. Any enchanter
worth his salt can craft one, if he can afford the
materials. If not . . . Instinct : To serve
Follow orders implacably
Use a special tool or adaptation builtin
Flesh Golem Horde
Claw (d6+2 damage) 3 HP 0 Armor
Close, Forceful
Special Qualities: Many body parts
Stolen bits and pieces in the night. Graveyards
stealthily uprooted and maybe tonight an arm.
A leg. Another head (the last one came apart
too soon). Even the humblest hedge-enchanter
can make due with what he can and, with a
little creativity, wellits not only the College
that can make life, hmm? Well show them.
Instinct : To live
Follow orders
Detach a body part
Kraken Solitary, Huge
Slam (d10+5 damage) 20 HP 2 Armor
Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Aquatic
Lower Depths
It was not so simple a thing as a war over religion or territory. No disagreement of Queens
led to the great sundering of the elves. It was
Apocalypse Dragon Solitary, Huge, sadness. It was the very diminishing of the
Magical, Divine
world by the lesser races and the glory of all
Bite (2d10b+9 damage 4 piercing) 26 HP the elves had built was cracking and turning
to glass. Some, then, chose to separate them5 Armor
selves from the world; wracked with tears they
Reach, Forceful, Messy
Special Qualities: Inch-thick metal turned their backs on men and dwarves. Othhide, Supernaturalknowledge, Wings ers, though, they were overcome with something new. A feeling no elf had felt before. Spite.
The end of all things shall be a burningof tree
Hatred lled these elves and twisted them and
and earth and of the air itself. It shall come
they turned on their weaker cousins. Some still
upon the plains and mountains not from beremain after the great exodus below. Some hide
yond this world but from within it. Birthed
amongst us with spider-poisoned blades, metfrom the womb of deepest earth shall come the
ing out that strangest of punishments: elven
Dragon that Will End the World. In its passvengeance. Instinct : To spite
ing all will become ash and bile and the earth
a dying thing will drift through planar space Poison them
devoid of life. They say to worship it is to invite Unleash an ancient spell
madness. They say to love it is to know obliv- Call reinforcements
ion. The awakening is coming. Instinct : To
end the world
Deep Elf Swordmaster Group, Intelligent, Organized
Set a disaster in motion
Barbed blade (2d8b+2 damage 1 pierc Breath forth the elements
ing) 6 HP 2 Armor
Act with perfect knowledge
Invade a mind
Turn minions on them
Put a plan in motion
The deep elves lost the sweetness and gentle
peace of their bright cousins ages ago but did
not abandon grace. They move with a swiftness and beauty that would bring a tear to any
warriors eye. In the dark, theyve practiced. A
cruelty has infested their swordsmanshipa
wickedness comes to the fore. Barbed blades
and whips replace the shining pennant-spears
of surface elven battles. The swordmasters of
the deep elf clans do not merely seek to kill,
but to punish with every stroke of their blades.
Wickedness and pain are their currency. Instinct : To punish
Lower Depths
The spirits of the trees and the lady sunlight
are far far from home in the depths where the
deep elves dwell. New gods were found, there,
waiting for their children to come home. Gods
ofthespiders, thefungalforests, andthingsthat
whisper in the forbidden caves. The deep elves,
ever attuned to the world around them, listened
with hateful intent to their new gods and found
a source of power yet unrealized. Hate calls
to hate and grim alliances were made. Even
among these spiteful ranks, piety nds a way
to express itself. Instinct : To pass on divine
Weave spells of hatred and malice
Rally the deep elves
Pass on divine knowledge
Dragon Solitary, Huge, Terrifying,
Cautious, Hoarder
Bite (2d10b+5 damage 4 piercing) 16 HP
5 Armor
Reach, Messy
SpecialQualities: Elementalblood,
They are the greatest and most terrible things
this world will ever have to offer. Instinct : To
Bend an element to its will
Demand tribute
Act with disdain
Gray Render Solitary, Large
Rend (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
On its own, the render is a force of utter destruction. Huge and leathery, with a maw
of unbreakable teeth and claws to match, the
render seems to enjoy little more than tearing
things apart. Stone, esh, or steel, it matters
little. However, the gray render is so rarely
found alone. They bond with other creatures.
Some at birth, others as fully-grown creatures,
and will follow their bonded master wherever
it goes, bringing them offerings of meat and
protecting them while they sleep. Finding an
un-bonded render means certain riches, if you
survive to sell it. Instinct : To serve
Tear something apart
Magmin Horde, Intelligent, Organized, Hoarder
Flaming hammer (d6+2 damage) 7 HP 4
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Firey blood
The excavation uncovered a basalt gate, the reports called it. Black stone carved with molten
runes. When they dug it up, the magi declared
it inert but further evidence indicates that was
an incorrect claim. The entire team went missing. When we arrived, the gate was glowing.
Its light lled the whole cavern. We could see
from the entrance that the area had become full
of these creatureslike red and orange skinned
men, tall as an ogre but with a snakes tail where
there legs ought to be. They were clothed, too
some had black glass armor. They spoke to
each other in a tongue that sounded like grease
in a re. I wanted to leave but the Sergeant
wouldntlisten. Youvealreadyreadwhathappened next, sir. I know Im the only one that
got back, but what I said is true. The gate is
open, now. This is just the beginning! Instinct
: To consume in ame
Summon elemental re
Melt away deception
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Unerring sense
of direction
Head of a man, body of a bull. No, wait, Ive
got that backwards. Its the bulls head and
the mans body. Hooves sometimes? Is that
right? I remember the old King said something
about a maze? Blast! You know I cant think
under this kind of pressure. What was that?
Oh gods, I think its coming . . . Instinct : To
Confuse them
Make them lost
Naga Solitary, Intelligent, Organized, Hoarder, Magical
Bite (d10 damage) 12 HP 2 Armor
Close, Reach
Ambitious and territorial above nearly all else,
the naga are very rarely found without a wellformed and insidious cult of followers. Youll
see it in many mountain townsa snake sigil
scrawled on a tavern wall or a local church
burned to the ground. People going missing
into the mines. Men and women wearing the
mark of the serpent. At the core of it all lies
a naga; an old race now fallen into obscurity,
still preening with the head of a man over its
coiled, serpent body. Variations of these creatures exist depending on their bloodline and
original purpose, but they are all master manipulators and magical forces to be reckoned
with. Instinct : To lead
Send a follower to their death
Use old magic
Offer a deal or bargain
Salamander Horde, Large, Intelligent, Organized, Planar
Flaming spear (2d6b+3 damage) 7 HP 3
Close, Reach, Near
Special Qualities: Burrowing
Planar Powers
Planar Powers
Grant power for a price
Summon the forces of the City of
Hell Hound Group, Planar, Organized
Fiery Bite (d8 damage) 10 HP 1 Armor
Special Qualities: Hide of shadow
When one reneges on a deal, does not the debtor
come for payment? Does the owed party not
send someone to collect what is due? So too
with the Powers Below. They only want what
istheirs. Ahowlingpackofshadows, ameand
jagged bone, driven by the hunting horn. They
will not cease, they cannot be evaded. Instinct
: To pursue
Follow despite all obstacles
Spew re
Summon the forces of hell on their
Imp Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage ignores armor) 7
HP 1 Armor
Close, Near, Far
These tiny observer-demons often act as a rsttime binding subject by neonate warlocks. They
can be found infesting arcane cabals, drinking
potions when no-one watches, and chasing pets
and servants with tiny pitchforks. A caricature
of true demonhood, these little creatures are,
thankfully, not too dif cult to bind or extinguish. Instinct : To harass
Send information back to hell
Cause mischief
Inevitable Group, Large, Magical,
Cautious, Gibbous, Planar
Hammer (d8+1 damage) 21 HP 5 Armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Made of Order
All things come to an end. Entropy bleeds
reality slowly out. At the edge of time itself
stand the Inevitable. Massive, powerful and
seemingly carved from star-stuff themselves,
the Inevitable intervene only where magic or
calamity have undone the skein of fate. Where
the arrogant and powerful boil the substance
of destiny away and seek to undermine the very
laws of reality, the Inevitable arrive to guide
things back to the proper order. Unshakable,
seemingly immune to mortal harm and utterly
enigmatic, it is said that the Inevitable are all
that will remain when times long thread has
run out. Instinct : To preserve order
End a spell or effect
Enforce a law of nature or man
Give a glimpse of destiny
Larvae Horde, Devious, Planar, Intelligent
Slime (2d4w damage) 10 HP 0 Armor
Those who have seen visions of the Planes Below, and survived with their sanity intact,
speak of masses of these writhing wretches.
Maggots with the face of men and women,
crying out for salvation in a nest of ames.
Sometimes, they can be goaded out through
a rip in the planar caul and emerge, wriggling
and in torment, into our world. Once here, they
spread misery and sickness during their may y
lives before expiring into a slurry of gore. All in
all, an inspiration towards good deeds in life.
Instinct : To suffer
Fill them with despair
Beg for mercy
Draw evil attention
Nightmare Horde, Large, Magical,
Terrifying, Planar
Trample (d6+1 damage) 7 HP 4 Armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Flameandshadow
The herd came from a pact made in the days
when folk still inhabited the Blasted Steppes.
Horselords, they were, who travelled those
lands. Born in the saddle, it was said. One
of theirs, in a bid to dominate his peers, made
a black pact with some fell power and traded
away his nest horses. He had some power,
surebut whats a thousand year dynasty
when a life is so short? Now the ends of
the pit ride on the nest horses ever seen. Coats
of shining oil and manes of tormented ame:
these are steeds of hells cavalry. Instinct : To
ride rampant
Sheath a rider in hellish ame
Drive them away
Quasit Horde, Planar
Hellish weaponry (d6 damage) 7 HP 2 Armor
Special Qualities: Adaptable form
An imp with some ambition. A quasit is a
kind of foot soldier in the demon realm. A
commoner, armedwithfangsorclawsorwings
or some other thing to give it just a little edge
over its hellish peers. Commonly bound by
warlocks to carry heavy loads or build bridges
or guard their twisted towers, a quasit can take
many forms, none of them pleasant. Instinct
: To serve
Attack with abandon
In ict pain
The Tarrasque Solitary, Huge, Planar
Special Qualities: Impervious
Folk of
the Realm
Cant all be the High Priest, they said. Cant
all wield the White Spire, they said. Scrub the
oor, they told me. The Cthonic Overgod dont
want a messy oor, do he? They said itd be
enlightenment and magic. Feh. Its bruised
knees and dish-pan-hands. If only Id been a
cleric, instead. Instinct : To serve dutifully
Follow dogma
Offer eternal reward for mortal deeds
Adventurer Horde, Intelligent
Sword (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
Special Qualities: Endless enthusiasm
Scumoftheearth, theyare. Atroupeofarmored
men and women come sauntering into town,
brandishing what, for all intents and purposes,
is enough magical and mundane power to level
the whole place. Bringing with them bags and
bags of loot, still dripping blood from whatever poor sod they had to kill to get it. An
economical asco waiting to happen, if you
ask me. The whole system becomes completely
uprooted. Dangerous, unpredictable murderhobos. Oh, wait, youre an adventurer? I take
itallback. Instinct: Toadventureordietrying
Go on a fools errand
Act impulsively
Share tales of past exploits
Bandit Horde, Intelligent, Organized
Dirk (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
Desperation is the watchword of banditry.
When times are tough, what else is there to do
but scavenge a weapon and take up with a clan
of nasty men and women? Highway robbery,
poaching, scams and cons and murder most
foul but weve all got to eat so who can blame
them? Then again, theres evil in the hearts of
some and whos to say that desperation isnt a
want to sate ones baser lusts? Anywayits
this or starve, sometimes. Instinct : To rob
Steal something
Demand tribute
Bandit King Solitary, Intelligent, Organized
Trusty knife (2d10b damage) 12 HP 1 Armor
Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Instinct : To lead
Make a demand
Topple power
allowed to speak the truth. The real, straightand-honest truth about anything. The Fool
couches it all in bells and prancing and chalky
face-paint, but who else gets to tell the King
whats what? You can trust a Fool, they say,
especially when hes made you red-faced and
youd just as soon drown him in a cesspit. Instinct : To mock
Expose injustice
Play a trick
Guardsman Group, Intelligent, Organized
Spear (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach
Noble protector or merely drunken lout, it often
makes no difference to these sorts. Falling just
shy of a noble Knight, the proud town guard
is an ancient profession none-the-less. These
folks of the constabulary often dress in the colors of their lord (when you can see it under the
mud) and, depending on the richness of that
lord, might even have a decent weapon and
some armor that ts. Those are the lucky ones.
Even so, someone has to be there keep an eye
on the gate when the Black Riders have been
spotted in the woods. Too many of us owe our
lives to these soulsremember that the next
time one is drunkenly insulting your mother,
hmm? Instinct : To do as ordered
Uphold the law at all costs
Make a pro t
Halfling Thief Solitary, Small, Intelligent, Stealthy, Devious
Dagger (2d8w damage) 12 HP 1 Armor
It would be foolish, now, to draw conclusions
about folks just because they happen to be good
at one thing or another. Then again, a spades
a spade, isnt it. Or maybe just the goodly,
soft-and-sweet type of Hal ing have the mind
to stay in their grassy-hill homes and arent
the type you nd in the slums and taverns of
the mannish world . Perhaps theyre there to
cut your purse for calling them hal ng in the
rst place. Not all take so kindly to the title.
Or theyre playing a game, pretending to be
a child in need of almsand your arrogant
eyes cant even see the difference until too late.
Well, it matters little. Theyre gone with your
coin before you even realize you deserved it.
Instinct : To live a life of stolen luxury
Put on the appearance of friendship
Hedge Wizard Magical
Ten foot poles. Get your ten foot poles, here.
Torches, bright and hot. Mules, toostubborn
but immaculately bred. Need a linen sack, do
you? Right over here! Come and get your ten
foot poles! Instinct : To pro t
Propose a business venture
Offer a deal
Are they granted their place by the gods, perhaps? Is that why theyre able to pass their
riches and power down by birth? Some trick or
enchantment of the blood, maybe. The peasant
bends his knee and scrapes and toils and the
noble wears the nery of his place and, they
say, we all have our burdens to bear. Seems to
me that some of us have burdens of stone and
some carry their weight in gold. Its a tough
life. Instinct : To rule
Issue an order
Offer a reward
Covered in muck, downtrodden at the bottom
of the great chain of being, we all stand on
the backs of those that grow our food on their
farms. Some peasants do better than others,
but none will ever see a coin of gold in their
day. Theyll dream at night of how someday,
somehow, theyll ght a dragon and save a
princess. Dont act like you werent one before
you lost what little sense you had, adventurer.
Instinct : To get by
Plead for help
Offer a simple reward and gratitude
Rebel Horde, Intelligent, Organized
Axe (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
In the countryside theyd be called outlaw and
driven off or killed. The city, though, is full of
places to hide. Damp basements to pore over
maps and to plan and plot against a corrupt
system. Like rats, they gnaw away at order,
thing. The line between change and chaos is a
ne onesome rebels walk that thin line and
others just want to see it all torched. Disguise,
a knife in the dark or a thrown torch at the right
moment are all tools of the rebel. The burning
brand of anarchy is a common fear amongst
the nobles of Dungeon World. These men and
women are why. Instinct : To upset order
Die for a cause
Inspire others
Soldier Horde, Intelligent, Organized
Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach
Moves in Detail
in Detail
Volley covers the entire act of drawing,
aiming, and ring a ranged weapon or
throwing a thrown weapon. The advantage to using a ranged weapon over melee
is that the attacker is less likely to be attacked back. Of course they do have to
worry about ammunition and getting a
clear shot though.
On a 7-9, read "danger" broadly. It can
be bad footing or ending in the path of a
sword or maybe just giving up your sweet
sniper nest to your enemies. Whatever
it is its impending and its always something that causes the GM to say "What do
you do?" Quite often, the danger will be
something that will then require you to
dedicate yourself to avoiding it or force
you to Defy Danger.
If yourethrowingsomething thatdoesnt
have ammo (maybe youve got a move
that makes your shield throwable) you
cant choose to mark off ammo. Choose
from the other two options instead.
Aranwe is on the oor of the ritualarium
as the orc eyegouger chants his ritual from
atop the pedestal. "Since Thelian has the
other orcs busy, I take the opportunity to
site down my bow and take a shot at the
orc running the ritual." "Sounds like volley
to me." She rolls an 8, plus her Dex makes 9.
"Looks like you have a tough choice" I say.
"Well, Imalmostoutofarrows, andweneed
to get rid of him before the ritual nishes, so
Im going to take the danger." "Sure, that
sounds good. Well, as the ritual progresses
the ames around him have gotten higher
and you have to move around to take the
shot. You hit him dead on, roll your damage,
but you had to step inside the ritual circle to
do it. Everything outside the circle looks
cloudy and unreal, all you can hear is the orc
chanting. Thelian, you notice that Aranwe
is inside the circle. What do you do?"
Defy Danger
Halek is ring on the advancing kobold mob.
He rolls an 8 and decides to be put in danger. I think for a moment and then say
"You have to duck and dodge to get the shot
but you nally let it go and nail the lead
kobold. You hear something behind you
and turn to see that youre right next to the
ogre. He smashes you with his club and
deals you 12 damage." "All that? Just for
getting put in danger? That seems like a lot
more than danger." Hes right, of course, so I
say "Oh, youre rightdangers something
thats about to happen. How about, instead,
you turn around after ring the shot and the
ogres right in your face! Hes about to swing
his club right down on you. What do you
Defy Danger
You Defy Danger when you do something in the face of impending peril. This
may seem like a catch-all. It is! Defy
Danger is for those times when it seems
like you clearly should be rolling but no
other move applies.
Defy Danger also applies when you make
another move despite danger not covered by that move. For example, Hack
and Slash assumes thats youre trading blows in battleyou dont need to
Defy Danger because of the monster
youre ghting unless theres some speci c danger that wouldnt be part of your
normal attack. On the other hand, if
youre trying to Hack and Slash while
spikes shoot from hidden traps in the
walls, youre ignoring a clear and present
threat and need to Defy Danger.
Danger, here, is anything that requires
resilience, concentration, or poise. This
move will usually be called for by the GM.
Shell tell you what the danger is as you
make the move. Something like "Youll
have to Defy Danger, rst. The danger
is the steep and icy oor youre running
across. If you can keep your footing, you
can make it to the door before the Necromancers magic gets you."
Which stat applies depends on what action you take and your action has to trigger the move. That means you cant Defy
the Danger of the steep and icy oor with
a charming smile just so you can use Cha,
since charmingly smiling at the ice oor
does nothing to it. On the other hand,
making a huge leap over the ice would be
Str, placing your feet carefully would be
Dex, and so on. Make the move to get the
Moves in Detail
Emory is climbing a steep ravine. Unbeknownst to him, a cultist sorcerer lurks
nearby. The sorcerer casts a spell of frost
on the cliffside, covering it with ice. "As you
reach for the next handhold, a terrible chill
overcomes you. If you want to keep climbing,
Defy Danger or risk slipping" I say, making
sure to explain what the Danger is. "No
way" Emory says, "I need to get the top of
this ravine! I grit my teeth and hold tight
even as my ngers go numb." He rolls Defy
Danger, getting an 8 including his Con for
enduring. Now its time for a hard decision.
"You make some progress but as your hands
go numb you start slipping. The only way
you can get any more traction is by jamming
your dagger into the ice to pull yourself up
the last few feet. If you do that, though, the
dagger is going to be jammed in the face of
the cliff until you get a chance to stop and
pry it out."
you with its crude club, what are you doing
Valeria?" Ive just made a move to establish
an impending threat: the athachs strike.
She says "I Hack and Slash it! I make a wide
swing sideways, right into its legs." Sounds
good to me, but shes not doing anything
about the club coming at her. "Okay, you can
do that, but you take the athachs damage
from the club coming right down on your
skull." "What? But trading blows is part
of Hack and Slash, right?" "It is, but before
you make your attack theres already a club
coming at you, Hack and Slash doesnt cover
that. Do you still want to Hack and Slash,
or are you doing something about the club?"
Octavia is locked in battle with an ogre. She
says "I drop my shield and take up my hammer in both hands. I swing it at the ogre.
Thats Hack and Slash, right?" "Yeah, it will
be but rst youve gotta Defy Danger. The
danger is the ogres massive club." "Isnt that
part of what Hack and Slash already is? I
mean if he couldnt be smashing me with his
club then I wouldnt be making the move at
all because we wouldnt be in melee." "Oh
yeah, youre totally right. Hack and Slash it
is, make your roll!"
Defending something means standing
nearby and focusing on preventing attacks on that thing or stopping anyone
from getting near it. When youre no
longer nearby or you stop devoting your
attention to incoming attacks then you
lose any Hold you might have had.
You can only spend Hold when someone makes an attack on you or the thing
youre Defending. The choices you can
make depend on the attacker and the
type of attack. In particular, you cant
deal damage to an attacker who you cant
Moves in Detail
Hadrian has been Defending Durga while
shehealsabadlywoundedWillem. Willems
in ghting shape again so Durga has leaped
forwards to drive back the troglodytes.
Hadrian is still locked in battle with a deadly
crocodilian. The troglodytes attack Durga
and Hadrian reacts. "Wait! I still have one
hold to Defend Durga. Im doing to redirect
that attack to myself." That doesnt sound
quite right to me, theyre spread out, now.
"How are you doing that if shes over at
the troglodyte camp and youre battling the
crocodilian in the water?" "Oh yeah. I guess
when I started doing something other than
standing guard I lost that hold. Damn."
Spout Lore
Vitus has Spouted Lore on a gilded skull she
found on a pedestal and gotten a 10. I begin by saying, mysteriously, "Youre pretty
sure you recognize the telltale signs of metal
forged in the City of Dis, the living planar
city." I catch myself and remember to be generous with the truth and make it useful. I
add "You recognize some of the glyphs from
your spellbook, actually: theyre part of re
spells, but with other magic symbols smaller
inside them. Casting a non- re spell into the
skull turns it into re magic, based on the
Discern Realities
Spout Lore
You Spout Lore any time you want to
search your memory for knowledge or
facts about something. You take a moment to ponder the things you know
about the Orcish Tribes or the Tower of
Uldammar and then reveal that knowledge.
The knowledge you get is like consulting
a bestiary, travel guide, or library. You
get facts about the subject matter. On a
10+ those facts the GMwill show you how
those facts can be immediately useful, on
a 79 theyre just facts.
On a miss the GMs move will often
have to do with the time you take thinking. Maybe you miss that goblin moving around behind you, or the trip wire
across the hallway. Its also a great
chance to reveal an unwelcome truth.
Just in case it isnt clear: the answers are
always true, even if the GM had to make
them up on the spot. Always say what
honesty demands.
Fenfaril has had the misfortune of dropping through an illusory oor and now nds
himself in a murky pit. A mottled, eyeless
creature shambles towards him, mumbling
in a strange tongue. "Im a little freaked
outwhat is this thing? Is it going to attack me? I probably read about these things
in a bestiary back in school." "Great, thats
Spout Lore." I say. Fenfaril rolls and gets an
8. "Well of course you read about these. The
name escapes you, but you clearly remember
a drawing of a creature like this standing
in front of a doorway, like a guard, with
someone kneeling before it." On a strong hit I
makes the creature let people pass.
To Discern Realities you must closely observe your target. That usually means
interacting with it or watching someone else do the same. You cant just
stick your head in the doorway and Discern Realities about a room. Youre not
merely scanning for cluesyou have to
look under and around things, tap the
walls and check for weird dust patterns
on the bookshelves. That sort of thing.
Discerning Realities isnt just about
noticing a detail, its about guring out
the bigger picture. The GM always describes what the player characters experience honestly, so during a ght the GM
will say that the kobold mage stays at the
other end of the hall. Discerning Realities could reveal the reason behind that:
the kobolds motions reveal that hes actually pulling energy from the room behind him, he cant come any close.
Just like Spout Lore the answers you get
are always honest ones. Even if the GM
has to gure it out on the spot. Once they
answer, its set in stone. Youll want to
Discern Realities to nd the truth behind
illusionsmagical or otherwise.
Unless a move says otherwise players
can only ask questions from the list. If
a player asks a question not on the list
the GM can tell them to try again or answer a question from the list that seems
Of course, some questions might have a
negative answer, thats ne. If there really, honestly is nothing useful or valuable here, the GM will answer that question with "Nothing, sorry."
Parley covers a lot of ground including
old standbys like intimidation and diplomacy. You know youre using Parley
when youre trying to get someone to do
something for you by holding a promise
or threat over them. Nice or not, the tone
doesnt matter.
Merely asking someone politely isnt
Parleying. Thats just talking. You say
"Can I have that magic sword?" and the
Kings knight says "Hell no, this is my
blade, my father forged it and my mother
enchanted it" and thats that. To Parley, you have to have leverage. Leverage is anything that could lure the target of your Parley to do something for
you. Maybe its something they want
or something they dont want you to do.
Like a sack of gold. Or punching them in
the face. What counts as leverage depends on the people involved and the
request being made. Threaten a long
goblin with death and you have leverage. Threaten a goblin backed up by his
gang with death and he might think hes
better off in a ght.
On a hit they ask you for something related to whatever leverage you have. If
your leverage is that youre standing before them sharpening your knife and insinuating about how much youd like to
shank them with it they might ask you
to let them go. If your leverage is your
position in court above them they might
ask for a favor.
Aid or Interfere
Whatever they ask for, on a 10+, you
just have to promise it clearly and unambiguously. On a 79, thats not enough:
you also have to give them some assurance, right now, before they do what you
want. If you promise that youll ensure
their safety from the wolves if they do
what you want and you roll a 7-9 they
wont do their part until you bring a fresh
wolf pelt, for example. Its worth noting
that on a 10+ you dont actually have to
keep your promise. Whether youll follow up or not, well, thats up to you. Of
course breaking promises leads to problems. People dont take kindly to oathbreakers and arent likely to deal with
them in the future.
In some cases when you state what you
want you may include a possible promise
for the creature to make, as in "Flee and
Ill let you live." Its up to the target of the
Parley if thats the promise they want
or if they have something else in mind.
They can say "yes, let me live and Ill go"
(with assurances, if you rolled a 79) or
"promise me you wont follow me."
Leena is trying to convince Lord Hywn to
vouch for her so that she is granted an audience with the Queen. Shes laid out what
she wants pretty well but I say "Lord Hywn
obviously isnt convinced. Why should he
help you?" She smirks a bit. "Oh. That.
While Im talking to him, I absentmindedly
start playing with the signet ring from that
assassin we killed. The one he hired to off
the prince. I make a big show of it just to
make sure he sees whos ring it is." Thats
perfect; now I know what to ask for. Leenas
player hits her roll with an 8. "Once your
little show sets in, Hywn just looks at you
coldly. After a moment he says Enough being coy. You and I both know you murdered
my hired man. Give me that ring and swear
youll speak no more about it, then Ill do
as you ask." "Oh sure, I give it to him" she
says "We can always dig up more dirt on this
scumbag later."
Pendrells trying to get into the gambling den
where One-Eye usually plays. He saunters
up to the guards and says "Hey fellas, hows
it going, care to open the door for me?" Pendrells player says "Im being all suave as I
do it to; really cool so these guys will let me
in. Thats Parley! I roll+Cha." Somethings
not right here so I stop him "Wait a sec.
All youve done is tell these guys what you
wantyoure just talking. The big smelly
one on the right of the door steps in front of
you, looks you in the eyes and says Sorry,
private venue like hes bored with keeping
people out and hed rather be inside himself.
If you want to Parley him, you need some
leverage. A bribe maybe?"
Aid or Interfere
Moves in Detail
Any time you feel like two players should
be rolling against each other, the defender should be Interfering with the attacker. This doesnt always mean sabotaging them. It can mean anything from
arguing against a Parley to just being a
shifty person whos hard to Discern. Its
about getting in the way of another players success.
Always ask the person aiding or interfering how they are doing it. As long
as they can answer that, they trigger the
move. Sometimes, as the GM, youll have
to ask if interference is happening. Your
players might not always notice theyre
interfering with each other.
Aid is a little more obvious. If a player
can explain how theyre helping in a roll
and it makes sense, let them roll to aid.
No matter how many people aid or interfere with a given roll, the target only gets
the +1 or -2 once. Even if a whole party
of adventurers aid in attacking an ogre,
the one who makes the nal attack only
gets +1.
Ozruk stands alone and bloodied before a
pack of angry hellhounds. Behind him, the
Prince of Lescia weeps in fear. Ozruk says "I
stand rm and lift my shield, despite certain
doom. Im defending the Prince." At the last
moment, though (just as Im about to have
Ozruk roll Defend) Aronwe appears from
the shadows, sword drawn. "Doom is not so
certain, Dwarf" he says. "Im standing beside him, helping Ozruk Defend by covering
his sword arm." Aronwe rolls+bonds and, if
he succeeds, Ozruk will be able to add a +1 to
his Defend result.
Special Moves
Last Breath
Special moves are moves that come up
less often or in more speci c situations.
Theyre still the basis of what characters do in Dungeon Worldparticularly
what they do between dungeon crawls
and high- ying adventures.
Last Breath
The Last Breath is the last moment that
stands between life and death. Time
stands still as Death comes to claim the
living. Even those who stay will catch
a glimpse of the other side as they ght
for their life. Many are changed by this
momenteven those who escape alive.
The deal offered by death is decided by
the GM but it should always be a real
choice with real consequences. If the
GM offers something completely painless, the move is pointless. If the GM offers a ridiculous price, no one will take it.
Think of ways that the character might
be changed by the event: a new goal in
life, a debt that must be paid, an obligation.
Sparrow stands at Deaths black gates. First
the Gm describes what she sees beyond them:
"In among the suffering souls you clearly
see Lord Hywn. It appears his double dealing has caught up with him." Now for the
bargain: "The shadowy form of Death itself
steps between you and the gates. Here so
soon? I enjoy seeing the souls you send me.
Ill return you to the world so that you may
serve me, but there is a cost: you will never
be able to move under the sun again, or you
will return to my realm immediately."
A PCs Load stat is determined by their
class and Str. Being able to carry more
is a clear bene t when trying to carry
treasure out of a dungeon or just making
sure you can bring along what you need.
This move only applies to things a person
could walk around and still act with. Carrying a boulder on your back is not encumbranceyou cant really act or move
much with it. It effects what moves you
can make appropriately in the ction.
Unless the PCs are particularly extravagant or generous Carousing doesnt cost
any gold. If the players are paying someone elses tab or living the high life then
itll costs them appropriately.
You can only carouse when you return
triumphant. Thats what draws the
crowd of revelers to surround adventurers as they celebrate their latest haul. If
you dont claim your success or your failure is well known then who would want
to party with you anyway?
Make Camp
You usually Make Camp so that you can
do other things, like Prepare Spells or
Dutiful Prayer. Or, you know, sleep
soundly at night. Whenever you stop to
catch your breath for more than an hour
or so, youve probably Made Camp.
When camping in dangerous territory
the selections made apply to the entire
camp. Every PC camping out needs to
roll. Camping with fewer than three
characters, or without the Ranger, is
dangerousthere will always be at least
one option not selected.
What counts as dangerous territory is up
to the GM. She should call for the move.
When not Making Camp in dangerous
territory the camp is in all ways unexceptional with neither bene ts or dangers.
Staying a night in an inn or house is Making Camp is a safe location. Regain your
hit points as usual, but only mark off a
ration if youre eating from the food you
carry, not paying for a meal or receiving
Outstanding Warrants
This move is only for places where youve
caused trouble, not every piece of civilization you enter. Being publicly caught
up in someone elses trouble still triggers
this move.
Civilization generally means the villages, towns and cities of humans, elves,
dwarves, and hal ings but it can also
apply to any relatively lawful establishment of monstrous species, such as orcs
or goblins. If the PCs have stayed there
as part of the community its civilization.
Moves in Detail
in Detail
Multiclass Moves
Multiclass Dabbler
Multiclass Dabbler
Multiclass Initiate
Multiclass Master
For the purposes of these multiclass
moves the Clerics Commune and Cast
a Spell count as one move. Likewise for
the Wizards Spellbook, Prepare Spells,
and Cast a Spell.
If a multiclass move grants you the ability to cast spells you prepare and cast
spells as if you had one level in the casting class. Whenever you level up you
increase the level you prepare and cast
spells at too.
When Ajax gains 3rd level he takes Multiclass Dabbler to get Commune and Cast a
Spell from the Cleric class. He casts and prepares spells like a rst level Cleric: rst level
spells and rotes only, a total of 2 levels of
spells prepared.
Bardic Lore
Bard Moves
Bard Moves
Bardic Lore
Treat the areas of your lore like books. Is
the upwards- owing waterfall you just
came across something important that
would be covered in a book called "On
Spells and Magicks?" If so, your Bardic
Lore applies.
If you care enough to ask a question about
it then its probably important. Dont
second guess yourself: if you care enough
to want to know more about it then it has
some importance.
It Goes To Eleven
Of course the creature you effect must
have some way of harming your target
of choice. Spurring a wolf into a frenzy
to attack the eagle lord circling above
doesnt do any good, the wolf doesnt
have a way to attack it.
If you like you can prepare the same spell
more than once.
Cleric Spells
Cleric Spells
Its up the the creativity of your deity
(and the GM) to communicate as much
as possible through the motions and gestures of you deitys symbol. You dont
get visions or a voice from heaven, just
some visual cue of what your deity would
have you do (even if its not in your best
Magic Weapon
Casting Magic Weapon on the same
weapon again has no effect. No matter
how many times you cast it on the same
weapon its still just magic +1d4 damage.
Magic though is nothing to be scoffed at.
Having a magic weapon may give you an
advantage against some of the stranger
beasts of Dungeon World, ghosts and the
sort. The exact effects depend on the
monster and circumstances, so make the
most of it.
Animate Dead
Treating the zombie as your character
means you make moves with its ability
scores based on the ction, just like always. Unless its brain is functioning on
its own the zombie cant do much besides
follow the last order it was given, so youd
better stay close. Even if its brain works
its still bound to follow your orders.
Fighter Moves
Signature Weapon
Signature Weapon
The base description you choose is just
a description. Choosing a spear doesnt
give you Close range, for example. You
could choose a spear as the description,
then Hand as the range. Your spear
is something special, or your technique
with it is different, just describe why
your weapon has the tags youve chosen.
The exact nature of the spirits (and therefore what knowledge they can offer to
you) is up to you and the GM to decide.
Maybe theyre dead ancestors, or echoes
of people youve slain, or a minor demon.
Up to you.
Armor Mastery
Armor and shields that are reduced to
0 armor are effectively destroyed. Youll
pretty much be paying for a new one anyway, so you might as well drop them and
haul out some gold instead.
Evidence of Faith
Paladin Moves
Evidence of Faith
Your +1 forward applies to anything you
do based on your knowledge of the spells
effects: defying it, defending against it,
using it to your advantage, etc.
Ranger Moves
Your bonuses only applies when your animal is doing something its trained in.
An animal not trained to attack monsters
wont be any help when youre attacking
a otyugh.
Thief Moves
Thief Moves
Reducing armor until they repair it
means that they lose armor until they
do something that compensates for your
damage. If youre ghting an armored
knight that might mean a fresh suit of
armor, but for a thick-hided ogre its until theyve had time to heal up (or protect
the wound you left).
In order to make more doses of your chosen poison you need to be reasonably
able to gather the required materials. If
youre locked up at the top of a tower
youre not going to be able to get the materials you need of course.
Your disguise covers your appearance
and any basics like accents and limps.
It doesnt grant you any special knowledge of the target, so if someone asks you
what your favorite color is youd better
think fast. Defying Danger with Cha is a
common part of maintaining a Disguise.
Wizard Moves
Prepare Spells
Prepare Spells
You can prepare the same spell twice if
you like.
Empowered Magic
Maximizing the effects of a spell is simple for spells that involve a roll: a maximized Magic Missile does 8 damage.
In other cases its down to the circumstances. A maximized Identify might
result in far more information than expected. If theres no clear way to maximize it you cant choose that option.
Likewise for doubling the targets. If
the spell doesnt have targets you cant
choose to double them.
Dispel Magic
Wizard Spells
Dispel Magic
The exact effects depend on the circumstances. A goblin orkasters spell might
just be ended; a deitys consecration is
probably just dimmed. The GM will tell
you the likely effects of Dispeling a given
effect before you cast.
"Nearby" means a few paces at most, depending on the circumstances.
In some cases the GM may choose the
last option more than once to list each
unexpected bene t or weakness.
Summon Monster
The exact type of monster you get is up
to the GM, based on your choices. If you
want a non-reckless swimming creature
you might get a water elemental, a 1d8
damage +2 Str creature might be a barbed
devil. Whatever the creature is you still
get to play it.
Making Moves
Starting Points
At some point youll likely want to make
your own moves. You might want to
create moves to re ect some particular
threat ("When you go alone into the Unhallowed Halls . . . "). You might create
moves to cover something thats particularly important to you setting ("When
you swim in the dark waters . . . "). You
might create moves to expand a class, or
create your own class entirely.
This chapter covers how to create moves
and more importantly why to create
Moves are the simplest way to modify
the game, but you can go beyond that.
Maybe you have a cool idea for an entire
class, or you want to change how monsters work, or even mess with the entire
GMing structure. Well get to those topics too, but rst: moves.
Starting Points
Where do moves come from?
You can start a move with the trigger. Some actions will just feel like they
should be a move. This is the most common starting point for moves. Youll see
some action coming up and feel like its
different enough from existing moves
that it needs its own rules.
You can start with the effect. This is
particularly useful for class moves. You
know that casting a spell is something
that the Wizard does, so what triggers
that effect?
Rarely, you can even start with the
mechanics. Sometimes youll think of
something cool, like a tamed demon
whos happiness is a constantly varying
stat, and go from there. Be wary of any
idea thats entirely mechanical. Since
moves always start and end with the ction, a mechanical idea is the least important bit of the move.
A nal starting point is someone elses
Between Apocalypse World,
Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, and the
dozens of other games using moves there
are many great ideas out there. If
you plan to use a borrowed move for
anything beyond your personal gaming
group, its a good idea to ask the author
rst. Theyre usually pretty cool about
Types of Moves
What role the move is ful lling determines what kind of move youre creating.
Moves for dealing with the environment
or special features youve added to Dungeon World are special moves. These
moves are usually the GMs domain, a
place to make parts of the world stand
out. Since moves are always triggered by
the players most moves like this should
be written or printed somewhere everyone can look them over unless the move
covers something that the player characters wouldnt have any idea about.
Moves that re ect some special competency or power, or something the players do, are usually class moves. If the
move is clearly tied to a speci c class,
add it to that class. If the move is tied
to some concept that multiple classes
might have access to, like a move only
accessible to those that have seen beyond Deaths Black Gates, you can create
a Compendium Class for those moves. A
Compendium Class is like a mini-class,
its a collection of moves around a ctional theme. Well deal with them in
more detail later.
If your move is something the players
do but isnt associated with any speci c
theme or class its probably a basic of
special move. If it comes up all the time
its a basic move, if it comes up more
rarely its a special move.
Moves made by the players in response
to monsters, such as the effects of a disease or pressing on despite a focused
blast of wind from an air elemental, are
player moves associated with that monster. Player moves associated with a
monster are fairly rare, most of the ways
a player will interact with a monster are
covered by the basic and class moves.
Moves made by monsters against the
players arent player moves at all.
Theyre monster moves, simple statements of what the monster does. Trying to make every monster move into a
player move will seriously hamper your
World Moves
Your Dungeon World is full of fantastic
things, right? Youre likely to nd that
some of those fantastic things deserve or
demand custom moves to re ect exactly
what they do. Consider this one from
Chris Bennet:
When you open a sewer hatch roll+Str. On
a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9 choose 1.
You avoid being covered in feces and
rotting animal entrails from the sewers above.
You avoid having a gelatinous cube
land on you.
You nd a secret back entrance to
where the merchants daughter is being held.
This move is strong because it is tied
strongly to a particular place at a particular time. This move was written
by request for Jason Morningstars Dungeon World game as the players entered
some particularly horrible sewers to nd
Class Moves
a powerful merchants daughter. Two of
the options here are very directly tied to
that precise situation.
Why would you write this move instead
of just using Defy Danger? You wouldnt,
always. Opening a pressurized sewer
hatch is certainly dangerous, you could
use Defy Danger. This move does have
the advantage of setting up the choices
ahead of time. This is actually a very
strong technique: if theres a particular
situation that is likely to cause Defy Danger, you can write a custom move that
describes the tough choice to be made to
save the GM some thinking in the moment.
The other strength of moves like this is
they call out something as important.
By making the trigger "when you open a
sewer hatch" instead of "when you act despite an imminent threat" the move calls
out that these sewers are always dangerous.
Class Moves
Each class has enough moves to take
it through tenth level but that doesnt
mean you cant add more. Adding moves
to a class can demonstrate your idea of
Dungeon World. Take this one, for example:
When you claim a room for you deity, mark
every entrance and roll+Wis. On a 10+ the
room is peacebonded: no one can take action to cause physical harm within it. On a
79 the room is peacebonded, but the show
of divine power draws attention. You can
dismiss the peacebond as you see t.
This move presents a slightly different
side of Dungeon World, one that can
demand peace (something that usually
doesnt come easily to PCs). This may not
be every Dungeon World game, but its
a great way to show how your Dungeon
World looks re ected in the characters.
When adding a move, look carefully at
what class it belongs to. Avoid giving
a class moves with infringe on another
classs areas of expertise. If the Thief
can cast spells just as well as the Wizard
the Wizard is likely to feel marginalized.
This is why the multiclass moves act as
one level lower, so that each classs niche
is somewhat protected.
Be careful with any move that provides
the same bene t as an existing move
even if the trigger is different. +damage
moves in particular should be avoided
for the most part unless carefully crafted
with interesting triggers. +armor too
can be problematic if given too freely.
The classes at present have damage and
armor increases the re ect the overall
danger of Dungeon World, giving them
more can negate potential threats.
Making Moves
New Classes
Creating a new class is more than just
writing some new moves. Your rst consideration should be how the class relates
to the existing classes. No character exists in isolation, so you should think carefully about why this class is different.
An excellent rst step to creating a new
class is to think about what ctional
characters youd like to task an inspiration. Dont slavishly follow what that
ctional character can do (after all, they
werent in Dungeon World) but use them
as a guide for whats cool about being that
The inspirations for the classes in this
book are fairly clear, and made clearer by
the notes in the margins. Note that not
every inspiration is taken entirely: the
wizards of Discworld inspired slightly
pompous style of the Wizard, but the
Wizard is far more competent and casts
spells differently than the typical Discworld character. The inspiration is one
of style, not an attempt to recreate what
a certain character could do in a certain
in starting Bonds.
Look is largely left to your imagination.
This is an excellent spot to think about
your ctional inspiration: what did they
look like? How could they look different? Including at least one choice
about clothes helps establish style without making the player think about buying clothes.
The equipment choices should always
include at least one weapon option and
one armor option unless the class is
clearly non-martial and lacking in ghting skill. Dungeon Rations are also
pretty much required, a starting character without food going into a dangerous
area borders on stupid.
Making Moves
When you write a new Bond instead of using
the name of another character you can use
the name of a deity youve had contact with.
Anytime a Bond with a deity applies to the
current situation you can mark it off (as if it
was resolved) to call on the deitys favor in a
At the end of the session you then replace the
marked off Bond with a new one, with a deity
or player character.
Note that the move is only available after
the character has done a speci c thing,
and even then only at their next level.
Compendium Classes are best when they
rely on what the character has done, not
stat prerequisites or anything that happens without the players action. A Compendium Class that is available to anyone
who just gained 5th level doesnt stand
for much, one that only applies if youve
been to Deaths Black Gates and lived to
tell the tale is more interesting.
A Compendium Class also usually has
23 moves that can be taken only if the
starting move is taken. These are just
like normal class moves, just with the
requirement that you have to have already taken the starting Compendium
Class move.
Compendium Classes are ideal for concepts that dont quite inspire a full class.
If you cant think of what the class looks
like or how much HP it has, or if the class
overlaps with existing classes, its probably better as a Compendium Class.
Adventure Moves
Adventure moves deal directly with the
adventure underway. They can move the
action along, change the rewards, or let
you jump into a bigger adventure.
If youre running a short game, maybe at
a convention or game day, you may nd
that you want to front load the experience a little more. Heres a move that
covers "the adventure so far" so that you
can get straight into a short game in media res.
Stalwart Fighter: As if the bandits werent
bad enough! As if all the sword wounds,
bruises and batterings at the hands of
your enemies were insuf cientnow this.
Trapped underground with your adventuring companions when all you wanted was
to return to the town and spend your wellearned bounty. No such luck, warrior.
Sharpen that sword! Certainly, the others will need your protecting before safety is
found. Just like last time. Once more into the
breach, right? I swear, one of these fellow
must owe you a favor or two by now . . .
Adventure Moves
Have a look around and roll+Cha. On a
10+ choose two party members, on a 7-9
just the one, on a miss youre surrounded by
ingrates. At a moment of need, you can cash
in an owed favor. A PC must change their
action to one of your choosing, once. As long
as this action doesnt involve them directly
taking damage, giving up a magic item they
already own or coming to immediate harm,
its fair game. Use it to make them agree with
you, or give you that extra ration you want,
or giving you their slot in the loot lottery.
Leverage is sweet.
The most important part of this move is
not the roll or the effect, but the information and tone. It sets the stage for
a quick adventure and gives the player
reading it a starting point to work with.
The roll and result here are interesting,
but dont greatly change the ow of the
game. Handing out a set of these, one to
each player, along with a playbook, is a
great way to run a con game.
You can also adapt the End of Session
move to re ect the adventure youre running. When doing this its key that you
show the players the new End of Session
move. The goal isnt to keep them in the
dark about what earns XP, but to make
the XP awards tie directly to this adventure.
When you end the session, instead of using the normal end of session questions, use
Did we learn something about the
Cult of the Scaled God?
Did we rescue a captured villager or
help defend the village of Secor?
Did we defeat a major agent of the
Cult of the Scaled God
Move Structure
Moves always follow a similar structure. The most basic parts of a move
are the trigger ("when . . . ") and the effect ("then . . . "). Every move follows this
basic format.
Triggers are always ctional actions undertaken by the player characters. Note
that a trigger never deals with precise
units of time. Dont write a move that
begins "When you start a round adjacent
to a dragon." Theres no rounds (and adjacent is maybe not the best phrasing,
as it sound removed from the ction of
standing next to a damn re-breathing dragon
). Prepare Spells isnt "When you spend
one hour studying your spellbook" for
good reason. Time in Dungeon World
is a bit uid, like in a movie where pacing depends on the circumstances. Dont
Moves effects can be anything you can
think of; they are as limitless as your
ideas. Dont feel constrained to making rolls, +1 bonuses, and swapping stats.
Since all moves ow from the ction, a
ctional effect like "They treat you as a
friend" is just as powerful and useful as
+1 forward, maybe more so.
Here are some broad types of effects, any
given move may use more than one of
Roll . Examples: Defy Danger, Cast a
Spell [Wizard], Called Shot [Ranger].
Substitute stats . Examples: Precise [weapon tag].
Trigger another move . Examples: Charm Person [Wizard spell],
Envenom [Thief].
Give a bonus or penalty, forward
or ongoing. Examples: Quarry
[Ranger], Beacon of Good [Paladin].
Deal or heal damage . Examples:
Volley, Backstab [Thief], Called Shot
Choose options . Examples: Spout
Lore, Discern Realities, Ritual [Wizard].
Hold & Spend . Examples: Dominate [Wizard spell], Trap Sense
Ask & Answer . Examples: Charming and Open [Bard], Spout Lore.
Change circumstances . Examples: Ascetic Freedom [Cleric], Sins
of the Flesh [Paladin].
Mark experience .
Alignment moves.
Call for more information . Examples: Parley, Ritual [Wizard].
Add options . Examples: Survivalist [Ranger], Eye of Riches [Thief].
Development of a Move
Lets look at how one move developed
over time. Hack and Slash was one of
the earliest Dungeon World moves, originally written by Tony Dowler. The rst
version looked like this (this version has
Making Moves
been reformatted and edited for grammar only):
When you wade into combat, attacking your
enemies, deal damage to the enemy youre
attacking, take that enemys damage, and
roll+Str. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9
choose 1.
Prevent one ally from taking damage
this round
Kill one enemy of lower level than
you or deal max damage to otherwise
Put an enemy right where you want
them (drive them off, prevent them
from eeing, etc.)
Divide your damage amongst any
number of targets you can reach with
your weapon
The rst problem with this move is that
one of the options, preventing damage, is
far less useful than the others. Being able
to outright kill an enemy is nearly always
better than preventing that enemy from
doing damage. The rst major revision
was to drop that option:
When you wade into combat, attacking your
enemies, deal damage to the enemy youre
attacking, take that enemys damage, and
roll+Str. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose
Kill one enemy of lower level than
you or deal max damage to otherwise
Put an enemy right where you want
them (drive them off, prevent them
from eeing, etc.)
Divide your damage amongst any
number of targets you can reach with
your weapon
This left only three options which is a
great number of options to have when a
10+ lets you pick two. The player making
the move always had to not choose one
option. All of the options are also clearly
useful. But theres still an issue, easily
the biggest issue with this move: the ctional action doesnt tightly relate to the
Consider this situation: Gregor attacks
an eagle lord with his mighty axe. He
describes his ctional action: "I swing
my axe right down on his wing with a
big overhead chop." Then he rolls the
move, gets a 10, and makes his choices.
Max damage is a clear choice and comes
right from the ction. The other options,
however, dont make much sense. If he
chooses to divide his damage, how does
that ow from his one ctional attack?
How did that one chop also hit the treant
behind him?
Scoping down the ctional effect of the
move lead to his version:
Making Moves
The easiest place to modify monsters is
in the questions used to create them. The
simplest changes have to do with adjusting lethality or randomness to your liking. You could easily change just one
question to add random damage to the
game (if you use random monster damage you might consider having the players roll it so that you dont have to manage dice just for damage).
Special Thanks
Tresi Arvizo
Jeremy Friesen
Pitch It
Guild Members
Pitch It
Before you play youll likely be explaining the game to your new players (dont
just spring it on them, thats not cool).
We call that the pitch: its explaining
why you want to play Dungeon World
and why you think theyll like it.
First and most importantly: put it in your
own words. We cant give you a script
because the best way to get people excited
about the game is to share your honest
excitement. There are, however, some
things you might want to touch on.
With rst-time roleplayers its best to focus on what roleplaying means in Dungeon World. Tell them what theyll be
doing (portraying a character) and what
youll be doing (portraying the world
around them). Mention the general conceit (adventurers and adventure). Its
usually a good idea to mention the role of
the rules too, how theyre there to drive
the action forward in interesting ways.
With folks whove played RPGs before, especially those whove played
other fantasy adventure games, you
can focus more on what makes Dungeon World different from other similar
games. Ease-of-play, the way the rules
just step in at the right times, and the
fast pace are all things that experienced
roleplayers often appreciate.
No matter the audience, dont just pitch
Dungeon World, pitch the game youre
going to run. If this is going to be a
trip into the city sewers, tell them that
right up front. If theres an evil cult to be
stopped that should be part of your description. The interaction between you,
the players, and the rules will create all
kinds of interesting secrets later on, your
pitch should honestly portray the game
you intend to run.
Create Characters
Go through the character creation rules
step-by-step. The process of creating
a character is also a great introduction
to the basic concepts: the players will
encounter stats, moves, HP, and damage all in an order that makes sense.
Dont bother trying to front-load the
rules explanations. There arent really
any wrong choices.
Each player will encounter the rules
that are important to their class. The
Fighter, for example, will see moves
about weapon ranges and piercing and
ask about them, explain them as needed.
If the Fighter player doesnt ask you what
piercing is, dont worry about it. Theyre
happy to choose based on the ction,
which is all the stats and tags re ect anyway.
If your players are particularly worried
about making their characters right just
give them the option of changing them
later. Trying to cover every rule and give
them all the context now will just slow
the game down. In particular, dont go
over the basic moves in detail yet. Leave
them out so that the players can read
them and ask questions, but dont waste
time by explaining each. Theyll come
up as needed.
As the players introduce their characters
and start setting bonds move from answering questions to asking them. Ask
about why they chose what they did
and what that means for their character.
Ask about details established by their
bonds. Let their choices establish the
world around them. Take special note
of anything that you think you might
be able to make moves with (like an estranged teacher or a simmering war).
Start Play
Start play by concretely describing the
world around them. Keep it brief and
evocative, use plenty of details, and end
with something that demands action.
Then ask them what they do.
Ending with something that demands
action is important. Dont presume that
new players will already know what they
want to do. Giving them something
to react to right away means you get
straight to playing.
Especially for new players make sure
that the action theyre thrown into is
something they have the tools to deal
with. A ght is a good choice, as is a
tense negotiation (which can easily be-
Guild Members
come a ght). Keep it simple and let the
complexity build.
Even in a ght keep to simple monsters:
things that bleed, dont have too much
armor, and dont have piercing. Give
them a chance to get used to their armor and dealing damage before you start
using the exceptions to those rules, like
piercing and ignoring armor. Of course
if the ction dictates ignoring armor or
piercing or a certain monster, use it, but
dont lead with those.
For new players make liberal use of your
Show Signs of Doom move. New players, or those used to a different type
of fantasy adventure, may have different assumptions about whats lethal and
when theyre in danger, so make sure to
show them danger clearly. Once theyve
started to pick up on whats dangerous
you can give them a little less warning.
If youre GMing for the rst time focus on
a few moves: Show Signs of Doom, Deal
Damage, Put Someone in a Spot. Only
look at your moves sheet if youre pretty
sure none of those three apply. Eventually youll build up familiarity with
the whole range of GM moves and using them will seem like second nature.
Continuing Play
After an hour or two of play the players
will likely have everything down. As a
rst time GM you may take a bit longer to
pick up all your moves, maybe a session
or two. Just roll with it.
If you nd yourself struggling in the rst
session consider it a pilot, like the rst
episode of a TV show. Feel free to start
over or retroactively change things. If
a player decides that the Thief just isnt
what they thought it was let them switch
classes (either remaking the same character or introducing someone new). If
your rst adventure wasnt working too
well scrap it and start something new.
While Dungeon World works great for
one-shots the longer cycles of levels and
bonds dont really kick in for a bit. If
your rst one or two sessions go well
consider scheduling out enough time for
510 more. Knowing that youre planning to play that much longer gives you
some space to plan out your fronts and
resolve them.
There isnt always time for prep. People arent entirely committed to a
gameyou just want to test it out or
youve got a four-hour slot at a convention that you want to ll and youve
never met the players before in your
life. Maybe prep isnt something you
care about or you think its more fun to
just take a map and run with it. Even
better, maybe youve got a favorite oldschool adventure module and youd love
to run through using the Dungeon World
rules. In this appendix, well cover how
to convert and adapt material from other
games into Dungeon World and give you
the same exibility to run your favorite
adventures using the rules in this book.
The rst step in preparing an adventure
for use with Dungeon World is reading
through that adventure, and through the
Dungeon World rules. For this book,
youll want to be familiar with all the basic rules, as well as familiar with the section on Fronts and on the GM principles.
The former will be guiding you in adapting the framework of the adventure and
the latter will help keep your mind going
in the right directionso that gameplay
stays true to the style and rules set out
in this book. Youll want to read through
the module next, paying close attention
to the four following topics as you go.
Magic Items
NPCs and Organizations
The core of any standard adventure, scenario or game session in Dungeon World
ows outward from the Fronts to the
players; the Fronts have their Impending Dooms, the players react, and in the
space between, you play the game to nd
out what happens. The same is true
when presenting a converted adventure.
Reading through the module, youll have
noticed thingsNPCs, places of interest,
special monsters and organizations that
might have an impact on the world or
some agenda to carry out. Depending on
the size of the adventure, there may be
just one or a few of these. Take a look
through the list of Front types and create
one for each group.
Most published adventures contained
one or two unique monsters not seen
anywhere elsecustom creatures and
denizens of the deeps that could threaten
players in some way they hadnt encountered before. Take a look through the
adventure and make sure youve caught
them all. Many monsters will already
have statistics noted in Dungeon World
and you can, if youre happy with them,
just make a note of what page theyre on
in your Fronts and move on from there. If
you want to further customize the monsters, or need to create your own, use the
rules to do so. In this step, try to avoid
thinking about balancing the monsters
or concerning yourself too much with
how many HP a monster has or whether
its armor rating matches what you expect. Think more about how the monster
is meant to participate in the adventure.
Is it there to scare the pcs? Is it there to
bar their way or pose a riddle? What is
its purpose in the greater ecology of the
dungeon or adventure at large? Translating the spirit of the thing will always
give you better, more engaging results. If
the monster has a cool power or neat trick
you want to write a custom move for, do
so! Custom moves are what make Dungeon World feel unique from group to
group, so take advantage of them where
you can.
In my adventure, the monsters run the
gamut. Ive got a scary naga with some
mind-controlling powers, an evil priest with
divine snake-god magic, a bunch of ruf an
cultists, a dragon turtle and a few miscellaneous lizards, crocodiles and snakes. Most
of these I can pull from the Monster Settings,
but Ill create custom stats for the Naga and
the cultist leader, at least. I want them to feel
new and different and have some cool ideas
for how that might look. I use the monster
creation rules to put them together.
Direct Conversion
If you run across a monster that you
havent already created and which you
dont know well enough to convert using the monster creation rules you can
instead convert them directly.
If the monsters damage is a single dice
with a bonus of up to +10 keep it as-is. If
the monsters damage uses multiple dice
of the same size roll the listed dice and
take the highest result. If the monster
uses multiple dice of different sizes roll
only the largest and take the highest result.
If the monsters HP is listed as Hit Dice
Guild Members
take the maximum value of the rst HD
and add one for each additional hit dice.
If the monsters HP is listed as a number
with no Hit Dice divide the HP by 4.
If the monsters AC is average give it 1
armor. If the monsters AC is low, give it
0 armor. If the monsters AC is high give
it 2 armor, 3 armor for beasts that are all
aboutdefense. If itsnearly invulnerable,
4 armor. +1 armor if its defenses are
One of the biggest differences between
Dungeon World and many other fantasy
RPGs is the concept of maps and mapping. In many games, youll see a squareby-square map denoting precisely what
goes where, often presented to give as
much detail as possible and leave little
to the imagination save the description
of the location in question. Dungeon
World often leans the opposite directionmaps marked with empty space
and a one or two word description like
blades or scary. To adapt an existing adventure for use in Dungeon World,
simply keep in mind your Principles and
Agenda. Primarily, keep in mind that
as the GM, its your job to draw maps,
leave blanks and to ask questions and
use the answers.
To that end, its often best to re-draw the
map entirely, if you have time. Dont
copy it inch-by-inch but redraw it freehand, leaving spaces and drawing out
new rooms, if youd like. Dont stick to
the map exactly as written, but give yourself some creative license. The idea here
is to give yourself room to expandto
allow the players reaction to the adventure to surprise and inspire you. If youve
got the whole map nailed down in advance, theres nowhere to go you dont
already know about, is there? Pick a few
rooms that dont interest you and wipe
out their inhabitants. Draw a new tunnel
or two. This will give you some space to
play around once you get into the game
If you dont have the time or inclination
to re-draw the map, dont worry. Just
take the original map, make a few notes
about what might go where and leave the
rest blank. When the players go into
that room marked 4f dont look it up,
just make a guess at what might be there
based on your notes and what else has
been happening. Youll nd a comfortable balance between freely playing out
what happens and consulting your prep
as you go along.
Guild Members
Introductory Moves
This step is entirely optional, but can
be really useful when running through
an adventure for a convention group or
other group whererunningthrough a full
rst session process just isnt possible.
You can take variables of the adventure
and create hooks for that adventure,
writing custom moves to be made after
character creation but before play starts.
These moves will serve to engage the
characters in the ction and give them
something special to prepare them or
hook them into whats about to happen.
You can write one for each class, or bundle them together, if you like. Heres an
Fighter, someone who loves you gave you
a gift before you left for a life of adventure.
Roll + CHA and tell us how much they love
you. On a 10+ pick two heirlooms, on a 7-9
pick one . On a miss, well, good intentions
count for something, right?
a vial of antivenom
a shield that glows with silver light
arusted old key inthe shape of a lizard
These sorts of moves can give the players
the sense that their characters are tied to
the situation at hand, and open the door
for more lines of question-and-answer
play that can ll the game world with life.
Think about the Fronts, the things they
endanger, the riches they might protect
and their impact on the world. Let these
intro moves ow from that understanding, creating a great kick-start to the adventure.
Sometimes the players will come across
someone who becomes important in the
moment. When the ritual goes wrong
and a poor captive gets the power cosmic
what does that villager do with it? Who
were they?
When you need a quick NPC all you need
is an instinct and some way to pursue it.
We call that a Knack, it can be anything
from a skill to a title to a debt owed. Combine the two and you have an NPC who
has something they want and a way to
try to get it, youre ready to go.
100 Instincts
1. To avenge
2. To spread the good word
3. To reunite with a loved one
4. To make money
5. To make amends
6. To explore a mysterious place
7. To uncover a hidden truth
8. To locate a lost thing
9. To kill a hated foe
10. To conquer a far-away land
11. To cure an illness
Introductory Moves
12. To craft a masterwork
13. To survive just one more day
14. To earn affection
15. To prove a point
16. To be smarter, faster and stronger
17. To heal an old wound
18. To extinguish an evil forever
19. To hide from a shameful fact
20. To evangelise
21. To spread suffering
22. To prove worth
23. To rise in rank
24. To be praised
25. To discover the truth
26. To make good on a bet
27. To get out of an obligation
28. To convince someone to do their dirty
29. To steal something valuable
30. To overcome a bad habit
31. To commit an atrocity
32. To earn renown
33. To accumulate power
34. To save someone from a monstrosity
35. To teach
36. To settle down
37. To get just one more haul
38. To preserve the law
39. To discover
40.To devour
41. To restore the family name
42. To live a quiet life
43. To help others
44.To atone
45. To prove their worth
46. To gain honor
47. To expand their land
48. To gain a title
49. To retreat from society
50. To escape
51. To party
52. To return home
53. To serve
54. To reclaim what was taken
55. To do what must be done
56. To be a champion
57. To avoid notice
58. To help a family member
59. To perfect a skill
60. To travel
61. To overcome a disadvantage
62. To play the game
63. To establish a dynasty
64. To improve the realm
65. To retire
66. To recover a lost memory
67. To battle
68. To become a terror to criminals
69. To raise dragons
70. To live up to expectations
71. To become someone else
72. To do what cant be done
73. To be remembered in song
74. To be forgotten
75. To nd true love
76. To lose their mind
77. To indulge
78. To make the best of it
79. To nd the one
80. To destroy an artifact
81. To show them all
100 Knacks
1. Criminal connections
2. Muscle
3. Skill with a speci c weapon
4. Hedge wizardry
5. Comprehensive local knowledge
6. Noble blood
7. A one-of-a-kind item
8. Special destiny
9. Unique perspective
10. Hidden knowledge
11. Magical awareness
12. Abnormal parentage
13. Political leverage
14. A tie to a monster
15. A secret
16. True love
17. An innocent heart
18. A plan for the perfect crime
19. A one-way ticket to paradise
20. A mysterious ore
21. Money, money, money
22. Divine blessing
23. Immunity from the law
24. Prophecy
25. Secret martial arts techniques
26. A ring of power
27. A much-needed bag of taters
28. A heart
29. A forti ed position
30. Lawmaking
31. Tongues
32. A discerning eye
33. Endurance
34. A safe place
35. Visions
36. A beautiful mind
37. A clear voice
38. Stunning looks
39. A catchy tune
41. Baking
42. Brewing
43. Smelting
45. Writing
46. Immunity to re
47. Cooking
48. Storytelling
100 Knacks
49. Ratcatching
50. Lying
51. Utter unremarkableness
52. Mind-bending sexiness
53. Unde nable coolness
54. A way with knots
55. Wheels of polished steel
56. A magic carpet
57. Endless ideas
58. Persistence
59. A stockpile of food
60. A hidden path
61. Piety
62. Resistance to disease
63. A library
64. A silver tongue
65. Bloodline
66. An innate spell
Guild Members
67. Balance
68. Souls
69. Speed
70. A sense of right and wrong
71. Certainty
72. An eye for detail
73. Heroic self-sacri ce
74. Sense of direction
75. A big idea
76. A hidden entrance to the city
77. The love of someone powerful
78. Unquestioning loyalty
79. Exotic fruit
80. Poison
81. Perfect memory
82. The language of birds
83. A key to an important door
84. Metalworking
1 7
1 Choose a Class 7
1st 18, 33
1st Level Spells 18, 33
2 7
2 Choose a Race 7
3 7
3 Choose a Name 7
3rd 18, 33
3rd Level Spells 18, 33
4 7
4 Choose Look 7
5 7
5 Choose Stats 7
5th 18, 33
5th Level Spells 18, 33
6 8
6 Figure Out Modi ers 8
7 8
8 8
8 Choose Starting Moves 8
7 Set Starting HP 8
7th 19, 34
7th Level Spells 19, 34
9 8
9 Choose Alignment 8
9th 19, 34
9th Level Spells 19, 34
10 8
10 Choose Gear 8
11 8
11 Introduce Your Character
12 8
12 Choose Bonds 8
100 119, 119
100 Instincts 119
100 Knacks 119
(cabal) 52
(cha) 12, 13, 23
(choir 52
(choose 67, 68
(dark 52
(from 35
(int) 30
(str) 20
(wis) 25
& 55, 118
Adding Steadings 60
Address 42
Address the characters not
the players 42
Adept 64
Advanced 13, 16, 21, 24, 26, 29,
Advanced Moves 13, 16, 21,
24, 26, 29, 31
Advancement 6, 55
Adventure 47, 48, 51, 111
Adventure Moves 111
Aegis 24
After Death 54
Agenda 41, 113
Agenda Principles and GM
Moves 113
Aid 9, 16, 16, 63, 96
Aid or Interfere 9, 96
Aim 29
Alchemist 29
Blot 26
Blot out the Sun 26
Bolster 11, 60
Bonds 8, 13, 16, 21, 24, 26, 29,
31, 55, 55, 55, 55
Breath 10, 97
Brewer 29
Bribes 37
Buildings 37
Cacophony 13
Called 25
Called Shot 25
Camou age 26
Camp 10, 97
Campaign 48, 62, 62
Cantrips 33
Capture 63
Carouse 10, 59, 97
Cast 15, 30, 50, 52
Cast a Spell 15
Cast a Spell (Int) 30
Cautious 29, 29
Cavern 68, 70
Cavern Dwellers 68, 70
Challenge 45
Chance 47
Change 44
Change the environment 44
Changing Alignment 56
Changing the Basics 112
Chaotic 13, 26, 28, 56
Character 7, 8, 47
Character Creation 7
Characters 42, 42, 45, 116
Charge 24
Charming and Open 12, 100
Cheap 29
Cheap Shot 29
Choose 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
Choosing a Move 43
Chord 13
Chorus 13
Chosen 16
Chosen One 16
City 62
Clash 63
Class 7, 110
Classes 110, 110, 116
Class Moves 110
Cleric 1, 15, 18, 101, 102
Cleric Spells 18, 102
Closest 35
Collapse 62
College 52
Command 25, 105
Common 68
Commune 15, 101
Companion 25
Compendium 110
Compendium Classes 110
Con 14
Connections 29
Consequences 44
Continuing Play 117
Contributors 115
Conversion 118
Cost 44
Costs 64
Counter 31
Counterspell 31
Create 116
Create Characters 116
Creating Dangers 48
Creating Fronts 48
Creating the world 59
Creation 7
Creature 44, 44
Creatures 53
Cursed 50, 50
Cursed Places 50
Custom 50, 52
Custom Moves 50, 52
Dabbler 13, 17, 21, 99
Damage 5, 44, 53, 53, 54, 118
Damage and HP 5
Damage From Multiple Creatures 53
Danger 9, 43, 94
Dangerous 42
Dangers 48, 49, 52
Dark 69
Dead 102
Deal 44
Deal damage 44
Death 16, 54, 54
Deaths 21
Debilities 54
Defend 9, 94
Defender 24, 24
Defense 30, 67
Defenses 61
Defy 9, 94
Defy Danger 9, 94
Deity 15
Denizens 69, 73
Denizens of the Swamp 69
Depths 69, 87
Describe 47, 68
Description 50, 52
Description and Cast 50, 52
Detail 93, 98
Details 47
Development 112
Development of a Move 112
Devious 13
Devoted 16
Devoted Healer 16
Dice 3
Direct 118
Direct Conversion 118
Dirty 29
Dirty Fighter 29
Discern 9, 95
Discern Realities 9, 95
Disguise 29, 106
Dispel 108
Dispel Magic 108
Divine 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 24, 24,
Divine Armor 17
Divine Authority 24
Divine Favor 24
Divine Guidance 15
Divine Intervention 16
Divine Invincibility 16
Familiar Prey 26
Fan 42
Fangs 26
Fantastic 42
Favor 24
Fiction 42
Fight 67, 113
Fighter 1, 20, 29, 103
Fighter Moves 103
Figure 8
Finery 37
Fireball 108
First Aid 16
First Session 46
Flexible 28
Flexible Morals 28
Flow 4
Folk 91
Folk of the Realm 91
Follow 26
Follow Me 26
Forces 49, 49
Form 68
Fount 31
Fount of Knowledge 31
Friend 26
Friends 13
Front 51, 52
Fronts 48, 48, 48, 48, 51, 62, 117
Fronts on the Campaign Map
Furthest) 35
Gate 52, 52
Gates 20
Gear 8, 13, 16, 21, 24, 26, 29, 31,
Getting Started 46
Gifts 37
Gifts and Finery 37
Give 42, 47, 47
Give each character a chance
to shine 47
Give every monster life 42
Glossary 35
Gm 41, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 113
GM Moves for Ambitious Organizations 49
GM Moves for Arcane Enemies 49
GM Moves for Cursed Places
GM Moves for Hordes 50
GM Moves for Planar Forces
Gnarled 79
Gnarled Woods 79
God 26
God Amidst the Wastes 26
Good 12, 16, 21, 24, 26, 30, 56
Greater 16, 17, 31
Greater Empower 17
Greater Empowered Magic
Greater First Aid 16
Grim 50, 52, 52, 52
Grim Portents 50, 52, 52, 52
Growth 62
Guidance 15, 16, 102
Guild 116
Journey 10, 97
Knacks 119
Knight 24
Know-It-All 31
Know-it-all 31
Knowledge 31
Land 37
Land and Buildings 37
Last Breath 10, 97
Law 23
Lawful 16, 24, 56
Lay 23
Lay on Hands (Cha) 23
Leave 42, 47
Leave blanks 47
Legions 69, 76
Legions of the Undead 69, 76
Level 10, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 33,
33, 33, 34, 34, 55
Level Up 10, 55
Life 16, 42
Lift 20
Location 43
Logical 31, 31
Look 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30
Look for interesting facts 47
Lore 9, 12, 95, 100
Lower Depths 87
Magic 13, 31, 31, 38, 100, 102,
107, 108, 118
Magic & Treasure 118
Magic Items 38
Magic Weapon 102
Make a move that follows 42
Make Camp 10, 97
Make them backtrack 45
Making a City 62
Making a Hireling 64
Making a Keep 62
Making a Town 62
Making a Village 61
Making Monsters 67
Making Moves 109
Making your Move 43
Mans 26
Mans Best Friend 26
Map 62, 62
Maps 42, 118
Martyr 16
Master 14, 29, 31, 99
Mastery 21, 103
Meals 36
Members 116
Merciless 21
Metal 13
Metal Hurlant 13
Minstrel 65
Modi ers 8
Monster 42, 43, 66, 67, 68,
108, 113
Monsters 66, 66, 67, 67, 113,
Monster Settings 68
Monsters Without Stats 67
Monster Tags 67
Morals 28
Move 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 111,
Moves 4, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15,
16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28,
29, 30, 31, 43, 44, 47, 49, 49,
49, 50, 50, 50, 52, 59, 93, 97,
98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106,
107, 109, 109, 109, 110, 111, 113,
118, 119
Moves and Instinct 118
Moves Are Indivisible 4
Moves in Detail 93, 98
Move Structure 111
Multiclass 13, 13, 14, 17, 21, 21,
99, 99, 99, 99
Multiclass Dabbler 13, 17, 21,
Multiclass Initiate 13, 21, 99
Multiclass Master 14, 99
Multiclass Moves 99
Multiple 51, 53
Multiple Adventure Fronts
Mystical 32
Mystical Puppet Strings 32
Name every person 42
Names 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30,
Neutral 12, 21, 26, 28, 30, 56
Never speak the name of your
move 42
New Classes 110
Npcs 47
Observant 27
Offer 44
Offer an opportunity with or
without cost 44
Offscreen 43
Onward 24
Open 12, 100
Opportunity 44, 63
Order 64
Order Hirelings 64
Organization 67
Organizations 49, 49
Organization Tags 67
Orison 16
Orison for Guidance 16
Other Tags 61
Other Updates 63
OutstandingWarrants 11, 60,
Overview 117
Paladin 1, 23, 104
Paladin Moves 104
Parley 9, 95
Parry 13
Penitent 16
Perfect 24, 24
Perfect Hospitaller 24
Perfection 21
Perfect Knight 24
Perilous 10, 97
Person 42
Pitch 116
Pitch It 116
Place 26, 26
Places 50, 50
Planar 49, 49, 69, 89
Planar Forces 49
Planar Powers 69, 89
Play 4, 116, 117
Players 42, 47
Point 44
Points 109
Point to a looming threat 44
Poison 29
Poisoner 28, 106
Poison Master 29
Poisons 36
Polymorph 108
Population 61
Port 12
Portal) 52
Portents 50, 52, 52, 52
Powers 69, 89
Prep 46
Prepare 30, 107
Prepare Spells 30, 107
Present 45, 45, 116
Present a challenge to one of
the characters 45
Present riches at a price 45
Present the Classes 116
Prey 26, 26
Price 45
Priest 65
Principles 42, 113
Problems 67
Prodigy 31
Pro t 63
Prosperity 61
Protection 16, 24, 24
Protective 31
Protective Counter 31
Protector 65
Providence 16
Puppet 32
Put 44
Put someone in a spot 44
Quest 23
Questions 42, 47
Quick 31
Quick Study 31
Race 7
Range 35
Ranger 1, 25, 105
Ranger Moves 105
Range Tags (From Closest to
Furthest) 35
Ravenous 69, 82
Ravenous Hordes 69, 82
Realities 9, 95
Realm 91
Reaper 16
Recover 11, 60
Recruit 11, 60
Red 21
Re ect 113
Replaces 55
Reputation 13
Reputation (Cha) 13
Requirements 44
Requires 55
Requires & Replaces 55
Resolving a Front 51
Resolving Bonds 55
Resources 44
Results 4
Reveal 43
Reveal an unwelcome truth
Riches 45
Ritual 30
Rolls 4
Rolls and Results 4
Rotes 18
Route 29
Safe 26
Safer 26
Scales 16
Scent 21
Scent of Blood 21
Seeing Red 21
Self-Powered 32
Self-powered 32
Seraphim 52
Serenity 16
Serious Underdog 29
Services 36
Session 10, 46
Sessions 6
Set 8
Settings 68
Setting Up 3
Setup 24
Setup Strike 24
Shine 47
Shoot 29
Shoot First 29
Shot 25, 29
Show 43
Show signs of doom 43
Signature 20, 103
Signature Weapon 20, 103
Signs 43
Size 67
Size Tags 67
Skills 64
Slash 9, 93
Smaugs 26
Smaugs Belly 26
Smite 24, 24, 24
Song 13
Soul 31
Speak 42
Special 10, 27, 97, 114
Special Moves 10, 97
Special Thanks 114
Special Trick 27
Speech 26
Spell 15, 30, 30, 32
Spell Augmentation 32
Spellbook 30, 31
Spell Defense 30
Spells 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 30,
33, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 102, 107,
Spot 44
Spout 9, 95
Spout Lore 9, 95
Stakes 51, 52
Start 116
Started 46
Starting Moves 12, 15, 20, 23,
25, 28, 30
Starting Points 109
Start Play 116
Stats 5, 7, 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 28,
30, 67
Staunch 24
Staunch Defender 24
Steading Moves 59
Steading Names 61
Steadings 59, 60
Steading Tags 61
Steel 21
Steel Hide 21
Storm 12
Strider 26
Strike 24, 24, 26
Strings 32
Strong 29
Strong Arm True Aim 29
Structure 111
Study 31
Stun 54
Stun Damage 54
Summon 108
Summon Monster 108
Sun 26
Superior 22
Superior Warrior 22
Supply 10, 59
Surplus 63
Swamp 69, 73
Swamp Denizens 73
Tag 35
Tag Glossary 35
Tags 35, 61, 61, 67, 67, 67
Take Watch 10
Tandem 24
Tandem Strike 24
Taste 21, 29, 106
Taste of Blood 21
Tell them the requirements or
consequences and ask 44
Terminology 5
Tether 31
The Argent Seraphim (Choir
of Angels) 52
The Bard 1, 12
The Basics 41
The Cleric 1, 15
The College of Arcanists (Cabal) 52
The Dark Woods 69
The Fighter 1, 20
The First Adventure 47
The Flow of Play 4
The GM 41
The Lower Depths 69
The monster is Evil through
and through Choose one to
re ect why its evil 113
The Paladin 1, 23
The Ranger 1, 25
The Scales of Life and Death
The Thief 1, 28
The White Gate (Dark Portal)
The Wizard 2, 30
The world 59
Thief 1, 28, 106
Thief Moves 106
Think Dangerous 42
Think offscreen too 43
Threat 44, 44
Through Deaths Eyes 21
Tones 13
Town 62
Track 25
Tracker 65
Trade 28, 63
Trained 26
Transport 36
Trap 28
Trap Expert 28
Treasure 68, 118
Trick 27
Tricks 28
Tricks of the Trade 28
Triggers 111
True 29
Truth 43
Turn 15
Turn Undead 15
Twisted 69, 85
Twisted Experiments 69, 85
Type 44, 44
Types 49, 109
Types of Dangers 49
Types of Moves 109
Undead 15, 69, 76
Underdog 29, 29
Understand 47
Undertake 10, 97
Undertake a Perilous Journey
10, 97
Unforgettable 13
Unforgettable Face 13
Unnatural 27
Unnatural Ally 27
Unwelcome 43
Updates 63
Updating the Campaign Map
Use a monster danger or location move 43
Use a threat from an existing
faction or type of creature
Use up their resources 44
Use what they give you 47
Using Dice 3
Using Monsters 66
Vicious 13, 13, 16
Vicious Blast 13
Vicious Cacophony 13
Village 61
Vipers 26, 26
Vipers Fangs 26
Vipers Strike 26
Voice 24
Voice of Authority 24
Volley 9, 93
Want 63
Ward 31
Warrants 11, 60, 97
Warrior 22, 65
Wastes 26
Watch 10
Wealth 29, 106
Wealth and Taste 29, 106
Weapon 20, 21, 102, 103
Weaponry 22
Weapons 35
Well Trained 26
What does it want that causes
problems for others 67
What is it known for (Choose
all that apply) 67
What is it known to do 67
What is its most common
form of attack 68
What is its most important
defense 67
When to Make a Move 43
Which of these describe it
(Choose all that apply) 68
White 52, 52
Why 6
Wild 26, 26
Wild Empathy 26
Wild Speech 26
Wizard 2, 30, 33, 107, 108
Wizard Moves 107
Wizard Spells 33, 108
Woods 69, 79
World 1, 59, 59, 109
World Moves 109
Writing New Bonds 55