Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparisons

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Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping


Jet Pump

18% of total population.

Low to moderate. Cost increase with depth and

larger surface units.

High for power generation and cabling. Relatively

low capital cost if electric power available. Costs
increase as horsepower increase.

Relatively low to moderate. Cost increases with

higher horsepower. Wellhead equipment has low
profile. Requires surface treating and high
pressure pumping equipment.
Low for shallow to modium depth (<7000 ft) and low Moderate to high. Costly interventions are required High power cost due to horsepower requirment to
production (<400 bfpd). Units easily changed to
to change out conventional ESP completion. Varies pump power fluid. Low pump maintenance cost
other wells (re-use) with minimum cost.
if high horsepower, high energy costs. High pulling with properly sized throat and nozzle for long run
costs results from short run life. Repair cost often
life. No moving parts in pump, simple repair
high, but productivity and improved run life can
offset these costs.

Well gas lift equipment cost low, but compression

cost and gas distribution system may be high.
Central compression system reduces overall cost
per well.
Low, Gas lift systems have a very low OPEX due
to the downhole reliability. Well cost low.
Compression cost vary depending on fuel cost
and compressor maintenance.

Down Hole

Reasonably good rod design and operating

practices needed. Good selection operating and
repair pracices needed for rods and pumping.

Requires proper cable in addition to motor, pumps

seals, etc. Good design plus good operating
practics essential.


Small footprint on surface. Facilities often have

power generation already installed; hence the
addition of power for a rod pump unit does not have
as large an impact as for gas compression.
Excellent total system efficiency. Typically 50 to

Facilities often have power generation already

installed hence the addition of power for ESP does
not have as large an impact as for gas
Good for high rate wells, but decrease significantly
for <1000 BFPD. Typically total system efficiency is
about 50% for high rate wells but for <1000 BPD,
efficiency typically <40%.

Good valve design and spacing essential.

Moderate cost for well equipment (valves &
mandrels). Typically less than "5" valves needed.
Choice of wireline retrievable of conventional
Large amount of space is required to install a
compression system.


Excellent, can controll production rate.


Excellent: run time efficiency >95% if good rod

practices followed.

System (Total)

Straight foreword and basic procedures to design,

install & operate following API and RP's. Each well
is an individual sestem.

Poor, for fixed speed. Requires careful design VSD Good to excellent, power fluid rates and pressure
provides better flexibility.
adjusts the production rate and lift capacity from
no-flow to full design capacity of installed pump
selection of throat and nozzle sizes extend range
of volune and capacity.
Varies, excellent for ideal lift cases, poor for
Good with proper throat on nozzle sizing for
problem areas (very senstive to operating
operating conditions. Must avoid operating in
temperatures and electrical malfunctions).
cavitation range of jet pump throat, related to
pump intake pressure. More problems if pressure
>4000 psi.
Fairly simple to design but requires good rate data Available computer design program for application
system not forgiving, requires excellent operating
design. Basic operating procedure for downhole
practices follow API, RP's in design testing and
pumpand well site unit. Free pump easily
operation. Each well is an individual procedure
restricted for on-site repair. Downhole jet often
using a common electric system.
requires trial and error to arrive at best/optimum

Operating Cost

1% of total population.

Gas Lift

The most popular artificial lift system, 40%.

World wide
Capital Cost

Requires computer design programs for sizing.

Tolerant of moderate solids in power fluid. No
moving parts in pump, long service lift. Simple
repair procedures to run and retrieve pump
Large amount of surface spacing is require.
Surface unit can be mounted on one skid or two
skids for a dualvessel power fluid cleaning unit.

The most popular artificial lift system after Rod

pump, 34% of total population.

Fair to poor, maximum efficiency for ideal case is Increases for wells that require small injection
30% thus power fluid at 2-3 times the produced
GLR's. Low for wells requiring high GLR's.
fluid rate is required. Heavity influenced by power typically 20 to 30%.
fluid plus production gradient. Typically operating
efficiency of 10 to 20%.
Excellent, gas injection rate varied to change
rates. Tubing needs to be sized correctly.

Excellent if compression system properly

designed and maintained.

An adequants volume, high pressure, dry, noncorrosive and clean gas supply source is needed
through out the entire life. Good data needed for
valve design and spacing. API space and
design/operating RP's should be followed.

Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping


Jet Pump

Usage / Outlook

Excellent, used on about 85% of USA artificial lift

wells. The normal standard artificial lift method.

An excellent high rate artificial lift system. Best

suited for <200 dgree F and >1000 BFPD rates.
Most often used on high watercut wells

Volume high lift


Fair, restricted to shallow depths using large

plungers. Maximum rate about 4000 bfpd from
1000' & 1000 bfpd from 5000'.

Volume low lift


Excellent, most commonly used method for wells

producing <100 bfpd.

Excellent, limited by needed HP and can be

restricted by casing size. Tendom motors can be
used to increase HP but also increase operating
Generally poor, lower efficiencies and high
operating costs <400 BFPD.

Production rate

Rate is dependent on setting depth. Feasible for

low rates (<100 b/d) and low GOR (<250). In
general due to efficiency, rod pump is not
recommended as a lift mechanism of choice on
high producing wells.
The pump depth and the dynamic head restrict
achieving a low FBHP. The excellent result can
obtain at intake pressure less than 25 psig
providing adequate displacement and gas venting,
typically about 50 to 100 psig FBHP.

The full range of production rates can be handled.

When unconstrained an ESP can be designed to
produce the full well potential to the surface (AOF),
thus achieving higher flow rates than gas lift.


The pump depth and the dynamic head limit

acievable drawdown.

Flow stability

Not recommended for unstable flow.

Any drawdown can be achieved with a given ESP

Good drawdown but cannot completely deplete a
design, however well and reservoir constraints limit well.
final drawdown.
Not recommended for unstable flow.
Continuous and smooth flow of produced fluids.


Recommended for primary and secondary


Recommended for primary and secondary


Flowing bottom
hole pressure

Pressure support Recommended for constant Ps.

(Constant Ps)

Achieving any FBHP is not a constraint with ESP.

AOF can be achieved if the well and reservoir
properties do not constrain the ESP design.

Recommended as an ESP is able to move the

same fluid volume no matter what watercut.

Good for higher volume wells requiring flexible

operation wide depth range, high temperature,
high corrosion, high GOR, significant sand
Excellent, up to 15,000 BPD with adequate
flowing bottom hole pressure, tubular size and

Gas Lift
Good, flexible, high rate artificial lift system for
wells with high bottom hole pressures. Most like a
flowing well.
Excellent, restricted by tubing size and injection
gas rate and depth.

Fair, >200 BFPD from 4000 feet.

Fair, limited by heading and slippage. Avoid

unstable flow range. Typically lower limit is 200
BFPD for 2" tubing and 700 BPD for 3" tbg.
Intermittent gas lift system is better for low
The full range of production rates can be handled. The full range of production rate can be handled.
Less than 50 BPD up to 15,000. AOF production An AOF production rate cannot be achieved with
rate cannot be achieved.
gas lift because as mush drawdown as for an
ESP cannot be achieved.
For range of 100 to 1000 psi, Typical design
target is a minimum of 100 psi per 1000 feet of lift.
Intake pressure should be >350 psi to 5000 ft with
low GLR. For BHFP less than 100 psi, jet pump
cannot deliver fluids to surface.

If the FBHP is greater than 1000 psi, the

efficiency of the gas lift determines the
achievable FBHP. A gas lifted well normally
works with FBHP in this range. For range 100 to
1000 psi FBHP, gas lift can work in the upper end
of this range for low reservoir pressure and
productivity wells, however there needs to be
enough reservoir energy to deliver the produced
fluids to the surface. Less than 100 psi FBHP,
gas lift cannot deliver fluids to surface.

Achievable drawdown is limited by ability to

lightern head of fluid above gas lift point. AOF
can never be achieved.
Gas lift able to handle all types of flow regimes by
they stable or unstable.
Recommended for primary and secondary
Recommended for primary and secondary
waterflood. However high watercut reduces the
ability to move large fluid volumes.
Recommended, as jet pump system is
Well suited, however increasing watercut reduces
independent of watercut % producing from a well. the ability to move large fluid volumes.

Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping
If there is no pressure support from the reservoir,
pressure decline production rate will decline and the well will be


Jet Pump

Gas Lift

Not recommended when there is significant

pressure drop, the range of production rates that a
particular ESP design can handle is limited. Hence
the reservoir condition rate of change would define
the ESP change out frequency rather than ESP
mechanical run life. Variable frequency drives
(VFD) allow some operational flexibility on matching
the production rate to the ESP design.

Not recommended when there is significant

pressure drop in the reservoir, the range of
production rates that a particular jet pump design
can handle is limited. A new jet pump design
needs to be in placed to get optimum lift for the

Recommended as the flexibility of gas lift allows

one installation to deal with falling pressure and
production rates.

High watercut may reduce efficiency due to

heavier column of fluid to lighten. May not be
able to lift well if reservoir pressure is low.
Recommended for full ranges. Gas lift would be
only expected to be of benefit at higher GOR.

Water Cut

Recommended for the full range of watercut.

Recommended for the full range of watercut. The

ESP is largely insensitivt to increasing watercut.

Recommended for the full range. High water

production may increase the operating cost.

Gas oil ratio

Feasible for low rate and low GOR (<500 scf/stb).

For range 500 to 2000, Gassy wells usually have
lower volumetric efficiency. Gas handling ability is
rather poor if one has to pump >50% free gas. If the
gas anchor or natural separation is used and free
gas is venting, the volumetric efficiency can be
significantly improved. Not recommended for GOR
greater than 2000 scf/stb.

Target design is less than 1000 GLR. Not

recommended for GOR greater than 2000. Gas
above 2000 scf/stb substantially reduces
efficiency but helps lift. Vent free gas if possible.
The producing of free gas through the pump
causes reduction in ability to handle liquids.

Bubble point

Not highly recommended for high bubble point.

Recommended for low bubble point.

Recommended for Less than 500 scf/stb. Problems

with gas breakout in the pump will be minimised.
For range 500 to 2000 scf/stb, the achievable pump
rate will be limited by the amount of gas breaking
out of solution in the area of the pump. An ESP can
be designed to a free gas volume handling criteria.
Down hole gas handling equipment may be
incorporated into the completion. Greater than
2000 scf/stb, FBHP will need to stay above the
bubble point pressure to avoid gas cavitation in the
Not recommended for high bubble point, as this will
limit the maximum drawdown in the well due to the
detrimental effects of free gas in the pump.
Recommended for low bubble point, hence the
FBHP can be low allowing more production without
the affects of free gas in the pump region.

Not recommended for high bubble point.

Recommended for low bubble point.

Recommended for all bubble points. Gas lift not

dependent on the bubble point pressure hence is
suitable for any range.

Gas coning

For gassy reservoir, Rod pump handling is fair to

Rod pump can be effective in producing a well that
cones water.

Not recommended

Not recommended. Cavitation in jet pump likely.

Gas lift can be effective in producing a well that

cones gas.
Gas lift can be effective in a well that cones

>8^ API.
Recommended for less than 100 cp gas free
viscosity at reservoir temrature. Good for <200 cp
fluids and low rate. Rod fall problem for high rates.
Higher rates may require diluents to lower viscosity.
Not recommended for greater than 500 cp, as
pump efficiency will reduce.

No limitations Preferable >12 API.

>8 to 45 API.
Recommended for less than 100 cp gas free
The system is capable of handling high-viscosity
viscosity at reservoir temperature. 100 to 500 cp will fluid.
reduce the efficiency of ESP. Not recommended for
greater than 500 cp, as the motors cool poorly in
the high viscous fluid, more power is required to
pump high viscus fluid and emulsions form.

Water coning
Oil gravity
Fluid viscosity

ESP can be effective in a well that cones water, but Jet pump can be effective in a well that cones
may allow more water to produce rather than oil.

No limitations. Preferable >15 API.

Has been used with success up to 1000 cp but
little case history for very high viscosity.

Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping



Restricted by the gradient of the gas lifted fluid.

Typically moderate rate is limited to about 150 psi
per 1000 ft of injected depth. Thus, the back
pressure on 10,000' well may be >1500 psi.

Excellent: can be easily analyzed. ?Improved

analysis by use of dynamometers and computers.

Fair, electrical checks but special equipment

needed otherwise.

Good/fair, down hole performance can be

analyzed from surface power fluid rate and
pressure, SPM and producing rate. Pressure
record can be run and retrived on free pump.
Downhole ESP equipment restricts access. A
Good. If set in a sliding sleeve, the jet pump can
logging bypass can be installed but this complicates be retrieved by wireline allowing access to
the equipment and downsizes the ESP. Remedial
work requires a full workover. Coil tubing deployed
ESP can solve some reservoir access problems,
but pulling the ESP would be required.

Good/excellent, can be analyzed easily. BHP and

production log survyes easily obtained.
Optimization and computer control being
Gas lift results in simple completions that allow
ready access to the reservoir for surveillance and
remedial work.

Recommended for single or more. Cost of power

equipment will be reduced and rationalised as the
number of wells completed increases.
Change out of total completion required for ESP
failure. Average run life approximately two years.
Remedial work will require completion to be
Well suited to vertical wells Good for deviated,
requires long raduis wellbore bends to get through.

Single wells are the most common. Multiple wells

operating from one single surface hydraulic
package greatly reduces lift cost.
A free jet pump can be circulated to the surface
without pulling the tubing or it can be retrieved by

As the number of wells increases the cost of the

compression facilities becomes more economic
on a well by well basis.
For gas lift valve changeouts slick line
intervention >5 years.For remedial work as
required with the ability to perform through tubing
Excellent, for vertical or deviated. Few wireline
problems up to 70 degree deviation for wireline
retrievable valves.

A complicated system is required. Larger casing

require. Possible run & pull problems.

Not recommended.

Number of welis Recommended for single or more.

Well intervention Workover or pulling rig. Run time efficiency is

Start up

Gas Lift

Fair if little free gas (I,e <250 psi pump intake

Poor to fair, > 350 psi to 5000 ft with low GLR.
pressure). Poor if pump must handle above 5% free

surveillance log.


Jet Pump

Full workover could be required every two years

(industry average), hence safety risk is higher than
gas lift. Electrical fire risk is increased.

Reservoir access No reservoir access. Cnnot run any type of

Well inclination


Workovers to change out rod string could be

required every 1-1/2 year. If it is highly deviated
well, frequent workovers could be required to fix
broken rod string. As frequent as once every 6-8
Excellent: <25 psi provided adequete displacement
& gas venting. Typically about 50 to 100 psig.

greater than 90% if good operating practices are

followed and if corrosion, wax, asphatenes, solid,
etc.. Are controlled.
Well suited to vertical wells. Not highly
recommended for deviated. Slanted and crooked
wells present a friction problem. There are
increased load and wear problems in high angle
deviated holes (>70^). Not recommended for
horizontal well.
Not recommended.

Once power is available to the facility, rod pump

system will be able to be run.

More risk of injection and production lines rupture. Safety risk is low. More risk of blow out and gas
fire with hifh-pressure gas lines required.

Excellent, for vertical or deviated completion.

Historically wells are successfully completed as

multi-string with gas lift. The optimum is apply
continuous system in one side and intermittent
system in other side.
Once power is available to the facility, ESP systems Requires some fluid (water or oil) to fill the vessels Gas should be available after a shut down. Gas
will be able to be run.
as power fluid prior to start up.
can be sourced from produced gas from naturally
flowing well or artificially lifted by non gas lift
method, or from a flowing gas well, or importing
gas from an external source e.g. pipeline.

Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping
Depth limit

For less than 2500 ft, pump must be landed below

dynamic fluid level. Optimal to have intake below
perforations, which allow natural gas separation
and vent to annulus. Depth is tied to dynamic fluid
level. Maximum depth is 14,000 ft TVD. Due to
excessive polished rod load, depth is limited. Rods
or structure may limit rate at depth.

Casing size limit Problems only if high rate wells requiring large
(7") & Restricts plunger pumps. Small casing sizes (4.5" & 5.5")
may limit free gas separation. There is a limitation
tbg size.


Jet Pump

Gas Lift

Not restricted by well deptt. Usually limited to motor Not restricted by well depth. However limited by
horsepower or temperature. Practical depth about
power fluid pressure or horsepower as depth
10,000 ft.
increases. Practical depth 20,000 ft.

Not restricted by well depth. Controlled by system

injection pressure and both gas and fluid rate.

Casing size will limit use of large motors and

pumps. ESP restricted to a maximum diameter of
5.4" with a maximum flow rate of 12,000 BPD.

Small casing size limits producing rate at

acceptable pressure droplevel. Jet pump is
recommended for 7" casing.

Production tubing restricted to 4" tubing when

installing side pocket mandrels.

Excellent, possible to operate to 500 degree F

with special materials.

Recommended for all temperature. Need to know

temperature to design bellows changed valves.

of downhole pump design in of downhole pump

design in small diameter casing.


Operating temperature range from 0 to 550^f. Can

lift high temperature and viscous oils.

Limited to <250 degree for standard.

Gas handling

Good if can vent and use gas anchor with proper

designed pump. Poor if must pump (>50%) free

Poor for free gas (I.e, >5% through pump). Rotary

gas separators helpful if solids not produced.

Good to excellent. Using corrosion-resistant

Corrosive fluid
materials in the construction of subsurface pumps.
handling ability)

Good/fair, may require suitable downhole gas

separator below pump intake. Free gas reduces
efficiency but helps lift. Vent free gas if possible.
Use a gas anchor.
Fair. Run life will be shortened in a more aggressive Good/excellent, using special metallurgy and/or
environment. Special metallurgy and elastomers will chemical treatment. Chemical in the power fluid
be required leading to more costly equipment.
can treat the tubular for corrosion. Inhibitor fluid
mixes with produced fluid at entry of jet pump

Excellent, produced gas reduces for injection


Recommended. Compatibility of metallurgy and

elastomers with the total completion is only
required. Inhibitor in the injection gas and/or
batch inhibiting down tubing feesible. Steps must
be taken to avoid corrosion in injection gas lines.

Sand & solids

handling ability

High solids and sand production is troublesome for

low oil viscosity (<10 cp) Improved performance can
obtain for high-viscosity (>200 cp) cases. May be
able to handle up to 0.1% sand with special pumps.

Poor, requires <100 ppm solids. Sands at this

Fair to poor. Operating with 3% sand. Fresh water Excellent, recommended for all wells producing
cocentration is normal wear and tear for an ESP.
treatment for salt build up possible.
sand. Sand has little effect on ability to a gas lift
Not recommended for greater than 100 ppm, due to
friction and wear on ESP equipment.

High viscosity
fluid handling

Good for up to <200 cp viscosity fluids and low

rates (400 bfpd). Rod flil problem for high rates.
Higher rates may require diluent to lower viscosity.
For greater than 500 cp, not recommended, as
pump efficiency will reduce.
Good to excellent. Batch treating inhibitor down
annulus feasible.

Fair, limited to about 200 cp.

Good/excellent, >6 degree API production with

<800 cp possible, power oil of >24 degree API
and <50 cp or water power fluid reduces friction

Fair, few problems for ~16 degree API or below

20 cp viscosity. Excellent for high watercut lift
even with high viscosity oil.

If the well is prone to scale, paraffin or asphaltenes

deposits then it is likely to occur in the pump area
(larg pressure drop). This will lead to pump
inefficiency, increased wear & tear and eventually
failure. Chemical treatment is required to prevent
formation of these contaminations.

Scale could build up at intake and nozzle over

time but can be treated.

Scale can form close to the operating gas lift

valve due to the pressure drop at that location.
This may lead to blockage of the gas lift valves
and an inability to be able to retrieve them

Scale handling

Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparison

Rod Pumping
Paraffin handling Susceptible to paraffin problems. Hot water/oil
treating and/or uses of scrapers possible, but they


Jet Pump

Gas Lift

The same like scale.

Good/excellent. Circulate heat to downhole pump Paraffin may deposit near an operating gas lift
to mimimize build up (hot water/oil treatment),
valve due to temperature and pressure drop. This
mechanical cutting and inhibition possible.
may lead to blockage of the gas lift valves and an
inability to be able to retrieve them.

The same like scale.

Difficult to control.

Treatment (Scale Corrosion and scale treatments easy to perform.

Good batch treating inhibitor down annulus used
& Corrosion
frequently for both corrosion and scale control.

Materials design will need to be modified to ensure

continued service of the ESP after treatment.

Corrosion/scale ability is good. Inhibitor with

power fluid mixes with produced fluid at entry of
jet pump throat. Batch treat down annulus

Electrical power Can use electricity as power source. Prime mover

A source of electric power is needed. This can be a A diesel or gas engine can be used where
tie in to an existing facility, a tie in to a power grid or electricity is not available.
independent power generation.

Not required.

Does not impact ESP solution.

Recommended, if a gas source is readily

available either from produced gas, import gas or
a gas well.

increase operating problems and costs.


Can be treated.

flexibility is good: either engines or motors can be

used easily (motors more reliable and flexible).

Gas source

Gas engines could be used in locations with no


Does not impact JP solution. However, produced

gas from the well can be used to power a gas
engine prime mover.

Introduction of lift gas into the produced fluid

stream may increase the risk of asphaltene
deposits. Production chemistry analysis for
individual fields will determine whether this is
likely to occur.
Recommended when any treatment is required.
These treatments have little to no effect on a gas
lifted system.

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