Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparisons
Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparisons
Artificial Lift Methods Overall Comparisons
Rod Pumping
Jet Pump
Down Hole
System (Total)
Poor, for fixed speed. Requires careful design VSD Good to excellent, power fluid rates and pressure
provides better flexibility.
adjusts the production rate and lift capacity from
no-flow to full design capacity of installed pump
selection of throat and nozzle sizes extend range
of volune and capacity.
Varies, excellent for ideal lift cases, poor for
Good with proper throat on nozzle sizing for
problem areas (very senstive to operating
operating conditions. Must avoid operating in
temperatures and electrical malfunctions).
cavitation range of jet pump throat, related to
pump intake pressure. More problems if pressure
>4000 psi.
Fairly simple to design but requires good rate data Available computer design program for application
system not forgiving, requires excellent operating
design. Basic operating procedure for downhole
practices follow API, RP's in design testing and
pumpand well site unit. Free pump easily
operation. Each well is an individual procedure
restricted for on-site repair. Downhole jet often
using a common electric system.
requires trial and error to arrive at best/optimum
Operating Cost
1% of total population.
Gas Lift
World wide
Capital Cost
Fair to poor, maximum efficiency for ideal case is Increases for wells that require small injection
30% thus power fluid at 2-3 times the produced
GLR's. Low for wells requiring high GLR's.
fluid rate is required. Heavity influenced by power typically 20 to 30%.
fluid plus production gradient. Typically operating
efficiency of 10 to 20%.
Excellent, gas injection rate varied to change
rates. Tubing needs to be sized correctly.
An adequants volume, high pressure, dry, noncorrosive and clean gas supply source is needed
through out the entire life. Good data needed for
valve design and spacing. API space and
design/operating RP's should be followed.
Jet Pump
Usage / Outlook
Production rate
Flow stability
Flowing bottom
hole pressure
Gas Lift
Good, flexible, high rate artificial lift system for
wells with high bottom hole pressures. Most like a
flowing well.
Excellent, restricted by tubing size and injection
gas rate and depth.
Jet Pump
Gas Lift
Water Cut
Bubble point
Gas coning
Not recommended
>8^ API.
Recommended for less than 100 cp gas free
viscosity at reservoir temrature. Good for <200 cp
fluids and low rate. Rod fall problem for high rates.
Higher rates may require diluents to lower viscosity.
Not recommended for greater than 500 cp, as
pump efficiency will reduce.
Water coning
Oil gravity
Fluid viscosity
ESP can be effective in a well that cones water, but Jet pump can be effective in a well that cones
may allow more water to produce rather than oil.
Not recommended.
Start up
Gas Lift
surveillance log.
Jet Pump
Well inclination
More risk of injection and production lines rupture. Safety risk is low. More risk of blow out and gas
fire with hifh-pressure gas lines required.
Casing size limit Problems only if high rate wells requiring large
(7") & Restricts plunger pumps. Small casing sizes (4.5" & 5.5")
may limit free gas separation. There is a limitation
tbg size.
Jet Pump
Gas Lift
Not restricted by well deptt. Usually limited to motor Not restricted by well depth. However limited by
horsepower or temperature. Practical depth about
power fluid pressure or horsepower as depth
10,000 ft.
increases. Practical depth 20,000 ft.
Gas handling
High viscosity
fluid handling
Scale handling
Jet Pump
Gas Lift
Good/excellent. Circulate heat to downhole pump Paraffin may deposit near an operating gas lift
to mimimize build up (hot water/oil treatment),
valve due to temperature and pressure drop. This
mechanical cutting and inhibition possible.
may lead to blockage of the gas lift valves and an
inability to be able to retrieve them.
Difficult to control.
A source of electric power is needed. This can be a A diesel or gas engine can be used where
tie in to an existing facility, a tie in to a power grid or electricity is not available.
independent power generation.
Not required.
Can be treated.
Gas source