Sucker Rod String Design PDF
Sucker Rod String Design PDF
Sucker Rod String Design PDF
2/18/2008 1
Sucker Rod String Design
Modified Goodman Diagram (MGD)
RP11L Design Programs
Basic RP11L Design Programs
Modified RP11L Design Programs
Stress Wave Equation Design Programs
Design Variables
The original analog work was done in the
late 1950s by the Midwest Research
Institute for an oil consortium group and
given to the American Petroleum Institute
(API) in the early 1960s. No additional
research has been done since.
Modified Goodman Diagram
1) Sa = ((T 4) + (M x Smin)) x SF
Or Sa = ((T x 0.25) + (0.5625 x Smin)) x SF
2) Sa = Sa Smin
Sa = Maximum Allowable Stress, PSI
Sa = Maximum Allowable Range Of Stress, PSI
M = Slope of Sa Curve (0.5625)
Smin = Minimum Stress, PSI (Calculated or Measured)
SF = Service Factor
T = Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength, PSI
Basic RP11L Design Programs
Assumes vertical well bore.
Assumes tubing is either unanchored or
anchored at the seating nipple.
Not accurate in wells under 2,000 feet.
Only good with high slip electric motors.
Basic RP11L Design Programs
Only good with conventional geometry pumping
Pumping unit is assumed to have zero structural
Only good for API tapered rod strings.
Only good for steel API class sucker rods.
Only gives rod load for the top sucker rod in the
rod string.
Only good for complete pump fillage.
Modified RP11L Design
Allowed the use of Advanced Geometry
Pumping Units.
Allowed the use of modified API tapers
(weight bars) but still gives rod load for
the top rod, only!
Allowed the use of high strength steel
sucker rods.
Stress Wave Equation Design
Stress wave equation programs solved the
same fundamental wave equation, as
done by Midwest Research, but with a
digital computer. They offer much more
flexibility in modeling well conditions and
have been continuously improved for 35+
Stress Wave Equation Design
Programs continued.
Models rod loading in both vertical and deviated
Predicts side loads for rod guide applications.
Models tubing movement relative to the tubing
anchor depth and the pump seating nipple
Accurate for both shallow and deep wells.
Allows the use of all types of prime movers.
Stress Wave Equation Design
Programs continued.
Allows the use of advanced geometry pumping
Allows the use of modified tapered rod strings
with both fiberglass and high strength steel
sucker rods.
Gives the rod load at any point in the rod string.
Predicts the neutral point in the rod string.
Predicts rod buckling tendencies.
Stress Wave Equation Design
Programs continued.
Models incomplete pump fillage.
Fluid pound.
Gas interference.
Pump leakage.
Models system inefficiencies.
Prime mover.
Pumping unit.
Rod string.
Design Variables
The output of the predictive design program is only
as good as its input. Unknown, or inaccurate,
design data will result inaccurate program
design output.