Imt-Distance and Open Learning Institute Ghazaibad End-Term Examination - June 2007
Imt-Distance and Open Learning Institute Ghazaibad End-Term Examination - June 2007
Imt-Distance and Open Learning Institute Ghazaibad End-Term Examination - June 2007
End-term Examination June 2007
Subject: Code CAM
Subject Name: Computer Aided Management
Maximum Marks 50
Maximum Time 3 Hours
Notes: (a) Attempt any 4 questions choosing from SECTION - A. SECTION B (CASE STUDY) is compulsory.
Each question (SECTION A) carries 9 marks and (SECTION - B) case study carries 14 marks
(b) No doubts/clarifications will be entertained
(c) In case of doubts/clarifications, make reasonable assumptions
Marks : 36
1. Discuss the types of printer. Differentiate between impact and non impact printers. How
do you evaluate a printer?
2. All Windows-based applications support drag-and-drop functions, including Linking and
Embedding. Define and differentiate between Linking and Embedding. How do you link
and embed a MS Excel spread sheet in PowerPoint presentation? Suggest an
application where linking and embedding can be useful.
3. Define operating system. What are the major functions of an operating system?
4. Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your worksheet. Discuss
the structure of a formula. What is the significance of absolute and relative referencing
in a formula?
5. The Mail Merge can organize the address data, merging it into a generic document,
and printing the resulting personalized documents. List out the steps you have to take
to circulate a common letter to your course mates using Mail Merge features of MS
6. Differentiate between analogue and digital signal. What are various communication
channels that can be used to integrate a local area network?
7. Most of the databases support SELECT SQL statement to retrieve the data from one or
more tables. What do you understand from the following clauses of the SELECT SQL
(a) Where Clause
(b) Group By Clause
(c) Ordered By Claus
Marks : 14
Exam-June 2007
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Also the multi-services network has innovative and state of the art applications, supported
on the network. Few examples are:
LAN IP telephony
Video Conferencing
Content management
Media server
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