Ship Safety Service & Training Manual - Tanja

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m.s. Tanja

Ship Safety Service and Training Manual

0. Table of Contents
0. TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ 1
PRINCIPLES.................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 ORGANISATION OF SHIP SAFETY SERVICE ON BOARD....................................................................3
1.1.1 DEFINITION....................................................................................................................................3
1.1.2 FIREMAN AND LIFEBOAT MEN..........................................................................................................3
1.1.3 MUSTER LIST....................................................................................................................................3
1.1.4 ORGANISATION ON BOARD...............................................................................................................4
1.1.5 COMMAND UNIT (CU)......................................................................................................................4
1.1.6 DEFENCE UNIT (DU)........................................................................................................................5
1.1.7 SUPPORT UNIT (SU)..........................................................................................................................5
1.1.8 ADDITIONAL UNITS...........................................................................................................................6
1.1.9 EVACUATION UNITS..........................................................................................................................6
1.2 THE FORMATION OF UNITS WITH SMALL CREWS.............................................................................7
1.2.2 SAFETY ORGANISATION AND DOCUMENT OF SAFE MANNING..........................................................7
1.3 FIRE PROTECTION AND SAFETY PLAN..................................................................................................7
1.4 TRAINING MANUAL.............................................................................................................................8


2.1 OXIDATION COMBUSTION FIRE..................................................................................................9
2.2 COMBUSTION PROCESS......................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 COMBUSTIBLE SUBSTANCE...............................................................................................................9
2.2.2 OXYGEN...........................................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 IGNITION TEMPERATURE.................................................................................................................10
2.2.4 FLAMMABILITY RANGES PROPORTIONS OF INGREDIENTS...........................................................10
2.2.5 FORMS IN WHICH FIRE APPEARS.....................................................................................................10
2.3 DEFLAGRATION EXPLOSION DETONATION..............................................................................11
2.4 HEAT HEAT TRANSFER HEAT BUILD-UP SPONTANEOUS IGNITION.....................................12
2.5 CLASSES OF FIRES............................................................................................................................13
2.6 SMALL FIRE MEDIUM FIRE LARGE FIRE..................................................................................13
2.7 MATERIALS......................................................................................................................................13
2.8 STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION....................................................................................................14

3. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT.................................................16

3.1 BASIC PRINCIPLES...........................................................................................................................16
3.2 FIRE LOCKERS.................................................................................................................................16
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3.3 EXTINGUISHERS.............................................................................................................................16
3.3.1 POWDER EXTINGUISHERS.............................................................................................................16
3.3.2 CO2 EXTINGUISHERS......................................................................................................................17
3.3.3 CO2 SYSTEM..................................................................................................................................18
3.3.4. FOAM SYSTEM SEPARATORS..........................................................................................................19
3.3.5 WATER............................................................................................................................................19
3.4 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE).................................................................................20
3.4.1 FIREMENS SUITS............................................................................................................................20
3.4.2 CHEMICAL SUITS............................................................................................................................21
3.4.3 EEDB SETS....................................................................................................................................21
3.4.4 BA SETS.........................................................................................................................................21

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1. Ship Safety Service Fundamental Principles

1.1 Organisation of ship safety service on board.
1.1.1 Definition.
The term ship safety service is in this manual used as collective designation for all functions
connected with rescuing persons from danger, fire protection on board and abandoning ship in
an emergency.
1.1.2 Fireman and lifeboat men.
Every ship has qualified fire- and lifeboat men as members of the crew or as persons
otherwise employed on board.
The training of the fire- and lifeboat men is carried out in accordance with the guidelines
issued by the Scheepvaart Inspectie (SI). Examination is carried out by the Scheepvaart
Inspectie or supervised by it.
If the examinations have been passed, the certificate of competency as fireman or lifeboat
men is issued. The certificates are valid for 10 years each time the holder meets the
requirements of the training and examination instructions in the course of a lifeboat- and fire
protection exercise carried out under supervision of a technical supervisor of the Scheepvaart
Inspectie. Certificates that have expired can only be renewed by again attending a training
course and taking the final examination.
The minimum number of fire- and lifeboat men is laid down in the Safe Manning Certificate.
1.1.3 Muster list.
Successful defence against danger on board is only possible if careful planning ensures that in
emergency necessary appliances are available and serviceable and every member of the crew
knows how to conduct himself.
Such planning is the ship managements task. In working out the measures to be taken in
emergencies it relies on international and national regulations.
This planning for emergencies is expressed in the muster list.
Being prepared for an emergency means being familiar with the safety related tasks by virtue
of thorough training and regular exercises. The muster list thus doubles as the framework
within which the prescribed exercises the live saving applications and the fire-defence
installations and equipment are carried out.
The organisation of the ship safety service on board is laid down in standard forms, which
must be available for everybody on board.
Members of the crew are formed into small teams, which in an emergency carry out firedefence or life-saving appliance procedure tasks. Depending on size and composition of the
crew, each member is permanently assigned to a team. This ensures that an emergency
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situation can, observing the inevitably limited means available on board, be rapidly and
effectively be brought under control by a concentration of forces, even if some crew members
are missing.
The muster list is posted on the bridge and in all other places accessible to the crew. From
muster list each member of the crew can deduce his membership of the team to which he
belongs for exercise and in an emergency.
Every ship has a command unit, a defence unit and, if possible, a support unit.
When carrying dangerous goods, special units may be subdivided for service in event of
incidents involving the cargo.
1.1.4 Organisation on board.
Normal operation
For normal operation of the ship at sea or in harbour there is an organisation covering all
persons on board while at work and in there free time.
The master is the superior of all members of the crew.
The master is authorised to issue instructions to others persons in all matters concerning the
safety of the ship and the protection of the maritime environment. He may exercise his
authority through the officers of the ship.
Ships officers are the supervisors of all ratings.
Ship safety service for exercises and in an emergency
An exercise or an emergency is announced by the GENERAL ALARM (-----). At that
time the organisation of the ship safety service in accordance with the muster list
automatically comes in force. That means:
The master is overall in charge.
The ships officer on watch on the bridge exercises this overall charge until the master
The head of operations is the supervisor of all team leaders.
The team leaders are the supervisors of the members of their team.
The crew assembles at the designated assemble station (for the m.s. Tanja this will be the
The officer of the watch hands over overall charge to the master, and charge of the service
to the ships officers designated as its chief, as soon as these have arrived. However until
they do arrive he makes all decisions to rescue people from danger and limit the damage.

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1.1.5 Command unit (CU)

The task of the command unit (CU) is, on the basis of the available information, to organise
the fire defence and the activation of the life-saving appliances for extraneous rescue or
abandoning ship. Above all it has to deploy the teams formed in accordance with the muster
list as effectively as possible.
This cannot be done by proceeding merely on the basis of instinct and experience. In an
emergency there is no time left for long discussions. For that reason action must be taken on
the basis of repeated, preplanned sequences of events practised again and again.
It is also part of the ships command unit task to take prevailing conditions into account and to
see to it that in emergency situations the ship is in no danger from outside or that it endangers
The prevailing includes:
Ship location (high seas, coastal waters, harbour) and distance from navigational hazards.
Weather (above all wind and visibility conditions)
Sea state
Current, tides
Traffic situation
Operational condition (sea operation, harbour operation, loading or unloading cargo,
shipyard operation or emergency operation)
Cargo state (type and quantity of dangerous goods loaded, stability, etc.)
1.1.6 Defence unit (DU)
The main burden of the ship safety service on board rests on the defence unit (DU). It must be
capable of fighting a fire anywhere in the ship effectively and preventing its spread, and
bringing to safety or rescuing any persons endangered by the fire. If the ship has to be
abandoned, it undertakes the preparing and launching of the survival craft plus taking charge
of the lifeboats. It also provides the crew of the rescue boat.
To be able to carry out this task, the members of the defence unit must be physically healthy
and tough. This may in principle be expected of all crew members in possession of a valid
certificate of health medical for ship operational service; nevertheless there may be
restrictions as regards fitness for service in individual cases. Severe illness may for example
make a team member unfit for the envisaged function. If crew members permit this, age, size
and weight plus style of hair and beard should also be taken into account. It must be insured
that the members of the team can communicate easily in one language.
Where crew members do not permit a defence unit structure of one leader plus four members
then in an emergency the team leader must make account of this when making his decisions
and issuing orders for action.
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1.1.7 Support unit (SU)

If the crew is large enough to designate members for several teams, a support unit is formed
whose members can back up the defence unit once they have fulfilled their own task.
The principle task of the support unit is, to bring individual sections of, or the entire ship, to
the closed-down state. The air supply to a fire that has broken out is thereby inhibited and the
spread of the fire is prevented or delayed. If flooding has occurred, sinking or capsizing is
delayed so that the ship can be abandoned in good order.
To permit the support unit to carry out this task perfectly and without delay, separate closingdown plans or checklists are prepared for each watertight section of the ship, listing all
apertures to be closed with their designation and exact location.
Bringing the ship to the closed-down state is facilitated if all closures to be dealt with, such as
doors or flaps, are marked clearly.
On cargo vessels they are laid down by the ship management. To be considered are:
The accommodation area plus adjacent compartments
The machinery spaces plus adjacent compartments
The cargo hold area
Workshops and storerooms in deckhouse or underneath the forecastle
Further subdivisions may make sense in the light of the size of the ship and that of the support
When the support unit has completed its own tasks, the leader reports completion to the head
of operations.
Provided the latter does not give it any other tasks, the support unit then without further orders
independently starts to render the life-saving appliances safe.
1.1.8 Additional units
It may be worth-while to form additional units for special tasks.
These units must consist of a leader plus at least one member. Then takes account of the
principle that every unit during service must be able to safeguard himself.
1.1.9 Evacuation units
An evacuation unit is composed of members of the operating personnel, detailed to look after
the passengers during exercise and in an emergency.
If the evacuation unit is not equipped with personal protective equipment thus cannot enter
compartments filled with dense smoke. For retreating compartments which dense smoke is
penetrating, they can use Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD). These EEBD sets
cannot be used as BA set.

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The rescue of persons from the compartments on fire is the duty of defence unit responsible
for the main fire zone. If this unit is put into service as a rescue unit, the defence unit detailed
for one of the more distant fire zones takes over fire defence in its place.
1.2 The formation of units with small crews
1.2.1 Fundamental principles Regulations Problems Suggested solutions
The international regulations concerning the safety organisation on board leave many details
to national authority for Dutch vessel this is the Scheepvaart Inspectie to settle these by
national regulations or else by instructions such as contained in this manual. However, the
different ship types, ship sizes, and above all crew numbers make it necessary to make
numerous decisions on the spot so that the available appliances and installations on the one
hand and the crew on the other hand, can be used to optimum effect. In this connection,
primarily the number and composition of the must be taken into account, but also his standard
of training.
Requirements regarding the fire defence organisation are given in SOLAS Regulation II
2/40. These apply only to passenger ships and state merely that every fire alarm must come to
a responsible crew member while the ship is in operation.
The requirements regarding the lifeboat service are more detailed. They can be found in
SOLAS Regulation III/18 (Exercise and Training for abandoning Ship), SOLAS Regulation
III/51 (Training Manual) and SOLAS Regulation (Muster List and Instructions for
Emergencies). This last regulation also deals briefly with the organisation of fire defence.
Within the limits set by these regulations, the ship management must create the safety
organisation for the individual ship and reflect it in the muster list.
In doing this, it is essential to take into account the links and elements of interdependence
between fire defence on the one hand and lifeboat service on the other hand.
1.2.2 Safety organisation and document of safe manning.
The size and composition of the crew derives from the ships document of safe manning issued
by the Scheepvaart Inspectie.
On vessels whose crew numbers fewer than 15 (excluding the master) it is necessary to
deviate from the desirable form of organisation. This deviation means that in an emergency
important safety functions can no longer be carried out simultaneously or with the same
effectiveness. Priorities have to be established.
1.3 Fire protection and safety plan.
On every ship, the fire protection and safety plan approved for the ship is posted on the bridge
and in other places accessible to the crew at any time.
Apart from other information it contains:
The stowage location of all elements of the survival equipment, represented by symbols
such as:
Survival suits
Thermal protective aids
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Life jackets
Line throwing apparatus
Emergency VHF
The position of all survival craft such as:
Life rafts
The emergency exits and escape routes.
The symbols for the safety equipment are standardised. Every plan contains a list of the
symbols used.
1.4 Training Manual.
In this manual the various appliances and installations comprising the safety equipment on
board of the m.s. Tanja are described.
Because of the variety of types approved, the appliances and installations on board any
specific ship can be different. For that reason it is necessary to read this manual regularly.
In this manual you will find some all-round information about the safety and its equipment,
but also the copies of the specific equipment instruction books.
This manual must be in an orderly form and available to the crew on a general accessible

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2. Fire Protection Basic Principles

2.1 Oxidation Combustion Fire
The chemical by which a combustible substance combines with oxygen with release of heat to
form a new substance, the oxide, is called oxidation.
A rapidly-proceeding oxidation with the appearance of light is called combustion; the light,
flame and heat created during combustion are called fire.
2.2 Combustion process
Combustion always depends on four preconditions which must coincide:
There must be a combustible substance
Oxygen must have unimpeded access
The ignition temperature of the combustible substance must be attained or exceeded
The proportion of ingredients necessary for the combination of combustible substance with
the oxygen must be attained.
2.2.1 Combustible substance
Combustible substances are solids, liquids and gases (including vapours, mists, dust) which
mixed or in contact with the oxygen contained in the can be made to burn. For the assessment
of the fire risk by a substance, the following properties are of importance:
Heat of combustion
Combustion temperature
For fire protection on board it is sufficient to know that there are substances which are
difficult, normal and easy to ignite. Even just a flying spark can set on fire a substance easy to
ignite. Normally-ignitable substances need the heat of combustion of a match to set them
alight. Substances difficult to ignite must be strongly heated, e.g. with a blowlamp, before
they can be ignited.
The characteristics of combustibility, heat of combustion and combustion temperature are of
no significance for the practical side of fire protection on board.
2.2.2 Oxygen
Oxygen is one of the most frequently occurring elements of or living-zone on earth. The air
contains about 21% by volume of free oxygen. Chemical combined oxygen is present in water
(89% by mass) and the crust of the earth (50% by mass).
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2.2.3 Ignition temperature

Combustible substances cannot by themselves combine with oxygen with the appearance of
fire. They do not burn by themselves. Ignition only becomes possible when the combustible
substance has been heated to generate gas or vapour and these have mixed with oxygen.
Combustion is always initiated by ignition. It occurs when a combustible substance in contact
with an adequate amount of oxygen is heated to a certain minimum temperature, the ignition
The ignition temperature of a combustible substance is the minimum temperature at which in
the presence of oxygen in a proportion which permits ignition fire will appear.
The lowest temperature at which external ignition can generate fire symptoms is called
ignition point for solid and flash point for liquid. If the source of ignition is removed, the fire
goes out again.
The lowest temperature at which positive ignition can generate a fire which remains alight
after the source of ignition has been removed is called minimum combustion temperature for
solids and fire point for liquids.
The ignitability of a combustible solid is described by its ignition point and its minimum
combustion temperature.
The ignitability of a combustible liquid is determined by its flash point and its fire point.
If a combustible substance is heated above its minimum combustible temperature or its fire
point, spontaneous ignition can occur.
2.2.4 Flammability ranges Proportions of ingredients
The chemical combination of a combustible substance with oxygen can only occur if the
ingredients are present in specific proportions.
The minimum necessary percentual proportion of the combustible substances in atmospheric
air is called the lower flammability limit (lower explosion limit). The maximum permissible
percentual proportion of combustible substance in atmospheric air is called the upper
flammability limit (upper explosion limit). The range between the two limits is called the
flammability range (explosion range).
Ignition cannot occur, and combustion is therefore impossible, outside the flammability
(explosion range).
2.2.5 Forms in which fire appears
Depending on the character of the combustible substance, the fire can appear in two forms, as
flames or as a glow. Both forms can occur together or separately.
As flame is described the visible part of a stream of gas comprising three parts. There are:
The incoming flow in which the combustion air flows to the reaction zone.

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The reaction zone, in which the combustible gas released from the combustible solid or
liquid by heating rises, by heating rises, mixed with the air and chemically combines with
the oxygen in the air with the generation of light and the release of heat.
The waste gas flow in which the gaseous products of combustion mixed with air rise and
cool further.
What is called glow is the light radiation of a solid heated to a high temperature. The colour of
the light radiated allows the temperature to be deduced. Corresponding values are:
Grey glow
400 C
Dark red glow

525 C

Red glow

800 C

Yellow glow

1100 C

Incipient white glow

1300 C

Full white glow

1500 C

Substances burning with flames only are:

Liquids following transition into vapour form
Solids which generate vapour or gas when heated
Substances burning with glow only are:
Solids which have been de-gassed such as coke or charcoal
Combustible metals
Substances burning with flames and glow are:
Solids which on heating break down into gaseous components and solid carbon
The gaseous components form the flames, the solid gives off the glow.
2.3 Deflagration Explosion Detonation
Particularly favourable conditions for combustion prevail if combustible substances and
oxygen are presented in the correct proportions and additionally the substance is mixed in
extremely divided form with oxygen. The result is rapidly preceding combustion.
In deflagration in the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled, and combustion is
incomplete with low level of pressure and noise, e.g. if gas- or vapour-air mixtures are ignited
near the limits of the flammability range. The propagation rate is of the order of magnitude of
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An explosion is combustion with the creation of high pressure, heat and light effects. Ignition
progresses rapidly, e.g. when petrol vapour explode, at about 20 m/sec. So the propagation
rate is of the order of magnitude of m/sec.
If the ignition propagation rate becomes supersonic, it is called a detonation. Here a pressure
wave is generated, producing heat of compression at the wave front which causes 150.000 bar
and the ignition propagation rate over 6000 m/sec (TNT instantaneous fuse). The propagation
rate is of the order of magnitude of km/sec.
2.4 Heat Heat Transfer Heat Build-up Spontaneous Ignition
Heat is a form of energy. It is generated during combustion of the chemical energy of
combustible substances by means of the oxygen in the air, as heat of combustion.
Heat acts physically by way of:
Thermal expansion
Change of state of aggregation
Alteration of strength properties
Of these effects, on board seagoing vessels the alternation of strength has the most serious
consequences. Shipbuilding steels if heated to 500 C lose up to 50% of there strength and do
not recover it when they cool. Steel parts affected by fire must therefore be replaced.
Heat can be transferred from one substance to another, e.g. from an ignition source to a
combustible substance.
There are three forms of heat transfer.
Heat conduction is the transfer of heat in a solid, liquid or gaseous substance between
immediately adjacent particles. Gaseous substances conduct heat badly, liquid ones well.
Amongst solids there are good and poor conductors of heat. Good conductors are for instance
metals such as steel, iron, copper, light alloys. Poor conductors are for instance wood,
concrete, wool, rubber, leather.
Heat radiation is de radiation emitted by a substance, surrendering a part of its thermal
energy to its environment, as a consequence of its temperature. It penetrates open space even
against the wind and can travel substantial distances. In case of major fires, ignition due to
heat radiation has been observed even at a distance of 40 m.
Heat convection is the transfer of heat carried by a liquid or gaseous substance. It is utilised
for instance in space heating using hot-water heating elements.
Heat build-up is there when more heat is generated or supplied then is used or removed. As
the cause of spontaneous ignition this is of crucial importance.
Spontaneous ignition follows if a combustible substance oxidises slowly, i.e. without flames
appearing, and the heat generated in the process builds up. The temperature inevitably rises
with increasing speed as a result of this build-up until the ignition temperature is reached.

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Spontaneous ignition is assisted by the following circumstances:

High ambient temperatures.
Fine granulation or large surface areas of combustible substances.
Heat-generating bacteria decomposing organic substances.
High oxygen concentrations.
2.5 Classes of fires
The object of subdivision into classes of fires is the appropriate allocation of extinction
methods and means to the various combustible substances.
A Fires involving solids, mainly organic materials, which normally form a glowing
mass when burning; e.g. wood, paper, straw, textiles, rubbers
B Fires involving liquids or substances which become liquid; e.g. petrol, oils, greases
lacquers/paints, resins, waxes, tar, ether, alcohols, plastics
C Fires involving gases; e.g. methane, propane, hydrogen, acetylene, town gas
D Fire involving metals; e.g. aluminium, magnesium, lithium, sodium, potassium, and
their alloys.
E Fire involving electronics; e.g. switchboards, computers, televisions
2.6 Small fire Medium fire Large fire
Fires are subdivided in three classes according to their extent:
A small fire is one of limited extent, contained within an enclosed compartment in the
accommodation, galley or cargo area.
A medium fire is one extending out to involve directly adjoining compartments, e.g.
adjoining cabins in the accommodation area or from container to adjoining ones. Any fire in
the machinery spaces in which combustible liquids like fuel or lubricants. oil escapes under
pressure are burning is a medium fire.
A large fire exceeds a medium one in extent and involves several areas of the ship, e.g.
machinery area plus accommodation area or machinery plus cargo area. Also designated
major fires are ones which totally engulf an area of the ship, e.g. several decks of the
accommodation spaces.
2.7 Materials
In practice a distinction is made between combustible and incombustible materials.
An incombustible material is one which does not release ignitable gas or vapour in such
quantities that when heated to 750 C the gas/vapour can ignite spontaneously.
Every other material is a combustible material. Some combustible materials can be made
hard to ignite by treatment with fire-resistant substances. Low flame-spread materials are
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materials, woven textiles or coatings which are able to prevent the spread of a fire or restrict it
2.8 Structural Fire Protection
The now valid set of regulations is based on the principle that the best fire protection for the
entire accommodation area can be achieved by using exclusively incombustible materials for
all bulkheads, sides and ceilings. A distinction is made between division classes A, B and
Class A are steel bulkheads and decks with the reinforcement necessary for stability, so
insulated with an approved material that they will certainly prevent the penetration of smoke
and flames for one hour, and an increase in temperature of more than 139 C above the initial
temperature on the side away from the fire for a specified minimum period. This period in
minutes is appended to the type designation. A class A-60 bulkhead or deck will meet the
above mentioned requirements for at least 60 minutes. The temperature must not increase by
more then 180 C above the initial value.
Class B are bulkheads, decks, deckheads or claddings of approved incombustible material
which will certainly prevent the penetration of smoke and flames for at least half an hour. The
temperature at the side away from the fire must not be exceed 139 C and only for shorter
minimum periods than with class A. The maximum permissible value must not exceed 225
Class C must be approved incombustible materials. For them there are no special
requirements as regards the prevention of smoke ore flame penetration or as regards insulating
The regulations about structural fire protection are too extensive to be quoted in their entirety
in this manual. Some particularly important details are:
All doors must be made of material of the same type as the bulkheads in which they are
set. Some doors have to be self-closing.
All fire flaps must be made of material of the same type as the ventilation shafts or ducts in
which they are fitted. The fire flaps on board of this ship are marked by a red painted F.
The inlet and outlet apertures of all ventilation systems must have easily accessible closure
devices on deck, which on the outbreak of a fire can be closed manually. Regular
inspection of these devices are necessary to keep them in a good working condition.
To prevent a fire of liquid substances, for instance fuel oil in the engine room, these tanks
must be equipped with quick-closing arrangements. These arrangements must be outside
the engine room.
The engine room can be made airtight.
Some spaces, such as battery rooms, dangerous-substance stores, rooms with facilities for
acetylene and oxygen bottles are explosion-endangered. The electric installations in these
rooms must be explosion-proof.
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Fire alarm systems can be found in the cargo holds, engine room and in the
accommodation area.

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3. Fire Fighting Equipment

3.1 Basic Principles
On board of m.s. Tanja we have several types of fire fighting equipment. In this chapter you
will find a short description of these equipments. For more detailed information you can find
a copy of the manual in the last chapter of this manual.
3.2 Fire Lockers
On board you find several fire lockers. Each fire locker has its
own equipment. It is of great importance that when joining the
ship you are familiar with the location of all these fire lockers
and its equipment. In the list below you shows the locations and
the equipment that they contain.

1st deck
A Deck
B Deck
C Deck

Firehose, Spanner, Nozzle, Hydrant

Firehose, Spanner, Nozzle, Hydrant
Firehose, Spanner, Nozzle, Hydrant
Firehose, Spanner, Nozzle, Hydrant

D Deck outside
Forecastle SB side

Firehose, Spanner, Nozzle, Hydrant

Fire stations
On the Poopdeck and in the forecastle you find the fire stations. These fire stations are
equipped with then following equipment:

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BA bottle (6), BA set +mask(2), helmet, crowbar, lifeline, knife, safety gloves,
safety lamp, flame-safe overall,boots, fire axe, set of tools
(sb seat aft )
BA bottle (6) the rest are the same
It is important to check at least ones a month all the equipment for damages and if everything
is complete. This is the task of the 2nd officer on board. For this task is a checklist available.
Everybody on board the ship has to know how to use the equipment in the correct way.
3.3 Extinguishers
3.3.1 Powder Extinguishers
Extinguishant powder is produced in variety of compositions for a variety of uses. The
powder extinguishers that are used on board of this vessel are 6 kg ABC Dry Powder
extinguishers. This means that these extinguishers can be used for fires from class A, B and C.
Dry extinguishant powder remains usable for length periods. In dry conditions the powder is
not corrosive. Because of its saline character it must however after use be removed from any
corrosive-sensitive components.
ABC powder is suitable for use against fires in electrical installations
only if a safety-distance of more than 3 m can be maintained if high
voltages, greater than 1000V, can occur, as the melt formed is
electrically conductive.
Fires low-tension electrical installations can be extinguished safely
when a safety-distance of 1 m is maintained between the fire and the
nozzle of the powder extinguisher.
Extinguishant powder is brought to the seat of the fire in the form of
a powder cloud, by means of a propellant gas. The extinguishant
powder cloud in the case of flame fires acts instantly by impeding
the reaction in the flame and with a smothering effect by reducing the proportion of oxygen in
the reactive region.
In case of glowing fires the powders effect separation by the ability to melt, as the glassy melt
can form an air-excluding layer over the glowing mass if the surface is smooth.
To use these extinguishers you have to follow the following 3 steps:
1. Pull to release the safety catch
2. Grip hose. Press down lever and quickly release.
3. Direct nozzle toward fire. Press lever down.
The instructions above can also be found on the bottle in the form of pictures and text.
3.3.2 CO2 Extinguishers
On board this vessel are two CO2 extinguishers available, which
can be found on the bridge and in the engine control room. The
CO2 extinguishers contain 6 kg Carbon Dioxide and can only be
used for fires of class B.

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Caution: Carbon Dioxide is a colourless and odourless gas and heavier than air.
Carbon dioxide has a suffocating action. This starts to take effect as soon as a concentration of
at least 10% in the air is reached; that is only possible if it is used in enclosed spaces.
A good extinguishing effect is above all obtained with flame-only fires. Retarding of the fire
progress can be achieved with glowing fires in enclosed spaces.
CO2 is suitable for fighting fires in electrical installations as it is non-conducting. It
evaporates completely, thus its use as extinguishant causes no damage to electro-mechanical
equipment. It can however cause damage to electric equipment because of its low temperature
of -78 C.
CO2 must no be used on light-alloy fires because at high incandescence-temperatures it breaks
down into carbon and fire-promoting oxygen. As there are small amounts of steam mixed-in
with the CO2, a fire-promoting effect can also arise from that being split into hydrogen and
To use these extinguishers you have to follow the following steps:
1. Pull safety ring
2. Grasp snow rose
3. Pull down red lever
These instructions can also be found on the bottle in the form of pictures and text.
Caution: In low concentrations CO2 is harmless for humans. In high concentrations it
produces respiratory paralysis, unconsciousness and ultimately death.
3.3.3 CO2 System
In some cases fire in a cargo hold or in the engine room have to be extinguished with CO 2.
The release of the CO2 will be done in the release station. The release station is an assembly
which is applied for the remote activation of the CO 2 systems. The release station contains the
following mechanical parts:
1 or 2 master bottles
1 valve manifold
1 or 2 control valves
1 pressure gauge
1 or 2 flexible hoses
When opening the door a limit switch activates the CO2 alarm devices.
Prior to flooding the cylinder valve must be opened. The control pressure is indicated on the
pressure gauge.
Flooding is initiated by actuating the lever of the control valve. In this way the control valve
opens and permits the control gas to flow to the control line. First the release gas flows from
the control valve trough the appertaining control line via a valve manifold with non-return
valve and relief valve to the pneumatic actuators on the CO2 cylinders.
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The actuator opens the CO2 valves and the CO2 contents of the CO2 cylinders commence to
discharge into the manifold. When opening the control valve the release gas flows trough its
appertaining control line to the pneumatically operated control valve. The pneumatically
operated control valve is opened and it passes trough a certain quantity of CO 2 from the
manifold to the pressure cylinder of the main ball valve.
The main ball valve is opened by the CO2 pressure in the manifold and the total content of the
CO2 cylinders is discharged into the flooding pipes and further through the CO 2 nozzles into
the protected spaces.
The chief engineer on board is the operator of this system.
3.3.4. Foam system separators
According to the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) the separator
area is equipped with a additional foam fire extinguishing system. The system is laid out to
provide a foam layer of 150 mm height over the area protected within the maximum period of
5 minutes.
For the generation and distribution of foam 3 nos. low expansion sprinklers with a water
capacity of 75 l/min each are provided. These foam sprinklers build up require foam layer.
The water supply of the system is taken from seawater main fire system, and it has to be
ensured that the seawater fire main system is also operable in winter times. In order that the
system is always ready for operation outside piping are to be isolated and drained in event of
For the release of the system a switch is installed in the engine control room, of which the fire
pump is started and the butterfly valve in line to proportioner is opened. By means of an
electric timer the butterfly valve must be closed and the fire pump must be switched off after
2 minutes.
More information about this system can be found in the system manual.
3.3.5 Water
Water is the extinguishant most widely available, cheapest and easiest to use. It is easy to
transport by pumping, easy to carry even over considerable distances trough pipe and hose
lines and to convey to the location of the fire in a solid jet or spray form over spaces necessary
for extinction. The main way water extinguishes is by cooling. In this it is not surpassed by
any other extinguishant.
Water freezes at temperatures below 0 C and turns into steam at 100 C and an air pressure
of 1013 hPa. One litre of water forms 1700 litre of steam.
By virtue of its powerful cooling effect, water is the most effective extinguishant against
glowing fires, fire class A, e.g. those involving substances such as wood, paper, coal, straw,
fibrous materials.

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Water can be use in many different ways, e.g. as a solid jet, spray jet, mist personal protective
spray. As well as the cooling effect, the solid jet has impact force, by which loose burning
material is torn apart so that a larger glowing surface is exposed to the extinguishant effect.
It also has a penetrating effect, which forces the water deeper into layers of glowing materials,
and wetting properties, which can be increased further by the addition of wetting agents so
that large areas retain their coating of water.
Water is non-poisonous and chemically neutral, although water has some restrictions.
At ambient temperatures below freezing point water can only be used to limited extent.
Especially when using against cargo hold fires, water can endanger the stability of the ship.
Water is absorbed by certain organic cargoes and give a chemical reaction with chemical
cargoes. This causes these to swell, which may endanger the ships structure. Water can also
cause breakdown of electrically powered equipment. This includes the fire pumps.
Water conducts electricity. For that reason, when using a jet nozzle a minimum distance must
be maintained between their mouthpieces and live components. For voltage up to 1000 V,
these distances are 5 m for solid jets, 1 m for spray jets.
Voltage above 1000 V occur in ships only in fully-enclosed and marked electro-operational
compartments or in specially protected and marked installations. In event of fires there, the
minimum distances to be maintained between jet nozzle mouthpieces and live components are
10 m for a solid jet, 2 m for a spray jet.
Water sprayed into hot, over 100 C, liquids can evaporate suddenly. This results in a
spontaneous explosion of the steam to a volume 1700 times that of the water and thus an
eruption-like ejection of the combustible liquid.
Water is heavier than most combustible liquids. In containers it displaces the lighter
combustible liquids, which as result overflow and cause the fire to spread. If used as a solid
jet, water may stir up dust from combustible solids. This creates the danger of dust
explosions. Hot water used as extinguishant or steam generated in extinction process can
endanger persons.
In consequence of the simultaneous opening or closing of several water hydrants, pressure
fluctuations can arise in the fire fighting water system. This may adversely affect the firm
stand of the nozzle jet operator.
3.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
In some case it is necessary to use PPE. Like firemens suits, chemical suits, EEDB or BA
sets. This equipment can be found in the fire stations. In
this chapter you find a short description of this PPE.
3.4.1 Firemens suits
On board you find 2 firemens suits. One is located in the
fire station inside the forecastle, the other one can be found
in the fire station on the A-deck. The handling of the suits
is described in this chapter.

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The suit is packed ready for use. Remove the suit from bag. Put on boots first, then trousers.
Then put on breathing apparatus and make ready for use. Next, the jacket with hood is to put
on. The breathing apparatus is protected under the cover of the rucksack. Fasten all closures
and put on gloves.
The suits protects wearer against any radiant heat, and, for a short time, he may also come in
contact with flames. Do not spray a fireman on duty, if his suit is hot, with cold water, as thus
an immediate passage of heat will take place, resulting in damage, unless the man has
previously advanced underwater protection and is already wet.
3.4.2 Chemical suits
In case of a leakage of chemicals you have to use a chemical suit. On board the m.s. Tanja we
have 4 chemical suits. These chemical suits are also stowed in the Bridge-deck locker and
locker in foresactle store sb.side.
Use a chemical suit always in combination with a BA set.
When using the suits, make sure they are not damaged. When
a suit is damaged they wont give you any protection. The 2nd
officer takes care of the maintenance and the monthly checks of
the equipment.
3.4.3 EEDB sets
EEDB stands for Emergency Escape Breathing Device. This
means they can only be used for emergency and for escaping a
dangerous area. Under no circumstances the EEDB sets can be
use as a BA set!
For using a EEDB set you have to remove it from its stowage, and follow the following steps:
1. Put your head through the neck strap.
2. Hold the bag, not the cylinder valve, pull the firing strap upwards. Listen for airflow.
Check that the firing is fully withdraw. If the firing pin is still in place, access the
valve and unscrew the cap completely. Caution: The duration of the apparatus
starts now! This action has started the airflow!
3. Insert hands into the neck seal opening and pull the hood over the head. Adjust inner
mask and neck seal to seal. Ensure that hair and clothing is not trapped under the neck
4. Check the indicator in the visor: GREEN = OK, RED

Tighten waist belt.

Make your escape from the area. Do not remove
hood until well clear of the danger.

These EEDB sets can be found on the A-deck (1), the

engine room (2), Provision store (1) and Training in
steering gear room (1).

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3.4.4 BA sets
The BA sets are stowed in the fire stations on the Bridge-deck, and Forecastle. We have a total
of 4 sets and 12 bottles (5 ltr. /300 bar) on board. Each set is equipped with a mask and bottle
and ready for use.
Put the set on your back with the valve of the bottle pointed down. Fasten the belts. Lock the
air supply to the mask and open the valve on the bottle. Check the pressure of the bottle!
Put on the mask and the air supply to the mask starts automatically.
At 50 bars a typhoon will sound. You have to be back before this typhoon will sound.
When using the BA set, regularly check the pressure of the bottle. The air is available in the
bottle can be calculated. For example you have a bottle of 5 litres. With a pressure of 300 bar.
The air available is 300 50 5 1250ltr .A human body uses about 40 litre/min; this means
you have air available for 31 minutes.
In an emergency the consumption of air is much higher, so the available time will be less.

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