tmpA3C2 TMP
tmpA3C2 TMP
tmpA3C2 TMP
Edited by:
Md. Mozammel Hoq,
Universtiy of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Reviewed by:
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University of Washington, USA
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Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Environmental Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Public Health
Received: 30October2015
Accepted: 21December2015
Published: 12January2016
KajlaM, BhattacharyaK, GuptaK,
BanerjeeU, KakaniP, GuptaL and
KumarS (2016) Identification of the
Temperature Induced Larvicidal
Efficacy of Agave angustifolia against
Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles Larvae.
Front. Public Health 3:286.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00286
Mosquitoes are infamous vectors for numerous life-threatening diseases. Synthetic chemicals
(insecticides) are mostly employed to control the vector population. However, the disadvantages
associated with their applications warrant the discovery of environment-friendly approaches to
control mosquitoes at various stages of their development.
Kajla et al.
Mosquito developmental stages include both aquatic and terrestrial life. Aquatic life starts after the female lays eggs in moist
conditions. They further develop into four different stages of
instar larvae and then into pupae. Pupa finally turns into a flying
adult. The relatively long, ~810days, aquatic cycle of mosquito
larvae development is considered a potent target for controlling
its population. Synthetic larvicidals are mainly employed to
achieve this goal (1, 2). The use of non-biodegradable larvicidals
is also paralleled by major drawbacks such as killing of beneficial
organisms and biological accumulation through the food chain
that resulted in numerous deleterious effects on ecological systems (3). In addition, the poor human acceptance of insecticide
spray and development of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes are
also major threats in this area (4).
In the context of above facts, secondary metabolites from the
botanical world (called natural phyto-larvicides) may also be
employed for controlling mosquito population. These metabolites are easily obtained at reasonable cost and their intrinsic
biodegradable nature makes them the best suitable for this purpose (5). The crude extracts of several plants in numerous polar/
non-polar solvents, such as water, hexane, methanol, chloroform,
ethanol, and acetone, are reported to exhibit larvicidal activity
(58). However, there are certain limitations in their preparation,
stability, and efficacy against different mosquitoes genera. These
facts warrant the discovery of novel phyto-larvicides that can
efficiently control the population of major disease vectors and
will certainly help in reducing the spread of numerous deadly
infections among humans.
We screened several randomly selected plants to study their
larvicidal properties. Interestingly, one of the plants Agave
angustifolia Marginata also known as Caribbean Agave revealed
a potent mosquito larvicidal activity. A. angustifolia (family
Agavaceae) is a medium-sized monocotyledonous plant with a
dense round rosette atop a very short trunk. This xerophytic plant
is a robust survivor and tolerant to hot and dry environments (9).
The genus Agave has more than 275 species that are globally distributed and A. angustifolia is a common weed or sometime used
as ornamental plant in our region. This plant mostly propagates
through vegetative reproduction, either by rhizomes or by bulbils,
and forms aggregations of individual plants. However, the sexual
reproduction is also reported in this plant (10, 11). In fact, Agaves
are of economic importance as sources of fiber, steroids, spirits,
and other useful products (12).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal nature of A.
angustifolia leaf extracts against three major human disease vectors, namely Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles
stephensi and understanding the novel features of this plant to
establish its applicability for controlling mosquito population at
grass-root level.
Kajla et al.
FIGURE 1 | Representative Agave angustifoliaplants selected for larvicidal activity. Agave angustifolia plants with different heights, which denote their
vegetative growth, were selected for analyzing the larvicidal activity in their leaf extracts. (A) Smaller size plants (12 in height) growing in a pot or (B) a larger size
plants (44 in height) growing in an open field are shown here. (C) Agave angustifolia leaf depicting the pattern of slicing for crude extract preparation. Solid and
dotted vertical lines indicate leaf areas proximal or distal to the stem, respectively. Black arrowheads indicate the height of each plant on an inch scale.
Analysis of Phenols
Analysis of Steroids
Analysis of Phlobatannins
For preparation of the dry powder, we took the fresh leaves and
determined the larvicidal activity in their aqueous extract as
mentioned above. A. angustifolia leaves that exhibited strong
larvicidal activity in their aqueous extracts were subjected to
sun-, oven-, or shade-drying process. The dried leaves were
grinded in a mixer and stored as powder in moisture-free
conditions. After 3 months of shelf life at RT, 15 g of powder
was soaked in 30ml water for 2h with continuous rocking. The
tube was centrifuged at 2300g for 10min and powder-free
supernatant was collected in a fresh tube. The powder-free
extract or the powder itself, equivalent to the amount of fresh
leaves, was analyzed for larvicidal activity as before. Percentage
mortality of larvae and statistical significance of the data was
calculated as above.
Analysis of Flavonoids
Analysis of Saponins
0.5ml of aqueous extract was mixed with 1.5ml of 10% acetic acid
in ethanol and allowed to stand for 4h. The mix was filtered and
the filtrate was concentrated to one-fourth of the original volume
(0.5ml now) in a water bath at 80C. Furthermore, 0.025 ml of
Kajla et al.
Agave Leaf Extracts Proficiently Kill
Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles Larvae
LD 50
30 28.270
30 19.157
CL (95%)
Chi-square p-value
FIGURE 2 | Larvicidal activity in the organic extracts of Agave. The extracts of Agave angustifolia leaves were prepared in different organic solvents, such as
acetone, ethanol, or hexane. (A) A. aegypti or (B) C. quinquefasciatus larvae were treated with 100ppm dose of these organic extracts separately. The percentage
of larval mortality in each extract exposure was calculated against the sham-treated controls and represented as the meanSD of triplicates.
Kajla et al.
FIGURE 3 | Effects of seasonal variations on Agave-mediated larvicidal activity. A. aegypti larvae were exposed to various doses (0200g/ml) of aqueous
extracts prepared from the plant leaves that were growing outside in an open area during (A) summer or (B) winter season. The percentage mortality of larvae at
each time point was calculated against the sham-treated controls (0g/ml) and represented as the meanSD of triplicates.
In our region or other parts of the world, the environmental temperature reaches up to 50C during summer. Because A. angustifolia is a drought deciduous plant, thus, we postulated that its
larvicidal activity must be mediated by heat-resistant secondary
metabolites. To demonstrate that, we pre-incubated the aqueous
extract for 1h at different temperatures before performing the
larvicidal assays. Prior incubation of aqueous extract at RT or
Kajla et al.
Manipulation of Environmental
Temperature Modulates Agave Larvicidal
Activity and Profiling of Secondary
Kajla et al.
FIGURE 7 | Manipulation of environmental temperature induces Agave-mediated larvicidal activity. The effect of environmental temperature on the
induction of larvicidal activity in Agave angustifolia was analyzed against A. aegypti larvae. For that, the larvicidal activity in 100g/ml aqueous extract was
compared from the plants that were growing or maintained in two different environmental conditions. The comparative larvicidal activities are shown here in those
plants that were growing (A) outside in the cold environment during winter season and similar plants maintained at 37C in a plant growth chamber or (B) outside in
hot environment during the summer season and similar plants maintained at 4C in a growth chamber as discussed in Section Material and Methods. The
percentage mortality of larvae at each time point was calculated against the sham-treated controls (not shown here) and represented as the meanSD of
triplicates. (C) The relative levels of various secondary metabolites were compared in the aqueous extracts of Agave angustifolia plants maintained at 37C in a plant
growth chamber or growing in external environment during cold season as mentioned in the panel A. The values represent absorption maxima (A) in visible range for
each metabolite separately.
Kajla et al.
Crude extracts prepared from the whole plant or specific parts of
the plant, such as leaf, stem, fruit, and root, have been reported to
exhibit potent lethality against insect larvae (5, 6, 15) and, hence,
we termed them phyto-insecticides. These phyto-insecticides are
biodegradable and reduce the environmental chemical burden as
posed by the synthetic chemicals. In this study, we found that
the crude extract prepared from A. angustifolia by a simple,
least labor-intensive and cost-effective method exhibits strong
larvicidal activity against A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, and A.
stephensi larvae within 12h (Figure4). This is the minimum time
reported for a plant crude extract to kill all the larvae of medically
important mosquitoes and upholds a promising future to control
vector population.
Larvicidal properties of natural compounds vary from one
plant to another and may have a low degree of effectiveness
Kajla et al.
Kajla et al.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at
Kajla et al.
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright 2016 Kajla, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Banerjee, Kakani, Gupta and Kumar.
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