Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary Treatment
Secondary treatment removes 85 to 95 percent of BOD and TSS and minor portions of
nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals. Tertiary treatment is the next wastewater
treatment process after secondary treatment.
This treatment is sometimes called as the final or advanced treatment and consists of
removing the organic load left after secondary treatment for removal of
Nutrients from sewage and
Mainly to kill the pathogenic bacteria.
The effluents from secondary sewage treatment plants contain both Nitrogen (N) and
Phosphorus (P) fertilizers.
When excess amounts of N and P are discharged, plant growth in the receiving waters
may be faster which results in eutrophication in the water body receiving such waste.
Algae growth also encouraged causing blooms which are toxic to fish life as well as visually
Secondary treated effluent also contains suspended, dissolved & colloidal constituents which
may be required to be removed for required reuse or disposal of the treated effluent
The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage to raise
the effluent quality before it is discharged to the receiving environment such as
sea, river, lake, ground, etc., or to raise the treated water quality to such a level
to make it suitable for intended reuse.
This step removes different types of pollutants such as organic matter, SS,
nutrients, pathogens, and heavy metals that secondary treatment is not able to
Wastewater effluent becomes even cleaner in this treatment process through the
use of stronger and more advanced treatment systems. It includes
3)Membrane processes,
5)Ion exchange,
6)Activated carbon adsorption,
8)Nitrification and denitrification, etc.
1)To remove total suspended solids & organic matter present in effluents after secondary
2)To remove specific organic & inorganic constituents from industrial effluent to make it
suitable for reuse.
3)To make treated wastewater suitable for land application purpose or directly discharge it
into the water bodies like rivers, lakes, etc.
4)To remove residual nutrients beyond what can be accomplished by earlier treatment
5)To remove pathogens from the secondary treated effluents.
6)To reduce total dissolved solids (TDS) from the secondary treated effluent to meet reuse
quality standards.
Filteration is defined as the process of allowing waste water to pass through a
thick layer of sand or other filtering media.
Filters may be classified as slow sand filters and rapid sand filters depending
upon the rate of filteration. The phenomena of filteration is quite complex, but
generally four function are performed.
Sand filters are used as a step in the water treatment process of water
The pre‐treated raw water enters the filter chamber on the top, flows through the
filter medium and the effluent drains through the drainage system in the lower part.
Large process plants have also a system implemented to evenly distribute the raw
water to the filter.
In addition, a distribution system controlling the air flow is usually included.
It allows a constant air and water distribution and prevents too high water flows in
specific areas.
A typical grain distribution exits due to the frequent backwashing. Grains with
smaller diameter are dominant in the upper part of the sand layer while coarse grain
dominates in the lower parts.
Rapid pressure sand bed filter design
Smaller sand grains provide more surface area and therefore a higher decontamination of
the inlet water, but it also requires more pumping energy to drive the fluid through the bed.
A compromise is that most rapid pressure sand bed filters use grains in the range 0.6 to
1.2 mm although for specialist applications other sizes may be specified.
Larger feed particles (>100 micrometres) will tend to block the pores of the bed and turn
it into a surface filter that binds rapidly.
Larger sand grains can be used to overcome this problem, but if significant amounts of
large solids are in the feed they need to be removed upstream of the sand bed filter by a
process such as settling.
The depth of the sand bed is recommended to be around 0.6–1.8 m (2–6 ft) regardless of
the application.
Rapid pressure sand bed filters are typically operated with a feed pressure of 2 to 5 bar(a)
(28 to 70 psi(a). The pressure drop across a clean sand bed is usually very low.
Rapid pressure filter
1=raw water,
2=filtered water,
4=inlet flushing
water, 5=outlet
flushing water,
6=retraction line,
7=scavenging air,
9=supporting layer,
10=filter sand,
11=flushing funnel,
Slow sand filter design
As the title indicates, the speed of filtration is changed in the slow sand
filter, however, the biggest difference between slow and rapid sand filter, is
that the top layer of sand is biologically active, as microbial communities
are introduced to the system.
The recommended and usual depth of the filter is 0.9 to 1.5 meters.
Microbial layer is formed within 10–20 days from the start of the
During the process of filtration, raw water can percolate through the
porous sand medium, stopping and trapping organic material, bacteria,
viruses and cysts such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
The regeneration procedure for slow sand filters is called scraping and
is used to mechanically remove the dried out particles on the filter.
However, this process can also be done under water, depending on the
individual system.
Another limiting factor for the water being treated is turbidity, which is for
slow sand filters defined to be 10 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units).
Slow sand filters are a good option for limited budget operations as the
filtration is not using any chemicals and requires little or no mechanical
Filters can be constructed with different layers, called mixed bed filters.
Sand is a common filter material, but anthracite, granular activated carbon
(GAC), garnet and ilmenite are also common filter materials.
Anthracite is a harder material and has less volatile compared to other coals.
Ilmenite and garnet are heavy compared to sand.
Garnet consists several minerals, causing a shifting red colour.
Ilmenite is an oxide of iron and titanium.
GAC can be used in the process of adsorption and filtration at the same time.
These materials can be used both alone, or combined with other media.
Different combinations give different filter classification.
Monomedia is a one layered filter, commonly consisting of sand and is today
replaced by newer technology.
Deep‐bed monomedia is also a one layered filter which consist of either
anthracite or GAC.
Dual media (two layered) often contain a sand layer in the bottom with an
anthracite or GAC layer on top.
The fixed resin bed is typically used in waste water treatment, it involves
passing waste water down through a packed column
Nitrogen removal
Wastewater containing nutrients includes sewage, agriculture runoff and many of the industrial effluents.
The nutrients of most concerned are N and P.
The major nitrogen compounds in domestic sewage are proteins, amines, amino acids, and urea.
Ammonia nitrogen in sewage results from the bacterial decomposition of these organic constituents.
The nitrogen compounds results from the biological decomposition of proteins and from urea discharged
in body waste. This nitrogen is in complex organic molecules and is referred simply as organic nitrogen.
Organic nitrogen may be biologically converted to free ammonia (NH3 0 ) or to the ammonium ion (NH4
+ ) by one of several different metabolic pathways. These two exists in equilibrium as NH4+ NH3 + H+
Ammonia nitrogen is the most reduced nitrogen found in wastewater, can be biologically
oxidized to nitrate if molecular oxygen is present (under aerobic condition).
In wastewater, the major forms of nitrogen are organic nitrogen and ammonia. The
Generally, for the HRT used in secondary treatment conversion of organic nitrogen to
ammonia is important and nitrification may not be important.
The most common processes for removal of ammonia from wastewater are
i)Air stripping,
ii)Biological nitrification and denitrification.
I. Air stripping
It converts ammonium into gaseous phase and then dispersing into the air, thus
allowing transfer of the ammonia from wastewater to the air.
The gaseous phase NH3 and aqueous phase NH4+ exist together in equilibrium &
these phases depends upon both the pH and the temperature of the
The most important and efficient reactor for air stripping is counter current spray
Bacteria remove ammonia nitrogen from wastewater by a two step biological processes:
Nitrification followed by Denitrification to covert it finally to gaseous nitrogen.
In this gaseous form N2 is inert and does not react with the wastewater itself or with other
constituents. Since, treated wastewater is likely to be saturated with molecular nitrogen; the
produced N2 is simply released to the atmosphere.
Nitrification It has important role in nitrogen removal from wastewater during treatment.
The biological conversion of Ammonium to Nitrate nitrogen is called Nitrification. It is
autotrophic process i.e. energy for bacterial growth is derived by oxidation of nitrogen
compounds such as ammonia
High concentration of ammonia and nitrous acid can be inhibitory. The optimal for
nitrifying Bactria range from 7.5 to 8.6. Dissolved oxygen concentration above 1 mg/L is
essential for nitrification
Biological nutrient removal
Wastewater may contain high levels of the nutrients ‐‐‐nitrogen and phosphorus. Excessive
release to the environment can lead to a buildup of nutrients, called eutrophication, which
can in turn encourage the overgrowth of weeds, algae, and cyanobacteria (blue‐green
This may cause an algal bloom, a rapid growth in the population of algae.
The algae numbers are unsustainable and eventually most of them die.
The decomposition of the algae by bacteria uses up so much of the oxygen in the water
that most or all of the animals die, which creates more organic matter for the bacteria to
In addition to causing deoxygenation, some algal species produce toxins that contaminate
drinking water supplies.
Nitrification itself is a two-step aerobic process, each step facilitated by a different type of bacteria.
The oxidation of Ammonia (NH3) to Nitrite (NO2−) is most repeatedly facilitated by
Nitrosomonas spp. ("nitroso" referring to the formation of a nitroso functional group).
Nitrite oxidation to Nitrate (NO3−), though Nitrobacter spp. (nitro referring the formation of a nitro
functional group), is now known to be facilitated in the environment almost exclusively by
Nitrospira spp.
Phosphorus removal
It is a limiting nutrient for algae growth in many fresh water systems. (For a
description of the negative effects of algae
In either case, using both biological and chemical phosphorus removal has
the advantage of not increasing sludge production as much as chemical
phosphorus removal on its own, with the disadvantage of the increased initial
cost associated with installing two different systems.
In the latter case, the treated sewage sludge is also sometimes referred to as
The purpose of disinfection in the treatment of waste water is to significantly reduce the
number of microorganisms in the water to be discharged back into the environment for the later use
of drinking, bathing, irrigation, etc.
The effectiveness of disinfection depends on the quality of the water being treated (e.g., cloudiness,
pH, etc.), the type of disinfection used, disinfectant dosage and time,
Cloudy water will be treated less successfully, since solid matter can protect the organisms,
especially from ultraviolet light or if contact times are low.
Generally, short contact times, low doses and high flows all mitigate against effective disinfection.
Monochloramine, which is used for drinking water, is not used in the treatment of waste
water because of its persistence. After multiple steps of disinfection, the treated water is ready to be
released back into the water cycle by means of the nearest body of water or agriculture.
Afterwards, the water can be transferred to reserves for everyday human uses.
Chlorination is the most common form of waste water disinfection due to its low
cost and long-term history of effectiveness.
3.Further, because residual chlorine is toxic to aquatic species, the treated effluent
must also be chemically dechlorinated, adding to the complexity and cost of
Ultraviolet (UV) light can be used instead of chlorine, iodine, or other chemicals.
Because no chemicals are used, the treated water has no adverse effect on organisms that
later consume it, as may be the case with other methods.
UV radiation causes damage to the genetic structure of bacteria, viruses, & other pathogens,
making them incapable of reproduction.
In the United Kingdom, UV light is becoming the most common means of disinfection
because of the concerns about the impacts of chlorine in chlorinating residual organics in the
wastewater and in chlorinating organics in the receiving water.
Some sewage treatment systems in Canada and the US also use UV light for their effluent
water disinfection.
Ozone (O3) is generated by passing oxygen (O2) through a high voltage potential
resulting in a third oxygen atom becoming attached and forming O3.
Ozone is very unstable and reactive and oxidizes most organic material it comes
in contact with, thereby destroying many pathogenic microorganisms.
ozone is generated on‐site as needed from the oxygen in the ambient air.
Why microbiology?
Wastewater treatment is a biological process,
A wastewater treatment plant is a microbiological zoo that houses bacteria, protozoa,
metazoa and other microlife.
The microorganisms do the actual breakdown and removal of nutrients and organic
material in the wastewater
Wastewater treatment facilities are designed to allow the natural process of the
breakdown of pollution to occur under controlled conditions.
These systems include physical and chemical processes to remove solids and
heavier materials.
However, left behind is the liquid containing soluble and insoluble organic material
Sewage contains nutrients of every type; phosphorus, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, iron,
calcium and compounds such as fats, sugars and proteins.
Microorganisms use these substances as a “food” source for energy, for the synthesis of cell
components and to maintain life processes
It is the job of the operator to provide a favorable environment for the microorganisms.
The operator provides the “food” and the favorable environment and the microorganisms
do the work of removing nutrients and providing wastewater treatment.
The health and well being of these microorganisms are critical to the adequate treatment of
Many types of microorganisms can be found in the wastewater treatment system.
But, the types of organisms that will dominate will be the ones that are best suited to the
“environment” or conditions in the system.
Wastewater treatment systems are designed to support an “environment” that suits a certain
type of microorganism.
These microorganisms not only remove organic wastes from the water, but they also “settle
out” as solid material for easy removal.
Wastewater treatment operators are required to maintain the right conditions in the treatment
system for the right type of microorganisms.
If the right conditions are not present, the wrong microorganisms will dominate.
These “wrong” microorganisms not only delay with the successful removal of wastes from
the water, but they themselves may be difficult to remove from the system.
Microorganisms that are natural to the wastewater environment play a vital role
in the wastewater treatment process.
Beneficial bacteria, protozoa, metazoa, algae, and fungi feed on organic material
in wastewater, breaking it down.
Bacteria clump together, or floc, forming masses that settle and separate from
wastewater liquids. This settled mass is called sludge.
•Bacteria (95%)
•Protozoa (4%)
•Metazoa (1%)
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that come in three basic
1)bacillus, which is rod-shaped, square or rectangular,
2)coccus, which is round or oval shaped, and
3)spirillum, which is spiral or cork-screw shaped.
During adsorption, food particles that are too big to pass through the cell membrane and bacteria
stick to each other. The bacteria secrete enzymes, which dissolve food particles into very small
units. These small units of food can now pass through the bacteria’s cell wall.
Absorption is the process by which smaller dissolved units of food pass into the cell membrane..
Primary treatment played a major role in removing most of the particulates or “settleable solids”
and floating off most of the grease.
This allows the bacteria to work more efficiently by eliminating the need to break down nutrients
before they can be absorbed in the cell body.
Lag-phase : During the lag-phase, bacteria are becoming adjusted to their new environment. They are digesting
food and are developing the enzymes need to break down the types of nutrients that the bacteria have detected.
Growth does not occur during this phase.
Accelerated Growth-phase: Bacteria begin to grow at a rapid rate because of the excess amount of food
available. The cells are mostly dispersed & active. They are not sticking together to form floc.