Pointers For Sociology

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[SOCIOLOGY] Pointers For Sociology Preparation - Sahil Garg | INSIGHTS

BY INSIGHT S | JULY 3 , 2 0 1 4 1 :1 5 PM

[SOCIOLOGY] Pointers For Sociology Preparation Sahil

St rat egy For Sociology Sahil Garg

M.Tech Admission 2014

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Con t en t s [h i de]
1 PA RT 1
1 .0 .1 1 . Sociolog y T h e Disciplin e:
1 .0 .2 2 . Sociolog y a s Scien ce:
1 .0 .3 3 . Resea r ch Met h ods a n d A n a ly sis:
1 .0 .4 4 . Sociolog ica l T h in k er s:
1 .0 .5 5 . St r a t ifica t ion a n d Mobilit y :
1 .0 .6 6 . W or k s a n d Econ om ic Life:
1 .0 .7 7 . Polit ics a n d Societ y :
1 .0 .8 8 . Relig ion a n d Societ y :
1 .0 .9 9 . Sy st em s of Kin sh ip:
1 .0 .1 0 1 0 . Socia l Ch a n g e in Moder n Societ y :
2 PA RT 2
2 .0 .1 Not e: Sa h il g ot 2 0 7 in Sociolog y in CSE-2 0 1 3 , a n d Ra n k 4 7 1
3 Goog le+

Part 1 of Sociology is more t heoret ical and t hus y ou cannot add much from t he current affairs.
1. Sociology The Discipline:
With regard to European m odernity , rule is intellectual change led to institutional change will led to technological change.
This will autom atically giv e answer to any question on European m odernity
Secondly , relation with v arious field is v ery sim ple and there is alway s harm onious relation between sociology and other
sciences and consider all other fields as static in y our conclusion and how they are taking sociological m ethods to put dy nam ism
in their field.
Sociology and com m on sense is nothing but the debate between positiv ist and critical or non positiv ist.
2. Sociology as Science:
There are m ainly three m ethologies: Positiv ists, Non- positiv ist and Critical. The form er em phasis on scientific m ethods : fact,
objectiv ity ; later on intellectual m ethod through the application of m ind which can nev er be m easured (subjectiv ity ), while
non positiv ist refer to facts collected and apply ing their m ind to com e to conclusion (dy nam ic, v alues, interpretation).
3. Research Met hods and Analy sis:
1 . Methods can be read from haralam bos
4. Sociological Thinkers:
Giv e extra tim e to understand rather than cram m ing. You will not be required to put sam e energy next tim e. Thinkers are
m ost im portant and understand their theories thoroughly

5. St rat ificat ion and Mobilit y :

Refereed to Mahapatra Sir notes. No need for study ing this if one has already done the theories. One can use m arx, weber,
parson, kate m illet, sriniv as, louie Dum ont, A, beteille.
6. Works and Economic Life:
Did not find any relev ant m aterial on that.
7 . Polit ics and Societ y :
Haralam bos chapter on power is best for this.
8. Religion and Societ y :
Haralam bos




[SOCIOLOGY] Pointers For Sociology Preparation - Sahil Garg | INSIGHTS

Approach on theories:
1 . Ev olutionary
2 . Functional form of religion (Parson)
3 . Marxist
4 . Sy m bolic
5. Functional and dy sfunctional
9. Sy st ems of Kinship:
Notes of Mahapatra Sir. Donot refer m uch on kinship. Only try to read particular topics.
10. Social Change in Modern Societ y :
This chapter is m ainly about change. There are som e theories which can be understood easily .
In paper 1 , m aintain flow as functional -> Marxist -> interpretativ e (herm eneutic) -> critical -> structural functionalist ->
phenom enology

Part 2 of sociology comprises of sociology of India. There are various dimensions y ou can add based on current
realit ies in our societ y .

1 . Whatev er y ou write, alway s rem em bers that there is nothing wrong in that (except theories). Therefore do not worry
about the criticality of y our answer
2 . Try to put som e dy nam ism in the answer. Nev er relate to the specific scholars. Add som e reports (not necessarily data) or
3 . Write the exact nature of social issues and dont create a rosy picture. But y es, try to giv e balanced answer in the end.
4 . Alway s follow phenom enological approach. (for ex : sociology of flower : it carry econom ic v alue, from political perspectiv e,
it can be used as election sy m bol; from religious perspectiv e, it can be used to worship god; it carries aesthetic v alue as well;
or I used to express lov e.)
5. Alway s take the different opinions expressed in the editorials of newspapers or som e opinion of our political leaders to show
chauv inism with regard to fem ale issues. You can put forward the nam e of editor, newspaper.
For ex
http://sahilgarg1 9 6 .blogspot.in/2 01 3 /1 0/atrocities-against-wom en-sociological.htm l
http://sahilgarg1 9 6 .blogspot.in/2 01 3 /1 0/dev elopm ent-displacem ent.htm l
http://sahilgarg1 9 6 .blogspot.in/2 01 3 /09 /growth-of-com m unism -and-its-relev ance.htm l
6 . Alway s interpret things from m ulti dim ensional perspectiv e.
Not e: Sahil got 207 in Sociology in CSE-2013, and Rank 47 1

Insights IAS



One response to [SOCIOLOGY] Pointers For Sociology

Preparation Sahil Garg
Tushar Nikhare
July 3 , 2 01 4 at 1 :52 pm
Thanks for the pointers on socio Sahil !!!!



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